cannedsmores · 11 months
Loki: before we all get spaghettified I want to say one thing: I did not care for the key lime pie
everyone: W H A T
Loki: just did not care for it
Mobius: how could you say that it's like the perfect pie?
Loki: I just don't like it
anesy: the whipped cream, the perfect crust?
Loki: it's too green
everyone: what.
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supernovaae · 1 year
The New Version Preview finally dropped!!
Here's the new espers:
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And a new skin for Anesidora:
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We'll be able to get Mei for free in Championship!
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winxlobotomyward · 1 month
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Name: Anesis (Greek name meaning “Comfort” or “Consolation”, kinda tying into her power in an abstract way).
Magic Title: Yogini of the Kapila’s Love (yes she has a powerful energy creature like Bloom, haven’t decided if she knows it yet but probably not).
Planet-Kingdom of Origin: Kriti (A planet with a love for anything tangible, felt, immanent and sensory -  songs, flavors, paintings, pictures, plays, clothes and perfumes and anything of the sort! 
It spills over into their faith, about a Goddess’ living presence in all aspects of the world, with many forms and faces. Evidence of her existence is shaky according to magical research, so it remains an odd quirk to many others. There's a reason, however, why they believe, which will be shown.
Kriti is matriarchal, but things have been getting slightly more balanced with modernization. It attracts plenty of tourists because of the various pleasures to experience, and even animal sacrifices if they’re not squeamish. It takes inspiration from South India, the more matriarchal societies of indigenous america such as Hopi and Tewa cultures, a bit from SEA metropolises like Manila and Bangkok, busy and lifesome and making you want to run around to do and buy everything.
Personality and Overall Being: Anesis comes across as ladylike, yet also warm and maternal for most people. Wanting to help others in her own seemly and measured way, in a friend group, she’s the emotionally strong and poised one, whose responsibility is second nature.
Despite this, she has a mischievous part of her prone to good-natured devilment. This is only shown amongst good friends and family, so she can blindside them with a highly uncharacteristic remark just to see their reactions.
The motherly and responsible parts of her personality cause her to take responsibility for things that aren’t her problem, leaving her open to be burdened with everyone else’s issues without consideration for herself. She has a deep need to feel useful and wanted, she was raised by loving caregivers (her mother, her aunts and uncles and occasionally the father, as per Kriti tradition) but they could pile big expectations on her as a girl from such a respected family. 
Her two older sisters and older brother were often horrifically cruel to her and her younger and final sibling, Glyca. Having none of Anesis’ good nature, they were spoiled, entitled, bullying monsters. From protecting the very young Glyca she awakened her strong-but-nurturing streak, and from the damage it gave herself she got the need to feel needed.
Adding to the bullying, she often saw a being no one else could see - a cow spirit she called Kapila. Her older siblings detail how some food industries imprisoned and tortured cows for milk and tore their babies away from them for veal. Her mother scolded them when they were caught, but Kapila was the true comforter, dabbing her tears away with a nuzzle.
Being on the wealthier side, it wasn't unusual for Anesis’ family to have a toe dipped in magical society. When one friend of the family heard of these persistent visitations she insisted it was a sign of wondrous magical potential, and to consider introducing her to magic education. Anesis loved it, thinking it brought her closer to the phantom bovine, culminating in her enrollment in Vishuva Yogini Institute (despite the impersonal frost that last word gives off, it's a lovely place to be when you sense the atmosphere). 
For once, she felt she was truly doing Mother proud! Euclea, the eldest and most foul in her torments, tried to copy her magical success. Her Yogini skills were lacking, but at a fairy academy called Alfea, she was doing good enough, and hadn't skinned any kittens to drown in vinegar quite yet.
But Kapila never left her side, she  could appear as a divine woman in a flowered aureole, a pillar of shining cloud, and a cow. The cow was much larger and discernable powerful, like a queen of all beasts. 
She said she was once a more godlike entity, like the great dragon. Kapila had sacrificed her own being, powdered into uncountable specks for the gift of ‘love’ for sentients, people! But it is the time of her return, the people have lost their way in greed, scorn of wisdom, and ghoulish violence and destruction of one another, all for what?
By gathering the produce of her lost pieces, the love in the soul of those that still have it, she’ll be crowned queen, no one will not hear her when she tells to remember their innate goodness, the flesh of their heart, which alone was irreplaceable.
Alesis’ mission was of She, the all present mother in the loving soul, the most important gift in totality of sentient beings. Unifying the world enough to set Her free, back here, it’s her strived-for masterpiece, a miraculous magnum opus that will set so many more free from what they've trapped themselves in, never alone whilst She’s by their side.
Wooh! That was a lot, I apologize for the shit shitty oh so fucking shitalicious image quality it's the best I can do.
Her civilian fashion is like, wholesome 60s girl with that shot of Y2K yass-slay-bih cuntissima. She wears heavier makeup to look older. Although I suppose there's a bit of less mature feminity in the hair now and short lace skirt etc etc but still 69s inspired
Magic Winx definitely plays up the less mature side, with the large puritan collar thingy, cute cow head motifs across the hem and babydoll dress evoking a 60s "Dolly" (a fashion trend back then where they war more childish looking things, like Melanie Martinez but more DMT)
(Realised it looks like a nightgown, I'm gonna head cannon Kapila visited her mainly at night or even in her dreams)
need to flesh out her powers but for now thing of blooms divine do-much-more-that-normal-fire-fairy stuff, but swap out fire for , healing, emotions, souls and whatever princess peach has
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Curated melforbes
Ahhh, the beautifully atmospheric works of @melforbes. When I think of this writer's work, scent comes to my mind, first-- the clear, cold salt of a spring beach, the buzzed and antiseptic smell of the hospital, the bubbling richness of home-cooked meals, the fear-sweat of anticipation and domestic secrets-- followed swiftly by the innumerable fics about Mulder and Scully living something approaching a normal life. What's not to love?
Loose chronological order below~
@melforbes/@claup/everydaymsr (Ao3, WBM)
Christmas: A Symphony of Four Years
S1: ""I got you something,” he said as she donned her coat in the basement-office, as she wondered just how much snow was falling outside.""
Snow, Late February
Cancer Arc: ""Though he’d originally offered to sit with her during her chemotherapy, she’d deflected and asked him to drive her home instead; while she sat in that dreadful ward with all the other dreadful people undergoing the same dreadful treatment as she, she didn’t want him to see her lurch with nausea, didn’t want him to watch as she kept her eyes downcast and away from the women who were far deeper into treatment than she was. Then again, were any of these people worse off than she was?"" 
seaglass blue
Cancer Arc, AU: ""As they leave the church, their hands clasped in a bashful and half-hidden way, aimlessly thanking the overheard congratulations as they walk down the front steps, he asks her, So where to now? And she’s quiet as she slows her pace, and she brings their clasped hands behind themselves, as if hiding from herself, as if almost embarrassed, but when he looks into her eyes, he understands the embarrassment, the strange vulnerability of really caring about something, about someone. She looks at him wide-eyed and grows tense because she knows that he will give her whatever she asks for....
She doesn’t know where he’ll sleep tonight. They’ve kissed exactly once, and in a church no less. She could ask him to take her to the moon, and unfortunately, he would say, Well, I know a guy who….
“The ocean,” she manages, the parish behind her echoing with sentiments that don’t make any sense. This is the most chaste wedding they’ve ever seen, she thinks, then feels as if the exact opposite of that statement is true. “I’d like to go to the ocean.""
Post Redux II: ""the room was dark as she pulled “new skin for the old ceremony” off of the shelf, and in the kitchen, there was a plate of warm cookies waiting for them, maggie’s little way of convincing mulder that he was welcome here even if bill was still in town, still celebrating his sister’s miraculous recovery, and still questioning how exactly she could have been saved. with the sky turning to an evening red, she took the record out of the sleeve, her hands as graceful and steady as a surgeon’s, and when she brought it onto the aging record player, she seemed practiced in her motions until she set the needle down midway through the first song, skipping the introduction altogether.""
S5?""He couldn't read the little guidebook to the Van Gogh museum because it was all in Dutch, so he followed her aimlessly through the exhibits. A museum of the world, not just of the country, he knew this was, but unfortunately, the art was wasted on him. Though she fit in here, a well-dressed woman in black pants and a cowl-neck sweater that made her look, in his opinion, like a casual supermodel, he was an outcast, a guy with holes in his coat who was tugged around by the prettiest girl in the room.""
Anonymous said: cold, ocean, phonebook
Drive: ""As dusk settled over the Californian sea beyond her, she flipped through a phonebook, thought of keywords for what she wanted: milkshakes, family-owned, titled as Chuck’s Place or Beverly’s Diner or even The Greasy Spoon. Biting her lip in concentration, she counted the waves beyond her little payphone, measured time with them as she looked over all of the listed restaurants from here to San Francisco. Loleta was an odd combination of seaside and rustic, rich and unpopulated; if she wanted a diner, she would have to drive, and after that day, she didn’t want to be stuck behind a wheel any longer than was absolutely necessary.""
in the woods
S7: ""he sets a steaming mug on the coffee-table beside her, the scent of hot chocolate curling her lips up. last night, he made them rib-eyes with spinach and mashed potatoes, used that ridiculously expensive grass-fed butter and everything; she picks up the mug, takes a creamy sip, and decides that she can summarize this weekend with the word rich.""
DC Cherry Blossoms
S7: ""it was late april in 1999 when padgett - or, rather, whoever was involved with padgett - tried to steal her heart, and as he remembers finding her covered in blood on the floor of his apartment, his heart speeds up anxiously; that night, she asked him to take her home, asked him to walk her up to her apartment, asked if he wouldn’t mind spending the night, so of course, he spent the night.... by six in the morning, she finally spoke.
“mulder?” he could remember her saying, his surname breaking the heavy silence in her home.
he hummed a response, faced her in bed.
“when do the botanical gardens open?""
What happens when mulder tries to wake Scully up? Or vice versa
S7: ""the last time one of these mornings occurred, she left the house in a pajama top by accident and had to drive back to change. after living with her for years, he’s developed a way to cope with mornings like this, so he stands up, sets her tea down on their bureau, and comes back over to the bed. 
“scully, you need to get up,” he says with just a hint of glee; this is his last warning.""
S9, AU: ""though he wants to call out in search of her, he stays quiet, leaves the paper on the kitchen table, heads upstairs to see if will’s asleep. along the upstairs hallway, she hung pictures of him and his sister together along with her family’s various christmas cards of yore; though he thought looking at photographs of the dead would bring a darkness he disliked into their home, he pauses at the pictures, smiles softly at how bright samantha’s eyes had been.""
S9, AU: ""Softly, he grips onto Will, stands up slowly in hope that their son will stay asleep in his arms. “When have we ever been cranky in the morning?”
At that, she gives him a look, but the smile he returns makes her soften. 
“He read the first two pages all by himself,” Mulder beams, walking toward the stairs while Will sleeps against his chest; she follows him closely, trying to keep her footsteps quiet."" 
taking a pregnancy test
Post S9: ""then, she leaves quickly, heads toward the gas station quick-mart in front of them. as she walks away, she tries and fails to keep her gait confident; though she wants him to think she's indifferent, the sheer possibility of this has tears stinging her eyes. the terrible beauty of a second chance makes her feel as though the world isn't so bad anymore, as though they could live in peace together for the rest of their lives. though she knows she should feel empty from all that has been taken from her, the idea alone makes her feel whole. despite how she wishes she didn't, she wants this so badly with him."" 
19 please :)
Pre-IWTB: ""i like it,” he says through a mouthful; she stares up at the ceiling, her eyes softly transfixed on how white and unmoving such a thing can be. while they travelled, she stole and read a copy of american gods, could remember how shadow kept seeing little things that made him remember he was no longer in prison; the house keys, the car she bought in her own name using her own bank card, being able to order a pizza over the phone, the heady silence only known as home, they all came back to her with a frightening familiarity...""
where i live, it's snowing
Pre-IWTB: ""he could at least do the housework, keeping the sheets soft and clean, passing her a fresh towel as she stepped out of a steaming bath, washing the dishes even though he sorely despised the chore. however, no matter how educated he could grow in the ways of living far away from other people, there were some things that required more than just a manual saw and a geezer. 
“don’t call yourself a geezer,” she’d said while they’d watched their neighbors, outfitted with a chainsaw and young men’s naive muscles, chop the fallen tree from an environmental disruption to easily-burned wood.""
in the heat
Pre-IWTB: ""she pretends to stare at her watch, as though she were actually counting the minutes before he came out of the water; taking up a spot by her hips, daggoo sits on her towel, anticipating everything in a mirror-image of mulder himself. finally, she looks away from her watch, sucks her lips in as she says, “time’s up.”
then, his smile grows wider as he reaches down, takes off her sunglasses and leaves them on the towel; in swift motions, he picks her up, then throws her over his shoulder, walks straight for the water. as he starts to wade in, she can’t stop laughing.""
at night
Pre-IWTB: ""around eleven-thirty, something stirs him from sleep; groggily, he looks around for a cause, sees scully sitting up in bed. if it's passed eleven and scully isn't asleep, then there's a definitive reason, so he slowly sits up and joins her.""
having lunch
Pre-IWTB: ""the first thing she finds is a little sticky note, i love you! written on it in mulder’s handwriting."" 
sunday, 3am
Pre-IWTB: ""It’s okay,” he whispered, the bag of ice in his hand hovering before her, his brain buzzing in the overtired way he used to feel accustomed to. If his circadian rhythms were reliable, then he and his body estimated that three in the morning, maybe half past, had come and gone. A long time ago, she’d told him that keeping lights on from the nighttime hours of ten-to-ten harmed the brain’s ability to produce melatonin, but he figured that light would be the least of their worries tonight.""
downpour, early october
Pre-IWTB: ""his phone on speaker and left on the kitchen counter, he'd chopped vegetables for dinner while talking to her, his knife-cuts careful and slow. age had made his hands clumsy, as she so loved to point out when he got a little too cocky with his chopping. after last week's stitches incident, his thumb still intact but just barely, he wouldn't take any chances.""
saying "I love you" without saying anything at all
Pre-IWTB: ""...she’s stuck in stopped bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highway, her eyes closing in annoyance that an accident just had to occur after her bad day at work. thankfully, the guy ahead of her lets his brake-lights off; they’re finally moving. she sighs in thankfulness, but nonetheless, she knows it’s going to be a long drive home.
her purse is on the passenger’s seat, so she figures that reaching into it and taking her phone out so that she can call mulder is a good idea; she could dial his number in her sleep, so she barely has to look at the screen as she starts to make the call.""
at starbucks
Pre-IWTB: ""her drink always comes up first, and as she picks up the cup, she immediately takes off its lid, sighs at the sight of whipped cream on top. though she always makes it clear that she doesn’t want whipped cream, she’s rarely gotten a coffee without the dollop on top.""
Post IWTB: ""she presses against the water with her hands, moves away from you while you look in between sea-fans and fire corals. though you’re thankful for the change, for the difference, you know these colors could never exist in the states, at least not in the part of the states where you both live, no matter how greatly you wish they would. out there, everything is grassy and earthy, the colors being those of mountains, canyons, freshwater lakes, but here, cold and warm fluorescents light up the strangely-blue water, and though you’re wearing goggles, the world comes through in perfectly clear technicolor. the fish are like pizza shop open signs, the reefs textured and endless, the sand flitted with pink flecks that shine out most when they’re stuck to her hands. after the bout of winter you’ve had in virginia, the warmth and vibrance of the maldives feel life-affirming, the combination acting as a brash awakening to the varying beauties of the world. you’re glad that your first true vacation together was to somewhere that feels like another planet.""
at the beach
Post IWTB: ""he'll call their order in eventually, but for now, he just wants to sit by the ocean and hold her warm hand. with the scent of the sea, the sound of her breathing, and the taste of sweet lemonade on his tongue, he feels relaxation deep in his bones. though he's always searched for life on other planets - and though this planet has recently given him reasons to look elsewhere based on the news - there are some parts of his life on this planet that leave him in joyful wonder, in awe of how beautiful and pure these pleasures feel.""
Post IWTB: ""...he stumbled over his shed pants and leaned too hard against her bedside table. at the time, she huffed a laugh, then ignored the piece of furniture altogether.
they only noticed that i was broken the next morning when she didn’t hear her alarm go off. though scully had remembered to clean out the fridge and take out the trash, she’d forgotten to empty the glass of water she kept on her bedside table, so when she stared down at the table, now a pile splintering and aged wood, she saw unrepairable cracks, a wet spot, and an unsalvageable clock."" 
How about if they try running together? Are they adorably frustrated with the height difference?
Post IWTB: ""though she invests in nice running clothes - most of them are incredibly expensive and from that one brand, something about lemons - he’s all about the cotton tee shirt and basketball shorts. however, this specific pair of basketball shorts has seen better days, probably ones sometime around 1995 or 1996. these shorts don’t stretch much anymore and have quite a bit of trouble staying up; she giggles under her breath whenever he has to pull them up.""
at a motel
Post IWTB: ""when he wakes, her side of the bed is empty, cold, and still a little damp; getting up, he looks through the sliding glass doors of their room, can just make out her red hair in the fog. her back to him, she stands just at the edge of the rocky beach beyond their motel, her gaze focused on the ocean. as pisces as can be, he smiles to himself as he puts on his shirt and shoes, then goes out to meet her.
they’re in new brunswick, but the weather and the surroundings still feel like maine, where they passed through in order to get here.""
beneath the stars
Post IWTB: ""we should install a skylight." 
"we can't install a skylight." 
"why not?" 
"because above us is the attic, not the roof. all we would get is a view of what we have stored up there."" 
coming home
Post IWTB: ""when she arrives home, her raincoat’s hood up to shield her from the unyielding downpour, he’s standing in the kitchen, a little cooking stain on his shirt; he stirs a large pot of soup, what he figures she’ll want after a long, cold day. as she steps out of her shoes - little duck-boots, too short to be worn in snow but the perfect height to wear when she needed to wear dress-slacks in the rain - and sheds her coat, he asks, “how was work?""
at chipotle
Post IWTB: ""he hovers behind her, both a step too far away and a step too close. as she’s complained before, these franchises are so loud, but they’re the healthiest fast-food she’s managed to find.""
at whole foods
Post IWTB: ""but scientists could’ve had their livelihood hinging on it, scully!” he says as she sighs but smiles, for she can’t take him into this store without having him notice something and go on and on about it until they’ve checked out. last time, he scrutinized over the bulk food section and how so many different varieties of the same-colored rice they had."" 
Post IWTB: ""she looks to him, then leaps down the porch-steps and races out into the grass.
she’s barefoot. she never goes barefoot.
as he always will, he follows her, his bare feet and aging heart protesting as he tries to catch up with her. though she’s tiny, she’s fast, faster than he can remember her being.""
having coffee
Post IWTB: ""she ducks into the shop, mulder at her heels as she closes the front door behind them; he retracts their umbrella, one that hardly kept them dry given the blustering winds outside. they came out here to damascus with the plan of hiking over the three-day weekend; however, the weather has had other ideas for them, has kept them holed up at an inn and reading in bed while the peak fall foliage rustles about outside.""
at the ballet
Post IWTB: ""he's not one for fine arts, particularly the modern or performance-based ones, but a month beforehand, she mentioned that she would love to take in a ballet, so here they are, him wearing a sport-coat and a tie she'd given him years beforehand, her wearing a little black dress and nude pumps.""
true minds (Ao3)
Post IWTB: ""There's..."
She paused, took a breath.
"I'd like to see something," she gave. "In the city."
"Are you asking me to go with you?"
She paused again.
"Yes," she gave, emphasis on the fricative, "but I'm not sure it's something you'd like to see."
"Is the ballet in town?" he half-joked.
"Meet me at the hospital as soon as you can?""
Post IWTB: ""the flourless chocolate cake is settling in the fridge; the homemade gelato from that place she loves in town is milling about in the freezer; he baked fresh bread this morning, iced a bottle of sparkling cider just in case. now, he simply needs the cioppino to cooperate, and then, the night will be set, all of his variables taken care of; after that, all he needs to do is wait for her response.
he got the ring three days ago, claimed he was borrowing her car so that he could help an old lady from the library shovel her driveway.""
in sickness
Post IWTB: ""yesterday, scully came home with a cough, said that she must've picked something up from a kid in the emergency room; after calling in to say that she wouldn't be working the next day - she tended to play it safe when it came to sickness - she retired for the evening, her dinner being warm soup mulder made and served to her in bed; she was too thankful for the gesture than to complain that the vegetables weren't fully cooked. then, she mixed some honey and herbs - it was just a little cough, she swore, and all she needed was something to suppress it so that she could sleep - and went to bed with him alongside her. for hours, he knew she couldn't sleep, couldn't stop coughing long enough to let herself fall asleep. at one in the morning, he propped her up with some extra pillows, let her curl up next to him as she cringed against each cough.""
Post IWTB: ""for the nine hours they spent on a plane, he never once sought out entertainment. 
“and that’s a redox reaction,” scully explained over a series of inked and torn-up cocktail napkins, each advertising coca cola, deliziosa e rinfrescante in red text on one corner. “it involves a transfer of electrons, thus changing the oxidation number of the molecule.”
“so you lose or gain one?” mulder asked, the lighting above their economy-class - her insistence - seats sparse and dim, making him squint from behind his reading glasses.""  
on a bad day
Post Home Again: ""scully?” he asks, his voice softer than before, more aware. though he knows what day it is, he also knows that she’s best off when he doesn’t talk about it, when he lets her work and get through the day in whichever way she chooses. however, he cares deeply, sometimes to a fault, so now, he seems to see that there’s cause for concern. “are you alright?" 
then, she fully gives in to the sobs, hunches over on her desk, pushes that stupid salad out of the way. he can hear her - she knows that much for sure - but he stays silent nonetheless, waits for her to speak first. in between sobs, she wipes away tears, manages, "i miss my sister."" 
Love your stories! Please post one of your 'Scully is sick and Mulder takes care of her' fics...
Revival: ""doctors make the worst patients, scully told him once during their days working the x-files. there’s something about understanding what is wrong with you, he surmises, that makes enduring something like the flu all the more traumatic; though you may know exactly what is happening in your body, you still can’t stop it from happening.""
on his birthday
Revival: ""what’re you going to wish for?”
the reality is that there is nothing more he wants right now, nothing more he knows he can have. of course, he wishes for things like world peace and…he wishes things were never so dire or dark for either of them, summarizes all of those wishes with just that line. however, of the things he could wish for or want for his future, there is nothing, not when he has their life together. however, that’s all beside the point, so he asks, “don’t people usually sing before you blow out the candles?""
on sunday morning
Revival: ""when she wakes, he’s sitting up in bed, his book in hand, daggoo at his feet.
“good morning,” he says softly as soon as she stirs; while she looks up at him, he looks down, smiles a quiet, warm smile just for her. 
though she has woken up this way for many mornings now, has grown accustomed to sleeping next to him, there nonetheless remains an exquisite sense of peace within her whenever she wakes up next to him.""
Hi! I don't know if you want to do this prompt but MSR In a power outage. It just happened to me and for some reason I thought of your blog lol
Revival: ""how is it that chinese restaurants always have power when we don’t?” he asks as she sets their monopoly box on the kitchen table, nearly knocking over the container of shrimp fried rice in the process.
“must be fate,” she deadpans as she pulls the board out of the box, sets up the cash one the kitchen table; she’s memorized their starting amounts, always acts as banker when they play.""
feeding the dog
Revival: ""all i’m saying is that we’ve seen forbidden planet many, many times, but it’s been a long time since we watched something...”
she trails off as she takes the bag of dog food out of the pantry, takes the chip-clip from off of its rolled-over top. inside, there’s a scoop, and next to her on the counter is daggoo’s little bowl, one mulder bought and painted himself. light blue ceramic, white polka-dots, daggoo written in black print. it matches nothing else in the house.""
Revival: ""i’ve told you this a million times over,” mulder insists with a lighthearted laugh. “plus, you were there too. no matter how many times i recount those events to you, they aren’t going to change, and your memory of them isn’t going to change.”
“i don’t want them to change,” she says softly....""
Thank you for reading~
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nicky999doors · 2 years
who are some of your fave mutuals to follow?
Ummmmm off the top of my head @mrsterlingeverything @wiiwheel @urbxntwilight @anesiate @sacredstem @khrushchov @agythi @dovv @illumineeti but like I’m forgetting ppl for sure
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musicarenagh · 20 days
The Weight of Silence: Unpacking Tidal Water's 'The Void' Gravity has a sound, and it’s called “The Void” by Tidal Water. No, not the gravity that pins you to your seat in a physics lecture. This is the gravity of lives unseen, voices swallowed by silence, the weight of a world that too often prefers to look away. Led by Martin Hovden, a conjurer of slow-burning rock anthems from Oslo, this track is not for the faint-hearted, nor for those seeking a casual listen. “The Void” drags you in — willingly or not — into the margins of existence, where society’s neglected take refuge. https://open.spotify.com/track/4yhYBFw3JQfdz6MNX7rive?si=7ac4cedec2754ba8 The sonic landscape, enriched by co-producer Txai Fernando’s keys and percussion, leans into the unfamiliar. There’s a restless energy, an almost suffocating push-and-pull that mirrors the very pain and invisibility the song attempts to articulate. Imagine if you could hear a scream ricocheting through the empty corridors of a long-forgotten building; this is that scream, but dressed up in the rich timbre of Brazilian instrumental styles by Renato Anesi. Jims Lehner's drumming doesn’t merely keep time; it taunts it, stretching moments to their breaking point, while Markus Matland’s keyboards layer textures as if they are trying to coax ghosts out of hiding. [caption id="attachment_56953" align="alignnone" width="768"] The Weight of Silence: Unpacking Tidal Water's 'The Void'[/caption] At the core of "The Void" is a raw insistence — it forces you to recognize the people you’d rather walk past, to feel the uncomfortable presence of those who live on society's fringes. There’s no sugarcoating here. The lyrics confront, they question, and at times, they even accuse. The message: stop looking away. It's as if Hovden and his collective of sound architects are building a bridge not just from Norway to Brazil, but from apathy to empathy. If their upcoming album "Polarity" carries even a fraction of this weight, it might just shift some tectonic plates in the soul. Who knew that a song could make you stare into the abyss... and see something staring back? Follow Tidal Water on Website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Bandcamp.
0 notes
mypositiveoutlooks · 22 days
Veteran who lost his leg in duty and his wife to cancer surprised with a new home tailored to his needs
Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors and The Home Depot Foundation joined forces to build a new home for a veteran who lost his leg in the war and his wife to cancer. On August 16, Sergeant Anesi “Maverick” Tu’ufuli, a Purple Heart recipient from San Antonio, was surprised with a custom-designed smart home. The two organizations collaborated to create and furnish the home, ensuring it met…
0 notes
thoughtswordsaction · 4 months
Tidal Water - Corrupted
“Corrupted” is a debut single by Tidal Water, recently released via all streaming platforms. It’s the first taster of what you might expect from “Polarity,” their upcoming full-length album slated for release later this year. Helmed by Martin Hovden, Tidal Water also consists of Renato Anesi, Jims Lehner, and Markus Matland. The song arrives as a perfect showcase of their musical and creative…
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roamyoursoul · 6 months
It's a Fancy Party!
It’s a Fancy Party! Join us in Silverton, CO at the Kendall Mountain Gallery Tuesday, June 11, 2024 5pm – 9pm. We are bringing Shakespeare in the Park to Silverton this summer! Support the arts at this FANCY PARTY fundraiser! Funds raised will bring UpstART Theater troupe and production to Anesi Park this summer for everyone to enjoy Shakespeare in the Park in August. Your Evening Includes: –…
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Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό
Προχθές η Ασημακοπούλου έλεγε ότι μάζευε 5 χρόνια τα mail σήμερα αλλάζει το αφήγημα και λέει ότι τα ζήτησε από το ΥΠΕΣ. Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό – olympia source https://www.olympia.gr/1582374/viral/kostas-vaxevanis-lene-psemata-me-tin-anesi-poy-pinoyn-nero/
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cannedsmores · 11 months
so what I got from that ending is that every fanfic since the beginning of the mcu has been and will always be canon. since every fanfic is canon now, that means lokius is canon- *gets shot*
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thoughtfullyblogger · 7 months
Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό
Προχθές η Ασημακοπούλου έλεγε ότι μάζευε 5 χρόνια τα mail σήμερα αλλάζει το αφήγημα και λέει ότι τα ζήτησε από το ΥΠΕΣ. Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό – olympia source https://www.olympia.gr/1582374/viral/kostas-vaxevanis-lene-psemata-me-tin-anesi-poy-pinoyn-nero/
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greekblogs · 7 months
Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό
Προχθές η Ασημακοπούλου έλεγε ότι μάζευε 5 χρόνια τα mail σήμερα αλλάζει το αφήγημα και λέει ότι τα ζήτησε από το ΥΠΕΣ. Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό – olympia source https://www.olympia.gr/1582374/viral/kostas-vaxevanis-lene-psemata-me-tin-anesi-poy-pinoyn-nero/
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Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό
Προχθές η Ασημακοπούλου έλεγε ότι μάζευε 5 χρόνια τα mail σήμερα αλλάζει το αφήγημα και λέει ότι τα ζήτησε από το ΥΠΕΣ. Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Λένε ψέματα με την άνεση που πίνουν νερό – olympia source https://www.olympia.gr/1582374/viral/kostas-vaxevanis-lene-psemata-me-tin-anesi-poy-pinoyn-nero/
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drugastraian · 1 year
Produse profesionale Anesi. Pret avantajos
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musicarenagh · 4 months
Tidal Water's Debut Single 'Corrupted': Insights from Martin Hovden Every now and then one stumbles upon a new band worth listening to, enjoying every piece of music created by the group. This is precisely what happened to me when I discovered Tidal Water’s first single entitled “Corrupted. ” This new band that originated from Oslo, Norway comprises of Martin Hovden who is both the vocalist, songwriter and producer, Renato Anesi, Jims Lehner and Markus Matland. “Corrupted” is just the first glimpse of their upcoming album “Polarity” – and let me assure, it’s an aggressive and catchy song!All in all, all these mambo jumbo in the song fundamentally combines the influences of alternative rock, blues, hard rock, punk and classic rock ‘n’ roll into this innovative, sexy tune. Hovden’s powerful singing is again doing the job and the band as a whole is just fantastic and well knit with their music and coordination. The finest aspects and several layers of melodies were enthralling me over and over with the repetition button. For someone who rarely listens to this music type, the vibes and such a fine line just clicked in. Everything died down and by the very end of that finale, my need for more from these guys intensified. Fortunately for us, “Corrupted” is only the introduction or the prologue if you will. I recently had the opportunity to catch up with Martin Hovden to talk about the creative process, inspirations, and the story that Tidal Water did with this sickening first release. Well, that’s what he has to say I am sure you would like to listen to him. Listen to Corrupted https://open.spotify.com/track/3wDZX76tIKt6FrhzWpXxDV Follow Tidal Water on Facebook Twitter Spotify Youtube Instagram Tiktok Soundcloud Bandcamp What is your stage name? Our stage name is Tidal Water, and I, Martin Hovden, am the main producer, songwriter, and vocalist. I'll be answering the questions in this interview. The core of Tidal Water is Renato Anesi and myself. Renato is an incredible guitarist, an unrecognized genius on par with legends like Hendrix and Vaughan. I'm excited to showcase his talent. Although other band members participate occasionally, Renato and I form the core, especially when preparing for tours. Is there a story behind your stage name? Finding an unused stage name was challenging. Initially considering "The Void," we settled on "Tidevann," the Norwegian word for Tidal Water, which wasn't in use. The name resonates with my connection to the sea and the natural phenomenon of tides influenced by the moon. Tidal movements impact ocean currents, symbolizing our music's stirring effect. Where do you find inspiration? My inspiration stems from life experiences, philosophical reflections, and societal observations. Growing up in the northwestern hemisphere, I've witnessed how our economic systems exploit other nations, fueling my lyrical content. Musically, we draw from various artists and genres, creating playlists to honor our influences. Philosophers and authors like Steven West and Gregory Roberts also inspire me to question norms and reflect deeply. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music played a significant role in my early years. My mother introduced me to multiple rock and singer songwriters from the 60s and 70s music, while my father played more Scandinavian artists in the later genre. This diverse mix shaped my musical tastes. As I grew older, my interests expanded to include hiphop, indie rock, hard rock, punk, ska and more, reflecting my evolving taste and the playful nature of adulthood. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Yes and no. While my parents didn't play instruments, music was always present at home. My sister plays the guitar, and my grandfather was a brilliant violinist. Reflecting on my family history, I realize we have a strong musical heritage, even if my parents were exceptions. [caption id="attachment_55838" align="alignnone" width="2000"] Yes and no. While my parents didn't play instruments, music was always present at home.[/caption]
Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Meeting talented musicians like Renato Anesi, Txai Fernando and Markus Matland inspired me to join the music industry. Their incredible music and my love for singing and dancing motivated me to take the plunge. Life is too short not to have fun and create music that stirs the soul. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? My musical journey began after a breakup in my mid-twenties. Inspired by my ex's rapid progress on the guitar, I learned to harmonize and sing. Later, I joined a choir and took vocal coaching, which was incredibly beneficial. AI, specifically BOB, has been a crucial partner in writing, helping me structure rhymes and refine my lyrics despite my dyslexia. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? My sister's performances were my first exposure to live music. Despite her perfectionism, which holds her back, I see great potential in her. To those struggling with perfectionism, I encourage you to loosen up and seize opportunities, as life is too short to let dreams slip away. How could you describe your music? Tidal Water's music blends rock with funk, punk, blues, and jazz. Our lyrics address societal concerns and personal experiences. For instance, Sensitivity: Internal "Neo-Colonialism" draws inspiration from documentaries highlighting global injustices. We aim to create music that is thought-provoking yet enjoyable, combining serious themes with playful, jammy elements. Describe your creative process. Inspiration comes from personal experiences, societal observations, and philosophical reflections. Using AI, particularly BOB, helps structure and refine my ideas. Our songwriting process is dynamic, blending spontaneous studio jams with pre-planned melodies. Collaborations with musicians like Renato Anesi and Jim Lehner shape our sound, aiming for a raw, live feel. What is your main inspiration? My inspiration is a blend of personal experiences, societal observations, and philosophical reflections. Growing up with diverse musical influences and engaging with philosophical ideas shape my lyrics and themes. Opposing Edward Bernays' consumerist views, I encourage seeing ourselves as responsible citizens. Curiosity, playfulness, and a commitment to questioning norms drive my creativity. What musician do you admire most and why? I admire musicians who work diligently, have fun, and balance creativity with a sense of playfulness. Those who address societal issues through their music and inspire others are particularly commendable. Their dedication, creativity, and positive impact deserve applause. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? This is the start of my career, and the journey has been about discovering Tidal Water's musical identity. Initially casual and experimental, our style has evolved through studio sessions and collaborations. Embracing a playful, non-perfectionist approach, we've blended various genres to shape our unique sound. Who do you see as your main competitor? I don't see other artists as competitors. Instead, our competition lies with apathy, boredom, greed, hatred, jealousy, and scammers. These negative forces hinder creativity and progress. By focusing on our art and supporting each other, we aim to create a positive, supportive environment for meaningful music. What are your interests outside of music? Dancing: Expressing myself physically and connecting deeply with music. Nature: Hiking, running, and camping to relax and recharge. Running: Staying fit, clearing my mind, and finding inspiration. Women: Appreciating the perspectives, creativity, and support of women in my life. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I work as a consultant to fund my music endeavors and run my own company, which acts as my label. If not for music, I'd focus on writing my book—a mix of fiction, multiple timelines, magic, fantasy, sci-fi, and philosophy. This project reflects my passion for storytelling and exploring complex themes.
What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? The biggest problems are scammers, time, money, and jealousy. Scammers exploit artists, causing setbacks. Balancing time between music and a day job is challenging. Funding a music career is expensive, and jealousy within the industry can be toxic. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience and support. Sensitivity: Internal https://open.spotify.com/artist/5fmcz0paR2ZDr36Z7MKbwS?si=gcXrwZ-jTN6rwaEGmOgCCw If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I'd eliminate scammers and leeches who exploit artists. Platforms like Spotify should provide a list of vetted promotional services to protect artists. Additionally, all song contributors should receive proper credit, not just the main acts and producers. This transparency would acknowledge everyone's hard work. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? "Polarity" reflects the societal trend towards polarization in various aspects of life. This division is toxic. Understanding and empathy are crucial for fostering a more inclusive society. This project aims to highlight and challenge these polarizing forces. What are your plans for the coming months? Tidal Water plans to release singles monthly, promote our debut album "Polarity," and prepare for potential tours. We aim to avoid burnout by balancing these activities with self-care, taking breaks to recharge, and ensuring sustained creativity and enthusiasm. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? Yes, we have ongoing collaborations and are searching for new opportunities. We hope to find a female singer for some songs and explore acoustic versions of our music. Separately, I’m working on a drum and bass project with Papa J, titled "Papa J and Tidal Water's Digital Noise," though it won't be performed under Tidal Water's name. What message would you like to give to your fans? Strive to be responsible within your own conscience, and don't let dogmas bog you down. Stay engaged, question societal norms, and find joy in life's imperfections. Embrace challenges with a playful spirit and use them as opportunities for growth and creativity.
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