#and yes yes i'm sure winter will be rough
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soulmvtes · 7 months ago
maybe it's because there's an autumn chill in the air despite the sun but i am suddenly overcome with an excitement for golden september and the changes of the season
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messenger-of-babel · 5 months ago
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Summary: The Wayne family calls you in When they can't snap Tim out of it. (Tim Drake x reader)
Word Count: 2.5K
Notes: Tim is my fav as Robin ❤️ Yes, I did read the Hush arc. People are oddly divided if Jason really did try to kill Tim which is an argument for a later day, but it'd still mess with anyone regardless so shhhhh. Enjoy xx
It was hardly ever that you were contacted by the Wayne residence, so when you got a call one Friday evening, a cold ball began forming in your stomach. With a surprised stutter you responded that you were still at the Gotham University library, studying up for your finals. Before you even got a chance to ask what was going on, Alfred kindly let you know that he was going to be picking you up before the receiver went dead.
Unsure of what to do, you shifted from foot to foot outside of the library. The night was cold for Spring, the coattails of winter still wrapped around the city. As you fidget you try to think of any reason that they would be calling you. After all, you and Tim had only been dating for eight months or so. In those eight months you had visited the manor maybe twice, much less met his family. Tim had dragged you through the hallways as soon as you hit the foyer, hurrying you to his room so fast that you could only exchange a surprised glance with the members he passed. You could only think of the worst scenarios, minutes stretching for eternity as you trapped yourself inside your mind.
What if they hated you dating Tim? You weren't from an affluent family like they were, growing up in a poor area of Robinson Park. You got into Gotham U on a scholarship, which was how you both had met in the first place. What if they looked down upon that and were going to threaten you to break up with him? If they ever chose to, they certainly would have the power and sway to. Hell, they could chase you out of Gotham entirely and no one would be the wiser. You thought of all these ideas, just to distract yourself from the underlying thought that sat like an unwelcome visitor int he back of your mind.
The little thought that whispered over and over again, 'What if something has happened to Tim?'
The Wayne car rolling to a stop in front of you was enough to snap you out of your worrying, making the ball in your stomach only grow heavier. The visage of Pennyworth, the butler, appears from the driver’s side. He gives you a small, tight, smile and exits the car, opening the back as you descend the stairs.
"After you, dear."
You hesitantly poke your head in as he waves his hand politely to the open door, blood draining from your face. You had expected the car to be empty, but as you studied the shadows it was very clearly not the case. The sturdily built man in front of you had his arm propped up on the window, chin in his palm. His deep blue eyes glinted from the shadows he seemed to melt into, rough timbre floating your way. "Come in."
You anxiously shuffle into the seat, leaving a space between you and the enigmatic Bruce Wayne. There's a tense silence as Alfred gets into the driver’s side and starts the car, headed to the Manor once more. You shuffle in your seat, pulse thudding against your neck.
"It's nice to meet you." you say, clearing your throat awkwardly. The icy eyes of the billionaire flick to you, scanning you up and down.
"And same to you." he says smoothly, staring back out the window with a rich indifference. "I'm sure you know why we called you?"
"Actually, I don't sir." you say gently, fiddling with your fingers. They gave you nothing to work off of, how could they expect you to know what was happening?
"It's about Tim." he says, and your heart flips.
"Is he okay?" falls out before you can even temper your voice properly.
"He's…in a difficult space right now." Bruce hums back at you, worry creasing at the corner of his eyes. "He won't work with any of us, won't come out. We thought that maybe you could help. Actually, Dick recommended we call you."
Dick Grayson. The only brother you had met, albeit only briefly. He had been passing through for a charity event and had come to ask Tim a question, ducking his head inside the bedroom. Tim had gone to get snacks, leaving you to nervously explain who you were. When you mentioned that you were dating Tim, a wide smile had split the older man's face. He'd promptly introduced himself, stepping inside and shaking your hand. Tim had chased him out soon after he arrived back, the elder brother's laughing echoing down the halls long after Tim had shut and locked the door.
"Is it bad?" you whisper out, fists curling on your knees.
"He's alive and physically uninjured, if that's what you're asking. Now, what I'm about to tell you is confidential. You tell anyone, and I mean anyone," Bruce's eyes flash dangerously. "Then there will be severe consequences."
When you nod his shoulders drop slightly, and he uncoils. You had always been intimidated by the man and the sheer power he wielded, but you didn't take him for someone to be so fiercely protective. There was something in his eyes that flickered when he stared you down, a scarred over wound that re-opened at the thought of you harming his family.
"I promise." you say, rising to match Bruce's tone. "I just want to help Tim."
The answer settles the wary father next to you, relaxing back into his seat.
He fills you in, dread filling your stomach more and more. He explains how they've been a target of a terrorist attack, Tim getting caught in the crossfire. The story seems wild and something in the back of your mind gets the impression he isn't telling you everything, but you remind yourself that this is Gotham, and being a rich family paints a rather large target.
"Fear gas?" you whisper, eyebrows furrowed. "I thought Batman put the Scarecrow in Arkham."
Bruce bites his knuckles but nods. "Yeah, that is what I thought too. So, we're suspecting it's either a lackey of his, or the Bat isn't as thorough as he appears." he grunts, teeth relenting their assault so he can cross his arms. "Masked annoyance." he mutters, his nose crinkling.
"How can I help?" you ask, adrenaline rushing through your veins in a mild cocktail of panic.
"Talk to him. get him to come out. We've had a doctor look him over and he'll be fine, he got out of the gassed room in time. His mental is just a bit…fragile, right now. He won't accept comfort from us. Some of us can't even get close. So, we thought you might be able to try." Bruce studies you closely. "We want to deal with this before press come snooping. It'll only affect his social life if this gets out before he's had a chance to recover, so I must reiterate the importance of your silence. This is a family matter; we will deal with it as such."
you nod along, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Yes, sir."
"But do not take it to heart if my son doesn’t recognise you." he says firmly. "He isn't himself right now. This isn't a reflection on your or your relationship."
You want to ask about how much he knew about your relationship, but as you open your mouth you're cut off by the voice of Alfred. "We're here, sir."
The car rolls to a stop, and Alfred opens Bruce's door and then yours. The manor is imposing, but you don't get long to look at it before you're ushered away. You're walked to the door of Tim's bedroom; except this time your arm is being led by the sympathetic smile of Pennyworth. He leaves you in peace, and it's never felt more imposing knocking on your boyfriend's door than now.
"Tim?" you call softly, rapping your knuckles against the richly coloured wood. "Are you in there? Can I come in?"
There's no response, making worry knot up in your chest. "I'm coming in, okay?" you call out, hand hesitantly turning the brass knob and opening the door just enough so you can slip inside.
It's dark, only moonlight illuminating the scene before you. His bedsheets have been ripped from the mattress, pillows scattered around. Drawers were open haphazardly, contents spilled across the tiled floor. Your heart lurched spying the sheer curtains that fluttered in front of the open bay windows, worrying that he might have gone out there despite the drop. It calms slightly when you spy him, huddled under the desk. You approach as if regarding a cornered animal, concern twitching in your fingers. The desk was devoid of any objects, swiped clear by a frenzied arm. The drawers were open and empty, content spilled around him.
"Hey, Tim." you say, crouching to him under the desk. He looks a mess, face pressed tightly into his knees. He's curled into a ball, arms tucked under his torso, resting on the front of his thighs. "it's me." your murmur, reaching out gently. "it's just me."
He jumps as your fingers lightly brush against his arm, face snapping up. His eyes are puffy and red rimmed, cheeks stained with tears. His hair is tousled and messy, falling over the shaking of his blue irises. The sight pangs painfully in your heart, and when he no longer pulls away from your touch, your hand slowly circles his wrist. He leans into your touch, body trembling as you pull him towards you. When you manage to get him in a hug you can feel the rapid beating of his heart, the shaky and quickened breaths that he draws into his lungs.
"Please don't hurt me." he whispers, shattering your heart. You look at him wide eyed, gently tilting his face to meet yours.
"Why on earth would I do that?" you breathe out, confusion on your face. His eyes are watery and far away, lips trembling. "I'd never do that, Tim. you know that."
"Please don't leave." he chokes out. "Please. Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone again, I'll work harder, I’ll be smarter, I'll do better." he reassures frantically, pupils shifting rapidly. "I'll do enough this time. I'll meet your expectations. Just don't go."
Your mouth drops and there's nothing that you can say for a few moments. "Oh, Tim…" you breathe out. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? absolutely nowhere." you murmur gently. "And you don't need to promise that. You do enough, hell, you do so much. You do so much more than meet expectations, Tim. You surpass them in every way."
he shakes his head at your comforting, hair flopping in front of his eyes.
"I saw them." he mumbles, although you aren’t sure if it is to himself or to you. "They were just here, I saw them.'
"Who?" you ask softly, stroking your thumbs over his cheeks.
"My parents." he mumbles back out. "I saw them. they were here. They said... They said things..."
You sigh.
Bruce had told you that the effect of the gas made people see things, vivid hallucinations conjured up to torture them. You just hadn't been able to comprehend how deep in someone's mind the fear gas was able to pull from. "And there was Jason." he chokes out. "I never meant to replace him, but he wouldn't listen, and then I felt it all over again." he stammers out, spare hand coming to trace along his throat softly. "But Jason turned into Damian, and then he pushed me and I was falling again. I'm not a real son, I'm not a real replacement I'm-"
"Stop." you command, unable to hold your own tears back at his words. You had no idea what he was saying. Jason and Damian hurting him? Tim complained lightly about his brothers at times, but he had equal amount of compliments to give them back (even if they were begrudging). It had to be the toxin messing with his mind, distorting the images he kept conjuring up.
"Tim, your brother's love you." you say. "Bruce loves you, Alfred loves you, I love you. So please," your whisper, hands holding his face. "Please, wake up, Timmie."
His pupils dilate rapidly as he peers up at you, and you can see him struggle to focus. "Please," you plead again softly. "Please come back. Trust me. You're safe."
Water spills over his lash line and his lips curl into a sob, but his body relaxes. He unfurls from the foetal position, absent rocking of his body coming to a slow halt.
"That's it," you breathe out. "Nice and easy, just take a deep breath."
When he relaxes enough for you to crawl under the desk with him, you do, his arms circling your waist as you pull his head forward to rest on your shoulder. He turns and buries his face in your neck, hot tears streaking down your skin as he sobs. "I couldn't dodge it in time…" he weakly says, hands shaking. "If I had dodged I wouldn't be seeing this. I'm supposed to be…I'm supposed to be faster than that…"
Your lips frown at the despair in his voice. From his tone it seems like he was slowly becoming more lucid, but you still had no idea what he was on about. With a few gentle encouragements you get his frantic murmuring to cease completely, fight draining out of him. You can feel the effects wearing off him as time passes, and you hate to imagine what the toxin must have done to him at full strength. You just run a comforting hand through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and occasionally shushing him. When you tilt your head to kiss the top of his head, your eyes narrow in on the piece of paper that had fluttered from his lap.
It had been obscured when he was curled up, pressed to his chest. now that he had begun to relax it had slipped out, landing face up. It was a photo of you, taken in black and white. He had gotten a new camera for his birthday and wanted to try it out, so he brought it to the library the next time you both met up to study together. You were looking up at the camera, smiling softly as the light from the window filtered in behind you. Your eyes follow the curve of your grin to the way your eyes crinkle joyfully as you gaze in his direction. The corners are rolled and creased from the toying of his fingers, and you softly reach out to pick it up.
His arms tighten around you as you move to retrieve it, making you rub his back comfortingly. "I'm not going anywhere." you say softly, pulling the picture back towards you. "I promise," you whisper, looking at yourself in the photo he had been cradling so reverently before you came. "I'm not going anywhere, ever."
And you intended to keep that promise before anything like this happened again.
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wednesdaynn · 5 months ago
nightmares and dreams
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A/N: day 2 has only begun and i'm already feeling like i'm behind in this challenge... hoping to finish day 3 today and make a start at day 4 but who knows... enjoy (also yes, weirder ones are going to come)
summary: bucky's mind has been plagued with nightmares for years, his mind is his biggest enemy. the only remedy is a good dream, especially one with you in it.
warnings: everything really, unprotected sex, p in v, cunnilingus, daydreaming, etc...
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
kinktober: Frottage, Sexual Frustration, Virginity
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As of late, every night seems to be the same for Bucky. He finds himself wandering through the corridors of the headquarters. carrying his, what feels like, weightless body towards the kitchen. Late at night when the moon is bright and the stars shine. His nightmares plague him constantly. 
the memories of the past, his past. reliving every waking moment. Friends, foe’s and sometimes he can’t even tell which is which. They all feel the same. reckless and deafening, the screams that he hears, the things the winter soldier did, the things he did. 
His routine is always the same. The nightmares wake him, he screams, he wakes up breathless. panting like crazy he tries to assess the situation around him. counting five red things, 4 pieces of furniture, 3 things he should clean, 2 items of clothing, and 1 thing that reminds him of his current life. It's what his therapist taught him. 
he tries to ground himself back to reality. and when he feels calmed enough he throws the blanket off of him and wakes his way to his dresses, putting on some clothes.
walking into the kitchen, goes to pull out a stool at the kitchen-island and sits down. The eeriness of the still kitchen calms him down. steel and slate. but a noise in the distance makes him turn his head towards the entrance of the kitchen. soft padding of feet and rustling of clothes. He hears quiet breaths and sweet humming.
walking into the kitchen is you, with fuzzy socks on your feet. 
you hadn't noticed his presence in the kitchen, unlike him, you weren’t that good at hearing noises. too tired to pay attention to your surroundings, your pounding headache distracting you from anything happening around you. but the moment you enter the kitchen, you hear a rough sounding cough. looking up, you’re met with bucky, a shirtless bucky. 
It came to no one's surprise that you had a slight crush on the super soldier, on slightly. The man was built by the gods, handcrafted to be perfected. His chest was toned, his thighs were thicker than a tree trunk and big biceps you’d love to squeeze. He doesn’t like hearing it, but that metal arm, god damn, gave you butterflies in your stomach. 
He was a sweetheart and a gentleman to anyone he met, or at, everyone he liked. Polite to men, charming to women and hilariously clumsy but sweet to kids, making them laugh.  
This little crush on him you had developed didn’t go unnoticed by your best friend, your support and confidant, Sam. This man teased you until you were a blubbering mess, all hot cheeks and stuttering words. short breaths and embarrassed smiles. due to Sam being no to subtle about his teasing, this puts you in rather uncomfortable situations. 
And though he swore he only did to make you confess to the super soldier, telling you that it was worth a try seeing as, according to him, Bucky also had a crush on you. you couldn’t quite believe him, your insecurities getting the best of you. you were skeptical, the signs were there but choosing to ignore them was easier than getting your hopes up. 
He’d stare at you for long periods of time, looking away when your gazes met. He'd go out of his way to make sure he talks to you everyday. always secures a spot next to you at outings, or makes sure you're in the same car. trying his best to always hang out with you. and in those moments, a fleeting feeling came, of him maybe seeing you in the same way. 
And maybe for once Sam was right. 
so when he looks up and meets your eyes, heat runs through your body. burning up your cheeks. your gaze drops down to his half dressed figure, his bare chest with his dogs tags hanging from his neck, resting right on his pecks. there's a sheen on his skin, left from sweat. It doesn’t take much for you to figure out why he’s up in the middle of the night again. You want to make a comment about it, concerned for him, but when you looked up at his face again, he was smirking at you. having caught you staring at him.
Bucky on the other hand has no shame in checking you out. The baggy sleep shirt that you’re wearing barely reaches your mid thigh, showing off your soft legs. The cold wind in the room makes goosebumps rise up on your skin. Your perky breast showing through the thin material and your nipples hardened through it. 
the more he paid attention to your sleeping attire, he noticed that the shirt didn’t belong to you, but sam. he inhales sharply, jealousy taking him over. there's a burning in the back of his mind. he knows he shouldn’t be, you and Sam were like siblings, havin’ taken care of each other for years. 
He just wished that shirt would be replaced with his, and not Sam's. that instead of borrowing one of his when you get too cold, you’d reach for him in the middle of the night. warming up with his body heat. He knows how cold you get in at night and he always runs warm with the serum. that in the morning you’d walk around the bed, naked, and pick his shirt up off of the floor, to wear around the compound. showing everybody what you had done the night before. 
That you had been panting and chanting. shouting his name for hours on end. how you were lying beneath him, your eyes rolling back from the pleasure being given to you. reaching for anything that could stabilize you, help you stay grounded. gripping the sheets beneath you, holding tight onto his biceps, leaving scratches behind on his back, your hands crawling into his hair and fisting it tightly. that you’d be covered in the bite marks he left on you that night. they’d know you’re his.
he speaks up eventually, asking you about why you’re up this late in the night. or early in the morning you could almost say. asking about how you’re doing, snapping back to reality when you groan out loud. He almost misses the way you mutter “bad headache…” barely paying attention to what’s coming out of your mouth. He's focused on your soft lips and the way they move when you talk. when you lick them afterwards. 
He wishes he could kiss those lips senseless. he would kiss you for hours and hours on end, both of your teeth clashing against each other with each rough movement. tongue’s tangling in every way, exploring your mouth and tasting you. soft pants coming out of both your mouths, you’d be breathless and hungry for more. He'd bite down on your lips, soft whines leaving your lips at his administration. pulling him back by the back of his neck. a hazy look set in your eyes, they’d be dilated fully, black taking over your colour filled with lust. He'd pull back and admire the state he’d leave you in. red and swollen lips, a string of saliva attaching you to each other.
His kisses would trail down to your jawline, leaving you pulling at him for more, covering yourself in him. up to your ear and sucking right on your sweet spot, making you gasp out loud. 
he’d pull away and admire you, the redness covering your neck and jaw, glistening from him. a dopey smile on your face. your breathing is uneven and your eyes looking at him with love. He reaches for your pajama shirt, pulling it over your arms and head, only to get it stuck, making you let out a soft giggle. the sweetest thing he’s ever heard. 
It had been so long for him since he last saw or even undressed a woman, and while his charm was still there and certain things you don’t unlearn, he felt slightly clumsy with his actions. He felt desperate for you. He'd attach his mouth back to your neck and kiss his way towards your clavicle bones, nipping at the skin and marking you up. he’d move down to your breast. he lets out a disgruntled groan, fumbling with the clasp of your bra on your back, impatient. 
it takes him a few seconds to get it off of you, your hands helping him and he throws you a sheepish smile, he knows he wouldn’t know how to take off these modern contraptions. he’d throw your bra god knows where in the room, leaving it for tomorrow to find. 
he’d throw all of his attention back on you and your soft breasts. gazing at your hardened nipples and the way they perk up due to the cold. and goosebumps cover the rest of your body, almost completely bare in front of him. he’d nip at the skin surrounding your nipples, and knead the other breast in his hand. 
he moves towards your nipple giving it a quick flick of his tongue, wetting it and making it shine with his spit. grazing his teeth over the sensitive nub. softly sucking on it, between his lips, occasionally nipping at it, making you arch your back at the painful but pleasurable feeling. the other nipple wouldn’t be left behind, he’d twist it between his forefinger and middle finger, twisting it and rolling it with his thumb. 
“please.” you’d whine beneath him, feeling your chest going up and down. but bucky isn’t that easy, he wants you to tell him exactly what you want. make you vocalize your wants. He wants you to tell him how to make you feel good. 
“that’s not enough, darling, tell me exactly what you need from me.” he blows onto your breast, the cold air making you lean into him more. another whine comes out of your mouth and you take a deep breath.
“i want you to fuck me, James. Please, need it so bad.” and god damn did you know how to beg for him, make him melt just with your words. He couldn’t keep someone as sweet as you waiting, maybe another time. He waited too long for this. 
he detaches his mouth from your breasts and kisses down your soft tummy, rubbing circles into your sides with his thumbs. making his way down towards your mound where his stubble tickles your skin. He'd look up at you from this position, making you feel heated all over. your neck feels like it’s burning and the feeling moves its way down towards your spine and to your core. 
he gets off on this, the way you look at him all needy. your eyes meeting his and you look so darling. the state you're in makes his dick harder than possible. you’re vulnerable in this state, but oh so trusting of him and he’d make sure it’s not in vain. 
he bites at the skin at the edge of your panties, before pulling them down ever so slightly with his teeth. He pulls them further down your legs with his hands, the cold metal of his arm gliding against your warm skin. a nice contrast. your panties are added to the slowly building pile of clothes in the room, joining your shirt and bra. 
He runs his nose along the crease where your thigh meets your mound, smelling your sweet skin, vanilla and linen, your body wash. He pushes your knees up and hooks them over his shoulder, your bare pussy spread open in front of him. He lets out a low moan at the smell, wanting, no needing, to completely devour you. 
his thumbs spread your lips to the side. ‘so pretty.” he licks a long stripe up to your clit. circling around it with his tongue. your body jerks with the sensation. grabbing a fistfull of his hair. He sucks on your clit, and drags a finger through the wetness, gathering it up and slipping one finger inside.
and oh god, you are so tight around his finger. you’re just so perfect. He'd start to slowly thrust his finger inside of you, while licking your clit. “God, baby, you’re so wet… s’all for me?” he hymns and it sends shudders all throughout your body. you respond to him with a desperate nod and push him deeper into your cunt. he adds another finger, spreading you open wider and scissoring his finger to prep you. 
he moans around your clit, sending vibrations up your whole body. “please, bucky.” he chuckles and adds a third finger and it makes your whole body jerk back. “God yes.” you thrust your hips forward yearning for more. and he lets you. driving his fingers into you harder, and you think you can see stars and he’s only using his fingers yet. 
he takes his mouth off of your pussy and moves upwards, leaning over you. He completely cages you in with his metal arm resting next to your body. 
Bucky admires your face. your eyes are all hooded as you stare up at him through your lashes. a sweet smile adornes your face as soft moans leave your lips, in rhythm with his fingers thrusting in and out of you. 
god, if you already feel so good from just his fingers you can’t imagine how his cock must feel. your eyes follow along his body down to his lower abs where the waist of his sweatpants start. he dick outlined clearly, probably not wearing any boxers
And dear god, he’s big.
You’re not sure how he’s supposed to fit but Bucky notices the hesitation on your face, his free hand rests itself on your hip. "I'll make it fit, babe." Giving it a reassuring squeeze. you bite your lip in response, nodding. he presses his lips to yours, fitting perfectly. your moans spilled into his mouth and a stuttered gasp left your mouth when he curled his finger hitting you right where you needed him to. 
He pushes and pushes. He curls his finger again and again. And then… he pulls away, completely. you look up at him confused at his actions and he just kisses you on your mouth. a soft peck, reassuring. his hands go to his sweatpants and he sits back up and stands at the edge of the bed, taking his sweatpants off in one go. 
before you even have time to admire his physique, he’s back on you. nosing at your neck and muttering sweet things into your neck. 
“I need you so badly.” and you know he means it. he’d take care of you so well. He'd worship you. He hooks your legs around his waist as he drags his hard cock through your folds, coating both of you in a mix of slick and pre-cum. 
"You ready?” you whisper a soft yes into his ear. He finds your whole and slowly pushes in. inch by inch. slowly but surely he’s filling you up. His eyes constantly look up at your face to make sure you’re still feeling okay. He makes sure to rest for a few minutes when he bottoms out inside of you, as difficult as it is for him. 
but when you push your feet into his lower back, pushing him into you completely, he slowly starts to move in and out. slowly, getting you used to the feeling of him filling you up.  He feels so content, here with you. 
both vulnerable in each other arms and-
“bucky? Are you okay?” your voice pulls him back to reality. to the kitchen, you in Sam's shirt. him sitting at the island. and a blush coats his cheek as he slowly pushes the stool further beneath the counter, blocking his hardness from your view. 
“yeah… I'm okay.” he mutters softly.
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pomefioredove · 16 days ago
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ad perpetuam memoriam
summary: what comes after? type of post: fic. maybe a series, someday includes: ace, deuce, riddle, azul, silver, sebek, epel, jack, and jamil additional info: platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not yuu, this is all AU, not making predictions for how twst will end
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You wake in a void.
Cold as winter, dark as midnight, but not quiet, nor empty. Such a place should only be shrouded in reverent whispers, if not in monastic silence, but here, there are cheers, chatter, merry laughter, the sound of bells and smiles.
You feel stiff and achey.
You haven't been here before.
Thrust your hands outward, and the infinite darkness will prove finite. You touch something solid, cool and smooth. You push. You're only half-conscious, only half-sure of what you're doing, but even then, your mind has decided that you're in a place with walls, and, hopefully, a door, too.
Sometimes, hope is all you have.
This time, you also have a door.
It falls off its hinges and onto the floor beyond with a heavy, imposing, thud. The distant merriment dies, and shrouds itself in quiet.
You feel dizzy. Your head hurts.
"YOU!" someone cries out. You? Me?
Something warm and almost rough takes your wrist and pulls you into the light, warm and sickly, yellow and green.
You're suddenly in a tight hug, your face pressed into the shoulder of a voice you don't recognize. Are you dreaming? Surely, you must be. When was the last time someone hugged you like this?
"Ace," this voice is new, coming from behind the shoulder you're pressed against.
"That's not You."
The arms that had so soon swept you up now push you back, and you're met with the wide eyes of a boy. Ace, as his darker-haired friend had called him.
"Oh... wait, what?"
You look between the two. "I'm not me?" for some reason, this is all you can think to say.
And they look between each other.
"Man. They're speaking in riddles," one whispers.
"Yes? What is it?" another boy comes, red-haired and shorter than the first two. "Might I remind you we have a schedule to keep? I won't be held by useless questions like last year's orientation. Spade, as new vice housewarden, you should have already gathered the new first years. Who is this?"
He's suddenly looking right at you, curiosity and impatience in the gray of his eyes.
"Riddle- H-Housewarden, I mean," Ace says. "We... uh... we don't know, they..."
Riddle smiles. "Heh, don't tell me. A magicless student from another dimension just fell out of a coffin?"
The two taller boys don't answer.
Riddle is no longer smiling.
"Ahem. Deuce, please see to the first-years. Ace... please let go of them,"
Ace's eyes widen again as he realize his hands are still tight on your shoulders, and he quickly withdraws them, as if you were something repulsive.
The dark-haired one, Deuce, reluctantly leaves, Ace not far behind. Riddle turns to you with a scrutinizing look, hand on his hip.
"I suggest you find your assigned dorm before they depart. This is a large school, it would be unbecoming to lose yourself on the first day,"
Dorm? School?
You tell yourself you must be dreaming, and you say nothing, staring blankly at "Housewarden" Riddle, waiting to wake.
You don't.
He sighs. "Very well. Tell me the name of your dorm, I will bring you to your housewarden,"
You still don't wake.
"...My what?"
"Your dorm," Riddle says. His cheeks tint pink, and he looks away for a moment, taking deep breaths in and out. "Were you paying no attention during the ceremony? I know you are no student of Heartslabyul, so what is it? Ignihyde, perhaps? Scarabia? Diasomnia?"
"...I don't know what any of those words mean," you admit. "...Where am I?"
Riddle's face goes from rosy pink to ghostly white, his eyes widening.
"...Just one moment, if you please," he says to you, turning and walking to the head of his group, where Deuce Spade is gathering even more teenage boys. Riddle whispers something, and the "vice housewarden" (whatever that means) nods. The raging sea of hormones ebbs, leaving the dark, stone room.
The red-haired one, the one who thought he had recognized you, Ace, gives you a lasting look before they're gone.
Riddle then approaches another ensemble, this one headed by a white-haired boy. The Housewarden whispers something, and he nods, pushing his glasses up his nose.
That ensemble, too, leaves, and suddenly, the two boys are at your sides, and you're walking.
"Perhaps we should take them to someone sensible, first," Riddle says, speaking to the other as if you weren't there. "Perhaps Professor Trein?"
"I don't see why we should. We'll only be wasting time,"
"I'm not sure I'd like to bring this to the Headmage, Azul,"
"My, my," he (Azul?) smirks. "Look who's bending the rules now."
Riddle glares. "I'm doing nothing of the sort. I am simply being logical. You do realize this must be a practical joke, yes? Royal Sword Academy-"
"RSA wouldn't do this," Azul interrupts. "Their idea of a prank isn't reenacting the strangest thing to ever..."
He pauses, looking away for a moment. And then: "But, yes. The odds of this are quite low,"
"Perhaps Shroud should look at them,"
"Perhaps so. But whatever we do, we mustn't tell-"
They stop, and you stop with them, in front of a pair of tall wooden doors.
Riddle sighs. "I must return to my dorm. It's tradition that I see to the celebration,"
Some anxious creature that had made a home for itself within you claws at your chest and cries, no, don't go, I don't know what I'm doing!
"Then, by all means," Azul says. "I don't exactly trust Jade and Floyd with the first-years, but I find this is a dire matter."
"Yes, indeed,"
Still, Riddle seems reluctant to leave, lingering at your side for a few seconds longer before parting, the sound of heels clicking against stone.
Azul turns to you. "What's your name?"
You tell him. He smiles brightly. "Oh, a pleasure. I am Azul Ashengrotto. Welcome to Night Raven College,"
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"I see,"
That's all he says. After your explanation, your name, your country of origin, your age, your gender, and your complete recount of the events that led you here, that's all the Headmage has to say.
"If I may, Headmage," Azul says, still at your side. "This is certainly not the strangest thing to happen at this school."
"Yes, yes, I'm well aware of that, thank you," the man says, waving a clawed hand at the boy. "But twice in two years... now, how will I ever explain this? Especially after last year's... er... incidents, our prestigious academy has suffered! Its reputation, wounded!"
Azul's bright smile seems to fade a little. "Do you truly think that's the most important thing to be considering right now?"
The Headmage, who you still had not been introduced to, scowls. "Of course not. There is the matter of lodging, food, clothing- I shudder to imagine the burden on the school's budget!"
Azul sighs. The Headmage's words of woe sit on your shoulders. Twice in two years?
"Ahem. Where will they be staying, then?" the boy asks. "I doubt if... er, the spare dorm is a wise choice. So suddenly..."
"Ah... I hadn't even considered... ahem," he drums his clawed fingers against the desk. "...Yes, yes. Ashengrotto, would it disagree with you to speak with Housewarden Vanrouge and Vice Housewarden Zigvolt? They may be more... er, sympathetic to the cause."
Azul hums. "Not a terrible idea. Of course, I would offer Octavinelle for the night, but I doubt they have anything to offer me in return... yes. I'll be back in a moment's time,"
He leaves you in the office, darkened by night and consumed by dread and the sound of claws on wood.
The Headmage is still, studying you from the depths of his mask. He says nothing.
Then: "Well... I certainly hope you won't be as much of a troublemaker as the last one,"
The doors are suddenly thrown open, slamming against the walls and making the room shudder with their weight. You can't help but jolt, eyes wide.
"Sebek, please, volume. You're scaring them,"
The two strangers standing in the gaping maw of the doorway both look winded, but in different manners: the first, the taller, broader one, is nearly red with exertion, and the second, silver-haired and quieter, is panting.
Azul comes after them. "My apologies. They insisted on coming themselves,"
"Vanrouge, you left your dorm unattended?" the Headmage asks.
"Forgive me, but I thought this was more important," he says. "Is it really...?"
The tall, broad, loud one, Sebek, storms over. He doesn't touch you, but his stare is scrutinizing enough to make you uncomfortable where you stand.
"No," he gives his verdict, and the other's shoulders slump. "It's just as Ashengrotto said. Another one."
Another one of what, you wonder.
He sighs. "Sebek, it-it's alright. It wasn't going to be You,"
There it is again- you. Why does everyone keep saying that?
"Nonetheless, Silver..." Sebek mumbles, an unusually soft and quiet intonation.
"Nonetheless, we have been asked to host them, and so we shall. Our dorm prides itself on hospitality," Silver says. "The Thorn Fairy-"
Azul scoffs, stopping him before he can start. "Welllll, it seems all is well, now. I'll be going. Oh... one more thing. You, stranger-" he smiles right at you. "If you ever need anything... just let me know."
Silver shakes his head, and Sebek huffs. The Headmage only smiles.
"Let's go,"
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You've seen a hundred strange things since yesterday, and you're sure to see a hundred more.
You had woken in a coffin, in a dark room, apparently of a college.
You had slept in a medieval castle, which you walked through a mirror to get to.
Oh, and magic is real. So are mermaids, fairies, and happily ever afters... or something like that.
And now you're here. Sitting on a picnic bench, touched by sunlight and a gentle breeze. It's almost too normal. Or so says the uneasy feeling in your stomach.
"I still don't get it," Deuce sighs. "So, they're from the same world as You, but they're not You."
The two others- Epel and Jack, their respective names almost representative of the strange and unstrange middle ground of this world- look at you.
"Maybe the same thing happened to 'em," Jack offers. "But that still doesn't explain how neither of 'em remembered getting here."
"Neither of who?" you ask, for what feels like the millionth time. And for the millionth time, no one answers.
They exchange awkward glances. They murmur under their breath. But they don't answer.
"...Anyway," Deuce mutters. "Ace has been all weird about it. He won't leave his room. And Riddle's just letting him..."
"Eh, Riddle understands. We all do,"
You drum your fingers against your knee. The uniform that had been fitted for you- made of spare parts, discolored, torn, too short in some places and too long in others- is surprisingly warm.
Epel, smaller but meaner than the others, sits at the end of the bench, arms crossed.
"Everything okay?" Deuce asks. Obviously not. Epel scowls.
"...Listen..." the Heartslabyul vicewarden starts, "This is strange for all of us. But we shouldn't be mean to them just because they're not You."
"Eh?" Epel asks, sitting up straight. "I ain't give an apple-licking hoot 'bout 'em! I'm 'talkin about my new housewarden!"
Deuce and Jack exchange glances, the latter muttering, "can't understand a thing he says since Vil left..."
"Oh... yeah, I forgot about that. Is he really that bad?"
Epel snorts. "Damn freshman waltzes in, brews one fancy poison, and now he thinks he owns the place! Vil woulda never let his attitude get by, I can tell 'ya that much!"
You tilt your head to the side, relieved to have the attention on someone else, for once. Since the oddball group of second-years had adopted you, you hadn't had a moment of peace.
"You sure you're not just bitter about losing out on the position?" Jack asks. "I get that you were Vil's first choice and all, but you lost, fair and square."
"It ain't about the poison! S'about the principle of the thing! Why should I haveta take orders from a first-year!"
Deuce shrugs. "You could still transfer to Savanaclaw, you know,"
"...Maybe not," Jack mutters. "Ever since Ruggie turned down replacing Leona as housewarden, we've been a little... er, unorderly."
"You guys still don't have a housewarden? Didn't you talk about this last year?"
"They don't, and they didn't. It made the first housewarden meeting of the semester a pain for Kalim," a cool, calm voice says from behind you. You jolt. Why does everyone in this school love coming out of nowhere?
Deuce sighs. "Oh, Jamil..." his gaze lowers to the paper bags in hand. "Doing some shopping?"
Jamil hums. "Sparingly. I only wanted to see them,"
His eyes, sharp and cautious, narrow at you. You're really tired of being stared at. Picked apart, dissected, studied, as if everyone is trying to decide if you're real or not...
"It ain't 'nothin to gawk at," Epel says. "They ain't You, can we get back to 'talking about my housewarden? He's running the dorm like it's his own personal palace! His face is all over the place!"
You find yourself strangely thankful for Epel's ire, as Jamil's sharp, critical gaze turns on him.
"You mean Quya? He seems fine. Not much different from Vil,"
Jack rolls his eyes as the two bicker. Deuce tries to step between them, and speak "vice housewarden-to-vice housewarden" with Jamil, which only seems to annoy him more.
"This place is so weird..." you mutter, and Jack snorts. "Huh? What's funny?"
Nothing," he says, almost smiling.
"You just... man, you really sound just like them."
You don't even try to ask what he means by that. You've had enough questions for one day.
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You feel uneasy walking back to Diasomnia.
It makes your stomach twist and turn. You've only been here a day, and you already remember the way back to your temporary home.
"Ahem. If we- I- fail to send you home by the end of the week, we will... er, see about moving you into the spare dorm,"
That's what he- Crowley, the Headmage- had said.
You stop, on your way to the mirror chamber, to look over the grassy hills, the beaten down paths, the dead trees and jagged rocks that decorate the lawn of the aforementioned dorm.
It's old. Decrepit. Falling apart, although you can see different planks of wood boarded over holes in the roof and walls, as if someone had been desperately trying to hold it together.
You can't fathom why anyone, Headmage and students alike, would be so protective over such a building.
There's a light in one of the windows. Soft and yellow and inviting, it's almost calling to you, luring you with its warmth.
Someone lives there already. Is that it?
You have to answer all of your own questions.
You continue walking. This place is strange, and yet familiar, somehow, too. It's as if you'd bookmarked the story at its middle rather than starting at its beginning.
In some ways, you think, this is good.
The students here talk of incidents, injuries, pain and fear that had come and gone before you. You were fortunate enough not to be caught in the storm.
And yet, still, something tells you this is only the eye of the hurricane.
Soon, rain and thunder will be at your door.
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knoxic · 7 months ago
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Teasing and Loving
Eris Vanserra x Reader
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Summary: smut, Eris being a simp, smut, emotional talk, smut
wc: 2,8k
warnings: p in v, unprotected sex, trying for a baby (hinted at), oral (m and f receiving), cum eating, no beta
a/n: technically it was part of the How to be a High Lady series but it works better as a one shot imo
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"Love?" Eris called out to her, pushing her office door far enough to fit his head in, at her nod he let himself in, closing the door behind him. "A letter arrived from Winter." He gently set the letter on her table, away from the other papers scattered around the place.
"Oh, what did they want?" She looked up from the book she was studying, catching the amused grin he tried to hide.
"I don't know, it's for you." He slid the letter closer to her as if to make a point.
"Ah, I'm still getting used to receiving letters like this..." She felt slightly embarrassed but brushed it off, she closed the book carefully and placed it aside before picking up the letter. Eris had made his way around her table and was leaning against it by her side, watching her every move.
"Hello, fellow High Lady! I was hoping we could spend some girl's time together, perhaps while our males discuss some court business, let them handle all the work for a while, now that we are allies, they ought to be friends too. So, what do you say? We could meet here in Winter and I could show you the wonders we have, or, you could show me what Autumn has been hiding all these years, Kal and I have always wanted to visit Autumn, the few hours we get to spend there for the meetings do not do it justice, that I'm sure of.
Eagerly waiting for your response,
Your fellow High Lady, Viviane."
"Viviane is asking if I want to spend some 'girl's time' with her," she giggled, "And I think Kallias finally crowned her High Lady." She showed Eris the letter, pointing to the first and last phrases.
"About time," Eris uttered, "Was starting to think he didn't have it in him."
"Eris." She gave him a pointed look. Sometimes his old self would come up, a natural response, they were both working on it.
"Habit, sorry." He smiled at her, faking innocence but quickly erupted into laughter, making her join him. It was so weird for him not having to insult someone at any opportunity encountered, that when he did, out of nowhere, it was funny.
"You're so stupid." She said, stomach cramping from how hard she was laughing.
"Darling, you marry this stupid, deal with it." Eris sighed, running a hand through his perfect hair trying to compose himself. "So, will you?"
"Yes, it's been way too long since I've had a girl's time." She started searching for some paper so she could write back to Viviane.
"Not to sound insecure or anything but... what exactly do you females do on your 'girl's time'?"
"Just girly things, males and our sex life, you know," she responded nonchalantly, "Last time I had one, one of my friends had even reenacted some scenes..." Eris' face at that moment was something she'd paid to see again. His eyes looked like they'd pop out of his head, his cheeks flushed redder than she'd ever seen before, his mouth was hanging open and he looked like a fish when he trying to talk.
"Relax, Eris! I'm just joking." She laughed, her belly protesting. She saw through watery eyes the moment Eris regained his composure, his smirk gave her a hint that they had a long night ahead.
Two big hands pulled her body up, making her squeal and laugh even harder. Eris picked her up and turned them both so he was now sitting on her chair, his lips kissed her neck while his hands found the ticklish spots around her body.
"You think you can fuck with me and not be punished for it, little witch?" His voice was rough with lust, her laughter died down and turned into soft moans.
"Careful, I might reenact what you'll do next with Viviane..." A hand smacked her cheek, the warm feeling of the scalding fire that ran through his veins made her shiver with goosebumps, the whisper of his slender fingers running up her spine only making her tremble harder. The effect Eris had on her was insane.
"Don't you dare. Not the time to play, love." He bit her shoulder. She nodded, knowing Eris wouldn't actually be mad at her for misbehaving, but he would be stressed, and while he'd never act like his father, an stressed Eris was more sad than anything, and she hated that. He was done being used and beaten, the stress he endured all these centuries was enough to mess with his head so hard that now he could barely bear feeling stressed.
She nodded against his neck, kissing and nuzzling his shoulder. In response, he tugged her closer to him, his fingers finally working on the buttons of her dress, pulling apart and setting her down on her desk to take their clothes off.
When Eris was done unbuttoning his shirt, her hands found his muscular chest, pushing him back, signaling for him to sit. She quickly got down on her knees, Eris purposely slipped the fabric of her dress where her knees would meet the floor, making sure they wouldn't hurt so much. Her fingers worked on the strings of his trousers, when they slipped inside the waistband, Eris lifted his hips for her to slip them out, his briefs following suit, during their undressing, Eris had also taken his boots off.
Her hands danced around his torso and tights, lightly scratching his skin, her fingers followed his happy trail before touching his cock, squeezing him the way he liked while running her hand up and down. His warm fingers caressed her arms, encouraging her to keep the pace.
After he was completely hard, she started licking his tip, running her tongue against the underside, slowly going down and licking the whole expanse of his member. His quiet sights and humming making her skin tingle, leaning away from him she admired her artwork, the way his skin was redder in certain spots, his breath was ragged even with so little action, his eyelids almost fully closed and his hair the same messy hair she saw at home. His vulnerability came with a messy version of Eris that would make anyone question if it was really him, his usually perfect styled hair seemed to have never seen a hairbrush, his enviable posture sometimes slumpy.
"Don't stop..." He whined, his head lolled from one side to another.
Taking pity on him, she brought her mouth back down, taking as much of him as she could, bobbing her head slowly, taking him deeper everytime she went down until her nose was pressed against him.
"Gods... What did I do to deserve you?" Eris mumbled, when she looked up, his eyes were fully closed and his mouth had formed a pleased smile.
Eris wasn't really into blowjobs, at least not like the other males she knew, he'd never refuse it of course, but he wasn't one to ask for it. She never asked and Eris never said anything, but she had an inkling that it might have something to do with his father, the way he viewed and treated females, Eris was bound to have heard and, perhaps, seen some disgusting things.
Her mate's hand gently cradled her head, not moving her, just holding. His hips twitched every time her mouth fully enveloped him, she noticed how much effort he was putting into not thrusting up.
"You can fuck my mouth if you want." Her voice was raspy and breathless when she spoke, immediately going back to sucking on him, paying special attention to his tip. His eyebrows furrowed like he was in pain, mouth opened in a silent moan, the muscular thighs under her finger tensed. Suddenly Eris was pushing her head away and yanking her up into his lap.
"For someone who claims to hate teasing, you're doing it way too well, sweetheart." His hands slipped through her hair until he had a good hold of the back of her head, he pushed her closer to his mouth, just enough that she could touch him if she stuck her tongue out, when she tried to lean in for a kiss, he pulled at her hair. He laughed at her pout and gave a mocking peck to her bottom lip, a mere brush that could never be called a kiss.
"You're mean, you know that?" She pushed at his chest, not exactly trying to push him away, all her strength went to keeping her smile at bay.
"But my love... someone needs to take that seriousness off your pretty face."
"You just say that because you can't be serious around me, I smell envy..." She sniffled jokingly, the only scent that filled her nose was arousal, the musk smell of Eris and the slick coating her thighs.
Eris giggled, throwing his head back, one of his hands left her waist to rest at his abdomen, his body convulsing with soft laughter. None of the males she met before laughed like that, in fact, she wasn't sure if they ever truly laughed. Eris, despite his upbringing, knew how to have a good laugh.
"Oh Gods... I couldn't have asked for a better mate." His  head was still thrown back, if the sight of his body slumped in her chair didn't say anything, his relaxed smile sure did. "Kiss me." The hand that remained on her waist ran up to her cheek, "Kiss me." He repeated, bringing her head closer. "Drown me with the taste of you." Their tongues danced. "Make me forget how to breathe without your hands on me." Her hips lifted enough to take him inside her warm cunt, the feeling making them both groan. "My body is yours, my soul is yours, my heart is yours, take my mind too. My every thought is yours, everything I think is formulated with your face in my mind, everything I plan is thinking of you and us, our future, our family..."
Their heartbeats synchronized, their mouths dancing, the rhythm of her hips rocking their bodies, their chests collided with rapid breaths, hands here and there squeezing and feeling. "Eris–"
"Yes! Yes, yes, please!" His hands went back to her hips, helping her bounce on top of him, her head dropped to his shoulder, nodding.
Eris gasped, as pleasure threatened to push him off the edge, he braced an arm on her waist and lifted himself off her chair, his unoccupied hand pushed the paper off the desk, he'll help reorganize them later. Feeling the kisses she planted on his neck, combined with her sigh of pleasure when he slipped her down his cock, almost made his knees buckle.
He set her down onto the desk, curving an arm under her head, giving her time to adjust to the new position before he started to thrust, his forehead resting on hers, their breaths fanning each others faces.
Her hands ran the whole expanse of Eris' back, encouraging him to thrust into her, each snap of his hip against hers threatening to push her off the desk, the arm he slung under her head being the only thing keeping her from doing so. The intensity of having sex with Eris never failed to amaze her, she wasn't sure if it was because he was her mate, or if it was really just in his nature to be intense, probably both. Due his accidental edging, Eris already felt close to cuming, the fact that she kept squeezing him didn't help, he was sure she was doing it on purpose, brat, he really taught her well. He couldn't stop his hips from stuttering so he just stopped, resting his cock fully inside her, his head dropping to her chest to suck on her perky nipples, trying to pretend it was all in purpose, unfortunately for him, it didn't foul her. Her soft giggles filled his ears, both her hands moving to his head, running her fingers through his wild red hair.
"Have I already told you I love your messy hair?"
Eris pulled back from her breast to look at her, a expressionof shock on his face before a breath burst out of him, "My hair is not messy, love." He answered while giggling, thinking she was joking. She only rolled her eyes in response, moving her hips against his, Eris' mouth feel open, his eyes slammed shut.
"Close already?" She smiled up at him, knowing too well the effect she had on him. Her legs moved so she had a firm grip of him, now being able to move her hips better, squeezing his cock whenever he was pushed deep inside her.
"Keep doing that–" His words were cut off by a groan, "And I'll cum before you." Eris' whole body trembled.
"It's okay." She pulled his head closer to hers, nuzzling his nose before initiating a kiss. She doubled her efforts to make him cum, moving her hips harder and faster, licking into his mouth like an starved female.
Eris groaned, his body tensed, his knees buckled, his arms gave up and he fell fully against her, she could feel his thighs shaking and a hot liquid filling her cunt. She felt every spurt of cum, his cock throbbing, the way that even when he was finished he was still hard. As soon as he regained control of his legs, he trusted slowly into her, pushing his cum as deep as he could.
When he came down from his high, Eris pulled back from her mouth, not once had she stopped kissing him, his eyes roamed through her beautiful body, his hands squeezing her breasts and stomach, sliding down until his thumb met her clit, rubbing lazy circles on her, just enough to feel good.
Eris slid his cock off of her slowly, catching the small spurt of cum that came out and pushing it back inside her. After meeting her gaze one last time, he fell to his knees, his mouth placing gentle kisses and nibbles on her plump thighs.
His nose brushed her clit, their scents mingled together filled his nose, his tongue licked her slit like the starved male he was, slurping his own release mixed with her wetness. Her moans drew him insane, she was a quiet female so to know she made those beautiful noises because of him, was maddening. Her hands brushed his hair out of his face, careful fingers touching his pointed ear, making it twitch involuntarily. She felt more than heard her mate's groan, the vibration directly on her clit pushed her off the edge she didn't even know she was treading. Eris didn't stop, the pleasure building up inside her as if she never reached her release at all. His slender fingers pushing through her throbbing slit, curling into a spot inside her that made her see stars, after years of experience, Eris could definitely bring her orgasm after orgasm if he wanted to, and that's what he did. Pushing his fingers as deep as they'd go and pulling them out before she could slip off again, he played with her until he was sure she was too deep in pleasure to hold it back.
When he was done, she could barely feel her own body, still tingling with pleasure and her mind too fogged up. She felt warmth and his scent enveloped her, her cheek pressed into something hard, his heartbeat helped bring her back to herself. Eris' hand brushed her locks behind her ear, caressing her hair mindlessly, he planted kisses where he could reach, head, forehead, eyes, nose, until she stared back at him, eyes still shining as she smiled.
"That was good." She said, voice barely a whisper. Eris hummed in response, smiling back.
He helped her into his shirt, knowing she was too sensitive to wear her dress again. After that they went back to their chambers, still holding one another as they went. All the servants had gone to bed by now, so no one saw their half dressed High Lord and Lady walking through the corridors.
"Are you too tired for a bath?" Eris asked agaisnt her neck, never one to stay away from his mate. "Hungry? I can go make us something." He brushed her jawline with his nose, arms tightly holding her against him.
"Not too tired, and kind of hungry but I'd rather have you here with me." She answered with her eyes closed, bathing in the affection he poured on her.
"I'll draw us a bath, and then we'll go eat something." It was natural for them, so many times had Eris gone to visit her in the middle of the night with an empty stomach, right after finishing all of his work for the day. It only got worse when he became High Lord, so many things to be fixed that the only moment they got to themselves was at night, when Prythian was asleep.
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Taglist: @callsigns-haze , @lilah-asteria , @mybestfriendmademe , @coldmermaidhologram , @rcarbo1 , @andreperez11 , @st4r-girl-official , @tenshis-cake , @pirana10 , @esposadomd lmk if you want to be added/removed
A/n²: I accidentally wrote "you can duck my mouth if you want"... and when I read it midway through the smut it was... cringe, I stopped writing. had to go feed the ducks
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eupheme · 2 months ago
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— the season for second third fourth chances
[part v of sugar, sugar] | [masterlist]
wolverine/logan howlett x neighbor!f!reader
rated e - 4.5k
tags: holiday fluff, reader references/celebrates christmas, misunderstandings, light angst, references to canon-typical anxiety, violence, wade's cancer diagnosis, and death, references plot events in DP 1 & 2, sexual innuendos/implied smut, feelings
With the holidays on the horizon, your afternoons are filled with preparations for Wade’s annual holiday party. With baking and cookie decorating, finishing up wrapping presents - and maybe even a little Christmas miracle, when you find yourself running into a familiar face.
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It slips from you, as your eyebrows shoot up - glancing down at the piece of cardstock. Before you're adding -
Wade huffs, his finger tapping against the text that loops across the top.
"Don't give me that, Sugar. I spent ages picking out the right font, I know the contrast is enough for you to read it clearly."
And he's right. You can definitely read it, even without the coarse coat of glitter making the headline sparkle.
‘Spread Some Christmas Cheer’
The letters arching above a photo of Wade. His suit on, of course, as he lounges across the lap of what appears to be a mall Santa. Dread in the man’s once-twinkling blue eyes, as one of Wade’s legs drapes across the velvet red suit, the other kicked high against the back of the padded red chair.
‘With Wade Wilson's Winter Wonderland’ in script beneath - with dates and time for his party listed below.
"I can definitely read it," You acknowledge, "I was just asking what, as in what made you take this, and maybe even where, because-"
"Oh," He chuckles, "Yeah, I'm absolutely banned from JCPenney, but worth it, right? This is my best-looking card yet."
You can't help the smile, "It's definitely something."
He grins, "So, you'll come? I heard there might be a certain someone there."
"Is that right?" Your tongue pokes against your cheek.
"Mhmm. Pretty sure he sees you when you're sleeping. Definitely know if you've been naughty or nice, and I know for a fact I've seen you in his lap-"
There's a sound of disgust, as your nose wrinkles, "Okay, can you not talk about Logan that way? I don't need a Santa comparison in my head."
"Just thought I'd spice some things up for you. It's nothing to be ashamed of, we've all had a crush on the big man."
"On who?" There's a rough voice behind you - Logan hand fisted around the fleece jacket tugged from the back of the armchair.
"He knows what I'm talking about," Wade points, "I'm just saying, if Santa needs help handling that sack of his, I'm so fucking down."
"Jesus fucking Christ." An arm curls around you, as Logan glances at the invite, "Wait, this is this weekend?"
"Yes, this weekend," Wade sniffs, "We talked about it yesterday."
"Wasn't home yesterday." Logan's eyebrow cocks, "Or the day before."
"Well, I talked about it with somebody." Wade shrugs - another tapped finger at the bottom of the card, "Anyways, blah, blah, blah. It’s all here, proper name, place name, backstory stuff... just be there, because I know where you live-"
"We'll be there." You interrupt, biting back your smile, "Want me to bring anything?"
Wade's look turns pleased, and then thoughtful, "Well, I was going to get some cookies from Yeastie Boys Bakery..."
The words trailing off, as you groan - already so over the new bakery in town, their stupid jingle and 'viral' cupcakes that taste like shit.
"Don't even talk to me about them."
You can feel the way Logan's hands brace on your shoulder. The low, "he's kidding sweetheart-" rumbled in your ear.
"Guilty." Wade's hands spread wide, "Was just trying to rile you up into offering some of your own splendid wares. Al still talks about the ones you brought over last year. If it’s not too much work…"
The sentence trails off, as he bats his brown, pleading, puppy-dog eyes at you.
"Lead with that next time, asshole." Logan sighs.
"It's not." You answer automatically, though you're already mentally running through your schedule.
The presents you still have to wrap. The loose ends of Wade's gift that you still have to weave in. Another trip to the grocery store, for certain - you'll have to bake at home, since it's a favor.
There's a kiss pressed to your temple, as Logan moves around you.
"I know that look. Don't push too hard, honey." He finishes shrugging on his jacket, "I’ll see if Laura and I can help you out tomorrow."
Wade's voice chiming in, “And let it be known I am formally offering to help, but-”
You huff, “Thank you, but you’re still banned from my kitchen, Wade.”
Still not over the surprise of your gingerbread appearing with piped anatomically correct additions, after you had left him unsupervised last year.
The kiss goodbye you share with Logan lingers, a grateful press of your mouth against his. Wondering what you did to deserve such a man, still ready to pinch yourself every day.
A look in his eyes that matches yours, as he steps around Wade, who still lingers.
"Thanks, Sugar." He grins, "And remember - you better be good for goodness sake-"
You groan, as you shove him out the door. Logan's fingers curling around the collar of Wade’s jacket, the other tugging at the handle.
Unable to help adding your usual farewell, “Be careful out there, okay? Come back safe.”
Not that they need it, not with their powers. But it still feels like a charm, tucked carefully into their pockets as they head out together again - off on a new mission.
"I’ll take care of your Sugar Bear.” It's sung out, muffled behind the closed door. “Love you byeee!"
A sigh, as you shake your head.
Guess you have some work to do.
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Your pen marks another item off your list, as you inch your cart through the too-busy grocery store.
It’s already half-filled with other last-minute items. Another couple gifts, now that official date of the party looms on the horizon - you can’t leave Peter, Ellie, and Yukio out, after all.
A new decorative Christmas plate for the cookies - you had lost yours in the impromptu disc golf match that Wade hosted at the apartment last year.
Last you heard, it was still on the roof next door.
Molasses, brown sugar, and spices for gingerbread. A fresh box of food coloring, for the sugar cookies - you were out of red, from last year as well.
A pack of powdered sugar drops down into your cart. Reaching for a second, just as another hand bumps against yours.
Twin apologies chime, as your eyes flick to the side.
Instantly recognizing the woman next to you - the sheepish look on your face cooling.
“Oh.” Her eyes widen in recognition, “Hey.”
“Hi, Vanessa.” You offer a half-smile - the last dregs of your annoyance with Wade vanishing, as you rest the second bag on top of the other.
A beat, before you manage, “How are you?”
“Good. Office party,” She wiggles her own bag, before it slips into the basket at her elbow, “You?”
“Um, I’m good, too.” You shrug, “And no, uh… friend’s party.”
Wade seemed mostly over the disaster that happened close to two months ago. More prone to forgiving and forgetting - gracious, in a way that you could be, when you wanted. That you were, most of the time.
After all, it was easier, to let something slide off your back when it came to a personal grudge. You could be an adult and move on, then.
But it was still hard to forget how crushed Wade had been. How you knew that she knew he had been cooking for her the night she stood him up- a drunken confession that he had seen the notification that she had watched the stories he had snapped for his social media stories.
And even if he was over it, you weren’t sure you were.
“Wade’s party?” She guesses, and it makes you blink.
Wondering when and how she had been invited. As far as you knew, her name hadn’t passed his lips in weeks.
“Yeah.” Your eyes search hers - the tightness in them, how she bites the inside of her cheek, “Are… you?”
“Undecided,” Her lips lift. A breath, before she’s asking, “How’s he been lately? Is he…”
You can’t help the small frown, a mark deepening between your brows, “He’s good.”
A half-truth, before you tack a little more on, “Sure he’s appreciating the extra space. Fixed Al up with a Murphy bed, and Logan’s been staying with me a lot lately.”
“Oh. I thought-” Vanessa’s sentence trails off.
She looks lost for a moment. A glance downward, picking at the manicured edge of a nail.
You haven’t seen her like this before. Too used to her confidence, those sharp edges that you lack.
Pity flickers through you.
“I really have to go. If I don’t start these soon, I’ll be up all night.”
It comes out apologetic - and you realize, you actually mean it, “But why don’t you swing by my apartment in a bit? I’m gonna be baking all afternoon, but I make a mean boozy hot chocolate.”
The look she gives you is tinged with relief.
It’s enough to make you wonder what you’re missing.
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“Wait, what?” You yelp - for the second time, in forty-eight hours.
There’s a smudge of flour on your sweater. Holiday music pouring through the speaker on your counter. Vanessa carefully inching the gingerbread cutouts an inch apart.
A shoulder lifting, as she repeats herself, “I said I thought he moved on. With you.”
Not knowing, with the way she had come late to the party where you had met Logan. Left early, with her new corporate schedule.
You almost over-pour the ground cinnamon into the second batch. Tipping it back into the jar, as you let the spoon clatter against the counter. Her head tilts, at your expression.
“You haven’t thought about it? I know you’re both close.”
In another world, perhaps.
Another life - one where you hadn’t met Logan when you did. Hadn’t spent months cheering Wade on, those once barely-there flickers of interest fading to something solidly platonic some time ago.
Your head shakes, the words coming slowly, “It’s always been you, Vanessa. Everyone knows that.”
The corner of her lips lift. Fingernails tapping against the aluminum pan.
“I thought so, too.”
You frown, “Is that why didn’t you show? When he asked you over for dinner?”
Vanessa laughs then, rueful.
“The dinner.” Her eyes flick away, going back to a memory - a beat, before the snap to yours, “Yeah. I wanted to go. I uh, just split with Dermot. From work.”
You nod, remembering - overhearing the conversation at Wade’s birthday.
“He wanted me to move in. Said he saw a future with me, but when it came down to taking that step…” Her lips press together, the lift of a shoulder, “I’ve never seen myself with anyone else. Only him.”
Only Wade.
“But… then I saw you with him. The stories he posted. The two of you cooking, dressed up like a date.” It comes in a rush, “I thought, incorrectly, apparently-”
“He was cooking for you.” There’s a furrow in your brow, trying to piece together the way she saw it.
The sundress you wore for Logan. The captions that tipped towards lewd that you had tried to get him to delete - jokes about “getting lucky”, or the chicken not the only thing “being stuffed tonight”.
She nods, “I’m getting that now.”
“I think you still should have gone.” It’s starting to make sense, but you can’t help the reproach in your tone, ”He was devastated.”
The look she shoots you is defensive. Vanessa had always carried an intensity you lacked, and you take the full brunt of it now. Your fingers curl into fists for strength, not letting your gaze drop first. A beat, before she nods.
“I guess it’s just become easier to run.” Vanessa admits, “Defense mechanism. Get out first. Ironic, I know.”
You frown, not knowing, “Has that… has that happened before?”
“Which time?” Her laugh is close to a scoff, as she sighs.
Your eyes drop now, as you go back to your work. Back to measuring, tipping the spices into your mixer. The words coming slowly.
”He hasn’t told me a lot. Just a bit about last time. About…” You search for the words, feeling guilty. “About him not doing enough. That you wanted him to do something meaningful, and then the stuff with the Avengers, and…”
The words die, when you see her face.
Sorrow and anger, with the sharp shake of her head, “I never gave a damn about the Avengers. That was all Wade.”
A sigh, as she collects herself.
“I just wanted him to find his passion again. He changed… a few years ago. Something happened, a really close call. He fixed it, but he wasn’t the same after.”
A breath, before she adding, “He took it hard. Guilt, I think. All I really wanted was for him to talk to me. To let me help him, but he never let me in because he didn’t want me getting hurt again. He shut down, and stopped talking to me.”
The mixer hums. A beep of your timer, as the minutes tick down.
“You know Wade. Always has a joke ready. Never wants to get serious if he can help it. It’s stupid, but we... drifted.” Vanessa’s throat bobs as she swallows, “I was dealing with my own shit, and when he pushed me away, it reminded me of last time.”
She catches your expression again, as the dough tips out of the bowl. The furrow of your brow, as you swap it for a chilled portion in your fridge.
“It’s been a recurring theme,” It comes out blunt.
Her look turning considering, then, when the frown doesn't waver.
“Do you love Logan?”
The rolling pin slips in your grip. Pressing too hard, denting dough.
“I-,” You breathe. The question unexpected, leaving you wholly unprepared, even as your heart beats out the answer.
Her expression softens, “You care about him.”
You nod mutely.
“What would you do, if Logan just - disappeared? No trace of him, just gone in the night?”
Her question hangs. A physical ache in your chest at the mere thought, one that leaves you unable to breathe. Pieces starting to click together - little bits of what you know, forming some sort of photo.
“Is that what Wade did?”
She nods, “It was right after his cancer diagnosis. He was going through a lot, and just - left. For years. I thought… I thought he had died. I mourned him. It crushed me.”
You can’t help but reach across the table - hesitant, in the way you squeeze her arm.
She lets you, a look shot your way. Defending him, unable to help it.
“I get it, though. I get that it was a lot. I’ve forgiven him. But…” Her teeth pinch at her cheek, that guilt coming back, “When he started pulling away, I thought it was happening again. I couldn’t live through that again.”
You finish for her, “So you left first.”
She nods.
Silence lingers. Nails tapping on the countertop, fiddling with the silver rings on her fingers. The heat of the oven curling across your arms, as you swap one tray for another. Setting it aside to cool.
“You should go talk to him.” Your voice cracks through the quiet, when you turn - hands bracing against the counter.
Her eyebrows raise, “And say what?”
”Tell him what you told me. That you were just scared.” Your voice softens, “He invited you to his party because he still *wants* you in his life.”
She blinks, silent.
“I’ll help you,” You coax, “Logan’s already coming over tonight.”
Your eyes flick down to your phone, checking, ”Uh, really soon, actually. I’ll go next door with you, and bring Althea back with me. Give you two some time to catch up.”
Vanessa’s fingers cards through her hair - pushing back the long strands, the words coming slowly, “I don’t know…”
“Wade is crazy about you.” It comes out bluntly, and it’s this that pulls her attention.
You’re already swiping a container off the counter. Filling the bottom with sugar cookies baked this morning - cut into trees and mittens, decorated with buttercream and sprinkles.
The lid snaps on, as you hold it out to her.
“Trust me?”
Her eyes meet yours, and you can see the swirl of emotions across her face.
You smile and finally - she nods.
She follows a step behind, as you leave the apartment. The hallway chilly, the entrance bringing in a dusting of snow across the carpet, with the revolving holiday traffic.
The closing front door downstairs echoes with your own, as you head the next apartment over. Knuckles rapping against the wood, fingers mentally crossed.
A voice ringing out, muffled, “If you’re part of Rudolph and the Red-Hot Reindeers, you’re a day early-”
Opening to reveal Wade, dressed down in a shirt and sweatpants with his Deadpool logo patterned across them.
“Oh, hey Sugar.” He smiles, “What’s up?”
“Well,” You stall for a second, trying to figure out what exactly to say, “Is Althea home? Was wondering if she could help me with something.”
Wade chuckles.
“Fat fucking chance, she’s two episodes into the Golden Bachelor right now and she’s sure as hell not moving-” The words die out as Vanessa moves into view, the container in hand.
He goes silent, for the first time you can remember.
“I have the same streaming apps as you, I’m sure I can convince her.” Your shift - a hand touching at her shoulder, urging her forward, “And maybe you could do me a favor, too. Taste test these for tomorrow?”
For a moment, you think he doesn’t hear you. His eyes lingering on Vanessa, his face bleeding from surprise to confusion to hope, as he takes her in.
“Yeah.” He manages after a long moment - clearing his throat.
“Yeah. I’d love to.”
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It doesn’t take much convincing, not with the way Al enjoys a cup of piping hot tea as much as you do - along with the promise she can watch her beloved show in peace. Almost giddy in the way she makes for the door, cane in hand and Dogpool tucked in the crook of her other arm.
The door just shutting behind you before she’s hissing, “What in God’s name was that?”
You shush her, eyes flicking back towards the apartment. Almost jumping out of your skin when it’s followed by another voice, this one pitched low.
“Seconded. Busy afternoon?”
Logan leans against the wall, Laura expression clear with the pull of her brows. Thirded.
“Something like that.” You herd them inside your apartment, before they can be overheard - not that Wade was listening, you’re sure.
The door is barely shut, before they’re rounding on you. Your own hands on your hips - a nod directing them towards the kitchen table, laden with bare gingerbread cookies.
Al tucked in the armchair, spun around the face the bustle of the kitchen, her show long forgotten.
“You’re stalling.” Laura points out bluntly, as you hand her the bag of icing.
Your tongue tucked against your teeth, as you shoot Logan a look. His eyebrows raised in response, eyes sliding over to the brick wall that separates your apartment from Wade.
“I’m not,” The word strings out, “It’s just, like, it’s not a big deal, right?”
She scoffs.
Althea’s cane taps the ground, “Something happened, and you’d better spill.”
“Alright,” Your fingers spread in front of you, “I ran into Vanessa at the store today. And we got to talking, and I invited her back here. I think she regrets what happened between them.”
There’s a snort of derision, and you can feel yourself starting to bristle.
“We all have our opinions, myself included-” You allow, as another noise interrupts you - lower and more gruff this time. You spin, shooting Logan another look.
“But I think she was genuine. I’ve certainly had my fair share of… miscommunications,” His expressions softens at your words, the corner of his lips curling as you shift to face Al.
“And I got some really good advice once from someone. Something about ‘talking about it’, and that’s what I encouraged her to do.”
“Hope you’re right,” Al sighs- but there’s a smile there, hidden in the way her lips press together, “That boy is more sensitive than my left tit in a snowstorm.”
“Jesus.” It’s muttered, at your shoulder. Logan’s head shaking as he joins Laura, the hint of a smirk as she works on piping a set of angry eyebrows.
Your eyes roll, “I am.”
Spinning back to face the table, as you grab your own bag of frosting.
“After all, it’s Christmas,” You can’t help but throw her way, from over your shoulder.
“And isn’t that the best time for a miracle?”
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Logan’s arms wrap around you later, as you snap the last lid in place. Finally done with your last-minute idea - decorating each of the gingerbread to look like your friends.
Laura slipping out a few minutes ago, intent on staying until the end. Just as determined as Logan to see things through, even though you tried to get her to leave a few times - worried about the weather, the long drive back to the mansion.
The slight smile as her eyes rolled - with your affection towards her, you forget how impervious she is.
Althea long asleep in the couch, the quilt Logan’s borrowed so many nights before tucked around her. Ambient holiday music still pouring through the speaker, your attempt to drown out the enthusiastic reunion taking place next door.
Can’t bring yourself to mind. More relieved than anything.
And you deserve it, you suppose.
“You did a good thing.” It’s murmured into your hair, as you finally relax into him.
Arms curling beneath his, wrapping around his broad back to embrace him. You hum with contentment as his lips brush your temple.
“Don’t know if I can manage a miracle,” His lips curve when you lean back, eyes flicking up to meet his, “But if there anything else you might want for Christmas?”
Your teeth sink into your lip, as you grin.
The answer is easy, as your face tips towards his.
“Just want more time with you.”
Logan huffs, as his hand dips down. Cupping soft flesh, kneading - as he tugs you the rest of the way. A grin, just before his mouth presses against yours.
“Mm. Hope you don’t mind celebrating a little early, then.”
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Red and green have exploded in the apartment next door - the flamingo lights that spill from the kitchen replaced with blinking bulbs. A tree that you’re truly unsure how it fit through the door, much less the narrow hallway, tucked in the corner.
You and Logan had helped decorate it earlier in the month - Wade directing from the couch, as the two of you and Althea arranged the ornaments. A ninja star zip-tied to the top, but with the lights turned low, and the swirl of snow coming down outside - it’s cozy.
It’s familiar - faces you’ve come to know well, known to love, fill the space. The cookies are a hit, sweet exclamations as they find the ones that represent them. Woolen and knitted sweaters, bodies tucked together on a hodgepodge of surfaces.
And perhaps, you do end up on Logan’s lap. His thighs spread wide in an armchair Wade found on the curb, out of place against the brick walls and industrial windows with its floral pattern.
Your eyes meeting Wade’s from across the living room, anticipating the tease.
But he only smiles back.
Something soft - an arm slung around Vanessa’s shoulder. The ‘white elephant in the room’, as he had cheekily alluded to it, addressed with a carefully placed piece of mistletoe.
Side-eyes and stunned silence easing into smiles, when you all saw the way they looked at each other.
And when he corners you to tell you thank you, you know the bone-crushing hug is not just for the handmade red-and-black beanie and scarf that you had gotten up early to finish for him.
The rest of your gifts don’t quite reach the same level, but you’re pleased all the same. Laura’s smile shy as she tries on the Docs you caught her eyeing, ankle twisting as her eyes dip down.
Logan’s arm tightening around your waist when you hand him the wrapped package. His eyes lingering on yours until the paper is loosened, a pleased hum when he sees the lined leather jacket you picked out for him.
“Your first winter with us in New York,” You smile, “Can’t have you catching cold.”
Something to keep in warm, when he tinkers on the bike stashed in the basement. To protect him, when he’s not in his suit. Better than that the faded fleece he’s lifted from Wade’s closet.
And even though you’d been fairly certain he’d given you your gift last night - and again this morning - there’s still a pretty card tucked into your palm. A piece of paper folded inside, next to sentiments that made heat rise to your cheeks.
A photo printed out - a cozy little cabin, the roof lined with snow. Framed with a thick ring of woods and surrounded by wilderness. The reservation dates and details marked out in the text below.
“A vacation?” You can’t remember the last time you’ve been away. Excitement surging at the thought of spending a week tucked away with your boyfriend, “For us?”
“Yeah, sweetheart.” Logan husks, “Found a nice little place up north. Just you and me.”
His fingers flex against your waist, his face tipping up to yours, “Would you like that?”
“I’d love that.” You smile.
You love him.
You’re certain of that - a name for that warm weight in your chest that’s been there for weeks. Since the beginning really, coming to a full flourish with the conversation the day before.
Maybe with the turn of the new year, you’ll pluck up enough courage to tell him.
For now, you beam at him. Pressing yourself close - entwining fingers that squeeze. Hoping he can read the soft look you give him, the words murmured out, in the little bubble you’ve found yourselves in.
“Merry Christmas, Logan.”
His thumb brushes your cheek, before he tugs you down to meet him.
“Merry Christmas, Sugar.”
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after part iii, i could not leave our bff wade with a sad ending!!! 💖 for a little bit early on i toyed with the idea of making this series a poly one (before come on and show me) hence a couple little references throughout (and the reason to keep the breakup in the first place) (which I still have beef with in the movie, BUT I did my best). thank you for checking out this series, it might be one of my favorite things I’ve had the pleasure to work on and seeing the love on it has been so amazing 💕
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wqlfstqr · 15 days ago
◟𖥻 the smell of snow : remus lupin
▰▰ pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader.
When she suddenly gets a familiar smell while sleeping, she wakes Remus to enjoy the first day of snow.
totally inspired by lorelai and luke from gilmore girls, this scene especifically.
mari talks! i want to make a lorelai!reader x remus series so bad help me.
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She has become used to falling asleep on Remus' bed, the only moment of the day where her energy starts lacking is when the moon hangs high in the sky and her boyfriend's arms wrap around her. In contrast to her usually cheerful way to be, she's peaceful and quiet when she's sleeping.
Ninety nine percent of the time, anyways, because that one percent is about to make its first appearance of the year.
At first, she only takes a deep breath as she rolls around in the mattress. But then, realization hits her— the air smells different. Her eyes immediately open and she starts sniffing, wanting to be sure before she turns to Remus.
He's peacefully sleeping too, at least until she rolls on top of him and starts shaking his arm. "Rem." she calls him, at least somewhat softly through her sudden desperation. "Come on, wake up."
He grunts and tries to roll from under her, still deep in his slumber. "Rem, we're missing it." she tries again, this time shaking his shoulder with a little more strength
"Sleep? yes, i'm aware." he mumbles, his voice rough and tired.
He makes a big mistake by replying to her, because she only grows even more relentless, now she stands up and pulls her boyfriend's arm. Remus might be stronger than her usually, but right now she's on a mission.
One last tug, and he's almost falling out of the bed, his eyes finally opening because he's accepted his girlfriend is not going to stop until she gets whatever she wants right now. Accepting his fate, he finally stands from the bed, once again almost falling since the sheets were all tangled in his legs.
He barely manages to put on his shoes before she's dragging him out of the room, as they pass his fellow marauders, he's a little envious of the way they're still peacefully sleeping.
"Where are we going?" he mumbles, slurring his words, his feet stumbling over the stairs.
Her lack of answer would be concerning for Remus if he wasn't half-asleep and busy mumbling grumpily under his breath. Yet, he still follows her or more like allows her to drag him out of the gryffindor tower.
Thankfully, it's far too late for any professor to be patrolling around the halls so they walk through the castle without any problem except for the angry paintings complaining about being awaken. Remus can understand them completely.
"Almost there." she tells him, finally speaking as she runs out of the castle, pulling him with her into the quidditch field.
Remus must still be sleeping, or he's simply confused, because she suddenly stops and looks around in wonder but he can't see anything different about the quidditch field. He even blinks and rubs his eyes, but there’s nothing.
"I'm freezing" he says, wrapping his free arm around his body, how is she not feeling cold? she didn’t even took the time to put on a jumper. "why are we out here?"
"Smell the air." she tells him suddenly, taking a deep breath herself and smiling brightly.
Remus blinks at her, confused, but he still sniffs skeptically. "smells like... air?"
"No, silly!" She laughs, as if Remus just told her a really good joke. "Smells like snow is coming."
Yes, his girlfriend has gone mad. He expected he would have a long time before he had to get her admitted into St. Mungo's. Was it the ball Sirius threw at her head yesterday? Godric, Remus had told them both it wasn't safe to be playing like that, and did they listen to him? of course not.
"What? You can't possibly know that" he tells her, already making up his mind to go and wake Sirius up so he would see the damage he has done. "Forecast said there would not be snow this winter."
"I smell snow." she tells him again, looking up at the sky as if she's actually expecting snow to start falling. And then, the rambling starts. "I love snow, we can make a snow-man or even better a snow-woman! with painted lips and a cute scarf. I love snowy days in with a cup of hot cocoa, and I love winter outfits! oh, we can go sledding and ice skating!"
As grumpy as Remus is, she always finds a way to ease into him. Of course she does. "That sounds great, sweetheart." he replies, not daring to tell her that he hates snow. "But there’s no snow coming, in the Daily Prophet they said—"
Remus' sentence is cut short when snow actually starts falling, flakes falling from the sky slowly covering the quidditch field. "Fuck the Daily Prophet anyways." he says.
it's not like she's paying him any attention, because she's already smiling and giggling as the snow fall all around them. "Welcome, friends." She mumbles, tilting her head back so the snowflakes fall into her face.
Remus is freezing, like already trembling, but she doesn’t look bothered by the cold at all. And she looks beautiful, that one Remus has to admit. She looks so happy, her smile almost glowing under the dark of the night as she spins around the quidditch field.
"Let's make snow angels!" And that's what pulls Remus out of his trance, before she can drop to the ground, he takes her hand and pulls her in.
He raises his eyebrow at her. "Absolutely not. You're in your pyjamas, time to go inside." He tells her, matter of factly, his serious gaze not even wavering when she gives him a puppy eye look in return— yes, she's cute, but Remus cares more about her safety right now.
"You're no fun, Rem." She pouts at him when she knows he won't budge, but just like the way she brought him here, she allows him to pull her inside the castle.
Now she has started shivering, and Remus notices as he pulls her close to his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm, which is not very useful considering he's also cold.
He presses a kiss against her temple as they walk through the hallways, once again bothering the paintings around them. "We have a full snow day tomorrow, when we're properly dressed up for the cold, deal?"
She nods, and with the way the smile goes back to her face, Remus thinks that maybe he doesn’t hate the snow that much after all.
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romeosharpae · 2 years ago
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theodore nott x reader
(Yes after one year I'm back with toxic Theodore Nott). You don't have to read part one..
Warnings; Possessive behavior, manipulation, toxic relationships, mentions of obsession, mature sex scenes, unprotected sex, rough sex, swearing, smoking, degradation (Not a lot), theodore nott × female feader, toxic! theodore nott
parts: 1,
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There was something in the air this morning, a soothing feeling that made you a little more peppy. So as you skipped to the great hall, books clutched tightly to your chest, a small smile couldn’t help but to be on your lips.
It was the winter — your favorite season, so perhaps that was the reason for your sudden happiness this morning. You’d even wore a little grin through transfiguration, your least favorite class at Hogwarts.
But you were a happy girl generally, nice to everyone who crossed your path. You helped little first years avoid experiencing the wrath of Draco Malfoy. You also helped professors (For sure not Mcgonagal) help clean up after compliance lessons.
That’s just who you are.
“You look pretty today,” Is what Hermione Granger, your best friend, greets you with as you took a seat aside her. No you weren’t a Gryffindor — but you often found yourself sitting at the orange and red more than your own.
“Yeah, I like what you’ve done to your hair.” Harry Potter lowly added in with a sly smile, and you simply reflected it. Ron Weasley, who was aside Hermione let out a little snort in response to his best friend’s attempt to flirt.
Harry Potter – the boy who lived, the boy who everyone without any sort of spite or jealousy in their body adores. Sometimes you even found yourself admiring him — considering him as a form of replacement from your last fling.
“Thank you both,” You giggled,
“Well, I’m happy that your happy, Y/L/N” Hermione declared with a smile, “You see how much happier you are now? Compared to when you allowed that psycho to contr--"
And just like that, there was a damper in your happy mood.
Hermione always made extremely bold comments about your previous unhealthy relationship with Theodore Nott; Which is probably why he hated the fact you two were friends, not because she was a muggle. Truthfully, she’s the one that hyped you up to end things with him — but as you more think of it, she forced you too.
Because despite everything the tall raging brunette put you through, you still found your self right underneath him with a dizzy smile. But that hasn’t happened in four months, not since the day he dragged you out of the party. Shivers roll down your spin as you remember the events that happened that day,
You’ve got fourth months with his touch, without his complications.
And despite missing Theodore some nights, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a breath of fresh air. Like the air didn’t feel lighter without him breathing down your neck about showing any other male besides him attention – without him declaring that despite his lack of commit now, you’ll be baring his children later.
You recall how hearing those words made you feel months ago — Well, it did make you finish, but that’s completely besides the point — it finally made you realize that Theodore Not didn’t actually love you.
And neither did he want anyone else too.
Not because he loved you, but because had a unhinged obsession for you. The more you thought of it, the more you realized how clear Theo’s behavior displayed fixation.
How did you not realize it back in first year when he got seriously angry with Blaise Zabini for trying to be your friend?
It makes your stomach twist to think that you and Theodore's friendship was build off of an obsession – one that clearly grew worse as the years progressed.
"You alright over there, Y/L/N?" Ron questioned reluctantly,
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, turning to him with a small awkward smile across your lips, "Yes I'm fine, just got a little distracted, that's all."
"You always seem to suddenly get distracted when I bring up Nott." Hermione mumble, rolling her eyes. Because you're always telling me to leave him.
Is what you wanted to say, but instead you settle for a simple shrug.
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You were sitting criss-cross on an knitted blanket in front of the black lake, skimming over the newest daily prophet in your hands. The full moon reflected softly against the lake water, making you awe.
Everytime a full moon lit the sky your found yourself out here, enjoying the peace. And no one knew about it — you weren't a prefect and your house leader would kill you if they found out you were out here past hours.
Well, you thought no one knew about your secret adventures to the black lake.
It was not until the loud familiar scent of smoke filled your nostrils that you understood that someone was here also. And with the heavy cologne that mixed with it, you didn't have to look back to know who it was.
"Leave. Me. Alone" You growled sternly, ignoring the thudding in your heart.
Of course you'd still hang with Blaise and Pasny every now and then. But when Theo walked in you immediately flee, knowing that being around him would result with him being inside of you in moments.
And your sure he knew that, which is exactly why the brunette is here. "So you don't think I've done that enough for the past four fucking months, Y/N?"
Venom dripped from Theodore's voice, and had you not been so used to Theodore being upset with the stuff you do — The coldness of his tone would have made you scared enough to jump away from him.
Your head snapped back in his direction, generally you were a nice happy girl. But during the times you weren't so sweet, it was Theodore Nott who got that wrath.
Who brought out that side of you.
"No, No." Theo's jaw clenched at your harsh words, lips parting slightly to allow smoke to slip past them. "Because I want you to leave me alone for the rest of my life."
"Did Granger help you come up with that?" Theodore snickered. There wasn't a actual thought in your brain when you rolled your daily prophet and launched it in his direction. He kissed it teeth when the parchment landed softly on his cheek.
The brunette takes another hit short of his cigarette, not giving your outburst a reaction. You stand up to your feet, preparing to collect your stuff and go back on school grounds.
He threw the cigarette on the ground, approaching you. You take a step back, not wanting to feel his touch — the touch that you have been craving for four months.
“Why does everyone get the sweet little Y/N except for me?" He cooed, eyebrows raising.
"What did I do to deserve this nasty side of you Y/L/N, huh?" Everything. "Did I not fuck you good enough last time?"
"You know it is not about that!" You defensively shouted out. Tears began pricking at the corner of your eyes, processing that the only thing you are to him is a fuck. "--You know that it's never been about that!"
You had like Theodore since third year, immediately awed with the matured boy that he became over the summer. And Theo knew your feelings for him — in fact, you told Theo about your feelings right before you had sex for the first time — he just didn't care.
He stared down at you, beautiful eyes glistening underneath the moon light. For a moment you swear you see pity flash in his eyes.. or maybe regret?
It makes you frown — You didn't want Theodore to pity you. It made you feel weak, always finding yourself with him when your in your weakness moments. Because despite his blunt toxic behavior, before your separation, Theodore always is there when you fail a test you study hard for or had complications with your family – He's the shoulder that you lean on, and the root of your problems.
“I miss you"
Something about those words fueled your feelings more, anger bubbling higher. "No you don't Theodore, you miss having me wrapped around your finger."
That regret.. or pity fades away quickly, replaced with anger in seconds.
“Do you even know how many girls I have wrapped around my finger, Y/N?" His mean tone makes you let a small sob. "How many girls wish upon stars that I had the feelings for them that I do you?!" Theodore takes this moment to grab your chin, yanking you closer to him before you got a chance to stop him. He hovers over you, fingers digging into the flesh of your skin. Blue eyes looking down at you like your prey he's prepared to fight for.
“You don't really care about me!"
"Shut up." He growled.
His mouth attacks yours in a feral manner, making you gasp loudly. The faint taste of his chapstick spreads is in your mouth,
And being that naive girl you are, you welcomed his lips eagerly. The hairs of your skin stood up fully, mind becoming foggy while Theodore desperately slides his tongue into your mouth. It makes you sob out louder, tears slipping from your eyes.
Hermione would be so mad if she knew how easily you allowed him in — The lack of fight that you put up with Theo. But you tried, you really did for four entire months..
You really tried your best too stay away from the boy that you loved so deeply.
“I--T--" Is what you choked out moments before Theodore hand slides to the back of your throat, making the kiss much deeper and tongue sloppier. Your noses were smushed against each other — there was nothing you could make out but his scent.
You didn't exactly get to register when it happened or how it happened. But someway, probably with magic, you ended underneath Theodore on your blanket.
Without wasting another second Theodore hooks his finger into the waist band of your shorts and underwear. "Why is things always so complicated with you?"
His words were harsh and the glare on his beautifully structured pale face makes you cry out even harder. The pad of his thumb catches one of your tears when it falls,
“Y/N Why can't you understand that this is perfect?" He wondered bluntly. His eyes look down at your exposed area, "That this is where you should be, with me."
“No--No I shouldn't--" You shouted, Theo grabbed your legs and spread them as far as they could go. "-- Your no good for me"
That makes the brunette scoff defensively – surely thinking that Hermione fed you that. But you knew it was true – If you stuck beside Theodore, you'd be mental by thirty.
A loud gasp fell from your lips when Theo pushed himself into you without any warning. Theirs something in your body that became at ease with the familiar stretch,
As if it been begging for it.
Not giving you a chance to prepare yourself, Theodore bottomed out in you. He groaned loudly as you flutter against him, practically welcoming him in you.
Theo begins snapping his hips forward at a pace that makes your eyes squeeze shut. You wish that you could hate him,
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter.." He finally responded to your comment. The loose curls of his hair brushed against your forehead as Theo leaned down, lips grazing softly against yours. A high pitched whimper left your lips at every thrust he gave you, an hot pain spreading inside in your lower half. Yet you couldn't stop your hips from jumping up, begging for more. “I'm good right now, aren't I?" He mocked,
His tongue invaded your mouth, like he's attempting to swallow your face whole. You kissed back instantly, tongue lapping over his as you both moaned.
Some moments you wished to know what Theodore was thinking when the two of you were together — and other times you didn't, not actually wanting to be right about his lack of love towards you.
His mouth left yours, spit following suit. Instead he began sucking on the skin of your new and chest, leaving bruises. "Mine." Theo growled, squeezing your breast.
You just shook your head frantically at his possessive words, not being able to form a literal disagreement. You weren't Theodore’s.. and unfortunately he wasn't yours.
He squeezed you harder, thrust forming a harsher pace as well, knocking the wind out your chest and making you gasp.
Tears slipped from your eyes from the pleasure, and your fingers began scratching against his arms. If your mind hadn't been so fogged out, you'd be embarrassed from how fast your release caught up.
“Say you won't leave again..." Theo spoke words were stone cold and you tried ignoring them — knowing that you planned on going back into hiding from him.
His cold hand snakes up around your neck, giving it a tight squeeze that makes you squeal. Your sure he notices that your avoiding his request and perhaps that's why his hips began to move at a slower pace – But you really had not expected him to completely stop,
The was absolutely no way he was going to leave you on edge like that. As your eyes flew open you sobbed out, Theodore wore a plain expression. His light eyes were already looking directly into yours,
You attempted to take matters into your own hands by beginning to slip up his length. But Theodore, who clearly wasn't having none of it, pushed you away by your stomach, pulling out of you completely now.
"Say it, Y/N!" He slightly shook you, "Or I swear I'll leave you like this-- Say it--"
"I--I'm not gonna leave!" The words left unexpectedly from your lips. And you really wish you could say you only said it to get your release but that wouldn’t be true. “..Ever again"
Theodore smiled widely at your words, pressing his face against your neck. And you both let out a loud sigh of comfort when he slid back inside of you,
You don't even know how you lasted four months without him.
Part three>>>
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quinnophile · 17 days ago
I can request one shot with Fred Hechinger like one shot love at the first sight or cute date ♡
Of course! I really hope this does you justice as its my first request and sweet baby boi deserves all the love 🥲♡ Hope y'all enjoy and I'm open to new requests!
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pairing. Fred Hechinger x reader
synopsis. You notice a stranger in distress at a train station
warnings. none, this is pure fluff ✨
word count. 1.7K
notes. this is my first oneshot, i hope you like it!
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The first time you saw him, the world seemed to tilt just a little.
It was at the train station—one of those dreary, grey mornings where everything felt half-awake. The air was thick with the scent of rain and freshly brewed coffee, the sky a watercolour of soft blues and lingering mist. You had been fumbling with your bag and checking the time when suddenly, you noticed him a few feet away. He was shifting nervously on his feet, his hands jammed into his coat pockets. 
He looked lost. 
Not in a where’s-my-train kind of way, but in an I-didn’t-plan-for-this-moment way.
And then he looked at you.
It was quick, just a glance—but something about it sent a jolt through your body, like the static shock from a winter sweater. His blonde, slightly wavy hair framed his face, a few strands falling into his eyes, which were deep and unreadable. And when he smiled at you—uncertain, slightly lopsided—it was the kind of smile that made the world soften at the edges, like sunlight breaking through a storm.
A smile made its way to your face before you even realised it. “Everything okay?”
He blinked at you, clearly debating whether to play it cool or be honest. He went for a mix of both and failed miserably. “Uh—no. I mean, yes? Not really?” He huffed a small, nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “I kinda missed my train. And I’m just waiting for my brain to work properly again.”
You bit back a grin. “Rough morning?”
“You have no idea.” He gestured vaguely to his coat. “I spilled coffee on myself five minutes ago. Which also meant when I tried to clean myself up I missed the last train I needed to catch…” His eyes drifted over your figure, a pink tint painting his cheeks. “And now I think I’ve just embarrassed myself in front of a stranger.”
You tilted your head, finding his nervousness quite endearing. “I wouldn’t say embarrassed.”
“Really?” Absentmindedly searching through your bag, you pull out a pack of tissues, pulling one out of its plastic wrapper before holding it out to him. He slowly extended his arm to reach out for it, his fingers grazing your own ever so slightly. It felt like your heart skipped a beat. 
“Well.” You started, feeling a heat creeping up your neck as you watched him try and wipe some of the coffee off of himself. “It depends on what you say next.”
A flicker of amusement crossed his face. He straightened up a little, clearing his throat, clearly trying to recalibrate. “Alright, let me recover. Uh—what’s the most ridiculous fact you know off the top of your head?”
You raised an eyebrow at the unexpected question but played along. “Octopuses have three hearts.”
His expression brightened. “Solid fact. And now I’m even more nervous, because that was a really good answer and I have to follow it up.”
You laughed. “No pressure.”
“Okay, okay—I’ve got one. Did you know that Scotland has over 400 words for ‘snow’?”
You blinked. “Seriously?”
“Yep. ‘Sneesl’ means to start raining or snowing. ‘Feefle’ is a swirling snowstorm. And my personal favorite—‘skelf’—is a large snowflake.”
He struggled to keep his eyes on you, feeling his rambling was surely going to scare you off.  You instead stared at him for a second, a slow smile forming. “You just… had those ready?”
“I panic-learned them once for an audition. Never thought it’d come in handy, but here we are.” He was visibly more relaxed now, his earlier nerves melting into something boyish and warm upon realising you hadn’t tried to exit the conversation. “I’m Fred, by the way.”
You repeated the name in your head, testing how it felt. It suited him—soft around the edges, a little old-fashioned, but endearing.
Before you could respond, the announcement board dinged overhead, signalling the arrival of your train. You glanced at it, then back at him, hesitating. The moment felt too short—like a page turning before you had finished reading the sentence.
He must have felt it too because he quickly said, “Hey—uh—would you want to keep talking? Maybe sometime over coffee?” You hesitated, watching the train slowly come to a stop before you. “Or now… if you don’t have to catch it of course. I kinda need a new cup after spilling the last one.”
Although he was clearly nervous, you couldn’t help but melt at the confident toothy-grin he sent your way. You paused for only a moment before making a snap decision. “I could take the next one.”
He was instantly relieved. “Yeah?” He asked, almost in disbelief.
There was a small café inside the station, in which you both settled into a booth by the window. The rain had started again, painting the glass in soft, shimmering patterns, the station lights reflecting like constellations in a city sky. The conversation came easy, neither of you trying too hard, both still slightly aware of the way the universe had unexpectedly tossed you together. He was still a little nervous, but so were you. And that made it easier—meeting each other in the middle, both trying to act normal when really, something about this wasn’t normal at all.
Time slipped away unnoticed. You learned about Fred’s terrible luck with public transport and his impressive ability to remember useless trivia. He learned that you had a habit of taking detours just to see where they led. At some point, you casually mentioned that you were only heading into the city for the day, meeting a friend, but lived nearby.
You laughed with him as you exited the café, the announcement board once again reporting the arrival of the next train. Standing near the edge of the platform, you almost hesitated boarding it.
“Would it be okay if I asked to meet you again?” Fred asked, his voice soft yet hopeful.
You nodded, the fluttering sensation you had felt in your stomach intensifying as he held his hand out to help you step up onto the train. “I think I would like that.”
A shout from the security guard broke through the calm atmosphere, a sign the train was about to depart. Fred’s face suddenly fell.
“We never exchanged numbers.”
You froze, eyes widening. “Oh no.”
A beeping sound screeched through the calm atmosphere, a sign the doors were about to shut. For a moment, neither of you moved.
Then, with a frantic scramble, Fred fumbled for his phone while you tried to pull yours from your bag. But the moment was against the both of you—Fred had barely unlocked his screen when the doors began to close.
Panic flashed across his face. “Wait—”
The doors shut.
Your breath caught as you watched him, helplessly standing on the platform, his expression mirroring your own horror. Then, in a completely hopeless, dramatic move, he jogged after the train for a few feet, waving his arms before stopping with a defeated groan.
Moving to an empty seat, you laid back into it, pressing a hand to your forehead. That did not just happen.
Your day dragged after that. You met your friend, a little later than planned, but nothing felt as exciting as your unexpected morning. Your friend had asked what had happened, and you relived the wonderful morning as you tried to remember every detail. Upon the conclusion to your story, however, your friend took one look at your dazed expression, raised a brow and deadpanned.
“So let me get this straight… you met the love of your life at a train station, spent hours flirting over coffee, then both forgot to exchange number, and now he’s just - what - gone?” You cringed at this, hiding your head in your hands as the reality of it all hit you like a slap across the face. “Congrats! You’re officially the main character in a tragic rom-com.”
After that, as much as you tried, no conversation sparked the same kind of warmth. No moment felt as alive. The whole time, you kept replaying that missed opportunity in your mind, wondering how you had let it slip away.
Hours later, exhausted and disappointed, you boarded the train home. Slumping into a seat, you stared out at the dimming sky, still kicking yourself for not just stepping off of the train when you had the chance. The journey wasn’t long, and soon you were nearing the station, adjusting the strap on your shoulder to secure your bag.
And that’s when you saw him.
Fred was sitting on one of the old wooden benches, hands in his pockets, bouncing his knee as if he had been anxiously waiting a long time.
You blinked, not quite believing it. But then he looked up, spotted you through the train window, and grinned—the biggest, most relieved smile you had ever seen. His blonde hair was a little messier than before, as if he had run his hands through it a hundred times while waiting.
As you finally stepped onto the platform, he stood quickly, stuffing his hands deeper into his coat pockets. “I figured you’d have to come back here eventually,” he admitted, slightly breathless, like he couldn’t believe you were actually standing there. “Didn’t want to take any chances.”
Your chest felt light, a ridiculous, giddy warmth bubbling up inside. “Fred,” you said, shaking your head with a laugh. You were lost for words as you stared up into his shimmering green eyes. 
“I hoped it didn’t come across as creepy.” He laughed, looking down at his feet with that familiar pink tinge tainting his cheeks again. 
In a moment of boldness, you took a step closer to him. You could hear his sharp intake of breath as you stood up on your tip-toes, then gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.
“That might have been the most absurdly romantic thing anyone has ever done.” You smiled, setting yourself back down. You could almost feel the heat radiating off of him as his cheeks became redder. 
He rocked back on his heels, giving a small, nervous chuckle. “So… I guess I get a second chance to ask for your number now?”
You grinned, already pulling out your phone. “You absolutely do.”
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harmoonix · 2 years ago
Fairytale - Astro Notes
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The night will hold us close
And the stars will guide us home
Your lips were soft like winter
In your passion, I was lost
✿❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉✿
Mercury in Capricorn/Scorpio don't like to share all the things they do or did and rather keep it only for them in order to respect their privacy
Moon - Mars intense aspects: The native can get easily angry and can go through a rollercoaster of emotions, usually they end up having a breakdown in order to let themselves feel calm as at peace. They have an very intense nature (This can apply if you have semi-square or the other minor aspects aswell.
Scorpio Placements tend to have a very difficult time when it comes to love, they might feel that is always something to struggle with, their partners, emotions, feelings, etc... Some of them can easily end up heartbroken
Sagittarius Mars can get very scary when they are angry, this placement can indicate having a destructive side of you (kinda like a destroyer), and most times they don't think when they are angry and mostly act based on what they feel in that moment. Omg i imagine this placement as a Volcano erupting when they get angry
Neptune - Sun/Moon aspects: Radiating a very calm and peaceful aura, they can have a very calming personality and you can feel safe around them. For some reason i imagine this placement as someone who is like "Don't worry I'm here everything will be fine if we are together"😭 ( I love this)
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Jupiter - Moon aspects can make the native to express their feelings more calmly and peacefully than other Planets. The native has a very powerful inner world, and very powerful intense emotions if you have conjunction between these too you can feel people's emotions without them telling you how they feel. This is also a very lucky to have, Jupiter helps the native to reach their goals and their dreams by using the power of emotions make sure to always understand your inner world
Mercury - Uranus aspects: The native can have a different accent than others while talking, they can have a very different writing style too and people always feel charmed by these natives due to their unique communication style. Also Uranus can make Mercury sometimes to talk too fast and sometimes to stutter during this
Pluto - Mercury aspects: Yes their sexy voices can rise all the hormones in your body, but these natives are very powerful at communicating and talking, knowing how to use the words at the perfect time. But omg yes another honorable mentions because of their voices!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 Men with these aspects are very attractive they can have a very deep gentle voice
Jupiter in the 8th house: Besties you know what time it is😍. It's time to become rich 💲👄💲, if you are attracted to men this placement can mean you will marry someone rich (Especially after marrying it says in the prophecy that usually these people have very successful marriages) + Abundent sex life because is the 8th house
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An advice from me, for everyone with Venus - Saturn/Venus - Neptune/Venus - Pluto harsh aspects: Don't force love, love is supposed to come naturally. If the love doesn't come naturally and you have the feeling you need to force yourself for love...there was never love ❤️‍🩹
Usually people with 8th house in Water Sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) are very sensual in bed and might hold an infinity of kinks while if you have a fire sign in the 8th house (Leo. Sagittarius, Aries) you might have kinks that imply rough romantism. Omg men with Leo in the 8th house are in their natural element
Uranus - Mars harsh aspects: Breaking bed marathon, addiction to sexual activities, these natives can be pretty horny and dirty minded 😭
8th house in an Earth Sign (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) usually like to have ✨ Quality time ✨ so before going to sensual part they tend to spend time kissing and talking with you and when they go to action... 😍 While 8th house in an Air Sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) might be into touching and communicating trough love, usually these people are very comforting during and after sensual time. I kinda feel like they are "Don't worry I'm here we do this together vibe" is so cute. I know they are good people when it comes to after care 😍✨
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People with Mars - Saturn aspects: They usually have really godly bone structure, if they do gym in order to take muscles this might come in time and the result is 😍 100% good. Men with those aspects can be very strong physically
1st house ruler in the 10th house means that the native is gonna focus a lot on the career and professions about their career. They have big chances for going in high professions of our world
1st house ruler in the in the 4th house means that native main focus is their family, their are family lovers and love to spend time with their love ones
1st house ruler in the 8th house means that the native main focus is the transformation, they will evolve and transform a lot of times and going through a lot of stages in life. Rebirthing and learning through the experiences of life
1st house ruler in the 12th house means that the main focus in your life is spirituality and meditation, especially soul healing, tend to have a very powerful intuition and have a very powerful subconscious
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- Hello guys 😍 is been a while since i posted my last post so here i am for another post, i love to make those fairy tale inspired aesthetics, a new post a new style kind of thing💕😊!
Love and peace to you all 😊💕 also never forget as i will always say... If you feel this doesn't reasonate with you make sure to check your vedic and sidereal charts💕!
If you need help with that 1st house ruler thing in my post I'm here to help you! 😊💕
1st house ruler in the 4th house. = What's your rising bestie? Let's say for this post that I'm an Pisces Rising (i love you all Pisces Risings so much, I'm rooting for you)
Pisces Rising = Pisces first house (Ruled by Neptune/Jupiter) now watch where Neptune and Jupiter are in your chart 😊if they are located in the 4th house this thing will be called (1st house ruler {Neptune, Jupiter} in the 4th house 😊💕! And the things goes on for the other placements!
If you are a Pisces Rising but you have Neptune in your 7th house that is called (1st house ruler in the 7th house) !💕😊
My 1st house ruler is located in the 1st house (Basically i have the ruler of the ascendant in the 1st house) in my tropical and in my sidereal is located in the 7th house, where is your 1st house located?
Maybe this can help you if you are new to astrology and want to learn about the house rulers 💋!
Harmoonix 💋
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pottersfia · 11 months ago
A smut one shot with George Weasley x femreader - one bed trope, enemies to lovers, angry confessions kinda thing would be soo good if you’re up for it.
warnings/content: smut ofc, fingering, george is a bit of a perv
george stared at the back of your head as he laid in his bed. how did he end up stuck in a bed with the one person he did not want to see during his winter holiday. the two of you were alone for the night as fred opted to sleep in the living room due to his cold and ginny's room was occupied by her and hermione.
you kept your eyes closed attempting to fall asleep but it was no use. george thought the slowness of your breathing and lack of movement was a clear indicator of you being sound asleep. he continued to stare.
as much as george disliked you, he couldn't help but replay memories of you in his head. he remembered the way you looked as you came out of the shower with your skin still slightly moist and soft from your lotion. before you pulled on a hoodie for bed, you wore a tight tank top and the smallest shorts he'd ever seen. you had even bent over almost exposing yourself. you were undeniably beautiful and he couldn't help but think of the things he'd like to do to you if he didn't hate you.
his mind drove him crazy and now he had an annoyingly hard problem in his pants. he didn't want to jerk himself with you right there but he figured a touch wouldn't hurt.
he reached down into his pants and touched his tip to feel his pre cum. he spread it over his tip and held back a moan. all he could think about was how nice it would be to touch you as your scent filled his lungs, you being right next to him.
"fuck." he whispered as he touched himself a little faster. this got your attention. your eyes opened and you heard little movements from george. you slowly turned and saw his hand down his pants with his eyes squeezed shut.
"george?" you whispered shouted. his eyes widened and he froze, looking over to you. "what the bloody hell are you doing?" you ask.
"i- i just, um." his face burned red.
"you just decided to start jerking off right next to me?" you sat up and scooted slightly away from him.
"y/n, i'm sorry it was-" but you interrupted him.
"don't even. what the fuck were you even thinking about that made you this horny?" you crossed your arms. "probably something stupid like a dirty magazine i bet you have or something. you're such a perv i bet you're addicted and just couldn't go one night without touching your-"
"it was you!" he almost shouted. it was your turn to be silent now. "oh my fuck, you're annoying." he leaned back on his pillow.
"what do you mean, it was me?" you asked.
"i couldn't get you and your stupid soft skin out of my head." he mumbled. as much as you disliked george you couldn't deny finding him attractive.
the two of you stared at each other in momentary silence. you didn't know what to say. should you yell at him? tell him how disgusting he is? completely leave the room? you weren't sure but the way he was staring you down with the moon shining through the window was driving you crazy.
before you knew it, you were laid on your back, chasing george's lips as he parted them from yours. he gave you a smirk as he lifted your hoodie up and off your body.
"so bloody hot." he whispered. you held back a small whimper and watched as he left kisses around your neck, collarbone, and down closer towards your chest.
george did not hesitate to pull your straps down, exposing your tits for him. he looked up at you.
"this ok?" he asked. you nodded.
"yes. get on with it, george." he smiled at you and obeyed. his kisses spread to every inch of your chest and down your torso. you played with his hair and pulled on it as he got closer and closer to where you needed him most.
george pulled your shorts off to reveal how wet you were.
“all wet for me, love?” his voice was low and rough and it sent flutters to your core. george leaned back over you so your faces were close and placed his fingers on your lips. “suck on them for me.”
you did as he said, sucking on his fingers while staring right at him. he bit his lip as he watched you, and took his fingers out of your mouth. he then reached down and slowly pushed his fingers inside you.
“fuck, george.” you closed your eyes and moaned out. he moved his fingers in and out if you making you wetter and wetter. he loved the way you looked, whimpering under him as he made you feel good. he leaned down to kiss you and you reciprocated. your sounds were muffled by his mouth and you reached down to rub your clit.
you could feel yourself getting closer and closer but you wanted all of him. you broke the kiss to look at him.
“i need you, please.” he smiled down at you.
“i’m right here, y/n. what do you need?” his fingers kept going.
“pl- please,” you whimpered again. “fuck me, george. i need you inside of me.”
“never thought i’d hear those words from you.” he said as he began to pull off his pants. you smiled and rolled your eyes at him.
“hurry up and fuck me.”
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pomefioredove · 5 months ago
I love you're writing!! Hope the exam went well!!!
Can you give us some good Ole cheesy, romantic, vil fluff??
I just want to kiss and cuddle him FOREVER
the vil love never ends on this blog. this turned out to be more sappy than anything. hope you enjoy nonetheless~!
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ comfort
type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, established relationship, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, comfort & fluff
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"Can you please come over?"
The words weigh on Vil's shoulders as he walks across campus. They're heavy.
It's dark, and the air is cold. You're probably shivering, you never dress warm enough-
He pushes the thought away. No use in stressing himself any more.
"I just don't want to be alone right now,"
Vil hadn't asked why. He had a thought. He didn't want it to be right, but he's always right.
His steps are faster. Damn the curfew. Rook can handle the dorm for a single evening. And morning. And day. However long it takes.
He lets himself in without knocking. "Prefect?" he calls for you in title first. "Sweetheart?" and in petname second.
It's dark inside Ramshackle. He pulls off his shoes and coat, and hurriedly makes his way upstairs. Your door is closed.
"Are you in there?"
He holds his breath until you answer. "...Yes,"
"May I come in?"
Vil opens the door, mercifully unlocked, and lets himself in. It's dark in your room, too, but he can still make out the huddled shape of you in bed.
"Sweetheart, it's freezing in here," he says. "Are you cold?"
You say nothing. He sighs, momentarily catching the eye of Grim, nesting in your arms. The direbeast says nothing.
"How can I help?" he asks, eyes lingering on the strange position you've curled up in. "...May I touch you?"
You nod. Good, Vil thinks, and he gets in bed behind you. He and Grim make a sort of... you sandwich, the two on either side of your body. As soon as he's settled, though, Grim stretches and hops off the bed.
Vil takes that to mean, you've got it from here.
"Darling," he says, delicately stroking the side of your face. "Are you sick?"
You hesitate, but nod anyway. He knows what you mean. And his heart aches for you.
"That's alright. That's perfectly alright," Vil says, holding you close to his chest, his arms around your waist.
"I'm here. You're safe."
You mumble something against him. It's unintelligible, but he's sure you meant it to be.
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I love you very, very much. Everything will be alright."
You're very quiet. It scares him, but he won't say that, not now. Now, he just needs you to feel better.
He pets you softly, playing with your hair. "My love, my darling. My favorite person in the entire world,"
You hum. He can feel your arms, now, wrapping around his waist, as if to get closer, seeking his warmth and comfort. It's everything to him.
"There," he whispers, kissing your head again. "Get some rest. I won't go anywhere, I'm here. I'm right here."
It's a little funny, he thinks. The only time he can excuse cutting his evening routine is when it's for you. On your rough, threadbare sheets, in a rickety bed, in a drafty house in the cold of winter.
He'll get you out of here, someday.
But for now, he holds you, and thinks of what he's going to make you for breakfast.
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goldsbitch · 1 year ago
That next Christmas flight
epilogue p.1 to That one Christmas flight
summary: Few months down the line, Y/N is getting onto the same Christmas flight as a completely changed girl.
warning: cheesy af, swear words I guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Another Christmas flight. Traditions linger long and strong no matter how much one tries to resist. It's been a year precisely since the last flight that had turned her life upside down and Y/N found herself standing at the same airport where she shared a first kiss with Lando. Except this time she was thrown off for a completely less glamorous reason, sitting all confused and looking at the cancelled note next to her flight number on the departure board. She was just one of the other anxious annoyed passangers, trying to figure out how to get to Japan on time. Her mom hated when people were late. And she was sure she'll find a way to blame it on her. Bad planning, she'd always say. Love comes in different flavors to anyone, Y/N sighed, looking forward to seeing her mom after so many months, which had brought a rollercoaster of unexpected emotions.
She has had the summer of her life, hard to imagine something topping this one. The ultimate love affair - exciting, sweet and eye opening. Made her question everything she thought about adult life. All those love song suddenly made sense. She understood why people do crazy things for love. There wasn't a cell in her body regretting getting her summer and early September got stolen by one guy. It would not have mattered if he was a server from a local café or a tattoo artist, he just happened to be one of the most famous racing drivers on the planet. She had followed him around his trips as long as her school schedule allowed, making new friends in the process and generally exploring a different way of life. Sometimes, she had to stop in order to take it all in, because his world shined just a little too bright. It took all of her free time to keep up. Once summer rolled to its very end, it started being harder for the pair. Coming back to the school environment was somewhat of a culture shock and suddenly her having her own life was making it harder to drop everything and meet him at yet another race track around the world. Their schedules seemed to be working against each other. Late night cuddles turned into late night / morning calls. Summer romance got a real hard test that October and was forced to mature real quick. And sadly, very few love affairs manage to survive this leap.
There are little things that people in love do for each other. One does not often realize that the other person had been doing these mundane gestures until they are out of sight. Lando would always put Y/N's airpods on the charger when they were together, because he knew that she would just never do that and then would complain about it endlessly. He was even looking forward to the annoyed text she'd send him two days after they parted, almost on the clock. Y/N never learned. Nor did she want to.
Y/N airpods were sitting in the pocket of her coat. Fully charged. Lando and Y/N had never spent more time together than this winter break. After few rough weeks, they got used to the changing tone of their relationship. She finally met his family and spent few very fun days at their house. Lando made fun of her afterwards, because she had been so nervous to fuck it up. He never doubted that she would do a good impression - he loved too much to think that.
Pair of hands hugged her from behind and the familiarity kicked in.
"Thought you got lost, honey," she greeted her boyfriend and potentially the love of her life (spoiler alert - yes, he really was).
"I actually kind of did, I'm sure there must be a bathroom closer that all the way back that hallway," he said, kissing her cheek softly. She was taking him home to Japan to get him introduced to her mom, which made him the proudest guy at that airport. He was worthy of getting introduced and to him, that was the biggest compliment one could give. It had been quite a hectic Christmas break for Lando so far, if he were to be honest, he was happy to get few hours alone with Y/N. On the outside, he was this cool racer chill dude. But he was also a sappy romantic, absolutely insisting on having them celebrate their anniversary on the same flight. Y/N grounded him, kept him at bay in the best way possible. He felt like the best version of himself. Which was also what he told her when they almost broke up over the phone one confusing November night. Their relationship was cut with difficult conversations and the need to untangle things, but it was strangely something Lando loved about their relationship. No stones left untouched, caring so much about each other that any shift in energy was a signal to the other party. Y/N taught him to notice things. He pushed her into making her feelings known.
"My love, our flight is cancelled for today," she said softly, not really knowing what to do. Lando usually had his travel booked by the team, so he was surprisingly not very skilled in booking things anymore. But he longed for any possibility to be the hero that saved the day, so he got to the counter and got them on tomorrow's flight, with an overnight at a hotel.
Y/N let out a sigh once he told her that there is currently no other option. She just wanted to be at her mom's place and show Lando off, like a proper proud girlfriend she was.
"I'm sorry, honey," he said, caressing her cheek. "I'll make sure you have an absolutely amazing evening with me, ok? Honestly, getting to spend an extra night with you alone is the best thing I could wish for." She looked at him and there was not a single cell in her body that would doubt what he was telling her. Even after months, every time Lando looked at her, her heart skipped a beat. Every time he embraced her, she completely melted. His skin still felt like the softest thing on this planet. His eyes were the bluest of green that had her mesmerised whenever he shared a glance at her. "There is nothing better I could wish for Christmas either," she said, kissing him softly. "Let's get to the hotel, give your mom a quick call, order a champagne and cuddle without letting anyone else know we're still in England," he whispered like a little devil on her shoulder.
"Hm, maybe we can cuddle like really fast," she insunuated, setting Lando's imagination on fire.
"I have many ideas, honey."
"Good, write them down."
"This will hardly ever skip my mind," Lando laughed lightly and the pair took off, with him having his shoulder around her, both of them hiding their faces under a cap. They soft launched their relationship in the middle of the summer, but there was still a cloud of mystery around Y/N, as she had made sure to set her socials on private. No more of a little secret hidden in a hotel room. Still, privacy was an important thing to the pair, that's why there was a whole fake social media trip happening for Lando right now to redirect attention.
So there they were, toasting with the same champagne a year later, lives intertwined and with their own set of Christmas traditions forming. Two young people with souls still undamaged by the tragedies of life, two young people not realizing how light and magical part of their life they got to call today and tomorrow. Next time you're flying somewhere, don' be a chicken and talk to your hot neighbor on the plane. You never know.
epilogue p.2
personal note: thank you so much for all the support you guys gave me for this one, it has grown into my favorite story so far - mainly because I got to put in my own memories and feelings from when I accidentally started dating a semi famous sports guy while having no idea who he was, lol. it was in no way lando level kind of famous, but still, it is a great memory, so thank you for reliving it with me.
there will be blurbs of these two coming in the future, but i wanted to tie the main story to an end. but I can't wait to write more, so i'll be more than happy if you come back for some snap shots of their little moments. thank you - smutty epilogue p2. is on the way
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @classiclitfreak  @ophcelia @leclerc13 @starmanv @k4r1402 @biitch-with-wifi @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @starmanv @formulaal @scenesofobx
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dilfjjk05 · 1 year ago
can i ask how the boys, Geto, Toji, Nanami and Goji, would react with their f!s/o comparing their hands size? and ends up intertwining their fingers together? Thank you!! 🩷🩷
omg this is so cute! here you go!
Comparing Hands To Ending up Intertwining them.
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╰┈➤ Gojo.
"Baby?" you call out to Gojo who's currently laying on the couch.
"Yes Beautiful?"
"I saw a trend where people where comparing their hands with their partner, can we also try?" you mumble while giving him the cutest puppy ever.
"Of course baby, c'mere". He pays the space beside him on the couch. He presses his very obviously big hand against yours.
"Small ass hand you got baby" he smirks, that smirk soon turns into faint blush when you intertwine your fingers with his.
"This feels nice. Did you do that on purpose?" He chuckles softly kissing your hand.
You giggle softly. "Maybe....Maybe not, who knows?"
╰┈➤ Geto.
"And then you chop it finely" Geto reads out the instructions from the new cook book he gifted you.
"Is this much enough sugu?" you mumble while you're focused on chopping up the carrots.
"No baby, see like this" He stands behind you, his hands wrapping around yours as he shows you how to cut the carrots.
"Your hands are big sugu"
"Are they? Or maybe yours are just very small" He mumbles while being careful of not hurting you.
"Noooo! yours are big! seeee!!" you whine as you take his hand and compare yours with it.
"It's just you sugu! your hands are big!" while trying to prove your point, you subconsciously Intertwine your finger with his.
A soft smile appears on his face at the subconscious gesture, he pulls you closer and plants soft kisses all over your hand as you continue to argue that your hand isn't small.
╰┈➤ Nanami
It's finally nanami's day off, he's sitting on the couch with a book in his hands, relaxing on his day off. You're bored out of your mind, laying on his lap.
"Namiiiiiii I'm boreddddd" you whine softly, pulling into his shirt.
"I'm almost done darling" he mumbles fully focued on his book. Yet he doesn't forget to give you attention. He brings his free hand down to caress your face.
Out of habit, you move to play with his fingers. You take in on every detail of his hand, just how rough, big it is.
"Nami would I fly to the moon if you slapped me with your hand?" you ask him as you giggle softly, comparing your hand with his trying to figure out how big it really is.
"I won't ever slap you but to answer your question, yes. you would" He chuckles while placing his book down.
"How was your book nami?" You smile up at him, intertwining your fingers with his.
"It was good, but hold hands with your is the most comforting thing ever" He smiles softly, moving down to kiss your forehead.
╰┈➤ Toji.
"Hey dollface, have you seen my winter gloves?" He says walking into the bathroom where you are.
"Nope, you can use mine though" you mumble while putting your moisturizer on.
"Are you sure about that pretty?" He chuckles as he holds up his hand against yours, raising them a bit higher so you can see from the mirror.
"Oh...well. Then just freeze to death orrrrrrr"
"Or?" He raises his eyebrow.
You spin around, interlocking your fingers with his. "Just hold my hand darling" A soft giggle escapes your mouth which makes him smile as well.
"Doesn't sound that bad actually. Who needs gloves when I got you eh?" He chuckles kissing your knuckles.
hope you like it 🥲🫶🏻
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fisheito · 3 months ago
Whenever you get the chance, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Yakumo so far in this event! He so shmoopy. So worble
contemplative pout at the screen🦀💭
well, this can be easily accommodated... yes, shouldn't take too long. i'll put it behind the Read More in case ppl haven't caught up on the event:
i thought we were going to have a lovely time with blade oli kuya. no yakumo to plague my senses. ahhh, a winter of joy and wonder. the snake's too busy brumating, so i won't need to worry about--- WHAT IS HE DOING HERE (yes, the angry brow that graced the Helm of my face when he popped up. insidious, that he should appear , even when it's not his featured event. BGONE)
but he's with garu and i can't really be mad at garu so i unclench my brow eventually.
then they misunderstand what "everybody" meant and then i started panicking because i was still holding onto my idea of an untouched bladeolikuya story buthtennt.....
everybody.... everybody means... EVERYBOdy..... ohoohoohohohoo... the whole gang??!? don't mDInd if I dOOO
god morv you really are not worried. that's ok. brainless wonderment will get us the polyclan we deserve
then there's the ONE MOMENT where dante and yakumo stand next to each other without yakumo shrinking away in fear (because he's too busy having a sob over Merry's story) and i felt so incredibly stupid in my rarepairinating like. ah. i understand now. when people got so excited over characters just STANDING next to each other. THEY'RE NOT EVEN INTERACTING. THEYRE JUST NEXT TO EACH OTHER, AND THERE IS NO MEANING TO IT.
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AND YET.................... [back on my yakudan nonsense. just ignore it]
amazing, wonderful, i eat my words from before about not wanting everyone at the fair, no notes, carry on.
i was SO happy when i saw yakumo was paired with blade because that means he's in for a ROUGH RIDE AHAHAHAHAHAHAA
(smooshes them together) bladeyaku. another pair i want to see together more often. suffering circumstances together (well, mosztly yaku suffering. blade is pretty adept at having a good time whereverwhenever)/.
HOOOO boy . HELPLESS in that boat USELESS passenger princess or rather, passenger princess held hostage...? i wonder if he gets motion sickness. i wonder what's keeping him inside the boat. are there seatbelts? (thinks back to Blasting Off Again✨) huh/. i guess not. HAH!
ugh i loved everyone in their silly pairs (trio, in rei's case)
tho now i'm wondering how exactly blade and yakumo were sent flying. my understanding of physics is 😬, so i don't know the exact scenario that would result in the most bladeyaku airtime.
blade invited karu to play... so he knew he was approaching
if karu and blade headed toward each other at similar speeds, they would probably bounce back at similar rates so wouldn't karukuya also be flying away with bladeyaku?
but whAT if, after blade invites karu over and karu starts going FULL SPEED toward them but blade suddenly... stops. just, all motion on the boat ceases. somehow. not even a ripple. he hums patiently. and yakumo's just shaking out of his slippers like ummmmmmmm mr blade theyre coming closer why arent we----
THEN BAM!!!!!!!! TRANSFER OF FORCE!!!!!!! blade yaku fly into the sky!?!?! ... even then,, i'm wondering how they got the vertical in there
if karu rammed em at MegaSpeed, wouldn't they just float backward, or spin around really fast while still on the surface of the water? or was karu's speed SO destructive that as soon as the impact happened the tidal wave following him caught up, and lifted bladeyaku into the air =airborne droidsnake.
RIDICULOUS. i guess i'll never know for sure. it's tough to argue with results, though.
i will now take a moment to thank @fallencelsetial for sending me this recording:
very soothing. exactly what i needed. thank u
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atlasscrumpit · 11 months ago
Yandere Bucky. Hydra AU
Bucky is still the winter soldier. Hydra brought him the reader so he wouldn't get bored in his cell and attack guards. Bucky begins to develop feelings for and obsession with her. Even though she had her in his cell. he still feels different because of his metal arm. So he asks Hydra scientists to put a metal arm on her too.
Just Like Me
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You sat against the corner of the cold blood stained cell as you stared wife eyed at the super soldier glaring at you.
Unlike him, the muzzle on your mouth was only able to be removed by a special key your handler had. But, now the soldier held that key in his hand.
He knelt down to your level and reached up to run his hand through your hair.
"It's been a long time since I've seen someone like you..." He whispered, tilting his head like a lion sizing up its prey.
He leant in and rested his forehead against your, breathing in your scent as he sighed.
He reached behind your head and gently took the muzzle off before he kissed your lips softly.
You were frozen in shock as he kissed you, you were surprised how gentle he was.
He sat down and stared at you.
"What do they call you?" He asked as you tried to find the words to speak.
"They always just called me 78." You whispered as he thought for a moment.
"How about I just call you doll?" He asked as you nodded a little, not wanting to anger him.
He reached forward and watched as you flinched, he paused.
"Don't be afraid." He whispered as he gently ran his hand up your thigh.
"I'm not like them, you know." He growled lowly as you looked at him in fear.
"I won't force you to..." He trailed off as you nodded a little.
"But, you are mine now. I can do whatever I want with you, like feeling your soft skin, or having you pressed against me while I sleep." He whispered, his hand gliding over your soft skin.
You weren't sure if he was talking to you or just himself.
He leant in again and looked into your eyes before kissing you again.
You had to admit, when you were told you were going to be the soldiers play toy, you thought the moment he saw you he would attack you...or worse.
He ran his hand up your arm, his metal hand squeezing the skin.
"Perfect." He whispered before he held your hands and helped you to stand up, looking over your body.
"Is this all I have to do now...?" You whispered as he reached up and held your face in his hand.
"Yes, you're only purpose is to be mine. That's it. Don't worry about those other men, they'll never touch you again." He growled, his grip on your face becoming a little rough.
He stepped back and sighed.
"I-I'll control myself." He grumbled as you nodded a little.
"It's fine... I've had to deal with a lot worse." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.
"I just haven't...haven't touched someone in so long." He muttered, slowly coming forward again before he reached up to play with your hair.
"This place is nothing but coldness and pain and you're just so...pretty and warm." He whispered, leaning in to hug you and bury his face in the crook of you neck.
You hesitantly wrapped your arms around him in return as you both just stood there for a while.
You wouldn't admit it but it did feel nice to have something other than torture for once.
Time passed and you soon grew bored of your nee purpose in Hydra. You could feel yourself getting weaker everyday, sure you had food and water but you hadn't been outside for so long.
You were starting to lose your mind...and so was the solider.
He came back after a torture session and began clawing at his metal arm.
You scurried to the corner in fear.
"Soldier... It's okay!" You shouted before he ran up to you and pinned you against the wall.
"I'm hideous!" He screamed in your face as your eyes widened with fear.
"You aren't hideous, not at all soldier." You whispered back as he looked down at your arm and ran his hand down it.
"I want you to know what it's like... I want you to be like me." He whispered looking back into your eyes as you looked at him in shock.
"W-What? Soldier, you don't mean that." You whispered, fear evident in your voice as he leant in and kissed you.
"We could be so powerful together, doll. It'll just be us... We can take down Hydra. Think of how much power you'll have with an arm like mine." He said, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I don't want to, please." You begged as he smiled softly.
"It won't hurt for long, doll."
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