#and yes this did happen after Eden's death so she couldn't do anything
rabbittwinrithings · 3 years
So about Cary’s scar
So originally I was going to make a short story out of this, but after thinking about it, there wouldn’t be much to the story. I may have a line about it later on in Caryalind’s mod, idk atm, but here’s the story of Caryalind’s massive scar on his abdomen.  (TW: Child Abuse and Gore)
He got the scar during one his father’s many experiments to try and get Caryalind to find his magical potential. Caryalind had gone through numerous hours of studying magic, was sent to arcane temples, even conducted rituals with the best arch mages in Alinor, but nothing helped. Caryalind was 16, his magic should have shown by now! Ganmen thought back to the first time he discovered his full potential of magicka, he was just a boy too and his mother conducted a fight to take place. That was it; a fight. 
Ganmen forced the teenager to enter the trainings grounds. Ganmen told his son his what was going to happen. Sometimes magic comes out when we are in the most danger. A feeling of primal survival. Caryalind, obviously, was worried as he saw he would facing a trained Pahmar-Raht without a single weapon, but his father gave him a silver-lining. If Caryalind managed to cast a single hint of magic, the boy would be given his daggers to protect himself. 
Of course, no magic ever came out. Ganmen stick around to watch his son dodge and run frantically to survive the blows of the Khajiit warrior. Minutes later the Overseerer would be hit with hope as he heard his son defeated the warrior. But after hearing the story of his son’s victory, the hope vanished. Caryalind only defeated the Khajiit after he was pinned to the ground. The Khajjit sinking his claws into the young man’s abdomen. All the while casting frostbite through his hand, hitting Caryalind at basically point-blank. Caryalind did have a survival instinct kick in. As he laid there in pain, and feeling sure he would be killed, he noticed the frost magic creating ice shards all over his abdomen. Painfully, Caryalind wrenched one from his body and pierced it into the neck of the man. The Khajiit slumped over him and the guards came down to pull Caryalind from the pool of his own blood. 
After the fight, Caryalind had the horrendous scar of not only where the Khajiit’s claws stabbed into him, but where the frostbite spell was overtaking him. For years, Caryalind hated how it looked, but he did get reassurance from the few that cared for him around him. Mainly Termia, who promised him he was still perfect. 
Perhaps the only good was that Caryalind wasn’t subjected by any torment of Ganmen for half a year. Caryalind was sent to a vacation home to recover from his injuries and to cool off. For a while, Caryalind thought his father wanted him to relax after a traumatic experience, but soon enough he found himself facing the truth. His father didn’t want to face him. Not because he did something so nightmarish to his own son, but because he couldn’t face the fact that his son didn’t have any arcane talents. 
Despite everything, this was perhaps the first time Caryalind found himself at peace for months on end. While he still had the horrors of his father in his head, for those months, he had Termia who happily stayed by his side and spent time with him. She had a way of making those around her feel worth something. 
PS. As a more happy note, it was during those months Termia and Caryalind cemented themselves as best friends. Though, Caryalind did catch feelings and after confessing to Termia he loved her, she hit him with the reality of her preferences. While it stung a bit for Cary, the two only became stronger friends afterwards. 
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