#and yes i'm doing this with the pinky-out while holding the cup pose
zhongrin · 9 months
hakdhskdjakdjaldj yall 🥹 all these reblog tags.... i'm.... good gods i feel like i haven't posted a proper fic in so long and i was so nervous (nonsensical, i know) aaaa thank youuuuu <3
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potatocockoli · 4 months
the grey sky and vacant clouds try and pretend they want to celebrate today, but it's not in their nature to not help me in the only way i can help myself
hysterical is how id describe the strain between the simplicity i could allow and the dive i take every year to give myself some grace i dont deserve by doing everything i know will give me what i do instead
soaking wet in a graveyard seems a fine way to be place to be could you place me
a day that would have been yours if the fates allowed, and would have been yours if brakes allowed, and would have been yours if God allowed, but instead He gave it to me
to hold in my hand, clasped tightly in my sweaty palm for show and tell
today was supposed to be yours and still is, but is it okay if i make it mine too?
is it okay to make it mine too?
is it okay to make it mine too?
i'm sorry i feel so foolish but i need it to be mine too
it is mine too
shut up i really just need you
but i want to set it down
i want to set you down
maybe on the kitchen island, it will be your stage, or woven in the beer stained carpet and we'll melt in, or in the ashtray outside, it will be the place we go before He decides to let you go without letting me know
but i wasn't ready
are you still there? or here? or somewhere else?
the table is set for a tea party and i've turned every cup
i dont like a single person sitting on this porch
you're calling olly olly oxen free when you know it's too far to drive, we said we wouldn't go easy on eachother
so thanks for that
and i know i know i know i need to stop crying because you're not coming back and shut up yes i do know i know i know i'm sorry i know, i know you hate when i get like this im sorry im sorry but hold on just one please please just one just one more question last one i swear real quick
where do i put you
where do i place you
i just dont know where to put you
do i keep you in my pillowcase or under the bed
or the jacket pocket so i can share a secret i've never said
i really wish you
no let me finish
i really wish
i really wish
okay well i - okay -
but today you have to let me do whatever i need, please
i know today was supposed to be yours and still is, but is it okay if i make it mine too?
can you allow yourself to let everything go and let me hold it instead, just in this moment
how can i say i am gifted the burden to carry you into every moment after
because i have to
because its all i have left
im carrying you in my hand, in my pocket, wrapped around my finger, interlocked, ring finger, middle finger, pinky promise in the dark, mom's laundry room across the river, under the bed holding on to each other's favorite stories we tell about each other
funny how my stories are left there and yours are here now
but i ask again
can i tell it again
i ask again
and again
and again
is it mine or yours
are you holding me there
or pulling me somewhere else while
im pulling you out of the reeds
im putting you in the basket
im calling for you as you jump a second ahead but i promise im coming right after you
i gather the family in the living room in front of the mantle and you're here and you're mine just for a moment that will never really happen or maybe it did and it's someone else's or it didnt or it did and it could have in a dream or never at all again and again and again
but it doesn't matter either way because i'm looking at you looking through me in every moment that ever was and my favorite game is catching up with you to the ones that havent happened yet
but if its mine im still holding you in my hand and placing you on the highest shelf and making you pose for the picture
and you can hold me there
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Little Pet Pt Ten. 💋
Warnings. Blood. Stabbing, guns.
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The hallucinations wore off after three hours. You could see clearly now and think again. No one was in the room with you besides the dead plants so Kai must have left with Nemoto at some point. You tried to loft your hands but your wrists were still strapped to the table. You could feel rough indents from the tight straps every time you tugged against them. You can endure a little more torture … for MrShigarakis sake.
Kai returned after a while, walking around the table watching your eyes follow him . He paid no mind though, even stopping to pick up each surgical tool to inspect them then place it back down. The clicking of the tools on the glass table made your fingertips flinch . Just pick one, get it over with…
“Pick something!” You couldn't take much more . The sound was like nails on a chalkboard . Every tick made your whole body flinch and the stitches in your stomach ache. Kai put his scalpel down to turn to you , brow twitching slightly.
“Are you yelling at me? Telling me what to do? You want your stupid quirk back right?”
“You're not going to actually give it back…”
Kai reached into his jacket pulling out a gun and pointing it to your neck, pressing the barrel against your cold skin. “I had actually planned to return it to you with this. Because i'm curious to see how it reacts to quirk enhancers.. but now.” He set the gun down with the tools, the loud click sent a wince throughout your body.“You can wait longer.”
The door opened and Mimic came in as his tiny self and climbed up the table to sit with the tools and gun, picking up each one to look at it . Again. And again. And again.
“Mimic will keep you company till you're ready to behave” he waved his hand taking his leave.
Sweat fell from your forehead , each click made your toes flinch. Your breathing got heavy and you shut your eyes tight . Enduring. As best you could.
At the hideout everyone was ready to go, Kurogiri had a warp gate open and Toga was swirling your blood around in a blood vial , her smile all the way up her face. Twice had a girly backpack over his shoulder and his hands on his hips, Dabi was about to step through the warp gate but Shigaraki grabbed his arm stopping him. Dabi groaned looking over his shoulder to see his Leader staring at Toga.
Toga jumped in place drinking the blood, she turned into you posing with her arms up. “How do i look!!!!”
Twice told her she looked like a slut and Dabi rolled his eyes. Shigaraki stared till Dabi shook his arm free.
“Boss. Lets go get the real one”
Shigaraki nodded slowly stepping through the warp gate with everyone, Twice waved before jumping through to Kurogiri.
Stop it…
Click click.
Knock it off….
Thud. It was the gun.
Tears fell from the corners of your eyes. It was constantly clicking , non stop for an hour and a half. He never let up , every now and then he would pick the gun up . It felt like every ten minutes he would pick it up and look it over granting you a couple seconds of silence. But everytime he put the gun down you screamed, yelling, crying , begging him to stop. He never did though, never even looked at you.
“Stab me”
Mimic was about to put the scalpel down but stopped to listen to you. You didn't even respond to the sweet silence anymore.
“Mimic stab me with that tool.”
“Kill me.”
“Please.” Twitch
“I'll do whatever you want”
Mimic left the doll appearing next to the glass table stretching . He joined you next to the surgical table scanning over your body. Your breathing was heavy under the white surgical sheet you had on. Your fingers finally stopped twitching to the noise and your eyes were very wide.
“Whatever I want?” He asked standing by your head running his fingers through your hair.
You nodded up at him then looking at the table then back to him. “But you need to stab me after, in the thigh. With that scalpel.”
He unzipped his jeans fishing his cock out and leaning over to grab the tool you wanted so bad. “But I thought you said to kill you?” He leaned over your forehead rubbing his cock in your hair.
“Kai will just bring me back, please, i just want to feel something. Anything. I want to feel you too”
“Oh?” He moved closer to your mouth, turning your head to the side. You licked him tugging at the restraints on your wrist . Mimic moaned reaching out to your restrained wrist, unhooking it for you. You reached up to grab his shaft and he let out another moan.
“Make sure you leave no trace..” he stabbed you in the thigh and your body jerked , you gagged around his cock coughing.
It's alright. It's alright. Just wait. Wait for the right time… you reached up to Mimic pulling him down till his head was near your chest impairing his vision. Your hand slid from his body to your thigh. You fought through your tears and burning pain in your thigh to keep him distracted, no matter what it took.
About 5 minutes earlier Toga and Twice had ran into the Chisaki house as you causing all sorts of chaos distracting the members . Dabi slipped in going the opposite way of Toga and Shigaraki followed him.
They both sneaked around the hideout eventually finding their way down to the underground . Cement walls and long hallways, they checked each door finding nothing. Just empty rooms. Shigaraki was getting impatient . Where were you ? You're in so much trouble when he finds you..
A scream alerted them and both men followed the noise.
Mimic was still leaning over you, nursing his cock down your throat . You couldn't breath but you were almost there. You had yanked the scalpel out of your thigh , your whine muffled enough for Mimic not to hear you. You slid the tool under your neck grabbing it with your restrained hand cutting the restraints off.
Mimic moaned pushing more of himself all the way down your throat. He's close, you've gotta hurry. You opened your left eye to see his chest hovering above you, his eyes were closed and he started to hump slightly. You flipped the scalpel around shoving it right into his balls then his chest.
Mimic screamed out falling back and onto the floor holding his side and his groin. You shot up fumbling with your ankle restraints.
“YOU GODDAMN BITCH” he tried to get up.
You fell off the table , your damaged leg giving out under you . You reached for the table and it fell with you. Blood fell from your hands as you searched the broken glass for the gun. You crawled looking everywhere cutting up your knees and legs . Mimic was dragging himself to you and your hand hit the gun. Quickly you turned it on yourself right when the door was burned down.
Dabi and Shigaraki ran in to see the situation. Mimic grabbed you and you pulled the trigger. The last thing you heard was Mr.Shigaraki’s voice and Dabi yelling.
You woke up in your bed all bandaged up and in a pair of grey sweatpants and a shirt . You felt foggy and your arms felt like they were being stabbed. No one was in the room with you but you could hear bickering and sarcasm. You reached down to touch your thigh feeling a bandage wrapped around it. Could you walk? Probably not but you needed to see him.
Your leg gave out once you got up causing you to fall to your knees. Very slowly you pushed yourself up limping till you got to the wall. You leaned on it to support yourself once you left the room. The bickering got louder the closer you got . Your arms were hurting bad by now and you didn't know why.
Could it…? Only one way to know.
You peered over the corner to see everyone except Mr. Shigaraki. Where was he? Was he okay?!? You didn't want to make yourself known yet so you limped to the door that led to your garden. The door was open a bit making it easy for you to nudge it open. You saw him standing by your garden staring down at it, the tabby cat that you made friends with sitting next to him.
Quietly the door closed behind you and the cat looked over meowing .
“Shut up.”
“I said -“
Shigaraki turned so fast you didn't even see it . He stared for a very long time as if you were a dream or his mind playing a trick on him. Your leg gave out again and Shigaraki rushed over touching your face with four fingers . His eyes wide and his free hand shaking .
“Yes.. Mr.Shigaraki.”
“What the hell .. were you thinking” his free hand cupped your cheek , his pinkie outreached.
You giggled, crying a tiny bit. “Protecting you. I … i love you MrShigaraki..”
the villain clicked his teeth looking away to hide his faint blush.
You wanted to hug him but your arms .. really hurt.
“Mr.Shigaraki. .. can i ask for something”
“Excuse me?” He looked back, folding his arms. “Ive got half a mind to lock you in that old room for a month.”
You giggled at his answer. “The sun. Please. I just want to see something. After that I will accept any punishment you have for me.”
He brought you out of the shade and over to the garden where the sun was . When those rays hit you your arms stopped hurting, thorns started to appear all over your arms in little stubs . You took in a deep breath standing up on your own . The bandages falling off you revealing healed skin. The garden grew tall and pretty and you had vines coming out of your hands wrapping around your arms. You looked over to see Shigaraki standing now. You had tears in your eyes.
“MR SHIGARAKI!!!! ITS BACK!!! My quirk is back.!!!”
He hugged you, not caring if your thorns stabbed him. You squeezed him tight crying .
he looked down at you , his face red. “What?”
“My name.. is Y/N..”
Shigaraki lightly gripped your cheek , rubbing his thumb on your lips. “I'm still going to call you Pet”
You nodded laughing saying that was fine too. You quickly gasped when his lips touched yours . The vines unwrapped from your arms and around Shigarakis instead. You cried hard kissing him back, leaning into him.
Shigaraki pulled away too look at the vines then at you. “Im still going to punish you, Pet. But i need to think of something else. I cant have you in that room now. “ You agreed hugging him.
“Yes Mr. Shigaraki?”
“Im glad.. your okay. I love you too”
A/N. AUGH I LOVE THIS SERIES ITS MY FAVORITE IVE EVER WRITTIN. Im so sad to have to end it . Thank you for reading and enjoying it with me .
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Ed's Son (part 5)
"Puppy is so cute!!" Katie giggles. She pets Dark Chica happily. The dark pup wags her tail slowly even if she still looks moody.
"Katie please be careful. That one bites." Ed saids nervously keeping an eye on her at the main room of the ego house.
"But she is a good puppy. Right puppy?" Katie hugs Dark Chica and snuggles her. The pup lets out a deep bark and wags her tail more, please by the affection.
"Ed they look fine don't be so worried." You pat Ed's back softly.
"How can I not. Darn monster bites everything and does her master do anything about it noooooo, He just lets it happen as long as its not his things." Ed sneers at Dark Chica.
"Are you saying I'm a bad pet owner?" Dark pops up behind Ed making him go stiff.
"Yes. Yes I am." Ed saids carefully.
"Well it isn't my fault she is here now. If you want someone to blame go to our dear creator not me." Dark huffs out.
"Can I play with the puppy outside. Please please please!!" Katie run up to you pleading. She makes big puppy eyes at you and Ed.
"You have to ask Dark it is his dog." You tell Katie.
Katie looks up at Dark. She fiddles with her dress and walks up to him shy. "Ummm mister Dark can I play with your puppy outside?"
"If you insist." He pats Katie's head. "Just don't let her dig any more holes. I just finished fixing the backyard."
"Thank you!!" Katie opens the sliding door to the backyard. "Ed you said mister Dark is a meanie. He is nice. Kinda scary but nice. Come on puppy!!" Katie moves to the side as Dark Chica walks past her to go out. Dark closes the sliding door and gives Ed a look.
"So I'm a meanie Ed?" Dark gives off a bad aura.
"What you are. I need to protect her." Ed saids crossing his arms. "You may have toned down a bit but your still the same old Dark."
"And I love him just the way he is." Dark's darling comes from behind him and kisses his cheek. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" Dark's darling looks at you.
"O yes we are. Is Bim's Flower coming to?" You ask.
"Yea they are!! They said they are free so here is to the ego's significant others hang  out!!" Darling raises their hands up pumped up.
"Must you call it that?" Dark looks at his darling slightly amused.
"Yes I do!! Come on Darky there are three of us now. I think we deserve a name for ourselves. Oooo we should make club shirts!!" Darling's head is already swimming with ideas.
"Sounds like a support group." Ed saids raising an eyebrow.
"I could be. Oooo I got to call Flower for this!!!" Darling dials on their phone. They walk off happily and Dark watches them head to his office.
"Sometimes they still amaze me." Dark sighs but he has a small smile. He walks off to this office to be with his darling.
"So what ya'll have a club now?" Ed looks at you curiously.
"Hahahaha I guess so. Darling and Flower were really open to me when I first came and made me feel really comfortable so I like them a lot." You remember feeling nervous the first time you came but when you met them they welcomed you with open arms and instantly became friends. "I think out of me and Flower though Darling is the tough one."
"Of course they are have you seen who they are with." Ed still cant believe it even if has been 2 months since darling came back. "By the way I got a message from Jr. He said his shift should be done soon so we can meet him later to eat." Jr had gotten a job at the ranch, he said he really enjoyed being there so he applied for a job.
"O that's good. Im glad he likes it there." You smile remembering Jr so happy the day he got the job. Ed gave him a big bear hug and you a gentle one. Katie was more excited that now it meant she got to go there more often. You also remember when Jr. left his interview Ed walked in to sell the manager on how great Jr is for the job. You also remember he scared the manager to by pulling out his revolver, you don't tell Jr. about that.
"I'm proud of my son." Ed smiles wide. "I'm glad he is really coming around."
"Me too." You snuggle to Ed's shoulder. After that day at the ranch things have been really good. You got closer to Jr more and he liked hanging out with you and Katie. Katie loved it when Ed and Jr came to their house she had Jr to play cowboy with and even was able to get him and Ed to have a tea party with her. You have multiple photos of Ed and Jr in pink crowns and hot pink feather boas siting at a small table surrounded by plush horses and dolls. They even posed on one photo pretending to drink from a tea cup with Katie with their pinkies out, that one is your phone background.
"It wouldn't be like this without you ya know." Ed leans his head on yours. "Without you givin me that push I don't think we would have ever been like this."
"Me? I think you could have done it without me." You blush slightly.
Ed takes you in his arms. "Trust me it was you. Ya got that sweet charm that could make me do anything. I have always been a stubborn man when it comes to saying how I feel acting like the though cowboy I am. You got me to let it out more. And because of that you get a special deal for free of charge."
"And what is that?" You ask laughing softly hands on his chest.
"Me..." Ed saids softly. He leans in kissing you softly. Your hand runs up his shirt brushing over the opening of his button up shirt revealing his chest. He holds you tighter by the hips kissing you more deeply. One hand goes up your back slowly making its way to your hair so he can run his fingers through it. It makes your heart beat faster and feel warm. He pulls back slightly and thumps his head on yours softly eyes closed.
You both hear Katie giggling loudly outside. You look outside the glass slide door to see her playing fetch with Dark Chica. You also notice that Willford made his way outside and when he tossed the ball Dark Chica didn't fetch it and only did it when Katie threw it. Bim laughs at that and you see his arm around his flower who watches happily.
"Looks like Flower got here a while ago." Then Willford goes to pet Dark Chica and gets his hand bitten. He yells out and as if on the mark Dr.Iplier walks by you and Ed to go outside to check Will's hand. Silver jumps down from the side saying he heard a distress call and gets bitten on the butt. He runs in circles and Katie laughs and Dark Chica wags her tail.
"There really isn't a dull day around here isn't there." You laugh as Doc shakes his head as Silver falls on the floor with his butt in the air and Will holding his hand making evil eyes with Dark Chica.
"They are my family." Ed smiles then looks at you. "And so are you and Katie."
You smile so wide and kiss Ed softly then snuggle into his chest. "I love you Ed Edgar."
"Love ya too." Ed kisses your head.
Ed feels so much better with you in his life. He thought he wouldn't get a chance like this but now he does. He holds you tighter thinking his life got better now he has you in it.
The End
Silver plops on his bed face down. His butt still stings from Dark Chica's bite and has a bandage over it, Doc was not to thrilled  applying it. His computer dings and he goes to his desk not sitting down on his chair. He sees he got the tickets to the comic book convention and has a big smile on his face. Just then he gets a message, which makes him smile more.
NerdyOne273: Hey did you see the ticket are on sale now!!
Silver types back.
SilverIsBest01: I just got some tickets now!! Its going to be so cool!!
NerdyOne273: Lucky!! Are you taking one of your friends?
Silver blushes and takes a deep breath. He tells himself he can do this. He has been planning this since the event was announced and after talking to his new friend he had been trying to gain the courage to ask them out.
SilverIsBest01: Actually I was thinking you could go with me. That is if your not busy of have plans with anyone else.
Silver crosses his fingers with his big gloves. It feels like hours before hears a ding.
NerdyOne273: With me. Really. I would love to go with you!!! Its going to be so much fun getting to meet you in person finally. I will see you then :)
Silver gets so happy he jumps an his bed and jumps of with a hero landing. He feels so happy and he rereads the message again. He knows the day of the even is the day he will finally ask you out.
*Our favorite hero Silver is next :D I hope you guys liked Ed's story. It was more of a reader getting him to have a better relationship with his son and how he really loves having someone with him who gets it being a single parent, without selling your own kid that is hahaha. But it made being with the reader more better as they helped with that bond and making Ed happy personally. I hope you like it and will be here for Silver's tale next. Happy reading peeps :) * 
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