#and y'all have SEEN my tw crit. which is critical of him too.
fandom-hoarder · 11 months
I don't follow/unfollow/block people according to fandom pressure and behavior control. I curate my experience for me. I don't have to agree with every blogger's opinions just to follow their blog. I just have to like enough of their content and opinions that a bad one or disagreement here and there don't spoil my experience.
And sure, it's nice to have followers that enjoy the experience of my blog. It's nice to be appreciated for my writing and the outward portrayal of my personality and aesthetic. But also, my blog is first and foremost for me. And my dash is ONLY for me.
So, for example, when it comes to accounts that are hyper-critical about a character or an actor, the biggest deciding factors are going to be: if they're harrassing the real life person, if their criticism/opinion puts me off, and if they have other posts I'm into.
My bff of 30+ years HATES Sasuke with a fiery passion, yet that doesn't stop me loving her or beta reading her fanfiction where horrible things happen to a character I love or indulging her hate when she needs to go off. I loved Sakura AND shipped SasuNaru in a fandom that often hates the girls for the sake of their yaoi ship. I spent years being a Kikyou AND Kagome defender, in a fandom notorious back in the forum days for its rabid fans (RIFs), where they are pitted against each other in awful ways for ship wars. I ship McLennon and like Yoko. Believe me when I say that some perfectly understandable post-prequelgate feelings about Jensen are not enough to shame me away from following an account.
The things that are instant block material are: being a terf (not from accusations alone; i have to see it myself), purity culture, and harassment. Otherwise it's all about the nuance of what I'm fine with seeing on my dash and scrolling past.
And I need a little salt in my diet. 🤷‍♀️
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