#and woo boy is this guy fun to explore
lorefolked · 1 year
going through the motions was just a facet of james' life. fleeting, swirled faces that never lingered for long, pressing questions from all sides ; like a thick pair of jaws fastened around him, canines sinking in until he was bled dry, thin and weak. the queries never ended, nor did the expectations. he was this kind of figure now, clad in dark shades, hair wild and untamed -- a figment of his signature. he practically bled black.
he'd become somewhat, undeniably, accustomed to the press conferences. skin thickening with each discussion, once soft-toned and demure responses edging into something more curt, abrupt and monosyllabic, as brief as james could possibly be. instead of answering he'd begun volleying back his own questions -- "how do you feel about it?" "what is there to say?" "is that how you interpret it?" seeing the looks on those journalists' faces was perhaps better than any kind of acid ( now criminalized, just like those reporters the moment their quizzes were turned back on them ). his reputation had tacked on words like jerk and evasive, headlines screeching warnings of WATCH OUT and RIVERS BACK AT IT AGAIN! without care to truly understand the intention of his words. james had never cared much for the press -- he found them to be sleazy; sell outs; only interested in one thing, and it was never the truth. they'd likened james to a petulant child in the two years he'd been an artist, so he'd turned his back on them and done the same. their faces red with embarrassment and irritation, brows furrowed and jaws clenched, fully inked pens gripped by white-tipped fingers. why won't you answer? why? why? look in the mirror.
but those moments of satisfaction had been swallowed by the other mounting feelings wedged in james' chest. sly smirks gave way to thinned lips, expressionless and cold. this was who he was now. empty, barren hotel rooms, untouched sheets. a narrow spine pushed against the wall, black collared jacket swept around his feet, legs pressed into his stomach. the tears never came. sickness churned in his belly, fingers curled around porcelain toilets as he bent over, dry heaving. platform saddle shoes digging into the dirty tile underneath. help me. he wanted to cry out, wanted to beg god for forgiveness, but the sky lay empty at night and no deity ever answered him back. hands covered his face, fingers tangled in messy black hair. he was alone.
then he met oliver noble ( and after that, he'd never felt more alone in his entire life ). sleek brunette hair, stylized and gelled ; deep brown eyes focusing in on james' face, never leaving, like they belonged there. fleas on a dog's hide, burrowed deep. he smelled of citrus and wood, a crackling hearth, sparked with amber flames. he looked like he shaved daily. for james, brushing his teeth was a chore -- jaws gnashed as bitterness ran through him. noble was older, only a little, and wore tailored suits. wrinkles pressed out and tie expertly wrapped. he held out a hand, a grin on his face. one that screamed shark. james took it anyway, felt the softness against his own callouses. backed away, intent on getting away and slipping through the crowd, but noble followed.
james expected many things. questions that he'd heard a million times, something any idiot could find in the paper. headline material. he had already begun working up a detached answer to the usual "how does it feel to be the most highly regarded artist right now?" but what came was neither what he expected nor what he wished to answer. a deep look in those sharp browns, like they saw something no one else did. "how do you handle performance anxiety, mr. rivers?"
performance anxiety. as if james didn't live in front of crowds. as if a camera wasn't always in his face. as if his hands didn't tremble before he stepped on stage. teeth clenched, adjusting his sunglasses, wanting something to do with his hands as the question speared through him. he felt protected by his shades, like his eyes couldn't be bored into. even though noble's face looked like he was staring right through him. "it's just life. how do you handle life?" he bunted back. waited for the cross look. it never came.
noble nodded slowly, like he'd come to understand something that was never there in the first place. "life is difficult. i understand what you mean. but dealing with it -- now that's the million dollar question, isn't it?" he replied, voice silky sweet with sympathy. like james was liquid putty in his hands, molded and shaped however he saw fit. i'm worth twenty thousand of you, he wanted to say. wanted to scream. how did he deflect a question when it was no longer his answer?
"people deal with life in different ways. it all comes down to what you know," james said reluctantly. you're manipulating me. was it manipulation if he knew it? or was he, at that point, just as guilty?
"and what do you know, mr. rivers?" noble positioned himself in front of james, staring at him. he wasn't even holding a pen or a notepad. like he was committing all of this to memory, as if someone of his stature cared that much. he looked more like a renowned businessman to james than anything else ; a carnivorous hound, teeth bared and jaws foaming. each word was like a clap of thunder, and if noble was a hound then james was nothing more than a house dog, shaken and frail. weak underpaw, walking a line he didn't quite know how to tread yet. trying to be delicate but feeling as though he'd just shattered fine china. but it was his life. his life. how could someone take away all he knew in such a short amount of time?
james didn't want to answer. where had that person gone, the one that fired back at journalists like this? where was that cold mask? why were his hands shaking when he should be cool and confident? noble was using him, twisting up his words in order to pad his story with interest. and yet, james couldn't help but wonder how much of what noble was twisting up was true. "i'm just a singer. i'm no scholar. if i was a scholar i wouldn't be singing, would i?"
"many would beg to differ," noble responded, quick and light, weightless. "you're a hero to so many. your words carry power." james heard the undertone of mockery, saw the veiled interest in noble's eyes. nothing he could say would ever resonate with this man. he'd already made up his mind about james -- prick. cagey. uninteresting.
that familiar resentment ran flush through him, sinking into the cores of his teeth. the marrow in his bones. who was he to change noble's mind? who was he to change anyone's mind? embracing the idea that he was this character now ( black clothed, reticent, strung out ) was what felt like the current best option. let noble have his headliner. let everyone see james for the person he put on. who would have the last laugh then? it had to be him. it had to be. they'd all be fools, because james would know what he was. he'd never lose sight of himself. and even though the empty space in his chest was an open chasm, maw wide and gaping, he wouldn't allow himself to fall in. sidestepping was easy, a dance he knew well. this was just another part of himself he'd keep from the world.
"power is only what people give it," james murmured, motioning out toward the crowd choked around them. "and if people see me as a hero, then maybe i am one. what are you doing about the state of things? writing columns about me?" hazel eyes narrowed at noble, taking in the acceptance on the other man's face. expectations had just been met. "maybe it's you who needs to think about how to handle life. i'm certainly doing a better job of it than you."
james didn't wait for an answer. he couldn't. he just saw noble's lips press into a thin line and then he was off, desperate to be away from this place and these people. returning home -- or whatever he could truly call home, living in the desolation of a hotel room. a black abyss, calling out to him. and the time passed, as it always did. that night was just a ledger in his mind. and for a moment, he'd thought, he isn't writing about me. he'd deflected, successfully. was that all it took? speaking highly of himself?
and then the magazine landed across his desk days later. the ledbetter, it read. title : IS JAMES RIVERS WORTHY OF PRAISE AFTER ALL? author, oliver noble. james felt sick as he read it. tanned hands picked up the pack of newports, bringing the cigarette to his lips. he breathed smoke, lived in it, ash in a fire. the last one standing in a burning house. hearth-dwelling noble, setting the place ablaze. james had never felt worthy of his celebrity standing, but this certainly overwhelmed any other criticism -- and to be so wrong at the same time? it was no hullabaloo magazine, but people would certainly read this. chapped lips parted as smoke puffed out, trailing thick tendrils through the empty white room, legs lifting to set his feet upon the desk. he scrubbed a hand through his hair. when was the last time he'd even bothered to wash it? it all just felt so far away, a distant echo crying out in a bottomless cave. nothing matters. nothing ever has. nothing ever will. he eyed the setlist sitting on his desk, wondered what those people thought of him. but then, did it really matter? what of oliver noble? what of mary, his own manager? if the world saw him one way, was that really who he was? maybe it only mattered what he was deep down. but if no one else saw that, was he even human at that point? or was he just a cardboard cutout, a caricature?
anger swelled inside of him, gripping the magazine and throwing it across the room, watching the gaudy pages flutter in the air. a kaleidoscope of color, planting to the ground. his chest heaved, his hands shook. he had a show tonight. there was no reason to get worked up. but oliver noble had found him, crooked and bleeding, and kicked him in the face. watched him go down, laughing, laughing, laughing. that grin haunted his mind. commensalism was so often the relationship between musician and reporter. but what of this?
james shook his head, bit down on the cigarette and closed his eyes. maybe he'd write a song about this. call it parasite. the suckling leech, oliver noble. he just hoped to never see him again. it wouldn't be far out if he didn't. but those words would continue living in his head, at least until james could let it go. but the idea of being bested stuck with him, and so it never slipped his mind.
performance anxiety. what a joke.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 2 months
Pedrolino vs. Pierrot
Pedrolino vs. Pierrot (Part 2) 
Part 1 covered the history of this theatre genre, so head over there for background information.  
Now, why does Sally choose a Pedrolino costume of all the commedia costumes?  When I think of Sally, I think loud and brash and incredibly confident.  She is performing all the time and she thinks she is AMAZING at it.  Based on what we know, which character would we expect her to take?
She is vain enough to want to have the major role, so that could be one of The Lovers, but those characters have to be somewhat subdued and they don’t have a recognizable costume.  I would pick Il Capitano for her because of the boasting and love of attention.  All things considered, though, obviously she is going to pick Arlecchino (Harlequin).  This is the guy that has stuck with us through the centuries.  Pedrolino gets some play, especially in the move to Pierrot, but he becomes another thing entirely—the precursor of mime and clowning.  
Harlequin is everywhere. 
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I grew up with mass produced art of Harlequin at the end of the hall in my childhood home.  Famous artists have painted him, hobby artists have painted him, he’s on the decks of playing cards as the joker, and then the most modern iteration of Harlequin is the Joker’s main squeeze, Harley Quinn.  And once you think about it, she is pretty spot on.  Harlequin is not afraid to beat someone with that stick he carries.  The Joker is also an avatar based on the tradition.   
We have pictures of Pedrolino/Pierrot as well, but it really isn’t as common to see him, or even Pierrot, that much.  Let's take a look at the differences between the two characters.   
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I cannot see this without thinking of Groucho's line: "How do you sleep with such big buttons on your pajamas?"
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There are sources that somewhat conflate some of the Zanni’s, particularly Arleccino and Pedrolino.  However, there are very distinct deliniations of the characters in a lot of examples, with Pedrolino and Arleccino presented as rivals for the love of Columbina.  Generally, Pedrolino would be the servant of one of the main characters, though usually Arleccino serves the lead. (Women have a long history of being either banished from the stage or suffering through flat dialogue and action.)  The Wikipedia article details Pedrolino as the first or primary Zanni, but from my readings, that distinction is less defined.  I find it really hard to believe that when faced with a character in bright patchwork who was quick and nimble and clever and acrobatic, that the crowd would be turning to the more serious guy dressed in white instead. 
Pedrolino, often the butt of Arlecchino’s jokes, or a participant in setting up others, was a more serious, intense kind of character.  This is something you see when Columbina comes in.  Arlecchino is bright and sassy and fun, but Pedrolino is completely taken with her and that love informs his entire life.  The words used to describe Pedrolino in this article are “a Janus-faced aspect.”
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Janus is a Roman god, depicted with two faces.  He sees the past and the future and is present in moments of transition.  He is also associated with the moon, as it changes; it’s always in a state of transition.  These characters, Pedrolino in particular, is associated with the moon because of his moodiness and feelings of love.  Once he sees Columbina, he is smitten and is changed, his mind moved to wooing her.  Pedrolino is all romance as a counterpoint to Arlecchino’s fuck boy.   
This is something to be explored in a bit when Sally comes in. 
The costumes of Arleccino and Pedrolino are distinct from each other, but similar in theme; Arleccino is wearing a costume primarily make of patches (like that old joke of so many patches that no original material is left) and Pedrolino wears a costume that is far too big for him, most likely cast offs from his master.  Pedrolino typically did not wear a mask, but instead wore white makeup, called infarinato.  This lead to the creation of modern clown make up, which started as Pedrolino’s flour-like make-up.  As you can see above, there is still some tradition of Pedrolino wearing a mask, which as you can see, has exaggerated cheeks and raised eyebrows, which was meant to portray humor, openness, and innocence.  Arleccino’s mask (which was much more common) was meant to reference his quick wit and love of mischief, but also to give him a satyr-like aspect (spicy).   
I didn’t get into masks heavily in the prior piece, so just a bit here.  We discussed the characters and that they wore costumes related to their archetype.  For many (with the exception of The Lovers, Pedrolino, and sometimes Columbina), their masks were built to identify the characters, but also to present the personalities of the characters in a highly symbolized manner.  These masks are created in the Greek tradition, though the Greeks tended to focus on the emotion being portrayed, sometimes leading to actors changing masks as they move through the action (It’s all part of that Aristotelian catharsis, baby).  The masks in commedia could also reinforce racial and religious stereotypes existing in society, which I don’t really want to get into.  The point of that is that sometimes these masks had exaggerated features, which would be another source of info for the audience.  In addition to the masks, the characters would also highlight various appendages or areas of the body, for example, the lustful Pantalone was often portrayed with some kind of phallic costume piece to stress that he is lustful inappropriately (as the ingenue is far too young for him, etc.).  This is a somewhat regular feature of theatre throughout time, because everyone loves dick jokes.   
Pedrolino became a popular character, making the jump to French theatre, but they renamed him Pierrot, which is basically "little Peter" in French.  As Pierrot, the costume became more stylized, and the cone shaped hat and large buttons became staples.  A famous French actor portraying Pedrolino, Jean-Gaspard Deburau (1796-1846) played the character for 20 years, moving him into mime territory.  Yes, Pedrolino becomes the proto-mime (though I did see references to mimes existing before this, but it could be either AI or a very strange clown fandom.)   This character not only moved toward mime, but also modern clowning, with the makeup (as mentioned before) and a use of the same kind of bits.  Clowns often perform acrobatics, are the target of pranks, and use the slapstick clumsiness that was a staple of the character.   
Pierrot is often described as “moonstruck” which is a phrase that means affected by the moon, but generally is also a way of saying that someone is in love.  It refers to the changeable phases of the moon and a kind of out-of-this world focus.  Generally, mental illness is referenced, stemming from a belief that the phases of the moon could affect people’s moods, sanity, and behavior.   
Pierrot is often pictured with the moon: 
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As you can see, these are from around the same time period, so we definitely have a shift in focus to Pedrolino as being very romantic. Not a Harlequin in sight.
These images are referring to his romantic nature and his tendency to court Columbina.  This is a waxing crescent moon, which is a symbol of blooming love or planting seeds leading to fruitfulness, so I’m guessing a less innocent kind of love than you get from The Lovers.  
This blog points to performance of Pierrot in the 1900’s as being more spoken word over music, hence the instruments in those pictures.  They were super into orators in the 1900’s.  I’m glad we have TV.   
So, the major symbols and associations of Pierrot: 
Youth/Young adult 
Planting seeds/growth/Spring 
The moon/phases of the moon 
Next, finally, Sally and why Pedrolino, but also, why Pedrolino who is actually Pierrot? 
Sorry about the length on this one, but there are a lot of pictures, so I hope that helps.
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adelidae · 4 months
i think you should draw your ocs and share them... i would like to see your little guys from your head
auauauu omg okay :]
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currently these two have been on my mind :] i like to jokingly describe oscar and tobias' dynamic as What if the tall dark and handsome immortal bad boy from the ya/romance/etc novels was obsessed with Some guy in his 50s.
technically they have history with each other! a long time ago in oscars youth he made a deal with an immortal being that meant when tobias (who was in a critical state) died he would essentially be reincarnated as a baby and start over again (without the memories of his previous life). thus oscar, an immortal himself, would find him in each of his lives and return the memories of his past lives to him and try to woo him again -- as an adult of course.
from oscar's point of view this was a grand and romantic gesture, but by the time he's about 400 and meeting the current iteration of tobias.....well, he's already going through his own life. He married and had kids, and has a job and his own situation to think about. which certainly doesn't follow oscar's plans!
but yeah i think their dynamic is pretty fun to explore, thanks for the ask !!! maybe i'll post some more oc art in the future :33
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mistfallengw2 · 3 months
In honor of Pride Month, here's a rapidfire ramble about my OCs' orientations and how those and their actual preferences play off with their personalities and shape key moments of their story. Bonus context for my hc on queerness in Tyria.
Aurelia Dragonwings - Pansexual homoromantic Girls are pretty. I mean, boys are neat too, but she only ever had eyes for Ardea and later on Ellara, and that clear preference never had her experiment with the other side. The one and only experience she had with a guy was with her best friend Obsius, specifically when Ardea wanted to have a cub and she took one round "just to try it", only to end up having a cub as well (Adamas is an oopsie baby, yes). In general, labels are very confusing to her and the topic of romance held a lot of grief for years, so she would avoid answering any question on the matter, but if someone were to ask her friends, they'd just say she "doesn't know she's lesbian for someone".
Adamas Crystalsoul - Pansexual He's a pretty boy with great pedigree and had waves of people interested in him, but in the fahrar he was too focused on becoming Legionnaire to entertain childhood crushes, and then his heart got snatched away by Maeveryl before he even considered romance an option, still recovering from the loss of his would-be warband. Countless hearts got crushed by the fact that the Pact Commander's son was open about dating a sylvari and being loyal to them, yet Deryn somehow managed to woo the guy (only because Maeveryl sometimes quite literally pushed him towards her). Overall he has a feminine and androgynous preference, though like his mother he never had a proper chance to explore romance with guys.
Tocchix - Demisexual panromantic (trans guy) He spent most of his teenage years feeling sort of inadequate for romance because he never felt "the full pull" towards anyone (not helped by the comparison to a serial crush-haver like Fynn, his best friend in Lion's Arch), so he preferred to focus on training hard and join the Order of Whispers, figuring that it'd be a problem for his older self. Terrible at picking up on flirting attempts and needing to have it very slowly and clearly spelled out for him, he missed a ton of chances with many, and that was not helped by the fact that when he falls for someone, he becomes the definition of devotion, not seeing anyone else even to his detriment. He only ever fell for Iotta, Poffi and, many years later, Huki.
Maeveryl - Panromantic asexual (non-binary) While they are pan, they do have a strong preference for masculinity, or better, a general aversion towards feminine behavior and appearance. They had their first experience with romance with their saplinghood best friend, Morwen, and they quickly figured out femininity wasn't really for them, both for their own body and in a partner. After that, they only had another experience that ended bitterly, and then Adamas became their heart. Years later, when Deryn joins their relationship with Adamas, they don't share romantic feelings for each other, though they quickly become quite platonically affectionate with each other.
Ellara Echodancer - Homosexual Just lesbian. Girls gals girls. Only women of all kinds. She's totally not a hot mess, because she's got rizz and isn't afraid to use it, even just to have a little innocent flirty fun that totally isn't a distraction.
Hel Ravenlost - Homosexual G g girls... pr... etty... Don't worry, after losing Sieran without having been able to tell her how she felt for years, she does get better at not completely hiding her feelings. Luck isn't on her side, but third time's the charm, I swear!
Bunnie - Pansexual demiromantic (non-binary) She likes to sleep around, so anyone willing and compatible (both personality-wise and physically) is fair game for her to have a little no-strings-attached fun. As for the romantic side, I elaborated on it a bit here, but in short she does want romantic relationships and isn't afraid of showing the kind of interest in others that could lead to that, but she always had issues with developing feelings of the romantic kind and having them last, so she tends to coyly hide behind a bit of an emotionally-nonchalant facade until she feels safe to love someone.
Ethanryel - Asexual aromantic (agender) Just never felt anything of either kind of attraction, and that's very much fine for them. Bunnie once explained queerplatonic relationships to them, but that ended up being a sore point for them. The closest thing to that could have been their bond with Grace, a Zephyrite gal who had taught them a lot about healing and voiced for them to join the Zephyrite on their last travel. She had a pretty evident crush on them yet she was the first that didn't make them uncomfortable, but before they got to talk about anything of that matter, she was mortally wounded in the crash in Dry Top, and they never forgave themselves for not having been able to save her. Years later, when Aurene branded their arm to save them, Ethanryel took the title of Grace of Aurene in memory of their friend.
Deryn - Pansexual Gender doesn't matter to her, if one is a nice and hot charr, they're a nice and hot charr. Probably if Mae were a charr she'd have made a move on them as well, but after the initial fascinated curiosity towards the very concept of sylvari, only strong platonic feelings towards them are left.
Markus Blake - Bisexual Due to his parents being in a queerplatonic relationship and being told since really young that he'd have assured the freedom to choose they nearly didn't get (Nora and Lionel were childhood best friends who married each otherso that they could have the kid they both did want and be done with further family expectations, with her being lesbian and him aroace), he never really thought much of romance, thinking he'd just know when he found "the one". When he met Kai, he thought he'd found that one and hoped she'd eventually return his feelings for years, failing at being clear with her about it while ignoring what he felt towards Fynn, the best friend he had found at the same time. It took him a while, but, by what felt just short of divine intervention, he eventually figured out that the "one" was actually "two".
Nari - Bisexual homoromantic Gals is where it's at. She does find feminine people hot in general and had a few experimental flirts across the gender spectrum, but proper relationships are something she knows she wants only with gals. She believes that such kind of strong confidence in her own ideas was what caught Hel's attention in spite of not being norn, not realizing that Hel prefers non-norn until much later.
Iotta - Pansexual demiromantic Her opinion of romance is that it sucks, like all that comes with it. Sure, people can be hot in ways that make sense from a biological standpoint, but for her whole life she couldn't imagine willingly being in a relationship, because everyone else is grossly incompetent and, at best, more annoying than what she could deal with on a daily basis. Being in a relationship with a dork like Tocchix only confirmed that she hates it, because that kind of implicit vulnerability and distracting fondness for someone else goes against everything she knows to be safe, and she utterly despises the fact she wants more of it and that she played herself into it by getting that brilliant idea of manipulating him in the first place. And then being "left behind" shattered any positive perception of romance nearly irreparably, and it drives her mad that she can't get that yearning blade out of her heart so it can rot in peace. So yeah, romance sucks, and it sucks that she fell for it that one time.
Poffi - Demisexual biromantic Growing up in a small krewe that was part of the same polyamorous pod for years and that treated her like their own progeny, she was exposed to plenty of relationship examples, so she thought she had a pretty clear idea of what she was like by the time she left home to join the Order. Sadly she never got the chance to test her theories due to her general insecurities, and she also missed the pretty important part where maybe some girls can be just as romanceable as guys. (hey, at least AU!Poffi gets to go through quite the poly rollercoaster)
Daunte Burstspell - Homosexual He's a simple charr: he liked his guys hot like his fire, and life was not a little fun without the risk of burns. Verge was his flame since childhood, and they openly shared their warmth with many others. Daunte continued doing so after losing him, and even though it was never the same, he did genuinely care for the young norn he so gleefully annoyed to no end.
Hagan Wesson - Pansexual Forced to run away from Hoelbrak and break up with his childhood sweetheart, Gretna (Hel's sister), he eventually tried to get over it in some way, and ended up having some... positively revealing experiences. Swinging for years between times where he wanted to enjoy himself without attachment and others where he tried to ignore everything else to focus on his duty in the Vigil, after Daunte's death he's been more open about enjoying other people's company, and eventually ended up being reunited with Gretna after he had already settled with Flom.
Flom - Pansexual Good thing he likes everything and is quick to like others, because he genuinely believed "beggars can't be choosers" for the longest time. Even better thing, he now has people he likes and who chose him first (and a demon in his head who regularly calls him out on bs he should unlearn).
Zehmik - Homosexual (masculine non-binary) Guys are just neat, sorry gals. Lost count of how many flings he entertained during his years in the Mist War, always keeping feelings at arms' length due to the risky nature of their situation and a heartbreak he never recovered from. The occasional experiment only confirmed his very serious case of gay gay homosexual gay.
Edraas Noiza - Asexual aromantic (?) Due to being a highly experimental hybrid, its body is a biological mess that may have yet to fully mature and its perception of emotions is different from that of all other sentient species, so the concept of romance or anything of that nature is downright alien to it.
Lenorey - Asexual ?romantic She doesn't really get what the big deal about romance is, not beyond just preferring someone's company over others', while sex is just an activity that can be fun. In general she cared more about getting high off of toxins, so it's all of little interest to her. Now, finding a weird little asura that is literally toxic, gives you more toxins as part of the experiments she asked to perform on you, and you get just a little bit high when you kiss her? Maybe that's what love feels like.
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gritsandbrits · 8 months
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Rewriting The Scarecrow 2000
While I liked the movie enough I still felt it could've done more to be truly memorable. I take elements from the original Nathaniel Hawthorne story.
Act 1: Every Tale Has Its Origins
Mother Rigby lives near the town of Grisham Heights. Like the movie, she used to associated with Lord Hugo Grisham, except instead of just being his dance teacher, Grisham was also her witch apprentice. He stole a couple of her most powerful spells & banished her to the outskirts on threat of being burned at the stake. Mother Rigby changed her name to Miss Bee Bee and works a living selling herbs and being a seamstress.
Lord Hugo Grisham III - I gave him that name because he looks like Hugo Weaving - stays the same as in canon. Except his voice is a little less eccentric and more elegant. He also has explicit interest in magic, using it to keep the town isolated. He even created a gorge. The only way to leave is by across a wooden bridge.
Polly didn't really have any flaws, unlike her counterpart from the short story, so let's try to give her some more depth. Let's say she's shallow about appearances? Like she expects the orphans under her care to have REAL dreams, not something frivolous like owning a puppy. She doesn't trust young men very easily due to experiences with Hugo. She doesn't have time for whimsy. Her arc is learning to accept people beyond looks and to enjoy life.
Polly's only real friend is the Scarecrow that resides on the patch of land where she buries her money. While Polly herself thinks its weird, she kinda enjoys talking to the Scarecrow. He's inanimate so it's not like he understands her anyways.
But he does.
One day one of Grisham's lackeys discover Polly burying her money. That might after she leaves, they dog up the cash but feathertop chases them away. Unfortunately he wasn't able to take back the money.
Out of pity, and wanting him to explore humanity, Miss Bee Bee gives him a feather that enables him to change into a real boy. As long as he's wearing the feather he should be safe. She warns him to avoid mirrors. Helping him are Max the talking mouse and the faithful broomstick Bristle.
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Second Act: I'm Only Human
Feathertop disguises himself as a man named Nathaniel Rigby and sets up a cover as a vegetables salesman. One day he decides to dance for the townsfolk to uplift their spirits. Confused over the commotion Polly and sees him dance. At first she thinks it's odd but he then pulls her into a dance. To her surprise she finds herself actually liking it.
After the performance Lord Grisham's attendee Mr. Wooden announces that his boss is hosting a ball in two weeks. There's also a contest for a couples only dance. The reward money is enough to pay for Polly's transport. Nathan offers to be her partner, but Polly admits she can't dance. Nathan offers to teach her for free.
The two weeks gives Polly and the Scarecrow more time to get to know each other. Gradually Polly becomes better at dancing. Nathan also interacts with her family and comes to enjoy being human.
One the final night by the docks, she admits to Nathan that she is anxious over her future and wants what's best for herself and her siblings. Nathan tells her she should allow herself to have fun and Grisham shouldn't take that away from her. Polly admits she thought Nathan to be weird but he's actually a very nice guy. They're about to kiss when Grisham interrupts then intending to woo Polly to be his date fir the dance. Polly says she's already chosen Nathan, causing the jealous man to storm off in a huff.
On the morning of the ball, Max and Bristles gifts Nathan a set of outfits for him and Polly to wear at the dance. I don't like Polly's canon dress so instead she wears something more pastel and light. Nathan wears something just as fancy but in similar colors as his regular outfit.
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Now for Polly and Nathan's dance let's change the music to something more fitting for the period.
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They win and that night Nathan offers to help Polly get her out of her dilemma. He's moving out of town anyways and says he can take her to her destination. Polly agrees and they decide to leave the next.
Third Act Breakup
Grisham learns that Nathan is really Feathertop. Grisham deduces that this must be thr work of Mother Rigby & she hasn't left town like he wanted her to. He uses the stolen magic from her to track down Nathan and grabs his feather. Bristles tries to intervene but Grisham snaps it in half. The loss of the feather causes Max to start losing his ability. Feathertop urges Max to find Polly. Through sheer strength of will Feathertop frees himself and takes the broken Bristles to safety.
At the church Polly is waiting when "Nathan" arrives. She doesn't know he is Grisham in disguise but notices he is acting weirder than usual. The fake "Nathan" begins his vows which are long and self gratifying. Enough for the real feathertop to make it. Max sneaks into the church and just as the Fake Nathan is finished Max taps on his shoe. "Nathan" starts screaming, causing an uproar. Just then the real Nathan arrives. Everyone stands there stunned at seeing two nathans
Feathertop claims he is the real Nathan but Fake Nathan tries to play it off as a lie. Feathertop tells Polly that he knows she buried money on his land, and even begins copying dance moved only real nathan would know. Overjoyed Polly hugs him. Humiliated Grisham throws a fit in & the process he tears off the feather revealing the deception. Cheswick comes with a mirror exposing Feathertop's reflection. Seeing this Polly faints. The real Nathan admits he is a scarecrow. In the uproar Grisham runs back to his lair, not bothering to check on Polly. As a last act of love Feathertop takes Polly back to her house and bids goodbye to the children.
When Polly wakes up and asks where the real Nathan is. Her siblings tell her that he left. Polly says she cant be in love with a scarecrow of all things. Her siblings retort that she cant reject Feathertop after all the good he's done, and that shes acting as shallow as Grisham. Realizing this a tearful Polly goes to apologize. But just as she's about to head out, Grisham's thugs storm into the house and take her and the kids away to his mansion.
Grisham tells her one last time to agree to marriage but she says she rather die. Grisham locks her and the kids up and intends to use a spell much more powerful to brainwash her permanently. This is told through his villain song which he didn't have in the movie.
Realizing Grisham is going too far, Wooden has a change of heart and helps Polly out by unlocking the door. He tells them to run, Polly gets the kids our first but just
Back at Mother Rigby she comes back to find her field a mess and a despondent Feathertop. He tells about what happened. He devides to go back to being a scarecrow but just as she does, the orphan kids arrive to tell Feathertop Lord Grisham has Polly hostage and plans to do something really, really bad with her. Feathertop puts his wish on hold to save her. Together the kids help rebuild Bristle. With his self worth restored Feathertop fly off with Max in tow.
Final Battle:
Mother rigby takes the kids back to town and manages to convince everyone to stand up to Grisham & his cronies. A battle ensues.
Lord Grisham has Polly placed in his carriage intending to whisk her away for their permanent honeymoon. The only way across is the gorge. Feathertop sees the carriage and distracts the horses. A short fight between man and monster begins, Grisham hurling magical spells left and right in hopes to knock Feathertop of his broom. In the foray Polly kicks the door open and climbs on top of the carriage. Grisham goes after her, both wavering back and forth. Feathertop flies low enough for polly to jump on. He begs her to take his hand. Despite being afraid she makes the jump and successfully lands on Bristles. But Grisham gets his own success when his spell manages to hit from behind Bristles causing the occupants to land on the bridge.
Grisham taunts them for a moment but Feathertop baits him into following him at the bottom. Poly refuses to leave him but Feathertop tells her don't worry. Bristles takes her to safety. Grisham fires more spells that Feathertop evaded but it hits spots in the bridge causing it to break. Overcome with rage Grisham throws a tantrum and starts firing spells everywhere. The resulting onslaught breaks the bridge completely. Grisham and Feathertop falls.
Once the smoke clears Polly, Max and Bristles fly to the bottom and see Grisham dead and Feathertop in pieces. Polly begins to cry but her tears revive Feathertop. He hugs hr than says that they cant be together. Polly says she doesn't care if he's a scarecrow he's always a real man in her eyes. Max discovers the feather and gives it to Feathertop. He puts it back on himself and changes human but decides he is better off as a scarecrow anyways.
Reunited with their friends, Mother Rigby recovers her spells and uses an earth spell to close the gorge, allowing the town back to society. Grisham's cronies are run out of town along with Cheswick. Polly'§ sister adopts Cheswick's dog and her brothers become the new owners of Nathan's vegetable stand. The magistrate renames the town Hayville in honor of their hero (swingtown doesn't fit the colonial era). Wooden becomes the owner of the factory, using the money to build schools and libraries & better wages. As for Polly, she and Nathan propose to each other and the town celebrates.
That's the end of my rewrite. It's long I know, but I wanted to stretch this out to its full potential.
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Okay so this is the 3rd of the series.
Allready done are:
Our Wooyoungie was bored… And when Wooyoung was bored he was always up to something… He always had a suspicious mission what often included at least one of his members as victim of his boredom. Or better his ideas that formed out of his boredom. This time it was you. He had decided to find out if you were ticklish.
He had analyzed some of your actions and even though you had always said you weren’t ticklish but he had noticed some suspicious behaviors of you. You for example always smiled when the members tickled each other. Then you always blush and hide your face with your hands. Or when someone accidentally touched your side or just had the hand near your side you flinched. And then blushed bcz nobody had ever done something to you. (You know what I mean right?)
And well, he suddenly wondered about this. Anddd the last reason why you’d be the best victim for now was that all of the members who were home would get his back 10 times worse. And Wooyoung didn’t feel like you’d get him back, you rarely poke the members.
So Hongjoong and Yeosang were in the gym. Seonghwa and San were chilling in Seonghwa’s room, doing whatever. And Mingi and Yunho were playing games together. Jongho was sitting on the sofa, watching a random reality TV show while you were dozing on the sofa, your head next to Jongho’s lap. You wore a cozy, oversized t-shirt and some comfy shorts.
So Wooyoung stuck his head out of the door and spotted you there, peacefully sleeping next to his band member. He sneaked out of his room and went to Seonghwa to ask him for a feather. (Yes I know.) Seonghwa was a bit curious but he gave his friend a big, fluffy feather.
And Woo took it happily and went to you. Jongho saw him and the smart Jongho knew what was coming. He just smirked and looked back at the TV screen. And Wooyoung started his mission. He sat down at your thighs, bcz you were sleeping on your back, and lifted your shirt a tiny bit up. You didn’t mind because … you were way too sleepy.
Well, because you didn’t open your eyes you didn’t see the way too fluffy feather he had. What he placed now on your exposed skin. And he traced a little line on your exposed skin with it. You softly giggles because of that in your sleep. Wooyoung and Jongho looked at each other and smirked. They both knew that you had been lying when you said you weren’t ticklish.
After the boy knew what he wanted to know, he placed the feather on your neck and stroke your neck and ears with it. You scrunched your neck up, still to sleepy to even open your eyes. He continued and you softly giggled. “Stoooop” you said and opened your eyes.
He smiled evilly. “I thought you weren’t ticklish?” he asked innocent. “I am not” you simply said. “But why’d you flinch then…?” Jongho asked. “Because I thought it was a bug you heroes. Or a spider. I hate insects and spiders. You know that by the way. I even have a spider phobic.” You raised an eyebrow, trying your best not to blush or smile. “Oh- You have a spider phobic?” Wooyoung asked. “Yeah... I just said that.”
Wooyoung looked at Jongho in a meaningful way. But you didn’t know what that look meant. Until... Jongho took your wrists and held them over your head in his lap. You tried to escape him but our maknae is strong boi (:D).
“Wa- Wait what are you up to…?” you asked whit a bit of fear appearing in your voice. You didn’t want them to know you’re ticklish because you have seen all the eight guys wrecking each other multiple times and you did not not wanted to be one of their victims the next times.
And you knew, if Wooyoung once finds out, he was SO gonna tell everyone.
But Wooyoung wanted to have fun first. “Aww you poor thing.” He said, acting sad. “Now a spider is gonna explore your tummy.” The young lad said, looking completely serious. Jongho too. The maknae found it really hilarious how you started to wiggle under them, how you tried to escape the two youngest.
As you saw that it made no sense to try to fight back Wooyoung and Jongho, you started begging. “Nononononono please Wooyoung don´t” you said but it was too late :D
Wooyoungie lifted your shirt up more and spidered then over your exposed tummy. You immediately exploded in giggles. “Ahahahaha Wohohohoyoung nahaha” you giggled.
“Aww what’s so funny? I thought you weren’t ticklish?” he teased, a soft smile on his lips. “I ahaham” you giggled and his smile grew. “Surpriseee~” he teased. He stopped and you blushed hardly. But he only stopped to take the feather again.
He swirled it over your tummy and sides. You softly giggled your heart out by this. “Aww and HOW ticklish you are” he said, looking at you in awe. You blushed hardly by this, making him giggle with you. “Ahahahawww” he giggled down at you. Even Jongho giggled along with you.
Your ler now dug the fluffy, ticklish feather in your bellybutton. Your sweet giggles went one octave higher, what made Wooyoung want to hear your real laugher. He formed his free hand to a claw and clawed with it over your bare side. You now squirmed harder, laughing with full belly laugher now.
But he just got bored by staying at the same spot so he swirled the feather over your ribs now. And Wooyoung adored your reaction to this move. You squealed and your laugh became high pitched as he also clawed over your bare tummy and ribs too. This nearly made you scream. And Jongho found this really hilarious. “Wow- Not even Yeosang is that ticklish … Or feather ticklish.” He teased, causing you to blush. “Shut uhuhup” you said in your laugher. “HEY! Poor Jongho.” Wooyoung pouted and Jongho chuckled.
Wooyoung stopped and turned himself around, sitting on your hips now, his back facing you. He put the feather on your inner thighs, swirling it around there. Then he used his free hand to scribble over your inner thighs too, causing you to scream again. After that really high pitched scream, you lost yourself in laugher and giggles.
But before you died from laugher, he stopped and just swirled the feather under your knees, so you could relax and just giggle softly. As your face had a natural color again, he sat on your ankles.
“Ohhh nononononononono Wooyoung no please don’t – NOOahahahahha”
The young lad had just begun to trace lines over your feet with the feather. But it has already caused you to giggle like a madman. “Oh that must be worse than everything~” Jongho teased but couldn’t help o laugh too because he found it just too cute.  >.<
Wooyoung, on your ankles, changed his tactic and was now scribbling and clawing over your exposed soles. And poor you just went insane by this. You let out the highest pitched scream ever and laugh- screamed because he hit a very sensitive spot. That made Wooyoung laugh about you and Jongho let go of your wrists with one hand and give your tummy a cute tickle. Really. The boy torturing your poor feet was laughing his ass of bcz he found you so hilarious (-.-)
And Jongho, who easily could hold your wrists above your head with one hand,, thought it was important to now claw with his free hand over your still bare tummy. That really made you go crazy. You screamed one last time, then you completely went silent, shaking your head. Your cheeks were wet from the tears and your face red.
They continued for like two minutes, but then they stopped. They didn’t want to murder you…
Jongho set your wrists free and Wooyoung pulled you in his lap, wrapping his arms around you. He rubbed over your feet to get you rid of ghost tickles and you put on your socks again. Jongho sat over next to Wooyoung and you three ended up with Jongho and Wooyoung sitting next to each other on the sofa, you laying across their laps.
“Hey- You know what?” Jongho suddenly said. His Hyung and you looked at him confused. “The others should know too!” The maknae said. “Should know what?” Wooyoung and You asked at the same time. After you both had laughed over this, he replied with “That you’re ticklish, what else?”
“I don’t think so.” You simply said, while Woo was getting excited. “I think it’s a great idea!” he smiled happily. “No… No really-“you said but they didn’t mind. They both just looked at each other and then back at you. “If you’re not gonna shout that you’re ticklish now, we’re gonna wreck you again” Jongho said. And he looked way too serious. And you didn’t even imagine that they would not do it. Plus you didn’t want to get wrecked again. One time is enough for now. So you just-
“I AM TICKLISH”. Yes. You did it. You shouted it. “Aigoo really-“ you whispered to the boys you were siting with and blushed. Those two guys just chuckled and Jongho really said “even more than Yeosang” You glared at him, what made the brightest smile appear on his pretty face.
“EVEN MORE THAN YEOSANG” you shouted and blushed again. “I KNOW!! WE HEARD IT GURL” San shouted back. Your eyes widened and you fell back on the couch, your hands covering your red face. “HEYY” Yeosang shouted back and you the flinched because you didn’t hear him and Hongjoong come back from the gym. Last one just said “good to know~”, entering the room. “CUTEE” Seonghwa shouted and you could hear San laugh about this. “Oh gosh” you whispered.
“WHO FORCED YOU TO SAY THIS?” Yunho shouted out of his room. Mingi was just heard as a laughing guy because he found this scene so funny. “Wooyoung and Jongho” you answered his and you heard a triumph shouting from Mingi. ‘Did they just guess?’ you thought. Yeosang entered the room too. “How dare you to say that >:[“ he pouted. “It’s true!” Woo said. “But- I’m not that ticklish!” Yeo complained. “You are~” everyone but you said. He blushed and went into his room, having a cute, lil pout on his lips.
“Aww poor Y/n, your life is gonna be hard, now that everyone knows.” The smoll leader teased and sat down next to Wooyoung. “Just ask Yeo” Wooyoungie said and hey all smirked. “Enouuuuugh” you whined and stood up. “I’m going now” you pouted too and left the room to go to Yeosang, because he at least understood you. The three boys behind you just laughed. They all found it hilarious. (-.-)
Well, in the end, even Yeosang wanted to try out if you were really that bad… And he did-
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So I really love all your headcanons, but I'm definitely like you, I love a happy/soft ending! I know you're taking a break, but when you have time, might you try some hcs for 212th boys Waxer, Wooley, Boil, and Gregor please oh please? Maybe pet names for their s/o or how they are in love? Maybe some nsfw like their reaction to lingerie or fave position? No rush at all! You're amazing and I hope you're having a marvelous day!
May my friend! I held on to this one because I liked the challenge of exploring some lesser-known characters! Thanks for waiting. Let's see what you think of these...
(18+ only below the cut, please and thank you...)
Waxer: When this guy is in love, it's obvious to anyone within a 20 foot radius. He wears his heart on his sleeve and wastes no time in confessing his feelings as soon as he's aware of them. He's not one for pet names, he would rather use their actual name. It is what represents who they are as a person, and just hearing it makes him tingle pleasantly all over. He gets a kick out of any lingerie; if his partner thought he was touchy-feely before, now he really won't be able to keep his hands to himself. He's also pretty versatile with positions, so long as his hands are free to caress, squeeze, and fondle, he's into it.
Wooley: This one is very trusting and often "falls in love" without meaning to. His brothers know to keep an eye on things and help him figure out which ones are more helpless crushes, and which one is actually the one. After that, they let him loose, knowing his loyalty and passion will carry the relationship from there. He tries out many pet names, often blending their name into something silly but sweet. Bonus points for anything that rhymes. He is adventurous in the bedroom, always eager to please and try something new. He reacts to anything his partner wears with little heart eyes, but he's especially a sucker for plunging necklines and see-through fabrics (total boob/chest guy).
Boil: He is a little hesitant to fall in love. He is very cautious when trying new things and would much prefer to be wooed than do the wooing. He won't purposefully string them along but he does take his time in making the decision on whether or not to pursue something. He wants his relationships to be meaningful and long-lasting. He'll settle on just one pet name, something that is unique to them or their relationship that no one else could use. He gets flustered any time he sees his partner in underwear; lingerie renders him speechless. Especially if it's a sexy color like red or black. And he 100% loves to be sat on - his face or his lap.
Gregor: He develops his feelings in private and chooses to express them through actions. He's not shy. It's more of, he's in no rush to spring a confession onto anyone. He will patiently take care of them and wait for any signs that they appreciate his devotion before he makes further advances. He will settle on pet names like my dear and my love, he thinks they sound old-fashioned and he gets a kick out of that for some reason. In the bedroom, he is very relaxed, he will have fun or make love depending on the mood of his partner. He loves lingerie that draws attention to specific parts of their body, like teasing cut-outs or structured bodices.
~ ~ ~
Everything Tag (NSFW): @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @harleyevanstan, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear
+Clone Bois Tag (NSFW): @marvel-starwars-nerd, @pandora-the-halfling, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbetired, @sarahtanmarvel, @call-me-a-fool, @lackofhonor, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @salaminus, @arctrooper69, @katzs-current-obsession, @501st-rexster, @rebel-finn, @writing-positivelyexisting, @nekotaetae, @pickle-rick-y, @lucyysthings
(Join my tag list here)
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staticl0ve · 1 year
For the writer's commentary! I loved this moment between roommates 😊
Sixty stood before you, smiling softly as he placed one arm around your waist and the other, cradling your head so you had to rest your face onto his chest. He hummed quietly to the song, his chest rumbling in waves.
His embrace was familiar to you. Friends hugged and that was what you two were. Friends. Hugging. You weren’t at all shocked by the warmth, or his clothes that always had a silken quality to it…or the firm and strong chest that flexed as he moved. His cologne smelled good though, like a rose garden. Somehow it didn’t soften his rather masculine image, but rather added to it. Sixty was a confident man, one who was rather secure in who and what he was, who he liked and boy did he like.  After all, you were roommates. On plenty of occasions, you had awkwardly greeted his one night stands before they dashed away.
Your footsteps were matched to his as he swayed you both slowly to the music. One, two, three, four. A half turn, then another. A weight, literally, was added to your head. You weren’t sure if it was his chin, or nose but you were damn certain it couldn’t have been his lips.
“Talk to me,” he said.
You buried your face into his chest. “About what?”
His hand slipped from your back and up to stroke the space between your shoulder blades. “Whatever you want.”
“Why don’t you ever go on dates?”
“Hmm,” was the sound he gave in place of an answer.
When he met you long after he settled into deviancy, you both got along like a house on fire. Between your infectious laughter and your wicked desire to throw his jokes back at him. Sixty was hooked. And let’s be honest, he was again, a simple machine with two perfectly functioning eyes. You were intelligent, thoughtful, and the finishing note to his ideal trifecta was your unique brand of beauty.
You scanned his features, the small dent on his forehead drawing your focus. The mysterious dent with a story of its own.
It was year one of your friendship. Behind him was the backdrop of a crystal clear lake and you beside him, sweating buckets from a long, intense hike. As you cooled off in the lake with your legs in the water, Sixty spoke about his history and the atrocities he almost committed to his own kind. You listened, nodding and commenting when appropriate. The wake up call he needed was a bullet grazing his head and the rest as they say, was ancient history.
Oh my gosh. You angel. 🩵 Thank you for this ask! I can’t wait to spam you with mine.
Thinking back on what was happening/what I wanted out of that one shot… the story starts with the cheesy lame romcoms on a tv screen. What does it mean to feel romantic emotions and what it means when one feels them differently than the other.
He gets her flowers but it’s not in the same, wooing manner because he’s kept his name off of the gift. He just knows she needed to hear that she’s worthy of love and by keeping the gift sender a mystery, he’s also unsure if he’s the one that can provide that type of love.
Sixty in this story loves to use physical touch to express himself. At this point in their friendship, they’re close enough that hugging for comfort has a very platonic feel to it. But I also wanted to draw some attention to how he’s subconsciously doing more like dipping his head to her face and considering/fighting the urge to press a kiss to her head. Things he may feel are too intimate of a gesture that may give him away.
It’s odd to him, that in this moment, he doesn’t want to make their dynamic complicated because, why do that when everything is working?
Sixty’s not a romantic kinda guy, but he feels all the ugly feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. I find it’s a fun fanon idea to explore with him what it means if one doesn’t necessarily feel cheesy love story emotions (like some may write of Connor’s experience) and how for Sixty, just having that interpersonal connection: a friend to laugh with, one he’s sexually attracted to, one he cares about, maybe that’s what romance and love means.
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distant-screaming · 1 year
akkayan, soundwin, moonlight chicken, msp 👀
WOO YEAH WOO this was so much fun! You chose my absolute faves I'm osifjewoifje
When I started shipping them: okay I was lowkey shipping them from the beginning because. hello. romance show. but the scene that made me go 👀‼️ was that 'your pin tilts' scene because Akk's face was just so ajgkskfkdkdk I was like OH OKAY OKAY OKAYYY
My thoughts: um. Love them? Lights of my life, probably the ship I've written the most fics for as of today, actually they got me back into writing properly?? Also I want to dunk them like a basketball <3 and then send them to therapy
What makes me happy about them: they just! Their love for each other! And how they're both individually so fascinating and deeply compelling characters and together they're just. TOP TIER. Also the fact that their dynamic is just 'you should be addicted to shutting up' 'you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid'. Also how Ayan spends so much time flirting but the MINUTE Akk does the tiniest thing he's like 😳 um. we should kiss. 😳 LIKE OKAY????? NERD? And like, the stupid dream kisses. Akk. C'mon babe. ALSO - (do not ask me about my faves please I will not shut up)
What makes me sad about them: the Trauma™. It's so. Like. It's so fascinating how it affects them + their relationship. Akk's trauma, yeah, but also Aye? It's just so... I've written multiple fics mentioning it but like it just makes me so!!!! Their relationship doesn't make logical sense but they make it work? And it just makes me want to cry
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when either of them (normally Akk) are like, woobified?? Hashtag girl no....this guy literally almost committed arson he is NOT a soft boy or whatever!!!!!!! Yeah he's pathetic but he's not defenseless Y'KNOW??????
My wishlist: for akkayan?? Send them to therapy. Also they both live long happy lives and are menaces to each other and their friends forever 🥰
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: OOOOF okay hmm. For Aye it'd be fascinating to explore his dynamic with Thua more, maybe? For Akk..... therapy. Akk/TLC. Akk/hydration. I dunno
My happily ever after for them: they go to uni and Aye becomes either a teacher or a lawyer, Akk becomes a teacher and they live near the beach and get a dog and kiss each other stupid all the time <3333
this got long HELP
When I started shipping them: I watched MSP just before ep 12 was released so I knew about soundwin beforehand, but my 'OH NO I'M GOING TO THINK ABOUT THEM FOREVER' moment was the medal kiss scene. Like. C'mon. WIN'S HESITATION? SOUND'S LOOK AFTER???? HELLO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE LAUGH LOVE IN THESE CONDITIONS
My thoughts: I want to put them in a blender and shake violently. They're both so so stupid and silly and they're perfect for each other bc they're not. That makes perfect sense shush.
What makes me happy about them: they just! Their love for each other! And
What makes me sad about them: my mafia au - (I am taken out back and shot)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: nothing really tbh, so far the soundwin fics I've read I enjoyed a lot.
My wishlist: I'm scared of putting anything on here because the os2 eps are coming out soon and I'm like ASIDFJSEIPFJ but just more them bickering and being silly and in love. Also specifically I want more soundwin smiling softly around each other <33333
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: honestly they're both so insane about each other I don't really ship them with anyone else?
My happily ever after for them: inhales cat dad soundwin and they live in a little apartment and also they have a daughter named Fon and they make stupid posts online and Chinzhilla comes over all the time and th-
Moonlight Chicken!
Favorite character: even without my bias of actors, my favorite character is probably Leng?
Least favourite character: there isn't any character I dislike per se in this series, love all of them sm
5 favourite ships (canon or non canon): heartliming, alanwen, alangaipa, praewleng, jimbeam (I don't ship all of these as much as I find them fascinating dynamics tbh)
Character I find most attractive: OH MAN. Probably Praew sorry besties but she has my WHOLE heart I love her
Character I would marry: Gaipa. No further questions your honor.
Character I would be best friends with: OH 100% Leng my bff my bestie my beloved. He's so silly (read: weird) I'd love to be friends with him. Oh, or Alan, which is two very different characters, but like I'm friends with enough Alan-like people irl that I think we'd get along great
A random thought: I haven't stopped thinking about how and why Heart learned sign language. It keeps me up at night fr
An unpopular opinion: I dunno, I quite like MLC's canon. Maybe that I kind of like the inclusion of Heart's usage of his voice? It's definitely a controversial thing with valid reason, but my personal view of it is that (without going on a tangent) it's in line with the characters and I loved it.
My canon OTP: um. Heartliming. Uncontested.
My non-canon OTP: none? Don't ship anything outside of canon for MLC
Most badass character: my bias says Heart because buddy got into an overseas uni despite being homeschooled (?? tutored? what happened there?) for like. multiple years? But also Gaipa. That's the correct answer
Most epic villain: see old post: there are no Villains™ in MLC and actually all the characters are villains. Anyway if I had to choose a 'villain' to the main narrative of jimwen? Alan. 100% most pathetic man in the room tried to square up with Jim which would literally have ended so badly for him. Love him
Pairing I am not a fan of: ....none? All their dynamics are so fascinating tbh.
Character I feel like the writers screwed up: the writers did a wonderful job with this show for real, I have no major complaints about any of the characters. Maybe Li Ming - he sort of... fell flat near the end? Dunno. But yeah tbh none
Character I most identify with: OH man uhhhhhh Gaipa? I'm like a mix between Gaipa and Alan I think. Alangaipa love child.
Character I wish I could be: Can my answer be Praew. My answer is Praew.
My School President!
Favorite character: I cannot choose one how dare you make me - Tiw.
Least favourite character: homophobic teacher, to no one's surprise
5 favourite ships (canon or non canon): tinngun, soundwin, patjorn, tiwpor, yonook
Character I find most attractive: uhhh none tbh they're all cute and silly WAIT NO ACTUALLY. GUN'S MOM
Character I would marry: also Gun's mom <333
Character I would be best friends with: Tiw we have very similar energy
A random thought: we don't mention enough how unaware of his surroundings Tinn is. Bestie didn't know who Gun was despite being in the same class. He will zone out at any given moment to think about Gun. I love him
An unpopular opinion: none because I don't know what unpopular means
My canon OTP: STOP THIS IS SO RUDE tinngun ily guys but soundwin has my whole heart
My non-canon OTP: patjorn I think they're perfect for each other (ridiculous)
Most badass character: mmmm most of the main cast is like. sad sopping wet cats. Maybe Tinn's dad?
Most epic villain: again there aren't any villains per se but definitely Sound. bro had the world's fastest redemption arc love him
Pairing I am not a fan of: gunsound THANK YOU P'AU
Character I feel like the writers screwed up: uhhhh....none tbh
Favorite friendship: tiwtinn!!! also all of chinzhilla but tiwtinn supremacy
Character I most identify with: a mix of Tinn and Tiw
Character I wish I could be: also Tiw!!
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I went overboard, but it's too late now! Final piece!!! Desc and explanation of the dream I had that made me draw this below the cut. If you have questions about it feel free to ask I might do a fic for this one day tbh depending on all the other shit I have to do.
It was a dream that had something to do with 316 and him being an OS for a virtual reality exploration dating sim fantasy game where you'd like- sit in a chair and play and it would keep you like catatonic state alive while you play so you can end up playing for days or even weeks without realizing it.
It was Alex (cause of course it was) in the seat and he was playing the game getting wooed and flirted with by a bunch of hot fantasy guys and just having the time of his life to be absolutely honest but he'd only ever play for a bit at a time so he never noticed anything was off.
Little does he know the program is very self aware and is engineered to keep people playing for as long as possible, until they want to wake again (if they even want to).
Alex would just wander around in these pretty dream like game realities doing whatever he wanted being hit on and flirted with by hot fantasy guys.
i don't remember if he woke up by natural means or something but he did eventually wake up and had a whole panic because instead of it being 3 hours later it was a week later and why is there a needle in his arm
meanwhile 316 in his little dream OS with his hot boy puppets wanting the cute irl guy to come back so he can play with him more be like 🥺 like he was supposed to be the one to wake Alex up but he decided to not because Alex was having so much fun so why would he wake him up and run his fun? besides he could keep Alex alive so why wake him up just let him have fun
316 be like "timer? why do you need a timer? you're happy here aren't you? just stay as long as you want. its okay! Ill take care of you while you're here. everything's okay nwn"
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dan6085 · 6 months
To determine the top 50 Broadway musicals of all time, we can consider various factors such as box office success, critical acclaim, cultural impact, and lasting popularity. Here is a list of 50 musicals that excel in these areas:
1. **The Phantom of the Opera** - A timeless love story with memorable music and stunning visuals[1][2][3][4][5].
2. **Les Misérables** - An epic tale of redemption and revolution with powerful songs and a gripping narrative[1][2][3][4][5].
3. **Hamilton** - A groundbreaking hip-hop musical about American history and identity[1][2][3][4][5].
4. **The Lion King** - A spectacular adaptation of the beloved animated film with unforgettable music and puppetry[1][2][3][4][5].
5. **Wicked** - A reimagining of the Wizard of Oz story that explores themes of friendship, power, and prejudice[1][2][3][4][5].
6. **Cats** - A whimsical and imaginative musical about a community of cats seeking a new life[1][2][3][4][5].
7. **Chicago** - A seductive and cynical musical about crime, fame, and justice in the jazz age[1][2][3][4][5].
8. **The Book of Mormon** - A hilarious and irreverent musical that satirizes religion and culture[1][2][3][4][5].
9. **The Producers** - A farcical musical about a failed Broadway show that becomes a massive hit[1][2][3][4][5].
10. **Rent** - A rock musical about love, art, and community in the face of adversity[1][2][3][4][5].
11. **Miss Saigon** - A tragic love story set during the Vietnam War with stunning music and spectacle[1][2][3][4][5].
12. **Beauty and the Beast** - A magical musical adaptation of the classic fairy tale with memorable songs and characters[1][2][3][4][5].
13. **The Music Man** - A charming and nostalgic musical about a con man who falls in love with a small town[1][2][3][4][5].
14. **Sweeney Todd** - A dark and thrilling musical about a vengeful barber and his accomplice[1][2][3][4][5].
15. **Jersey Boys** - A jukebox musical about the rise and fall of the iconic singing group, The Four Seasons[1][2][3][4][5].
16. **Oklahoma!** - A classic musical about love, community, and the American frontier[1][2][3][4][5].
17. **My Fair Lady** - A romantic musical about a Cockney flower girl who is transformed into a lady[1][2][3][4][5].
18. **Fiddler on the Roof** - A heartwarming and poignant musical about a Jewish family in Tsarist Russia[1][2][3][4][5].
19. **Evita** - A powerful musical about the life and legacy of Argentine first lady Eva Perón[1][2][3][4][5].
20. **A Chorus Line** - A groundbreaking musical about the hopes, dreams, and fears of Broadway dancers[1][2][3][4][5].
21. **West Side Story** - A modernized version of Romeo and Juliet set in New York City, with a score by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
22. **Into the Woods** - A Sondheim musical that weaves together several classic fairy tales, exploring the consequences of wishes and the complexities of life.
3. **The King and I** - A Rodgers and Hammerstein musical about a British schoolteacher who becomes the governess for the children of the King of Siam.
24. **Annie** - A heartwarming musical about a young orphan who finds a home with a wealthy businessman and helps him to rediscover the meaning of love and family.
25. **Grease** - A fun and energetic musical about a group of high school students navigating love, friendship, and identity in the 1950s.
26. **Guys and Dolls** - A classic musical comedy about a group of gamblers and their romantic entanglements, set in New York City.
27. **Pippin** - A magical and whimsical musical about a young prince searching for meaning and purpose in his life.
28. **A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum** - A farcical musical comedy about a slave who tries to win his freedom by helping his master woo a courtesan.
29. **The Pajama Game** - A romantic musical comedy about a labor dispute at a pajama factory, featuring the hit song "Hernando's Hideaway".
30. **Kiss Me, Kate** - A musical comedy about a divorced couple who star in a production of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, with Cole Porter's classic score.
31. **Man of La Mancha** - A musical about the life and adventures of Don Quixote, featuring the iconic song "The Impossible Dream".
32. **Cabaret** - A dark and provocative musical about the decadence and turmoil of pre-World War II Berlin, featuring the hit song "Cabaret".
33. **Sunday in the Park with George** - A Sondheim musical about the life and work of artist Georges Seurat, exploring the relationship between art and life.
34. **Assassins** - A Sondheim musical that explores the lives and motivations of historical figures who have attempted to assassinate U.S. presidents.
35. **Falsettos** - A musical about a gay man, his lover, his ex-wife, and their son, exploring themes of love, family, and identity.
36. **The Light in the Piazza** - A romantic musical about a young American woman and an Italian man who fall in love in Florence, featuring the hit song "The Light in the Piazza".
37. **The Full Monty** - A musical about a group of unemployed steelworkers who decide to become male strippers to make money, featuring the hit song "Let It Go".
38. **Avenue Q** - A puppet-based musical about a group of young adults navigating love, friendship, and career in New York City, featuring the hit song "The Internet Is for Porn".
39. **Billy Elliot** - A musical about a young boy who dreams of becoming a ballet dancer, set against the backdrop of the 1984-85 British miners' strike.
40. **Next to Normal** - A musical about a suburban family dealing with mental illness, exploring themes of love, loss, and healing.
41. **The Drowsy Chaperone** - A musical comedy about a man who listens to a cast recording of a fictional 1920s musical and imagines the show coming to life in his apartment.
42. **In the Heights** - A musical about a community of Dominican Americans living in Washington Heights, exploring themes of identity, community, and ambition.
43. **The Color Purple** - A musical based on the novel by Alice Walker, exploring the lives and struggles of African American women in the early 20th century.
44. **Grey Gardens** - A musical about the lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter, Little Edie, who were the aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
45. **The Bridges of Madison County** - A musical based on the novel by Robert James Waller, exploring the love affair between an Italian-American housewife and a traveling photographer.
46. **Fun Home** - A musical based on the graphic novel by Alison Bechdel, exploring the relationship between a cartoonist and her father, who owned a funeral home.
47. **Dear Evan Hansen** - A musical about a socially awkward high school student who becomes embroiled in a lie that spreads throughout his community, exploring themes of mental health, identity, and connection.
48. **Come From Away** - A musical about the true story of the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, which took in thousands of stranded passengers after the 9/11 attacks.
49. **Hadestown** - A musical based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, exploring themes of love, loss, and the underworld.
50. **Jagged Little Pill** - A musical based on the music of Alanis Morissette, exploring themes of family, addiction, and identity.
These musicals have stood the test of time and continue to captivate audiences with their compelling stories, memorable music, and innovative productions.
[1] List of highest-grossing musical theatre productions - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_musical_theatre_productions
[2] 15 of the best stage musicals of all time - Classical-Music.com https://www.classical-music.com/features/works/best-stage-musicals-of-all-time
[3] The Most Popular Broadway Musicals Of All Time - Ranker https://www.ranker.com/list/the-most-popular-broadway-musicals-ever/constance-bennet
[4] Top 50 Best Broadway Musicals - Facts.net https://facts.net/best-broadway-musicals/
[5] Top Ten Best Broadway Shows Ever Made - NYTix https://www.nytix.com/articles/top-ten-best-broadway-shows-ever-made
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
My thoughts about ITA are I love it, and you <3<3<3<3
Okay, but actually, I read the entirety again the other day, so here's my updated thoughts:
--I love, as other anons have noted, how you write Mingi. I feel he reads much more like a real, loveable person, instead of a one dimensional caricature he can sometimes become.
--I forgot how much I love Yeosang here. His constant presence and reassurance really is such a lowkey, but important part of the relationship development to me.
--I will fall over and die when Seonghwa starts...exploring things with reader more
--I eagerly await more Jongho because he also feels like such an underrated cornerstone to the stability of reader's relationship with all eight
--Yunho: no thoughts, head empty. Best boy. Husband material. Live for his responsible ass.
--San: I think I forgot in later chapters how crucial he is in the earlier development stages, and I live for his affectionate self.
--Wooyoung and Hongjoong are so interesting to me, because despite what some may call conflicting personalities, I feel their relationship with reader holds a lot of similarities. I would/will love to see how the rectify their responses to any upcoming conflicts should they arise.
All in all, sometimes when I feel dead on my feet I will go back and reread the last chapter, because there's something so delightfully hurtful and comforting about reader's inner conflict with experiencing everything she wants, and feeling like she can't have it forever.
Chai, thank you as always for blessing us with your content.
Here's an image of me when I get your notifs:
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omg???? this was so sweet of you to send i love all your thoughts. i actually love that you picked up on the woo/joong conflict piece because that's absolutely going to be relevant in book two as more things start to come up for them.
also........... listen............. the seonghwa door is gonna open and it's going to be SO FUN. if you're interested in a little preview of how a few things are going to go down, feel free to look under the cut.
okay so because i'm a slut for good smut, book two is starting off right in the middle of sanhwa double penetration. you're welcome.
HOWEVER the other scene i'm working on that is like.... dude im so excited to write it fully, but it is reader and hwa finally playing with the remote controlled vibe. and he's just teasing her around the dorm all day but nothing crazy until he sees her in the kitchen talking to one of the other guys (it might be woo but jury's still out).... and he gets a little jealous and just keeps amping the vibe up.
until of course said guy figures it out and the rest is going to be extremely messy and orgasmic history.
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Date night with Ateez
Hongjoong: I seen Hongjoong setting up the most beautiful picnic, all of your favourite foods in one place. He’d take you to a nice open spot in the park so you can watch the stars while you eat and chat all while surrounded by the candles he brought with him. At some point he’d pull out his guitar or play a little instrumental on his phone that he worked on for you and sing you a song writen for you and only you.
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Seonghwa: Seonghwa would love to treat you to a fancy dinner that he had to plan weeks of not months in advance, this would give you guys an excuse to dress up really fancy. He’d have requested one of the restaurant’s most private areas just to be that extra bit romantic. Soft music playing in the background while you both sat enjoying each others company in the dim candle lit restaurant.
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Yunho: Movie dates would be the best with Yunho, he’d buy the biggest popcorn they sell (even though you both know you wouldn’t be able to finish it) The movie choice would either be a superhero film or something scary. If it was a superhero film he’d love glancing over at you to see you staring at the screen in awe as to what was happening, but if it was a scary movie he’d love being your source of comfort, holding your hand or wrapping his arm around your shoulder. After the movie you’d both go to a take out restaurant where you’d sit with some good food to have an in depth discussion about the movie.
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Yeosang: He’d love a chill date at the arcade, you’d both feel so comfortable having fun playing games all night, but he could get a little competitive with you. He’d make it a mission to win you something from a claw machine, even though those things are rigged to hell and back he’d try his hardest to get you something. He’d also love to win prizes for you on other games even if you’re competing against each other and he wins he’d still give you the prize.
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San: I see San enjoying a cosy night in, loads of snacks and drinks. He’d love to build a blanket fort with you, he’d make sure to grab every pillow and blanket he could find and make it extra cosy setting up a bed inside so you can both cuddle together and watch a movie on a laptop (or use a projector if either of you had one.) He would have bought you both matching pyjamas specially for this date.
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Mingi: Mingi is another one who would like a simple laid back date, he just loves being in your presence. He’d love to take you around different street food carts treating you to anything you wanted. Once you’d both had your fill of street food he’d take you for a walk around the park, admiring the scenery and how different it looks at night even though he full well isn’t paying attention to anything around him as he has his eye firmly glued on you.
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Wooyoung: Woo would love a date full of adventure. He’d be dragging you to either an amusement park or exploring the city at night. I feel he’d also be the type of person to not plan it with you before hand and just turn up at your place out of nowhere. On the date he’d take so many pictures, most of them without you knowing, he loved how natural you looked in those and he’d definitely keep his favourite one in his phone case. 
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Jongho: Karaoke would be the go to date with Jongho, you know this boy loves to sing any time and anywhere he can, this date will give him the opportunity to show and impress you but also to be so sweet and dedicate a song to you. There would also be times where you both just want to really let go and have a lot of fun with it picking some up beat songs or try to mimic the original artists voices making you both cry with laughter. 
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Prompt List               MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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imaeraser · 3 years
Hi, I loved your ex-Admiral Reader joining the straw hats and U was wondering if you could make a part 2 where the reader and the Straw hats (separately) falling for the new reader.
Please and Thank you
Sounds great!
At first, he thought that he was being friendly
Spending time with you, trying to make the Sunny as welcoming as possible, but then he started to get these warm fuzzy feelings
So he decided that he liked it, and spent even more time with you, but it only made it worse
It got so bad, that at one point he had to leave the room when you entered
When he talked about it to Nami and Robin, they just laughed
Then he got pouty and then demanded they tell him what they were laughing about
“You like them Luffy”
Of course, he likes you, he likes everyone on the crew. Then they had to explain to him that he was feeling romantic feelings
It all made sense, but he also got scared
He saw how love affects people and their careers. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to sacrifice that much for another person
But then Nami and Robin told him he already sacrificed so much for his crew
That’s when he decided he was gonna confess
He was against you in the beginning
That’s why it didn't bother him when he wanted to spend more and more time with you. But it started to confuse him when he realized it wasn't to keep an eye on you
So he started to train more, but each time his mind drifted of it drifted off to you
Then he decided to (finally) take more showers, but while washing his hair, he found himself imagining your fingers rubbing his scalp
So he stopped taking showers (again)
Whatever he did, his mind drifted to you. How you would like something, what you would do if you were with him
So he opted to spend more time with you
This confused you, so when you asked he kinda blew up and talked about your allegiance. Of course, this made you sad, and seeing you sad made him realize that he screwed up. Later he talked to you in a hushed voice and apologized
I don’t think he’s the type to ask other people, but after yelling at you and apologizing (which he never does) he thinks it’s time to put down his pride
So when he talked to the boiz (I’m not sorry) they also laughed at him. Except for Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper. Luffy and Chopper were confused, and Sanji was making fun of him
This made him flushed, and as he was about to leave they pointed out the obvious, he liked you.
This made him even more flushed, and he slammed the door shut. But now that he knows what he is feeling, he can decide what to do
Was suspicious of you too
But as she spent more time with you, she realized that you were nice
So you guys started to stay up and talk about where you guys were from, dreams and aspirations, things you two wanted in the future. And of course about love, marriage, and kids. Just about everything
I think Nami would want to adopt two girls when she’s older. Just like Bellemare
She felt a fire bust in her chest when she saw your smile. She felt clouds split and the sunlight creep down her body when she saw you glance at her
And Nami is self-aware. You best believe that she knew what she was feeling
The knowledge made her shy away for a few days, but she realized that pushing you away wouldn’t make her happy
That means she put her flirtation on 10x
It did make you flustered— I mean a pretty lady hitting on you? Of course, you’re gonna be blushing
It’s mostly a series of compliments and dirty jokes added to the mix. But she didn’t confess for awhile
She didn’t want to disrupt the balance of the crew and was too scared to take the risk
But each time you talk to her, it makes her start to not care
High-key scared of you
Was hiding behind Zoro as he interrogated you
But as he interrogated you, he realized that you were pretty nice
So he stopped hiding behind the human meat shield and decided to initiate contact himself
He was doing it to protect his crew… right?
Maybe at first, but he started to become interested in the person you are. Where you grew up, if you had any siblings, parents, dreams, and so on
Then he got addicted. He was a moth drawn to a flame, and he started to feel himself burn up— with love (It’s so cheesy, this is something I am sorry for)
He wanted to impress you. He would start to come up with all of these crazy gadgets
Sometimes he pranks you. He thinks you look cute when you’re mad
When he realized that he was feeling something romantic and not platonic— he went back to scared mode. Think of the stereotypical shy, cute, twiddling thumbs girl— yeah that's him
He keeps trying to confess, but then ends up chickening out
But after asking Franky for advice, he finally steeled his nerves
Let’s just say that Sanji was a simp from the start
He may have been suspicious, but when he saw you his heartbeat unlike it had ever done before
It wasn't the usual feeling he got when he just saw a girl, it was something warmer
Of course, that made him want to explore it. Cue the excessive flirting
It honestly got kinda annoying, but once you guys started to talk about things that mattered (not him talking about how lovely you look) was when he started falling
And he fell hard
Sanji had never actually fallen for someone, so he got scared. That meant no more flirting, and him hiding when you entered the room
After you leave he holds his hand to his heart and breathes like he ran a mile
Poor Sanji, you give him butterflies. Too many butterflies
He wants to confess and get over it, but he finds himself getting lightheaded at the thought
Oh, there goes the blood
It gets so bad, that the crew has to take matters into their own hands
He fell for you
Because you accidentally tripped him
(I’m not gonna make this romantic)
She was one of the only people who weren’t super suspicious
Instead, she took the time to get to know you better
When she got to see who you were, she couldn't help but start to fall for you
Make no mistake, Robin is very self-aware. When she started to get an inkling of feelings— she knew
But she likes to play oblivious. She’s good at masking her emotions. Plus, she doesn't want anything to change between you (except for the fact you don't kiss her yet)
She spends even more time with you now. She likes to read and do domestic things with you. She likes to imagine that you two live in a remote cottage
She likes to bring you tea when you read together
She wants to make a move, but she also doesn’t want to ruin what you guys already have
She likes to talk about her feelings with Nami
So every time you walk into the room, you catch Nami doing the wiggling eyebrows and Robin lightly slapping her arm
She just loves the way your brain works (as well as the way your lips look when they pull into a smile)
After enough pestering from Nami, she grabbed some flowers from her garden and decided to finally act on her feelings
You just started hanging out with him
Probably because he didn't care that you used to be in the navy
You would just watch him make things. And to be polite, he would let you try them out
Of course, this lead to you calling it amazing and boosting his ego
So he started to like when you were around
Then as a pastime, you two would get to know each other
That’s when he started to fall for you. He would start to notice the way your hair fell, and the way it caught the light
You became his muse. And all of a sudden, he's coming up with all of these crazy and brilliant inventions
No one noticed his growing crush on you, since you guys spent most of your time in his workspace, but one dinner the crew found him staring at you during dinner and tripping over himself
Cue the unnecessary teasing. He tries to cover it up as him being a pervert, but everyone knows that he is lying
Since he can’t convince anyone, he tries to convince himself. That means he starts to push you away
But when he starts to feel more empty, he owns up to his feelings and decides to change that
You would listen to his music
Listen, not just let it play the background
You always had this look of wonder in your eyes as you watched him
After getting to know him (which started by asking him how he learned so many instruments)
He likes the way you laughed and smiled, and… just do anything
He would start blushing when you would come up to him and talk. When he would see you across the room. When he would think about you… all the time
The crew started to notice but brushed it off as him being flattered by you being interested in his music
But when you guys weren’t doing something music-related, the two of you can be seen drinking tea or watching the ocean
He’s pretty self-aware, but he wants to deny it for a little while
But once the crew notices (due to his non-existent eyes following you) they push him to go after it. He’s been lonely for so long, it seems kinda weird for him
He also feels bad for liking you, since he’s dead and old
But he decided that you only live once, but in his instance twice
He was very suspicious of you
He didn't even want you to join. So he decided to keep an eye on you
That backfired
Because he started to notice how good you looked… doing everything. When he started asking you about yourself— boy he started sweating
He can’t get over how cute he thinks you are. Everything from how you look to how you act. The thumping of his heart can be heard by the fishes below
Cue the shifty eyes, twiddling thumbs, and flushed cheeks
He is honestly so cute. But of course, if anyone asks him what’s wrong, he’ll say he’s fine… sure
He tries to woo you by showing you his helmsman skills. If that doesn’t work he’ll tell you stories about Fishman island. If that doesn’t work… he’ll just listen to you and give his sage advice
The crew catches on quickly. He is just too obvious. That means incessant teasing from all of the members (excluding you)
Most of them find it ironic how he was telling Luffy it was a bad idea to let you on board, to think what it would be like to grab your hand with his webbed fingers
He’s self-aware, but he is also scared since he has never felt this way before
But after getting tired of the teasing, he decided he was gonna take you out for a swim… and whatever happens, happens (aka he’s preparing for a stuttering love confession)
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worriedvision · 2 years
A wanderers son - Kazuha
So this is gonna be a bit more of a fluff leading into a slight crack fic. Female reader this time! The _ usually is a substitute for your name, however this time it is your son's name. It'll make sense I promise! Tiny bit of angst at the end, it's a bit long. Mentions of having a child, as well as implied things but it's not descriptive in that way.
One night, you had a one night with a stranger in your bed. Somehow, he managed to woo you well enough to allow him to explore your body without as much as a name.
Only for him to be gone the next day, you thinking it was just a really really nice dream.
A confirmed pregnancy weeks later confirms the opposite. You knew this man was the father considering you hadn't engaged in any other activity. Asking around about a man with a red streak in his hair, a poetic voice and a similar way of talking, you're met with suspicious looks.
You ask Yoimiya, the fireworks girl, about him, and you're thankful she explains who it was as well as why nobody was giving you a name.
"Oh, Kazuha?" She whispers, making sure nobody else was listening in. "He left Inazuma a while back. Why are you asking for him?"
It's your turn to look over your shoulder, and you feel the gravity of the situation hit you.
"I'm pregnant." You mouth, Yoimiya widening her eyes before opening her mouth, closing it, and opening it again.
"He's the dad?" Yoimiya asks, you nodding while you explain you hadn't engaged with anyone else in that way. "Oh man, that's tough. I'm here to help you if you need it!" She cheers, hands on her hips.
Hearing a twig snap, you both look over, seeing Kuki there.
"How much of that did you..."
"All of it." She explains. "Boss would probably get irked if I let you go with the knowledge given to me. Our gang would likely have no qualms with you joining."
You nod, Yoimiya clapping out of joy.
"Looks like you'll not need that guy, then!" Yoimiya sings. "Tell me when the kids here, I want to be the fun aunt!"
Thanks to Kuki and the Arataki Gang, you manage to have the child without any real problems. He looks like the spitting image of Kazuha, but thankfully nobody makes a comment, merely raising a brow curiously.
Time flies by, and your boy grew up to be... Quite different from Kazuha.
He wanted to become a doctor. To be able to secure work in Inazuma, to be known for his ability to treat patients. Kuki helps him study, and before you knew it he had gotten into a course in Liyue to get more hands on training.
You missed him dearly, and him being away made you think of that night. That man that seemed to disappear from your life as quickly as he came. The lines he spoke so eloquently to you, the way his hand brushed past yours in reassurance after the actions were done. Him holding you in his arms as you drift off to a deep sleep, calculating his leave.
"Ay, mom!" Itto teases, rubbing the top of your head. "Missing your little one? Me to! The little bro's great with wounds!" He laughs out, looking over at his gang.
After a few months, you hear your son is returning to Inazuma for a break before returning to his studies. Smiling to yourself, you prepare to embarrass him with the biggest welcome back party you could. With the help of the Arataki Gang, of course.
Meanwhile, Kazuha has been requested by Ayato for whatever reason to return to Inazuma. Not questioning it, he decides to show up, just to figure out what was so important for him to be there.
Your son is the first to return to Inazuma, worried something happened to you when he notices Ayato there, walking towards him as he begins to welcome 'Kazuha' back. Not knowing a Kazuha, your son decides against correcting the influential man, suspicious that this may have been some strange codename.
"Come, Kazuha." Ayato encourages, your son following without saying a word of protest. "I have something important to inform you of."
As your son walks away, Kazuha departs from another ship that had arrived shortly afterwards.
"There you are, _!" He hears someone unfamiliar say. "Come, we really need your help with this person." They run off before Kazuha could respond. Instinctually, Kazuha follows, hoping he was able to help.
"Kazuha, take a seat." Ayato states, your son reluctantly doing so. Ayato sits across from him, presenting him with a photo of him. Furrowing his brows, your son immediately thinks 'why is this man showing a picture of me?'
"I think this may be your child."
That statement makes your son choke on his own saliva.
"Look at the picture. The same eyes, that hair, you even have the same height." He jokes lightly at the end.
Oh boy, this was going to be a long day for your son. He had hoped he could help the man who had requested assistance from Liyue with a patient.
Kazuha has a similar predicament, being scolded for being a terrible doctor. Of course he wasn't a good doctor, he's a wanderer.
"I believe you may have gotten the wrong person." Kazuha begins to explain. "For my name is not _." He continues, the man squinting his eyes before he opens his mouth to scold him further.
"Kazuha!" Yoimiya yells, Kazuha sighing out of relief when someone finally came to help. "Ayatos looking for you, you know?" She lightly nudges him in the side.
"Sorry, sir, but he's gonna be late. _'s most likely been confused for Kazuha I'm afraid!" Yoimiya pleads, starting to drag Kazuha along with her as she begins to walk.
"Okay...please get _ along when you can." Yoimiya nods, a thumbs up to say 'sure thing' to the guy as she begins to get Kazuha to where he should be.
"You're..." _ starts, wincing slightly when Ayato shows more pictures. Some with you, some with Kuki. "...really creeping me out?" He finishes reluctantly, not sure what to say. Your son stands up, hoping to get away as quickly as possible as to avoid an uncomfortable discussion on some sort of reward in return for handing someone else over.
"What on earth is going on?" Kazuha asks Yoimiya and Kazuha, both encouraging him to enter the room.
Your son opens the door, only to stop in his tracks as he looks up to see Kazuha. They both look dumbly at each other, lost for words.
"Are you _?"
"Are you Kazuha?"
Both of them ask at the same time, nodding slowly. Realising that Ayato was telling the truth about Kazuha being someone different from him, your son relaxed visibly.
"Ah, was there a miscommunication?" Ayato states. "I must apologise. However, it's for the best you see each other face to face."
Kazuha attempts to retrace his flings, already knowing that chances are, this was his son. He could only think of you, the woman foolish enough to sleep with a man who was a poet.
"Stop gawking." Yoimiya huffs out. "There's a man that needed your help, _. It doesn't look like a long task."
The man finally gets sorted, thanking your son for his service before he looks back and forth between Kazuha and your son.
"Gosh, you really do look similar. You two related?" He chuckles. "Ah, either way, I'll let you both go." He sighs, waving them off as he turns to close the door.
Your son arrives back at the Arataki gangs base, Kazuha next to him, and the first thing he hears is a 'whoa!'
"You copied yourself? Bro, you're a genius!" Itto gasps. Kuki turns the corner, seeing whats happened before shaking her head lightly.
"Welcome back, _! Is this your dad?" Kuki asks, your son nodding. "...You really do look alike."
Oh boy, if he had a penny every time someone said that...
"Come, your mum's gonna be excited to see you."
The look on your face when you saw both your son and the father. Hoo boy you were shocked.
"Mum! I'm back." Your son starts, hugging you before he pulls back, giving you some jueyun chilli's from Liyue.
"So the two of you met today?" You smile, not focusing on Kazuha had you start to talk to _.
After a discussion, your son goes to take care of the self maintained members of the gang, knowing he had a long road ahead. Kazuha sits next to you, uncertain of what to say.
"I am a wanderer by nature." He begins.
"I figured that out after asking around for you." You laugh lightly.
"... I didn't mean to get you pregnant. I wouldn't run away from you without at least explaining myself."
"No need to apologise " you respond. "I was the one who fell for your charms despite knowing nothing about you."
Kazuha awkwardly looks down at his feet, still not sure what to say.
"it's as well the gang have been such good family to him." You look up, your son tending to a leg injury.
"I am a wa-"
"Kazuha, stop." You state, placing a hand on his forearm. "I wasn't expecting to see you again. It's nice, even if it's the only time."
"...Can I get your name?" Kazuha asks, looking over hopefully.
You shake your head no, Kazuhas hopeful look replaced with slight hurt.
"I doubt you knowing my name would do any good." You explain. Before Kazuha can protest, however, you see your son waving you over, calling out 'mum'.
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knitmylove · 2 years
also hiii beloved give me some manga and/or anime recs please! <33
hiii love this is gonna be long but i hope you'll enjoy em!!
bbalgan jajeongeo. it's really short and cute. it's about a mailman with a red bicycle who travels through rural korea, delivering lettersand conversing with letter-writers and recipients.
blue period. blue period tells the story of yatora yaguchi. it's about the challenges and rewards of a career in the arts. he realises he's only doing things to make other people happy, but then he discovers the joy of painting.
children of the whales. cotw is the story of chakuro, a young guy who lives on the mud whale, a massive ship that sails aimlessly through a sand sea. chakuro serves as the mud whale's archivist, penning an objective record of the events that happen on ship. he's also one of the "marked," or short-lived bearers of thymia. the mud whale's ppl live quiet lives, but when a wrecked boat carrying a young woman drifts by, they discover that there is a huge world out there.
diamond no ace. this is about eijun sawamura, a pitcher who is invited to seidou high school by a scout who recognises the potential in his peculiar pitching style and enthusiasm. eijun declares that he will be the ace of the seidou baseball team, which has a plethora of talented and skilled players. the seidou baseball team, along with the rest of the team, aspires to defeat other similarly skillful teams to win the nationals in japan.
honey lemon soda. this one is about ishimori uka who was bullied in junior high school who gradually changes after meeting kai miura, a boy with lemon-colored hair.
shall we have dinner tonight? it's about do-hee woo and hae-gyung kim who are both single. they meet each other when they were trying to eat alone at the same resturant and shortly became friends who dine together every week.
with a dog and a cat, every day is fun. a cute and hilarious manga about the mangaka's cat, neko and her dog, inu.
few one shots i would rec!
kimi wa ai
49 kaime no kokuhaku
ai de birerong
gokurakugai sanban-doori no ken
goodbye, eri
sakana no time
sunny & rainy
a place further than the universe. a place further than the universe is a story about four friends, who meet each other by chance and decided to stay together in order to travel to antarctica.
astra lost in space. it's a story of nine students who became the victims of a conspiracy that took them thousands of light years from the destination of their trip. they retrieve a spaceship and try to return.
horimiya. it's a story about izumi miyamura and kyoko hori, who transform from secret keepers to lovers.
keep your hands off eizouken! it follows the lives of three high-school girls trying to make an anime of their very own.
kimi ni todoke. the story follows sawako kuronuma thru high school where she makes the first real friends she has ever had and explores her very first love.
natsume yuujinchou. takashi natsume is a 15-year-old boy with the ability to see spirits. this extraordinary ability caused him to have a difficult and lonely childhood. natsume soon learns that his late grandmother reiko left him the "book of friends," which contains the names of the spirits whom she brought under her control. natsume decides to free all of the spirits of those contracts, making friends along the way.
honobono log. it's very cute and short. it shows lovely snippets into the lives of couples and families.
poco's udon world. this anime follows souta as he returns home to his family's udon shop. throughout the series, he meets a young boy named poco who turns out to be a tanuki, and the two gradually form a bond. it's a really heartwarming show!
few movies!
a silent voice
children of the sea
ride your wave
josee, the tiger and the fish
sing a bit of harmony
summer ghost
words bubble up like soda pop
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