#and while that could've technically happened before the war as well; they had a /chance/ to back then
cyclonestudios-alt · 1 year
Hey so I saw your post requesting asks about Wingfeather headcanons, and I just finished reading the Warden and the Wolf King for the first time last night (😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️) so I gotta know- what are your headcanons about the epilogue- ie. if they did bring Janner back, and what would happen after?
Also, do you have any headcanons about young Artham and Esben, before Anniera fell?
Thank you! 😊
Alright first of all, the ending of TWatWK was... a lot emotions. I definitely understand how you're feeling about it lol.
Now, on to the headcannons, personally, I think they did manage to revive Janner. Or, maybe a more accurate description would be the Maker allowed Janner to come back and the family just like poured the First Well water on him and stuff. To me, Janner's revival seems like it would be a very Maker-involved thing, considering he (The Maker) created the First Well and is the reason it has healing powers and is basically part of what keeps Aerwiar alive (or maybe that's the Holoré and Holóel, not sure). Basically yes, I do believe Janner was revived, although I do have an au where he was not.
On to your second question, I'm pretty sure that after the Wingfeathers get back to Anneira, they almost immediately started rebuilding the castle and towns and stuff. I also think they would spend a lot of time together, going on picnics and exploring ( Aurundelle, Sara, and Leeli's dogs in tow).
They would also spend time together just to talk and mend relationships, because let's face it, the Wingfeathers need a lot of that family therapy. I'm also thinking about Artham and Nia forgiving each other, because their relationship has a few... issues (referring to Nia's treatment of Artham in Glipwood, by not standing up for him against Podo more often, when she clearly can and has)
I truly think those two could've done so much better (and still can) if Nia had just taken Artham in and they actually talked and helped each other with their grief about Esben's death (both when he was thought to be dead and when he actually did), because, while the kids certainly have a lot sadness about Esben's death, I have a feeling Artham and Nia had it much worse, Artham with his nearly decade-long guilt about leaving Esben and knowing exactly where he was yet never telling anyone, while dealing with a ton of mental issues and literally wanting to die, and Nia with loosing Esben twice and having basically no one who could understand to talk to about it. Not to mention Nia's kids were literally being hunted and the Hollows were under attack 24/7, I can't imagine how much it must've been for her with all of that going on at the same time. Writing this paragraph makes me realize just how much those two went through, and I honestly get sadder about it all the time.
Alright, on to your third question, Artham and Esben pre-war were definitely absolute little gremlins. It's basically canon. I mean, those two pulled pranks, were completely unreasonable in fights about food and boats (they literally raced across an entire island just to get a chance with the boat that Esben really liked, all because they couldn't agree who should have the last bowl of soup. Seriously, what the heck was that supposed to be lol). While they would totally be the Kings of Pranks (pardon me, the King and Throne Warden of Pranks) I think they were also besties and you could talk to them about anything, and they would just sit and listen while offering a few words of advice and stuff. I'm gonna cry thinking about it.
Also, I'm pretty sure in one of the books it said that while they were ruling (technically the rulers would be Esben and Nia, but I'm pretty sure the previous High King/Queen's other children would have a higher level of power than in just any other kingdom ((especially the Throne Warden))) it was like, one of Anneira's golden ages or something, so they also had to have been extremely kind and empathetic, while also clear about what rules where in place and should stay in place, and also strategic and stuff like that.
Ok, this is probably the longest post I've ever written, I sort of just read your ask and ran with it lol. Thank you so much for the ask! I loved reading it and thinking about how to answer. :)
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
Wrong Turn (2021, Horror)
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While I wasn't aware that there was another Wrong Turn installment, I believe this is a was a kind of continuation of the Wrong Turn series. For anyone who isn't familiar with the Wrong Turn movies, the movies all six movies are based around a family of inbred cannibals. In this case, I don't believe there's much evidence of cannibals outside of a single scene set very, very late in the movie, so I'm not quite sure if this really has much to do with the original series... Either way, I watched it and now I wanna talk about it, so let's get into it.
I want to start off by saying that the movie had a solid plot in my opinion. I mean, was a bit cliched in the sense that the story centers around three couples hiking in the Appalachian Mountains and despite seemingly harmless idea of their hike, they are warned by locals in the town they're staying in while hiking that they need to stay on the marked trail because there are dangers within the forest.... And of course, being young and dumb, the group chalks these warnings up to ramblings from a town of hillbillies, and they do end up straying from the path. Anyone who has seen a horror movie and has even a quarter of a braincell could've told you that they wouldn't stay on the path, so it wasn't all that original in that sense of things, just like anyone who has seen the original Wrong Turn series could tell you that there would be a lot of traps set for the purpose of hunting, and that a lot of those traps would involve some very pointy spikes. While I appreciated the gore that came from both of these decisions, I saw them coming based on my knowledge of the common sense of most people in horror movies and my prior knowledge of the series I believe this to be a part of. The real thing that was interesting to me was the hunters.
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Now, as I previously mentioned, the original Wrong Turn series featured a family of inbred cannibals. For anyone who doesn't know how inbreeding happens, the technical meaning of it is when breeding happens between 2 closely related people or animals.... It tends to be what people call it when incest occurs over generations. On top of being plain icky, inbreeding can cause a whole host of issues in a person's genetic make-up because it increases the chances of the next generation to inherit genetic disorders. After generations of this, the people who are products of this can have physical deformities and mental disorders that drastically effect their quality of life. In the original series, the cannibals in question had been the product of generations of inbreeding that resulted in a host of issues ranging from things that seemed to effect their physical appearances to things that effected their communication abilities, leaving them to communicate in mainly animalistic grunts....
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The 2021 take doesn't seem to have any of that. The hunters in this movie are actually villagers from a town called The Foundation that formed in 1859 before the war and the village inhabitants have no outright signs of inbreeding. Though they speak a different language and honestly appear to have a very cult-ish look, members of the village seem to be well spoken and don't seem to have any deformities or disabilities; when spoken to, the leader of the village even goes as far as telling the group of hikers that they have no cancer due to their way of life within the mountains. And despite the cannibalistic nature of those in the original movies, the villagers within this take hunt for game within the forest and burn the bodies of the dead rather than eating them. The village even has its own justice system that comes complete with a sort of prison where people are put for trespassing or stealing from the village community, and though we only get a glimpse of it, it seems to be filled with the outsiders who wandered into the forest and never wandered back out. I'm not gonna say that I disliked this change, but I did feel kinda cheated out of the classic cannibal aspect of the series.
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Ok, so plot changes aside, I want to talk about the level of gore. I am a strong believer that there's never such a thing as too much gore as long as it's well done and doesn't subtract from the plot of the story being told. Gore is actually the biggest reason I enjoyed the original Wrong Turn movies, and honestly tends to play a big role in most of the horror movies I enjoy, but I will admit that I wasn't as focused on the bloody part of the 2021 take on Wrong Turn as I was on the plot and the changes I mentioned before, but there were still a few gorier scenes that definitely deserve some props for the makeup, prosthetics, and use of fake blood. It was extremely well done and started early enough to keep me entertained since we got to see the aftermath of an incident withing the first 20 minutes of the movie!
In all honesty, the biggest issue I had with this instalment was actually that I wished it ended more like my favorite instalment of the series, Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings.... If you know you know. Aside from that little note on the beginning, I actually quite liked the movie as a whole and would absolutely recommend this to someone looking for something good to watch, especially since the movie is different enough that it can be watched as a complete stand alone for anyone who isn't interested in the inbred cannibal bit of the series. It's a shoe in for my official recommendation list when it comes to horror movies and eared itself a solid 8/10
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spookysanta · 4 years
online - four. (G.D.)
Summary: everyone warned him about talking to this girl online. but he can’t help but want to fall for her... now he has to meet her. what happens when they finally get together in person?
Pairing: Grayson Dolan x Reader
WARNINGS: as usual, sexy thoughts, nothing major
click here for part one, part two, part three.
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When they got back to his house, the first thing she planned to do was get in the shower and change into comfy clothes. He wanted them to watch movies out in the living room tonight but she didn’t exactly have the heart to tell him that she was exhausted. She changed into a pair of pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt, then made her way down the hall, knocking on the door of his bedroom.
“Come in.”
She opened the door slowly and peeked her head around the wood. “Hi.” She said quietly.
He was sat on the bed in sweatpants and a hoodie, hunched over and scrolling through his phone. She walked further into the room and sat on his bed next to him. “You alright?” he asked her.
“Mhm.” She stifled a yawn, flopping back onto his bed.
“You still down to watch movies tonight? You look tired.”
She can not say no to him for some reason. Of course, she’s tired! She’s been out all day long, and not to mention, was on a plane literally all morning. But he looked at her with excitement in his eyes and she just blurted out, “Definitely.”
He thought for a moment. “How about we watch movies in here?”
Her mind started to race. Because she’s imagined this—spending time with him, alone in his room, “watching movies” together. Although the outcome always ends up erotic, who’s to say they can’t just have a nice night in? “Kay.” It came out almost as a squeak.
He turned his body to look at her. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yep. Fine.” She forced a smile.
He shrugged, as if to say “if you say so”, and went to connect his iMac to the projector his brother got him. He turned on Disney+, just because he knows her and he knows that whenever she had the chance, she would watch Captain America: Civil War. He doesn’t ask her why, but that is her favorite film, without a doubt.
And it recently occurred to him that her favorite film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe isn’t technically an Avengers film, though she lives and breathes the Avengers. She told him it’s her favorite because it’s the first “Avengers” film with Spider-Man in it, and, in her words: “Tom Holland is perfect”. So, he assumes, she only watches the movie for Tom Holland, although she’ll tell him that it’s because of the action and the plot and blah, blah, blah.
He knows the truth.  
He clicked ‘play’ on the film and the opening music began, causing his girl to snap her head toward the wall across from them. “Yes!” she chanted. She sat up and situated herself against the headboard of his bed, using one of his throw pillows as a cushion.
While she was getting comfortable, he went into the linen closet across the hall from his bedroom and got one of his throw blankets from back home in New Jersey. It’s thick, and he thinks she’ll appreciate it because she’s always cold. He came back and tossed the blanket over her lap before sitting next to her.
“Comfy?” he asked her.
She was already tuned out.
He poked her shoulder. “Hello?”
“Hm?” she didn’t take her eyes away from the screen.
“Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah.” She pulled her legs into her chest which made the blanket crumple up in her lap. He took it upon himself to take the blanket and wrap it around her shoulders instead, then he got closer to her, sitting his back against the headboard as well. He took an arm and pulled her into his chest, her head laying on his pec.
“How about now?” he kissed her head for what seemed to be the one-thousandth time today.
Dammit, Grayson, her mind chanted continuously, I can’t focus on Chris Evans if I’m laying on you and you smell as yummy as you do.
Maybe that was his intention—to have her mind so clouded and enwrapped in everything that is him that she wouldn’t be able to even comprehend the idea of anyone that doesn’t have his name.
He’s clever for that.
He knew she was sleepy. And he knew that she wasn’t going to sleep until she sees Spider-Man, though she’s seen this movie probably over three-hundred times since its release. She kept stirring to make herself stay awake, but then her eyes widened in the cutest way.
Well, in his opinion, everything she does is cute.
She sat up from his chest, rubbed her eyes, cupped her hands around her mouth, and said: “Underoos!”
She really does love this movie. And he didn’t think she loved it so much that she knew the lines, but apparently he was mistaken.
“Nice job, kid.” Said the screen when Spider-Man swooped into frame holding Captain America’s shield.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit…Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's—it’s perfect. Thank you.” she replied as Spider-Man.
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.”
“ Okay. Cap…Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.”
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just…”
“Hey, everyone.”
“. . . Good job.”
He was in shock. Utter and complete shock. She leaned back into him, content and sleepy again. “You done?” he asked her.
“For now.”
He chuckled. Not much longer after, he felt her body settle against him, which indicated to him that she was drifting off to sleep. But by then, she’d wrapped her arms around his torso, and what kind of (almost) boyfriend would he be if he didn’t let her snuggle him? He wasn’t sure if she was completely asleep, so his plan was to wait until she was totally knocked out before picking her up and carefully placing her in her bed in the guest room.
So he waited until he heard a quiet snore come from her mouth, before carefully taking her arms from around his torso and scooping her up to take his into her room. He made it about halfway down the hallway before he heard a quiet mumble against his chest:
“What are you doing?”
He stopped walking. “I was taking you to your room.”
“Movie’s not over.”
“You were snoring.”
She wanted to hit him because she does not snore, but she didn’t have the energy. “No, I wasn’t.”
“Okay,” he snorted, “what do you want me to do, then?”
“Go back.”
He sighed, turning swiftly and going back into his room, setting her back in her original spot before going to the restroom. When he came back, he found her in his bed.
In. his. bed.
Inside his bed.
Under the covers.
“Honey…what are you doing?”
“I got cold again.” She muttered, scooting deeper in the bed.
Now he won’t ever be able to take her to her room. Not that he necessarily wanted her to not be in here, but he knows his mind is going to race if the two of them sleep in the same bed tonight. He knows he’s going to think inappropriate things and his…friend may get excited—and how would he explain that if she were to wake up in the middle of the night and see it?
“So what, you’re gonna sleep in here?”
She shook her head, eyes stuck on the screen again.
“We both know you’re not going to stay awake the entire movie.”
He shook his head at her, opting to take off his shirt to get into bed because he was going to sleep. She snuggled into him again, this time stopping when she felt bare skin against her cheek.
“You took off your shirt…” she said observantly.
“Well, yeah, do you expect me to sleep fully-clothed?”
“No?” it came out as a question.
“Does it make you uncomfortable?”
If it does, maybe you should sleep in your own bed.
“Good.” He settled down into the bed to get warm. Even though it’s not cold outside or in the house, it’s cold in his bedroom. And he doesn’t know if it’s because of the temperature the thermostat is set to, or the fact that there’s a girl laying next to him that’s basically cold-blooded.
Like he expected, she was back asleep in under ten minutes. He knew she was way too tired to try and stay awake to finish the movie no matter how hard she rubbed her eyes to stay awake or nudged him, saying “this is my favorite part” on three different occasions. Her arms were wrapped around his torso again, but this time, her head managed to make its comfort on his abdomen instead of his chest. He had a hand on her back, probably to keep her warm since the way she was laying had the back of her frame uncovered by the covers. He decided then that it was in fact late and he should go to sleep. He turned off the projector, plugged both of their phones into the chargers next to his bed, and shut his eyes.
“Ugh.” She almost punched him in the chest, trying to squirm out of his tight grip on her. “Get up, you ass.”
“What?” he groaned.
“I’m hungry, let me up.”
His eyes darted to the clock on his nightstand. 3:39 am. “You couldn’t have waited another couple hours?”
“No. I want my ice cream.”
He moved his arm from her and she scooted from the bed. “Thanks.” She left the room, barefoot and cold, quickly moving her feet along the hardwood to the kitchen, where she found her ice cream in the freezer. She rummaged through a couple of drawers for a big spoon, then she made her way back to Grayson’s bedroom and climbed back in the bed. She opened the pint and scooped some onto the spoon, putting it in her mouth and savoring the flavor. “Mm.”
“Gimme some.” She heard him mumble.
“I just want to try it.” In truth, though it may sound strange, there was just something about the way that she ate the ice cream; the way she licked the spoon, the way she just had to let out little moans of bliss when she put the next scoop in her mouth. He wanted to taste her, and he thinks that now of all times wasn’t the best time to ask. But he also thinks by tasting her ice cream (that she directly tasted, though he’ll probably regret it in the future), his mind will be satiated for the moment.
“Fine.” She handed him the spoon and pint of ice cream. He took a scoop of the ice cream and put it in his mouth, licking the spoon after. “Stop that. You’re going to get your spit on my spoon.”
He put the entire bowl of the spoon in his mouth then, taking it out of his mouth and licking both sides of the spoon with a flattened tongue. “Here.” He handed it back to her.
“I’m starting to not like you.”
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