#and while it doesnt say odysseus and telemachus were in the right to kill them anyway l
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katerinaaqu · 4 months ago
I have already mentioned the chnges to my initial reblog. Literally the most iconic parts are changed, Circe, Sirens, Charybdis Skylla Phaeakes etc. I have analyzed those in my original comment to this streak: Lotus Eaters are not a tribe of friendly people are some sort of creature, Polyphemus doesn't eat them and mock the laws of Xenia, apparently he has a reason or excuse to do what he does, Odysseus doesn't reveal his name because he was seccluded in a cave and he as not only exhausted and furious after watching the cyclops eat his men one by one and feel proud for his achievement, in Epic he reveals it out of spite because Athena triggers him (he had no Athena with him in the Odyssey). He doesn't stay a month in Aeolia, he doesnt stay a year with Circe. He doesn't need to sell himself to Circe apparently a tear jerking story was enough (Hermes tells him he has no chance of refusing her bed and Circe didn't need to seduce him to kill him in the Odyssey she was a complicated persona). He doesn't get a single piece of information from Tiresias on how to move and how to break his curse, he doesn;t speak to the spirits of the underworld including his mother who tels him that she didn't die WHILE waiting but she died BECAUSE she was waiting for him and there is a difference) Odysseus doesn't hear the sirens. In the Odyssey we have literally the most iconic scene ever where he ties himself on the mast and hears their song and his men row for dear life till they get out of there in Epic for some reason we have had whatever that scene was where they kill them. In Epic he doesn't gear up to protect his men from Skylla, he sends them to death himself. In the Odyssey he clearly tries to protect them. His men don't spend weeks in hunger to slaughter the cattle of Helios, their doeath doesnt come as a hubris result but again Zeus written like a jerk again that makes Odysseus choose. Odysseus didn't escape Charybdis hanging from the fig tree for dear life BEFORE Ogygia and of course whatever the hell we ot to the last saga. Telemachus was treated equally poorly. Telemachus in the Odyssey had no problem fighting. His problem was that the suitors were abusing the laws of Xenia and he couldn't send them away. Athena doesnt make him do some fist fight she encourages him to travel and find information on his father and of course God Games is just nope. No god had problem letting Odysseus go and Zeus least of all. In fact he mentions how fond he is of Odysseus and that he couldn't help him because his hands were tied so far due to his hubris against Poseidon.
-Ah here we go again! The classic I get all the time! When I say I dislike this or that trope then I get the question "so you are against retellings?" literally the question "you dislike abstract art? You must be against modern art in general!" that is literally not how it works! I dislike the specific type of "retellings" that use nothing of the original material or that they screw it over. And on occasion like or dislike comes to what vibes with you. No you absolutely didn't get that right no. In fact I have seen many beautiful retellings and one of them was like 90% accurate to the Odyssey and it was a masterpiece. Prince Of Egypt is a classical example. It is a loose adaptation, doesn't follow the bible to the T and yet it respects the story and the culture and didn't make Moses...slaughter the men of the Pharaoh himself or whatever! The iconic scene of the parting of the sea was respected. I myself am literally writing retellings. My style though is mostly following the sources or combining them.
-That is very nice of you and I hope it helps but yes using material such as this as substitute to studies is just stupid indeed.
-Ella the Enchanted is a classical example on how one can create an original story while based on a tale. Even if the character is even nsinuating the name of Cinderella is still not the same story! Just like Brother Where Art Thou is an original story heavily inspired by the Odyssey but is not Odyssey. Also omitting cruel details to make a story kid-friendly is differentthan changing the most crucial part of the plot. What Epic did with the Sirens for example is the equivalent of..dunno making Cinderell lose her other shoe too and make her wear a hat instead! Like taking an iconic moment from a story and turn it to something else. Humans do love to see that sure. But not all do. Like I said I love for example the classical movie "The King and I" or what was the name. Thaiwan people hated it. It is a matter of perspective. I cannot blame them for not liking the movie!
Oh yes it crossed the line waaaay too long ago.
-I agree. That is the reason it is so popular indeed. What I mean is that more often whatnot this exploitation made the stories unrecognizable and they completely disregard what they were about at times.
-Again...exactly but what we got is not a retelling! What we got was an original story without original characters! Which is not what a retelling is! A retelling doesn;t go "screw your plot" it takes creative liberties that do not harm the story otherwirse is not a retelling it is simply notthe same story Again....I didn't say that he NEEDED to respect 100% I said he had no reason to pic this if he was going to screw the plot. And again I honestly don't care what the thought is in this case like I said I am personally disappointed a lot with how Odyssey is treated. Or how the word "retelling" is understood for that matter. And again I didn't like the result. I beieve that is valid for me to say And again that is my probem that I see disporportionately these type of "adaptations" over actual respective adaptation to material and AGAIN I didn;t say he has no right to do what he did. He absolutely does. I am only explaining why I dislike it
-AGAIN That is my problem! Because is not how the story was! Again I think his trip would have served much more the video game logic! Whatever we got there was a brush off and completely rushed piece to me. And Teemachus was not wondering about his father that he wanted to be legendary like him. The kid was even wondering if Odysseus was really his father at that point! Totally different feeling totally different objective. And that is my problem with the word retelling nowadays. Retelling means "i tell the same story in my own words" not "i have other plans than to follow the key parts of the plot"
And to answer to your other note as well because I got a bit disoriented getting bombarded with separate parts of reblogs;
-Exacty. He could have named his character literally anything he wanted and make an original story and still reference to the Odyssey. At least that would make more sense in my brain.
Absoltey not. I would argue that is less than 50% at this point. And no technically it is called "Disney's Cinderella" to assume they are not retelling the Brother Grimm version and Brother Grimm is also only one of the versions. Arguably the original cincerella is a story coming from Hellenistic Egypt. But again ironically Cinderella was much more accurate to the OG material and they did not change the most iconic parts like the pumpkin careiage the midnight trick and the slipper fit despite the liberties they got the same as I said with Prince of Egypt and the bible. And I will ay it one more time; likes and dislikes often have to do with what vibes to me. Most Disney movies vibed to me one way or another (and I still speak on the things they did right and what they do wrong in comparison to their OG material). Epic didn't
If it is just a matter of expectations to you then that is valid. To me is not that simple and again if I see something that is p to mess such an iconic thing like the Odyssey, especially something so beloved to me, I have to believe that the changes are generic to the story and that they give me the twist without harming the story or that the story is altered in such a way that is vibing to me in general. That absolutely didn't happen in the Epic case
I'll take your word for that. Not fond of the remakes of the films much
Absolutely and I said that from the very beginning. I was clearly talking to people that share similar ideas with me and we discuss our opinions. It always would end up to the "agree to disagree" thing. But yes to that last part we absolutely agree and even loyal fans of the musical iked out to that.
New Epic saga and it's horrible... to give you an idea, Odysseus fought Poseidon, stole his trident and made him beg for mercy
hmmm a god begging a mortal for mercy is not exactly on par with Greek religion and stories. How did that scene made it into the final version?
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