#and when he's not she's going straight to Potions classroom to lecture him about skipping meals for 1525th time
chemzee · 4 months
Ngl I kinda headcanon that Daniel has a tendency to skip meals when he's brewing more elaborate potions (which he does pretty often),which his friends, of course, don't really like. I think Ivy would bring him chocolate frogs or other stuff, so he wouldn't starve completely (he would actually appreciate it). And Robyn would probably try to drag him away from his concoctions, only for Daniel to display the true power of his stubbornness and refuse to move.
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svtegg · 5 years
howgarts!svt (maknae line)
finally got around to finishing this series!!! after 84 years! hope u harry potter fans enjoy this bc i do everything 4 you guys hehehe ilu
Hufflepuff, but it took our dear old sorting hat a couple minutes…in the end Seungkwan asked for Hufflepuff because he thought some of the students on the slytherin table looked scary
Ironically enough, those students became some of his best friends later
He’s from a family of different houses so he didn’t really have any pressure to be sorted into the right house
Loves being a Hufflepuff because no one expects him when he jinxes the rugs in the third-floor classroom to fly around like owls
Has a secret talent, or more like a skill…… He can communicate with animals…he doesn’t tell anyone for like three years after he finds out
Loves Care of Magical Creatures, is in love with the Occamy hatchlings from one of Hagrid lessons and often visits his hut to check up on them
Drags Soonyoung or Seokmin with him into the forbidden forest on a weekly basis…..to see the Peruvian Vipertooth that Hagrid had raised….his name is Diggory
Seungkwan also excels at Charms, being a keen jinxer and a quick-witted wizard who can easily think his way out of sticky situations
Perfected 5th year level spells in his third year, without the Charms professor knowing
Seungkwan is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, once managed to distract an agitated Abraxan that had hurt its wing and had to land in the courtyard
All of the students outside started panicking as the huge horse galloped around the grounds in panic but not Seungkwan!
He jumped right into action and managed to conjure some reigns on the Abraxan, calming it with a somewhat weak but still impressive bewitched sleep
He has an owl named Bubo, she’s a Eurasian Eagle Owl and she’s Seungkwan’s biggest pride
Seungkwan is probably the friendliest student at Hogwarts, knowing everyone and often having to run to his lectures because he got stopped in the corridor by someone he knew
Often hangs out in the great hall with some of the guys from his group to watch them duel in Wizarding Chess
He’s the speaker/commentator for Quidditch games and often sings during the breaks
His wand is a caramel Applewood, straight with a amethyst dotted handle. Unicorn hair core, 7 inches, stout and rounded tip
Seungkwan’s patronus is a fox
Vernon is a muggle-born Hufflepuff
A quiet and peaceful soul that just tries his best at everything
Vernon is wise beyond his years and often says something that stops his older mates in their tracks
Then two seconds later he snort laughs at Soonyoungs fart joke and its like he never even said that super philosophical thing anyway
Vernon is very interested in Astronomy and is also developing a favor for potions, Mingyu pomised to help him study so that helped spark his interest a little
He is sowly becoming the Charms professors favorite student due to his fast progress in the subject, the teacher said that Vernon could become a good duelist if he practiced his defense against the dark arts spells a little more
But Vernon is a pacifist and would rather spend his days watching Joshua feed mandrakes, laughing at Seokmin losing in Wizards Chess or help Mingyu collect wolfsbane for his extra credit potion
Vernon becomes somewhat of a favorite in the Hufflepuff dungeon, because he’s one of the few people that acknowledge the house elfs that are working away in the ajar kitchen
The Hufflepuff Quidditch team are trying to scout him as their seeker because he’s one of the few people that can actually see the snitch
One time he caught the snitch from the audience, Seungkwan screaming at him over the speakers to let it go
But the snitch had already retracted its wings and Hufflepuff won the game
Vernon still declined the position, saying he didn’t want to take it from the current seeker
But the current seeker was threatening to quit if Vernon didn’t say yes
Vernon said he’d think about it
Like Seungkwan, his roommate, Vernon owns an owl.
His is a lot smaller than Seungkwans, a tiny Ural Owl named Melody
His wand is of Rowan, light wood with bark details twirling around the wand. Flexible, 9 inches with Dragon heart string core from an Ukrainian Ironbelly
Patronus is a Doe
Ravenclaw……….One wouldn’t think so at first sight,,,
He isn’t outstanding in his class…a typical second best
But get this…
He skipped his entire first year because he had prepared so much for school start that he’d already taught himself the entire first year curriculum…..so he got bumped up
So now he’s in class with Vernon and Seungkwan….and they never let him be
Always babying him and making sure he’s okay
Chan is very well liked by the teachers, they’re all impressed by his extreme work ethic and drive…what a good student… He’s always on time, always sits up front, notebook ready
But he’s also a little rascal…..often helping Minghao and Jihoon place tricks and jinxes to get back at Joshua, Jeonghan or Seungkwan…..hehe
His favorite subject it Defense Against The Dark Arts, Charms and Transfiguration
He studies very very hard bc he wants to become an Auror
Like his mom
All his friends make sure he’s well studied, well rested and prepared for his exams drilling his knowledge at the breakfast table as one of them shoves a bagel down his throat and another prepares a cup of tea for him
Chan is a powerful wizard as well, he isn’t as powerful as Joshua or as quick thinking as Seungkwan but he definitively has the broadest spectrum of spells, charms, jinxes and hexes memorized
He literally has a spell for any situation, even if its not useful
Becomes kind of insecure when his friends aren’t there to back him up and sees his friends as his security net and would do anything for them
Managed to distract the headmaster while Jeonghan snuck back into detention after escaping to go to Hogsmeade with Seokmin, Wonu and Jihoon
He plays for the quidditch team as well….he’s a beater and often impresses the instructor with his impeccable flying skills
Wants to become Captain one day but so far he has to accept the fact that he’s still a newbie
Has a rat and an owl, oops broke the rules oh nooo
Chan got his rat from the same person Joshua got Grover, theyre siblings u see
The rat is a smart little silver girl named Brie n she picks locks for a living
She lives in Chans sock drawer
Chan also has a tawny owl that isn’t very friendly, its name is Donald
His wand is grey toned Ashwood with a sleek two tone finish that gradiates along the handle. Unicorn hair core, 11.3 inches.
Chan’s patronus is a honey badger, tiny in size but incredibly strong and fearless and not afraid to face even the worst of predators
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Birthday and Acceptions
Hello everyone, today I have a very special Lulias fluff for one of my very good friends @outcast-eliasgoldstein Today is your birthday and I hope it’s a good one! This is my gift to you, I hope you enjoy it! Happy birthday you special bean!!!
The month of March was usually peaceful and serene at the academy and with a much needed spring break on its way, students couldn't be happier. Well almost all, for one student in particular, March, this year, was a month he quite honestly dreaded, it was the month which held his birthday. The reason for this dread and hatred, was for one specific reason. he was dating Luca Orlem. It's not that fact that he's dating Luca, that was troubling him, but rather, how his parents would react. Klaus, his older brother, had already found out, a two weeks back.
~~two weeks ago~~
Elias hit the door to the prefect's office a few times, demanding access to the room, a stack of books rested in his hands as he waited to be given entrance. Thankfully, Klaus had opened the door a few moments later and stepped aside, allowing him to enter.
"Just the set the stack of books right there by the shelves, I'll look through them in a little bit. If you could give this note to Mervulova, it would be a great deal of help."
"Also,wile you're at it, tell him there may be a delay with the potion beakers. Randy decided to conduct another one of those bothersome potions of his and god only knows what's happened to them at this point."
"Huh..Oh, sorry Klaus, I'll be on my way."
"Hold it right there, Elias, what's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, why are you assuming that it it?"
Klaus sighed as he removed himself from his chair and shut the door, before standing in front of it, denying him access to leave. "Sit down on the sofa, now."
Elias quickly sat down on the sofa,preparing himself for an earful of yelling or lectures, however, much to his surprise Klaus began brewing tea and looked in his direction.
"Elias, tell me, has someone been giving you strife? The look on your face clearly states that you're troubled by something. If it's a student, I will thoroughly punish them." As he spoke, he began filling two teacups with his special tea brew, and handed one of the cups to him.
"Klaus? Why are you suddenly being nice?"
"Because you have something on your mind, which you'll probably deny. It's true that I'm a prefect, and while I may be strict with you and everyone here, I am still your brother in the end. As a brother, it's my duty to make sure that everything is alright with you."
Taking a sip of tea, he noticed that Elias was looking at him with his mouth agape, and a shocked expression on his face. Elias then took a sip of the contents in his cup, before placing it on the nearby coffee table.
"Klaus...I...don't know if I can tell you."
"You could at least try."
"You don't understand! It's not easy for me to tell you, regardless if your family or not!"
"Then make me understand!"
By this point the two of them were shouting at one another,and  Klaus had slammed his hand on the desk, which sent Elias to jump a little in surprise. 
"Dammit Elias! Why won't you just spit it out! What the hell can be so bad that you wouldn't tell me?"
"Because...if I told you--"
"It's a person bullying you isn't it? Who the hell was it, I'll make them regret it!"
"I-It's not a person...It's--"
"Oh, when I find out who did it, they will regret it, nobody messes with a Goldstein, especially when it's my brother."
"Klaus..will you please hear me out?!"
"You've said enough``"
"But it's not a person! It's me!"
"What are you talking about? What did you do?!"
"I-I didn't...I-I mean.."
"Elias! Spit it out!" Klaus' voice roared as he spoke
"I'm gay!"
"I-I'm gay..I-I.."
Elias' shoulders were shaking as he tried to finish his sentence, but was choked up on the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. His head was hung low as he refused to make eye contact with Klaus, not wanting to see his reaction as he was sure there was a look disappointment on his face, he even braced himself for more screaming.
Just the sheer thought of that, caused the tears to flow so freely now. His shoulders and hands began to shake and his soft hics echoed in the now silent room. Klaus had moved away from his seat and began rubbing his brother's back, he wouldn't admit it, but seeing Elias breaking down and crying in front of him was heart wrenching, and it made his heart ache. "Is that all?"
"W-what? A-aren't you disappointed?"
"No, of course not, whether you're gay or straight, it makes no difference to me, 
you are and always will be my brother, I will treat you no differently just because of your sexuality."
"Look, I'm going to excuse you from the rest of your morning classes, you need some time to recollect yourself. So while here, you can study for any upcoming exams or just take it easy, understand?"
"Yes...but Klaus?"
"I..well, we'll both be going home for the break right?"
"Well of course, not to mention your birthday falls nears the very beginning of the break. But why are you asking such a question in the first place?"
"It's just...I may be bringing a guest.."
"A guest?"
"Well...Luca, to be more specific."
"Luca? Luca Orlem? I thought you two had some rivalry with one another-- wait...unless.."
Elias didn't even have to give a response, Klaus had already pieced it all together. "I see."
"I'm just worried though, about how our parents will react...I just...I want them to accept me.." Elias could feel more tears threaten to pour out as he spoke, but he quickly took a deep breath in to hold them at bay,
"Elias, did you not hear a word I said in the beginning? I am your brother. Which means you are not alone in this situation, you understand? I'll be there to support you."
"Klaus...thank you."
~~present day~~
While packing up his things, to go to his next class, Elias was stopped by a very familiar voice. Turning around he came face to face with the one who made his heart skip a beat.
"Hello prince Elias." with a smirk, he placed a kiss on Elias' lips, who immediately began to blush a bright red.
"Luca! You can't just kiss me right now! We are still in class, someone could have seen us!"
"So what if they dd? Let them see that you belong to me and only me."
Elias hurriedly turned away and hid his face from Luca's gaze, his cheeks were burning brighter than before, and his heart was beating wildly against his chest..He knew that Luca was probably enjoying the sight of him acting like this, all shy and vulnerable to his teasing.
"Y'know, I really like it when your cheeks are as red as a strawberry, you look quite cute. So why won't you let me see that beautiful face of yours?"
"S-shut up Luca!"
With a smirk, Luca made Elias turn and face him, he then wrapped his hands around his waist and pulled him into a tight embrace. "If you want me to shut up that badly, why don't you make me?"
Smirking, Elias, put his finger to Luca's lips "Maybe if you attend classes more, you'd learn how to shut up."
Luca was about to say something back, until a familiar figure walked into the room. "I see you and your bond with Mr. Olem are going quite well?"
"K-Klaus..?! Wh-Why are you here!?"
"I have to teach the class that will be coming in soon. Which by the way, you should be on your way to classes now, you don't have much time."
"Y-you're right, I'll be on my way..!"
Elias refused to stay another moment in the classroom, it was bad enough that his heart was racing and his face was as red as a strawberry. But worst of all, his brother had caught him and Luca being so close! He knew for a fact that Klaus would be teasing him about that many times in the near future.
As he made his way to his next class, he was shocked to see so many people looking so happy, especially considering that it was Schuyler teaching. Most of them would have their heads on their textbooks, while looking like zombies, but here they were, chattering and acting like there wasn't a care in the world. As he scanned the room, he saw a pair of familiar faces, and he made his way towards them.
"Do you two know what's going on here?"
Yukiya turned his head to face Elias, even he had a small smile "Classes are going to be shortened since the Headmaster is starting break a little bit earlier." "Isn't that great!?" Nadia's voice was full of bubbly life as she spoke, and the smile on her face further showed just how pleased she was with this news.
"So that's why everyone is acting so.."
"Yes, those words exactly, and many more."
"Well, I mean, being in the room with Schuyler for less time than usual, would make anyone happier."
"She has a point.."
Elias gave out a sigh and rolled his eyes at the two of them before going to his usual seat. It was true, having shorter classes is a blessing, but right now, Elias wished the clases would have been longer, or that something else could have came up. It would have given him a possible reason to delay his trip back home. But in the end, he knew he had to go, he had to face his fears, plus Luca seemed so excited to be asked to attend his party at the manor.
He recalled Luca's sparkling green eyes and his shocked expression, and how afterwards, the two of them shared a sweet yet passionate kiss in the archives. He shook his mind of those thoughts and was now preparing himself for today's lesson, which he knew Luca wouldn't attend. He could picture Luca sitting in the archives, probably fast asleep by the window. No! Focus Elias, focus on the lesson! You'll have enough time to focus on your boyfriend, after classes! Elias began slapping his cheeks gently, trying to snap himself out of his thoughts, so that he was able to focus on the lesson, whether it was going to be a short class or not, he was going to put in the most amount of effort possible into it. Today was a review day for a test which be taken the day they would come back to the class.
"Now everyone, I want you you to all practice one spell from lesson two, which is you can find in your textbooks. Now go."
"Lesson two is mainly about water I believe..?" Nadia's voice rang out and she held her hands up in front of herself. "Scuntum Aqua!" in the next instant, her hair whipped around a little, before a barrier of water surrounded herself, which received a nod of approval from Schuyler as he made his way around the class.
It was Elias' turn, he chose one of the more challenging ones, raising his wand he chanted "Sabo Aqua!" small bubbles began to float up from his wand. Concentrating, he managed to move the bubbles to his will, making them form patterns and shapes. Schuyler had made it to where he stood and he too gave him a nod of approval.
"Good work Elias."
"Thank you professor." Schuyler then went on to Yukiya, who had just chanted his spell "Sanatio Aqua!" Yukiya had asked Schuyler ahead, to summon an umbra with wounds. After the incantation was said, the wounds were being cleaned out and were beginning to heal. Thus, Yukiya got an approval from Schuyler.
"It appears that you three have been studying, I hope you continue to do that."
"Globus Aqua..?" a confused voice rang out the incantation, but in doing so, they failed the spell, causing it to rain instead of summoning orbs of water.
"Quies Aqua!" Schuyler raised his wand and shouted, which stopped the rainfall in the classroom immediately. "You there, in the back! It would do you well to learn your studies!"
Schuyler's voice was stern as he spoke to the now shaking student in the back of the class. Elias believed it to be a new student as he had never seen them before, He felt sorry to the poor newcomer, having messed up a spell and now being yelled at Schuyler.
"Now, class will be over in a few minutes, but before you all go, I have an announcement I want to make. When you all come back from break, there will be a test covering all that we've learned from lessons one through three. It would be wise for you all to study, as that test grade will also be the grade of the new semester. Class dismissed."
A loud roar of excitement filled the classroom as everyone was pushing and shoving to make their way out. Elias took his time, gathering his stuff and was waiting for everyone to leave before he made his exit.
"Hey, Elias!"
"Hello Nadia, is there something you need?"
"Not really, just curious to see what your plans are for break. I know that Yukiya, Leon, Randy, Azusa and Glenn are staying here at the academy."
"I'll be going home for the whole break, and you?"
"I'll probably be doing the same, that or I may stick around the academy for a couple of days, before leaving."
"I hope you have fun and take care of yourself."
"Same goes to you as well!"
Elias watched as Nadia hurried away to catch up to Yukiya, the two of them had grown closer and were stuck together like glue. He was unsure of what type of relationship they had, if it was sibling thing, or if they were pursuing one another romantically. Yukiya never wanted to talk about it though, and I guess he probably had a good reason for it, still he was sure it would be brought back up eventually.
Right now though, Elias made his way out of the classroom as well and had one thing-- well person on his mind, and he had a good idea of where that said person was at. Elias made his way to the archives, much to his distaste he had to push past people to even make headway in the hallway. His patience was beginning to grow thin, but he had finally reached the archives.
Peeking inside, he saw Luca leaned up against the window, the sunlight that poured in, showed off his handsome features more than usual. The sight had captivated Elias so much that he slowly and quietly walked over to where he was, before placing a hand on his cheek. Luca stirred softly in his sleep, mumbling something before continuing to snore softly.
"Why must you be so handsome?" Elias silently muttered under his breath before pulling his hand away. However, he was surprised to have it pulled back, only this time his hand was resting on Luca's chest.
"Why do you like to watch people sleep, huh prince?"
"I-it wasn't like that...see, I was.."
"No need to explain, your face basically says it all." Luca smirked before sitting upright. "So what bring you here to the archives?"
"You do remember that you're coming home with me for my burthday, right?"
"Of course, how could I forget?"
"Then you should know that we'll be leaving in approximately three hours for now, so hurry up and get your things together for the trip." "Wow, that early? I guess you guys leave the academy at every chance you get it seems."
"Just shut up and let's go.." Elias blushed as he held out his hand, he always got so flustered when he was near Luca, or whenever it came to holding his hand,
"Huh? I thought you didn't want other to see us like this?" Elias blushed even harder when he noticed Luca's smirk "You said it yourself...who cares, let them know that we're together. Plus most of the students are already at the dorms probably packing up, so it's not like we're going to be in a crowded place."
"Heh, I honestly wouldn't mind if we did.."
Luca leaned down and whispered into Elias' ears as spoke, hi warm breath tickled his ears and he felt a shiver go down his spine. Of course, he told Luca to stop and quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him along, he wasn't sure how much of his teasing he could handle, especially while they were still on the academy grounds.
The two of them quickly made their way to the dorms, when they got there, they noticed quite a few people rushing out of the dorms, their luggage in tow and smile on their faces. The two of them were able to make their way through the entrance and head upstairs to where there dorms were. Upon getting there, they had to part their separate ways and that included letting go of each other's hand.
Elias had turned the knob and opened the door to his room, upon entering he saw that Yukiya was lying in bed, his soft snore were a clear indicator that Yukiya was in fact, asleep. A chuckle escaped from Elias' lips and he softly shook his head before making his way to his dresser, and retrieving anything that he may need. This included his set of Grimoires and some other books, which were sure to be put into good use for the train ride to and from the manor and the academy.
He looked around to see if he needed anything else, it was then that he suspected that he had some chocolate stashed away in the drawer of the nightstand by his bed. Opening the drawer, he confirmed that suspicion and took the chocolate bars, putting them in his pocket.Elias gave one last look around the dorm to make sure that he wasn't leaving anything that he may need for his travels. 
Once it was confirmed that he had everything that he would need, he quietly slipped out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.
Going downstairs, he saw that Luca was standing by the railing, a smile graced his face as he locked eyes with Elias. "Took you long enough."
"What do you mean by that?" Elias began walking down the stairs, a small suitcase in tow behind him.
"Heh, nothing." Luca smirked before taking taking Elias' hand in his own "Plus, we have to meet your brother, he won't wait forever, right?" Heading out of the door and outside, the two of them talked as they made their way to the front gate. Luca was asking questions about the family name, magical tools and a few other things, the last question he asked had sent a pain straight into Elias' heart.
"Elias...? Hey Elias, are you alright?"
"I...yeah, I'm fine.."
"Did you hear what I said?"
"Yes and well...I haven't exactly told my parents about myself...about you a-about us yet..."
"Huh, really, no letter or anything?"
"Luca...it's not that easy, besides, telling them upfront would be best right?" "I think it would." a new voice had chimed into their conversation, causing Elias to turn his head and find Klaus standing by the gate.
"Let's not wast any more time, alright?"
As Klaus walked ahead of them as they made their way to the station, a flurry of emotions and thought were taking over Elias as he walked. He was so nervous when he saw the train up ahead a little distance from them, and once they boarded and took their seats, he knew that there was no going back. His heart was racing the moment he sat down, Luca had taken the seat beside him, that’s when he noticed the pale look on his face.
“Elias? Are you alright? You look sick, like you want to hurl, which by the way, if you do hurl, you should aim at the one in front of you.”
Klaus looked up from his book and gave a glare in Luca’s direction, which only caused Luca to burst out laughing, just hearing Luca’s laugh and watching the scene that was taking place in front of him was enough to bring a smile to his face.
“Ahh, there it is, that lovely smile of yours.” Luca cupped Elias’ cheeks in his hands,which caused Elias to blush and Klaus to clear his throat at the sight of the public display of their affection, however Luca ignored it and gave a soft kiss on Elias’ lips, before leaning back into his seat.
As time had passed, Luca had managed to fall asleep at some point and Klaus was reading the book her held in his hands, intently. This left Elias to look out of the window and think about everything, and possible calm himself down. His thoughts were carried away for the next couple of hours, until he was jolted a little by the train coming to their stop.
Elias reached up and grabbed his luggage from the holding bay, while Luca and Klaus did the same. Once they boarded off the train, Elias felt a soft squeeze on his shoulder and turned to his head to the side a bit, noticing that Klaus had given his shoulder a squeeze.
“Remember, whatever happens, I will have your back, but I can only support you so much, you need to do this for your sake and for your relationship’s sake.”
“I-I know, and I’m going to try.”
“I believe in you, I know you got this prince Elias.”  This time, Luca’s voice chimed in and he gave Elias a smile. “I’ll support you too, you got that?”
Elias felt a warmth in his hand, and a soft squeeze followed after. The three of them were then picked up by a carriage that was waiting to take them to the manor. They put their luggage in the stowaway, before boarding the inside, each taking their seats. Luca sat next to Elias and wrapped his arm around him as the carriage began moving, the sounds of the horse’s hooves making contact with the ground was the only sound to accompany them as they inched closer to the manor. Elias watched as Luca’s widened at the sight of their house. The carriage stopped and Klaus was the first to get out, followed by Elias and lastly Luca.
While getting his things, he noticed that Luca’s face was a little pale, much like his face was earlier. “Are you nervous?”
“How did you..?”
“I was the same way earlier, I promise, there’s nothing to be worried about.”
“I knew that you Goldsteins were known as bigwigs here in Gedonelune..but this. Am I worthy enough to be here?”
“Of course you are, you’ll be fine, I promise.”
“My boys! Klaus, Elias!” the front doors swung open and was folllowed by a woman’s voice.
“Hello mother.” Klaus and Elias spoke with a smile before giving their mother a hug
“I’ve missed you both so much, I told your father that we would be having a feast tonight and-- Oh? Who’s this?” Mrs. Goldstein locked eyes with Luca and Luca could only respond with a gulp. Elias thought it was cute, the way Luca acted so shy since he was starting to meet members of his family.
“Mother, this is someone from the academy, Elias invited them over.”
“Oh? So you know my son, well, it’s a pleasure to meet you hun, I’ll be sure to tell the chefs to set out an extra plate for our new guest. We can put you in the spare bedroom too. Oh! I’m just so happy that my boy has made some friends!”
“Now, now, go and get settled in you three, and don’t forget to change out of your uniforms, alright?”
The three of them nodded and followed Mrs. Goldstein into the manor, everything was exquisite, from the marble flooring and marble pillars, to the fancy tapestry and other decor. Luca gawked at the sight and was soon pulled away by Elias, who led him up the stairs and towards the guest room.
“This is the guest bedroom, it has all the amenities you need. A large bathroom, a king sized bed, and a walk in closet. There’s also a bookshelf and we even have art supplies in one of the containers in the closet.”
“Why do you have art supplies?”
“When Klaus and I were little, we used to always paint and draw, so mother bought us a bunch of art supplies, including paint, which most is probably dried up by now.”
“Just most? You’d think that all would be dried up.”
“No, some of them have a preservation spell cast on them, they were used by Klaus for training. Others are rather new, we were usually given more art supplies because our mother thought we may one day continue painting. But as I recall, you like to paint? So if you find anything in there that you’d like to take back with you, then you’re more than welcome to.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Luca smiled before grabbing Elias’ arms and pulled him into a warm embrace, where he initiated a steamy kiss. Their faces were completely red and soon, they were gasping for much needed air, their eyes were still locked on to one another as they remained in the embrace. Luca was about to go in for another kiss when Klaus showed up in the doorway and cleared his throat.
“While I understand that the two of you have your own needs, it would be wise to get a change of clothes and make your way down to the dining room.Not to mention, you’re lucky I was the one to enter and not mother or father.” With that, Klaus turned away and headed down the hallway in the direction of the stairs.
“He’s right though, we really should go and get changed, I hope you brought something nice to wear?”
“I did. I even bought a suit to wear.”
“A suit? I thought you hated wearing those things.”
“Oh believe me, I’m not fond of it, but I thought about the ‘dress to impress’ aspect.”
“You...took this seriously then..”
“Of course I did, I took it as seriously as I take us seriously.”
“L-Luca....” Elias covered his mouth as he began to blush deeply, he blushed even more when Luca caressed his cheek before placing another soft kiss on his lips.
“Alright, now is where we have to part ways for a few minutes and get dressed. I’ll see you soon my prince.” Luca gave a wink before letting go of Elias and moved over to his luggage. 
“R-right..” Elias spun around, his whole face was burning with embarrassment as he made his way to his room next door. He changed into his normal clothing that he used while at the academy. Once he was dressed and looked presentable, he stepped out of the room and noticed Luca was standing by his door, as if he was waiting. He looked magnificent in the suit. It wasn’t a traditiotnal black and white suit, but rather a mixture of emerald green and and ocean blue, the color fit his personality.
“You look handsome as usual prince Elias.”
“As do you Luca...I never realized how well you pull off a suit.”
“Yeah? So should I wear it more often? Especially if it starts making you blush again.”
“E-enough! N-no more teasing for now!”
“For now.”
“Hahaha, alright, I’ll stop.” 
The two of them had made their way downstairs together and once they had reached the dining room, they were greeted by Mrs. Goldstein’s warm smile. “ go ahead and take a seat wherever Mr. Orlem.”
“Thank you Mrs. Goldsetin.” Luca waited for Elias to take a seat before he himself too a seat at his side.
Mr. Goldstein had made his appearance shortly after, his presence made Luca shift a little bit in his seat. Elias noticed this and reached under the table, taking Luca’s hand in his before giving a gentle reassuring squeeze. Walter looked at Elias and Klaus, the moment he sat down at his seat, his attention was then directed at Luca. 
“I see that we have a new face here at the table.”
“Yes, and he’s a good friend of our little Elias. I hope he has an appetite too! We’ll be having beef wellington, freshly tossed salad and some mushroom risotto.”
“That sounds absolutely delicious.” Luca gave a smile and soon the smell of meat wafted through the air, causing a couple of hums to fill the room. Luca’s stomach then rumbled, causinging a soft chuckle to escape from Elias.
The food was set out in front of everyone, a silence fell upon the room as they began to eat, only the sounds of the silverware making contact with the plates, and the sound of wine glasses being set on the table’s surface could be heard. The silence continued for a few more minutes until Mr. Goldstein cleared his throat and began to speak,
“So, Klaus, Elias, how has the academy life been. What have you accomplished.”
“Well, with graduation coming up in about two years, I’ve been taking a few special training courses here and there. I’d like to be a professor at the academy--”
“What about the Ministry?”
“What about it?”
“Wouldn’t you rather work for the ministry?”
“Well...yes that can be an option.”
“And you Elias?”
“I’m at the top of my class, I’ve even had people begin the prefect nomination for when Klaus graduates. I’ve been nominated.”
“What about your future?”
“I..I haven’t given it much thought yet--”
“How disappointing, the two of you need to get your priorities in check, you need to start planning for your future.”
“Walter, dear, give our boys a break, they still have time to plan for what they will do. I have confidence in what they’ll choose to do in life and you should too.”
It was then that Mr. Goldstein had set his gaze upon Luca “So tell me, who are you exactly? How do you know my son?”
Luca took another sip from the glass before beginning to speak “Well sir, I’m actually in the same class as Elias. I’ve known him for a while now and we’ve gotten fairly close.”
“Is that true? How come Elias never mentioned you to us?”
“He probably has his reasons.”
“Is that so? Well then, Elias tell me, what are your reasons for never mentioning your friend?”
“I...well, I just never thought you would be interested to hear about him..”
“I see. So tell me, Luca, what are your plans for the future?”
“Well...I’m not sure yet, right now I go with the flow.”
“He’s really talented when it comes to art, some of his sketches are could be considered masterpieces.”
“Y-you really think so..?”
“Of course I do.”
The two of them shared a smile, Luca had become a bit flustered and had knocked over one of the silverware, apologizing, he reached down to get it, his hand was still locked with Elias’ and unfortunately for them, Walter had caught a glimpse, the sound of spitting water could be heard.
“Just who the hell do you think you are?! Holding my son’s hand!”
“Whatever you’re trying to do, I want none of it in this household, it would do you good to excuse yourself from the table!”
“But father! You can’t do that!
“Oh yes I can, and I did.”
“But he’s my boyfriend!”
Hearing that only fueled the anger inside of Walter, his face was now red, he was beyond mad at this point. “YOUR WHAT?!” his voice made everyone flinch in their seats. “LUCA YOU ARE TO LEAVE THIS HOUSEHOLD AT ONCE. ELIAS YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK TO THIS MAN EVER AGAIN.”
Elias could feel the tears starting to spill down his cheeks “B-but father...”
“Do not even speak to me, I can’t even stand to look at such a shameful being.”
Elias let go of Luca’s hand and quickly pushed away from the table, before running out of the dining hall, the tears were spilling down his cheeks rapidly as he made his way upstairs.
“Not now Marissa.”
“Don’t you “what now Marissa” me, that is our son! You shouldn’t being such things!”
Walter slammed his fist down on the table and with spoke with a roar. “Then he should not do such shameful things!”
Now it was Klaus’ turn, he got up and slammed his fist down on the table “He is entitled to do whatever the hell he wants! He deserves to be happy and if being with Luca makes him happy, then you have no damn right to take that away from him. He wants be accepted and feel wanted but people like you make it hard! You’re his father for god’s sake! Learn to love and accept him, like a father should, don’t push him away like he’s garbage!” 
Klaus then made his way out of the dining hall as well, followed by Luca and they made their way up the stairs to where Elias’ room was, leaving Walter alone with his wife in the dining hall.
“Walter...you and I both know that Klaus is right...You are his father, you need to accept him and his choices.”
“Oh and I suppose that you accept this?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. I want to see my boy happy, I want to see him smile and I want him to feel like he belongs here in this household.” Marissa then excused herself from the table and exited the dining room, leaving Walter officially alone and with his thoughts.
Meanwhile, Luca and Klaus were sitting at the edge of Elias’ bed, Luca had his hands on Elias’ back and was rubbing softly, whispering softly as he tried calming Elias down, he couldn’t stand to see Elias crying and basically breaking down in front of him. Mrs. Goldstein was the next one to enter the room, she moved closer to the bed and sat on the side of the bed,next to Elias.
“Honey, I want you to know that you’re accepted into this household, your father is just in shock but I’m certain that he could come around.”
Elias turned to his side to look at his mother “I hic doubt it”  
Elias then turned back over and began to cry harder into his pillow. It wasn’t fair, his birthday was tomorrow and already there was tension in the household, he blamed himself even if the other assured him that it was alright, but deep down, he believed that his father would never accept him for who he was, nor would he accept Luca now either.
A few hours had passed by, and Elias opened his eyes, had he fallen asleep? He wondered as he sat up and rubbed at his eyes gently. Wait, if he fell asleep, then does that mean that Luca had left? He recalled back to what had happened at dinner time, his father had yelled at Luca and demanded that he leave the estate at once. Elias began to panic as he hurriedly got up from his bed, he then ran into the guest room next door, only to realize that it was now empty.
Elias left the room as quickly as he had come in, he hurriedly made his way down the stairs and almost ran into his father, had it not been for him noticing and stopping at the last second.
“I was just about to come up to your room and talk to you.”
“About how I’m a shame to the family..? I don’t care, I just want to be with--”
“Listen to me, what I said back there was not acceptable, I overreacted, I was so caught up in anger that I lost all sense for reason. Listen to me Elias, you are not a shame to the family, what your brother and mother said is right. You are entitled to happiness, so if that man makes you happy then I will have to learn to accept that. I can’t deny that it will be hard for me to accept the fact that you are in a relationship with a man, but I do not want my son to feel that he is not accepted by his own family. I also don’t want to lose my own son, I care about you and want the best for you.”
“You should and talk to him, that Luca. He’s outside in the garden, he said he needed some fresh air.”
“I-I will!”
Elias gave a soft smile before quickly going outside, running as fast as his legs would carry him, he needed to talk to Luca and tell him. He was out of breath when he finally made it to the garden, there, he spotted Luca lying down on the bench, his had was pointed up at the night sky it looked like he was counting the stars. He made his way over, he was hunched over and he had his hands on his knees, he then breathlessly spoke up.
“Elias..?! What are you doing..wait, did you run all the way out here?! That’s a pretty long distance.” As he spoke, Luca quickly sat upright and scooted over, allowing Elias a seat on the bench.
“Yes..I ran, but I did it because I wanted to see you. I just had a talk with my father prior to this.”
“Oh yeah? I bet he’s still mad about us isn’t he...”
“Not really...he’s said it’ll be hard to accept us, but he’s going to give it a try, for my sake.”
“Wait, are you serious? So that means we’ll still be together?!”
“Of course we are, I had no intention of letting you go, even if I were to be labeled as the shame for the family, I wouldn’t care as long as it meant that I got to be with you.”
“Elias...that..wow, you know what, you’re truly a star.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“They say that stars can lead you to place you want to be, they give you guidance when you need it the most. Which sounds a lot like you, you’ve guided me to your heart, which is where I want to be, and it’s where I couldn’t imagine being. At the same time, you’ve guided me down the right path, to my future, I can see it now, and you’re a big part of it.”
“Luca...then be my star too and I’ll be your space, I’ll love you endlessly...”
The two of them leaned in and shared a passionate yet delicate kiss, the cool crisp night breeze blew their hair back a little, which only added to the scene that was unfolding. When their lips parted from one another, Luca looked at the time that was placed not too far from them.
“It’s midnight..”
“Yeah, and?”
“Well, happy birthday prince Elias...we’ll have to celebrate all day tomorrow, I even have a few things that we can do together but for now, we should head back and get some sleep, you’ll need it for tomorrow.”
Oh how Luca was right, in the morning, Luca had came up to his room and delivered breakfast in bed, it was then followed by horse riding on the trail with his family not far from their home. The partook in a few family games and when more relatives came to celebrate, they were introduced to Luca, whom they all accepted. Near the evening hours, Luca took Elias outside and with his sketchbook, he began to sketch Elias’ image, stating that this would be the true masterpiece. But Elias’ birthday festivities didn’t end there, oh no, they continued even into the late hours of the night. With Elias now pinned under Luca on the bed, he knew that he was at his mercy. Yes, this was probably one of the best birthdays by far.
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