#and when Thena goes back to her luxury room
softquietsteadylove ยท 8 months
They couldnโ€™t interact with each other for 3 days. And finally president Thena is able to face time her secret boyfriend. Some sweet and soft moment between them!
"Goodnight, ma'am."
Thena waited until her temporary security exited the room. It was completely secured, no risk of a security breach. She had a whole team of secret service outside, since her usual security wasn't by her side.
Gil was, unfortunately, required to act as her second amidst all the business they were conducting on this particular political trip. He was already back at the office, as of right now. She would be home tomorrow, but her flights required a whole other league of security clearance to take off, let alone land.
She slid into bed, hoping the trip tomorrow would go ahead as planned. She couldn't wait to be home. Her phone lit up in the completely dark room provided for her. She accepted the call with a smile, "hey, you."
"Hey," Gil's smiling face greeted her. He was at home, in the apartment of his that she missed (which she wasn't allowed to visit anymore).
Just seeing him relaxed her. She moved somewhat to her side, using the many, many pillows on the bed to support her comfortably. "How was your day there?"
"Everything is all wrapped up, you should be able to come home without issue," he promised, also reclining on the bed of his she also remembered. "What about you?"
She sighed through her nose. There was no need for any facades with Gil. "Exhausted--I can't wait until this trip is over. I don't want to travel for at least another month."
"I'll see what I can do about that, sweetheart," he chuckled, sounding more like himself and less like the presidential aide. He reclined, stretching his arm back to rest behind his head. "They set you up nice there, at least?"
Thena glanced around the darkened room. "It's perfectly acceptable for my position. I told them I didn't care the state of the room so long as it was secure."
"And the wifi is safe?"
"Yes," she rolled her eyes, although her smile was affectionate. "The team did a full sweep and told me it was completely safe for 'classified' calls."
"Ooh, classified," he grinned at her, "warn me if you wanna talk dirty, hon."
Thena laughed as well. She loved Gil's sense of humour. And she had no idea how it had remained in tact through the past year of their lives. But she valued it even more so, given everything that had happened. "You are highly, highly classified."
He tilted his head at her, and she could almost imagine him doing that in person, tilting his head while she was resting on his shoulder with his heavy arm draped around her waist. "Hey."
"I know," she cut off his admonishment before it could even happen. She rested her chin on her hand, tilting the phone, "I just miss you."
"I miss you too, Thena," he sighed heavily, and she could hear the tiredness there where it was missing in his face. "But tomorrow you'll be back in my arms, safe and sound."
If only she could be. If only she were allowed to run off the blasted Eagle and collapse right into his embrace. She couldn't be certain, but surely having him truly by her side could help her endure the next three years.
"Soon," he promised her. He shifted on the bed again, "hey, y'know, I drove by your old place?"
"Oh?" Thena smiled to herself as she gripped the pillow a little tighter (a poor substitute for Gil in bed with her).
"You remember?"
Thena bit back another laugh but didn't interrupt as he began narrating the beginnings of this affair-turned-serious-relationship they had. "So sentimental."
"I'll take that as a 'go on, honey', so I will," he chuckled, also switching positions so they could feel more like they were lying facing each other. "I drove you home after a pretty stressful day."
"You told me I didn't have to accompany you inside, to which I replied that was literally my job, ma'am. I had never been in your apartment before, and it smelled really nice. Of course, I didn't realise at the time that you were also battling your attraction to me, fighting your every instinct to remain professional instead of giving into the tension between-"
"Gil," she prompted, knowing that if she didn't interrupt him at this point he would start concocting a story that would put serial novelists to shame.
"Anyway, I took your coat off, I asked if you were okay," he continued, sighing as he reached his favourite part of the story. "You told me to stop asking you that, but when you turned around--god!"
Thena shook her head as he exclaimed unnecessarily loudly.
"You were so beautiful," he finished, looking at her so earnestly that if he weren't doing so through a screen she might blush. "You were way too beautiful, and I did the unthinkable, and I leaned in and kissed you."
How could she forget? How could she ever forget the night that had changed her life so completely? All this time reminding herself to never think of her very attractive secret service handler in such a way, and then he leaned in and kissed her.
Gil always said that they ended up doing what they did that night because he had made that first move, but Thena knew that it was she who had looped her hands behind his neck and slid her tongue between his lips.
It was she who had pulled him to the direction of her bedroom.
"You ever think about that?"
"On occasion," she fibbed with a smile, earning a smile from him in return as well. He knew very well that was her way of saying that she thought of it just as often as he did, and that she loved him too.
"Well, I think about it whenever I want a little pick me up," he concluded, finally laying his head on the pillow she also remembered.
"Hm," she mused, and she could tease him about how of course he would think of the lascivious tryst they had that first night. But she was just as guilty of thinking about it regularly. "I suppose I think more often of the night at the plaza."
The night when they went from handler and protectee crossing a professional line to a couple firmly in a secret relationship. They were staying at the plaza while on business. There was a suspected breach, so Gil went to Thena's room to make sure she was safe.
And once again, she had taken that one step further and asked if he was going to stay. He had declined, stating he was there on business--to protect her. And she had felt so put out by that rejection that it had amounted to her making some offhanded comment about having both a part time guard and a part time boyfriend.
It had mortified her in the moment, but it was Gil who had stated very clearly that he was full time in both of those positions.
"Ah, the second best night of my life," Gil sighed dramatically, really having fun with it now."
"Are you still continuing down memory lane?" she asked, reclining completely.
"Sure," he obliged, knowing what she was asking. "What next?"
"Hm," she sighed, her eyes sliding closed slowly as she stared at the substitute for the man she loved onscreen. "How about...the diplomatic dinner in Switzerland?"
"Oh, that was a great night," Gil began, watching as she let herself be lulled to sleep by his voice recounting the most romantic milestones of their relationship. "I remember being on the way, snow falling, landing in your hair-"
Thena dozed off slowly, listening to the lullaby of Gil's voice.
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rebornghostgirl ยท 5 years
Character Sheet!
Basics FULL NAME. Athena Tesla Scott
NICKNAME. Nutjob, thena, crazy science girl
GENDER. Cis female HEIGHT. 5'5
AGE. 14 when she died, but has grown to 19... Her body accommodates from a 14 year to a 19 year old body as well as mentality. Making the character appropriately 18+.
ZODIAC. Aries SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, High school German, Bits and bytes, Gaelic.
๐ฉ๐ก๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ฅ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐œ๐ฌ ! HAIR COLOR. White EYE COLOR. Both are silver eyes... Dark brown in life
SKIN TONE. In ghostly form she's a very darkish blue. If she tries to seem more lifelike she's a chocolate skinned black girl. BODY TYPE. Very thin and pettite, she forgets to eat and is in her lab reading to really have some weight.
ACCENT. Oof, she has a british/Scottish accent that mixes in with a southern one. VOICE. An alto. Often sounding bubbly and cute. Shaky at times, but when she yells she sounds more stern.
DOMINANT HAND. Ambidextrous at birth. POSTURE. Hunched over something always. A book, computer, invention, most of the time you'll always see her back till she turns to you and pops it. Other than that she stands up in a relaxed posture.
SCARS. She has scars on her hands and fingers from hurting herself with her science experiments. Her thighs have slashes from a related experiment. She has a stabbing mark in her back from the betrayal of someone she thought was her friend. She has scars that look like lightning covering her body starting from her left arm and coarsed it's way to her left shoulder and torso. All scars are covered by her attire minus the hands.
She doesn't like to talk about them.
TATTOOS. None BIRTHMARKS. None MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Her white short hair as well as her eyes are one. She also sparks from her body when she emotes and it changes color for each mood. She can have multiple colors for mixed feelings. Red for angry, orange for hunger, yellow for happiness, green for sick, blue for sadness, indigo for tiredness, purple for thinking, white for excited, black for fear, pink for lovesick. When she's neutral she emits gray and teal sparks.
๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ ! PLACE OF BIRTH. In the basement of a university science lab. HOMETOWN. London
BIRTH WEIGHT. 6pounds, 8 ounces BIRTH HEIGHT. 16 inches
MANNER OF BIRTH. Natural, mother had help from medical students.
FIRST WORDS. Safety glasses on...
SIBLINGS. Aries and her dog pallas which she considers a sister. Adoptive brother Timmy whom she adores.
PARENTS. Dr. Zeus Washington Carver and Dr. Metis Curie (Yes my greek mythology fans or/and science history buffs you are sensing a pattern with the names here)
Adoptive parents are Sen. George and Madame Maddie Scott
Beauregard Ghast: the Ghost Host
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. Dr. Zeus is a power hungry mad biochem scientist hell bent on world domination. He believes that since the world is burning up that he shall be its savior; unfortunately thaat plan involves killing millions of innocent people.
Dr. Metis was a fresh biochem graduate and fell in love with him before she knew of his evil tendencies. She got pregnant and had twins: Athena and Ares. Zeus was angry and lashed out at her at the news imploring she gets rid of them, but Metis wanted them and when they where born Zeus forged her signature to give up the babies and she dissapeared without a trace. Its unknown where is she today.
Ares grew up in a abusive orphanage while Athena was adopted into a life of luxury. But it didn't made her happy. Her adoptive father and mother was neglectful to her and her little bro, Timmy. George really just wanted the people of colors' votes.
In death Athena found the haunted mansion after seeing a Disney ad. Where she found Beau and he has became her adoptive father who loves and respects her. She loves him dearly.
๐š๐๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ ๐ฅ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž ! OCCUPATION. College student, bio major...
CURRENT RESIDENCE. Gracey Manor, aka The Haunted Mansion. She uses her portal gun to attend Monster's university. (She goes there because she can *blows raspberry*)
CLOSE FRIENDS. Ares (recently they used to be enemies), Pallas, Drossy (kind of, she has a feeling she doesn't like her), Caitlin: the butler of the mansion(low key calls them mom),
FINANCIAL STATUS. I could write she's a ghost she don't need money but nah... Right now she has 3 dollars and is in thousands of dollars in debt. Thanks college!
DRIVERโ€™S LICENSE. Apparently she does have a licence for every vehicle you can think of. But she drives wild and has a lead foot.
CRIMINAL RECORD. None, but her science antics has caught the attention of the FBI numerous times, unbeknownst to anyone. I mean the girl went to space numerous times. Secretly, she steals alcohol from the cellar...
๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ & ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž ! SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pan ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. Pan
EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch
LIBIDO. High. Really high. I mean... To the moon high...
TURN ONS. Sensitivity, hugs, impressing her with extensive knowledge. Telling her that she's yours and yours alone, Role playing that she's your slave with safety words. (Trying to keep it kinda pg), Any roleplaying with safety words, exploding stuff in a lab. Finding a new piece of scientific knowledge. Mutual pleasure
TURN OFFS. Lies, breaking a promise, not making sure she's all right with anything, the partner isn't having any fun, hurting her sensitive areas. Mentioning her scars.
LOVE LANGUAGE. Introverted and shy, she's not an easy one to get close to. She has walls and barriers around herself, but once she trusts you and has fallen in love. She loves you to death and will protect you fiercely. She makes sure you're all right before herself, even if its not good for her. She's very cuddly and will hug, kiss, and cuddle you as much as you want. She does want your attention though and will squeeze her way near you to get it. She's a little yandere-ish but not psycho and will give you some space. But its the obsessive clingy behavior that makes her in the catagory. Tootie from the fairly odd parents is the best example.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. She's a little yandere-ish to everyone she loves so she always wants to spend time with them and will over protect them. This is due to her neglectful parents emotionally abusing Timmy and especially, the death of Pallas. But she can be reasoned with and she will try to control her anxiety. She apologizes constantly and doesnt want to harm anyone so she makes sure everyone is alright. Other times She's a little distant but only cause she thinks you need space.
๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ! CHARACTERโ€™S THEME SONG. 'Lucky Orb ft. Hatsune Miku' or 'Contact by Daft Punk' couldn't pick
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. In the lab doing science s***, or in her room doing homework. Or She's all over the mansion exploring, taking samples, trying to figure out that interdimentional staircase, in the pool. Gazing at the organist from afar. Playing with Pallas. Riding her motorcycle. Binge eating food, scowling Ebay for Hatsune Miku figures and stuff. And then passing out, sleeping for hours after doing all of that for 2 days straight.
MENTAL ILLNESSES. Depression and anxiety.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: Left brained. But does lean a little to the right.
PHOBIAS. Insectiphobia and Arachniphobia... Just all bugs... Fears that her loved ones will get hurt by her hands or by something else she could've protected them from. Fears that She's useless and crazy.
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Off and on. Some cases she knows something is going to work and is proud. Other cases she thinks she's going to fail and that she'll get yelled at again. She's working on it though. Learning how to fail, why its ok to make mistakes, that betrayal isn't the end of the world. That yes bad things happen but good things will too.
VULNERABILITIES. Physically: Her sparks can give her location even when invisble. She hasn't figured out how to control them yet. They can also catch something else on fire and electrocute somebody else. If its bad you can smell her burning.
Weak knees... Go for her legs.
Emotionally: Go for the guilt trip. She can easily be made to think something is her fault. She can also be manipulated into thinking 'rationally' and may end up doing a henious act when she thought she was doing good. Easily pressured to do anything you want especially if it will 'help' people.
TAGGED BY: @asktheghosthost
I tag @unto-myself-together @aliypop @r0bofactory @inkandfeatherdusters @catinabag @ask-the-hatbox-ghost
And anyone who wants to to it.
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