#and whatever's going on with the fyp is really fucking annoying to me because of it
demitheshine · 9 months
Why doesn't Tumblr let me scroll through the FYP endlessly anymore??? It stops at random intervals now, sometimes I only get through like. 10 posts before it stops--
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theauthorunicorn · 11 months
No Limit | Gojo Satoru
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tooth rooting fluff, not proofread I just love Gojo Saturo
note: long time no write hehe. this is inspired to Business Proposal scene in which the male lead asked the female lead what his card and his love for her has in common. iykyn. I saw that scene in my fyp and man if I tell you how I screamed, silenty, then I really can't explain it. anyway enjoy.
Gojo Satoru x Reader
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If someone asks you, "How can you describe Gojo Satoru?" You'll definitely answers them, "A fucking flirt."
There's no hour, minute nor second, he'll try to waste just to get you annoyed or fluster. You hated that he loves doing it and just leave you hanging, mouth opened as if the world had stopped. He's so unpredictable that's why you hated, love it.
Once Shoko said, "Y/N, stop that look, " you raised your eyebrows at her, "you know that thing when your mouth is gaping after Satoru said something flirtatious." You rolled your eye at her remarks, "Shoko, babe," you sigh, "I was caught off guard, okay." She nodded at your words, "As if he did not make those silly remarks at you every second, minute, hour at any day. You definitely have fallen for him -"
"Who fallen for who?" Gojo cut off leaning down to stare at you.
You were surprised and heart beating faster that he might caught your little crush over him, "Nothing! And it's ill-mannered to eavesdrop at a conversation you're not supposed to be with, Gojo."
"Hmm," he puts his hand on his chin, thinking, "if that's the case that you're hiding your silly girl talks to me. I will - no - I assume it's about me."
"What? You're so annoyingly full of yourself Satoru. Stop making everything about you." Said Shoko throwing whatever she had earlier at Gojo. He laughed and told Suguru about it when he arrived at the table.
Nice save, Shoko. And well done Gojo, he was able to deduce it without even trying.
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After classes you gather your things to rest for day. You immediately left the room while murmuring goodbyes to your friends when you saw Nanami.
"Hey Y/N, you free tonight?" He asked. You mumble a quick hum as a yes. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to try the new ramen restaurant that we passed through the other day. You said that you wanted to -"
"Oh, I was about to ask you that as well Y/N." Said Gojo as he rests his chin on the top of your head. "But since Nanami asked we could all go as a group, Suguru and Shoko should come to! Right guys?" They simply nodded.
"Eight pm sharp?" He asked everyone, nodding, "We'll meet at front of the school, okay?" Everyone agreed and Nanami sighed in disbelief.
"I was just hoping a good dinner. Just a good dinner why would I have to be with Gojo-san." Nanami pressed the bridge of his nose. Though he knew that Gojo was just trying to insert himself and would not like you to have any alone time with his male friends. Even Suguru.
"Aw, Kento," you held his arm, "we could just go alone next time or," you grinned, "we could get ice cream after."
Gojo stand behind both of you with jealousy wrapping his face. "You could just ask her, "hey Y/N you wanna be my girl." She'll definitely say yes." Suguru assured him.
A deep sigh broke both man's delusions, "That's why both of you couldn't have girlfriends because it's either your full of shit or just flirty who can't even ask properly a girl out."
Gojo still stared at how you threw yourself over Nanami giving ideas which ice cream you could all try.
"It's my treat. It'll be my treat!" He shouted all of a sudden. He grabbed you and hold your hand, "You can say thank you as early as now," he whispered, "or you can give me a kiss?"
You flicked his forehead as you walked away from him, "Aw, my love, you don't have to run away from me! I'm sure they wouldn't mind, right, Nanami?" He said chasing you.
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At the restaurant booth, Suguru, Nanami and Shoko was on the opposite side of where you and Gojo is seating. You were browsing the menu while Gojo is leaning on your shoulder looking at the menu as well, your heart is beating faster when his close like this, but you disregard it and put in the best stoic face that you could give without hinting that your heart is racing faster than any car could. He might hear it but who cares you can always blame the caffeine if he asks.
"What do you want?" He mumbled, "You could get anything, hell, get the whole menu or I could just buy you the restaurant?" He calmly said staring at you.
"Really?" You played with his banter.
Gojo quickly searched for his wallet and displayed his black card, "You know what this card and my love for you have in common?"
You looked at Shoko bewildered and entertained what's about to happen then to Suguru who's definitely was about to laugh out loud and finally to Nanami whose face is screaming, 'I want to go home, I did not sign up for this.'
You just shook your head, eyes blinking.
"They both have no limit." He said proudly grinning ear to ear.
The booth was silent and then a burst of laughter echoed as Shoko and Suguru laughed and you definitely saw Nanami laugh a little bit before gesturing the waiter to take your orders.
"So, what do you want?" Gojo ask you again.
Love. Your love. I want it. Your eyes say it all before you looked away from him and gave your order away.
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gayspock · 9 days
this is the uglyyy bit but all the younger ppl in my gfamily are gonna be going to uni, soon. and i keep getting uni posts on my fyp every now and then. and ughh... ijsut feel so fucking miserable about how i thought i could have ever had a new start there and it was just like. repeatedly rediscoveringthat no matter what new place you put me in i jsut cannot ever make it fucking work no matter how hard i try man.
i reallyfeel so . miserable and embarrassed cuz i barely remember any of my time there and i jsut see everyone else who moved out into places with friends and got new hobbies and lifestyles and it changed everythingggg for them.. meanwhile i feel like i did nothing but scrape by and spiral and regress as a fuckingperson. i was afucking ghost again . nobody could remember my name by thirdyear and i remember standing at graduation with people who looked at me confused like who... are you... . and i dontknow whats wrong with me . i reallydont. like im havinggg that moment tonight the GODDD WHATS FUCKING WRONG WITH MEEE crisis like igenuinely dont know why becauseits everywhere i go whatever i do no matterhwat i dont know i cant make it work im getting worse every year everyy timeeee
i feel so disconnected from everyoneeven im so exhaustedim so tired theres no wayican ever make it work if i try i think it all just comes out wrongpeople just say to keep 1 going ! people will like you but theydont. they really fucking dont. and i cant be mad or blamethem its just the reasonable response its like . dude who cant get it together dude whos so fucking bad at anything interspoanl because he jsut never managed to fukcing. have a fucking meaningful relationship with anyone despite being well into his fucking 20s. OK. cant make conversaiton any more nothing to talk about so fuckingburnt out of nothing i have nothing in my life to bring up i cant find anythign any mroe im jsut a deadweight of a human ifeel like im jsut forcing everything up whenver i tralk to people and theyre gonna figure it out in the end and jsut think im . weird i feel like i still just managet o be nothing but annoying because im just such a desperate sad sack all the timebecause everything jsut feels too much bigger than it isbecause it isbeig when you have NOTHING. IN YOUR FUCKING STUPID EXISTENCE and itjust feeds into itself again and again jsut try hawrder dude just go out there try harder meetpeople find hobbies again and again and it neverweorks because theres something . its not smething wrongggg with me i jsut feel like i lack and i lack and i lack if eel like i cant do anyhting but just sort of orbit everythingaround me im not seriousss im not seriousss people and i wish i couldbe fine with it but i cant take it i cant ufcking take the way people just look right through me all the time and the loneliness and nothaving anything but jsut . the shittty fuckignthings about being aliveitjust feels like chroe after chore for nothing. FOR NOTHING CUZ THERE IS NOTHINGGGGG nowim done god i need to ficing GODDDDD fuckmt LIFEEEEE
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pepsiboyy · 3 months
i'm gonna go on a little rant related to some stuff at my work that happened today relating to my stalker, feel free to scroll i just need to get this out somewhere
i find it incredibly bizarre that the moment i reported to management about this, they told the guy stalking me that he is NOT ALLOWED NEAR MY DEPARTMENT. AT ALL, no exceptions. (i work at the front, so sometimes there are times where he MUST and i have been letting that slide). one case is loading tvs. they told him not to load tvs because there are others who can do that. he has continued to load tvs. i let it slide because whatever, maybe they were behind and really needed someone to. but today, when he had three other people who i am perfectly okay with (i have no issues with anybody else in the workplace), he made his way all the way to where i work, multiple times, and just fucked around. he looked at drinks with one of the reps, he went through bins and didn't even take anything back to his department. like he could have easily sent somebody else to do these things because of the rules that were set. but he hasn't.
a large part of me wants to ask my manager like. hey dude. what gives? but part of me feels like i come off as too sensitive or asking of too much. i just feel like when boundaries are set, they should still be standing. but as the weeks go by, each one has fallen one by one and it has gotten to a point where he is in my department again just to keep his eyes on me.
i told my friend earlier today about this, and she said "i feel like he is only doing it to get to you and push your buttons" which i completely understand, and i have not interacted with him at all and i have simply ignored him. it's just hard to get over everything when i see him every single day at work, and he constantly tries to pull shit to be near me. i have tried to let it go, but it's hard knowing that he is constantly keeping an eye on where i am. even outside of work. it's hard.
every single night he goes to the local coffee/drink hangout place that I GO TO at the same times that I GO with my friends. he goes alone. every single night. and keeps an eye out. i have noticed this because i drive past it every single night when going home from work (most nights he gets off 45 minutes before me). there is a location closer to him, same with gas stations and grocery stores and even fast food places. but he always goes to the ones by where i live. even though he lives further away by about ten to fifteen minutes.
i have blocked him on all social media but he has found a way onto the new tiktok i made for the band i'm in. he did not view the videos, but he viewed the account. which i only posted about on pages that i have blocked him on. so he didn't just get our video on his fyp, he quite literally clicked onto our page or searched it up. wtf
i'm just sick of it. i was getting over it but the more i think about it, the worse it gets. i'm tired of keeping an eye out everywhere i go. i just want to leave my house without feeling like i'm being watched. it's unfortunate. but i don't really know what to do at my work without coming off as annoying or sensitive.
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angelvyxen · 1 year
My black girls let’s have a convo rq
Does anybody else get pissed the FUCK off when a non black refers to you as poc? Like no ma’am, sir, they them whatever you refer to yourself as idc but I’m black mkay? Because it really pisses me off when they do that and they be like “your still poc!!” To me it seems insensitive especially when talking about black issues they’ll be like “poc go through so much!” BITCH it’s black people! They act like it’s a crime to say black people. I’ve come down to two reasons why this happens 1 it’s because they are genuinely scared & 2 it’s a subtle micro aggression like there was a fight on my fyp and yk what somebody said? “When I heard the slur it got so quiet but it’s fine cause she’s poc!” Baby you can’t be “poc” to say n!gga like what- and the other slur she said was the r word but that’s not my point folks really need to stop doing that.
*stares in ancestral disgust* (it also bothers me how non black people (yes including poc) take our jokes on like suffering for ex (free my people, is it because I’m___?” Like bitch we had that shit first but that’s a convo for another day ig.. https://pin.it/1Mslyrr
I don’t consider black people in the conversation when I hear ‘POC’, that’s for everyone else who’s not white (or anyone who doesn’t have a European cultural background, because yes, Hispanic people are racially white a lot of the time). There is also no such thing as ‘POC solidarity’ when it comes to real issues, because all the other POC will quickly throw black people under the bus when it’s beneficial or when they feel threatened. It’s crazy because half the time when they feel threatened it’s because of white people, but somehow we get thrown into the mix. Like those Asian people that blamed black people for them not being able to get into Ivy Leagues.
It also annoys me how they also manage to copy everything we do. The clothes, the hair, the slang, the tone of voice, the cadence of speech, the culture, the music, the way we celebrate certain things, chile all of it. Something that really got under my skin during June 2020 was when I was listening to the radio and this Hispanic man was talking about how he was protesting because he was supporting his brothers & sisters yadda yadda, and then went on to say how Hispanic Lives Matter too & how the Hispanic Lives Matter movement doesn’t get any motion and I was like ?!?!. The name jacking was crazy but the subtly blaming black people for your movement not going anywhere is insane. Like it’s YOUR moment. If you cared go out and get in the fucking field! And I haven’t heard anything about the ‘movement’ he was talking about since.
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azucanela · 3 years
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not saying you love them [headcannons] gender neutral!reader
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featuring: bakugou katsuki, denki kaminari, izuku midoriya, todoroki shouto, 
summary: based on a tik tok trend in which people film their partners leaving and saying, “i love you.” and don’t response with “i love you too!” panic then ensues.
note: based on this video i saw on my fyp along with others from the trend pls
warnings: cursing. 
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Looks at you like you just committed a legitimate war crime. Like he is very offended but he’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe repeat himself once or twice thinking you didn’t hear him.
Bakugou doesn’t verbalize his love very often, but he always tries to before he goes anywhere in case it’s the last time he has a chance to.
Regardless, once he realizes its intentional he’s just gonna— “what the hell?” Because Bakugou bullies you a little, yes, but thats in his nature and you knew that, you were dating him in spite of it after all. 
It’s not like anything he’d said could’ve incited this reaction, and Bakugou can’t think of anything else he could’ve done to upset you so now he’s kinda stuck.
And annoyed.
And a little worried.
Just a little. He’s mostly annoyed, and he’s gonna drop whatever he’s carrying and just stare at you, and honestly you probably nearly burst into laughter as you continue whatever mundane task you’re doing.
“Is something wrong?”
He doesn’t sound serious but there’s this look on his face and honestly it’s kinda endearing because he clearly cares and wow look at Bakugou go, being emotionally expressive, kind of. 
Honestly, either he notices the camera, or he starts to catch on some other way and just asks, “is this a fucking prank?”
You would burst out laughing, like something about the way he says it would just make you lose it, and Bakugou would like swat at your arm, and snatch the phone, you’re gonna have to tackle him for the footage.
I don’t think the video would go viral but maybe a solid 20k likes, if you even post it at all. 
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RIP Denki.
He’s really affectionate, so before he leave for whatever reason he’s wrapping his arms around you from behind and probably kissing you anywhere he can reach. 
When he’s finally done with his little routine (because he definitely does this every time he leaves) Denki is gonna press a final kiss against your lips and just say, “love you, bye.” Against them.
All is well, until you respond, “bye Denki!”
He’s gonna look at you, both brows raised and just, “I love you.” Like he’s gonna repeat it. And when you just say bye again he’s gonna start poking your face like, “you gotta say it back.”
Externally, he’s really calm about it. Seems like good ol’ playful Denki. Internally, he is freaking the fuck out, 100% convinced you are going to break up with him a week from now. 
Honestly makes it his mission to bother you into saying it back and anytime you play innocent he’s just gonna get worse.
At one point he’ll just spin you around and hold your face in his hands and press kisses all over your face and just punctate each with an, “I love you.” Until you say it back.
Never crosses his mind that is could be a prank, and he’s halfway ready to get down on his knees and start begging, or to start pestering you about why you’re upset. 
The end of the video is just him getting kinda quiet and being like, “you love me too, right?” 
And you just gotta stop right there and be like, “of course baby, it was a prank.” And then he’s beaming again, but he’s gonna playfully glare at you but now he’s relieved.
“My pranks are better.”
I feel like it would go viral, 500k+ likes. Everyone really likes Denki’s personality and they thought it was cute but they will be upset you didn’t tell him you loved him. 
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Well this would just be plain cruel. 
Izuku is also someone rather affectionate! He’s gonna press a simple kiss against your lips, wish you a nice day, and tell you he loves you.
And you... are not going to reciprocate his words of love. Just this once, to see his reaction. 
Izuku is 100% emotionally intelligent and perceptive and he’s going to wonder if he did something wrong instantly, frowning as he looks to you and asks, “what’s wrong? You wanna talk about it?”
He’s highkey, and externally distressed, but Izuku is trying to keep it together for your sake because he is completely convinced something is wrong. 
You’ll keep up your prank, telling him nothing is wrong and to have a nice day, act like nothing is amiss as he asks you questions. “Nothing I’m fine! Have fun at work.”
Soon, concern will turn into what Izuku does best: overthinking. He starts to wonder if he’s the problem. And he is not going to leave until his questions are answered. 
“I love you?”
“Have fun!”
“Y/N did I do something?” He asks instantly, does not dance around it, he wants to know whats wrong and how he can fix it— that’s just in Izuku’s nature. Despite his straightforward question, he still looks really nervous, his hands are wrung together and he’s looking at you.
I feel like this would go viral like 100k+ likes because Izuku is just so,,, Izuku. He’s really nice and everyone in the comments in just jealous because he’s soft.
“Where did you find him?” and “Aw so cute, I’m blocking you.” Are very common comments for you, so have fun with that.
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Literally, why would you do this. By far the most depressing reaction.
He’s gonna be like, “I love you, I’ll see you later.” And he’ll like, press a kiss to you’re cheek and everything you almost break right there and don’t do the prank.
You gotta stay strong and just be like, “have fun!” Trying to maintain the facade ya know? 
Instantly, Todoroki is panicking. Not externally, but internally. His brows are gonna furrow and he immediately thinks he’s done something wrong and absolutely ruined his entire relationship with you.
He’s confused, to say the least. Why didn’t you say you love him like you usually do? Had he done something? Did he forget to do something? Was today an important date? Did he miss your anniversary? He’s going through everything he’s done with you for the past month.
He’s gonna look at you again, and he’s just gonna repeat himself with a quiet little, “I love you.” Please this makes me wanna cry.
He’s probably gonna leave, thinking you want alone time, but the camera is gonna catch him standing at the doorway, looking back at you, and he’s definitely gonna tell you he loves you again. 
He’ll also linger in the doorway and being the blunt person he is, he’ll definitely at one point just, “did I do something wrong?”
You’re gonna look at him, and then the prank is over like you snap right there and you go over to him and apologize and tell him it’s a prank.
This will definitely go viral, like 1 million+ likes. The comments are just SLANDERING you or hitting on Todoroki though, like everyone is like, “TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM RIGHT NOW.” or, “IF YOU DON’T LOVE HIM, I WILL.” 
You’re gonna have to post a video proving you said you loved him, and that’s also gonna go viral.
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
My Deep Blue Love (Tom Hiddleston x Fem!Reader) -- Soulmate AU one shot
This was 100% born out of boredom and loneliness and those damn Soulmate AU POV Tiktoks that I have seen practically 24/7 for the past WEEK on my fyp
(I’m not sure if I’ll do a part 2, rn I have no plans for it)
quick note on the technicality of this one: you lose all ability to see colors when you turn 12 and you don’t regain the ability until you meet your soulmate. but! you have to meet them in person and it has to be a mutual eye contact. pictures/videos of them don’t work, and if you just saw the back of their head or something in person, that doesn’t work either. it’s all about the shared eye contact babeyyy
small disclaimer: Brie Larson is mentioned in here and she has a wife, but that is very much only in this fic, and as far as i know Brie doesn’t have a wife irl lol (i also don’t know if she’s spoken about her sexuality at all so what i’m saying is take it with a grain of salt ok)
Summary: Everyone around you is meeting their soulmate, but you still see in black and white. You’re ready to give up, and basically have, when you lock eyes with your soulmate.
Warnings: None! Just a bit of angst, lots of fluff toward the end 
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You knock on your mom’s bedroom door at 4:58am. She’s already awake, sitting up in bed, ushering you over.
With tears in your eyes, you crawl onto her bed, snuggling close to her chest.
“I don’t want to lose my colors,” you whimper.
“I know, baby,” she whispers, kissing the top of your head. “It’s okay.”
You were born 12 years ago on this day at 5:08am, so in a few short minutes, when you officially turn 12 years old, all color will drain from your life.
Or the colors could stay, but that’s only if you’ve somehow already met your soulmate. And that’s rare, nearly impossible.
You squeeze your eyes shut at 5:07 and you don’t open them again until 5:10.
The colors are gone.
twenty years later
You sigh heavily as you receive yet another wedding invite. You are invited to witness the official beginning of Olivia and Jeffrey’s lives together as husband and wife, soulmates for all of time.
The glitter sticks to your fingertips, tiny black dots against your skin. Your friend told you it’s gold. You barely remember what that looks like.
Lately it seems like everyone has been meeting their soulmate. Just yesterday, you were having coffee with a friend when she looked up at the girl sitting behind you, and boom.
“It’s like the world just exploded,” she had said. Colors were everywhere. She immediately left you to go talk to the girl.
You don’t blame her for that. If you had met your soulmate, you probably would’ve done the same thing. But you can’t say for sure because you don’t know.
You wouldn’t be so cynical of it all if your boyfriend of five years didn’t meet his soulmate while the two of you were out at dinner. You wish you could say that he was faking it. But it was clear from his face (and the girl’s) that he wasn’t kidding. It was real. He had met his soulmate, and it wasn’t you.
It’s never you.
You’ve had guys cut off dates before they even start, all because they didn’t see colors when they laid their eyes on you. They refuse to even be friends with you.
All anyone is doing anymore is searching for a soulmate and it’s exhausting when none of them are yours. When all of your friends see color now. When everyone assures you that it’ll happen soon. What does soon even mean?
You grab your ice cream from the freezer and fall onto the couch, flicking to whatever channel has late night shows that aren’t complete garbage.
As usual, you find yourself watching a talk show, and tonight Tom Hiddleston is one of the guests.
You’re sort of familiar with him from a few movies, but other than that, you hardly know anything about him.
“So, Tom, we’ve all been wondering what’s going on with you and Brie Larson?”
“Brie?” Tom asks, clearly shocked to hear this question. “We’re just good friends, that’s all.”
“Oh, she doesn’t make you see any colors?”
“Ah, no, actually, she does not,” Tom chuckles, but doesn’t sound sad at all, surprisingly. “Her wife does that for her, not me, I’m afraid.”
“Oh really?” The host brushes past the mention of Brie’s wife and keeps the focus on Tom, of course. “So is that true, you still don’t see color?”
Your ears perk up at the mention of someone else not seeing in color. It’s rare for anyone to talk about this on television. Most celebrities don’t talk about whether or not they’ve found their soulmate, but more often than not, those that have are quite loud about it.
“Yes, that’s true,” Tom answers. “I still see the world in a lovely black and white.”
You snort, harshly jabbing your spoon into your ice cream. Lovely. Yeah, right.
“Do you really think it’s nice? Do you not miss the colors?” The host asks.
“No, no, I do. I do,” Tom admits. “But I like to think I’ll see them when the time is right.”
You groan, going to Google to look up his age. And when you see he’s 40, you groan even louder. He’s older than you and he still hasn’t met his soulmate. That’s just depressing. How can he sound so optimistic?
“Alright, well, if there’s one thing you wish you could tell your soulmate, what would it be? Maybe they’re watching right now, you never know.”
Tom smiles wide. “Maybe, maybe, um… Oh, so many things,” Tom exhales deeply. “I guess I could be cliché and say I can’t wait to meet them and wait for me, but I think I want to say… I think I want to say I understand. It is frustrating, still seeing in black and white, but our paths will cross soon, I’m sure of it. Until then, my eyes are blue.”
Blue. Blue.
You roll your eyes. You don’t even remember what the color looks like.
seven months later
“I am not going to a movie premiere. You’re insane!”
“Please!” Your friend, Catherine, cries. “You’ll love it, I swear.”
You glare at her over your coffee. “That just makes it sound like you have a trick up your sleeve.”
“I don’t,” she says. “I just want you to take advantage of this and come with us! When will you ever have the chance to go to a movie premiere again?”
She has a point. Dammit. “Touché. How did you get tickets, anyway? Please tell me you didn’t spend thousands for this.” You wouldn’t put it past her, even though you tell her not to every time before she does something like this.
“God, no, Joe surprised me with them earlier. He said he went to school with the lead.”
“Oh. Cool. Who?”
“Tom Hiddleston, I think. Have you heard of him? He’s British, but that’s about all I know. Joe just said they ran into each other the other day and reconnected.”
You stop halfway through a sip of coffee, careful to not choke on it. Slowly, you nod. “Yeah. I...I’ve seen him in a couple things.”
“Apparently, he hasn’t met his soulmate either…” Catherine trails away, raising her eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes. “I heard,” you set your cup down. “He’s probably met them by now though since he blasted it on television like that.”
“Or he’s still searching and you’re still being too cynical.”
“You’re probably right,” you chuckle.
“Sooo, you’ll come?”
You sigh heavily. “As long as you help me pick something to wear.”
“I’m regretting letting you talk me into this already,” you mutter when you nearly trip in your heels.
“Oh, hush,” Catherine swats your arm. “It’s an excuse to get dressed up and look hot for no reason. Take it.”
Catherine’s soulmate, Joe, was whisked away almost as soon as the three of you stepped inside the venue by some director (you think), but he promised to return in a few minutes. Catherine told him not to worry. She’s used to him being dragged away for conversation. You can see from her face that she’s more proud of him than anything, and not at all annoyed.
Currently, you and Catherine are standing near the small bar, waiting for them to announce that it’s time to take your seats. You desperately want a drink, but part of you knows it would be a bad idea.
One glass of wine can’t hurt, though. Maybe it’ll take your mind off the pain in your feet.
You peel away from Catherine when you see Joe coming back, and you flag the bartender down quickly.
After ordering a glass of white wine, you wait patiently, wishing you had chosen a dress with sleeves. It’s fucking cold in here.
“Darling, you’re shivering, are you alright?”
Your head turns toward the smooth voice, face set and mind trying to decipher whether or not it was a sincere or creepy comment when the world quite literally explodes.
There, standing beside you, concern written all over his face, is Tom Hiddleston. Only now the concern has washed away into awe when your eyes lock with his.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, stumbling even though he’s standing in place.
“Blue,” you murmur. “Your eyes are blue.” Without even thinking or asking, your hand lifts to cup his cheek, and then you pull back, “Shit, sorry—”
But he grabs your wrist gently, placing your palm on his cheek. “It’s alright.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”
“I thought you didn’t exist,” you whisper in reply. But here he is. His eyes are blue, his lips are pink, he has tiny brown freckles all over his rosy cheeks. You look back to his eyes, narrowing your own. “You liar. Your eyes have green in them, too.”
“Do they really?” Tom chuckles. “I never would’ve known.”
“That’s why you have me,” you tease, and you don’t know where any of this is coming from, yet it doesn’t feel like you’re pretending. It feels like you’re finally yourself.
His other hand tangles with yours as he nods. “That’s why I have you, indeed.”
At this time, the lights in the theatre begin lightly flashing, signaling that it’s time for everyone to begin making their way to their seats.
But neither you or Tom move one inch.
The only issue is people are beginning to stare.
You notice it first, so you slowly pull your hand from his cheek. This movement shocks him back to reality, too, and he blinks a few times, yet he doesn’t let go of your hand.
“I, um, I have to make a speech,” he says. “But then I can come back to you. Will you save me a seat?”
“Don’t you have to sit up front?”
He nods. “I do, but—”
“Then I’ll come with you.” You aren’t sure if it’s the fact that he hasn’t let go of your hand yet, or if it’s because you’ve been waiting so long that now you don’t want him to be further than an arms length away from you, but you mean what you say.
“Are you sure?” He asks, but you both need to make a decision quickly because you can see someone waving from the wings, most likely trying to get Tom’s attention.
“I’m sure.”
He doesn’t question it, in fact, he grins, and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “Let’s go, then.”
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle falling in love feat. kuroo + akaashi + tsukishima !!
kuroo tetsuro
being in a relationship with him is just a pretty chill experience tbh
i feel like kuroo wouldn’t really date anyone he’s not close to on a comfortable level
people be like: omfg he looks like a player tho
he’s literally not ???? like y’all telling me this man doesn’t look like the idea of having to interact with people he doesn’t know repulses him ? bye
he’s not ignorant, he just isn’t the type to get out there unless necessary yk?
he’s got a good friend group and he’s totally satisfied with that !!!!!!
so when he was 100% sure that he saw you as somebody he’d want to be more than friends with he was just like :0
kuroo at 5:37 am, thinking of that one time you handed him a bottle of water first: oh— oh shit
he doesn’t act on it first though because y’all have been friends for so long and what if you don’t like him back ???
he didn’t wanna ruin the thing he had with you because you were literally the only one who tolerated him sending tiktoks at 4 am in the morning
kuroo: omfg have you seen this one yet
you: bro it’s almost 5 am are you on crack
but eventually he got tired of just staring at you and admiring you from afar and having to make up some excuse when you catch him cause he just really likes looking at you :(
you: bro stop staring at me
kuroo: no, your face bothers me
you: due to personal reasons i will make you pass away ❤️
so one day he just decides to shoot his shot yk?
if you reject him that’s fine, he’ll just have to send numerous tiktoks to wash away the awkwardness afterwards
like he’ll be upset about it because holy crap he flat out adores you at this point but he’s also got a sense of boundaries and will totally respect your decision
BUT !!!! when you told him you liked him too he just 🥺👉👈
this man had the goofiest grin on his face for weeks on end and his heart is all over the place because all the things he imagined in his head to do with you is finally gonna come true !!!
don’t be fooled though !! nothing will change from your friendship !!! you’re still both really chill with each other except now y’all can hug and kiss and !!!!!
kuroo: don’t i look kinda good in this picture though
you: not really, let me take a better one
kuroo: stop taking me out of frame
in retrospect, it’s really fun to be in a relationship like the one you two have because there’s not much things to disagree on and the dynamic you both have just go so well !!!
there’s also not a lot of new things to do or be uncomfortable about because y’all have already done everything as best friends !!!!!!! it’s 🥺
you, seeing kuroo staring at you: what’re you looking at me for
kuroo, unnerved: you’re so pretty
you, caught off guard: it’s my time to pass away now i see 😌
you two joke around a lot but that doesn’t mean you two take whatever you say to heart
somewhere along the line, this made kuroo a bit worried on how you took his intentions though
he knew you were cool with messing with him but sometimes he wonders if what he says ever gets to you
so one night while the two of you are eating frozen yogurt in his car, you in his hoodie and just straight up vibing to the tiktoks that played as background music
he looks up, spoon in his mouth, “you know that i love you, right?”
“you’re so cheesy,” you tell him, laughing while you scroll up to the next video on the fyp
he leans back in his seat, eyeing you under the single yellow light of the car
you, barely looking up from your phone: i love you too though
akaashi keiji
being in a relationship with akaashi is quite literally the most gratifying thing
he’s 97% of your wise decision making and you’re very much thankful for that
when he first met you he honestly didn’t know what to think
his first impression of you? an indecisive impulsive mess
his second impression of you? a very cute indecisive impulsive mess
there’s not a single doubt that he was crushing on you H A R D
he doesn’t pay attention to it though because he knew how crushes often worked and most of the time they didn’t really work out
but the more he looked at you or stared at you from afar with a silly grin that he doesn’t even realize, everyone around him notices just how silent you make him
leave it up to the fukurodani volleyball club to be the best matchmakers in the world
so one night while akaashi was chilling in bed he gets a text from bokuto telling him about an impromptu team hang out sesh
akaashi: it’s 7 pm ..?
you, in the group chat: theres never a wrong time for milk tea !!!!!
when you sent that everyone else in the chat was just so frickin ecstatic because now that you’ve confirmed you were going, it’s obvious that akaashi was now too
he arrived like 2 minutes early from the designated time and the way it wasn’t at all shocking when no one else arrived except for you
akaashi: well they totally bailed :/
you: hey at least now we have a list of people to take revenge on when the purge strikes
it’s okay though because the two of you make most of the night anyways !!
you never thought sitting outside of a 7/11 at 7 pm on a friday could be fun but as you sat there with boba tea and a ramen cup with one of your closest friends next to you, you were just !!!! so frickin soft
akaashi on the other hand didn’t feel anything but utter nervousness the whole time
it was so cold under the night sky and you were so close to him, he’s praying that you take the redness on his cheeks from the weather and not from the rapid racing of his heart
bokuto texting him: bro i swear to god if you’re not taking this chance to shoot your shot i’m >:(
he’s so nervous because it actually was an ideal time to tell you how much he liked you
plus he’s pretty sure that you were eventually gonna notice just how often he glanced at you whenever you came to their practices or in general
so he’s like fine then !!! he’s gonna do this tonight and if you reject him then he’s just gonna have to deal !!!!
akaashi, anxious: hey i really li—
you, cutting him off: i like you a lot and i’m pretty sure bokuto did this on purpose because he knows and i’m sorry if it wasted your time !!!!
akaashi, less anxious: oh
he just smiles softly and tucks your hand in his and tells you he’d like to walk you home that night
after that something just changed between the two of you
suddenly he’s walking you home everyday with little forehead kisses before he leaves
going grocery shopping with him when you run out of food at home because he’s the only one who knows about your secret snack stash
akaashi: you don’t need that much yakult
you: ? don’t be alarmed but i think we just found the reason of our first fight
whenever you go out with him to shop for anything at all, he always has to be the person in front when you walk because he’s the one pushing the cart with his left hand while his right is tightly interlocked with yours
you just stray behind him, pointing out all the things you’d like and he’s the one who decides if it’s worth to buy because you’re absolutely sure that you’d be dead broke if you were left alone
akaashi: this hoodie looks cute, do you wanna try it out
you, recalling the four sweatshirts you haven’t returned to him: nah i have enough
sometimes you’d get in the cart whenever the grocery store you’re in is mega big and he’s just gonna have the most unbothered face as people eye him because he’s pushing a fucking cart with a person in it
you’d get worried though thinking that you’re too heavy for him to push around so you insist to get off but he just doesn’t let you because you were so cute and 😤
akaashi is just so frickin soft when it comes to you like most of the time when someone idly mentions your name a smile immediately comes up to his face and he doesn’t even realize it
he also almost always wake up to numerous snaps of you at 3 in the morning just doing the most random things
he goes through them with such a silly grin and has to fight the urge to screenshot all of them cause u were so FRICKEN cute
akaashi, looking at a photo of you with tears down your face from 4 am: that’s my baby 👉👈
everyone around y’all are just on the fence about the two of you dating since neither of you really cleared what was going on ???
you were scared to call him your boyfriend because there was never really a discussion about it and you didn’t want to come off as assuming
but one afternoon right before he left when he dropped you off at your house, he just stopped and looked at you and you were so confused
akaashi, taking off his sweatshirt and giving it to you: the news said it gets cold tonight
you, on the verge of tears: oh 🥺
tsukishima kei
he’s a salty little shit who complains 24/7 and that’s about as canon as it gets
BUT but !!! if there’s anything tsukishima is good at and i mean anything !!! it’s being observant and keen on the people around him !!! ESP TO YOU !!!
at first you were always just kinda there ?
like he noticed your presence cause you shared classes with him and you were also at his practices a lot cause you and kiyoko would walk home together
so he knew of you but didn’t really know know you, yk?
but then one day yamaguchi came to him introducing you because apparently he’s the only one left on the team who hasn’t met you and it may or may not be because you were low key scared of him
it’s all good though cause once you two shook hands and talked he became more open to actually including you in his life
you guys made out to be good friends considering that you balanced out his snarky attitude with your even worse comebacks
like they weren’t really all that clever but it’s annoying enough to get him to shut up when you want him to
everyone on the team was super surprised at the fact that you were able to talk to tsukishima like that but also they were like: “please don’t ever stop???”
so you became from someone he barely realized was there to always looking for you first when he enters a room
yamaguchi: you know some people would call that having a crush 😗
and he’s all confused cause he knew that the possibility of him getting through high school without having a crush was very slim but jesus christ a crush on YOU??
tsukki, internally: god has favorites and it is not me 💔
but when he gets over the idea that it’s completely revolting to like you like that he realizes something click and suddenly it wasn’t an annoying idea to see you romantically
so in full tsukishima style he asks you out and was pretty surprised when you said yes but you weren’t cause he wasn’t even mildly subtle at hiding his intentions
you: does this mean you won’t be mean to me anymore 🥺
tsukki: no but that’s a nice try ❤️
even when the two of you started dating, he didn’t really want anything to change cause he liked the dynamic he had with you
he was very relieved that you weren’t easily offended and you didn’t really get on his nerves a lot
you guys were hot heads but you also respected each other 🥺
something you quickly became accustomed to after dating though is being codependent when it came to sleeping
you’re usually always over at each other’s houses and his mom is totally over the moon at the fact that his son found someone like you
so every afternoon after school you two are at either houses and just chilling and vibing because school do be very tiring tho
most of the time naps happen and even if it is super hot outside and you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re touching him yk?
tsukishima’s probably the same since he really likes it when his leg is over yours or when his arm is touching your arm
you, under a blanket against tsukki’s back in extremely warm weather: it’s hot
tsukki, sweating: yeah
you: so anyways
he didn’t even realize how much he’s used to you being there when he falls asleep that at night when he actually needs to rest and you’re not anywhere near him he just can’t ???
tsukishima, snapping you a picture of him with tired eyes at 2 in the morning: you ruined my life
you, just as tired, quickly replying: uno reverse card bitch
so it’s 2 am and neither of you can fall asleep and it’s just an entire frenzy of tiring yourselves out
the two of you end up facetiming and just talking endlessly about random thoughts and perspectives on people
his voice is 100% groggy and every 2 minutes he’s yawning but he really likes it when he’s talking to you because it’s always better when it’s you in the mix
he’s telling you all about how he thinks dinosaurs are super cool and fantastic that when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep he’s just like 🥺
he stares at the screen for a while, suddenly regretting that he wasn’t there to make sure you were comfortable
he’s got the softest smile on and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at you while you’re asleep cause you just looked so peaceful and warm and sweet
tsukki: that’s my baby 🥺
he feels another yawn come up and he ends the call, hoping that the tone won’t wake you up when he does
at this point he’s also on the verge of falling asleep and he’s very glad that he talked to you because you always knew how to get him out of things like this
tsukki, texting you: thanks for falling asleep on me SNAKE
tsukki: love you, gn <3
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freeasreallove · 4 years
Comparing bands
( S T O P D O I N G I T )
I know this is not my regular post but I honestly don’t care and I’m honestly ashamed of having to do this.
So I’ve been debating on doing this for a good while now but a post on Instagram made me finally decide on whether or not I should.
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yes i use dark mode fight me
Earlier today I was scrolling through Instagram and came across this post and y’know curiosity took over after reading the caption and I clicked on the comments. Posts like these make my blood boil. And it reminded me of this
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Along with the many other memes like it.
Please please PLEASE stop comparing bands like this.
The comparison between The Beatles and One Direction as well as BTS needs to stop. If you're trying to be funny, you're not. You're just being rude and in my honest opinion, childish.
The main comparison I've always seen is in The Beatles fandom where they're constantly compared to 1D and BTS. Though it's present in all fandoms.
All three of these bands respect each other, so why can't you all respect them?
The only thing I've ever seen that would fall under the rude category where a member of one of these bands talked about the other is when Ringo was asked about 1D and claimed they weren't really a band. This is no hate to Ringo (I love that man with all my heart and he needs to be protected at all costs) but he is incorrect there. The definition of a band ”a small group of musicians and vocalists who play pop, jazz, or rock music”. One Direction are vocalists so they are according to the definition, they are a band. But besides that, they all respect each other. One Direction loves The Beatles. Harry, in the early years of 1D, said one of his favorite bands is The Beatles. Louis read a book on the boys and was really into it. Harry has seen ’A Hard Day’s Night’ and loved it. They've worn Beatles merch. They also sang ’All You Need Is Love’ during one of their X-Factor performances. BTS sang part of ’Hey Jude’ and Paul loved it. I personally didn't like it when BTS recreated the Ed Sullivan show when the boys were on it but it's not something to be so pressed over and make comparisons.
You're entitled to your own opinion on which band is better in your eyes but comparing them needs to stop. They are each their own bands and are each great. Personally, I don't like BTS, but completely respect them and never once made the comparison between The Beatles and/or One Direction. I never made the comparison of The Beatles and One Direction and/or the comparison of One Direction to BTS. In my personal opinion, I like The Beatles more than 1D but my love for 1D is there and they are such great musicians.
I absolutely adore both The Beatles AND One Direction.
Originally, I hated anything popular (like most people do these days especially with music) and despised both The Beatles and One Direction. I didn't get into The Beatles until December 12, 2017, in a music class. I originally hated the lesson but heard ’A Hard Day’s Night’, then ’Help!’ (which has been my favorite song, and now my favorite album and movie), then ’She Loves You’, then ’I Saw Her Standing There’ and fell in love. The next day I watched the film ’A Hard Day’s Night’ in the same class. A few months later I got into McLennon and my craze only grew from there and lead me to where I am today. I got into 1D on April 28, 2020, because my fyp on TikTok was filled with both Larry Stylinson and 1D and I hated it because it was all about something I didn't care about but after a few days I caved and got into them and now here I am almost 4 months later absolutely obsessed. BTS is a different story being as I can't get into them. I do not enjoy their music. If you do, great! But I personally don't but notice how I respect them? I never did and never will compare these bands they way y'all are. Y'all can dislike the bands individually for whatever reason since you're entitled to your own opinion but if you hate them simply because they are popular and compare them to another boy band, you're being childish and need to stop. You're not a kid (unless you are then I can't stop you, you'll grow up and realize in the future how stupid it is) so stop acting like one.
I hated the bands individually because I went through a childish and immature faze where it was “cool” to hate anything popular and now with me liking two things that are/were very popular, I realized how fucking stupid that is.
My point in all this is to stop comparing these boy bands the way y’all are because it's stupid, disgusting, immature, and childish.
I honestly hate both The Beatles and 1D fandoms individually for a few reasons.
Beatles, y'all are fucking hypocrites. The wife-beater jokes calling John a rat aren't funny. They never were and never will be. As for being hypocrites, you call John an abuser to both his wives and his son but ignore the things the others have done for instance Ringo almost killing Barbara, by almost beating her to death, George gaslighting Pattie, and Paul being controlling to his earlier girlfriends. And if you did your research, you'll know that John wasn't a wife-beater and didn't intentionally abuse his son. John yes slapped Cynthia ONCE BUT APOLOGIZED AND NEVER DID IT AGAIN AND WAS ABUSED BY YOKO. As for Julian, he was born at the absolute worst time being as John was always on tour and working and then was slaved away by Yoko and never got to see Julian since Yoko didn't like Julian. None of the boys were saints but they aren't sinners. John never had the chance to show you he changed because he was killed and you completely ignore that and put him to 2020 expectations when he didn't get to 1981. Abuse never was and never is okay but the man learned. They all learned.
1D, the constant calling other fans locals if they get something wrong that happened to the boys or within the fandom or if someone doesn't know the words or flubs up the words to a song is annoying and needs to stop. And the constant war between larries, OT5s, harries, and louies needs to stop. Oh and you wanna normalize calling out celebs when they do wrong but when they do actually do wrong, you shit on them (mainly addressing the Niall situation).
Of course, there are great people inside each fandom but I'm addressing these toxic stans because I don't see many people doing it and it needs to be addressed.
I'm gonna go now but please, PLEASE stop comparing the bands they way you are and treat people within the fandoms and the celebs with kindness. Good day to you all. Tpwk
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thegoodkushwriting · 4 years
Speaking Out Of Turn,
Draco Malfoy X Reader
(smut warning)
based off this tiktok
Y/n was sitting across from Draco on the Hogwarts Express silently watching as his scowl deepened. They were getting close to Hogwarts, on their way to continue with their education of magic. Y/n was looking forward to the year ahead, however Draco’s mood was putting a damper on her excitement.
“What’s up with you?” Y/n questioned. She could handle Draco’s moods, but so far the ride had been quite boring for her. Pansy being the only one for her to chat with, left much to be desired. Y/n had hoped Blaise would join them at some point, time seemed to prove that he was chasing some shirt elsewhere.
“I’m sick of Potter acting like he’s superior.”
Y/n huffed out a breath, Pansy rolling her eyes, but not half as annoyed over the mention of Potter as Y/n. Y/n personally believed Pansy had a secret crush on the Gryffindor. She should have expected it had something to do with Harry Potter of all things. Draco’s obsession with Potter probably irritated Y/n more than Potter irritated Draco. “Oh, stop complaining Malfoy.”
She was about to add more, but the train came to a halt, and signaled it was time to get off. Y/n stood up to exit compartment 14, when she turned around she noticed that Draco had yet to even stand up. The look on his face was cold, but Y/n could see the spark of flames burning behind Draco’s piercing eyes.
For a few more moments Y/n waited for Draco to stand up without comment, when he still had not she huffed again. Her irritation grew. Pansy had already left, choosing to not wait on them. With a scowl that matched his, she hissed the words across the compartment. “What are you doing Malfoy, let’s get off.”
Still sitting in his seat, Draco looked up towards where she stood. Y/n was about to walk back over to him, however Draco beat her to it. He was in her personal space, reaching behind her to shut the compartment door. Y/n was starting to get an inkling of the game that was about to begin.
The small curtain that went over the compartment window was being pulled down as Draco spoke. His voice held a rough edge. “You know not to speak to me like that in public.”
“Oh really? What are you going to do about it?” Y/n looked him up, and down, smirking. She wanted to tease him a little bit longer, and slightly rile him up all the more.
Draco turned back around to where Y/n was still standing, looking deadly serious. “Looks like I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”
“Oh.” Y/n breathed out not expecting those particular words.
“Oh. All you have to say is ‘Oh’ now?” Draco stalked closer to Y/n, trapping her against the wall. His lips were close enough to brush against the soft skin of her cheek.
When Y/n failed to reply, Draco’s hand made its way to the back of her neck pulling her closer, the tips of his fingers wrapped in her hair. “Good.” He whispered against her lips before pulling her all the way into a kiss.
His kiss was fiery, and intense. It began as a deep pressure against Y/n’s lips building quickly. Draco’s other hand made its way off the wall beside her, onto her lower back.
When the need for air arose Draco was the one to disconnect their lips, but quickly moved his lips to right under Y/n’s ear. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater which was the only thing in the way for Draco to kiss her neck. Y/n felt Draco say something against her skin, but could not make out what exactly it was.
“What?” The word came out as a moan, because at that exact moment Draco chose to nip her skin abruptly.
“I said,” Draco repeated slowly, grinning,”Take. This. Off.” To illustrate his point, Draco tugged Y/n’s sweater upwards.
Without missing a beat, Y/n immediately pulled her sweater off. Once it was thrown out of the way, Draco pulled her back closer to himself, and began peppering kisses all over on her neck. As he made his way downwards to the very tops of her breasts Y/n let out another soft moan that had Draco pulling back, taking both of his hands off of her.
Confused, Y/n opened up her eyes that she hadn’t realized she had even shut in the first place. Draco was still in front of her, however currently he was standing just a little bit further away. A wicked look was fixed on his face.
“Darling, because of how you used your mouth earlier to speak to me, I will not be allowing you to make any sort of noise without my permission.” Draco moved all the closer again, bringing both hands to Y/n’s hips, allowing them to start to roam. “Do you understand?”
Y/n gasped out a “Yes.”
However, Draco was not done there. “Yes what?” His mouth was so close as he spoke that Y/n was having trouble thinking clearly.
“Yes, Sir.” Draco grinned, before bringing his mouth back to Y/n’s. His kiss was still rough, but now it had an edge of need that wasn’t there before. Draco moved one of his hands to Y/n’s thigh, lifting her leg to wrap around his hip. She could feel Draco’s hardness against her. Y/n opened her mouth in a sharp intake of air, allowing Draco’s tongue to make his way into her mouth.
When the need for breath became too much, Draco slid down Y/n’s body, down to her skirt. “Draco-“
Whatever was about to leave Y/n’s mouth was cut off by a stinging spank. “I thought I told you that you weren’t allowed to fucking moan, let alone speak, Princess.”
Once again Y/n was cut off. “I said no.” Draco’s words, and a second spank quieted Y/n. “There we go. If you don’t behave yourself, I won’t allow you to come.”
Y/n nodded vigorously, showing that she understood. Now that Y/n quiet again, Draco went directly to taking off her panties. He pulled them down slow, as a tease which sent a shiver through Y/n.
With those out of the way, and gone, Draco began leaving light kisses, and playful bites on Y/n’s legs. She was already holding in sound after sound. The feather-light touches were bringing to her lips, but as Draco drew closer to her folds he mixed pleasure with pain, by sharply biting, and sucking a bruise into Y/n’s thigh.
Draco pulled away for a mere second, before Y/n felt him lick along her slit. He could feel her gasp at the contact. He did it a second time, to really taste her, and feel how overwhelmingly wet Y/n was.
Smirking, Draco stood back up to his full height. “What do you want Princess?” Draco purred into Y/n’s ear.
“I want you to fuck me.” Draco brought his mouth back to Y/n’s, letting her taste herself on his tongue. She started to undo the buttons to Draco’s shirt, when she heard a noise from down the hall. Y/n unlinked their mouths. Draco looked at her quizzically, before he too heard footsteps.
With the little warning they had Draco threw Y/n back her sweater to put back on, and began buttoning back up his shirt. By the time the compartment door was opened by the Hogwarts staff they both had fled the train.
It was minutes later on their way into the school, did Draco whisper in Y/n’s ear. “I guess part of your punishment is not getting to come after all.” Draco chuckled.
“However, I am keeping the underwear.” Draco grinned, stuffing Y/n’s underwear, which he hadn’t given back to her in their shuffle to exit the Hogwarts Express in a hurry, into his pants pocket.
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formulatemotif · 4 years
dauphin island week; day 2-3 2/24/2020
ok so wow i totally forgot to do this yesterday! it’s been like one day and i already forgot. so stupid. yesterday i saw a crab and that was essentially the highlight of the whole day. i’m now kinda obsessed with them. but not really. mostly i’ve been concerned about my friends. i feel like they don’t really like me anymore. like ruby. i already kinda know adam doesn’t like me but it doesn’t feel good all the same! i wish i wasn’t such a bitch. all i know how to do is talk about myself and bore people. god im so fucking boring!!! mercy was right. im literally so awful. i’ve been in and out of depressive episodes these last couple days, which, you know, prolly does not really help with my perception of other people. i just.. i mean. i don’t know. they don’t like me. they must not, right? from what i can tell.. i don’t know. it’s ok if they don’t like me. cause i like them. and i’ll just keep liking them and supporting them anyway. of course, no one is coming to me to talk anything out or for advice, because, you know, i am a bitch and no one likes me, but i’ll be here regardless! i’m so mean. just mean and annoying and i talk too much. it must be so awful having to deal with me. i can’t imagine being my friend. i just wanna say i’m sorry to them without sounding like i’m being attention seeking. i just want people to like me! it’s so basic and teenage girly but i wish my friends would like me. or maybe they do? i think aiden likes me. i think mia might as well. but i don’t know. i feel like i’m somehow pushing them away. maybe they’re starting to grow out of me. like i’m mr. peanutbutter or some shit, like i make friends that haven’t grown up yet because i’m so immature. but i’m 16! i don’t know if i act 16 but i’m 16. i’m supposed to be immature. everyone said i was mature for my age but i’m really starting to regress. i can hardly talk to family friends or whatever. i guess mostly because i don’t *want* to talk to them. i just hate myself. i wish i wasn’t so sad. it’s a lot because i’m here with my dad’s family. it’s kinda like.. everything’s getting progressively worse? like it was fine the first couple days, sans a fight that i think happened a little later into the night. but today was worse. i think zach got upset or something and charlotte didn’t really do a whole lot to stop it. she’s dying too. you can see it when you look at her. she wears a sort of wrap thing on her head and her face looks old. it’s depressing. i can’t imagine how her kids must feel. i feel so guilty feeling sad. they have it so much worse than me. they’re losing both their parents to cancer. she probably won’t even live long enough to see jon graduate highschool. it makes me so sad. everything makes me so sad. i am sad! just.. constantly perpetually sad. i hope someday i can look back on this and not be sad. but i don’t know. i’ve noticed this kind of weird thing i do where stuff i make or post or whatever will have some sort of like.. undertone. whether obvious or not, it’s there. for instance, this recent post:
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like it’s? funny haha post. but then:
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like? what the fuck is this ? what is this doing here? ??? i think i seriously annoy my friends with all the sad shit though. god i wish i wasn’t so sad!!! and i know you always accuse people of doing shit that you do yourself, which is why i think they’re annoyed when i kinda hint that i’m sad. i think maybe aiden is less annoyed with it though. i more think adam is. and maybe ruby too. god, ruby does not like me. like at all. she really doesn’t like me. all of our conversations are dry and she does not seem at all like she wants to talk to me. today, i was trying to organize my gayass little harem thing with the mudae bot (moon runes, i know, but roll with me) i was trying to do this in like, a separate channel, so that adam and ruby’s messages wouldn’t get in the way and so i wouldn’t be like, flooding their conversation with mudae shit. they keep going into the channel im in in between short/medium intervals of time. i really was not articul8 at all with this shit and id just be like “please” and move to a different channel, which they’d eventually go to. i guess it really was my fault, just for not communicating. but i said “plz leave me in peace so i can organize” or some such yaddle. adam was like “leave jul in pece!” which was grate!! yay i communicated clearly and nicely to adam!! yes!!! then i went into another channel, which ruby entered after a while, and started using the bot in. i was like “PLZ I JUST WANT TO ORGANIZE PLEASE GOD” or smth. hopefully in a jokey way? ?? then she said “this is a virgo moment” and while that is funny haha joke it kinda makes me think? cause earlier in a half assed fight thing i said “wow this is such a libra moment!” to her cause she was bein manipulative in a way. and now im wondering.. if she was mad.. and im just.. god i hate myself. just intensely and completely i hate myself with every fiber of my being im so awful and just terrible to be around and talk to and im jsut so so so fucking annoying and on my god damn high horse and boring and ill take talking out of you and im so ugly and just plain stupid and weird and i hide things for no reason or the sake of a joke and it’s just. . so weird and stupid. and i hate myself. just. intensely. i hate myself so much. it’s so hard to express in words. this is kinda graphic but imagine you have like, a kitchen knife, and you’re like, committing harakiri. like when u cut ur stomach open. or maybe more like, stabbing yourself over and over again. i need to go into detail if i want this to be clear. like this deeprooted intense burning in the back of my mind. searing, hot, burning flesh ripping apart layer after layer of my scalp. nails dug so deep into my arm they draw blood. ripping apart your skin on concrete, so deep you feel faint, so much blood conglomerating together in the wound the red becomes black. just a horrible gnawing feeling all the time, like a dog and a bone, forever just creeping in the back of my head. that was very graphic and dark but it’s the only way i can explain it! it fucking *hurts* dude!!! i hate myself so much it’s painful. just awful. a lot of the time, i cut because i hate myself so much. i feel like i deserve it. and i prolly do! and this is so off topic but that reminds me of this funny hehe haha tiktok i found that i’ll link that’s about cutting. i was like .. Holy shit. My fyp is getting a little too specific! but it made me laugh and all the comments were funny. like the “my wrist look like a barcode” i just fhgjdfjkghk  CAUSE IT DOES.. DGFMFNAM .. .. ngjdfgnuregheruskghg. so awful
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