#and we were told S4 wouldn't have a happy ending
0zeeraa0 · 1 year
A little Fnaf Movie rant (don't kill me, I also want this movie to be good)
(this post is pretty big, i understand if you don't have the patience for it)
(if you see any typos: no, you did not.)
Am I the only one who thinks that the fnaf movie isn't gonna live up to the hype...? Like I don't think it's gonna be bad, but I doubt it's gonna be as spectacular as we hope it will be.
One of the reasons that I'm a bit worried is the little girl. Michael's sister. Like in the trailer she's shown wondering around the pizzaria, and than in a TAXI with GOLDEN FREDDY, like????? HUH???? I have a feeling that the movie is gonna make her befriend the animatronics and like prove to Mike and Vanessa that "they just misunderstood🥺" Which like... THEY ARE, but that would be a horrible way to go about that plot line. And I kinda feel like they shouldn't be intelligent enough, or self aware enough to make friends y'know?
Also Vanessa. This one's gonna be shorter. I hope to god they're not gonna have a romantic plot line between her and Michael. One thing I really like about the fnaf games (haven't read the books yet, sorry) that there's absolutely no romance. And I feel like it should stay that way.
Now the "horror". I KNOW that the original games didn't have any gore. And I'm not saying the movie has to have it. I just want it to be SCARY. Or creepy at the very least. The games didn't have gore, but they were still HORROR GAMES, y'know. They're 16+. I remember that the movie makers tweeted something like "we're not gonna hold back on the gore" or "I'm not sure if we can even show this". But... The movie is going to be 13+... So that was a fuckin lie. Because what the hell is a pg13 HORROR movie supposed to be??? Like IT 2017 is rated R, but theres a surprisingly little amount of actual gore. And despite the R rating, sooo many teens and preteens love the move. So who is the Fnaf movie's target audience with it's pg13 rating. The same kids who ONLY played/watched Security Breach? Be so FR.
I feel like (based on the trailers) that the movie is going to take a more comedic approach, wich wouldn't be a problem, but it seems that it's going to be more significant then the horror aspect.
You know how Stranger Things stared out in s1 as a mystery/horror, and by s4 it got derailed into... that. I'm just worried that the same will happen to fnaf... Like it ALMOST happened with SB, but that's a game. It's a lot harder to access, so it still mostly stayed within the fnaf community. Like, 'normal' allistic Jessica (this isn't an actual person, just an example) is a lot less likely to watch a SB gameplay, or more so, play the game. But she might watch the movie because it's popular. And I REALLY don't want Michael to get "Eddie Munson-ified", okay??? I don't want the thing that shaped my entire childhood to get the TikTok treatment.
Sorry this post got really out of hand by the end. I just had to get this out of myself, otherwise I just might explode.
If the movie turns out to be a Masterpiece of fiction, that makes all original fnaf fans weep at how absolutely perfect it is, than y'all can come back here and laugh at me in the comments all you want. I will admit that I was wrong, and I'll do so with pure happiness, for having my expectations subverted in a positive way
And if I'm right.... well.... I will not be happy about it, or proud. I will not say "I told you so". I will keep my mouth shut, and I'll wallow in my misery in silence. Mourning what it could've been.
(theres so much more that i could say about this movie that hasn't even come out yet, but i think this is more than enough)
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fymagnificentwomcn · 10 months
I still have plenty to say on the topic, so bear with me, the original link is here, it would be too much there I think.
Anyway thank you Sol @palaceoftears for these tags that succinctly sum up the main point of the original post, let's bring them as starting point here:
#joanna you ate this!!! missed reading you#truly love how deeply you analyzed that confronting suleyman IS confronting the system!#also the freeing aspect because like freedom doesn't have to mean happiness?#yes ofc hurrem wouldn't be happy knowing ultimately suleyman didn't love her & her children over himself#but it's still freeing to not live yout whole life brainwashed lol?#like I never get how ppl that loves her watch her going from 'i'll kill the sultan' & 'don't treat us as animals' to dependant on suleyman#and just go 'happy ending :D' about it#mahidevran sultan#hurrem sultan#sultan suleiman#magnificent century#muhtesem yuzyil
You know how much I dislike Surrem, but I absolutely get people shipping it without getting it like "happy in love" (huge kudos to my sis Tisha) since it's an extremely complicated, mutually toxic relationship, while yes they do love each other at same time. But they are both each other's heaven and hell simultaneously throughout the whole show, with Hürrem being in worse position due to power imbalance. Power imbalance that never fully goes away. He might also be dependent on her in emotional way since he himself comes to belief she is the only person who would never betray him (because she truly had least benefit in it). Don't be fooled though, if she had e.g. crowned Bayezid in S3 as Sah intended, he would have shown her no mercy. /I once mentioned a bit about them, also historically here./
And LBR she got mistreated by him (please, he told her to kill herself for him, and the goal was not to determine whether she had poisoned Mustafa truly) multiple times before S4, it was only because of the topic covered I mentioned S4 stuff, especially related to how he screwed her kids.
People think of stuff in "tangible" categories and why stuff like mere "awareness" (without leading a revolution or whatever lol) seems to have little meaning.
Which is again one of the main themes of the show - to give voice also to those who lost and as such do not have the "but we won, we were happy, we lived" defence always acting for them. Bah, even controversies or discussions surrounding them. They are losers, not even worthy to talk about, and put on sidelines. We often discuss what motivated the "big figures" who got to become rulers, even if we do not approve of their actions or criticize them. Rarely we talk about "losers". Which is what Mustafa's letter stressed - people will deem me as traitor, while your name will be written in golden letters because of all your victories. This alone will make your name remembered. And even considering that Mustafa was lucky in that people generally did not believe him to be a traitor, with Bayezid it was much harder because yeah he did openly rebel and it's not something we can deny. But some jump to conclusions like 'he was insolent and one day decided to rebel for no reason' (yes, I've seen such takes) is very simplistic. I do not even approve of a lot of his actions there since while I get his anger at Suly and Selim I hate how he involves plenty of soldiers in a fight without a chance to succeed as long as Suly ass lives, but damn takes like above truly erase what brought him to such point. Because he was the prince with bigger support at that time. He could have waited for his father to die soon and easily taken the throne. /And historically - yes if you actually dig up sources, he didn't wake up and decide to attack innocent cookie pacifist Selim lol/. Show! Bayezid telling Defne that he would be labelled as a "rebellious prince" for future generations with obvious evidence backing it up means a lot because even though he IS one, there is so much more to this story and what bought him to this point, starting from his father's attitude to him since he was a kid.
And damn I do need to stress the need for the critical approach to SOW (which does not preclude stanning the characters/getting interested in historical figures ofc)? Maybe not here, but I still see TikTok shit on “The big 5” introducing feminism to Ottoman harem. There is no revolution we can talk of in any case, but truly, where is feminism involved in Haseki institution? It only privileges one woman over others. The others are still required to serve them, which is why we had the Hürrem/Gülnihal and Nurbanu/Valeria stories. And what it ties with what Sol says once Hürrem tries to kill Gülnihal - her parents' ghosts appearing to tell her It's not revenge. It's not what you promised us. Meanwhile, the men are still in power, with a person like Suleiman having unlimited agency. More.. the man selects the woman he gives those privileges too. And even if he grants her freedom (if HE pleases so), it has little actual effect because we all know she is still forbidden to leave him and would have lost her kids anyway if she had done so. Thus said, the moment when show Hürrem slams the door to Sulyass' stupid face is one of my fave Surrem moments without a doubt and one of fave H moments in general ahsmshs. / BTW One day I will finally talk how Westerners focus more on say legal marriage when it that system having multiple sons was more ground-breaking because even free brides from noble families who did not have children had little power and agency. /
There is plenty of irony involved, just as Mahi finally freeing herself from attachment to Suly once he rejects her freedom to which he is entitled by the System. Bah, only he has the power to do so regarding his women. It's all only at his own discretion.
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It is precisely what I also mean by "taboo-breaking" and the questioning Mahi does of Suleiman and the way he (as Sultanate) operates. In that world mere questioning could break the taboo. We do not know what future lay ahead for anyone, but damn what he kept doing was neither just nor wise according to the very norms of the times themselves. Yes, Mustafa was the most promising and fitting candidate for the throne and he did not betray his father, so Suleiman removing him from "open succession" was not even why this method of succession had been established in the first place and demanded from princes assembling their own support, also ensuring that he would be easily accepted to prevent discord and rebellions. Mustafa did it too well, the horror. And that him wanting to do something (also as he himself stated, since he got privilege of being the prince and be able to rule, he should not sit idly, but use it for good purpose and the people) only brought him troubles because of Suly ass own ego only shows again the problems with this system and being centered on one person so much. Suleiman violated a lot for his own agenda, centered around himself, not the future of the state. This is what Mahi is criticizing and stating it to his face when he tried to paint his son as a traitor to present himself as just and acting for the state IS taboo-breaking in itself. Asking the question instead of dismissing it all as "fate", as Mihrimah tried.
Mahidevran tries to awake Mihri, who while rich and "still in power play", is very similar to her in many ways (also with the one big sin that has weighted on them silently). They all lost. Even Selim. Getting Mihri's brother (Hürrem's son) on the throne did not mean triumph and happiness for her. Heck, even Selim is a walking wreck. It's not even about sides because SS truly managed to destroy everyone's lives, not only one side's, so in the end it's not even favoritism. All for him to go with his beautiful words, a show-off victory, and his beloved throne (while saying something else in his monologue). Mahi telling Mihri to stop holding her father blameless IS the moment making someone else's eyes open and maybe do not let actively go for something that will not help anyone out at this point, like causing discord between Selim and his son. These are small things that are important for the theme and how mental freedom is also of value. Same with awareness. Nobody expects revolution or claims something. And we are at a particular point when Mahi already lost Mustafa and says it already in the context with him gone. She won't resurrect him with her words ofc LOL. And Mahi truly didn't have to do this, just take popcorn and look at Hürrem's kids & other descendants fighting even more.
You can precisely see when SS decides how to dispose of Bayezid when Mihri says she will never forgive him and will be dead to him if he executes her brother. The lightbulb over his head in this moment lol. So her continuing to hold him blameless, while putting everything on Selim and Nurbanu is buying his shit and rules of the Sultanate. Mihri might have power, so she can stir things up in attempt to still "win", but.. they all lost. Her acceptance of it and stating it out loud before leaving Topkapi again has meaning. One might continue to have power and live in palace (unlike Mahi), but they all lost anyway. Mere meddling that can cause only chaos to still try to win is meaningless and can ony be harmful. As such, Mahi's words can have at least some impact.
Mahi and fate as Sol's post with Plami's commentary also has this delicious tidbit with mirror - most likely Hürrem would have never ceased to hunt down Mustafa after Mehmed's death because she had decided on eliminating him long before that and kept carrying out the plan via concrete & repeated actions. However, Mahi still questions herself on that because she can never know. And even if it changed nothing, it still tormented her and polluted her conscience. Because culpability is still there, regardless of "system" and circumstances" and whether it has any tangible effect or not. Same with Selim still being culpable even though SS wanted Bayezid executed. He still chose to do so anyway. Bah, he is actually very self-conscious and states clearly that he won because unlike the others he was able to kill his brother.
Similarly, Mustafa, Cihangir, and Bayezid also made their choices. Mustafa could have axed Suleiman and it would have been hard to blame him for this in the situation it boilt down to. Actually, he was the one with biggest support at that moment, so rules of the Sultanate definitely allowed him to dispose of an aging ruler who began making a multitude of mistakes. He had the biggest power at his disposal if he wanted to. Moreover, Musti also chose to invite the member of the opposition faction because she was his sister, despite said sister openly declaring her standing on the opposite side and speaking to him "with her mother's words" last time they met. Once more, instead of rules of Sultanate and how the system expected him to act, he chose familial bonds.
Then again, Bayezid did have Selim on his knees in front of him and chose not to kill Selim, despite Selim never promising him any change or begging for mercy.
They both died, but they also could have chosen differently and compromised their conscience and values in the process.
Yet the opposite choice to adhere to the Darwinist rules and get the throne at any cost is not something mechanic that promises happiness or safety, either. Actually, it can make you painfully blind. We see Hürrem deciding blood will be spilled only of her enemies once she learns her son is going to end up on the throne. When she meets with the witch after Mustafa is dead and the throne for one of her sons IS a certain thing.. it's not what she wanted to hear, starting from her own imminent demise from natural causes. Same with her trust in the "human face" of the Sultanate aka Suly ass:
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The "right, sultana?" is an ironic call-back to the beginning of the episode when she uses same words about Suly's power to exclude herself from the matter of Mustafa's death.
Also let us note the use of the word "destiny"😱 .
Also, Hürrem did not come back to ponder her preceding conversation with the witch earlier, as she had another proof of herself not interpreting it correctly - when she assumed Nazenin's baby would be the one the witch predicated as the Sultan. Nurbanu was after all pregnant with Murad at the same time.. so no, the witch was not mistaken, Hürrem was simply so caught up in her own vision of how it would go (also with Baye taking the throne) or assumed the witch to be mistaken, so she didn't notice it was about her grandson.
Another interesting thing is that the witch also predicts Mihrimah's future and that while her physical illness will pass soon, the spiritual pain will soon start and persist.
Because even if we "win" in that we survive, it does not need to bring happiness with it. At all.
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It doesn't work like this either (Mihri talks about sacrifing Musti and Cih), while we are at it. There are no simple mechanisms like that! And how Mihri adopts her mother stance and calls her out that only one of her sons can survive according to the Darwinist rules (which is also what Rüstem advocates in any circumstances, only for him there is no support for Bayezid really... any can go) is just irony at its finest, and it stems also from her feeling of guilt - I already tainted my conscience and went again familial bonds, so let it at least mean victory for my favourite brother. She is now quick to accept one of them will die, she just wants to ensure it's not Bayezid.
Another of Hürrem's children that do adopt her "survival no matter the cost" agenda (and no, it's hard going for that to "pacifism" agenda shortly after getting what you wanted), and to a bigger extent, is Selim obviously.. Selim states to Bayezid that he will live because he is capable of killing his brother for his own survival. But we know what sort of life this is (and that he won't live long from history). He might later quote his mother to Mihrimah and convince himself that since nobody is innocent under this dome, so only the deserving win, but outside that, he does call himself a "brother killer" and does consider it a burden. /And Selim being his mother's son is another fascinating topic, since he was like.. her least fave and yet he is the one most alike her and who most absorbed her views and agenda.. to later emerge as sort-of third unexpected faction /.
Neither Mihrimah nor Selim ever found peace after adhering to the System's rules of fratricide. Bah, they cannot even be a family again as the only surviving members.. instead they openly accuse each other of being brother killers. Judging by history, they will eventually learn to co-operate, but nothing will be the same ever again. There is no moral victory in it for sure. Selim does not claim it any point. Actually, he is the one to point out that: We all lost. Innocence died and nothing will be as before. We can accuse Selim of many things, but he is a pretty self-conscious character indeed.
The others might be dead, but they did adhere to their principles and values due to choice.
The power of reflection or questioning is also tied to to the concept of choice as what makes us a human. MC never promises us happy ending (how it could, we all know the ending point), but the mere presentation of choice, of humans trying to create something positive, like Mustafa, Bayezid, and Cihangir deciding not to fight against each other as expected, is meaningful.
Instead we got nobody truly winning or benefitting from what happened LBR. It cannot get worse than that, really.
The whole issue again reflects what I said earlier in that post on how Erdogan historical propaganda works. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but there is no questioning at all. Instead we have normalization of violence and presenting it as something necessary, and that there is no choice or alternative to what happened. The sultan killed his brothers, but he had to. It was necessary, it was automatic. There is even no person behind it, but a robot always doing the right (even if brutal) choice because "it was like that".
And to some up the great ironies of life, we can remember that Mahi who lost it all... survived them all, so she won the Darwinist game in the end despite being rejected by System multiple times:
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findafight · 1 year
Totally with you on a) the defintion of shipping and b) that it would not be narratively satisfying to have the show go in the Will and Mike get together direction, for all the reasons you listed.
The dialogue around it also makes it nearly impossible to find meta or even just discussions around Mike that don't centre the possibility of a romantic relations with Will and it's so frustrating. I love that little guy and I just want to talk about how much he loves his friends!
But then the first thing I created for this fandom was a byler breakup fic so... I'm probably not in the majority.
Anyway keep on trucking and I LOVE Robin and Steve's Epic Platonic Soulmate Mixtape <3
Ah thank you! Yeah. The series is grounded in the friendship the party has. That's the first thing we learn about them. It feels insulting to both the characters and anyone who likes the non romantic aspects of relationships when people insinuate that Will couldn't have a happy ending without dating Mike. (Mike doesn't owe Will a romantic relationship. Will doesn't owe Mike one!! It also feels insulting that people say there's going to be a time skip and I guess Will is still pining for him? Let him let go at that point Sheesh.).
The basis of any romantic relationship, especially in canon, between Will and Mike (or any party members) is a deep and strong friendship. Acting like those aren't as important is so rude to people and mischaracterizes them. Mike Wheeler loves his friends so much he would jump off a cliff for any of them. He would deny their death with the barest shred of illogical proof even when presented with a body. He would try to contact a girl for almost a year to see if she was still alive. He holds his friend's hand when it seems he's fading away, insists on going into danger to help with a distraction, and apologizes better to a friend than his girlfriend. He's a moody, angsty teenager, going through a lot of emotions and confusion, and can be an asshole even to his friends, but my god what are you doing if you deny Mike's platonic relationships mean everything to him.
It's also disregarding Will's relationships too! Like. El is his sister now!! You cannot separate that. Would Will want to date Mike even? Loving and wanting to date are different. Dating a sister's ex? Legit so many arguments are just saying El doesn't love Mike, and I guess implying she wouldn't give a shit if Mike stsrted dating a friend that became a brother who is also the only one as deeply connected to the Upside Down as her. It gives me the vibes of people like...taking away the agency El has in her own feelings and saying she loves Mike.
Maybe he just wants to be able to honest about his feelings. Get them off his chest. Keep his friendship with Mike but have everything out in the open, and they can work through that together. Strengthen their friendship and maybe be open to potentially dating in the future (there is an apocalypse on!) while also strengthening their friendship with El. So many people just. Ignore her and her feelings in all this, as though both Will and Mike have not showed they valued her feelings greatly. Why would that not factor in at all? Why would Will put his sister into that position? Would it not be awkward for Mike too?
That's why it wouldnt be satisfactorily executed in S5. The characters and the audience need time to process any breakup between El and Mike. Let them cool off and us register it. Another anon said if they were going blr canon route they should have ended mlvn in S4, and I agree. It needs Breathing room. Not just them breaking up and a two year time skip where we're told time has passed but for us it feels like nothing, so the impact isn't the same and it doesn't have the same satisfaction of knowing they've worked it out but just being told about it. If that makes sense?
Plus the series has struggled with ending romo relationships, and the only one starting that wasn't awkward or weird (Both Nancy and Jon AND Joyce and Hop have Murray be the catalyst which annoying and kinda lazy, not to mention the cheating) was Lucas and Max. That doesn't paint a picture of confidence in me. Sometimes a ship going canon is not actually good. Sometimes in fandom you are actually thankful a ship that honestly should have been canon by the end, or at least post-series didn't, because whatever the show runners would have done with it would have probably ruined whatever dynamic that made them compelling in the first place. it may feel like a betrayal or rip off at first, and would likely continue to, but with time comes a feeling of oh. Maybe it's better this way... Would come.
So yes. Seeing how people reacted to me simply saying that, by the end of the series, I don't think it could satisfyingly become canon, while prioritizing their relationships with each other, Not a lot of nuance is allowed, it seems. Though I'm sure many shippers are cool and chill, it's really just a few people who are loud about it that try to inhibit discussion or meta, it's a damn shame that the only discussion allowed to those shippers is when or how it will be canon. Where's the fun in that? Everyone can interact with fandom differently, and it's a shame some folks want to dictate how others do so.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
The why do I hate him seeing me with her post tho… like even post speech if we use the theory that Mike new what Will was saying, then he realized how this reunion could look and not having the chance to talk with Will and worrying Will is going to misunderstand. Or even the reminder that he has to have a serious conversation with El and to him, she is romantically in love with him and he ‘knows’ that ain’t gonna be a fun conversation… idk just my brainrot things
If you interpret it that way you can certainly interpret that like that, yeah!
Personally I don't think Mike knows exactly about his feelings for Will yet, he's starting to very slowly realize it in the end of s4 but it's all super confused because Will told him that El feels like that for him and he wants that from someone and so it's like he starts to believe that she must be the right person for him even if it doesn't feel right anymore between them but he thinks he must be in love with her when he remembers the speech because he still likes her and he doesn't want to lose her most of all... He doesn't want to break up yet!
At the same time he feels really weird towards Will and is trying to sort of repress that and tell himself it's just friendship
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but there are things that are not "just friends" things happening to Mike...
he missed Will so much that he called every day (like for El in s2) but Will almost never called back or picked up the phone...
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He felt super jealous about the painting and this new girl Will liked
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he felt awkward hugging him and he was also keeping a bit of distance from him because he thought Will didn't want to be his best friend anymore...
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He then, after their fight where Will told him they were supposed to be best friends, wants to reconnect with him because he just feels awful when they are not friends.
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then he starts to notice himself "being weird" with him because he wants to look at him for comfort when the other one is not looking and gets caught...
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Then Mike at the same time is questioning his relationship with El asking himself if it even makes sense that they are together because he's such a loser and she's amazing and he thinks he doesn't deserve her and she shouldn't value him...
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Then the speech happens and he just believes Will because "Will wouldn't lie to me" ( reason why he will be a bit pissed & confused when he finds out )
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then he finds El again but he feels bad that Will is watching them in that moment ( When Will actually wasn't thinking about it at all, he is used to it and gave up in the van and also was so happy that his sister was alive that he was just thinking about her )
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then they go to the pizza place and mike still thinks Will said the truth so he tries to tell the ily to El in the booth but he finds it difficult because it doesn't feel right and natural to say it in that moment there is still something blocking him...
Until El is about to die and his fear of losing her gets triggered and Will tells him to say something and so he does confess what he thinks he feels for her, responding to the feelings Will put in his speech, telling her he needs her more than she "supposedly" does because that is how he feels for her in reality - it's more codependency than real romantic love for them even if he doesn't realize it yet
And then in the finale he doesn't know yet that his feelings for Will are romantic but he's very close and he will get it 100% next season!
That is how I interpreted stuff more or less, but you can have different interpretations for sure, I think this is simply what makes most sense to me with what I saw on the screen for now and for how I interpret Mike's character!
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jojameswinter · 1 year
Hi there! So I guess the big question for season 4 jiara is whether or not they’re still together after the 18 month time jump right? I’m an angsty girl at heart, so personally I would not be mad if Jiara were broken up post-time jump and they use the flashbacks to show us how it all fell apart. Then of course they show us how they find their way back to each other in real time as the season progresses.
The only thing I absolutely DON’T WANT in that scenario would be for the writers to drag out Jiara’s get together until the end of the season again because we absolutely deserve some happy, stable couple jiara content.
If they got back together by episode 6 or even 7 I could live with that. As long as there’s lots of romantic build up prior to those episodes! (I also think it would be kind of poetic if they got back together in 4x07 because in 3x07 Kiara told JJ she loved him for the first time and he walked away from her, so I think flipping that to have them come together once again would really hit for those of us who pay attention to that kind of stuff 😆)
What do you hope to see for Jiara in S4? Do you think they’re still together? I’m having so much fun speculating!
Sorry this took me forever to answer, anon!!! ❤️ LOVE that you're here to speculate with me, especially in these quiet obx times!!!!
I think they are together at the time jump. How "official" it is, I don't know, but I do feel they are some type of together and always will be if you get me.
I am also an angst girlie at heart, and I do not mind some periods of separation, as long as it's well written and in character! I've said this before, but there's a lot of personal trauma and need for growth for both of them that can cause rifts without creating over the top plotlines just to drive a wedge. Jiara doesn't feel like the loud make up and break up type - to me, it feels more like they'd just sort of drift together or away without necessarily defining every little thing if that makes sense. Always with the knowledge that they're it for one another. And at the end of the day, they're always, always going to be there for each other, regardless of what's happening romantically.
If they decide to put off an official type relationship a little longer, then I need to see at least a progression from last season. We already saw the process of them getting together, so we need a step up from that, whatever that looks like. I could possibly see them deciding that they need to work some shit out before they officially become a couple, but then like the comedy would be that they can't ever be around each other without kissing or something skjdlfksj like they're failing miserably at just being friends, a la the truce scene.
OMG your parallel idea! ❤️ You are in good company paying attention to those things! I also enjoy flashbacks and storylines being pieced together that way, so I wouldn't mind it - again, if it was well written and the explanations seemed valid. At the end of the day, I just need this relationship to stand out in a different way and to show some kind of progression from what we saw - in a way that makes sense. And as you said, I really need to see some happy/established jiara as well! We got a healthy dose of angst, and even this angst loving gal needs to see them in love now! Honestly, they have to be endgame or none of this makes ANY sense.
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ariendiel · 2 years
I loved these two suggestions that coincidentally were the same ones that Mango told me about.
Elisa, MC and Elijah — Elisa would love to have two boyfriends, both for the love and attention and the number of likes she would get on Instagram. Elisa bringing MC (whom I hail as someone who doesn't care about gender norms, like Will) to her channel and doing makeup on him. Including Elijah modeling/fixing the MC's hair.
Jake, Rohan and MC — Do I have to say anything else? They are perfect in every way, plus even in the original they like the MC and each other. And they are canonical bisexual so it wouldn't have to change anything.
Reese, MC and Tim — For me, Reese and Tim had a lot of chemistry and on Matchmaker, Tim shows feelings for the MC and Reese, I don't remember but I feel like he would like the MC that way too.
Tai, MC, Ciaran and Yasmin — I don't have to say anything, right? They are a complete match, especially Tai and Ciaran, and even Yasmin and Ciaran.
Will, Youcef, Najuma and MC — I don't know if you played S4 but they all have chemistry, the three are MC LIs so obviously they have chemistry, Will has lovely moments with Youcef, Youcef mostly matches Najuma, they have a cute dynamic.
Bobby, Hannah and MC — I don't know if you see Hannah being jealous or not, but she doesn't seem to be, she's really into romance and happy endings and her finding her princes, adorable. and Bobby I don't see him being jealous, he's a lovely Golden Retriever.
Yes, @codename-mango and I might've already discussed this as we received your asks! 😘
I of course love the first two, but also the Tai, MC, Ciaran and Yasmin poly idea is 👀 I honestly love Tai and Yasmin a lot (I forget Ciaran is there, but he's sweet) and this could definitely work!
I'd love to read any of these as a one shot fic if you ever feel like writing it! Could be fun as a one shot collection of poly couples as well...
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hmsannlett · 2 years
Hi, there! You don't sound like a downer, just realistic! I'm merely basing my theory on a tweet from Alex Rose, who told someone that TURN will be on AMC+. I'd think if anyone knows whether or not it will return to streaming, it'd be him! ;) We cannot be sure whether or not it'll be available for streaming, but I think we can be (cautiously) hopeful! TBC...
I didn't know that the fandom was responsible for a S3/S4 renewal! I mean, I understand why that would be true for any series in general, but that's interesting! And I'm sure the writers did the best they could, and perhaps, like us, were saddened that S5 wasn't happening. ☹ Nevertheless, like you so wisely said, that's the blessing of fanfiction! And what a gift in the broken pieces, to be inspired to write beautiful stories such as you're doing! 😊
Ah, I thought Turn was already on AMC+ (I thought someone on here mentioned that shortly after it was removed from Netflix, it had been made available on AMC+). Even so, I'm not very hopeful about a fandom revival, since AMC+ isn't nearly as popular as Netflix. And, of course, there's the perennial issue now of there being so many streaming services to choose from that people have to decide which will give them the biggest bang for their buck because it's so expensive subscribing to multiple services. And I don't see a lot people choosing AMC+ instead of or in addition to, say, Netflix or Hulu, when those both have large libraries and a wide variety of shows and movies to choose from.
If Turn ever returned to Netflix, there would be a chance former fans might return to the fandom/new fans would join the fandom, but I'm sure AMC would rather have Turn as part of their streaming service where they get direct revenue than licensing it out to Netflix, where there's less of a chance people would notice Turn among all of the shows and movies Netflix offers (and, depending on how Turn did on Netflix before, they may not try to license it again). Tbh, I don't know if Turn would be very popular on AMC+ either, since AMC's biggest shows (Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead, etc.) aren't similar to Turn and wouldn't attract the same audience.
(This is still sounding rather Eeyore-ish, I apologize!) Ultimately, for a lot of the fans who have disappeared over the past year, what they liked about Turn being on Netflix was the ease of accessing it because they already had Netflix subscriptions. I don't think AMC+ hosting Turn will make too much of a difference, unfortunately. :/ I'll be very happy to eat crow if Turn is restored to Netflix/the fandom inexplicably has an upswing, but given how quickly the fandom dropped off after Turn was removed from Netflix and how it's shrunken to almost nothing this year, I don't have a lot of hope of it even becoming half of what it was before.
I'm glad (and amazed, like I said before) that the fandom has lasted as long as it has, but I don't have the hope that I did back in January that people might come back. I'd hoped back then that it was just the combination of Turn being removed from Netflix and the holidays, which kill every fandom's activity levels, but as time went on, I realized that it was simply that nearly everyone had jumped ship. I've been coming to accept that this year, but it's been difficult watching fandom friends leave and feeling increasingly like I'm posting into a void (although I very much appreciate your continued enthusiasm! Knowing I'll find asks in my inbox from you makes it feel less like I'm posting into a void ❤︎).
Yep, that was the fandom's doing (at least for S4; I'm not certain about S3)! Oh, definitely. One of the writers, LaToya Morgan, shipped Annlett hard and was devastated that their story line couldn't be resolved as she wanted it to. (She even jokes on Twitter every so often about writing a fanfic of what she wanted their ending to be.) Alex Rose was also very fond of Hewlett; I think he even said Hewlett was his favorite character. I don't know where he stood on Annlett, but he rooted for Hewlett like the rest of us. He was disappointed about the nixing of S5, too, as I recall. So we're certainly not alone!
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cortexifansquint · 2 years
Feeling alone on this, but I really enjoyed like 80% of season 4! Given this wasn't the series finale, I'm not ready to trash the duffers out over a still incomplete story. As long as things wrap up right and the suffering ends with happiness for our gang! A theme of this season was communication, literally across locations and inter-personally between the characters. So I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that a lot of the relationship mess we're upset about might be intentional to resolve next season? Trying to stay positive.
The 💖👍🏾:
Jopper! Just everything about them, couldn't have asked for more. A passionate and soft kiss. Flirting. The talks. All the hand holding/hugging/touching. Huge contrast from tension last season. Byers-Hopper family reunion. Even Joyce getting to kill a demo-dog, I got everything I wanted from these two.
The horror elements. Vecna/001. Explanation into the upside down + tie-ins to past seasons etc.
Max & Lucas. Their individually plots and as Lumax. From emotional and supportive, to cute, to heartbreaking. The creel house scene had me a sobbing mess. Sadie and Caleb were amazing this year!
Was happy to get some Sinclair sibling scenes. And the interaction between all the parents was amusing.
Eddie Munson guitar solo. Eddie Munson period. I'm going to miss him so much.
The one on ones. They were nice moments and really made me nervous for everyone's fate.
Argyle was a treat. The humor breaks overall are always enjoyable in the series.
The battle scene was a good time! The music/score (!!) , the action of everyone kicking ass together from their locations. Hopper fighting the demogorgon with a sword. Nancy & Robin torching Vecna. El fighting Vecna.
The ending. Again with the music and the visuals.
The 😖:
Was looking forward to more El living with the Byers. Joyce and El mother-daughter, sibling stuff with Will and Jonathan. Would have swapped out the extended bully scenes for it. Or at least a one on one with El & Joyce after the dinner scene.
Will Byers / Byler fans being done dirty all around. He was third wheeled, then sidelined and miserable all season. I'm not even that into Byler (mostly due to my feelings on Mike and his attitude) but I literally cringed at the "tender emotional music" being used for m*leven all the sudden and Will's feelings a catalyst for that love confessions (yikes). Then there's all the beating around the bush, thought they'd at least have him come out + reveal his feelings for Mike to Jonathan. Making the monologue more weighted with solid confirmation to the audience (people who are blind apparently) and knowledge from Jonathan. Or honestly just had a mutual m*leven breakup leaving the last season to deal with Mike's end but now...everything would be so crammed. Honestly I wish the painting was a thing anyway considering what it turned out to be/used for.
As a black person, it was an uncomfortable af seeing Erica and Lucas being held down/held at gunpoint by those jocks. Nice seeing them knock them both tf out though, so there's that.
Wanted more Erica Sinclair on my screen and utilized better than to make sassy comments (which I love her for of course but ya know). I want her involved with coming up with the genius plan next season.
No one mentioning or mourning Eddie outside of Dustin pissed me off a little. Steve and Robin spent all season with him and Mike was in Hellfire Club. Makes no sense.
Putting to the back of my mind since there's a S5, but the loose ends/questions. Where did Murray, Dimitri and Yuri go? What's up with Owens? What did they do with Eddie's body? So Ms.Kelley wasn't involved/evil? Are/can the Byers go back to California, is there a warrant for El? A time jump would make zero sense.
The 😐:
I didn't hate the Stancy revival. Mainly because a big part of their relationship ending was out of Nancy's guilt about Barb. So makes sense to bring it back up alongside Vecna surfacing traumas. Plus I'm a sucker for finding each other again after being apart kind of thing and J*ncy is hanging by a thread. However I would say I am annoyed with the show having Nancy torn between Steve and Jonathan constantly. She hasn't been completely content with either one for a decent stretch of time. Girl, pick one!
To add on, throwing J*ncy and M*leven back together after hanging by a thread all season with no real resolution to their issues. They're just good now I guess??
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esther-dot · 2 years
unpopular opinion maybe (?) but i don't think most people actually hated the ending of got because it was badly done or badly written. the show had been sloppy for years before the finale and most of us were still enjoying it, so i don't think it was really about that. i think we all tell ourselves we hated it because of that, but most of us probably wouldn't have minded it if only we'd gotten our preferred ending. d*ny fans would have been over the moon if they'd gotten an ending with her on the iron throne and jon as her devoted consort, regardless of how badly written, directed, and acted it was. sansa fans would have been equally over the moon if we'd not only gotten qitn but also sansa in a loving relationship with our preferred suitor, whomever that might be, quality of the writing be damned. arya fans would have been beside themselves with joy if they'd gotten their "queen arya with gendry as her lover" preferred ending, no matter how stupidly it was done. and so on and so forth, for fans of every character. the terrible writing certainly didn't help matters, but in my opinion the show's real failure was that it managed to leave literally EVERYONE unhappy and unsatisfied, and feeling that their fave had been cheated in some way.
Well, it’s kinda true for me! I was mocking D&D’s horrible choices and criticizing the show all season eight as I watched it, but if I had gotten Jonsa in the finale I would have definitely posted a “I have never said anything bad about D&D in my life” joke. 😂
This is why, even though I will never watch it again and I won’t watch the spin-offs, I’m not gonna pretend I stopped liking the show back in s5. There was a lot of “y’all thought the ending would be good? The show’s sucked since s4” stuff going around when we were all disappointed with the finale, but middles are hard! Lots of stories struggle there, and I was still caught up in what was happening and wondering where it would end until s7 just…made no sense to me. I was a show fan first so I wasn’t upset about their deviations from the books because I didn’t know about them at the time. I was still enjoying the show through s6. Honestly, s6 was a highpoint for me. Sansa and Jon reuniting, Sansa using LF, reclaiming Winterfell, Sansa finally being safe and happy, Jon becoming king….I understand hating the Ramsay plotline, being upset about Dorne etc, but as a Stark fan, a Sansa and a Jon fan, season six was very rewarding.
It wasn’t until after s7 aired that I started listening to Martin interviews/read the books, and at that point I learned that a) Martin has known the ending for the main characters for years, b) he told D&D, c) he expected the endings would be similar. So, I assumed that D&D had a plan and were working towards his ending and weren’t gonna just… plop his ending on whatever the hell it was they were doing without making it make sense. Silly me 😂
Thinking back though, I didn’t actually need Jonsa to be ok with the ending. The main complaint for most of us is how they wrote Jon. If they confirmed that Jon bent the knee because he had to and was afraid of Dany/trying to manage her the whole time, that he wasn’t disloyal to the North/his family and lying to cover his own ass, I could have eventually reconciled myself to the ending because there are a lot of ideas it’s touching on. I think that’s why I didn’t just drop the show/fandom completely after the show ended because there are so many things that I think one good kick would have allowed the whole thing to shift and settle into stuff from earlier seasons and things from the books and would have, as much as we wouldn’t want it to, worked. Instead it felt like D&D were waging a war of retribution on the fans and just wanted to destroy all the relationships they could. They really should have let Bryan Cogman have more sway in the final season or rewrite their finale script or something. You could feel the love in his episode, D&D’s felt intentionally cruel.
I agree with you though that no vocal part of the fandom (Jon fans, Dany fans, Arya fans…) getting what they wanted, none of the big ships (Jonerys, Jonsa, Gendrya, Braime…) getting a good ending, that’s why the show was so decried by fans and so hated. There was nothing truly redeeming in the ending on an emotional level/for the characters and their relationships, so even for someone like me, a Sansa fan, a character who got the best ending and “won” in a way none of the other characters did, it felt very empty. But, I have to say, I’ve seen a number of fans who are happy with the ending. Some people really liked the fact that the ending was so different from traditional fantasy. They appreciated Jon going beyond the Wall because they didn’t want him or Dany to rule. And with the success of HOTD and fans returning to GOT (indicated by the rewatch numbers on HBO Max), maybe there are a lot more of those fans than I realized.
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messymindofmine · 2 years
So this is the only time I'm gonna explicitly talk about the baby plotline bc it sickens me to my core and I see red if I even think about it.
1) To start with, there was no narrative reason for this. While I have my criticisms of Carmen, using her as a baby machine for Johnny's arc is just plain wrong. I know that the show is set in 2019 and was filmed before s4 even released so I won't hold them to what's happening in the US right now but it still doesn't make this plotline any better bc it's still using Carmen as a vehicle for Johnny's arc. Literally all we were told this season (told mind you not shown the way good writing is supposed to do) is how much better Johnny is now and how he won't repeat his mistakes. Even if it could've been used to highlight just how flawed Johnny and Carmen's relationship is, that could still have been done without this plotline. Like they could've shown Carmen struggling after Miguel comes back from Mexico. Or her interacting with Robby. It's pretty clear that he's not included in her "happy family" so they could show how that would affect her relationship with Johnny now that Robby is actually here and this could spur Johnny on to actually choose once and for all.
2) Also, for all that they seem obsessed with showing how much Johnny has changed this season, he very clearly hasn't as far as Robby is concerned. And that should be where the focus is. All this talk this season about Johnny getting a second chance when Johnny has already had a second chance, he's had a 100 chances actually, to be a better father...with Robby. All this storyline has done is make it impossible for them to have a genuine, natural reconciliation at any point. Because Johnny is repeating his mistakes. He's still choosing everyone and everything else over Robby. He's still ignoring Robby's feelings in favor of his own.
3) This is what really gets me. There is no narrative reason for this plotline. Even without it, just about everything that happened could've still happened. Hell even Robby's arc (since the writers seem hell bent on making him suffer) would've been the same. Johnny would still have forced a reconciliation between Robby and Miguel, Robby would still feel out of place in Johnny's life and with the Diazs and he would've still felt the need to create this false self that he created this season to fit in. Even that horrible apartment fight would've taken place the exact same way with the same end, just without the revelation. Even Carmen's little dream scenario (you know the one that Robby is conspicuously absent from) could still have happened, just in a slightly different way.
What really sucks is that there doesn't seem to be a way out of that plotline that isn't demeaning, that doesn't cause even more issues between Robby, Johnny and Miguel, that wouldn't cause more pain for Robby and that wouldn't be yet another reason for fans (since they go out of their way to find bullshit reasons anyway) to turn it around on Robby and use it to hate on him even more.
The writers well and truly shot themselves in the foot with this storyline and I can't think of a way that fix the damage this storyline has done. Not without just getting rid of it and acting like it never happened
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matan4il · 3 years
Wait, b/t fans are only getting worried now, and about Oliver's posting habits? Not when he posted those cringe emojis after the ily scene and nothing else? And even outside his posting habits, what about when Buck made *that* face every time he was with her and the camera focused in it? Or the way they had him play the ily scene? The writers/directors/Oliver himself have gone out of their way to show how unhappy Buck is and how incompatible they are every step of the way even back to season 2, but especially in season 5 it could not be more clear that she can't be anything Buck needs in a partner.
I mean, ship what you want I guess, but I can't think of a single episode with them that in any way indicates this is a good or healthy relationship for Buck, or where he looks genuinely happy around her and isn't immediately shot down. What even is there to ship between them when everything is screaming that this is a Bad And Unhealthy Thing for Buck? How did people even get invested enough to be upset it's ending when the writing has been on the wall long before she even kissed him? Honestly, nothing baffles me more than b/t shippers...
Hi Nonnie! Oh, I'm guessing you're sending this message following this ask?
I have to admit, I don't follow what B/T shippers are posting, I know some stuff from what I'm told, like by the Nonnie who sent that ask you're referring to... But I could understand why they wouldn't be worried about the emojis. After all, those could be discounted as Oliver's personal opinion, and while some stars get to have a say on how their character's trajectory is shaped, Oli isn't there yet. What I think should have worried them even before the emojis was frankly what we saw on our screens, because Buck every step of the way with B/T has been weighed down by hints and insinuations that that relationship is not going to work, and that Buck isn't happy in it. That he's not actually in love, he's just taking what he thinks he can get. Honestly, Oli didn't have to post any cringing emojis after the ILY scene, the scene conveyed that Buck himself was cringing inwardly...
What I love about Oli's latest interview, however, is that unlike the emojis which seemed to reflect his own personal dislike of B/T, his answer to an interview conducted in order to promote the show would have to be sanctioned by the show's team to some degree. And this answer is no longer "a wrench will be thrown in there," meaning some problems would arise in season 5b. His latest response confirmed for the first time the issues we were all pointing out during 5a. I love that for us!
And I agree with you, I think as a couple, B/T never worked. In s2, Taylor was clearly shown as the wrong choice for Buck. In s4, even when Buck tried to pursue her, there was a sense of unease to it, like he went for her because he thought he couldn't have what he really wants, which is why his responses to her in 412 and 414 are odd and somewhat muted. For example, when she rejects him at Bobby and Athena's house, he's unhappy, but not shaken. We've seen Buck when he sees someone he loves seemingly slipping away from him... it's never muted and you can tell it shakes him to his core. So yes, exactly, I agree with everything you said, including that s5 made it even more obvious than in the past that Taylor's just not someone who makes him happy...
Thank you for the ask and for allowing me to babble on about this a bit more, I have to admit I LOVE the confirmation we got in that interview with Oli, so I could probably go on even more. XD Hope you're having a great day, lovely! xoxox
And if you or anyone else are looking for other replies of mine, you can find them in my ask tag. xoxox
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Happy Birthday, Kuroo Tetsurou!
Ahhh! It's my darling Kuroo-chan's birthday today, and in order to hype it up, I've been taking a small break from requests (I hope everyone understands) in order to post this
Kuroo has always been a character I greatly admire, not only because of his strikingly gorgeous visuals (I mean sorry mate, S4 Kuroo just reinvented the word "pretty"), but also because he's a massive nerd who manages to balance both sports, and studies, whilst being the hugest sweetheart ever.
I'm a total Oikawa kinnie, but sometimes, I find myself wishing I were more like Kuroo too.
Anyways, he deserves lots of love and appreciation, because albeit being fictional, he has brought so much comfort and love to the hearts of many, and he deserves to be celebrated.
I love you, Kuroo-chan <3
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Sleeping over at his house.
Character: Kuroo
Warnings: none
Nekoma had just finished an extremely grueling practice session, and with the sky looking bleak and storm clouds threatening to pour, you hurried them to go home quickly.
“Guys, you need to go home! I don't want you caught up in the rain, so you'd better hurry.”
Yaku looked at you affectionately and ruffled your hair, leaving shortly after, and Lev and Fukuga ran out whilst screaming about something.
How chaotic, you thought fondly.
Kuroo walked over to you, concerned. He gently straightened your ponytail from behind and smiled.
“all better now, chibi-chan. Aren't you leaving too?”
You blushed. Although you were extremely close to everyone on the team, and it didn't affect you when the other members were affectionate with you, Kuroo seemed to always make your body heat up and your cheeks go warm, whenever he did the smallest of things.
“um yes, I'll be leaving now too”, you replied, softly, as you hitched your bag higher.
“Can I walk you home? I'd hate it if anything happened to our precious manager.”
You nodded silently, as Kuroo bid a quick goodbye to Kenma. That puzzled you. They always walked home together, but now Kuroo was leaving him just to walk you home?
“On second thought, you don't have to worry about me, Kuroo! I'll be fine. You and Kenma should walk home together.”
Kuroo pretended to not hear you and ruffled your hair, the same way Yaku did, pulling you along with him.
A few minutes later, you were in front of your house. You rang the doorbell, expecting your mother to be home, but only silence greeted you.
The storm clouds above grew darker with every passing minute, and Kuroo's concerned eyes were on you.
“is everything okay? Do you have a key?”
“no I don't” you confessed sadly.
You suddenly remembered that your parents wouldn't be home for the night as they've gone to visit someone, and would only be back the next morning.
They told you to take the house key in the morning, but because you were so frazzled and busy thinking about making breakfast for the team, it completely slipped your mind, all which you told Kuroo.
Kuroo immediately held your small hand in his huge one and pulled you along.
“you'll stay over with me, okay Chibi-chan?”
You wanted to refuse, seeing how you might be a burden to him, but you also knew Kuroo never made empty statements about things he didn't mean.
You gently rubbed the top of his hand with your thumb and smiled.
“thank you so much for the offer, Kuroo”
+.` |
You reached his house in a few minutes, and he opened the door, letting you go in first.
“my sister should be home soon, but you should take a shower and freshen up, Chibi-chan.”
You nodded quickly, immediately cheered up by the prospect of a hot shower, and walked into the bathroom Kuroo showed you to.
He gave you a pair of pants that belonged to his sister, and an unimaginably huge hoodie.
You kissed his cheek in thanks and closed the bathroom door, already begining to shower.
Kuroo blushed softly, as he sat by his desk and began doing chemistry homework to calm his nerves.
He thought you were beautiful, and as luck would have it, you were staying over. He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, but at the same time, he hoped this would be a good opportunity to tell you how he felt.
His fingers touched the spot where your lips had kissed his cheek, and he smiled giddily.
Meanwhile, in the shower, you were singing and slowly cleaning yourself.
When you were done, you wore the clothes, but the hoodie seemed really big. Maybe Kuroo's sister likes wearing oversized clothing, you thought to yourself.
You walked out of the bathroom feeling much more cleaner and refreshed than before, as Kuroo saw you and his cheeks immediately went red.
“Is something wrong?” you asked tentatively, feeling awkward. Do I look bad? Is it my hair?
He shook his head, and took a few clothes from a drawer, silently walking to the bathroom to shower himself.
Once he was safely inside, he gasped. How did you manage to look so adorable in one of his hoodies like that? It was almost like it engulfed your tiny frame, and yet still kept you warm and cozy.
+.` |
A while later, you and Kuroo were cuddling whilst watching a movie on TV. Despite you refusing, he scooped you up in his arms, and that's how you were in his embrace, with a studio Ghibli original playing on screen.
Kuroo smiled, satisfied, as he saw your expression change with different parts of the movie, and his arms wound tighter around you.
He loved you, he really did, and he couldn't help but tip your chin to his face and look into your eyes with a deep and burning passion.
“chibi-chan, I love you.”
The movie played on, but you couldn't even focus. You only had eyes for Kuroo Tetsurou now, and in response to his confession, you gently kissed his lips.
He smiled into the kiss and continued, pulling the back of your head closer to him.
“I've been wanting to do that for the longest of times” he whispered softly as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, obviously feeling very satisfied with himself.
The two of you end up cuddling for a little while longer, just you in his arms, and him breathing in your addictive scent.
You eventually fell asleep in each others embrace.
.+` |
Kuroo woke up with a slight jolt. He heard a small noise come from below and saw you cuddled against his chest, turning in your sleep. Your hair was splayed over the couch and you had the most serene expression of peace on your face.
He thought you looked so beautiful.
Your hands suddenly seemed to be roaming around for something, as you groped the couch. You eventually found Kuroo's hand, and satisfied, you held his hand closer to you, sighing softly in your dream-like state.
Kuroo was ready to spontaneously combust. You were so adorable like that. He caressed your hair and whispered soft and sweet things into your ear,
“Chibi-chan, I've loved you since the moment I met you in third grade.”
“Oh shit, we forgot to have dinner. Nevermind, I'll cook you breakfast tomorrow.”
“i'll hold you tight and keep you warm, tonight”
As he smiled whilst rambling softly, his eyes began to close, and he was soon transported to the world of dreams, just like you were.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Some clexa shippers were happy just to see Lexa again, even if it wasn't really Lexa. Just the same way a Bellamy fan would have been excited if he appeared for Raven, even though it wouldn't actually be Bellamy.
Others of us are upset in part because of the queerbaiting JR has done throughout the entire show regarding Lexa and clexa but also because watching t100 and seeing clexa again brought up too many bad memories from 307. It's a unique pain to see a gay girl be killed by her overly controlling, religious father figure directly after sleeping with another girl, directly after realizing that love isn't weakness (the narrative decision to give that mindset to lexa specifically was also a concerning one).
And for some of us we already knew that they were soulmates, and for others this was a confirmation of that. There's a lot of mixed feelings around it.
Also to add onto my ask about the reaction of clexa shippers, most of us haven't watched since 307 and even fewer have watched past S3
CL shippers feelings about CL and Lxa are all valid.
They deserve to feel like JR did them dirty because he did. 
And I’m sorry but putting her in at the last minute does NOT make up for it and it also does not give them endgame. 
I don’t think of them as soulmates because, well, I think of Bellarke as soulmates. Unless I consider soulmates to be a thing that can happen with multiple people, not just “the one and only true love” which actually is what I do believe. So in that case they are. Even if not endgame. 
There should never be any doubt that they loved. 
And we should also consider the way they strung the CL community along for years afterwards. They killed Lxa and the flame about a half a dozen times. 
The CL crowing about L as endgame or true love or whatever, doesn’t seem to be about Lxa or CL to me. It’s about telling Bellarkers to go fuck themselves. It’s about declaring CL as winning the shipwars and Bellarke as nothing, which if y’all DID watch the rest of the show, you’d know is false, and JR screwed Bellarkers over just as much as he screwed CL’s over. L at least got a good death where there was resonance and emotion and she, like, got to be grieved and had a funeral and she got to come back, in reality, to save the day and even later, we got to see her and people talked about how important she was and how much she was beloved.
And Bellamy, the male lead just....
His death scene lasted like 30 seconds. No one grieved. He got no extended mortality although Sheidheda was just as mortally wounded and survived. They brought people who died (emori) back to life, but created rules about why Bellamy couldn’t. It was reinforced for FOUR YEARS that Clarke loved lexa, but never once said at all outloud with Bellamy, even though the narrative reinforced again and again that she loved him, needed him, he kept her sane, etc.
JR callously and thoughtlessly killed of Lxa for drama.
JR maliciously and vindictively killed of Bellamy and then erased him, with no drama. No deathbed confession, no ceremony, no funeral, no statement of “oh but I loved him,” although that would not have changed his story, instead he reinforced again and again that he was “just” her bestfriend, after YEARS of calling him her soulmate. That was a DIRECT choice to strike at the Bellarke fandom.
He felt sorry for what he did to you guys. He gave you an edited love confession in the COL, and then a whole scene in s4 where she told her mom she loved her. And pictures and memories and references. AND HE ERASED BELLAMY COMPLETELY. 
And if people are upset about social injustice of the Dead Lesbian trope, for righteous reasons, shouldn’t they also be upset about the discarding of a MOC lead as if he wasn’t even important enough to give a decent send off? 
Your CL fandom shouldn’t be having a party about endgame CL or whatever. Y’all should be just as mad at the manipulation and baiting of this end as we are.
You got a sparkly purple Lxa. Or rather, you got a sparkly purple magic god alien dressed up in a Lxa skin. JR had Gabriel SHOOT the flame, or he could have brought back ALL the commanders on that beach, since emori was brought back from the minddrive. He COULD have given CL a real endgame, but he didn’t. 
But CLs see sparkly purple Fake Lxa and they feel like they won.
NONE of us won. He screwed us all over.
Except for Memori fans. That was shipperific. They got a good ending. They even stuck Hope and Jordan and Octavia and Levitt together totally unearned.  Oh look, love WAS okay, for THEM. 
But not for Clarke. Not for Bellamy. And NOT for lxa. 
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janiedean · 3 years
Have you seen the stuff that's come from GRRM's reps? I always thought GRRM seemed to have gone along with the idea that he told D&D the ending of the story, but the execution had been bad. Now he's hinting that he never told them a thing about the ending and that they ran with their own ideas from season 5 on. Do you figure this is just Martin backtracking because he's realised how badly his original ending was received?
I've seen now bc this week I was like insanely busy and like.... it doesn't change my general mind about wtf went on but:
I don't think d&d understood anything that george told them - like I don't doubt that he told them something but again.... he told them shireen gets burned and that is the way happens in the show which made no sense whatsoever and was just so they could off stannis? suuureeee like I don't doubt he told them hints or smth but they never actually gave a fuck or interpreted them extremely differently
'they ran with their own ideas since S5' is correct because nothing they did from S5 onwards made sense with the books so I can't say anything about that
now I'm 100% convinced that something of the actual finale comes from grrm - as said, I'm betting money on king in the north bran + small council made up of previously disadvantaged categories + jon going off with the wildlings eventually which was a thing I've been sort of thinking for ages so if that's part of the actual ending okay but the way dnd inserted it in the middle of a bunch of other crap that's never gonna happen (qitn!sansa, aryagendry splitting, jon not getting kingship, joncon/aegon not being there, dany dying that way, brienne in the kg, jaime dying with cersei, sandor dying dot, bran getting kingship in someplace that's not the north etc) made zero sense and made things look bad but like... I'm absolutely sure that the moment george does that in the books it will make sense
idt he's backtracking on anything bc that is not his original ending and the elements in it that imvho are original were implemented in a way that Did Not Make Sense and anyway came after four season of wild nonsense starting from S5 onwards and S4 was already on the way to get there and everything that was bad about got is dnd's fault not his, but if he doesn't want ppl to think that is his ending or that he's happy with it I can't fault him bc if I were him I wouldn't be happy with how they massacred my books either X°D
like: the got ending is not his og ending because 85% of it makes zero literal sense with his themes, his narration and his characterization, what little there is of it was wildly misunderstood by dnd and their crap decisions wrt excluding characters and so on and idt he's backtracking on it just specifying it wasn't what he wanted which..... I mean X°D kind of blatant ;) but that said idt showtruthing is a thing we should do at this point bc if any of the show post S4 was truthing it was immersed in such an amount of dnd-only crap that even if it happens in the books it doesn't mean it won't make sense in a wholly different context X°D
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heeeeeyyyy!! how are you doing? 911 anon here I just wanted to tell you that I've just finished season 3 and now I'm broken. I need more I mean... I was used to watching 10 episodes a day and being kept company by those characters and now I feel sad...
ok, so final conclusions now that I have watched the whole thing. first off, I think hen is one of the greatest characters that I've seen in a show. a poc lesbian woman with a wife and kids, kicking ass, saving lives and being so incredibly smart and kind and a good friend while also making mistakes which gives her the human element but also being kicked a few times by life and still winning in the end is the most wholesome thing that I've seen in a while by show.
second I wanna talk about chimney. I knew I'd like his character but I never assumed that I'd like SO MUCH! after seeing his background story I had another level of respect for this man and I'm so glad and happy that he found someone who appreciates the real him. all of it. which brings me to Maddie. I mean.... come on!!! a bad ass woman who finally got her freedom and saves lives but still cracks and cries and cares about all the people she's helped! and she finally finds the man who can give her what her ex husband has taken away from her. safety! chimney and Maddie are the couple I will be rooting for the most in season 4 just sayin'...
having said THAT I don't want to forget the no 1 power couple of the show which is obviously Athena and Bobby. both with their own struggles and still keeping it together (at least most of the times). I can't express how happy I was when Athena and Bobby became a thing and Bobby had a second shot in a family! also, Athena a beautiful, strong woman who never gives up... ugh... that's WHAT I'M HERE FOR!!!
and finally I need to address the elephant in the room. Buck and Eddie which were the reason (because of your posts) who got me intrested in this show. Buck in season 1 was not a very likeable? for me. before Abby he was just portrayed as a young, impulsive guy that used sex to fill an emotional void should I dare say? and after Abby although he seemed legit about this relationship it just... wasn't working. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked Abby but their dynamic with Buck was just... not it. neither of them were in a stage in their life to be in a relationship and they just couldn't help each other. it wasn't their age difference but their lives were in a very different place. they were both trying to figure themselves out. so I think it was for the best they were not together anymore. now, I know that buck 2.0 was supposedly with Abby and after Abby but I think the real buck 2.0 was when Eddie came into the scene. Eddie is a very likeable character. he saves lives, he's a single father with a kid that he has to look after... his whole appearance screams 'NICE' and I know he's done some wrong choices but I think in his case the good outdoes the bad. and this is why I love buck's and Eddie's dynamic in this show! Buck's relationship with Christopher is just adorable and ever since the tsunami episode.. ugh... I mean Buck was in such a distress! the tsunami episode is so hard to watch tbh. buck was in PAIN! and I think it's pointless to just pinpoint every single moment buck was like a second father to Chris. it would take a whole another essay. anyway, in conclusion, yes, I'm rooting for something between them, but because of what this show has given us between buck and Eddie I still wouldn't be mad if they just leave it as best friends.
as far as the other characters are concerned, I think Josh has a special place in my heart as well and I was so sad for what had happened to him. Christopher I've talked about what a lovely, happy kid he is! he's adorable. Michael is also a great character and I was relieved in the last episode that he's getting better!
to conclude, this show was one of the greatest I've seen lately and thank you so much for introducing me to it and also for being there enduring my rambles through the whole thing while I was watching it.
ps. I apologize for this humongous message but I told you to be prepared lol I had a lot to say
pss. I'm ready to be emerged into the fiction hole to swallow me whole! so if you have any recommendations I'M IN!!
sincerely your 911 anon
oh boy oh boy this is a long message lmao.
1. YES hen is one of the best characters and her and karen are PERFECT and i love that they worked through their issues together and i really hope hen has some good storylines in s4!!
2. chim and maddie make me so happy you have no idea they’re such strong characters individually and then together they’re so soft and lovely and i just want them to have so much happiness UGH SO MUCH HAPPINESS
3. YES BATHENA POWER COUPLE!! i honestly don’t think i’d like bobby as much if him and athena weren’t a couple i love seeing their interactions and the entire grant-nash family are just !! however athena i adore on any and every level she is my wife a goddess i worship her
4. i sort of agree with your opinion of buck, whilst i did like him in season 1 (after the first episode at least) i agree that he definitely developed more as a character in the second season without abby. and yeah, their relationship wasn’t great and i wish more had been made of the fact that it wasn’t great. eddie is *deep breath* the loml he’s a DAD he’s HOT he’s GOOD AT HIS JOB he’s FUNNY he’s COMPLICATED he’s GROWN fuck i love him and i love christopher and yeah, whatever happens between them relationship wise I’d be happy bc they are a really good portrayal of a healthy male friendship which media needs more of!! however bro some of those moments hhhh they need to be EXPLAINED!! what is the explanation!!
5. the minor characters yes every single one of them is so strong and every single one i wish we could see more of! luckily it looks like may grant will be more of a regular next season bc she works in dispatch it seems, and albert also seems to be in more so !! here’s hoping!
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I have friends on Wtfock team and one thing they always told me is - I understand your point on not wanting any plot (on this case Sobbe to move in together) but the thing here is even if the whole purpose of the show is being realistic you all are forgetting that Wtfock still is a show!!! And not just a show a remake!!! Wtfock always try to follow OG soul plots....Now that said I can add any other Evak couple that has move in together the money, situation or age wasn't really a issue not for the characters and not for production they all make it "make sense" and honestly wouldn't mind this plot if s4 people don't touch them and the writing is ok.
similar anon: I think Skam fans forget that even with all the realism Skam keeps being a show, so the people putting so much discussion on the is not realistic part of it is just dumb plus if they want they can make any plot make sense an even the fans wanting it with a little bit of good writing and this s5 been the last, Sobbe move in together make total sense.
similar anon: When are ppl gonna leave OG outta these discussions? OG started this. Whatever great choice, questionable choice or bad choices they made, we watched them for the 1st time there (if u watched it live or it was ur intro to skam) and processed those decisions differently, or at least ppl should bc unlike the remakes OG didnt get to do things over after seeing its own reception and feed back. So in the case of Robbe moving out: it doesn't seem to make sense for him, but wtfock still might do it
similar anon: The Sobbe leaks are giving me an ill feeling like they're gonna spoil Sobbe for us --- I would absolute go bonkers if they create that jealousy drama with Sander moving out with his buds and Robbe feeling left out and that is the only thing we see and they end by oh they move in together in the end ...I'm gonna ..I'm gonna.. IF they don't show them in a stable relationship NOW then What the fuck really ??????S4 spoiled wtfock now if S5 spoils Sobbe I'd die and I'm so dead serious. I'd die .
My thoughts after the cut
Alright no need to die or get in a huff friends it’s a show at the end of the day. Now I can only say it so many times I am vehemently against the Sobbe moving in plot I am pretty much against it in every remake but at least in OG it has some contextualization. Also you do realize we just witnessed what moving in together did to Zoenne? It literally broke them up. Also I know its a show but its also a show targeted and marketed to teenagers and I think promoting a legal child moving in with his boyfriend is not a worthwhile pursuit imo. We have had enough bad decisions in s4 so lets not pile on. We don’t need 17 year olds getting any ideas that moving in together with their SO is cute and everyone ends up happy because it’s not cute and that almost never happens. But if we want to live out our fantasies in a Nicholas Sparks novel then sure... go for it, I am not stopping you. Go ham and head canon your life away. I just don’t want too and have no interest in that plot line but will it probably happen? Probably, its wtfock we are talking about here. You know what would be super romantic if for some reason Sander found some cute apartment(maybe a family hand me down thats empty) and tells Robbe at the end of the season when he turns 18 he can decide if he wants it to be their home and they leave it open ended because it shows that Sander sees forever with them but its also about waiting for the right moment. Now thats some soulmate shit. So as I said before let’s agree to disagree because I don’t think either side is going to sway the other. Also to anon with a friend on the wtfock team I take everything they say with a pinch of salt because during s4 they were all like “We know some people are gonna get offended with s4 but it will all work out”. Well it didn’t, and now when they look back at the season they are all like “ok so maybe on rewatch its not the best decision we made”. So wtfock’s word means peanuts.
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