#and we convinced them to go on a holiday and now they're on a plane to italy with my uncle :') it was their dream to see rome
yohankang · 11 months
not to be emotional on main but my granparents are on their first ever trip abroad they could afford on their own and they sent me a picture from the airport and okay maybe i am emotional
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Aroura Borealis - König x reader - Part 1
Series master post- Read on Ao3
This is a multichapter fic so just to clarify, not all of these tags apply to this chapter (in fact, almost none of them do) but I do want to give people a heads up of what they're getting into, especially because this is a lot darker than my usual writing.
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Warnings/Tags: Fem!reader, eldritch!König, kidnapping, manipulation, gaslighting, violence, minor character death, end of the world, apocalypse/post-apocalypse, potential dub/non con. Dead dove, do not eat. It may not seem like it now but you've been warned. Based on/inspired by the Lemon Demon song by the same name. Alt summery: your boyfriend turns out to be an immortal being beyond your possible comprehension, but all he really cares about is making sure you're safe through the end of the world. /j but not really.
“Let’s take a month-long impromptu vacation we can’t afford to the Canadian Northern Territories.” Your boyfriend said.
“It’ll be fun,” He said.
You shouldn’t have agreed to this. You should’ve raised more questions at König’s sudden insistence to take a holiday.
But no, you’d let him bring you out here. You’d let him pack way too much for this trip. You’d let him convince you that he had the money for it. You’d let him take you somewhere so remote that you had to fly in to the closest “town” (town being a strong word for the small collection of buildings he’d shown you on google maps) on a bush plane, just to get some guy König knew from the military who knew the area to drive you up to the place you’d be staying. You let him do all of it. You’d pushed past your unease and just tried to enjoy yourself for once. And for a brief moment, everything had been fine. König had been right, you were just being weird about it.
The area was beautiful. The town was the only civilization for miles, and it was situated on the northern bank of a large, frozen river and surrounded from all other directions by boreal forest and rising mountains. 
The buildings were a charming hodgepodge of styles, sizes, and colors. The rural, unplanned community was so different from the cookie cutter suburbs and high density urban areas you were used to.
The ground was covered in dense layers of snow- packed down into makeshift trails where people would walk from building to building or towards the tree line. The wind whipped across the flat, icy plane of the river, gathering speed and picking up tiny bits of snow and ice so when it hit your skin, it felt like a thousand tiny pinpricks all at once. 
The people you met were lovely too. There was a small general goods type store towards the center of the town that König had directed you to go wait and warm up in while he talked to the guy he’d known from up here, and the elderly couple who ran it were sweet as could be. You’d bought a few basics for dinner and a cheesy little souvenir keychain from them. Not necessarily because you needed it, but because the couple who ran the store were as sweet as could be.
You chatted with the woman as she rang up your items, telling her about how König had decided to bring the two of you up here and listening when she tells you how during the summer, the cabins on the mountain side are rented out regularly for vacations, but that she’d never seen the owner rent one out during the offseason.
“Strange young man, that one.” She mutters, shaking her head and looking out the window at the man talking with König before turning back to the small register and punching in the code for a can of chili. “He’s lived up here for god knows how long and I hardly see him. Never heard him say more than a few words or take off that mask and sunglasses either.”
You frown, watching the König and the man talk outside for a moment. 
It wasn’t snowing at the moment- although the locals had assured you that you’d probably be sick of the snow by the time you left- and König and the other man stood stiffly facing each other. König had his hands stuffed deep in his pockets and wore a tense expression towards the other that didn’t quite fit the narrative of “old military friend” he’d given you. The other guy seemed much less on edge- as he was leaning against the side of the bed of what you assumed to be his truck with his arms crossed loosely over his chest. He was shorter than König and wore a fabric face mask, hat, and reflective sunglasses like the ones you’d see at outdoor stores like REI or Bass Pro Shop.
König was wearing a face covering of sorts too- as was typical for him. You knew that, on the field, he almost always wore a sniper hood (he liked to keep his work separate from you- he tried not to let you see him in full gear or anything of the sort, but as far as you were concerned, the “sniper hood” looked like an old T-shirt with eye holes). But in public, it was usually just a disposable face mask. The cold had given him an excuse to switch it up a bit though, and he’d taken to wearing a hat and scarf- with one of the scarve’s loops done loose enough that it could be lifted up and over his nose and ears to cover the bottom of his face.
The two painted a stark contrast, with König wearing carefully chosen sets of layers under his windbreaker and snow pants and looking like someone properly dressed for the weather, with the other man wearing a dark leather bomber style jacket over what looked like no more than a sweater underneath.
It reminded you a bit of when you’d see how people from warmer places would dress for the cold as opposed to people from those areas- and you’d never admit it to König, but you did find it a bit funny.
König’s friends have always been a bit odd. The face covering isn't the most out of place thing you’ve seen among them. König, himself in fact, could probably be considered a bit odd. You’ve always just chalked it up to his military career.
Once the woman had rang up your things, you bid her farewell with a smile and promised to stop by again before you headed back home.
König had made quite a fuss about your purchases when you came back out, asking why you took so long and insisting that the cabin would already have everything you needed in it, and that there was no need for “backup canned chili”, as he called it.
He had seemed nearly glued to your side that day, always keeping you close by with a protective hand somewhere on you or directing you exactly where to wait for him as he sorted out issues. Hence, you being told to wait inside the store.
After finishing with his lecture on the backup chili, König sighed and took your hand, telling you to come meet the friend he’d told you about.
He starts to lead you toward the man and his truck, and as you get closer, you can see a heavy duty set of snow chains in the vehicle’s tires. When you get close to the man, König stops, pulling you tight against his side by your waist, introducing the man to you as Horangi.
For a moment, the man was silent. Simply looking you up and down before turning his head back to König.
“This is her?” He asked, not giving you so much as a second look.
You can’t see it, but you hear the rustling of his clothes as König nods his head in response. The exchange filled you with a mix of embarrassment at being spoken about like you weren’t present and awkwardness at the palpable tension between König and Horiangi.
Another second of silence passes and Horiangi gives you another look before stuffing his hand in his pocket and pulling out his keys.
“Alright. Get in.” He says, apathy audible in his tone. He pushes himself upright from where he’d been leaning against the side of his truck and turns around, walking around toward the driver's side without another word or glance.
The whole exchange had struck you as odd, but König simply patted your back, directing you towards the passenger door.
“Sorry, Schatz. He doesn’t get out much.” He says, giving you an apologetic smile before opening the passenger door of the truck and folding down the passenger seat.
You hold back a groan at the sight of a jump seat, knowing that you’ll be stuck in the undoubtedly cramped back seat for however long the drive is. You weren’t quite sure where you were expecting to sit, as the truck only even had two doors- and König certainly wouldn’t be the one climbing into the back, but the sight of the tiny, low to the ground bench seat was enough to make your legs ache just thinking about it.
You step one foot up onto the floor of the truck, using it as a step so you can squeeze through the small space left by the folded down front seat to get into the back.
You try your best to do so gracefully and not fall face first into the back, but König resting his hand on your lower back to steady you (and not at all just so he could slide his hand down towards your ass) startles you and makes you lose your footing, leaving you to slide into the back and land on your knees with a soft “oof” sound.
You shot König a small glare, not missing the smirk he fails to keep hidden- even with the scarf covering half his face.
Once you’re situated in the backseat with your seat belt buckled and your backpack handed to you, König sits the front seat back up, and you find yourself crammed into a space that’s really only meant to hold children. Leg room as a concept is nonexistent. The seat is only half a foot or so off the truck floor and there’s barely enough room for you to sit with your feet flat.
The drive had been long and quiet, but not uncomfortably so. Horangi seemed comfortable to focus on driving, navigating the snow covered roads expertly even as they wound and doubled back on themselves, and you were happy to just enjoy the scenery, watching through the window as spruce, firs, and pine trees- all with their beaches sitting heavy from the weight of snow- pass by.
Your legs ached to be stretched after sitting in such an uncomfortable position and you’d found yourself beginning to doze off during the drive. Not quite falling asleep, but leaning your head against the window frame and letting your eyes glaze over. The flight had taken a toll on you - flights, actually. Plural. Because first there was one just to get to Yellowknife, then there was another on a bush plane to actually get to the area. And the jet lag was, frankly, a bitch. 
You were jerked out of your daze when the truck stopped and König reached back, using the shoulder of the driver's seat to brace himself, and you felt his hand envelop your shoulder as he gently shook you awake.
“Schatz, we’re here.” 
You let out a groan, sitting up and waiting for König to fold forward his seat so you could get out. 
Horangi had opened his door and gotten out the moment the car stopped, jerking the parking brake up and putting the car in park before yanking out his keys and tossing them in the cup holder, not bothering to take them with him. You stared at the keys for a moment, brow furrowing.
It was easily explainable enough. You were in the middle of nowhere, there was likely no one but you three for miles. But even then, Horangi leaving his keys in his truck made you do a double take. 
Most people would’ve slipped them in their pocket out of habit at least- but maybe your and König’s presence was simply disruptive. It was clear that Horangi either wasn’t in the mood for other people, or König calling them two “friends” had been a stretch… or maybe it was you. You wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to be a third wheel.
Regardless, you got the sense that Horangi wanted to get the two of you settled as fast as possible, even if for no reason other than to get you out of his hair.
When König folded the front passenger seat down, you first helped to hand forward the stuff that’d been put in the backseat with you for the drive before climbing out- nearly falling on your face in the process, courtesy the burning in your legs from the cramped space.
Outside of the truck, you caught your balance and looked around. Horangi was nowhere in sight and König was already moving away from the car, walking towards a narrow path that cut through the conifers. You took it as a sign to follow, reaching down to pick up two bags from where they sat in the snow.
The area where the road ended was densely wooded with spruces and firs, and the fluffy snow that blanketed the ground was undisturbed aside from your little trios’ footprints and the truck’s tire tracks.
It was cold, but König had apparently known what he was doing as far as getting winter gear for you, because the temperature was manageable, despite the wind burning your face whenever you made the mistake of looking into it.
You’d hardly had the chance to take two steps before the bags you were carrying were plucked out of your hands, making you jump and yelp as you turn to see Horangi beside you.
You hadn’t heard him approaching- a feat considering how loudly the snow would crunch as anyone walked across it. You stood frozen for a moment, watching as he took the bags from you with no more than a grunt. 
“You startled me-“ you said, trying to keep a stutter from your voice. “I didn’t hear you coming.”
“People usually don’t.” Horangi says, not giving you another look or a chance to respond before he starts down the trail.
You’re left standing there, staring at the space Horangi had disappeared to. The odd response left you drawing a blank.
You were really starting to think he didn’t like you… either that, or maybe you still weren’t used to the weirdness that came with König’s friends.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
sorry, i'm confused - i thought misha was going to appear in tonight's episode? did i misunderstand?
You did, since I explicitly said a bajillion times not to count on it.
Episodes 7-8 had film shuffle, director shuffle, and more.
*furthermore* though I must be incredibly fucking vague about this, episodes 12-13 are doing the same.
People need to stop relying on rigid rules they taught themselves as Facts Of Life rather than Facts Of An Old Inflexible Studio that old SPN was under.
For example, the clowns and circus shit that people attached to being about the finale, because of that 40-minute-in comment from *SPEIGHT* about shooting things for the *finale*, not midseason.
So unless he's directing 12/13 too, even parts of 7's filming-- WHICH I REMIND LASTED TWICE AS LONG AS IT SHOULD HAVE--could end up seeded into like 8-10.
I repeat: they're doing this right now for the finale, the same as they did it for midseason. Things you hear are episode 12 or 13 are gonna wipe you out if you don't know how to flex and read.
Remember the director listing mixup, for example, think about Showalter's position in reshoots; think about how high key this episode was (and most of all watch what I drop tomorrow. All of it. At once. Like a movie. An hour and a half of the key.). Think about us coming back from hiatus to a 2 hour special bundling the midseason episodes.
Stop being rigid ass thinkers. Nobody convinced you that this shit is shooting perfectly straight through in an orderly episodic feature but you. Dig around inside your skull all you want for evidence of it, and it is not to be found.
You know who else got active during "7" filming, which we should really call "midseason filming"? Jared. When Speight popped in, he followed Sam. Meanwhile planes were flying around landing in private hangars I've got dropped for you. Everybody followed everybody during this period suddenly, or those that weren't followed early on.
What this means is anything that didn't go into episode 7 is *likely* to go to 8 but can be posted out as far as like, 9. 8 is more likely, 9 is possible.
But this is the last episode to air until January. Right now they're filming like 12.5 the same as 7.5. That means from this very moment until then, post has nothing but time on its hands to manage footage. And I need you to keep in mind I'm in the midst of uploading my own 334 master key to the winchesters codex by tomorrow afternoon. Again, watch it.
So eps 8-12 are going to be sitting plonked in post with eps 8-12.5 filmed, and the others able to giggle at any point and pack in filming the rest on the side, if they be not doing that already now or before holiday.
Result: starting 12/7/2022, until Jan 24 2023, the show takes holiday. About one week will be there for post. They also tend to resume office operations a few weeks earlier than studio, meaning 2-3 weeks ahead for them to putz with whatever they want.
Due to normal curve, they already had 8 in post, that much I know. I saw a pinch of 7's post a few weeks back. So this 2-3 weeks is them putzing what to do with 8-12.5's footage in episode 8, then forward into 9 etc. By then, episode 13 will be thoroughly wrapped but in a locked down and secretive way.
Can't emphasize enough how many times I said, don't hold ur breath for ep 7, 8's just as likely, much less anywhere else they jockey it.
And most of all just. Please by god if you never watch another video of mine watch the one I drop tomorrow. I currently have it down to about 15 more minutes of footage I need to figur out how/where/if to trim in on the mastertrack, then from there it's all exports, test runs to make sure I didn't screw up, most exports, uploads, and waiting 18 years for youtube to process the HD tomorrow, hence saying Weds night. Frankly I should be done with all but glitch tweaks in a bit. About 1-2 more hours editing, then I slep while it exports, lather rinse repeat lmfao.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Flowers in The Night Sky Bakugou // 2.6k words
Deku somehow convinced Aizawa to let 1A host a new years party on the beach. Leading everyone to help out to set things up, though throughout the day and into the night. A certain blonde classmate has been missing.
AAAAAAAAAA this wasn't my best work, but hey, I wrote this on the plane so... It is highly unedited. I hope you guys enjoy this regardless. Happy New Year's, happy holidays, Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it! Stay safe, wear your masks even if you've gotten vaccinated, be careful, and stay happy this holliday season. To those going to school soon (esp my Indonesian readers), good luck!
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"Satou this is so much sweets!" Uraraka yelled seeing the array of pastries and desserts all placed beautifully on one specific circular table.
"Well, class 1B and the other classes are coming over as well, we don't know their taste in desserts, it's better to have an array of choices." Momo chuckled patting Uraraka's back as she stared flabbergasted at the colourful sweets.
"I still can't believe that damn nerd somehow convinced Aizawa to let us do this." Bakugou, for once, didn't sound very angry.
The two girls smiled at him softly, noting how it must've been the holiday spirit that brought him to a joyous mood. After all, even the roughest and scowling people were moved by the new year.
From the corner of Momo's eyes, she could see Denki haphazardly trying to put on fairy lights on one of the palm trees. Quickly running over towards him just in time for him to fall, making a trampoline right below him.
"Have you seen Y/n?" Bakugou spoke towards Uraraka.
"I think they're helping Midoriya and Iida unpack the food from the car, either that or helping Kirishima set up the barbecue. Why-"
Before she even finished what she was saying he was already gone. Causing the shorter girl to sigh and chuckle to herself. The blonde boy's crush was a little too evident. How no one else saw it, especially you was a mystery she could never solve.
In the meantime, you were indeed helping Kirishima with the barbecue. Setting it up on the beach, Deku somehow convinced Aizawa to let them have a New Year's party on, was difficult. Due to the unstable ground and overall windy weather.
"Thanks for helping me out but are you sure you don't want to go with the rest and swim?" Kirishima spoke just as you were unloading the cooler filled with frozen meat from one of the cars.
You shrugged at his question, "Nah I'd rather get this set up before sundown."
Which sounded like a possible statement a couple of hours ago. But after a lot of relaxation and not setting things up, the sun was setting much quicker than they had anticipated. Thus resulting in haphazardly setting stuff up (Read; Denki).
But it was all in good fun. The entire class was having fun setting random decorations up. Plating random foods and desserts that were, thankfully, not damaged on the way here. Everyone was having the time of their lives.
Maybe except Aizawa, one look towards him and you could sense the stress radiating off of him, looking at his students. You wanted to laugh if he didn't look like he'd scold you for it if he noticed.
"Ok, now that this is done, what's next?!" You exclaimed loudly with a huff of air.
Dusting your hands and the outer layers of clothes you placed on top of your swimsuit from sand and dust.
"Nahhh I think our job's done, Midoriya and Iida over there got the food all unpacked, I think Denki and Momo got the decor."
"And Mina Jirou has the music, wonder who's going to be the DJ?"
"Obviously me!!!"
Both you and Kirishima's heads whipped towards the direction of the yell. Only to see Denki holding onto a palm tree, very, very high up.
"Do you think he'll be fine?" You asked watching your classmate tangle the tree in lights.
"Eh, he'll live if he falls."
The rest of the time went by very quickly. With everyone working together everything went smoothly and all the decorating, food, entertainment, and music were set up before the rest of the guests came.
You helped around here and there, whether that was with Aoyama to decorate, or Hagakure with putting up the beach towels. Yet, you haven't seen a specific explosive boy.
You shrugged it off, thinking he was just busy with other things. After all, he was assigned to start the barbecue later on. So when everyone started to fill in, you didn't wonder where he was.
Not until the sun had fully set and Tokoyami had called you to join the barbecue. Only to see Ojiro behind the grill, Sero handing him the frozen meats.
"Looking for a certain spiky-haired boy?" Mina's sudden question caught you completely off guard. Causing you to jump slightly before chuckling awkwardly.
"Well have you seen him around? I didn't expect him to let anyone else make the food."
The two of you chuckled remembering the first time class 1A tried cooking food. Only for Bakugou to yell at everyone cause they were doing things wrong.
"He was acting rather odd before," Shoto hummed from beside you.
Looking around one more time you wondered once again where he had gone to. All of the guests had arrived, and it was already late into the afternoon. Shinso was being dragged around by Denki whilst Tetsutetsu and Kirishima sparred jokingly. You almost laughed out loud when you saw Mineta creeping on some supporting class girls, only to get beat up by them.
It was a refreshing sight. For once most of the classes were joined together to celebrate something instead of competing for something. There wasn't any controlling rivalry around. All of you were just excited to have fun.
Though, again, it would've been better if the one person you were looking forward to seeing the fireworks with wasn't missing. Shouji, Deku, and, Kouda volunteered to set up a firework show once it hit midnight. You wanted to see it with Bakugou. Maybe even confess something you've been holding up.
After all, it was the perfect setting. Even if he was to reject you, you'd be able to move on pretty easily with the party. And yet, he was missing.
The growing worry that he might've decided to skip the new year celebrations in exchange for a good night's sleep slowly crept to you as the celebrations went on. It was a joyous night and yet here you were worried about a boy. That worry would've grown and ate at you from the inside if not for Deku who suddenly asked you to check out one of the fireworks on a secluded part of the beach.
You had your suspicion at his request, he seemed too nervous. Not to mention Uraraka side-eyeing you from where she was conversing with Mina. But seeing as how you were the only person who wasn't eating or talking to anyone you agreed. Missing the way Deku let out a sigh of relief.
Before going you looked at your watch, it was already 11.30pm, you'd have to hurry if you wanted to watch the fireworks with everyone else. Perhaps that was why Deku seemed nervous, it was almost time for the show and yet something might go wrong.
Walking to the area Deku had instructed you to go to. The music and people's chatter slowly started to fade away. Leaving you with the soft sounds of ocean waves and the subtle moonlight to accompany you. You slightly shiver and the cold, though you'd be lying if you said the quiet wasn't calming.
Deku had mentioned that there was a big red x drawn on the sand where the firework was supposed to be. From afar, you could see the x, though the firework was nowhere to be seen. Was this what Deku meant?
Walking over to the red x you used your phone flashlight to make sure it didn't get tipped over and carried by the wind somewhere. After inspecting the area you cursed to yourself.
What were you supposed to tell Deku now? Someone stole the fireworks?! Was this specific firework important to the show? Was this the fuse?
"I could hear you overthinking things again." You quickly moved your phone's flashlight towards the voice, completely surprised by it.
A relieved sigh left you when you noticed it was Bakugou all along.
"Jesus you scared the living crap out of me, where were you this entire time?" You exclaimed, sneaking a glance at the time on your watch.
Suppressing the urge to curse at yourself again. You took too long inspecting the area that it was 11.55 now, there was no way you'd make it in time to celebrate it with the rest.
"What are you doing here anyway?" The situation finally registered in your head.
It was odd that Bakugou was nowhere to be seen. Only to appear in the spot Deku instructed you to go to check the fireworks. Why would he be here?
"It doesn't matter, you probably won't make it back in time for the show, so just stay here."
You squinted your eyes at him, if there was more light you swore Bakugou was blushing a bit.
"Then what are you doing so far away?!" You questioned chuckling slightly seeing as how he was at quite the distance behind beside where you were standing.
You swore he looked even more flustered at your question. You were about to tease him about it when a sudden boom caught your attention.
Your head quickly whipped back towards the shoreline, watching the fireworks suddenly decorate the sky. Your lips twitched to a large smile.
The fireworks distracted you enough to not notice Bakugou making his way over towards you. Until he was standing right beside you.
"They almost look like blooming flowers." You mused, mostly to yourself.
Not paying attention to the way Bakugou's eyes were staring at you. Completely enamoured by the way your features were lit up with the light from fireworks.
"Hey, Bakugou, I want to tell you something," You started turning towards him.
Only to stop what you were about to say when you faced him. Your eyes met with one another and suddenly the entire world seemed to disappear. The sounds of exploding fireworks seemed so distant, the crashing of waves suddenly silent.
The two of you stared at one another for a few more moments. Before you saw Bakugou swallowed thickly, then slowly closing the distance between the two of you. Your breath hitched against your throat as he moved even closer.
Your lips were so close together that you practically could feel his breath against your skin. Deciding to take the final step you smashed your lips against his. Closing your eyes tightly, not wanting to see his shocked expression.
He froze for a moment before realization set in and he kissed back.
When you both pulled away, a large smile decorated your features. Laughing loudly at the bright red on Bakugou's cheeks.
"Goddamnit! Why'd you do that idiot?!"
For a second, ice ran through your veins. What did he mean? Did he not want you to kiss him? But he sent so many signals.
"I can already tell you're overthinking," He huffed out, clearly frustrated, "I had this whole shit planned out and you just had to ruin it!"
You were now completely confused. That was until he pulled out what he was hiding behind his back this entire time. A bouquet of beautiful flowers.
"I was supposed to be the one to make a comment about the fireworks looking like flowers, then give you these damn flowers!"
You laughed even louder hearing his explanation. Seeing the large flustered scowl on his face.
"So that was the reason you were gone this entire time??"
It wasn't even a question, you knew this was why he was gone this entire time. It surprised you that Deku seemed to go with the plan. Thinking back to how nervous he was, he probably got threatened to get you to this spot.
You took the bouquet from his hands and gave him a sincere smile after taking a whiff of the amazing smelling plants. His eyes widened at the sight. You truly did look too good for this world.
"Ow stop pushing!"
"Shush he's going to hear us."
"Tell that to Sero he won't stop pushing me."
"You're the one pushing me!"
"Both of you have to quiet down, Bakugou is going through a romantic moment and we cannot ruin it for our classmate!"
You and Bakugou immediately looked in the direction of Momo's, Denki's, Sero's, and Iida's voices. Only for a bunch of your classmates to tumble out of their hiding spots behind a couple packed palm trees. Denki and Sero wrestled with each other as they tried to push one another.
"You damn nerds were watching this whole time?!?!?!"
Suddenly all their heads whipped towards Bakugou's direction. All of their eyes widened as they realized. They were caught.
"URARAKA WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD US!" Sero quickly yelled before sprinting away.
"Really?" Bakugou spoke, almost menacingly, his hands already sparking.
"MIDORIYA TOLD SHOTO!" Uraraka quickly yelled out before also running away.
Bakugou's attention then quickly was directed back at Deku who slowly walked backwards as he walked closer to him. The tension broke when Deku took off running, only for Bakugou to yell at him and chase after him as well.
You laughed loudly seeing the two run around. All the while you clutched the bouquet close to your chest.
"How did you know the plan?" You asked Jirou as the group sat down on the sand around the area, watching the leftover fireworks.
"Bakugou only told Midoriya and Uraraka, so it just kind of spread from the people they told," she shrugged.
You sat down with her and looked around the area, noticing a single person missing.
"Wait where's Mineta?"
"I believe he's still getting beaten up by the supporting class's girls."
You rolled your eyes and Tokoyami's statement. Wondering how someone could be as openly perverted as Mineta.
"Are you sure you guys don't want to join the party?" You questioned everyone in general once Bakugou stopped chasing Deku.
"The party was fun, but it's nice to have some quiet you know? Just some time to relax." Hagakure hummed out.
"New year, more troubles."
You heard Tsuyu speak, causing most of the students to chuckle out. It was true though. Whilst a new year means new beginnings and new opportunities. It also means a new year filled with hectic training, dangerous encounters with the LOV, and tiring schoolwork.
Bakugou took a seat on the sand beside you. Leaning just enough to the side to touch shoulders with you.
"When this is all over with, it'll be worth it." You stated, excited for the time all of your closest friends in the class would rise up as the new generation of heroes.
This new year seemed more bittersweet than the last times. The year had been filled with so much more trouble than you thought was possible. So many injuries and bad memories plaguing the months.
But on the other hand, there were so many highs. From the rescue of Eri, the little girl who didn't deserve all the things done to her, to the more light-hearted times like the Christmas celebration. Or even the more competitive beginnings of 1A, like the sports festival event.
And finally, there was the highlight of the year. The knowledge of your crush likes you back. You smiled to yourself, turning your head to look at the boy beside you.
He must've noticed a pair of eyes watching him as he also turned towards you.
You chuckled, "Nothing, I just like you a lot Bakugou."
The statement caught him completely off guard. His face once again, adorning a deep red hue.
"I like you too dumbass." He spoke just above a whisper.
Turning back to look at the last of the fireworks. You smiled once again and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Happy New year."
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Can you tell I tried to involve all the students? At first I wanted to make this just a whole party without the pairings. But tbh I just wanted to write flustered Bakugou. I hope you guys enjoyed this! I might have some more New Years themed fics on its way for all the fandoms I write for.
But I have to finish them and y'all know how lazy I can get with shit like these soooooo no promises!!!
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jimalim · 3 years
Prompt (if you’re still taking them) inspired by something in one of your other fics: Dot and Rachel’s bet on how long it’ll take Leah and fatin to kill each other turns into how long it’ll take them to get together
Hello!!!! Firstly, so sorry it took so long to get around to this! I wanted to finish my multi chapter fic before moving on to any new writing. (I'm working on another multichap next which has to be fully written before I post, so this might be the last published thing I get to in a while.) Second, I hope you don't mind I combined this with my fourth of July prompt for my holiday drabble series! I'll be posting it there on ao3, but under the cut here. Hope you enjoy!!
It happens on July 4th.
What started out as a bet on day two, gambling over who would kill each other first, Leah or Fatin, slowly morphed into a new kind of bartering.
It was Toni who suggested the idea in the first place, quietly whispering to Dot, offering up the only form of currency she had on the island: her labor.
At first Dot shrugged it off. Her mind too busy on figuring out how they're going to survive. Scolding Toni that she should be helping out regardless-if she wanted to live.
By the end of day six, Dot was on board. "It's clear we're gonna be here for a while. Might as well entertain myself." Plus seeing the two of them physically go at it certainly helped, seeing the validity in Toni’s observation.
And even quicker than Dot changed her mind about the bet, it was made clear neither of them was going to win.
Toni notices it first. The way Leah's voice cracks "we have to find her," combined with the terrified look on her face. It was clear. This bitch was in love. Been there, felt that.
They change the terms of the original bet from a threat of death, to how long it takes for them to hook up. At this rate, it could be by the end of the day. (For a moment Toni thinks it might be simply by the way they tenderly hug back at camp.)
They keep having to change their deadlines as the days pass and nothing concrete has happened.
Toni keeps a watchful eye on the two of them on day sixteen-the day they all get high off the weed gummies Martha finds hidden in Jeanette’s bag. While she may have been distracted by her own glee upon seeing the plane fly overhead, she still noticed the way Fatin flung herself around Leah. Saw how she clung to Leah’s body for much longer than any of the others in their own embraces. She thinks she’s gonna win when Leah lies down in Fatin’s lap. Unfortunately, the moment passes, just like the date. And they’re back to the drawing board picking new deadlines.
Dot knows it the last thing that should be on her mind right now, with Leah on the brink, but for a second, she thinks she might win. Convinced Fatin is gonna kiss her right there on the beach. Day twenty-two. Rachel having saved Leah from certain death, Fatin holding Leah in her arms, her face dripping with more concern than Leah is wet. There is a kiss, to the temple, long after Leah passes out. Toni tells her it doesn’t count.
It goes on like this for another week.
Fatin and Leah now attached at the hip. The opportunities piling up so high, they’ve lost track. Dot finds herself purposely egging Fatin on when she jokes, trying to push her in the direction of the girl that’s almost always in her lap. Toni claims she’s cheating but interferes in her own way any chance she gets. It's an unspoken rivalry that clouds every thing they do these days.
“It’s the fourth of July.” Nora addresses the camp first thing in the morning. Having kept track of the days in her journal. Today is the first real event they’re missing-stranded from normal life.
“Yeah, we don’t exactly celebrate colonizer holidays.” Toni bluntly replies speaking for Martha, who was sitting next to her, as well.
“I love the 4th!” Leah nearly moans, Toni gives her a dirty look. “Not for like the holiday or whatever,” she clarifies, “I just really fucking love fireworks.”
Dot chimes in with agreement and they begin eagerly talking about their favorite kinds, the sparkly shower ones, the ones that make the fun crackle noise, the corkscrew ones that fly extra high!
“So-we don’t celebrate the crusty genocidal white men, but we should do something.” Rachel suggests despite not having any idea to offer.
Shelby asks Martha to tell them about Ojibwe traditions instead, to which Martha happily obliges! She even teaches the girls some traditional dance moves, and Toni plays a makeshift drum to keep them on beat. Toni is so enamored by Shelby, and her willingness to learn about Martha’s culture. She doesn’t even notice Fatin whispering to Dot back by the fire.
Dot grins as she hands over the lighter to Fatin, she’s so giddy that she might actually finally win this bet, she doesn’t even preemptively chastise her about losing it. She throws a wink Toni’s way when she finally looks over and sees Fatin and Leah walking off into the woods. Toni is instantly on high alert.
Fatin leads Leah to a small clearing in the trees where she snuck off earlier in the day to make a bed out of palm fronds.
“What’s all this?” Leah asks, happily yet confused.
“Well,” Fatin steps closer and takes Leah’s hands in her own. “I know you’re upset about not being able to see any fireworks. But I thought we could lay here and watch the stars since it’s the next best thing.”
Leah smiles fondly and lets out a soft chuckle. “That sounds perfect.”
They sit down on the makeshift bed, but Fatin catches Leah’s arm before she lays down fully, “Another thing.” She begins as she reaches for the pile of weeds she picked earlier. She’s not sure what they are, but they resemble cattails. Long and fluffy, but with more branching limbs. She hands one to Leah and pulls out the lighter Dot lent her. “So I know this is silly,” Fatin begins as she lights the top of the weed. The flame spreads through the small stems, crackling the slightest, and little bright flares as it covers every fluffy end. “But pretend it’s a sparkler.”
Leah watches with awe, despite it just being a small flame. It’s the sentiment that counts, and Leah is enamored.
They light a couple more, but then make sure to carefully stamp out every last burning ember. “God imagine if we burn down the forest. Dot would kill you.”
“Us.” Fatin stresses. It may have been her idea, but it was all to impress Leah in the first place. She’s still implicated whether she likes it or not.
Leah lays down with her hands behind her head. Fatin joins her, curling up against Leah’s side. Head on her chest, with an arm wrapped around her waist. Leah quickly repositions her own arms so she’s cradling Fatin against her. They lay in a comfortable silence, watching the stars. It amazing how bright and clear the sky is out here. No light pollution drowning it out. It’s a sight that never fails to amaze Leah and take her breath away.
She stirs gently, running her hand up and down Fatin’s arm which elicits a soft hum from the tired girl. “When should we let them know? It’s been fun tormenting them, but I don’t know-” She pauses a moment to pick her words carefully. “It would be nice to get to do this at camp.”
Leah can feel Fatin nodding her head in agreement before she lifts it off Leah’s chest. “It would be nice, and to get to do this…” Fatin leans down and kisses Leah. “Whenever I want, which is pretty much all the damn time.” She kisses her again and Leah starts to giggle.
“Let’s tell them tonight. Later though. I want to take advantage of this privacy one more time.” Leah grins as she swiftly rolls them over. Fatin’s laughs get silenced by Leah’s lips on hers once again.
“That’s not fair you totally cheated! You knew what she was planning.” Toni yells to Dot when it’s revealed she let Fatin take the lighter to the woods.
“I didn’t do anything illegal per our terms. Fatin asked for a favor, I obliged. I didn’t directly interfere.” Dot defends.
Shelby, confused by the sudden outburst of fighting interjects, “Hold up. What is going on?”
“We made a bet, on how long it’d take for Fatin and Leah to hook up, and she’s mad I’m gonna win.” Dot points through Shelby toward Toni.
Shelby just turns around to look at Toni with a bit of disapproval.
“Actually, Nora won about three weeks ago.” A familiar raspy voice calls out from behind them all.
Everyone turning around to see Leah and Fatin having returned to camp. Hand in hand. Fatin stifling her laugh in Leah’s neck.
“Wait y’all had a bet going and didn’t include me? I’m the competitive one.” Rachel chimes in, mad her sister was included but not her.
“That’s exactly why we didn’t ask you.” Toni begins, further clarifying, “but it was just between me and Dot anyway, so technically Nora can’t win.”
“Win what?” Nora, who had been absent the past couple minutes, due to a bathroom break, questions.
“Hello, we’re just gonna sail past the fact that they knew this whole time? And they’ve been fucking with us?” Dot asks Toni incredulously.
“Oh my god this isn’t happening!” Toni groans in frustration, holding her head in her hands.
Everyone is on a different page and the chaos is too much.
Fatin claps her hands a few times to get everyone’s attention. “Alright, alright, listen up bitches. Firstly, yes, we knew about your bet, you’re not subtle at all. Second, regardless of who was a all involved in the official ranking, Nora was the first one to call it.”
“I thought they were already dating pre-island, I just assumed…” Nora quietly admits, trailing off. This makes Toni shake with frustration, a silent complaint through gritted teeth, and Shelby takes her hand to calm her down.
Fatin continues, “while no, we weren’t together back home. We did connect on day, which was it babe?” Fatin asks Leah. She remembers the events of the day but forgets the specific number. Leah whispers three, reminding her it was the first night they spent in the cave. “Right day three, and if I recall the terms of the bet were different back then, weren’t they?” Fatin scolds Dot and Toni, knowing full well back then the bet was about them killing each other. (They may have played a little into that one too.)
Dot opens her mouth to speak but Fatin cuts her off, “regardless, Nora won as if there was even a prize at stake anyway. Leah and I-” she cuddles in closer to the girl next to her, still holding her hand. “We’re like insanely in love so don’t you dare make a new bet about when we’ll break up or something stupid because that’s not gonna happen.” Fatin’s doesn’t even bother addressing the girls directly. Her eyes gazing lovingly into Leah’s the whole time. It makes the other girls squirm.
Leah forgets they’re even there and captures Fatin’s lips in a passionate kiss. The two quickly get lost in each other, and it’s not until Rachel loudly groans, they even remember they’re surrounded. “God, now there’s two of them. I can’t handle this.” Referring to the now two happy couples on the island, Fatin and Leah, and Shelby and Toni.
“Well, I for one am very happy for you!” Martha exclaims for the first time all night. She runs over and gives them a hug before returning to her log on the other side of the fire.
“Thank you Marty dear.” Fatin laughs, returning the hug tightly.
Leah directs them to sit down, and eventually all the other girls follow suit. There’s no more questioning after that. Fatin having firmly put that argument to rest. Toni still quietly grumbles at having no proper winner, but when Shelby lays her head on her shoulder and threads their fingers together the anger washes away.
Dot merely sticks her palm out waiting for Fatin to hand over the lighter. It takes a moment for Fatin to realize exactly what she’s wordlessly asking for, but then she drops the item in her hand, and before she can pull away too quickly, Dot has her hand wrapped around her own. “I really am happy for you.” Fatin smiles a thank you and Dot lets her go.
They all spend the rest of the evening playing games, truth or dare, never have I ever, even a few rounds of karaoke before they’re ready to crash.
“Today was a fun! We should celebrate more often.” Martha lazily grins, sleep mere minutes from taking over.
They all agree and Toni asks, “when’s the next holiday?”
“I mean, officially, Labor Day is in September.” Nora quietly offers.
“Oh fuck no!” Rachel yells. “We better be out of here by then.”
The girls all laugh in unison. They don’t allow themselves to think too hard about the terrifying reality. Refusing to leave this happy moment.
“Maybe we can just make it a weekly thing. To boost morale.” Dot offers. A good day off every now and then wouldn’t be the worst. Today went well, and they certainly all feel better after a day of comradery. It makes sense to build it into their schedule, a nice break after a long week of chores.
“As long as there’s no more bets.” Leah laughs.
Fatin bumps her shoulder. “Babe, don’t pretend like you didn’t have fun messing with them all this time.”
“I did, but you’ve gotta admit this is so much more fun.” She teases before kissing Fatin again. She laughs when she hears Rachel grumble, it’s exactly the reaction she was looking for.
“You did this.” Rachel points to both Toni and Dot, “I hope you’re happy.”
“Ahh, it sounds like we actually prolonged their secret.” Dot counters. “So, really we ended up saving you weeks of this.”
As the bickering continues, Leah and Fatin tune it out. They get lost in each other’s eyes once again and let the chaos around them ensue. The only words Leah hears are those coming from Fatin’s lips, “Happy 4th, I love you.”
Leah still sees fireworks that night.
Behind closed eyes.
Feeling the explosion rumble deep in her chest.
Every time Fatin’s lips fall on hers.
“I love you too.”
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