#and was like alright it's time to do a denki moodboard
umemiyan · 1 year
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best friends to lovers — singing loudly in the car with the windows down — knowing exactly what the other orders — laughing until 2am — bullying (affectionate) — video games and jam sessions
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˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ hands down by dashboard confessional
Hands down, this is the best day I can Ever remember, I'll always remember the sound Of the stereo, the dim of the soft lights The scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers And the time on the clock when we realized it's so late And this walk that we shared together
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cherriesradio · 3 years
tysm for the explanation bc im a dummy sjdjk,,, you’re soo nice 🥺 hopefully i did this right, please let me know if i did 😭
— my pronouns are she/her and im bisexual + demiromantic (also may or may not be questioning if im asexual, idk all these labels are kinda confusing and idk what’s right or wrong to use so im just rolling with it sjkdk)
— i’d say im pretty loud, sarcastic, chill but also outgoing <3 basically the mean (but not actually mean) short bisexual mom friend. i think im super stubborn, passionate, witty, funny and kind :)
— oooo my love languages have to be words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service
— what i look for is someone who’s kind, understanding, and supportive at most. i can be complete self around them at all times. probably someone who’s open minded, funny, spontaneously, protective, will make playlists for me, likes hugs <3 basically someone who’s kinda like me and relates to me :)
— i love to sing and dance! does napping count as a hobby? god i love watching trash tv and sometimes i draw and read and even write (key word: sometimes) ooh! And I love sending memes to my friends and MUSIC IS MY ENTIRE LIFE
— shit i have wayyy too many but probably my personality; mainly that i talk wayyyy too much and that nobody really cares about what i have to say. also im kind of bad with expressing my emotions and i hate being vulnerable bc i can’t open up 🤪
— you already know what i look like but just another thing I’d like to add~ I’m 4”10 so i really am the short mean (but not actually,,, most of the time anyway) bisexual <3 oh and I love animals sjdnk
hopefully i did this right! love u! <333 (also just to specify the fandom I’d like: bnha <3)
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The pink letters did NOT effect my moodboard choices
I was SO CLOSE to doing “show stopping number” from the guy who didn’t like musicals-
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Matchup: Sero
Dear Matt Stan, (I have no clue who Matt halt is lol)
Hi Matt! I hope your doing alright, been a bit before I could visit from the dorms, sorry. I miss you!
I still can’t believe we stuck, honestly. Little out of the blue, sorry!! Ya know that “opposition attract” thing? Yeah at some point I just. Did that religiously. And we’re pretty similar!!!
So, today Denki got his head stuck in a bucket. (Twice.) It’s like that guy in the show you were watching? I can’t remember the name but it’s the one you watched last Wednesday. (Wed-nes-day wed-nes-day wed-nes-day-)
So Bakugo’s threatening me with pour water all over this letter so I’m gonna go ahead and say what I was trying to get to! I adore you and can’t wait to spend however amount of my life with you!!!
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