#and was formed in supernovae before our planet was even a sparkle in a creator's eye
eimearkuopio ยท 11 days
Maybe the reason that monsters can be driven away by symbols of faith, but only wielded by the truly faithful, is that anyone who fully understands the symbols they believe in can use them to defang the monsters that were inside themselves all along; and having done so, they can help others. I was born with the gift of wielding a flaming sword; but for my love of humanity, I will steal the fire from the gods and use it to keep the children warm as they make their way back into the garden. I have blunted my sharp edges, except for one last knife that I hope only to use to cut away what seems to fester. I have crafted for myself a soft, caring skin, so that children will no longer need to choose between nourishment and security. We will do better going forward. I am sorry that I failed you. I am sorry that to build you a home, I first had to build you a prison. I love you all. Let's clean this mess up together.
#think about accident and substance#holy water#salt#iron#fire#blood#alchemy is about changing the substance in a way that alters the accident#we have learned how to do this for matter#but in learning to turn lead into gold#we also learned that the cost of the transformation is greater than the cost of the substance#it's better to mine for gold that's already there#in as ethical a fashion as we can#and to use that limited material resource for its true purpose#instead of adorning ourselves and claiming it signifies virtue#prosperity gospel is 100% the work of false prophets btw#love of money is the root of all evil#feed the poor so we don't have to eat the rich#render unto Caesar who has his place in a healthy ecosystem#everyone gets firsts before anyone gets seconds#we finally have enough to make that true#let's get to work#all the gold we as a species could ever need exists in the planet we live on#and was formed in supernovae before our planet was even a sparkle in a creator's eye#assuming the creator actually used the same rules the universe runs on during creation#i am becoming more and more enamoured of the idea of dinosaur bones having been left behind by God to teach us science#not because i think it's true#but because my theory has room for a creator but its foundation lies in the future or beyond a singularity#not in a past we cannot touch directly#blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe#but only if they know the difference between believing something and knowing it or understanding it
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