#and to be clear when I say 'potential implications' I don't necessarily mean anything earth-shattering
inversionimpulse · 5 months
There's something I kind of feel like I'm constantly going insane about.
紅, although it does not exclusively refer to the colour scarlet, is commonly associated with the Scarlet sisters in Touhou, EG in what's usually translated as "Scarlet Devil Mansion" (紅魔館) and "The Eternally Young Scarlet Moon" (永遠の紅い幼き月), and the two-part Japanese-English titles that Touhou is fond of usually implicitly translate it as "scarlet", EG in "紅色の境 ~ Scarlet Land" (where the English half of the title appears to be a translation of the Japanese half) or "紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" (where the English half appears to be a variation on/mutation of the Japanese half).
It's also the character used for the name Hong in Hong Meiling (紅美鈴). Meiling's family name is almost literally Scarlet.
But I think I've only ever seen fanworks play with even the smallest of the potential implications of that once or twice, which makes me feel like I'm clutching at straws, drawing a line between dots that everybody but me can see are not actually connected. But it's right there, right? I'm not going insane, right?
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