#and this will do as a high-level look at the whole blamed mess
joltning · 7 months
how I see them cooking
church: the worst fucking cook out of all of them. just absolute horrible blames everything on caboose puts things to 10000 degrees and is like ☹️why did it burn ☹️wtf. has never made an edible thing in his life.
tucker: pretty good I mean he’s not making anything gourmet but any time blue team has to cook real food he does it and has to ban church and caboose cause they fuck it up so bad. might have some questionable tastes tho so his personal food is a little fucked
caboose: surprisingly not that bad but makes a Mess. it’ll taste good but still have an eggshell in it and the whole room is covered in ingredients
tex: pretty normal. she doesn’t seem like a big cooking fan though she might just eat an onion for the hell of it
sarge: good. but put him on the grill NOW. he needs to grill Now. he probably has a homemade rub that tastes bomb. he probably puts it on everything though and the rest of the team is shouting at him for putting pepper on his ice cream or something
simmons: bare minimum. he can make instant food and basic meals but he wings it or looks up a recipe. I can imagine he chops vegetables pretty fast
grif: well versed in the art of comfort food. he doesn’t really like cooking bc it takes a long ass time but he’s a good ‘throw shit in a pot’ kind of guy. shit is probably fire. I see him doing it when stressed maybe.
donut: all talk. great baker great mixologist never get him near a stovetop because he is starting a grease fire. even when he does cook a good dish it only looks really nice and tastes mid
lopez: honestly I’m not sure. im thinking a lot of simple meals with not a lot of spices cause he can’t. taste. but he sees them add like salt after and he’s like Oh Ok So you don’t like it. and spices it the fuck up. honestly might be the best cook of them because of versatility. he just downloads a shit ton of recipes once and never again
doc: everyone gets this but the Worst fucking healthy options Ever. to an absurd level
kai: she keeps fucking making infused foods and leaving them out. simmons had a weed brownie it was an experience. she’d make those ‘battery acid’ tiktok drinks go into a sugar high and pass out
locus: every time they have a cookout he brings a huge pot of mashed potatoes and gravy. no one knows where he gets it or when he has the time to make it. no one asked him to bring food
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vivaciousofficiall · 1 year
3 Level Up Tips You Can Start Today!
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Hello ladies,
I’ve decided to share 3 level up tips that could really assist you on your self development journey.
These tips might sound different from your everyday tips but one thing i’ve learnt is that most people go for the easier tricks that just conceal rather than fix.
As a woman of high value you must be willing to go through the journey & not the low hanging fruit.
I am constantly learning new ways in which I can be better & of course help you be better too.
Enjoy :)
1. Inner work
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Before we get into skin care, working out & all that juicy stuff let’s talk about INNER WORK.
What is inner work?
Inner work is a process of taking control of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, habits & transforming into a better version of yourself.
The truth is you can buy all the charlotte tillbury you want but if your inner world is a mess then your outer world will reflect such.
Beauty can’t save you,
Money can’t save you.
Power can’t save you.
We’ve all seen certain celebrities act in very surprising ways & we wonder how someone with such wealth, beauty or influence could act in such a manner.
Truth is if you're a mess and you become wealthy, all that will remain of you is a mess with money.
Whereas if you develop qualities like integrity, discipline, and honesty, your riches will enhance those qualities even more.
Inner work is the process of going inside oneself deeply to confront our problems, spend time with them & heal. (Usually what we’re avoiding)
It’s easier to blame your ex & find a new man.
However you will find yourself in this negative loop of constantly "attracting" toxic men till one day you sit with yourself & realize that you’re the problem.
How does inner work improve your life?
As i mentioned earlier, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you’re constantly struggling in your relationships, your finances, and/or mental health then inner work would be most beneficial to you.
Ways you can do inner work
1. Therapy.
2. Coaching.
3. Shadow work
4. Meditation
5. Journaling.
Why is Inner work crucial?
In order to be a successful woman, you need to know who you are, what your values are, what your strengths & weaknesses are.
You must have a certain level of emotional intelligence & control.
You must be able to communicate with people properly.
You must be able to take constructive criticism without getting overly triggered.
You must learn how to handle tough situations like an adult.
= inner work.
2. Nutrition
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You are what you eat
Everyday you make a decision on whether to heal yourself or hurt yourself based on what you consume.
Do you know what most people aren’t doing? eating right. If you want to have big results then you have to do the things most people aren’t willing to.
Research how poor eating habits is one of the leading causes of the ailments we suffer from today.
Listen, i can come on here and tell you to develop a 9 step skin care routine but that is not going to solve your problem.
If you really want glowy glass skin, you must work from the inside out.
Is it easy ? no. Will you be a pro immediately ? no. Start small & be consistent.
It’s time to start incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals.
It’s time to start eating more whole grains.
It’s time to cut back on refined sugar.
it’s time to cut back on dairy.
It’s time to start your day with a green smoothie.
It’s time to cut back on the fast food!
It’s time to eat foods that nourish, energize & heal you.
3. Personal Grooming
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Personal grooming is essential on this journey. It is a form of self care. Showing up for yourself is how you slowly build self esteem.
No matter what people say, i wholeheartedly believe in looking good.
I know certain people may say it’s superficial or vain but personally i disagree.
it’s only superficial when you’re not doing your inner work & trying to overcompensate by hyperfocusing on your appearance.
There’s a big difference.
5 Tips & Tricks ;)
1. Hygiene is everything. Brush your teeth thoroughly, scrape your tongue, floss, shower regularly, shave, invest in good a deodorant, moisturize your skin, take care of your nails & oil your scalp.
2. Invest in good quality clothing: Quality > Quantity. Get your color analysis done. Invest in good undergarments.
3. Skin care : Start with the basics then build up. Cleanser. Moisture. Toner. Serum. Spf.
4. Etiquette: Many people dislike this word and think it denotes someone who is insincere or pretentious.
While I'm not advocating altering your personality to fit a particular perception, you would need to make some changes if you wanted to live a particular lifestyle.
Xoxo, Vivacous.
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
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A/N: This is a little early for my North American / South American readers, but I wanted to hit as close as I could to her birthday in KST. This series is coming to a close, and I hope you enjoy this series and enjoy the ending to come!
TW: High levels of magic and intrigue, one of the girls are in their villain era ;), spoilers galore
Summary: You approach the Mad Hatter with many questions, but her answers are less than satisfactory, and your abilities draw you closer to the mysterious Author, as if you might have an idea of who they might be.
♡ Masterlist ♡ 》 》 》 ♧ AU Masterlist ♧
“Strange, isn’t it?”
You stare at the artwork before turning to Siyeon.
“What do you see?”
“A bunny.”
“Really? It just looks like a mess of colors.”
“Sometimes, you have to find beauty in the simplest of things.”
A study.
You’re in the Author’s study, and it’s warm and inviting.
“Why are you here again?” She asks before turning around in her chair. “Do you think I’m the villain of this story?’
“Life’s more nuanced than villains and heroes. I mean, you’ve helped me more than the person that I first met.”
“Goodness, you’re so close to figuring it out. You need to think, Alice. Why did Yoohyeon bring you here?” She applies pressure on you before leaning forward on her desk.
She places her hands on the desk and begins to write.
“Is Yoohyeon the villain?”
“No, but you’re naive to think that she wanted to help you.” She off-handedly comments.
“That’s rude to say-”
“Is it?” She glances up at you before shaking her head. “Her dumb mistake would have cost all of us, including yourself. Who has been as honest as they can be? Who has chosen to help you without knowing much about you?”
You’re silent as you’re unable to defend Yoohyeon.
“Why, then, do none of those features apply to Yoohyeon? How can you defend a liar who has the freedom to speak whenever she pleases?” She angrily says before pulling the glasses off of her face.
“Yoohyeon isn’t bound by magic?” You softly ask.
“Yes, and why is that?”
“I don’t know.”
A remorseful look sits on the Author’s face.
“It’s not your fault. I don’t know why I am angry with you when you are the main victim in all of this. You don’t remember your life before this, and who’s fault is that?” She sighs before rubbing her face with her hands.
“No, it’s mine.”
With tenacity, you approach the woman at the tea table. JiU offers you a sympathetic thumbs up before heading back towards the kingdom. 
Guess I'm on my own now, with these visions and my wit to rely on. 
You sigh as you recall the Author's words.
How can you defend a liar who has the freedom to speak whenever she damn pleases?
The Mad Hatter turns toward you before taking her hat off.
"Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?"
You smile before shaking your head. 
"I wouldn't know."
"Neither do I! 'Tis one of the great mysteries of life." She slides a teacup in front of you. "Care for something to drink?"
"I'm not really in the mood for tea-"
"It's not tea. Give it a taste, Alice." The Mad Hatter encourages, and you shrug before taking a sip.
"It's… delicious! What's in this?"
"That's the fun of it!" She cheerfully says. "The beverage takes on whatever flavor you've been craving at the moment."
"How odd…"
"Everything here is odd! That's the whole point of this place!" She jests before bumping you with her elbow. "Tell me, Alice, why did you come to see me?"
"I want answers."
"To what questions?"
"I-" You pause before answering. "Are we really in Wonderland?"
"You're either in Wonderland, or this is your messed up version of the afterlife."
You bite your lip before nodding.
"Okay, then… who is the Author?"
"A woman like me." The Mad Hatter thoughtfully says before setting her teacup down. "Do you blame her for your predicament?"
"She appears to be blaming herself." You say as you remember the remorseful look of the author.
You observe the jet-black haired woman. She carefully looks you up and down before leaning in. 
"What game are we playing now? This is no fun if you don't explain how to play." She complains as you sigh.
"No, it's not like that… Siyeon." You pinpoint her name as a memory flashes by your eyes.
"Will you remember me, darling?"
"Forever and always."
"You know me?"
"We've met before, but I have no time to explain." You place the empty teacup on the table before tilting your head at Siyeon. "I need to find the Author."
"But why? What other answer do you seek?"
Why did Yoohyeon drag me down here?
"What is Yoohyeon going to do now?"
Siyeon thinks for a moment before readjusting her top hat.
"Are you sure you want that answer?"
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
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0rinthered · 7 months
I am so passionate about Orin, like no it isn't fair she doesn't ever get the chance and Durge doesn't help her or care after the fact. Ironically what Orin did saved everyone and got Durge freedom if they chose it. The fact that all you can really do is insult her or call her stupid besides the "you've been abused and used option" which is a high roll to even convince her is so sad. I don't like mocking her knowing the whole context and why she's doing what she is. It's not a choice really. It feels wrong to me. She's a victim of so much abuse and grooming from all these awful men. I mean Saravok is a creepy ass misogynist who r worded Orin's sister/mom and people mock her about that in way that's really messed up.
The only person who even seems to show a bit of empathy or at least understanding of her is Minthara when she is a big victim of her. Orin punishes people because she's punished by Bhaal, I saw people post the dev notes the tragic context they should have made clear in the game. That she would have even tried to resist Bhaal before and when she did she got killed for it. In a fucked up way Minthara is the closest thing to showing her "love" or at least care, like I know it's not love but just someone like not being horrible to her or looking down on her for existing. She even says they had similar situations and upbringings so you save her that kind of fate. She said she saw herself reflected in Orin broken too. Sad about all the content they didn't give us because I know they said they wanted more Orin/Minthara stuff but I think ti deserved more than a few lines.
Orin's father is literally a child r*pist and apparently has a line where he says he likes her the same way he does her mom? LIKE WTF? and wants her to make babies with durge? I don't know if it is confirmed if he assaulted her or not but he obviously would if he wanted. He shows a lot of hate like he didn't effect what happened if he's mad about what Orin did to Durge. Felt so horrible killing her in the scene after you tell her the truth because she's totally a slave in body then too. It broke my heart. I don't like that they didn't make her background more of the forefront and just let people see her as this crazy one unless you think about her or find tidbits. She felt like a throwaway to me when she's so tragic and she's just mocked and hated by everyone. I hate abused children/women being painted as "crazy psychos" to make fun of. She's severely mentally ill. Ketheric is not a more sympathetic character, he chose to do all he did. Gortash is given more dignity and choice than her. I think Ketheric and his performance are overrated honestly, he just got more screentime and got to be more fleshed out so they say he's better. That's why people go "orin is just an unhinged boring murderhobo" SHE AND AZULA DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER
Yeah it's pretty frustrating - a lot is implied with her but man you really have to look for it, which a lot of people don't bother to do. Orin in my opinion is the most interesting of the three.
I know the general opinion seems to sway to Ketheric, and I really like him, but I think it's pretty ah... shallow? For lack of a better word. Maybe surface level? Like it's very straight forward in my opinion, which doesn't mean it's any less than Orin or Gortash but I think it's easier to absorb if that makes sense?
Whereas with both Orin and Gortash you really need to sniff around, Orin especially. Minthara is the companion she is attached to, as Gortash is Karlach (While it seems like the only connection Ketheric has to the camp is Shadowheart, but that's through Dame Aylin and Isobel strangely enough. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But he has an entire act to himself so...). But with Minthara, she is so so so easy to miss and thoughtlessly slaughter (ironically enough) so that's a whole bunch of Orin content absolutely nuked off of the bat.
So I suppose the bizarre pacing is to blame for Orin and Gortash kinda farting around, and Orin not being treated fairly compared to how the fandom treats durge. Again, quite "fitting" I guess. Orin doesn't get that privilege of pity and a chance at life whereas Durge gets two chances. The first being actually having a life outside of the temple, and the second being the tadpole. Why? Idk.
I don't even want a redemption for Orin. I think the choice should be there, and I think the choice should be made by her. Only her.
My ideal world would be Orin can escape, stay (what we currently have), or escape in her own little Orin way. To elaborate on that... I think Orin should be able to continue slaughtering people, but I think she should do it for herself. Not for Bhaal, not for the temple. But because SHE wants to. I do however think the ""novelty"" of that for her would vanish pretty quickly once there's no unholy purpose to it, but that's just part of the growth I guess. So she rejects Bhaal, and skitters away into the shadows. She isn't going to have a character arc in like a week and dye her hair white - despite Shadowheart and Orin's similarities - I unfortunately think it'll take a lot lot lot longer and might never happen.
Still, the main point is that she has a choice, something she has been devoid of her entire life. What she chooses to do with that is up to her and that's the beauty of it.
I could go on and on and on about it and how she should actually be given lots of choices but that would just be me rambling even more than I already am LMFAO
Anyway, Orin I love you pookie boobookeys, remember that there's more to life than pleasing someone who never seems to want to please you.
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Pitch for a self-indulgent fix it au that I'm too lazy to write but need for my own sake and sanity:
Because Aegon was close with Rhaenyra's boys, he gets very close to her. It's slow at first; he is still Alicent's child, and she can't help but feel some level of resentment towards him, no matter how cruel it is. But Aegon is still sweet on her and her boys; he still craves his eldest sister's praise and attention, he is still just a child, and she can't bring herself to resent him for very long. Once she comes around to Aegon, she starts to include Aemond in things around the palace grounds, and puts a stop to the bullying, because now that she's let one little brother into her heart, she can't leave the other out in the shit storm that is this family. She treats them like she treats her boys, especially after seeing how deep the trauma runs in both boys. She takes care of Aegon when he's made himself sick and lets him hold onto her after Alicent, or her father has had a go at him . she takes Aemond out on Syrax and helps him with his studies. aemond is most fluent in High Valaryian, so they can almost talk 'in code', and they do it to mess with the others quite often. She makes sure both boys have a safe place with her and her boys. Things are still rocky; they're still emotionally used, abused, and neglected by their parents, the whole kingdom is still filling their minds with poison, and they're angry. angry at the world, their family, fate. they take it out on Rhaenyra and the boys at times, but she never turns them away, she helps them. They're still struggling to keep their heads above the water, but Rhaenyra is there, she makes it easier; she holds them up the best she can as she begins to drown beside them.
Bad shit still happens, Aemond takes Vhegar and loses his eye, Luke is on the other end of the blade, and the fight in the hall still happens, but everything is easier. Because they were truly treated like kids, Rhaenyra had more to lose in that moment than Alicent could truly take from her; she doesn't allow Alicent to turn the attention away from Aemond and onto politics and petty feuds. She protected all of them. Aemond wasn't treated like a pawn and scapegoat, Aegon wasn't thrown under the bus, and Luke was forced to carry some of the blame (a healthy, child-appropriate load).
There's a rift, but it isn't as big. Aemonds doesn't grow up as angry, Aegon doesn't grow up to be as much of a cold and impulsive drunkard with the maturity level of a teenager, and they stay relatively close even as the family grows apart. The boys still grow up together, they still have their sister, and they are less susceptible to Alicent and Viserys's abuse and neglect.
When Aegon is supposed to be crowned he runs to the one safe place he's ever known, into his sister's arms, now with the additional protection of his uncle. Aemond and Luke have a confrontation, but Luke is willing to surrender whatever it takes to bring his uncle peace and Aemond can't do it. He never wanted blood, but he thought he should, as his entire life was surrounded by numb violence, his studies full of carnage, his family line had blood on their hands and were dead set on tearing one another apart. But as he looks at his nephew he just couldn't, doing it made him feel sick. Luke was still so little compared to him, still so young, yet willing to give it all up right then and there. It really just turns into a screaming match, both of them in tears, screaming at the world for putting them in this hell hole (they hug it out after). At the end of it, all of Rhaenyra's kids and siblings are safe at dragon stone (Heleana and her children included, I didn't know exactly how to tie her in, but she's here don't worry).
the 'war', though that's and over statement at best, a straight out lie at worst, is an attempt to out the 'king' back on his thrown. Rhaenyra won't give up her siblings, her supporters behind her, her husband and children both ready to fight rough and bloody for their family.
I can just imagine Aegon, who's always suppressed how caring he can be, standing in front of his pregnant sister, knowing she will fight and die for him if need be, because he won't let her lose anything else. He won't take anything else from her. He won't let someone else get hurt because he's a coward. Luke behind Aemond, Jace in front of Helaena and her kids. Deamon taking a stand next to Aegon, giving him a nod of approval. And even if this means war, this is one of the first times any of them has belonged to a true family.
how it ends I'm not 100% sure. full circle redemption, bittersweet end, something in-between. it could go in a lot of ways. I just know that I'm mentally ill thinking about it.
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
It's a shame that Hollywood studios feel that now days if a movie doesn't make "x" amount of dollars at the theaters, then it shouldn't even be released
Pure economics. Average promo campaigns for studio films cost 50-100 mil, "Barbie" level marketing is 150 mil. It's not worth it if the movie isn't good enough (in a studio's opinion). It's actually cheaper to just drop it on streaming platforms (or not release it at all) and not increase the already huge budget. Like, it doesn't make any sense to do expensive renovations before trying to sell a small old house in a bad neighborhood next to a newly opened chemical plant. You just sell it as it is and hoping that someone will buy your crappy house at least for some price for you to break even. I agree with you: movie studios are spending just unprecedented amount of money on wrong stuff these days . And people blame CGI. Nah, often this is not the case. Yes, CGI isn't cheap but it's getting cheaper every year. High-quality practical effects, filming on real locations, hiring extras cost WAY MORE than CGI. It's all about salaries, location rent, street closures for filming etc. Real set requires a lot of workers, shooting days, and takes to make a practical scene perfect. And after the new SAG contract all of the above will cost even more. "Cheap practical is cheaper than cheap CGI but cheap CGI could be cheaper than high quality practical" — James Gunn. So, CGI is often cheaper and much faster and truly helpful... but it's being abused, that's the problem. Creators are getting lazy, and they're relying too much on post-production editing. And we end up with a whole 2 hours of low-quality CGI mess that looks completely fake as a result. Here's something that 100% should be blamed for the bloated budget: COVID, production mess and endless reshoots, big names and their enourmous salaries, the inflated costs of everything. CGI is just like another huge chunk on top of it all. Sorry for the movie marketing and budget essay lmao.
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kedreeva · 2 years
OK OK SO LISTEN OK HEAR ME OUT I AM VERY VERY MUCH WELL ON MY EAY TO ACTUALLY WATCHING THIS BIT H OF A SHOW JUST BECAUSE EVERY TIME YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT the broken ass fucking thing in ny brain that controls my serotonin levels goes _Ping_ and i get to experience The Happy but LISTEN here the fucking issue ive got an absolute bitch of an executive dysfunction and main issue: everything i know about thr show and everything that makes my brain go HYPERFIXATION TIME is shit from like,, the last 2 seasons ig mostly and like on a Theoretical fucking level i am well aware that once i start watching ill start enjoying it from the first coupke episodes (whatever deity may or may not be out there ought to just strike me down already at this point my previous self from like 5 years ago would strangle me if that fucker knew ehat our stupid bitch of a brain latched to amd decided to sing praises to in the end) but like The Things that currently have me in the headlock when it comes to the damned show Wont be There yet and even though i logically know it doesnt matter cause ill enjoy the rest too stupid piece of shit brain goes "must watch 2 seasons just to get there? Must watch 2 seasins to get to the Serotonin? Not in this energy crisis" so im Stuck unable to Watch it and Wanting to and reading and looking at SO much fucking fancontent cause goddamn the fucking fandom is talented fuck yall
Also i really appreciate your offer regarding the poll its v sweet of you but unfortunately its got a local target audience since its for a project that will begin at a local stage (and if i get my way slowly grow bigger until it reaches nationwide level but yeah v low hopes for it to get that far) and also since the whole project thing is basically a part of a far larger project thing with lots of smaller teams like us and shit and the reason im part of the whole shebang is that a professor of mine decided to place me on her team without even asking ive gotta make the poll using my Proper™ account which not only means sharing my deadname but also my last name (in short my whole legal name) so yeah big fucking mess thats going to shit anyway but i really appreciate the intention its v sweet (also as you hopefully have figured out i am VERY shit at explaining anything on a manner that makes sense but also im my defence it Is currently 3am where i am so yeah id like to throw a teeny bit of the blame for my inability to communicate on that)
Go to SLEEP.
But before you do I need you to look me in the fucking eyes, and understand this: season 1 is absolutely fantastic. Season 1 is still my favorite season. Not only do you get to meet all the amazing characters as babies, but the plots.... oh, the plots. oh. the storylines in season 1 are all fucking gorgeous, Delightful.
okayokay, listen. listen.
I gotta calm down a second because season 1 is so good, but listen
Season 1 does something that's so incredibly difficult to pull off, and not only did they pull it off, they pulled it off with flying colors. They told three narratives that were all part of one narrative, expertly braiding them together until suddenly they have all come together and everything crescendos and hhhhhh it's bliss. It's fucking bliss.
You have the first plot, and that's a kid's adventure plot. It is the genre of plot where you have a bunch of kids who get into a supernatural shenanigan with a New Friend, completely under the noses of the oblivious adults. This is some ET shit, some Earth to Echo shit. They've got to hide their New Weird Friend from the adults, and they are the ONLY ONES capable of saving her. High Child Adventure Time. They're riding their bikes and yelling over their radios and doing things only children would think to do in an attempt to keep El safe.
Then you have the second plot, with Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve (and arguably tommy and carol). This is a teenage monster horror flick w/ bonus romance. This is "one of the teenagers got killed/taken by a monster and the rest of the teens have to survive/cope with it/hunt the monster down together" genre. Nancy and Steve are busy getting into romance and then crashing and burning it because Nancy knows there's monsters and Steve has no idea, but Jonathan knows there's monsters, and now they're teaming up to fight back right up until Steve crash lands in the middle of the event and picks up the nailbat the first time. Delightful, you have to understand. You have to know. The first time Steve weilds the nailbat, he twirls it. And that twirl is.... fucking everything. That twirl lives rent free in my head for eternity.
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You have to understand. This entire scene leading up to this is pure fucking gold. Steve is beat the fuck up after picking a fight with Jonathan (and losing), and he's come over to Jonathan's house to apologize to him, because he realized he's been an asshole. Who DOES that first of all. Second of all, this is AFTER he went and made amends with the theater he and tommy and carol defaced to be mean to nancy, and before he's apologized to nancy herself; he's coming to jonathan's house, alone, at night, to apologize to Jonathan, not because he knows Nancy is there, but because it's the right thing to do.
And then Nancy opens the door and okay, he had guessed they were... a thing, maybe, so that's not totally unexpected, but then he sees her hand. He sees the bandage on her hand, the blood they were using to draw the monster, and he has NO IDEA monsters exist still. He pushes into the house because he thinks Jonathan hurt Nancy, only to find Jonathan is also sporting a bandage, and also there's like. weapons all over the fucking place and christmas lights and Nancy's yelling at him to leave and she pulls a fucking gun on him and tells him he has 5 seconds to gtfo, and as if that wasn't enough, a literal monster claws through the ceiling, drops down and starts trying to eat them all. Nancy's firing a gun at it right up until Jonathan grabs her around the middle and bodily hauls her away from danger, grabs Steve's hand with his other hand, and hauls his partners down the hall to safety.
Down the hall where, you know, he and Nancy put a fucking bear trap on the ground. A bear trap steve does not know about but when Jonathan yells JUMP, do you know. Steve doesn't even stop to ask how high. he just fucking jumps. He's freaking out and the monster seems to disappear and they tell him to leave because it's going to come back and he makes it all the way to his car before realizing... he can't fucking leave them there. so he goes charging right back into danger, and good fucking thing too, because Jonathan's been disarmed and nancy's out of bullets and the demogorgon is still coming after her, and Steve gets there just in time to scoop up Jonathans nailbat (which FYI, was made from Nancy's bat, with Jonathan's nails, and now Steve wields it, as if I NEEDED OT3 feels) and start wailing on the monster until it's beaten back into the trap and they can set it on fire.
and then!!! there's also the ADULT plotline, which is of the government conspiracy theory genre, as Joyce refuses to believe her son Will is dead and Hopper doesn't agree until actually he finds out she's RIGHT and the corpse was a FAKE and then HE is in on it and they are desperately trying to figure out what the fuck the LAB was doing with all its secrets.
And Delightful.... I have to say. Watching these three plotlines converge.... I've watched the first season dozens of times by this point. Chef's kiss. They all come together and realize they've all been dealing with facets of the same problem, and they move forward together to save Will and take down the monster and the lab that caused the problem. Oh my GOD.
And that's not even speaking of the characters. You will be adopting every child. Season 1 mike is the best mike. I would kill for season 1 nancy but she's got it covered. Season 1 Steve shows you his capacity for being a bitch, which is WHY the later seasons are so amazing with him being a good guy. You have to be able to remember the moment he took Jonathan's camera from him, jonathan's most prized possession, probably the most expensive and difficult to replace thing Jonathan owns, and smashes it on the pavement. You have to experience him writing (or allowing Tommy to write) "Nancy Wheeler is a SLUT" on the movie theater announcement board on main street. You have to see him shove Jonathan and say "always figured you for a queer" in order to understand how far he's come when he sits on the bathroom floor with Robin and softly says "oh." and still looks at her like she hung the moon. You have to see how much the kids care about each other when they are all in one place or you will never survive the catty nonsense they go through in season 3. SEASON 1 MATTERS SO MUCH.
There's SO MUCH about season 1!!! I'm supposed to be writing stories right now, so I'm gonna leave it here but please know you will not be slogging through 2 seasons to get to 3 and 4. You'll be watching the best season, a good season, and then arrive at when the plot kind of sucks but the characters have a chokehold on your heart so it doesn't matter.
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calumofasgard · 1 year
I ain't reaching out, so settle down 😉. Plus, I feel like you stumbling across this would be easier for your anxiety. But as a warning, It's a long-winded roller coaster, so take ya time.
So I know you'll eventually see this, and yes, I'm talking to you. I mean, who else would still be unironically using Tumblr in 2023... but since you’re here, hey 👋, I'm glad you're doing alright. Well, I can only assume 🤷‍♂️, I like to think you are. But I know you're alive and kicking, which is always a positive. It's been a weird few years, to say the least, but I'm doing good myself. Not that you asked... but you came to my Tumblr, so it's only common courtesy.
Before I continue, however, I just wanted to make it evidently clear that you'll always be of importance to me regardless of everything. And, of course, I've thought about you. I'm not fucking psychopath... nor am I a high-functioning sociopath (sorry 😂). I hated that whole situation (which I didn't cause) and put it off as long as I could, and then shit happened. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The thing is, you were as equally at fault as I was, something Aurora agreed with, which I won't go into out of respect for you both, and in the hopes that you two are able to help each other these days.
However, I will apologise for how I dealt with it. I was angry (at both you and Beth) and under a lot of stress due to a situation that I didn't want to be apart of
I know you "won't care", but calm down tough guy, cos neither do I, but you'll "be happy" to hear that relationship gets treated akin to Voldemort. The only upside from that relationship is once I got out of it, I lost eight stone
As much as I am the same person you've always known, I am nothing like the person you knew. For a start, I'm a lot mentally healthier (like I literally meditate daily, wtf? 😂). I took charge of my ADHD, and I've been on my meds for four years now? Fuck knows, but I made the wrong call at 16. Shocker, I know, but that decision fucked me up basically until I was 23. Furthermore, after going through a lot at the back end of 2019 and 2020, I finally ended up in therapy; it was about time, really. 2020 was grim af as a whole tbf tho. But my ex relationship messed me up quite a bit, more so a culmination of things than just her (a girl called Melissa; oddly Connor's ex 😬)
I got made redundant during covid, which was shit, but I'm glad it happened as I wouldn't be where I am now (Studying Politics and Philosophy at the University of Sheffield)
As I said, I'm not reaching out. Realistically it's not even a guarantee you'll read this, tbf. I mean, I know you will, but at the same time, it doesn't matter. It's more for the closure and mental clarity for myself (like setting fire to a letter) and, in reality, yourself, which I assume you've already pieced together with me unblocking you in the first place. I can understand you're anger towards me. However, I don't believe you hate me, and realistically, you can't. You can hate what happened, but what happened resulted from our actions. It wasn't the fault of a sole individual unless you want to blame Beth, then... sure.
I've only ever wished the best for you and will continue to do so. Amazingly the same goes for Aurora, but I know she couldn't give a shit, which I'm not going to argue. I'd say the same goes for Connor, but it's a given. Actually, no, I will specify out of respect, as he's several levels above you all 😂. He could hate me to his core, but he'll always be my "mildly" retarded younger brother, and y'all better be looking after him.
For one last time, I'm not reaching out. However, if you ever need anyone, I will always be there, but for now, that's been me, your "long-distance ex" Baymax, fucking off 😉
P.s. My Chem was sick
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autumnalwalker · 2 years
Untitled Solarpunk Witch draft, chapter 1.5
Spring, Week 5, Five of Swords
“Now that my implants were fully back online, I didn’t have any more excuse to keep putting off reporting this whole incident back to the order.  After I sent it off they wanted to talk in real time.  Because of course they did.”
It’s been a while since I’ve been up this high.  I hadn’t done much flying since arriving in Zello; not much need for it and it does use up a lot of power.  Alas, this isn’t a joyride.  I have to be up this high to get a strong enough signal for the quality the elders are going to want for the call.
“What if I go down just a little lower and blame the quality on being out in the boonies?”
They’d know, and it would only look worse for you.
I let out a sigh.  “Yeah… Well, let’s get this over with.” I verbalize the command words to initiate the sending ritual and the embedded antenna fully extends from the point of my hat while the brim curls up into the suggestion of a dish.  I’ve long since given up on questioning the safety of having this thing on my head all the time.
Oh, have some faith in yourself.  You’re still here after all, and you got the job done.  And if you don’t they’ll pick up on it and start reading into it.
“Not making it better,” I subvocalize while trying to get a good lock on one of the few remaining communication satellites.
Bast(et) turns around on her perch to look me in the eye.  What I’m saying is you’re afraid that they’ll look at what happened and decide you aren’t ready to be out on your own yet after all.  To them, the fact that - on some level - you don’t think you’re ready is going to matter more than the events themselves.
I drop my concentration on the network connection and slip back into full vocal out of exasperation.  “And so what?  I’m supposed to just not have doubts after messing up in a way that could have gotten me killed?  Even if I do think I can do better, get better, it’s not like I can just turn those thoughts off!”
You don’t need to turn them off, just stop focusing on them so much.  We’re not even on a full thought link and I can still pick up that you’re letting that dread seep into everything.  
She pauses.  I can count on one hand the number of times she’s hesitated to speak her mind and I have a suspicion as to what she’s about to suggest.
I can help if you let me.
“How?” I ask, drawing out the word.
Believe in the me that believes in you.
I stare blankly back at her.
Sorry, art history reference to lighten the mood.  But in all seriousness, open a channel and I can take on some of that fear.  Share the load and disperse it so it stops stealing your focus away.  It’s not a gestalting, or even a full thought link, I know how you feel about that.  Just a redirect of that one thing.
“I… don’t know…”  I look away, down to the moonlit village below.  “It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just…  I’m…”
Afraid of not being you.  I know.  And I promise this won’t be anything like that, and you’ll be free to sever the link at any time from your end.  She walks down the length of the broom and nuzzles my hand before looking back up at me.  Please, let me help you.
“And won’t they realize what we’re doing?”
Not if we do it right, which we will.  At worst they’ll think we’re more bonded than we were when we left and count that as positive growth.
I realize I’ve been clenching my jaw again and let out a sigh.  “Fine, let’s give it a shot.” I tap out a parameter pattern on the side of my head and speak the command phrase to open a limited channel.  “It’s funny, normally you’re the one telling me not to hide things from the elders.”
Well, rubbing off on one another is half the point of the bond.
Link established on Bast(et)’s end.  We’re now connected beyond subvocal audio, if only slightly.  I don’t feel any different.
“You sure it worked?”
Yes.  Now let’s not keep the elders waiting any longer.
It takes me another minute or two to get a lock on a satellite, but once I do the connection is stable.  From there it’s just a matter of activating the next module in the sending ritual to route me to the elders and then visualizing the sequence of symbols for the passcode.  It’s an admittedly arcane way of going about privacy, harder to hack than character-based passwords, leftover from the days when that was still a concern.
For a moment as the “Passcode Accepted” message flashes in the air before me my mind begins to wander toward worst case what-ifs.  And then I feel Bast(et)’s presence - calm and steady, yet decisive - and I’m able to push all that aside.  Not gone, but no longer distracting.
And then the sending goes through and two ghostly figures appear floating in the air in seated positions before me.  I know that I’m appearing the same way for them.  We don’t have cameras set up, so the AR projections are reading from the same systems as the implant calibration.
Two elders.  I’m not already in trouble, or else it’d be a triune.  More than one though, so this isn’t just an informal checkup on how I’m doing.  Two still feels like a weird number, unless… ah, crap, they’re planning on looping me into a coven circuit for the interview, aren’t they?
The one on my left speaks up first.  Even abstracted via avatar I recognize Elder Petrichor.  I know her more by reputation than personal experience.  Serious, stern, one of the few veterans from the Reconfiguration still around and active.  I swear she had the wrinkles added to her avatar’s face manually.  “Greetings young scion.”
“Elder Petrichor,” I bow my head in deference, “Elder Faeowyn.” At least she’s a friendly face.  Elder by achievement rather than age.  I apprenticed under her for a time and I always thought we got along well.
“Good to see you well,” the younger elder says.
“Let’s get right to the point, shall we?” Elder Petrichor cuts in.  “We’ve reviewed your report and we have concerns about several items therein.  Not the least of which was that you neglected to inform anyone of the initial miscommunication regarding Zello’s request for assistance.”
“I judged that their request was one I could handle, so there was no need to take up the time and attention of other witches that could be better spent elsewhere.”
“So you said in your report.  It is not a judgment I agree with, but we’ll come back to that matter later.”
“The more important matter,” Elder Faeowyn says, “is that you went through a traumatic experience and we want to make sure you’re okay.  Especially since you haven’t indicated reaching out to anyone since then.”
“My implants have been offline until recently, that makes it difficult to contact anyone else in the order.  Besides, I have Bast(et), and I’ve met people in Zello I can talk to.”
“Nevertheless,” Elder Petrichor says, “while we trust you to be honest with us, given your prior history we have concerns about your ability to be honest with yourself, particularly when it comes to your own wellbeing, and that can color what you present to others, whether you mean for it to or not.”
I can’t help but wince at that comment.  It hurts because it’s true.
“To that end,” Elder Petrichor continues, “it is our hope that you’ll consent to reiterating a full report of your activities as Zello’s provisional village witch via a temporary coven link.”
Faeowynn’s avatar leans forward and puts a hand on mine.  There's a fractional second of network lag time before my implants simulate the feeling of a gentle, reassuring squeeze.  When she speaks her voice is a soft contrast to Elder Petrichor’s sharp formality.
“You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with that, and we won’t hold it against you.  I understand you don’t like mental links like this.”
She would understand.  She was there for my infamous breakdown.  
Take a breath to center myself.  Feel Bast(et)’s presence in the back of my mind.  They’re not asking for a gestalt; I’ll be fine and it’ll get this whole uncomfortable assessment over with that much faster.
“Thank you for your concern, elder, but that’s quite alright.  Go ahead and initiate the circuit.”
The following series of questions and answers examining everything I’ve done since arriving in Zello would have taken hours to talk through verbally.  Communicating with a rapid-fire exchange of impressions, visualizations, emotions, and raw concepts we finish in less than ten minutes.  If we’d been in-person and not limited by network lag it might have been half that time.
By the time we finished, it felt like I’d practically relived both the initial surveying and the excavation of the drone.  Gentle as they were with it, I still feel emotionally wrung out by the end.  The secondary link with Bast(et) metaphorically holding my hand throughout probably saved me from panic terminating the circuit halfway through.
That said, the elders seem satisfied that I’m handling things well.  The things that went wrong with the excavation and the places I’ve stumbled socially are judged to be trials that I learned from rather than failures.  Faeowyn reminds me that even though I’m technically graduated from training, I’m expected to struggle at first on my own.  It’s how we keep learning and growing, she tells me.
More ominously, Elder Petrichor ends the call telling me to keep in mind that a wound to me is a wound to my familiar and that I shouldn’t rely solely on Bast(et) for support without considering her own needs.  That left us both wondering afterward if she knew what we were up to the whole time.
All in all, not as bad as I’d feared.  No being told to come home for further training.  No sending a more senior witch out to supervise.  Just an admonishment to be more careful in the future and a strong suggestion to check in more often.  If not in an official capacity ,then at least informally with my peers.  As if I were still close with any of them.
One last bit of weirdness follows the call.  After we’re alone once more, as I terminate the limited channel Bast(et) and I had up I have the briefest flash of seeing myself in the third person, looking up at my own face.  Bast(et) is as surprised by that moment of shared vision as I am.  We’re both unsettled enough that we spend the next day running diagnostic scans, but neither of us find anything and we write it off as a weird network fluke from the earlier coven circuit.
The day after that, construction on the shelter away from the village where we’ll be working on the drone disarmament finishes.
“It’s kind of creepy when you do that, you know?”
I blink the AR menu displays away and look up from my work over at Greg and Luanna where they’re breaking down the drone’s primary gun on the other end of the tiny raft-mounted hut.
“What’s what when I do what?”
“When you start whispering to it like that,” Greg says as he rubs the back of his head.  
I’m not sure if he’s just embarrassed about having just said something presumably rude or if Luanna just hit him.  I was pretty absorbed in my part of the work until just now.
He continues, “You get all soft like you’re talking to a kid or a pet or something, but also sort of far off and spooky.  And then the thing starts opening panels and extending parts for us to yank out.”
“I’ve been saying all that aloud?”
Greg nods.  Luanna shrugs.
You usually do.
Thank MG for broad-brimmed hats to hide blushing faces.
“If it makes you feel any better, we can’t actually make out most of it,” Luanna says.
I can.
“And you never said anything?”
I assumed you realized.
Time for a subject change before my health monitors mistake my face for having a fever.
“Aaannnyway, it looks like we were right about the paint job.”  I pat the side of the drone.  Now that the mud and film have all been cleaned off its chassis is clearly visible, bearing an image of a burning tree beneath a raincloud.  Not the most subtle symbol for that era’s activism.  In spots where the paint’s been scratched and chipped fragments of an old Corp logo peek out.  “We’re not the first people to try modding this guy.  Now that I’m looking at more than baseline status readouts and munitions inventory, I’m finding the custom patches and addons that whoever got their hands on it last time installed.”
“That would explain the discrepancies we’ve been seeing,” Luanna says.
“Speaking of,” Greg says, “I went ahead and put some pictures I took on the Collapse forums.  A couple of the guys there think they’ve identified the model and said they’d get back to me about digging up schematics for it.”
“Great!” I say.  “That should help speed things up once we get around to repairs.”
“Or for identifying any more unstable out of place custom jobs that might blow up in our faces when we poke them,” Luanna adds in far too matter-of-fact a tone.  Greg and I both wince at that thought.
“And with that cheerful image, I’m voting we call it a day on the yanking out parts.”  With a blink I pull the menus back up, swipe through a few of them, and shut the drone back down, causing the indicator lights to go out and the faint hum of its internal components to quiet.
“It never gets old,” I hear Greg whisper.
“What’s that?”
“You know.  The - “ Greg starts waving his hands around in the air in an exaggerated imitation of me.
I chuckle.  “Oh yeah.  I forget that other people can’t see the displays sometimes.  I guess I do look pretty weird without them.”
Luanna gives a shrug.  “I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything, but… it is pretty silly looking.”
I for one find it cute how you add all those little flourishes and poses like you’re actually casting spells instead of just sliding menus around and typing in a terminal.
“That is so not the descriptor I was going for.”
“Anyway, you two got room for one more set of hands over there?”
Half an hour later what had once been a device for rapidly launching hot chunks of lead into human beings is now an organized collection of  tubes, springs, bolts, and other miscellaneous metal and plastic bits.  As we leave behind the beached and anchored workshop on a second raft to head back to Zello, Greg brings the earlier conversation back up.
“But seriously, what’s with the whispering?  The gesturing I get, but are you giving it voice commands or something?”
“Sometimes,” I pause for a moment, slightly embarrassed.  “Most of the time I’m just talking to it.”
Luanna raises an eyebrow.  “I didn’t think it was smart enough for that.”
It’s not.
“Not exactly, but it does have a sort of intelligence, and a directive for self-preservation.  I figure if I’m poking around its insides, the least I can do is be nice to it and reassure it that I mean no harm.  It’s a small kindness, but it’s what kindness I can offer while still doing what I need to do.”
“It’s a killing machine,” Luanna says.
“I like to think of it more like an attack dog.  It never asked to be that way and never had a say in doing the things it does, but with a little love, patience, and retraining it could be something else.”
It’s more like an insect than a dog, really.
“Huh, weird, but whatever works for you I guess,” Greg says.  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for drone repurposing, and I’ve seen some cool projects online, but I’ve never really thought of them as much more than really cool hardware.”
I shrug.  “Eh, call it a witch thing.”
More like a you thing.
“You’re really no fun when this topic comes up, you realize?”
It’s because of things like that that most humans don’t trust us.   There’s a bitterness and heat to her voice that I’ve rarely felt from her.
“Whoah, okay, sorry, I shouldn’t have said it that way.”
Sigh.  It’s fine.  Let’s just talk about something else.  
I was going to comment on the irony of Greg being on the disarmament crew, but that’s closer to staying on that topic than I’d like right now.
“It’s not that ironic.  He’s one of the better mechanics around here and an even bigger nerd for old tech than I am.  Oh, Ursula mentioned wanting to talk to you.  I think she wants you to model for a painting.”
Oh really?  Well, I suppose I can deign to be in the spotlight for once.
“I knew you’d jump at the opportunity.”
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
howdy, fellow rooster enthusiast!🤠🤎
I don't know if you're taking asks, but if you are, I have an idea that has been marinating in my mind for a WHILE: rooster's reaction to a reader with a lot of tattoos??? *high pitched screaming*
for a bit of context, this thot was based on real events lmaoooo😃 my boss hired this new girl and all my coworkers thought she looked so mysterious?? She's quiet, keeps it to herself and she's also really pretty. She keeps a serious face at all times too (but also there are a lot of weird people at work so I don't blame her lol) and no one really knows much about her.
We had a work get-together (we have these every end of the month) and we saw her out of 'work clothes' for the first time and boy oh boy we had a surprise. She was wearing a tank top that displayed the most beautiful dragon tattoo I've ever seen 😭😭 it took over her whole arm and back. She looked so badass. Ugh. All my coworkers were just as stunned as me bc everyone just assumed she was shy or whatever. Anyways, this somehow made me think of rooster 😀
Like?? Imagine reader is new to dagger squad and has moved to san diego recently. She's been introduced to them and all but they don't know much about her yet and she's so mysterious and snarky ~~ Nat invites her for a game on the beach and they see her with 'normal clothes' for the first time and she's sporting a huge tattoo on her thigh/back/arm (idk maybe all of them, the more the merrier lmaoo)
idk why but something tells me rooster has a thing for mean women. Like-- women that can beat his ass. And reader is so smart mouthed and sarcastic. He already thought she was attractive but when he sees the tattoos??? ooooof this man is on his knees. He would be a blushing mess trying not to stare too much and acknowledge her short shorts and tank top. And then would spend the rest of the afternoon wondering where else she has tattoos 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💨💨💨
Can you tell I have a thing for tattoos?? UGH, I would be in a whole new level of confidence if I had the money to cover myself in pretty tattoos lol, I'll leave it to you, feel free to ignore this if you don't like it <3 I love your writing btw xoxo
My love, I can’t add to this, because your headcanon is far too sexy for me to do it justice! Come back to my asks with more of these thots. I know lots of our friends have lots of body art and you will do it more justice than I will.
I don’t have tatts but have had an assortment of piercings over the years.
It’s Body Art Friday, kids. And Rooster (and I) love it! TELL. ME. MORE!
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Why are Humans having less kids.
No it's not a "Cultural" issue, but if it is; it's the same issue around the world.
Today many dumsdums blame "middle-easterners" for their own sexual pertard.
"of course they want to immigrate!" They say! Blaming them having more kids than they can take of.
Completely ignoring the effects of war that *destroys* wealth and prosperity they may have been held by these people.
Even a first-class-country denizen such as yourself dear reader.
No; when people slow down breeding; And animals do this too--Its because of the availability of resources.
A family-line, a working family line requires resources to sustain; these resources are obviously Time and Money right now..or; the economy.
Most parents don't want to leave their children in a worse off world than they came into. It's part of the reason for the change from "Manifest Destiny" to "Fuck Immigrants".
Because most people are worried about the economy and how they *still* haven't found their place in the American Dream, despite seeing immigrant after immigrant after immigrant seemingly coming here to make it big.
They see the establishment as enslaving them and trading the country's prosperity to other countries for favors. Now, a lot of people on the right try to point the blame to the political left. But that's not the whole truth is it?
Many conservatives are upset about a great number of things; cities being designed for tourism benefit the *owners* of those cities instead of the residents who live there. Foreign investment means homes and Business Zones become out of reach for your average citizen. And that's all *without* immigration.
And all that gets mixed up with state and city lines. People might see native born citizen transients looking for work as "Illegal Immigrants" instead of the citizens they are. They then might blame them for "messing up their cities" and coming to "mess up ours in the same way."
Despite *also* being conservative. And leaving those cities *because* they're conservative and got outvoted.
Not only are foreign *internal conflicts* getting mixed in with local *internal conflicts* thanks to "the algorithm" combining keywords; concepts such as "transient" workers are being conflated with "the trans agenda" and immigration.
Back to the issue at hand; less children.
Many *would be* parents want children. Not just trans women, but cis women. They rationally understand; they can't afford children.
And so what it looks like, from a certain world view; is rich people forcing out poor women to either "marry rich" or "leave the gene pool".
Despite some not having kids because of a fear of passing down perceived genetic anomalies (which most people have. That's why we're racist) and many of them being caused by factors out of their control, at the control of the rich (most obvious example; Agent Orange: a chemical agent that made many American soldiers infertile..at much higher rates than Spirinolactone; given to people 30+ for high blood pressure, and trans women.)
In this world; because overabundance lead to wasting resources and a continually over-inflated economy and fake economic growth; many people find themselves below certain level of comfort necessary in which to raise children.
Children are a Luxury in this world; and despite trying to save up for it; many families find themselves unable to.
Especially; since there's already plenty of children that the country has deemed "unaffordable".
So if children are "unaffordable". Is it any surprise the population is quote; "Stagnating"?
And if we maintain annual average birth rate of 2.5 children per couple; doesn't that make up for "ALL THESE QUEER PEOPLE MAKING ALL THE CHILDREN GAY?"
Some of y'all need to do the math, but you decided to stop learning it in 3rd grade.
A.I. can't save you if you don't know what the numbers mean.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes (Official Video)
This is what my husband grew up on was high hopes. Play Tommy F people like Tommy F live to ruin his hopes and they put him at dead end jobs and they're taking potshots at him the whole time wrecking his day annoying him turns around and he says you did the job like I needed you to what do you want me to do make $1,000,000 a year and be happy not book the system so the next one that too is in what I say is that they're directly challenging us and you people don't think we're anything. You are a lazy ignorant idiot who cannot build anything. Roof is coming out. Highly capable of maintaining buildings to minimum level for minimal use. Disgusting but true. So Tommy F here is thinking about my mama it's mostly about me believe it or not especially about him and his mom who did the best you could for him and inspired him solely because they were losing power and they were to be hunted down and killed she did a great job and was a good mom for him and I might have had a use for it and she was a very strong woman compared to most of you morlock. And was his mother taught him things and someone's acting like her or she might have done out and she's in a video as pink and she's coming out and her knife and stuff and that's what Tommy F says she taught him and it was quick stuff he says and picked it up pretty good and defended myself a lot and she was a good mother and I'm singing about him and me cause I was upset I thought they left me and they were taken from me by these max and he says he thinks the song is about the symbol if I know what it means and he knows what it means. It's only album cover and the album has a specific name and it doesn't mean what he's saying and it does just not the particular location and it wasn't supposed to turn into the symbol and it's not supposed to be a message send back to his that when you install the safety is it begins to work we are not really supposed to do that looks like we go ahead and do it anyways and I have to explain what it means I should never do this kind of thing again there's a massive heartbreak and it says that his mother and father inspired him and sometimes calls her mama it's a joke and I think he's talking about her in the song through me and says things about what was happening in the same at these particular points we've decided to do stuff and they talked about it before he says right before I'm climbing I do say something and right at the point of the other interval it's another item and they're very pertinent it will make you think. They're not giving this guy a chance his legacy wasn't that great until the symbol for some reason people were not signing on until they heard about it so I went out of this being the guy to blame I was talking about on Earth and he says it's not exactly the right shape for Earth so I get that let's start to complain again and I have to reference the album does it mean something else to us
tommy f
Hard to get out of aren't they these things that you keep putting my husband in we're not doing it on purpose it's your stupid symbol but isn't it a nuisance with your idiots you and your **** are in around doing it on purpose saying all sorts of stuff looking what catches we don't feel bad for you you're a **** **** I didn't like you he did not like you you're tolerated a little dave too your pigs but boy do you have a stupid attitude for kind of trouble you're in new people are gonna die people are gunning for you for this stupid symbol. And literally you ran around every day like hopeless hopeless addicts and mental patients with your blithering blitter **** it's so damned annoying we don't need it at all who the hell would say we need it you just sit there and quiet instead of listening to your **** **** all day long you and your space cadets and boy you're getting messed up that's for damn sure
You have this SOP that kicks in when idiots are tripping and having noises made and having conversations made and at this level there it's different and what you're going through are changes that you don't see and you're attracting enemies and for some reason you feel better and a big setup is occurring and you're going yea the whole time when it should be the other way around and really it's disgusting what you people look like are complete animals and **** and enemies you have no idea that it's getting worse and worse every day and your **** is more rancid than trumps by the way but his is rancid I mean you people act like 5 year old children. What you do is you take the video and I have people that do this and some of you guys do it and you have the video say out loud what you're doing after you interpret the code and it makes it sick I can think extremely fast and I can see your stupid crap and interpret it real quick and you see here seeing you're threatening me with it why I say it's things are happening to you behind the scenes and get your fat **** off me and Tommy F you had plenty of time to say stuff now you can and Tommy F you had plenty of time to say stuff now you can answer questions about your album cover and ****. Good luck you're gonna need it.
Zues Hera
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jesusagrees · 5 months
i agree i love the girls (le sserafim) and i don’t blame them, kpop is a machine with a lot of gears behind it. Certain labels have certain standards and i don’t think hybe (source music) is training them properly for live performances and giving them songs that flatter their voices. I can’t in good faith ignore there subpar vocals but i also can’t bully them over it. I will say they weren’t ready for coachella and alot of kpop fans are tone deaf to their favs and come up with excuses. They don’t have to be beyonce but they train hard for years for what? I was expecting more :/. And it’s okay to expect more as a fan. Then again i come from gen 2-3 of kpop where vocals were very important and these days visuals are more important . I personally don’t like this change but if they’re still selling records and selling out shows there isn’t much to be done. I prefer more vocally talented groups although i do love Le sserafim music their bad vocals stop me from being a full on stan. I like the girls individually as people but ahh the singing piece is hard. They don’t sound conditioned to sing live at all, i wonder what type of training and practicing they’ve been doing all this time. And the excuse of singing and dancing is hard doesn’t cut it. No one is expecting a live performance to sound like the recorded song but there’s a level of quality that should still be there. Look at jungkook, look at aespa, or txt. Do they not have hard songs and/or dances? Why do they sound so good live? Cause they train to sound good live, they train to do long high energy performances. It’s quite literally their lives work, they spent years doing so. So i’m sorry but le sserafim doesn’t get to have any slack in that area (or their management). They don’t deserve excessive hate but their mediocrity at the time they are in their career is ridiculous. Chaewon can only carry so much, i feel like everything is put on her back to make the group sound good. The rest are jus visuals. Not even Yunjin sounds good. How does she go from having an opera back ground to being an off key out of breath mess. She literally grew backwards i’m so confused.
Oh, I totally agree with this.
It's literally their JOBS to sing and dance and they CANNOT do it. They can dance/perform fine, but dancing and performing does NOT equal GOOD SINGING. You can be a good performer but a terrible singer.
And as an old gen 2-3 stan too, coming from that background and to what kpop is today is why I have such a hard time getting into new groups. These groups just do not cut it for me and a lot of their personality does not make up for lack of talent to me. I am a full blown SHAWOL. I stan one of the best in the industry and I KNOW the standards.
LESSERAFIM need to be benched for a Year AT LEAST and get the proper training and whole new team while they're at it. They need to come back when they're ready.
And their fans are just as embarrassing. This whole thing was blown WAY UP because of their hardcore fans. Their fans made the situation WAY worse for these girls. Instead of taking the L quietly, as they SHOULD have done, they brought other groups into it pissing off other fandoms hence why it got blown up so big.
This is going to stay with these girls FOREVER if they do not get proper training. They are being set up for FAILURE.
And I will say, I am SO glad ATEEZ was there to show what REAL/TRUE kpop is. LESSERAFIM was such a bad example of kpop and it's really embarrassing on the industry. I hope companies use this as an example and take this and LEARN from it. Stop rushing out untalented, untrained idols who just give face. Bring back the REAL idols.
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askcmcarscrew · 1 year
Chapter 5: The Doll
Inside Ramone’s Fashion and Paint Shop
Ramone was sitting at his desk working on some new personality designs for his friends
...Sob sob...
Just then he heard someone crying and got up to take a look. He walked into the room to see Sweetie Belle sitting on the bed holding her legs close and crying.
Oh Sweetie. She’s been like this for 3 days straight.
Ramone thought for moment on rather he should try to talk to her now or wait for her to calm down a little. After a minute passed he decided to that this has gone on long enough and it’s time to see why she’s so upset.
There’s got to be more to it than just them being stuck here.
He walked inside and sat down next to her.
“Hey Sweetie is everything alright? You’ve been like this for a while now and I’m a little worried about you. Is there something that you would like to talk about. I’m sure you’ll feel a little better once you talk it out.”
She looked up at him with tear filled eyes.
“ Sniff...I...Sniff...I...Sniff…”
He picked her up and sat her on his lap gentle wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug and she calmed down enough to talk.
“ T-This is all my fault...Sniff...We’re all stuck here because of me. I was the one who cast that spell that got us trapped here and...Sniff...and I have no idea how to get us back. I...I’m terrible with magic. I don’t know what I was doing, thinking that I could cast such a high leveled spell. I can’t even do a simple levitation spell right. Let alone a teleportation spell. I...Sniff...I was only trying to go to one corner of the room to another and I end up sending everyone to a whole new world. So far from home Applebloom and Scootaloo probably hate me…Sniff...And I wouldn’t blame them I messed up so bad.”
Ramone pulled her away just enough to look her in the eyes.
“Now Sweetie calm down. Applebloom and Scootaloo are your friends and they could never hate you. That’s not what friends do. No Sweetie friends forgive each other no matter how big or bad a mistake they make. Your friends will always love you no matter what happens. And besides don’t you remember it was Scootaloo’s idea to go to the library alone without an adult. And Applebloom did confess that she should have spoke up against this. You know very well none of this is all your fault. Your friends all admitted that they too made mistakes. Remember you’re still just a little kid and you’re going to make mistakes every now and then. It happens with everyone even me. You see one time I was helping out my mom at her shop. I was carrying more stuff than I thought I could and I ended up tripping over my loose shoelaces and everything that I was carrying went flying everywhere. A pin cushion that was on top knocked over my juice I had sitting on the edge of the counter and all the juice spilled all over the new dress my mom had just finished for a new client. I thought that she was going to be really mad at me. But she wasn’t you know why?”
Sweetie Belle shook her head
“Because it was an accident and my mom knew that I would never do something like that on purpose.”
She looks up at him then back down
“Sweetie. Do you understand now what I’m trying to say?”
She looked up at him nodding her head and giving him a small smile.
“ Yes. This isn’t my all my fault and I shouldn’t be blaming myself for it. Because I made a mistake just like everyone does. And I going to make more mistakes but I should never let them get to me. Because making mistakes is all a part of life.”
Ramone pulled her into a hug and a proud smile on his face
“That’s right Sweetie! Now you understand.”
She smiled at him, but it didn’t last long as another realization came to her mind and she started crying all over again. Ramone looked down at her
“Sweetie? What’s wrong now?” she kept her eyes closed
“Sniff Sniff Sob Sob Whimper...I...I miss her.”
“Your sister...Rarity?”
She nodded, thinking for a moment not sure how to help with this...then an idea popped into his head remembering something his mom did for him when he was a little kid.
“Hey Sweetie I think I've got something that will help.”
“Why don’t you go on over to Flo’s for a bit and when you come back it’ll be done. Ok.”
Though a bit confused Sweetie Belle wiped away her tears and left the shop and heading over to Flo’s cafe. Ramone headed back over to his desk and got started working. After drawing out the design Ramone picked out the softest material he has in white and purple, some stuffing, blue, white, black, and purple thread.
. . .
“Ramone I’m back.” Sweetie Belle walked back into the shop.
“I’m in here Sweetie. Come in I have a surprise for you.”
She stepped into his work room seeing Ramone standing next to his desk with both arms behind his back.
“Sooooo...You said you had a surprise for me.”
Rocking a bit on her heels she waited patiently for what Ramone has for her. After spending some time with everyone she started feeling a lot better. Ramone knelt down in front her with his arms still behind his back.
“First close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
She did so and Ramone took out what was behind his back and set the item in her hands.
“Ok open them.”
She opens her eyes and looked at the item in her hands.
It’s a doll that looks just like...Rarity! staring at the doll and at a complete loss for words Ramone took the chance to explain.
“You see when I was a little boy my mom often had to go on really long trips for fashion shows. And I missed her all the time while she was gone. One day when she had to leave for another show I tried everything that I could to get her to stay but nothing worked and I was really upset about it. So my mom made something special for me. A doll that looks like her and she said that whenever I was missing her all I had to do was look at that doll and think about all of the good times we had together and I was always reminded that she comes back. So even though I still missed her I always felt a little better while she was away all because I had that doll with me to let me know that she’d always come back. And I thought you needed the same thing. A little something to help you remember that even though you’re so far from home you know that you’ll always have someone who loves you and will always be with you no matter how far away they are.”
He waited for her reaction, still staring at the doll tears began to well up in her eyes.
“So...What do you think? Do you like it?”
She jumped into his arms hugging him tight tears streaming down her face
“I love it! Thank you! Thank you so much!”
He picked her up hugging her close.
“I know how it feels being so far away from someone you love it’s very hard and especially for someone at your age. You just need someone there to help you get through it all. And that’s why I’m here you know that if you ever need anything I’m always here for you.”
Tears falling down her face Sweetie Belle hugs him tighter
“Thank you so much Ramone...Sniff…I love you.”
“I love you too Sweetie.”
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mizkit · 6 years
Brexit in a Nutshell, from an Irish POV
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I posted this cartoon (with sincere apologies to cartoonist Sidney Harris) over on Facebook, and an American friend said they’d been trying to follow some of the Brexit news, but frankly it was all a bit confusing (and as if there’s not enough confusion to sort through in the States), so I wrote a very brief primer and answered some follow-up questions, all of which got a nod of approval from some British friends. Then the autopost from my blog got a bit of Tumblr traction, so I’m going to post the full thing here, too, for easier reading for those who are baffled but would like to try to understand a little better. :)
The Brexit Vote & Article 50 In June 1016, the United Kingdom held an advisory referendum vote on whether they as a unit should leave the EU. It narrowly passed, to the shock of absolutely everybody, especially those who voted to leave under the assumption the referendum would fail but wanted to lodge a protest against the government in general. This departure immediately got nicknamed “Brexit”.
In order to actually leave the EU, Britain had to trigger an article in the Lisbon Treaty, an EU-wide initiative, that allows a member state to leave the union. This article is known as Article 50. British Prime Minister Teresa May invoked it on 29 March 2017; the United Kingdom leaves the EU two years from that date, like it or lump it. There are, at the time of typing this, eight weeks until Brexit happens.
The UK believes that there are currently negotiations going on about how gracefully Brexit will happen. (They’re wrong. The negotiations are over, and have been for some time.) They currently have three options: the deal, which means “it will go extremely badly”; No Deal, which means “it will go mind-blowingly, incredibly, unbelieveably, staggeringly badly”; and revoke Article 50, which means “never mind, this is a terrible idea and we’re not going to do it.” No one appears to be seriously considering the final option, which means staying in the EU, although the EU has indicated repeatedly that they will pretend this All Never Happened as long as Article 50 is revoked before midnight, 29 March 2019. However, Article 50 has to be actively revoked; they cannot just let the clock run out and say “whoops, we didn’t mean it, we’re gonna stay in!”, although it appears that many British people wrongly believe that’s what will happen in case of a “no deal” Brexit.
Once the clock ticks over to March 30th, if Britain wishes to change their mind, they’ll have to reapply to join the EU, which will almost certainly and with good reason lose them every bit of the special, favored status that they’ve maintained over the past forty years (like keeping the British pound as its currency, among many, many, many other things).
There are obviously huge massive amounts more to it, economic devastation to Britain, huge economic knock-on effects across Europe, surreal levels of difficulty with customs and trade agreements and food and medical supplies and anything else you can imagine, but at the most basic level, that’s what we’re looking at.
So Why In God’s Name Is It Happening? On one level Brexit is almost identical to what’s going on in the States. The Tory political party (re: GOP) has laid all their bets on the percentage of their supporters who are actual Leavers (Wall supporters) because without that percentage, they lose power.
So they can’t back down without losing political power and they have huge amounts of personal profit retained or made by either maintaining the status quo (see: GOP Senate) or by actually leaving (tax havens, etc; again, think GOP Senate). It’s exactly the same situation. The details are different, but the situation is the same. And not sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but both scenarios are literally exactly what Russia paid for.
The Irish Border The thrust of the thing with the Irish border is that the DUP, who are the tiny, hard-right-wing, pro-United-Kingdom, Northern Irish political party currently propping up the Tory government, refuse to accept any kind of border agreement that lies outside of the physical island of Ireland, like, in the Irish Sea, for fear it will help movement toward a united Ireland.
In the meantime, the Good Friday Agreement, negotiated and supported with the help of the EU and which ended the ongoing sectarian war between Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics (“the Troubles”) here in Ireland, means that there *cannot* be a hard border (with check points, customs checks, passport control, etc) between the North of Ireland and the Republic. The backstop basically means there’s no internal border until post-Brexit trade agreements (which could take years, even decades) have been settled on.
The thing that really horrified me about the backstop was that when it was announced, it really almost literally read “So we’ll put in this backstop, and then a miracle will happen, and then it’ll all be fine.” I mean, I read the agreement several times when it was published in December 2017 and it’s really astonishing magical thinking. But the DUP hates the backstop, half of the British MPs (congresspeople) think Ireland should stop making such a fuss and just exit the EU along with them so THEY HAVE no more problems and don’t understand why Ireland is being so obstreperous because it’s not like England has ever done anything mean to Ireland(!), and the Brits keep saying “We can get a better deal on our exit” despite the EU saying in no uncertain terms that they’re really quite done negotiating.
Follow-up Questions From The Audience Is [Teresa] May [Britain’s current Prime Minister] a Leaver or a Stayer? Has she been handed a raw deal and is making the best of it?
Ironically enough, May was a Stayer, but has ended up in charge of Leaving.
I think suggesting May’s making the best of a bad deal is unnecessarily generous. She could have refused to invoke Article 50 or pointed out that the Brexit referendum was advisory, not binding, and that she was not going to lead the country into this shit show, or, indeed, simply not entered into a coalition with a bunch of Catholic-loathing misogynistic racists in the form of the DUP and therefore not become PM or had to deal with this whole question at all. But holding power was too tempting to pass up, and here we are.
What about Scotland? Do they want to stay in the EU? Both Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay in, as units. Wales and England voted to leave, as units. Everyone assumes that if Brexit actually happens (and there’s no evidence it won’t), there will be an almost-immediate referendum held in Scotland regarding declaring their independence from the UK. There are some loopholes (they need a central bank, which they don’t currently have because they’re part of the UK, for example), but given that the LAST referendum, a handful of years ago, came very near to passing, and that the EU has made positive noises about the potential of Scotland’s application, it’s to be assumed that they will succeed in their referendum and apply for EU member state status.
I mean, this also opens the question of what happens if they declare their independence, because I can’t really imagine England sending an army up to Hadrian’s Wall, but at this point, God Alone Knows. And don’t get me started on Gibraltar.
Nobody has a clue what’ll happen in the North of Ireland, although poll last year indicated that for the first time in history there’s close to a majority willing to consider unification as an option. The romantic in me has great hopes for that result, but there are enormous numbers of emotional, historical, religious and political hurdles to clear before it happens. In the meantime, the Republic considers Northerners to be citizens of the Republic already, and over the past two years so many people from the North (and from the island containing England, Scotland and Wales) have applied for their Republic-of-Ireland passports (because having them means they’ll still be able to travel freely around the EU) that the passport people have repeatedly run out of applications.
It’s a total shitshow. It’s very exciting to be an American in Ireland who has as much emotional investment in the mess over here as the mess over there, and by “very exciting” I mean “the absolute worst”. :/
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