#and theyre actually looking at sidon's wife yona
hellsite-detective · 8 months
The door creaks open, and a burly-looking chap stalks his way into your office. He doesn’t speak, instead opting to pass you a simple, handwritten note scrawled on what seems to be a napkin from a coffee shop-
“Requesting information about the “I would fuck Sidon” post for research purposes. I have found myself in desperate need to prove its existence to a skeptical colleague. Forgive the odd presentation of my message. Sincerely-“
The signature has been blotted out- it seems the writer wishes to conceal their identity. A phone number is scribbled beneath it. As soon as you finish copying it down, the man takes the napkin out of your hands, rips it apart, and leaves without another word.
no need to apologize for your oddly formatted request! i've seen weirder. but that's par for the course in this city. shall we get started?
i was bein' asked to find a post about fucking Sidon the Zora Prince from the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (as well as Tears of the Kingdom). i went on down to the Search Bar and asked the big fella Google for "tumblr i would fuck sidon." they seemed to perk up at that comment.
"hmmm yeah. i betcha do, doll."
they then proceeded to hand me a link to tumblr "Sidon x reader" fics. i scoffed at them and demanded i see images of what i'm lookin' for. they shot me a spicy look, causin' me to realize my wordin' was a little suspicious. shockingly, however, they gave me what i was lookin' for. well, amidst several images of Sidon, that is. but i finally had a lead to go on. i went ahead and took a trip down to the final address listed in the photograph and snooped around filterin' for "private message" and found what i believe to be the post. i filed it away for safe keepin'.
here you are, my silent client! i hope this is the post you were lookin' for! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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