#and they're not welcome here so yeah. if you are a proshipper get off my blog and go to therapy
canonically47 · 4 months
proshippers were chronically online before the term was ever coined. cuz like have you ever met a normal person irl who watched a show like idfk stranger things or something and told you with a straight face that billy and max would be good together. exactly
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coolfire333 · 7 months
Not to post discourse but *posts discourse*
Tldr; "proshippers" piss off and touch grass you are GROSS I do not welcome you here AT ALL, "antishippers" please learn to be respectful of "weird/morally questionable/toxic" but otherwise "legal" ships and have media nuance you are on thin ice dude JUST BE KIND TO PEOPLE AND BLOCK (/REPORT WHEN APPLICABLE), DON'T HARASS
Ok I seriously hate the lack of nuance in modern fandom re: shipping discourse
Granted I was not online until 2016 when I first made my tumblr so I only got remnants of the untagged "wild west" of the internet but I truly feel as if I've seen some of the worst when it comes to shipping discourse
Like I'm actually worried that I'm gonna get burnt at the stake for liking a boss/employee age difference ship because of the questionable power dynamics that come with it even though there's nothing else "wrong" with the ship the way I wanna depict it. Like god I wanna explore that ship more in art/writing despite knowing that it's questionable but I've already got told to kill myself once over my writings (don't even know why that happened tbh) and I really don't want to have that happen again
But I also don't want people to see that I ship something like that and think that I'm proshipper-friendly, anyone who earnestly uses that label 9.9 times outta 10 is just an absolute creep who hides behind the "it's fiction :)" excuse to romanticize pedo/incest/noncon stuff which is NASTY like you realize how chronically online you have to be to think that's remotely ok or normal to most people
And the earnestly "anti-ship" side is so bad too like jesus christ I can't even fully align myself with them either!! Like I swear to god they'll see a ship with a 20 year old and a 30 year old and think that 10-year age gap is inherently problematic and that depicting dark content is Bad even if it's not even being romanticized and they're WAY to eager to harass people over stuff that literally doesn't matter
I swear to god some of these people need to retake english class or any other sort of media analysis class because oh my god depiction is not always normalization/romanticization!!! But the second you start to say that a bunch of absolute CREEPS begin crawling out of the woodwork to defend your points like no dude piss off I know you're whacking it to morally depraved pornography in your spare time and trying to pass it off as "normal fantasies" YUCK!!!
The staunch antishippers will assume you're proship if you don't want to use either label and the proshippers will do the exact same thing like "yeah sure no label but you're one of us right ;)" NO!!!!!!!!!! I literally do not want to be associated with either side they are both cesspools and the antiship side is only better if you ignore the rampant harassment and intimidation tactics and undeserved callouts
Literally go touch grass and leave me alone both of you I really do not want to receive more suicide bait or any death threats over wanting fictional characters to kiss each other or hold hands or, yes, even (consentually) fuck nasty even if it's morally questionable but I swear to god if you're so much as turning your head to people outwrite getting off to depraved shit romanticizing pedo/incest/noncon like "hmmm it's fiction, doesn't bother me if other people do it" then you are VILE
But don't go out harassing people who like nasty stuff just block them and make sure not to let them enter your space jesus it's literally THAT EASY
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