#and they're NOT ambiverts at all they just pretend they don't hate socialising lol
sorrowschengmei · 2 years
INFJ description and stereotype are written as some sort of cheap fits-all-sizes daily horoscope and unless you’re really healthy and/or has studied functions you WILL mistype
see, imagine you’re someone who has depression and anxiety, few friends, childhood trauma and a liking to artsy and mystical stuff [if you’re here in tumblr big chances you don’t even need to imagine it lmao], and you see this whole ‘rarest type, misunderstood, old soul, deeply spiritual’ thing. wow that’s certainly you!
but wait, you’re not a ‘feeler’, you’ve been always pretty rational... don’t worry, the INFJ is the most rational of feelers! its basically a less evil INTJ!
but wait, you’re a bit extroverted too, and despite being depressed you still feel energised by social contact! see, the INFJ is what we call an ‘ambivert’, so yeah, still there’s space for you in the magic wizard club!
but you like adrenaline, parties, ratioing ppl on twitter, living for today! oh poor thing, that’s just that mean mean Se clutching you in its grip :/ ponder a bit more about the meaning of life and you’ll be back to your old unique self! 
this shit is all about functions. are you the spitting image of a broody Romantic with intents of saving the world, but your dominant function is Ne? congratulations you’re ENFP or [gasp!] ENTP!
‘introversion’ doesn’t mean wanting to be left alone sometimes or dislking convos with annoying ppl. [that’s just being human]
‘being a feeler’ doesn’t mean having feelings and not wanting to upset people. [that’s just being human]
‘wanting to stay home all day long, avoiding even your friends, often think about unsolvable problems of your life and humankind, getting your feelings hurt by minor stuff and being unable to voice your concerns bc you’re afraid you’ll upset someone’ doesn’t mean you’re INFJ [THAT JUST MEANS YOU’RE DEPRESSED AND SHOULD SEE A THERAPIST ASAP]
MBTI is supposed to be either FUN or USEFUL, if you’re using it to reaffirm your ‘not like the other girls’ syndrome: you’re doing it wrong
if you’re using it to downplay your mental health issues: you’re doing it wrong
if you’re using it to excuse shity behaviour: you’re doing it VERY wrong and should be ashamed
tldr: if you type as INFJ there are great chances you’re just depressed. read about functions. don’t type based on stereotypes, memes or descriptions. yeah the wizard dude is cute, i know, but you know who else is great? sunglasses dude. 
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