#and they'll be like 'hes the WORST hes fucking AWFUL i mean he didnt do anything this episode but he SUCKS ASS'
acesammy · 2 years
i reeeaaaaallly need to stop listening to this podcast bc all it does is make me mad at work rip
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adhderall · 9 months
speaking of males shitty behavior being excused because theyre depressed artists or some shit, this is why i dont like korn. that dude shamelessly has sung about wanting to rape and murder his stepmom just because she was a little mean to him when he was a kid. the moment some guy says that he wants to rape a certain woman, i stop giving a fuck what that woman has done. i will never feel sorry for guys with rape fantasies. i will never support rape. i had a really shitty (bio) mom growing up as well (still live with her unfortunately) and despite the fact that she starved me, screamed and yelled at me, didnt let me go to the bathroom and made me hold my piss, didnt let me bathe, didnt let me wear clean and new clothes, didnt let me play with other children or talk to other adults, didnt let me leave the house, didnt send me to school etc. not once did i fantasize about raping her. the way dudes like him get shit ton of sympathy but women like me get told "im not a good daughter towards my mother" is frustrating. i just want to kys. sorry for bringing such heavy stuff unprompted
yeah understandable. my mother is kinda awful in many ways and yeah I've never fantasized about ... raping her... or anybody for that matter despite there having been Quite A Lot of people who have mistreated me in various ways. because I'm normal (well comparatively in this case) and not a degenerate piece of shit.
women are so nice to their little moids and yet they'll fantasize about this shit at best and actually do it at worst. like at that point I think you deserve to get beat kek (I got beat as a kid so I can joke about it xo)
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