#and they stay there until all of them are alligned - all three with their feet on the bed - threatening him
icharchivist · 5 months
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katyakiryu · 5 years
An Unexpected Wrath, Part 9
"You understand, Captain Quinn, that we cannot allow you to continue your search for the Empire's Wrath," Minister Lorman told Quinn. "It is in the Empire's best interest that she disappears, you understand."
One year. 12 months. 360 days.
However he staged the statistics in his mind, Quinn couldn't stand the fact that it had been a year and Asha'lie was still missing. What was now known as the Eternal Empire had bombed planets into submission. They'd taken her from him. There was no trace of her anywhere in the galaxy. All Quinn had was the one broadcast that an Outlander had assassinated the Eternal Emperor. Asha had killed the Emperor, he was sure of it. Quinn also refused to believe that she too had been slaughtered.
She was alive somewhere out there. He could feel it.
"I will not cease my search, minister," Quinn replied coldly.
"Then I have permission to take you into custody," Lorman replied. Quinn had never wanted to punch someone so much in his life, and that included Pierce.
"Yeah, over my dead body," Vette snapped behind Quinn.
She was the only one who remained after a year. Broonmark had left fairly soon, as had Pierce. Jaesa had stayed for some time before deciding to better herself in the ways of the force without Asha.
"Are you leaving as well?" Quinn had asked Vette.
"I owe Asha'lie everything. I'll help you find her, I promise," the Twi'lek had replied. "She'd want me to stick with you anyway."
Now Vette stood at his side, ready to fight an entire squad of Imperial soldiers just to stop him from being taken. Quinn was almost touched, but he knew the consequences if she stood with him. She'd be killed or thrown back into the slave pens, and that Asha would never forgive him for.
"I surrender, then," Quinn told the minister.
"What?!" Vette exclaimed.
"Vette. Let it be."
The prison cell was dark and metalic. Quinn lay on the cot within and let out a breath. He could always try and escape, but odds were that he'd be shot dead.
If Vette found Asha, how would the Sith react if he was dead? He wondered about that for several minutes. Odds were she'd kill the entire Empire in revenge. No, he was thinking of himself too highly in her mind. She would certainly kill Lorman.
Quinn wondered if she was happy where she was. He doubted it. Asha'lie wouldn't have run off and left them after she killed the Emperor.
Do you want to run away with me?
She had once asked him that. Quinn realized that he would in an instant. He wondered where they'd go. Asha had loved Voss. She loved Alderaan. It would have to be a planet with woods. Woods and streams. Somewhere beautiful, just like her.
He turned to writing her a letter in his head.
My lord,
No, that was too formal.
Too casual.
Quinn frowned and shook his head, turning onto his side. There wasn't a point to it now. He'd write that letter when she saved him. Even better, he'd tell it to her face.
The last thing Quinn expected was a pardon and a promotion. He was allowed to keep his search discreet as he served Empress Acina. Even with the high privilege of his promotion to Major, throughout the next year of his life, Quinn felt as if someone had carved a hole into his heart. Asha was still missing. There was no way to fill the gap.
Vette hadn't contacted him, either.
He was considering taking a shuttle to look for the Sith he loved when news of a resistance against Arcaan reached him. An Alliance, they called it. At first, Quinn wrote it off, but as time went on, more and more blows were struck against the Empire that had conquered them all. Massive blackouts in Zakuul, the Outlander escaping prison, the entire Eternal fleet gone haywire, and Arcaan's disappearance from the throne. Quinn couldn't believe it. He could believe it even less when Acina offered to aid the Alliance.
He waited near the entrance to the throne room, curious to see this so called Outlander. Perhaps he could convince them to find Asha. She was a powerful fighter, and an Alliance between Sith and Jedi was all she ever wanted.
Quinn nearly choked when Asha'lie herself walked in with who he recognized as Theron Shan and Lana Beniko. It was her, it was really her. He moved to approach her, to throw himself at her feet and beg for her forgiveness. Had she found Vette and Jaesa? He hoped she had. Surely she'd be happy to see him?
Quinn stopped in his tracks when he watched Theron grab her hand. Asha smiled at the former SIS agent.
The Major's shoulders slumped. She was involved with the spy again. Of course she was. Undoubtedly, Shan held just as much affection for her now as Quinn had refused to see on Yavin 4.
One would think that six years apart would numb the pain, but it did nothing to soothe the ache in his heart.
"The Empress and the Alliance Commander are dead."
Dead. No, not like this. Not when he could have said something to her, not when he could have held her again, seen those clear blue eyes that still haunted his dreams sparkle.
Quinn was mentally punching himself until Acina walked back into the citadel, soaked but unharmed.
To his own surprise, the Minister was behind it. Both Acina and Asha'lie had survived.
"When can we expect a prision transfer for Lorman?" He asked the ensign beside him that evening. Asha had taken a shuttle away from Dromund Kaas to save her Alliance, and to Quinn's regret, he hadn't been able to speak with her. Now was the time to send that letter. He picked up his datapad to send the order.
"He was found dead, Major."
Quinn slowly lifted his gaze from the pad.
"Forensic report," he ordered.
"Three lightsaber wounds to the chest, Major."
She'd killed Lorman. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Quinn was suddenly very certain that killing the Emperor had sent Asha over the deep end. Had she woken up alone and angry that he hadn't found her? No, she was Sith at heart, he had to remember that.
"I can't believe she threw Saresh in jail."
The passing conversation of an Imperial solider crossed his ears.
"After that betrayal? The Wrath went soft."
Quinn relaxed. Acina could have killed Lorman. He was jumping to conclusions.
The Eternal Empire crumbled at her feet. She'd won the battle and the people. Asha had saved them all from a fiery death, but she now held an insanely powerful weapon-- the throne itself. Quinn could see the fear in the Imperials around them. They needed something to defend themselves with.
Iokath held all the answers.
Quinn wasn't too concerned. Acina was worried that the Alliance would use the fleet to kill them all, but she hadn't fought beside Asha'lie long enough to know how loyal the Sith lord could be. She would never use that fleet for harm, especially against the Empire.
Perhaps it was fate that he was selected to deliver the offer of a temporary alliance against the Republic forces.
Quinn gripped his hands tightly behind his back. The waiting was making him go mad. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to speak with her again. He didn't even care that Asha was in a relationship with Shan. He wouldn't hide this time.
He knew she'd choose to support the Republic. She had that option now, along the freedom that she desired. The Empire had done nothing but abandon her. Quinn swallowed. He'd follow her anywhere. It was time to run away, just like all those years ago.
Even when he was expecting her, Asha'lie still made him fall speechless.
She had armor on. Not simply a tunic or robe, but legitimate armor that was stained with oil. Quinn couldn't help but wonder if she'd been injured again.
Asha'lie looked exhausted. It was the first time he'd seen her since that last private moment on the bridge of her ship. He'd assumed that she was at peace, that she'd finally found a place where she belonged in the galaxy. The Emperor was dead-- surely she had everything she desired?
"You're looking more potent than ever, my lord," Quinn managed, shaking himself out of the trance she'd put him in. Asha's eyes brightened with hope. His shoulders relaxed. She was happy to see him.
"Is that you, Quinn?" She whispered.
"In the flesh. Though we'll have to continue this reunion at a later time," he explained regretfully.
Her body language seemed to change entirely. She looked as strong as she had six years ago, and carried herself with dignity and power as she listened to the offers given by Malcom and Acina.
Asha'lie's eyes met his briefly before she straightened and announced her descision to allign with the Empire.
She'd become even more deadly in the time they'd spent apart. She was faster, stronger, unpredictable. Quinn found himself wondering if her eyes still held the same pain when she fought. He believed that she'd found a cause to believe in, one that she didn't regret. Perhaps that was the reason for her increased skillset.
That, and Shan. They worked together well in the field, two bolts of fire that scorched all who stood in their way. She was there when he faltered, and him for her. Quinn tore his eyes away from the surveillance feed. Theron Shan was better for her. The major was just glad to have her back, safe, and alive. Quinn decided to join her alliance, her empire, when this was over.
The battle ended in their favor.
He was eager, so uncharacteristically eager to tell her of his intentions to join her again. That was, if she would have him.
Quinn's world cracked when Shan returned with her smoking body cradled in his arms. He gripped his hand in a fist, but relaxed apon hearing that she was still breathing. Asha would recover. Knowing her, she'd be up on her feet in mere hours.
So he waited. Waited and waited for her to wake up.
When she did finally emerge from the medbay, she did not have the warm smile Quinn was expecting. Concern ate at him as he saw the worried look in her eyes. Paranoia radiated from her along with Shan and Beniko. What was wrong? What had happened?
Unlike the previous times that Quinn had seen them together, Asha and Theron were distant. There seemed to be a stone wall separating the two of them. There were no jokes, no affection. He knew that thick tension all too well. What had Shan done to earn her distrust?
To his surprise, Asha's body relaxed when she finally approached Quinn.
"It's been a long time, Quinn," she greeted him.
"Too long," he replied. "After you disappeared, I spent months looking for you. Minister Lorman heard about my crusade and ordered me to call off the search."
"Yes, Vette told me that you were arrested," Asha'lie responded with concern in her voice.
"I did spend some time in Imperial prison before I recieved a pardon, yes."
"You must have known I was back. Why did you stay hidden?"
Quinn turned to her and swallowed. Her expression was sincere and attentive. She wasn't angry, he could tell that much, but she did want answers.
"I was concerned that you still hadn't forgiven me for the betrayal all that time ago," he explained. "I also believed that my aid would be unwelcome."
"It isn't. I'm so glad that you're okay," Asha'lie told him. Her voice was soft, and for a moment he swore that he saw tears in her eyes. "Do you want to come back with me? Join our alliance?"
"I do, if you'll have me," Quinn murmured. "I can hand in my resignation to the Empire this instant."
"Then I hope to see you on Odessen soon," she said. She smiled warmly at him and briefly patted his arm. "And I have forgiven you, Quinn. I did a long, long time ago."
He nodded and walked away. The moment his back was turned, Quinn found himself smiling. He was back where he belonged.
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kingdomofgufalla · 5 years
Coco - Remy’s Plant
Physical Characteristics
Gender: Female
Type: Bush
Species: Jittery Juniper
Height: 4.5 feet
Weight: 12 lbs.
Feeding Cycle: 4-5 minutes three times a day. 35-40 minutes maximum.
Water intake: Damp soil
Range of Motion: 25 ft. Vines,
Tickle Tools: Vines.
Physical Characteristics
Leaves: Big and round, each about the size of a bouncy ball, Jade green.
Trunk/Stalk: Small brown trunk that usually stays hidden within the center of the bush.
Flowers: Lavender/White and black/royal purple pansies.
Vines: 100 long and thin army green vines.
Fruit: Juniper Berries, mixture of maroon(coffee) and scarlet(Hot chocolate). (Maroon berries have the same effects as coffee)
Flower pot: Big, white glazed clay coffee mug, designed with coffee beans all over it.
Intune With: Physical Responses
Literacy Level: College Student
Favorite Tickle spots: Legs and Underarms.
Allignment: Ler
Experience inside Mindscape
-Remy was the very last of the seven to get his tickle plant. He never really noticed they were there or got jealous until everyone got one.
-Roman had remembered Remy commenting on how cool the tickle plants were so the prince decides to give him a gift.
-He goes to his world and finds a humble little bush, then began talking with it in order to move it to Remy’s room in the mindspace.
-The little plant is excited about it and isn’t hard to transport at all.
-Remy walks into his room a little bit later and notices the bush. He appreciates it’s beauty from afar at first, but finds himself walking towards it and caresses the beautiful flowers.
-Soon five little vines wrap around his wrist and holds him in place. He’s a little bewildered, but doesn’t mind all that too much, the plant doesn’t seem to be harming him.
-Until a second later fifty tiny vines come out and after Remy’s neck and sides. They feel like little brushes and instantly Remy is overcome with laughter.
-After a few minutes the vines pull back and Remy feels a little more awake than before for some reason.
-The plant grabs a sticky note and pen, then writes out “Nice to meet you! You must be Remy! Roman said you wanted a plant friend!”
-Remy falls instantly in love with the little plant then asks her name.
-The plant writes back “We don’t really have names, in the traditional sense. How about we come up with one? :)”
-After a few minutes of discussing, Remy comes up with Coco, short for cocoa bean.
-Roman and Logan sometimes visit Coco for a boost if they’re working on something.
-But Amalthia and Audrey do not like the fact that Coco does this and prefer if their boys went to bed at a much earlier time.
-So the two plants talk to each other via the fax machine and decide they want Coco back in the imagination or for Roman and Logan to not visit her anymore.
-The two sides know that their plants mean well, but no matter what they tell them they can’t convince either of them.
-Roman tells Remy and Coco of this, explaining Alma and Audrey’s complaints.
-Coco is ready to agree to not tickle anymore, but her Figment is having none of it.
-Remy is upset because his friend is being targeted because of something that she can’t exactly control. He expresses this to Roman, hoping to find a middle ground.
-Roman agrees with Remy that Coco shouldn’t just be sent away like that, but he does see Audrey and Alma’s points of views. The last thing he would want is a feud between any of the plants.
-Then Roman, remembers something about Coco’s species. Coco begs to hear, quite deep in sorrow because the last thing she wanted to do was upset anyone.
-Roman explains that Jittery Junipers can give energy, but they can also take it away and make someone sleepy.
-Coco agrees instantaneously to learn how to do this, but doesn’t know how.
-Roman explains further that only a plant in tune with emotions can unlock the abilities of a plant intune with physical responses.
-Logan talked with Audrey about helping Coco unlock her power, but she refused. Roman then thinks Alma might be able to do it.
-Roman talks to Alma and tells her the solution, but she is outraged at it. “I will NEVER work with that weed! She’s a villain!” Roman sees parallelism in the situation of how he treated Virgil and quickly tells Alma the story.
-She takes a step back, reluctant to do it but compliant enough to try at least.
-Roman and Remy believe its a start and take the lighter plant, Coco, to Roman’s room so Alma and her can better communicate. Unfortunately, the conversation went south, to the point where Alma was ‘shouting’ at Coco, causing her to lose any belief she had in herself.
-Roman had to run in the room and break it up. He reasoned with Alma, asking her to put aside her own ego so Coco might be able to stay. Remy is off in the corner, holding back tears as best as he could. The thought of giving up his plant was too much for him.
-Alma finally realizes the damage she’s done on Coco and carefully reaches a vine towards her.
-For a second, it seemed as if Coco wouldn’t return the gesture, but she did with a cluster of her own vines and a soft light fills the room.
-When it fades, some of Coco’s leaves are no longer Jade Green, but a much lighter mint green, signaling that her full ability is now hers to use.
-Everyone is relieved and Alma asks forgiveness, which Coco immediately accepts, but not before letting Alma know how she truly felt during all of that.
-Audrey apologizes later, after some prompting from Logan. Remy and Coco are now closer than they have ever been.
-Enjoys tickling his belly and sides, because of the way he curls up.
-Despite Audrey and Coco not getting along, Coco and Logan are chill.
-Logan will go to Coco for either a boost or a case of the Z’s
-Coco is probably the least likely of the plants to have a vendetta against Roman. They are good friends.
-Like Logan, he’ll go to Coco if he needs a boost of energy or help sleeping.
-Coco typically goes after his ribs and underarms because that’s when his deep belly laughter comes out.
-Coco loves teasing Roman visually by wiggling her vines in front of him, then digging into his upper ribs.
-Patton and Coco love to chill with each other. Pat lets Coco explore one spot with tons of her tiny vines.
-Coco soft tickles Patton all over his belly, just relishing in his giggles cuz she knows he loves that.
-Patton also likes to bring little gifts for her like cards in braille or small knitted plushies of coffee cups/coffee beans. Coco flushes at and treasures each one, keeping them around her pot at all time. If she’s not feeling well or sad, she’ll hold one or two in her vines, almost cuddling it. She makes sure all of them are accounted for at all times.
-Jack understood Coco’s situation about keeping Logan and Roman up so late at night. So he encourages Virgil to talk to her, them two being in a similar situation and all that.
-Virgil tells Coco about his situation and Coco finally realizes she’s not alone in these feelings. She draws Virgil into a hug with her vines, and it lasts at least a minute.
-Whenever Coco tickles Virgil, it’s always with soft touches to his sides that are so soothing it almost puts him to sleep right in her vines. Also loves to hug Virgil for long periods of time.
-Deceit heads to Remy’s room because he was having trouble sleeping one night, thinking being in Remy’s vicinity might help him relax.
-He sees Coco suddenly has different leaves and asks about them.
-She explains the story with Alma and roman, then confirms for Deceit that she can in fact make people feel sleepy.
-Deceit asks for this and Coco works her magic, going after his neck and ribs with slow soft tickles. Deceit instantly melts.
-Hugs make deceit blush, so Coco loves giving him hugs.
-Remy and Coco are the best of pals. They’ve developed a system where all Remy has to do is lay a hand on Coco’s pot and she’ll make him sleepy by tickling his hands. Or she’ll wake him up in the morning by tickling a hand that fell off the side of the bed. It’s usually accompanied with a good morning note.
-Feeding sessions are short, but they are always fun with those two.
-She makes Remy giggle by visually teasing him with her vines, then sporadically poking random spots all over like two on his sides, one behind his ear, three on his feet, and four on his ribs. Every stroke as soft as she can make it.
-Coco is one of the few plants that gets really blushy. Remy loves complimenting her because her vines wrap around his hand all sheepishly.
Dr. Picani
-Emile is very sweet to Coco after hearing about what happened between her, audrey, and Alma. Picani, like Patton, loves leaving little notes for her to keep next to her pot.
-Coco and Emile talk more than tickle usually. She get’s so blushy around him and his smarts. They are both quite intune with human reactions and understand each other quite well.
-Coco likes targeting his belly button and thighs because his laughter gets quite squeaky when she goes after them.
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