#and there's no ulrich to take care of harry
vazaha-tya · 1 year
i'm getting way ahead of myself but i think i'd really enjoy writing a fic similar to anonymousmagpie's boy out of time, where ex nihilo!harry is transported to canon harry potter verse
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caeruleums · 1 month
i've added a family and i wanna see who i wanna keep on writing, so like this for a starter from someone in the galloway family. under the cut i'll list a little more information.
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harrison "harry" galloway. 50-55. heterosexual. skeet ulrich. harry is a real 'rags to riches' kind of guy. he was getting into trouble with the law as a kid, so when he was a teen his aunt (who was his guardian) made him join the local theatre because they had no boys. it was a fluke, but one of the biggest directors in hollywood picked him up and ever since then he was hollywood's golden boy. in a PR relationship, meeting the love of his life on set of the biggest movies of the century. eventually, they both cheated on their partners and quickly (and unexpectedly) got pregnant with their twin boys. however, harry is always looking for ways to recreate his youth. unfortunately, he can't say no to his pretty little costars when they bat their eyelashes and invite him over for a drink after the wrap party. he's an amazing man, some would say, being the face of a lot of charities. but he's not a great husband and an even worse father.
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misty galloway. 50-55. bisexual. madchen amick. being an actress was in her blood. her mother and father were also a hollywood couple, her father being the head of the biggest production studio and her mother being his starlet. with a massive age gap between the two, misty barely knew her father. she just knew he was a cruel man, and her mother put up with it. gave up her dreams, but instilled an incredible work ethic for misty. in return, she was a child actress turned teen it girl. she was known for being sexually liberated but when she met harry, that all changed. having her twin boys changed her. she was devoted to being a good mother, advocating for every single thing she could. she saw her husband straying, so she desperately tried to keep him by having two daughters. nowadays, she keeps her head up and ignores the rumors, for her children. she is strong willed, and speaks up against things that could get her blacklisted. but she doesn't care, because she is more passionate about keeping a world safe for her children and potential grandchildren, than staying in hollywood's good graces.
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rexford "rex" galloway. 27-30. bisexual. josh o'connor. though all of the galloway kids love their mother, rex and his mum have a closer relationship. he was always passionate about acting, but he had hesitated because she tried to keep him out of the scene. despite the boys being in a few of their father's movies, only rex had gotten bit by the acting bug. unfortunately for him, he took after his father having a wandering eye. he had always been connected to famous socialites, but still had himself focused on doing films that really inspired him. he only takes on indie projects that have meaning, but he's his mum's go-to for anything press related. he will often be seen fighting with his father, and many times tmz has covered their 'tumultuous' relationship. he's quick to anger, though normally reserved, and often seeking intellectual connections.
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oswald "ozzie" galloway. 27-30. bisexual. callum turner. he never really cared about the whole 'hollywood' of it all, but stuck around because he cared for his little sisters. ozzie never needed to get a job, he knew he was set, but he did take a particular interest in video games. ozzie constantly avoids conflicts, unless it's involving his younger sisters. your typical eboy/gamer bf, fluffy hair, tall and lanky. he'll secretly post thirst traps on twitter and tiktok, casually mentioning that he also likes to read books (acota and the likes) and has a pretty intense following on twitch. he doesn't get involved with his family affairs, often falling for the wrong girls and trying to hide away from his fame despite having a complete online persona. he's the sweet one of the family, always trying to work things out between the six of them.
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sawyer galloway. 22-24. bisexual. bailee madison. the bubbliest galloway in the world. a total daddy's girl, though he always seems to disappoint her. a child star despite her mother begging her father not to let her get into it, and now is starring in every teen movie netflix will put out. constantly battling with insecurity, secretly hating herself and everything she does. will often let boys walk all over her, afraid to come to terms with her attraction to women despite her sister and her mother being open about it. she will cry at the drop of a hat, but also has been referred to as a 'real life rapunzel' which she strives to be each and every day. more talented than what she's given, but too afraid to dip her toes into anything more serious for fear of rejection and critique.
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vaughn galloway. 21-23. lesbian. sophie thatcher. the black sheep of the family, though she does often respect what her mom is trying to do it never feels like enough. passionate about activism, vaughn moved out as soon as she could, going to school and not entirely sure as to what she wanted to major in. she's insecure about the fact that she's a 'nepo baby' and so she'll likely hide away at different functions so no one notices her. she loves her brother but she still constantly feels like she doesn't belong, or that she doesn't deserve what she has. has been very open about being a lesbian since she was 12, and though many people questioned it her mother did not and supported her through it. can be found at lowkey music festivals, or just doing part time work in a small town where no one would notice her.
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metawitches · 4 years
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After the Harry Potter costume party of getting to know Martha/Eva’s world in S3EP1, in episode 2 it’s finally time to visit Adam’s post-apocalypse world, which is a form of the world without Winden that Hannah and Ulrich have dreamed of for decades. Ironically, Hannah and Ulrich both flaked out on the apocalypse and have retired separately in the Winden of previous decades. Katharina followed Ulrich.
Peter and Elizabeth serve as our point of view characters for the aftermath of the shockwave as they search for Charlotte and Franziska. Charlotte has jumped forward 33 years and is now in the barren future with Adult Elizabeth. The version of Young Alt Martha who transported Jonas to her world, then left him behind, is with Stranger, Bartosz, Franziska and Magnus in 1888.
We spend much of this episode in 1987, where things have changed in the last 3 months.
Note: I’m going to continue calling Adam/Jonas’ world the Prime world and Eva/Martha’s world the Alt world, because that’s the easiest way for me to keep track of them in my head. I’ll label the characters the same way. It gets too cumbersome to say Adam’s world Jonas and too confusing to use a code when the character movements get complicated, though eventually I will have to differentiate the Young Alt Marthas with 1 & 2.
The episode begins with the first sex dream of the season. The Young Alt Martha who’s in 1888 dreams about having sex with Young Jonas in her bedroom, in her world. Soon Jonas disappears and her hands are coated in blood and grime, while holding the St Christopher medal that they pass between them as the symbol of their connection. She tries to stop Jonas’ bleeding the way Jonas tried to stop Prime Martha’s; she tries to wash the blood from her hands the way Prime Claudia did after Egon died; and she stands at the mouth of the cave in front of police tape the way… Well, that’s a universal experience on Dark at this point.
Then Martha startles awake in 1888. She’s in the guest bedroom at the Tannhaus clock factory B&B, or the boarding house that will become Erna’s in 32 years- where the travelers sleep is never made completely clear. Stranger sits and stares at her the way Adam will watch Jonas sleep someday, only Stranger manages to be creepier about it, blowing all of my S2 arguments that he could never grow up to be such a mean old man.
The personality change that goes along with a cycle change anyway and another failure to save his Martha have taken their toll on his fragile sanity. He was always a stalker, but the look in his eye now is no longer calm or benign. It’s malevolent, even though he doesn’t know this woman. It’s enough that she’s the wrong Martha.
He’s holding the letter from “Martha” that Young Noah gave him in Hannah’s kitchen in S2E8, which told him to save Bartosz, Magnus and Franziska with the device. He followed those instructions and left the kitchen, leaving Prime Martha to her fate. He’s probably figured out that this is likely a version of the woman who wrote that letter.
Stranger looks like he has a moment of hope that she’ll recognize him when she wakes up. When she doesn’t, he coldly tells her to get dressed, then leaves the room. He’s left her a pile of period appropriate clothes on a chair.
Despite what I said earlier about the world without Winden, Winden is always Winden, and it always rains there, every month except June, so it’s pouring right now.
Stranger hasn’t warned the others, so Magnus and Bartosz have the fun of thinking Martha survived, then learning it’s not her. Franziska apparently didn’t care about Martha all that much.
Alt Martha: “He’s right. I’m not Martha. Not your Martha. I promised I would make everything right again, so none of this would happen. So that you all don’t die in my world and I don’t die in yours. So that Ulrich… Dad… Mikkel… so you all come back. So all this can really end at last.”
Did she just imply that the other 4 people in that room die in her world? Which would mean Prime Young Jonas does, because her world doesn’t have its own Jonas. Hmmm.
A loud alarm goes off in the Prime world version of Jonas’ bedroom. Another joke/warning that carries between scenes. The alarm is in the form of Mikkel’s clock/radio playing the song “You Spin Me Right Round”, which played in the bunker when Erik Obendorf was held there back in S1. It’s also a little foreshadowing for what we’ll hear on the radio in Claudia’s upcoming scene.
I will never stop admiring this show’s ability to layer and multitask.
It’s September 22nd, 1987. Most of the episode takes place on September 22nd in one year or another. Something big must happen then or be close to happening, but I don’t think we know what yet.
[I’m still writing Snowpiercer recaps while writing Dark, so my head is in 2 very different apocalyptic, symbolic dystopias right now. Give me another week or so, then Snowpiercer will be done for the season and I can focus on this more closely. But also, ugh, 3 seasons of constantly rewritten details, help. As always, I reserve the right to edit my work for a while after publication so I can add what I forgot or figured out a little too late. Also, check out Snowpiercer, it’s a good show!]
Katharina wakes up in Mikkel’s bed. She was in the passage when the apocalypse hit at the end of S2. It’s 3 months later and she’s become Stranger Katharina, sleeping in her son’s bed in his abandoned house.
Did the adult version of Mikkel with the black goo/cesium 137 appear to her in the passage, the way he appeared to Stranger Jonas at the end of S1? And if so, did that affect her sanity even more than all of these other events would have? She saw Mikkel in the guilt/love montage, so we know he’s her hallucination/ghost visitation of choice.
Katharina gets dressed and goes downstairs. Sadly, she doesn’t check the milk like Jonas and Martha always do. She does listen to a phone message for Ines saying that the phone bill is 3 months overdue, which means that Mikkel and Ines must have left the house not long after Old Ulrich tried to rescue/kidnap him in June.
Katherina has stacks of “Missing” flyers on the table with Mikkel’s photo on them. She’s searching for Mikkel here as her own child, despite the fact that legally he’s Ines child now. The flyer says Mikkel has been missing for 3 months. Katharina leaves through the French doors, where she’s broken a hole in one of the windows.
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Jana and Tronte are holding the funeral and burial for Mads’ empty coffin today. Hermann Albers (Katharina’s absent father) comforts Jana that at least having the coffin and grave will give them some closure, even with an empty grave. And she and Tronte have each other. Jana looks at Tronte across the room and raises her glass to him sardonically.
Jana: “At least we have each other. Now we can get our closure together, looking at a coffin that’s empty. Tell everyone where you were when Mads vanished. F–king your girlfriend. When my son disappeared, he was screwing Claudia Tiedemann. If only you’d devoted as much energy to finding your own son as you’re wasting on finding your mistress. Then maybe Mads wouldn’t have gone.”
In the previous cycles, Jana lied to the police and gave Tronte an alibi other than Claudia. Ulrich never knew his father was with Claudia until he went through the police records in 2019 and realized his mother had lied to the police, so I doubt this conversation became common knowledge.
The conversation and the fact that the gossip didn’t spread are both shocking in a small town like Winden. Either this is the first time this conversation has happened or Tronte’s long standing affair with Claudia is such common knowledge that no one cares anymore.
Still, this is Jana’s finest moment as a character and a huge change from previous cycles- she started out in S1 as a depressed recluse, then was at least seen at a party, having fun, in Cycle 2. Now she’s able to stand up for herself and fight for what’s rightfully hers. This is the way it’s always been, but also due to the small changes Claudia and Jonas make each cycle, if we are to believe their interpretation of the eternal recurrence and its loopholes.
Tronte’s devotion to Claudia never really changes, because why would Claudia change one of her greatest assets?
I thought what Jana said was quite clear, but Tronte says that he doesn’t understand what she’s saying, which will become one of the catchphrases of the season.
Every season of Dark is about secrets, lies and confusion. S1 focused more on the confusion between what was real and what wasn’t. S2 was about keeping secrets while clearing up some of the confusion. In S3, secrets will be revealed and questions will be answered, but at the same time, the characters lie, lie, lie. To each other, to themselves, to the audience. Question everything that everyone says.
When someone does finally tell the truth, the person on the receiving end frequently says, “What are you saying?” They hear the truth so infrequently that they can’t process it. Or it doesn’t fit their worldview, so it bounces off their ears. Or, as with Tronte in this scene, it’s an inconvenient truth, so they’d prefer it remained unspoken. They’d like anyone within hearing range to believe it’s the truthteller who’s lying or delusional.
Jana’s not backing down this time. She dumps her purse on the floor. There are several newspaper articles with headlines about Claudia disappearing within a week of her father’s death, questioning if the two are connected. Jana implies that Claudia could have had something to do with Mads’ disappearance as well. Tronte walks out of the house without another word.
Finally, we really are going to post shockwave Winden, September 22, 2020. Of course it’s pouring rain. A figure in a mud gray raincoat removes a makeshift door from the front of the police station (most of the glass in town was broken by the shockwave). It’s Adult Claudia. She has the place encased in plastic and boards, locking it up pretty tight, which is a good thing, because she’s leaving her dying daughter in there alone most of the time.
I doubt Regina could get out easily if she needed to, but Regina is in such bad shape that she can’t even sit up, so it’s not really an issue. Claudia has her on a makeshift bed, with a heatlamp pointed at her and a radio playing, like she’s a pet lizard. Or a science project.
The radio is playing a report about what’s known of the cause of the June 27 global natural disasters.
Radio Announcer: “The world’s scientists are still looking for an explanation for the events of June 27, 2020. The epicenter/origin of the global catastrophe is still thought to be the small town of Winden. A French research team believes it is possible that our world stood still for a fraction of a nanosecond on June 27. Tidal forces may have diverged as a result. This would explain the global tidal waves, weather phenomena, and disturbances of electrical systems, which in turn could explain the countless number of airplane crashes and the simultaneous loss of power supply to nuclear power plants worldwide. There is currently no sign of the situation stabilizing…”
Claudia turns off the radio. As a physicist, she helped create this world and she already understands what’s going on. She has work to do to achieve her next goal, but the apocalypse was no accident, at least to her older self, who was quite clear that everything had to happen the way it always has. And we’ve known since S1E10 that this apocalypse has happened before. This is where it gets a little tricky to figure out who told which version what and when. This is, at the very least, the 3rd or 4th cycle with an apocalypse, since both Young and Stanger Jonas have seen it before.
But good on the French researchers for finally figuring something out! I bet they get to see the God particle before Elizabeth executes them this cycle, too!
Claudia pulls out a tattered box of Tamoxifen, Regina’s breast cancer medication, and goes to her daughter. Regina is lying very still and breathing shallowly, as if she’s in pain. She’s bathed in red/orange light from the heat lamp. Claudia asks how she is. Regina says, “Mama?” Claudia leaves the medicine pack next to Regina and turns to walk away. When Regina realizes she’s leaving, Claudia says she’ll be back at sunset.
Well that was cold. Regina looks like she’s barely alive and Claudia is leaving her alone in the cold, dark police station where she also left Aleksander, Regina’s beloved husband,  to die in the shockwave. Do they even know if Bartosz is alive or dead, since Claudia couldn’t be bothered to save her grandson?
Adult Claudia is just the worst. She can’t find anyone to help with Regina, like a clinic or field hospital? What was the point of rescuing her from the quick death of the apocalypse for this long, slow torture? Regina is living through many people’s worst nightmare about how they’ll die. Claudia has made her a homeless person, slowly dying alone, in pain and in desperate poverty. The only comfort she has is the heat lamp, which is a fire hazard. The medication is prolonging her torture at this point.
Claudia is keeping Regina alive for her own comfort, because she can’t bear the idea of losing her daughter, but she still wants nothing to do with the mundane realities of a relationship with another human being. It’s hard to understand why she’s bothering, when she treated Egon and Tronte the same way.
She’s always, since she was a child, cared more about science and math, yet still had a need to keep a person or two on the string. But there must be other people helping her with the God particle at this point.
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Young Elizabeth and Peter Doppler are staying in Benni’s trailer on the edge of town. It’s metal, so maybe its roof survived better than regular houses and the rest is easier to board up than their house. When they leave the trailer, Peter turns on a geiger counter to see if the rain is too radioactive to go out in. The levels are safe enough, so they walk to the military encampment near the power plant that was still in place when Jonas traveled there in S1/2.
The guard tells them that the area will be closed off in 5 days. They’re evacuating the zone and sealing off the restricted portions (which includes the power plant).
Peter, becoming agitated: “What are you saying?”
Guard: “We’re walling it in.”
He lets Peter and Elizabeth through, but asks why Peter would do this to his daughter. Young Noah lurks behind a truck and watches his future wife.
Stalking future, former and alternative loved ones is such a habit on this show.
The wall they’re talking about building is the one which surrounded the power plant in the future in S2. Jonas, Silja and Elizabeth had a spot where they could sneak under it to get to the God Particle in the power plant.
Back in 1888, Alt Martha and Stranger Jonas have explained to Magnus, Franziska and Bartosz that she’s from a parallel world which ends in an apocalypse, just like the Prime world. Magnus can’t accept that there could be another world with a different history.
Stranger asks Martha how she found him. She says that Jonas told her where Stranger was when Jonas traveled from the Prime world to the Alt world. Franziska brilliantly points out that Martha said there isn’t a Jonas native to the Alt world. Stranger is at least smart enough to figure out that a version of himself could have given Alt Martha the information, but even he gets stuck on the fact that he doesn’t remember traveling to her world or meeting her before.
He accuses her of lying, then asks if she wrote the letter Young Noah gave him, what she used to travel between worlds and if Adam sent her. He manhandles her while he’s trying to get answers out of her.
You’d think backwards and sideways time travel wasn’t possible in this universe. She’s standing right in front of them, having just come from another world. That means that a future Jonas or a Jonas from a past cycle could have traveled to her world. We saw the Unknown trio take the instructions for the world hopping sphere from Adam’s lair, so Adam had that capability before 1987, even though we didn’t see him use it. Or did we? He might have used a sphere to leave 2020 before the shockwave hit after he killed Prime Martha in S2Ep8. It would explain how he traveled as quickly and quietly as he did.
The group is interrupted by an older man who’s noticed that they’re late in starting their experiments today. He’s blind, but as soon as he enters the room he senses Martha’s presence. Stranger walks out of the workshop without speaking. The older man, Gustav Tannhaus, touches Martha’s face and figures out that she’s the reason Stranger is in an even worse mood than usual. Gustav tells her she doesn’t need to be afraid of him. Even though he has the reputation for being not quite right in the head, what he really has is the gift of foresight.
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In 1987, Katharina stands in the high school hallway and hands out “Missing” flyers between classes. None of the kids recognize Mikkel. Young Ulrich stops to talk to Adult Katharina and mentions that a “lunatic” might have gotten Mikkel. Young Katharina shows up and is impatient, so she and Ulrich leave for class, ignoring Adult Katharina’s questions. Young Hannah hangs back and tells Adult Katharina about the old man who tried to kidnap Michael last summer.
Adult Katharina thanks Hannah for telling her how to find Ulrich by shoving her against a wall and warning her to stay away from Mikkel and Ulrich, Hannah’s future husband and her lifelong friend.
Hannah looks at Katharina like she’s deranged. At this point, I think she is. Hannah just went out of her way to help a stranger, again, and has no idea who “Mikkel” even is.
Tronte is dealing with Jana outing his affair with Claudia by questioning Claudia’s assistant, Jasmin, about Claudia’s disappearance. Since the whole town knows about them and his wife has stopped pretending, he doesn’t have to skulk in the shadows anymore.
Jasmin tells him that Claudia, who had always been meticulous about her appearance, really let herself go in her final week at the plant. She wore the same thing twice! And her hair was a mess. She forgot about appointments. Jasmin thought it had something to do with the old woman and dog who came to visit her (Old Claudia and Gretchen), since Claudia was different after that.
Jasmin is right- Old Claudia brought Claudia’s childhood dog, Gretchen, back to her after her pet had disappeared in the caves 33 years years earlier, as proof that time travel is real. That was the final proof that Adult Claudia needed, in combination with what Bernd showed her: the barrels of cesium 137 stored in the caves and the odd data from the power plant accident in the summer of 1986, which pointed to the existence of the God particle.
In the 2020 post shockwave bunker, Adult Claudia begins to assemble her family tree on the wall. The strings that connect the photos form one of the Gordian knots that she’s slowly deciphering.
Peter and Elizabeth have reached their destination, the official Winden corpse ID tent for the dead lost in the blast. There are rows and rows of photos showing the faces of the dead on the wall. This is what the checkpoint guard thought that Peter should spare Elizabeth. The faces of almost everyone she’s ever known are on this wall.
But Elizabeth is strong and avoiding the truth doesn’t change it. She’s always preferred to have information rather than be left out. This is the stuff of nightmares, whether you sees the photos or see the town itself.
We’re shown photos for Officer Justina Jankowski and Aleksander Tiedemann, who were in the police station. Benni was probably at home. Inspector Clausen and Torben Wöller were in the power plant with Charlotte, in the room with the barrels where the rift formed. No idea where Jürgen Obendorf was, possibly also working somewhere on the power plant grounds. Their heads are all easily recognizable and in relatively good shape, for having been through an apocalypse.
Peter and Eli look through the rows, then check with each other. Neither has found Franziska or Charlotte. A soldier tells Peter that all of the bodies that have been found are represented on the wall. When he relays the news to Eli, she suggests that maybe they time traveled. He hugs her.
We know they won’t find Charlotte and Franziska among the dead because Eli’s right, but they have no idea where their family members were when the shockwave hit.
Katharina rushes to the police station and demands information about the man in the psych ward who tried to kidnap Mikkel. Police Chief Martin Döhring says he’s told her before, he’s not going to give her any information relating to Michael Kahnwald, no matter how much she wants it. She has no proof of who she is or that Michael is her son.
But then Döhring does give in and tell Katharina that Child Protective Services has known where Michael and Ines were all along. They decided to go into hiding for a while for Michael’s safety and to give him a break. The “lunatic” is back in the psych ward, where he’s been for the last 34 years. That number rings a bell with Katharina, so she asks Döhring the kidnapper’s name, but he’s done with her and tells her not to come back again.
As Tronte is driving by the only bus stop in town, he notices Regina sitting there with Gretchen the Dog in her arms. He stops and asks if the dog belongs to Regina. Regina says that the dog belonged to Claudia.
Now that he’s established that Regina might have some information about Claudia for him, he offers her a ride.
Once she’s in the car, he mentions that the dog looks just like the original Gretchen (because Gretchen is a time traveling dog). Regina figures that’s why Claudia kept her. She asks Tronte if he thinks Claudia is guilty of the crimes she’s rumored to have committed, like murdering Regina’s grandfather and her close friend Mads Nielsen, Tronte’s son. Tronte doesn’t know.
I guess they know Claudia well. Since she did commit 2nd or 3rd degree murder on Egon, they are right to wonder what she’s capable of rather than blindly supporting her.
Tronte asks Regina if Claudia said anything about an old lady in the week before she vanished. Regina tells him no. Then he asks if she said anything about him. Both of them get emotional. Regina tells him Claudia didn’t mention him and asks to get out of the car. She’ll walk the rest of the way home. Belatedly, Tronte remembers to offer to help her if she needs anything, then drives away.
This is the man that everyone assumes is Regina’s father and he hasn’t even asked her how she’s been surviving for the last 3 months without a parent to to support her. Even if he’s not her father, he’s her mother’s oldest friend and lover. You’d think he’d care about her a little, for Claudia’s sake. It’s clear that he only cares about Claudia.
Regina is just so alone in the world. She didn’t need to be used by Tronte to further his obsession with her mother.
In 2020, Claudia begins work on the God particle. She makes the first of the tapes documenting her process. Jonas will listen to them when he arrives in the future in S2.
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Peter and Eli visit the Kahnwald house, as everyone eventually must. It’s tattered, but still standing (which we knew, since Jonas sleeps there years later). Peter leaves Eli in the kitchen while he looks upstairs. Hannah’s photos are still there- blown on the floor and ragged, but otherwise still recognizable. Eli looks at one while she waits.
Young Noah startles Eli, but moves slowly so as not to scare her further. His hair is black instead of blonde, the way Magnus’ is in the Alt world. In both speech and partial sign, he tells her he’s looking for food and asks if she is, too. She pulls out a notepad and writes down “mom and sister”, then asks where he’s staying. He writes “cave” on the notepad, so she won’t forget. Now the page says “mom and sister cave”.
Peter comes back downstairs and accuses Noah of following them. He says that he told Noah to stay away from them.
Noah: “You want to protect her, I know. So do I. And I will. After you get killed.”
Noah speaks his answer, but doesn’t sign it. Then he leaves. He did speak the words in full view of Eli, so depending on her ability to read lips, she may have understood what he said.
That evening, it’s still pouring rain. Bartosz visits Alt Martha in her room and apologizes about Jonas. Just, you know, his general surly Jonasness. (It’s all Jonas’ fault.)
When they left 2020 at the end of S2Ep8, Stranger wasn’t aiming for 1888, but they traveled at the exact moment of the shockwave and this is where they ended up (this is where Time sent them). The device is out of cesium 137 and they can’t get anymore in this time period, so theyre stuck here until Jonas can create a new God particle.
Bartosz doesn’t seem to consider that someone else could come from the future and rescue them. Or Martha could help them. But they’d have to have a destination in mind if they left, so maybe that’s the issue.
Martha asks about the workshop, Gustav and what they’re doing. Bartosz doesn’t answer her questions. Instead he tells her he needs to show her something.
Down in the workshop, Gustav asks Stranger if Martha is a traveler, like they are.
Gustav: “When I found you, now that was a sign. A God-sent miracle. Whatever this woman means to you, don’t forget what we’re going to create. Paradise. Every calamity can be reversed. The world’s suffering can be destroyed before it even exists. A perfect world. Sic Mundus Creatus Est.”
Jonas listens to what he says. He still hates the sound of Sic Mundus, but he’s drawn to rest of Gustav’s prophecy, now that it’s not coming from Adam. He wouldn’t be Jonas if his mind weren’t spinning in self-hating circles.
He’s reached his Faust moment of temptation and he hates himself for being drawn to the same ideas and promises that he thinks corrupted Adam. Gustav is his White Devil, promising him a world without Winden, where suffering has ended, if only Jonas will put in the hard work and self sacrifice necessary to bring it about.
Gustav referred to the travelers as a miracle from God in all sincerity, but Jonas knows what that future brings. The temptation is to give in and believe it will turn out differently this time. Yet, what choice does Jonas have, other than to keep walking the same path? Bartosz and Alt Martha won’t let him settle down in the 19th century and forget about who he really is. Neither will his own conscience. And another White Devil, Old Claudia, always shows up eventually to stir the pot. Or she sends an emissary.
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Katharina goes to the mental institution to look for Ulrich. She discovers that the nurse at the desk is her mother, Helene Albers. Helene is wearing the St Christopher medal that we’ve usually seen with Jonas and Martha. When Katharina asks for Ulrich and explains that he’s her husband, Helene judges Katharina for being with a patient who’s also a much older man and refuses to let her see him. Katharina uses her knowledge of the medal to talk her way in. She says that her mother also had a medal just like that. St Christopher renounced the devil and carried Jesus, the creator of the world. She begs Helene to let her see Ulrich.
Katharina describes the medal to show she’s a pious Christian, a good woman by her mother’s standards. But calling Jesus the creator of the world in that moment is an inside joke based on Ulrich’s favorite song, Pleasure to Kill by Kreator. “My only aim is to take many lives. The more the better I feel.” If I remember right, Helene never liked Ulrich. Katharina passed the favor down to Martha by pulling her away from Stranger Jonas.
Helene says that Ulrich was just released from solitary. He’s sitting at a table, playing chess by himself. Katharina sits with him. As soon as she gets his attention, she promises to break him out.
Jasmin is the last one at the power plant. She turns out the lights as she prepares to leave. The Unknown Trio turn them back on, then surround her threateningly. After confirming her identity, Adult Unknown tells her, “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
He shushes Jasmin, who is about 8 months pregnant, then strangles her with his garrotte.
At least he made sure to kill the correct pregnant secretary.
Jana fiddles with an ouroboros bracelet as she sits in her living room in deep thought. Tronte comes home and sits next to her. She tells him that at some point he’s going to have to choose between his family with her or Claudia. He says that he saw Regina today. She looks like a grown up. Jana remarks that Claudia has never said who Regina’s father is and she’s always wondered if it’s Tronte. Tronte doesn’t respond directly to that opening. He agrees that he has to decide between the two families and takes Jana’s hand.
It’s not hard for Tronte to choose Jana right now when Claudia has disappeared without a trace or a word. He cares even less about Regina than Claudia does, that was made clear, though we’ve never seen much evidence that he cares about Ulrich either. He imprinted on Claudia when he was young and everyone else will always come second, no matter what. We know he runs right back to her when she shows up again.
In 2020, Regina is alone and trying to sleep in the damp police station while it storms outside. Old Tronte comes in and squeezes her hand, saying, “I’m so sorry, but it has to happen. She said it’s the only way to save you.” He smothers Regina with her pillow.
Well, at least Regina’s suffering is finally over? I don’t think she ever did anything worse than say a few snappish words to the people who had done terrible things to her. And people were so awful to her. I hate the way both she and Aleksander died alone, after they were so devoted to their little family in life.
Prime Old Tronte wasn’t saved from the shockwave by any means that we saw, so how is he alive now? And did Claudia or Eva send him to kill Regina? Regina was definitely right to be nervous around him when she was young.
Back in the trailer, Peter heats up cans of soup while Eli thinks about Noah. She asks Peter what Noah said to him, but Peter refuses to tell her. She pulls out the triquetra diary, which he’s somehow held onto since season 1, and demands that he tell her more about what’s going on. They shove each other back and forth in the trailer, but not hard enough for either to get hurt.
Peter must know from the book where Franziska and Charlotte are, but he won’t tell Elizabeth, out of a misguided attempt to preserve her childhood.
Leaving her in the dark is worse than telling her a little of what he knows and turning it into a story she can handle. This is why fairy tales exist.
On September 22, 2053, Charlotte sits in the cave and looks at Elizabeth’s photo of Noah, Eli and herself as a baby. Eli returns from outside and sits next to Charlotte. Charlotte gets up to leave, maybe to take over standing watch outside the cave. Eli tells her it will be okay and they press their foreheads together.
In 1987, Young Katharina does her homework and listens to music at the kitchen table. Helene smacks her on the back of the head, hard, and in a vicious voice, tells her to clear the table.
We’ve seen Magnus smack people the same way, especially Mikkel, many times, though not as hard. This is another version of an eternal recurrence. The behaviors and personalities that recur in families down through the generations, in addition to physical similarities, become like seeing the same people and the same dynamics repeated over and over, with no exit possible other than blowing up the cycle by walking out and not reproducing.
Or going through extensive self examination and being self aware at all times, in order to avoid falling back into old patterns, as Stranger recommended. But the Faustian White Devil of similar personality types will always be there, bringing with them the temptation to revert to old patterns of behavior. Nietzsche was specifically thinking of never ending relationships with his difficult mother and sister when he worked with the ideas of the eternal recurrence and amor fati, love of fate. Dark shows these recurring behavior and thought patterns through the generations in each family cluster in Winden, even before we know that characters are related.
It’s montage time. This episode, the song is Broken Sleep, by Agnes Obel.
Adult Stranger Katharina takes her leave of Old Ulrich in the psych ward. They both have the same air of desperation about them, despite how far apart they are in age now. Ulrich’s advanced age didn’t make Katharina hesitate even for a second, after she tried so hard to keep Stranger and Martha apart.
In 2020, Prime Adult Claudia finds Regina dead in bed and is devastated. She wasn’t the one who ordered Tronte to kill her daughter.
In 1987, Young Aleksander comforts Young Regina, who misses her mother.
Adult Jana sleeps with her head on Tronte’s lap. Mads is still missing. So is Claudia. They are lost in their separate grief.
In 2020, Young Elizabeth looks at the page in her notepad that says “mom and sister cave”. Whether it was on purpose or not, Young Noah told Eli where her mom is. She’s just 33 years in the future.
Young Noah works to clear rubble out of the passage. If he can clear it out enough so that it works, Charlotte and Young Elizabeth could make contact. In his life, it’s probably not that long since he finished building the passage the first time. No wonder he seems slightly resentful.
Stranger Jonas enters Martha’s room, probably hoping to creepily watch her sleep again. She’s the wrong Martha and she’s not there, but he’s still drawn by the unbreakable tether between them.
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Martha is on a field trip with Bartosz to the caves. He takes her to the Sic Mundus Temple of Doom, which has has fallen into disuse. The room that will become Adam’s study is set up as a classroom, with a triquetra knot in the place of his favorite painting. While Stranger is looking for her, she’s looking at what he’ll become.
Bartosz: “It’s like a secret society. Old Tannhaus is the only one of them left. His father was convinced he could supercede the rules of space and time. He dedicated his entire life to doing just that. And so did his son.”
Martha: “They tried to build a time machine back then?”
Bartosz: “Jonas is trying to rebuild things the way he saw them. He’s been here already. Not now. In the future. He asked you something earlier. If Adam had sent you. He said that Adam killed Martha. Who is this Adam?”
Martha: “He didn’t tell you that? He is Adam. Jonas.”
We swoop to the Alt world, where Old Eva is telling Young Jonas her truths.
Old Eva: “We don’t know our end, but our end knows us. Salvation or damnation. We can indulge in the illusion of free will if we want, but we cannot escape our ultimate destiny. The choices we make in each world may be different, but nevertheless, they converge on the same moment. Things may not happen in the same way, or at the same time. But they always happen. You believed a world without you would be a better one, but they’re all going to die. Mikkel. Mikkel will die. Everyone will die. The apocalypse occurs in my world, just as it does in yours. In mine, it will happen in 3 days time.”
But no pressure.
As they’ve been speaking, she brings him over to a family tree that’s made from stone inlays in her floor. Let me take this opportunity to tell you that even when something is literally written in stone, it isn’t always true.
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Old Eva confirms that the 2 worlds are roughly parallel, though not exact mirror images. Her world operates under the same fatalism that the Prime world is subject to, so it probably doesn’t matter whether there’s 3 years or 3 hours until the apocalypse, it can’t be stopped. Let’s get Jonas home before it hits though, ‘kay?
I know we’re working on letting go of attachments this season, but I’m pretty sure Jonas is an essential part of the symbolic balance of light and dark in this universe, so we need him, or the rainbow ponies will take over and it will be all sparkles, all the time.
Sun fairy Metamaiden asks what would be wrong with that? (She has actual rainbow hair.) I am a creature of the night okay? (How do you think I knew Jonas didn’t want to be left alone in the light?) I’m just advocating for balance here.
I’m convinced the Kahnwald house is the black hole machine that gives birth to other black holes. There’s a device hidden there that Jonas put under his bed and then forgot, 200 cycles ago, when they were all new at this. Everyone is drawn there and will eventually sleep in that bed. In fact, it’s probably the bed that’s the ORIGIN everyone is looking for. The time travel plot was hatched there, in the distant early twentieth century past, and won’t be destroyed as long as the house and the bed are standing. 😉
The school and the factory have similar silhouettes. Could the factory have been reworked into the school?
Foresight like Gustav’s is believed to be seen through the metaphysical 3rd eye, located in between the eyebrows in the lower forehead. I talked about Sic Mundus as a mystery school back in S2Ep1 & S2Ep8. Though Bartosz doesn’t characterize it that way, Gustav’s foresight firmly locates it in that arena, rather than as simply an academic and scientific endeavor.
Katharina and Ulrich have both gone about their investigations in an uncompromising way that didn’t gain them any trust from the authorities, despite the fact that they are both local authorities themselves. But it’s not like there’s a rule book to follow for losing your child to someone else in another time period or solving child murders and kidnappings by time travelers across 3 times periods.
The soldier at the checkpoint, played by Maximilian Dirr, seems familiar to me. I think he might still have been one of the guards in the 2052 episodes, but IMDB isn’t crediting him. If I notice him when I get to that point next time I rewatch, I’ll note it here. Or someone else can let me know in the comments. Maybe he was a cop or worked in the power plant.
Family Trees- Skip If You Don’t Want to Know What’s on Them Yet!
My screencap of Old Eva’s full family tree might come out too blurry to read, so I’ll add the family tree on the Netflix website for this episode, though they are a little different. If you visit the website yourself, make sure to stop on the home page first and select which episode you’re willing to be spoiled up to.
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Katharina’s father is listed as Hermann Albers (Thomas Arnold), the farmer whose sheep died in S1Ep3, Past and Present. In hindsight, the death of the flock of 33 sheep and the Bible verse Albers quoted to Egon were warnings to Egon that he’d be dead soon. Albers told Egon he was a member of Noah’s church. (Mark 13:33, “Be on your guard. Be alert. For you do not know when that time will be.”)
In the same episode, Mikkel spends his first day in 1986, Claudia starts work as the director of the power plant and HG Tannhaus finishes work on the time device. It must be that once those things had happened, Egon’s future was solidified. Helene Alber’s religious medal also pegs her as a member of Noah’s church.
Old Gustav Tannhaus is HG Tannhaus‘ grandfather, with Leopold Tannhaus in between the two as Gustav’s son/HG’s father. Gustav was born in 1813 and HG was born in 1913, 100 years apart. Gustav’s father is Heinrich Tannhaus. Sic Mundus’ history stretches back as least as far as Gustav’s birth in 1813 and forward at least as far as 2053, the farthest we’ve seen anyone travel forward, a period of 250 years.
The big shocker on these trees is the pairing of Bartosz and Silja (Girl from the Future) and then them being the parents of Noah and Agnes. Agnes is Tronte’s mother and Tronte is Jonas’ great grandfather, which makes Bartosz his great great great grandfather. Silja is the child of Egon and Hannah. Agnes and the Unknown give birth to Tronte in both worlds.
So now Bartosz knows that EVEN MORE STUFF is all Jonas’ fault. That should make for some fun times ahead. Maybe Bartosz isn’t so much blaming Jonas for everything as exasperated with him, the way you get with a favorite child who just can’t stay out of trouble, no matter how hard you try to keep him safe. Bartosz wants to keep his favorite progeny alive and well and Jonas keeps screwing everything up. Bartosz also prods Jonas along his dark and uncomfortable path.
Was There Originally A Jonas in the Alt World?
It is odd that Stranger doesn’t remember going to Alt Martha’s world when he was Young Jonas. I get the distinct impression that there used to be a Jonas in Martha’s world, but he wanted to be erased. So they kept Mikkel from going back to 1986, just like Jonas wanted in the Prime world, and as Eva indicated to Prime Young Jonas. To make up for Jonas’ absence in the Alt world, they have to bring him over from the Prime world for a brief time to interact with Martha to trigger certain events.
That’s an arguable interpretation, it’s true. It’s never said straight out, but Eva has said to Jonas twice now that he wanted a world without himself, with the hope that it would be a better place, but it’s not. In this episode, she specifically said that even Mikkel dies, and as a child instead of as an adult, so there was no point to making a world without Jonas.
But she didn’t say that there had been cycles where Jonas existed as a native in the Alt world. However, the way she practically blames him suggests that the Alt world exists in its current form because some version of Jonas, either from his world or hers, talked her into trying out the “world without Jonas” concept he’s been so keen on for 2 seasons. So either he used to exist there as a native or the Prime version has been visiting there for a while and talking Eva into experimenting.
There is a 3rd option, that Jonas willed Martha’s world into existence as a place where she could live and he wouldn’t be there to kill her. It’s an attractive option. But she still goes and gets Jonas and brings him to her world in every cycle, so either Martha didn’t agree to Jonas’ plan, that’s not the correct option or Jonas just can’t be written out of Martha’s code because he’s too essential to the way her story goes. Jonas’ own story seems to require Martha at various points.
I’ll explore this more fully as the season goes on- don’t want to give away spoilers now.
But I do think Martha was always the chosen one in the Alt world, whether or not Jonas was ever native to it. That’s one reason why it didn’t make much of a difference for Jonas to disappear there.
Did Season 1 Show A 3rd World?
The way that Martha’s world reflects her personality and Jonas’ world reflects his, argues for the main actor within the world being the one who imagines/dreams/Wills the world into being, with the world following the characteristics of that person’s mind. And that makes me wonder if we’ve actually seen a different world each season. I haven’t thought it through enough to figure out whose world it would have been in season 1, but season 2 was Jonas’/Adam’s world.
Since we know we’ve seen Jonas and Martha’s worlds, I wonder if there’s something about being young that makes it easier to create the new world or connection between worlds? I think if S1 isn’t also Jonas’ world, Teen Charlotte is the best option for whose world it is. Charlotte is both the only person we know of who’s time traveled as an infant and who is connected to Tannhaus (the narrator of S1). He set the tone for the scientific understanding and the worldview of the season.
We see quite a bit of Charlotte as a teenage and an adult investigator that season and of Tannhaus in two time periods, 3 if you count his TV show. Charlotte’s daughter Elizabeth also plays a part, with Noah seeking her out and Yasin disappearing. The two of them revolve around each other exactly the same way Mikkel and Jonas do.
Or else it could be Mikkel’s world, but I feel like Mikkel has too little control. Same with Helge. It could be Claudia’s world, since she’s all about control.
Sic Mundus Creatus Est: Faust meets the Devil and a Prophet Meets a Saint
From a scientific point of view, Jonas ends up taking over Sic Mundus because he figures out the importance of their work to improving on the scientific work he’s already done with Claudia. For that reason, the scene where Bartosz introduces Alt Martha to the Sic Mundus classroom and tells us their true history for the first time is important. It shows that Sic Mundus wasn’t just a crazy cult that Adam made up to keep his followers in line or a symptom of his madness.
Instead, the organization has has a rich history of scholarship and alchemy created by multiple generations of researchers who devoted their lives to the work. Jonas/Adam learned from this history to create his own version of Sic Mundus, which added elements to the overall time travel scheme that were missing from the approach based purely on scientific theory. HG Tannhaus eventually stored some of the sources Sic Mundus studied in his clock shop along with the Sic Mundus group photo, suggesting that elements were incorporated into the version of time travel that worked. Tannhaus’ ideas were largely based on Einstein, but even Einstein couldn’t solve everything.
Foresight like Gustav’s is believed to be seen through the metaphysical 3rd eye, located in between the eyebrows in the lower forehead. I talked about Sic Mundus as a mystery school back in S2Ep1 & S2Ep8. Though Bartosz doesn’t characterize it that way, Gustav’s foresight firmly locates it in that arena, rather than as simply an academic and scientific endeavor.
Gustav: “When I found you, now that was a sign. A God-sent miracle. Whatever this woman means to you, don’t forget what we’re going to create. Paradise. Every calamity can be reversed. The world’s suffering can be destroyed before it even exists. A perfect world. Sic Mundus Creatus Est.”
This is the prophecy Sic Mundus lives by in the future versions of the organization that we’ve seen, including Adult Elizabeth and Teen Silja in the 2050s: Forsake family ties in favor of the Paradise Sic Mundus will create, with Jonas as the savior. In Paradise, all of the suffering will have been worth it, because the suffering will be reversed, as if it never existed, and more.
Stranger Jonas fought for decades to avoid becoming Adam, to avoid becoming the leader who believed in and led others to believe in this prophecy, yet now he’s falling into the trap that he knows will lead him there, based on promises he swore he’d never listen to.
What changed? Why is this temptation ensnaring him now, when it never has before?
His frame of mind has changed. Emotionally and mentally, he’s been pushed beyond anywhere even he’s been before. His last chance to save original Martha, the one he spent 33 years pinning his hopes on, has failed. He’s stuck in the 19th century, helpless. Or maybe hiding. He really hasn’t been honest about his full history with the teens.
This episode is notable for how exhausted so many of the characters look. Everyone is tired of the fight right now, and Stranger is not only tired, he’s more hopeless than he’s been since he had to send Mikkel back to 1986 and Michael to his death.
He doesn’t have the strength to push down what his heart wants anymore. He wants to believe what Gustav said: that Paradise is possible and that free will isn’t. That it’s preordained he’ll succeed, so he will. That he’s always given in to the lure of Sic Mundus, so he might as well do so again.
Stranger needs some kind of relief and religious conversion can be an incredibly soothing drug.
Jonas has met his White Devil, and the devil told him he’s the savior who can bring about Paradise. Up until this point, Jonas has always believed that change was possible through his own sheer determination or Claudia’s science and plans or Adam’s authority and knowledge of the future. Here in 1888, as far as he can tell, that all lies in ruins at his feet. He’s failed; he’s been betrayed; the very universe is working against him.
Maybe it’s time to make a deal with the devil and study the occult/alchemy seriously. Maybe science isn’t enough and the missing ingredient can be found there.
Jonas has fought a mighty struggle for more than 30 years, which probably should qualify him for sainthood. Most saints have these sorts of relapses into doubt and despair, then find their strength again, even Jesus. Especially saints who mostly go it alone and live in their own heads, like Stranger.
In this sense, he’s not really a classic Faustian character. Claudia and Ulrich, the 2 White Devils from S2Ep7, the episode of the same title, are much more like the classic Faust, the character who can’t resist following their Will and Desires and so is easy prey for the Devil.
Ulrich is the classic Faustian sensualist with a heart of gold, who we root for but who just can’t stop himself from following his big heart into the next barrel of trouble he’s attracted to, whether it’s a new woman or thinking he can save the children. He’s a boy who will never grow up and we love him for the innocence at the center of his mistakes, even though eventually he becomes too toxic to live with, since he never stops to consider the consequences of his actions. The devil promises him he can be a hero or be a king, but he’s always eventually the architect of his own demise because he can’t control his tendency toward excess.
Claudia’s Deadly Sin of choice is ambition, in the form of scientific advancement at any cost. Literally any cost, whether it’s her child or her soul. Or anyone else’s soul. Since Goethe’s Faust was a sheltered academic who left his books behind to gain experience of the world and was then burned by falling in love and getting an unmarried woman, Gretchen, pregnant, Claudia is probably meant to be a combination of the Devil, Gretchen and Faust.
One of the important implications of Goethe’s Faust is the concept of earning salvation vs escaping damnation. Though characters ostensibly are meant to use their lives accruing points that will send them in one direction or the other, in the end, God acts as a referee with veto power. He can use His Grace to do whatever He wants with the characters. If He decides He likes their style, or their deathbed conversion, no matter how they’ve behaved previously, He can pick them up and bring them into Heaven. Or He can send them in the other direction. Christianity has a lot of loopholes and God is fickle.
Personally, I’m going to stick with karma/eternal justice.
Ulrich is the King David model of Faust, God’s chosen one who’ll always be forgiven eventually. Jonas is more in the tradition of Job, where God makes a bet to see how far He can push someone before they crack. Claudia is a version of Eve, who won’t stop until she’s eaten all of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and ruined Paradise for everyone. God sets her up for both great success and great pain, for His own reasons.
Martha is a saint, the opposite of a Faust. We were told this from the moment we met her in S1Ep1, when she was on a hunger strike to save starving children. Same with Noah. Everything he’s done has been for his family and he’s suffered terribly because of it. Martha is a compassionate saint and Noah is a martyred saint. Those are two ways to transcend to a higher plane of existence, which is why saints can perform miracles. Mikkel also martyred himself for his family and the greater good.
A lifelong sinner who repents and redirects that energy toward God also becomes a saint. This is the reason God loves to make bets with the Devil. It builds up karmic energy, which eventually creates a surge in one direction or the other. This will be true of any unbalanced life, whether it leans too far toward good or evil, saint or sinner. In Dark, Time is God, so the build up of karmic energy and the surge of it seeking eternal justice at death will affect Time.
Martha and Jonas are tied together to balance each other as light and dark, care for the individual (he saves those closest to him) vs care for the greater good (she saves the planet) and hope (she finds comfort in myth, stories that prove she’s never alone) vs nihilism (he’s always a stranger, always alone). Claudia is a third element, the neutral, unstoppable centerpoint of the will, which assumes it’s balance, but is merely unfeeling.
S1 can be read as Part 1 of Goethe’s Faust and S2&3 can be read as Part 2, but I’m not going to do a close examination. Part 2 is also a blatant rip off of Dante’s Divine Comedy and I’d rather just discuss that source, even though it’s not German. I have no trouble with the many other versions of Faust, and there are many, from the original 1580s religious commentaries, which are fascinating, to Pinocchio, which most everyone knows in some form, but was originally written as a novel in 1883. Goethe’s version of Faust is based on so much misogyny that my brain forms a protective wall and won’t let me take it in too deeply.
If you want to look more closely at the ties between Goethe’s Faust and Dark, here are a few links:
themes: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Faust-Parts-1-and-2/themes/
symbols:  https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Faust-Parts-1-and-2/symbols/
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” -Shakespeare and Adult Unknown
This is a quote from Shakespeare’s The Tempest which is relayed secondhand to a deposed king. While the surface meaning of the quote is obvious, the nuances of what it means coming from Unknown’s mouth as he kills a very pregnant secretary depend on which character you take to be the true author of the words.
The original speaker was a prince who was leaping from a ship that was burning because it had been set on fire to gain revenge on the king, his father, who was on board. Prince Ferdinand had nothing to do with his father’s crimes. Unknown is sympathizing with the fact that Jasmin herself is largely outside of the Winden social circle that’s involved with time travel conspiracies. She’s collateral damage. (As far as we know.)
But in the play, the audience hears the line spoken by Ariel, a magical being, who relays it to the former king, Prospero, the brother of the current king, Alonso. Many years ago, Alonso betrayed Prospero and drove him from his kingdom. Ariel reluctantly works for Prospero, who is also a magician, in return for his freedom from an evil sorceress, Sycorax. Prospero ordered Ariel to set fire to the ship in order to wreck it and bring its occupants to Prospero’s new island so that the former king can carry out an elaborate revenge plot.
Coming from Ariel, the line applies to just about everyone.
In the play, Ariel is the symbol of justice personified, much as I have compared Unknown to Schopenhauer’s Eternal Justice or karma. Unknown’s use of Ariel’s line suggests that he is aware that he is playing the role of both Eternal Justice and Prince Ferdinand, rather than blindly following orders or randomly perpetrating acts of violence.
Prince Ferdinand becomes the love interest for Prospero’s daughter, Miranda, who speaks the famous phrase, “brave new world”. From the close up on Eva’s family tree we know that Unknown is Tronte’s father in both worlds, making him part of the Nielsen line and the only one who spans the two worlds. Prince Ferdinand and Miranda’s pairing helps bring the two warring kings back together, which means that Ferdinand also acts as a bridge between kingdoms.
Ariel has worked for two powerful masters and also has his own power. Both masters have been dubious, but Ariel has chosen to stay with Prospero. I believe Unknown has ties to both Claudia and Martha. When this scene occurs, he’s just watched the Prime world go through an apocalypse which helped either created martha’s world, created a link to it or solidified the link to it. An apocalypse is about to occur in the Alt world.
Ariel has watched Sycorax perform evil acts, and now is watching Prospero risk lives for his own purposes. This is another layer to Unknown’s use of the quote. Is he expressing despair that he has to watch these apocalypses occur, but can’t stop them? Is he, like Jonas, trapped in this never ending loop of of death and loss that has to be repeated every cycle and he can’t get out of it?
There are several potential reasons why someone might want Jasmin dead. For one thing, there’s the bootstrap paradoxes. Those have been created over time by erasing the causative events and memories, so that only results remain. Both Jasmin and Bernd were instrumental in providing Claudia with the information she needed to figure out the complete theory behind the God particle, which she and Jonas then used to turn the God particle into a time machine.
In the scene where Jasmin dies, she walks in on the Unknown examining the binder which held Claudia’s early research into the God particle. This is the binder which was originally handed to Claudia by Bernd when he gave her the data related to the accident at the power plant in 1986.
Claudia first discovered financial discrepancies in the power plant’s books thanks to obscure records which Jasmin obtained for her. Jasmin looked over the records as well and noted the issues. Bernd told Claudia that the plant was cooking the books to hide the accident, then Claudia demanded to see the records of the accident.
Unknown takes the binder with him and kills the two people who know about the data trail. Is he trying to erase the memory of the origin of the God particle in future cycles? Is he stopping someone else from investigating in the future?
Or maybe there was some reason why Jasmin’s baby couldn’t be born? She’s always at the power plant- maybe she knew too much in other ways, as well?
The deaths of Jasmin, her baby, and Bernd, along with the destruction of the abandoned Sic Mundus lair, all in 1987, must be part of some larger plan.
I was struck by how exhausted and ragged the Unknown look in this scene. This is hard on the Child and Old versions, especially, as it should be.
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The Day the Earth Stood Still- The Science
According to those tenacious French researchers, the Earth stopped spinning for a nanosecond during the shockwave, which is 1 billionth of a second, then started spinning again.
The video above is the best explanation I could find for what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning, but it describes what would happen if the world just stops cold and never restarts. It’s more catastrophic than what would happen, though the basic process is the same and I think we’d all still be very dead eventually in reality.
The video goes on to discuss some fascinating concepts of time, such how atomic clocks measure time and the fact that all sorts of things affect the speed at which the Earth rotates, so it’s not an accurate way to measure time. Did you know the Earth is turning more slowly as time goes on? We’ve lost more than 20 seconds since the 70s. Time is relative.
The show listed just about all of the apocalypses- tidal waves, earthquakes, hurricanes and other intense storms, electromagnetic pulse, all of the planes crashing at once, all of the nuclear power plants melting down at once. They didn’t list war, plague and famine, but those sometimes take a few months to develop in the aftermath of the other disasters. If they showed us the world outside of Winden in 2025, it would be filled with disease, hunger and people fighting over the few resources that are left.
My best guess is that the tiny lack of movement when the Earth stopped for a nanosecond, combined with intense inertia causing everything possible to move a teeny tiny bit, would create small, hairline cracks in everything that was attached to the Earth’s surface. As the Earth restarted, then continued to move, those cracks would grow, and things would crumble and fall even worse than they normally would in the resulting tidal waves, earthquakes and storms.
This video goes on to discuss some fascinating concepts of time, such as atomic clocks and the fact that all sorts of things affect the speed at which the Earth rotates, so it’s not an accurate way to measure time. Did you know the Earth is turning more slowly all the time? We’ve lost more than 20 seconds since the 70s. Time is relative.
Also we are such a nerd family that we had loud disagreements about the theoretical physics of this. Don’t ask.
This is the result of my husband the mathematician’s calculations on the issue. Despite the way he wrote it, I am the practical catastrophist in the family who believes the apocalypse is always nigh and should be prepared for. He is the theorist who never believes there will be damage in the real world. Metamaiden is the balanced middle.
Since the speed of Earth’s rotation varies based on latitude, I chose the latitude of the city of Weimar in central Germany, which is at about 51 degrees north.  Earth’s rotational speed at that latitude is 655 miles per hour, or 1,054 kilometers per hour, or 293 meters per second (calculated at https://www.vcalc.com/wiki/MichaelBartmess/Rotational+Speed+at+Latitude).
That means the Earth’s surface would move 293 nanometers (billionths of a meter) in the nanosecond that the Earth stopped.  That’s about a thousand times the diameter of a water molecule (0.27 nanometers), and about 29 times the diameter of PG5, the largest synthetic molecule ever made (10 nanometers).  Depending on how closely packed together two substances are, that 293 nanometers of travel could provide plenty of room for the molecules of one substance (say, water) to smack into the molecules of the other substance (say, rock) in that billionth of a second, potentially triggering havoc.
As more comparison, the width of a human hair is 75,000 nanometers. 293 nanometers, the distance inertia would shift everything on Earth when it stopped, whether it was attached or not, is so small it’s hard to imagine, but it’s enough to throw off cycles, set off chain reactions and fracture inflexible masses when done with the weight and velocity of the Earth behind it.
The Day the Earth Stood Still- The Film
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  They are definitely referencing the film.
In this short documentary, Decoding Klaatu Barada Nikto, the filmmakers and others discuss how The Day the Earth Stood Still purposely relates to the Cold War, fear of nuclear proliferation and and the pro United Nations sentiments of the filmmakers. Dark has spent 3 seasons showing us how a group of people who were interested in traveling to other times and to other timelines/worlds will stop at nothing, not even global mass destruction and death involving all of the apocalypses at once, to achieve their scientific goals. And nuclear science is at the heart of what they do.
The Day the Earth Stood Still believes scientists, with the help of the UN, can save the world. Dark seems to be saying we can’t trust the scientists anymore. Unless the message is that the scientists will take us to the golden glitter Harry Potter world, which I’m totally okay with. But that world is threatened, too, so it’s not the ultimate answer. The science and technology that came out of the Enlightenment and have continued through the Industrial Revolution to the present day, which are seen as both progress which will unquestioningly aid humanity and as beneficial knowledge which must be pursued, have led to many of the ills our culture and planet now face.
Unless we somehow put the brakes on- stop the world- the apocalypses we currently live in will only get worse. As I write this, it’s currently 102ºF (39ºC) outside my window, there is smoke in the air from the forest fires that are burning all over the Southwestern US, including one about 20 miles from my home, and my state diagnosed a record number of COVID-19 cases yesterday. That’s 3 apocalypses. Famine from joblessness isn’t far behind. How many riots and shootings does it take to make a civil war?
We need to start getting the message and acting on it without worrying about the details.
Which brings me to the importance of the code phrases. Klaatu Barada Nikto is a code phrase which the alien, Klaatu, his human friend, Helen, say to his robot guardian after he’s killed, to stop the guardian from destroying Earth in retaliation. It tells the robot that the damage done to the alien is repairable by their standards, so the situation can still be salvaged. But no direct translation for the phrase was ever written into the script or otherwise. It’s been left to the viewer to interpret the exact meaning, though the gist of it is clear. Fans have obsessed over its exact meaning for decades and even the cast and crew all have slightly different interpretations.
The important thing about the phrase Klaatu Barada Nikto is that it triggered the correct state of mind and action in Klaatu’s robot, Gort. The meaning helps trigger Gort’s action, and it’s extremely important that Gort understand the message correctly, so it’s worth analyzing, but on the level of meaning, not exact wording. Having an exact direct translation might help us, but isn’t essential for Gort or Helen, who brings him the message in the film.
In the same way, the characters in Dark are triggering each other with certain words and phrases. Sometimes the meaning matters, but I don’t think it always does. Sometimes just the sound of the words acts as a reminder to their inner selves of where they are in the cycle and what the next step is. Many of them are following difficult paths and want out, while at the same time their memories are being erased to form the bootstrap paradoxes. They need nudges along the way to keep them following the same footsteps they’ve created in previous cycles.
Are the bootstrap paradoxes a reference to the way history tends to be forgotten in the real world, so that we are condemned to repeat it endlessly, never correcting our mistakes, repeating the same platitudes and religious doctrines to justify our actions?
Images courtesy of Netflix.
  Dark S3E2: The Survivors-It's time to visit Adam's post-apocalypse world, the world without Winden that Hannah & Ulrich spoke of for decades. Like Stranger, those 2 skipped the apocalypse & traveled to previous decades. #DarkNetflix After the Harry Potter costume party of getting to know Martha/Eva's world in S3EP1, in episode 2 it's finally time to visit Adam's post-apocalypse world, which is a form of the world without Winden that Hannah and Ulrich have dreamed of for decades.
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geek-gem · 5 years
I think I just want to get this out of the way. This is about the fact Disney is remaking certain Fox films such as Night At The Museum, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Cheaper By The Dozen, and the biggest one Home Alone. They will be on Disney Plus.
Let me tell you this, I agree creativity is basically gone for Disney. Along with the fact I think there's too many streaming services or whatever.
Let me talk about reboot or remakes one at a time.
I never really cared for Cheaper By The Dozen, yet what's the point in remaking it?
Over time I personally don't like the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid franchise, it isn't for me. Still what's the point anyway of remaking it.
The Night At The Museum trilogy I'll admit, I'm not huge on it. Yet I never had a problem with them, it's a nice little trilogy of films that are fun and heart felt in there own right. In fact from what I've seen many people love them actually. So really again especially what's the point in remaking it? Luckily the trilogy had a nice sendoff honestly. Also the sad fact Robin Williams is gone and it was nice seeing him in those films.
Now Home Alone, which is the one people are giving the biggest outcry over. Considering I had watched the first two last night. Which inspired me to make this post.
Again like the others, is there really a point? I wanna say I like the first two movies, it's a nice little Duology of films. I don't care for the others that came after it. While I admit I think the first is the best in terms of character development and it's basically the first. I do think the first sequel Lost In New York is still quite some fun mostly because it's the same cast and crew(whether old and new), also it being in New York City and all that. Yet watching that whole movie first then the first, it's indeed a retread of the first film but I think that was done on purpose I think.
Again there is no need to remake it. But the funny thing is and the reason I wanted to make this......
Listen I don't support these remakes Disney is doing because they can simply just put the originals on the streaming service if they want to. Even though films have been out for a long time. In fact Disney has Hulu but whatever Disney didn't wanna put up with Netflix.
Yet I had this weird fan casting for Harry and Marv. But this is better, instead of a remake, make it a true Home Alone 3. Yeah you can make it a funny family film.
Have Kevin be a dad, and other stuff.
But here's the weird fan casting and it doesn't have to be Harry and Marv.....
Cast Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard.....it's strangely funny because those two would weirdly fit, and just the idea of them together again you just think of...darker implications of what of people they are.
If you get the joke and reference I'm proud of you.
Basically the reference is okay I think I'll reveal my fan casting as the kid who'll be home alone. The fan casting is Millie Bobby Brown. There I didn't need to do a reblog for that. But here's the funny thing.
So it's Eleven/Madison Russell vs Billy Loomis, and Stu Macher.
There I send it. I'm not gonna get Disney Plus because I don't wanna get more streaming services. But I made up my own take of what the film should be. The reason I choose Millie because two reasons, one is Disney is really with the whole female empowerment shit going on despite some problems they have been doing. Two Millie is a great actress and she came to in my mind. Yes I just remembered some boy actors but what the hell I'm sticking with this. This is the some what realistic way Disney would do it.
I'll guess I'll reveal my fan castings for the, "The scary looking stranger who's actually a very friendly person" would be ether Kane Hodder, Derek Mears, Robert Englund, Joe Manganiello, or Idris Elba, with the character basically being a big friendly giant who everyone looks at him like he's like Jason Voorhees of sorts who wears a mask to scare people.
The kind of stranger character I'm talking about is the old man from the first, and the pigeon lady from the second film. I might take Robert Englund out of the fan casting or put him some where else because he's great.
There Disney I made up my own Home Alone movie for ya. All that matters is the quality. Really it doesn't have to be a remake anyway.
Yet yes make Skeet and Matthew the Harry and Marv of the movie. But this will probably make people thirst for them because now they are strangely hot....but the stranger considering my castings might beat them in the hot category. My God this is all so much weird, but it's strangely funny.
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This also means Matthew Lillard gets his face hit by thrown bricks a couple of times too. XD
Since I'm done with the tags. The reason I'm not tagging Cheaper By The Dozen, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, or Night At The Museum, because this is more about the first two Home Alone movies and it's remake, which may not be as crazy if Disney were to remake because of Kevin's crazy traps or if they are crazy like they were.
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darrencrissource · 6 years
Emmy Award-winning performanceCriss did a fair amount of exploring across San Diego County, including in National City, where the teen-aged Waits worked at Napoleone's  Pizza House back in the 1960s.Criss’ time here was in preparation for his role last year as San Diego-bred murderer Andrew Cunanan in FX's “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.” In September, Criss won an Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for his portrayal of Cunanan, who was 27 when he killed himself in Miami a week after murdering legendary fashion designer Gianni Versace.“Cunanan was from National City, which has changed a bit since he came out. But there’s still a disparity of wealth and culture in San Diego,” Criss noted.“That had a huge impact on the dichotomy he lived in. Because you have a very vibrant cultural place, right on top of very disparate sections of town that don’t have the same resources, even though they’re both in this ‘paradisical’ place.“You also have the disparity between the more conservative military lifestyle in San Diego and also a very vibrant gay community, especially in the 1990s. You have all these polarities and it can really tear a person in two to have all those disparities on top of each other. And, with Andrew being in the right place and right time, it gave way to things he would be torn apart by for the rest of his life as an adult — through no fault of San Diego or his own — which is why we called the series ‘An American Crime Story.’ Because it’s a distinctly American experience. ... Andrew spent his time in San Diego as a young man, for better or worse.”Before he killed Versace, Cunanan murdered four other people in a bloody, cross-country spree. The first was Jeffrey Trail, a former U.S. naval officer he had befriended in San Diego in 1991.“We get caught up in the things that are deplorable about Andrew,” Criss said. “But there was a great deal people loved about him. That came, in part, from him going to a private school and being so sensitive. San Diego is a big character in the series.”Michele, in her post-”Glee” TV series — the horror-comedy “Scream Queens” — portrayed Hester Ulrich, a character who wore a trademark neck brace. Ulrich’s act of on-screen murder was partly mitigated by the fact she was killing a killer. Her two seasons on the show, in 2015 and 2016, came a quarter-century after she began her professional acting career.“I was 8 when I did my first Broadway show, so I pretty much am a ‘Broadway baby’,” said Bronx native Michele, whose Broadway credits include “Spring Awakening” and “Les Misérables.”“And, for me, it really did instill a great work ethic,” she continued. “At that age, you learn to be on time. And no one, at the end of the day, walked me on stage and held my hand. So I had to do it all myself and learned to rely on myself and take really good care of my voice and body.“Nothing else could have prepared me for the beast that ‘Glee’ was. We worked 15 hours a day. We did our dance and singing rehearsals. It was like jumping out of a plane and then making a perfect landing. The only thing that could have prepared me for all that was Broadway, so I’m really grateful.”Criss, a San Francisco native, debut made his Broadway debut in 2012 in a limited engagement in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” In 2016, he starred in a national touring production of the genre-bending musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."“People ask me: ‘How long have you been acting?’ Professionally, the lines are blurry,” Criss said. “I’ve just always loved musical theater, because my parents had a lot of soundtracks we played in the car. When I was 10, I did a show with San Francisco’s wonderful theater revival company, 42nd Street Moon, which did productions of lost shows. What was great about that is it gave me a real sense of a work ethic, just like Lea said about Broadway.“A real valuable life experience is that we grew up a lot faster than our peers, because our colleagues were adults. I’m the youngest brother in my family. Having spent a lifetime trying to impress my elders gave me an appreciation for working in a professional environment. As I’ve gotten older, I can see how that really affected my life. Thanks to being a cultivated person, I’ve known deep-cut Rodgers & Hart songs since I was 13 that I still perform now on the road.”Beyond having become breakout stars as featured cast members on the hit TV series “Glee,” musical pals Darren Criss and Lea Michele have more than a few things in common.
As their ongoing LM/DC joint concert tour reaffirms, each is a major music nerd — and very proud of it.
Each of them lives in Los Angeles, has two solo albums to their credit, and has played a murderer on separate TV series.
Each of them is engaged to be wed, although not to each other.
Growing up, each of them was immersed in doing musical theater, be it on Broadway (Michele) or way, way off Broadway (Criss).
Accordingly, each responded enthusiastically when asked if — given their respective matrimonial plans — the two “Glee” alums might sing the 1955 Frank Sinatra chestnut, “Love and Marriage,” at their Thursday performance  at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay.
“We will now!” said Criss, as Michele chortled with delight during a recent joint phone interview from Los Angeles. “We’ll do a Tom Waits version of ‘Love and Marriage’!”
The reference to Waits, a 2011 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, was no coincidence. Nor was the suitably gruff-voiced verse of “Love and Marriage” that Criss gleefully began to belt out.
Criss likes to do a song by a locally bred artist in each city he and Michele perform in during their current tour, for which they feature everything from Broadway musical staples to rock and pop classics from various eras. He perked up upon learning — a few minutes earlier in this interview — that Waits grew up in San Diego.
“Is that a suggestion? What do you want to hear?” Criss asked. “Early Tom? Later Tom? What album?”
How about something from Waits’ landmark 1983 album, “Swordfishtrombones,” which features his longtime San Diego confidante Francis Thumm, a now-retired Point Loma High School music teacher and member of the Harry Partch Ensemble?
“Done!” Criss said.
“I have been to San Diego,” Michele noted. “But not enough as I probably should, given that we’re so close. It’s really gorgeous and one of our places to come and explore.”
Emmy Award-winning performance
Criss did a fair amount of exploring across San Diego County, including in National City, where the teen-aged Waits worked at Napoleone's  Pizza House back in the 1960s.
Criss’ time here was in preparation for his role last year as San Diego-bred murderer Andrew Cunanan in FX's “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.” In September, Criss won an Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for his portrayal of Cunanan, who was 27 when he killed himself in Miami a week after murdering legendary fashion designer Gianni Versace.
“Cunanan was from National City, which has changed a bit since he came out. But there’s still a disparity of wealth and culture in San Diego,” Criss noted.
“That had a huge impact on the dichotomy he lived in. Because you have a very vibrant cultural place, right on top of very disparate sections of town that don’t have the same resources, even though they’re both in this ‘paradisical’ place.
“You also have the disparity between the more conservative military lifestyle in San Diego and also a very vibrant gay community, especially in the 1990s. You have all these polarities and it can really tear a person in two to have all those disparities on top of each other. And, with Andrew being in the right place and right time, it gave way to things he would be torn apart by for the rest of his life as an adult — through no fault of San Diego or his own — which is why we called the series ‘An American Crime Story.’ Because it’s a distinctly American experience. ... Andrew spent his time in San Diego as a young man, for better or worse.”
Before he killed Versace, Cunanan murdered four other people in a bloody, cross-country spree. The first was Jeffrey Trail, a former U.S. naval officer he had befriended in San Diego in 1991.
“We get caught up in the things that are deplorable about Andrew,” Criss said. “But there was a great deal people loved about him. That came, in part, from him going to a private school and being so sensitive. San Diego is a big character in the series.”
Michele, in her post-”Glee” TV series — the horror-comedy “Scream Queens” — portrayed Hester Ulrich, a character who wore a trademark neck brace. Ulrich’s act of on-screen murder was partly mitigated by the fact she was killing a killer. Her two seasons on the show, in 2015 and 2016, came a quarter-century after she began her professional acting career.
“I was 8 when I did my first Broadway show, so I pretty much am a ‘Broadway baby’,” said Bronx native Michele, whose Broadway credits include “Spring Awakening” and “Les Misérables.”
“And, for me, it really did instill a great work ethic,” she continued. “At that age, you learn to be on time. And no one, at the end of the day, walked me on stage and held my hand. So I had to do it all myself and learned to rely on myself and take really good care of my voice and body.
“Nothing else could have prepared me for the beast that ‘Glee’ was. We worked 15 hours a day. We did our dance and singing rehearsals. It was like jumping out of a plane and then making a perfect landing. The only thing that could have prepared me for all that was Broadway, so I’m really grateful.”
Criss, a San Francisco native, debut made his Broadway debut in 2012 in a limited engagement in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” In 2016, he starred in a national touring production of the genre-bending musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."
“People ask me: ‘How long have you been acting?’ Professionally, the lines are blurry,” Criss said. “I’ve just always loved musical theater, because my parents had a lot of soundtracks we played in the car. When I was 10, I did a show with San Francisco’s wonderful theater revival company, 42nd Street Moon, which did productions of lost shows. What was great about that is it gave me a real sense of a work ethic, just like Lea said about Broadway.
“A real valuable life experience is that we grew up a lot faster than our peers, because our colleagues were adults. I’m the youngest brother in my family. Having spent a lifetime trying to impress my elders gave me an appreciation for working in a professional environment. As I’ve gotten older, I can see how that really affected my life. Thanks to being a cultivated person, I’ve known deep-cut Rodgers & Hart songs since I was 13 that I still perform now on the road.”
She has many tattoos; he has none
Perhaps the most visible difference between Michele and Criss is she has more than a dozen tattoos and he has none.
On stage, their musical and personal camaraderie is readily apparent as they duet on Broadway musical chestnuts, the “Glee” theme song and hits by Toto and The Human League. Their closing number each night is Bob Dylan’s “To Make You Feel My Love,” although their version nods to Garth Brooks’ take on the song, not Dylan’s or Adele’s.
“It‘s really a thank-you to our fans. I’m a huge Dylan fan. But when I first heard Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion, they cut me to my core. I love when someone’s voice opens up, in and behind the words they are singing.”
“A lot of the songs we’ve done on ‘Glee’,” Criss added, “are massive in their own right. Doing this tour, we can give a new context to songs that have a certain meaning to people, not only from a narrative of the show, but in relation to their own lives.”
Criss this year proposed to TV writer/producer Mia Swier,  whom he has dated for the past seven years. Might the couple be rushing into things?
Criss and Michele both burst into laughter.
“That was great,” Criss said. “Kudos!”
“I’ve only been with my fiancé for one year,” Michele interjected in a mock-peeved voice. “Why aren’t you asking me that question?”
Told she would be next, Michele and Criss laughed again.
“Everything’s in good time, so we feel good about it,” Criss said.
“Ditto,” said Michele, who is engaged to clothing company president Zandy   Reich. “I just saw what Darrin and Mia had and hoped for the same thing for me.”
Do these two “Glee” veterans approve of each other’s spouse-to-be choices?
“We’ll see!” Criss quipped, sparking more laughter from Michele.
“Of course, I can only joke about the things I care about,” Criss stressed. “It’s true and I’ll tie it back to this tour. I’ll make fun of Lea as the day is long. That’s one of my favorite pastimes, because I love Lea and care about her and am inspired by her talent. And that just makes her more susceptible to my joking.”
“We have such a brother/sister relationship,” Michele agreed. “I find I look up to Darren like, maybe, potentially, I’d be his younger sibling — even though I think I’m the older sibling. I’ve learned so much from him on this tour and to relax in this performance process and not get caught up being nervous.”
Lea Michele and Darren Criss
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1
Where: Humphreys Concerts by the Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, Shelter Island
Tickets: $75
Phone: (800) 745-3000
Online: ticketmaster.com
October 30, 2018
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maylovexhs · 6 years
Author’s Note: AHH, I’ve been saving this in my drafts for months! Sorry on the guilty discontinuation update. I just got stuck trying to write and didn’t have enough inspiration so I took a break. But guess what? It’s back! Thank you for being so patient with me. I guess what’s left to say is ENJOY! xxx M
Guilty Chapters Masterlist
“Astrid Charlotte Ulrich” Dex said in a sweet voice while looking down at her being held in his arms. “I’ll never get tired of saying that”
“Yeah but we’ll be tired for the next twenty years” I said. “Nervous about going home?”
We had finally been released from the hospital after three days Astrid was born. Yes, Astrid Charlotte Ulrich. Our baby girl’s name. It took Dex and I hours to settle on a new. Dex convinced me of Astrid since it was a name fit for a warrior. Strong yet playful. I chose Charlotte as her middle name because of how sweet and delicate it sounded.
I was a little anxious about heading home. I knew I had help from my mother with taking care of Astrid but all this was new. I couldn’t help but feel like I was going to fuck up easily. I knew I couldn’t do it on my own.
“How can’t I?” Dex smiled down on her. “She’s so small”
“Did you install her car seat?” I asked Dex.
“Yesterday I did” Dex said.
“Oh, great” I smiled. “I’ll take Astrid and you get the baby bag?” I asked standing up.
Dex took a step back.
“You’re walking to the car?” He asked me. “What happened to the wheelchair?”
“I can walk” I said. “Besides having to wear an adult diaper is enough for me”
“Well then” Dex started to talk to Astrid. “I guess I’ll be carrying you to the car in case mommy drops you”
I rolled my eyes at him.
“I’m sitting with her in the back” I clarified.
“That’s a deal”
“Be careful with her” I begged Dex as he held her.
“I am” Dex said carefully setting Astrid down in her bassinet. “I swear you’re more nervous than me”
“Of course, I am. I carried her” I defended.
I let out a sigh, looking at Astrid peacefully sleeping swaddled up in her blanket and her pink hat on.
“She’s knocked out” I stated.
“For the next hour” Dex added.
I looked to Dex.
“Do you think it’s a good time to tell Victoria?” I asked.
“I don’t see why not.” Dex said. “Its going to leak anyways”
I smiled.
“I’ll tell her” I said. “I have a few calls I have to return anyways”
I took my phone out of my bag and walked into another room. I called Victoria first. She immediately picked up.
“Hi Vic!” I cheered into the phone.
“Yes, Mel? What is it you want now?” Victoria asked in an annoyed tone.
I smirked, knowing she would get excited over what I was about to say.
“Do you want to come over?” I asked her. “I have someone to introduce you to”
“Someone?” Victoria asked.
I could hear the intrigue in her voice.
“Did you-did you give birth?” She asked me.
“Do you want to meet Astrid or not?” I asked.
“Astrid?” Victoria said. “You gave birth, didn’t you?”
“Come over” I ordered. “You’re gonna love her”
“Fine then” Victoria said. “She better not cry when I see her”
“Can’t promise that” I said. “I’ll see you soon”
I ended my call with her. I preceded to call Harry next. I tapped my foot against the ground every time I heard the ringing. Harry didn’t pick up. I decided to leave a voicemail.
“Hey H” I said into my phone. “Sorry I couldn’t answer your texts and calls. The past days has been . . . chaotic. Um . . .”
I took a pause, before telling him I gave birth.
“I had her” I said. “I had her, H. And she is all that matters to me now. So, if I don’t answer you’ll know where I’ll be. Bye H”
I ended the call. I walked back to Dex and Astrid.
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“I finished” I said, looking down at Astrid. “Oh my, she gets more gorgeous each time I look at her”
I proudly smiled, staring at Astrid. I did that. I brought someone special into this world. Dex and I did.
I looked up to him to find him staring at me.
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“What?” I asked him.
“I never seen you like this” He blushed.
“Well, we never had a baby” I stated.
“Do you want coffee?” Dex asked me.
“Tea” I answered, walking over to him. “Coffee makes me leak more”
“Alright” Dex said.
“Thank you” I said before reaching up to kiss him.
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I pulled away slowly from him, knowing how little moments like these would soon be the only ones we had left.
“Always my pleasure” Dex said.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
I turned around in bed reaching for my phone. I tapped on my screen, silencing the alarm.
I sat up in bed. I shook my head, running my hands through my hair.
Why was the bed more comfortable in the morning than at night?, I thought.
I laid back down in bed again. I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen. I scrolled down, reading the missed notifications I had overnight. I stopped when I read I had a missed voicemail from Amelia. I didn’t hear from her in a while. I unlocked my phone tapping on the voicemail. I pressed the phone against my ear, listening to it.
“Hey H” I heard Amelia say.
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I smiled. She sounded happy. I missed hearing from her the past few days.
“Sorry I couldn’t answer your texts and calls” she continued to say. “The past days has been . . . chaotic. Um . . .”
I noticed a change of tone in her voice. Something happened. I listened in more closely on how she spoke.
“I had her” She said, in a nostalgic voice. “I had her, H. And she is all that matters to me now. So, if I don’t answer you’ll know where I’ll be. Bye H”
I held my phone in front of me.
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She gave birth. She had the baby. I expected that she was going to give birth any day now, yet I was surprised by the news. Why was I?
I was happy for Amelia. We never did have the best relationship or past but I was happy she got everything she wanted. It didn’t bother me that it was from another person. Amelia and I were never right for each other. I could never give her commitment just as she couldn’t deal with my stubbornness or expectations. Amelia has everything she should deserve. Commitment, honesty and now a family but somehow I still felt . . .guilty.
‘For what?’, I asked myself. She forgave me forgot I treated her after the breakup. She moved on with Dex. What else did I have to feel guilty of?
I should leave her alone. I understood and knew Amelia didn’t like company and liked to remain private when it came to situations that involved her family. However, another part of me screamed to see her and her baby.
I called Jeffery.
“Hey Jeff!” I said. “What yeh been up to?”
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“Nothing but caring for you apparently” Jeff answered. “What’s up with you?”
“Umm, is it possible that we can go to New York tom’orrow?” I asked him.
“I think so” Jeff said. “Why do you want to?”
“I think I need to see a friend of mine”
“You want me to take her?” My Mom asked as I held Astrid against my chest.
“Do you?” I asked. “She just threw up in my hair”
“I’m used to the feeling” My mother said.
I carefully placed Astrid in my mother’s arms, letting her cradle her. I took out my ponytail, letting my hair fall to the side. I felt like a human trash bag.
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I watched how Astrid peacefully stared at my mother.
“How did you even do this?” I asked my mom. “I’m failing already”
“It takes patience and tolerance” Mom said. “It’s all practice”
“I don’t believe that” I disagreed with her.
“What do you mean honey?” My mom asked me.
The elevator bell rung before I could answer her question.
“That must be Dex” My mother said, referring to the bell.
“It better be” I said, feeling exhausted. “He took forever picking them up”
I walked over to the elevator, leaving my mother with Astrid. I expected to greet Dex and his family when the elevator stopped at my floor. Instead, I couldn’t be more wrong. It was the least person I ever expected to show up. The doors opened up to reveal Harry.
I blinked, stepping back. I thought LA and Camille were of bigger importance than me.
“H” I said, despite feeling speechless.
Harry smirked at me.
“Hiya ‘Melia” He said, stepping out of the elevator. “Where’s your baby?”
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“She’s amazing” Harry said, cradling Astrid in his arms.
Harry looked down at her with pride and genuine sincerity in his eyes. It was as if he never seen a baby before. I didn’t know if I should be happy or threatened that he was interested in Astrid that much.
“How yeh pick her name out?” Harry asked Dex and I.
Yup. After taking forever picking up his sister Dahlia and his mother, he finally came back. Apparently there was a flight mix up.
“It was a shared choice” Dex said. “Amelia chose the middle and I chose the first”
I rolled my eyes at Dex’s nonsense. I was the one who picked them out. He just gave me choices.
“Actually he gave me the names. I picked them out” I explained, correcting him.
“Why did yeh two choose Astrid?” Harry asked the both of us.
“Astrid means warrior in Norse” Dex said. “And in this world . .”
“It’s good to be one” I said, finishing his sentence. “Either for yourself or for others”
“And the middle name Charlotte makes her a sweet warrior?” Dahlia asked, adding to the conversation.
“Exactly” I agreed.
“I wanna hold my niece” Dahlia stated.
“She’s sleeping on me’h” Harry told her.
“I rather she not” I said. “The last thing she needs is attachment issues with you”
“Hey!” Harry said, taking offense. “She likes me’h”
“She likes everyone” I replied back.
“So, H” Dexter called on Harry.
Harry’s head turned from Astrid to Dex.
“What are you doing here so early back?” Dex asked. “Did you miss snowy New York?”
Harry smirked, shaking his head.
“Actually I came be’cause I have a charity concert to do here. I came early to see this one” He said, smiling down at Astrid again.
“A charity concert?” Dahlia asked, curious. “For what?”
“Its a benefit gala” Harry said.
I chuckled at Harry’s vagueness. A benefit gala could mean anything.
“So, it’s just you alone?” Dex asked him.
“No” Harry answered. “Mac’s gonna be there. Little Big-“
“Fleetwood Mac?” Dahlia asked, growing in excitement.
“Yeah” Harry smiled at her. “Yeh a fan?”
Dahlia and Dex looked to each other.
“She’s more than a fan” Dex commented. “She dragged me to every one of theirs shows”
Why am I just hearing of this?
“You never told me this” I mentioned to Dex.
“It’s a family thing” Dex explained.
“I would invite yeh two but you’re both busy and-“ Harry started to say before I cut him off.
“I know, H” I stated. “Being a parent means your life comes second”
“Speaking of parents” Dex said, getting up from the sofa. “I’m gonna make sure mine doesn’t rearrange the stuff in our room” Dex said to me.
“She wouldn’t if you ever clean it” I brought up.
“I have an excuse” Dex said. “I have to take care of another person in my life now”
I rolled my eyes at him. My mother was taking care of Astrid more than him.
“Back to Fleetwood,” Dahlia said. “How did you meet them?”
“Dex” I called him. “Dex!”
I walked into the living room. Instead of finding Dex, I found his mother, Melissa, who was on the couch reading a book.
“Hey, have you heard from Dex?” I asked her as she set her book down and looked up to me. “He told me he was going to grab some take out but he’s taking forever”
“That’s not what he told me” Melissa said.
“What?” I asked her. “What did he tell you?”
Melissa was about to tell me until we both heard Astrid crying from my room. I was sure she was asleep when I left her.
“I swear she was sleeping in her bouncer when I left the room” I said, referring to Astrid.
“I’ll take care of her” Melissa got up from the couch and went to my room.
I followed her. Melissa picked up Astrid from the bouncer and cradled her in her arms. Astrid immediately stopped crying.
“You don’t have to” I said to her. “She’s Dex to handle”
“I don’t mind” Melissa explained. “She’s not difficult”
I smiled. It was weird being a mother. I took pride in almost everything Astrid did.
“So, what did Dex say?” I asked her. “To you?”
“He said he was taking Dahlia to a show” She told me looking down to Astrid.
A show? A show. A show, like the show Harry had tonight?
“A show?” I asked her. “Did he say it was Fleetwood Mac?”
“No” Melissa said. “He sounded excited over it though”
I rested my hands on my hips, stepping back, thinking.
Would Dex really leave Astrid and I alone? For FleetwoodMac? Yes, he would.
“Are you okay?” Melissa asked me.
“Yeah” I lied. “Let me take Astrid”
“Are you sure?” Melissa asked.
“Yeah” I said. “I’m okay with her”
Melissa carefully handed me Astrid. I cradled her in my arms.
“If you need me I’ll be reading my book” Melissa said.
I nodded. Melissa left my room. I looked down at Astrid. She was staring at me, dumbfounded.
“Your daddy is so going to be punished for what he did” I told her.
She remained still, having no response or understanding. I chuckled at it. She had an attitude like Dex. Both who won’t take or understand anything I say.
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Week 4
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Age of Earthquakes: A Guide to the Extreme Present by Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Olbrist & Shumon Basar. (Penguin UK: 2015)
PART 1 (from Malcolm Doidge)
The Real and The Virtual describe two ways of ‘looking’ at collections and exhibitions of objects.
The Real means being physically present with a collection or an object. The virtual means to mediate that experience digitally e.g. using software and various configurations of screens, prints etc to produce and manipulate copies made of real things. Digital mediation as imitation can be novel but deceptive e.g. ‘deep fakes’.  
For your digital workbook:
Consider how access to some virtual spaces might advantage or disadvantage our encounters looking at collections. For example, Marina Abramovic tried to make people care about global heating? Was she successful? Can a good ‘digital’ copy be a substitute for ‘the real’ and, under what circumstances?
Virtual environments are also sites for creativity in themselves. In what ways could these go beyond just augmenting Rodney’s ‘civic space’ of the physical gallery collection? Can virtual spaces and collections relevant to marginalised groups participate fully in this civic space?
Considering the above. Find at least 4 other examples of collections (either as objects or as an exhibition) where real things are digitally mediated in ways that make you care about a collection - or not.
-These Guinness world record, documented collections of different artefact listed above. Captivate my interest based on the subject. I believe the digital way that these are documented and advertised online. Could potentially be more deceptive if they were viewed on site. I think it would make a more authentic approach if viewers of the collection, comments and thoughts were listed on these collections. Instead of just the publishers advertisement approaches. Also some of the collections documented, may deceptively be fakes.
* Antonio Monteiro (USA) has 20,139 games in his home in Richmond. Ranging from games for consoles from second, to eighth generation, his collection is so big it took eight days to count before he received the record.https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2019/3/gamer-amasses-worlds-largest-videogame-collection-with-more-than-20000
* Wensy Suen. 1,888 in 2008 and Wendy earned a coveted spot in the Guinness World Records 2010 Edition. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2016/12/christmas-comes-early-for-owner-of-the-worlds-largest-collection-of-snow-globes
* The GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the Largest collections of teaspoons was set by Mr. Des Warren of Mayfield Austrailia, who owns a collection of over 30,000 teaspoons as recognized by the UK Spoon Collectors Club. http://www.worldrecordacademy.org/collections/largest-collection-of-wooden-spoons-world-record-set-by-the-wooden-spoon-museum-219466
* GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS also recognized the world record for the largest collection of wooden walking canes; it is 1,872 and belongs to Dalmacio Fernandez (Spain) in Saldaña, Spain, as verified on 22 August 2016. http://www.worldrecordacademy.org/collections/largest-collection-of-wooden-spoons-world-record-set-by-the-wooden-spoon-museum-219466
Texts to read and reflect on:
1.       Seph Rodney. A Post Pandemic manifesto on looking + Black Market Reads podcast.
Peruse  Rodney’s four point manifesto on looking and use the interview time line notes and time signatures to locate important points or just enjoy an intelligent and convivial podcast.
2.       Rondopilot. Clémentine Deliss and the Metabolic Museum-University.
‘Spam the hang’ and collaborating on curating collections. Looking for new ways to make people care about the collection.
3.       'Is there hope for virtual reality in Art and why Marina Abramovic and Jeff Koons are not the answer'. Hard to say much more but, a warning about throwing money at bad ideas.
* * *
PART 2 (from Kerry Ann Lee)
Read and take notes on:
The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away by Ilya Kabakov (PDF below)
Iiya Kabakov
The man who never threw anything away. Notes.-
first observations-Hoarding
Text mentions ideas about, rubbish, litter and trash, as well as other objects. This makes think of the ideas of hoarding.-as quoted in the text, “the whole world, everything which surrounds me here, is to me a boundless dump with no ends or borders, an inexhaustible, diverse sea of garbage. In this refuse of an enormous city one can feel the powerful breathing of its entire past. This whole dump is full on twinkling stars, reflections and fragments of culture”.
writer speaks a lot in metaphors, relating to the ideas of trash, dump, waste sites etc.
Ordinary Things in Ordinary Places: Meditations on Moving by Connie Brown
Writer, Connie brown shares that from childhood, he moved a lot. He explains the moving process as a system.-He notes that he takes images of objects found within the current house he is moving from.  He sends them to his friends. He talks of these objects with sentimentality. As if each object holds some sort of value. “I steep myself in questions of where I have been, who I have met, how I got here, how they helped me, and I might head next, before quietly sealing away everything I found and everything this “everything” evoked, to be uncovered next time”.
  Choose 3 examples of private or public collections of art and/or design objects. Describe their systems and modes of display.
s the viewer/audience/reader access, encounter, engage or interact with, or use these collection items? (Do they require special permission to access, do they need to travel far or pay admission, or experience it online? Do they require specialist or prior knowledge to understand?)
Upon analysing each collection (either reading as a whole, or in parts), whose stories do they tell? Where, when, why and how?
What’s their provenance? How did this collection come to be? How did specific items end up in this collection?
What seems to be missing from each collection, or deliberately excluded? Why might this be?
Example 1.
The largest collection of hamburger related items belongs to Harry Sperl, (a.k.a. Hamburger Harry, Germany) and consists of 3,724 items, verified in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, on 20 September 2014.
The audience is able to visually encounter this collection of hamburger related items, only by online or in the Guinness world book of records. This collection does not require specialist knowledge to understand anything in depth of this collection, other than this man collects hamburger related items of all sorts of different forms. These numbers consist of 3,724 items all together.
 This collection tells a story of a personal hobby and interest of a man, who highly enjoys collecting hamburger related items. Each item appears to be collected at a different time of this man’s life. I think that each object would carry a sentimental significance to this particular collector. Which makes this collection even more unique?
This collector collected hamburger related items from different stores and places. He does not specifically collect a specific type of hamburger artefact for his particular collection, asides from the fact that they are hamburger related.  
  Example 2.
 Poul Høegh Poulsen (b. 1944) of Rødovre, Denmark, has amassed 101,733 different bottle caps from 183 countries since first beginning his collection in 1956. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/68611-largest-collection-of-bottle-caps
The audience is able to interact with this particular collection by observing it visually online. Or through the Guinness world book of records. There is no  necessary admission fee to view this collection. It is a private collection which has been exhibited and captured in this collectors own house, establishment and published online. 
this collector has managed to collect 101,733 different bottle caps from over 100 international countries. in total 183 countries. Beginning in 1956. the information given, does not clearly state how this collection began. I personally believe it has started because of the collectors passion for tasting different types of beers. 
      Example 3.
 Angelika Unverhau of Dinslaken, Germany, has the largest collection of ball-point pens with 285,150, excluding duplicates that represent 148 different countries worldwide. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/68621-largest-collection-of-pens-ball-point
This collection is a personal collection of this particular collector,  Angelika Unverhau. according to this record she has collected, 285, 150 of ball point pens, from 148 international countries. Audience members do not need to require special permission to view this unique collection online. This collection can also be found in the Guinness book of world records. This collection is a private collection of this particular woman. 
Each pen that has been collected internationally by this particular collector, would carry an exotic significance to this collector. I Believe each pen from each international country would carry a story line, and uniqueness to the collector. The dates of the pens are not listed of when they were delivered.
This collection came to be by the collectors specific interest. 
Each pen is displayed and exhibited on a shelf.  
You’ve just been given a blank cheque. How would you recontextualise selected items from one of these collections for an exhibition of your choice, to be held anywhere around the world? What would your selection criteria be? Who would this exhibition be for? What story do you wish to tell and why?
0 notes
fathersonholygore · 7 years
Starz Counterpart Season 1, Episode 8: “Love the Lie” Directed by Alik Sakharov Written by Amy Berg
* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “The Sincerest Form of Flattery” – click here * For a recap & review of the next episode, “No Man’s Land – Part One” – click here We hear the other part of the conversation on the phone when Alexander Pope (Stephen Rhea) calls the “dry cleaners.” The man who answers looks unsettled by what he’s heard. He goes directly to find Mira (Christiane Paul), and after that begins a purge of documents, as well as a sort of casual evacuation of the orphan schoolchildren.  Fires out front burn files fast as people can bring wheelbarrows full of papers outside. In the trees. Emily Prime (Olivia Williams), Ian Shaw (Nicholas Pinnock), Howard (J.K. Simmons), and the rest of the UN team come upon the building, seeing the fires in front of it. However, inside, Mira and the rest of her people have retrieved their pouch full of cyanide pills. Should they need to, they’ll kill themselves rather than give over the information they know. Thus commences a gunfight between Indigo and the UN’s people. As the gunfire erupts everywhere, many lose their lives, though not everybody, such as Mira and one of her associates (Jakob Diehl). “Our legacy only survives if we can protect this secret” The aftermath of the assault on Indigo is brutal, as both Howard and Ian are left reeling. Although Emily shows Shaw what she’s found – a link of “events” and “traditions” comparing the timeline of the Prime World with the original one. They’re only now discovering that Indigo was running a school there, teaching children. So much yet to be uncovered. And so much lost in the purging of those files. Meanwhile, Howard has stumbled onto the children: mouths ringed with foam, dead in a pile covered by a blanket. Similar to how the Joseph and Magda Goebbels murdered their own children on the 1st of May in 1945, a day after Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide together as Nazi Germany crumbled to bits. Horrifying, particularly for the fact that Indigo is also located in Berlin; the exact same location as the aforementioned events at the close of WWII. Really creepy parallels going on here. And back at home, Howard Prime gets a call to be notified of the, uh, good news: Emily woke up from her coma. Baldwin (Sara Serraiocco) is waking up next to Greta (Liv Lisa Fries), and she isn’t entirely forthcoming after their “one night stand.” She obviously doesn’t want to get close to anybody, solely because of her life, the work she does, and what she’s done in the past. All the same, she does want to be close to somebody. After what happened at Indigo, Shaw wants to call the UN officially, whereas Emily knows Pope is involved and that it’s better to play things close to the chest for now. They keep searching the building, as well. Soon they find “reconnaissance photos” from back in the original world, as well as forged VISA papers, and other documents. The pieces fall together for them that Indigo were training sleeper agents to replace their counterparts. Things with Peter Quayle (Harry Lloyd) and his wife Clare (Nazanin Boniadi) aren’t what you’d call, getting along. He’s taking care of the baby while she’s handcuffed in the other room. Not a good sign. Clare decides to talk truthfully about when she switched over with the original Clare. This doesn’t change much between them, though we do see father pass child to mother so the baby can feed. That child is their only true connection. Even with Emily awake she isn’t out of the water. She has to recover before returning to any sense of normalcy. It’s interesting to see Howard Prime deal with Emily’s mother Charlotte, a relatively self-centred woman. Seeing regular Howard struggle with the family is decidedly different from witnessing Howard Prime in his place. Should likewise make for more compelling changes to the real Howard’s life when he comes back altered after his time on the Other Side. By far one of Counterpart‘s most intriguing elements is how we not only see the relationship(s) between the real world and the Prime World, but also how we see such a focus on the smaller, interpersonal relationships between people and how the concept of another world with exact counterparts of those on Earth affects them, too. What’s Baldwin’s latest move? She’s going after the Indigo agents sent from the Other Side. She silently tracks Mr. Angel Eyes (Nolan Gerard Funk) right into the apartment where he’s staying. She slips a cable tie over his neck quickly, and it chokes him to death on the floor. Now she’s got herself armed with more intel. Aldrich (Ulrich Thomsen) pays an unexpected visit to the Quayle house. He heard Peter was ill, off work, so he’s brought soup in a sweet little gesture. Paranoia has Peter shaken. He gets particularly sketchy when Aldrich talks about the mole situation, then bringing up the fact he knew his counterpart personally and actually used to send messages to him, and vice versa. Sadly, things went wrong when Aldrich’s Other fell in love and hoped to “defect” to their world. What did Aldrich do to save face and prevent himself a personal tragedy? He murdered the woman his Other fell in love with, which drove the counterpart to insanity. This all comes down to Aldrich knowing the truth, trying to give Mr. Quayle an option to do the correct thing for “the cause.” After discovering what they know about Indigo, Emily and Howard are going to contact Howard Prime through the elaborate chain messaging system through Raash (Marco Khan). Through the wires, Howard Prime’s setting a meet, and he needs Quayle to get him into an “interface room.” Will Peter being compromised further compromise this clandestine plan? Under guise of a “system simulation,” an interface room cut off from all surveillance and recording is readied for Howard Prime. He heads inside, where he meets the real Howard sitting across from him. Together again! The original Howard tells his counterpart about what they found at Indigo. Moreover, there’s bitterness and anger between the original and his Other, for what his Other didn’t tell him about his daughter, his wife. Of course the Other disparages the original Howard as being a pathetic, mild-mannered man without any excitement in his life. An ugly scene, yet necessary, and something we all knew was coming at a certain point. “Is there just any truth to you?” The whopper in this whole exchange? Howard Prime specifically tells Howard that Emily’s condition hasn’t change. That’s pretty despicable in itself. Contrasted with Aldrich’s speech earlier about the self v. the cause, it’s interesting to see Prime put the whole ’cause’ of their mission above telling his original the truth. Instead, he tells him about Emily cheating on him with the same guy he played Go with all that time in the park. Yet the first Howard says he knew, deep down. Of most importance is that the original Howard seems to have an inner morality and an honour about him that his Other does not possess. At a bar, Peter meets Aldrich as tentatively, hopefully scheduled. We see that Quayle’s questioned everything about himself because of what has happened concerning his wife. He considers himself a failure. And he knows that the UN thinks he’s the mole. But he reveals the manipulation to Aldrich – only he lies, telling his friend it’s Howard Silk. Oh, shit. That’s a terribly greasy, dangerous, and sickeningly impressive move.
This series only gets better, which is why I’m more than thrilled we’ll get Season 2. They’ve already started filming. Next week, we descend into a two-part finale. “No Man’s Land – Part One” will surely pack a punch leading into the very last episode.
Counterpart – Season 1, Episode 8: “Love the Lie” Starz Counterpart Season 1, Episode 8: "Love the Lie" Directed by Alik Sakharov…
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 35
3301. When someone is 'crazy' why do we call them 'nuts' or 'fruitcakes'? i actually have no idea. 3302. What's the dillio? oh no... i hope this survey isn’t gna be full of nonsense questions like this. 3303. Where did the slang term 'dillio' come from? idk, google it. 3304. How many even whole numbers are there between -5 and 5? idk. 3305. What words can you make useing only these letters: E N O? one, neo, eon... i think that’s it?
3306. What's the differance between foods that are low fat and foods that are lite? i’m assuming light foods like have more fat in it idk. 3307. White or brown rise? did you mean rice? lol. 3308. Can you be content if you are physically uncomfortable? i guess so. if you don’t plan to be physically ‘comfortable’, isn’t that being content? 3309. What is the differance between discomfort and pain? i’m assuming pain is more uncomfortable. 3310. What is the most uncomfortable thing you can think of? being around someone that smells with no escape. 3311. What do these names make you think of: britney spears? walt whitman? buddah? william shakespere? pablo picasso? adam ant? franz kafka? nietzche? madonna? orson scott card? frieda kahlo? god? salvidor dali? david bowie? jesus? lars ulrich? jim henson? cbf answering. plus many of these names are spelt wrong. 3312. What are your favorite games to play? cranium, taboo, the resistance, codenames, monopoly etc. i just like board games i guess. 3313. Are you quick to judge something as stupid just because you don't understand it? nope. 3314. Are you obnoxious to others? no, unless they’re being obnoxious to me. 3315. Do you feel superior to anyone? no. 3316. Shouldn't people take a good look at themselves before they criticize others? they should but they don’t. 3317. Which is better and why: writing or saying obnoxious things about someone who isn't around to defend themselves or saying it straight to them? saying it straight to them. i hate finding out that people have talked about me behind my back and don’t have the courage to just say it to my face. Which do YOU do more often? i’m not an obnoxious person, but i’d say saying it straight to someone’s face. 3318. Do you appologize too often? eh, not really. 3319. Does your mind play tricks on you? sometimes. 3320. Have you read (any of): the bible? only this. the koran? the torah? the kama sutra? the satanic bible? Are these mystical texts or historical ones? they can be taken as both. 3321. Do you own any possessions that you hide from parents, friends, visitors? nope. What? - 3322. Why does the cheese stand alone? idk. 3323. Do you watch any soaps? no. 3324. Have you learned something new today? yes. 3325. Do you believe in an 'oversoul' of all humanity? eh, never heard of it. 3326. Have you invented your own style, just for you? well i guess so. i just wear what i want. 3327. have you invented your own religion, just for you? nope. 3328. What files have you recently downloaded? e-books for my kindle. 3329. Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard but I think: they should be heard too. 3330. Do you dance around a lot? no. 3331. Is the unexamined life worth living or not? why not. 3332. What are you like when you're at your most beautiful? haha i have no idea. 3333. What are you like when you are at your worst? probably a blubbering mess. 3334. Why do you hide things about yourself? i don’t usually tbh. 3335. Why is anything 'too personal' to talk to others about? it just means they’re not comfortable enough to talk about it with others. 3336. Why should we be embarressed, afraid, or appologetic for ANYTHING we think, say or do? it’s just the way society works. 3337. Can true freedom exist in this world of doubt and guilt? to some individuals, yes. 3338. What do you have no control over? the dollar. 3339. Do you own a vibrating pillow? no lol wtf. How about a vibrating back massager? we have one somewhere in the house. 3340. Can you dance away your emotional pain? sure. 3341. When you dance is it a celebration of life? you can put it that way i guess. 3342. When do you feel the most immortal? que? 3343. Are you more of a painting, a poem or a song? painting. 3344. Is lonliness a crowded room full of open hearts turned to stone? possibly. 3345. Is YOUR heart ever stone? no. 3346. Are we alltogether all alone? idk. 3347. Does life end in a happily ever after way? idk. 3348. What's the warmest part of your body? my neck. 3349. Are you more verbal or visual? visual. 3350. What do you long for? happiness. 3351. True or false: When someone hates you it is because: they're jealous of you? false. the things you say are frightening to them because what you say makes them think about things they would rather avoid thinking about? w t f. they don't understand you? bye. 3352. True or false: When you hate someone it is because: you're jealous of them? false. the things they say are frightening to you because what they say makes them think about things you would rather avoid thinking about? you don't understand them? 3353. Have you ever been fascinated by someone who hated you? nope. 3354. Since the human brain has defense mechanisms against feeling bad (meaning the brain lies to itself to avoid feeling bad about something it said or did) how can we ever know if we are truly being honest? just ignore the damn mechanisms and take it for what it is. How do we know our brains are not tricking us into believeing we are good people when we aren't all good? we don’t know, so whatever. 3355. How highly do you value innovation? very much so. 3356. Is there a name where all the people you've ever met haveing that name had something in common with each other(ex. all the jens you've ever met had blue eyes)? nope. 3357. Are you focused more outward or inward? outward. 3358. What is the most affectionate nickname you ever came up with for someone? haha idk. 3359. Are the questions STILL still interesting this deep into the survey? no, sorry. i’m getting really bored of them but i’m too far in to give up. 3360. If someone else makes their desicions based on their intuition instead of on facts and proofs what do you think of that person? that’s fine. it’s their life. 3361. Do you trust your own intuition? yes. 3362. Finish the phrase... danger is the: just keep: never trust: the way I live my life: don't change: maybe someday: no. 3363. Would you rather live in Frodo's world or Harry Potter's? harry potter’s. 3364. Do you believe that the dead are with us? in some ways. If yes in what form? memory. 3365. Do you believe that those who haven't been born are with us? possibly. If yes, in what form? dreams. 3366. Are you made of timid stuff? no. 3367. Is there anyone in this world who is not CRAZY? yes. 3368. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? shorter. 3369. Can you mashed potatoe? lame. Can you do the twist? lame. 3370. What does your family do for thanksgiving..or if you don't celebrate it what do you picture when you think of thanksgiving? i picture family gathering together and having a huge feast and sharing what they’re thankful for. 3371. What is your earliest memory? running to my dad after coming back from vacation with my mum. 3372. Have you ever taken an IQ test? yes. What'd you get? i forgot. i’d probably do one again. What do you think of those things? no that accurate since i just do them online. 3373. How do you make 'fishcakes'? idk. Put the potatoe in the fish... cool. 3374. Which is the better band..the offspring or the damned? i don’t listen to either. 3375. Do you ever think about world destruction? not really. 3376. Do you think humans are becoming more robotic? yes. 3377. Do you think we'll ever be replaced by robots? it’s possible. some jobs are being replaced by robots. 3378. What do you feel a part of? my family. 3379. Does it freak you out to know that yogurt is ALiVe?? no. 3380. What current band d o you think is doing something particularly interesting or innovative? majid jordan. 3381. Golf course, do you remember? what. 3382. Which is more important, books and cleverness or friendship and bravery? friendship and bravery. 3383. If i promise to miss you, will you go away? no. 3384. stool, ball, powder...Can you think of a 4th word that connects these three? no. 3385. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? no. 3386. Why are blondes considered 'dumb'? idk. 3387. What's more important..intuitiveness/creativity or factual knowledge and practicallity? i possess creativity and practicality so idk. 3388. Who are the two worst terrorists you can think of? they’re all terrible people. 3389. What is jello made of? gelatin. 3390. Pick a country: australia. What do you believe is wrong with that country? everything. we are so backwards, it kills my life. 3391. Do you have strong opinions? yes. 3392. Do you do what it takes to stand up for those opinions? yes. especially when people are arguing over something they have no knowledge about. 3393. Have you ever been to a rally, protest or demonstration? no. If yes was it effective and in what ways? 3394. When people say, 'yeah it sucks but there's nothing I can do' do you believe them? it depends what the situation is. 3395. Do you know what you can do to make this world a better place? sure. Do you care? yes. 3396. Why is peace so important anyway? it’s not like it isn’t important? Why is freedom important? everyone has the right to be free. 3397. As long as you have your house and your family and you can go to the movies and the mall who cares about peace and freedom. Right? wrong. 3398.Do you try to avoid anything involving work? no. 3399. If you are not actively wrking to stop the horrors and injustices of the world (war, hunger, poverty) than aren't you partially responsible for them? thanks for assuming i’m not doing anything.... 3400. Are you in denial? nope.
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drakorn · 7 years
Tanz der Vampire St. Gallen - Act 1 Spoiler Review
Following my little commentary about the St. Gallen production, I have decided that I would actually like to make a full review. Now, back in April, @kahorifutunaka and I watched the St. Gallen production of Tanz der Vampire, directed by Ulrich Wiggers. At first, our opinions were quite mixed. Now we are closer to an agreement: The St. Gallen production does have some great solid directing and the cast is EXCELLENT, but the modern concept is wasted potential. But...why leave it here? You saw the title, right? Let’s get into full spoiler territory! To those who would like to still see the St. Gallen production without being spoiled too much, turn away right now. Everyone else, let’s go :D
Overtüre: Ok, here we can get a first positive: The Orchestra is actually full live in St. Gallen. You WILL get your goosebumps here...in the first few seconds. Remember how magnificent the animations in the original Tanz are? Well...here we get a forest graveyard first and most, followed by a gigantic castle that looks a bit like Bran Castle in Transylvania. The castle actually looks quite nice, but one would wonder “Why is the castle being shown now?” Well, this question is going to be answered in a few minutes. We then see...a much MUCH younger Professor Abronsius running onstage into the fog. We now see two gigantic rat statues with red eyes standing onstage. I am still unsure why they chose RATS of all things. I can imagine this famous Harry Potter meme being inserted here. “Let’s put rats in front of Krolock’s castle!” “But why rats?” “What other creature would you put there to be associated with vampires then?” “Oh, I don’t know...maybe a bat?” Anyway...Abronsius proceeds to examine those rats when he is suddenly...stuck in one of them? Yeah, I still don’t know what that was about...
He, ho, he: Only then does Alfred enter the stage. He is pretty much the same age as in the original version, just dressed entirely differently. He proceeds to sing his song until he discovers Abronsius in the grasp of one of the big bad rats! He frees him and together they proceed to walk...into the castle? Huh...weird...
Knoblauch: Ok, here is where things might get a little confusing at first glance. There are no more signs of a warm and cosy inn where the villagers hide from vampires. No, no, no...they are WITH the vampires already. Yeah, the inn and the castle have been merged into the same place. On the walls, you can see “Sanatorium K” written in fancy gothic letters. So...Krolock owns a Sanatorium...this version of Tanz is, therefore, taking place in an asylum? Jeesh, am I glad they mean the resort kind of asylum. If they would have shown Krolock and his cohorts merely THINKING that they are vampires because they are all cuckoo in their heads...I wouldn’t even know how to react tbh XD Anyway, the thing that ultimately takes the cake in this scene is the gigantic Garlic head in the middle of the room, with taps attached to it...wait...does it mean that the humans ACTUALLY drink garlic juice in this version? Holy moly, THEY are the crazy ones here! But anyway...there is actually something I like in this scene and that’s the costumes of Chagal and Rebecca. They don’t look like stereotypical jews anymore. Rebecca actually looks like a normal person here. Yeah, she’s a bit big, but she dresses nicely, has red hair, glasses and doesn’t look like a cartoon. Chagal looks like a hotel manager here, so...he’s in charge of the asylum? Does it mean, he is in direct communication with Krolock? Uh, this might make for some interesting change! Anyway, let’s see how this goes. So, Alfred and Abronsius stumble in and are taken care of. It is to note that Magda looks more like a nurse rather than a maid in this one. So...it IS an asylum for the mentally ill? I am SO confused. Anyway, Abronsius is woken up by something that looks like a very steaming liquid. And it must smell nice since he actively stretches out his nose. We also see some dark figure lurking in the upper floow...looks like a hotel page...uniform...strangely emo hair...and a hunchback? Is that Koukol? Yes, Koukol already features in Knoblauch here, where he is upstairs and runs away as soon as the two travellers arrive. Does it mean, he is already informing Krolock? That should be interesting. And then the dialogue happens...Abronsius asks “Is there a castle nearby?” Uuuuhm...you kinda JUST walked into the castle! Or perhaps he didn’t notice that this was the castle as it was dark and foggy...but I don’t know. And then Chagal says “No, no castle, nope, what are you talking about? We’re clearly in a castle but naaah, never heard of a CASTLE nearby, lol.” (He didn’t actually say that XD) Then we have the ONLY text change in the ENTIRE musical. The Dorftrottel says “But this place used to be a castle once.” Aaaaah, so Krolock renovated at least parts of his castle in order to build an asylum. Actually, the more you look into the scene, you can actually see vampires amongst the humans. You can point them out by their evil grins and white contact lenses, which I admit does look pretty good.
Bitte, meine Herren: Chagal leads them into their rooms. Ok, STOP! Is this a HOLIDAY asylum, therefore a hotel, or a MENTAL asylum? The word Sanatorium can be used in quite a few variations! Or is it a combination of both? I am SO confused! PLEASE EXPLAIN YOURSELF, MUSICAL! You already changed ONE LINE, it can’t be that hard to include some extra dialogue to match the modern setting! Anyway, Alfred and Abronsius get TWO beds now (wow, how nice of Chagal!) And this time, they sleep stage right, while Sarah’s bedroom is stage left. Ok, let us talk about Sarah’s bedroom, because there is quite a few things to mention. First of all, she has Marilyn Manson posters, along with things from (I think) Twilight and Vampire Diaries. And Sarah has considerably darker hair in this version...OH. MY. GOD. They have given Sarah the Bella Swan treatment! She KNOWS about the vampires and WANTS to be bitten by them! THAT IS...actually really smart. I mean, think about it! Krolock is using the vampire romance hype of the 21st century to get his victims. This makes it all the more easier for him! And it also perfectly parodies the whole “immortal love” aspect. But then there is the other aesthetic thing...WHY are the rooms so dirty? Seriously, the colour is coming off the walls, it looks like a toilet XD Maybe that’s the intention, but I remember the cosy wooden inn...yeah...that was nice.
Eine schöne Tochter: This one is actually pretty entertaining and is one of the best modern transitions of this version. Chagal not only uses a hammer to lock Sarah’s door, no, he also uses a drill! I really like that idea! Perfect inclusion of modern elements.
Nie geseh’n: This is where the entirety of the stage gets used. I actually quite like this scene as well. Chagal finds Magda on a sort of balcony, smoking a cigarette. Her “sewing” remark is treated as sarcasm here. That’s a nice creative way of getting around without changing the lyrics. Also, instead of a Salami, Rebecca uses her walking stick (yeah, she has one here) to beat the shit out of Abronsius and Chagal. What I also enjoy is that the Orchestra pit is incorporated, as in, the actors actually walk through it in order to get to some parts. But here is something I don’t enjoy: Ok, Rebecca has been given red hair in this production...WHY would you change Sarah’s hair then? Come on, you had THE opportunity to create more resemblance and you tossed it out of the window. Shame....Shame....Shame....ok, that’s enough Game of Thrones. Look at the Finnish version, they did it better with the resemblance!
Gott ist tot: Ok...where do I begin to describe how Krolock looks like in this one? He dramatically appears on the rooftop over Sarah’s bedroom and begins walking around on it...dressed in a very thick fur coat. Also, this Krolock looks much older than the one in the original version. But I actually quite like his hairstyle. It is not as wild, it is more civilised. He looks like you would expect a contemporary aristocrat to look like. However...the fur coat and the song make him look like an (and many people have said this before me) undead sugar daddy. And his seductive cat-like movements on the rooftop, followed by a 30-second creepy as fuck stare into Sarah’s window, watching her sleep (ehehe, Twilight, ehehe), don’t really help the case XD Overall, I think Krolock’s first appearance in this version is a bit underwhelming. Remember how in the original version, he glides through the audience, spends the first part of the song in darkness and casts a giant shadow over the entire stage? All of that is unfortunately missing and nothing really makes up for it. The Finnish version had dying couples singing the “Sei bereit...” around him while he was still covered in darkness, THAT is a way of making up for it. But here...no, I didn’t really feel it tbh.
Alles ist hell: One of the biggest changes so far. It takes place in a gym hall (huh, so it IS a hotel then, because I don’t see why a mental asylum should have such a fancy looking gym). Again, we have vampires as well as humans in the gym. Sarah is also allowed outside in this one...well, I hope she is only allowed outside inside the building where her parents can see her, otherwise Draußen ist Freiheit would loose a bit of its impact. And here we have the now second appearance of Koukol. I don’t know, I really hate his hairstyle here. He looks like an emo. But I like that the entire bargain for candles gets a bit more obscure with the modern setting. Why would someone order so many candles when they have electric lights? This leads to the belief that Krolock has only refurbished a certain part of the castle and himself dwells in an older one. Quite an interesting idea here.
Wahrheit: I actually really enjoyed this scene. Abronsius is younger here and they take full advantage of that. A lot of this song is sung on the stationary bicycles of the gym, with Abronsius drinking water, and also breathing into an inhalator...huh, I...guess, he has asthma here? But I appreciate the hard work the actors put in here. It can’t be easy to sing a song like this on bicycles! Also, I like that instead of the wood falling down, a lamp explodes when Abronsius does his high note here. But again, some of the script (”Und dabei schlüpft meine Säge durch Zieder”) would have been up for a change. But at least the Nobel prize makes sense in this context, I guess.
Du bist wirklich sehr nett: I can’t really say that much about this version because it nearly plays out the exact same way. The only difference is that Sarah walks through the orchestra pit to get to Alfred. But yeah, this isn’t one of the scenes where you can change that much.
Einladung zum Ball: Holy moly, THIS scene, however, is a totally different story! First of all, Krolock’s teleportation is grander here. He has two doubles this time, one high up stage left and one further lower stage right. The light shines on them without revealing Krolock’s face, which makes it really believable. However, we also have the stage direction where Sarah gets out of the bath, goes behind the set, in order to sit in a bigger bath in order for the scene to play out.  Krolock appears and delivers his invitation. The difference here is that Sarah isn’t frightened or shocked at all...she is happy. This Sarah REALLY wants to get bitten by Krolock. Also, she is actually naked in this one, and she even stands up, with her back facing the audience of course. Krolock quickly takes his fur coat and wraps it around Sarah, which looks quite hilarious actually. It looks like he’s saying “Sarah! This is not a PG15 show, and you are 17 for crying out loud! Here, have my coat and cover yourself!” He then walks away, leaving a magnificent impression on Sarah. We don’t actually see Chagal spanking her in this one, we just hear it. Oh, so we can have naked Sarah, but we can’t see her getting spanked? This show must have had a weeeird risk assessment XD
Draußen ist Freiheit: This version is totally different to the original What I find interesting is that Koukol actually opens the door so that Sarah can get out, which actually makes sense rather than her randomly being able to exit her house in the original version. But the real interesting thing is that Sarah in this version really seems to be annoyed with Alfred. It is so obvious that she wants to get away from him here.
Die roten Stiefel: This time it’s not just red boots but also a red corset. This is...interesting, but ok. And here is the part where I don’t like the look of the new vampires. In the original version, we had this magnificent dream sequence with red curtains and dance pairs. Here it is a bunch of people in leather clothes, pretty reminiscent of the Finale II vampires, which makes it look more dangerous, I’ll give them that, but also less dream-like. But there IS actually a good, even a great addition! This version has a Dream!Chagal coming out to fight Dream!Krolock over Dream!Sarah, which ensues in a battle with the two figures pulling her back and forth. THIS is something I would legitimately like to see in the original version!
Das Gebet: This scene, however...I did not like. In the original version, we have this entire inn, everyone holding candles, a moon shining, the Count standing on the rooftop, Sarah getting all emotional at the front. This version, however, looks like they were thinking “Well...we can’t cut it, so we need to have it somehow.” Everyone is praying in the centre, with Sarah further back and the Count is not even in it.
Trauer um Chagal: What is quite amusing here is that Chagal doesn’t really look that worried when he finds out that his daughter ran off. It actually looks like he’s being like “Oh come on! Seriously? Alright, let’s get her back.” He even drinks a bit of Vodka instead of eating Garlic, like he’s saying “Oh boy, will I have a chat with my boss now.” What follows next is the animation of a long and dark staircase...uhm...whooooooooo...gruuuuuhuhuuuuselig! And then we have one of the most unintentionally funny scenes in the show. Remember how I said that they didn’t change the lyrics? Well, okay, so all of the action, therefore, happens in a single building here. So WHY ON EARTH WOULD THE VILLAGE PEOPLE STILL INSIST THAT WOLVES WERE THE CULPRITS??? Is this a thing in Transylvania? Is it normal to find WOLVES strolling around INSIDE the building? Come on, this is a direct insult to Abronsius’ intelligence here. Also, the vampires among the people really act out their diabolical nature here as they really smirk and smile at the dead Chagal. Then we have this other thing...Chagal seemingly serves Krolock here...so why would Krolock kill him if he wants to bring back his daughter? I mean, I guess he could have found a replacement...but oh well, I’m getting too deep into this. Next scene!
Tot zu sein ist komisch: This is where Magda’s dark side is shown. Why? Because she LAUGHS when she sees Chagal’s dead body. Wow, that woman must have REALLY hated him. I mean, understandably so, but JESUS! And she doesn’t really seem that terrified when she’s bitten. I guess her working for a vampire Count makes her mentally prepared for what is to come eventually. She uses a bible instead of a cross against Chagal. And then...the next best unintentionally funny scene happens. And to this day I STILL don’t know what the creative decision behind that was. Okay, so we have Abronsius and Alfred wanting to impale Chagal, which leads to the chase sequence...only here it is accompanied by disco party lights. WHAT was that for? XD WHY did they do that? XD It’s so hilarious XD “UUuuh, yeaaaah, da vamp’s in da houseeeee, yeessssss!” 
Durch die Wildnis zum Schloss: Right, cancel the “Wildnis” part, because nobody is going outside here. And again...”Bestimmt entdecken wir durch ihn das Schloss von diesem Grafen!” YOU ARE IN THE CASTLE, FOR GOD’S SAKE! Jesus Christ, they really should have changed the lyrics because this makes them look like absolute idiots now XD And then the travel sequence comes. I don’t know why, but I had a desire to burst out laughing during this. It shows empty rooms that clearly belong in a mental asylum (SO WHAT IS IT NOW, A HOTEL OR AN ASYLUM??? MAKE UP YOUR MIND, SHOW!) The funny thing is that it has a slow-motion sequence of a black figure running into the distance. I don’t know why, but this really made me laugh so much XD
Vor dem Schloss: Or in this case “In an older part of the castle”. We obviously get the vampires in the audience. They just don’t seem as creepy because of their leather clothes. Then Krolock comes in, wearing a shiny grey suit. Krolock and the amazing shining grey suit! XD Actually, I do admit that this scene is pretty well done. Krolock clearly is annoyed by Abronsius and CONSTANTLY stares at Alfred. When they have their moment together at the end, Krolock grabs his shoulders and stares him right into the soul. Overall, the contact between Krolock and Alfred is done much better here than in the original version, so props to them for this one. But again...please change the script occasionally. Königsberg is no longer the name of the city Abronsius comes from. It’s Kaliningrad now. Yeah... And Herbert...wow, Herbert looks great XD He has this purple suit and long open hair, which make him look like Legolas visiting a gay bar. And then we finally get to see Krolock’s shadow! Hooraaay! He walks up the stairs before the curtain comes down, stretches out his arms, and a giant shadow comes up, opening all of the castle windows. That was quite neat as well. Also, I love how he gets a short moment where he opens Abronsius’ back, sees what’s inside it and nods like he’s saying “I have work to do.”
So, overall, Act 1 wasn’t bad but it wasn’t that overwhelmingly great either. I will see you all in Act 2 which will follow soon enough :D
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flauntpage · 6 years
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109
Talk about blowing an opportunity.
The Sixers had a nice little run going, with big moves at the trade deadline followed by a quality win against Denver and a national television drubbing of Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon. They were 7-4 through their last 11 games, a gauntlet that included Golden State, Toronto, and multiple playoff teams over multiple weeks.
But instead of finishing on a high note, they stumbled again to Boston, this time at home. They blew another opportunity against another top Eastern Conference team, falling to 1-7 this season against the Celtics, Bucks, and Raptors. Most importantly, they took all of the goodwill built up over the last few days and deposited it right into the trash can.
We’re right back at square one, which is this:
“The Sixers can’t beat the Celtics.”
Truly, it’s opening night and Christmas evening all over again. It’s like Groundhog Day without the overgrown rat from Western Pennsylvania.
As Metallica once said, “Nothing Else Matters,” and you know what? James Hetfield was right. Lars Ulrich was right. Nothing else matters besides beating the Celtics. That’s all anybody is talking about, and they’re justified in doing so. You can go out and beat the Knicks by 40 tonight and fans would not and should not care, because it’s not about beating the Knicks or Hornets or Hawks by 40, it’s about beating Boston by any amount of points at all.
The Sixers were not horrible last night. We are, after all, talking about a three-point loss. But the myriad issues throughout the game were similar to what we’ve seen before. They cobbled together too many mistakes to really get into a shooting or defensive rhythm throughout.
They only shot 71% from the foul line, which is way down from a 77% season average. The turnovers, 14, were manageable, but Boston only coughed it up six times, so that’s another loss. The three-point shooting was below average, the shot selection was junky and poor in the first half, and they just looked tight to start. Boston looked loose and played within themselves. The Sixers played like they knew they’ve only beaten this team twice in the last two years.
Defensive miscues
Late in the fourth quarter, Boston was just seeking out mismatches over and over again. There was a chunk of plays around the five minute mark, I believe, where they just went after JJ Redick on every single play and the Sixers did a really lackluster job of addressing it. There were other situations where Redick and T.J. McConnell were on the floor together and having trouble on the defensive end.
Said Brett Brown post game:
There’s a physicality that you have to play with to beat them and you’re reminded of that. They do a really good job of going at mismatches, we could all see the difficulty at times that we had guarding some of the physicality of them trying to post us with different mismatches, those types of things I think are. There’s a physicality that you learn from… To Rich’s [Hofmann’s] point, they go at mismatches hard, they duck in, they’re physical with that philosophy.
They seek out mismatches pretty much every time down the floor in crunch time situations.
Case in point:
Those plays are killers, because when Marcus Smart can post up JJ Redick and drive the lane, the rest of the defense collapses, the Celtics swing the ball around the perimeter while the Sixers scramble to recover, and Jayson Tatum eventually knocks down a wide open three.
More Brown:
I think you have to find some level of better ball pressure; you have to find some level of better resistance, sort of staggered steps, there’s some technique things that we can do better and I think most importantly that at times you can’t overreact. If tough twos for a while are the palatable shot and, admittedly, you can’t live like that, but periods of the game you can, then we have to be disciplined to do that. To start running around the gym and getting into scramble mode, isn’t in my interest, our interest either.
Yes, if you’re going to leave JJ on the floor, make it harder for them to pick on him. Deny that entry pass into the post. Re-evaluate how you switch if they put him in a pick and roll. Maybe you have to blitz or throw a second guy into the equation, or maybe Redick just cannotbe on the floor in these situations. Maybe you play Jimmy Butler as a two-guard and bring in James Ennis or Jonathon Simmons to close out games instead.
Joel Embiid on this:
We need to do a better job of denying the ball and pressuring the ball. At the end of the day, it comes down to guarding your own man and that’s what we have to do. These guys, they take advantage of when we do help, and they move the ball pretty well. So, we just need to do a better job of guarding our own man.
Boston just kept hunting all throughout the 4th quarter, and the Sixers weren’t able to get enough stops to build any kind of respectable lead or keep pace when it really mattered.
Joel’s night
He struggles against Al Horford, who defends him better than anybody in the league.
Embiid was asked what the veteran center is doing to frustrate him:
He’s not doing anything, it’s just on me. I was sleepwalking for three quarters and that’s on me. Like I said, that’s on me. It has nothing to do with anybody.
I’m not a big fan of that answer. Sure, you can put it on you and take responsibility for your performance, but Horford is not “not doing anything.” His resistance points are sound, he does a good job of keeping his arms down, and he stands Joel up right on the low block in a position where Embiid is too far to power through him for a layup but too far for a comfortable turn around or floater. It’s a weird middle area between Embiid’s catch point and the rim, and for whatever reason, Joel just comes up short when he’s 1v1 with Horford. The Celtics are doing anything special. They’re not doubling or digging, they’re just letting Horford use low leverage and solid technique to defend a bigger guy.
I think Gordon Hayward actually did a decent job of explaining it after the game:
Al’s a smart defender, so I think he’s able to use spacing and angles and really kind of knows when to gap him, when to get up to him. He’s also just a tough defender, like taking bumps, able to not get backed all the way down and then still being long enough to contest his jump shots. Embiid’s a monster, so for Al to play like that is really encouraging. We’ve seen him do it in the past too. That was a good job by Al.
It was a really nice job, and in these cases Joel just has to keep going at Horford until he wears him down. He’s a bigger guy, he’s younger, and he’s always going to win a four-quarter war of attrition. Horford finished with five fouls last night, and if Joel is down there working him throughout the game instead of taking an inexplicable eight three-point tries, then maybe the result is different.
There’s just no reason your 7’2″ center should ever take eight three-pointers in a game. Redick and Tobias Harris are the only players who should be taking that many three-pointers.
Joel was also complaining about the no-call vs. Horford at the end of the game, and he’ll get fined for saying “the refs fucking sucked” at his press conference. Here’s the play:
Embiid No Call pic.twitter.com/YuYaDrTpZV
— The Render (@TheRenderNBA) February 13, 2019
Yes, it’s probably a foul, but Joel is playing for contact there. He’s not using his body to drive Horford back and he’s leaning into him. Joel is going to get cheap rip-through contact fouls against JaVale McGee and Jarrett Allen in the first quarter of meaningless games, but he’s not getting them against Al Horford in the fourth quarter, not after Horford does a solid job against him for the first three quarters. Either way, that no-call isn’t why they lost the game. It was just one play.
Embiid came out tight, he played another lackluster game against the Celtics before finally showing up in the fourth quarter, and then came across as fairly petty and maybe just outright immature in his press conference.
Ben Simmons
Same thing as always.
Boston does a nice job sealing off his transition movement by sliding a second guy to the elbow and meeting him right at the top of the foul line. Ben picks up his dribble, kicks the ball back out, and the Sixers are then playing half court offense.
Sure, there were some blown assignments by Boston, and Ben got free a couple of times. That huge dunk was one play, and he did finish 7 of his 9 looks last night, so he was really efficient when he did get to his spots. The two misses were actually ugly jump shots, so if you take those away, he had an excellent 7-7 night from his preferable range:
More important than his individual shooting, it felt like he just couldn’t get the rest of the offense into a rhythm throughout. He only finished with five assists vs. three turnovers, and said this after the game:
I don’t think we were putting the ball to the rim. I think we slowed down a lot in transition and tried to call a few too many sets, which we got a little bit of a flow. But that’s just how the game went.
They slowed down in transition because Boston did the slowing, which is one of their strengths. The Sixers scored only 12 fast break points last night against a season average of 15.7, and those first quarter baskets, the ones where Ben is pushing and everybody is running the floor, those get them loosened up as much as anything.
When Boston sits back and plays for the transition denial, you’re running your half-court base and whatever other sets, which is not what the Sixers would prefer to do coming out of the gates. They did turn that into some successful isolation and pick and roll for Jimmy Butler late in the game, and Butler is a huge help in those situations, when the rest of the team is stuck and they need somebody to create in other ways. If these teams meet again in the playoffs, Butler really could have a big series. He scored 22 points on 12 shots last night, it was just those missed free throws at the end that were a killer.
One more note about Ben – his defense on Jayson Tatum was good. Tatum was at his best when Boston was getting switches and moving the ball around, but in 1v1 situations with Ben, he wasn’t great, shooting just 3-9 against him:
Good job right there.
Tobias Harris
Bad shooting night. If he’s even slightly better than 4-14 and 0-6 from three, then the Sixers probably win by 4-5 points.
Tobias post game:
I thought that in the first half we really never got to our pace of how we kind of wanted to play. Usually that comes from being able to take the ball out, a majority of the time. So we weren’t really able to get out in transition as we wanted. They got on the glass, got a lot of second-chance points. But I just thought overall in the game, it was tough for us to get to our type of flow and our type of rhythm out there, which is going to happen. But I think it’s something that we have to identify early on and try to get some things ready for us. Overall, I still thought that we gave ourselves a legitimate chance to win that game, but it just went the other way.
11 second chance points for the Celtics last night on the strength of four Horford offensive rebounds.
That’s not a ton, but it’s disappointing when you think about the fact they’re getting second chance opportunities while also getting enough bodies back to defend in transition. A lot of teams will simply punt the offensive board to drop multiple players into defense, so in the course of a game you’re usually limiting fast break points at the expense of hitting the offensive glass. Boston was able to wriggle in there and get some offensive boards they had no business getting last night.
Rotation stuff
Jonathon Simmons was first off the bench while James Ennis and Jonah Bolden were DNPs, and I have no idea why. Brown again linked Simmons and Harris’ minutes together with Boban Marjanovic, giving us a grouping that looked like this:
B. Simmons
J. Simmons
Furkan Korkmaz
And then we saw a little bit of the same unit beyond that: Joel Embiid, Mike Scott, Jimmy Butler, JJ Redick, and T.J. McConnell. So the splits from the Laker game were more or less similar last night. There was also a point in the game where we got a Ben/JJ/Simmons/Mike Scott/Boban lineup, which played a pretty ineffective chunk of minutes.
But this was a Jonah Bolden game. When you have bigs like Al Horford and Daniel Theis who can space the floor and shoot from the perimeter, then Bolden as the first five off the bench makes more sense than Boban, in my mind. Boban is gonna have to be a situational guy moving into the playoffs.
Other notes:
The early Horford foul leading to the technical… I dunno. He played pretty good D there but might have been a little handsy right before the whistle was blown.
I swear I saw a Spain pick and roll at the beginning of the second half. I forgot to DVR the game, so I’m gonna have to go look back and see if I can find it.
Boban’s size results in some totally bizarre and usually hilarious on-court optics. There was a point in the 1st quarter, around the 5:00 mark, where he reached up and snagged a weakside rebound without even leaving his feet. In the 3rd quarter, he had a post up on Horford where he didn’t even move his feet or back him down, he simply just turned and flicked the ball over his head for a bucket.
It felt like Hayward was wide open on every single shot he took last night.
When Embiid got the and-1 bucket against Horford late in the 4th quarter, it was the loudest I’d heard the WFC this season.
Butler has been doing a great job lately of getting to the line. He was fouled twice last night on three point attempts.
The Celtics are probably better without Kyrie Irving. Same thing as last season. When he’s on the floor, they need to hide his defensive shortcomings, but last night, as you’ve seen before, Terry Rozier and Marcus Smart are defensive upgrades that present more matchup issues for the Sixers, more than if Kyrie was out there.
People will complain and say I didn’t criticize Brett Brown enough, but obviously the head coach plays a role in addressing all of the things I just wrote about, does he not?
The post Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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thelifeofasloth · 6 years
Please send a prompt with the person from my list of people that I write about which will be listed below and I will do one for you!
Shawn Mendes
Harry Styles
Stranger Things
David Harbour / Chief Hopper
Charlie Heaton / Joanathan Byers
Dacre Montgomery / Billy Hargrove
KJ Apa / Archie Andrews Cole Sprouse / Jughead Jones Casey Cott / Kevin Keller Ross Butler / Reggie Mantle Skeet Ulrich / FP Jones
Please request one prompt at a time. It helps when you request the prompt and not just the number. Thank you.
You have my condolences
I don’t have fancy things.
How long have you been waiting to say that?
Don’t put that on me
Say yes.
Where’s my morning kiss?
No one said that!
It reminded me of you
I’ve heard that before
I should know.
I kind of knew it would go this way
Why won’t you commit?
Who said I was talking to you?
Are you following me?
These things take time
Takes one to know one
Its like I’m not even here
I know you’re going with another guy
He was the same way
I can’t help, but want to bone.
I heard you sold your car.
I am ashamed of myself.
This again?
I’ll be sure to phone you
Don’t make me regret it
I don’t care
Do you promise?
Its scary to think about
Say something stupid
We aren’t going to make it
Pay attention.
Do you care what they think?
Its one hell of a long way home
It makes me sick
I don’t expect you to get it.
You used to call me ‘baby’
I can’t believe this is it.
Don’t hold me like this.
Depends what your definition of ‘truth’ is
You didn’t have the decency to change the sheets
Don’t get involved
You don’t know me very well
You weren’t there
You’re so reckless.
You are not the boss of me.
Pick yourself up
They need assholes like me
You said you’d never speak to him again
I’m eating my emotions right now
Just let it be
I can’t wait any longer
I love you more than when you were mine
It smells so bad
Are you begging?
You are not walking out
Sue me! I forgot!
You’re making a huge mistake
It didn’t matter to you.
What did I know?
Its worse in every way
I know you
You’re not saying anything
You told me to.
Just to say hello
Is that a threat?
Maybe I’ll get famous
I won’t wait another minute
I know your tells
Don’t pretend
She was really Catholic
Its just gossip
I’m not crazy
Its just a feeling
I can keep a secret
Nobody died
Don’t start with the promises
It’s on hold.
Its a two way street
Mellow isn’t the word I would use.
It must have been hard
You can never stay over.
You don’t love yourself
Where did you go?
You’re in denial.
They’re painting me out to be the bad guy
You have twenty five minutes
Do you have no shame?
Put that down for one second.
Let me make this right
I’m leaving now.
I’m hot, I’m funny, I’m neat…
That’s fine. We can do that.
Its so cold out here.
Is it true?
You should get an Oscar.
Pay attention
You say you’re no good
You should have thought of that
Did you have fun?
Is this how you spend your time?
Am I invisible?
Let me take you
I always thought he was hot too
I don’t like innocent
I had a girlfriend
Does that mean nothing to you?
We have had this fight before
I just came to say …
Have you ever been to Omaha?
Your glass is empty
I didn’t know her
Who invited you?
Don’t get emotional.
Does that mean nothing to you?
I wanted to be there.
Hey. That’s mine!
I don’t miss you.
It looked like you could use a friend
I’m going home.
That doesn’t sound like a problem.
Do you still love me?
I wish I was flying away.
Do this for me.
You said it in your sleep.
There’s a fine line between the two.
You said forever
0 notes
blogofthunder-blog · 7 years
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
First Dates: Remembering that nobody likes you when you’re 23, when you reach the inevitable awkward silence on your next date and you don’t want to refer to your impromptu conversation flash cards in your pocket; why not try asking these questions? It’ll really help you get a feel (giggedy) for the person and whether they’re worthy of your time. From: The Skinny One Sent: 07 November 2017 15:58 To: The Chunky One Subject: RE: So after some informal sociological research, I have narrowed down the most important aspects of a person’s life as: friends & family, food, music, movies, books. You have to choose: 1 meal for rest of life; 1 album for rest of life; 1 book for rest of life; 1 movie for rest of life. If you had to go to the moon and could only take 1 person, who would it be? (can’t be significant other). Extended version; create the ultimate band:- singer, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass, drums, wild card. From: The Chunky One Sent: 07 November 2017 16:18 To: The Skinny One Subject: RE: Meal – This is insanely difficult, given how much I love food and how good a cook my mother is. However, if I had to choose, I think I would have to say mum’s chicken and potato curry with white rice. Album  – Bon Jovi, Keep the Faith. Hands down my favourite album ever. Stereophonics are my favourite band, and they haven’t produced an album I don’t like but Keep the Faith is my all time favourite! Book – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was between this and Goblet, although I also love Phoenix but of the three I think Prisoner is my favourite. Movie – Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. This film is timeless and will always bring joy. I thought about Avengers Assemble as well but I could only pick one… Person – You. If not you, could I bring Logan back from the dead and take him? My ultimate band: Singer – Freddie Mercury Lead Guitar – Richie Sambora Rhythm Guitar – Eric Clapton Bass Guitar – Lemmy Drums – Matt Cameron Wild Card – Elton John From: The Skinny One Sent: 07 November 2017 16:30 To: The Chunky One Subject: RE: Meal – it’s definitely curry orientated. I think I’d go panner madras & bag of chips! Album – Appetite for Destruction. This is my album. The soundtrack to my youth, and the rest of my life. It literally changed me. Book – Same! Azkaban. It’s my favourite narrative of them all. Sirius loves Harry because he’s James’ son. Not because he’s the chosen one or because he’s an orphan. Because it’s his broski’s boy Movie – Damn right bro. Person – As we said we can’t take significant others… We can’t take each other. And I can’t take JD. Maybe my dad? I could talk forever with him. Screech and I would never argue… But if I had to choose 1 person to talk to for the rest of my life… Felix! Band: Singer – Axl Lead – Jimmy Page Rhythm – Eric Clapton Bass – Gene Simmons Drums – Travis Barker Wildcard – DJ LETHAL! You’d choose the drummer from Pearl Jam?? What’s wrong with you?
From: The Chunky One Sent: 07 November 2017 16:40 To: The Skinny One Subject: RE: I genuinely thought about including Jimmy, Eric and Gene in my band! Mate, Matt Cameron is a wicked drummer!!! I almost picked Stuart Cable but Matt Cameron is more creative. Ok, if I can’t take you and I can’t take Logan, I’d probably take Shevi. NB: The conversation then continued beyond email:
Skinny: I want to know, how in a world of Travis Barkers, Lars Ulrichs, Joey Jordisons, Tre Cools, even Steve Gormans you chose the drummer from Pearl Jam?? I’ve never even heard of him. I had to Google him. I’ve never understood Pearl Jam; they’re like U2. They sell out these huge arenas yet you never seem to meet anyone who likes them. And Pearl Jam are practically like Trigger’s broom these days. Chunky: Points well made but is this not a matter of personal taste? You don’t understand how I picked Matt Cameron out of such an array of outstanding drummers, even though you left Tico Torres off that list. That’s like me saying to you I don’t understand how in a world of steak, chicken, chicken fried steak, pork chops, pork belly, lamb shank, lamb shoulder, all part of the lamb come to think of it, you’re a vegetarian?!
Skinny: Opinions are like nipples. Everyone has them, just some peoples are useless. 1) I have known you nearly 10 years and never have we ever even mentioned Pearl Jam. 2) Tico is the sort of drummer who we find decent, but I’d be confident in saying you could ask your general music fan what band he’s from and to name the greatest drummers and they wouldn’t know and he wouldn’t feature. 3) Being a Pearl Jam fan is equally as morally disturbing and damning as being a meat eater. I sleep well at night knowing that I spend my professional and personal lives making the world a better place. You sleep well at night because it’s on a big pile of money and may very well have coronary heart disease from all your steak, chicken, chicken fried steak, pork chops, pork belly, lamb shank, lamb shoulder, all part of the lamb come to think of it. Chunky: Comparing opinions to nipples would sure bring into question the nipple itself. Unlike some opinions, some nipples must be thoroughly examined and at appropriate times exposed. As such I would consider opinions to be more like arseholes; everyone has one and each person’s serves a very distinct purpose, but they should only be exposed and examined when absolutely necessary and relevant to the situation. Opinions can be both right and wrong, and neither right nor wrong in the same breath. 1) I have definitely mentioned Pearl Jam in your presence, but it would have been one of those times you decided not to listen or decided what I was saying was of little to no importance. This is ok, I forgive you. 2) True, a lot of people wouldn’t know who Tico Torres is but do we care about those people? The truest of music lovers will know and appreciate him. 3) Your moral objection to my musical and dietary choices not withstanding, if I die young I’ll most likely die happy and you get all my stuff.
Skinny: As somewhat of an authority on the appropriateness of exposing any body part, I’m telling you now; it’s never appropriate. 1) I can remember just about everything. Everything I have done or said. I have no recollection of Pearl Jam ever being mentioned. In all our time building playlists and discussing what song we should butcher next, never were Pearl Jam mentioned. 2) True, we don’t care about those people. However, I don’t think an absence of knowledge of Tico Torres means one is not a true music lover. Mrs Skinny and Skinny brother in law won’t have a clue who he is; and they’re both actual talented musicians. 3) All the squares have gone, but the best odds on your early death are from syphilis.
Chunky: There are definitely appropriate time to expose and examine both nipples and arseholes, almost always in private and with limited and/or select company present. 1) While you may remember everything you have said and done, and while I have been present for a significant proportion of this, is it not at all possible that you cannot remember everything I have said and done which would include the mention of Pearl Jam? I spent a lot of time listening to Pearl Jam when I lived in London. Admittedly I was more of a twat then than I am now. But that does not detract from the fact that Pearl Jam are a decent and noteworthy band and as such Matt Cameron is a decent and noteworthy drummer. But, would you feel better if I changed my mind and put Dave Grohl in his place? 2) Granted. I’ve forgotten the point I was trying to make here. 3) I was tested recently, I’m fine.
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109
Talk about blowing an opportunity.
The Sixers had a nice little run going, with big moves at the trade deadline followed by a quality win against Denver and a national television drubbing of Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon. They were 7-4 through their last 11 games, a gauntlet that included Golden State, Toronto, and multiple playoff teams over multiple weeks.
But instead of finishing on a high note, they stumbled again to Boston, this time at home. They blew another opportunity against another top Eastern Conference team, falling to 1-7 this season against the Celtics, Bucks, and Raptors. Most importantly, they took all of the goodwill built up over the last few days and deposited it right into the trash can.
We’re right back at square one, which is this:
“The Sixers can’t beat the Celtics.”
Truly, it’s opening night and Christmas evening all over again. It’s like Groundhog Day without the overgrown rat from Western Pennsylvania.
As Metallica once said, “Nothing Else Matters,” and you know what? James Hetfield was right. Lars Ulrich was right. Nothing else matters besides beating the Celtics. That’s all anybody is talking about, and they’re justified in doing so. You can go out and beat the Knicks by 40 tonight and fans would not and should not care, because it’s not about beating the Knicks or Hornets or Hawks by 40, it’s about beating Boston by any amount of points at all.
The Sixers were not horrible last night. We are, after all, talking about a three-point loss. But the myriad issues throughout the game were similar to what we’ve seen before. They cobbled together too many mistakes to really get into a shooting or defensive rhythm throughout.
They only shot 71% from the foul line, which is way down from a 77% season average. The turnovers, 14, were manageable, but Boston only coughed it up six times, so that’s another loss. The three-point shooting was below average, the shot selection was junky and poor in the first half, and they just looked tight to start. Boston looked loose and played within themselves. The Sixers played like they knew they’ve only beaten this team twice in the last two years.
Defensive miscues
Late in the fourth quarter, Boston was just seeking out mismatches over and over again. There was a chunk of plays around the five minute mark, I believe, where they just went after JJ Redick on every single play and the Sixers did a really lackluster job of addressing it. There were other situations where Redick and T.J. McConnell were on the floor together and having trouble on the defensive end.
Said Brett Brown post game:
There’s a physicality that you have to play with to beat them and you’re reminded of that. They do a really good job of going at mismatches, we could all see the difficulty at times that we had guarding some of the physicality of them trying to post us with different mismatches, those types of things I think are. There’s a physicality that you learn from… To Rich’s [Hofmann’s] point, they go at mismatches hard, they duck in, they’re physical with that philosophy.
They seek out mismatches pretty much every time down the floor in crunch time situations.
Case in point:
Those plays are killers, because when Marcus Smart can post up JJ Redick and drive the lane, the rest of the defense collapses, the Celtics swing the ball around the perimeter while the Sixers scramble to recover, and Jayson Tatum eventually knocks down a wide open three.
More Brown:
I think you have to find some level of better ball pressure; you have to find some level of better resistance, sort of staggered steps, there’s some technique things that we can do better and I think most importantly that at times you can’t overreact. If tough twos for a while are the palatable shot and, admittedly, you can’t live like that, but periods of the game you can, then we have to be disciplined to do that. To start running around the gym and getting into scramble mode, isn’t in my interest, our interest either.
Yes, if you’re going to leave JJ on the floor, make it harder for them to pick on him. Deny that entry pass into the post. Re-evaluate how you switch if they put him in a pick and roll. Maybe you have to blitz or throw a second guy into the equation, or maybe Redick just cannotbe on the floor in these situations. Maybe you play Jimmy Butler as a two-guard and bring in James Ennis or Jonathon Simmons to close out games instead.
Joel Embiid on this:
We need to do a better job of denying the ball and pressuring the ball. At the end of the day, it comes down to guarding your own man and that’s what we have to do. These guys, they take advantage of when we do help, and they move the ball pretty well. So, we just need to do a better job of guarding our own man.
Boston just kept hunting all throughout the 4th quarter, and the Sixers weren’t able to get enough stops to build any kind of respectable lead or keep pace when it really mattered.
Joel’s night
He struggles against Al Horford, who defends him better than anybody in the league.
Embiid was asked what the veteran center is doing to frustrate him:
He’s not doing anything, it’s just on me. I was sleepwalking for three quarters and that’s on me. Like I said, that’s on me. It has nothing to do with anybody.
I’m not a big fan of that answer. Sure, you can put it on you and take responsibility for your performance, but Horford is not “not doing anything.” His resistance points are sound, he does a good job of keeping his arms down, and he stands Joel up right on the low block in a position where Embiid is too far to power through him for a layup but too far for a comfortable turn around or floater. It’s a weird middle area between Embiid’s catch point and the rim, and for whatever reason, Joel just comes up short when he’s 1v1 with Horford. The Celtics are doing anything special. They’re not doubling or digging, they’re just letting Horford use low leverage and solid technique to defend a bigger guy.
I think Gordon Hayward actually did a decent job of explaining it after the game:
Al’s a smart defender, so I think he’s able to use spacing and angles and really kind of knows when to gap him, when to get up to him. He’s also just a tough defender, like taking bumps, able to not get backed all the way down and then still being long enough to contest his jump shots. Embiid’s a monster, so for Al to play like that is really encouraging. We’ve seen him do it in the past too. That was a good job by Al.
It was a really nice job, and in these cases Joel just has to keep going at Horford until he wears him down. He’s a bigger guy, he’s younger, and he’s always going to win a four-quarter war of attrition. Horford finished with five fouls last night, and if Joel is down there working him throughout the game instead of taking an inexplicable eight three-point tries, then maybe the result is different.
There’s just no reason your 7’2″ center should ever take eight three-pointers in a game. Redick and Tobias Harris are the only players who should be taking that many three-pointers.
Joel was also complaining about the no-call vs. Horford at the end of the game, and he’ll get fined for saying “the refs fucking sucked” at his press conference. Here’s the play:
Embiid No Call pic.twitter.com/YuYaDrTpZV
— The Render (@TheRenderNBA) February 13, 2019
Yes, it’s probably a foul, but Joel is playing for contact there. He’s not using his body to drive Horford back and he’s leaning into him. Joel is going to get cheap rip-through contact fouls against JaVale McGee and Jarrett Allen in the first quarter of meaningless games, but he’s not getting them against Al Horford in the fourth quarter, not after Horford does a solid job against him for the first three quarters. Either way, that no-call isn’t why they lost the game. It was just one play.
Embiid came out tight, he played another lackluster game against the Celtics before finally showing up in the fourth quarter, and then came across as fairly petty and maybe just outright immature in his press conference.
Ben Simmons
Same thing as always.
Boston does a nice job sealing off his transition movement by sliding a second guy to the elbow and meeting him right at the top of the foul line. Ben picks up his dribble, kicks the ball back out, and the Sixers are then playing half court offense.
Sure, there were some blown assignments by Boston, and Ben got free a couple of times. That huge dunk was one play, and he did finish 7 of his 9 looks last night, so he was really efficient when he did get to his spots. The two misses were actually ugly jump shots, so if you take those away, he had an excellent 7-7 night from his preferable range:
More important than his individual shooting, it felt like he just couldn’t get the rest of the offense into a rhythm throughout. He only finished with five assists vs. three turnovers, and said this after the game:
I don’t think we were putting the ball to the rim. I think we slowed down a lot in transition and tried to call a few too many sets, which we got a little bit of a flow. But that’s just how the game went.
They slowed down in transition because Boston did the slowing, which is one of their strengths. The Sixers scored only 12 fast break points last night against a season average of 15.7, and those first quarter baskets, the ones where Ben is pushing and everybody is running the floor, those get them loosened up as much as anything.
When Boston sits back and plays for the transition denial, you’re running your half-court base and whatever other sets, which is not what the Sixers would prefer to do coming out of the gates. They did turn that into some successful isolation and pick and roll for Jimmy Butler late in the game, and Butler is a huge help in those situations, when the rest of the team is stuck and they need somebody to create in other ways. If these teams meet again in the playoffs, Butler really could have a big series. He scored 22 points on 12 shots last night, it was just those missed free throws at the end that were a killer.
One more note about Ben – his defense on Jayson Tatum was good. Tatum was at his best when Boston was getting switches and moving the ball around, but in 1v1 situations with Ben, he wasn’t great, shooting just 3-9 against him:
Good job right there.
Tobias Harris
Bad shooting night. If he’s even slightly better than 4-14 and 0-6 from three, then the Sixers probably win by 4-5 points.
Tobias post game:
I thought that in the first half we really never got to our pace of how we kind of wanted to play. Usually that comes from being able to take the ball out, a majority of the time. So we weren’t really able to get out in transition as we wanted. They got on the glass, got a lot of second-chance points. But I just thought overall in the game, it was tough for us to get to our type of flow and our type of rhythm out there, which is going to happen. But I think it’s something that we have to identify early on and try to get some things ready for us. Overall, I still thought that we gave ourselves a legitimate chance to win that game, but it just went the other way.
11 second chance points for the Celtics last night on the strength of four Horford offensive rebounds.
That’s not a ton, but it’s disappointing when you think about the fact they’re getting second chance opportunities while also getting enough bodies back to defend in transition. A lot of teams will simply punt the offensive board to drop multiple players into defense, so in the course of a game you’re usually limiting fast break points at the expense of hitting the offensive glass. Boston was able to wriggle in there and get some offensive boards they had no business getting last night.
Rotation stuff
Jonathon Simmons was first off the bench while James Ennis and Jonah Bolden were DNPs, and I have no idea why. Brown again linked Simmons and Harris’ minutes together with Boban Marjanovic, giving us a grouping that looked like this:
B. Simmons
J. Simmons
Furkan Korkmaz
And then we saw a little bit of the same unit beyond that: Joel Embiid, Mike Scott, Jimmy Butler, JJ Redick, and T.J. McConnell. So the splits from the Laker game were more or less similar last night. There was also a point in the game where we got a Ben/JJ/Simmons/Mike Scott/Boban lineup, which played a pretty ineffective chunk of minutes.
But this was a Jonah Bolden game. When you have bigs like Al Horford and Daniel Theis who can space the floor and shoot from the perimeter, then Bolden as the first five off the bench makes more sense than Boban, in my mind. Boban is gonna have to be a situational guy moving into the playoffs.
Other notes:
The early Horford foul leading to the technical… I dunno. He played pretty good D there but might have been a little handsy right before the whistle was blown.
I swear I saw a Spain pick and roll at the beginning of the second half. I forgot to DVR the game, so I’m gonna have to go look back and see if I can find it.
Boban’s size results in some totally bizarre and usually hilarious on-court optics. There was a point in the 1st quarter, around the 5:00 mark, where he reached up and snagged a weakside rebound without even leaving his feet. In the 3rd quarter, he had a post up on Horford where he didn’t even move his feet or back him down, he simply just turned and flicked the ball over his head for a bucket.
It felt like Hayward was wide open on every single shot he took last night.
When Embiid got the and-1 bucket against Horford late in the 4th quarter, it was the loudest I’d heard the WFC this season.
Butler has been doing a great job lately of getting to the line. He was fouled twice last night on three point attempts.
The Celtics are probably better without Kyrie Irving. Same thing as last season. When he’s on the floor, they need to hide his defensive shortcomings, but last night, as you’ve seen before, Terry Rozier and Marcus Smart are defensive upgrades that present more matchup issues for the Sixers, more than if Kyrie was out there.
People will complain and say I didn’t criticize Brett Brown enough, but obviously the head coach plays a role in addressing all of the things I just wrote about, does he not?
The post Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109
Talk about blowing an opportunity.
The Sixers had a nice little run going, with big moves at the trade deadline followed by a quality win against Denver and a national television drubbing of Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon. They were 7-4 through their last 11 games, a gauntlet that included Golden State, Toronto, and multiple playoff teams over multiple weeks.
But instead of finishing on a high note, they stumbled again to Boston, this time at home. They blew another opportunity against another top Eastern Conference team, falling to 1-7 this season against the Celtics, Bucks, and Raptors. Most importantly, they took all of the goodwill built up over the last few days and deposited it right into the trash can.
We’re right back at square one, which is this:
“The Sixers can’t beat the Celtics.”
Truly, it’s opening night and Christmas evening all over again. It’s like Groundhog Day without the overgrown rat from Western Pennsylvania.
As Metallica once said, “Nothing Else Matters,” and you know what? James Hetfield was right. Lars Ulrich was right. Nothing else matters besides beating the Celtics. That’s all anybody is talking about, and they’re justified in doing so. You can go out and beat the Knicks by 40 tonight and fans would not and should not care, because it’s not about beating the Knicks or Hornets or Hawks by 40, it’s about beating Boston by any amount of points at all.
The Sixers were not horrible last night. We are, after all, talking about a three-point loss. But the myriad issues throughout the game were similar to what we’ve seen before. They cobbled together too many mistakes to really get into a shooting or defensive rhythm throughout.
They only shot 71% from the foul line, which is way down from a 77% season average. The turnovers, 14, were manageable, but Boston only coughed it up six times, so that’s another loss. The three-point shooting was below average, the shot selection was junky and poor in the first half, and they just looked tight to start. Boston looked loose and played within themselves. The Sixers played like they knew they’ve only beaten this team twice in the last two years.
Defensive miscues
Late in the fourth quarter, Boston was just seeking out mismatches over and over again. There was a chunk of plays around the five minute mark, I believe, where they just went after JJ Redick on every single play and the Sixers did a really lackluster job of addressing it. There were other situations where Redick and T.J. McConnell were on the floor together and having trouble on the defensive end.
Said Brett Brown post game:
There’s a physicality that you have to play with to beat them and you’re reminded of that. They do a really good job of going at mismatches, we could all see the difficulty at times that we had guarding some of the physicality of them trying to post us with different mismatches, those types of things I think are. There’s a physicality that you learn from… To Rich’s [Hofmann’s] point, they go at mismatches hard, they duck in, they’re physical with that philosophy.
They seek out mismatches pretty much every time down the floor in crunch time situations.
Case in point:
Those plays are killers, because when Marcus Smart can post up JJ Redick and drive the lane, the rest of the defense collapses, the Celtics swing the ball around the perimeter while the Sixers scramble to recover, and Jayson Tatum eventually knocks down a wide open three.
More Brown:
I think you have to find some level of better ball pressure; you have to find some level of better resistance, sort of staggered steps, there’s some technique things that we can do better and I think most importantly that at times you can’t overreact. If tough twos for a while are the palatable shot and, admittedly, you can’t live like that, but periods of the game you can, then we have to be disciplined to do that. To start running around the gym and getting into scramble mode, isn’t in my interest, our interest either.
Yes, if you’re going to leave JJ on the floor, make it harder for them to pick on him. Deny that entry pass into the post. Re-evaluate how you switch if they put him in a pick and roll. Maybe you have to blitz or throw a second guy into the equation, or maybe Redick just cannotbe on the floor in these situations. Maybe you play Jimmy Butler as a two-guard and bring in James Ennis or Jonathon Simmons to close out games instead.
Joel Embiid on this:
We need to do a better job of denying the ball and pressuring the ball. At the end of the day, it comes down to guarding your own man and that’s what we have to do. These guys, they take advantage of when we do help, and they move the ball pretty well. So, we just need to do a better job of guarding our own man.
Boston just kept hunting all throughout the 4th quarter, and the Sixers weren’t able to get enough stops to build any kind of respectable lead or keep pace when it really mattered.
Joel’s night
He struggles against Al Horford, who defends him better than anybody in the league.
Embiid was asked what the veteran center is doing to frustrate him:
He’s not doing anything, it’s just on me. I was sleepwalking for three quarters and that’s on me. Like I said, that’s on me. It has nothing to do with anybody.
I’m not a big fan of that answer. Sure, you can put it on you and take responsibility for your performance, but Horford is not “not doing anything.” His resistance points are sound, he does a good job of keeping his arms down, and he stands Joel up right on the low block in a position where Embiid is too far to power through him for a layup but too far for a comfortable turn around or floater. It’s a weird middle area between Embiid’s catch point and the rim, and for whatever reason, Joel just comes up short when he’s 1v1 with Horford. The Celtics are doing anything special. They’re not doubling or digging, they’re just letting Horford use low leverage and solid technique to defend a bigger guy.
I think Gordon Hayward actually did a decent job of explaining it after the game:
Al’s a smart defender, so I think he’s able to use spacing and angles and really kind of knows when to gap him, when to get up to him. He’s also just a tough defender, like taking bumps, able to not get backed all the way down and then still being long enough to contest his jump shots. Embiid’s a monster, so for Al to play like that is really encouraging. We’ve seen him do it in the past too. That was a good job by Al.
It was a really nice job, and in these cases Joel just has to keep going at Horford until he wears him down. He’s a bigger guy, he’s younger, and he’s always going to win a four-quarter war of attrition. Horford finished with five fouls last night, and if Joel is down there working him throughout the game instead of taking an inexplicable eight three-point tries, then maybe the result is different.
There’s just no reason your 7’2″ center should ever take eight three-pointers in a game. Redick and Tobias Harris are the only players who should be taking that many three-pointers.
Joel was also complaining about the no-call vs. Horford at the end of the game, and he’ll get fined for saying “the refs fucking sucked” at his press conference. Here’s the play:
Embiid No Call pic.twitter.com/YuYaDrTpZV
— The Render (@TheRenderNBA) February 13, 2019
Yes, it’s probably a foul, but Joel is playing for contact there. He’s not using his body to drive Horford back and he’s leaning into him. Joel is going to get cheap rip-through contact fouls against JaVale McGee and Jarrett Allen in the first quarter of meaningless games, but he’s not getting them against Al Horford in the fourth quarter, not after Horford does a solid job against him for the first three quarters. Either way, that no-call isn’t why they lost the game. It was just one play.
Embiid came out tight, he played another lackluster game against the Celtics before finally showing up in the fourth quarter, and then came across as fairly petty and maybe just outright immature in his press conference.
Ben Simmons
Same thing as always.
Boston does a nice job sealing off his transition movement by sliding a second guy to the elbow and meeting him right at the top of the foul line. Ben picks up his dribble, kicks the ball back out, and the Sixers are then playing half court offense.
Sure, there were some blown assignments by Boston, and Ben got free a couple of times. That huge dunk was one play, and he did finish 7 of his 9 looks last night, so he was really efficient when he did get to his spots. The two misses were actually ugly jump shots, so if you take those away, he had an excellent 7-7 night from his preferable range:
More important than his individual shooting, it felt like he just couldn’t get the rest of the offense into a rhythm throughout. He only finished with five assists vs. three turnovers, and said this after the game:
I don’t think we were putting the ball to the rim. I think we slowed down a lot in transition and tried to call a few too many sets, which we got a little bit of a flow. But that’s just how the game went.
They slowed down in transition because Boston did the slowing, which is one of their strengths. The Sixers scored only 12 fast break points last night against a season average of 15.7, and those first quarter baskets, the ones where Ben is pushing and everybody is running the floor, those get them loosened up as much as anything.
When Boston sits back and plays for the transition denial, you’re running your half-court base and whatever other sets, which is not what the Sixers would prefer to do coming out of the gates. They did turn that into some successful isolation and pick and roll for Jimmy Butler late in the game, and Butler is a huge help in those situations, when the rest of the team is stuck and they need somebody to create in other ways. If these teams meet again in the playoffs, Butler really could have a big series. He scored 22 points on 12 shots last night, it was just those missed free throws at the end that were a killer.
One more note about Ben – his defense on Jayson Tatum was good. Tatum was at his best when Boston was getting switches and moving the ball around, but in 1v1 situations with Ben, he wasn’t great, shooting just 3-9 against him:
Good job right there.
Tobias Harris
Bad shooting night. If he’s even slightly better than 4-14 and 0-6 from three, then the Sixers probably win by 4-5 points.
Tobias post game:
I thought that in the first half we really never got to our pace of how we kind of wanted to play. Usually that comes from being able to take the ball out, a majority of the time. So we weren’t really able to get out in transition as we wanted. They got on the glass, got a lot of second-chance points. But I just thought overall in the game, it was tough for us to get to our type of flow and our type of rhythm out there, which is going to happen. But I think it’s something that we have to identify early on and try to get some things ready for us. Overall, I still thought that we gave ourselves a legitimate chance to win that game, but it just went the other way.
11 second chance points for the Celtics last night on the strength of four Horford offensive rebounds.
That’s not a ton, but it’s disappointing when you think about the fact they’re getting second chance opportunities while also getting enough bodies back to defend in transition. A lot of teams will simply punt the offensive board to drop multiple players into defense, so in the course of a game you’re usually limiting fast break points at the expense of hitting the offensive glass. Boston was able to wriggle in there and get some offensive boards they had no business getting last night.
Rotation stuff
Jonathon Simmons was first off the bench while James Ennis and Jonah Bolden were DNPs, and I have no idea why. Brown again linked Simmons and Harris’ minutes together with Boban Marjanovic, giving us a grouping that looked like this:
B. Simmons
J. Simmons
Furkan Korkmaz
And then we saw a little bit of the same unit beyond that: Joel Embiid, Mike Scott, Jimmy Butler, JJ Redick, and T.J. McConnell. So the splits from the Laker game were more or less similar last night. There was also a point in the game where we got a Ben/JJ/Simmons/Mike Scott/Boban lineup, which played a pretty ineffective chunk of minutes.
But this was a Jonah Bolden game. When you have bigs like Al Horford and Daniel Theis who can space the floor and shoot from the perimeter, then Bolden as the first five off the bench makes more sense than Boban, in my mind. Boban is gonna have to be a situational guy moving into the playoffs.
Other notes:
The early Horford foul leading to the technical… I dunno. He played pretty good D there but might have been a little handsy right before the whistle was blown.
I swear I saw a Spain pick and roll at the beginning of the second half. I forgot to DVR the game, so I’m gonna have to go look back and see if I can find it.
Boban’s size results in some totally bizarre and usually hilarious on-court optics. There was a point in the 1st quarter, around the 5:00 mark, where he reached up and snagged a weakside rebound without even leaving his feet. In the 3rd quarter, he had a post up on Horford where he didn’t even move his feet or back him down, he simply just turned and flicked the ball over his head for a bucket.
It felt like Hayward was wide open on every single shot he took last night.
When Embiid got the and-1 bucket against Horford late in the 4th quarter, it was the loudest I’d heard the WFC this season.
Butler has been doing a great job lately of getting to the line. He was fouled twice last night on three point attempts.
The Celtics are probably better without Kyrie Irving. Same thing as last season. When he’s on the floor, they need to hide his defensive shortcomings, but last night, as you’ve seen before, Terry Rozier and Marcus Smart are defensive upgrades that present more matchup issues for the Sixers, more than if Kyrie was out there.
People will complain and say I didn’t criticize Brett Brown enough, but obviously the head coach plays a role in addressing all of the things I just wrote about, does he not?
The post Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109
Talk about blowing an opportunity.
The Sixers had a nice little run going, with big moves at the trade deadline followed by a quality win against Denver and a national television drubbing of Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon. They were 7-4 through their last 11 games, a gauntlet that included Golden State, Toronto, and multiple playoff teams over multiple weeks.
But instead of finishing on a high note, they stumbled again to Boston, this time at home. They blew another opportunity against another top Eastern Conference team, falling to 1-7 this season against the Celtics, Bucks, and Raptors. Most importantly, they took all of the goodwill built up over the last few days and deposited it right into the trash can.
We’re right back at square one, which is this:
“The Sixers can’t beat the Celtics.”
Truly, it’s opening night and Christmas evening all over again. It’s like Groundhog Day without the overgrown rat from Western Pennsylvania.
As Metallica once said, “Nothing Else Matters,” and you know what? James Hetfield was right. Lars Ulrich was right. Nothing else matters besides beating the Celtics. That’s all anybody is talking about, and they’re justified in doing so. You can go out and beat the Knicks by 40 tonight and fans would not and should not care, because it’s not about beating the Knicks or Hornets or Hawks by 40, it’s about beating Boston by any amount of points at all.
The Sixers were not horrible last night. We are, after all, talking about a three-point loss. But the myriad issues throughout the game were similar to what we’ve seen before. They cobbled together too many mistakes to really get into a shooting or defensive rhythm throughout.
They only shot 71% from the foul line, which is way down from a 77% season average. The turnovers, 14, were manageable, but Boston only coughed it up six times, so that’s another loss. The three-point shooting was below average, the shot selection was junky and poor in the first half, and they just looked tight to start. Boston looked loose and played within themselves. The Sixers played like they knew they’ve only beaten this team twice in the last two years.
Defensive miscues
Late in the fourth quarter, Boston was just seeking out mismatches over and over again. There was a chunk of plays around the five minute mark, I believe, where they just went after JJ Redick on every single play and the Sixers did a really lackluster job of addressing it. There were other situations where Redick and T.J. McConnell were on the floor together and having trouble on the defensive end.
Said Brett Brown post game:
There’s a physicality that you have to play with to beat them and you’re reminded of that. They do a really good job of going at mismatches, we could all see the difficulty at times that we had guarding some of the physicality of them trying to post us with different mismatches, those types of things I think are. There’s a physicality that you learn from… To Rich’s [Hofmann’s] point, they go at mismatches hard, they duck in, they’re physical with that philosophy.
They seek out mismatches pretty much every time down the floor in crunch time situations.
Case in point:
Those plays are killers, because when Marcus Smart can post up JJ Redick and drive the lane, the rest of the defense collapses, the Celtics swing the ball around the perimeter while the Sixers scramble to recover, and Jayson Tatum eventually knocks down a wide open three.
More Brown:
I think you have to find some level of better ball pressure; you have to find some level of better resistance, sort of staggered steps, there’s some technique things that we can do better and I think most importantly that at times you can’t overreact. If tough twos for a while are the palatable shot and, admittedly, you can’t live like that, but periods of the game you can, then we have to be disciplined to do that. To start running around the gym and getting into scramble mode, isn’t in my interest, our interest either.
Yes, if you’re going to leave JJ on the floor, make it harder for them to pick on him. Deny that entry pass into the post. Re-evaluate how you switch if they put him in a pick and roll. Maybe you have to blitz or throw a second guy into the equation, or maybe Redick just cannotbe on the floor in these situations. Maybe you play Jimmy Butler as a two-guard and bring in James Ennis or Jonathon Simmons to close out games instead.
Joel Embiid on this:
We need to do a better job of denying the ball and pressuring the ball. At the end of the day, it comes down to guarding your own man and that’s what we have to do. These guys, they take advantage of when we do help, and they move the ball pretty well. So, we just need to do a better job of guarding our own man.
Boston just kept hunting all throughout the 4th quarter, and the Sixers weren’t able to get enough stops to build any kind of respectable lead or keep pace when it really mattered.
Joel’s night
He struggles against Al Horford, who defends him better than anybody in the league.
Embiid was asked what the veteran center is doing to frustrate him:
He’s not doing anything, it’s just on me. I was sleepwalking for three quarters and that’s on me. Like I said, that’s on me. It has nothing to do with anybody.
I’m not a big fan of that answer. Sure, you can put it on you and take responsibility for your performance, but Horford is not “not doing anything.” His resistance points are sound, he does a good job of keeping his arms down, and he stands Joel up right on the low block in a position where Embiid is too far to power through him for a layup but too far for a comfortable turn around or floater. It’s a weird middle area between Embiid’s catch point and the rim, and for whatever reason, Joel just comes up short when he’s 1v1 with Horford. The Celtics are doing anything special. They’re not doubling or digging, they’re just letting Horford use low leverage and solid technique to defend a bigger guy.
I think Gordon Hayward actually did a decent job of explaining it after the game:
Al’s a smart defender, so I think he’s able to use spacing and angles and really kind of knows when to gap him, when to get up to him. He’s also just a tough defender, like taking bumps, able to not get backed all the way down and then still being long enough to contest his jump shots. Embiid’s a monster, so for Al to play like that is really encouraging. We’ve seen him do it in the past too. That was a good job by Al.
It was a really nice job, and in these cases Joel just has to keep going at Horford until he wears him down. He’s a bigger guy, he’s younger, and he’s always going to win a four-quarter war of attrition. Horford finished with five fouls last night, and if Joel is down there working him throughout the game instead of taking an inexplicable eight three-point tries, then maybe the result is different.
There’s just no reason your 7’2″ center should ever take eight three-pointers in a game. Redick and Tobias Harris are the only players who should be taking that many three-pointers.
Joel was also complaining about the no-call vs. Horford at the end of the game, and he’ll get fined for saying “the refs fucking sucked” at his press conference. Here’s the play:
Embiid No Call pic.twitter.com/YuYaDrTpZV
— The Render (@TheRenderNBA) February 13, 2019
Yes, it’s probably a foul, but Joel is playing for contact there. He’s not using his body to drive Horford back and he’s leaning into him. Joel is going to get cheap rip-through contact fouls against JaVale McGee and Jarrett Allen in the first quarter of meaningless games, but he’s not getting them against Al Horford in the fourth quarter, not after Horford does a solid job against him for the first three quarters. Either way, that no-call isn’t why they lost the game. It was just one play.
Embiid came out tight, he played another lackluster game against the Celtics before finally showing up in the fourth quarter, and then came across as fairly petty and maybe just outright immature in his press conference.
Ben Simmons
Same thing as always.
Boston does a nice job sealing off his transition movement by sliding a second guy to the elbow and meeting him right at the top of the foul line. Ben picks up his dribble, kicks the ball back out, and the Sixers are then playing half court offense.
Sure, there were some blown assignments by Boston, and Ben got free a couple of times. That huge dunk was one play, and he did finish 7 of his 9 looks last night, so he was really efficient when he did get to his spots. The two misses were actually ugly jump shots, so if you take those away, he had an excellent 7-7 night from his preferable range:
More important than his individual shooting, it felt like he just couldn’t get the rest of the offense into a rhythm throughout. He only finished with five assists vs. three turnovers, and said this after the game:
I don’t think we were putting the ball to the rim. I think we slowed down a lot in transition and tried to call a few too many sets, which we got a little bit of a flow. But that’s just how the game went.
They slowed down in transition because Boston did the slowing, which is one of their strengths. The Sixers scored only 12 fast break points last night against a season average of 15.7, and those first quarter baskets, the ones where Ben is pushing and everybody is running the floor, those get them loosened up as much as anything.
When Boston sits back and plays for the transition denial, you’re running your half-court base and whatever other sets, which is not what the Sixers would prefer to do coming out of the gates. They did turn that into some successful isolation and pick and roll for Jimmy Butler late in the game, and Butler is a huge help in those situations, when the rest of the team is stuck and they need somebody to create in other ways. If these teams meet again in the playoffs, Butler really could have a big series. He scored 22 points on 12 shots last night, it was just those missed free throws at the end that were a killer.
One more note about Ben – his defense on Jayson Tatum was good. Tatum was at his best when Boston was getting switches and moving the ball around, but in 1v1 situations with Ben, he wasn’t great, shooting just 3-9 against him:
Good job right there.
Tobias Harris
Bad shooting night. If he’s even slightly better than 4-14 and 0-6 from three, then the Sixers probably win by 4-5 points.
Tobias post game:
I thought that in the first half we really never got to our pace of how we kind of wanted to play. Usually that comes from being able to take the ball out, a majority of the time. So we weren’t really able to get out in transition as we wanted. They got on the glass, got a lot of second-chance points. But I just thought overall in the game, it was tough for us to get to our type of flow and our type of rhythm out there, which is going to happen. But I think it’s something that we have to identify early on and try to get some things ready for us. Overall, I still thought that we gave ourselves a legitimate chance to win that game, but it just went the other way.
11 second chance points for the Celtics last night on the strength of four Horford offensive rebounds.
That’s not a ton, but it’s disappointing when you think about the fact they’re getting second chance opportunities while also getting enough bodies back to defend in transition. A lot of teams will simply punt the offensive board to drop multiple players into defense, so in the course of a game you’re usually limiting fast break points at the expense of hitting the offensive glass. Boston was able to wriggle in there and get some offensive boards they had no business getting last night.
Rotation stuff
Jonathon Simmons was first off the bench while James Ennis and Jonah Bolden were DNPs, and I have no idea why. Brown again linked Simmons and Harris’ minutes together with Boban Marjanovic, giving us a grouping that looked like this:
B. Simmons
J. Simmons
Furkan Korkmaz
And then we saw a little bit of the same unit beyond that: Joel Embiid, Mike Scott, Jimmy Butler, JJ Redick, and T.J. McConnell. So the splits from the Laker game were more or less similar last night. There was also a point in the game where we got a Ben/JJ/Simmons/Mike Scott/Boban lineup, which played a pretty ineffective chunk of minutes.
But this was a Jonah Bolden game. When you have bigs like Al Horford and Daniel Theis who can space the floor and shoot from the perimeter, then Bolden as the first five off the bench makes more sense than Boban, in my mind. Boban is gonna have to be a situational guy moving into the playoffs.
Other notes:
The early Horford foul leading to the technical… I dunno. He played pretty good D there but might have been a little handsy right before the whistle was blown.
I swear I saw a Spain pick and roll at the beginning of the second half. I forgot to DVR the game, so I’m gonna have to go look back and see if I can find it.
Boban’s size results in some totally bizarre and usually hilarious on-court optics. There was a point in the 1st quarter, around the 5:00 mark, where he reached up and snagged a weakside rebound without even leaving his feet. In the 3rd quarter, he had a post up on Horford where he didn’t even move his feet or back him down, he simply just turned and flicked the ball over his head for a bucket.
It felt like Hayward was wide open on every single shot he took last night.
When Embiid got the and-1 bucket against Horford late in the 4th quarter, it was the loudest I’d heard the WFC this season.
Butler has been doing a great job lately of getting to the line. He was fouled twice last night on three point attempts.
The Celtics are probably better without Kyrie Irving. Same thing as last season. When he’s on the floor, they need to hide his defensive shortcomings, but last night, as you’ve seen before, Terry Rozier and Marcus Smart are defensive upgrades that present more matchup issues for the Sixers, more than if Kyrie was out there.
People will complain and say I didn’t criticize Brett Brown enough, but obviously the head coach plays a role in addressing all of the things I just wrote about, does he not?
The post Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Still Not Good Enough – Observations from Celtics 112, Sixers 109 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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