#and there's no bloody dp box sets in britain either!
Giant!Danny Phantom x Reader Short Story: “Passing Storm, Lingering First Encounter”
Here’s that story I’ve promised you. I know that some of you might be interested in this, though I’ve been surprised before and no doubt I’ll be surprised again. Nevertheless, enjoy yourself!
The first few drops of rain began to fall as you hurried to the abandoned hangar on the outskirts of town. Reaching the awning of the small door to the office built-in to the massive building, you panted and brushed the sweat off your forehead as you studied the text on your phone again:
If u know about us as much as our friend thinks u do, plz come 2 the hangar. Our friend saw u last night. He knows u can help him.
Placing your hand on the doorknob, you recalled what had happened to you last night...
That was when the solar eclipse took place. You had chosen a good spot to see it, and you were wearing special eclipse shades. As you felt the eclipse creep in behind you and the unnatural darkness enveloping everything around you, you could swear you saw the flickering of green light several miles away and heard two light booming noises, one after another, like a giant taking two steps forward.
If only you weren't safety-conscious, you would have seen a portal open up in the heart of the eclipse. You would have seen three figures emerge from that portal. You would recognize one to be Sam Manson, her eyes closed to prevent the light from hurting her eyes; the other to be Tucker Foley, his PDA in one hand, his eyes closed too. Both of them were wearing futuristic space gear.
But through that flicker of green light, you at least saw the outline of ... him. The one you've had a crush on the longest. Danny Phantom. But there was something different about him. Despite being completely invisible to everyone around him, he was at least 50ft tall. Technically. You didn't really know his real height for sure to make the necessary calculations.
And little did you know, until you got the text half an hour ago, that Danny sensed your spirit among all those taking part in the eclipse, and while you were tracing the shape of the solar eclipse on a piece of paper, he gained a sense of the world you lived in, of how he and his friends were fictional characters here; how pleasantly modern and up-to-date everything was here; how dark and foreboding the future of this world is...
Sam's voice jolted you to your senses and back to the present day. The drops of rain from before were now joined by several more as a light drizzle now fell from the heavens.
"You're gonna get soaked if you stand around outside like this! Come inside, quickly, before anyone else sees us. And don't tell the supermarket about the theft!"
'Don't tell the supermarket about the theft'!? As if talking to a real life cartoon character was enough to pose a lot of questions...! But you followed Sam through the door nevertheless, and into the office, pleasantly lit since it was out of town so no one could notice. You saw Tucker working on both his PDA and a laptop, a noticeboard on the wall in front of you covered with notes and drawings of planets. To the left of you was a pair of double-doors leading into the hangar itself.
"Hey, Tucker! (y/n) is here." instructed Sam to her friend. "Best give (y/gen) the info on how we got here."
Tucker looked up and noticed you. Smiling, he waved before picking up his PDA and directing your gaze to the noticeboard.
"Danny told us everything about you and your world as soon as we came here." he primarily said. "How?" you asked. "He has ghost powers, remember? He gazed into your spirit and got the 411 instantly. We've dealt with stuff like your species before, so we know you can keep Danny's secret safe. But something happened a while back that jeopardizes it to the extreme!" "The whole '50 foot Danny' thing, right?" "Yeah. We were on a mission, catching ghosts, saving people, cracking jokes... the usual. But then Danny's pituitary gland started up a growth spurt, and the next thing we knew, Danny kept growing... and growing... and growing!" began Tucker. "He was becoming a danger to everyone around him." Sam added. "Not even 'going ghost' could stop the growing. We decided to take Danny under our wing and figure out how to stop the growth process. I mean, his parents were freaking out, we had to do something!" "Eventually, after we acquired these space suits for just such a situation, he outgrew our universe and wound up 50ft tall again in the Ghost Zone. Our enemies were ... less than pleased to say the least of our arrival, but we found that his growing was now limited to growth spurts of about 50ft each time. At least at first. But when he reached the 500ft mark, those spurts increased to 100ft each time. Then they went to war with us, but Danny outgrew the Ghost Zone as well." "Tucker thinks that if we find an atmosphere with the right ingredients, Danny's growth spurts could be controlled better, and from there we can find an antidote and return him back to normal. But so far he's outgrown 3 additional universes to the last two!"
You looked at the planets on the Post-It Notes stuck on the noticeboard. They had been arranged in the order that Danny's journey had progressed up to now. The first one had a drawing of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but with an additional female member joining their ranks ("They had a bit of SHELLSHOCK when Danny became mega-sized!" exclaimed Tucker); the second planet had a drawing of what looked like Power Rangers, but with the year '1985' marked on it ("They're called the Lightning Rangers, and it turns out that Ghost Powers and Aura Power don't mix." stated Sam); the last had a picture of a blue hedgehog and a group of animals labelled 'Freedom Fighters' on it. ("Yeah, I'm sure your universe has a different explanation for how that one ended." Tucker said nervously. "Let's just say that Chaos Emeralds are definitely NOT edible!")
"Wow!" you exclaimed. "You've been to so many worlds already." "Yeah," Sam sympathized, "and we'll keep going for as long as it takes. We'll find a solution some day. How, I don't know. Though for now, it's you that we need, (y/n)." "Me? How can I help?" "Danny knows how much you admire him and how you value the importance of friendship." Tucker explained. "As you probably can figure out from my crude drawings, we have made lots of friends who helped us try and keep Danny's growth spurts under control. But no matter how many power sources we found and used, all of a sudden they became afraid of us and Danny and wanted him destroyed. So those friends we made became enemies just like that."
(He snapped his fingers to emphasize the point.)
"But when Danny gazed into your soul to see what sort of world you lived in," Sam chimed in, "he saw a level of love and kindness that wasn't really present in those groups before. We think you can help look after him and keep him a secret from the authorities, at least until we've done our research on your planet. (y/n), can you help us?"
Brushing the euphoric tears away from your eyes, your mind analyzed the situation: two of your favourite cartoon characters have stumbled onto the Real World, and not only have they gone through more trouble than they encountered back in their world, but they need you, yes you, to help Danny out, because of how much you cared for them when watching the show at home. Considering how charming and handsome he was in his normal size, it would be a heavenly sight to meet him in the black-outlined flesh for the first time.
"I'll do all I can to help you." you said eventually. "But trust me when I say this: you've come at an awkward time. Society as a whole is being divided; wars are being fought; the world could go up in flames any second! If we fail and Danny becomes mega- or even giga-sized, he could become part of World War III, and I don't think even his ghost powers could save all of us this time. We mustn't waste a second. How is he at the moment?"
Tucker looked at his PDA, scrolling through the screen with the stylus.
"By my calculations, since we came here last night, he grew another 50ft at midday, so that's 100ft... and considering the time of day... he's about 120ft tall. He's got enough food and water for the evening, though we might need to make another raid tonight. The hangar's height is sufficient enough for us to camp out here for tonight and quite possibly the next night. After that, we need to find a shelter in America big enough for us to make a new base..."
Sam drew your attention to the double-doors. (At last!) "Tucker's gonna be a while coming back down to Earth." she apologized. "But if you can make Danny feel welcome here to your planet, I can keep an eye on things at the office. Just be careful where you step, in case he doesn't see you. If you need us for anything, there's a call box thingy on the wall. Press the button and we'll be able to hear you from here. By the way, is this planet haunted?" "If you mean 'have we got ghosts?', then yeah. Though they seem content to moan and wail and knock things to the floors. As far as I'm aware, they aren't as deadly as the ones in your world. Why?" "Just monitoring his ghost powers. If your world had really bad ghosts, then we need to make sure he doesn't cause any collateral damage. I swear, if I see another angry mob wielding pitchforks and torches...!"
By now, the rain outside was coming down in bucket-falls, and you could hear thunder and lightning brewing some miles away.
Drawing a deep breath, you push through the double-doors and allow yourself to behold the wondrous sight before you.  Sitting down on the floor, the length of his legs covering almost the entire length of the hangar, was Danny Fenton himself, his shoes gently leaning on the wall to the far right. He was in his normal persona, the bottom of his giant white shirt billowing peacefully against the breeze of the fans in the ceiling, which also gently blew on the forest of black hair on his head. As your common sense battled against the volcanic build-up of pure romantic glee in your body, you noticed that he was sucking on the back of a juggernaut held between his fingers, like eating tubed yogurt, while next to him was a huge milk tanker with a makeshift giant straw poking out of the hole on its back. You notice the logo of your local supermarket festooned on the sides of the truck. If you were able to run round to Danny's other side, you would have noticed an empty Cadbury truck and two other juggernauts advertising the supermarket, one carelessly tossed onto its side like a discarded carton.
So THAT'S what they meant by 'raids' and 'thefts' earlier! It was quite obvious to you now that, because of Danny's new size, his appetite had grown as big as his body. Thus, the trio had to 'borrow' a couple of juggernauts from the supermarket's stores just to keep him well-fed and watered. You realize with a touch of sadness what they now have to go through just to keep everyone alive and Danny safe from harm.
"Hello." you squeaked, though you didn't intend to start off your conversation that way. Had you five more minutes to prepare, you would've gone for something better and perhaps more lively. Something to lighten the mood, perhaps? No matter...
The giant Danny's gaze shifted from his food supply to the tiny person below him. Giving out a contented (but loud) burp in the direction of the wall his feet were now resting on, he gently shifted part of himself towards you. A wave of uncertainty washed over you like a cool tidal wave made by the beach's waters on a mild summer's day.
"Hey there." he said, the volume of his voice echoing in your ears as his eyes now scanned your body over. WOOSH! Another wave of uneasiness splashed over your spine. You walked closer to him as you tried to come up with a word describing the reaction of seeing your beloved cartoon character interacting with real world objects like that film with the rabbit in, only this time he was bigger than nearly all of them (and you) there. A LOT bigger...
"Listen, my name is love and I've been a (y/n) of your show and I really Danny you, fan." you blurt out loud, the handsome sight of the giant before you obscuring your mind’s processing power for just a few seconds. "No, no, let me start again...."
"It's OK." Danny said gently. "I was like that when I met those turtle guys. They went into space once and met the Lost Galaxy Rangers! Isn't that cool or what?" "No, I think you mean the 'In Space' Rangers." you corrected him. You started to relax. It's OK! He's a bigger nerd than you, you think. Ooops, wrong choice of words.... "I've been into space 5 times already, and it's a totally amazing sight! Though I wish it was in a much better position." he sighed, a warm wave of air scattering through the atmosphere around you. A mixture of foody smells hit your nostrils. "You miss your parents and sister, huh?" you asked, the potential of you debating TV shows and other geeky things with your secret crush put on hold for the moment. Danny nodded. "Look, Tucker and Sam have told me everything about what had happened. They have entrusted me with the task of seeing to it that you get treated right here, on my world. No more ghosts, no more Zords, no more Shredders, no more nuclear weapons aimed at you, no more angry mobs wielding pitchforks and torches!" you announced. "And no more emerald-flavored rock?" Danny raised the smallest of smiles for such a huge hero. "Wait, what? You thought the Chaos Emeralds were crystal-shaped pieces of candy rock?!" you exclaimed, peels of giggling fits emanating between words. "Well, Sonic didn't really say HOW to use them. Plus chili-dogs were kinda giving me gas." Danny admitted.
Danny placed a four-fingered hand down gently next to you, so gentlemanly was the gesture that it didn't make a sound.
"(y/n), why not get a better view from above?" asked Danny. (Was that his best quip for such a moment, you wondered? Wouldn’t “Would you like a lift?” be better-suited?)
You carefully made your way to the hand and scrambled up onto the fingers, then slowly-but-surely made your way to his palm. Danny tried his best not to giggle too much. The contrast between two-and-a-half-dimensional skin and your three-dimensional figure was still unfathomable to describe, but as Danny gently lifted his hand to his face, you got a sense of how much he had grown. Your heart began to palpitate wildly as you saw Danny's cute, angelic face looking down at you with his ocean-blue eyes. No doubt he too was trying to figure out the best word to describe your appearance.
Five, maybe ten, minutes passed. And then...
"They start out like this," began Danny, trying not to raise his voice in case he accidentally busted your eardrums, "all those friends I've made. They've been on my hand before, looking up at me, like you're doing now. And then... then I grow bigger and bigger... and they then look up at me in rage. Then they either attack me with ninja weapons, or giant robots, or by curling up into a ball and launching themselves at me. They fear me. Do you fear me, (y/n)?"
A huge tear formed in the corner of his eye. Not a watery tear like you were accustomed to, but a bright blue cartoony tear. It slid down his face and then fell onto the thrown-away truck with an audible splosh, wetting it. Sam, who had seen Danny saddened by his thoughts from the office window, had come out through the double-doors, just in case you needed back-up. Tucker was still making calculations on his PDA and laptop.
"No." you said softly, gazing up at the forlorn titan. "In all honesty, I could never fear such a gentle and kind giant as you, Danny."
Reaching a hand out, you aimed towards a patch of Danny's face. Instinctively, Danny lowered his face closer. The tiniest touch registered in the half-teen, half-ghost's brain. That was the level of kindness and sincerity he felt when studying your spirit last night! It wasn't just the effects of the eclipse after all!
As for you, brushing the giant's tear-soaked face just felt like brushing the tear-soaked face of any normal human being, but there was something special to it. Something you couldn't describe...
A flash of light interrupted your thoughts, and then...
A roar of thunder surprised you at the last second, sounding like an angry, godly beast. The weather had gotten worse by now. Mist filled the summer's evening as raindrops fell like hissing needles from the sky. You screamed in unpreparedness.
Danny cupped his other hand over you instinctively, letting the shade comfort you.
"Ssh, ssh." he said, gently. "I got you, (y/n), you’re safe; you'll be A-OK." "Thanks." you sighed softly. "I completely forgot about the storm outside." "Sometimes I do that too." Danny admitted. "Though that's not when I'm facing the military or giant robots, or ghosts or talking hedgehogs, or ninja turtles or badly-made mutants, or even...." "Angry mobs wielding pitchforks and torches!" you both exclaimed, laughing at how often that had been brought up over the time you had spent here. "We're not so different, are we?" Danny smiled, now his usual self again. "(y/n), will you come back and stay the night with us? I want to know a little bit more about you and your world, and I know for certain Tucker would, too! Maybe bring some tunes along?" "Yeah, sure." you smiled up at him. (For a while, the heat emitting from Danny's hands was making you drowsy, and you were about to nod off.) "You're welcome to bring a friend along," said Danny, "so long as they promise to keep all this a secret. (y/n), please keep my growth spurts a secret too. Until I can't hide in any more structures, that is. Man, that keeps happening to me lately!" "I know for certain (fellow DP fan's name) would honor your secret as much as I do." you said back as Danny gently lowered you down onto the floor. "Just wait until (fellow DP fan's gender) gets here and sees you!"
Now in the happiest of moods as a life goal had been crossed off your mental list, you happily walked to Sam and Tucker (the latter had finally been aroused from his carefully-worked-out research and scheduling, and had brought coffee for him and Sam). "I'll be back in a few hours with (fellow DP fan's name)." you told them. "We're bound to have the adventure of a lifetime with you guys!"
As you made your way back home, the storm had passed, and a bright blue sky now filled the outside world. Raindrops fell from the awning's corners, and both the atmosphere and your heart told you that, for now at least, a bright personal future lay in store for you and Danny.
The End. (Unless you want me to go on...?)
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