#and there were these girls across from me who hadn't touched on bc they were tourists from england who have been here for TWO DAYS
thefabelmans2022 · 11 months
myki inspectors as a whole deserve the lowest circles of hell unfortunately.
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sp1rit-realm · 2 years
༻¨*:· 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐃 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ James doesn't realize he's doing anything wrong.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 james potter being james potter 𖦹 hurt/comfort (i think this is normal hurt/comfort. idk tho) 𖦹 shitty writing. like genuinely shitty writing. do not expect much. 𖦹 a sprinkle of remus lupin being hot bc im me 𖦹 hurt/comfort 𖦹 shitty ending 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 1.1k 
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In every sense of the word, James Potter was mesmerized by you.
He loved how your eyes would brighten when you talked about your passions and how your bows would furrow when you took notes. And your smile. Your smile was his favorite.
You were his favorite.
You, of course, knew of James Potter—the whole school did. That didn't mean people knew him. You were one of those people. You weren't even sure he knew your name until he said it. You melted.
He had come sauntering up to you., holding himself high as he silently sat next to you.
"I'm James," He smiled—that toothy grin you adored.
As you began saying your name, he cut you off.
"I know," He smirked, "How could I not know who you are? A pretty face like yours," He tapped his forehead, "Sticks in the noggins of people like me."
Your face got hot at his words, and you looked down with a smile. James fucking Potter knew who you were.
"People like you?" You tried to sound like your heart wasn't pounding so hard that you felt it in your head.
"Lovesick fools," He offered. His words were casual, like he hadn't just said he was lovesick because of you.
The rest of the class went by fast. You giggled at everything James said—which he immensely enjoyed. He would pass you stupid notes with bad drawings of him. He would always label himself in the picture to show that, under his clothes, he had a six-pack. You easily believed that part. What you didn't believe were the "facts" he would write himself saying.
For example, he talked about possums being allergic to citrus fruit.
This went on for weeks, but only in Transfiguration. In your other shared classes, he pretended you didn't exist. Your friends warned you, saying, "He'll break your heart."
You should have listened.
One day he walked into Transfiguration, strode right past you, and sat next to another girl. 
Your heart plummeted with your smile, and you felt sick. Your mind was clouded with the sight of it. Her touching his arm, him smiling that stupid smile of his—it was all too much.
And he did this day after day, and you felt your heart deteriorate.
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"Y/n! Wait up!" You heard someone call from behind you. It was James, of course. 
Your body, against your own volition, halted.
You turned to look at him.
"Hi," His white teeth beamed at you while his eyes twinkled in the sunlight.
And as much as you wanted to hate him—to curse him out—you couldn't bring yourself to do it, "Hi, James."
"So," James hooked his arm around your shoulders, "How've you been?"
"I've been—" You hesitated, "I'm good."
"Great!" He beamed.
You made light conversation until you reached Potions. He sat next to someone else, and your heart broke.
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Soon holiday break rolled around. You loved your family, but you didn't love your mother trying to cram eighty activities into one day, so you stayed at Hogwarts.
You were doodling the snowflakes falling from the Great Hall's ceiling when you heard laughter. 
You, of course, knew this laugh. It was hearty and deep. It was warm, just like he was.
You tensed as you felt him sit beside you, and two boys quickly sat across from you. They were eager.
"James," You greeted, looking up from your paper.
He was looking at you with those pretty eyes and that lopsided grin. 
Your heart smiled.
"Whatcha drawing?" He drawled, peering at the paper.
"Snowflakes," You gave. He took the pad of paper and held his hand out. "Pencil?"
You handed him your pencil, smiling as you did it.
Sirius shot a look to Remus, then mouthed: "idiots in love."
Remus kicked him, "Look who's talking," He muttered. Sirius pouted.
"James, what are you drawing?" You whined, leaning over in an attempt to see.
"No looking yet," He swatted you away, then huddled around the pad, hiding the drawing.
You waited in silence. 
You watched as he concentrated, "Done!" 
He had drawn a smiley face. Underneath, he wrote: 'Go to Hogsmeade with me?' With two boxes beneath, both marked with a yes.
Your eyes went wide as you read it. You swiftly stood up, grabbed your pencil, and left. 
James was feeling particularly discouraged.
"Maybe she's going to her dorm? To... get ready?" Remus said with a sheepish smile, trying to make James feel better.
"Thanks, Remus," James slouched, "I highly doubt that."
He sighed, "What did I do wrong? I've been flirting with her for months."
"I'm not sure, mate," Sirius shrugged, "Just go talk to her."
"No," He frowned as his heart did.
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You were eating breakfast, lamenting. Yes, you would have loved to go on a date with James, but then again—
"Excuse me!" Your thoughts were interrupted by a rather loud Sirius, "You have a lot of nerve showing your face here!"
You stared at him, "You mean at my school? Where I'm staying for the holidays?"
"Yeah!" Sirius nodded.
"And why is that?"
"James is heartbroken in our dorm right now!"
Sirius scoffs, "Why? Why she asks!" He threw his arms up, "Because you rejected him! Honestly, woman!"
"I never rejected him!" You shot back, "I'm just confused!" 
Sirius halted, "Why are you confused?"
"'Cos James is constantly flirting with other girls. Like, all the time," You pouted, "How am I supposed to know if he actually likes me?"
"Well, I'm sorry for yelling at you," Sirius crossed his arms, "I'm going to go yell at him now."
You giggled as Sirius stormed off; Remus sat across from you.
He took a bite of his eggs before speaking, "You know, he probably didn't even realize he was flirting. James is quite dense."
You laughed a little "You're funny, you know?"
He held his fork up in agreement, "Hm, I guess I am quite funny."
"Don't let it get to your head."
"Oh, but darling, it already has," He took another bite of eggs.
Soon, Sirius returned; James was dragging his feet behind the boy.
"James," You greeted.
“Sorry, y/n,” He mumbled
It made you smile a bit, his head was hung, and he was staring at his feet, glasses sliding down his nose.
"Did Sirius yell at you?"
He solemnly nodded his head.
"Okay," You started, hiding a smile, "well, I forgive you." You smiled, "As long as you don't continue to do it."
He nodded again.
"So, my answer to your question is yes."
His head shot up, and his big goofy grin was slapped on his face, "Really?!"
"Yes, really."
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here's a gold star for putting up with my shitty writing🌟
Mutuals ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚ @sw34terw34ther @forourmoons @evergreenlover @nyxxxxxxxx @ell0ra-br3kk3r @puppy-coded @innerloverpainter @cremexcoffee @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @maddipoof @mad-elia @lgwifey @youre-so-lovely @masivechaos @lucasnclair @woahlifehitsyahuh
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akira1509 · 1 year
Another normal day in Gray Raven dorm, I suppose?
Warning:- Reposted from Twitter- All of this are just ideas, not actual fanfic with polished writing- Non-cp, female skk- Some of the minor changes can be found
The story happened when Liv wondered why there had been more female skks wandering around their dorm since Lee changed his frame to Entropy.
Lee said he came across some skks asking for his numbers before, but he hadn't seen many skks walking around the dorm. Lucia explained that every time there were a skk asking where Lee was, their skk would always be the one greeted them and bragged about how handsome she was.
That made some female skks disgusted and ran away. However, some didn't give up and still tried to ask for Lee the next day. Liv then asked how Lee became so popular, because she hadn't seen so many skks outside their dorm like that before.
"Ah, it must be that day..." - skk seemed to remember sth, and started to tell Gray Raven about that day when they joined the beach simulator with Kamui.
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"How many pictures have you taken Commandant?!" - Lee tried to cover skk's camera, his face turned red. "Ehe, just thought you are so beautiful bae" - skk made a tehe pero face, and took her camera from Lee's hand. - "But really, beside that image we took after that big mission, we don't really have any more you know...That's why I want to take this chance to take as many photos as I can, for our memories!"
Skk winked again, and looked at Lee with puppy eyes. "Please, Lee, I have already taken photos of Liv. It would be a shame that we miss one member in our photo album." "..." "Pweaseeeeeee" Seeing skk like that, Lee couldn't help but sigh. "Just one more, okay?" "OKAY!!"
After a long time selecting poses, skk finally took the perfect picture.
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"This is gonna be reaaaaaaally worth money hehe" - skk thought, the sinister dirty old man smile on her face made Lee shiver.
At the evening "Hey look, someone just posted on Lee Protection Squa-OMG WHAT IS THAT???!?!" "It's Lee photocards....AND HES IN A FCKING SWIMSUIT?!?" "The price for one combo is a bit high though..." *the sound of someone who just transferred 700 RC for 5 combos*
"So you are telling me....that you sold my photos to earn BC, huh?" - Lee's face got darker. "It's just a little business you know, I needed money to buy you guys some presents too!" "Do you know how much trouble I had when I had to turn down every single commandants' letters?" "Don't worry Lee you looks great in the album" "Lucia I don't think that's the right thing to say in this situation" "I actually have one combo too." "No please Liv, not that." "Com-man-dant"
Right before the possible Civil War could happen, the doorbell rang. Lee stood up and opened the door. "Who's tha-" "OMG THIS LEE, MY PRINCE!!" The girl shouted so loudly that Lee had to turn on sound-cancelling for a few seconds. Behind her was a crowd of skks of all gender, waving their penlights and fans with Lee's photos on them. "Lee-senpai can I have your sign?" "Would you mind wearing your swimsuit again, I want to take a picture for scientific purposes." "LEE STEP ON ME!!"
"Commandant, can you hel-WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING??!" Lee tried to call for help but skk, Liv and Lucia already ran far away. After that incidence, Lee refused to let skk take photos again and only allowed Liv and Lucia to touch the camera.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: so the slow burning is already starting, trying to make everything very realistic. i'm currently on vacation and haven't had much time, hopefully you are able to trace along my imagination and with time i'll improve with these action scenes, enjoy bc next one will be a ride
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Although you weren't sure how much time had passed, you didn't believe it would be enough. You were faced with a ton of work, several weapons that were quite similar, and many that you had never even seen in person. Nevertheless, you believed that you needed to learn as much as you could before tomorrow in order to be ready for everything. Even if you received the book, your situation did not improve. Even though you hadn't said anything irrational, you still caused yourself a lot of trouble and perhaps even Four as well. You had to figure out how to fix it.
"What are you supposed to be doing?" You heard someone asking as you looked up to see Rose, the girl who made a ruckus the first day on tour. "It's a long story…" you commented without much desire to talk about it. "Are you aware that you are no longer in Erudite. Why did you choose Dauntless to end up locked in a room with a damn book?" she asked you. "It's a direct order, okay?" As you gathered your belongings, you hissed, "Mind your own business." She managed to touch on a sensitive subject for you and immediately put you in a poor mood: your clear Erudite behavior.
You were aware that if they had permitted you to, it wouldn't have been as unusual, but you didn't appreciate staying locked up while studying this with everything going on outside. You didn't mean it to end it this way, you just wanted to have some paper to back up in order to review. But it was obvious that, whether intentionally or not, you had earned it. What time would it be? You questioned as you felt your stomach grumbling as you were walking. As you walked toward the cafeteria, you noticed that the majority of them had already left. You quickly took the first thing you saw that was left and ate fast at a table that was only partially occupied. You scanned the room to see who was still present. People were chatting and laughing, and you were sitting with your book. You felt extremely foolish and out of place.
Winter and Milan yelled, "Y/M we've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing?" they asked you while you updated them on the situation. "God, you couldn't shut your mouth, you seem from Candor" Milan teased you as he took the book from you quickly flipping through the pages. "You all thought the same, it was too much information. We have a lot of pressure, I just wanted to be one step ahead even though I think I've done three behind" you grumbled as you tackled the dessert.
"Well don't worry, you were very smart, surely if you answer the questions well they will forget about it" Milan encouraged you. "Of course, you'll see" Winter said as she reached across the table to caress you. Then you realized, "You guys went to get a tattoo!?" you exclaimed, changing the topic of conversation as you grabbed Winter's arm and admired her new tattoo. "Do you like?" Winter asked you while her face lit up. "It was Milan's idea, I never imagined myself with one but I thought it would help me in with the transition" Winter spoke. "It's beautiful, damn and meanwhile I'm locked up there with all my problems, let's see yours" You asked Milan while he was showing it to you. "That's cool, this stuff really suits you, even you Winter, I already see you different" you laughed.
But it wasn't a joke; it was real. As you saw your buddies develop into outstanding initiates, a part of you was wounded, as you continued going back to your old behaviors. Why was it so hard for you to do? You were talking a little more, Milan left while Winter stayed helping you review, asking you questions and learning something else along the way. "Thank you very much, you didn't have to" you thanked her once in the bedroom preparing to go to sleep.
The following morning, you awoke a half-hour earlier than anticipated; just one person was having a shower, and the rest were still asleep. You weren't sure if this was due to nerves or for some other reason. You quickly changed into your clothes and stayed in the hallway where more light was coming in to review what you had learned. You discovered that you had learnt all the weapons that you had prioritized and that were in the armory, and that despite having numerous words floating around in your head randomly, you knew a good number of them. You hoped that would be enough.
When you noticed that there were just ten minutes left, you walked to the room to leave your things, people were already starting to get up and you went directly to the training room. Four had arrived earlier. Both of you were alone. Lucky you. You took a big breath of bravery and said, "Good morning" as you pulled your hair back in a high ponytail. He greets you with "Y/M". He appeared irate."You truly have no idea what's going to happen to you today, so I hope you're prepared," Four advised, as he greeted the next initiate to enter. You were taken aback by his attitude, which made you wonder what he was trying to warn you, but from what? Had Eric intervened? Your arrogance was going to cause them kick you out? It would be funny if you got kicked out something they're so well aware to be, however you had put yourself in opposition to a coach and a leader, thus it was inevitable that you would face consequences.
The morning began calmly. You all went to a modest training facility where you were divided up sets on the treadmills while others performed weightlifting exercises. Changing sets every fifteen minutes, increasing the pace each time while attempting to maintain it. Even though it was difficult for you, you knew that you couldn't let your guard down today, since you felt you had to make up for yesterday's incident and knew that there would be repercussions today. You also didn't want to attract unwanted attention once more.
Even though you could run on the treadmill, it was difficult for you to keep up, even though Four was being very generous in the beginning by alternating between low and high speeds to let you start to build resistance. But in the weight room, you were far worse; you could hardly lift some of the lightest weights, and you were aware that your arms would be completely devastated the next day. There were many who had it worse off, but it didn't work for you. You knew that everything would be examined, even if it was your second day, but you didn't want to push yourself to the point of exhaustion and then have a few days where you couldn't accomplish anything. You were taken aback by Milan's and especially Winter's power. Even though the Amity girl seemed like a damsel in distress since she was so shy and gentle, you could see she was unstoppable because she was able to tolerate far stronger handcuffs than many man in the room.
The only sounds were Four's voice and the machines; you had all been practicing for an hour, maybe two, when suddenly someone entered the room without muzzling the noise. "Four," yelled Eric. Four gave the command as he moved to the side to speak with Eric, "Continue with the routine as before and don't slow down." Even though they spoke softly, you couldn't help but notice Four's annoyance as he spoke and Eric's hatred as he responded. You knew you probably shouldn't be looking there, but you couldn't stop it as you raced. Eric, who exuded a sense of triumph and self-assurance, started to look at us before his eyes locked with yours. Four grumbled as he took a few steps back and attempted to breathe normally. You instinctively looked away, you knew your time had come. "Initiates finish this round and come with me" he ordered as he approached us taking the strings of the class.
It was a good thing there aren't many minutes left because the anticipation was making it difficult to focus. Your heart was about to come out of your chest and your hearing almost stopped because of the palpitations. Eric commanded, "Come on, follow me" as Four positioned himself in the back of the group keeping an eye on everyone. You sipped some water, patted the sweat off your forehead with a tiny towel, and then you followed the group. Everyone was talking among themselves, but you were too preoccupied to listen.
They moved silently out from the compound and toward the city streets while you followed them. Eric yelled, "Let's go, we have a little path," and they started to run. Even though it was your first time passing through the Dauntless district's streets, you were still too frightened to take in your surroundings. Nothing particularly attracted your eye.
It only took 15 minut run to arrive at a desert explation where a circuit had been made. You relocated to a circle, with Eric and Four in the middle. "Well, I suppose you all know about the big incident yesterday when a supposed Dauntless asked for school supplies forgetting that this isn't Erudite." Eric commanded, "Y/M to the middle, we'll see what you've learnt." Your whole body tensed, why did these things always have to happen to you? In an effort to project the confidence that everyone knew you lacked, you straightened up. You were now unable to fail. Eric started by asking you a series of straightforward questions, during which you were able to inquire about the weaponry present in the compound. Identifying parts, reasons for use and even selecting which option would be best for the supposed theoretical case that they were proposing. You surprised yourself at your retention capacity, you had always been a good student, it was not your vocation, that was clear if you hadn't stayed there but without a doubt you had learned some things in a few hours.
And although Four seemed to look at you surprised by that ability, Eric remained rigid but you couldn't tell a hint of irritation to each correct answer you gave. He wanted you to fail. Now you saw it clearly but you knew you couldn't afford it. You were afraid that if you said everything correctly they would accuse you of Erudite but if you failed to take your task seriously, you were going to lose anyway. Even so, when the far-fetched questions began, various concepts crossed your mind and your answers were no longer so clear. If you had been taught anything at home, it was not to ask, but to affirm. So you tried to answer as precisely as possible, sometimes trying to turn a question around by answering what you did know instead of what was asked, but Eric quickly corrected you and returned to the main topic of the question.
"It's not bad, know-it-all. It's clear that your book has helped you learn something, but let's see if it helps you in your staging" he challenged while throwing a weapon at you. You caught it on the fly and recognized it. It was commonly used with neurostim darts, which simulate the pain of a gunshot. "Come on, let's see if your book helps you out with this too" He said as he advanced through the group to the other side where some sort of circuit was, you followed him while you saw the faces of your companions. You didn't understand why he made them submit to watch this show, you felt bad for wasting their time like this. The angry face was noticeable in more than one. We all had a lot to learn and improve to get closer to the level of those born here and because of you they were wasting their time.
Even though the circuit was hidden, it was protected by some wood fences that blended in with the vegetation and trees. Inside, there were a number of passages that led to various zones and were separated by metal, both of which condensed the area. All roads lead to Rome or was it like a maze? You assumed that you would soon find out once inside. The circuit was wide but above all long, it surrounded the entire field in which you were so more than one thing awaited you.
"This is a circuit of weapons, it is intended for the final stages of your physical training but surely you will have no problem doing it since you know so much. It is simple, follow the path and you will find different objectives, some fixed others not so much. Don't let anything you find in there shoot you first. See you on the other side, smartass." Eric explained while you looked at the circuit concentrated. You sighed. You took a deep breath and got into the circuit in position to shoot. You didn't know you could wait in there. Fixed targets, others not, so they don't shoot me first? Who was going to shoot me first? A mannequin? Therefore, why using neurostim darts? What did they have prepared? Whatever it was, nothing good.
Your mind was racing as you made your way slowly through the grates, scanning through them for anything you may uncover. Anything might happen. Targets, animals, people. Eric called at you from outside, hurriedly, "We don't have all day" You went a little further and decided when you saw the first shadow on your right, you turned quickly and shot, a dummy. It was after shooting it that you saw that he had a target, and you had focused on the first place you saw, they had not warned you about that. "Good reflexes, but next time wait to hit the target" advised Four and you nodded your head thinking that they could have warned you before but at least you appeared to receive assistance.
You were still moving along, taking in your surroundings, when you noticed a slight movement of the rope. Unsure of where it was coming from, you turned around and tried to find it. You instinctively looked down, but you quickly realized that it might be up through the trees. In fact, there was a rope with numerous targets attached to it, all of which had marks for shooters to aim from, and they were all moving in a circle. You made two shots, one on target and the other rather close, and you continued to move to your left. More fixed targets; too simple. There was a problem. It couldn't be that simple.
Without knowing where you were firing or what you were going to find, you turned and fired out of instinct. As soon as he received the bullet, he shouted in agony. He had a gun, too, and you weren't shot from behind. You anticipated that would also be a rule. You hastily remarked, "Sorry, take the bullet out, it lessens the pain," and ducked behind a tree to hide your back. Other initiatives had been put into the circuit. You looked and saw how much bullets you had, for the supposed fixed targets and hopefully some more for some margin of error. You figured it would be better not to waste them. You took a deep breath. It was time to fight.
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urfavhippi · 9 months
Musician and her Swordmen (zoro x femreader!)
One Shot!! Zoro x Musician! Reader that plays guitar!
(MY first one on here guys!! Im excited.😁 also MERRY CHRISTMAS!! )
Tbh I'm currently writing this bc I'm bored and I think I just broke my toe 😀 but I'm eating lasagna later so it's okay.
(Name) stayed still. Except for the occasional shiver as the wind blew harshly. Ofcourse it had to be her turn tonight out of all nights that it was snowing.
While all the other strawhats were snoozing away in the comforts of their warm beds. She was sitting here in the freezing. Yet as she looked up and saw how the moon reflected across the ocean. How the stars glittered the night sky.
Moments like this were so special. As a pirate ESPECIALLY on luffys crew. You never really got a chance to relax. Much less by yourself. Alone time wasn't very frequent. The peaceful quietness. It was almost blissful.
(Name) found herself almost passing out as she gazed at the stars. Shaking herself awake she sighed. Having a moment like this. There was one other thing that she hadn't done in a while.
Slinking back down the ladder stealthily so she didn't wake anyone up. The musician slowly cracked open the door to her shared room with nami and robin before she grabbed her guitar. Tattered and old. It looked like it had been through a lot.
The stories that had came with this guitar. The weight it held. Lives its saved. As crazy as it sounded. It saved hers too. She closed the door quietly before going back up to the crows nest.
"Alright!~ Lets see if I still got it~" (Name) spoke to herself as she cracked her knuckles. Before her hands fit the guitar perfectly. As if it was made for her. She immediately started playing a soft and mellow tune.
Somehow it brought it all together. The middle of the night while she's humming along to melodies she hadn't even remembered she could play. Getting lost in the music. It was only when she heard a thud down below did she stop.
Right before (Name) went to go see what the noise was. A familiar head of green hair appeared. It was just zoro. Her bestfriend. And the man who stole her heart.
She relaxed and groaned softly to herself. Leaning back against the mast. "What're you doing up?" She asked snarkily while she raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it past your bed time greenie?~" She added on to tf he small jest sarcastically as she grinned.
The swordsmen finished climbing into the crows nest. The only acknowledgment she got was a grumpy grumble and a glare. Before he sat down next to her. Their shoulders touching. "Couldn't sleep." He said quietly.
(Name) glanced at him before looking back at the stars. Only giving him a small hum. A comforting and tranquil silence hung over the two. Neither needed anymore words. Just eachothers presence.
Zoro glanced at (Name). Or more like behind her. He nodded to the guitar. "You play?" The girl gave him a bashful smile as she shrugged, looking away. "A little bit. I used to be better. But it's been a while so I'm pretty rusty." She hummed lightly, not thinking too much of the question.
The swordsmen was tired. Yet he couldn't have stopped himself from dragging himself up here. Moments like this were peaceful, when ot was just the two of them. Enjoying eachothers company.
"I'll be the judge of that." He said simply with a sly smirk. Watching the girl mess with the guitar. He yawned softly as he crossed his arms for warmth. "Play somethin for me."
Zoro said it so casually. As if it was as simple as that. (Name) gave him a look with a small smile. The two shared intense eye contact for a second. "Only if you say please." She gave him a playful nudge.
"Not gonna happen." He replied with a small smirk, the usual stoic and gruff reply. Tinted with the faintest hint of amusement as he nudged her back lightly. (Name) only smiled before turning her attention to the guitar. She began to play again. Humming softly as the calming and relaxing music flowed through the air.
The musician missed the sight of th green haired males eyes drooping as he fought to keep himself up. She had been helping him relax so he could get his much needed sleep.
Before she knew it. (Name) would feel a warm weight on her shoulder. Zoro fell asleep. His head resting on her shoulder. The musician set her guitar aside. His warmth surrounding her and enveloping her whole. She wrapped her blanket around them both as the sun began to set.
Maybe night watch wasn't that bad. Maybe she should play her music more often.
(Lmk if tall want more or if you want to request something!!)
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djretard · 5 months
when I was 10/11 I started hanging out with kids 3+ my senior, and quite frequently especially then 5+ years, and I had a hard time making friends at school so they were all that mattered to me. I hated myself for years because they had all started/gone through puberty and I hadn't, I hated feeling like a little kid and being treated that way. there was a girl, mackenzie, had a lot of issues at home. she used to show me porn and talk bad about all my other friends to convince me to only spend time with her. haylee was around then, we spent the most time together so mackenzie would make me be mean to haylee to separate us. I wanted her to like me so I did, but haylee never hated me, she waited for me to come back around.
I did have a couple friends that were my age but we never hung out after school. one was called Hero, he was my favorite, and the only one I've connected with since growing up. the other two were boys named Cole and Gavin. Gavin always used to try and touch me, just in general, and I didnt like to be touched by boys my age but I wanted to be friends with him. Hero, even being my age, was mature about that sort of thing and he would tell me all the time to not let him do that. Eventually I stopped being his friend because Hero and I got closer and that made me feel better about losing Gavin. Then there was Cole. I knew he was being abused at home bc my mom told me, and he was a trouble child because of it. I never cared, and it was easy being his friend because he and Hero were friends since childhood. then one day we were playing truth or dare on the playground and Cole, on his truth he told me he wanted to rape my dead body. coming from an 11/12 year old, I'm sure something was happening to him at home, it wasn't his fault. but for obvious reasons that really scared me, and I told Hero and I was scared that he wouldn't care and would side with Cole, but he believed me and he told me that was really messed up and to tell a teacher. I did and Cole got in trouble. on the last week of school he came up to me crying and apologized, and the three of us were all so mature and I was always transparent about my home life and about my depression and anxiety and he told me that day while crying that people really loved me. not him, just people. I have never forgotten that. even if he wanted to rape me, or maybe he was just saying stuff for shock value. but I heard later on in life he touched a little girl, a neighbor. so who knows.
but I have always loved Hero for what he did. He never ever made an advance towards me, in fact kids used to always think we were dating but it was so ridiculous to us that it wasn't even embarrassing like every other "crush accusation" ever was for either of us. we just laughed it off. he's doing really well now. had a hard time where he was doing drugs and self-harming and wound himself in the hospital, but now he has a girlfriend of several years and a puppy and a job. we reconnected because he recognized me at Walmart, he was working there and literally screamed my name from across the parking lot. we could never be friends now, we live in different worlds, but I will always remember him fondly.
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blackhole-imagines · 5 years
His Combatant (Grimmjow x Reader)
This is a story i put a lot of work into, its on my Wattpad as well. I placed the link at the bottom so no one thinks I stole this story.
It’s kind of weird it has kind of lives me castle/mythology vibes, but I still really like it.
It’s about a Fraccion who was under Harribel, but due to her overconfidence in her abilities she was transferred.
Now that I think abt it it’s kind of out of character bc Harribel would never give one of her girls up but whatever let’s just pretend Lmao
Ch. 1
Hueco Mundo was very different than what an outsider may think. Hollows were savages; yes, but there was a whole intricate system that outsiders knew nothing of. As the beast became stronger it became more intelligent, so it is only natural that there is some order going on outside of Las Noches. Las Noches however, was much more complex. The Arrancars and Espadas didn't just roam around aimlessly through the castle halls. They have jobs, errands to run, friends. Some are better at socializing than others, but that is more than okay.
The Espadas are assigned castles inside of Las Noches. These castles didn't just house the Espada and Fraccion, but other arrancars as well. The Arrancars are each assigned a castle where they will be living and working. Naturally these Arrancars are commanded by the respective Espada of that certain castle. The castles weren't anything like the fairy tail ones, the were the typical white buildings of Las Noches with gold details on the outside. The castles were built so that they surrounded the main castle, Aizens castle. The buildings were ordered clock wise, so the First Espadas castle was in between the second and tenth Espada's. They never touched, the buildings, everything was spaced out so that no one was breathing down each other's necks. It prevented conflict.
There was a girl who had just finished patrolling the castle boarders. She was no ordinary Arrancar, she was one of the Fraccion. One of the more skilled out of the bunch. She belonged to Harribel: the third. Patrol was a crucial part of living in Las Noches. There wasn't anything like a civil war but it was pivatal to always have a look out. This castle was the only one ran by a female Arrancar, and some have tried to take that as an opportunity to attack. Other times they had to watch out for refugees. Many have taken refuge in the third's castle looking to escape the more ruthless Espada. At the moment they were at full capacity and could no longer take anyone in.
Announcing her entrance with a knock, she entered the third's quarters. Lady Harribel was seated by a small table and seemed to be filling out some paperwork. As the girl approached her rightful Espada, she descended on her knees. Harribel gave her a brief nod and allowed her to speak. "Lady Harribel, the northern and eastern boarders are quiet. Apache should be returning from her patrol duties soon". "Rise ___" She did as she was asked and quickly got on her two feet. "We need to talk" Harribel announced. The Fraccion nodded slowly becoming anxious.
Lady third scribbled one last thing on the document she was working on and placed her her pen down. Harribel's normally sharp eyes seemed softer today and it bothered the girl even more. She felt something was wrong the minute she stepped foot in this room.
"As of today" she paused "you will no longer be one of my Fraccion". Her breath caught in her throat, she was silent, in shock. Her thoughts ran amok in her head; did she do something wrong? Had she upset lady Harribel? Was she not strong enough? No, she knew none of those justified lady Harribel's reasoning. Not once had the Espada lifted her gaze from her now former Fraccion.
"So what now? You're demoting me to the bottom of the food chain?" She asked with a slight pitch of sharpness in her tone. Harribel noticed right away and stood up, the ex-subordinate quickly lowered her head. "You will retain your title as a Fraccion, just not mine". "Then who's" She implored. "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" there was a pause, she did not want to hear that name. He was one of the three most ruthless Espada's in Las Noches. The amount of Arrancar that had dragged their bruised and beaten bodies here, bleeding in order to escape, the sexta sickened her. "But lady Hallibel why? I'm the strongest of your fraccion, there in no reason for me to be sent to that brute. You've seen what he's done to who make him mad" her voice held frustration and desperation "then don't make him mad".
Her hands were balled in a fist, drops of red falling onto the white floor. Tears had threatened to escape her eyes, but she held it in. "____" she paused her voice much softer this time "this is precisely why I'm doing this, you're too confident in your abilities. It's not a bad thing, but you need a challenge, a reason to always be on your guard and this is it". The salty liquid broke trough and cascaded down her red cheeks. "You shouldn't be so trusting and comfortable around your environment, you never know when someone will come for you. Lord Aizen and I talked about this, it was either Nnoitra, Szayelaporro, or Grimmjow. I would never give you to the 5th, and the 8th was out of the question." She had parted her lips to respond, but nothing came out.
Harribel released a long breath "this will be good for you, pack a bag and be at the 6th gate by dusk" after nodding her head she made her way to the door "lady Harribel... may I visit" she questioned "Only if he allows". She bit her lip in frustration and quickly made her way out. She took the long way to her room, intaking every inch of her home. She didn't want to leave. As much as she hated to admit, she was scared. Injuries she had seen, had patched up that was made by the sixth, he was merciless. She had only been in Grimmjow's presence a handful of times and none of them were pleasant. The last time she had seen him she made sure to never see him again. She was mistaken.
Thinking about it made her body shiver. She will never forget that day. There was an Arrancar she had spotted while on patrol, he was dragging his body through the sand because one of his legs was blown off. She rushed to his rescue because at the time they were taking in refugees. It all happened so fast, one minute she was running and the next she saw blue and white in front of her. All she heard was a scream and the man was dead. The sexta's body had covered hers from the blood that gushed out of the mans body. Grimmjow turned towards her wearing a cynical smirk that she would never forget.
Entering her room had brought her back to reality. She walked over to her closet and began packing necessities. When she had finished she sat on her bed and pondered. She couldn't wrap her head around it, lady Harribel was right. She had become less attentive and more trusting, but it was no reason to send her away. When the sky became pink she got up and went on her merry way. To get to Grimmjow's castle she couldn't walk around to get to it, not unless she wanted to be fired at by cero's. Her new home was located almost across her old one. She had to go through Aizen's castle, his castle was connected to all the others.
The skies were now grey and she stood outside of the 6th gate awaiting her escort. The man who had come to pick her up introduced himself as Shawlong, he was tall, skinny, and carried himself with honor . She admired that in individuals, his hollow mask was very different than hers. His resembled a hat that had a spike to its right side and it covered his left eye. Hers resembled a forehead crown that had a sharp end that reached in between her eyes.
Unlike the thirds castle that was lively and full of life, this one was dead. There hadn't been a single other arrancar in sight. "Where is everyone?" She looked at Shawlong for an answer. "Many of our arrancar do not know how to behave around lord Grimmjow, so they die. Others flee to other castles" nodding her head she kept silent. "You mustn't be scared, lord Grimmjow detests fear" he paused "but he has good intentions" she scoffed, but kept her mouth shut.
Shawlong showed her to her room, it was different from her previous room. It was simpler, she didn't hate it. "I'll come find you when our lord returns, you may wander the hall if you wish. Do not go into the room with the double doors, unless you intend to die" that quickly caught her attention, she knew where not to go to. After Shawlong left she began placing her things down. The room was surprisingly clean, it surprised her that they kept up with their cleanliness due to the lack of inhabitants. She walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room and began examining herself. Turning her body in different directions just to check herself out. She had the standard hakamas on, her top was a white long sleeve bodysuit. With a deep breath she undid the black sash around her waist, pants sliding to the floor. The rest of her clothes soon followed, she tossed them in a bin she assumed is where laundry went. Her nude frame walked across the room and entered the bathroom. She started her shower and planned to go to bed right after.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
20 - You’re Finally Mine
Tumblr media
This chapters songs:
I Follow You; Melody's Echo Chamber
Hot Rod; Dayglow
My Jinji; Sunset Rollarcoaster
- Y. L. Perspective
I let out a low groan, attempting to stretch out my arms and legs. But when I touched Koshi's, I remember that we were latched onto each other. Throughout the night, I hadn't imagined that sleeping with him would be so peaceful. His gentle hands holding me against him, the way a simple hum would run vibrations throughout his chest, and best of all: being able to look at such a lovely face to wake up to.
He pays my back gently, followed by his gentle voice. "Y/n? Are you awake?"
I open my eyes slightly to peek at him. A very bright sun ray showered his grey hair and fair skin. "Hm? Yes, I am now." Shoving my face back into his chest, I sigh. "What time is it?"
"It's ten. I'm sorry for waking you, but Isao is wondering if you want breakfast," Koshi explains briefly.
I blink a few times to refresh my mind, nodding slightly. Was his brother serious about making our food? That was something I hadn't experienced in a while. I usually made things for myself or ate leftovers for breakfast.
After Koshi dismisses his little brother, he proceeded to pat my back as if I were falling back asleep. "How did you sleep? I hope I wasn't bothering you all night," he asks me.
"Pretty good. I was very comfortable." A smile appeared on my face without any effort. I trail my fingers across his collarbone under his t-shirt, thankful that my first night with Koshi was as calming as sleeping through the rain. "What about you?"
I was hoping that I hadn't kicked him or done something embarrassing while I was asleep. The risk was a high percentage, especially since I'd spent the night mostly laying on his chest.
But Koshi didn't say much. He only gave me a very warning smile and tightened his hands upon my waist, maneuvering closer towards me. Curious yet scared of what he would do, I grew frantic, feeling my face heat up while he did so. And finally, he closed his eyes, brushing his lips against mine, before kissing me gently.
My hands rushed up to his face as my shoulders stiffened. Such a sudden action made my heart beat out of its chest, I was sure he could hear it.
Unfortunately, he ended our kiss after a few seconds, pulling away from me slightly.
"So, I'm guessing that's a yes?" I manage to let out a few words in my tired voice. Koshi nods, sitting up from his spot.
That was the first time I'd woken up in his bed while lying next to him. And boy, did I cherish that moment as if it were impossible to forget.
"Good morning, Ms. L/n," Isao chimes as Koshi and I walk into the kitchen with our zombie-like behaviors.
Nonetheless, I smile at the boy, happy to be seeing his familiar face. I was beginning to grow on him and his playful personality. I bow and greet him a good morning as well, before Koshi bumps his hip into mine, laying a hand on my back. "Y/n, you don't have to bow every time you see them." He says to me, making me shoot up to stand straight.
"Uh, sorry! I guess it's just an impulse I do to people," I explain myself, followed by Isao's sweet laughter.
"That's alright! I was just about done," he says, placing a small piece of fish onto a pile of a couple of other pieces. Next to the grill pan was some white rice and a pot of miso soup.
The smell fills my nose and I begin to build up my appetite. "Oh, okay! Would you like me to get started on some tea?" I hurry to the other side of the kitchen and attempt to search for a pot. But of course, Koshi stands there with one in his large hands, grinning at me.
"You're our guest, Ms. L/n! Please, sit." Isao carries the plate of rice and fish to the table, accompanied by a few bowls of miso soup. I hadn't been welcomed with such a normal morning breakfast in so long. Not even my friends' parents treated me like this. But mostly because we were all family to each other.
I could only hope that I didn't look too bad. I had changed into some pajama pants and a smaller shirt so I wouldn't look like a homeless man walking around such a nice house. But freshening up my hair, breath, and face could only do so much. As for Koshi, he still looked as beautiful as ever in the mornings.
I make myself comfortable in the same chair I'd say in the previous night, waiting for Koshi and Isao to join me. After they did, I said my thanks, and we began to eat our breakfast.
To my surprise, Isao wasn't half bad at making food. In fact, it was very delicious. Mostly because I hadn't had such a good breakfast meal in what felt like a million years.
"So!" Isao cleared his throat with a gulp of green tea.
"How did you love birds sleep?"
The boy clapped his hands enthusiastically. The nickname made me cringe on the inside, but I simply chuckled lightly and shrugged my shoulders. "Pretty good. You guys have such a lovely home," I comment, replied with a nod from Isao.
"Yeah, yeah. So your band; are you guys popular and all? Sorry, I know that probably isn't what you might want to talk about, but I'm interested in Koshi's new girlfriend," he says, followed by one of Koshi's passive-aggressive throat clearings.
I eye both of them, smiling awkwardly while swallowing my food. "Uhm, it's okay. We're fairly known by a few people at school and some family. Our discography is small since we mostly produce covers or requests we receive from our amount of fans."
It was obvious that Isao was very excited about having a musician in his house. I was only worried that Koshi would grow tired of talking about music. So, I take the wheel of questions and begin my mission to find out more about his family.
"What about you? Are you interested in any sports or art hobbies?" I ask, wiping my hands on one of the small towelettes he gave me earlier.
Isao nods. "Kind of! I like messing around with the drums now and then. But I mostly did a lot of volleyball back in middle school."
I hadn't thought about how old Isao might have been. Curious, I ask, "wait—how old are you? I didn't know you were in high school."
Little did I know that it wasn't something Koshi and Isao weren't up to talk about that subject, for they glanced at each other with surprised looks. "Uh...I should be starting in-person high school after the summer break. Right now, I've been doing homeschooling."
"Oh..that must be nice!" I attempt to lighten the mood a bit. "Are you excited? You get to experience a lot of new and fun things in high school. I'm positive you'll find something you like. Do you plan on going to Karasuno or...?"
"Yeah, I do. I only wish Koshi could have been a second year so we could be closer together!"
The mentioned man coughs while drinking his tea, wiping it soon after. "Uhm, don't worry. I have a couple of people who'll be looking out for you." I assumed he was talking about the volleyball team. Isao would no doubt fit in with those guys.
"You said that you're going to the states after graduation. Is that true?" The sudden question makes both Koshi and me choke on our rice. The only time that I would ever discuss the matter was with my friends. I was always afraid that talking about it in front of him would cause problems between us.
Noticing I grew uncomfortable, Koshi interrupts with yet another question. "Would you like to come with me to Y/n's concert? It's not much of a concert...more of a competition for bands. But if it's okay with her, I could take you with me. I know we'd both love to see her perform live, right?"
Isao practically jumps at the statement. "Wow—really?! Of course! Can we go, Ms. L/n?" He looks at me with big puppy eyes in excitement. How could I have said no?
Proud, I nod to the boy. "Sure thing. But you've gotta be careful in the crowds. There will be lots of people there."
The rest of breakfast was used as a way for Isao and I to get to know each other. Though they came from the same mother and father, Koshi and he were two very different people. It could have been that they got different types of acknowledgment from their parents, or they coped with their mother in different ways. He sure seemed like a rowdy boy. Very charismatic, curious, and a top-notch smart ass.
Koshi and I helped tidy up the kitchen, he notified us he would be going over to a friend's house. I was only to assume that this friend was like family to him, for Koshi dismissed him as if it were nothing. After that, we decided to begin getting ready for the training camp.
A/n: If you come across messages from the guys that sound cringe it's only because I'm trying to make them sound realistic aka what they would actually text like😭
Crow crew
Hope everyone is heading to the gym soon
Let's try not to give Takeda a hard time this weekend. He's been treating us very kindly these past few weeks.
Yeah man he got us a really cool new manager
haha thanks
Who's ####
I just said
Really cool new manager
Aka Sugas gf
R u serious my brother😕
So you just take every girl you see now
Suga didn't tell me that:0
The way we haven't even been together for 24 hours and you somehow managed to figure it out
This is literally supposed to be a group
chat meant for volleyball only
Leave Koshi's personal life alone and mind your own business guys
Don't be so uptight 🗣
Y/n I thought you liked me 💔
What about all that stuff you told me under the cherry blossom tree
Noya oh my god
Wow, this escalated!!
Where are you guys, heading to the school hopefully?
Y/n and I just left the house
Is Kiyoko there yet guys
Almost :))
Meet me in the girl's locker room
What lmao
Bc I'm god( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey everyone
At the gym👌🏻
Good afternoon!!🌞
it's gay
You're gay
Wtf lmao no I'm not shut up
You've triggered something
Stop it guys
Try to get to the gym fast
Hey you shouldn't text and drive
Especially when you got your girl in the passenger seat🤨
Don't worry guys it's me
[image of you and Koshi in the car]
who's dirivng
Driving* and Koshi is obviously driving in the picture🙄
Im talk shout the training camp
Takeda, he's taking his van like always
Yes but not to eat in the car bc I don't wanna cause Takeda any issues with having to clean it
That's fine with me!! Hinata can bring snacks( ◠‿◠ )
Is that Takeda Senseis number
Pls try not to make a big deal of Y/n and I
Why wouldn't we💀
it's not even that huge + I'm sure you guys don't care that much
Yeah I don't
Cmon noya that's one of kiyokos best friends we can't be mean😥
SHEEESH alr see you guys soon
- K. S. Perspective
"...are you telling me that she's coming with us?" I look at Daichi with a very serious face, afraid of what he would respond with.
I thought it was flattering that Eclair wanted to spend her afternoons at volleyball practice with the team. But was it appropriate to have her come with us to the weekend training camp?
Daichi sighed. "Well, she did ask Takeda and I beforehand and we didn't have it in us to tell her no. Besides, she is a big help to us. She's been doing a lot more than talk to the second years as of recently. Don't you think you're worrying too much about it? I'm sure she won't make a move on you again, especially now that you've got a girlfriend."
"She doesn't know that, dammit." I cross my arms and sink into my seat. I knew that she wouldn't take the news lightly when she found out. If I were lucky, she would last her entire stay in Japan without knowing.
He sighs again, adjusting himself in the seat. "Koushi, just fall asleep. We'll be there in only an hour."
It didn't hurt me that Daichi didn't want to talk about Eclair. She was draining, after all. I prayed that she wouldn't be causing issues during this weekend. The last thing I needed was another inconvenience.
Instead of sitting with Kiyoko the way she usually did, she had to sit alone. Eclair insisted she take her spot next to Kiyoko, but Y/n didn't want to make a big deal of it.
As the bus began driving off into the evening, I look over to the girl, observing her tired eyes as they wander over the valleys outside. Did she mind being alone? I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I wanted more than anything to sneak over to her seat when no one was looking. To have her head rest nicely on my shoulder.
'Would anyone even notice if I were gone?' I think to myself, checking if my best friend was still awake. Sure enough, he was dozing off against the window, giving me an open spot to sneak up next to her.
Careful not to be noticed by Takeda or any other volleyball members, I crouch over to the seat in front of mine. Y/n looks over in a flash, taking both her earphones out. "Kou, what are you doing? Are you allowed to sit next to me?" She whispers to me before the two of us lock eyes.
"I have no clue, but you look tired," I say to her as she closes her eyes and smiles gently. The orange-colored sunlight showered down on her beautiful features, making my heart melt right there in the moment. Desperate to feel her, I bump her head with my shoulder, offering her a personal pillow. She happily accepts and fits right between my left collar bone, making me beam with joy. I pay close attention to her small flinch when I began to ever so gently squeeze her thigh lovingly. Dear Y/n was finally all mine and no one else's, finally. Of course, I knew she belonged to herself and had personal boundaries that I wouldn't dare cross. She was an independent and reluctant girl after all. But my girl. One I would love forever and ever.
Yes I still added fluff at the end what abt it😾
Ily pls note and comment I read every single comment you guys give me and it makes me seriously so happy
- estrxlar
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