#and then yvonne's friend was like 'is that a boner'
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calpicowater · 8 years ago
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Day 217/365: August 5th 2017 | Anime Revolution (LONGGGGG POST) 
Today was my first ever anime convention!!!!! Honestly it was such a mess at first because Rachel said to meet up at 9:30am but because she had no sleep the night before, she woke up at 9 and ended up showing up at 12pm............ I WAITED FOR HER FOR 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!! I was honestly really pissed and tired (I was super sleep deprived..... ran on only 3-4 hours of sleep) and I considered just going home while I was waiting for her. I was really happy when she finally showed up. We got a cup of Shiny Tea and made our way to Waterfront. There was hardly any lineup for tickets because we literally got there at 1 rip. Right after getting tickets, we joined Yvonne and her friend at the maid cafe line up............ Turns out the frigging lineup took 3-4 hours!!!!!!!! AHHHH so during the wait I just helped Rachel glue business cards onto tissue packs, helped Rachel tape string onto double sided tape to make trees, and chat with Rachel, Yvonne, and Yvonne’s two other friends lmao!! At the end of the lineup, I seriously felt so hungry (it was like 4pm lmfksdjhgksa), I felt like I was gonna faint RIP I think I had to eat two Q10 in order to not faint from lack of food because all I ate before maid cafe was a pack of thin ass egg rolls HHHHNNNNG. 
The maid cafe itself was honestly pretty cool. Was it worth the wait?? hm... maybe not?? The interior decorations were honestly so horrible but the maid uniforms were cute. The food was edible fksadkgh nothing special and definitely not worth the price (TY RACHEL FOR TREATING ME TO LUNCH AND SUBSEQUENTLY DINNER AS WELL JUST SO I COULD ENJOY MY FIRST CON T_T). Our maid was really cute and kind to us..... and ridiculously honest and real,,,, telling us to not pay for certain things because they thought it was a rip-off lmao!!!!! I can’t believe these maids don’t get paid AT ALL (THEY DON’T EVEN GET THE FUCKING TIPS) even though they do so much???? Anyway when I was getting ready to leave, another really cute maid with a silver wig came up to me to talk about Conan!!!!! I feel like they were so much more into MK though but still cool~ While I was talking to that maid, April (my elementary school friend from Ontario) called out my name, came up to me, hugged me (?????) and asked me if I still remember her lmao and I was like OFC I DO :P because I hung out with her twice in 2013 plus we are still friends on snapchat HAHAHA. Anyway that was a really cute moment LMAO but I couldn’t stay for that long because my friends were late for their panel. In between the maid cafe and the panel, there was ~5 minutes for me to take outfit photos so I did that!!!! THANKS RACHEL ONCE AGAIN. It was really hectic and there really wasn’t a lot of time before they all had to rush to their panel room. I went there and helped them set up for a bit before taking a seat. Their panel was just a bunch of games and I didn’t feel like participating so I just sat in my seat mindlessly scrolling through my camera photos before someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if they could take a photo of me as Conan LOL. And I was like “just me?????” and they were like “YEAH!” HFJSKFJFK I honestly didn’t let them take the photo until ~30 minutes after because I wanted to talk to them about Conan first HAHA anyway that person is the Chris in the photoset above LOL and I basically forced them to hang out with me and my friends for the rest of the day.
After the panel, we went to a pianist concert. During the lineup, someone else asked to take a photo of me as Conan!!!!! Second person of the day LOL. I was really happy hahahahahha I always talk about Conan for a bit with them afterwards because DC fans are honestly quite rare in North America??? Ah but those interactions really made my day. I was really exhausted before and during the concert because I was really sleepy!!! It was 7:30pm at this point and I was dyinggggggg zzzzzzZZZ. But the concert music really made things better!! The pianist was really talented LOL Rachel even made him sign her oral piano (???? deadass forgot the name). After the concert, 2 other people came up to me to take pics of me as Conan and another person was like “WOW CONAN! I’M SO HAPPY!” :’) At this point it was almost 10pm so I just went to eat dinner with Rachel at hapa izakaya~ we ate expensive af sashimi (sashi mori....... $42 for half of a plate of just sashimi derp) and coal harbour rolls. The people beside us were partying hecka loud and the server actually asked us if we wanted to move somewhere else! So considerate ;~; ANYWAY THANK U RACHEL FOR DINNER :’( !! After dinner, we trained back to Brighouse. While we were walking to Waterfront, another person came up to me and asked me if I was cosplaying as Conan LOL and that my cosplay was good!! Anyway, I eventually made it back home by around 11:30pm. It was a decent day in the end. The best part was people recognizing that I was Conan. Hopefully next time I’ll have the chance to check out the vendors. ^0^
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zalrb · 2 years ago
Skins Rewatch - Chris
Is this when Chris has an erection for like 24 hours? Which is priapism and would HURT? Just ask Jason. Or is that series 2?
Him trying to go to piss with a boner is SO gross, lmao
And do we ever get into why his mother abandoned him? Is it because of the condition he didn't have until series 2 and ruined my life with?
15 hours, my bad.
Sid is ridiculous. I can't believe it takes him so long to just look at Cassie as a romantic prospect. I mean, I can, he's a 16 year old boy. But seriously. You deserve that vomit in your lap.
LOL Chris talking to this child about rolling paper is FUNNY, what's his face in Euphoria was just supposed to be shocking.
Angie showing up to her teenage student's party is ridiculous, YOU'RE A GROWN WOMAN, ANGIE.
Angie, you know Chris, you know your students, WHAT made you think it would be THIS kind of party
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9. And Chris is just so sincere and vulnerable and honest but also very Chris at the same time.
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I love it. Angie should also be in prison.
10. A sweet moment being ruined by the boner taped to his stomach is just ... SO skins.
11. Like Tony is emotionally abusive, objectively I get that, and obviously that's shitty, I just never feel sorry for Michelle.
12. They're also way too comfortable fucking in each other's beds, lmao.
13. "Your eyes are supposed to fucking blur too!" then WHY are you WITH HIM? He doesn't even make you come! Like???
14. I think that's something teen shows in general don't do well enough where there's this horrible relationship and one person always stays when it's clearly horrible but they don't show the reason why they would stay, they don't show the highs of the relationship. Like I forget which episode it is where Michelle is dancing with Sid and it looks like it's finally going to happen and Tony gave Sid his blessing but at the last minute he changes his mind and cuts in between Sid and Michelle and Michelle just melds into Tony and all is forgiven. WHY? Because even though Tony is supposed to be hot, he doesn't actually seem to be popular in their own school, he's popular in the posh all girls college but, like, that's it?? And it was the same thing with Nathan and Peyton, I was like WHY are you two together in the first place, there was one episode when they were hanging out when he was with Haley where I was like ok I can sort of see why you two would've been together beforehand but I needed to see more of that IN relationship so Peyton just doesn't seem like a doormat. NUANCE.
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my heart.
16. Sid and Cassie
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are this
17. And again when Chris realizes that his mother really is gone and Tony verbalizes that and Chris switches the conversation to about how his boner has gone down it's noticeably poignant
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because the rest of the episode has been absurd
18. And again friendship, they're not afraid to touch, they're close together and they're just watching bullshit on TV while Anwar goes on about fucking older women.
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19. Also Chris' mom abandoned him and only left him 1,000 pounds?
20. And I like that the dynamics can be switched up and it makes sense for what they're doing like Sid and Chris being together while Chris is trying to schlep around his damaged electronics to sell makes sense because Sid is that friend who would do the schleping for you.
21. And of course a dog would piss on Sid's leg because he's Sid and of course Chris would be irresponsible and choose getting 20 quid in pills and not cash because he's Chris and also because he's trying to disassociate and you know what, I DON'T NEED A VOICEOVER TO TELL ME THIS.
22. The devolution of his house is also very Jesse Pinkman BrBa although this actually came first.
23. I think I missed the fact that he tries to wipe off the "Fuck Your Mum" graffiti on his wall, which again SUPER poignant without it bashing our heads in it.
24. Seeing a bit of Chris' balls when he drags out the dude sleeping in his shower is just some realism I didn't need.
25. I like how no one on the street thinks it's weird that Chris is completely naked.
26. SHE GAVE HIM A BLANKET? Every school has extra gym clothes, come ON angie.
27. "What are you going to do?" Angie, you need to call someone.
28. And again the friends all act the way their characters they would. Michelle and Cassie get him clothes
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of course Tony tries to help by being a COMPLETE. ASSHOLE. But he's ACTUALLY trying to be a friend he's just a sociopath
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and of course Jal would be indignant
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and be the one who goes with Chris to actually see his dad
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because that's who they are.
29. Ah, his mother has mental health issues? "Take another turn".
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i LOVE how there's groundwork for them even before they were a them.
31. And then he DROPS the baby. I remember the first time I saw that..
32. And him being vulnerable with Jal in a way he can't with others, I like it because it does lend into how they get together in series 2 but it's also because Jal is that friend you can be vulnerable with
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33. And Tony knowing which tops show Jal's nipples is just SO Tony
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34. So is him seeing Sid stare at Michelle's boobs and then telling him he better not be jerking off, and it's also very teen boy friendship
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35. Remember that time Cassie tried to commit suicide because Sid wouldn't go on a date with her.
36. These two are going to rip out my heart in series 2
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37. Chris drinking from the fish cup is always gross.
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chiseler · 8 years ago
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Putting "acceptable" limits on depravity in the name of compromise and "reality" is how fascism eventually triumphs. Or so said Professor Yvonne De Carlo of 'Miss Yvonne's Academy for Wayward Hussies' also known as 'The Frankfurt School' --  a place of higher learning for delinquent, pregnant scholars. "Your new president is merely proof that the depraved nature of power is given license by tolerating all but its excesses" said Professor De Carlo as she powdered her ample cleavage in full view of the astonished, pinafore-clad undergrads gathered for her lecture on the 'Dialectic of Fascism and French Manicures Made Easy-Peasy'.
"You want to know what brought Trump to power? Hint: It wasn't a sudden, inexplicable, sewage-strewn wave of raw hatred poised to strike down public schools, libraries and national parks at the behest of a braying, stupid mob of "privileged" former factory workers. It wasn't merely insanity wrought by decades of institutional neglect or unchecked greed -- although that was a big part of it. It was *nice* people willing to accept certain 'realities' to ensure their place at the proverbial table remained a pristine space of individually apportioned, locally sourced food; a place where rhetorical restraint replaced actual political solutions to any given problem.
You chose 'safe' over actual justice -- meaning someone else's kid will take a police bullet to the chest so that we can all read heavily redacted versions of Mark Twain in the peace and comfort of a colorful ball pit of higher learning like our own Frankfurt School, which I should mention was only made possible by a generous corporate donation from a multi-national purveyor of processed pork by-products with vaguely German origins. At the end of it, you'll all be awarded a certificate declaring you free from venereal diseases, and the skills necessary to lower live poultry into a vat of ammonia in a subsidiary facility owned by our trustees. At your age, I was performing burlesque numbers on the mean streets of my Canadian homeland at the behest of my stage mother. But I'll tell you all about that later in the term when we cover 'Hoochie-Coochie Cave Dancing of the Early Ottoman Empire - as Explained by a scantily-clad Miss Yvonne Waving a Jewel-Encrusted Saber'. Consider that your 'trigger warning'. Now let's proceed:
It was enough that we embraced Caitlyn Jenner and applauded Meryl Streep giving the phone book version of the Gettysburg Address to her wealthy patrons -- I could give a better soliloquy while swallowing a sword and balancing a cobra on my head, but I digress . . . It was enough to sprout a 'dad boner' over Pussy Riot to declare ourselves -- "punk rock", even as we devised ways to make earth's human and animal life redundant during brainstorming meetings that took place in an indoor ergonomic playground that served wheat grass martinis on tap. My dear friend Frederick Marcuse who took me under his bosom . . . or was that the other way around . . . argued that the technocratic efficiency of advanced, industrial societies had rendered it 'one-dimensional', and as such, resistant to all critiques of it. Our "aversion to introspection" according to Adorno -- another generous benefactor to the Frankfurt School -- renders left-opposition to Trump little more than an elite-led, sour grape authoritarianism that is unable to contemplate its own role in a paradigmatic shift towards a more 'unprincipled' and unpredictable variety of global aggression. If you don't believe him, just ask a white feminist how writing 'rape culture' on her boobs in sharpie will 'shame the patriarchy', and this will give you some idea about why I start every afternoon coughing up a ball of mentholated phlegm into my cornflakes.
Let me tell you what brought us to this precise moment of imminent planetary collapse: It was "nice" people with library cards and rescue pets accepting the kind of compromises that result in bulldozing homes in the occupied territories of Palestine, imprisoning whistle blowers, putting indigenous land everywhere under threat, and even sodomizing a half dead Pan-African leader while he lay dying in a drainpipe.  
It's the 'realists' who sign off on nearly $40 billion in military 'aid' to Israel so that it can build more settlements in defiance of International law, and the similarly counterproductive reasoning that blames Russian hackers for the DNC's corrupt maneuvering to install its preferred Wall Street-friendly candidate in defiance of roughly half the voting population. The same folks who cry foul the loudest when an asshole takes his rightful place on the golden, Imperial throne after they have spent years polishing it for him, and expanding its powers to flush away civil liberties and environmental protections. Now all of a sudden that reclining, ermine-trimmed commode in the Oval Office is a "hot seat". Back in the day when I was bumping and grinding on the Paramount lot for chump change, Charlton would grab me by the pussy and . . . well, never mind that now. Let's just say that my jungle cat put up a fierce resistance that left a permanent scar on his manhood and not a single scratch on my lady mandibles.  Not sure where any of this is going, but anyhoo . . .
It's the 'nice' -- meaning the technocratically-minded gatekeepers of the 'left', who perform the linguistic feats necessary to justify, say, the involuntary sacrifice of dozens of dead Bedouin wedding celebrants in Yemen to maintain cordial relations with a despotic petrostate that helps prop up a neighboring Apartheid regime equally ill-disposed towards its benefactor. 'This is why we can't have nice things like brutalist revolving restaurants atop Manhattan office towers', they will remind you. Ingrates like you always second-guessing the stuff we do to prevent maniacs from seizing power here at home'. The nice among us, whom we used to call 'Good Germans', prefer that you don't bring 'false equivalency' into reasoned discussion about state-sponsored murder, and focus on the positive . . . like . . . um . . . 'At least under Trump, my sad face selfies will have all the political urgency of Guernica'.  
It's the "nice" that refused to hold Obama's feet to the fire, giving him carte blanche to capitulate wholly to the more clamorous and opportunistic voices of his inner circle without ever troubling his conscience. The guy was so cool he could grant clemency to Chelsea Manning AND bomb a failed state into further oblivion all in the same week. "Nice" folks would never venture into the treacherous waters of condemning or even criticizing your country's first black president for reasons entirely to do with the sort of career-minded, self-preservation that says "Bummer about Leonard Peltier, but Michelle Obama sure rawked that Zac Posen dress on the cover of Vogue!"
When someone *reaches across the aisle*, it's usually to grasp at the last straws of power allotted to them by whichever democratically elected fascist regime happens to control Congress. Or it's a hands-y director trying to cop a feel on a red-eye flight from LA. Yes, Otto Preminger, I'm talking to YOU!
To make a long-winded lecture only as long as it takes to dry one's nails after the second coat of Revlon's 'Dead Roses on a Dusky Tomb': Trump didn't win in spite of your 'reasoned' acceptance of the outgoing president's expanded powers, but because you were willing to rationalize its unsavory aspects long enough to ensure its unchecked and unbridled form reached its inevitable conclusion".
Professor De Carlo then flounced out of the lecture hall with the scent of Shalimar, and two or three shirtless Cabana boys trailing behind her discarded veils. "I'm off to powder my you know what. Class -- and I mean the particular one that conflates legal weed smoking with political resistance - dismissed"!
by Jennifer Matsui
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