#and then whines if he can't have cuddly snuggles
ofknowlcdge · 2 years
Werewolf Steve being an oversized cuddle bug, just laying on top of you because he can and it's comfy and your warm so why shouldn't he be snuggling into you
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bookishdreamer28 · 5 months
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Just Satoru being absolutely smitten with his little girl <3
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He held her like he was holding the whole world in his arms. His eyes and silence were enough to showcase his love for your daughter. Your daughter. Just the thought that you two created something so pure and beautiful, made you want to cry again. You watched how Satoru never once took his eyes off of your daughter's sleeping form, his lips curved upwards displaying a beautiful sweet smile on his soft lips.
But when he heard the sound of soft footsteps across the room approaching him, his head looked up and smiled brightly upon seeing you.
"Hey sweet girl" he whispered and laid his back carefully on the couch cushions, your little girl snuggling her head closer to his chest.
You softly chuckled at how cuddly she was already, and you walked up to Satoru, sitting down next to him. When you looked at him you caught him already looking at you with adoration.
"I still can't believe you gave me the greatest treasure in the world. You're the most amazing and outstanding woman in the whole freaking world baby". He stared down at your little princess sleeping soundly in his arms. He slowly leaned down, giving a soft kiss on your daughter's forehead.
"I love you so much" he whispered and you noticed how his eyes became glassy. You felt your eyes getting teary too, and you laid your head on his shoulder, both of you admiring the little miracle.
"She sleeps too much. I want to see her beautiful again and talk to her" he whined like a little kid and you tried to hold your laugh so you wouldn't wake your girl.
"She's just a small newborn baby Toru, of course she needs sleep. But don't you worry, no one's going to take her away from you"
"As if they would dare. I won't let anyone hurt my little angel. I'll destroy them if they so as much as look at her way." His overprotective dad mode kicked in and you couldn't help but laugh lightly. Yep. You were so lucky.
Satoru then turned to the side and placed a kiss on your forehead too. You looked up and saw him already staring at you. You could see all the love, protection and adoration he held for both you and your daughter, and this made you feel overwhelmed with emotions.
"I love you both so so so so much" he said and started peppering kiss all over your face making you giggle.
"We love you too Toru. So so so so much!" You both laughed.
The movement in Satoru's arms caught instantly your attention, and you both looked down at the small bundle, as your daughter opened her eyes slowly. Satoru let out a small gasp, and he excitedly said:
"Hey beautiful girl" Satoru smiled widely at the sight of your daughter finally awake. She let out a small yawn in response and Satoru looked like he was going to start squealing at the adorableness of your daughter.
When she noticed you were sitting beside Toru, she cooed and smiled a little, making your heart burst woth happiness.
"Hi sweety" you gently rubbed her hair and she made a happy cute sound, which made you laugh.
"Oh my, you two are gonna be the death of me" Satoru said and looked at you, having his usual lovesick expression.
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I'm out of ideas lately but as I mentioned before, Dad Gojo is. a. weakness.
So I came up with this 👐
Thanks for reading <3
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adams-angels · 4 months
reader and sick adam idk yay
This is perfect because both me and my partner are sick atm and unfortunately for him I'm a total baby when I'm sick. I wrote this one slightly differently?
Also it's a bit short, sorry.. 🧡
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Poor baby
Big baby
Like the biggest baby when he's sick. I'm not kidding.
The slight tickle of a cough and he's at home in bed snuggled up.
Will text lute he's dying again
Won't do anything for himself. Not like he ever did anyway. But now he's extra bad.
"sex will is the best medicine" queue coughing fit.
Extra needy
Extra need means extra cuddly too
Also grosser than usual
Will show you his snotty tissue telling you how gross it is while you try not to throw up
Will want to be touching you constantly
If he's not in a position to be cuddling into your chest he will want to hold your hand
Even though he's ill he'll still talk nonstop
Will talk himself to sleep
Loves being babied but will never admit it
"Poor, baby. Poooooor, baby Adam." You coo'ed with a smile, bringing the man some soup. "Shut up..." Adam groans pulling the duvet over his head. You were both sick. In fact, you were sick before him but no, his is much worse. 'Man flu' and all that.
"Oh, don't be like that my love." You pulled the duvet off his face. It was really the only times you'd see him without a mask on. You brushed his hair off his sweaty forehead, he whimpered at your touch. "Poor boy." He scowled, "man. Poor man." Correcting you. "First man." Muttering to himself. You can't help but chuckle.
"Come on. I brought you soup." You place the bowl on his night table. He looks over to the bowl and whines. "Feed meeee." "Seriously, Adam?" "I'm not weeellll..." "I'm not well either you know? You know what you did when I was ill? Got me to suck you off." "But it's meant to heeelllpppp." You stare at him unamused. "Please, y/n?" He knew you'd say yes if he said your name. He'd always call you "babe", "sweet tits", "Adam's Apple" so he'd say your name when he really wanted something. You roll you're eyes. Not really at him. More at yourself for giving in so easily.
You pick the bowl back up and sigh, "fine. Sit up." He did as he told, but if course with small whimpers and whines because in his words "his body is extra sensitive right now." You stirr the soup before bringing the spoon to his mouth. "You're such a baby." You smile softly at him.
Once he's fed his sighs in satisfaction. You blow your nose because, again, you also have this cold. "baaaabe.." you looks over at him in the bed, tucked in, looking all cozy. "Where are you going? Come to bed." You can help but smile and crawl into bed next to him. It takes seconds before Adams arms are wrapped around you, pulling himself into your chest. His wing covering your body as he purred in comfort. "You know, Lute says that you need to take better care of me." "Oh? Really? Because Lute told me that I baby you." He removed his face from your chest, "what?!" His voice cracking. "You- I - she did not!" He burrows himself back into your chest, wrapping his arms around you, tightly holding you in place. You could hear a very muffled "shut up."
You run your fingers through his hair with a smile.
"Poor, baby."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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dean-a-mean-tae · 4 months
Stray Kids as Hybrids
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WARNINGS: Minho and Felix are "defect" hybrids. There's cussing in this. I got the information from research, so if you're an animal "expert" respectfully correct me.
Master list | Not requested, but I don't care.
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Chan (Grey Wolf)
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He has a grey tail with grey ears that have a black rim.
His fur is extremely fluffy, and he sheds a lot.
In his human form, he has curly hair that's so grey it almost looks white.
Though he has a ton of fur, he doesn't feel the heat.
He needs a lot of nutrients.
He'll eat over 13 pounds of meat at least once a week.
A "healthy" amount of meat for a human is 23 to 33 ounces per week. There are 16 ounces in a pound.
You can do the math yourself.
He's never gone over 12 days without consistent meat intake.
You gotta feed him.
Good luck. 13 pounds = 208 ounces
He won't tell you he's hungry, but you can hear his tummy from across the planet.
In his wolf form, his ears stand up and point forward.
In his human form, his ears just do what they want.
Contrary to popular belief, wolves barely bark.
Whines can be a sign of affection or distress.
You need to pay attention to the signs and what's going on to know the difference.
His growls are warnings, and his loud ones are when he feels threatened.
His quiet growls are playful.
Chan has and will go over to Minho or Seungmin and put his paw on them. IYKYK
the pictures of those 2 wolves are hilarious
Minho (Tiger)
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Unfortunately, Minho is considered a defect.
He looks like your stereotypical tiger.
It's just the tip of his tail is white instead of black
In his human form, he has brown eyes that turn yellow when he's in a bad mood
His "defect" is his hair. It's dark brown which makes the orange in his ears stand out.
Believe it or not, he prefers to come out at night.
He doesn't mind the day as long as it isn't hot.
Occasionally, he'll sunbathe, but it's seemingly random.
He, unlike most tigers, doesn't like water. He can take showers and baths, but big bodies of water are a no.
He can't see the bottom. He isn't getting in the water.
He still likes the knowledge of having access to a lake. Preferably a private lake.
His animal form is almost 9 feet at a weight of 650 something pounds. The weight is healthy for his tiger form.
If you thought Chan needed a lot of meat, then Minho is a nightmare. ;-;
Tigers require 88 lbs per week. :)
Since he's a hybrid, he can eat at least 75 lbs. Which is 1200 ounces...
His weight is perfect for snuggling, but his weight is painful if he lays on you.
He doesn't like roaring because it's loud. He grunts and uses chuffs to communicate.
If you are ever cold, just lay on him.
Tiger fur can get so hot that steam might come off their fur when in the snow.
He isn't very sociable and prefers his own space. He doesn't mind you or the boys, but it's obvious if he doesn't like someone.
You know that thing cats do with their tail when they feel mischievous?
The tip of the tail starts flicking but everything else is still?
That's Minho.
You always know when he's done some stupid shit or is about to
Changbin (Hare/Jack Rabbit)
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He has brown fur with a white tummy
He gives off Thackery the hare from Alice In Wonderland 2010 vibes
He thumps, in both human and animal form, when he feels endangered or if he wants something
Usually, it's because he wants something
As an animal, he does the binky thing where rabbits jump high in the air
He only does it when he's extremely happy
Sometimes, his legs kick off too high, and he falls forward, like in the picture on the right.
When he's angry, he'll sit on his hind legs with his paws up like he's about to start boxing
When he's annoyed, he'll flick his feet and walk away
Sometimes, he'll kick whatever or whoever is irritating him (like in the first picture)
If he starts nibbling on you while in animal form, it's a sign of affection
Speaking of nibbling, rabbits eat 2-3% of their weight in vegetables.
He's a big boy, so... yeah... have fun. :)
Side note, he's very cuddly.
He rivals Jisung in his attachment to you
He will change into his animal form so it's easier for him to be close to you
Sometimes he'll go flying around the room
Kind of like the zoomies but for bunnies
He is a little dramatic
When he's really relaxed and feels safe, he'll flop over
If he's in animal form, he just does it. Doesn't matter where he is
If he's in human form, he'll flop on the nearest soft object or on the nearest person
Hyunjin (Ferret)
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His fur is mostly brown, but he has 2 white rings of fur on his face with a brown spot under one of his eyes.
In human form, his hair is brown, and his animal ears have a white rim.
He's so hyper.
If he isn't running or jumping around the room, he's asleep in a dark space.
Probably under the covers or in a drawer somewhere
Ferrets eat 5-7% of their weight a day.
As a hybrid, he can eat 4% of his weight a day and still be considered healthy.
I recommend just feeding him 5% to be on the safer side.
Ferrets have poor vision. Unfortunately, Hyunjin has poor vision in both his forms.
He wears contacts in human form.
He will snuggle under your clothes and against your skin
If you have a bigger chest, he'll lay between your tits/pecks
If your chest his flatter, then he'll curl up on the left side so he can hear your heart better
When he wants to play, he'll run at people and then quickly run off
He'll keep repeating this until they get the message
When he's angry, he glares and hisses at whatever is causing his anger
He makes cute chitter noses and sniffs when he's curious
Just like other ferrets, he squints when he's sick
Don't get scared if you try to wake him and he doesn't move.
When he sleeps, he's GONE!
He won't wake up until his body is ready.
I like the idea that he scrunches his nose when he's confused
Like genuinely confused. Not "What are you doing?" Confused
I'm talking "What the hell is this thing?" confused
Shit you not! If you have salty skin or a hybrid safe lotion on, he'll lick you. Both in animal form and in human form
He has to be near sleep to start licking you as a human, though
Ferrets kiss, by the way
It's how they show affection
So don't be surprised if you get grabbed and you feel thick lips smack your cheek
He's just giving you a little appreciation, that's all :)
Sometimes, Hyunjin likes to be difficult in his human form
So, like a ferret, if he wants something, he will stare at you.
When you acknowledge him, and you will, he'll repeated glance at what he wants
He refuses to verbalize it until you either get it correct or he's tired of you guess incorrectly.
All just depends on his mood and how generous he's feeling that moment
Ferrets with splay out and sigh when they're sad
It's so fucking cute
Hyunjin does the same thing but on top of you
If you're working on something, like a laptop or iPad, then he'll flop onto that.
Or he'll flop onto your book or something
When you're wearing a hoodie, he'll hide away from the others in your pocket
So make sure it has the one pocket thing and not 2
He can still fit in the smaller ones but he wants the space
Jisung (Squirrel)
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He is a ground-dwelling squirrel.
He is usually found sitting on Tiger Minho's head.
Like other squirrels, he is terrified of owls
"Why would someone need to look that scary?! Or turn its head that much?!"
Squirrels do this thing called caching. It's where they find and hide food.
I shit you not! He hides so much food around the house.
He doesn't need a lot of food, but he will gladly stuff his face full.
If you have to travel, then take him with you. He loves to travel and hates being left by himself.
Doesn't matter if you're leaving him with the others. He wants to go with you.
Sometimes he'll sit directly on top of you or pressed against you.
You have no personal space.
If you don't like physical affection, let him down gently please.
He doesn't want to be the cause of your discomfort, so tell him in the most fragile way possible
With that being said, he will use his face to get out of trouble
Quickly turning into his animal form and acting cute so you won't be angry
If that doesn't work, then he's dipping
I'm talking hightailing it out the room and into the backyard
You won't see him until dinner or it's bedtime
Speaking of bedtime, he wants you to tuck him in
So please do it. Give him a kiss on each cheek and then one on his forehead and he'll be good to go.
It makes him feel trapped and like he's in a cage.
Makes him more likely to have nightmares, too.
Felix (Ginger Cat)
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Felix is also, unfortunately, considered a defect.
His fur is a golden orange color with lighter stripes.
His eyes look green in the sun, but they're amber.
His "defect" is also from his human form.
His hair is blond like the strips, so his ears stick out. His freckles are also, unfortunately, considered a "flaw."
Most people think when a cat rubs its head against you, it's a sign of affection, which it is, but it's also them marking their territory.
They're scenting you and showing ownership over you.
It's how cats show pride in their belongings :)
If you let him out of the house to hunt, he will return with "food" for you.
He doesn't really think much of it. It's just his cat's side telling you you're family.
I guarantee you'll walk in on Felix either biting the shit out of a toy or him chasing Hyunjin around the room.
Did you know that cats knead because of their early days of nursing?
Kittens would knead at their mothers to encourage milk production. Adult cats knead to show content or to calm down.
Think of it as Felix feeling safe with you.
Felix is the definition of "If I fits, I sits"
If you're curled up on the couch, then he's curled up in the space behind your knees and thighs.
Small spaces make cats feel safe, so be sure to give Felix spots to hide in.
It helps with his natural instinct to ambush.
If Felix stares at you with thin pupils, try not to stare back.
It's his inner cat on high alert, and it could take that as you threatening him.
Meanwhile, slow blinks are kitty kisses.
If you slowly blink back at Felix, he'll do it repeatedly if he's in cat form. If he's in human form, he'll latch onto you and give you cuddles.
If Felix's nightly zoomies irritate you, feed him before you go to bed, make sure he tires himself out before bed, or get him a food puzzle.
Nightly zoomies are leftover energy mixed with their instinct to hunt during the night.
Airplane ears!
If Felix's ears are just sitting up, then he's listening to his surroundings. If his ears are flicking around, then he's agitated or dealing with anxiety.
Either peacefully help him or leave him alone. If he's in cat form, then leave him alone. He'll come to you if he wants to.
Felix knocks things over only when he is bored, as other cats do. It fascinates him to see things topple over. If you want Felix to stop, find a way to entertain him.
When he flops onto your things, it's him scenting your stuff to show you're his and a sign he wants attention.
When the tip of Felix's tail twitches it can mean he's curious or he's hunting. It'll go away when he calms down.
Seungmin (Golden Retriever)
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Golden Retriever
A sassy, playful ball of golden fur. He needs frequent exercise and sheds a lot.
Unlike your stereotypical golden retriever, Seungmin's fur is more soft wheat than golden yellow.
His floppy ears blend with his hair when in human form.
Seungmin doesn't like to be left alone. He won't tell you to stay. He will follow you around.
Seungmin doesn't actively seek out strangers. If someone tries to pet him, then he'll move away.
He also doesn't jump on people and hates when others jump on him.
He's not as social as your average Golden Puppy.
I recommend having a big yard for him to run around if you don't have one for the bigger animals.
Please make sure you feed him the proper amounts. He won't hesitate to raid the fridge if he's hungry.
When he grabs things with his mouth, he's extremely careful.
Softly grabbing your arms or a book to move it out of the way.
He'll share his food with you if you beg enough. He won't actively go out of his way to feed you unless you're ill.
If he's being "Destructive" it's because he isn't stimulated enough.
He needs more mental and physical exercise.
He doesn't have separation anxiety unless you decide to give him a terrible backstory on how you found him.
Otherwise, he's pretty confident that you'll come back home.
If something comes up, you'll communicate the issue and a general idea of when you might be home.
If you don't, he'll be pissed.
It's like breaking a pinky promise. Don't do that.
He'll bop you in the face
Jeongin (Fennec Fox)
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Fennec Fox
He's got big ass ears and they grow to accommodate his head in human form (Minho thinks it's hilarious)
He's got a cream color hair with white streaks in them
You can barely see the streaks, but the others tell you they're there
He's such a smart cookie until he gets in his animal form.
Then it's like he lost all brain cells except one. That 1 brain cell alternates between Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jeongin. Occasionally, Jisung will get it.
He kind of just rolls around
He's just there, chilling in the silence or the chaos
In animal form, he'll curl up on your lap or on the bed
If you're in an office, pull up a chair next to you and he'll lay in that instead
He may think you're mad at him, but just giving him rubs or head pats and he's good
He's kind of like a cat
You have to gage his moods
If he doesn't want to be touched, he'll look at you as you touch him like the picture on the left
Just "Mittens off, human" paws crossed and everything
Buy him clothes for his animal form. PLEASE
He loves them
Go to Pinterest or something and look up fennec fox in clothes or something and it's so flipping cute
You know that dolphin screech Jeongin does? That but in animal form...
The picture on the right for the header of this post?
That's him when he has too much energy, but no thoughts to put into action
As a human, he's like your average Jeongin, but with big ass fluffy ears and tail.
Sometimes he knocks stuff over with his tail and he's so sorry
After something crashed, you can hear him whine in the kitchen from your bedroom
The others don't tease him as much as they could because they know he's genuinely sad about it
Not insecure, but definitely annoyed with himself for messing something up again
Reassure him please.
Don't make it too obvious because then he'll shut down and tune you out
Not intentionally, it's just his brain's self defense.
It doesn't want to be reminded of his mistakes.
It's the main reason why he likes staying in his animal form.
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This was fun
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kana-de · 8 months
Could I pretty please have a fluffy wanderer smut with a cuddly reader 😢 u write him so well 🥰
★ summary: wanderer x fem!reader. cuddly smut w soft wanderer.
☆ cw: nsfw. fluffy smut. cuddling. a lot of cuddling. soft touchy wanderer my love. sleepy sex. sex with feelings. wanderer is called 'kuni' in some replicas. 921 words.
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you snuggle up closer to wanderer while you're both laying on the bed - so close to each other it even seems there's not much room for the air itself. his breath is on your forehead as your hands find themselves tightening around his body, your face just near his collarbones.
if it'd be someone other than you, he'd break every and each one of their bones.
but it's you.
you whine as a tip of his finger starts to gently, slowly rub your clit through your already wet panties. "mmn... wande-"
"sshhh... i know what you need right now." wanderer coos into your ear gently, and you let out a soft mewl yet again at how his soft, sleepy and raspy voice never fails to make you shudder.
you can't help all the sleepy whimpers that escape your lips as he continues his doings, fin hand now slipping inside your panties to slide the tips of his fingers over your folds, smearing your slick on them.
"inside... please..." you mumble, fingers tugging at the cloth of his bodysuit on his back. "mmm, c'mon.."
wanderer chuckles. "impatient, aren't we? but fine, i won't make you wait too long." he says, his fingertips gliding past your folds, slowly inserting his middle and ring finger inside your cunt - he wouldn't want to overwhelm you right now due to your sleepiness, so he's taking it slow, his digits moving along your clamping walls sensually, so you'll have the time to feel everything.
you bite your lower lip to suppress the need to let out a long whine, instead converting it into a muffled mewl that ends up being with a shaky exhale as his fingers curl up against that sweet spot inside you.
"love my fingers that much, huh?" he grins, laughing quietly as he picks up the pace of his fingers' movements. you nod, humming something inaudible in the crook of his neck.
you, involuntarily, but stop him, grabbing him gently by his wrist and - as much as you didn't want to - pulling his digits out. "mmmn- wait. let me just..."
you quickly make your way out of your undergarments, pushing wanderer to lay on his back as you straddle him, pulling his shorts and boxers in a few swift motions.
"oh, feeling needy now, aren't you?" wanderer taunts, a small chuckle interrupted with how you grind your cunt's folds against his cock, making him exhale shakily. "how greedy of you..." he mumbles in the end.
his hands make their way from your hips to your shoulders, bringing your upper body closer to him, basically hugging you while you're getting ready to ride him. close and tight - just how you like it.
slowly, adjusting yourself, you start putting in his cock inch by inch, biting your lower lip yet again until it's fully settled within you, and you can't help a whine that leaves your mouth. "k-kuni..." you breathe out, voice nearly breaking into a moan from how good it all feels - being so close to him, both you holding eachother in your arms and having him inside at the same time truly is the best compilation to you.
wanderer nearly moans at the feeling of your walls clenching tight around his length as you start moving your hips up and down - how he missed these sloppy, sleepy little sessions of yours.
he holds you close to him, closer than ever before, his hands rubbing gentle circles on your back, and he senses you pressing your forehead into his shoulder, trying to suppress a moan - but failing miserably.
"w-wanderer... kuni, h-hah-" you mutter, voice so weak it even surprises you. wanderer plants a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, on your hair, a subtle attempt to calm you, before one of his hands comes to rest on your hip, guiding your rhythm and making it more fast, with sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing through the dimly lit room.
"[name], f-fuck- go faster." he whispers, biting at your neck after talking, instantly hearing you whimpering and speeding up your movements. the knot of pleasure that forms in the pit of your stomach is basically going to explode in the next minute if you'll keep up with the pace.
"g-g'nna cum, nghh- i'm gonna-"
he hums quietly in agreement to your words, interrupting you when he feels your cunt tightening around his cock. "i know, i know, just cum with me... you can do it." wanderer mutters encouragingly, hand slightly squeezing your butt to add more to the pleasure.
your hand grips the bedsheets beside him more firmly now, another hand resting behind his back tugs on his clothing too, as you whimper in desperation.
"k-kuni, kuni- ngh- aah!.." you both cum in the same moment, and wanderer unintentionally pulls you even closer to him, his hands hugging you tighter as he hears you moan out loud into his shoulder, biting lightly. he whimpers as he feels his cum shooting deep inside you, the warm sensation spreading within you.
you mentally debate if you should pull him out of you or stay like this for a while longer, and your sleepy self decides on the latter, as you let yourself relax on top of him.
"was this what you needed?.." wanderer whisper-asks quietly, not wanting to startle your peaceful, sleepy state. "did i guess it right, huh?" he smirks.
you hum in agreement, nodding subtly, too sleepy to speak.
he smiles, making a note to clean you up in the morning as he pulls a blanket over both of you.
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silly4sillinger · 3 months
"You miss me? Babe, I just left five minutes ago." Maybe Matt is leaving for a roadie and the reader calls him after he leaves
"You Miss Me" Pairing: Matt Rempe x Fem!Reader
You wake up to the sound of your alarm, groaning as you reach over to turn it off.
Today is the day Matt leaves for another roadie, and you're already feeling a bit down about it. You know it's only for a few days, but you can't help but feel a little extra clingy this morning.
Matt starts to stir next to you, and you snuggle closer, burying your face in his chest as he wraps his arms around you.
"Someone's being extra cuddly this morning," he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You look up at him, a pout forming on your lips. "I don't want you to go," you whine.
"I know, babe, but it's just a few days," he reassures you, rubbing your back soothingly. "I'll be back before you know it."
You nod, trying to push away the feeling of sadness. You know he's right, but it doesn't make it any easier.
Eventually it's time for Matt to leave. You walk him to the door, holding onto him as long as you can. He gives you one last kiss before grabbing his bag and heading out.
As soon as he's gone, you feel the loneliness settle in. You try to distract yourself, but after only five minutes, you give in. You grab your phone and dial his number.
"Hey, did I forget something?" Matt answers, sounding confused.
"I miss you," you blurt out, feeling silly for calling so soon after he left.
"You miss me? Babe, I just left five minutes ago," he laughs, and you can hear the smile in his voice. "I miss you too."
"Please don't get in anymore fights."
"I won't, you have my word. I got to go, the lights about to change. I love you."
"I love you too.
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annashockeystories · 23 days
Javis pls:)))) sm would be cool. Maybe somethink were they alredy are ik a relation ship. LUV UR WORK BTW
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Movie Nights
Pairing: Seth Jarvis x reader
Summary: Seth and his girlfriend have a chill night in.
Warnings: Smut 18+, unprotected sex
Authors note: Thank you, babes, I hope you enjoy. Sorry, it took so long exams, lol <3
The hurricane season finished a few days ago, and though Seth had recovered from the loss, he wasn't quite ready to go home yet. This brought you both to right now: the flight to Winnipeg was in four days, and you planned to live in the same apartment next year, so there was not much to do packing-wise. Which meant a movie night was in order, so you he picked some horror movie and you snuggled into his side.
Since the beginning of your relationship, you have watched horror movies despite both hating them. Normally, you would get progressively more cuddly until the movie would be turned off, and you would fuck. You knew tonight would be no different, so you unpacked the takeout order and hit play.
About thirty minutes later, you were sitting in his lap, making out with him. Pulling away, you noticed the bit of food on his face. You began to giggle, and he looked at you. "You have cake on your face, baby," you teased. He smiled with the cheekiest smile look in his eyes.
"Lick it off then," you laughed at him but immediately do it. Once you got the cake, you went down to his neck and began biting and kissing. “oh fuck,” he groaned as you continued kissing him down the chest. He paused for a moment to pull off his shirt. You do the same, gently tugging your hurricanes sleep shirt over your head exposed you tits. Before even looking over to Seth you feel his mouth on your nipple kissing gently.
“Oh please,” you whine as he continues. He flips you over so you’re sitting on the couch, and he’s between your legs, pulling your sleep shorts off and kissing your inner thighs. "Seth, please, I need you," you cried.
"Pretty baby," he mocks as he finally puts his mouth on you. You cry out his name and put your hands into his hair. He groans, the vibrations causing the feeling to intensify, and suddenly everything went black and euphoria washed over you.
After a few seconds, you opened your eyes to see Seth gently kissing your jaw. "How ya feeling, baby," he cooed into your ears.
"Like I should return the favour," you whisper, attempting to stand up but immediately falling due to the weakness in your legs from the previous activities.
Seth catches you and picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom. When you get there, he lays you down and hovers over you, kissing you again. "Maybe I should help you with that," he teased, looking at where your hands were desperately trying to reach out for him.
"I wanna be on top," you said, "but you're too heavy, and I can't move," you continued to tease him.
"HOW DARE YOU," he jokingly shouts, you giggle, pushing him off. Suddenly, you twist around, pushing him back and straddling him. You had gotten your way, and you were on top. He had taken his shorts off when the two of you entered the bedroom, so all you had to do was just yourself onto him.
"Oh fuck baby," he groaned out as you slowly sunk; he was a good size, average length, but lots of girth. Despite the two of you doing this for almost two years, he was still a tight fit, and you could barely think when he was inside you. You were moaning wildly while barely having the strength to lift yourself off him.
Suddenly, Seth pushed himself up, so while you were still on top, he was sitting up, moving you up and down. "Pretty girl, doing so good," he grunted into your ear, making you cry his name. You knew it drove him insane hearing you call his name out. He moved your hips faster and began grunting louder.
This continued for another few minutes before you felt your orgasm approaching, "Seth, I'm gonna."
"I know, baby. Let go for me," he encouraged, going even deeper, which a minute ago you would've said was impossible.
Suddenly, your vision went blurry, and your second orgasm of the night washed over you. Everything went completely black, and it felt so fucking good. When it finally settled down a minute later, you felt him cum in you; he cried out your name and a string of curse words.,
After a few seconds, he fell back onto the bed still inside you, pulling you down to kiss you. You brushed hair out of his face as he mumbled sweet nothings in your ear.
All in all, a pretty good night in.
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ohmykiyo · 1 year
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🪦 title ; cuddles w/ hq boys :) genre ; fluff warnings ; lowercase intended characters ; sakusa, suna, atsumu, konoha, akaashi, kita 🗝️ jeilly's notes ; felt cuddly today, and i miss my boys so heres this my loves :) reqs are open!
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SAKUSA shuffles lightly under the covers of your shared bed. he's quiet.. almost too quiet. you don't seem to notice as you're scrolling through instagram sleepily.
he's pouting. he knows you can't see it, but as his girlfriend, you should at least feel his clinginess radiating right now. but you pay no mind.
he groans loudly, which catches your attention.
"what's wrong, kiyo?" you mumble, stifling a yawn.
he sneers at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "how're you gonna ask me that without looking at me?"
you roll your eyes. sakusa couldn't see it due to the dark, but he felt it. finally turning your body to face him, you ask again. "what's wrong, baby?"
he stills. silence fills the air. it's not awkward, more like.. comfortable. but, the tension sakusa feels right now is enough to make it awkward.
"'m cold." he mutters.
you raise an eyebrow at him. "but you're under the covers, my love?"
his pout deepens, he's gonna have to say it since you don't get the hint.
in reality, you do. you just wanna hear his small pleas.
he frowns, "wanna cuddle you."
your lips turn up into a grin, drawing wobbly hearts on his bicep with your index.
"c'mere then, baby." you laugh, your arms opening up.
he crawls scoots towards you excitedly. snuggling close, he lets out a content sigh.
he finally turns in for the night, resting peacefully beside his lover.
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SUNA yawns tiredly as he walks into your shared home. he smiles slightly at the sight of you on the couch.
you're immersed in some tv series, popping chips in your mouth every few minutes.
he says a little "i'm home!" to grab your attention.
the moment you heard his voice, you jumped up cheerfully. "rin!"
you engulf him in a comforting hug, and he indulges in it. taking in your scent, he whispers, "missed you, pretty."
your cheeks turn red before shoving him gently. he only smirks at your reaction, poking your cheek.
"i missed you, too." you smile. you notice the slight slump of his shoulders and his exhausted eyes.
he is definitely in need of cuddles.
you stare at him intently, "get into your pj's, rin, come cuddle me."
him being absolutely in love with you, follows your orders. walking into the bedroom and shortly coming out in his pj's which coincidentally matched with yours.
"i'm waiting, baby." he smiles, leaning on the hallway wall.
you had just finished cleaning up, so you happily skip to his tall figure.
he grabs hold of your hand before leading you into the bedroom and placing you on the comfy bed.
you open your arms, ready to wrap them around his neck as he lays his head on your chest.
"tiring day?"
he nods, placing soft kisses to your chest and collarbone before going dead silent.
he rests easy, falling asleep to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
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ATSUMU lays sprawled out on the bed. he seems to be getting more and more irritated as he waits for you.
you, his perfect little lover, were taking your time doing your skincare. you did this every night meticulously, even on nights when atsumu was needy for your touch.
you hear him from the bathroom, groaning and whining, growing impatient at your slow ass.
"babe, ya might as well kill me while yer doin' allat." he complains.
you scoff, "'tsumu stop being a brat."
he only huffs, a visible pout on his lips.
you finally pack away your skincare products, walking into the bedroom where your petty boyfriend lays.
"'m here now, 'tsumu." you call, waiting for him to acknowledge you.
he looks at you for a brief moment, then looks back up at the ceiling. "go back to the bathroom since ya wanna take 30 fuckin' years doin' god knows what." he says, sarcasm lacing his tone.
"oh really? don't mind if i-"
"don't ya dare finish that sentence." he growls, now sitting up. he stares at you, expectantly.
"whaddya want, 'tsum? you keep staring." you smile sheepishly.
"get the fuck into bed? what're ya doin' just standin' there?" he huffs, "i'm gettin' cold."
you hear the last part, you don't think you were meant to but you did.
smiling cheekily, you take your place beside him, scooting closer to his warm body.
"if you're cold, cuddle me back." you say, nudging your head into his side. he groans dramatically, but complies anyway.
he places a gentle kiss to your head, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist securely.
"g'night, ma princess." he whispers, drifting off.
he sleeps like a baby, your small breaths soothing him.
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KONOHA taps on his table impatiently. he's been doing a shit ton of school work and it's stressing him out more than usual.
he sighs, tired and needing a little pick-me-up, he chooses to search for you.
he walks out of his room and shuffles around the house before finding you in the kitchen, watching something on your phone.
"hi, my love." he whispers, hands finding their way to your shoulders. you look up at him, a smile on your face. you put your phone down before getting up to wrap your arms around his neck.
"you okay, aki?" you ask, caressing the nape of his neck.
he lets out a dejected sigh, slumping a little and laying his head on your shoulder. "tired." he mumbles.
you pinch his cheek gently before bringing him into his bedroom.
plopping him down on the soft sheets, you lay beside him, placing his head carefully on your plush thighs.
konoha lets out another sigh, this time a content one. he takes your hand before laying it on his chest as he caresses it with his thumb.
"you sure know me well, don't you, love?" he smiles, looking up at you. you only nod, running your fingers through his dirty-blonde hair.
"take it easy, baby." you whisper.
that was the last thing he head before falling asleep to your warm touch.
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AKAASHI waits quietly, his eyes gliding over the words on the book he's currently reading.
he's patient, he waits and waits as you finish up getting ready for bed. his favorite time of the day was when you're incredibly tired and come to him being all affectionate.
he loved that. seeing you all clingy for his touch just warmed his heart.
he finally looks up from his book as you flick off the light to the bathroom. "you ready for bed, my love?"
you nod, a yawn escaping your lips. you make your way to his side, laying there as if you're a dead body. still and unmoving.
he pokes your side, putting his book away. "you're forgetting something, sweetheart." he whispers.
you look up at him with tired eyes, snuggling closer to his chest as you mumble a quiet "goodnight, my love." before he pulls you closer.
he smiles at your sleepy face, pressing one last kiss to your head before dozing off as well.
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KITA watches you intently as you get the bed ready for the both of you to sleep in. "i could've done that, y'know?" he says.
you look up at him blankly before continuing to fix up the bed, "you're tired, and you had a long day."
his eyes widen. he didn't think you'd notice.
but the slump of his shoulders and the tired red eyes were enough to give it away.
you pick up the blanket, settling in between the blanket and the bed. you pat the empty stop beside you, motioning for him to get in as well.
a small and unnoticeable smile makes its way to his lips. 'i'm so lucky.' he thought.
he takes his place beside you. you extend your arm for him to lay on, and he complies happily. moving his arm to hold your waist, he mumbles a little "i love you".
your hand makes its way to his cheek, caressing the soft skin gently. you smile, muttering a quiet "i love you more".
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sanguinesweets · 9 months
Smoke x Reader headcanons/stuff
• He's very cuddly, especially when the two of you are alone. Tomas loves wrapping his strong arms around you, holding you close and feeling your warmth. He wants you to feel safe and loved in his presence.
• He'll surprise you with random gifts. Clothes you've been looking at, little keychains with your favorite thing on it, snacks and drinks he knows you can't go without. Especially if he's been busy with Lin Kuei duties, he'll have a care package ready for you the next time the two of you are together (and, if you're down, another package 😉).
• Dinner dates at Madam Bo's happen often between the two of you. She has the best food in town, no doubt, so there isn't much contest when it comes to what you both crave. Every time the two of you show up, your host has this knowing grin on her face, and ends up whispering things into Tomas's ear that make him blush. You'll usually wait until the two of you have left to ask what she had said, and it almost always involves how she thinks the two of you will make gorgeous kids.
• When you choose to stay home and eat, however, Tomas makes a point to show off his cooking skills. The man can make just about anything you're hungry for, and blows you away with some of the best dishes you've ever eaten from scratch. His homemade bread ranks among your favorites, as it's a simple dish that never fails to taste phenomenal every time he pulls it out of his brick oven.
• Along with spectacular dinners, a night in with your favorite ninja also involves lots of movie marathons, and cuddling on the couch. He loves pressing soft kisses into your head as you lay on him, watching through whatever you've chosen for the night, just enjoying your presence and cherishing the moment of closeness.
• Sometimes, during these movie nights, the both of you will pass out on the couch, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and snuggled up tight to one another. It's not until Tomas's alarm goes off the next morning that you both realize you had passed out, and he has to rush to get ready for training or fulfilling his duties with the Lin Kuei.
• Other nights, if whatever you're watching fails to keep your attention, the main entertainment attraction might shift to the exploration of each other's bodies, initiated by soft touches at first. Tomas will always test the waters at first, kissing along the side of your neck, running his hand down the curve of your hip, handling you carefully before he takes things any further. When a moan slips past your lips, and your head lulls back to allow him more access, he takes the cue to nip teasingly at your collarbone, his fingers dancing along the inside of your thigh.
• He's too bashful to admit it, but he loves it when you take charge during alone time and straddle his lap, grinding your rear teasingly into his groin. Pleading grey eyes roll back as your hips bump into his, and he's practically begging you to touch him as his hardening cock struggles to be contained by the confines of his pants.
He'll moan softly as your fingers dip down to grasp the thick, veiny shaft of his erection, watching as you lower your head to wrap your parted lips around the tip. Tomas's cheeks flush red as you take him into your mouth inch by inch, and he whines softly as you begin to bob your head and hollow your cheeks around his stiff member, precum already leaking generously from the head. His muscular thighs shake beneath you as you pleasure him, and depending on how long it's been since your last encounter, he might unravel in your mouth in a matter of minutes.
• Although he loves it when you top, he doesn't mind taking the lead whenever you insist on him doing so. His voice will go a little lower, he'll give you little affirmations of praise as you take his cock, fuck you slow and hard until you're a sobbing mess, begging him to make you cum. If you give him permission, he'll fill you up as you reach your climax, feeling your muscles contract around him as his vision goes blurry.
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Cuddly werewolf
Werewolf boyfriend x gender neutral reader
Minors Do Not Interact, I don't make posts for you!
Having said that this is just a bunch of fluff, enjoy. Established relationship, reader lives with werewolf boyfriend. Might give him a name and make him a recurring character but I'm not sure yet.
Formatted on a phone, might look strange on any other device. Sorry.
You cold? Time for big fluffy werewolf cuddles and a face full of fluff as he pulls you into his chest. Cold weather is his favorite, it's the best for cuddling. His tail will be wagging as he snuggles you. He might get a little too excited and give you sloppy kisses all over your face. You'll have to wash your face extra well tonight, if you can wiggle out of his arms.
Too hot to cuddle? He's whining and crying, just absolutely distraught that he can't cuddle. He loves summer but he hates when it's too hot to cuddle with you. The heat makes him whinny as he lays on the floor panting with three fans pointed at him. If you sit down and let him lay his head on your lap he's joyous. His tail wagging up a storm as he closes his eyes snuggling into you. Will hold your thighs, that's the amount of snuggling he could handle in this moment. Oh boy if you start petting his fur or scratching behind his ears he's in heaven. You have four fans now, his tail is wagging so hard he's making a breeze. The next day his tail is sore from wagging his tail so aggressively. You'll need to give him an ice pack for his tail and comforting kisses. 
His cuddly nature doesn't stop in public though toned down of course. He'll be holding your hand the whole time the two of you walk around. You'll be standing in front of an employee with him standing behind you paws on your hips as you tell the worker he asked for no pickles, he hated pickles. Ick. 
If you let him he'll pull you onto his lap and practically hide you in his fur as he cuddles you. Will like your face he has no shame. 
Oh how he loves carrying you around the place while he does things. If you're doing chores and can't reach something he wouldn't grab it for you he'd pick you up and hold you so you could get it. He'd watch you with a smile as his tail wagged. Loves doing chores with you, it's better doing it with someone he loves so dearly. 
He's a bit clingy and will try to follow you into every room and get confused when you push him out. Will wait for you to come back out. Though if you tell him you need some space he'll understand and go do something else.
Times you're not around he'll cuddle your pillow or stuffed animals if you have them. If you don't he'll collect all your clothes and snuggle into them. Honestly anything that smells like you will work. The moment your back he's tackling you and carrying you to the bed for cuddles. If you smell like someone else he'll make quick work of rubbing his face all over you to get his scent on you instead. He's the jealous type but he won't tell you that. It's obvious though but cute that he tries to hide it. 
If someone he doesn't like is near you he will wrap an arm around you and slowly pull you in closer, you're not leaving his side. 
Loves giving you piggy back rides. He finds it so funny feeling you try to wrap your arms around him. If he's giving you a piggyback ride on a hike he's going to run you better hold on tight cause he's going as fast as he can. He's having fun, don't worry he won't drop you. Maybe. 
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ryuseibutgayer · 9 months
A little cuddling date with Mizo mid boys sound sosososisosiisossoso 🥹
I LIVVVVVVE MY SWEET ANON (*^3^)/~☆ My apology for this being as late as it was- I was so excited to work on this too, it's such a sweet idea 😭 I was just bombarded by horrific news and bad weather, I hope you can at least understand (I won't wish you to know the experience, because if you do, then we both know how shitty it is).
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚜𝚜 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊
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• If you two just set up the date where the raw purpose of it is to cuddle
•Oohhhhh boy
• Better hope you don't move a lot cause there's so much SHIT just SPEWN ALLLLLL OVER HIS BED AND BETWEEN THE BLANKETS 😭
• It's only shit he planned to be there tho• Like Yamagishi wanted you to be able to just palm around the blankets and just pull out a snack bag from the bed's inventory
• So thoughtful
• if you're a cold person, I genuinely don't know how you'll feel knowing this but
• He's like grossly warm
• Yes yay he's warm and cuddly and all nice wooo
• But what the fuck
• Shottie's that weiiiird warm, I don't know if you understand but
• There you go
• Do with that what you will
• I get the feeling that he routinely gets up to pee every half hour 😭
• HIS CUDDLES ARE GREAT! His arms are just MWAH smug and comfy- it's just- fucking sit still boy, cmon
• He's definitely the guy to rest his chin on top of your head. Big spoon or little spoon, he gotta have a chin spot
• If he could sit still, he'd be a solid 9/10 cuddler, so I'm gonna go ahead and put him as a 8.2 😌
• t h e r e . i s . n o . e s c a p e .
• He's very polite and makes sure to ask if you're all comfyyyyy or if there's anything you might need to grab to have nearrrr and he snuggles up so nice as (preferably) the bigger spoooon
• and once he has his hands on you
• you're not fucking leaving
• excuse you? No, I don't care if your colon implodes, we're on a fucking cuddle date, that means cuddles and you can't give cuddles if you LEAVE ME-
• 😭😭 I mean he doesn't mean to, and I swear he barely notices it ok?
• I don't know how you guys feel about being a prisoner to a caring partner who wouldn't even realize if you stopped breathing during a cuddle date
• He's got you, his beloved partner, under his arm and sharing warm, loving affection. What else could he need to relax?
• n e w s a r t i c l e s . 🗞
• He's at peace with you so he's taking the time to relax and read through things going on with the media on his phone and just generally zone out
• He's not focused on you at all like consciously
• So if you feel loved being both coddled and neglected, he's the one guys. 😭👍
• Personally I'd give him an extra 2 points for how soft his body is like? Bro? How the-?? So sadly he's the lowest ranking of the Mizo Middle boys with a (not too bad!!) 6.7/10
• I swear he's so
• G A H (lovingly)
• allow me to start off by saying he's the softest and firmest motherfucker out there
• if you squish them he's just gonna whine at you to knock it off 😭
• He's the perfect temperature ALWAYS
• He doesn't mind any specific cuddling forms and is just generally glad to have time to spend with you
• He's a very sleepy guy, I personally believe he has a work-out routine he strictly sticks to in order to obtain the muscles of his dreams
• Imagine how nice they'll be to lay on when he's older omg
• but anyways 💀
• He's so great, he's just the greatest back pack or the best little body pillow to squeeze• He can't help himself from falling asleep tho, and that's like the only downside to cuddling with this guy 😭
• So I'm gonna go ahead and give him a solid 9/10 😌
• .....this boy-
• no forget politeness
• He is obsessed with cuddling, however
• He's a super soft huggy boy who just wants to hold ya gently while watching something together and squish your shoulders or your hips outta nowhere
• I feel like if yall cuddled and he wasn't watching or reading anything and being distracted,
• Yall would be having a 3am deep type conversation at like 7pm 😭
• like if there's no TV and no book or phone, it's just YOU 👁👁
• He's a tiny bit chilly but his skin is super soft
• He moisturizes 🤫
• You KNOW he smells like those really nice hair products you normally only get to smell fresh after a haircut yk?
• I feel like he has to readjust his feet a bit cause- sorry honey, but them feet colder than the grim reaper's grasp 😭💀
• Like yall watchin a movie and he moves to get his knee up more and get comfy at the hip• And this mfs luggy ass toes just scrape your foot• He apologies it's fine
• .....bro if you got a foot fetish tho he's gonna be disgusted by any comments you make, I hope you're aware people hate you
• like
• uhh no judgement tho??
• Anyways, considerate boy is a pretty good 7.4/10 cuddler 😌
• If yall are disappointed and think I rated him too low, no disrespect but FUCK YALL 😭 YOU DONT KNOW MY COLD ASS FEET TRAUMAS
And we leave off on a very odd note- but I definitely feel the mizo middle boys are high ranking cuddlers
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wandafiction · 2 months
Pancakes And L Bombs - Just Us Chapter 35
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3861
Series List | Chapter 34 | Chapter 36
"I'm hungry." Tommy interrupts Nathaniel's story about something that I have no clue about, he just keeps babbling on about aliens and space but we are all still huddled together just listening. 
"Me too." Billy pipes up.
"Me three." Nathaniel looks at me from the end of the bed.
We have all shuffled around, since I kept losing feeling in my limbs with everyone on top of me. I am currently in the center of the bed, sitting up with my back to the headboard, Wanda is laying down on my left with her head in my lap as I weave my hand through her hair and allow her to play with my fingers of my other hand. She is so cute and very much just like a puppy who loves attention. Nathaniel is sitting with his tiny butt on my shins, his legs in the small gap between mine as he leans back a little against my feet using them as a cushion. 
Tommy seems to be like his mom when it comes to physical contact as he is on my right side leaning against me, with my arm wrapped around his shoulders he has one hand on his lap while the other is holding onto Wanda's free one that is resting on my leg. Billy seems to have become quite protective, much like an older brother, towards Nathaniel because he is currently sat behind Nathaniel. Behind my feet because I am not dealing with two humans on my leg. His arms wrapped haphazardly around his little body, as he rests his chin on the crown of his head. Billy is also allowing Nathaniel to play with his hands, which consists of a lot of pulling of his fingers and clapping his hands together. It is so cute my heart can't take it.
"You hungry Wanda?" Her head turns upwards to look at me, a small smile plastered on her face.
"I could say yes to some of your famous pancakes." I look around at the other faces.
"Pancakes good with everyone else?" Everyone nods their heads excitedly at me. "Good because I make some killer pancakes and I haven't made them in a while."
Now even though me and Wanda are all cuddly at the moment we haven't actually told the boys about us, and when I say boys I mean Tommy. But it's not hard to see what's right in front of you, and I wish I could read Wanda's mind to know what she is thinking right now. I know Billy knows and is perfectly okay with it, Nathaniel is too young to know 100% what's happening but he is also not supid. Tommy keeps giving me a look, not a threatening or confused, but he looks at me then down to his mom and just smiles back up at me. I think he knows, no I know he knows but I also think Wanda wants to tell him just so everyone is on the same page.
"I can hear your thoughts from down here Y/n." I'm broken out of my train of thought by Wanda's raspy voice. I can hear a small amount of her accent present in her voice. I noticed she hides it more in front of her friends but it comes out when she is with her boys.
"You can speak normally Wanda, I think Nathaniel would find your accent pretty cool." She snuggles her face more into my lap and I feel her smile against me.
"You have an accent? That's so freaking cool, American people are so boring!" Nathaniel lifts himself a little so he can shuffle up my body, his feet are now against mine and his stomach is on my legs as he rests his head on my thighs to look up at Wanda.
"I do indeed little one?" I fawn over Wanda as she lets her full accent slip out, removing her hand from mine and gently weaving it into Nathaniel's short hair before cupping his cheek. 
"Woah. I love it." I feel Wanda giggle into my lap as she rubs her thumb against Nathaniel's cheek and he leans into her touch more. 
"Even though I am enjoying sitting in bed doing nothing, I need to get up to make pancakes." I say out loud as my stomach grumbles and Nathaniel laughs against my leg while Wanda turns her head to look at me.
"That was right next to my ear." She whines up at me cringing at the thought of the sound.
"Well if you got up from her lap she could go and make food then you can relax against her all you want without weird whale noises ruining the moment." Billy gives his mom a cheeky grin and I lean across to high five him.
"Your child is right. Up or no pancakes." I hear Wanda gasp and scramble to get off my lap.
"Rude, that is rude. You can't threaten me with no pancakes to get your way." She pouts at me knowing exactly what she is doing and I have to refrain from kissing her.
"She's right though mama she can't cook pancakes if she is still in bed." I laugh aloud when Wanda's hand makes contact with Tommy's thigh at his cheekiness but he earns a high five from me.
"I'm up see, not on her lap she can easily get up and go." Wanda tries to act angry but the small smile on her face doesn't go unnoticed by us. 
"Aww is mama all sad she is going to miss out on her big Y/n bear hugs." Billy moves to sit next to Wanda bumping her shoulder as she grumbles. 
"Nope. Not one bit." Wanda tries to act stern but it's really not working and me and the boys are trying hard not to laugh.
"So you're saying if Y/n left this room right now without giving you a hug. Just up and left to make food, you would be okay and wouldn't chase after her for a cuddle?" Tommy leans his head forward looking past me to his mom to see her reaction, she grumbles a little and sticks her tongue out at the boy.
"No, I mean yes I would be completely fine." Wanda's arms are crossed against her chest as she sits criss-cross applesauce sauce trying to force a pout onto her lips. 
"Should we test it out. Y/n, Nathaniel, let's go make those pancakes." Billy climbs off the bed leaning over to grab Nathaniel holding him against his chest to carry him downstairs. 
I turn to see Wanda's eyes widen slightly but she regains her composure a little still trying to act like it won't bother her. Her hands land in her lap, starting to fiddle with her fingers as she looks down at them hiding her true emotions. Oh my poor baby. Billy taps my foot to bring me out of my thoughts and I slide my butt along the bed slowly until I'm at the edge. Wanda hasn't moved but I can see her look at me through the corner of her eye. Okay then let's see how long she lasts.
I push myself off the bed turning back to see Tommy has a smirk on his face and his waving his hand at me to keep going. So I do. Billy and Nathaniel exit the room first while I hold the door open for them. Tommy is still on the bed with his mom and I tilt my head in question but he just waves me off trying to get a reaction out of his mom. 
As I exit the threshold of the bedroom, I hear the bed sheets rustling and the padding of feet against the carpeted floor. I feel her arms wrap around me from behind, her head between my shoulder blades squeezing me tightly. Her hands come to rest on my abdomen, I remove them gently, hearing a protesting whine leave her lips but she smiles at me when she realises I am just turning around to look at her. I wrap my arms over her shoulders bringing her face to my chest, I can feel her leave small pecks against it obviously not caring that the boys can see it too.
"Okay you got me. I like cuddles." Tommy and Billy laugh while Nathaniel awws which makes Wanda's smile grow. 
"Never do that again." Wanda looks up at me with pleading eyes.
"I promise." I look past Wanda to see Tommy with a huge smile on his face looking at his mom, then to me and his smile seems to grow.
"Mama, why don't we let the boys and Y/n cook us pancakes." Wanda turns to look at Tommy as he suggests the idea.
"Um, okay. Everything alright?" Her eyes look worried as she looks back to me and I can guess what is going on in that beautiful mind of hers.
"I will leave you two to talk." I bend down slightly to whisper to Wanda. "He looks happy Wands try not to worry."
"Wands?" She smiles so bright I swear I need sunglasses. 
"Yeah, I thought I would try it out. You like it?"
"I do."
"Good. Now we will be downstairs when you guys are done."
"Okay." I let go of Wanda as she takes a few steps back in the room, my eyes go to Tommy who smiles and nods at me.
I turn around heading downstairs to join the boys who are already in the kitchen getting all the pans and mixing bowels out. I smile when I see the sight. Nathaniel is on the counter top swinging his legs in the air as Billy searches the cupboards for everything we need to make the pancakes. Nathaniel lists a few things he wants with his pancakes and Billy easily follows and grabs stuff out of the fridge, smiling at Nathaniel's smile. 
"Did we win?" Is the first thing Billy asks me upon entering the kitchen.
"We sure did." He comes up to me, for what I expect is a high five but in reality he hugs me tight. As he is hugging me I realise how tall he is as his head comes to just in line with my chin. "You're taller than your mother. I bet she hates that?"
"Yeah, I inherited my dad's tall genes and Tommy seems to have inherited my mom's height."
"Well she is still quite tall."
"Yes but not as tall as us." I see him look past me, so I turn my head to see Wanda leaning against the door frame as Tommy makes his way into the kitchen tickling Nathaniel as he passes. "Hey mom." 
"You two good there. You need a moment?" Wanda smiles at the sight as Billy is still hugging me.
"No, we are good just celebrating our win."
"Your win?" She curls an eyebrow in question.
"Yeah about how you can't keep your hands off Y/n." I choke on my spot and Wanda's face turns a dark red at Billy's choice of words. "Ew gross no I meant how you like physical touch….you know what never mind you know what I mean."
Billy playfully pushes me off of him in fake disgust, and I hold my hands up in surrender. He makes his way back to the ingredients and starts to measure them out for me while Tommy turns on some light music and starts dancing and singing in front of Nathaniel who is giggling his head off, wiggling his butt against the counter with the music. Wanda is still leaning against the door frame so I send her a small wink, which she smiles widely at, before I make my way to Billy to start making the food.
(Wanda PoV)
I watch as Y/n heads out of the room to go and make us all some food, turning around I see Tommy on the bed sitting criss-cross applesauce with a small smile on his face. He pats the space next to him, and I feel my stomach drop through my ass with nerves. Holy shit. I know that he knows that I know he knows, and all he is doing is smiling at me and patting the bed. How is he so calm? I take in a deep breath before releasing it through my mouth, making my way over to the bed. I place myself on the left hand side of the bed, my back against the headboard and pull the covers over my legs slightly because they are getting a little cold where I am in shorts and a shirt.
Tommy shuffles his butt across the bed to sit in front of me so I pull my legs up slightly, folding my arms on top of my knee and placing my chin on the back of my hands. I tap my foot against the bed as my nerves begin to build up, biting the corner of my lip to try and calm myself down a little and bring me back to my son who is sitting in front of me. I wearily search his eyes for any sort of emotion, but before I can get a definitive one he raises his hands up taking one of mine into each of his and starts rubbing his thumbs along my knuckles. 
"It's okay mama." I feel my lip start to quiver and the tears threaten to make an appearance. "I just want to ask a few things. Is that okay?"
"Sure honey." He brings my hands together clasping them inside his and the warmth I feel from them calms me down a little.
"How did you two meet?" Tommy and Billy have always been protective of me, Tommy more so than Billy so I expected questions. I'm just not sure which questions to expect, so I am going to be open and honest with him.
"We met at a bar, when I went out with my friends." He keeps rubbing his thumbs against my knuckles, not once does he stop knowing it will help keep me calm.
"Does she know about dad?" Okay I didn't expect that question, I furrow my brows slightly but relax when he reassures me that he just wants to know more about the situation.
"She does. She knows we divorced two years ago, she knows how he cheated and is with the very same woman. She knows that he wasn't the best husband but is a good father to you." 
"Okay, I just wanted to make sure I could talk about dad in front of her."
"You can. She lets me talk about him when I need to rant about something he did or didn't do in the past." I smile at the memory of her telling me it's okay to talk about.
"That's really amazing of her."
"Mhmm, she's amazing."
"She is. Next question." I look up to meet his eyes only seeing love in them. "How long have you been together?"
"I asked her last Saturday. She said yes obviously." Tommy laughs a little, shaking his head at me and looks right back at me with those oh so caring eyes.
"How long were you seeing her before that?" I stay quiet as I do the maths in my head.
"Something like two weeks. It's the 2nd right?" I'm still trying to work it out, but am amazed at how quickly we are moving. It's quite scary but it just feels so right.
"Yeah, we are in October now mama."
"Okay, then yeah about 2 weeks before I asked her out. We met on the 10th of September and I asked her to be my girlfriend on the 25th." Tommy nods his head a little as he takes in the information.
"So you guys are moving quite quickly. How are you feeling about that?"
"So many things Tommy. It's scary how much I feel towards her in just this short amount of time. It's scary and nerve racking but at the same time it feels amazing and I feel so safe with her. It's like I am feeling every emotion all at once but the one that stands out the most is…."
"Love." My eyes widen slightly and stay locked to Tommy's. "You love her mama. Don't you?"
"I do. So, so much Tommy." I see a huge smile grow on his face causing his eyes to almost close. My nerves all but dissipate at this point as a matching smile grows on my face at my admission of my feelings. "I really do love her."
"Does she treat you right?" 
"Amazingly Tommy, you saw how she was this morning." He nods for me to continue. "Well she is like that everyday. She cares about what I have to say, and what I'm feeling. She is so patient with me, as this whole thing is new I'm still learning about myself and she has been there with me the whole time. She answers my questions with no judgement, especially when I think it's a stupid question but she simply tells me that I am allowed to ask those question. Tommy she is just, ugh, words can't describe it." 
"She sounds truly amazing, mama. I'm so happy to be able to see you smile like this again, to be able to feel safe and comfortable with whatever it is you are thinking or feeling. One last question. Are you happy?"
"Tommy there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how I am feeling. I just feel so buoyant and exuberant. It's exhilarating, truly it is. This feeling is so euphoric and freeing. I never thought anyone could make me feel this way." I struggle to wrap my head around what I am feeling let alone describe it to someone but the smile on Tommy's face lets me know he gets it.
"I'm so happy for you mama." I see a tear escape his eye and I feel my own eyes sting with tears at my boy's words, my lips turning downward slightly as I try to control my emotions. But when he lurches forward and brings me into a hug, I wrap my arms around him and hold onto his t-shirt for dear life. 
He lets me cry, happy tears, into his shoulder for as long as I need as his hands rub up and down my back helong to calm me down. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear just repeating how happy he is for me and how he can't wait to get to know Y/n more. When I finally pull away from the embrace, wiping what's left of my tears, I cup Tommy's face with both hands making sure he is looking at me when I ask him what I'm about to ask him.
"Are you happy with Y/n being a part of our lives more? Now don't lie, tell me the truth."
"I'm extremely happy mama. I really like her and I know Billy does too. We really like Nathaniel too, he is like a little brother already." 
"I love you Tommy." I kiss his forehead before climbing off the bed and ushering him to follow me downstairs.
"I love you too mama." He kisses me on the cheek and heads into the kitchen as I lean against the doorframe. 
I've been watching Y/n and the boys, well Billy because the other two are having a dance party, cooking the pancakes and the sweet aroma filling my lungs. I haven't moved from the door frame too in awe at the sight in front of me, afraid that if I moved the moment in front of me would end. Billy bumps his hip against Y/n as she wipes pancake mix onto his face, but he gets her back almost immediately by wiping both his grubby hands on her face. At first I'm not sure how she will react because her body freezes, and she turns to look at Billy as he takes a step back. I relax a little when an evil grin makes its way onto Y/n's face and she reaches out her arms to grab Billy by the waist and tickles him. 
His screams of laughter fill the kitchen, making the other two boys stop their dance party and turn around. Billy's legs are flailing in the air as he tries to escape Y/n's grasps, but his brother decides to team up with her and wraps his arms around his legs to keep them still. Nathaniel decides he wants to join in so starts tickling Billy's feet, Tommy informing his brother to try not to kick around so much.
Once he pleads with them to stop, Y/n ushers the other boys away, placing Billy back on the ground so he can catch his breath and compose himself. She asks if he is okay, and he lets out a tired 'yeah I'm good'. From all the playfulness the kitchen and the children, yes that includes Y/n, are covered in pancake mix and other ingredients. 
"Right boys, why don't you go get showered and sorted while I make a fresh batch of pancakes. They should be done by the time you get downstairs and then I can take a shower and get myself cleaned." Y/n grabs a kitchen towel wiping her face off as best she can as the boys let out a chorus of okays moving past me to head upstairs but not before I give all three of them a peck on the forehead as price for passage out of the kitchen.
Y/n sways her hips as she walks over to me slowly snaking her arms around my hips to pull me closer, I let a small gasp out at the contact between our bodies. I look up into her eyes full of so much emotion, my heart feels like it's about to explode with the way she is looking at me. I couldn't care less right now that she is covered in pancake mix, as I snake my arms around her waist resting my head gently on her chest. I breathe her in, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon fills my airways and I smile at it. I love how she smells. 
I look up at her resting my chin on her sternum, as she puts her chin down towards her neck so she can look at me. We have what feels like a silent conversation as our eyes move in sync with one another. My breath is taken away from me as the light catches her eyes and the amber and blue burn so brightly it almost hurts. I lick my lips to wet them standing on my tiptoes, slowly moving my lips to hers as they dance together. When air becomes an issue I pull away to look back up at her. This is it. This is what I want to feel like the rest of my life, I am certain.
"I love you."
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starsurface · 4 months
Ok I'm in for round 3 to request I need to see regressed Fujin and cg raiden headcanons - @plankydreamingcorner
I've got you!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Regressor Fujin Hcs
☁️ Raiden is one of Fujin's go to caregivers
⛈️ Also one of his favorite caregivers <3
☁️ It was actually through Fujin that Raiden found out that he really liked watching regressors (he's such a good cg, fr 🥺)
⛈️ Raiden has this sixth sense that tells him if someone around him is tiny or not
☁️ Although it's also pretty easy to tell if Fujin is little or not
⛈️ Regressed Fujin is either a tiny menace, or the sweetest kid alive
☁️ Like, he'll never do something intentionally naughty
⛈️ But Raiden said no more sweets? It'd be a shame if that cup right there were to slowly make its way to the edge
☁️ Doesn't actually push it off though, he'll grt super close and then giggle and run away when Raiden gets up to stop him
⛈️ However, the cup did fall and break one time and Fujin felt terrible for accidentally hurting it
☁️ He didn't mean to!! Seriously!! He was just trying to have fun, he never meant to break it
⛈️ Luckily Raiden knew it was just an accident and cleaned up the small mess, gently explaining to Fujin that thats why we shouldn't push cups
☁️ Nowadays Fujin only does the cup push with a sippy or bottle, things he knows he can't break
⛈️ Most times Fujin listens to the rules and Raiden doesn't have the biggest bugger on his hands (that's Liu Kang's and Kung Lao's job anyhow-)
☁️ You know that scene in Lilo and Stitch b where Stitch puts on some laundry and pranced around like a superhero until Nani catches him with a disappointed face?
⛈️ ^ That's them, specifically when Fujin's pulling a prank
☁️ Fujin hides behind Raiden a lot while he's small
⛈️ Whether he's actually nervous about being small in front of someone
☁️ Or he's hiding from the grumpy monks after he made their not super important but a bit important papers fly
⛈️ Raiden got mad and lectured for it, because he's a big meanie >:(
☁️ Raiden isn't a strict cg, but he's definitely stern on certain things
⛈️ When he says no, it means no, and no amount of whining or begging can change his mind
☁️ Usually Fujin doesn't fuss much when Raiden says no, a small pout but he quickly gets over it
⛈️ Fujins actually really good at following any rules they've set, and Raiden will get him treats for being good sometimes
☁️ Fujin is a very cuddly, very clingy regressor
⛈️ Cuddles, snuggles, all that jazz
☁️ Raidens a bit more stuff when it comes to giving and receiving physical affection
⛈️ The most he usually gives are shoulder squeezes and maybe a small head pat
☁️ So the first few times Fujin clings to his arm or snuggles up against his side, Raiden doesn't exactly know what to do
⛈️ Don't worry, overtime he gets better and Fujin gets to use him like the 7 ft Teddy bear he is
☁️ Fujin adores playing outside, and Raiden kinda just follows closely behind him
⛈️ He'll let Fujin climb trees, but only lower branches, and he has to be nearby
☁️ One of their favorite activities together is blowing bubbles
⛈️ But that I mean that Raiden will blow bubbles, and Fujin will run around trying to pop them all
☁️ He gets a bit fussy when some bubbles go up a bit too high for him to pop, but will quickly get distracted by new bubbles
⛈️ Fujin is more of a softer regressor, sometimes being depicted as smaller even though he's like, 6, not 3
☁️ Raidens really good at treating Fujin like his age, but also accommodating to what Fujin wants
⛈️ Yes, six year olds can use baby bottles and anyone who says otherwise will get Raiden's wrath (after he comforts the highly upset Fujin)
☁️ Fujin usually likes more healthier options, but one of his favorite things to munch on while small are cookies and milk
⛈️ Raiden makes sure he doesn't eat too much though, mostly because hes a big meanie, mostly because he doesn't want Fujin to get a tummy ache (and he's a big meanie)
☁️ Fujin calls Raiden a big meanie to everything Raiden does that Fujin doesn't like
⛈️ Raiden's okay with the nickname, he'd rather be a big meanie than have a very upset Fujin on his hands
☁️ While Fujin is a very well mannered regressor, he also loves annoying people, specifically his brother
⛈️ He'll ask Raiden what he's going, follow him around, poke him, stand just outside Raiden's workspace so he's technically not in the room
☁️ Little Raiden gets incredibly fussy at Fujin's act, but big Raiden has much more patience
⛈️ Fujin keeps trying to steal Raiden's hat so he can wear it
☁️ He so far has been unsuccessful in all his attempts so far
⛈️ Fujin doesn't throw tantrums or hissy fits often, mostly when he's had a tough day and doesn't know how to properly communicate
☁️ Raiden will gently hold his little brother, rocking him and wiping away his angry tears
⛈️ He'll excuse any yelling or hitting (very rare, has only happened once) Fujin did, mostly because he knows Fujin feels guilty and never really meant to harm him
☁️ Those days are mostly spent cuddling and crying about big feelings
⛈️ Raidens also very good with handling Fujins nonverbal moments (personal hc that Fujin goes nonverbal when he's very angry or upset)
☁️ He'll slowly figure out what's making Fujin that upset, and make it go away
⛈️ He will also firmly hold and rock him (Fujin likes being squeezed)
☁️ That's his baby brother after all, if anyone knows how to make Fujin feel better, it's Raiden
⛈️ Fujin likes uppies, but likes running around more
☁️ Raiden’s strong, he can easily carry Fujin on his hip
⛈️ . . . But Fujin needs to stop tackling him when he was to get picked up >:(
☁ Raiden’s main CG nicknames are Bubba or Rai
⛈️ Other regressors call Raiden Grandpa Rai (because they're mean-) and one time Fujin called Raiden that and Raiden pouted foe three days straight
☁️ Almost nothing could make him feel better, and it was highly entertaining
⛈️ Also he is NOT that old and the other regressors need to start being nicer >:(
☁️ Raiden doesn't often use nicknames towards Fujin, especially when he first started watching Fujin regress, but he gets more in the hang of it as time goes on
⛈️ Sweetheart, Cloudy, Stormy, Sweetie, Fuu Fuu, all those sorts
☁️ Fujin likes coloring, and has made a picture of him and Raiden before prompting passing out because he stayed up past nap time to finish it
⛈️ Raiden totally didn't cry when he saw the words ‘Bestest Big Brudder Ever’ on it (it's hung in Raiden’s room)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ugh, I love the Storm Brothers. 🥺
Also, I got super, super sick recently, so these might not be the best. I can totally do or make more!! :D
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sports-on-sundays · 29 days
idk if you’re taking requests but could you do a fluff with rodrigo riquelme where him and the reader enjoy a rainy day indoors
rainy days / Rodrigo Riquelme
Summary: sunny!Rodrigo x girlfriend!cloudy!reader - A little bit of rain won't stop you and Rodri from having a fun day together. Fluff so sweet it might rot your teeth.
Warnings: thunder & lightning
Requested?: Frick yes!
Author's Note: My friend, I'm so happy someone requested for him that I probably actually blushed when I opened my inbox and saw this. I am your certified no. 1 Roro girlie, here at your service! 🫡
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Just as you enter the living room where Rodrigo has been waiting for you for the last half hour to finish getting ready, it starts raining.
"Nooo!" you whine, your hands going to your face in dismay. "You have got to be kidding me!"
Rodrigo sets down his phone, frowning, looking out the window. "And it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon... Look at all those dark clouds over there!" He leans back at an angle to get a better view.
You plop down next to him, crossing your arms, and murmur, "And I got all dressed, too, in this brand new dress. Now I have to go change, since we can't even go out..."
"Hey, wait," Rodrigo says, turning to look at you for the first time since you entered the room. "You don't have to go change. You look lovely in that dress."
"Don't be silly. It's a sundress. I'm not going to be wearing a bright yellow sunny sundress when it's pouring outside and we're stuck indoors!"
"Aw!" he grins, his eyes sincere. "Why not? I'm here, and I think you look adorable in it. I'm certainly impressed, even though you took an hour and a half getting ready."
"You sure?"
"Of course I am!" he laughs, pulling you into a hug, kissing your cheek, like he's snuggling with a teddy bear. "I'm so glad you decided to wear that dress, rain or shine!"
"Well..." you smile softly, blushing deeply. "I was hoping you'd think it's pretty."
"See?" he grins. "I do, so there's nothing to worry about. And I'm sure we can find plenty of fun things to do inside. Come on!" He grabs your hand, pulling you up to stand with him.
He leads you to the dining room, where he has your picnic blanket and lunches on the table. You click your tongue in disappointment. "We can't even have our picnic."
But Rodrigo looks at you with cheery eyes. "Sure we can!"
"Rodrigo, it's pouring!"
"We can have it inside!"
You frown, crossing your arms, and say bluntly, "That's stupid."
"No, it's not. Come on." He picks up the lunch and goes to the living room. He lays out the soft blanket on the floor and lays the food out. "No reason we can't have it right here. Here- and I'll open the windows, too, for some fresh air."
"Wait, no-" you suddenly say nervously, sitting down on the blanket.
He stops with his hand on the window's handle. "Why not?"
"I..." you hesitate, before continuing softly "What if it turns into a lightning storm...?"
Rodrigo smiles softly. "Then I'll close them. We'll be fine."
"You're sure?"
"One hundred percent," he chuckles, opening the windows. As he sits down next to you and begins taking out the food, you have to admit, the breeze does feel nice, and you like the sound of the rain outside.
So you sit together and eat your indoor picnic, and once you finish, Rodrigo lays down and pulls you down with him, murmuring, "Wanna just cuddle?"
"Sure," you chuckle. You have a very cuddly boyfriend.
So you just lay together, arms around each other. You rest your cheek against his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair, and you both stay silent, just contently listening to the pattering of the rain falling outside.
Suddenly, though, there's a loud crack of thunder, and you flinch, letting out a little squeal, and automatically take two fistfuls of the soft pullover sweatshirt Rodrigo is wearing.
He chuckles softly, leaning away a bit to look at you. "You scared?" he asks teasingly, but also softly.
"Can- Can you just close the windows please?"
He smiles and nods, before hopping up to do so. Once they're closed, he asks, "You're scared of thunderstorms?"
You pout a little, sitting up on the blanket. "Maybe."
"Aw," he grins. "Cutie."
You lick your lips, rolling your eyes, and cross your arms. "Whatever."
But suddenly, lightning flashes, and you jump again, biting your lip nervously, before tucking your knees to your chest and resting your face in your arms.
"Hey, hey," Rodrigo says gentler, sitting next to you. "It's okay..." He wraps his arms around you, which does add a lot of comfort. After a while of him just holding you, he says, "Hey, why don't we do something to get your mind off it? Why not play a board game or something?"
You swallow and nod, before clearing your throat and saying, "Alright. Sounds good to me."
He nods. "M'kay. You wait here; I'll be right back with a board game for us to play, yeah?"
You nod, and he's off. But only for a moment, because soon he's back with a Sorry! box in his hands. He sits down next to you, and you're just beginning to take the board out of the box when suddenly, there's another loud crack of thunder, and a second later, the room goes black.
"Rodri!" you gasp, clinging to him, burying your head in his chest.
He laughs softly and rubs your back. "It's okay. The electricity just went out, is all... There's nothing to be scared of... I'm right here..." he soothes gently.
The fact that Rodrigo knows you also have a fear of the dark- that's really not helping your situation. "But... what if... I don't know..." you sigh, leaning away. "How are you not scared?"
He shrugs with a little smile. "I like storms. And there really is nothing to be scared of. The chances of lightning hitting us is so incredibly low, there's no reason to worry."
"Hey." He gently tilts your head up to meet his sincere eyes, which you can just barely see in the dark room, with the electricity now out. "Chin up, princess. Your crown is falling," he teases.
You sigh with a nervous smile and nod.
"And do I look scared?"
You frown. "No."
"Then there's no reason for you to be scared, either."
You pout. "That's not fair for you to say. You're, like, a footballer and travel and stuff. You do scary things all the time."
He grins. "Have I ever been killed playing football? Have I ever been killed flying in a plane or driving in a bus? Clearly not, because I'm sitting here right now looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. So what makes you think that we're going to get killed in a thunderstorm?"
You shrug with a more genuine smile. "Nothing."
His grin widens. "There you go. Besides, I think we're far too important to get killed in such a dumb way as getting struck by lightning. You know? I think we've got far more life to live than that."
Now you match his grin. "Alright, alright. You've won me over. Now, you're getting pretty obnoxious: just looking at me so cute, and not even kissing me or anything."
He giggles a bit and says, "Well, sorry!" before cupping your chin and leaning in for a kiss, spreading his sunny, cheery, happy-go-lucky aura around you, despite the rain and wind and thunder and lightning outside.
When he pulls away, you're about to lean in for more, but just then, he slaps his thighs and says, "Now, let me go get a candle, so we can get to playing Sorry!"
You smile softly as he walks off with a skip in his step.
Oh, Roro.
Soon, he's back with the candle. It takes him four tries and some taunting giggles from you until he's able to light the match and the candle before it going out first. When he finally does, he lets out a relieved sigh and says with a laugh, "Finally!"
"'Finally' is right! Rodrigo Riquelme, public enemy number one- when it comes to matches!"
He grins and nods, very, very, slowly and carefully setting the candle down next to the playing board, before you get playing.
You end of beating his socks off in Sorry!. "There!" you grin, setting your last piece in the 'home' tunnel. "Professional Hasbro Sorry! player right here! No, no, really, it's okay- I can give you my autograph!"
This, though it's not particularly hysterical, sends your boyfriend into a fit of laughing. He just tends to find you funnier than most people. One of his friends could say the exact same thing, and he might give a small chuckle.
And you laugh with him, because you love the sound of his laughter.
Finally, he begins cleaning up the board, a smile still lingering on his face, as he says, "Look at us. A pro footballer and a pro board game player. Power couple one hundred right here."
"You got that right," you chuckle, before a sudden, big yawn comes on you.
Rodrigo looks up with a little sparkle in his eyes. "You getting sleepy?" he asks as he closes up the Sorry! box.
You shrug, smiling back. "Dark, gloomy days make me more tired."
"Gloomy?" he asks, standing up. He holds his hand out to you, and pulls you up to stand as well. "I don't think this day has been gloomy at all."
"What do you mean? The weather is crap."
He sets the board game box on the end table by the couch, before coming back to you and linking his arms around your back, looking you straight in the eyes. "Gloomy is the last word I would use to describe seeing my gorgeous girlfriend in such a pretty dress," his voice softens, and so do his eyes as he continues, "It's the last word I'd choose for having a picnic with her- indoors or not, or getting to cuddle with her. I would never, ever say getting to joke around with you, and laugh with you, is gloomy. I think getting to spend time with you, playing a board game, is the exact opposite of gloomy, actually."
You grin and throw your arms around him. "I love you so much! You know that?"
He kisses your cheek with a loud 'mwah!' before promptly lifting you up and bringing you to the couch. "I love y-"
"Now what are we doing?"
"My goodness!" he laughs. "You don't even let me say it back!" he jokes as he lays down on the couch, letting you lay on top of him.
"Okay, okay, sorry. Say it back."
"I! Love! You!" he giggles, and in between each word pecks your lips. "Now, I think it's time for you to go to sleep, sleepyhead."
You smile, nuzzling into him. "Alright. I'm down for that."
"Good," he whispers with a content sigh, before his hands begin absently loosely braiding your hair.
Your eyes flutter closed, and just as you're drifting off to sleep, you feel a sleepy sigh from Rodrigo, and you're not sure if it's his voice really, or just a fragment of your sugar sweet dreams, but you perceive the soft whisper from Rodrigo murmuring, "Oh, Y/n. Whatever would I do without my Y/n?" and his soft lips kissing you goodnight.
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amourtoken · 1 month
hai back again (tell me to fuck off if i spam too much 🤞)
very very touchy feely snuggly nicky after he comes home from tour. like immediately attacking you with kisses and hugs. tossing you on the couch and spooning you and kissing you all over. i need to snuggle with him so bad this isnt fair
Like he for sure has a rough streak but when he's just gotten home from tour and has spent weeks missing his baby??? Sweetest sweetheart to ever live on God.
he'll whine and complain every time you try and pry yourself out of his arms for literally any reason and most of the time you give in and stay for at least a few more minutes cause he has the sweetest puppy eyes and you can't help it.
The mf is always in bed or on the couch w someone there's no way he doesn't enjoy snuggling. (Js there's been multiple times where Noah has come to hang out with you two and you all end up passed out squeezed on the couch together)
I feel like he's more a fan of you laying on top of him/him kinda sprawling over you as opposed to spooning just cause it feels more connective(?) To him. He can give forehead kisses and play with your hair and rub your back or if you're in the right position he can rest a hand on your thigh he's just happy to touch you. If he's laying on you though he's pressing light kisses all over your neck/jawline and whispering random praises, telling you how much he's missed you and how he hates leaving for so long without you being able to come.
He rlly enjoys laying w his head on your chest cause he can hear your heartbeat and it really grounds him. It reminds him all of this is real and you're really here and his, he's so scared that all of this is just a dream and there's no way he's so lucky to have this life but thankfully it's absolutely real as you remind him of such whenever you notice he's zoning out.
pls play with his hair and he'll pass out immediately 💀 unfortunately this means you're trapped under him indefinitely cause he's wrapped around you like a snake.
I offer: evidence of the cuddly Ruffilo (that I found on pinterest)
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hellodeez · 2 years
HEY! i saw ur pinned post and i was wondering if u could make a story about a POC male and ick gayson. something short and sweet and cuddly but your able to do wat u wish tbh i rlly need this to comfort me LOL no pressure tho :)
Dick Grayson x POC male reader!
Warnings: short, fluff, bad because i haven't written in forever
Summary: dick Grayson admiring his absolutely majestic boyfriend because he deserves all the love in the world ❤️❤️
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You two were currently at his apartment watching a horror movie. You were screeching at every jumpscare and your h/t hair bouncing with every scream.  He can't believe he managed to to even exist in the same world with a man so handsome.
"Dick? You good babe?" You say with concern because you could feel him staring at you for like 5 minutes barely blinking. "Huh? What? Y-yeah I'm good" he replies, embarrassed that you caught him staring like a lovesick teenager in a corny highschool romance movie.
"You know i love you right babe?" He asks. "Yeah of course- AH!" you cut yourself off with a scream. He is so in love with you. He loves everything about you and everything that makes you, you. Your culture, when you say sweet nothings to him in your secondary/primary language, when you teach him how to make food from your culture but accidentally end up burning the kitchen down, when you kiss him and tell him you love him. He loves you.
"Dick! You're missing all the good parts!!" You whine, snapping Dick out of his thoughts . "Sorry", he gives you a kiss to the forehead and snuggles up close to you, "I just can't help it when I have the best boyfriend ever" he says nuzzling his head at the crook of your neck. If he were a cat he'd definitely be purring right now.
"Well, the best boyfriend ever wants you to watch the movie with him" you say stealing some more blanket from Dick. "Alright alright" he chuckles. "Is that guy the good guy or the bad guy?" He asks. "Maybe you'd know if you payed attention to the movie" you say. "So sassy today...I love you" he says. "Love you too Dick".
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