#and then other times i will be like mmm cant concentrate on this actually BUT
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andrewknightley · 2 years ago
I think you might really enjoy Cabin Pressure, it's similar to the other offbeat british comedy stuff that you like! it's a radio sitcom based around a tiny airline that owns one (1) plane, two pilots and has to take on wacky cargo and passengers to keep things running. it's written by john finnemore who's a co-writer on the new season of good omens, and has an amazing cast including benedict cumberbatch as one of the pilots (pre-sherlock so no typecasting and he's genuinely very funny)! I cannot recommend it enough and I'm sure I can dig up the episodes if you're interested c:
Ooooh sounds fun!! Tragically I have personal beef with benedict cumberbatch because he made me lose the bus once so that would be an extra efford I had to do fggfj
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maleficar-writes · 4 years ago
Pairing: The Darkling/Alina Starkov
Fandom: Shadow & Bone | The GrishaVerse
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, light bondage, sex magic, dirty talk
Summary: He was power crafted into flesh. But so was she.
Aleksander impresses the importance of control on Alina. She is a quick study.
On AO3: Link
They rode side by side, leaving the Little Palace and Os Alta behind them on a crisp, chilly day in late fall. Since the day at the well, he’d invited her out a handful of times—whenever he was at the Little Palace, he seemed to find an excuse to go riding with her.
Alina turned her eyes to the sky and wished he’d find an excuse to go riding with her. She probably hadn’t made it clear she was interested in him like that. After all, she’d dropped hints to Mal for years, but he never looked twice at her.
“Your lessons are progressing well?” Aleksander asked her, breaking the silence between them.
He rode like he was born for the saddle, all straight lines and confidence. He held the reins in one gloved hand, his other resting loosely in his lap.
With a sigh, Alina slouched in her saddle. She didn’t ride well at all—even without the comparison to him, she felt as uncomfortable on a horse as she did in her classes. She belonged in both places, but she fit wrong.
“Well enough.” She looked away from him, studying the passing trees with more interest than they deserved. “I can summon the light, at least.”
The sound of his agreement caressed the length of her spine. Her back arched, her shoulders rolling back, and when she glanced at him, she found him studying her.
His brows lifted and he gave her a faint look of amusement. “You’ll need to do more than simply summon light at the Fete.”
Since she couldn’t scowl at the great General Kirigan, she dragged her eyes away from him and back to the trees just in time for them to give way to a broad meadow.
“Sometimes,” he said, “it helps to have a goal to work toward.”
He dismounted at the edge of the meadow, leading his horse toward a nearby post.
Head canted to the side, Alina followed and dismounted as well. “Why’s there a post here?”
“Old training field,” he replied, tying his horse and then hers.
“What’s here that will give me a goal?” She surveyed the field, barely managing to disguise her disbelief.
Aleksander gave her a dry look as he stepped around her, putting the horses at their backs. “Space.” He sounded incredibly amused by this, like he knew something she didn’t.
To be fair, he certainly did.
Frowning, she followed after him. “Why do we need this much space?”
The meadow was easy as big as the massive drive leading up to the Grand Palace. A critical examination of the meadow using all the skills she’d gained as a mapmaker told her they easily had the same area as a city block.
Aleksander stopped walking forward, and she stumbled to a halt half an inch away from his back.
He glanced over his shoulder at her. “You won’t see anything from there, Miss Starkov. Come—” She hoped the heat that washed through her at that word didn’t show on her face. “—and stand at my side.”
She joined him, watching him with curiosity.
He clasped his hands together behind his back.
Their shadows overflowed their boundaries, darkness welling up around their feet, their ankles. The sight of it no longer frightened her. Instead, he awed her as he brought his hands around his body, drawing more shadows from the distant edge of the meadow.
“Do you remember what I told you on our first ride to the Little Palace?”
Frankly, it was a blessing she’d forgotten the bulk of their terrifying flight across Ravka. At first, she’d dreamed of the Drüskelle’s death regularly. Had jolted awake from nightmares of his blood splashing her face all over again or, worse, the hand axe cracking into her skull. Now, the whole thing seemed like a lifetime ago.
Unsure if she should be embarrassed that she didn’t remember, she ducked her head. “No,” she answered honestly.
“The Cut,” he said, and her eyes jumped back to him.
She remembered that.
The Cut was a technique unique to Summoners, a shaping of power that required tremendous skill and concentration.
“I’ve seen the Cut,” she said, her voice low and soft. She didn’t know what might happen to all that power if she disrupted his concentration.
“So you have.” He held his hands before him, creating a crescent of writhing darkness in the air, holding the scythe-like edge.
Her eyes widened. To casually hold the power like that… how much power did Aleksander actually possess? What was the true extent of his abilities? She knew he was old, knew that meant he had considerably more power than the average Grisha, but—
“But we can do more with our power than just kill—than just destroy,” Aleksander said, a strange quality in his voice.
Darkness fell from his fingers in inky pools as he spread his hands wide, creating a plane of shadow. One of his hands slid beneath the darkness, as though supporting a tray, the fingers of his other hand danced over the plane, sculpting it slowly into a panorama.
Alina exhaled heavily with wonder, eyes wide as Aleksander made two forms out of shadow that walked together through a glade ringed by trees.
“We can create.” She felt his eyes on hers, but she couldn’t look away from what he’d crafted. “People think the small science has to be big.” His lips quirked, as if he found a joke in the small contradiction of his description.
Darkness collapsed on itself, folding into a small sphere no larger than a marble, but she felt the tremendous weight of it. Its gravity pulled her, and she stepped closer, enchanted by a kernel of midnight.
Aleksander turned his body toward hers. “The small science is small,” he said, his voice lowering. “It needn’t be a grand thing that overwhelms.” He lifted his hand between them, and she stared at the blackness, the emptiness, the void resting on the tips of his fingers. “Where is there shadow, Miss Starkov?”
Her eyes lifted to his. There was a lesson here, and she tried to divine the answer in the darkness of his eyes.
The corner of her lip quirked up.
Your eyes didn’t seem like an answer she could give him. “The night,” she said aloud.
“Think smaller. Where else is the darkness?” His eyes were fierce.
“Beneath the forest canopy.”
“Smaller still, Miss Starkov.”
She licked her lips. “In the space between you and me.”
Something shifted, an infinitesimally small change in his expression. There was darkness there, she thought. Darkness in his eyes.
“The hearts of men.”
“How philosophical.”
Heat flushed her cheeks. “I—”
“You,” he interrupted, “are not wrong.” He spread his fingers wide, and the darkness stretched between them. “You find your piece of the science wherever you can. We are all things, Miss Starkov, that is the truth. And there is power in that.”
Lifting his other hand, he caught the strand of darkness and stretched it into a long, thin rope.
“And underpinning it all is control,” he said, his voice low and rough, his gaze fixed on hers. “The ability to exert your will on the world around you. If your power is everywhere, then you cannot be robbed of it.”
There was something important in that statement, but he gave her no time to pick through the labyrinth of his words.
“And if you can control it, you can never be overwhelmed.”
His hands turned in lazy circles, and she felt a coil of shadow against the inside of her wrist, cool as silk.
With a gasp, she lifted her hands as he drew them together, bound in a cord of darkness. She felt the pressure of another tendril of darkness against her throat, her waist, just below her knee.
Instead of feeling trapped, she felt a strange sort of liberation. If there was darkness in the hearts of men, there was also light, and his shadows were only so dark because her light shone so bright. He bound her in darkness, but she could destabilize his science with her own.
And that was power.
“Could I do this with light?” she asked him, studying her bound hands.
He caught his fingers beneath the knot of darkness, drawing her closer to him. He hadn’t hobbled her feet with his shadowy bindings, but she let herself fall against his chest.
His hand settled on her hip, holding her in place as he chuckled.
“Ah, Miss Starkov, how is it you so often surprise me?”
Since she’d arrived at the Little Palace, she’d thought of him often. At first, she’d been afraid of him. His reputation was as great and terrible as the Fold. He was solitary and given to isolation, they said, whoever they were, with exacting standards and little patience for mistakes. He was power crafted into flesh.
But so was she.
Now, when she thought of him, it wasn’t with fear. It was with respect—more respect than she’d had a moment before. And deeper, buried beneath the respect, was something else. Something hot and hungry, something full of craving.
Full of desire.
Lifting to her toes, her wrists still bound and her eyes on his, she pressed a tentative kiss against his mouth.
His eyes went wide and then drifted half closed, the hand on her hip curling into the heavy fabric of her kefta.
“Twice in as many minutes,” he murmured against her lips.
She shivered, finding the brush of his mouth against hers delicious. “I don’t think that was two minutes.”
“Are you suggesting I possess a poor sense of time?”
“Maybe.” Her lips curved in a faint smile. “Maybe you should release my hands and let me try this on you.”
His other hand found its way around the back of her neck, the tips of his fingers pushing into her hair to hold her close. The hand on her hip gripped her tighter, pulling her against the solid wall of his body.
She inhaled sharply, delighted and somewhat mystified by the sharp ache growing between her legs. She’d felt desire before, but it had always been a muted thing, easily set aside for the more pressing concerns of her own survival. Maybe she should be more concerned with her survival in this moment—he was dangerous, and to suggest he wasn’t was to believe a pretty lie—but all she wanted was to sink deeper into the feeling.
“You are Grisha.” Every word he spoke was like a kiss. Tingles spread from her lips to her jaw, along her scalp and down her spine. “Maybe you should practice your power.”
She hesitated. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
The hand on her hip curved to the small of her back. The heel of it pressed against her, urging her closer, and she was surprised to find there was still space between them, a space she quicky eliminated. Then his hand shifted lower, the tips of his fingers brushing over the swell of her ass.
Dark eyes watched her as his hand eased lower.
“Would you hold any part of yourself back from a lover?” he asked her, his voice low and rich and, Saints, she felt that sound. “Would you not use your hands to touch them?”
“Yes,” she breathed as his hand cupped her ass and tugged her flush against him. His arm kept her close, helped her maintain her balance.
“Would you not use your mouth to kiss them? To taste them?”
She swallowed hard, remembering all those times she’d imagined Aleksander’s mouth on hers. And on other parts of her.
“You’re imagining it now, aren’t you?”
She gasped as liquid darkness slipped over her arms. The bindings around her wrists stayed in place, but cool shadow drifted inside her sleeves and stroked over her skin. Tendrils of it, like so many cool fingers, dipped beneath her tunic and into her breeches.
Skin prickling with heat, she tried to tug her wrists apart.
“Where would you have me kiss you, Miss Starkov?”
“Alina,” she insisted.
“Alina,” he agreed, his voice a rough purr. “Will you dodge my question?”
She wasn’t sure she could answer his question. “I…”
He smiled and brushed his lips against her in the faintest caress.
Somehow, that devastated her more than any other sensation. She felt like she was falling even though he held her secure against his body.
“That wasn’t your original question,” she managed. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You worry about control.” Shadow licked along her thighs, following the curve of her ass, and she gasped, arching into him. His eyes darkened, becoming pools of midnight and desire. “That, Alina, is why we practice.”
He drew his mouth along her jaw, urging her head back and into the palm of his hand. A shuddering breath rushed out of her, tinged with a quieted moan. The heat of his breath washed over her skin, along the column of her throat, and his teeth followed.
Gasping, she yanked again at her hands. “You’re distracting me.”
“You’re not trying.”
She sucked in a sharp breath as he nudged aside the collar of her kefta and sucked on her skin. A reedy sound caught in her throat. “I could hurt you.”
“You could.” He licked the hollow of her throat. “I don’t believe you will, Alina.” He drew away from her neck, his nose following the curve of her jaw again. His lips brushed the shell of her ear, and his teeth caught the lobe. He tugged, and pleasure shot through her like lightning, ricocheting through her body.
And lightning was light and light was her power and she summoned it without thinking. Sunlight shattered the bonds on her wrists as she sank her hands into his hair and yanked him back to her mouth.
Hungry little moans spilled from her lips to his as she kissed him. His hand on her ass flexed, and she arched her back to press into his touch, which only served to have him yank her closer to him again—where she felt the beginnings of his desire against her stomach, even though the heavy layer of her kefta.
“Summon again,” he whispered against her mouth, his hand sweeping over her hip and to the front of her kefta. Fingers of flesh and darkness pulled open her belt and buttons.
She shrugged out of the heavy jacket, letting it fall to the ground as her fingers yanked at his silvery buttons. “I don’t want to.”
As he had, she kissed along the length of his jaw and then down the line of his throat, trying to imitate how he’d licked and sucked on her skin.
The sound he made when her teeth raked over his pulse made her shudder—and drew light to the tips of her fingers.
His fingers stroked down her sides, caught the white chemise tucked into her breeches, and pulled it free. Warm, human fingers caressed her over her stays alongside more cool, silky darkness, and she cried out against the skin of his throat.
“Summon for me, Alina. Show me your control.”
Control? She was supposed to be in control? Now?
Aleksander’s hands spread over her ribs, his thumbs brushing over her breasts through the fabric of her stays.
Burning tension drew through her.
Shadow sank beneath fabric. Two cool coils curled against her nipples, and she gasped.
“Banish the darkness, Alina.”
How was she supposed to find control when he purred her name like that? When he touched her like this, like no one else ever had? When she—Saints, the revelation crashed through her like a spring storm come down from Fjerda. “I don’t want to,” she gasped.
He went still against her, drawing back to peer into her face.
Heart pounding in her chest, she met his gaze, keenly aware that she was already half undressed, and if she tilted her head to the side, she’d see the tunic beneath his doublet and his skin behind that.
“What do you want?” he asked softly, quietly, as if the words might break the world.
She freed the final buckle of his doublet, danced her fingers up his chest, and loosened the laces at his throat. She licked her lips.
Beneath the confines of her skin, she burned, and fire, too, was light. She drew on that burn, on her own desire, and spooled a thread of it to the tips of her fingers. They glittered gold as she let them wander over his skin, her eyes lifting slowly to his.
Light spun off her fingers, reflecting in the darkness of his eyes. She felt it like an extension of her body, drifting over his skin.
Against her sides, his hands tightened. His pupils dilated as she watched, as her light twisted against his flesh like his shadows had against hers. One arch of light ran over his nipples beneath his clothes.
He surged against her, capturing her mouth in a devastating kiss.
Burying her fingers in his hair, she held his mouth to hers. Their tongues met, tangled, and delirious heat wound through her. More light spilled from her fingers, spinning around them both like ribbons.
Just as much as his hands, his shadows pulled at her clothes, loosening her stays, the cords of her breeches.
Cognizant that she’d be naked faster than him, her hands dropped to his shoulders and then lower. She pulled at his clothes, too, until he broke away from their kiss.
One hand cupped her jaw. His forehead rested against hers. “Where is your line?” he asked her.
Saints, she didn’t know. She’d never done this before, but she’d also never wanted someone’s mouth on her skin as much as she wanted his.
As if sensing her hesitation, he began to draw back—and she knew she didn’t want that.
So she ran her hands down his sides, his hips, his thighs as she went slowly to her knees.
His breathing turned ragged. The look in his eyes scorched her.
She knew enough about sex to know all the ways people could play with each other. She knew that all the ways she wanted his mouth on her, he could have her mouth on him.
Emboldened by the way he looked at her, she brushed her lips against the hard line of his cock through his breeches before she spread her kefta on the ground and leaned back on it. She pulled the laces on her breeches open, letting the front panel sag low on her belly, and met his gaze with trembling anticipation.
As if mesmerized, he knelt between her legs. When he leaned over her, she felt sheltered by the shadow of his form instead of caged. His hands pressed into her kefta above her shoulders, and he hovered above her.
“I want—I want to feel—what you said earlier,” she managed, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. Not because she didn’t want him to touch her, to taste her, but because this was new, and she didn’t quite know what she was doing, and she worried about disappointing him.
The hot look in his gaze, the ragged cadence of his breath, all told her she probably didn’t need to worry about disappointing him.
“My mouth on you?” he asked.
She nodded.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto his forearms. His fingers threaded into her hair at her temples, and he kissed her slow and long, his mouth lingering on hers as though she were a treat to savor.
With a groan, she arched against the air, seeking the weight and comfort of his body and frustrated when she didn’t find it.
His tongue licked into her lips as he obliged her, settling against her.
She gasped into their kiss to feel him between her legs—she’d never thought too much about how she might feel the line of a man’s cock through his clothes and against her body, but, Saints, she adored it. The weight of him, the feel of him, filled her with a gnawing need.
“Is that all you want?” he asked her, each word its own kiss.
She licked her lips. Licked his lips. Gasped when that made him groan and roll his hips hard against hers.
Oh, but she liked that. Loved that. Sliding her palms down his back, she curved her hands over his ass and urged him to move like that against her again.
With a moan, her head fell back and her body arched in a sinuous line against his. More friction, more pleasure, and she lost his question in the labyrinth of fire his body created against hers.
Her name on his lips only made her want more, only served to make her burn brighter.
“Alina.” He tipped her face back towards her, and she felt shadows on her legs again. The silky darkness curled around her calves, and she felt them release the buckles of her boots.
That. She needed to learn that.
“Tell me, Alina. Do you want more than my mouth on you?” The mouth in question drifted against her cheek, the whiskers of his beard a delicious rasp against her skin. “Do you want my shadows on your naked skin?”
“Yes,” she gasped, driving her fingers beneath his tunic. Grateful, she was so grateful men didn’t wear stays, because the thought of having to get through more fabric to feel his skin beneath her palms was abhorrent.
“Do you want to feel those shadows inside you?” he asked, his voice a low rumble against her ear. He timed that question with a slow, languid roll of his hips against hers so she couldn’t mistake his meaning.
And she didn’t. Her nails curled into his skin, pulling a hiss that dissolved into a wicked chuckle from him. “Yes. And—and then—”
“And then?” he prompted, when she didn’t finish.
Her teeth caught her lower lip. Talking about this seemed strange, but she liked it. It was difficult to put all these secret desires into words, but when she did, those words made her burn. Made her ache. Speaking her desires aloud only made her want them more.
“And then you.” She turned her head, her mouth stroking lightly against his cheek as he groaned and rocked against her again. “I want to feel you inside me, Aleksander.” He trembled against her, and she ached with pleasure. As much as he could unmake her like this, she had the power to do the same to him. “With your shadows around my wrists.”
She didn’t know what to make of the sound that escaped him, but then he kissed her with such a savage hunger, she realized she didn’t care. He liked the idea, and she burned for it.
Shadows and hands stripped her of her clothes. He held her back in an arch as inky darkness took her shirt; his mouth smoothed over her chest as pale hands pushed her stays off her shoulders.
He didn’t pause to draw back and stare at her. Instead, his tongue traced an ever-tightening circle around her breasts before he reached her nipple. He sucked the little nub between his lips as she cried out his name. His thumb dragged back and forth over the other as shadows pulled off and discarded her boots.
Thinking around the wet heat of his mouth proved nearly impossible, but she did manage to create thin, wavering tendrils of light. The heat from her light kept her from shivering—though she thought the heat from their bodies and desire would work just as well—and made him arch and twist against her body in the most delicious ways. Still, she couldn’t strip him naked as he’d stripped her, and she wanted to. Saints, she wanted to. Wanted to use her power the way he did.
“You’ll learn,” he murmured against her underside of her breast.
“Now you’re content with letting me take my time?”
He grinned at her, and that grin made him seem so much younger than he was. “Never.”
Shifting away from her, he settled on his knees between her legs, both of them shirtless. His gaze drifted over her body, and the heat in his eyes made her squirm.
A muscle in his jaw flexed as he muttered a coarse oath. “Watching you move—” He broke off, running his hands up her thighs. One of those hands curved inward, and now his eyes fixed on hers.
Curled knuckles brushed against her breeches.
She let out a shuddering little sigh and rocked toward his hand. “Please,” she murmured, feeling her cheeks flame.
Aleksander’s knuckles brushed against her cunt through the fabric of her pants.
Alina frowned.
He burst out laughing, leaning over her again. “That’s not the look you want to see on your lover’s face.” He kissed her, and she felt his hand shift, felt his palm cup her. The heel of his hand pressed against her pubic bone, and the frown melted into a wide-eyed look of delight. Of awe.
“That,” she gasped.
Her hips twisted, her body moving to push his hand to the right place. She’d touched herself, she knew what she wanted to feel, knew—
A keening moan fell from her lips, and he devoured the sound with a greedy kiss
His hand rocked against her, finding a rhythm with her, until she burned beneath him and mewls of pleasure became broken pleas for more.
“I promised you my mouth,” he reminded her as she carded her fingers in his hair to hold his lips against hers for more of those kisses.
Torn between two wants, she groaned. “Didn’t think this would be so hard,” she groused.
His brow arched.
“I want everything all at once.”
A thoughtful look crossed his face. “Stay still,” he told her, resting his forehead on hers again. His hand shifted away from her cunt, petting up and down her side as he closed his eyes.
She watched him, curious—and then she felt it. The swell of power, a cresting rise of cool shadow sliding over her belly. It shifted and rolled, shaping with his will into—
Alina jerked when a cool mouth brushed between her legs beneath the fabric of her pants.
Above her, Aleksander’s eyes opened. “Not too strange?” he asked as those cool lips kissed her thighs, her clit. As they kissed her entrance—as a cool tongue flicked against her.
She jerked again, her hips arching against his. She writhed, seeking the weight of his body between her legs and getting only the delicious torment of ephemeral shadow.
“Intoxicating.” His thumbs brushed over her lips as she twisted and arched beneath him, her eyes fluttering shut so she could focus on the feeling, the building pressure and pleasure and heat.
She dug her fingers into his shoulders, clutching him against her body as she sucked one of his thumbs between her lips. She needed something, some kind of action to help alleviate the tension inside her. Instead, grasping him close and sucking on him only made her ache more, only made her burn brighter.
“You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.” The dark timbre of his voice shook her. The cool touch of the tongue between her legs made her keen.
That shadow tongue curled around her clit and she sobbed his name.
“Fuck, Alina.”
The coarse language should have offended her. Instead, it inflamed her.
“Not enough,” he muttered, and one tongue of shadow became two.
The first continued flicking back and forth over her clit. The other thrust into her entrance, and her back bowed beneath him.
“Still not enough.”
His hand smoothed over her belly as she turned her face against his neck. Her hips worked hard against his shadows, shadows that continued to torment her when his hand slipped beneath her pants and cupped her.
The heat of his touch snapped the tension coiling inside her.
She came with a broken sob, her nails raking down his back. Pleasure overwhelmed her, but it wasn’t enough, wasn’t quite the feeling she craved. There was no weight to the mouths on her, and nothing of him was inside her.
“Please,” she gasped, trembling beneath him. “You promised.”
“I did.”
Aleksander slid down the length of her body, those shadow mouths continuing their sweet torment as more tendrils of darkness pulled her pants down her legs. She kicked them aside, and he slid his hands beneath her ass, lifting her off her kefta.
She thought she should be embarrassed when his eyes landed on her naked cunt, slick with her orgasm, but those mouths never stopped tasting her, never stopped tormenting her. It almost felt like too much.
Then his mouth, his hot, wet, hungry mouth descended on her, and she realized she’d been very fucking wrong.
Alina’s fingers dove into his hair. She heard herself beg for more as his lips closed around her clit and sucked, as shadow mouths wrapped around her nipples and tormented her entrance. One hand yanked away from his hair to drive through her own. She didn’t know what to do with herself, what part of his body or hers to touch, how to alleviate the wicked, demanding ache he created once more inside her.
And then, as his tongue flicked against her clit, painting strange patterns on her flesh that made her keen his name, ephemeral shadow became somehow solid. It pushed into her, parting slick folds to fill her, and she knew without any doubt that otkazat’sya men would never be able to give her what she’d crave with sex because she’d always want this—this slick, wicked science, this combination of magic and flesh.
He must have remembered what she’d said to him, because as her hands wandered through his hair, over his shoulders, over her own breasts, shadow coiled around them. Darkness tethered her wrists, pinning them together over her head.
With no outlet, all she could do was feel. Wet heat. Cool silk. Insistent tugs of his mouth, the hot flick of his tongue. She sobbed his name, and the darkness swirled inside her cunt, filling her with power. It dragged along tender flesh, stroking her as he withdrew it, and filled her with a raging fire when he pushed it back into her.
She came a ragged cry, her hips arching against his mouth, against the shadows that filled her.
He grasped her hips and drew himself up her body. His mouth crashed against hers in a brutal kiss. She drowned in it, in sensation, in wet and wicked heat as his fingers petted between her legs and her cunt rippled and clenched around the darkness still inside her.
“You’re delicious,” he whispered against her mouth as she writhed beneath him, twisting against the shadows tethering her arms and against his body above hers. “You still want me—”
Her eyes snapped open and met his. “If you don’t give me what I want, I will learn the Cut just to use it on you.”
That didn’t motivate him, but it did make him lick at her lips. “What do you want, Alina?”
She groaned, her heels scrabbling over the rough grass, her hips arching into his stroking fingers.
“Do you want me inside you?” The murmured words were decadent against her lips, better than any sweet she’d ever eaten. “Do you want my cock stretching your sweet cunt open?” Two fingers slid inside her, the heat of him replacing the cool darkness, and she cried out with delicious shock. How good his fingers felt, burning hot by comparison to his shadows. “Do you want me to fill you until you can’t take anymore? To grind myself against you until you’re begging for me to move?”
She had no idea how good the fantasy he painted might actually feel, but her body certainly wanted it. She felt her cunt squeeze around his fingers, an involuntary contraction that made her moan.
He shifted over her, drawing his fingers out of her. She dragged her eyes open to watch him pull back and strip off his pants. Had just enough time to see his cock, hard and flushed, before he leaned back over her. The head of it nudged against her entrance, his fingers playing once more against her cunt—as much to torment her, she was sure, as to guide his cock into her.
But he didn’t push inside. Instead, he lingered at her entrance, and the tease was unbearable.
“Please,” she gasped, arching, twisting, yanking hard against the shadows that pinned her arms above her head.
He gave her the most infuriating smile—lopsided, smug. “We came here for a lesson,” he reminded her, bending his lips to her chest. He nipped her skin at the swell of one breast, making her jump beneath him, only to soothe the sting with a long stroke of his tongue. Still his cock nudged her entrance but didn’t push into her. “Call the light, Alina.”
For the first time, summoning was easy. She burned, she ached, her skin stretched tight over the swell of glittering pleasure, and that was all her power. She drew it through her body from her hands, and it sparkled over her arms and down her chest, casting scintillating patterns on his skin.
“Collect it, shape it,” he murmured. “Show me what you’ve learned.”
Show him? The fact that she could summon while he drove her out of her mind should have been enough, but of course he’d expect more from her.
“Come now, Alina.” Fuck him for that phrasing. “Impress me.”
She shuddered beneath him, trying to separate herself from the pleasure he’d coaxed through her so far. She couldn’t, not entirely—she didn’t want to—but she found a quiet place in her mind where the pleasure was warm and soft instead of an inferno, and in that space she urged it into a shape.
Light formed into a tongue, and she ran it from the base of his cock to the tip.
He arched sharp against her with a curse, burying himself in her cunt in a single stroke, and Alina moaned his name as she arched beneath him. Full, she felt so delicious full, and though there was a slight discomfort in the first second, that faded a moment later when her cunt rippled around him.
A different sort of pleasure spread through her, and she purred.
Her eyes opened. He stared down at her, his expression the most delicious combination of aroused and surprised and delighted. A lopsided, smug smile spread across her lips, a mirror of his from earlier.
“Impress me,” she said.
With a ragged chuckle, he bent his mouth to hers. “With pleasure, solnishko.”
He drew back slowly, and she sighed with pleasure. He thrust back into her, her hips arching to meet him, and she moaned. As he found an easy pace with her, she let herself down in the sweet friction.
The bonds around her wrist stretched. Fingers twined around her own, and she held them tight as he fucked her in long, easy strokes. Each time he pushed into her, her back bowed, and her body softened more.
She lost herself in their back and forth, content to float in the warmth of their shared pleasure. But he didn’t let her for long. His lips brushed against her ear. “Once more for me,” he told her.
She recognized the warning in those words a moment later when shadow tongues licked against her clit.
Electric pleasure strung her tight. Now, she clutched at the shadow hands holding her own as silky darkness licked her, as cool fingers stroked the swollen lips of her cunt. He played with her, layering her pleasures until she gasped his name and begged for him. Only then did he replace one shadow hand with his own and the shadows between her legs with his fingers.
The heat of him ruined her, shattered her. She came with his name on her lips, and he followed her mere seconds later, his body shuddering over hers.
They lay together, panting, for a long moment. Then he drew back, the cool shadows retreating as his cock slipped out of her body. Instead of pulling away entirely, he settled at her side, giving her most of the kefta.
She turned toward him, her fingers brushing over his jaw, his lips, his shoulders. “Are all your lessons in control going to turn out like this?” she asked him.
He made a thoughtful expression.
Scooting closer, Alina pressed a kiss to his mouth. “I’ve an idea for another lesson if you don’t.”
His brow arched. “Do you?”
“I want to try binding your wrists with light.” Interest flashed in his eyes, and she smiled. “I want to push you into your chair in the war room and bind your hands to its arms. Then I want to climb onto you and ride you.”
He stared at her, the look on his face equal parts aroused and bewildered. “You—”
“I grew up near farms,” she reminded him. “And then joined the military. Believe me: I have plenty of ideas for lessons.”
“You think you can keep control long enough to keep me bound to that chair?” he asked, a wicked growl in his voice.
Her body responded to that tone with a wash of pleasure, and she found herself hungry for more of him even though they’d just finished. Part of her wondered if that was normal—and she got her answer when he rolled her beneath him.
“The minute your control breaks, solnishko, I’m going to put you on your back on that table and fuck you until your screams summon the guards at a run.”
Wrapping her arms and legs around him, Alina grinned. “Maybe I’ll make you beg for that.”
With his face buried in her neck, he laughed. “I hope you do.”
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rainbowshawn · 5 years ago
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(not my gif)
A/N: this was supposed to be pure fluff but got side tracked somewhere along the way. first time writing smut, feedback is appreciated 💓
Summary: teaching your boyfriend how to paint nails sounds innocent enough, right?
Warnings: fluffy smut, language, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Word count: 2.9k
The strong smell of nail polish filled up your cozy room as you dragged the brush gently over each finger tip. Next to you was your boyfriend, comfortably curled up as you balanced an old magazine on your knee to keep your hand steady. His eyes watched you contently, as he was fighting off sleep.
You hold your hand up, eyes squinting at the red color that adorns your nails. A frustrated grunt escapes you as you grab your nail polish remover and a cotton pad. The sleepy boy’s head pops up in confusion.
“What’s wrong, honey?”
“My nails look stupid” you grumbled, a frustrated look decorating your face.
“Why do you think that?” he frowns.
“The color looks bad on me.”
Shawn couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out of his mouth when he saw your frazzled expression. You shot him a glare, “not funny” causing him to giggle even more. Until an idea popped into his head,
“Do you want me to paint them?” he says with a childlike grin and an excited glint in his eyes.
“Shawn, you don’t know how to paint nails”
“So! You can teach me, let me try” he pushes “pleeeeeeease”
He presses his hands in a pleading pose as he pushes his bottom lip out, giving you the eyes. Those sweet, puppy dog eyes that you fall for every time. He knows that’s your weakness and you could never say no. It’s his super power, really. He prides himself on how many times that trick has worked on you. Like his idea to skinny dip on your trip to greece last summer. You were completely opposed to it until that look came onto his face. Next thing you knew, you two were holding each other’s naked bodies in the water as your lips met in a heated kiss. He insisted it was his magic trick.
You contemplate the idea for a moment and quickly give in to his request. You grab your box of nail polishes and place them on the bed between the two of you. His eyes go wide as he takes in the amount of bottles that filled the box.
“Go on rockstar, help me pick a color”
He props himself up on his elbow as he eagerly starts to sift through them, looking at all the different colors. “Who needs all this nail polish?” He holds up a bright sparkly teal, eyeing it intently before making a disapproving face at the bottle. He goes through this process a few times before finally settling on a pretty, dusty pink.
“Does this look good to you?” he looks to you for approval.
A smile spreads across your face as you think of his dedication to finding the perfect color for you. You nod your head in approval “if you like it, I like it”
“I doooo” he says, shifting to sit in front of you.
He wiggles forward until his knees touch yours. He eagerly grabs both your hands and tugs them forward onto his knees.
“Woah, bubba, one at a time” you laugh
“Sorry, getting a little ahead of myself. Just excited to treat you good” he mumbled as he focused on getting the top of the nail polish off. You coo’d and grabbed his face in your hands, tugging him forward to place a few sweet kisses on his pink lips.
“Okay, okay” he snickered out between kisses “now show me what to do, woman”
You began explaining the process to him as you demonstrated on one finger. He seemed to be pretty confident and began to paint. You laughed as you felt his grip on your finger tighten.
“you don’t gotta put me in a death grip, bubs. I’m not going anywhere”
His focus didn’t shift but he did let up on the grip. His tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration as he painted across your nails. He stopped a few times to correct any polish that touched your skin by gently scraping it off with his own nail. He appreciated your patience with him. He always did. You swear the smile never fell off your face as you eyed him.
“so tiny” he whispered, mostly to himself. He was amazed at the size of your and in his. Shawn had always insisted that you were, in his words ‘teeny tiny’, but you both know he’s really just big. You revelled in his larger stature. Always feeling safe in his arms no matter where you were.
He finished up your first hand, pulling it up to his face to check over his work. He bowed his head down to place a kiss to your knuckles, “next hand, sweetheart”
While he painted your other hand, you observed his work. Honestly, you were impressed to say the least. The pink polish looked smooth, clean, and it really complimented your skin tone. You looked at him in amazement, “baby you’re actually super good!”
“liyah used to make me paint her nails when we were little, I remember it a little bit.”
Your heart swelled at the thought of a tiny shawn holding his baby sisters hand and painting her little nails, making her feel special. The thought of him with a little girl in the future was all that could come to your mind in that moment.
“You’re gonna be such a good dad...” you whispered
“I hope so,” he replied, a smile making its way onto his face “that’s all I want, really.”
He sat up a little straighter as he finished up his work on your nails.
“I feel like we’d have a little girl. Dunno why but I just know. God, I can’t wait to have tea parties and let her put clips in my hair.” he giggled.
You sighed at the thought, only imagining that sight in front of you. He was such a loving boy, never afraid to show his affection to those he loved. You see the way he treats his sister and you just know he would treat his children the same. Especially a little girl. He’d without a doubt be wrapped around her little finger.
“I cant wait either, that little girl is gonna have the best nails ever.” you smiled “these look amazing babe!”
“I think I should reconsider my career choices, huh?”
He leaned forward to place a kiss to your nose. You watched him in confusion as he moves to sit on the floor next to your bed, grabbing the bottle of polish on his way down.
“What are you doing?”
“Painting your toes,” he simply stated “they have to match.”
All you could do was look at him in disbelief as he pulled your cold feet down to his level. He noticed your icy toes and began to rub them to warm them up. His warm fingers working magic on the arches of both your feet. He alternated between the two, kissing your calves as he continued. He looked up at you as he kissed your bare legs, sighing deeply as he noticed you bite your lip.
He kept rubbing your cold skin as he moved onto his knees, raising himself to kiss up your thigh. You gasped as he nipped at your inner thigh a little bit. You parted your legs a little more, willing him to go further. He switched legs and grabbed your other soft foot in his hand as he repeated his loving treatment.
“mmm shawn I thought you were gonna paint my toes” you muttered, breathlessly.
He didn’t stop kissing you for a second “I’ll get to it, just wanna love on my girl for a little bit”
And really, who were you to deny that? He reached a hand up to press into your chest, gently pushing you to lay back. Your hands found their way into his unruly curls, tugging gently as his kisses got closer and closer to your aching core.
His kisses spread to your tummy, leaving slightly wet patches behind as he started to lightly suck on the skin dressing your hipbones. Soft hums continued to roll out of your chest. You felt your tummy fluttering in anticipation from his soft lips. You lifted your head up to see him completely focused on loving on you. He just wanted you to feel good today.
His warm, big hands that were rubbing your hips and thighs moved to your panties, fingers hooking onto the sides. “Is this okay?” he asks. You eagerly nod your head yes and hum in approval.
Once he drags the material off your legs, he lifts them by your knees to spread you open for him. He bites his lip at the sight of your dripping center. He drops his head to nip at the crease between your leg and where you needed him the most. You groan, “don’t tease..... please baby” arching your back at the feeling.
Suddenly you feel his tongue slide into your wet folds. He groans at the pleasure of making you feel good, becoming very aware of the aching in his pants. He palms himself through his boxers as he focuses on his lips against you. His tongue slips up and down your clit quickly, making you moan lightly. His lips suck your clit into his mouth applying perfect pressure as his tongue continues to work against you. You can’t process the bliss you feel, overwhelmed by the feeling and the wet sounds coming from the act.
You arch your back and gasp as he grazes his teeth against you lightly. “taste so good baby,” he says lowly, “I could do this all day.”
You groan in response as his fingers come up to push into you, the slight stretch was enough to have you reeling.
“oh fuck, don’t stop” you grunt as he picks up his pace. His mouth sucking so perfectly, making your stomach flip and walls tighten. You go completely silent, breath hitching as you feel your orgasm begin to come to a head. And as you get to that ledge, you’re quickly tugged off before you can fall. Shawn quickly removes his fingers and his sweet mouth from your center. You groan at the loss.
“Not so fast, baby, need you to cum on my cock. Think you can do that for me?”
At this point you’re too far gone to do anything but whimper and nod your head. He stands up and strips you of your top, moaning at the sight of your bare chest laid out in front of him. “So beautiful... can’t believe you’re mine” he breathes, pressing a gentle kiss between your breasts. Shawn never failed to make you feel beautiful, loved, and worthy. You frequently felt like your heart would burst at any moment if he looked at you so affectionately for too long. Now was no exception, as you shyly giggled and covered your breasts with your hands, turning your red face away from him.
Placing his hand on yours, he tugged your hands away from yourself, “don’t hide, honey, wanna see you...” he looks at you with those eyes again and you’re a goner. His hands trail up your sides sending shivers through your body. Once his hands get up high enough he palms your breasts in those big hands of his and cranes his head back as his presses his still clothed dick into your sensitive mound. You buck your hips up to get more friction but he presses you back down and stops you.
His mouth meets yours in a heated kiss as his continues to knead your breasts. Your tongues dance together as he lays into you a bit more, rubbing his cock against you. He grinds his hips into you as he rolls your nipples in his fingers, further teasing you. You get lost as the friction distracts you, mouth falling open as he tries to continue the heated kiss.
He tugs his boxers down just enough to free his painfully hard cock. He continues to grind into you, moaning at the feeling of your wetness on him.
“Fuck babygirl, I can’t wait to be inside you” he groans into your neck as he sucks and kisses there. He pushes his black boxers the rest of the way down, kicking them onto the floor.
“Give it to me shawn, I cant wait anymore” you beg. He can’t deny you, he’s just as fucked for you as you are for him. He slides his thick cock up and down your wet folds a little bit, making sure you’re ready for him. He slowly pushes in watching your face to make sure you’re comfortable. His brows furrow as he focuses on going slow to let you adjust to his size. He swears he’ll never get over the feeling of being inside of you. Often saying he thinks that’s what heaven feels like.
Your mouth drops open as he slips in, a breathless grunt leaving your chest. His length is stretching you out causing a comfortable burn. His lips meet yours as he tries to distract you from the slight pain. He hopes you can feel the love he feels radiating off of his body in waves. Sometimes he swears he doesn’t know what to do with all of it.
He waits until you tell him he can move and once you give him the green light, he’s off. His thrusts slowly increase as he leans over you. He kisses you the best he can while moving at a good pace for you. He brushes some hair from your face as he looks so lovingly into your eyes. His length drags in and out of you so well you’re seeing stars.
“Faster, Shawn I need more,” you moan into his ear “so good to me”
He pulls your knees up and spreads you nice and wide in front of him as he starts to rail into you at an even quicker speed. You didn’t think he could get any deeper but this position proved you wrong. You think you can feel him in every part of you. The feeling is intoxicating and the only thing you can think about is him, him, him. Your mouth fell open as your walls started to tighten around him.
His hand coming up to play with your clit hurdled you towards the edge. “love you so fucking much.... you don’t know what you do to me” he breathed into your ear as his speed never faltered “gonna make you feel so good”
“you do, you do, baby, you always do” you groaned quickly, eyes screwing shut as your orgasm began to creep up on you again. The feeling of your tight and warm walls was pushing him further and further towards the edge. You looked up at his moving figure, moaning as you saw him watching his length disappear into your dripping pussy. His face was completely blissed out, lost in loving you. His low moans filled your ears as you took shallow breaths.
His hips slammed into yours, angling a bit to reach that one special spot better. Your back arched immediately at the contact and your walls began to pulse around him. Your moans got louder and louder for him, a sound he would never in his whole life get tired of hearing.
“Come on babygirl, thats right” he moaned “cum on this cock, you feel like fucking heaven.”
That was all it took for you to come crashing down in waves. Your back arched as little screams left your lips, his lips coming down to catch the sounds in his mouth. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you felt his thrusts continue, fucking you through your orgasm. He continued in search of his own release until his movements become erratic.
“Gonna cum, you make me feel so fucking good” he moans. All it takes is a few more thrusts and he’s spilling into you, breathing heavily into your ear. You feel his his cock twitch and warmth spill inside you and moan at the delicious feeling. His body falls limply into you, his length still in you. Hips still rolling slowly, fucking his cum deeper into you.
You both took time coming down, pressing kisses against your bare skin. Your hands searched each other eagerly, not wanting to lose contact. Eventually Shawn pulls out slowly and rolls off next to you.
“That was amazing....”
“as usual,” you say as you lay next to him, laying your head on his chest and tracing patterns onto his slightly sweaty tummy “so good to me.”
You’re both so sleepy from your high, you forget about your toenails. His hand traces up your bare spine as he kisses your hair softly.
“love you so much,” he mutters listening to your breathing.
“I love you too Shawn. so so so much.”
“I meant what I said earlier. I cant wait til I have a little version of our love running around.”
All you can do is hum at the thought, smiling to yourself as your eyes start to close slowly. Finding that safety you loved so much in his arms. You feel so content in this moment. Your thoughts running wild with your love for him. You both don’t know what to do with it all.
Your breathing gets deeper and deeper as you both fall asleep in each other’s arms. Both feeling full to the brim in love.
“I didn’t forget about your toes by the way.”
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always-evergreen · 5 years ago
I literally want you to answer all the book q list qs. Thx
haide ur a disaster
putting under a read more bc I dont want to clog up ur dashes
1: What book did you last finish? When was that? - I finished 1984 this afternoon!
2: What are you currently reading? - currently reading zodiac unmasked by Robert graysmith
3: What book are you planning to read next? - a confederacy of dunces by john kennedy toole
4: What was the last book you added to your tbr? - the chronicles of Narnia (as a re-read)
5: Which book did you last re-read? - the Christmas mystery by jostein gaarder. I read it every christmas
6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved? - I read the picture of dorian gray last month which I rlly enjoyed
7: What was/were the last book/books you bought? - I bought the whole raven cycle earlier
8: Paperback or hardcover? Why? - paperback bc hardback is rlly unwieldy
9: YA, NA or Adult? Why? - tbh im not overly fussed:/
10: Sci-Fi or fantasy? Why? - fantasy! I think bc I grew up reading harry potter and Narnia and stuff like that im just always gonna have a real love for fantasy stuff
11: Classic or modern? Why? - hmmm I guess classic? but I dont rlly mind
12: Political memoirs or comedic memoirs? - comedic bc I dont understand politics and I like to have fun
13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption - its not terrible but the first one that comes to mind is the book thief, just bc I love that book sm and the movie didn't quite live up to what I wanted
14: Name a book where the movie/tv adaption actually was better than the original - I cant honestly think of one at the moment
15: What book changed your life? - hmm maybe lord of the rings?
16: If you could bring three books to a deserted island which would you bring and why? - fahrenheit 451 bc its my favourite book, the book thief bc it was my first favourite book, and the statistical probability of love at first sight just bc its sweet and fun and the other books are serious
17: If you owned a bookshop what would you call it? - haven would be cute maybe
18/19: Which character from a book is the most/least like you? - combining these two bc I genuinely cannot think of an answer, ive never really seen a lot of myself in any characters or consciously thought that a character was nothing like me tbh:/
20/21: Best summer/winter read? - also combining these bc I dont change my reading habits based on seasons
22: Pro or anti e-readers? Why? - I dont have anything against them but I dont use them, just bc I prefer physical books
23: Bookdepository or Amazon? - idk what bookdepository is so unfortunately I guess amazon:/
24: Do you prefer to buy books online or in a bookshop? - bookshop all the way! I love bookshops so much!
25: If you could be a character from a book for just one day who would you be and why? (Bonus: any specific day in the story?) - pretty niche and also I cant rmmbr her name but I just spotted the girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making on my shelf and that little girl has a pretty baller life so ill take a day in fairyland please and thank you
26: If you could be a character from a book for their entire life who would you be and why? - no thanks! I feel like that would turn into a massive bummer eventually
27: If you could change one thing about mainstream literature what would you change? (i.e. more diversity, better writing, better plot etc.) - tbh I dont read a lot of modern mainstream books so I dont rlly have an answer to this
28: How many books have you read so far this year? - mmm 11 or 12?
29: How do you sort your shelves? (i.e. by color, author, title etc.) - by author im not a monster
30: Who’s your favorite author? - ray bradbury
31: Who’s your favorite contemporary author? - mmm maybe david levithan?
32: Who’s your favorite fantasy author? - tolkein babyyyy
33: Who’s your favorite Sci-Fi author? - I guess thatll also be Bradbury lol
34: List five OTPs - I would prefer not to I dont rlly have ships anymore
35: Name a book you consider to be terribly underrated - I cant rlly think of anything tbh
36: Name a book you consider to be terribly overrated - lolita suuuuckssss
37: How many books are actually in your bookshelf/shelves right now? - approximately 200, with abt 35-40 in piles on the floor ready to be donated
38: What language do you (most often) read in? - english
39: Name one of your favorite childhood books - just got a sudden vivid memory of the animals of farthing wood which tbh? slapped
40: Name one of your favorite books from your teenage years - ooft uh ill go w the night school series bc I for real fucked w them so much when I was like 15 lmao
41: Do you own a library card? How often do you use it? - I dont think I do
42: Which was the best book you had to read in school? - oh that's gotta be fahrenheit 451 and even though its not technically a book ill put twelfth night up there as well
43: Are you the kind of person who reads several books at once or the kind of person who can only read one book at a time? - I can do either and dont really have a preference
44: Do you like to listen to music when you read? - occasionally, sometimes I find it hard to concentrate w music on but sometimes it doesn't bother me, depends on the mood
45: What is your favorite thing to eat when you read? - something that wont make my fingers greasy lol
46: What is your favorite thing to drink when you read? - I dont normally
47: What do you do to get out of a reading slump? - read a couple of short books just to ease myself back into it
48: Where is your favorite place to read? - my bed, but recently been enjoying the back garden when its sunny
49: When is your favorite time to read? - I like reading at night just before I go to bed
50: Why do you love to read? - it was instilled in me pretty young bc both my parents are big readers and I guess I was kinda shy and awkward when I was a kid (still am actually lol) so it was kind of a shield/escape? also im a fucking nerd
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amrynth · 6 years ago
Like the Tide
For @kumeko​ for Sparkle Sparkle 2019.  Happy Sparkling!
Also on Ao3
By the end of her shift, Haruka was prone to mopping along corridors in the back with her headphones on and her head down.  The aquarium was closed at that point and she’d already done her portion of the front of house and moved on to back.  It was easier to work head down, following walls and corridors and only really knowing where to go based on door frames that opened with her keycard and door frames that rejected her card.  So, when she pushed through a partially open door without needing her card, Haruka didn’t think much of it or even notice the restricted personnel sign.
She had, as Makoto often liked to tell her, her head in the clouds.  Haruka insisted this couldn’t be accurate because she was trying to keep her head down this time, otherwise she was never going to afford to fix the engine in her car.  Not if she got fired again.  
The pattern of light on the ground she was mopping changed.  It had been solid from the fluorescents overhead; the behind the scenes part of the aquarium wasn’t quite as fancy as the front with the environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing lights and wide windows with a view of the bay.  But now there was the dance of water reflecting light onto the floor and Haruka stopped her mop.  This wasn’t part of her usual routine.  
Haruka lifted her head slowly to look where she’d ended up; half the room was a typical space set up for studying the very large tank that dominated the room.  The other half of the room was a glass wall separating her from the tank that made up the second half.  She watched the water ripple at the top of the tank, the way the grid guarding the top of it was set several feet beneath the surface and even above that it was lit artificially rather than being exposed to the open air.  Quarantine?  Was it a tank with invasive species inside?  She didn’t see anything moving inside  so maybe nothing was set up yet and it was all in preparation for a sample that was going to get moved into the tank soon.  
Something shifted in the corner of the tank and Haruka lifted her hands to lower her headphones from where they covered her ears.  She moved down the wall of glass between her and the water, trying to move to where she could see into the dim corner better.  
From the darkness the shape sprang at the glass, making Haruka jump.  It was bigger than she’d anticipated, longer than she was tall and just as wide.  In fact it was entirely too human shaped in most aspects, other than the long tail that made up over half its- her length.  Haruka almost dropped her mop, staring at what was, for lack of a better term, a mermaid trying very hard to intimidate her.  The mermaid was faintly blue-green from head to toe, the color concentrated on her tail, shoulders and hair and lightening to a pale mint on the more human torso.  Her hair, turning the darker green of a deep ocean toward the ends, floated in loose waves along her shoulders.  Now that her initial scare hadn’t chased Haruka off, she was looking at the human with blue eyes.
Haruka lifted a hand and pressed the palm against the glass.  She had her cart with her, when she was done in the room she would clean the glass to get rid of any fingerprints.  But she wanted to know if the mermaid was intelligent, she certainly looked that way.  This was a very small tank for a creature, intelligent or otherwise, of Haruka’s size to be stuck in.  Inside the tank, those blue eyes were moving from Haruka’s face to her hand, the broom, and up to the grid covering the top of her tank.  Even if she didn’t respond to Haruka’s hand, it was clear from her expression and her eyes she was intelligent, sentient.  And that wasn’t just the same anthropomorphization Haruka tended to give all her adopted strays at all.  
After a long consideration of the hand pressed against the glass, while the figure in the tank drifted slowly closer, she pressed her hand to the same point on the other side of the glass.  They remained that way for a moment, time seeming to hold still, Haruka’s eyes going from where their hands met to find those of the mermaid.  She smiled.  She felt hopeful that maybe, as human in appearance as half of her was, the gesture would communicate that she didn’t mean any harm.  
In the water, the mermaid’s hands moved, creating purposeful gestures as her eyes watched for Haruka to recognize them.  Haruka followed the motion of her hands and appreciated, not for the first time, elegant fingers and delicate wrists and a ridge of spine along her lower forearm that terminated in a frill of fin.  She was trying to talk to Haruka in sign language and she wished she understood.  
“Wait a second, let me look…”
Haruka help up one finger and turned to consider the room behind her, looking to see if there was, say, a primer on how to ask in sign language if someone needed help.  Of course there was nothing of the sort so she pulled up her phone and looked up a few signs.  
She knew her hand signals were, at best, probably childish and Haruka kept looking at her phone and then back to the mermaid as she signed them.  “You.  Happy?”
The mermaid watched her hands, head canted to one side as she tried to make sense of gestures that were little better than a toddler’s.  Slowly she repeated what Haruka had said, elegant hands making the gestures clearer and much more like those she had looked up on her phone.  Haruka copied her, hoping that she understood what she was asking.  She knew she didn’t have the finesse (yet) required to ask the mermaid if she was a captive, if she wanted to be in a tank smaller than the closet in Haruka’s studio apartment.  
After a moment, the mermaid shook her head, hands moving to say more than Haruka could follow.  She paused and signed with slow, exaggerated motions that even Haruka was able to understand.  “Not happy.”
Haruka had the mop leaning against her shoulder and neck so her hands were free to move and to navigate her phone.  She frowned when the mermaid made herself clear and had to turn to her phone to try and ask in a concise way her next question.  A few steps and she was standing right at the edge of the tank and kept sneaking glances at the mermaid.  She was, perhaps, the most beautiful thing Haruka had ever seen.  It was a shame anything was trapped in a tank like this, particularly if it was sentient and knew it was trapped.  
“Want. Help?”  Haruka tried to be more deliberate in her gestures, more precise to make her meaning clearer.  
There was no hesitation in the mermaid’s response, moving toward the glass and nodding fervently.  
“Help.  Help.”  She repeated the gesture at Haruka, then swam up to push and rattle the grid keeping her in the tank.  
Haruka gazed at her, then switched from the browser on her phone to her contacts, scrolling for the one person she could rely on to help.  It was fairly late so she let it ring through once, waited long enough to clean her handprint off the glass, and then dialed again.  
“What is so important you’re blowing my phone up?”  The voice on the other end of the line was heavy with sleep.
“Hi Makoto,” Haruka put the full power of a smile into her voice.  
“No.”  The other side of the conversation hung up.  
Stubborn, Haruka dialed Makoto again.  It wasn’t until the very last ring that Makoto picked up, sounding less sleepy than before.  “Okay.  Yes.  I’m awake.”  
“Have I told you how delightful you are today Kino-san?”  
Makoto made a noise on the other end of the line that was somewhere between a laugh and a snort and a sound of disbelief.  “Stop.  What’s up?”  
“Do you think you could bring your truck to the aquarium?” Haruka asked, cutting to the point rather than trying to flatter her friend.  
There was a pause, then the sound of movement that was probably getting pants from the laundryheap.  “Is this anything like that time you needed a favor at the zoo?”  
Makoto interrupted her, picking up where she’d left off.  “Because if you get fired again for, I don’t know, trying to free the penguins-”
“Look there was a perfectly good excuse for breaking that animal out, she was being-”
“-You’re never going to afford to fix your engine, is the point I’m trying to make.”  
Haruka frowned at her mop.  She quite liked her job actually, cleaning up after people wasn’t the most glamorous thing in the world, but at least she was cleaning up after crowds that mostly consisted of small children experiencing wonder.  And scientists who were trying their best to keep the oceans diversely populated.  But there was days like this where she found out at least one of them was doing something that seemed sketchy on every level.  It was just like the zoo, when she’d found one of the snakes was being experimented on and she’d packed it home, cared for it, and then found a safe, happy home for it.  
“Makoto it’s really important this time.”  
There must have been something in her tone of voice that made the voice on the other side of the phone pause.  Makoto sighed.  “Okay, but you’re going to owe me.”  
“By this time tomorrow I might be working for you full time,” Haruka said, but she was only partially joking.  
“Okay.  I’ll be headed there in a few minutes.  We’re not setting a whale free or anything, are we?” Makoto didn’t sound as though she thought this was outside the realm of possibility.  
“No, not a whale,” she assured her.  
“Mmm.”  Makoto wasn’t entirely convinced but hung up on her anyway.  
Haruka looked up from her conversation to see the mermaid watching her with interest.  She appeared to have neutral buoyancy, just floating and moving slightly with the lightest movement of her tail.  After searching on her phone for a few words she needed, Haruka waved for her attention, smiling again.  
The mermaid canted her head so Haruka repeated the sign and pointed at herself, not sure if she hadn’t understood what she was trying to convey or if her signing was too sloppy.  
“Friend help.”  The mermaid took a moment to sign back, combining words they had already used.
Haruka nodded.  Yes, she was going to help her.  She narrowed her eyes and looked at her phone again, struggling to make a complex enough sentence to ask her next question.  Or rather, to ask her questions in such a way the mermaid could answer in simple yes or no.  
“No water, death?”  Haruka had to repeat herself, clarifying her gestures to get her question across to her mermaid.
The mermaid frowned at her, playing with a bit of long, green hair that had trailed over her shoulder.  Her eyes were moving quickly, looking at Haruka and the room behind her.  Was she considering her options?  
“Help.” Haruka signed hoping she would understand.  Getting the mermaid out of the aquarium would be difficult enough, getting her out in a truck capable of holding water was going to be even more difficult.  Not that they had access to that, Makoto’s truck was pretty basic, that meant it wasn’t a waterproof bed.  
After another moment’s consideration, the mermaid indicated 3 and then a gesture Haruka didn’t know.  She tried hunting it up, then searched for words to do with time.  Three hours.  
“Three hours.”  She signed back, repeating a little more awkwardly.  
On the other side of the glass, the mermaid tilted her head and gently corrected the motion, getting Haruka to repeat herself until she had apparently done it to her satisfaction.  Then she smiled and Haruka forgot everything she had been trying to learn to say with her hands.  When the mermaid smiled, time stood still and Haruka couldn’t hear much other than the soft lap of water and the singing of an angelic choir.  
Oh boy.
Haruka was startled from her reverie when her phone buzzed and she nearly jumped out of her skin.  Just Makoto texting to ask which gate she should pull up to.  How long had she been staring at the mermaid?  Haruka flipped through her browser to figure out how to tell the mermaid she would be back, and then returned to her cart out in the hallway.  She made careful note of what room she had been in and the restricted access sign she hadn’t seen when she’d first gone in.  
She took a moment to text Makoto the best gate, along with a message that she needed to at least make sure her work could pass inspection for the night.  Also could Makoto perhaps get her mad scientist friend to hack the security system so maybe none of them would spend time in jail.  Haruka cruised through the rest of what she should have mopped, grabbing garbage and otherwise making sure it would pass a cursory inspection.
And then she jogged up to the ground level to meet up with Makoto out in the staff parking lot.  
“What is all of this about?” Makoto asked, phone in her hand.  “Ami’s not a mad scientists by the way.  She’s just really really smart and I have no idea what she does.  But she’s on cameras, we’re basically ghosts.”  
“Do you think we can drive to some secluded beach in three hours?” Haruka asked.  
“If you got me out of bed because you want to go on a drive- Haruka you have a bike even if your car isn’t running.  I have to be up to open the bakery in a few hours.” Makoto sounded more than a little exasperated.  
“And, assuming we’re not all in jail tomorrow morning, I will be right at your side burning muffins.”  Haruka was gratified that Makoto laughed at this statement.  “But this is important.  Back the truck up this way, I’ll direct you.  We can do it in three hours, right?  Way less, right?”  
“You’re not driving, I can do it in one hour.”  
“I could do it in half.”  
Makoto got into her truck and didn’t dignify this with an answer.  
Haruka helped her back into a space as close to where she would guess the tank was.  “You okay to wait here?  If someone comes by let them know you’re on a drop off.”  
“That’s only going to work so long,” Makoto said, leaning out the window to talk to her.
“I’ll be fast.”  Haruka spoke with confidence, grinning at her friend.
Haruka jogged again, finding the staff entrance that would get her where she needed to go.  It wasn’t a long hall, counting doors and corridors until she found the one that said restricted access and correlated to the door she’d accidentally slipped through earlier.  She texted the door number to Ami who was, as far as she was concerned and despite what Makoto said, a mad scientist.  A few seconds later the door clicked and Haruka was through.  
The upper part of the large tank the mermaid was far less interesting than the lower part- if you didn’t know what was in the tank.  It was much harder to make out what was below the surface and the grid from above and there was little more up in this part of the building but tank controls and monitors.  
She was tempted to glance at the security camera, trusting Ami had taken care of it, but kept her head down just in case.  Not that she was easily confused for anyone else in janitorial coveralls anyway.  She was the tallest on the janitorial staff, lean and angular and blonde.  Haruka kicked her shoes off, rolled her pants up, and dropped down to where the grid was preventing the mermaid from attempting to escape, gasping at the cold water.  She knelt down, one pant leg soaking up to the knee.  There wasn’t anything to be seen with the light reflecting off the water, so she wove her fingers down into the grid.  Immediately, soft fingers touched the ends of hers, weaving to meet them.  
Haruka grinned and got back to her feet to climb out of the tank.  Now that she was certain she had the right tank, she operated the machinery ro raise the grill and open the top of the tank.  Almost as soon as it was open, the pale, green-blue shape of the mermaid was emerging from the water.
“Hi.  Can you hear or, I don’t know.  Talk?” Haruka asked, getting the grid far enough out of the way she could kneel down where the mermaid was climbing out.  
“Yes.  But once I am out of the water it is best if I do not try to talk.”  
“Here, take my hands.  I’ll help you up and then my friend has a truck and we’ll get you out of this place.”  Haruka offered her arms and found them soon very wet and very full of mermaid.  She was colder and lighter than Haruka had expected, skin the same temperature as the salt water in her tank.  The mermaid wrapped her arms around her shoulders and her tail wound down around one leg so that Haruka could still walk.  
She stopped just long enough to close the grill and shove her feet back into her shoes.  This was the part that worried Haruka the most, walking through the building with a mermaid in her arms.  Just regular janitorial work.  That it was long after business and working hours was to their benefit, as they didn’t pass a soul.  
“The hell is that?”  Makoto half stepped out of her truck but then got back in and started the engine.  
Haruka pulled the blanket from behind the seat and, with Makoto’s help, put it on the seat so that the mermaid could cover most of her tail with it.  She almost looked human- strangely dressed perhaps and a little more green than the standard variety, but human.  
“Um, so you can see why we needed to bust this one out, right?” Haruka asked.
She settled in the passenger seat so that the mermaid was between them and the least visible from either window.  Still damp and cool, the mermaid leaned against her side and watched the window, her breathing shallow but steady.  
“Yeah.  And the timeframe.”  Makoto glanced at them from the corner of her eye and smiled at the security team member who was manning the booth.  Once past, she adjusted her rear view mirror.  “You know, he smiles just like my senpai.”  
Mostly the ride was quiet, the streets rather empty now that it was past the time most people were still out.  Once the aquarium was closed, there wasn’t a lot of reason for anyone to be out this far.  The whole truck grew tense when flashing lights started to come up behind them, but Makoto pulled to the side of the road and they passed right by.  
“I think I might be sick.”
“If you’re going to be sick switch places with me,” Haruka said, glancing over at Makoto.  
“I’ve got this.  I don’t trust you with my transmission after what happened to yours,” was the retort.  
Haruka was about to let Makoto know that if her transmission had been built to the specs she wanted, it would have done fine with the way she changed gears.  And it would be, someday.  If she could keep a job.  
When the mermaid was determined missing, would she still have a job?  She had been more interested in making sure Makoto wasn’t going to get traced to this but it would be obvious when Haruka wasn’t clocked out at all that she was a person of interest in the specimen’s disappearance.  Maybe most of the aquarium didn’t even know about her.  
“What do you think, good beach?  Should we go further?”  Makoto pulled to the side and checked the map on her phone.  
Haruka looked at the mermaid leaning against her.  It had been almost an hour and her breathing was more shallow, her skin clammy and wan.  Although she’d said three hours, Haruka thought maybe that was an overestimation on her part.  
“I think this will do.  Once she is back in the water, everything will be okay.  Right?”  Haruka caught the mermaid’s attention.
The mermaid blinked slowly at her and nodded.  
They turned off the highway and made their way down toward the beach.  The mermaid picked her head up when the car door opened and she could hear the ocean, her blue eyes turning intense.  
“Come on, almost there.”  Haruka slid one arm under her tail and the over behind her back, leaving the blanket behind in the cab of the truck.  
The beach was virtually empty and Haruka just walked out, thigh-deep, into the water with the mermaid and lowered her into the water.  Still holding onto one of her forearms, the mermaid breathed a deep sigh when she touched the ocean water, then smiled up at Haruka, her brilliant and time-stopping smile.  
“I ought to tell you something,” she said, her voice soft enough that Haruka had to lean down to hear her.  Instead of saying anything, the mermaid leaned up and kissed her on the cheek.  
Haruka dropped her, stunned by the soft, cool lips on her cheek.  
“My name is Michiru.”  
There was something she was supposed to say but Haruka just put a hand on her cheek and stared at her, at a loss for words.  Makoto came to her rescue once again, throwing a rock in their direction.  
“Tell her your name, dummy!”
“Haruka.  My name is Haruka.”  
With a flip of her tail, Michiru was gone.  Haruka was left at the shore with a cool spot on her cheek and one last time-stopping smile.  
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clown-bait · 7 years ago
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 27
FINALLY FINISHED THIS!! So the monsters try really hard to figure out why they aren't monsters any more. Turns out they cant focus for five minutes without going off on a weird tangent about washing machines and butts. Papawise is gonna have to try to get these idiots to be productive. Good luck papa you’re gonna need it.
CH 27
Focusing is Hard
“Are we going to address this human problem now?”
Freddy and Drac sat on the couch already breaking into Chucky’s beer stash as Leech plopped herself onto Robert��s lap on the loveseat. the former clown brought a long arm around her and nuzzled his nose into her drying hair. “Mmm you smell just like me” he growled. “I wonder why” Leech giggled and kissed his jaw line. Freddy nearly gagged.
“*AHEM* SO is that a no on the problem solving then?” he asked the ex-nosferatu.
“Fred like either of us have any idea how this happened at all.”
“Well did you two do anything? I dunno like did you activate some curse or something? Maybe pissed off a witch?”
“What witch is powerful enough to turn Pennywise human? Let alone a whole town full of over powered evil.” Leech crossed her legs over the side of the chair getting comfy.
“I love it when you call me powerful.” Robert beamed with pride from having his ego stroked.
“Focus Bob” She scolded him.
As they discussed their options there was a clatter in the basement followed by a wheeze. Everyone froze solid looking at eachother and back down the hall. “Do we go investigate?” the nosferatu asked hesitantly.
“Isn’t that usually how humans get killed by us?” Freddy grumbled.
“Holy shit being on the other side of the horror movie sucks balls” Leech picked up a beer bottle in defence peering down the hall.
“I’ll go. You all would be such easy targets.” Robert rolled his eyes. His companions’ fears starting to annoy him.
“Like hell you are! We all know what happens when the prey splits up!” Leech grabbed his arm before he could march into any more danger.
“Lets just all go together then. Can’t be anything too terrible with everyone being turned human.” Freddy handed Dracula a broken piece of wood who glanced over at his roommate in confusion.
“We’re so going to die” the ex nosferatu groaned.
The former monsters approached the door leading to the basement where they could hear more panting and wheezing which seemed to get louder and louder. Leech hesitantly opened the door which made an extremely ominous creak causing the ex-vampire to grip her bottle tighter. They peered into the basement, everyone silently cursing Penny for making his house as equally scary as himself. Something wet and dark flopped out of the well gasping like a fish out of water. Robert felt both his arms get grabbed by Leech and Freddy at once while Drac clung to his roommate from behind. The weight of 3 grown adults clinging to his silk robe like baby sloths nearly pulled the former eldritch to the ground and he gave them all an angry scowl. “Really?!” he hissed. The wet thing began to stand it looked like a person, a very tired and pissed off person.
“I just walked for MILES through the freezing sewer, so you MORONS better tell me what the hell is going on right now or there will be consequences!” they said.
The man finally came into view. He looked quite different without the giant red nose.
“U-Uncle Penny?” Leech stuttered the man rung out the wet shirt he had clearly killed someone for as there was a large blood stain on the collar.
“This is what you look like as humans? Jesus Junior those pants tight enough?”
“Theyre Freddy’s…” Robert looked off to the side.
“Actually I think those are mine!” Leech pulled at his pants to inspect the pocket “Yeah theres the hole in the pocket!”
“Leechie why does Krueger have your pants?” If Robert still had fangs theyd be out.
“Oh calm down Fred and I swap clothes all the time.” she waved him off and rolled her eyes at his jealousy.
“Yeah Fangs does laundry at our place cause you won’t get a washer dryer”
“There’s a wash tub right over there!” Robert snarled at the former dream demon in annoyance. First it was wifi and microwaves now its modern washing machines! How is anyone going to be scared when they walk into the haunted house on Neibolt if theyre greeted with the scent of clean laundry and hot pockets.
“The 1800s were over a long ass time ago Bob!” Leech complained she had been trying to get him to change his mind on this for weeks now.
“I am trying to cultivate an atmosphere that generates fear! Dryer sheets and laundry detergent create the opposite effect Leech!”
“Sheesh Junior you take your interior decorating a bit too seriously.” his uncle rolled his eyes at his younger counterpart.
“Will all of you please drop the washer/dryer thing”
“IS THE CLOWN FINALLY GETTING A WASHING MACHINE?” came Tiffany’s voice from upstairs
“Look you’re in the minority here Robert, just let us get something basic.”
“Yeah Jingles, that way Fangs will stop leaving her pants at our place.” Freddy grumbled.
“Hey now I remember you saying you liked those pants and I let you borrow them!” Leech snapped.
“Yeah alright fine. Theyre good pants, I mean look at how great Jingles’ ass looks in them!” Freddy spun Robert around and slapped his ass howling in laughter at Robert’s enraged reaction.
“O să discutăm acum despre problema noastră?” ((will we talk about our problem now?)) Dracula asked. He had no idea what anyone was saying or why they were all humans all he knew was that he wanted to get back to being immortal as soon as possible.
“I dont speak French Dracula!” Uncle Penny grumbled.
“Oh my god how does that remotely even sound like French? Its fucking Romanian!” Leech snapped at him defending her extremely confused mentor.
“Whatever. Can all of you focus for just five minutes?! That’s all I’m asking for here. As soon as we figure out why the hell I can’t shape shift you can all go back to blabbering about eachother’s butts!” The older eldritch groaned in frustration.
“Ok but you have to agree theyre great pants though!”
“Pff youre asking a lot, Freddy came over to do the same thing and within the first hour we all ended up being violently attacked by the cat and Robert lost a finger.” leech held up Robert’s injured hand.
“You lost a finger Junior? How do you fuck up this bad?”
“THATS WHAT I SAID!” Tiffany yelled once again from upstairs
“By the way, there a reason the dolls arent joining us in figuring this out?” Freddy asked Leech ignoring the enraged Uncle Penny’s complaints.
“A) I dont think they want to, and B) I’m pretty sure from the Rob Zombie music blasting from their room and the creaking bed springs theyre uh..busy..” Leech said.
“Gross” Robert snarled.
“JINGLES YOU’RE NOT MUCH BETTER!” Chucky shouted down.
“Unbelievable. You couldnt even do one minute of concentration! Were never getting back to normal jesus.” The elder eldritch tilted his head up at the ceiling growing tired of the other monsters constant distractions.
“Fine where do you suggest we start because we’re all out of ideas here.” Leech snapped.
“Did you even try having any ideas in the first place?”
The monsters opened their mouths to speak and immediately closed them. Ok so maybe they haven’t been the most proactive about this.
“Can we at least take this out of the basement then and get more beer before we start? I think I’m going to develop asthma from all the dust down here.” Leech began to walk back up the stairs to the kitchen. “You boys can either join me or stay down here in the dark. I’m out.” The other monsters shrugged and followed suit.
“Ok so we need to narrow down who is powerful enough to turn an entire town of powerful entities into humans.” Uncle Penny began drinking the beer Leech had got him from Chucky’s  nearly empty stash.
“I can think of no one.” the younger vampire said.
“You haven’t been with us very long Leechie.” Robert patted her on the head.
“Wait isnt today Halloween?” Freddy asked having a rare appiphany.
“Yeah so?” Uncle Penny took another long swig of the beer surpriesed that he liked it so much.
“Yeah doesnt that mean certian supernatural parties are stronger today?” Leech asked
“Oh fuck ive heard of this before. Did any of you break the rules of Halloween?” Freddy asked, he had seen something like this in another town once. People who broke tradition on Halloween that night had bad things happen to them.
“There’s rules to this holiday?” Robert raised an eyebrow and tried to drink Leech’s beer grimacing at the tast and shoving it back into her hands. Everyone turned to him and glared.
“What did you do Jingles”
“Why are you accusing me?”
“Bob what did you fucking do?”
“I thought he was a regular child!!” Robert snarled. He recalled a small boy in an orange scarecrow outfit in the haunted house that just was not scared of him. He tried everything eventually getting frustrated and snatching the boy’s candy bag and vanishing to go find his mate. He had no idea he had just stolen from Samhain, who for one night a year was the most powerful being in existance.
“Wait hold on you fucking stole the spirit of Halloween’s bag of candy after you couldnt scare him because your feelings were hurt!?” Leech had hopped out of his lap and pushed her hands through her hair.
“He had no fear and I couldnt just let him get away! All the candy bars had razors in them anyway..”
“Where’s the fucking bag now Robert??” She grabbed his robe in her fists.
“In my lair I was going to eat around the knives!”
“Jesus christ Junior you must have really pissed him off!”
“How do we fix this then just give him back the bag?” Freddy asked.
“That’s a start….” The ex vampire took a long drink from her beer.
“Where would we find the little brat though?” Uncle Penny asked.
“Probably where the celebrations are thickest. That’s where I’d go for a holiday about me.” Freddy added.
“Looks like were going to have to do a traditional human halloween then. Let’s get some costumes carve some pumpkins and get me another god damn drink.” Leech sighed, it was going to be a long difficult day.
“Ok so what im thinking is if the Cenobites are still throwing their big ass Halloween party then thats probably a good place to start since that thing is going to be huge. Which means if were going everyone is going to first need a costume.” Leech and the rest of the former monsters stood in the center of town finally making it out of the house.
“Yeah one, none of us were invited and two, theres going to be nothing left in the stores. Except the sexy stuff and there is no way im going as sexy thing that should never be made sexy…maybe Jingles will though that seems like his wardrobe of choice.” Freddy grumbled keeping a firm grasp on the poor overwhelmed Prince Vlad.
“Well sorry for being too tall to fit into your clothes which are made for small women” Robert sneered at the former dream demon. He was getting strange looks left and right for his overly tight pants/ pink bathrobe combo. Leech took note of it when a few girls stopped and stared while giggling amongst themselves. The ex vampire grabbed her mate’s arm glaring daggers at the women. Robert put two and two together and shot her an amused smile “Really?” he asked her. “We need to get you some real clothes” she grumbled.
“How are we getting into this party then if we weren’t invited?” Uncle Penny interrupted them. “We’re not exactly equipped for sneaking in and out of places anymore.”
“Crashing will be easy, its taking on an all powerful being as humans that will be extremely difficult.” Leech stated. she had crashed many a party in her teens when she used to deal pot to rich kids getting in wouldnt be a problem.  
“And what are we gonna do when we catch the twerp? Shake and yell?” the older eldritch asked.
“I have a feeling rattling his brains and screaming at him is probably a bad way to appease the god of Halloween to change us back” Freddy added.
“Well I’m not saying I’m sorry” Robert growled. There was no way he was going to beg some young pagan god to forgive him.
“You do realise as humans we can die now right? You better fucking say youre sorry Bob” his mate scolded him.
“Seriously Jingles what if were stuck like this for a whole year?” freddy added realizing the entire monster population depended on the proudest thing in existence to admit he fucked up. They were doomed.
“I do not beg.”
“Ha! That’s a load bullshit! I’ve heard it!” Leech laughed.
“Leech! that’s….thats different…” Robert hissed
“we’ve all heard it Jingles anyone with a drain has heard it at some point.”
The former clown looked off to the side and grumbled something unintelligble.
“All right look, we need to hurry up and get something for us to wear to this thing. I’ll take the clowns. Freddy you try to handle your roommate.”
“Good luck with that.” Uncle Penny said eyeing the frantic looking prince.
“Just call me when he eventually breaks something” Leech grabbed the eldritchs and made her way to the nearest store.
“Robert what the hell is that?” both Leech and “Uncle Bob” as he decided to call himself, stared at Robert Gray in confusion as he exited a near by restroom
“You said buy a costume.”
“Ok but I thought youd get another clown costume why the hell are you Spiderman?” his mate placed her fingers over her temples. Of course hed pick out something like this.
“I’m a giant spider trapped as a man I thought it was fitting.”
“Yeah but I’m going as a ring master and…..you know what never mind, fuck me for trying” leech groaned it was hard enough to control two eldritch horrors in a crowded Halloween store already, trying to coordinate anything was off the table at this point.
“I’m going as the devil!” Uncle Bob announced proudly pointing to his horns.
“Yeah Im pretty sure Phil is not going to be too excited about that.”
“Ah fuck Phil. He thinks hes hot shit with his whole goat yoga scheme right now. This is how a real lure is done!” the former clown gestured to the red and black suit he was wearing smugly.
“Did you…put paint…on your face?” Leech sniffed the air, it reeked of paint fumes.
“Yeah! Spray paint! It burns a little but man do I look good!”
“I think the fumes are going to your head old man” Robert folded his long arms over the spider logo on his chest.
“Jesus christ neither of you would survive a day as humans without my help.” Leech grumbled as the clowns began to argue once again. She ignored the inevitable chaos and got out her phone groaning loudly over the 6 missed calls from Freddy. No doubt they were about something Dracula had done. Robert yellped when Uncle Bob whacked him on the head with his plastic pitch fork. Leech debated taking a photo of them for later blackmail but decided she should probably find out what the hell happened to Freddy first. As she was about to call him back she doubled over in pain. Something just went wrong in her abdomen. Something she’d never thought she’d feel again.
OH NOOOO what ever could it beee! Poor Leech she’s had to put up with so much today. Penny better try to make it up to her. 
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porkchop-ao3 · 7 years ago
cop rick/fem!reader nsfw role-play, ya know what I'm sayin'???
I hope you like it :) thanks for the request!
It was late, and I was driving through the deader-than-usual streets of the Citadel on my way home. Of course, the streets were never completely dead, not even at three in the morning after my nightshift at the 24/7 convenience store; which sold mostly booze at this time of night. I wasn’t particularly tired, having spent the entire day sleeping like I always did before a night shift, I was ready to get home and wait up for Rick, who had been on duty tonight. He wouldn’t get off until six.
I turned down a quiet residential street, not too far from my home, and that’s when flashing blue lights caught my eye in my mirrors. It was the goddamn police, and with a short blast of the siren I was being told to pull over. I checked my speed; I hadn’t been speeding, and I was always a careful driver, I had nothing to hide. So I pulled up at the nearest convenient space, and waited as the officer got out of his own car and approached mine. I rolled down my window, expecting to see a grouchy old Rick, bored and wanting to fuck with someone. Instead, I laughed in delight, grinning up at my Rick.
“Oh, it’s you! Hi baby, I was just-”
“You didn’t use your turn signals back there.” He interrupted me, leaning both hands on the roof of my car as he bent down to peer at me through the window. His expression was unreadable, but he looked me up and down slowly.
“Didn’t I?” I blinked at him, confused. “I was sure I did, I always do.” I wracked my brains, I couldn’t specifically remember using them, but it was second nature, unconscious even.
“You, uh, y-you wanna step out the car for me, sweet- sweetheart.” He asked, pushing away from the car and taking a step back. I stared at him for a while, trying to figure out if I’d got the whole thing wrong and this actually wasn’t my Rick. I was so sure, though… after spending so much time with him I’d picked up on his mannerisms, the subtle differences in his appearance that set him aside from every other Rick on the Citadel. They were all there, it was most definitely him.
“Okay.” I said quietly, pushing the door open and climbing out, he didn’t back away, and I had to move impossibly close to him in order to close the door behind me. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and turned me around, then slid that same hand down my spine, brushing over my backside very lightly.
“I’m gonna have to s-search you. It’s just proc-pr-procedure. Arms out to the side.” He said, and I swear I could hear a grin in his voice now that I had my back to him.
“Yes, officer.” I replied, spreading my arms and legs out for him. His hands were on me, sliding down my sides, lingering on my hips and my backside. It was most definitely a less than professional search, especially when he slide both hands into the back pockets of my pants, squeezing roughly. He exhaled audibly, stepping closer and pressing his chest into my back.
“Sh-should be arresting you for this ass; it’s gotta be illegal.” He whispered, and I laughed quietly, turning my head to look at him. His eyes were hooded and lustful, and I finally realised what this was about.
“Long night, officer?” I purred, pressing my backside against him. He pulled his hands out of my pockets and pushed his groin against me, it was then I realised that he was hard; not even just getting there, but fully hard. Trailing his hands around to my front, he ghosted them over my stomach and over my chest very lightly. It almost tickled.
“Very.” He simply said, suddenly crouching and sliding his hands down each of my legs, bringing them back upwards between my thighs. He rubbed the spots right on the inner parts of my thighs, as close to my core as possible without actually touching. A shaky breath escaped me, and he moved around to my front, still crouching on the ground. I looked down at him as he moved one hand up to cup my crotch over my pants, fingers stroking back and forth with barely any pressure, enough to make me buck into his touch. Warmth flooded me from the waist down, my heart rate skyrocketing.
“Oh God.” I breathed, glancing around the empty street.
Rick broke his stoic character, humming happily and licking his lips. “I’ve been thinking about you all-all night baby. When I saw your car I could-couldn’t resist. Couldn’t wait till after my shift.” He told me, unbuttoning my pants with quick hands. I flung my hands down to stop him, my eyes scanning the area once again.
“Wait, can we… can we at least get in my car or find an alley or something?” I asked, and Rick chuckled, peering up at me.
“Depends, are you gonna ma-make a break for it as soon as I let my guard down? I-I-I still need to write you up for that little indiscretion back there. The law’s the law.” He asked, though he had a playfulness in his eye.
“No, officer. I’ll pay my dues.” I assured him. He reached a hand behind him, pulling out his cuffs and clamping them over my wrists before I had the chance to say anything, my lips parted in surprise, and he held onto the chain between the cuffs as he stood, guiding me along with it. He led us away from the cars and down the street, there was a secluded little spot down a side street lined with garages, a singular streetlight lit up the entrance, but down near the end was bathed in darkness. He took us far enough so that there was just enough light to see what we were doing, and he pinned me up against the wall.
“Maybe I need to do a cavity search, huh?” He asked, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the cliche. He didn’t even crack a smile, so I quickly collected myself.
“Um, if you think that’s necessary, sir.” I nodded, and he seemed to like the name I’d given him. He leaned in and kissed me, his tongue pushing past my lips, barely giving me enough time to prepare myself. His kiss was starved; needy and full of want. I moaned quietly, my bound hands moving up to grab hold of his tie. He finished what he’d started out on the street, unfastening my pants and sliding a hand inside. He slid his fingers over my slit, dipping between the folds ever so slightly and coating them in my moisture. He rolled my clit under his index and middle finger a few times before pushing a single digit inside me. He wriggled it around, breaking the kiss to look at me as he did.
“You don’t seem to be sm-smuggling anything up here, but you sure are wet. Breaking the law get- gets you off, does it?” He murmured in a dirty tone, leaning in close, barely giving me space to breathe. Not that I minded.
“Maybe it’s the getting caught that does it.” I said on an exhale, canting my hips towards him as he angled his fingers forwards and brushed over my sweet spot.
“Mmm.” He simply hummed in approval, adding a second finger and thrusting them. He brought his thumb to my clit, rubbing it quickly from side to side.
“Ohhh, mm, fuck.” I sighed, raising up onto my tiptoes and arching my back, pressing ever closer to him. I could hear slick sounds rising from between us, and it was embarrassing how wet this was making me.
“Unbutton that shirt for me, le-let me make sure you aren’t hiding anything under there.” He commanded, and I brought my shaky hands to my own chest, doing what I was told. “Arms up.” He added, and I was as obedient as ever. Rick peppered kisses over my chest, biting and sucking on the exposed parts of my breasts. Eventually he pushed my bra upwards, mouthing my nipples one by one. He swiped his tongue in circles around them, before gently nibbling with his teeth. I shuddered and suppressed a moan that managed to surface as a pathetic squeak.
He moved down my body, lips trailing sweet kisses, his tongue darting out and painting a wet stripe down my stomach as he dropped to his knees in front of me. I was panting heavily at this point, and it only got heavier when he pulled my pants and underwear down completely. Without a word his mouth met my core, those two fingers still buried inside me. His tongue played over my engorged clitoris, applying just the right amount of pressure he knew I liked, flicking it back and forth. His eyes closed in concentration, his fingers giving direct stimulation to my g-spot, working with his tongue to bring me to the brink of orgasm.
It was fast and hit me like a bullet, there was little to no warning before I was coming. My legs shook and I whimpered, rolling my head back against the wall, hands flying down to Rick’s head with a clink of chain. He moaned against me when I pushed his face harder between my legs involuntarily, only letting up the pressure when the sensitivity got too much, and I was flinching away from the assault of his tongue.
“Mmm, that’s it baby. Y-you like that? Didn’t ta-take long, did it?” He chuckled, rising to his feet. I caught my breath, staring at him with a look of need in my eyes. “You know, y-you’ve been real good for me. Maybe we can forget about your little mistake tonight. Wouldn’t that be n-nice?”
“Yes, officer. I’m a good driver, I’ve learned my lesson.” I nodded frantically, bringing my arms down to wrap around his neck, my bound wrists hanging between his shoulder blades.
“Not quite. Y-you gotta keep being a good girl f-for a lit-little while longer.” He said softly, and he reached down to unbutton his pants. He pushed them down around his ankles, exposing his leaking, flushed erection. He was desperately hard, his neglected cock jumping as he pushed his hips forward, rubbing it along my wet slit. He stuttered out incoherent words, rocking against me.
He picked me up suddenly, pinning me against the wall and prompting me to wrap my legs around him. He waited no more time before giving into his desperation and sinking into me. His shoulders hunched and he took a moment to steady himself, breaths coming out shaky and frantic. I could tell just how worked up he was, and I felt my own muscles clench involuntarily around his length in need. He cursed, lifting his head up to look at me.
“Y-you’re so perfect. So fuckin’ good babe-baby.” He told me, then began to move. He thrust into me nice and quick, no warm up needed. I gasped and clutched onto the back of his shirt for dear life, my pussy throbbing and tingling instantly with being filled so perfectly.
Rick was unrelenting yet consistently gentle, and he took the time to press kisses against my neck, sucking and nibbling here and there, whispering words of encouragement to me as he fucked me. Rick had always been a generous lover, making sure that I was enjoying myself just as much as he was regardless of the situation. He angled his hips in such a way that his pubic bone ground into my clit with his motion, and it wasn’t long before I was clenching around him, anticipating a second release.
“Cum for me, beau-beautiful, I wanna f-fe-feel it.” He grunted, picking up the pace. I bounced between him and the wall, my whole body hot and throbbing from the friction that met almost every part of me. My moans grew louder, and in that moment I couldn’t care less that we were out in public and any old Rick or Morty could walk by and hear us. His cock felt too good inside me, curving upward slightly to stimulate my g-spot so I was reduced to a shaking mess of pure, hot pleasure.
“Oh God, Rick I love- I love you.” I called out, my thighs squeezing his hips as he pushed me over the edge, and I pulsed around him through my second orgasm. A strangled groan was torn from him, and I could feel him spilling inside me. He fucked me through our orgasms, gently slowing until he stopped his thrusts completely. He kissed me, it was hungry and it stole my breath. He didn’t stop even when he pulled out of me and lowered me to the ground, bringing his hands up to cup my face.
We were both still breathless when he pulled away, his hooded eyes bored into mine and he chuckled quietly, stroking his thumbs lovingly over my cheeks. He pressed a few more single kisses over my face; the tip of my nose, the corner of my mouth, the curve of my jaw. I closed my eyes and soaked it up, I was a complete junkie for moments of affection from Rick.
“Am- am I still in trouble?” I asked, and he laughed again, pulling back from me. He shook his head and reached for my arms, lifting them up and away from around his neck. He bent down and rummaged in his discarded pant pockets for a key, unlocking the cuffs and rubbing my wrists soothingly, planting a kiss on each one.
“You never re-really were. You did nothing wrong.” He told me with a smirk as he redressed himself. I did the same, regardless of the bodily fluids dripping down my thighs; it wasn’t like I had anything to clean myself up with out here.
“I didn’t think so. I know I’m a good driver.” I smirked back. He leaned in and gave me another peck on the lips once we were both decent, and groaned in disappointment when he pulled back.
“I should probably get back to doing my j-job.” He whispered, and I nodded my head.
“Probably.” I agreed, stroking a hand over his chest. “But if you ever catch me, say, speeding, I would be quite happy for you to pull me over again.” I smiled cheekily.
“Of course. Part of my job is keep-keeping the roads safe. Can’t have y-you jeopardising that.” He smirked, taking my hand and leading us back down the alley and towards our cars. He gave me one last tender kiss, before opening my car door for me. Ever the gentleman. “I’ll see you at home.” He told me once I was settled in, tapping on the roof of the car.
“Looking forward to it.” I smiled, before starting up the car and pulling off.
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glove23 · 7 years ago
2: one of your favorite comments/reviews on this chapter/verse?mmmm for meeting your maker (literally) would be a review i got the other day and it jusg. amuses me so much. “Such a great way for me to start the new year: Reading another of your wondrous chapters! I’m beating myself up because I don’t know who Sirius is going to contact. Andromeda maybe? It make me mad that my knowledge doesn’t allow me to have Harry’s understanding. Oh well.”
4: what time of the day/night do you like to write? mmm literally whenever i get motivation and thats usually around midnight
6: hardest/easiest character to write for?Lily Evans is the hardest, i just feel like i can never get her right. Percy Jackson is the easiest bc ive just known his character for so long its like second nature to me
8: (if you have either or both) how do you manage time with writing, work, school etc.? I DONT DO EITHER AT THE MOMENT and i still dont write as much as i should,,,,while i was in school i feel like i actually wrote more tbh
10: any writing advice?honestly jusg fuckin do it. even if u donf really have any inspiration going in, just write and if it sucks who cares at least ur writing
12: anything you would do to make archiveofourown different/change it?not anything i can think of at the moment, tho im sure theres something
14: what is the arc for this character (redemption, etc.)? JAMES POTTER??? to not be a fuckin bully anymore jesus christ im gonna have some WORDS with the boy
16: do you ever hand write? why or why not?yeah sometimes and its usually bc i cant get to my computer or phone or thag i just feel like actually Writing with a pen
18: any fanmixes you’ve made for this fic/verse?nope
20: what songs were you listening to during this scene/chapter?i almost always either listen to the pride and prejudice 2005 soundtrack or either how to train your dragon ½ soundtracks. i cant listen to music with words while writing i canf concentrate.
22: favorite line/quote/inner monologue from this character?im gonna just keep going with james for these“James nodded. "Yeah, he did, but he could’ve seen them die as a baby, or something. Just because they don’t remember knowing them, doesn’t mean they weren’t there.”“ bc james u right
24: do you outline?nope
26: anything you’re planning to write in your fic that you’re worried readers might like?YEAH BUT I AINT SAYIN cuz thats spoilers and ive been planning this forever
28: any scene/line you wrote that you didn’t expect to write/that surprised you once it was written?the entire fic of mym(l)
30: any backstory questions about characterstheir backstory is literally all 7 hp books
32: what are your stats for this story/verse?(55264 words)Subscriptions: 309 Hits: 8573 Kudos: 387 Comment Threads: 84 Bookmarks: 139
34: a scene/paragraph you wrote that you’re proud ofevery time one of the trio freaks out at hogwarts bc of all the war memories they have associated with there
36: any scenes you wrote that parallel the canon verse?probably
38: do you title your chapters? what’s your favorite chapter title? what’s its significance/why did you choose it?yes and its between Mission Status: Broken and Of Nightmares and Men. mission status is bc theyre on a mission and sad things happen and nightmares is bc harry literally has some bad nightmares
40: chapter you’re most proud of in this verse?all
42: five songs that this character has on their iPod/iPhone?james1- mr brightside by the killers i dont CARE when it came out james potter has this on his ipod2- revelution by the score 3-how to save a life by the fray4- nine in the afternoon by panic! at the disco5-youre gonna go far kid by the offspring
44: have you shared your outline with anyone? if so, what did they think of it?nope
46: story with the most kudos (AO3)?mym(l) only bc its been up for three years
48: a happy future moment you’ve written/have planned for this ship? (will post under read more for spoilers)them being alive (i REFUSE to give spoilers for this part ive kept it secret for too long to give in now)
50: this character’s guilty pleasure?james: idk man he eats ice cream on his broom in midair this dude doesnt care who knows what he likes lbr
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17mounteens · 8 years ago
Hi, can i request a car date session with mingyu when he just got his driving license and ask you to have a car date with him but it turn out to be a hot session in the car. ((Mingyu driving i cant-----my heart----))
The song ‘oppa’s car’ was my inspo for this hehe
I’m here
Okay, I’ll be down in 5
Mingyu wanted to take you out for a drive as he had received his driver's license and you had eagerly agreed. A car date sounded fun, although you did admit that you weren’t a hundred percent sure about his driving skills.
You got into the car in actually less than five minutes and fastened your seat belt immediately, throwing your bag to the backseat.
“Watch out, I prepared us food,” Mingyu said a little too late when you had already thrown your bag  and heard it clash with the boxes of food.
“Whoops,” you said, and leaned closer to him, giving him a peck on his lips. Mingyu shook his head after the kiss and smiled.“Let’s get going then, I know the perfect place to have a nice lunch.”
“There’s no space anywhere,” Mingyu mumbled to himself in frustration. It had proved to be much harder to find a good spot to park his car near the national park - furthermore anywhere peaceful and out of people’s eyes, where you could eat your food undisturbed.
You stare at Mingyu and admire his side profile. You could see his brows were furrowed from underneath his cap and his hands sturdily on the steering wheel, your eyes slowly drifting to look at his muscular arms in his black t-shirt.  The way his grip tightens around the steering wheel and how his index finger brushes over his lips while his look is concentrated on the street inevitably makes you sigh in awe.
“Why are you staring at me?”, Mingyu laughs after he hears your sigh and blushes. You shrug and lean back into your seat.
“You look good,” you told him honestly. He did look damn good in his all black clothes. Mingyu chuckled as an answered and stared back from the rear-view mirror, bringing the car into a halt.
“Let’s wait here and see if anyone leaves,” he said and found your hand from your lap and brought it to his mouth, pressing soft kisses on top of it.
“That might take a while, you sure you don’t want to just eat here while we wait,” you said and struggled to look to the backseats of the car where Mingyu had packed you two lunch.
“No, the view is really pretty from those spots there,” Mingyu said and pointed at the spots furthest away to your right. “We’re gonna starve by this rate,” you mumbled and made yourself more comfortable on the warm car seat.
Mingyu still had your hand in his but where he placed yours, made you question him a little. Your hand was still on top of his, but his own hand was touching his upper thigh, tapping dangerously close to his crotch. You gulped visibly, tearing your eyes off from his thighs and instead just focusing on the quiet parking lot.
You could see some people in their cars, doing god knows what and others getting out of their cars to go walk in the scorching heat which you didn’t understand.
“There’s one!” You scream when you notice another car leave a parking space, pulling your hand away from Mingyu.
You noticed Mingyu getting startled by your sudden scream as he was looking the other way but he drove the car swiftly to the free spot and turned off the car. “You’ve gotten good at parking,” you said, surprised by his driving skills.
“Thank you” he cheered and unfastened his seatbelt and you followed, unfastening yours too. He looked content and nudged his head to the direction of the view he had previously talked about, encouraging you to look there.
The view was right through a bunch of trees into the beautiful river and the mountains right behind it. You couldn’t fathom how there could be such an untouched view in a big city.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Mingyu shoving a metal lunchbox to your hands. “I shook it for you already. There’s rice and all the good stuff there,” he said, too lazy to tell you every single ingredient he had put in it but you were sure you’d like it no matter the ingredients - he knew your taste well.
You finished your lunch talking about Mingyu’s car and how long it had taken him to finally get his driver’s license.
“So, uhm, about you saying that I look good today...You look gorgeous yourself,” Mingyu mumbled while getting rid of the lunchboxes. He then turned to look at you and leaned in, blinking his eyes frequently. You shoved him back with a laugh, he was being cheesy again.
“I’m serious, you look great,” he said and that cute grin of his turned into more of a mischievous kind in a second. “My babygirl always looks great,” he said under his breath and placed his hand on your thigh once again, causing chills all over your body. He knew what the word ‘babygirl’ made you feel.
His hand snakes up your thigh and under the waistband of your jeans. He couldn’t fit his hand where he wanted so he had to unbutton your jeans and unzip them as well. The whole time he was fiddling with your jeans, you were basically mewling in your car seat - suddenly your excitement levels were incredibly high.
He soon slipped his warm hands into your pants, his fingers quickly pushing on your clit, causing you to gasp.
He could see you squirm when he started rolling your clit between his thumb and forefinger, your feet curling up, your knees lifting as you thrusted against his hand. You were basically breathless at this point, sighing when Mingyu whispered you dirty things. Every time you moaned, Mingyu felt his cock twitch instinctively.
“So wet,” he whispers, continuing to rub you gently. You tried to control your whimpers more but you couldn’t - his touch felt so good.
Something that you could do however, and did, was to flip yourself over the console of the car in the middle to straddle Mingyu’s lap, although it meant that he couldn’t play with your clit anymore.
Mingyu’s fingertips dug into your skin as soon as you landed on his thighs and his breath hitched.
“What are you doing Y/N?”
A smirk grew on your lips and you felt yourself get more wet by the second - he was turning you on so much. “What?” you said innocently, “am I doing something wrong?”
“Mmm- no,” Mingyu answered, his voice fading as you moved your hips on his lap, making sure to target his crotch. You heard him breathe out a low fuck before moving his hands up your sides, letting his fingers play with the hem of your shirt.
Soon you weren’t the only moaning mess - Mingyu’s grunts got louder and louder as you ground your hips against his and his hips bucked up from time to time.
“You know cars aren’t soundproof right,” you whimpered in his lap. Mingyu’s grip tightened around your waist as he rolled his hips up against you just slightly, but enough to make you both moan again.
“You should be quiet too then,” he said softly, his warm breath against your neck.
You shifted again, pressing your hips down another time, feeling his erection between your legs. He spread his legs only a little, making it more comfortable for himself, as it also gave you a better angle to move down against him.
You groaned when you tried to rest your forehead against his but instead, your head rested on his cap. “Let’s get rid of this,” you said in frustration and threw the cap to the back seats and directly tangled your hands in his hair.
“Should I make you come, baby?” He asks you with a teasing tone, his other hand finding its way to your groin, where he rubbed you through your jeans, just increasing the friction you were feeling.
You shake your head no after after collecting your thoughts; you didn’t want to stop but you could feel yourself getting anxious the closer you both got to actually having sex in the car. What if people saw you two?
It took a lot of willpower from Mingyu to tear himself away from you, his erection painfully visible through his black trousers. “I’m not done with you though,” he growled, his lips attaching to your neck once more. You tilted your head, giving him more access.
“You better not be.”
Admin Memesol
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gulescamisade · 8 years ago
Minnesota:  Day 4
JAKE: -Another night is going by, he's pretty sure. And he's so sweaty, hungry, and thirsty. If their captors had left food or water for him, Jake promptly turned it down as he felt was the NATURAL THING TO DO. He heard what became of those mushroom tests from LOWAS. None of this was exactly ideal... He groans miserably, rubbing his tum of awful hunger pains. The headaches and dry throat.-
JAMES: -continuing his meditation and fasting. Energy continues to be conserved and though he is hungry, it's not the worst he's experienced. He only hopes the fact that it's gone quiet these past few hours can only be a good thing. No news is good news, James tells himself. It's the only thing he can do.-
ROXY: =Things seem quiet..... she leans against her wall and tap tap........ who's next to her. TAPS=
JAMES: -The only one who is paying attention is James. Leans back to the wall and taps in response.-
JAKE: -curled up in a ball, having cried himself into another headache nap.-
ROXY: =Baby no........ she taps out [HOLD ONTO YOUR BUTT] in morse code then POOFs over into the next cell.=
JAMES: -sitting crosslegged with his whole button up and slack combos. Professional even in these dire circumstances. James looking a little haggard what with his hair out of place, but still alert. Ready for action if need be.- ROXY.
ROXY: =She's definitely been sweating but she didn't wanna flaunt her powers too much since they expect shit of her but... she can't just. Let them go without. Whoever else is here. She rushes over to him too= glad 2 see u too im fine
ROXY: u gotta grocery list? im ur gal call me target cuz wal marts 2 trashy and im the height of supermarket class
ROXY: not whole foods class tho thats borderin in2 pretentious
JAMES: -knits his eyebrows.- ...ARE YOU OFFERING FOOD?
ROXY: anythin u need that u can hide and food definitely
ROXY: gotcha =she finger waggles up a storm dropping two sturdy sacks of water, dried fruits in thin bags along with crackers and little bite-sized pieces of protein bars=
JAMES: -seems to be wiggling something out of the sole of his shoe.-
JAMES: -as it turns out, it is a single playing card. Flips it over the supplies as kind of single-slot emergency sylladex and stores it away.-
ROXY: =That's so cool... and a good idea= hope u dont mind me stealin ur idea.....
ROXY: =gestures to the other wall= is he over here u think? =taps??? TAPS=
JAMES: IT'S QUITE POSSIBLE. -What with hearing him yowl up a storm before.-
ROXY: never but ill try =two finger salute and BLIPS into the cell next to James'=
JAKE: -lying huddled in his corner like a sad dog, his back turned towards the door. Something about the BLIP stirs him awake, however, and he begins to wake up. Squinting with a bleariness around.- ....Rock and rolloxy?
ROXY: .....baby...... :C
ROXY: i gotta make it quick but do u need a hug?
JAKE: -it even hurts to cry but he's doing it anyway, rolling up to sit.- Yes... 8'C
ROXY: awww cmere =quickly shuffles over to give him a big strong hug=
ROXY: tell me wut u need and we can work it out... idk where we are and idk how many of us are in here....
ROXY: idk where everyone else is
JAKE: -weeps into her shoulder. Two smelly baras hugging it out.- Ive no idea either. Its—
JAKE: Cant i know if my sons are alright?? Oh rox its so cruel.
ROXY: i... wish i knew jakey boy.... if i could id get us a thing to try n get in2 this system but... that needs time and theyd be onto me lol...... not lol
ROXY: but well get outta this mess
JAKE: -scrubs at his face, so blotched and red with tears.- Well... well bust out of here! I know we will!
JAKE: And when we do they wont even know what hit them!
JAKE: Id do so right now if you gave the word. -looks off.- Maybe...
JAKE: Someone can help us?
ROXY: maybe but right now we can help each other =cups his face and kisses his forehead= ROXY: ill go scopin later.... try 2 see whats up
ROXY: maybe i can find every1
ROXY: but rn tell me what u need
JAKE: -smiles for the first time in a few days, warmed by the gesture. But then remembers what he's doing.- Shit uhh—
JAKE: Water and substantial edibles i think is a good start. -rubs his sad empty tum.-
ROXY: its the best start =smiles back at him then gets to work just giving him the same supplies she gave James= just hide em when someone comes u kno
ROXY: prison smugglin drills
JAKE: !!!
JAKE: Cripes this is just like magic...
JAKE: ... -looks around his cell.-
JAKE: Where ought i hide it?
ROXY: mmm ..... i might hafta steal a idea i saw from james hes ur neighbor btw
ROXY: =focuses......... tries to make the one dump sylladex card= this might work i think slip it in ur mustache lol or just like somewhere discreet
JAKE: Holy moly! -accepts the 1 dump sylladex card if she manages it.- Is this what i think it is?
JAKE: -Automatically believing that it's a 1 dump sylladex card so whether she DOES manage it, the card is already what she intends it to be.-
JAKE: -giving it a look over- :D
JAKE: -tucks it into the safety of his back pocket. Sitting on it now.-
ROXY: =bless u jake= good beans bby
ROXY: ill be back sometime keep ur spirits up ok?
JAKE: Yes ma am o whamma! -salutes her swiftfly. His spirits are in much better places than they were before.-
ROXY: good! =poof, she's outta there=
JAKE: -brimming with hope now and makes swift work of these dried fruits. Chugs what he can of the water.-
JAKE: -wiping off his mustache, he feels his willpower RENEWED. Better than ever.-
JAKE: -And if Roxy can pull her magic off, why the blazes can't he??? Jake rolls to stand, channeling that spark of hope to manifestation.-
(DIRK): -he puts the MAN in MANIFEST. extends leg, here is brain ghost dirk.-
(DIRK): Hey, that's the first time you summoned me consciously and not as the result of a homoerotic fantasy. Good job.
JAKE: -jumps as his voice comes up but brightens his scruffy self up immediately.- Dirk!
JAKE: Brain ghost! Youre here!
(DIRK): Yeah.
(DIRK): What are you gonna do with me now that I'm here? -lol and then what-
JAKE: -swiftly whaps the ishades off his face.- Give me that!
(DIRK): What the fuck. -covers his face. DON'T LOOK AT ME. he's being ironic mostly-
JAKE: -thrusting them onto his own face. Instant computer.- Hoo. Alright now. I need to contact the crew.
JAKE: Mind if i hornswoggle you of your pester client? Of course you do! -logging into his account.-
(DIRK): My pester client is imaginary, but alright.
JAKE: Huh? No its not? -It's not, Dirk. Look at it working. How??? Magic is how.-
(DIRK): -fucking incredible-
(DIRK): -obnoxiously hovers behind him-
(DIRK): It's almost like you have the ability to make anything a reality.
JAKE: -typing frantically, heart hammering as it actually DOES seem to work.- Shut up will you???
(DIRK): A dude summons you into his realm of existance just to tell you to shut up. Nice one.
JAKE: -Seeing everyone online makes his insides lurch painfully so he's only half paying attention to BGD. His franticness making his eyes water again as in the middle of the message, the connection severs.- Its—
JAKE: Its breaking up! -says with his concentration fizzling.-
(DIRK): Well don't give up.
(DIRK): Do something about it.
JAKE: Im trying damn you! Cant you see?? -says, clutching at the shades.-
(DIRK): And I'm telling you to try harder.
(DIRK): You have it in you to do this.
JAKE: -practically choking with frustration and wills the last bit of connection out of sheer spite. The last message gets through before cutting off completely.-
(DIRK): ...
(DIRK): There you go.
JAKE: -He is just never going to stop being tearstruck at this point. Obligatorily hands BGD his shades.-
JAKE: -His vision is swimming as his hand drops, looking at brain ghost now. Dirk knows Jake loves him doesn't he? Of course he does, a voice tells Jake predictably. It's what he wants to hear, it's the truth that he knows deep down in his heart and it's what BGD was basically scripted to say.-
JAKE: -So why was he still so miserable? He's gotta ask anyway.-
JAKE: He knows i love him right? Id do anything for him?
(DIRK): ... Of course he knows that.
(DIRK): He's probably driving himself up a wall cuz he can't tell you the same thing.
JAKE: -wipes at his nose.- I miss him something tremendous.
JAKE: You would think dodging near death experiences on a regular basis would make this easier to bear. But it doesnt.
JAKE: It really doesnt.
(DIRK): They're coming for you, you know. -he knows this because jake has to know this.-
(DIRK): ... -offers jake his hand to hold-
JAKE: -takes the hand, too dried up to cry in earnest anymore. His shoulders only sag.- At least i have you.
(DIRK): You'll always have me.
JAKE: -keeps their fingers twined together but gives up once their shoulders brush. Just rests his head against BGD, tired all over again.- Jeez louise dirk....
JAKE: Youre always so.
JAKE: You.
(DIRK): It's no coincidence. -leans on him too-
(DIRK): That's the way you want me to be.
JAKE: Shucks. Then i must be stock full of good ideas. -lets his eyes start to drift closed...-
(DIRK): Must be. -yes shhh sleep. it'll get better soon. just believe in that, jake-
JAKE: -having close company to fall asleep with is infitintely better than sleeping alone. Jake has decided this here and now.- 
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