#and then like 'um no I don't want a 4/10 to interfere with our time together <3'
llycaons · 9 days
saw a fic like 'xie lian is watching hua cheng tie up he xuan...as an art piece just for him'. and I was like dying laughing. why the hell is he xuan in the middle of hl's sex antics. does he owe hc THAT much money? I was just imagining him like hanging there completely dead-eyed listening to them being completely insufferable and zoning out 😭 god I hope they didn't keep him too long
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Hi there I was just curious if you’ve heard this podcast and what your thoughts are on it
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I managed to find the podcast with Gen and Dave Hollis you mentioned, which is in this link here. This aired on 11/5/2020. I see the episode number is 119 and is titled "The Benefits of Slowing Down and Focusing on What Matters- with Gen Padalecki". A good friend of mine showed me that post and it really caught my attention based on the things I've been seeing in my divination readings, my personal observations, other posts like that one and others I have caught wind of here on Tumblr, etc. I'm going to give time stamps of some of the highlights I feel are worth sharing prior to discussing my thoughts on things.
2:10 Dave asked Gen what exactly makes her tick, how she got to where she is, and asked her to tell people "who the heck you are". "It's loaded um and I like it. That's such a great question because I feel like I'm coming into my own all of the sudden and so I feel that couldn't have come at a better time. I feel like I had this tough exterior kind of growing up but like internally had to be this good girl and you know I feel like now 39, 3 kids and I feel like what feeds me is being completely honest about my feelings and using my words to express myself. Not that I wouldn't but like I say to my kids (was a little hard to understand her here so I could be wrong about this portion) just being completely honest about my feelings and expressing that and I think what really makes me tick is finding ways that I can find happiness and for me that's my children who I didn't realize how much joy and insane love they bring to me and my husband. I also find little things like I love to read. I've just relearned how to read essentially through COVID and I am, it brings me so much joy and walking in nature and being outside, I'm really active. So things that really feed me and stimulate me and um, make me feel good. I feel like I've turned them. I don't know, you pay it forward. You know, you bring that energy with you."
4:30 (in the context of Dave and her discovering what really matters to them the most continuing from the last question): "This is the first time I lived with my husband. I know that sounds really crazy but my husband had been filming a TV show for 15 years in Vancouver so when all of this started you know he came down here. He had 2 episodes left and then that was the completion of the series. Personally, it meant that I had to live with him and deal with coparenting which was really stressful like the thought of it. And to make that work, and it was crazy because we were always in this tight bubble with just us and our kids and it really was simplifying. It was you know like the layers are gone. The interference is gone, drama is kinda out the window in a way, and we got to really simplify basic needs. It's so weird how much unlayering we had to do and that's what I'm finding through all of this is a lot of unlayering to get to the core".
6:15: Dave said "talk a little bit about the ways you have had to be creative in maintaining the relationship that you have, the love that you have with the distance that has historically existed and the complexity of what it means to do the work that you both do. To which Gen responded "yeah I think it's finding the little things and I always enjoyed having a long distance relationship with him. It's kind of silly 'cause like it's in some ways it's like this vacation you have when you're together and then they're gone and so it's almost like super- not superficial but but it's not realistic and when we were apart, what I would do is create boxes. I mean he still has this box from um when we first met he was a port drinker. And he had a bottle of this Pinto port that he loved and so I took the box and I put in you know love letters and n' what have you and then once we had kids you know it obviously gets a little more complicated and you're strapped but just making that time. It's so silly but it's work and you have to treat it as such but without it becoming monotonous I guess.
7:25 (con't from above) I'm finding creativity in that work and you have to work on, on that relationship and um find creative ways to 'cause you know especially after the two of use have been together for 12 years, we're really different people and you grow at different times and sometimes you are like "I really don't like you right now" and then the other person grows in a different direction and you kind of have to find the balance and that creativity to come back together and that commonality to come back together and you know..."
8:30: After David asked if she's enjoying descending into Austin after living in California: "I was born in California, I was born in the Bay area and then funny enough I moved to Montana. My parents said we're going on vacation and they moved us to Montana. So um I have memories of people throwing things at our car."
They apparently moved to Montana in 1994. This would make her either 12 or 13 when she moved.
11:36: "The one place I felt was the most formative was moving to Montana. And it's such a strange thing and I don't know if you've experienced this too where I had all these preconceived notions that as a spoiled California kid. You know not spoiled but just where this world was this bubble and moving to a place where in my mind I thought I was gonna ride a horse to school and have to carry a gun (with some oomph I might add ha ha) and you know I was like who are these people? and, it was the one place in my life that was so challenging and so difficult. To get through that and through the other side. I have the best memories, I'm still trying to go back. I'm trying to get Jared to go back and I'm like "we gotta figure out a way to get back to Montana just because".
Turns out she lived there for 2 years and then her and her family moved to Idaho.
13:30: she mentions here that her college counselor in Idaho told me his advice and I'll never forget it was to "pick a college that made me uncomfortable, just uncomfortable enough you know to where I would have to figure stuff out but not too uncomfortable to where you want to leave. I still take this advice with me to every day. I really feel that to find discomfort because that's where you learn. You know, you look deep and within yourself and have to get dark". She was talking in response to Dave's discussing his son's fear of not winning his class president election by saying "and especially now as a kid learn these lessons now. You don't want to wait until you're in your 20s to suddenly get uncomfortable. Get over it now, get over that hump, get over that fear of what people are thinking and letting that affect you and penetrate you and learn who you are now. Learn to fall on your face and get back up and keep on going."
21:20 Dave mentions Gen's first role as Kris Furillo who "was a troubled teen that worked at a horse ranch and as you said, you were born in LA, moved to Montana and then Sun Valley. It feels a little bit like art imitating life how does the saying go? I don't know but outside of the troubled teen part your career feels like it's mirrored a little bit with some of the moves you've made". Gen agreed saying "Yeah absolutely. You know what the craziest part is that so I was born in the Bay area and the same mountain. So this girl Kris Furillo steals this horse, she's sent to juvie or something and ends up going on this horse on this crazy ride up Mount Diablo and that's where I lived. So it's so crazy to be reenacting this story." She did say also "I don't know if I'm that troubled but I feel I felt the role at that time I think." She mentioned talking to Nicole and doing a rewatch and "reviving the show or something".
26:25 Dave asked Gen what it's like joining a show and then creating a life with them. He also was wondering about what it's like working with Jared while married and such. Probably the very best part of this whole thing in my opinion and what really made me want to watch this podcast from that post you shared Anon: "I was just talking to someone about this that my favorite relationship with him is a work relationship. Sometimes it's hard to be married to him because he's like, Jared is so interesting because he's so analytical. I mean my husband, I'm going to toot his horn because he's literally one of the smartest human beings I've ever met in my life and it's annoying because he will correct you on words you think he didn't even know. I have a book of SAT words just because I'm like I am going to get him. And so I'll just casually talk about something and use a crazy word in a sentence and he'll be like well you pronounced it incorrectly. It's so frustrating. Also in our marriage he's very giving and emotional and supportive. He's supportive in everything that I've done and I feel really lucky and grateful. I think even more so when it comes to work he is your biggest cheerleader and it's going to be a lot of time together. But funny enough, I think we'll be better at work than sometimes we are at home. Because I'm like, this is how the kids are, this is how I like them, this is the order htat I like things in. And it's hard for me to let go I think, at home. but at work, it's just a really nice exchange and I feel really lucky, and he'll sit there too. If he's not working, he'll take it, pull up a chair and talk on the phone and watch at me and I can hear him bragging about me and whether he's doing it for my benefit I don't know but it makes me feel good and I feel really lucky that he does stuff like that."
29:50 Now the second best part that wasn't mentioned in the post you shared Anon (where she responds to Dave's question about Jared being open about his struggles with anxiety). Paraphrasing here but she did admit here that both of them are in therapy for anxiety. She also said "but for us specifically we both are in therapy, actually all of us, the kids are in therapy as well. We feel really strongly like it's a workout. So you know We know we put so much emphasis on exercise." She talked about more emphasis on also exercising your brain.
39:00 (approximately, summarizing here): she talks about how for when she gave birth to Shep (in a bed) and Odette (water birth in the tub), she was in an Airbnb house in one of which the owner didn't even want guests to cook salmon. Also she started talking about how "the journey that you go through as a woman to get to that point, it just felt so in control and so giving [power]". This was in response to a question Dave asked Gen with regards to her giving birth naturally being a source of her strength. She did confirm Tom was a hospital birth where she had an epidural. She did admit also that they chose Seattle because it was closer to Vancouver for giving birth.
43:54 Gen is talking about how "their school has gone back yet and I really struggled to be honest with you [admitted she didn't send them back yet, and I'm assuming they did virtual schooling instead]. It was really challenging and I might just rip off the bandaid and put them in sports soon because I do worry about their mental health and for so long I've been like I have to do what's right for our community, I'm not gonna put anyone else at risk, we're in lockdown, our kids will not be in sports. And now I think I'm doing a disservice to my family. We've been at it now for what, 8 months? I'm like I gotta do something. So I certainly don't have the answers on this one." This was in response to a question Dave asked her during this tough how she and her family create "joy moments" with her kids during COVID-19 lockdown.
45:25 Dave asked Gen about the upcoming Walker Texas Ranger show "where is Chuck Norris when you need him?" Gen said "Yes I'm very, very excited and very humbled. I feel really lucky 1. to be able to work again, it's been a long time since I've been on a show and I also get to work opposite my husband and I get to play his deceased wife. I know we could have a field day with that one but I'm really, really excited and I've read the first couple lines of scripts, Jared shared them with me and I, I'm so, so excited for people to get their eyes on this show. I really feel that it's so well done, so well written it's so of the times and I just, I just feel it's so wholesome on the one hand and so like cutthroat and edgy on the flip side too and it's so fun".
46:51 Dave asked Gen his apparently standard end of the interview question "If there were one single takeaway that you could leave with this audience. An idea, a question, an actionable piece of advice that would help them have a little bit more peace, have them have a little more joy what is this single thing of a question that you would leave with our listeners today?" with which she answered "you know what I always say to my kids every day? I say 'say one good thing about yourself every day', and every morning when they wake up they have to say one positive thing about themselves. I started doing that with myself too and I feel that sets the tone for the day".
Now, onto my actual thoughts about this. Now when this podcast was aired it was in November 2020 during COVID. It's now March 25, 2024 as I am typing this and heard this entire podcast. I joined this fandom via joining Tumblr late December 2022 admittedly when I wanted to know more about why I was getting weird vibes about Jensen and Danneel's marriage as I had finished most of the series back then.
First thought finishing this particular podcast is "WELL Gen, you certainly were honest about your feelings here about Jared, weren't you?" I provided a link above for the other readers so they can hear it all for themselves outside of the partial transcript I gave above. I noticed that she talks about how much joy her children give her (not so much Jared but said her children bring her and her husband so much joy) but also heard some sources of her frustrations being with her husband. This may or may not sound "fair" to some people but she certainly has enjoyed a nice, comfortable cushy lifestyle minus the husband 9 or so months out of the year for most of their marriage and then suddenly now, she has to learn how to live with him. Oh my, what a concept of living with your husband finally...
I am a bit angry with her comment about "relearning how to read" for a couple reasons. I discussed in a Tumblr my problems with her answer about her literacy campaign question she got during the Jared and Gen Atlanta con earlier this year which was a few days before my 11 year anniversary from the day I uploaded my first YouTube video. My first YouTube video was about my struggles in school and even talked about how I essentially LEARNED how to read period, not this "relearning how to read" bullshit statement Gen made, as she had a bazillion books on her shelf in posts going back prior to 2019. I decided to make a Tumblr post and a video response going with my post talking about why there's plenty of things wrong with Gen's answer. In short, her views on literacy go back to thinking that literacy problems are more or less in far away lands only and definitely knows nothing about what it really means to be illiterate. I advise she uses her computer or phone to learn more about the same literacy statistics she spews out at times and learn about the REAL causes of illiteracy in both the developing and developed worlds.
I'm also concerned greatly about her admitting her and the kids are all in therapy. Again you guys, this podcast aired back on 11/5/2020. Why are her kids who were aged about 3, 5, and 8 at the time or so in therapy? Again, this was back in November 2020 when this podcast was aired so this is about how old the kids were at the time. "To exercise their brains" as she put it? Come on all, this is a joke right? You go to therapy to GET HELP FOR ISSUES not to "exercise the brain", I've had enough of this stupid "woke" shit. I'm sorry but just no.... I spent some of my childhood in speech and occupational therapy because I needed help with speech and sensory issues. I spent some of my time as a teen seeing a psychologist because I needed help with emotional issues. I also spend some of my time as an adult today in therapy because I need help overcoming emotional issues going back to my childhood and also admittedly from trauma I've endured in my adult years and frankly just can't seem to get a break from in my eyes. Hell, as an example of how wonderful my childhood was... I have such a sweet memory of being in 4th grade under the annoying fluorescent lights in my speech therapist's office "learning" how to pronounce words like "orange" and "banana" not long after she came into my classroom to gather me and threatened me saying "I will drag your ass out of this room if you don't come with me now". Good times... now why were/are her kids in therapy at such a young age? I don't know, I doubt it's just to "exercise their brains". So this is how you like your kids Gen? Going to therapy at such a young age from whatever issues they are going through, despite living such a comfortable cushy life with dad barely around most of the time? The gall of it, seriously... There are so many things wrong with this on so many levels but you know, I know now with real life confirmation of what I've suspected hearing it straight from the horse's mouth, there's something legitimately going wrong behind closed doors without her saying it...
And I am sorry but I MUST go revisit the statement of her favorite relationship with Jared being a work relationship. I discussed previously the timeline of their marriages here, which I concluded things went way too fast and frankly talked about how there's plenty of red flags with the whole deal. I also caught wind of some curious social media tendencies of his, his family's and hers discussed here that just can't be ignored or unseen. In another post here where I mentioned in a reblog the holiday Jared broke down on wanting to die was ironically enough Ascension Day, I took the liberty of taking photos out of Jared's chapter in the book "Family Don't End with Blood". It is in the context of this chapter that made me really start to question the Pada marriage more. "Why did Gen not stay behind with her troubled husband?" Being someone who has been in therapy since she was a kid apparently, she should know that it takes time for meltdowns, breakdowns, shutdowns, etc. to occur and that there are WARNING SIGNS of something going on especially with her own husband. I'm sorry, I don't accept the bullshit answers that it's because she barely knows her husband or "she didn't know". Nope, there are always hints something is amiss, she just chose to overlook them at this time. Nope nope and just nope.
Bottom line is, even though Gen's mom the childhood psychic Penny may have foretold Gen's future husband is going to be a producer per this podcast I wrote about here BUT what about the palmistry reading Jared got where he was told he was going to be rich but have a bad love life as I posted about here? Did these 2 psychics hear from other entities different things in their divine blueprints about their said unhappy marriage? Penny didn't talk about the unhappy side of things (how convenient and frankly typical of said demonic seers) and Jared's palm reader didn't divulge who he was going to marry but implied it won't be a happy love life for him. Hmm, this is one reason I can't stand demonic seers.
On an interesting note, the Bathroom Chronicles podcast is episode 11. Around the 1 hour 10 min marker (1h10min00sec or 1:10:00 as it'd read on a timer is when that psychic Penny and Gen talk about how she learned from her psychic friend about her future husband. Overall Bathroom Chronicles podcast length is 01:17:48. This Rise Together podcast you shared Anon is episode 119, which aired on 11/5/2020. Also in this video from one of the last JIB panels from last year around the 11:33 marker Gen hesitated to kiss Jared onstage after she crashed this panel, can't unsee that for sure. Ironically while they were discussing a book called "Happy Place" in this live stream filmed in May of last year, Jared was told by Gen "No, don't wear your hat" which his fans are aware is a source of comfort for Jared, his "happy place" in a sense. What on earth is with all of the 11s surrounding Jared and Gen? As a brief meaning of what 11 could mean per that link, "The angel number 11 has a deeper meaning – it’s all about spiritual awakening and higher consciousness. Your guardian angels try to get your attention, nudging you to explore your inner self. Additionally, the number 11 is a symbol of leadership and new beginnings." Hmmmm what new beginnings? I guess we shall find out one day....
Thanks for the share Anon!
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