#and then just vanish... idk
yamisnuffles · 4 months
I've been ghosted by a lot of friends over the years and man, it always hurts. To have people you spent a lot of time with, who you thought cared as much about you as you did about them, just disappear? It really stings.
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smilesrobotlover · 27 days
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I wanted to play with sae with Zelda’s and a Zelda’s meet au. Here’s how they all met. The gate of time and Terrako’s bizzare magic forced everyone together. Biggest issue with this au is that it takes place after all my aus so this is after kotg but I don’t have the patience to play with it after so…. Yeah. But yeaaaah. I might continue this, I might not. But I enjoyed this. Very proud of how some panels turned out.
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dyke-in-crisis · 2 years
I had to wait for an hour at the doctors office so enjoy my brain vomit about webseries/args
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Achilles: Change is inedible.
Patroclus: Don't you mean inevitable?
Achilles, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
"There's something else here, I just know it!"
Charlie clutches at her hair, frustration dripping as she stares down the two men before her. The others stand by the bar behind her, waiting to see how this interaction goes down. Vaggie stands by her side, her rock amidst the chaos, because she's just about had it with the two. They've met for barely a week, and yet they acted like they hated each other for decades. Each interaction conveyed a message laced with a bitter venom she could not understand, and she's just SO TIRED of all the secrets, especially ones that threatened to wreck the hotel every few hours!
"So what is it?! Why do you two hate each other so much??? You act like you've known each other for centuries and Im DONE with being kept in the dark!"
Her horns protrude, flames flaring from her hair as she levels the two with a glare. The demonic form has her girlfriend clutching tighter at her arm, and her friends backing up behind the bar.
The objects of her current irritation deflated a bit at her anger, though not without sneaking hate filled gazes at the other.
"Its nothing, Charl-"
"NO.", her voice reverberated across the walls. "Dad, I would normally not interfere with anyone's past, but not if that past hurts the hotel, hurts my people. Angel could have gotten so much more than a broken leg if I didn't step in."
Said spider flinches imperceptibly at the mention of his name. Even when he wasn't the one being scolded, Charlie could be terrifying when she wanted to be.
"You two have a past. What. Is. It."
Lucifer, for the first time since this started, visibly lost his composure, seeming at a lost for words.
"I- we.. W-we were-"
Silence, as everyone turned their gazes to the Radio Demon.
They...had to have misheard? Right?
But Alastor continued, turning his head away, smile and eyes unreadable.
"We were lovers."
Lucifer winces ever so slightly at the past tense, hurt(and guilt?) filling his eyes, before an irritated huff breaks out of his lips.
"I already told you, I-"
"It doesn't matter."
"It DOES! If you would just let me-!"
"It was all in the past, it matters not anymore, nor will it ever matter again. Apologies for the undesirable behavior, dear Charlotte, i'll try to keep damages to a minimum for the foreseeable future."
"Wait, Alastor-!"
But Alastor had already melted to the shadows, the King's black tipped claws clutching at thin air where he'd stood. His hands shook, closing into a fist as he tried to even his breathing. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips, dragging a hand down his face. Without another word, he too vanished in a swirl of red, leaving the residents of the hotel gaping at their absence.
Charlie- whose demon form long receded- stood processing what just happened. A hand made it way to her mouth, as she leaned into her girlfriend for support.
This...wasn't what she expected.
Its like she could start to see now; all the hurt buried behind each venomous gaze, all the regret laced with each bitter word. Something was broken, and they kept cutting themselves as they wielded each shard as its deadly weapon.
Oh hells, how was she supposed to fix this??
".......this is so worth getting my leg broken."
Husk turned a baleful, yet fond glare at the spider demon who chose to 'very subtly' break the silence that enveloped the room.
"What???? I live for the drama, sue me!"
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virtualplushy · 8 months
just said the phrase “i blinked and the pizza was within me” in reference to eating my dinner too fast and was told that it sounds “borderline religious”
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cryingatships · 6 months
Thinking about sassy camboy!Sonic and his overeager simp-y fan North who squeals a little everytime Sonic starts a stream and spends a majority of his money just to hear the boy speak his name and thank him. (he's a broke college student di but like he has a lot of money to spare). And Sonic who has fans gifting him more but still has a like soft spot for this one viewer who never misses a stream and asks about his day in the comment section.
Or camboy!Babe who's known for his pretty, pretty face and tendency to ban ppl, even long term fans, off his stream acc to his whims with hid rich little sadboy fan Charlie who's there in his every stream. Babe thinks he's cringe af, but the money's good so he tolerates (or so he says) Charlie in his stream comments!
Or camboy!Kim and Kenta who drops tons of money in every stream but never speaks a word. Kim's intrigued by this mysterious viewer-
Abd between AlanJeff, Alan would 100% be the camboy, because it's hilarious to have a technologically challenged newbie streamer who's so clueless that his younger viewer aka Jeff will have to show him the ropes lmao
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llumimoon · 2 years
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POV you are Willy Stampler and the cool divorcee parents are about to decimate ur pathetic old man ass for hurting their son
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suntails · 1 month
two left to draw and it’s done. the series will have taken over two months but it’ll be DONE. sleepy silver sweep <3
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camelspit · 7 months
an entire keefe pov book i cant take this anymore 😔 shoutout to the keefe girlies though ig #winning
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becauseplot · 10 months
Anyway for entirely justifiable reasons (<-is a glutton for angst) I need Chayanne and Tallulah to be present when the hummingbirds come around or a note about the 'wise old crow' appears in their house, causing qPhil to have one of his derealization/reality-questioning episodes. I need it. I need it to happen SO bad. Because they’ve seen Phil get roughed up in a fight, they’ve seen him angry, they’ve seen him wary and even nervous, but they have NEVER seen him doubt like that.
People have already made posts talking about how the cage-for-a-cage/child-of-the-sky stuff has been particularly rough on qPhil, who relies heavily on his constant vigilance, keen senses, and hyper-awareness of his surroundings for reassurance. He's the kind of guy who walks into a room and has already charted at minimum two escape routes by the time he takes a seat, you know? He sees and processes and stores information on everything, at all times, and he uses this to act in the best interest of his and his loved ones' collective survival.
His kids see this side of him too, most significantly in the ways that he looks after them: always keeping an eye on the back of the group, never far from Tallulah, and constantly analyzing Chayanne's fighting style to give helpful critique to optimize his attacks. Chayanne and Tallulah know that everything he's ever done was to protect them. Also, he's always there to offer them advice when they're feeling lost, and even if he doesn't have all the answers they need, he gives enough reassurances and promises to put their minds at ease. Phil is confident in what he knows. In their eyes, he is strong. He is a fortress, safe and impenetrable.
You could say that about a lot of children's perceptions of their parents/guardians/mentors. The older, guiding forces in our lives always seemed strong and infallible to us as kids. That's why it was always unnerving to see them get sick, or get stressed, or cry. Observing weakness in those people felt so, so wrong because we never considered the fact that they were capable of it; it was just impossible.
So, the situation: Phil is suffering in a way that makes him question the very same reality that he was a master of not too long ago. Whenever it happens, he goes quiet, looks around, mutters to himself, breathes shakily, fidgets. He is visibly unnerved and uncertain.
If Chayanne and Tallulah are there, they're gonna notice---they're perceptive, just like him. I'd imagine they'd try to ask him if he's okay, and he'd reassure them that he's fine, and maybe that's enough the first time. But, as more incidents arise, and as time goes on, they start to see more of this out-of-nowhere uneasiness, fear, from him, which is worrying, especially because he won't tell them why.
NOW. Phil has been upfront about a lot of things with Chayanne and Tallulah in the past. For example, during the height of the code attacks, Phil told them everything he ever learned about the codes, every single new development, to ensure that his kids were well informed and prepared. He was frank about the threat on their lives because to sugar-coat anything would be doing them a disservice. It was important they knew all of the cold, hard facts, even if it took away even more of their precious childhood innocence. He values their happiness, but safety comes first. It has always come first.
But this is different. It's not cold hard facts. Phil doesn't know what to believe anymore. When the hummingbirds come around and his reality comes into question, he doesn't know what is real, what he can trust, what is fact. His senses have been compromised. Hell, he's still trying to convince himself that he's not going crazy when all evidence seems to suggest that he's losing his goddamn mind. He doesn't know what to tell his kids, so he tells them nothing.
So now here stands Chayanne and Tallulah. There is something that is scaring their dad, and he won't tell them what is, so on top of the knowledge that their unwavering father is, in fact, capable of true, genuine fear, he's suddenly keeping things from them. Their dad is keeping things from them because he is scared. And I can't imagine a realization more terrifying than that.
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incomingalbatross · 5 days
I just don't believe in a societal collapse dramatic enough to make humans reset the calendar to count from it.
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hfjonewiki · 1 month
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in case anyone still cares about object show crew discourse: brian finally confirmed that taylor wasnt exiled from the team as a result of one dumbass thing he did, but rather because he has a history of being a massive jackass for no reason and lorengate was just what tipped them over the edge
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munchboxart · 11 months
My biggest enemy as an artist is of my stupidity, lack of knowledge on how to use perspective rulers, and my stubbornness on refusing to learn
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magicbunnystar · 11 months
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Some random doodles I drew about the app itself
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kylejsugarman · 3 months
the RV is the best avatar for "breaking bad" as a show because it perfectly encapsulates the futility of everything that happens during the series. the RV is destroyed halfway thru the show. not ruined in some daring operation or seized by enemies, but voluntarily crushed in a junkyard while walt and jesse watch on defeated. all the money and trouble spent obtaining and maintaining it, all the stress and distress tied to it—reduced to scrap metal in the space of a few minutes. just like how all that bloodshed and destruction and murder amounted to absolutely nothing in the end.
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