#and then FELICITY......wow she parallels patrick...them having deceptively normal counterparts despite doing death defying things :'DDD
ofgentleresolve · 1 year
◈ what form would your daemon take?
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A WILD CAT. Your daemon would take the form of a wild cat! Those who have wild cat daemons are proud and confident people who radiate strength. They aren't necessarily the most talkative, but they have the largest presence in the room wherever they go. As natural leaders, the companions of these individuals know it's their way or the highway.
A LION. Your daemon would take the form of a lion! You are an authoritative and courageous individual who has a large sense of dignity. More so than others with wild cat daemons, those with lions are drawn towards leading causes and have a natural brash and self-assured nature. They are proud and just people, whose confidence makes their tempers flare when challenged.
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A MARSUPIAL. Your daemon would take the form of a marsupial! Those who have marsupial daemons are protective and giving people who typically have an unusual or quirky perspective on life. They are creative individuals good at inspiring their loved ones, notably quiet until something riles them up.
A PYGMY POSSUM. Your daemon would take the form of a pygmy possum! You are a sensitive but determined individual whose anxiety tempers their sense of curiosity. More so than others with marsupial daemons, those with pygmy possums are timid and passive, however also empathetic and very accepting of others. They enjoy planning ahead and are surprisingly hard-working and resourceful people.
A MUSTELID. Your daemon would take the form of a mustelid! Those who have weasel daemons are sneaky and inquisitive people who don't take no for an answer when there's something they want. They aren't afraid of breaking rules to get to where they want and are naturally subtle and cheeky individuals.
A TAYRA. Your daemon would take the form of a tayra! You are a private and proactive individual who shies away from confrontation. More so than others with weasel daemons, those with tayras are patient people, willing to focus on the task at hand and endure to get things done. They're ambitious and opportunistic but without the competitive edge; they prefer to be communicative and ensure things go smoothly.
tagged by: @uroborosymphony i have....SO MANY thoughts here :'D /  tagging:  @wellfell @thegreenswillcome ( jay!! ) @eclavigne @interxstitial @pararennial @moonspower @irrwicht ( adam!! ) and you!! steal it from me PLS <3 &lt;3 <3
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