#and the wife in question is still zim
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I may have had a tiny but important epiphany for what it is I struggle with about writing so much.
I can't really feel out situations because I'm way too focused on the characters. (Also cause I'm kinda socially stunted but that's whatever.) I need to pull back a bit, cause how am I supposed to figure out what a character would do if I don't know what sort of tools they have access to? What's the setting? What sort of things would be implicit in it? And how can they be interacted with an interesting way?
I need to think more broadly in general and indepth in environment.
Like I've normally had a setting but typically in a more nebulous sense. An empty room with a coat of paint essentially.
These little epiphanies are coming to me in the form of reddit stories. And people just being helpful and kind.
This one was specific brought about from the story of the guy who thought his steak was too raw, but didn't wanna upset the host (his wife's boss). She went to the kitchen. He noticed the window was open and decided 'okay, perfect fix'. And throws at said steak at out the window. But it was closed.
And this post by @short-and-ugly which stuck me with some questions. Nothing really about the post itself, but self questions you know. Specifically the line, "My rule for writing Zim with this trait in mind is just, basically. Do whatever you think would be funniest." And the question of how. How do I funny in writing? How do I write the unexpected? These characters are from a comedy so why can't I even begin to think of being funny with them?
It's not just a setting thing though. Its thinking more broadly in general. Like Zim's an invader, he's got (likely out dated) the equipment an invader would have filling his base. So what's an invader's actual job entail? Study a planet for weakness. We know it's a lab, but what might fill it? You know? (Not the best example, but still.) That kinda shit.
It's real obvious shit. Writing advice I've heard countless times. That I just wasn't ready/capable to digest yet or simply wasn't explained in a way I could. Sometimes the obvious shit is the hardest to get though. In my experience anyway. (Not gonna think about that fact too much right now.)
Probably the most difficult thing about teaching is not knowing if your student truly has the foundation for what you're talking about. You can say something basic, but if they don't know why or how it's implemented it's just noise.
Straights vs. curves is great art advice, but I disregarded for the longest time, because it didn't make sense to me. I could try to use it but it wouldn't work cause I didn't know how to use it. Then I'm going through my course after years of having this concept floating in my orbit and it's explain in a way I can get the idea behind it. Even if I can't really verbalize it.
Now I'm just gonna say this is totally a me problem, not a teaching or advice problem. I obviously need a bit more structure in learning things then I've been reaching for in the past fucking decade (or two.)
I probably need to see about taking a creative writing course or something. The art course I've got is giving me immediately noticable improvement. But then again this all could be since I'm finally managing to rebound from my compounded burn out.
Anyway, I'm very happy right now! I appreciate the advice I've gotten! And am thrilled I'm breaking through a road block.
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I have been tempted to write a vampire au so we’ll just do basics
Please ask questions if you have them
So this is still modern times but anyway
She’s been around the longest, like easily a couple hundred years
she’s pretty strict on the rules just so they won’t be discovered as vampires by hunters
Still has her in game powers, though they came with her turning
The vampire who turned her did not stick around, as they didn’t mean to turn her
Basically they try to drain her and she thought back by biting down on the arm not thinking about it
And she wound up waking up the next night a vampire (they were inside so it was safe)
He add neon J are pretty close in age, probably about 100 years or so
Djss was turned by a vampire that was hunted down by hunters
There is no real connection between the two, the vampire simply found djss interesting enough to turn them
Like tatiana, his power surfaced after his turning
Neon J:
He was fighting in a war when the troop he was with was ambushed
He was left to die (with everyone else already dead) and was barely clinging to life when a vampire found him
It offered him a chance to live, to avenge his fallen comrades
Neon, not knowing he was talking to vampire, assumed the person was talking about healing him
So he accepted only to be turned
He’s a heavily scarred vampire
Beon j turned them to save their lives, but did warn them what it would mean
Zim: got into a fight that left him with a fatal stab wound
Eloni: abusive work place, being worked to death
Accident when was alone had him crushed under heavy material
Purl-hew: fell from a tall building, no one was around
Haym: very sick, dying
Rin: a serial killer at the time attempted murder on him, wounds were fatal
Team sayu and sayu:
About 50 years old
The team were all turned at the same time, by a vamp trying to build an army to fight hunters with
But after a while being stuck with him sayu managed to get them out of there while he was being killed by a hunter
Sayu had also been turned by this guy, and she was the one who tipped off the hunters to where he was
(For those who don’t know typically on the vampire turn someone they are bound to that vampire (in Tatiana‘s case he didn’t want her bound to him so she wasn’t))
Yinu’s mother and yinu:
About 90 years old
She was a happy wife with her husband and yinu was on her way
But there had been a vampire hunting through the town and it had bitten her
The husband was able to stake the vampire, only to find his wife dying
In desperation to save their daughter, she took some blood off of the stake he used to kill the vampire so she would become one
Yinu was born about a week later, but due to the circumstances was born half vampire (it is likely one of the few if not only child that was born partially vampire)
(Vampires cannot give birth)
Thing was it was noticeable that she wasn’t fully human, same with the mother, and the woman who helped her give birth ratted them out to the village
They tried to escape the mob, and while trying to hold them back, the husband was killed
About 60 years old
A vampire tried to claim her as his bride and she was stuck with him for 10 years as she was bound to him
She would eventually spend her years trying to gain his trust in get him to let his guard down around her
When he finally did she would stake him through the heart
She would spend years wandering not really interacting with people unless she had to and so on
What happened with Zuke would leave her broken hearted for 6 years
And after those 6 years she would meet someone else
Not turned
He lived with west for a while, just living life
Zuke met eve and she found him to be a kindred spirit and that she could spend the rest of her immortal life with
So they dated for a while
then she revealed but she really was and offered to turn him as well, but handled it poorly and assumed he wanted it
He fled and got to a new city where he felt safe
6 years passed and in that time he met Mayday
Turned recently, still only 21
She came from a rather high class and rich family
As such her family were classist snobs who expected her to marry someone of high status and to take over the family business
So her parents had an arranged marriage set up
She hated it but felt stuck cause she’s never been able to get her parents to take no for an answer
(Since this is modern times her parents don’t have anything against her dating a woman, they just found this man to be the best match due to his status and well)
She’s tried it before and it always ended with them going ahead and doing what they wanted
Then she made friends with zuke, and later on, a very pretty lady
They helped keep her from a breakdown from all the expectations put on her and the upcoming wedding
And slowly but surely she began to fall in love with the woman
Of course she knew her parents wouldn’t allow it
She did confess to the woman and even told her that she wish she could leave with her but she was bound by her “parents’ law”
The night before her wedding, The woman visited her house via her window
After being invited in she revealed herself to be a vampire and offered to take mayday away from here as well as eternal life
May accepted, wanting A life with much more freedom
No one has been able to find her since that night
After May’s disappearance, zuke looked every where for her
And when he heard that she was last seen with a woman who really matched Nadia’s description, he panicked
He realized what had happened, but assumed it was forced on her
So he set out to try and find a cure for them
Bonus stuff
Dk west also knows Nadia is a vampire, and has multiple times tried to get her to turn him
He never succeeded, and part of him blames Zuke for it
The vampires have built a home in Vinyl city
It’s home to all sorts of mythical creatures, as well as some humans that are more friendly with the monsters
But it’s mostly monsters
Yinu due to her status does age but does so very slowly
She will be fully turned when she’s an adult, just matched her is almost like that fledgling status where until she feeds for the first time, she will only be partial vampire
1010 are in their 20’s
There will be an eventual ship between zuke and rin, but only after he stops trying with his cure nonsense
And after there’s some reconciliation between him and Nadia

#no straight roads#no straight roads au#nsr#nsr au#nsr vampire#nsr vampires#nsr vampire au#nsr vampires au#no straight roads vampire#no straight roads vampire au#nsr neon j#nsr mama#nsr zuke#nsr 1010#nsr tatiana#nsr eve#nsr mayday#nsr team sayu#nsr sayu#vampire#vampires#eveday#mayeve#nsr eve x mayday
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The Loud House: No Bus, No Fuss and Resident Upheaveal Reviews
Welcome back Loudites! And i’ts time for a round of Lincoln focused episodes.. because apparently they couldn’t just.. you know, swap one of next weeks with one of this weeks so we got a sister episode with it like last time.. seriously now I know one of next week’s episodes involves Leni running for mayor I question why that’s not an episode every week.. or it’s own spinoff. And I know I have a mounting pile of those, Stella getting one, the diffrent world one with lori and bobby, The Snakebird Variety hour.. I know.. but tell me you wouldn’t watch that. Go on tell me.. i’ll know your lying. But it was an alright week and i’ll tell you all about it with spoilers after the cut.
No Bus, No Fuss: We open with LIncoln arriving late for the bus, and Lynn not riding it because tracks starting and she has to get her workout in.. and because the writers need her not to be on the bus for this plot to work at all. It’s not a terrible way to write her out, she does do all the sports.. beacause apparently like Captain America she can do all the sports without having to train her body for each specific one because she’s in peak condition. Though I do dock a few points from the episode for not having her run past it while saying on your left.
But yeah as for why it couldn’t Lincoln takes a seat in the back not realizing it’s bat country.. and also home to a gang of 8th grade bullies. Which.. yeah assholes do tend to flock to where there’s the most plausable deniablity top notch show. Though I tended to pick the back in high school more just because it was freaking comfy but hey, who says goons can’t enjoy comfort. They can’t however let this slide, not helped by Lincoln accidently spilling soda on him or his friends trying to help. Look Clyde you mean well but they just want a reason to beat him into a coma, and you basically just offered to join him. So unupsirisngly when the Lincrew exit the bus their all in pretty bad shape. Including stella....
Though in the bullies defense at least their equal opportunity jagoofs. One of them is a girl and they bullied stella just as mucha s the males. Dosen’t make them any less of a jungle gym full of tools but I can give them credit for not being sexist asshats just regular asshats. At their age that’s a hard bar to clear. Though LIncoln, Clyde and Stella all got off better than LIam, who got his undies pulled over his head, a bullying standard and rusty and Zach who. .had their underwear tied together in a not.
Oh.. oh it gets worse. When we cut to them after school.. Rusty says the fire department had to cut them loose and Zach and I quote says “I saw too much of rusty.. and his birth mark”
I.. I do not want to think about what that entails.. both because Rusty’s 12 and i’m not a pedophile and because he’s rusty. I just.. why show.. why would you try and make me THINK about that. How is Zach being scarred for life funny?
All valid questions. But moving right along past that waking nightmare, LIncoln assures them they had to have cooled off... spoilers they have not and our heroes all exit the bus at lincolns because they tied their underwear together. Yes all of them and yes including stella.
They naturally don’t want to go back and Lincoln has the idea of just having the parents drive them, one a day. Stella has to take hers off the table since her parents leave early in the morning: Her mom goes into work early and her dad has hot yoga. Which is a disapointment as I genuinely want to know about Stella’s parents and hope we actually get to see them at some point and finding out one of them works really early and the other does yoga every day, and hot yoga at that which if your wondering what that is, and when I first heard the term I was, it’s doing yoga but in an extremley humid and exhausting environment. It is sadly not learning to do this, as i’d hoped
Someday.. someday. But that still leaves a parent a piece so as you probably expect the bulk of the episode is “Parent drives them but is terrible about it” And honestly.. it’s not the series best stuff with most of these not being very funny. Most of them. Zach’s Parents: Zach’s parents go by mighty morphin power rangers logic.. i.e. the parents look and act pretty much exactly like their kids. So the Gurdles are also discount dale gribbles who stalk a man in their van while the kids wait for death but death won’t come.. and as seen up top all are as fed up with Zach as I am. Again Rusty is growing on me, I still make fun of him because why wouldn’t I, but he at least serves a function in the group. As i’ve mentioned before: Lincoln’s the leader and one of the main characters, Clyde is also a main charater and has been fairly fleshed out at this point, Stella is awesome and provides the brains and some pep, LIam is also optimsitic but provides farm jokes and muscle, and Rusty is the group asshole every gorup needs. Zach.. is the more sarcastic and cynical one but with Lynn now going to the same schoool.. why isn’t she in that roll? Have her date LIam, since I love that pairing since last week, and have her take Zach’s place since she plays the lancer role to lincoln better anyway. Zach just dosen’t do it well and comes off like a whiny baby and when he’s not in sarcasm mode he’s going off abotu aliens again, like a discount dale gribble. And look most viewers probably haven’t seen the genuine article which.. first off allow me
And second off dosen’t mean you can slack off as i’ve seen better paranoid nutjobs with that gimmick, like Stan Pines or Andromeda. You, can, do, better. So either do it or get rid of Zach already.
Liam’s Parents: His meemaw takes them riding in her tractor, leanall in her bladder, cheated on her baby you can go and ask her. A pig vomits on Clyde because GET IT LIAM’S A HICK GET IT GET IT.
Now THAT my friends is a hick.
Rusty’s Dad: So yeah I was not looking forward to meeting the stygian void Rusty popped out of but turns out his dad is apparently single. Which dosen’t suprise me, he’s rusty’s dad and both looks and is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz, which will never not be awesome and is not only perfect casting, as he plays dorks well, but also wonderful to see him in a modern production. I mean granted the zim movie was a modern production, but that was reviving a character he played a few decades ago.
And while Rusty’s dad apparently showed up before, in an episode I SAW no less “Back Out There” so unlike some lapses in my Loud House Knowledge I have no excuse here, it was still intresting to get an explination for why Rusty’s like this. His dad is a salesman, who practically bathes in colonge, tells the same story and stops on the street to shill to people while driving his son to school, something his son helps with. And probably Rocky just rolls his eyes at. I miss rocky. And suprisingly given I hated his son pretty quickly.. I love this guy. He’s pretty endearing: Sure he’s a schmooze factory.. but he kept the kids in the divorce meaning his wife either abndoned him, or he fought hard for htem and does seem to genuinely love his kid and have a great rapport with him. I mean it helps I have a soft spot for Schyster characters, especially Stan PInes, but I just like the guy. The fact he has a vetran voice actor whose great at this sorta roll probably helps but still, he’s just wonderful and actually makes me like Rusty better, and I was already warming up to the kid, phrasing, as it explains why he’s such a douche: his dad pumps him full of self esteem, probably well meaningly and is a grown up rusty.. which is a better application of power rangers logic as instead of groaning at Zach’s angtics, this gives an explnation for why Rusty’s like this. So yeah only one of the segments I really laughed at.
Clyde’s Dads: Since we’ve met the boys before, it’s just a saftey based gag as they wrap the car in bubblerwap.

Rita: Finally we get to Rita, who simply is a bit agressive getting parking.. btu she’s a mother of 11 and has had to deal with school parking for years and doing so for several children. So fair enough. She does cut off Lincoln’s asshole of a teacher who cuts him off in line in retrubution and then tells him “Tell your mom I said high”.. in a tone that implies he’s going to be hanging outside their house at 3 in the morning with a bat starring menacingly. Yeah not a big fan of Mr. Bohlmer anymore as he’s just your basic mean teacher sterotype. So Lincoln cooks up another way, taking a plane. So we get flip back!
What can I say he’s grown on me. And he’s hilarious here, taking the kids in a rusty plane that’s “No longer under federal investigation”, which is a SELLING POINT, has no refunds nd naturally the seatbelts are shoddy and he ejects them via trap door. I loved it.
But our heros dont and now trapped in the trees Rusty and Zach bicker with one another which.. fellas I know a way to settle this. KAL-IF-FEE!
No matter who looses thier friends win. But they instead accept they have to ride the bus and face the bullies. But they also find when getting ready OHTER kids were bullied and the three cablebastards just take turns. But Lincoln has a plan to fix that and just.. outright stands up to them.. with the entire bus backing them. And honestly.. it’s not a bad message about bullying. Generally bullies won’t backed down when confronted all the time.. but when outmatched they will.. still not the best message but still far better than season 1′s “If a girl bullies you she secrety has a crush on you”. I.. will have to deal with those episodes someday but today is not that day. So our heroes celebrate and rusty does grow an inch, proving him right. Phrasing! Final Thoughts on NBNF: This one was decent... it had a few dead spots, Zach’s parents are about as intresting as he is and given all the batshit and legitly dangerous conspiracy theories and theorists that came out of of the woodwork and were backed by the trump presdency, that bit plays even worse than it would normally and the stuff with Clyde’s dad’s has been done before.. and honestly is something they need to retire. The husbands have a better dynamic than this, let them use it. It was also a disapointment we dind’t get to see Stella’s family, especially since again the mcbride’s schitck is REALLY overplayed and it would’ve been nice ot get some fresh blood in there and we really didn’t need to see Zachs. All those problems aside though this is a pretty standard plot with an okay ending, but some good gags along the way. Not Loud HOuse’s best and especially in a bad spot considering the last episode before this “Saved by the SPell” was not only way funnier but also used the lincrew better. Still can’t say i’ts bad just.. okay. Also I apparently like rusty as a character now....
Resident Upheaval: This one was also just...okay. Not terrible, and it has an actually intresting premise, but it doesn’t do much with it.
Our setup simple: Pop Pop’s girlfriend Myrtle wants to move into the same retirement home as his, explaining away her apparently living there by her just visting a lot. Sure why not. So Lincoln assures him he’s going to get her in, he’s the man with the plan.
Before we get to what the problem with that is.. gotta talk about the elephant in the room since Pop Pop is pretty absent for the rest of the episode.. and that’s that .. their STILL using him. As some of you probably know, and if you don’t your about to, Pop Pop’s voice actor Fred Willard, comedy legend and really sweet guy, passed away. So you can imagine how WRONG it feels to have not only another voice coming out of one of his characters but one that just dosen’t match. And I don’t blame Chris Swindle here, he was given a pretty unfair task of pinch hitting for someone who just fucking died, and likely because the episode was too far into production to scrap. I’m certainly hoping so because honestly.. I genuinely DON’T see why Pop Pop can’t just die with Fred. And look i’m not against replacing an actor when the worst happens: Russi Taylor’s roles all had to be replaced after her unfortunate passing, it’s not something i’m against normally... but the combination of pop pop being an older character they can write out and the fact they HAD AN ENITRE EPISODE ABOUT ACCEPTING HE WOULDNT’ LAST FOREVER, means that one comes off a bit hollow if you keep dragging him around. You’d get a good episode out of it, and this episode sets it up so that Myrtle has plenty of potetiail to stick around.
Anyway Lincoln’s problem is the OTHER applicant is Clyde’s Nana Gayle.. whose actually come up a few times before, some i’ve seen some I haven’t, a continuity nod i’m happy their following up on. They even explain why sh’es just appearing in person now as Clyde, when later snapping at lincoln, exclaims “You knew my dad’s have been trying to get her to move closer for a while now!” She’s Harold’s mom and a sweetheart. So our heroes procede to try and bribe the board, both working at it but both end up finding each other at the opera. And this.. COULD have been intresting, putting the two best friends against each other for one thing neither can both have, and both have stake in it: Myrtle is as good as grandma to Lincoln by this point and Nana Gayle is VERY close to clyde, so this isn’t great. But since the guys they’ve been bribing arne’t the end authority, they have to go to who is: SCOOTS!
As you can tell I love this old hellraiser.. and the fact she’s STILL seeing her younger boyfriend from “The Boss Maybe”. YOu get it scoots you get it. Naturally Scoots wants to see some blood, so she’s pitting both women against each other. Though neither grandma wants to do this so LIncoln and Clyde do the logical thing.. and dress up like each othe’rs grandmas, do the competition and get found out. Scoots disqulaifies both, the boys realize they were stupid and they go to apologize.
They instead find an easy solution to their problem!: Turns out Scoots as head had been hiding a double room behind a fake wall, to store both her scooters and her boyfriends motorcycle, so naturally now both grannies can move in as roomies while Scoot will just have to back her boyfriends hog into the single.. and I guess his motorbike too. The two grandmothers are instant friends, remdinng the boys fo each other and it’s.. really precious. Looks like I have yet another spinoff for the pile.
Final Thoughts: As I said this one was fine.. the Pop Pop subtistion was probably a grim neciesity, though swindle reallyd idn’t do a good job mimicking willar’ds voice and they REALLY just need to either find someone better to do the job, sound alike or no or retire the character. That tiny issue aside i’ts not bad.. it’s just not GREAT, and since we rarely see Clyde and Lincoln and GENUINE cross purposes, and last week just lying to him made clyde ill, this REALLY could’ve been intresting seeing the two go against each other and see what resutled from that. But that angle’s basically ignored and they make up pretty easily. IT’s just a wasted potetial of an episode. All in all this was an allright week. Nothing outstanding episode wise but a few good bits here and there. wehnever I get back to the loud house, Lisa becomes a teacher and Leni runs for mayor. Until then, it’s been a pleasure.
#the loud house#lincoln loud#clyde mcbryde#howard mcbryde#harold mcbryde#gayle mcbryde#liam hunnicutt#stella zhau#rusty spokes#zach gurdle#lynn loud#pop pop#albert loud
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so after reading issue #12, could this turn out differently if zim had s/o? would his relationship with his human s/o be enough to prevent zim from becoming emperor zim? the reason he wants to conquer earth is to earn approval from the tallest. could he learn to value his s/o's approval more than the tallest? is there a chance he would change his purpose in life for it to revolve around his s/o?
Believe it or not that’s actually one headcanon I’ve had for a while now!
I headcanon that all Irkens are very insect like and used to have a ‘hive queen’ or ‘brood queen’ before the Control Brains rose to power.
Like most insect hives/broods, the early Irken Queen was typically in charge of laying eggs and whatnot.
So majority of the hive/brood were either her descendants or lovers.
Therefore, every early Irken was loyal to the Queen and did whatever she asked without question since she was either their mom or their wife figure.
When the Conrtol Brains reared their ugly mechanical heads into the picture, they soon decided that cloning was much more efficient than laying eggs. So they decided that a Queen was no longer needed.
However, because of how attached the early Irkens were to the Queen, the Control Brains realized that the early Irkens may not be as obedient to the Empire without a Queen to please.
Therefore, the Control Brains decided to select an Irken at random (regardless of gender) to take the role of ‘Queen’.
However, the Control Brains didn’t want the new ‘Queen’ to be a better leader than they were! They couldn’t risk the new ‘Queen’ overthrowing them!
Thus, the Control Brains decided to select a ‘Queen’ based on height rather than capability.
I headcanon that most Irkens don’t get get very big so choosing a new ‘Queen’ based on height would be pretty simple to do.
Therefore, every Irken (except the Tallest) is programmed to believe that the Tallest are their ‘Queen’.
The Tallest is programmed to believe that the Control Brains are the ‘Queen’.
This is why all Irkens are so obsessed with pleasing the Tallest.
The Tallest is the reason they’re alive.
The Tallest is who makes them feel special.
The Tallest is the one who cares about them the most.
So of course Irkens would do anything for the Tallest. They’ve all been programmed to believe that the Tallest would do the same for them! (Even if they obviously wouldn’t)
With that being said, for any Irken (Especially Zim) to suddenly devote their lives to something (or in this case someone) else, then they would have to lose faith in both the Tallest and the Empire.
So I headcanon that if Zim finds out his mission was a lie he would believe he had failed the Tallest! He had failed the people who he thought cared about him the most!
However, if his S/O was there to comfort him while he was in such a vulnerable state, then Zim’s PAK would be so overwhelmed that it would probably glitch and register his S/O as his new ‘Queen’.
Therefore, Zim absolutely would devote his entire life to his S/O.
Because most Irkens no are no longer capable of affection, their respect for the Tallest is simply just part of their programming. Even if they hate the Tallest’s personality they would still feel obligated to serve them. They would just secretly wish for a growth spurt so they could take the Tallest’s place.
However, for Zim’s PAK to even consider his S/O to be the new ‘Queen’ would mean that Zim is extremely attached to them.
Therefore, Zim’s devotion to his S/O would be 100% genuine. He would never want to take their position because in his mind,
His S/O is now his entire universe.
His S/O will play such a crucial role in his life that they could never be replaced.
Zim would do literally anything and I mean anything to please his S/O.
Even take down the Irken Empire
My fanfic, Defying Gravity, kind of works off of this headcannon. So you’re probably going to see more of this in the future.
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A/N: Y’all know Zee-Zee is @devnny’s! If you’re in this tag, y'all know! Dear Venus,
Hi. I know I’m only six and that everyone says I’m too young to have a wife, but I want one anyway.
My teacher and my mom both have wives, so I think that it’s only fair I have one, too. Today I found three pennies that I’m sending with this letter that I know will prove to you that I’m extra, extra sure about this wish!
So, if you can, can you give me one? My book says you’re the goddess of love and Mom says you get married for love and that’s where wives come from so you’ve gotta be the best person to ask!
I don’t really mind what she looks like, but can you maybe give me one that really, really likes me? Like, she’ll still like me, even if I do something wrong? Even if I’m not handsome like the baseball players at my skool? Like, if I was the ugliest, most terrible baseball player ever and did everything wrong...could you make it so she still liked me?
And she’s got to be really tough, too! So she could beat up the bullies at my skool. I wouldn’t let her do it on her own, either. I’ll protect her, I promise. She’ll be the bestest treasure I’ll ever have, even better than all of the ones I have in my art box!
She should like art, too. Me and her can doodle together at skool and everything!
Thank you,
PS: Could you give her green eyes? That’s my favorite color.
Devi sipped her coffee as she looked over the yellowed, crinkly paper in her hands. It had been looked at a lot, judging by the creases. There was even a ring stain from a cup of coffee just like hers in the corner. A smile played on her lips, her eyes figure skating across the scratchy script before Nny walked in.
“Devi, why are nail boxes all op-” He stopped, his hands freezing mid-wave when he saw the stacks of paper, letters and other sorts of knick-knacks that were strewn around the room.”What is all of this?” “You, apparently. Or the you before all of…,``she sipped her drink, motioning the mug up and down his form. “That.” “You just gestured to all of me.” “Exactly, “ She smirked, putting her cup down and motioning him to join her on the couch. “I got interested if there really was just nails in those things and surprise! I found these squirrelled away. I can’t believe you’ve never thought to look in these before.” Nny looked like he was being shown a rare animal the way he leaned over her on the couch to see what she had dug up. Devi wordlessly handed him a picture she found, one that she had thought was endlessly adorable. At first, she had assumed it was Squee but at second glance she noticed the blue hair that clearly meant it was Nny. He was at the same swingset that Squee liked to use, glaring at the camera with the same expression he held now to look at the picture years later. A confused scowl.
“I don’t remember this.”
Devi was about to say something, but much like a well-timed siren Zee-Zee started crying from her bedroom, making Nny jolt up like a meerkat. Before she could stop him, he was out of the room with a rushed ‘I got it!’. Devi swore that the two were conspiring together against her at night to cleanse her of the dreaded sleep they both seemed to share a hatred for. The front door swung open and shut and a half wet, sulky, teen, mirror image of Nny stalked in.
Ah. The third sleep hater had arrived.
“Welcome home, Squee.” A non-committal whimper was his reply. She didn’t ask him how skool went. They both knew it was awful. The boy shuffled over, dropping his backpack on the floor and flopping onto the couch, his head in her lap.
“...whatcha got there, Mom-Vi?” The young man sighed, closing his eyes when she stroked his hair. “Nny’s old nail stuffs?”
Devi shot Squee a questioning look, the teen’s face having it’s own open and curious expression. It seemed that no matter what Devi did, Squee always ended up with the upper hand in their family when it came to Nny. He could calm the maniac down even faster than she could, would coax Nny into the most mundane of family practices, had endless correct theories on what Nny would do…
And, apparently, had explored a past that even Nny didn’t know at some point.
“You know about these?”
“Well, some of them. Never got around to this many,” He pushed himself off her lap, lifting up the photo that Nny had been holding a second ago. “Most of it was in the basement, ya know, where I’m not allowed? So I was only able to find so many things...like this picture here. Taken with a 33 millimeter Polteroid.” “Where did you learn that?” Squee said stuff sometimes, things a teenager couldn’t possibly know. When others looked into the doe brown eyes they probably saw innocence, which was true. Yet Devi couldn’t help but see a fox’s cunning stirring just under the surface.
“Dib. We know because we flashed at least a million cameras at Zim until it looked similar,” He checked his nails, the purple nailpolish glittering in the light. “Or at least he said that’s what we were doing but he was probably just wanting to blind Zim. Pepi thought either was possible.”
“And that concluded what, Watson?”
“That either Dad’s family were the owners of a really old camera or that Daddy is from at least 1994, Holmes.”
Devi smiled, ruffling his hair. “Good work, Squee.”
Nny walked in, cradling the smallest member of this weird little family in his arms. He looked up, backing away when he saw the evil smirks they had on their faces.
“Nny, my dear,” Devi held up the envelope the Venus letter had come in, it’s return address clear as day. “I believe we are about to find your origins.”
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I loved your comic about ZIM and his concept of the parent-child relationship / how much it crushes him to see what Irk's government does to the smeets. It wasn't an angle I'd ever really thought about and it was a really good one. Also idk why PAK GIR isn't more of a thing
(Thank you! -hugs- I loved ETF and the direction it took the characters. My inner middle schooler took over from there.
Which reminds me, I never drew the conclusion to that comic...)

Zim "I'm not an invader or even a soldier and I REFUSE to be a service drone to an empire that considers me a joke. My kind has no use for me. It's best if I leave until I figure out what to do with myself...
If another 18 years pass and the Dab-Monkey has adjusted well enough to human adulthood, will you reconsider my offer?"
Dib. "Maybe...We'll see, Zim...Good luck with your aimless drifting."
Zim "Good luck with your sad, humdrum earthly existence."
Dib "I'm gonna miss you, Zim."
Zim "I'll miss you too."

Reg "We could be in space with Zim right now!"
Dib "I'm scheduled in the lab in like two hours."
Reg "You didn't even ask me if I wanted to go."
Dib "Would you relax. We'll catch up to Zim."
Reg "How?"
Dib "If there's one character flaw Zim still has, it's his ability to underestimate me."
Reg "Wait! You have a ship? Is it Tak's? I thought she took it back?"
Dib "I'll show you the blueprints when we get to the lab."
Gaz "My beautiful wife is literally about to give birth to my child any day now. No one in this family is going into space before they're born. If you TRY, I'll break your necks."
Dib "No one is going into space until he's at least in high school. I told you, they're only blue prints."
Reg "Hey, son, wanna help me build this space ship next summer? Was that so hard?"
Dib [I still question why exactly Zim bothered to return to earth when he did. Maybe his bs crashlanding on the way to hideout on Mars story wasn't total bs. Maybe he is capable of feelings beyond that of sad-shmoopty self pity and schadenfreude. I'd like to think I've changed as a person since I last saw Zim. Maybe he has too.
Either way, I hope he finds some level of peace wherever he goes... until then, I'm making the best of what my home planet has to offer me.]

(As for PAK Gir, I'm so out of the loop with the fandom, I don't know if it was ever a thing or not, but if anyone likes this AU, please, draw Irken Gir! I would love you forever)
Gir "Aw...It doesn't fit no more. I was gonna wear it to work."
Zim "Eeuh!! Gir, I thought you burned that thing before we left Earth! Did we ever wash it?"
Gir "I don't think so..."
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Being a science geek, Purple tended to do research on nights he couldn't sleep. Sometimes he would research things about space or what could possibly be at the bottom of the ocean. But tonight he decided to do human research and weird facts people dont know about.
One of those were about the pupils and how they dilate when looking upon someone you love. He found himself laughing at the thought, but he was curious to know if it was true. It would make finding someone to love you easier than it was.
Purple jotted down some notes and some reminders on a sticky note. He stuck it to his science notebook pulled off his red glasses. It was 1 am and Purple still had school tomorrow, which he wasnt looking forward to. They where having exams this week and tomorrow, or today rather, was history. His least favorite subject.
Turning his computer off, Purple got up and stretched his muscles. Being hunched over for so long really does a number on your body. Purple climbed into bed, fluffing his pillow before snuggling into his covers and closing his eyes.
One thing about Purple though, was that he tended to have restless nights. Nightmares kept him from ever getting good sleep. They were nightmares from his past, things that haunted him even to this day. Since he was an orphan, Purple's had plenty of foster parents. Most weren't to good to him. Until he was adopted by a woman and her wife. Gaz and Tak.
Gaz was the more scarier of the two, making sure Purple knew his manners and everything. While Tak was laid back, letting him do as he pleased. But Tak would discipline him if necessary. Purple was glad they adopted him, because they were the best people he could have ever wished for as parents. Plus, he got to make a lot of friends where they live. Like Zim and Red.
Purple woke to his alarm at 5:30 that morning. He always got up early to make sure he had everything and to get ready. Purple liked to look fashionable so that took up most his morning time. And sometimes he would were makeup, but those where only on days where he felt good about himself. Today wasnt one of those days, he was way to stressed about his history test to care about makeup.
"Momma G!" Purple quietly called, knocking on the already open door. Tak and Gaz usually left their door open because Purple would sometimes sneak into bed with them. Those where on nights when his nightmares got really bad. And when the doors where closed, Purple knew not to bother them. "You have work in an hour." He added, gently shaking Gaz to wake her up. Purple smiled when Tak groaned and wrapped herself around Gaz.
"I'll get her up in a few minutes, Pur." Tak hummed, her eyes still closed as she buried her face in Gaz's neck. Purple always thought they made the cutest couple, and he wished he could find someone like them.
"I'll make breakfast." Purple told Tak quietly, quickly leaving to work on that. So he cooked breakfast, pancakes for Gaz and eggs for Tak. He made himself some French toast, which was probably his favorite breakfast food.
Around 6:20 Gaz came down, fully dressed for work, and ate her food. She kissed Purples cheek, telling him to make sure Tak doesnt fall back asleep before he leaves, and left. Purple cleaned his dish and Gaz's, walking back upstairs to check and see if Tak was up and moving. She had a bad habit of going back to sleep when Gaz leaves.
7:30 rolled around and Purple had gotten all his stuff together. Normally he would pack his lunch but he kinda stopped after Red started bring him something instead. It was usually a surprise, but it always tended to be something he really likes.
"Pur!" Tak called from the front door, coffee in hand. Purple never understood how she could drink it black. It was way to bitter and nasty without creamer and a pinch of sugar. "Red's here to pick you up!" Purple quickly made his way downstairs, pulling on his favorite converses.
"Dont go back to bed momma T." Purple laughed, kissing her cheek and making his way to Red's car. It was a black Kia, simple but very nice. And the best part about it was the insides smell. Which was always roses and rainwater, something Purple suggested 2 years ago when Red got the car.
And thus, the rest of the day was pretty normal. Purple of course was studying his head off for the History exam he had after lunch. He practically knew everything that he needed to know, but that didnt stop him from worrying. Of course, Zim was the one to notice this at lunch time.
"Stop biting your lip!" Zim demanded, causing both Purple and Red to jump in their seats. Zim was very short compared to the two other boys. But he was the loudest. "No one will want to kiss you if you make them ugly." And he was very harsh too. Though Zim was a good, loyal friend to them. He means well, even if he comes off as an asshole sometimes.
"Sorry." Purple smiled in a guilty way, letting his bottom lip go. He honestly hadn't even noticed he was doing that. It was just a habit he did when he was stressed. So, to calm himself a bit, he tired to forget about it. Taking a bite of the salad Red had brought him.
That's when he remembered the note on his science book. Glancing around, he wondered who could be in love and with who. There where plenty of couples, but it would be weird to stare at them. He wondered if Red's eyes dilated when he was looking at his girlfriend, Jess.
So he tried to subtly watch the couple, who he actually didnt like being a couple. Jess was pretty new, only been here for two months, and Purple was already jealous of her. She stole all of Red's attention and tries her best to rub it in his face. Becuase at this point, it was kinda obvious Purple had a big crush on his best friend Red.
He watched as they talked and smiled, doing normal couple things. But as he watched, he noticed how Red would glance at him more than he thought he would. Their eyes met a couple times as well, both smiling a bit at each other. But Purple found himself not knowing whether to smile like an idiot or be surprised. Because every time Red looked at him, his small pupils grew bigger. Like they would after getting those eyedrops from the eye doctor.
"Red." Purple said, grabbing the boys attention away from the girl next to him. He watched as the boys pupils dilated once again, and the questioning look appear on his face. "Look at Jess then back at me real quick." He smiled, trying not to giggle at how confused Red looked. But even though Red was confused, he did as told, not knowing what this was about.
Purple felt butterflies erupt in his stomach at the possibility that Red may love him. But he also had to question if it was romantic love or friendship love. But he didnt care, because he was going to tell him. Via sticky note.
Quickly jotting down his little confession and why he asked for Red to do that, he got up. Folding the sticky note, Purple handed it to Red and quickly headed for History. The bell hadn't rung but he knew the teacher would let him in to study in peace.
By 7th period, Purple was regretting giving Red the sticky note. Because Red was his ride home and he may have ruined that. Because what if Red really doesnt like him like that and he confessed for nothing? That would completely embarrass him.
"Dont forget to read chapters 6 through 10." Mr. Dib called once the bell rang and his students jumped to leave. The only one not jumping to leave was Zim, who was probably going to harass the poor man again. Zim, in lack of better words, was a hoe. Of course, he wasnt, but sometimes Purple had to wonder. Because once that boy finds someone attractive, he tended to not leave them alone until he was satisfied.
"Zim staying back with Mr. Membrane?" Red questioned, falling into step beside Purple. Purple nodded, trying not to let his mind think of the sticky note.
"Yeah. I feel bad for Mr. Membrane. He never gets a break from Zim." Red laughed in agreement, knowing it was true. "I mean, sure he's pretty hot but Zim could get him fired." Purple groaned. He would hate to lose his science teacher, especially since Dib made the class fun. There was always a new story to tell or some cool group project they got to do.
"I'm sure that wont happen. The man should know not to succumb to a needy teen like Zim." It was Purple's turn to laugh then.
And things stayed normal for the ride home. Both just talking about the usual things and even some random stuff that pops to mind. It wasnt until they got close to Purple's home that the conversation turned to the sticky note confession.
"So my eyes really dilate when I look at you?" Red questioned, glancing towards Purple before looking back at the road. He didnt really believe that but he wasn't going to deny he liked Purple. Ever since Purple moved to their town 5 years ago, he's liked him. It's why he always does things to accommodate him. Like bring him lunch, stay up late when hes ranting about something, and even the air freshener in his car. They where all simple things, but they mean more than just simple friendly gestures.
Purple began to pick at his jacket sleeves, trying to think of what to say. He could say yes but that didnt feel like a good enough answer to him. Plus, maybe he was just imagining it all. "It could have just been a different lighting. But yeah." He said, nodding and staring at his lap. Purple could feel his cheeks heating up and his stomach do flips. He was nervous that Red would tell him he didnt feel the same as he did. Which, he wouldn't really blame him.
"I guess it would make sense then," Red began, turning down Purples' street. "Because I do love you." He admitted, glancing at Purple who quickly looked at him.
"You do?" Purple asked hopefully.
"Why else would I do the things I do for you?" Red laughed, pulling into Purples' driveway. He put it in park and looked at Purple.
Purple smiled, looking back at his lap. He always just thought Red was being nice.
"So, how about a date this Friday?" Red questioned, watching Purple smile like an idiot. Purple quickly nodded his head, unbuckling his seatbelt and hopping out.
"I cant wait." Purple said, closing Red's door and practically running to his house to tell Tak about this.
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[ @queen-of-lazuroth @addie-bear @little-justice @drun-in-a-million @dib-adrift @zimerstellar ]
Dek slowly made his way into the bedroom, finding his wife reading over a tablet in their bed. He hesitated for merely a moment before walking forward and clearing his throat. He felt stupid. They'd all talked on the video call. This should be settled. But he still couldn't help but feel so guilty for taking off. And...for what? What exactly would he have done if he'd even reached the Glitter Massive?
Midge looked up from the reports Sigi had sent over, her gaze meeting Dek's for a long while. She then set the tablet aside and waved the captain over. “Come here.”
Dek obeyed, walking to the bed and crawling on to it. There was so much he wanted to say. He just didn't know where to begin.
Midge didn't really care what he had to say. They'd discussed it on the call. She knew Dek was sorry. And in hindsight after what had happened recently it had become the least of her worries. She pulled Dek closer to her, holding him in an awkward embrace. She leaned up and kissed his jaw before pulling away, giving a tiny squeak. “The twins missed you.”
Dek held his mate right back, inhaling her scent. He returned her affections with kisses of his own along her face and nose. He smiled at the mention of the unborn smeets, and he placed his hand on her belly. He chuckled at feeling them move. “Gonna be just as wild as all the others, huh?”
He tapped his fingers along Midge's abdomen, following the movements if the smeets within. “Speaking of our wild children um...someone's here to see you.”
Addie took her cue, making her way into the room tentatively. She fiddled with her fingers, looking up under her bangs. “Hi, Mama,” she said sheepishly.
Midge couldn't help how her nerves froze, staring at her daughter for a long time. She knew that that...other Addie had been some twisted future version, but her words had hurt nonetheless.
Dek looked between the two before he placed another kiss to Midge's temple before pulling away. “I'll let you two talk, okay?” He said gently. He gave Midge's belly a little rub and a kiss before heading out of the room.
Addie swallowed as her father left, shuffling her feet. She wanted nothing more to approach her mother. To hug her. To tell that she loved her so very much. But she couldn't help but wonder if it would be allowed.
Midge could see the hesitation all over her daughter's face. The uncertainty. She'd never wanted to make her children feel that way. Not when it came to her. She sighed, feeling horrible for the short havering. “Come here, sweetie,” she said, patting a spot on the bed next to her.
Addie nodded, approaching her mother slowly. She crawled into the bed, sitting a little ways away. She fiddled with her clothes. Matsuri had let her borrow some of hers, so Addie was in a pastel purple crop top and grey leggings. They were topped with a denim jacket, which had both her Irken and Galactic Alliance pins on the left lapel.
Midge stared. There was still a great deal if hesitation from her daughter. It broke her hearts a little. She scooched closer, pulling the girl into her arms and stroking her hair. “Talk to me, baby girl.”
Addie almost snorted. She hadn't been called that in a long while. Not since Ada was born. She didn't resist being pulled into the embrace, closing her eyes at her mother's gentle touches. “I'm sorry,” she whispered, her voice breaking. She wondered if she'd ever be done crying.
Midge's eyes filled with tears as well as she leaned down and kissed Addie's forehead. “The only thing you did wrong was scare everyone half to death,” she reassured. “You gotta stop that, sweetheart. You'll give me gray hairs.”
“Your hair is already white, Mama.”
“Okay, well... you'll give Papa gray hairs,” Midge joked. “What I'm saying is...that wasn't you. I...what she said hurt but...it wasn't you, baby girl.”
Addie hiccupped a little, burying her face in her mother's shoulder. “What she said was bullshit,” she said, allowed her venomous feelings to coat her words. “You're the best mom in the universe. And I love you so damn much.”
Midge choked. “I love you, too, Addie-bear. So, so much.” She nuzzled the top of Addie's head, continuing to pet the girl's hair.
Addie let herself be snuggled and pet, enjoying the soft affection. It was soothing. She hadn't realized how tired she was until this moment, nuzzling her mother's shoulder in return as she began to purr. She'd rest her eyes for just a moment. Only a moment.
When Addie's breathing began to even out, her purr growing steady and even, Midge knew she had fallen asleep. It was surreal to see. This young girl had been through so much in the three years she'd been here, since coming from her original timeline. For the first time in so long, Addie resembled that bright eyed, sixteen year old that had first come to tell her and Dek about the rifts.
Dek came in a little bit later, simply to check on things. When he came in he found his daughter fast asleep with his wife. He smiled. “It's good to see her sleep. She needs it.”
Midge looked up at Dek and smiled back. “You probably do, too,” she told him, gesturing for the other hybrid to join them.
Dek chuckled, about to make his way over to the bed when he was almost knocked over by two rambunctious children. Ada and Drun both climbed onto the bed, snuggling up with their mother. “Hey, hey, calm down, now,” Dek told them. “You'll wake your sister.”
Ada frowned, seeming to just notice Addie sleeping on Midge's shoulder. “Is she okay?” the four year old asked quietly.
Midge wasn't quite sure what that question was supposed to mean, so she answered it the best way she knew possible. “She's fine, littles. Just sleeping.”
“Sleep!” Drun cheered, waving his hands around. Several snowflakes began to flutter around him and his face fell. “Oops.”
“It's okay, jingle bell,” Midge told him, leaning over and kissing his face. “Just careful not to wake your big sister, yeah?”
“Ooh! We having a cuddle pile?” Dib asked as he walked in. He immediately lowered his volume when he noticed Addie, fast asleep on Midge's arm. “You want me to get them out?”
“Nuh uh,” Midge replied. “What I want is for my mates to get over here and join us. All of them.”
Dib grinned, wasting no time going over and snuggling next to Midge and the kids. He was careful not to move too much so he wouldn't wake Addie. He could only imagine how much she needed some sleep. “Come on, Dek. And Zim I see you over there, too.”
Dek looked over his shoulder. Sure enough there was Zim, lingering in the doorway. The two of them exchanged looks, their gazes lingering. “I believe our family wants us,” Dek said.
Zim tried to stay upset. He really did. But honestly...he just couldn't. Before he found Dib again he thought he'd be alone with nothing for the rest of his days. And then not alone did he find him, he found so much more than he could have ever hoped for.
Ugh. He really had gone soft over the years, hadn't he? “I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting, Captain.”
The remaining two found their way into the large bed. It took a moment for everyone to get situated, but soon they were all snug. The little ones followed their big sister's lead, both falling into quiet snoozings. The four adults (or older adults) all exchanged smiles and snuggles as they watched over their children, in no hurry to go anywhere anytime soon.
#stardust = midge#bright eyes = addie bear#little princess = ada#jingle bell = drun#my sunrise = drift dib#my supernova = stellar zim
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Hey Arnold! thoughts/opinions

Hey Arnold! is still my most favorite show to come from Nickelodeon. While Invader Zim is great, HA! can give you warm, fuzzy feelings and it has great messages for young kids. It’s hilariously funny, clever, realistic, and has a lot of heart and good morals without getting overly preachy or sappy.
Hey Arnold! is the only cartoon my father not only took seriously; he actually complimented it and he loves Helga’s crush on Arnold.
If I were to make a list of “Best Episodes of Cartoons Ever”, ‘Helga On the Couch’ would easily be in the Top Five. Really, the whole preschool flashback makes me want to sob so hard. I swear the Christmas episode WILL choke you up. It’s beautiful.
Some complain that Arnold is too bland and nice but I think he’s a great role model for young kids. He’s such a sweet character, a child’s voice of reason. I’m willing to bet that adult fans other than myself heard him say “I know you’ll do the right thing” in their heads more than a few times....whether you want to hear it or not. Ha, is that ever the perfect guilt trip!!
Not to beat a dead horse, but Helga Pataki is an amazingly complex character. I love that she can be antagonistic yet sympathetic at the same time. I love how every time she does wrong, she either has to make it right or karma punishes her.(which Craig says is extremely important) She’s funny, a little crazy, insecure, and even when she is being terrible, you almost want her to win. She pretty much stole the show; it could be called “Hey Helga!” for a good chunk of the episodes.
I ship Helga and Arnold 100% with every fiber of my being. Is it unhealthy? Here’s the thing; they are both children. Children have not yet grown up into the people they will be for the rest of their lives. Children make mistakes. They grow. They mature. Arnold is already really mature for his age and he’s pure-hearted at that, which makes him the perfect influence on Helga, like we’ve been shown oh so many times in every episode that focuses on her. Is her obsession with him too selfish? Well, it can be.....but again, she corrects herself (or the show will) when she goes too far; most importantly, she also seems to recognize on her own when she’s going overboard later on in the show. (Character development!!!) We’ve seen her capable of being kind, capable of making sacrifices even if she ends up with nothing, and still be happy for Arnold. For a child with such a neglectful upbringing, that’s.....impressive. I think that’s a beautiful example of what love means. It’s also tragic that the times she is able to make him happy, she remains in the shadows so he doesn’t even know it’s her. ;_;
Many ship Rhonda and Harold but I personally prefer Rhonda and Sid. Harold and Patty seem totally MADE for each other.
The Lila-bashing in this fandom actually shocked me a little bit when I first discovered it. I think her character is fine (though her taste in men is questionable to say the least XD) Also she seems to be a Shipper on Deck for Helga; and how can you hate someone like that?
My favorite minor character is Willy, the Jolly-Olly man. He’s a jerk....cause he hates what he does for a living. Well, hello prototype Squidward. :D
Even as a person who is not fond of jazz, the music for this cartoon is incredible. Talk about capturing moods so perfectly.
Not every episode has a happy ending and I love that. That’s just how life goes sometimes. It’s so realistic but not so depressing that it’s discouraging you away from seeing more.
For a 90s kids’ show on Nick, HA! did some things a little differently; it could focus on adults and their adult problems (i.e. Oskar not being a good husband to his wife, Phil grieving over the thought of death, Mr. Hyunh wishing to reunite with his grown daughter) This was something we really didn’t see back then. It’s good we’re seeing more of it in today’s shows. Indeed, the spotlight doesn’t always need to be on a child protagonist in order to have great story-telling and resonate with an all-ages audience. And because of this, we got some fantastic adult humor too. :D
Aside from Arnold and Helga of course, Hey Arnold! has a huge cast of diverse characters from kids to adults and they are all likable and engaging. It takes quite a lot of effort and skilled writing and acting to make this happen. Even if they’re jerks, you can at least count on them to say something funny.
I have one minor complaint: Most of the kids ARE TOO MATURE. It’s so weird to think of them as nine. I feel like Arnold and his gang act like sixth-graders, the actual fifth and sixth graders act more like high schoolers....okay, even the sixth grade girls talk and act more like college kids.
If you have never checked out this animated series but love good cartoons, I suggest you do it right now. Watching it in chronological order is not particularly necessary (to enjoy it) but you may appreciate the evolution of the show better that way (especially the art and character writing).
#hey arnold#been watching it alot again and felt like writing this#helga pataki#arnold shortman#craig bartlett#good cartoon#nickelodeon#the splat
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Out of curiosity, is it at all possible for you to point out any good in the show? Since you're strongly against it and have many points and reasons why this show should be removed, can you state at least five reasons this show has the occasional good quality? If anything, it would prove that you're unbiased in your beliefs and opinions, making your arguments in the future that much stronger and give you a bit more respect from people oppsing you or taking the opposite side.
this is a good question, and i completely understand asking it. though... i admit this took me far longer to answer than i thought it would.
i mean theres the obligatory “theres nothing good about this show” answer, which is... basically true, but on a wider scope of things there are a few more positive answers:
the pilot episode- NOT THE FIRST EPISODE- is not a bad show. it is maybe 10-12 minutes long, rather than something more full, but meg has a personality, peter doesn’t lie to his wife, and, well.. it feels more like a functional family with a goofy man as a father. if this is what seth macfarlane wanted or was more intending with his cartoon, then i’m being harsh in assuming the worst
as a whole, the show itself is a very good “time capsule” for future generations to study about the 2000s. family guy incorporates pop culture (like news stories) within it so frequently that i think it may be a good piece of culture for others to study. hell, we can study some episodes NOW and see how shit’s changed (even animation wise! in 1990-2000, squigglevision (a type of animation: think ed, edd, n eddy or the animated home movies tv show) was starting to get popular, as was thicker outlines. as time’s progressed, squigglevision has been ditched and the outlines have gotten thinner as coloring and lineart as gotten neater)
uhh... peter faked his own death once so he didn’t have to go to the dentist and honestly??? same.
the characters themselves aren’t necessarily bad characters (as shown in the aforementioned pilot), it’s just the way they’re PORTRAYED and the whole concept of “these are good people” that follows them around. if, like.. jhonnen vasquez (invader zim’s creator) took the family guy crew and tried to make a series out of it, i think that the tone would be HUGELY different and actually bearable!
there have been a few spin-offs due to the family guy (and simpsons) genre of adult cartoons, where even the series itself is like “yea bobs burgers is totally due to us”. while i can’t validate what inspired the creators of shit like bobs burgers, i can tell u that like... if family guy is a reason that show came out? i’m glad it existed. (even though bobs burgers has some issues, too)
hell, family guy might have inspired a LOT of cartoons- in just the aspect that there’s now literal proof that mature cartoons / cartoons for adults actually WORK!!! that you CAN have animated series that aren’t things like teen titans go!!! simpsons did this too, but simpsons tends to be more.. family friendly than family guy (or south park), and south park tends to feel more like an “exclusion” from the cartoon list due to its different feel of media- closer to paper craft than to drawings on paper.
despite joe being used as a punchline later on in the series, i still kind of include him/his character on the list because.. he’s still a disabled man on a tv show. his disability didn’t last only One Episode, and his disability is Constant throughout the series and is a well known part of his character. and better yet- he’s a cop, too. he’s able to work and do things despite his disability, and family guy’s display isn’t the Best at this but it’s still a starting point to show fully fledged disabled characters within media who can still exist and live and work and love and not have their personality just be “oh they’re disabled, feel pity for them”
well i mean jon arbuckle’s not in it more than as a punchline, so that’s a plus???
neither is scrappy doo????
or minions????
or the emoji movie characters???????
the annoying orange is though, as we’ve all decided. fuck you stewie. you’ve damned us all.
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Fanatics 55.1
Mussolini is back and this time he has plans for Squee. Will his friends be able to get to him before something horrible happens? Previous! Next!
The Past Returns: The Rereturning Part One
Carson hustles down the hall to Mussolini’s office. He knocks on the door and peeks inside.
“You called for me, Mr. Mussolini?” he asks.
“Carson, yes,” Mussolini replies. He’s sitting in his chair at his long table, looking at a tablet. There are two well-dressed, well-built man standing beside him. “Come in, sit.” Carson enters and sits at the far end of the table. Mussolini slides the tablet across to him. “Take a look, tell me what you see.”
Carson looks at the screen. It’s showing a picture of an awkward teen with short, black hair and big, brown eyes. He’s looking into the camera with an uncomfortable expression. Carson recognizes him immediately.
“Squee C, Johnny’s kid,” he says.
“Exactly,” Mussolini nods, “that’s the most current picture I could find of him. It’s his school photo.”
“Now slide to the next screen and tell me what you see,” he orders.
Carson does so. It’s another picture of an awkward boy, a few years younger than the first. He also has short, black hair and big, brown eyes. His expression is just as uncomfortable and also filled with fear.
Carson looks at Mussolini questionably.
“That boy is named Todd Casil,” Mussolini explains, “about five years ago he was admitted into the Defective Head Meats Institute because he was deemed insane. A year later, he broke out and disappeared.”
“They look at lot alike, don’t you think?”
“Todd Casil is wanted by the police for his escape,” Mussolini continues, “if I can connect Squee C to Todd Casil, I can ruin him.”
“Sir, you’re not still grinding on Johnny, are you?” Carson asks exhaustedly.
“I am the most powerful man in the city,” Mussolini barks, “I will not be defeated and humiliated by some homicidal nobody! I will have my revenge, one way or another. You’re either with me or against me.” “Yes, sir,” Carson sighs, “what would you have me do?” Mussolini slides a business card across the table. “Contact this man. I figure he and his wife are gonna want to know we found their son.”
“What about Squee?” Carson asks as he pockets the card.
“I will have my men pick him up,” he replies, “now, go.”
“Yes, sir,” Carson nods and leaves. He groans as he leans against the closed door and rubs his upset stomach.
“If Johnny doesn’t kill me,” he mumbles as he walks away, “the guilt definitely will.”
“You take him.”
“You take him.”
Squee leans against the wall of the gymnasium and glares at the two teams with annoyance. The captain’s argue amongst themselves about who should take Squee, who has been named the worst athlete in the class. Behind them, Zim, Dib, and Pepito watch them with a mix of aggravation and pity. Poor Squee is always picked last.
“You know,” Pepito says, interrupting the arguing, “Squee is the fastest runner in the Skool.”
“Yeah, but he can’t catch or throw worth shit,” one of the captain’s point out.
“Watch your language,” the coach, Sergeant Slab Rankle, scolds, “Squee will go on Team B. Otherwise the teams will be odd numbered.”
“He’s more of a hindrance than a help,” the captain of Team B scoffs.
Zim, Dib, and Pepito growl angrily. Squee sighs and starts to advance towards Team B when an announcement sounds over the PA.
“Squee C, come to the office please. Squee C, to the office.”
“Ah, well, we’ll just start without you,” Slab Rankle says.
“Right,” Squee grunts and leaves the gym. He’s not in a hurry. He would rather not go back to the gym at all.
But he wonders why he’s being called to the office. Did something happen? Is something wrong?
His mind races as he approaches the office. He slows to a stop when he sees two men standing by the front desk. They’re large, muscular, and wearing suits. Squee doesn’t recognize them.
They look up and spot Squee down the hall. He immediately spins on his heel and races away.
“Hey!” he hears one shout but he ignores them and keeps running. He races up the stairs to his locker. He struggles to unlock it with his trembling fingers , constantly looking down the hall for the strangers.
He successfully opens it just as they reach the top floor. He throws it open, grabs his coat, a notebook, and a pen, and races away.
They chase after him but he’s much faster than them. He pulls on his coat as he runs down the hall. He takes the right turn, checks behind them to see how close they are, then ducks into the boy’s washroom. He closes the door quietly, to help hide his tracks, and locks it.
He doesn’t waste time waiting to see what happens. He climbs up onto the counter and opens the window at the top of the room. He clambers through and hangs off by the fingers. He’s on the second floor so it’s a long drop.
He holds his breath and lets go. He lands on his feet and falls back into the snow. Good thing he doesn’t wear shorts for gym.
Squee stands up, dusts himself off, and looks around. Now what? All of his stuff is in the change room, including Shmee, his books, his knives and bombs, and his phone. Will he be able to get to the gym to grab it all? Is it okay to sneak back into the Skool? He already snuck out.
Was running even good idea? He doesn’t know who those guys are. Maybe they’re not his enemies. Although in his experience, big guys in suits are rarely not enemies.
He sighs and looks at the notebook and pen in his hand. He brought them just in case. But he’s not going to use them until he’s sure he’s in danger. Until then, maybe he’ll just go to Zim’s house and stay there for the rest of the day. If he is in danger, he’ll be safe there.
He struggles through the deep snow, shivering as it falls into his shoes. He sighs with relief when he makes it to the street, kicks the snow off his legs, and trots down the sidewalk.
He keeps a close eye on his surroundings as he moves. Nobody would be able to sneak up on him without his realizing. But nobody bothers trying to sneak up on him.
A black limousine starts to pull over next to him. He glances at it long enough to see men in suits sitting inside before he books it.
Great. Now what? These guys will definitely follow his footprints in the snow so he can’t go to Zim’s. So where can he go? He could lose them easily if there wasn’t snow on the ground. But there is and he has no way of covering his tracks.
What do these guys want with him anyway? Who are they? Will they ever leave him alone?
He clutches his notebook. Maybe it’d be better to just give in and see what happens.
Squee slows to a stop and turns around. As he expected the limousine was following close behind. It would’ve caught up to him eventually if he hadn’t stopped. It pulls over and the back window rolls down.
“Squee C,” one of the large, suited men says. “I work for Celio Mussolini.” Squee flinches and steps back, ready to run again.
“Easy,” he says quickly, “we won’t hurt you if you come quietly.”
“What do you want?” Squee asks suspiciously.
“Mr. Mussolini wants to see you,” he replies.
“That’s for Mr. Mussolini to say.”
Squee glares at him then glances up and down the street, hoping for some sort of miracle to get him out of this.
“Come inside,” the man says and opens the car door. “You must be cold.”
Squee squirms uncertainly before entering. He has no other choice.
There are eight large, well-dressed men sitting in the limo. The first man motions for Squee to sit between him and his partner. Squee does so and somehow he feels even smaller than usual.
He sits there, clutching his notebook tightly to his chest as the limousine starts moving. He glances up at his captors nervously. None of them are looking at him. They’re either looking at their phones, at each other, or just straight ahead.
He cracks open his notebook just a bit, scribbles something on the corner of a page, rips it out, and sticks it in his mouth. He swallows it and coughs as it slides down his throat.
One of the men glances at him. Squee awkwardly clears his throat.
“Sorry,” he mutters, “got a bit of a cold.”
He looks away, uninterested. Squee sighs with relief and squeezes his notebook.
Meanwhile, a ways away, the Night Terrors and their friends and roommates, Serena and Aron, huddle around a space heater in their van-turned-home.
“Ugh it’s so fucking cold,” Eff moans.
“Yes. It’s times like this I wish I had an apartment,” Aron sighs.
“I wish I was still living in my mansion,” Serena adds.
“You mean your parents’ mansion,” D-boy retorts.
“Whatever,” she snaps.
Something suddenly tumbles out of the Doughboys’ hats, which are lying on the beds behind them. They look back with surprise and the Night Terrors quickly scurry up to them.
“Looks like…a ball of wet paper,” Reverend Meat says grabs one between two fingers and shakes it out.
“Gross,” D-boy comments.
“Is it a message from the little boss?” Eff asks.
“What’s it say?” Sickness asks.
“Find my stuff then find me,” Reverend reads.
“What is this, a scavenger hunt?” D-boy scoffs.
“Think he’s in trouble?” Sickness asks.
“Why else would he call us?” Eff points out.
“We better get to work then,” Reverend Meat orders as they stand up. “We’ll be back later.”
“Right, have fun,” Serena says apathetically. Neither she nor Aron have moved an inch from the heater.
The Night Terrors exit their cold van into the even colder outdoors. They start racing through the snow, wall jump between a couple of buildings, and land on a roof. They look out into the city with contemplation.
“So where would Squee’s stuff be?” Eff asks.
“Well, today is a school day,” Reverend Meat points out, “so let’s try the High Skool.”
They all nod agreeably and start racing over the city, jumping from building to building.
At the High Skool, Zim, Dib, and Pepito stride through the hallways between classes. Pepito is carrying Squee’s bag and they search for their friend in the sea of students.
“Where could he have gone?” Pepito asks worriedly, “he’s not at the office, not in the classroom. He wouldn’t just leave without all of his stuff.”
“Definitely not,” Dib agrees.
“Something must’ve happened,” Zim grunts, “but the worst part is, without his stuff, we have no way of tracking him down.” “Actually, his cat, Nugget, might be able to track him,” Pepito points out, “she’s got a better nose than bloodhound.”
“But that would mean telling Johnny Squee is missing,” Dib says.
The three of them shudder fearfully.
“Right, then. We’ll use that as a last resort,” Zim declares.
“So what’s our first resort?” Pepito asks.
Zim hums questionably as he considers the question. Before he can come up with an answer, they stop abruptly as a blast of cold air whips at them from the right and turn around. A window in the hallway has been opened. Lots of students chatter amongst themselves curiously as some sort of clown with black circles painted on his cheeks and ghosts on his top hat climbs through.
“Hey, isn’t that one of Squee’s minions?” Dib asks.
“Yeah. Psycho Doughboy, I think?” Pepito replies.
“Actually it’s Mr. Fuck,” Eff corrects as he skips up to them. He takes Squee’s bag from Pepito’s hand, looks inside to makes sure it’s all there, nods approvingly at the boys, and skips back to the window.
“Hey!” Zim barks and they chase after him. But he ignores them and leaps through the open window.
The peek their heads through and watch with amazement as Eff scales the wall up to the roof like a squirrel.
“Hey!” Zim barks, “if this is about Squee, let us help!”
There’s no reply. Zim growls and releases his spider legs. He climbs through the window and they carry him up to the roof.
“Hey!” he shouts at the Night Terrors as they leap away.
“Sorry, buddy,” Sickness calls back, “Night Terror business. You understand.”
Zim scoffs with disgust as they hop away. His spider legs carry him back into the Skool and he stomps down the hall.
“What?” Dib asks as he and Pepito follow him.
“We’re going after them,” Zim orders.
“Okey dokey,” Pepito sings.
They grab their stuff from their lockers, throw on their coats, and race out of the Skool, ignoring the class bell.
“Keep your eyes on the roofs,” Zim orders, “they move fast so we can’t afford to lose them.”
They can just barely see the Night Terrors leaping around at the top of the buildings a ways down the road. They pick up speed to try and catch up.
Meanwhile, the limousine pulls over in a parking lot full of nice cars. The men all step out, pulling Squee out with them. They stand around him in a tight circle so he can’t even see past them and starting walking.
Over their heads, Squee can see they’re entering a tall building. He can’t tell what it’s for, but if he had to guess he’d say it’s Mussolini Banks head office.
They walk across shiny floors. Squee can hear people’s voices, but he can’t see anyone past his large captors.
They enter an elevator. As soon as the doors close, the guards spin around like synchronized soldiers. Squee flinches from the sudden movement and hesitantly turns around.
They go up the elevator all the way to the top and exit onto the floor. They march down the quiet hallway and stop at a seemingly random door. Squee is surprised to notice it’s not Mussolini’s office.
As soon as they enter the room, they split away from Squee and leave without a word. He looks back with surprise and sighs when he hears the door lock behind them.
He looks around the room curiously. It looks like some kind of conference room. There’s a rectangular table with chairs surrounding it and a small window in the far wall. It doesn’t look like it opens. Not to mention they’re on like the twentieth floor so he can’t exactly jump out.
Squee squirms nervously, not sure what to do, when the door opens. He jumps and spins around as Mussolini walks in.
He’s using a cane to walk. Squee remembers how horrible he looked with his horrendous scars, but with his left eye sealed shut by another ugly scar, he looks even worse.
Mussolini glares at him for a second before smiling disarmingly. “It’s good to see you again, Squee C. Please, take a seat.”
“I’d prefer to stand,” Squee grunts.
Mussolini shrugs as he hobbles past and seats at the far end of the table. Squee glances back. The door’s been left open but there are two guards standing outside.
“What do you want?” Squee asks.
“Just some questions answered,” Mussolini replies, “see, I’ve been doing some research on you. And it seems you didn’t have any records until you started attending school a year ago.”
“You really need a life,” he comments with distaste.
“I have a life. I am President of the biggest bank corporation in the city and the most powerful crime leader,” Mussolini points out, “but I digress. Why exactly do you not have any records, Mr. C?”
“I don’t know. Maybe they all burnt up or got lost in a virus or something,” Squee shrugs.
“Maybe,” Mussolini muses, “or maybe you had a different name a year or three ago.”
Squee’s stomach lurches. He hopes it doesn’t show. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh, I think you do,” Mussolini purrs, “Todd Casil.”
His heart skips a beat and Mussolini grin victoriously.
There’s a knock on the open door and Squee spins around. Carson is standing there, looking in curiously. Squee glares at him with visible hatred.
“Ah, Carson, just in time,” Mussolini says, “did you bring our guests?”
“Yes, sir,” Carson nods as he walks in. Two people walk in behind him; a man and a woman. Both are middle aged. The man is wearing a simple suit and glasses and the woman is wearing a long skirt and sweater. They look at Squee curiously. He doesn’t recognize them. Not at first.
“Mr. and Mrs. Casil I assume,” Mussolini says.
Squee’s heart nearly stops.
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Part Two
Green aesthetics!
Innocent? Niave? Dumb?
His first interaction with Zim was adorable
In the way that BFFs tell each other to perish and push them onto the floor
Live pics of shit going on?
Where are you???
Did no one still not Tell this Pure Boy that Vore doesn't mean to just Eat?
His dog form changes upon what ZiM tags him in
He was a beagle at one point
I just want my creations to appreciate me..
Would DIE for Tenn
Got clean for his Mija
Is prone to sudden bouts of psychosis
Is the best version of cameo jho that you can find
Can stick his hand outside of a window to flip someone off without rolling it down
Because FUCK YOU I'm a god, that's why
Disgruntled cartoon father
Crashes a lot
Oh no, the Children TM are at it again
Fight A Moose
Did Zim drink Bleach again?
I can't fix stupid, but I can heal what stupid did
if her husband doesn't stop being a weeb she will snap his neck and then fix it
please just be safe for once. don't do this to me I'm pregnant
*sparkle eyes*
Zim san
I Can See This All In My Head and I hate You For It De K
on a normal day he loves his wife
Well he still Loves His Wife
But now it's anime
A capable leader
Who is the invader you're the son of???
I'm so late???
But I love you regardless.
You're terrifying
But adorable
And relatable
You're valid
UNrequited love for All Zim s
Someone blease give this boy a Zim
There's twenty
One day he just
One day the rainbow flag
And the next: a pig or something
Such a Juxtaposition
Cares very deeply about Earth
Takes kys threats seriously
I ve actually done THAT before, so I feel your pain, at least I didn't drink a gotdamn HALF BOTTLE you WEIRD FUCK
@para-normativity AMD him have a CANON like ZADE relationship good shit good shit
Further observation needed
Funny Google Searches
Why Is Your Battery Percentage at 81% and YELLOW?
My YELLOW is 25%
Good shit
Was gonna marry Karkat
What.. did I miss
Makes facebook like updates about what he's eating and questions
very CANON ZiM.
Part One
Quirks of each of our RP brethren that I’ve noticed.
Capitalizing things That Don’t Need to Be in a Way that makes SENSE
fishwater face/living aquarium
Highkey self destructive
Sometimes up to date on slang, sometimes an absolute niave baby boy baby
He wants to fight everyone / a whole list of wars to wage
He’s forgetful
Has been close to heart attacks several times
Fuck da Empire!!
Loves his Dib-mate
Can you like not put yourself in constant danger??
Or are you physically unable to?
Lionfishes are EVIL
Finna Chocolat Spaghett Reached
Buttered Bat (so that enemies can’t take it from you! he never cleans it)
Killed god
Acts like he hates his creator but sobs profusely when he says he’s the best character
Fucking earrings
Constantly saving @almightiestinvader
Ball of anxiety
Hates @human-zim
Is a meme
Obscure Homestuck references that confuse the fuck out of Tennmod
Chance eyes
So Very Loyal to His Tallests
Hates @agentmothmanstrikesagain
Has a sort of unfinished business with both TAKs.
Listens to ABBA
Hoedown Throwdown
I’m pretty sure it was the other ZiM that said that but ehhh you were involved
signed a sort of deal with tallest purple a while ago that vaguely sounds like tallest promotion
Furthermore, she grew
Loves her parental unit Purple
Such a sweetie
She loves making snack planets
Where MiMi at?
Used to worship the ground Zim stood on
Then THAT happenened
Zim: *dying*
Haha that’s cool. Make sure you feed the rats tho.
Not An Alien No Sir-Ree
No free Wi-Fi
alcoholic recovering
Im so lost. He almost died.
Huge gay for Prof Membrane
but also huge gay for His Tallest Red??
Loves his child unit @hi-im-tak
I’m CHOKing
Haha haha *sweatdrop*
Major gay for Red
Otter pops
Misses his Pur
Plz help him
Where are you at?
Can we go get you?
So graceful
Pretty neat
Pre-Asshole Era
Reads lesbian fiction
Who’s her lover???
Does she love???
Where are you?
Where have all the TALLESTS GONE/???
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ace hang plays noctis umbra part 3
SINS OF ANGELS | Noctis Umbra Part 3 | Ace Hang Plays Otome
(Yes, they do have semi-serious titles when shit hits the fan)
Last time on Ace Hang Plays Otome:
Lily: Wow, he’s UGLY. How the FUCK is this guy a SUCCUBUS he’s UGLY
Brid: Well, technically he’d be an incubus. Because he’s a guy.
Lily: That doesn’t change the fact that he’s UGLY
Brid: Maybe he radiates some kind of.... hot energy-
Brid: You don’t-
Lily: Hey, everyone! Ace Hang here! I’m Lily!
Brid: I’m Brid!
(Val and Arthur pop in from the sides)
Val: I’m Val!
Arthur: And I’m Arthur!
All: And we’re playing Noctis Umbra Chapter Two!
Brid: Yes, that’s right! The whole gang’s here and together for a nice round of otome!
Val: It’s summer vacation, and our Minecraft 1.14 series will be up as soon as 1.14.2 is out, just so all of the bugs are ironed out. We’re planning to play multiplayer and do experiments to keep all of your spirits up.
Lily: I’m super excited.
Arthur: Yeah, same. We’ve got tons of plans!
Brid: But for now, Noctis Umbra Chapter 2 is out, and when we last left off, we learned that Valerius was lying to us again.
Lily: Also our dad is ugly and evil.
Arthur: Rana is a queen.
Val: Thor was there...?
Brid: .... Yeah, basically. Let’s get back to the action!
Lily: A Kapre. A stalker.... Do you guys know anything about that?
Val: Capre.... Caper...
Brid: Oh, Capra demon. Remember that 4chan post?
Val: Oh yeah!
Arthur: ...?
Lily: Super sexy demon or something. In the post he had a goat skull head. Wonder what this boi’s gonna look like.
Arthur: He’ll either be adorable or ugly.
(Efren appears)
Brid: That is not what I was expecting.
Arthur: I was expecting like, James Bond, not a guy in a mohawk wearing a Minecraft shirt!
Val: Wow. Holy shit. Oh my god. He looks like a cis guy decided to dress like a fucking drag queen for Halloween without knowing what a drag queen was. He looks like someone who unironically enjoys Kingdom Hearts and somehow mixed in a shitty hacker aesthetic. He looks like a 30 year old virgin who also runs a gaming channel that relies on clickbait for income. He looks like a guy cosplaying as his own My Hero Academia OC. He looks like-
Brid: Okay, that’s enough.
Lily: He looks like that one Invader Zim character watches anime all day in his basement-
Brid: Stop it. Anyway, looks like he’s with the enemy... and wants to recruit us... and give us cookies.
Lily: Cookies. Om nom nom.
Lily: WAHAHA they’re good cookies.
Brid: I love the little package of cookies on her lap.
Val: Seriously, I’d kill a guy who gave me too many cookies, though. At 3am. Every day.
Lily: “You’re just grumpy because you’re hungry. You’re hangry.”
Arthur: “I am not hangry!”
Lily: “You sound hangry!”
Val: And Tae steals the cookies. And they’re good.
Val: You know, I’m glad the main characters are warming up to Tora. Not treating her like a kid.
Brid: She’s learning high school chemistry, so I don’t think it’s out of the question that she’s at least fifteen.
Arthur: Yeah. And MyDude is treating her very nicely.
Val: Yeah. I’m glad. Like seriously, edgy war stories just... hate kids. Like, fuck the kids. Adults are the only ones that survive here.
Lily: Yeah, it’s nice change of pace. EY, RANA! Look, Arthur. That’s my favorite character.
Arthur: I see.
Val: Honestly, the whole Noctis Umbra crew is great. Except for Valerius. Fuck that guy.
Arthur: I think he might have a reason for keeping those secrets of his, though.
Val: This is coming from the same guy who actually trusts the rich kid in the other one they were playing. Fuck, I forget his name.
Val: “Ae-ri needs your help grocery shopping.”
Lily: I’m gonna be super surprised if it’s not like the South Asian market my parents visit for cheap spices.
Brid: Seriously, what else do you expect from this game?
Brid: Yes, that’s the last place I expected to find a bunch of underworld denizens that are part demon or something. Going shopping at a grocery store. And not a South Asian market.
Lily: What, did you think they subsided on human energy alone?
Val: I mean, Tae lives offa sweets. First he ate his sister’s cheesecake, then he ate those cookies, then he ate that pudding... he’s just got a big sweet tooth.
Lily: Oh, big mood, Tae. I like him. He and Keelan are so funny. Everyone’s just laying into him.
Arthur: “That’s a lot of hot sauce...”
Brid: I see we’ve got our own weird tastes...
Val: Ha. Melons. Innuendos.
Lily: Or Avatar reference.
Arthur: ...
Brid: What’s up?
Arthur: Imagine- meanwhile in the aisle next door, Riley hits her teacher with a shopping cart!
Lily: That would be an amazing easter egg. Keelan’s looking for his paint, barely dodges a chaotic dumbass bisexual disaster, she immediately hits someone else who happens to be her teacher.
Val: Said teacher was also hacking the grocery store’s WiFi with his phone, which proceeds to fall into the lobster tank.
Lily: Not saying Riley wouldn’t do that.
(Small animation with bad doodles)
Arthur: I imagine Keelan’s like... “Alright... broad paintbrush, purple acrylic paint... ” and he just hears screaming, and there’s Riley just narrowly missing him and slamming right into her teacher.
Brid: You say that like she intentionally hit him.
Lily: Damn. That’s the first thing you fixate on?
Arthur: Oh boy. Something’s going down...
Lily: Is Valerius here? Is that why she’s- Oh, hey Luca.
Val: Oh my god, it’s Tall Evil Valerius.
Brid: He’s so tall we can’t even see the top of his head.
Lily: That’s funny, because I always imagined Valerius to be like, 5′4...
Val: His name is “Aleron”. HOLY FUCK HE JUST KILLED LUCA
Arthur: OH MY GOD
Lily: That feeling when you teleport the enemy leader right into your base.
Val: Fucking seriously. The whole crew must be having aneurysms.
Arthur: Ha. “I leave you alone for two seconds and you start a world war.”
Lily: Welcome back to another episode of “Man with half the facts in heated debate with man with zero facts”.
(Meme appears on screen with the two men’s faces replaced with Leo and Valerius)
Brid: More like “Two men seriously think they know what’s right for the world as a whole based on flawed information”.
Val: “Where’s her room?!” “She doesn’t have one.” “Where does she sleep?!” “The couch.”
Brid: Get ready for Angry Father Rage.
Val: “YOU LET MY DAUGHTER SLEEP ON A COUCH?!”.... DAMMIT why did the scene have to end there.
Lily: So you wouldn’t have to yell at yourself?
Val: “Your mother loved heights too-” Sheesh, did she love jumping off them?!
Lily: Fucking hell. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what he meant, though.
Brid: Yeah, this guy’s kind of an asshole, to be honest.
Arthur: I guess with the whole unification thing, they need her.
Lily: I love how she’s mad Aleron killed Luca because she wanted to punch him in the face.
Val: Oh boy, things are heating up. So because of the prophecy, the demon kids are all uniting, and the angels wanna beat em back. And they took over a human organization to do it.
Lily: Angels. It’s always angels.
Brid: Do any of you like Valerius any more now?
Val: NO. He’s kind of a dickhead. Still.
Arthur: At least he’s telling us more.
Brid: Yeah, very true.
Val: Why does Valerius look at us and see everything right with Nocturnals? We’re an angry district attorney who sucks the life out of people with the power of Satan and anime.
Lily: Angels. It’s always angels.
Arthur: You said that.
Brid: I did say I’d romance Valerius, so-
Lily: And with that, looks like we’ve reached the end of Chapter 3! What do you guys think? This is your first time playing with us, right?
Val: ... Why do I have to be rolled up in the politics of white men?
Lily: Pretty sure Leo’s Latino.
Val: Still.
Brid: Politics, politics. I still do love the group dynamic between the Noctis Umbra crew, though. Not Valerius, just MyDude, Ae-ri...
Arthur: Tae, Keelan, and Rana. Yeah. And whoever else I’m forgetting. They’re very cute together, and it kinda sucks that they’re dealing with the whole underground war thing, otherwise I feel like we’d get a lot of cute scenes with them.
Lily: Very true. Any theories?
Arthur: Remember when Valerius called MyDude Umbra? I think it’s because she’s the kid of both an angel and a demon.
Brid: Oooooo. What do you have to back it up?
Arthur: We don’t see much about her mother. Apparently she left her in an orphanage named after a saint. Also, Leo mentioned that the mom loved heights. Besides the jumping implication, it might mean that she’s an angel. Maybe one that couldn’t fly.
Lily: I think umbra does mean shadow, which evokes themes of both light and darkness, so it’s very possible.
Brid: Interesting. Well, we’ve been recording for an hour, so I think that’s all the time we have for today.
Lily: Sweet!
Brid: Can’t wait to see where this story takes us next! And we’re planning our next playthrough to probably be either the next part of Oathbreaker, or Hatoful Boyfriend.
Val: Make sure to like and subscribe for more content, and stay classy!
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The latest on Spencer Banda's Star FM, who was beaten after being caught with a married woman, | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq World cup 2018 : http://bit.ly/2tbUEHi THE wife of a Harare man who allegedly bashed a STAR FM sportscaster Spencer Banda on Monday nailed her husband during the latter’s trial saying he was the one who assaulted the journalist. Banda was allegedly assaulted by Michael Mawedze who was accusing him of bedding his wife, Sharon. On Monday, Sharon took it to the witness stand testifying against her husband who is denying the charges arguing that it was his friends who assaulted the complainant. But Sharon, who is still residing under the same roof with Mawedze, nailed her husband saying he was the perpetrator. She echoed Banda’s testimony saying on the day in question, the presenter came to collect his stockings from her. Sharon furt... #The #latest #on #Spencer #Bandas #Star #FM #who #was #beaten #after #being #caught #with #a #married #woman #Breaking #News #zimnews
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Expert: (Amapondo Zinkomo is an expression for the early dawn in Sindebele, the language of the Matabele people of Zimbabwe, who were butchered in their tens of thousands in the early days of the Mugabe government. The words mean “the horns of the cattle”, and refer to that time in the early morning were the tips of cattle horns can first be made out against the lightening sky.) Watching the TV images of jubilant scenes on the streets of Harare on the day Robert Mugabe resigned as president of Zimbabwe, one rather strange thing caught my eye. Not a single policeman was anywhere to be seen. There were soldiers, but no obvious signs of police. It’s always very difficult to know what’s really going on in the so-called news, and trying to discern the truth of the recent events in Zimbabwe is no different. If Britain’s BBC is to be believed (not usually advisable) the story goes something like this: Mugabe’s wife, Grace, had become obsessed with personal power and persuaded Comrade Bob to sack his number two, Emmerson Mnangagwa, and give her the job instead. This provoked the army, devoted servants as they are to constitutional protocol, to persuade Comrade Bob to go, and for Mnangagwa to be properly restored to office. And that’s all there was to it. But there’s probably a bit more to it than that. When this story broke I felt two reactions. The first one was delight, and the second was curiosity as to what’s really going on: who was really pulling the strings? There were, of course, two prime suspects: the US or the UK. The UK seemed the most likely possibility in this case, because Zim used to be a British colony, and therefore Britain knows the place pretty well, and no doubt still has important links there. Although Britain seldom does anything without at least a nod from the White House, the US is possibly quite marginal for a change. The Zimbabwe Independent (ZI) is a news provider based in Harare and owned by Alpha Media, which is possibly linked to an organisation of a similar name in the USA. It has produced a couple of interesting articles on the coup. The first of these, published two months prior to the coup, revealed that: BRITAIN has reportedly come up with a grand plan to steer Zimbabwe through its turbulent political transition centred on Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa succeeding President Robert Mugabe with a US$2 billion economic bailout underwriting the project. ZI cites “high-level diplomatic sources” for its information, and claims that British ambassador Catriona Laing, “is said to have come to Harare in September 2014 with a mission to rebuild bridges and ensure that re-engagement succeeds to facilitate Mnangagwa’s rise to power”. The second interesting piece by ZI, citing “sources close to the developments”, gives a blow-by-blow account of how the actual coup is said to have happened. Apparently head of the armed forces, General Constantino Chiwenga recently visited China – not, presumably, for his holidays. It seems Chiwenga is a supporter of Mnangagwa, and ZI’s sources claimed that, on Sunday 12th November: [T]he police were given instructions to arrest Chiwenga on arrival at the airport. A team was deployed to arrest him, but Chiwenga had been informed of the plan by military intelligence,’ an official said. The military contemplated landing in Lusaka and driving from Zambia to avoid arrest, among other options, before eventually settling on flying straight into Harare. When Chiwenga came, a team of soldiers dressed in National Handling Service (NHS) uniforms got inside the airport, while police positioned themselves to seize him. The soldiers reacted and disarmed them. The soldiers took off the NHS uniforms, revealing their camouflage fatigues, resulting in the police officers fleeing. The following day, Chiwenga gave a press conference where he: ordered Mugabe ‘to stop reckless utterances by politicians from the ruling party denigrating the military’ and halt the purging of people with a liberation background in Zanu PF. He called for ‘counter-revolutionary elements’ in the party to be fished out and for the Zanu PF leadership to ensure that members go for the extraordinary congress with an equal opportunity. Next day, Tuesday: Zanu PF youth leader Kudzanai Chipanga attacked Chiwenga, labelling him a “rebel” and “criminal” who should be held accountable for the country’s missing diamond revenue. Zanu PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo later issued a statement describing Chiwenga’s utterances as “treasonous”. The military responded by moving equipment including tanks into Harare after which it secured strategic places such as the Munhumutapa Building, which houses the President and his deputies’ offices, Supreme Court, Parliament and ZBC. And then things seem to have unfolded pretty much as reported in MSN – except that we know nothing yet about the fate of the so-called “criminals”, or the “G40 faction” upon whom the army was last seen “descending on… between 2am and 2:30am on Wednesday morning.” Early that same morning, Wednesday, two senior military officers, Major General Sibusiso Moyo and Air Vice Marshall Jacob Nzvede, read out a prepared statement on national television. This appears to have been extremely well-prepared for so early in the morning and, as reported in the Bulawayo Chronicle, is, mostly, an astounding model of reason and moderation – not something one would expect from people whose behaviour over the last three decades or more has often been anything but. The statement specifically addresses a range of groups and organisations in Zimbabwe, from MPs, the judiciary, armed forces, and civil servants to “the generality of the people of Zimbabwe”; from “all churches and religious organisations” to youth groups, the media, and traditional leaders. It appears to be very encompassing and unthreatening. However, there’s one very important group which is not specifically mentioned at all – the police. There is one reference to “other Security Services“, with a thinly veiled threat: We urge you to cooperate for the good of our country. Let it be clear that we intend to address the human security threats in our country. Therefore any provocation will be met with an appropriate response. We have to wonder if this was why there was no obvious signs of any police on the streets of Harare on the day Comrade Bob resigned. We also have to wonder why, given the quantity of information about the coup that’s publicly available, the BBC never said a word about it. Last Sunday, five days into the coup, the BBC’s twenty four hour news channel had absolutely nothing to tell us, except the events unfolding in Zimbabwe. The BBC has been banned from Zimbabwe for some years, but they had journalists in Harare by Sunday who were reporting live from the capital. Despite the obvious opportunity to be asking these questions, the Beeb said not one word about the apparent confrontation between the army and the police at the airport, asked no questions about how the relatively primitive military intelligence found out the police planned to arrest Chiwenga at the airport, nor where the police are now, nor the fate of the “G40 faction” who were “descended on” by the army in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Almost needless to say, the BBC asked no questions about the role of the British government, or the two billion dollars which appear to be bankrolling the coup. A week later the BBC had caught up a little, and tucked away on its website was a superficial reference to the airport confrontation – contained in two sentences – and probing no deeper into the story. It is unquestionably a good thing that Mugabe has been removed from power. I hope that he’s now quickly indicted for the numerous crimes against humanity for which he’s undoubtedly responsible. Almost certainly it’s the fear of such indictments that has kept him in power for so long, aided and abetted by the military, who are every bit as indictable. The really big question now is what’s next for Zimbabwe? The Brits appear to have their fingerprints all over this. What does the Foreign Office have in mind now? It looks like Mnangagwa is their chosen successor, for the interim at least, but who will they be pushing forward in the imminent general elections? Technically, Mnangagwa, who appears to be a very nasty piece of work, has no right to the job – as he was fired from the role of Vice President. So the very first thing he should be doing is calling new elections. It might be worth keeping an eye on Patrick Chinamasa, a previous ally of Mugabe who has served as finance minister and is currently head of “cyber security” – someone who should be fairly well placed to hear about any plans to arrest generals coming back from China. According to ZI, he’s recently been busily jet-setting around the world, visiting influential “think tanks” such as Britain’s Chatham House. Grace Mugabe has been scapegoated in this story, and like most things, it’s hard to know where the truth really lies. But the fact that she and this so-called G40 group seemed to want to overthrow the old regime, and have been “descended on” by the army, just makes me wonder if the old regime has really been defeated. Unquestionably the army will be very concerned about themselves, and are unlikely to support anyone who might send a few of them off to The Hague along with Comrade Bob. Given that the army were so worried about the possibility of Grace coming to power just makes me wonder if the right “criminals” have been “descended on”. I know it’s an impossible dream, but I just hope someone takes a lesson from Costa Rica’s history and takes this opportunity to scrap the army altogether. On the day Mugabe resigned the BBC was interviewing various ecstatic people in Harare. One of these, whose name I’ve unfortunately forgotten, was a lovely young woman who has been an opposition activist for some years – and has the scars to prove it. At the end of her interview she was asked a very good question, which went something like this: we know about all the bad things Mugabe did, but can you tell me two good things about him – after all this is the man who ended British colonial rule in Zimbabwe? Her answer was superb. She said that the fact he ended white minority rule was indeed one good thing; but the other was to provide an excellent example of what not to do – meaning that as Zimbabwe charts its new course it may not have a definite idea of what it wants, but it has a very clear idea of what it doesn’t want. http://clubof.info/
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Since you said your Top 10 Cartoon Network cartoons, how about the next question be what is your Top 10 cartoons from Nickelodeon and the reasons why?- BH
Top 10 Nickelodeon cartoons? Okay, this one is a lot easier than Cartoon Network. Honestly, while I loved the cartoons, Nick's live action shows like All That, Keenan and Kel, and their game shows were just quality entertainment. 10) Rocket Power- As the ancient Hawaiians used to say, this show was the 90's sports personified. This gets a mention because for the first four Harry Potter books, I always pictured the Stimpletons as Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. 9) Spongebob Squarepants: Honestly? I enjoyed its first few seasons and stopped caring about it, but I've been rewatching those episodes with my wife and I forgot how funny Spongebob was. 8) The Wild Thornberries: Tim Curry.7) Rocko's Modern Life- This show was smart and enjoyable. It's the supporting cast and writing was top notch. I mean...Wacky Deli is a classic.6) Invader Zim- This is one of those ones that needs to be taken in doses since it can get really weird really fast, but damn it if I don't appreciate the tone and for pushing the boundaries of children's television. 5) Doug- God, who doesn't love Mr. Bone or Mr. Dink? I mean, yeah, Doug as a protagonist is a little too...vanilla when compared to other shows, but I still have fond memories of this show and have deep rooted nostalgia for it. I also laugh every time I watch Orange is the New Black thanks to this show purely because of Constance Shulman, who was the voice actress for Patti Mayonnaise. 4) Ren and Stimpy- See what I said above about Zim? That goes for this show too. Everybody loves Ren and Stimpy because it was the pioneer for what could be done with animation in a modern setting. Simultaneously smart and ridiculous, any time with Ren and Stimpy can always be boiled down to "happy, happy, joy, joy."3) Hey Arnold- Another great show with great writing. Hey Arnold is really a show about the community that he lives in and the various personalities one can encounter in everyday life. It also has my vote for one of the greatest Christmas specials ever done on a cartoon which will always make me cry. 2) Avatar: The Last Airbender: This show is amazing. Fantastic writing, great characters, a compelling plot, actual educational value...this is the greatest thing Nick has ever produced and will ever produce. Plus it has Mark Hamill, who is perfect.1) Rugrats- Look, Avatar is a better show and is just perfection. There is no denying that. However, Rugrats in its initial run (and the Mother's Day episode, because damn it) is brilliant. I have such nostalgia for the show as a kid and, looking back, can appreciate it purely due to Stu Pickles being the worst parent in the world. Holy shit, all of the parents are terrible but you never pick up on that as a kid. It's brilliant. Bonus points to Ahh! Real Monsters, Catdog, and The Angry Beavers. Good shows all around, but you got edged out (and trust me, it's hard not to fawn over the Gromble, who is easily the third greatest Chief Blue Meanie homage out there after HIM and Mark Hamill's Joker).
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