#and the second is Where We're Going by Gerry Cinnamon
1ddotdhq · 4 years
💙 Thurs 1 Oct ‘20 💙
We MADE IT! By that, I OF COURSE mean the AMAZING iTunes chart jump that Walls had today, a full nine months after its release (like almost to the day!). It re-entered US charts sometime in the middle of the night at number 1084, and was picked up by an update account (HLDaily) on twitter - they urged new fans to go buy Walls if they had not already. And oh boy, did they! As of press time,  Walls has hit NUMBER ONE IN 17 COUNTRIES (including the US UK and India which did not hit number one at release time) and re-entered the worldwide iTunes charts at number 147, and I expect it will keep climbing. As Louis said: “Boom!”
To cap it all off, Louis came onto Twitter to express his surprise! Amongst many statements, he said, “Wow...You lot are fucking unreal”, and when told that he was at #1 in the US, he said “How!!!???? You guys are fucking mental”. He expressed similar excitement and disbelief when he was told that he was also topping iTunes charts in Brazil, India, Mexico, and the UK, though he mentioned that “it’s not about individual places. The overall support blows my fucking mind”. He did reply to HLDaily when a fan tagged them - Louis said that the whole thing was “mad”. Louis also announced that he’s been working on LT2 (!!!!!!!) - he’s written four songs in four days and is cooking “banger after banger”.  He said he will “probably” have a new single for us by 2021 - I was literally sobbing when I read this you have NO IDEA!!  Louis also admitted to “obviously” (lol) “stealing funny screenshots from fans” and to having gotten into basketball in the last few years. He says he will have more “social” causes (but not political ones) in his songs in future, and he recommended some music (BIG MOOD). To cap it all off, he said that we “really are” unstoppable and that we “really don’t fuck around, do we?” Ummm, NO! WE DON’T. My favorite tweet, though, was: “You’re all fucking amazing. Put me in such a good mood”.  Congrats, Louis, and I hope we see more golden days like this one very soon in the future! 
There was much speculation about what was driving this growth and whether his new label could be involved, because it seemed far fetched that a fan push could be so profound, but a look at iTunes numbers is useful for context. They don't allow access to their album unit sales, but you can find some info on single songs sales, so, to give some numbers: the song in the 200th spot in iTunes sale is Falling by Harry, and it’s sold 137 units in the last 24 hours. At 115, it’s Helen Reddy with 199 units sold - not a huge jump in units to influence the charts. But, when we get up to the top ten, number 6 is Justin Beiber, with 1444 units in the last 24 hours. In the number one for songs, you have Demi Lovato, who has sold 4803 tunes in the last 24 hours. If the album sales numbers are even mildly proportional (they are presumably smaller), it's clearly plausible as a fan effort that managed to hit just right and snowball. Arista, Louis' US label, posted in happy celebration but sure didn't take any credit, and whoever Louis' new mysterious UK label are they didn't spill the beans by weighing in but I'm sure they're patting themselves on the backs for their signing! A relatively small step in terms of sales numbers but a huge leap for fankind indeed.
And that’s not all - the sun himself peeked out from behind a cloud sometime last night in a pub in Oxfordshire. Louis was wearing a black hoodie (shocker) and a red baseball cap; the fan said he had a mask, but asked if she would prefer to take a picture with a mask on. She said no, and the picture features him, the fan, her friend, and her dog, who Louis called “a good little lad” (awwwww the way I ADORE him). They took a (not socially distanced) picture, and let me tell you THOSE EYES!!!! Ugh, I could also get lost inside of them. It was lovely to see him, at any rate, and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a bit more of him in the coming months. 
And while we’re speaking of Golden (have you noticed a theme today, guys?) Golden was activated for radio play yesterday afternoon! This after all of those music video pictures we were getting really does seem to indicate a quick turnaround on the promo for this song, but first things first: we’re keeping an eye on the DYKWYA website to see when IT becomes golden-themed! Harry also finalized his Grammy submissions - they are: “Fine Line” as Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Album, “Adore You” as Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best Music Video (my Fish Video <3 <3), and “Watermelon Sugar” as Best Pop Solo Performance. Honestly, could this day GET ANY BETTER????? 
As it seems to be a business heavy day, we’ve got to mention that Zayn continues to be a presence on Instagram, promoting Better for Asian and Brazilian audiences, as well as a UK Spotify playlist that has added the song. Niall also continues to prove that he’s Very Much On Social Media by popping up in Julia Michael’s livestream and saying he needs to “go listen to the new song” and asking her to “do a dance.” She did, but oh for the days when we could see those two goofs doing dances together!
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