#and the new spider's name is clarice
xprojectrpg · 1 month
This Day in X-Project - May 21
2015: Laurie posts an article about how medical technology now allows amputees to use their minds to control bionics. Cecilia, Laurie and Doug wake Namor up after his 2 week coma, he doesn’t break down the mansion. Laurie asks Doug if they can spend the weekend not moving from their suite at all, possible with Wade and Marie-Ange if they can convince them to come over. Tandy comes to visit Namor and finds she can understand him more clearly than she thought. Adrienne arrives at home only to find her boyfriend sprawled out on the couch covered in cheese dust. Tandy emails Amanda about Namor, with sadly not much information. Emma stops by to offer Namor the ability to understand people by dumping the English language into his head. Jean arrives back at the mansion and asks Felicia for some of the coffee she had been talking about earlier. Clint and Namor meet for the first time since the dustup in Alaska, it doesn’t go well. Gabriel and Roxy meet in the sunroom and discuss the problems with being homosexual mutants. Jean apologises that she missed Matt’s birthday and tells him she got him a present. Adrienne texts Amanda about helping out with the demon thing. Clint introduces himself to the mansionites. Matt offers up a game of baseball this weekend for memorial day. Matt goes to check up on Xavin and see how they’re settling in. Wanda comes across Billy and Clint as they're settling into their new suite.
2016: Maya gets into an argument with Tandy about a court case she’d linked on the journals between the Navajo and Urban Outfitters; later, Jennie encounters a still-angry Maya and gets her to punch out her feelings. Laurie asks Doug, Wade and Marie-Ange to take her dancing. Gabriel leaves a trail of goldfish, both real and crackers, leading to a prom-posal for Namor. Namor texts Gabriel not too amused by the balloons and threatening the lives of the goldfish. Maya posts a link asking people at the mansion to educate themselves. Endangered Species: The X-Men sneak into the OsCorp Gala in case of another attack; their fears are confirmed when Vulture and the Beetle attack, but are quickly driven off; the X-Men track the bad guys to their base where they find Rhino waiting alongside three Sentinels; the X-Men split up to take on the erstwhile party-crashers; Firestar and Spider-Man deal with the sentinel while Cyclops faces off against the Rhino; Rogue and Wolverine face off against Beetle and a Sentinel, the result a toppled sentinel and a squashed Beetle; Marvel Girl and Blink face off against the Vulture and his robotic friend, thanks quick thinking they are able to short out the Robot and strip the Vulture of his tech; although the X-Men are victorious, they have to beat an ignoble retreat when the Sentinels activate their self destruct system. Arthur, Bobbi, Jessica, and Warren go out for a few beverages after work in celebration of Bobbi's birthday earlier that week, and they commandeer the jukebox and put on whatever they want.
2017: Alex finds a puppy, and talks with Angelo about marriage and life. Clint posts to the his new team and outlines all the progress he’s been making behind the scenes. Alex introduces Lorna to his new puppy, and she names it “Magnus”.
2018: Sue checks on Warren in the aftermath of his break up with Bobbi; Bobbi emails Lorna to let her know she’s back in New York and that she has a puppy now; Bobbi finally answers Warren’s texts to let him know they need to talk; Quentin returns to X-Factor and is faced with a still angry Lorna and Warren, luckily they're willing to give him a second chance.
2019: An Eye for an Eye: Various Twitter accounts post about the gargoyle at the Denver International Airport moving.
2020: Nica posts about going to the zoo for a powers experiment.
2021: Jean hosts an afternoon tea in honour of International Tea Day. Jean-Phillipe announces his and Marie-Ange’s yearly Eurovision party and journal thread. Clarice enjoys the new crop top trend since it means she doesn’t have to wear a bra.
2023: Madin emails Kyle about their educational history and turns down his offer. Alani asks for crappy show recommendations. Darcy drops off ‘Star’s tech and explains some of the mansion’s groups and goals as well as offering the boy some conditioner.
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koohiss · 6 years
also since i’m apparently posting things now ??? there are only 3-4 quail chicks this year, the stray cat ate WELL this spring
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thexdesk · 2 years
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TO: SAGE (re: the X-Force) FROM: Emma Frost
SUBJECT: Guest List & Security
Hello, darling.
I appreciate the help that both you and the X-Force Team will provide tonight during the Gala to keep the event secure and safe. I’ll be quite busy tonight and need to trust in you wholeheartedly to help keep the festivities afloat. That is easier said than done, however, when you have the likes of Logan & Quire on your roster. Keeping that in mind, please reach out telepathically if there is an EMERGENCY of any sort. Both myself and the Cuckoo’s will be keeping our minds tuned in.
In the meanwhile, I have attached the guest list below. Please do not let ANYONE in who is not on the list. There is one exception: foreign diplomats and politicians were sent over separately for security purposes. 
With Love,
Emma Grace Frost, the White Queen
ASGARDIAN -- for unity and future prosperity: korg. loki. valkyrie.
AVENGERS -- for their work saving the universe time and time again: bruce banner. carol danvers. clinton barton. hope van dyne. samuel wilson. scott lang. shang-chi. spider-man. doctor stephen strange. thor odinson.
CELEBRITIES -- for their accomplishments in the social and cultural world: Audra McDonald. Conan O’Brien. Dua Lipa. Eminem. George R.R. Martin. Jimmy Kimmel. Justin Bieber. Kanye West. Lin Manuel Miranda. Mary Jane Watson. Meryl Streep. Patton Oswalt. Rihanna. Saweetie. Saya Ishii. Seol Hee. Snoop Dogg. Taylor Swift. Virginia Potts [ click for more names ].
CHAMPIONS -- for their resilience in the face of C.R.A.D.L.E. and the promotion of change: amadeus cho. amka aliyak. joaquin torres. lana baumgartner. ms. marvel. nadia van dyne. nova. red locust. riri williams. spider-man. starling. viv vision.
ETERNALS -- for fostering new relations: druig. makkari. kingo. phastos. sersi. sprite. thena. 
FANTASTIC FOUR -- for their heroic acts across the multiverse: ben grimm. johnny storm. susan storm. reed richards.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: heather douglas. hercules. nebula. noh-varr. peter quill. phyla-vell. richard rider. rocket raccoon.
HONORED ACHIEVEMENTS -- for accomplishments in their field: hank pym. janet van dyne. natasha romanoff. steven rogers. tony stark.
INHUMANS -- for unity and future prosperity: blackagar boltagon. crystalia amaquelin. daisy johnson. gorgon. karnak. medusalith amaquelin.
PLUS ONES -- for the association to someone who is more special: cindy moon (saya ishii). dane whitman (sersi). katherine bishop (clinton barton). katy chen (shang-chi). morgan stark (virginia potts). 
SANCTUM SANCTORUM -- for their work on magical defenses: clea strange. wong.
SHI’AR EMPIRE -- for unity and future prosperity: cal’ysee neramano. gladiator.  isabel kane. xandra neramani.
WAKANDA --  for unity and future prosperity: nakia. okoye.  shuri. t’challa. 
STANDY BY -- the following have received an invite during the second round and barely made the cut: barbara morse. james buchanan barnes. jessica drew. melinda may. monica rambeau. yelena belova.
ERROR: When attempting to invite Spider-man, four invites were sent out and accepted.
abigail brand
alison blaire
angelica jones
alexander summers
anna-marie lebeau
brian braddock ( honorary )
clarice fong
danielle moonstar
elizabeth braddock
emma frost
erik lehnsherr
everett thomas
gabrielle kinney
hope summers
illyana rasputina
jaime madrox
jean grey
jeanne-marie beaubier
jubilation lee
katherine pryde
laura kinney
laurie collins
layla miller
lorna dane
madelyne pryor 
martinique wyngarde
megan gwynne 
meggan puceanu-braddock
monet st croix
nathan summers
neena thurman
ororo munroe
pete wisdom
pietro maximoff
raven darkholme
regan wyngarde
selene gallio
stepford cuckoos
tabitha smith
theresa cassidy
thomas shepherd
wanda maximoff
william kaplan 
xi’an coy manh
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erika-de-claire · 5 years
{Tokyo Disneyland’s Attic Bride}
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Much like the American Mansion, the Japanese mansion has various different backstories that you can find on forums, from cast members and in other media.
The Fan Canon/Cast member Stories:  
I don’t know if this is still used but this is a basic story constructed by mansion fans and one that I was told by a Ghost Hostess (In America the mansion has maids and butlers, in Japan the mansion has hosts and hostesses, now that’s settled, let’s get onto the goods) goes:
The bride’s name is Tai, short for the Chinese term ‘TaiTai’ which refers to the wife of a rich man or someone in nobility. Sometimes, an alternative way of writing and saying her name is ‘Tae’ which means ‘Crystal’ (consider this a nickname for her).
She was a 16-year-old girl who was incredibly creative, often admiring the tiny detail in things like vases and wallpaper and always preferred to be alone with her own imagination rather than among large groups of people, one of her favourite things to do when alone was dance and sing.
This story is fairly basic in which Tai immigrated from China with her family to start a new life and her parents decided it was the time to marry her off. She met with various suitors but never showed much interest in them. Various men wanted to marry the youthful young lady, but she refused every one of them and always preferred to enjoy whatever else was happening around them.
All hope on marrying their daughter seemed lost for her parents. Until one day when she fell in love with a rich man who owned the mansion, everything seemed so perfect. The groom had the wedding planned in a hurry and Tai never questioned why, she was just as eager to get married. Only, while she wanted it out of love, the groom was determined to get his hands on Tai’s money and inheritance, he never truly loved her, only her money.
The day of the wedding came and the ceremony was beautiful. However, the marriage only lasted until that night, when the groom stabbed her in the heart, he hid her body in the trunk in the attic of his mansion and forged a note, convincing her parents that she had run away. To this day, her soul still lurks in the attic.
Source: Castmembers from the last few times I visited there and asked. (2013, 2015 and 2017)
 The Bride’s Backstory according to the Matome Naver forums (translated by yours truly):
According to this backstory, the name of the bride is Emily Kabanov Gracey.
Emily was born into a wealthy family on Rhode Island, ever since she was a small child, her parents were determined for her to one day inherit their property. But unfortunately for them, Emily was strange girl and enjoyed staring at the patterns of flowers on the wallpaper for hours each day and although her parents were desperate to teach her responsibility for her status, she refused to understand the weight of her position.
Emily's parents were suddenly killed by a runaway carriage when she was only young, and the entire property of the Kabanov family was passed on to the unskilled heiress. It was during the funeral that she met Master Gracey, he had recently lost his wife and had been determined to comfort his wife's soul by becoming Buddhist. Emily, a sensitive 16-year-old girl, immediately fell in love after seeing his prestigious figure and his boyish face. When he applied for marriage between the two of them, Emily, who knew nothing, gladly agreed.
The wedding was beautiful and the bride looked magnificent in her dress. Though it wouldn’t last long, as an incident occurred in the Gracie House during the honeymoon. Madame Leota was waiting for a young bride, when the time came, she killed her and cleaned up the evidence.
Emily was young and still naughty, so she played hide-and-seek with the groom. She wanted to start this honeymoon game and couldn't wait to take off the wedding dress and change clothes into something more comfortable. When looking for a place to hide, she stumbled across the attic and could hear Master Gracey calling out to her, so, she quickly hid in the trunk. The inside was uncomfortable and suffocating, so after a few moments she tried to get out, only to hear a metal, scratching sound. Madame Leota locked the trunk in order to eliminate the bride and gain Master Gracie’s affection. Unfortunately, the young bride died of suffocation.
To this day, her screams are heard alongside the beating of her heart, and her ghost stands by the trunk that killed her.
Source: https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2133609796786696201
Movie Plotline:
Surprisingly, the 2004 Haunted Mansion movie starring Eddie Murphy is pretty well loved in Japan! So a lot of fans also follow the idea that the bride is Elizabeth Henshaw! We already know that story so I’m not covering that here.
More fun Stuff!
-        Her design is made to coincide with Japanese beauty standards. She has a very prominent double lid, very neat hair with blunt bangs, a small chin, a pouty lip and she’s very small. (Around 5’1” comparing to the 5,3” of the American brides). Her bouquet also has bits of lace in it and her hair is actually a blonde Lolita wig!
-        She glows either blue or purple depending on the lighting used that day, but unlike the American Bride, her heart is a bright pink!
-        Some mansion fans like to say that her lighting shows her mood. If the bride is more purple, she is happy, if she is a dark blue, she is sad and if she is a medium blue (most common), she is neutral.
-        The bride Is INCREDIBLY well received in Tokyo.
-        For 2018 Halloween, she had a Minnie ears headband which sold out in a week!
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-        They rereleased it in 2019 (only they replaced the bat with a spider and instead of printing the logo on the back, it’s embroidered) and it sold out in a few days!!!
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-        She’s the most Disney bounded character during Halloween and the second most popular/cosplayed mansion character next to the hostesses.
-        They also added in this glowing heart pendant which ALSO sold out!
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-        Along with a cute, glowing candle which, while it has Minnie mouse on it, people on Instagram and various social media keep using it for their Disney bounds of her and calling it the bride’s candle!
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-        During a Halloween parade in the early 2000’s, Clarice was seen dressed as her on a float. (GHOST BRIDE CLARICE WALKED SO THAT PARADE MEL, SPECTRAL CONSTANCE AND SPOOKY BOO EMILY COULD RUN)
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-        And then, as you all know, the parade version of Emily which debuted yesterday, her entire spiel is that she has to choose a suitor among the suitors dancing around her, all desperate for her hand in marriage, but she rejects them all, as she would much rather join in on the singing, dancing and festivities, this actually ties in with the lore that cast members tell you about:
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@theheadlessgroom @unofficialpinkbrideofthemansion @asktheghosthost @beatingheart-bride @jilltheamazing-822 @theenderdraco @ask-the-hatbox-ghost @sspyro7956 
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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In a private Threshold in the Dreaming, Desire plots against its sibling, Dream. Desire summons its twin sister Despair to a private gallery. It tells Despair about the coming of a dream vortex in the form of a young woman. The two decide to wait to see how things play out before intervening.
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Meanwhile in the real world, Miranda Walker and her daughter Rose take a jet from the United States to England. At the airport, a solicitor ushers them into a limousine and drives them to the home of an apparently rich and eccentric woman, who sent them the cryptic invitation to come see her. On the way, Rose falls asleep in the back of the vehicle and has a dream.
In her dream, she sees Lucien visiting the House of Secrets, taking a census of all of the House's occupants. He is in the process of taking a census of all the inhabitants of the Dreaming for the Lord of Dreams. When complete, he reports his findings to Dream, noting that four of the major arcana are still missing from the Dreaming: Brute and Glob, the Corinthian and Fiddler's Green. Lucien adds that there have been rumours of a dream vortex floating about, and Dream reveals that he already knows that it is a girl, and points to Rose, sitting in the corner of his castle. As they look at her, she wakes up.
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The dream ends as the limousine pulls up to a home for the elderly. They are greeted there by the doddering Unity Kincaid, who reveals that while she was in a coma for several decades, she gave birth to a child, and that child was Miranda Walker. She is her true birth mother. Miranda is incredulous at first, but before long, Unity convinces her of the truth. Having stepped out of the room, Rose wanders the house and has an encounter with the Hecatae. They each speak in riddles that confuse Rose, but Mordred makes a point of warning her about the Corinthian and the coming of Dream. Rose tries to press them for more information but the strange sisters suddenly disappear.
Rose returns to Unity's room, where her mother is in tears of joy as she accepts the truth about her own parentage. In the room is an intricately carved doll's house on a nightstand, one of the only keepsakes that Unity managed to maintain during her coma. A light in one of the doll house's upper windows flickers on, and Dream peers outward and smiles at the three women. None of them is aware that he is watching them. As a gift, Unity offers a ring to Rose - the same ring that Rose dreamed about. She begins to fear that her dreams are coming true.
In Amarillo, Texas, the Corinthian, a sadistic nightmare entity, captures a boy named Davy. He binds and gags him and tosses him into a bathtub at the Love Inn Motel. The Corinthian removes his sunglasses, unsheathes a large knife and tells Davy "It's playtime".
On the advice of her new-found grandmother Unity Kincaid, Rose Walker moves into an apartment in Florida with a number of eccentric housemates. In addition to Hal - her cross-dressing landlord, Barbie and Ken - a yuppie couple, Zelda and Chantal - a pair of collectors of dead spiders, and Gilbert - a so far unseen man of British descent, Rose has been frequently visited by a raven. In a dream, Rose's long-lost brother Jed dreams of being taken flying by Hector Hall and his wife Lyta. However, the pleasant air of the dream is fouled by the appearance of Brute and Glob, and Jed falls to the ground. The boy wakes in a dark boiler room and feels his way along the wall, urinating into a corner, and then returning to sleep. 
Rose writes back to her mother and grandmother, updating them on her progress in finding her brother. She has discovered that her father died, forcing Jed to live with their grandfather, Ezra Paulsen; a lighthouse keeper. Four years ago, Ezra Paulsen drowned, and she has not yet found out what happened to Jed as a result. 
In the Dreaming, Dream calls his raven, Matthew to his side. Matthew has been spying on Rose for him, with the knowledge that as a vortex, she will soon attract the four errant members of the major arcana that have gone missing. Matthew reports that Rose is seeking her younger brother, and Dream takes an interest. He tasks Matthew with finding a picture of the boy so that the Lord of Dreams can find him.
Later, Rose attends one of Hal's drag revues, and thinking it would be safe, she uses the shortcut through the alley back to her apartment. Unfortunately, at midnight, it is not so safe, and a group of thugs accost her with intent to rob and then rape her. Fortunately, an imposing figure appears and pulls out a sword, scaring the thugs off. It turns out that this man is Gilbert. Congenially, the portly Brit offers to walk Rose home.
One day, Rose convinces Hal to teach her some of the dance moves from his act, but she becomes distracted when she catches the raven stealing her photo of her younger brother. Afterwards, Gilbert interrupts to inform them that the private investigators that Rose called have found her brother. She rushes out to pick up the phone as Matthew returns to Dream with the photo. In Alabama, the Corinthian, having recently murdered two more people, makes a call to a person called Nimrod, hoping to arrange a meeting in Georgia between like-minded individuals - killers. 
Meanwhile, the private investigators have determined that Jed is living somewhere in Georgia, and Rose plans to go off in search of him. Gilbert insists on accompanying her, noting that perhaps she is not prepared for the sort of situations she'll be in. Situations like the other night when he had to save her life. Reluctantly she agrees. On the road, she explains that Jed is apparently living with her second cousin Clarice on a farm. They're claiming nearly $800 per month from the state for him, so she hopes they're using it to take good care of him. Of course, Jed is actually chained to a pipe in a dark basement, trapped in a nightmare. 
Dream locates the boy, and realizes that Brute and Glob have actually managed to sneak into Jed's mind to hide there. They have severed him from the Dreaming, breaking the laws of the Lord of Dreams. Dawning his helm, he prepares to resolve the situation.
Six months pregnant, Lyta Hall wakes up in the Dream Dome. Her husband Hector has been absorbed in his work, cooperating with Glob and Brute as the new Sandman. Hector becomes aware of an entity approaching. He believes that it is a nightmare, and that he must fight it. Lyta interrupts, and wonders aloud why she hasn't given birth yet, given that she was pregnant two years ago when they first came to the Dream Dome, and it has not changed since. Meanwhile, Jed Paulsen is dragged from the cellar in which his second cousins Clarice and Barnaby keep him locked day and night. They warn that an inspector from the welfare office is coming to be sure that they money they get to support him is going to the right place, and threaten him against revealing that they are mistreating him.
While Hector believes that the coming entity is a nightmare, it is actually Dream - the Lord of Dreams. Brute and Glob are well aware of this, and they fully expect Hector to lose his battle against their former master, but they hope it will buy them time to escape. 
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After their rental car breaks down, Rose Walker and her companion Gilbert walk back to a hotel, which is unfortunately hosting a cereal convention, which has booked it up. They talk their way into getting a room for the night despite the lack of vacancies.
As Hector goes out to face Dream, Jed begins to realize that something is going on inside his head, and Lyta begins to notice that the Dream Dome is falling apart. Dream is amused by Hector's efforts, knowing that the man is already dead. Hector's delusion amuses Dream further, but eventually he brings the dream to an end.
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Bringing everyone out of the dream, Dream, Lyta, Hector, Glob, and Brute find themselves in the cellar in which Jed has been trapped. Dream demands an explanation of the two nightmares. They had hoped to build a new Dream King of their own making in their master's prolonged imprisonment. Annoyed, Dream cleans up their mess for them and condemns them to the darkness for thousands of years.
Turning to Hector, Dream unceremoniously commands the dead man to go to the land of the dead, and Hector is ripped away from his wife. Lyta is angered, refusing to accept that her husband has been dead these last two years. Dream makes it clearer to her, but before leaving, he warns that the baby she carries belongs to him, and that he will return for it. Seething, she promises that he will only get the child over her dead body.
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Meanwhile, Jed escapes to the road, and is picked up by a car. The driver turns out to be the nightmare known as the Corinthian.
In the year 1389, Dream and his elder sister Death enter a local pub with the hope of getting the former to relate more to humans in their waking lives. In this pub is a man named Robert "Hob" Gadling, who believes that men only die because it's what they expect that they are meant to do. He feels that there is so much more life to lead than just a few decades' worth. Staunchly, he announces that he has no intention of ever dying, and that it is a mug's game. Intrigued, Dream and Death decide to allow Hob to remain alive until the day that he truly desires it. Dream approaches Hob's table, and offers that if cheating death is what he wants, the two of them will meet again in the same place in one hundred years' time. Though his companions think it a joke, Hob takes the offer seriously, and promises to be there.
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One hundred years later, Hob is surprised that Dream returns, though no less surprised than he is to still be alive. Hob marvels at how much things have changed in just 100 years, with the invention of the chimney and the handkerchief revolutionizing to a small extent the way that people live. The mortal has been working as a soldier, and still has no intention of dying. With that said, Dream responds that they will meet again in another hundred years. The next century, Hob seems to be doing well for himself. His business savvy has earned him a knighthood. After 200 years, Hob has finally taken a wife and fathered a son, and he is excited by the richness of the times. Dream is distracted when he overhears a conversation between a young William Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe discussing the former's prospects as a playwright. Will considers Kit's play Doctor Faustus a work of genius, and claims that like the titular character, he would give up his mortal soul to be able to write plays that live on in memory forever. Intrigued, Dream offers Shakespeare a deal. Hob, meanwhile still intends to go on another century.
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By 1689, Hob has become a drunkard, and the pub won't allow him to enter. Fortunately, Dream steps in on his behalf. Hob's wife died during childbirth, and his son died twenty years later in a bar fight. Later, he pushed his luck by staying in the same town for too long, and they tried to burn him as a witch. Of course, he survived, but now he is always hungry, with his fortunes lost. He admits that he has hated every second of the last 80 years. Dream wonders, then, if he has finally decided to die. Pausing for a moment, Hob smiles and states that he will go on.
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100 years later, Hob has taken up slave-trading, and got back onto his feet. Despite having met several times now, Hobs admits that he knows very little about his visitor, and wonders who he really is. They are interrupted by a woman, Johanna Constantine, who states that she could ask them both the same question. She introduces herself as two thugs put knives to the pair's throats. For years, there have been rumours that the Wandering Jew and the Devil have been meeting at this pub once every hundred years. She planned for two years for the day she would confront them. Both Dream and Hob deny being either of those beings, and Johanna is perplexed. She demands to know what nature of beings they are, but Dream uses some of his sand to incapacitate her, filling her mind with dreams of those whom she wronged in the past. Before he and Hob part ways, Dream recommends that his companion give up the slave trade.
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On a dark knight in 1889, Dream makes for the tavern, but is interrupted by the scream of a prostitute who fears that he may be Jack the Ripper. He promises that he is not, and rebuffs her attempts to make him a client before entering the tavern. Upon reuniting with Hob, Dream reveals that he saw Johanna Constantine again, and recruited her to perform a special task for him. Hob comments that he has noticed others who do not die. He has met Jason Blood on more than one occasion, and Mad Hettie has been on the streets for more than a century. Dream admits that Death is capricious.
Hob leans in and suggests that there is more to their meetings every one hundred years than Dream merely being interested to see what happens to humans who do not die. He realizes that he hasn't grown significantly wiser in his five hundred years, and he doubts that he will ever seek death. He believes that Dream knew all of that from the start, and must be there for something else: friendship. Hob believes that Dream has come to him every century because he is lonely. Indignant, Dream storms off, claiming that it is beneath him to take the company of a mortal for loneliness. Hob calls after him that if they meet again in one hundred years, it will be because they are friends.
In the year 1989, Hob sits in the bar smoking a cigarette while young people dance to the music and discuss issues like the AIDS epidemic. He looks up to see Dream there, and admits that he wasn't sure that he would come. Dream smiles, and says that it is impolite to keep one's friends waiting.
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At the hotel in which Rose Walker and her companion Gilbert are staying, a convention has been booked. While in name, it is a "Cereal" convention, it is in fact a convention for serial murderers - collectors. Each of the people attending murders and then collects some part of their victims, physically or spiritually. The man called Nimrod is anxious to get started, but he hopes for a big name to do a keynote speech. He is aware that an idol of his, The Corinthian is meant to be coming, but he has not yet arrived. Nimrod meets with the manager of the hotel to be sure that the place is empty of outside guests, but the manager admits that there are still two guests there who have been ordered to stay there by the police.
Rose had called her second cousins in advance, to let them know that she'd be coming to pick up her younger brother Jed. Unfortunately, due to events she was unaware of, the police answered instead, and they told she and Gilbert to remain at the hotel for the time being.
The serial killers mingle with one another and share each other's stories. One of them claims to be the Bogeyman, a killer who remembers the eyes of each person he has killed. He makes some small talk with another killer called the Doctor, who flays his victims and makes leather ties from the skin. There are movies planned and panels occurring all weekend. Finally, the Corinthian arrives, and he is met with great respect from the others when Nimrod introduces him.
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Later, the Corinthian meets the Doctor outside an elevator, and informs him that the man claiming to be the Bogeyman is a fraud, and that the real Bogeyman died in Louisiana some years back. The elevator opens, and Gilbert and Rose are already inside. Gilbert seems to recognize the Corinthian, but despite his being startled, he says nothing. Outside, he writes a name on a piece of paper and tells Rose to call it out if something should go wrong.
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The Corinthian drags the Bogeyman up to his room, and accuses him of being a fraud. The Corinthian, the Doctor, and Nimrod have already discovered that this man is actually Philip Sitz, the editor of Chaste magazine, who is not one of them. Philip pretends to understand them, but Nimrod knocks him unconscious, and they drag him out to the Corinthian's car. They drive for a while, and hang him from a tree. When he wakes up, they announce that each of them is going to take turns collecting their specialties from him.
While the killers are having a disco party, Rose heads down and hopes to sneak in for some fun. A child molester and killer named Fun Land stops her at the door, stating that it is for conventioneers only. Rose apologizes and returns to her room, but Fun Land has already targeted her, noting that she looks much younger than she is.
The next morning, Rose tries to find Gilbert in his room, but all that she can see is a note. She goes downstairs, and catches Fun Land's eye again. When she returns to her room again, he follows her, and knocks on the door, pretending to be room service. When she opens the door, he thrusts it open, gripping her by the neck and trying to undress her. Desperately, she grabs the note with the name on it and says the name "Morpheus."
Instantly, Dream appears. He forces Fun Land to let Rose go, and makes him dream. He tells Rose to leave, and she struggles to stand, rushing out to the parking lot while Fun Land dreams of being forgiven by all the children he hurt. The Corinthian makes his keynote speech, but he becomes distracted when he notices Dream listening in the audience. Dream stands and disdains his creation for having become so petty as to leave the Dreaming and act on a physical level. He has wrought nothing of what Dream expected, merely given humans something to be afraid of. Rather than send the Corinthian back to the Dreaming, he uncreates him, with plans to do better later. Turning on the audience, Dream announces that he is going to remove the other killers' illusions that they are the maltreated heroes of their own stories. From now on, they will always know what they are, what they are doing, and how little any of that really means.
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Out in the parking lot, Rose meets Gilbert who has collected Jed from the trunk of the Corinthian's car. He is unconscious, and needs to be taken to a hospital. Gilbert realizes that Rose called Dream, and knows that there will be consequences. 
Afterwards, each of the killers leaves the convention with a certain knowledge that there is something unholy inside themselves.
After spending days watching over her younger brother in the hospital, Rose Walker returns to her shared house in Florida. Her housemates welcome her back, but her mental and physical exhaustion are obvious, and they send her to bed as each of them retires as well.
That night, Ken dreams of money, sex and power while his girlfriend Barbie dreams of living in a fantastical world with an animal companion; a world that is better than her real life could ever be. Chantal dreams circular dreams of being in love with words and sentences. Zelda dreams of being a child again, and knows that her romantic relationship with Chantal would be frowned upon by her family. She has not yet dealt with her childhood emotions. Hal dreams of his quest for love as a gay man. He hopes to meet the standards set by his idols, the glamorous Hollywood actresses of the golden age. Rose on the other hand is unable to dream. She is too worried about her newly found grandmother, Unity Kincaid and her long lost brother Jed. 
Rose can't help but wonder what happened to her friend Gilbert. As it happens, Gilbert is in the hospital, watching over Jed as he sleeps. 
In the Dreaming, Dream and Matthew the Raven discuss the fact that Rose is a 'vortex'. Though Matthew asks what it means to have a vortex in the Dreaming, Dream brushes it off, sending Matthew to Jed's side at the hospital, and promising to deal with the vortex as he always has in the past.
Back in Florida, each of the housemates' dreams intensifies. Rose, meanwhile finally begins her dream - but it is unusual. The dream is vivid, and she has a strong feeling of lucidity. Extending her perceptions, she begins to sense the dreams of the other housemates, and comes to understand that what separates each person's dream is a very fragile wall. She gives those walls a nudge. The housemates find themselves sharing a dream experience in the Dreaming, steps away from the growing vortex. In the centre of the vortex lies Rose. Unaware of the repercussions, Rose reaches out, and begins trying to bring down the walls between dreams of everyone else in the city. Eventually Dream makes a stand, and draws Rose's attention to him. He warns her that her activities must end, as they have caused great damage to the Dreaming, though not so much that he cannot repair it.
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Each of the housemates wakes in the night. Ken wakes aroused, and turning to Barbie, he finds her crying. She doesn't explain why, and he says something hurtful in response. Chantal and Zelda embrace as sisters for the rest of the night. Hal wakes with a feeling of dread inside, and decides to check on Rose. When he checks her room, he finds it empty. 
In England, Unity Kincaid regains consciousness long enough to suggest to her daughter Miranda that the old doll house she maintained from her younger days be given to Rose. With her mother and son potentially dying, Miranda hopes that at least Rose is doing alright.
Dream takes Rose out into a deserted region of the Dreaming, landing atop a Mesa. He states that something is beginning. Meanwhile, Matthew makes his way to the hospital, and is surprised to find Gilbert there. Gilbert is somewhat unhappy to see the Raven, knowing that he must soon return to the Dreaming and give up his life as a human. Gilbert is surprised to discover that Rose is a vortex, and realizes that the only way to stop her from destroying the Dreaming is to have her physical presence on the earth destroyed itself. The only time Dream is empowered to take a human life is when there is a vortex in the Dreaming. Resigned, Gilbert allows Matthew to perch on his arm, and they both return to the Dream world.
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Out in a deserted section of the Dreaming, Dream reveals to Rose Walker that she is what is known as a "Vortex of Dream", and in order to protect the Dreaming, he must kill her. Rose hopes that it is a dream, that she will wake up, and none of this will have happened, but eventually it becomes clear to her that it is a dream from which she will never wake.
Meanwhile, Gilbert and Matthew the Raven return to the Dreaming, and rush to their master's location. Gilbert reveals that he was once a dream of a place known as Fiddler's Green, and he escaped 50 years ago to become a human in the real world. Now that he has returned, he hopes that he can find some way to prevent Dream from killing Rose, though he doubts he will succeed.
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Dream explains to Rose that once in each era, there is a vortex - a mortal who briefly becomes the centre of the Dreaming. By it's nature, the vortex destroys the barriers between each dream until every dreamer is caught in one massive dream. When each dreamer dreams the same dreamer, they all become one, and the vortex begins to collapse on itself until it is gone, and the Dreaming is left in an irreparable state.
Dream admits that this has happened to completion once before, and it is his duty to prevent it from happening again. In the past, a vortex collapsed and it destroyed an entire world in another universe. He failed in his duty then, and he will not again.
While Dream is lord of the Dreaming, he is not omnipotent. He cannot simply make vortexes go away. They must be killed. He promises, though, that she could stay in the Dreaming, as Matthew has. Rose, however, does not want to die.
Elsewhere, Unity Kincaid bids goodbye to her daughter Miranda before falling asleep for the last time.
Finally, Gilbert and Matthew arrive, and Rose is very happy to see them. Gilbert offers his own life in exchange for Rose's, knowing that he will not go unpunished for escaping the Dreaming during Dream's imprisonment. Dream, however, states that it cannot be so. He chooses not to punish Fiddler's Green, but states that he must return to his former position. Sadly, Rose embraces her friend, and says goodbye. As he disappears, Gilbert invites Rose to stay within his green glades, should she choose to remain in the Dreaming. Moments later, they are surrounded by the lush greenery of Fiddler's Green.
Dream prepares to take Rose's life, apologizing for his responsibility. Firmly, she shouts that he should just get on with it. Before he can, though, Unity Kincaid appears, and announces that Rose will not die - she will. Unity explains that had Dream not been imprisoned away from the Dreaming for years, she would have become the next vortex, and not Rose. Instead, she was sent into a coma. Unity turns to Rose and asks for her to reach inside of herself and give her whatever it is that makes her the vortex; her heart. 
Cautiously, Rose reaches within her own chest, and pulls out a crystal in the shape of a heart. Unity takes it in her hands, and announces that now, she is the vortex. Suddenly, the crystal radiates a bright light, and Unity collapses in pain. In her bedroom, Unity suddenly bolts upright, startling her daughter Miranda. Finally, she lays back in the bed, and dies.
Dream reaches down and helps Unity up, revealing that the vortex is gone, and Rose will not have to die. Before sending her back to the real world, Dream promises that he will bring her younger brother Jed back from the shores of dreaming as a gift.
Six months later, Hal sends Rose a letter announcing that he is selling the house where she stayed in Florida, and is moving out west. Ken and Barbie have split up. Chantal and Zelda are buying the house from Hal.
Rose and Jed are living in a big house that their mother Miranda bought with money from Unity's estate. Rose has been depressed, though. She doesn't leave her room much except when her family is asleep. One night, Rose cuts and dyes her hair, and decides to return to her family. She knows that if her dream about her grandmother's death is true, then the world is not what anyone thinks it is. 
In the Dreaming, Dream visits his sibling Desire. He believes that Desire is complicit in the events which caused Unity Kincaid to become comatose rather than become the vortex, and allowing it to pass on to Rose instead. Dream has deduced that the one who fathered Miranda Walker - the man who raped Unity Kincaid while she was comatose - was Desire itself.
Angrily, Dream explains that the Endless are not the masters of men, but their servants. He warns that if Desire crosses him again, he will forget that they are siblings, and bring down the power of all of the other siblings against it. After Dream leaves, Desire simply forgets the warning, being driven only by desire, after all.
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This is a very emotional story with a very different feel in some of its chapters. Disturbing at times, trippy at others, it is always enjoyable. It is clear that Gaiman doesn’t like writing the “same old archetypes”.
From gender-fluid characters, to Endless that change their mind depending on who they talk to, these characters feel real, which is interesting as they are very far out concepts.
Story itself is more than enough to enjoy this comic, but the art does an amazing job of complementing it. The use of colors and different techniques make this story more special.
To me, there are three moments in this long story worth mentioning: The long term friendship between Morpheus and Robert, the moment Morpheus puts an end to the “cereal (killers) convention” and of course, the moment Unity exchanges her life for Rose’s.
The whole “cereal convention” part of this story is creepy as (forgive my kiwi term, it’s not an incomplete sentence over here).
I give the story a score of 10.
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crew-of-the-detz · 5 years
Crawl Aftermath: Klove
He had done it, Finnegan Klove had done it.
He made it to pub 15, downed a pint, then looked around the pub. Nobody but him and the bartender.
He left Kev with the woman, Peacock at the tattoo parlor, Yeqata and her pilots quit at pub 12 to make sure they made it to the Detz. And now Klove sat alone.
He pushed the pint glass away and the bartender took it. She leaned on the bar, "Hey, we match." She tapped on her arm, the biological arm stopped halfway between the shoulder and elbow before turning to mechanical parts.
Kev looked at her arm, then flexed his. "Yeah, guess we do." His burn scarred face pulled into a frown, "How'd you lose yours?"
The bartender flexed her robotic hand. "Lost it in the service, got ripped off by a Burso shredder."
"Aaah. A vet," Klove nodded, "appreciate your service."
She pulled a half smile, "Yeah. Only thing it got me was a robotic arm and a small pension. But hey, what about you? How'd you lose yours if you don't mind me asking."
Klove froze for a bit, then ran his fingers over the graffitied arm. "It was a fire. Fire took my arm and left me with this beautiful mug."
The bartender stopped for a while, "Oh, I'm sorry. Here," she filled up another pint, "this one's on me."
Klove took it and nodded, "Hey so uh, what's your name?"
The Bartender leaned on the bar again, "Clarice."
"Clarice," Klove nodded to himself. As if he was assuring himself of the name he was just told. "Clarice, do you mind if I talk to you? Get some stuff off my chest? My workplace isn't really the best place for talk and I just realized I never talked through what happened to me."
Clarice smiled, "Of course you can, I'm a free set of ears for all of my clientel."
Finnegan ran his hand over his arm again, the cold plasteel sending shivers down his spine. "I used to work for Grimbold armory, weapons designer. Worked on SAPER ammunition, revised models of guass rifles, was running the show for explosives as well. Anyways, one day I'm in my boss' office and I notice a datapad out of place. I go to put it back in his databank and it unlocks, showing hundreds of data transfers to an unknown outpost in the middle of a asteroid belt. Naturally I was curious and decided to go using a company shuttle, and when I get there the place is full of Burso light warships."
Clarice's jaw tightens, "The bastard was leaking info."
"Right, he was. So I go back and report this to the CEO. Guy goes to trial, is found guilty, gets locked away and I think I've won." Klove makes a hand trumpet and blows a little reverie with his mouth. Then his hand goes down, and his face loses emotion. "But, if I won I would still have my arm. I go to my lab the next week and start working on my project at the time. An incendiary spider mine, little drone that scuttles to a target then detonates spraying napalm. I was balancing the napalm with my team, when suddenly the container of spider mines we were working on activated. One latched onto my chemists chest, and detonated. One latched onto my roboticists head, and detonated. One latched on to the intern's pelvis, and detonated. And then," he looked at his metal arm, "I was quick enough to try and swat mine away. It latched on to my left arm and then, yaknow...."
Clarice cleared her throat. "Detonated."
Klove stared into his pint glass. "Kenny, the roboticist died instantly, head incinerated. Lilah, chemist died in the ICU, told me her burns got infected. And Harold, the intern, lost both his legs and can't function without a caretaker and anti-PTSD meds. Me, I was the lucky one. All I lost was my [REDACTED] arm. After the incident I was, 'let go' and management gave me a large sum of money to try and make up for it. I looked into it afterwards and the activation code for the spider mines came from high up, way high up. They wanted to shut me up and it cost me my team, my friends." Klove fell silent, staring it his arm.
"Then what happened." Clarice leaned in closer.
"Well I left, joined my current job, got a new arm. Just sorta been living ever since. Hit Grimbold Armory in the finances whenever I could and just kept going. Day after I was cleared from the hospital my apartment lit up from a 'gas leak'. So I knew it wasn't safe to stay around. So yeah, I've just been sorta, living yaknow."
Clarice nodded, "What's your name? If I may ask."
"Finn, Finnegan Klove."
"Well Finn," she bagan, "what happened to you sucks. It does. I know survivors guilt too, the shredder that took my arm also took one of my closest friends. But what keeps me going is the fact that I'm alive. I named this bar after him, I tell his story. And you just took the first step with me, Lilah, Kenny, the injustice that Grimbold caused you. Sharing that takes balls and is what gets you beyond just living. So, my advice?" Clarice locked eyes with Klove, "Shout your story from the rooftops, let the worlds know what happened to you. Talk about it at your workplace. Let the fallen live on through you."
Klove stared deep into Clarice's eyes, then stood up, left some credits on the bar. Then left without a word. He scanned the midnight street, not a soul. He read the sign of the bar. "Hernandez's Paradise", he then turned to the street. And threw his head back before screaming into the night, "Grimbold Armory killed my friends!"
Saying made him remember, the beers they'd shared, the laughs they had.
Again, "Grimbold Armory killed my friends!"
The fear they had on their faces when the spider mines activated.
Again, between sobs, "Grimbold Amory killed my friends!"
Then, peace. He felt at peace. The sobs rocked his body and he held his robotic arm, but he felt like a slight justice had been done. He called in the shuttle to get back to the Detz, and planned a more thorough way of assuring justice.
Hiedi Grimbold, Finnegan Klove is coming for you.
(I know I promised this for a while, but here it finally is! I hope it lived up to your expectations, and as always I'll see you amongst the stars)
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hartrps · 5 years
! HP
Who was the one to propose: Isabelle. Since she’s a princess and heir to the throne, it kinda had to be her. It wasn’t anything fancy or elaborate though. She just turned to Manny when they were playing Mario Kart and was like, “We should totally just get married.” Manny swears she only asked because she wanted to distract him. (The world may never know.)
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Clarice. It had to be a huge giant state affair and Isabelle and Manny aren’t so much into that. They just wanted to be married so they said she could plan whatever she wanted, and they’ll just show up. They did have a small private ceremony just for them that was much more their speed involving really dumb vows filled with their dumb names for each other.
Who decorated the house: For a portion of the year they live in the palace grounds and as much as they’d like to decorate it, they can’t. But for the rest of the year, they live in an apartment that’s actually theirs. They haven’t really decorated it so much… More like they’ve just filled it with random pieces and collectibles they like and absolutely nothing matches.
Who is more organized: I don’t think either of them is particularly organized? Isabelle is always trying to be more organized though, considering she’s going to be a freakin’ queen one day.
Who initiates bedroom fun: The vast majority of the time, it’s Manny.
Who suggested kids first: The conversation has come up a lot because heirs and “maintaining the bloodline of the throne” but they don’t really want kids. They don’t feel right to be parents and Isabelle finds the idea of pregnancy to be horrifying. Fat Link can be King instead~
Who’s more dominant: Isabelle. She bossy and Manny likes it.
Who’s the cuddler: They both are, but more so Manny. He’s constantly sitting on her and Isabelle only likes it when she likes it. If not, it’s an elbow to the stomach for him.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing video games. Or coming up with new dumb nicknames for each other.
Who kills the spiders: Isabelle will not hesitate to slam a shoe on them.
Who falls asleep first: They both stay up until the wee hours of the morning
Who is louder? Manny. Isabelle is constantly elbowing him and hitting his side to get him to shut up before any bodyguards come storming in the room.
Who is more experimental? Manny for sure. He’s a kinky little thing. Isabelle is too and she’ll go along with some of the stuff he’s into (she draws the line at roleplaying an alien probing), but she’s got nothing on him.
Do they fuck or make love? Somewhere in the middle.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? Manny, without a doubt. Even before they were dating, Isabelle was constantly walking in on him.
Who comes first? It depends what they’re doing??? It’s often Isabelle though.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Manny has a gifted tongue and Isabelle loves nothing more than when he puts it to good use.
Who usually initiates things? Again, Manny.
Who is more sensitive? Probably Isabelle by a small amount? Not that she’d willingly let on.
Who has the most patience? Manny. Isabelle has zero patience in her.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Fan Theories About Baron Zemo's Role In The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
Disney’s upcoming streaming service Disney+ will roll out a bunch of different TV series that will tie into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The first will arrive in late 2020 and it’ll be called The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, despite revolving around characters who now go by the names Captain America and the White Wolf. It will star Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in a buddy cop-type story that will bring several characters from Captain America: Civil War back into the fold, including Daniel Brühl’s Helmut Zemo, this time with his classic purple mask.
RELATED: Every Confirmed Upcoming MCU Project, Ranked By Fans' Excitement
10 He’s been working with Thaddeus Ross and the Thunderbolts
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With the Avengers disbanded following the events of Endgame, many Marvel fans are expecting the Thunderbolts to show up in the MCU before too long. In the comics, this is a superhero team spearheaded by Thaddeus Ross (who happens to have returned to the MCU recently in none other than Captain America: Civil War) that arises in the Avengers’ absence. They turn out to be villainous, but the later version of the team is made up of reformed supervillains, so moviegoers are expecting the MCU’s version to include all the villains who have been left alive: Ghost, the Vulture, the Abomination, and of course, Baron Zemo. Imagine if Zemo was working for Ross the entire time!
9 He’ll assist the heroes from prison, Hannibal Lecter-style
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The last time we saw Baron Zemo, he was being locked up by Everett Ross, who implored him to step out of line to give him a chance to exercise some bureaucratic brutality. Perhaps The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will pick up with Zemo still behind bars, helping out the heroes. In The Silence of the Lambs, an imprisoned Hannibal Lecter helps Clarice Starling to profile Buffalo Bill when her investigation turns up dead ends in exchange for various luxuries the terms of his imprisonment don’t allow. Maybe the same could happen with Zemo in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
8 He breaks out of prison and the titular heroes have to track him down
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When we last saw Helmut Zemo, he was in a maximum-security prison, being watched over by Everett Ross. However, in all the promotional materials for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Zemo is out and about, wearing his iconic purple mask. So, how does he get from point A to point B? Perhaps he’ll escape from prison and the titular duo will be tasked with tracking him down. The show has been compared to Midnight Run, which is about a bounty hunter’s search for a fugitive, so there’s a good chance that this is the plot of the upcoming series.
7 He objects to there being a new Captain America
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In Captain America: Civil War, we met a Helmut Zemo who wanted to tear the Avengers apart – specifically Iron Man and Captain America – as vengeance for the loss of his family in the Battle of Sokovia. At the end, after he succeeded, he tried to kill himself, but T’Challa stopped him. Some fans have wondered, if his plan already worked out and he wants to die, why he’s coming back at all.
RELATED: 10 Things We Want To See From Sam Wilson's Captain America
Maybe he disagrees with the idea of there being a “Captain America” at all – an American super soldier who travels the world, imposing order with force – and not just Steve Rogers. If this is the case, then he has a reason to go up against Sam Wilson now.
6 He teamed up with the Red Skull
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After Avengers: Infinity War brought the surprise return of the Red Skull, the Russo brothers teased that with the Soul Stone gone, he was free to leave Vormir. In the main MCU timeline, Thanos has taken the Soul Stone and the Red Skull can leave. So, maybe he secretly did return to Earth and he’s been quietly manipulating events, like building a team of supervillains or breaking Zemo out of prison. It would be awesome to see Baron Zemo in his iconic purple costume paired up with a grizzled, old Red Skull, played by a returning Ross Marquand (not killjoy Hugo Weaving who hates the MCU).
5 Bucky will seek his revenge
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Although Shuri managed to clear Bucky’s head of his Hydra brainwashing, he’s still a violent guy with a checkered past. He might still be mad at Zemo for framing him for the United Nations bombing and getting him hunted down by the feds. That was forgotten about, and Black Panther ended up being the one to bring Zemo in. (He had as much a reason to be the one to bring him in, since Zemo killed his father in that bombing.) As long as Zemo is back out in the open, Bucky is free to seek his revenge and get closure for the events of Civil War.
4 The government sends John Walker after him
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John Walker has been confirmed to appear in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In the comics, he takes on the mantle of Captain America, but turns out to be dangerously unstable and, essentially, a villain. Anthony Mackie keeps insisting that he’s still the Falcon, not Captain America. So, maybe the government will make John Walker the new Captain America, disagreeing with Steve Rogers’ decision to give his title to Sam Wilson. They’ll send him after Zemo and slowly realize that he can’t be trusted and is actually evil (maybe he’ll even team up with Zemo) and they’ll accept that Sam was the right choice all along.
3 He’ll give himself superpowers
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The Helmut Zemo we met in Captain America: Civil War was just a regular guy. This is part of what made him such a great villain. He wasn’t extraordinary. He was just an intelligent guy fueled by vengeance who tore the Avengers apart with meticulous planning (and a healthy dose of good fortune).
RELATED: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: 6 Things We Want To See (& 4 We Don't)
But in the comics, he’s a fighter. In addition to giving him his purple mask, maybe The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will be giving him some superpowers, too. He could break into a S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra lab and create a serum to give himself faster reflexes or enhanced strength, to turn the meek guy from the movie into the fighter from the comics.
2 Thanos’ finger-snap left his prison cell unguarded
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Since Zemo will somehow have to go from being locked up in prison to walking free either within the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier or in the off-screen interim between Civil War and the series, many fan theories about his role revolve around how he’s going to escape. Spider-Man: Far From Home showed us that the aftermath of Thanos’ destructive finger-snap will prove to be a large part of the MCU going forward, just as major events affect the wider world in the comics. Perhaps the random dusting of 50% of the Earth’s population left the Raft unguarded, and allowed Zemo and various fellow inmates to escape.
1 He’ll form the Masters of Evil
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A lot of fans have been expecting Hydra to play into the plot of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but we’ve seen enough of Hydra in the MCU. There are plenty of other evil secret societies in the Marvel Comics universe to explore. In the comics, Baron Zemo is the leader of an organization called the Masters of Evil. They’re essentially Marvel’s version of the Legion of Doom or Spectre – a team of evildoers in a world filled with teams of heroes. If the MCU is bringing Zemo back into the mix, one of the best bets as to why has to be that the producers are introducing their own incarnation of the Masters of Evil.
NEXT: WandaVision: 10 Fan Theories About Monica Rambeau's Role
source https://screenrant.com/falcon-and-the-winter-soldier-baron-zemo-fan-theories/
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
KP watched The Gifted
I am so happy that we begin with Clarice and that the gang have no idea who she is. I can't wait for the story possibilities with that. The quick intro to our characters with their personalities and powers was done well too...even if some powers were done incorrectly...I admit adapting concepts to practical settings is tricky and allowances must be made. Portal shards are still different than pulling open a portal though. However this makes me a bit unhappy with the promotional materials, since that implied that Blink was already part of the underground. HOWEVER I am not discounting that she could've been from a different or completely unconnected cell from Polaris' group. The ineffective school system is very realistic. And I actually found the social studies dinner talk pretty realistic too; the dialogue felt natural with the talk of mutants. Lorna in the cell showed that they should've made her hair greener >> I also went "haha return of the plastic cell" but that proved so ineffective since she could pull stuff from the next room in there...although drastic emotional upheaval I suppose. And she's going to end up being pregnant isn't she? The paper Dad showed her probably said that, since they do medical stuffs when you get taken in or whatever...or he showed her Blink's rap sheet so saving her is a big nono... So much teenager screaming! Let's all scream! But seriously, wow. "My family...it's complicated" please be a Creed, please be a Creed, please be a Creed Oh name dropping of the teams, that's how we get to be connected without having any connection at all. Just like SHIELD saying Avengers. The family scene in the kitchen was touching, but a bit...well obviously written. But first episode, not gonna blame you...yet. Is Andrew going to be an Avalanche? And I thought Lauren manipulated air...was that force field just a hard air bubble? Are they based on real characters...I thought I read that they were new for the show?? I'm surprised Dad's phone isn't tapped and Sentinel Services isn't swarming that diner. And really you use it to call your assistant person? Wait she manipulates more than air? Is she telekinetic then? You know in some lighting Blink's markings looks like scars...are they supposed to be scars? That's sorta neat then. Heehee Marko's ringtone is the 90s Xmen theme. Her medical situation? Yup, they said it, she's pregnant. Not sure how to feel about that...because Polaris is awesome and most times when a character winds up pregnant they get reduced in awesomeness and aren't allowed to fight. Then again, they are fighting, do the chances of loosing the baby are increased, and writing that can be done horribly too. I mean, if done right, it's another great part to the theme of "family" the show wants to do. Cause you got the Struckers who are fighting to stay together, Blink who isn't revealing her family stuff, Proudstar has a brother so we will probably learn about him later on, and Lorna *should be* Magneto's daughter, but whether she knows that or not is up for debate. So the idea of her bringing a child into this world that hates her kind, while not knowing where she comes from herself, is an intriguing idea, if done correctly. Oh no the people hunting us will find us easily if we keep using the stuff we always use! Uh...duh Dad, I'm honestly surprised it took them that long. I feel bad I don't know who these cameos are, first the dude and lady in the hide out, now the bar guy, I can't easily identify who they are meant to be. Blink's eyes are so weird in a few shots, but I actually like them. They also did pink her hair adequately, unlike Lorna's. And I love her sass. Jamie Chung is doing a good job so far in my book. Again Dad, using the same things you always use makes you trackable dude, you worked for a government agency, why aren't you thinking that way? The Sentinels are rolling spiders...part of me wants to laugh hysterically at that, but the other half thinks that's actually a pretty neat idea. They're smaller, more agile, less materials go into them do cheaper to make and maintain, and far less collateral damage. You can do it baby girl!! Portal everyone out Clair!! Ok Andy is not an Avalanche, he seems telekinetic too. Which feels like a copout. Yes siblings share similar powers, I'm not arguing that. It's the fact that it's telekinesis; it's such an...uninteresting power? It's kinda basic in its concept. Idk, if you're making up characters for your show, you can make them cooler than that. And we loose Dad, thus setting up the season. We need to get Lorna and Dad free, the Sentinels wanna find the underground and have leads now, Blink gets to learn to play with the new kids, yeah pretty good....even though the "next time" segments felt kinda dull. I highly look forward to the season moving on.
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xprojectrpg · 1 month
This Day in X-Project - May 15
2015: Operation: Big Trouble in Little Lowtown: Kevin and Amanda visit a wealthy Upper West Side collector about the theft of a particular item; Cammie and Kevin visit a Japanese "businessman", another victim of a mysterious theft. Arthur tries to be a Happy Sunbeam in Garrison's morose world but it does not go well. Clint texts Scott to let him know he’s almost there with a visitor. Clint makes a journal entry about his new doctor not knowing that NLP means No Light Perception, then invites people out for drinks.
2016: Miles makes a journal entry announcing that he is Spider-Man. Clarice makes a journal entry about her new shoes that you cannot borrow. Alison texts Miles about introducing him to a certain horny guy she knows. Cecilia texts Scott asking whether he knew about Miles being Spider-Man.
2017: Kurt introduces Sharon F.to the central command centre of the Mansion. Case File: Cat Scratch Fever: The X-Factor team searches Central Park for Collin -- Quentin and Lorna eventually find him; they bring him home afterwards and help move him to a safe house.
2018: Laurie texts Clint about sending him the bills for setting up a triage location in the chapel for emergencies. X-Men Mission: Type X Negative: The news reports the ACLU will represent a mutant turned away for treatment by a hospital in Arkansas. Marie-Ange comes across Irma and Esme Stepford playing violin and they talk about music and art. Quentin tells X-Factor about his frustrations with one of their cases. Logan reflects that the recent trend of refusing visible mutants access to services will end badly.
2019: Doug posts about a hoaxed claim to have translated the Voynich manuscript.
2022: Sooraya texts Alani to ask what she got her mom for Mother's Day.
2023: Clarice announces that she’s gotten a new sword and asks for name ideas. Hope A. meets Shatterstar and explains the mansion’s communication journals to him. Illyana asks Pyotr to help her download a game and their differences finally come to an explosive head.
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thestarmaker · 7 years
Do all of them now damnit
i figured this would happen haha
1. What is you middle name? Clarice2. How old are you? 183. What is your birthday? June 234. What is your zodiac sign? Cancer5. What is your favorite color? Green!6. What’s your lucky number? 9, also 2597. Do you have any pets? a wonderful rabbit8. Where are you from? a place barely anyone’s ever heard of and we’re known for great sweet corn even tho we’re in upstate new york9. How tall are you? 5′ 4.25″10. What shoe size are you? like 8 i think11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 9 or so but i wear like 312. What was your last dream about? i… don’t remember honestly, i haven’t been sleeping great (or much) the last few nights b/c i’m on vacation and sharing a bed w/someone you’re not gonna spoon with makes for light sleep lmao13. What talents do you have? i can write poetry for dayssss14. Are you psychic in any way? maybe? my intuition is on p o i n t and i tend to just know things, ya know? 15. Favorite song? jfc um… “Little Infinity” by Make Out Monday16. Favorite movie? fuck… the three videos that make up Monster Factory’s Fallout 4 destruction w/The Final Pam b/c that’s almost 90 minutes so it counts17. Who would be your ideal partner?@jimboakimbo ngl, which is super great b/c he /is/ my partner18. Do you want children? at the moment, no19. Do you want a church wedding? idgaf, but my wedding will be so Aesthetic™20. Are you religious? not really21. Have you ever been to the hospital? yeah, but to visit people22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities? i high-fived/hugged 3 out of 4 members of Marianas Trench, also i met Andrew McMahon once and it was absolutely amazing he’s so sweet24. Baths or showers? Already answered!25. What color socks are you wearing? None atm26. Have you ever been famous? haha nope27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? depends what i’m doing, but i’d like it because of the impact i could have on other people’s lives28. What type of music do you like? mostly alternative29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? yep30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Already answered!31. What position do you usually sleep in? Already answered!32. How big is your house? Not very big, it’s a little ranch-style house i think but it’s perfect :)33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i don’t usually eat breakfast b/c i get sick if i eat too early…34. Have you ever fired a gun? airsoft, yeah. but actualy bullets? nope35. Have you ever tried archery? yep, but only target practice i could never shoot an animal oh god36. Favorite clean word? Entropy37. Favorite swear word? either fuck or shit isk lmao38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? like almost 44 hours b/c i wanted to see how long i could make it39. Do you have any scars? Already answered!40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope41. Are you a good liar? Depends on how big the lie. the smaller, the easier42. Are you a good judge of character? y e s and i wish people listened to me more when i tell them someone is not a good person43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i can do british and southern, but the rest aren’t very good44. Do you have a strong accent? no…? but no one thinks they themselves have a strong one so?45. What is your favorite accent? probably scottish or irish tbh46. What is your personality type? INFP-T47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? my senior prom dress probably48. Can you curl your tongue? yep49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie50. Left or right handed? right51. Are you scared of spiders? only if they’re on me, usually52. Favorite food? any asian food honestly i love it (but not sushi)53. Favorite foreign food? … see above question oops54. Are you a clean or messy person? organized mess?55. Most used phrased? “i get that” probably56. Most used word? i have no idea haha57. How long does it take for you to get ready? like 10-15 minutes58. Do you have much of an ego? i seriously doubt it59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? both60. Do you talk to yourself? yes61. Do you sing to yourself? y e s62. Are you a good singer? i’ve been told i am but /i/ don’t like my voice much63. Biggest Fear? tornadoes and where i live hardly gets any ever so everyone’s like “oh that’s irrational uwu” and now i can be like “no tf it’s not we just got a few like a month ago the fair almost didn’t happen”64. Are you a gossip? no, i like to hear it but i don’t spread it65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? The Imitation Game, probably66. Do you like long or short hair? on me? short. on others? w/e they like ^-^67. Can you name all 50 states of America? yep! in under 20 seconds68. Favorite school subject? science69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no, but i’ve been snorkeling71. What makes you nervous? existing lmao72. Are you scared of the dark? nope!! My night vision is fantastic anyway from all the times i’ve been stargazing73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? depends on both the person and the mistake74. Are you ticklish? pfft what me no pssh nope not at all pfft nope pssh75. Have you ever started a rumor? nope76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? yeah i was the president of my high-school’s GSA in senior year which was good b/c the person running against me lost and got VP and is just terrible77. Have you ever drank underage? yes78. Have you ever done drugs? nope79. Who was your first real crush? my best friend i think lmao, but that’s been gone for a while now80. How many piercings do you have? just one in each ear81. Can you roll your Rs?“ yep82. How fast can you type? average speed i guess83. How fast can you run? not very84. What color is your hair? dirty blonde, but now it’s a little blonder b/c summer sun85. What color is your eyes? green…ish-gray with hints of blue? they aren’t as cool as they sound86. What are you allergic to? nothing that i know of87. Do you keep a journal? for witchcraft, yes but not for day-to-day stuff88. What do your parents do? my dad’s pretty much an engineer for our cousin’s company which is cool89. Do you like your age? yeah, but i don’t like the drinking age tho lmao90. What makes you angry? when people refuse to see the other side of an argument when that other side has actual rational points, that’s actually the worst oh my fucking god not everyone shares your opinion91. Do you like your own name? yeah92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nope93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? don’t care, i mean i don’t want kids right now but even if i did i wouldn’t care94. What are you strengths? i’m pretty smart, i can hold conversations with pretty much any age group, i’m apparently pretty easy to get along with, and i have a pretty creative mind95. What are your weaknesses? not being able to help enough in certain fields, dogs (esp samoyeds my fluffy babies), animals in general, putting people too high on a pedestal, getting attached to anyone who shows me any kindness ever, cream soda, black cherry cream soda, question 74 shut up, big soft pieces of clothing, cats, The G Note™ shut up, i also get flustered really easily which can kind of be a problem sometimes, also i cry a lot96. How did you get your name? my middle name - Clarice - comes from my great-grandmother Clara, and my first comes from the italian word for angel b/c my mom had trouble becoming pregnant and was told that she probably wouldn’t even survive being pregnant with me or the birth… but she did, and here i am. I assume that’s why, at least97. Were your ancestors royalty? not that i’m aware of98. Do you have any scars? Already answered!99. Color of your bedspread? it’s a bunch of mismatched blankets tbh100. Color of your room? like wood paneling it’s kinda weird but i like it
Thanks Sarah!!!
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dandydevildog · 7 years
I got tagged by @chiltonsfluffyhair thanks!
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20(+) amazing followers that you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Maxine
Nicknames: Max. No others have really stuck. Not even Mad Max, sadly.
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Height: 5′6″
Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: White
Favourite Fruit: Granny Smith apples, the best kind of apples
Favourite Season: Fall
Favourite Book Series: Most novels I like are one-offs. I guess if John Dies at the End and This Book Is Full of Spiders count as a series let’s go with that.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Garrus (Mass Effect), Herbert West (Re-Animator), Heather Morris/Mason, Maria (Silent Hill), Elim Garak, Odo, Kira Nerys, Weyoun (DS9), Hannibal Lecter, Clarice Starling, Frederick Chilton, Freddie Lounds, Margot Verger (Hannibal series). Many many more, but those are some good ones.
A Fictional Character I’d like as a sibling: I feel like Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service would make a good sister.
Favorite Flower: Roses
Favorite Scent: Fresh laundry
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Cats and sharks
Favorite Artist/Band: Tegan and Sara
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea
Average Sleep Hours: 5-7 ideally
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Two normally, one in the summer.
Dream Trip: Japan, England, New York. None will happen but I can dream.
Last Thing Googled: Reference pictures of video cameras.
Blog Created : 2012? Something like that. Can't be bothered to look it up.
How many Blogs do I follow: 66. I’ve realized that’s actually kind of low. Hmm.
Number of Followers: 96. Maybe half of them are active, and of that only like 4 even care haha.
What do I usually post about: My own drawings. Sometimes reblogging random stuff, sometimes personal stuff.
Do you get asks regularly: Almost never. It’s lonely over here!
What’s your aesthetic: I feel like “lazy Canadian” sums me up pretty well.
I tag @abrasivepersonalitytendersoul @pimpinchilton @ohshititslindsay @blown-transistor
Don’t know who else to tag without bugging them, sorry! Do this if you want, could be fun.
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broncasaurus · 7 years
Tag of Basic Information W O W
i’ve been released from college like a bat out of hell but it was actually great i love college highly recommend sooooo now i have time for things like tumblr again y a y 
thank you @sugasweetsubs​ for tagging me and bring me back to the kpop fold ~
ABC tag
AGE – 19 i can’t believe i turn 20 this winter HO L Y 
BIGGEST FEAR – Not feeling fulfilled? Also spiders. 
EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – Coffee? An alarm? Physically getting up?
FAVORITE SONG – SO MANY I really like True Romance by Citizens! from The Beauty Inside ost, which is a great movie on Netflix btw. It’s a really funky and upbeat song, great for summer. Bop material. 
GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL? – My Mom says yes, I say maybe. 
HOMETOWN – A bathtub 
IN LOVE WITH – Ooh so many things. Life is pretty great recently so i guess i love life. Aw. 
JEALOUS OF – People who don’t procrastinate and can easily answer phones. 
KILLED SOMEONE – P sure it’s a solid nope
LAST TIME YOU CRIED – when i watched this 
ONE WISH – not having to worry about money would be gr8 pls and thank universe
PERSON I LAST CALLED/TEXTED – A group chat of my friends/roommates 
QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – Do you dye your hair?
REASON TO SMILE – sunshine through a window, lee seokmin, rain and cloudy/overcast days, large bodies of water, coffee, strong woman do bong soon, flavored specialty coffee, autumn and brightly colored leaves and crisp mornings, sand between your toes, green leafy trees, the entirety of bangtan sonyeondan, friends, soft pillows, that feeling of bare legs in a comfortable bed, big cozy sweaters, astro comeback happening soon, books and especially books that have been so loved they feel soft in your hands. There’s a lot. 
SONG LAST SANG –  Journey to the Past from the new Anastasia musical! It’s such a great song and Christy Altomare has such passion in her performance and ugh childhood. Eagerly awaiting the cast recording to pop up...
UNDERWEAR – grandma-esque 
VACATION DESTINATION? – I recently went to Miguel’s campground in Kentucky and that was awesome, I’d like to go back sometime with my friends. 
WORST HABIT – Forgetting things? My roll my eyes a lot too when they feel uncomfortable but people misinterpret it a lot. 
YOUR FAVORITE FOOD – I love pasta in all forms except spaghetti. 
BOLD tag
→ appearance:

I I am 5′7″ or taller 
I I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo 
i have at least one piercing 
i have brown eyes kinda? there’s green too idk it’s confusing 
i have short hair 
my abs are at least somewhat defined 
i have or have had braces 
There is something I would change about the way I look
→ personality:

I My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people 
people tell me that i’m funny i think they’re being nice but i appreciate it none the less  
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
i enjoy physical challenges 
i enjoy mental challenges 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well  
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it 
There is something I would change about my personality
→ ability:

I I can sing well 
i can play an instrument  
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping 
i’m a fast runner 
i can draw well 
i have a good memory i remember really useless things 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
i know how to throw a proper punch eliott taught me to kept my thumb on the outside so it doesn’t break in 4th grade and that’s all i know 
→ hobbies:

I i enjoy playing sports I LOVE FRISBEE SO MUCH i have fantastic hand-eye coordination i’m really good at catching things lol  
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
i have learned a new song in the past week 
i work out at least once a week 
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
i have drawn something in the past month 
i enjoy writing 
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
i do or have done martial arts
→ experiences:

I i have had my first kiss 
i have had alcohol 
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
i have been at an overnight event 
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year i took all of my roommates/suitmates, but i myself wasn’t admitted.  
I have beaten a video game in one day 
i have visited another country 
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
→ relationship:

I I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush this entire blog is pretty much evidence  
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship 
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily i get infatuated real quick but i wouldn’t say it’s the same as a crush. A crush is more meaningful i think 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend isn’t that how most crushes start?
→ my life:

I i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” 
i live close to my school 
my parents are still together 
i have at least one sibling 
i live in the united states 
There is snow right now where I live 
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month 
i have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone
→ random shit:

I i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie HEY GIRL I LOVE YOU YOU LIL VIRGO DEMON<3 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair 
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week 
i know someone who has gone to jail college dude 
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
i know what i want to do with my life 
i speak at least 2 languages fluently 
i have made a new friend in the past year
I’ll tag @labelleangel, @melusthings, and @flowerboysruinme also anyone else who wants to! Tags r fun! Talk about urself! <33
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
The vacation is looming and new lines are never frowned upon
My name is Chris, a dude in his late twenties with a lovely wife, two gorgeous animals that I love sharing pictures of, a comic book addiction and crazy ass job in a COVID19 ICU as a night nurse. Basically, the roleplay will *ALWAYS* be super medically accurate. I've been writing long enough that I list my skill level as 'god damn professional' and post 2-3 times a week but am available for plotting and gushing over our line nearly around the clock. I can crank out anywhere from 4-16 paragraphs a reply, depending on the action level and character count. I only write m/f (as the dude) and f/f. Always aiming to write in the long term. I'm easy to reach! Either drop a line to me at [email protected] or on Discord at NurseBatman#3674. I'm also on Gchat and skype at Chrisx104 if anyone still uses those dinosaur messengers. Anyway, onto plots, originals first and then fandoms. Please bring ideas because I'm always bringing them too! Original Political Intrigue, m/f A male US congressman with an image as a family man plans to make a jump to the senate and hires a young and savvy woman to be his campaign manager. One thing leads to another on the road and the two begin a secret relationship that revolves around garnering more political power. This line is heavily influenced by my love of House of Cards and could involve sabotage, murder, black mail, etc. Definitely a line that I could envision lasting a few 'seasons'. Lost in America, m/f & f/f A piece set in 1970s, my favorite era of time. A group of teenagers, most of which have recently graduated from High School, decide to leave their sleepy little east coast town behind for a new life out in California. Loading up into a VW Bus and blaring some music that would eventually be deemed 'classic rock', they had out on their adventure. I'm envisioning a cast from 4-7 and will HAPPILY throw in some horror elements into this line. A Detective Story, F/F Twin teenagers are murdered and two female detectives are kicked the case. I'm really wide open on this one, in regards to the setting and if there's a relationship between the two detectives previously or not. This is just heavily influenced by my love of True Detective.
Romeo + Juliet meets Breaking Bad
I've been watching a lot of crime stuff as of late (Breaking Bad, the Wire, currently binging The Sopranos) and would love to do a line set in this world. Whether this line has to do with people from different criminal factions or two different sides of the law, I'm not quite so sure yet.
FANDOMs DC Comics I would definitely just love to write an original continuity Batman against an original continuity Catwoman. We can pick the circumstances of their meeting/reunion (adding in knowing each other when they were younger) and what sort of Gotham we want to write in. I have a lot of experience writing Bruce but have never gotten to do this pairing much. Marvel Comics PLEASE, I so badly want to write Peter Parker. I have read comics for a hundred damn years and have never really gotten to write the Spectacular Spider-man and really, really want to. Unfortunately, most of his love interests are sort of lame, Black Cat/Felicia Hardy notwithstanding. If anyone would be interested in writing these two, I'd love to do it quasi MCU adjacent, with Peter at college when he meets Felicia before later encountering (unknowingly) encountering her as Black Cat. The Constantine problem 
I love writing John Constantine and he's one of my favorites to write but I feel like he's easily switched between universe. I'd love to find someone interested in writing Wanda/Scarlet Witch since the MCU has never really touched on the magic aspect of her powers and give her a drunken Yoda to deal with and channel her obscene amount of power. Alternatively, I would love to write John against Elsa Bloodstone but I would want someone that knows the character well. I feel like these two have endless possibility, an immortal monster hunter and a clever mage.
Alternatively: Wonder Woman? Zatanna? Idk. Bring it. The Matrix An old fandom that I wrote years ago but one with a lot of original potential for fun. Maybe something with the next anomaly or just a crew working to ease humans out of the matrix after the films. Idk. Doctor Who I really, really want to find someone to write the 13th Doctor. I've spent years writing the Doctor and want to give a crack at being against the Oncoming Storm for once. I propose Jack Harkness for m/f and Yaz for F/F. I have experience as both characters. Dead Like Me An old show I loved. What could be more fun than writing an original group of grim reapers as they navigate their own death and escort the recently deceased onto the next life while still trapped in this plain of existence. Hannibal
I'd love to write a fourth season with someone taking the female lead as a Fullerverse Clarice Starling, who sort of takes the place of Jack Crawford's new pet project. I've written Will and Jack plenty of times before but this line has never made it far enough to bring in Hannibal. I like the idea of Clarice being an old star pupil of Will's, now that he's retired after season 3. I know this show just hit Netflix so I'm waiting to see if it's reinvigorated interest.
Resident Evil I’d like to write Leon against Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine in an original outbreak or a new one. I know this is an old school fandom but I’m a diehard fan. I hope something in this ad caught someone's attention. Message me or email me and let's create something awesome together! PS: If any of my partners are reading this, shouldn't *YOU* be writing.
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classicfilmfreak · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.classicfilmfreak.com/2018/02/08/the-incredible-shrinking-man-1957-starring-grant-williams-and-william-schallert/
The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) starring Grant Williams and William Schallert
Never feared before, now a household cat and a cellar spider become threatening monsters to an unfortunate man who discovers he’s slowly becoming smaller and smaller and smaller. . . .
On the surface, it doesn’t seem to have much to offer.  The Incredible Shrinking Man has no big-name stars, few of them known today.  Its top-billed actor, Grant Williams, hardly a “star” in the remotest sense of the word, received his checks for generally B pictures and a much longer career in television.  All this without much distinction or recognition, though this film is his claim to fame, however tenuous.
The Incredible Shrinking Man came toward the end of the monster-creature-mutant-spacemen flicks, that “fabulous” time—depending upon one’s viewpoint!—of the 1950s, and yet the film is somehow in a class all its own.  If not strictly a part of them, it is among the best of the general type represented by alien spacemen (The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951), radioactively enlarged insects (Them!,1954) and devil monsters (Curse of the Demon, 1957).
No monster or alien being arrives to devastate humankind and crumble skyscrapers in The Incredible Shrinking Man.  This is, rather, the plight of a single man, previously isolated in his complacent world, who is gradually reduced in size, shrinking so small that common things—a domestic cat, a spider, even water or cellar stairs—become his monsters and obstacles.
Along with the special effects, advanced and impressive in their day, a definite plus is the source novel by Richard Matheson and his resulting screenplay, shared with the uncredited Richard Alan Simmons.  This explains why the story-line and writing make the movie so convincing.  Matheson was one of Rod Serling’s chief supporting writers, along with Charles Beaumont, in the Twilight Zone TV series (1959-64).
Horror writer Stephen King was impressed by the way Matheson wrote: “He was the first guy I ever read who seemed to be doing something that Lovecraft [horror writer of The Rats in the Wall, The Call of Cthulhu, etc.] wasn’t doing. . . .  [T]he horror could be in the Seven-Eleven store down the block . . . [and] that was a revelation that was extremely exciting.  He was putting the horror in places that I could relate to.”
Which is exactly what Matheson does with The Incredible Shrinking Man: he brings terror and fear directly into the suburban home, where, to paraphrase Alfred Hitchcock, it belongs.
Scott (Williams) narrates his own story and begins: “The strange, almost unbelievable story of Robert Scott Carey began on a very ordinary summer day. . . . ”
He and his wife Louise (Randy Stuart) are lounging in their swim suits on his brother’s (Paul Langton) sailboat.  While she is below deck, a peculiar mist rises unexpectedly and when she returns the cloud has passed.  Her husband’s chest is covered in a strange, glittering powder.
(Except for its five-second ominous opening, the main title music has been non-threatening, with a lyrical trumpet solo, quite different from the usual noisy apprehension that opens most ’50s horror films.  Two of the quartet of composite score composers are mainstays of the B movie horror genre, Hans J. Salter and Herman Stein.  The neutral music that has continued into the film abruptly changes to disturbed harmonies with this strange mist, telling the audience . . . this isn’t good.)
Before long, Scott notices that his trousers are too big, his shirt sleeves too long and that he’s lost weight.  Dr. Bramson (William Schallert, In the Heat of the Night, 1967) isn’t particularly worried, but sends him to a research institute.  Dr. Silver (Raymond Bailey, Mr. Drysdale in The Beverley Hillbillies, 1962-71) discovers an unusual chemical in Scott’s body.  Possibly his contact with insecticides years ago and this recent radioactive mist have, together, rearranged the molecular structure of his cells.
Before long, Scott has shrunk to three feet high.  Even when Dr. Silver gives him an anti-toxin that arrests the shrinking but cannot return him to normal, Scott becomes more depressed.  He wanders into a carnival of dwarfs and meets Clarice (April Kent), who assists him in writing an autobiography.
Before long, he realizes he’s become even shorter than Clarice—the anti-toxin no longer works—and, weeks later, he has diminished to only a few inches high.  He now lives in a dollhouse.
One day when Louise goes to the store and forgets about the family cat (Orangey, This Island Earth, 1955, The Comedy of Terrors, 1963), the animal batters the dollhouse and Scott flees, falling into a sewing basket at the foot of the cellar stairs.
He is able to climb out of the basket and adjusts as best he can to this new basement world: “The cellar stretched before me like some vast primeval plain, empty of life, littered with the relics of a vanished race.”
(Whenever Williams’ narration is absent, the film is then supported only by the music score, which matches well the desperate man’s struggles.)
Scott drinks from a dripping pipe and lives in an empty matchbox.  When the basement floods from a broken pipe, he avoids being swept into a drain by clinging to a pencil.  After his efforts to free a fragment of cheese from a mousetrap are foiled, he retrieves a piece of bread from a seemingly inaccessible ledge, only to have to flee from a spider.
Thinking Scott dead, Louise leaves the house with the help of Charlie.  They cannot hear his shouts for help, his voice a whisper (Williams’ narrative voice continues throughout unchanged, despite the enormous shortening of his vocal chords; other physiological changes/impossibilities are also shown incorrectly).
After a few successes in his new world, including killing the spider, Scott is encouraged and resolves “ . . . as man had dominated the world of the sun, so I would dominate my world.”
Small enough now to pass through a ventilation screen, he steps outside and stands studying the sky: “I felt my body dwindling, melting, becoming nothing.  My fears melted away and in their place came acceptance.  All this vast majesty of creation, it had to mean something.  Yes, smaller than the smallest, I meant something, too.”
This existential ending, a much longer monologue than the portion quoted, and supposedly added by director Jack Arnold, was not a traditional Hollywood “happy” ending at the time.  The studio executives wanted it changed.  Arnold (It Came from Outer Space, 1953, Creature from the Black Lagoon, 1954) refused, and had enough clout that it remained.
It isn’t the acting that makes the film unique among its horror and science fiction contemporaries: it’s the creative special effects, the crux of that genre, which make The Incredible Shrinking Man exceptional and worth watching all these decades after it was made.
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kaos-sverige · 7 years
Published on Jan 27, 2017
Brace yourself for the ultimate crossover mash-up battle of all time! MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, LORD OF THE RINGS, AVATAR, X-MEN, WATCHMEN, TERMINATOR, INDIANA JONES, JAMES BOND, GAME OF THRONES, HARRY POTTER, THE MATRIX… If you can name an absurdly expensive movie franchise, it’s here and it’s doing battle with every other! Over 100 characters - who will be the last one standing? Place your bets and fasten your utility belts for the rumble to end all rumbles!!! CHARACTERS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Spider-Man, Maximus (from Gladiator), Trinity, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Indiana Jones, Gimli, Princess Leia, Rorschach, Captain Kirk, Spock, William Wallace (from Braveheart), Mad Max, Lara Croft, Luke Skywalker, Mystique, Cyclops, Beast, Jean Grey, Gandalf, Eowyn, Aragorn, Legolas, Blade, Deadpool, The Bride (from Kill Bill), Leeloo (from The Fifth Element), Hartigan (from Sin City), Leonidas (from 300), Harry Potter, Snake Plissken (from Escape From New York), Nick Fury, Inigo Montoya, Jack Sparrow, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer (from 24), Ethan Hunt (from Mission: Impossible), John Wayne, Clint Eastwood (as The Man With No Name), Wolverine, Black Panther, Batman, John McClane (from Die Hard), Neo, Quicksilver, Doctor Strange, The Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Thing, Human Torch, Iceman, Jon Snow, Katniss Everdeen, Hawkeye, Neytiri, Jay & Kay (from Men in Black), Drax, Gamora, Rocket, Star Lord, Groot, Green Lantern, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Liam Neeson, Chuck Norris, Jason Statham, Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone (as Rambo), Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock), Vision, Storm, Han Solo, Rick Deckard (from Blade Runner), Jack Ryan, President Marshall (from Air Force One), Rey, Judge Dredd, Robocop, The Terminator, Sarah Connor, Bilbo Baggins, Drogon, Daenerys, Ellen Ripley (from Aliens), Ghost Rider, Peter Venkman & Abby Yates (from Ghostbusters), Ant-Man, Johnny Rico (from Starship Troopers), Optimus Prime, Dr Manhattan, Silk Spectre, Clarice Starling (from The Silence of the Lambs), Nite Owl, (+ End screen: Henry Jones Sr, The Ancient One, Yoda, Morpheus, Galadriel) ArtSpear Merchandise: http://artspear.com/shop/ To SUBSCRIBE: (thank you so much! :)) http://www.youtube.com/user/ArtSpear2... TOON SANDWICH - Seasoning 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL6Qo... TOON SANDWICH - Seasoning 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jVku... The FULL PLATTER of Toon Sandwiches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL6Qo... Thanks for watching! We hope you enjoyed this sandwich!
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