#and the mica moon presumably has no foldmersibles since the mica by definition can't be fold submerged
soath · 6 months
This episode makes me wonder if there are TWO Breach avenues. One being run by Saskia/Hieronymous/et al which is targeting high Caenum service workers with nowhere else to go but the flexibility to disappear with little repercussions... and one being orchestrated by Kozma Laszlo which is inciting more high level political figures to defect and aiming to destabilize the Trust itself rather than just sneaking away a few unfortunate souls. It's possible both were being run out of Midst too; through the Black Candle cabaret and another in one of Laszlo's businesses. The moon mining operation seems like a possible hub and covering up evidence of her collusion would add an additional motive for the Baron to destroy it.
#midst spoilers#saskia del norma#midst podcast#kozma laszlo#it kind of makes sense! the trust learns the breach is being run out of the moon mine#or the mine is a waystation#and starts putting out feelers to buy the islet#kozma who has spies on the inside knows she's made and pretends to cooperate to throw off suspicions#while secretly plotting to use this to her advantage--bait them in and then tank valor#imelda gets sent to midst with orders to convert the population and slowly tighten the noose around the defectors#without them even knowing since the mine and midst are somewhat separated#and then sweep in and establish general control with the company once the sale is announced#knowing that the un and fold require different kind of ships#and the mica moon presumably has no foldmersibles since the mica by definition can't be fold submerged#then taking over midst the planet would effectively cut off any escape route#then she arrives and moc weepe drops what seems to be the whole breach operation into her lap#with concord's document that suggest that people are being transported directly from the un to midst without the mining operation involved#and kozma's moon-explosion seems completely unrelated#and everyone is genuinely shocked when she takes responsibility for what they'd already written her off as a suspect for#now whether kozma knows that saskia was also running a breach route through midst... it seems likely#but she's also not the kind of person who'd care about that sort of collateral
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