#and the husband flounced off over this and won't take his wife's calls now?? straight people are incomprehensible
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#just overheard a family friend talking to my mom#saying her husband stormed out of the house#because their son got his ears pierced#and she didn't oppose#but the husband strongly did and is mad she didn't side with him#and i was like ''oh wow how old is their son'' thinking 15 or under#was thinking about offering something like ''yea it can be difficult to understand kids that age but they need ways to express themselves''#but then my mom was like ''26''#what. WHAT. THAT IS A GROWN ASS MAN#and the husband flounced off over this and won't take his wife's calls now?? straight people are incomprehensible#on a slightly funnier note i was like ''pierced ears can be so cool'' and showed my mother an image of samatoki#and she wanted me to send it to her so she could send it to her friend (presumably so her friend could send it to her loser husband??)#MOTHER THAT WOULD NOT IMPROVE THINGS IN THE SLIGHTEST#anyway if you're in a certain hotel and just heard a crab shriek ''TWENTY-SIX?!'' that was me
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Brian may x reader : finding real love
Notes: reader is a dress maker for people of high status in London she even makes dresses for queen Victoria herself. one day brian may and his fiance come in to get her a dress for a upcoming ball. Unfortanetly brian isnt in a very loving relationship with his soon to be wife for she's very controling and some times straight up mean and abusive. They are in an aranged mariage. Reader and brian fall in love.
(Late) Victorian au (1880s no exact year). Catherine Green is a random name i chose for the wife. I hope you guys enjoy reading.
Warnings : a bit of angst abuse
Words : 2829

Late victorian era, London
In the center of London was a small shop but not just any shop, it was a dress shop called y/l/n Splendour Dress and co.
It wasn't a verry big establisment but it was really special, for even queen victoria herself had comissioned dresses here, only the people of high sosity could afort these dresses.
A carriage pulled up infront of the shop, a few seconds later the bell went of to sigal someone has entered, a man and a woman walked in.

The man was pretty tall and had dark curly hair he also wore a suit (he doesn't wear a hat) the man was very handsome. The woman had blond hair and wore a elegant hat her green eyes were fierce and angry while the man his eyes were hazel and kind.
A woman came from the back about (your age) and stood behind the counter "good afternoon sir and madam how can i help you?"
"I would Like to comission a dress for my fiance"
"Alright any thing spesific, a tea gown, an walking suit, or a day dress
The woman cut her off with an angry tone "no nothing like that im here to comission a ball gown"
"Now calm down Catherine, im verry sorry about that"
"Oh don't worry its alright sir"
"May Brian may and Catherine Green"
"Ah alright mr may and missed Green" please do follow me so that i can sketch some ideas out and so that we could chose the fabric"
"Lead the way madam"
They came across an other woman in the hall "Oh Alice could you perhaps boil some water so that we can have some tea?"
"Yes of course y/n it be ready in a few"
"Thank you after you are done you can take a break" they walked further and came to a room "please do sit down , first we can chose the fabric then we can sketch a design"
"I want my dress to be red and black they are my favorite colors" she smirked
"My darling are you sure of that i mean its a ball after al you it would be beter if - " Brian was caught of
"No absolutly not i want my dress to be red and black" she folded her arms
"Alright darling as you wish"
"I want the black fabric to be made of embroyderd silk and the red fabric made of cotton."
"With or without a train madam"
"alright, anything els?"
"Yes i want black lace on the sleeves and red little bows made of silk there as wel"
"Alright madam, is it good that we decide up on a design of the dress now?"
"Yes go ahead"
"About the bodice and the sleeves what lengt would you like them?"
"Im sorry to interupt but here is the tea"
"Ah thank you Alice, you may go take a break now" Alice walked out the room again and closed the door "where were we? Ah yes the bodice and sleeves"
"I want the sleeves at elbow lenght and the bodice low so that it shows off my figure"
"Ah Alright, what about the skirt?"
"I want the under skirt to be a flounced underskirt and the under side of the dress to be made of the red fabric with silk ribons, at the front of the dress i want black lace going down. And the over skirt i want that to be the same fabric as the bodice."
"Alright madam" y/n looked at the sketch in front of her "is this what you have in mind?"
"Yes a hundred precent "
"Alright madam i wil ask my employees to look for the fabrics we would need"
Mr may who had been listening and drinking his tea the whole time spoke up "how long will it take to make?"
About 3 months sir if everything goes as planned"
"Wonderfull you hear that darling"
"Oh yes fantastic, make sure the dress is done by then because in 3 months there will be a ball at Buckingham palace and i want to look absolutly perfect"
"Yes of course miss we will try to get it finished by then"
"Good, thil next time" Catherine stood up And walked out the room
Brian did as well and held out his hand to y/n "Thank you so mutch for your time miss y/n, please you must excuse my fiance for being so rude"
"Its alright mr may no problem at al, tell me is your relationship a aranged one?"
"Unfortanetly yes, within a year we are to get Married unless i find somone i love"
"I hope you find the right person mr may"
"I hope so to, again thank you very mutch" he grabed y/n her hand and kissed it
"My plesure mr may, i hope you have a wonderfull afternoon"
"May we meet again" he smiled and
walked out the room
*little time skip*
Y/n was looking For the fabrics she Would need " Um Alice do you have any idea where the black embroyderd silk is?"
"Yes its on the top shelf next to the purple silks "
"Thanks, oh could you grab te maroon/red coton and a flounced underskirt/petticoat as wel"
"Yeah sure who is this oder for?"
"For miss Catherine Green"
"Oh i reconise her she has come in a few times to comission dresses her sizes are noted in our book, she's truly terrible she had 3 husbands already and now she's going to get Married to that poor sir may"
"Yeah i don't think they are a good couple eiter, both are from high socity what is sir may his feeld?"
"Hes an astrophysicist of the royal court of queen victoria"
"Oh wow so hes one of the highest in that feeld how extraordinary"
"Hes smart and not looking bad eiter"
"Yeah , i really feel sorry for him.... we need to get started the dress needs to be done in 3 months"
"Are you going to the ball to y/n?"
"I don't know i mean"
"You are also of high status because you make dresses for her royal highness, you deserve to go"
"You think so?"
"I know so, but first lets get started with making misses Green her dress first"
*time skip to 3 months later because im lazy*
The day for the fitting came y/n and Alice hoped everything went as planned.
"Good morning sir may and miss Green"
"Good morning miss y/l/n" he took her hand and kissed it
Miss green sighed "Is my dress ready?"
"Yes its ready please do follow me to the fitting room"
"I know where it is"
"Alright miss, i'll be there in a minute"
Mr may stood next to y/n "Im so sorry about the way she acts i talked with her about it but she won't lissen"
"Its fine mr may"
"Please call me Brian its my name after all"
"Alright wel then you can call me y/n.... tell me do you love her?"
"Who? Catherine? If i could be honest with you y/n then no absolutly not"
"Are you considering breaking off the arrangement?"
"If i find the right person then yes of course"
"I really hope you do you deserve better brian"
"Thanks you y/n"
"Y/n?" Came the voice of Alice
"Yes comming!, follow me brian" both of them walked in to the fitting room "miss Green how does it fit?"
"I want the corset to be tighter"
Y/n walked behind the curtains"Are you sure miss it already looks tight enough"
"No i want it tighter"
"As you wish miss" y/n undid the lace of the corset and tugged as hard as she could "i hope this is better"
"Perfect now is Brian here?"
"Good, oh Brian dear what do you think" Catherine stept from behind the curtain snowing her ball gown

"what do you think?"
"I think it fits you perfectly dear"
"I take it" she went back behind the curtain to get changed again
"How mutch does it cost?"
"About a 150 pounds"
Brian grabed his wallet and drew the right amount "here you go"
"Thank you" y/n stuffed the money in her apron.
"Will you also go to the ball?"
"I would love to but unfortanetly i have work there are many dresses that have to be made"
"I can take over for you with Mary, y/n" said Alice as she was sewing some beads on to a evening coat
"Alright i will try and see, when is it?"
"About 2 weeks from now"
"I will try to make it" she smiled softly
Brian grabed her hand softly and kissed it "thill then my lady"
"Thill then"
*skip to the day of the ball*
"Have you decided what to wear?"
"No, i simply din't have the time to make anything" she sat down and sadly siged
"Oh cheer up, wait i remember something, we have some dresses that wern't colected mabey there is something in there for you"
"oh yeah thats true lets look" she stood up And walked in to the far back where a closet stood with the said dresses, she opend it up And looked at them , "i don't remember making these"
"I think your parents had been working on these last year they are pretty mutch still up to date"
"For who were these?"
"If i remember corectly these were ment for a baroness, but she and her
husband got killed before they could collect them"
"These are absolutly wonderfull "
"It should be about your size lets fit them"
So y/n did that and grabed al the dresses and tried them on, everything was exactly her size

She decided to go with dress number (insert number here) "i see that some things got lose we still have time"
Yes we do now come on we need to prepare"
About a few hours later the dress has been looked at, Alice had put y/n her hair up in a fancy evening style and added some hair accessoires.
"so how do i look?"
"Like a real princes oh before you forget these come with the dress" she held out a box y/n opend it inside were a pair of earings a necklace and tiara and a fancy hand fan
"Oh these are wonderfull" she put the necklace around her neck and put the earings in

"These were also met for the baroness" Alice placed the tiara on her head "you have to leave now a carriage is waiting"
"Alright, are you sure you can manage?"
"Don't worry to mutch it be alright me and Mary can manage just fine
"Alright" y/n put her evening coat on and picked up the train of her dress "its going to be late"
"I know dear now go and have a lovely evening"
"I will thank you for the help"y/n walked out of the back door trought the garden out of the gate, she climed in the cariage and sat down. The cariage went on its way to the palace. About 30 minuts later she arived and stept out die left her coat in the carriage. Y/n walked inside the palace up to the grand staircase to the ball room.
Music could already be heared when she walked up the staircase and once she arived the music was mutch louder.
Once y/n stept in to the ballroom a lot of people looked at her wondering who this beautyfull woman was dressed in fine fabrics and jewels.
"Miss y/l/n is that you oh how wonderfull to see you here you look extraordinary"
Y/n turned around at the mention of her name "sir Mercury its so great to see you, wearing my wonderfull suit i see" she smiled
"Oh yes its absolutly wonderfull my dear " he kissed her on the cheek "tell me why are you here?"
"Wel sir may had invited me to come along"
"Ah i see, if i remember corectly he was talking with sir taylor near the table overthere"
"Thank you"
"I have to go now my dear sir deacon needs my assistance"
Y/n smiled at him and walked to the table where sir may was indeed talking to sir taylor. Next to sir may stood miss Green, the was clinging to his arm. He looked a bit anoyed. "Sir may"
brian turned around "ah miss y/l/n so great to see you" he shook off Catherine and walked to her and softly grabed her hand "sir taylor this is y/n y/l/n the seamstress, she makes fabouls dresses, coats, shoes and suits"
"Nice to meet you miss" he said in a flirting tone, sir taylor grabed her gloved hand and put a kiss on it
"Like wise sir taylor" she smiled softly and put her hand to the side. Y/n could feel somone glaring at her when she turned around and came face to face with Catherine. " Is everything alright miss Green? "
"Yes everything is perfectly fine miss y/l/n" she said with an snarky tone.
Y/n looked down at the ground, sir taylor ofered her his hand "would you like to dance miss"
She looked up "Of course" she grabed his hand and they both walked on to the ball room floor
"You know i don't like her either"
"Miss green, sir may deserves better" said Roger while they both danced across the floor.
"Yes he does, they arnt the perfect fit for echoter Brian deserves somone who's kind"
"Someone like you"
"Why me?"
"The way you carry yourself very eligant yet kind and soft spoken, he really deserves you miss y/l/n". As the dance ended they both bowed to echoter and walked to the side where Brian stood alone drinking his wine
"Brian, you should dance with miss y/l/n I bet she will Enjoy your company while i go looking For my fiance"
"Alright Roger thank you," Brian held his arm out "care to dance?"
"Yes of course" she smiled and they both walked on to the ball room floor again. When they were done with the dance they walked to the doors "brian can we please go outside for a bit i need to talk to you"
"Yes of course" they walked in to the garden and dat down on a bench
"Look its probably not my place but you really should break of the arrangement Brian"
"She really doesn't deserve you brian she doesn't love you she will make you feel misereble"
"You are right but i can't break it off unles i found somone ells"
"Wel i know somone who would love you for ever and always"
"Who would that be?" He looked at her with a questionble look on his face
"What about me? Do you think we would be a good fit?"
"Perhaps if its really what you want"
"Im asking you brian, its important that you find somone who will help with continuing the family line"
"Yeah you are right" he sighed and put his face in his hands, his shoulders started to shake as he softly cried while you sat beside him
"Brian i really want to help you trough this"
"Y/n Im torn between an arrangement and real love" he looked up at her while the tears runed down his cheeks.
She softly whiped the tears away with her gloved hand and then placed it on his cheek "you have two choices Brian follow your heart"
"I choose real love" he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips "i love you y/n y/l/n"
"BRIAN WHAT IS THIS!!??" They both turned around to an angry Catherine running at them, they both stood up And Brian stood in between y/n and Catherine.
"Im breaking off the arrangement"
"You can't do that you have no right"
"I do because i am the hire of the family titel and you are not this is oficialy over"
She looked from Brian to y/n " You did this you took him from me!"
"No she din't i simply took love instead of money thats all"
"You know what i never ever wanted to be yours Anyway you are not good enough for me i don't know what my father saw in you" she walked away with a big huff
"Im so sorry about that"
"Its alright im not blaming you"
"I ment what i said, i really love you" he huged her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead
"I love you to"
They both went back inside to tell sir Mercury, taylor and deacon the good news about their arangement
Brian and y/n found love in eatch other and lived a long and happy life together
The end
I hope you guys enjoyed reading please let me know what you think 😊 I put a lot of time and efort in to this plus a lot of late nights so please concider rebloging if you like the story
Have a Nice day everyone♥️
Greatings from Anne
#brian may x reader#victorian era#victorian au#Brian may#name insert#x reader#au#queen#y/n#tw abuse#female reader#brian may x female reader
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