#and that's on magic bein real. hmph
Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shin Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
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–> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Parade where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( Huh? All the way out here... )
Yuma-kun? What are you doing? 
Yuma: Haah? Can’t ya tell? I’m plantin’ these bad boys.
Shin: ...Plants? They look pretty dangerous. 
Yuma: Well duh. I was told ya can only find these veggies over here in the Demon World. I forgot what they’re called tho.
I figured I’d use the opportunity to transfer them to some quality soil and try growin’ them.
Yui: Quality soil...?
Yuma: Yeah! With a bit of this magical soil, you can fix even nearly withered plants!
Shin: Heeh...Magical soil, huh...? I wonder if that’s true...?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Shin-kun, is that...?
Yuma: Hah, the fuck...? Mixed nuts?
Are ya good, mate? Those have been fried in oil and sprinkled with salt, ya know?
That’s pushin’ it a lil’...
Shin: Hmph. We can’t know for sure until we try, right? Besides...
A Founder such as myself will be planting them instead of you. It might cause an unforeseen power to active, no? 
Yuma: Yeah right. As if that’d ever happen...
Shin: There we go...
*Thud thud*
Shin: I guess this’ll do?
Yuma: Hah...God, ya suck. It’s barely even cover...ーー 
Yuma: Wha...!? A bud popped up...!? 
Shin: See? Just like I thought...
ー The bud starts growing
Yui: ( ...It keeps growing bigger and bigger...! )
ー It keeps growing
Yuma: ...For real!? The fuck’s this thing...!? 
Shin: ...A Founder such as myself planted it, so this was to be expected, honestly...
Yuma: Does bein’ a Founder even play a part in this...? How big will this thing grow...?
Shin: Good question...?
Yui: ( ...It has grown to the size of a large tree in the blink of an eye... )
*Rumble rumble*
Yui: ...W-What is happening...!? 
Yuma: O-Oi! It’s actin’ strange!  Do somethin’ ‘bout it, dude!
Shin: Hah? There’s obviously nothing I can do!
Yuma: Fuck, stoーー U-Uwah...!? 
Yuma: Uwaaaaah!
Yui: Yuma-kun!? 
( O-Oh no...! His clothes got caught on one of the branches...! )
Yuma: P-Put me down! Please!!
Yui: ( At this rate, he’ll be lifted higher and higher into the air as it grows... )
Shin: Ahーah...Not my problem...
Yuma: Oi! Ya bastard! Help me out with those Founder powers of yers!
Shin: Didn’t you hear me earlier!? I mean, why not enjoy the scenery from up there now that you can!? 
Yui: ( I didn’t think Shin-kun’s nuts would cause such a mess... )
ーー THE END ーー
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lockawayknight · 4 years
Tagged by: @ashes-of-omelas !! ty ty tav (and lothric ofc)💕
[He looks off to the side and scowls a bit before answering, as if the truth is something he wishes it weren’t.]
“My name is Creighton, knight of Mirrah.”
Well, sure, that’s your title, but what about a family name? Are the rumours true that you are Lothian’s heir?
“Go fuck yourself.”
Noted! Next question.
“Very much taken... even though he don’t act like it half the time...” [He snorts as he says this.]
[He offers a shrug before answering.]
“My only power is power. If you’re askin’ about sorceries or enchantments or some other such rubbish, then we got nothin’ to talk about. All I need is my skill and my axe.”
But doesn’t your axe have inherent electrical properties which you can control? Doesn’t that count as a magical power, like some kind of electromancy?
[He looks mildly distraught by this realisation, and wholly surprised. Maybe there’s a hint of epiphany in there, too, but not at all a painless one.]
... Uh, sorry, let’s just move on.
...Just plain blue? What shade?
“Hmph. Pate likes to call it baby blue.” [He rolls his (baby blue) eyes with this addition.]
Is it naturally white?
“Mmhm, yeah, since I was born.”
So it’s not from stress or age or anything?
“Hah. Surprisingly, no... Though I bet if I’d been born with any different colour, it woulda gone white by now since dealin’ with Pate’s bullshit for so damn long.” [Yet another eyeroll comes with this answer, too.]
[He offers a horridly cold glare in lieu of any answer at all.]
... Alrighty then, we’ll just jot that down as a “no comment.”
[He perks up significantly at this question. Seems we’ve got an animal lover here, folks!]
“We’ve got quite a few pets at home with us in Irithyll, actually! We’ve had all a’ them since back when we were living in Drangleic...
“First critter we ever kept was a crystal lizard, one a’ those bastard red ones what like to blow the hell up on ya. Little bugger was skitterin’ around outside our window for ages, but never managed to light its fuse, or however the hell they work. Still hasn’t, though he sure does try when he gets right pissed at us.” [He taps a finger to his chin.] “Honestly can’t quite remember how he went from bein’ an outside nuisance to an inside guest, but I’m sure it was my fault, heh.
“Ah, then there was the li’l spider what lived in one of our closets for ages. Such a tiny little thing back then; think she grew to see us more like roommates. Never took a nip at us, but sure got a mouthful of anyone else who tried to break in, hah!
“Last is my little rabbit... thing... Hell, I dunno what she actually is, but she’s a rotten ugly little bastard. Picked her up in Eleum Loyce. Pate was right pissed when I got her home, but I think he’s warmed up to her a bit...”
A rabbit from Eleum Loyce...? Oh dear, Creighton, you couldn’t possibly mean one of those nightmarish, fangy icicle creatures, could you?
[He narrows his eyes.] “Mind your fuckin’ manners, ya prick. She’s got fangs, but she ain’ got spines. I think she was... born wrong, or somethin’. She’s all skin with little patches of nasty fluff here an’ there. Took her home from the snowfield cos she was gettin’ bullied by the other rabbits. Not a nightmare. Watch your damned tongue.”
Oh! Oh, that’s very sweet, actually! I take it back, and please give her a smooch for me.
“Heh. Will do.”
“Everythin’ pisses me off.”
Uh... care to elaborate? Maybe a top ten list, or something like that?
“Eh, I do whatever I can to keep my skills in combat sharp. Invasions with the Fingers, mostly, nowadays. Back home in Drangleic, I used to duel in ol’ Titchy Gren’s little arena, an’ before that worked for the Rat King takin’ out intruders in the burrows below Majula. Anythin’ to keep my blade honed, y’know.”
Ooh, don’t you also draw? I’ve heard rumours that you draw.
...Right, nevermind.
[He laughs horridly loudly, near-maniacally, in lieu of a proper response. Er, suppose that answers the question well enough.]
[It takes a while for the laughter from the previous question to die out, but once it does — and with a quick reiteration of the new question — he soon turns almost grimly pensive.]
“Mm... I’ve always felt a certain connection with stags.”
Oh, like on your tabard! Any particular reason?
[His expression darkens.] “Mm... somethin’ to do with bein’ treated like a trophy, and hunted for it. Given titles what seal your fate. Stags never asked to be symbols of beauty and power, y’know. Humans called them tha’, then hunted ‘em for it. I’s not the stags’ fault they’re being hunted. They just want to live.” [...] “S’pose that... resonates with how Mirrah’s knighthood felt. Havin’ the damned du Lothian name. Bein’ an heir to a legacy I never wanted, an’ ‘ave been tryin’ to run from since as long as I can remember.” [...] “I don’t want to think about it anymore.”
“I’m just fuckin’ angry.”
I mean... that’s not really a habit, though, is it?
“Hmph. I’m angry enough often enough that it might as well be.”
Ah, valid!
[His expression turns grimly dark again. He offers no answer but a cold glare.]
[If, however, the implications of his heritage in Mirrah’s Order — and relationship to a certain shieldless warrior of Forossa — is to be believed, it might be easier to guess the answer than one might think.]
[He looks a bit taken aback by the question, though it soon settles into a flustered sort of embarrassment. Seems like someone’s romance shy!]
“Mmph... I’ve only ever fancied men... but tha’s none a’ your fuckin’ business, you nit. Fuck off.”
Works for me!
“Hm. To be honest with ya’, I never really thought much of anythin’ about marriage or romance ‘til I met Pate, then it, ah... sorta became a dream, I suppose, eheh.”
Glad the marriage is happy! Do you think you and Pate will ever have kids, then?
[A certain grimness crosses his face again, though this time its roots are very clearly in melancholy’s soil. He thinks for a very long time before answering.]
“‘M not fit to be a parent. Kids deserve better parents than I could ever be.” [...] “Or that I ever got.” [...] “S’pose I just... don’t trust myself enough to not fuck things up and ruin someone’s life, heh...” [He nods resignedly after saying this.]
“Wha’, like clothing? Eh, whatever’s practical. Definitely prefer mail to plate, though. Also prefer to keep my overall form a bit obscured for the sake a’ disorientation. S’why I always like a cloak and tabard.”
What about at home, though? What’s a casual outfit for you look like?
[A light shrug.] “Anythin’ warm, really. We live in the bloody Boreal Valley, after all. I need layers.” [He taps a finger against his chin again.] “Heh, Pate’s always got some shit t’say about how much clothing I’ve somehow gathered over the years. Wha’s a’ matter with bein’ cozy, though, eh?”
I couldn’t agree more!
[He rolls his eyes so aggressively at the question, dragging a hand down his face to boot, that he throws his head back slightly. The sigh he gives soon afterwards is more of a groan.]
“Gods, I’m too bloody gullible... I give far too much a’ myself to people who don’t fuckin’ deserve it. Never thought tryin’ to be honourable would get me bit in the arse so goddamn much...”
Oh worm. What would you say is the pattern, then? Like, step by step, how do friendships for you develop?
“Mm, somethin’ like... quick to make a judgement a’ character, then quick to trust and protect if they seem nice...
“... Then even quicker to kill ‘em if they make me look stupid. I’ve no more patience for games.”
Terrifying answer! Let’s continue.
[He gives an over-exaggerated shrug. Suppose that means overall indifference.]
[Another shrug.] “Anythin’ that gives me enough energy to get through the work of the day... or strong enough to get me fuckin’ smashed, heh.”
“Eh, I’m jus’ a boring old man these days. I just like to spend time at home with Pate an’ any friends who stop by.” [He bats a hand, then sighs.] “I spent far too much of my life just... wanderin’. No place ever felt safe back in Drangleic, or like a real home, or anythin’ like tha’. ‘M just glad to have a nice place to live.”
[His eyes go wide in sudden realisation.]
“Y’know wha’...? I never even thought to go swim in the ocean before... Hah, all those years I’d spent lookin’ over the sea below Majula, but never once thought about touchin’ the waters...” [...] “S’pose that’d be my answer, then. Swim in the ocean. Heh, somethin’ to try before the fire fades, eh?”
[Ah, there’s that familiar, murderous glare again! Best not to press the question. Besides, it’s probably safe to assume the answer can be summed up as: Pate.]
Yeesh, what a firm answer. You really hate camping so much?
“Hmph. Like I said already, I wasted too much of my bloody life out wanderin’ alone. ‘Camping’ is just another fuckin’ word for being cold out in the woods. Fuck tha’. I want to be home in bed.”
Y’know what? That’s a mood.
Tagging: @infected-at-birth (for pate), @imitationknight, & @catsbreads (for grim & rundola)!!
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Subaru Route ー Finale Ending
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ー The scene starts on the Carnival venue
Subaru: Geez...That old fart...
Yui: T-There, there...
Subaru: Don’t ‘there, there’ me! How can you just carelessly keep smilin’ like that!?
Yui: Well...
Subaru: You nearly got your blood sucked, remember!?
What would you have done in that case!?
Yui: ...Sorry...
But he didn’t seem like a bad person to me...
Subaru: Che...You really are too nice for your own good.
Yui: ...Am I...?
Subaru: ...Ugh...I should be...the only one you’re kind to...!
Yui: Eh? Subaru-kun? Did you say something just now?
Subaru: Nothin’ at all! Fuck...!!
...For one...Explain to me how you got into that kinda situation with the old man!
Yui: That kinda situation...?
Subaru: Don’t play dumb!! He was totally forcin’ himself on you!
What do you think would have happened if I didn’t show up!?
Yui: ...Ah...
Subaru: ...That part of you makes you too nice for your own good!
You had nothin’ else done to you, right?
Yui: Ah...Yeah...
( Probably... )
Subaru: ...Smells fishy. Tell me what the old man did to you while I wasn’t around.
Yui: What? ...He pulled me close and...leant in to kiss me...I guess?
Subaru: ...That shitty old fart...!
I’ll never forgive him!! Next time I see his darn face...
Yui: U-Uhm!
Subaru: Aah? What? Let me tell you, there’s no point in tryin’ to stop me.
Even just now, if you hadn’t stepped in between, I would have kicked his ass...
Yui: Y-You can’t. If you do that...
I mean, didn’t you hear him? ...It was a party to congratulate us.
Subaru: ...
Yui: Besides, fights don’t belong at a Carnival.
Subaru: ...Che...
Then, what kinda stuff is fitting for a Carnival?
Yui: Uhm...Well...
...To enjoy the Carnival more...
Subaru: I don’t really get it. Tell me what you want to do more specifically.
Yui: What I...want to do...?
Subaru: You were lookin’ forward to the Carnival, right?
Now that we’re here, I’m keepin’ you company the whole way through.
I have no other choice after all!
Yui: ( He’ll keep me company...? Even though he already spent the whole day with me...? )
( The real nice person here truly is Subaru-kun, huh? )
Subaru: Oi, whatcha laughin’ for?
Yui: Nothing. Well then...Let’s end the day by going to the amusement park?
Subaru: Aah? The amusement park?
Yui: I mean, last time we only got to visit the haunted house...
Because you made me leave by force...
Subaru: Ugh...
Yui: So, let’s go? ...Once we’re back home, we can’t go to an amusement park after all...
Subaru: Che...Fine. All I have to do is go, right?
ー He grabs her hand
Yui: ( Ah...Subaru-kun’s holding my hand...! )
Subaru: Hmph...
ー The scene shifts to the amusement park
Yui: It’s still crowded, huh?
Subaru: Unlike you humans, we don’t really have a sense of time.
...So, where do you want to go?
Yui: Hm...
( Taking a look around, there really are a lot of attractions... )
( A merry-go-around, huh? ...That brings me back. )
( The magic carpet ride seems fun as well... )
( But... )
...How about the ferris wheel?
Subaru: Ferris wheel!?
Are those...fun? You just ride them, don’t you?
Besides, they’re so slow, you can barely tell you’re moving...
Nope. Choose another attraction.
Yui: Eh? ...Well, it’s true that the ferris wheel moves a little slow so it might be dull but...
You get to enjoy the view and it’ll be just us, so it’ll be quiet as well!
Subaru: ...Just the two of us...?
Yui: ( Subaru-kun started pondering...I guess he doesn’t want to after all...? )
Subaru: ...Hmph. Okay then. I’m in.
Yui: Eh? Really!?
Subaru: Yeah...I guess it’s better than bein’ somewhere busy and gettin’ caught up in the crowd. 
However...If I get bored...You better take responsibility.
Yui: ( I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that but... )
Subaru: Kuku...Let’s get goin’ then.
ー The scene shifts to the ferris wheel
Yui: Wah! It started moving!
Subaru: Haah...We’ve barely even left the ground. 
I don’t get how you can get all excited over every single lil’ thing like that.
Yui: Well...You’re not having fun...?
( I guess he really did not want to do this after all... )
Subaru: I-I never said that much, did I!?
Yui: ...
( Oh no...He went silent... )
( Has he already grown tired of it...? )
( Uhm...Something to prevent him from getting bored... )
Subaru: ...Yui.
Yui: Eh? Yes, Subaru-kun?
Subaru: No...You...Did you have fun at the Carnival...?
Yui: ...?
Subaru: ...You came here ‘cause you were suddenly declared the Queen of the Carnival without any explanation, right?
I can imagine that havin’ to venture through the Demon World out in the open wasn’t easy for you...
Bein’ oggled by the Vampires along the way...
Yui: Yeah...
Subaru: And then...At the end, the old man got you good. (1)
You said you wanted to go to the Carnival but...Did you actually have fun?
Yui: ...
You’re right...At first I was surprised, and I had my worries about going to the Demon World.
But since it was such a rare opportunity, I wanted to participate in the Carnival as well...
The other Vampires were definitely scary.
However, I wasn’t attacked by any of them because...You protected me, right?
Subaru: ...That’s...
Yui: The haunted house, the dress shop, Karlheinz-san’s shenanigans...As well as this ferris wheel.
All of it was fun to me. ...Thanks to you.
Thank you, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: ...Aah, fuck!!
ー He jumps up from his seat
Yui: Wah...Subaru-kun!? It’s dangerous to suddenly stand uーー
*Rustle rustle*
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Subaru: ...Nn...!
Yui: ...!?
Subaru: ...Nn...Haah...
Yui: S-Subaru-kun...
Subaru: ...You’re to blame for temptin’ me.
Yui: ...Eh?
Subaru: ...Don’t be sayin’ such cute things...Do you want to get wrecked by me...?
Yui: ( ...! )
Subaru: ...Haah...There’s this one thing that still weighs on my mind.
Yui: ...?
Subaru: ...At the dress shop...
Yui: ( The dress shop...? )
Subaru: ...That I didn’t get to have a proper look at you after you had finished changin’...
Yui: E...Eh...!?
Subaru: Do you really need to act so surprised!?
Yui: ( Back then...Subaru-kun suddenly entered the fitting room. )
( So I never even thought of showing the outfit to him... )
Eh...But you stepped inside the fitting room so didn’t you see it...?
Subaru: How could I have seen it!? It was hella cramped after all and...You were still in the middle of gettin’ changed...
...I was willin’ to take a look at the dress who chose a fool such as yourself.
But then the lights suddenly went out and we fell...
When I woke up again, you were back to wearin’ your usual clothes already...
Yui: Ah...
Subaru: So...
Yui: Subaru-kun...!
Subaru: Don’t be gettin’ the wrong idea! I didn’t want to look at you!
I was only interested in the dress that chose you.
Yui: Subaru-kun, your face is red.
Subaru: ...Shut up!
You want me to shut you up!?
Yui: Kyaah! Didn’t you hear me!? Suddenly moving like that is dangerous, you know...!?
Subaru: Che...
...Nn...But...If you say you had fun...I’ll forgive you...Nn...
...It’s not like I have to see you in a dress here...
Yui: Eh...?
( What did he imply just now...? )
Subaru: Scoot a lil’ closer...
It’s hard to kiss you like this, right? ...Nn...
Yui: ...Nn...
Subaru: Hehe...Perfect...If I get to spend time with you like this, a ferris wheel isn’t half bad.
...You should always stay right here.
...I love you. ...And I will continue to love you, forever.
Yui: ( Me too, Subaru-kunーー )
Subaru: ...Nn...
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) 一杯食わせる or ‘ippai kuwaseru’ literally means ‘to make someone eat/drink one cup (of a liquid)’ but it is an idiom which means that someone played a trick on you.
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