#and that's my bitlocker story in case people are sharing theirs
sandwich247 · 2 months
at my old work, each employee was tasked with storing their own bitlocker encryption key this would have been no issue except from there only being one place that we were allowed to store it in and that was a password protected excel spreadsheet on sharepoint
the issue that occurred isn't the first one that would pop into most peoples minds - being that the password was lost and thus all bitlocker keys were lost, no the issue was a little simpler than that the spreadsheed, due to everyone needing to post their own keys to it, was editable by everyone in the company
I put my key in next to the serial number and recovery key ID for my laptop same as everyone else
my laptop bitlockered for whatever reason
I get one of my colleagues to open up the spreadsheet to get the key
someone at some point overwrote every key in the excel spreadsheet with their own key
"no problem at all" you may say "as sharepoint offers previous versions of documents, you could just restore an older version and get your key from that"
for what ever reason the only previous version of that document that had any key other than the one that had replaced every key in the spreadsheet was when it was first created -_-
we didn't have network storage to save files so the desktop was all I had and it was all gone - scripts, useful tidbits of information, etc all wiped forever
some was recoverable because I emailed a bunch to people because it was useful to have, but yeah
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