#and that’s what the post-apocalyptic edgeland is supposed to represent too
simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
remember not liking the time travel plot and not liking the edgelord direction of the post apocalypse thing but dont remember much more. also something something wildstyle something
maybe it’s just a personal thing then because i LOVE time travel plots ^_^ especially when it’s your future/alternate self just fucking being evil for no reason . it’s great really. i think the wyldstyle thing was rather compelling because it lead to a rly sweet moment of emmet accepting her true self even tho for a moment it seems like he’s going to reject her for secretly being Not Emo. it fits the themes of the entire movie of trusting other people and opening up to them!!! and i like that she still stays cool even after being de-emofied. Girl knows how to slay
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