#and that she doesn't want people to view becky as evil
addictsitter · 11 months
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Chambers (2019) | episode ten: "the crystal organ"
"we know everything about each other. like, i know you're a little depressed and i know you know i'm a little bit gay."
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Fused Becky AU: The Nightmare Begins
"And done!" Dr. Two Brains exclaimed as he finished working on his latest ray. The mad scientist smiled a bit as he examined his invention. This was one of the rare times Dr. Two Brains created something that did not have the purpose of creating cheese or aiding him in stealing cheese. It gave the scientist a bit of a nostalgia moment from his old non villain days as Steven Boxleitner, inventing a gadget that did not have anything to do with mice or cheese. Luckily for the scientist, Squeaky was not bothered by Dr. Two Brains making a non cheese ray, only glowing when he wanted to eat some cheese from the stash from time to time. Dr. Two Brains had a gut feeling deep down it was because Squeaky wanted the ray's purpose to work as it intended, and for good reason. "Are you sure that thing would work doc?" A female voice asked, uncertainty in her tone. Two Brains frowned a bit as he turned towards the source of the voice. It belonged to a woman named Carrie who was unfortunately for Dr. Two Brains, a cat human hybrid. Of course Dr. Two Brains was to say, freaked out when he first encountered her. He thought Carrie would eat him. Over time he tolerated her existence, since she had shown she didn't even like to eat mice and was amazing around kids which included his own pinky. Dr. Two Brains did feel a bad about Carrie's circumstances. What kind of psychos would kidnap normal and regular people just to experiment on them. He was a mad scientist himself but he was no monster. Not even Squeaky was that evil in Two Brains' opinion. But Carrie's appearance and circumstances is what lead Dr. Two Brains to forgo his usual cheese experiments to work on a gadget that would help Carrie become human again. Squeaky's motivation as he would not have to deal with Carrie's cat side ever again and Dr. Two Brains' motivation, well it was hard to place, he just feel the need deep down to help her even though he doesn't recall if he ever met her before. Two Brains also felt a rising fury to "deal" with those who did this to her, an anger usually reserved for those that harm his child. Despite that deep feeling, it still didn't mean that Dr. Two Brains was now pals with Carrie as he expressed with annoyance at Carrie's reluctance and questioning of his abilities. "Well if you weren't so afraid of needles and hospitals, I wouldn't have to build this ray in the first place." Dr. Two Brains said in a strife tone. Carrie just glared at him with a frown but said nothing, her cat eyes causing the scientist to flinch a bit with fear. Carrie disliked what Dr. Two Brains said but he was unfortunately right. Due to what happened to her at the facility, Carrie developed a strong dislike and distrust of anything associated with the medical field which included medicine and other doctors that could help her condition. Dr. Two Brains was one of the few, if only scientists she liked and trusted, barely, which is an improvement for her. The only things that make him different from her view of doctors was his villainous escapades, being a animal hybrid like herself, and his care and love he had for his child Becky. Carrie huffed in defeat, not having much choice here. "Fine. Go ahead." Carrie said with reluctant surrender. Two Brains smiled with a smirk in victory. "Great. Don't worry Carrie, I can assure you that nothing will go wrong with this ray." Dr. Two Brains stated before aiming the ray at Carrie. *Click*.....nothing happened. The two individuals stared with confusion at the ray. "That's not right." Two Brains muttered. He tried clicking again, nothing happened. Two Brains growled with frustration and then he started to bang the side of the ray. "Work..you..stupid..little" Dr. Two Brains grunted out. The ray suddenly began to grow brighter and hotter. Dr. Two Brains let out a yelp at the increasing heat and the ray fell to the ground, automatically firing out a beam. The beam began to bounce around the warehouse like a ricochet. "TAKE COVER!" Two Brains yelled out with alarm before pushing Carrie and himself down to the floor.
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