#and so can 'i'm a maharashtrian boy'
groovycrusadeperson · 6 years
A Tamil dude would specifically be a "Thamizhan" (தமிழன் - the 'ழ' sounds like an 'L' made by rolling the tongue. 'an' is a male honorific), not a "Tamilian". Tamils and Tamilians are how we're referred to collectively in English. Tamil and Tamilian can be used as adjectives. In Tamil, we call ourselves Thamizhar (more of an adjective like 'Tamil' culture) or Thamizhargal (plural like 'Tamilians'). We generally have a 'Take It Easy' policy (Oorvasi 😂). That person's being a Tumblr contrarian.
The thamizhan anon’s Rahman and Baahubali anon btw. Not all us Tamils are random tumblr dicks 😂. I had to de-lurk after that person butted into a harmless meta post and heckled you. Incorrectly, to boot.]
aaasdfgjkl this is so sweet anon. Thanks for de-lurking abd explaining this so well. And also yes!!! I have a Tamilian cousin and she’s gonna get married soon and guess what her matrimonial ad says? “Tamilian girl - age - degree - etc.” And I’m very sure her dad didn’t mean “Tamil boy girl” when he sent that in.
Like…the absolute balls of firangi desis, especially American desis to screech in to educate us about what we’re doing wrong with absolutely no context about this country that they have mostly never set foot in for longer than a summer vacation (if that, but also this person who went off isn’t even Indian so that’s a whole new level of whatthefuckery) is wild. And always predictable.
And then they wonder why we find them so obnoxious. The irony is they’re constantly trying to give us gyaan over issues that we’ve been moving past for the last 20 years. Like I’m sorry we aren’t frozen in time waiting for you all (I mean american desis in general, not you specfically anon) to come educate us about these things. We managed to move on, all on our own. At least to some extent. And we know where to draw the lines. 
The other ironic thing is that apart from having the most redundant takes that they think is hot shit, american desis also have the most ignorant ones. Like any american desi who is offended that a state’s stereotype is how good they are at a thing the entire nation prides itself on or that it would be such a plot twist for someone to not do that thing and do a completely non science or commerce related degree has, I am pretty sure never stepped foot in this country. And also needs to suck it up. 
Because that isn’t just a stereotype. That’s the reality for most of us. It’s why the only way Indian edition Thor could do a lit degree (especially as a a guy) is abroad. They’d get that if they’d got literally any idea of what the fuck they were talking about. 
But anyway, I think that post needs an “American desis don’t interact” banner attached to it. I legit don’t have time for their terrible takes and their first world baggage.
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memozing · 5 years
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memozing · 5 years
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memozing · 5 years
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