#and so am I! I’m off to bed cause work 😭
nachojaehyun · 2 months
like a part 2 where the reader just keeps on acting nonchalant like nothing happened and wonwoo gets more and more riled up. cause “why am i the only one going insane here” type of feelings. and he just ends up taking here in a dressing room or something cause damn they need to fuck
she’ll ride the dick like a carnival
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pairing. idol! wonwoo + new staff! fem reader!
summary. since that one fateful night at his apartment, jeon wonwoo realizes that he is fucked. but not really, since he can’t seem to get you in his bed.
warnings. [PLEASE READ] dom/sub dynamics, slight dom wonwoo, dirty talk, use of nicknames, THICK dick and lowkey desperate wonu, reader is VERY nonchalant, implied mirror sex, riding, wonu almost cries… AGAIN, sloppy kisses on the tits, subtle jizz play — 18+ MINORS DNI!
note. desperate sex that turns steamy and passionate is my favorite genre holy shit 😭 first time answering an ask! hope you like it :)
find part 1 here
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jeon wonwoo could only watch you from across the waiting room as you pranced around in a midi skirt, chatting happily with the staff.
he wanted to cuss you out.
shifting in his chair, he pushed his glasses further up his nose, angrily sniffing.
how could you act like this?
how were you so nonchalant? so unbothered about the fact that you had him seeing stars merely 72 hours ago?
it had been 3 days since you had sucked the soul out of his body. 3 days since he couldn’t stop rutting his cock into his fist to the thoughts of you. 3 days since he had become insane.
he tried to get your attention, he really did. the poor boy would keep trying to pry anything out of your mouth that gave him a hint about your feelings.
but you were unpredictable, just as he had thought.
your face was like a wall — completely emotionless. any thought that passed through your head could barely be understood and wonwoo wanted to smash his head into the concrete at that realization.
“jeez, what’s got you this tense?” mingyu sits down next to him, adjusting his costume as he stared at his best friend. “i’m just… worried about the performance, nothing else.”
mingyu knew that wonwoo was lying.
hell, even wonwoo knew he was lying.
but none of them seemed to question each other as they sat in silence, each immersed in their own thoughts.
“wonwoo-ssi?” your voice called out to him. the boy singled out you and your sound amid nearly 50 people in the room, surprisingly springing to his feet as he walked towards you.
“your outfit is ready, follow me.”
the man silently walked behind you, striding toward the secluded attached room in the corner.
he pulled the curtain and stepped inside, and he was immediately handed his clothes. the outfit was simple— a sleeveless shirt and some baggy white jeans.
“i’ll be outside,” you nodded, bidding him farewell as you pulled the curtain.
sighing, wonwoo turned to look at himself in the mirror. his hardened cock stared at him in the face— a haunting image of the effect you had on him.
how am i the only one who is this riled up? he wondered. i can’t be the only one… right?
he wasn’t.
you would be lying if you said your panties weren’t glued to your core since you walked in. the sight of him had your head spinning, wanting nothing more than to strip him down and pull his dick into your throat.
but of course, you were not some depraved whore.
you set boundaries after that night. he was your client, and you were his stylist. of course you weren’t supposed to suck him off!
the fitting next morning after the incident had made you lose your self control. you recall how you had to get yourself off in the bathroom, relishing in the thoughts of seeing wonwoo in a tight fitted suit.
but of course, you would never voice these thoughts out loud. being in the same room as him was punishment enough to remind you of your sins. you wondered if applying for a styling job for a different member would work—
“uh?” wonwoo’s deep voice cut off your lewd thoughts, making you shake your head to clear them out. “a little help?”
“you good?" you sighed. “i’m coming in,” sucking in a breath as you stepped inside the small box.
wonwoo was leaning against one of the mirrored walls, one leg up on a stool in the corner. “what’s wrong?” you searched for a solution in his face.
“i seem to be stuck in a seemingly hard situation.”
one look down to his hands, you immediately realized the problem.
wonwoo’s dick was hard, the bulge over his boxers made that evident. the problem? the sheer size of his chub was not allowing the zipper of his jeans to zip up.
the man had a small waist but also had weirdly broad hips. his pants always had to be altered so that they suited his body type.
however, this was a problem that no other stylist had ever had to deal with.
“what do i do?” wonwoo whined, pouting his lips as he pushed up his glasses.
“wonwoo-ssi,” you spoke. your voice remained surprisingly stable, despite the fact that you could feel your pussy pulsating.
“i think you need to solve this problem on your own,” you looked into his eyes, almost feeling bad at how he panted.
however, before you could turn around and leave, wonwoo pushed his glasses up his nose and caged you between his arms.
your back hit one of the mirrored walls, as a surprised gasp fumbled from your mouth.
“for the love of god woman, do you not see what you do to me?”
the desperation in his voice made your knees buckle as you stared into his eyes, gaze alternating to his lips as he bit them.
wonwoo heaved as he inched closer towards your face. “give me one good reason why you shouldn’t take care of my problem. you’re the one that caused it after all.”
hearing him voice out his thoughts, you turned your head to the side, embarrassed by the effect his voice had on you. how was this even your fault—
but with a harsh grip, jeon wonwoo grabbed your chin with his fingers, forcing to you look at him.
“can’t think of anything can you?” his head dipped down, tracing his teeth along your neck. the sensation made you hiss silently. “help me, please. what would carat think if i went out on stage looking like this?”
“sit,” is all you managed to say, voice enamoured with need.
you all but pushed wonwoo onto the iron stool in the corner, hauling yourself onto his lap as you crashed your lips into his.
fuck, your lips were way better than he had ever imagined. they were soft and pillowy as they engulfed his mouth, tongue grazing against his own as you ground down on his crotch.
wonwoo’s free hand pushed your head impossibly close as he licked into your mouth, wanting to memorize every crevice.
spit dribbles from your connected mouths, sloppy and wet kisses sounding obscenely loud in the secluded area. the man does not care that drool is now staining his tank top. he could never get enough of this.
his other hand gripped tightly onto your ass, groping and fondling the fat. after a second, he pulled away from you, glasses foggy and lips swollen as he tried to catch his breath.
“shit baby, i can’t take it anymore,” he whisper-screamed, tears coating his lashes. you wished you could burn this image into your head for the rest of your life.
you could only nod, ready to sink to your knees before wonwoo stopped you, tutting. “pull your panties to the side, doll,” he commanded, chest heaving.
the change in his tone had your thighs tingling. you pulled your midi skirt up, tucking the ends into the hem as you exposed yourself.
at the sight of your baby blue cotton panties, jeon wonwoo nearly growled.
the material was thoroughly soaked and ruined, a deep blue patch staining the cloth. as you pulled them to the side, he noticed how slicked up your heat was, a string of arousal connected your folds to the cotton.
you gripped onto his shoulders for support in your half-sitting position as he glided two fingers against your folds.
“so wet for me already, huh? don’t even need to work you up for my cock,” he smacked his lips. “filthy girl.”
wonwoo strained his ears to listen for any footsteps near the area as he sucked his dampened fingers into his mouth. your taste was making him dizzy, breath faltering as he rolled his eyes to the back of his head.
without wasting any more time, you pulled his cock out of its confines, sliding his boxers down just enough to free his length.
the sight of him always made you salivate. however, it was clear that he didn’t want that happening today.
steadily, you positioned yourself over him, hovering before you finally pushed his fat tip in.
the sensation had you moaning out loud— before he slapped his hand over your mouth. “shh! don’t be so loud baby, they will hear us,” he cooed.
you nodded frantically, slowly inching downwards as his dick began to fill you up. once he was bottomed out, you couldn’t help but sob into his palm.
“i know baby, i know. feels good yeah?” he smirked, shushing you with sweet words as he let you adjust to his size.
wonwoo’s thick dick was buried up to your hilt, and you felt so incredibly full. your poor walls clenched around his cock, nearly making him bust.
without a word, the man beneath you grabbed at your waist, moving you up and down on his length, slowly. with him pistoning in and out of you, you could feel your senses going into overdrive.
wonwoo tugged your top down with his teeth, suckling along the valley of your breasts to keep himself quiet. your pussy felt incredibly tight, creaming him for all he was worth.
his strong arms continued to guide you, until your legs automatically adjusted to the pace. your body began to move on its own accord— tits jiggling in wonwoo's mouth with each bounce.
"f-fuck!" you whimpered, beginning to lose your mind. for a moment, he looks up at you through his glasses, smiling widely from between your breasts.
the bastard's cheeky grin has you forgetting your own name as he lapped his tongue around your skin like he fucking owned it.
"already going dumb on my cock? shi— you ride so well baby."
your bounces show him just how stretched you were, making wonwoo's stomach clench as he split you apart. you tease him a little by slowing down, grinding down on him as he bites his lips and throws his head back.
as his hands grab onto your cheeks to spread them, he accidentally catches a glimpse of your back in the mirror opposite to you two.
god, you looked so fucking hot.
without knowing why, you felt him twitch inside. "not gonna— oh shit! — last very long now baby."
at the sound of his confession, you bring a hand down to rub at your clit. taking the hint, he begins to rut back into you, using all his strength to fuck into your heat.
"p—please wonwoo hah! cum inside, please please please,"
you're not sure why you beg, but you're too cock drunk to process anything but the fact that you want him filling you up, stuffing your cunt full with his release.
"you su— fuck fuck fuck—" wonwoo whispers, biting down on your right tit to subdue the moan that was about to leave his throat.
with that and a grunt, he cums inside your pussy, filling you up to the brim. his length twitches inside you, shooting out excess spurts. feeling himself soften, wonwoo pulls out of you. you whine at the sudden sensation of feeling so empty.
the boy stays mesmerized at the way your cum mixes together, escaping your spent hole in small globs.
as a pathetic attempt, he uses two fingers to plug the release back inside you, making you whimper again at the sudden intrusion. "sorry," he apologizes, before placing your panties back where they belonged.
with a fluid motion, jeon wonwoo tucks himself back into his calvin klein boxers and then zipping his pants up, meeting your dazed eyes with another cute smile. "see? it fits now."
you can’t help but smile back at him, panting to catch your breath.
your thighs hurt from the awkward position, but you were sure that you would never have it any other way.
so, that's how you end up walking around the rest of the working day— wonwoo's cum safely filled up inside you, as you and him exchanged comically wide-eyed looks every few minutes, a shade of pink grazing your cheeks.
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© nachojaehyun, 2024.
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ningvory · 5 months
Teacher G!P Karina fucking her favourite student in her office for flirting with a girl in her class
Recording you while you’re a moaning mess so that she can blackmail you with it later
Inviting you over at her house so that she can fuck you dumb and fill you up with her cum.
Making you lay down on her bed as she sucks on you small tits :( She thinks they’re the cutest tho.
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parings: gp!teacher!rina x fav student!f!reader
warnings: readers implied to have smaller tits, blackmail, ass slapping, cumming inside, dumbification, toned it down with my explanation points😭, this was made at like 5 am so it’s not proofread😭
think i might change into a black&white themee
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okay so you’re like the popular girl at school, also known to be flirty with almost every pretty girl you see. even if you were in class which is how you ended in this situation.
“f-fuckk!! i’m sorry, karina!! im- ah!” you couldn’t even form a sentence, you’re getting fucked stupid by your teacher for getting caught flirting with your fellow classmate.
you looked like a mess, were in karina’s office leaning on her desk drool seeping out your mouth with tears rolling down your rosy cheeks. your school skirt was pulled up to reveal your bruised ass cheeks, caused by karina, which was behind you ramming her cock inside your tight cunt.
“should’ve thought about that before you were all over that girl, pretty.” karina grunted.
she gave another smack against your ass making you cry out even more, you were such a whiny and moaning mess for her how could she not take up the opportunity to record your pretty moans?
“ka-ri-karina!! i’m cumming!!” you squealed out, body shaking as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, back arching even more.
“cum for me, my pretty girl.” karina whispered, fucking into harder than before, feeling her own high.
you finally came all on her dick, cum dripping on her floor and covering her cock, squeals and whines heard from you from your intense orgasm.
suddenly she pressed you down to her desk, head even closer to her phone picking up the audio. whimpers and cries spilled outta your mouth from the overstimulation on your cunt but you couldn’t do anything, she was pressing your spent body to her desk.
“ah- almost there pretty. take it all like a good girl!!” karina grunted, head fallen back as she let her moans spill outta her mouth from how your warm cunny was squeezing her!
karina would lowkey use that blackmail wisely, making you such lewd things by having you suck her off or letting her cum inside and telling you to keep it in the whole day! :((
she’d randomly invited you to her house but could you really say no? so you agreed, wearing a miniskirt with a crop top and drove to her house.
thinking abt when you get there she’d open the door and get right to work, she was wearing nothing but a sports bra and some boxers, rock hard dick visible. she’d drag you to her bed and immediately throw you on it, straddling you and undressing you.
once she undressed the two of you she immediately started pounding into you, making you yelp as your body began to rock from how hard she was fucking you!!
she would think your tits are sooo cute! tweaking them and suckin on them as she fucks you dumb, making you cum all over her pelvis!
it would be hours until she stopped, you were soo braindead you just let her use your body until she was done toying with you. your tits were so sensitive from her sucking you jolted everytime she tweaked them :((
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Just got this idea and it made me cry ok so for 141+König where the reader suddenly walks up to him and just kisses and holds him while crying cause they love him so much and they panicked at the thought of losing him maybe sth happened and they got scared or maybe they were just thinking about it idk FUCK I love them so much can't bear the thought of anything happening to them 😭💔
141 + Königs Reactions To You Crying For/Over Them
Warnings: swearing, crying, mentions of death, mentions of bullying, angst
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Simon Ghost Riley-
You hadn’t been able to find Simon all day. You chalked it up to the both of you being busy on base, but usually you’d always caught a glimpse of him throughout the day.
You had a gnawing feeling at your chest, but weren’t able to act upon it until later that night. You found Simon on the rooftop of base, staring up at the night sky as he took a drag of his cigarette.
“I thought you quit smoking.” You teased, slowly walking up to him.
When Simon didn’t give his usual witty remark in reply, you knew something was wrong. His eyes remained glued to the stars, and you could see that his eyes were red.
“Simon, are you okay?” You asked, your hand resting on top of his in a comforting gesture. “Talk to me.”
Simon tore his eyes away from the sky, and flicked his cigarette over the railing. “It’s the anniversary today.”
“Anniversary?” You asked, your brows furrowing in confusion.
“It’s been 6 years since they died.” Simon said, his voice hoarse from crying.
“Your family?” You asked, giving his hand another squeeze. In the years you’d been together, Simon had only talked about his family a few times, and you were never one to press the subject. Simon was a reserved man, and you’d don’t want to push your luck with that.
But Simon told you everything that night. Every little detail of his life when he was a child. The kind of man his father was. How his family was murdered and that the only thing he could do for them was to get revenge. No detail was spared, and once he was done speaking, Simon found a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He’d finally let someone in.
He took a breath, and looked up at you to find you sobbing. You didn’t know what to do, other than throw yourself into Simon’s arms, gripping around his waist at tight as you possibly could.
“Simon, I am so, so sorry you’ve gone through that. I don’t know.. I don’t know what to say other than I’m here for you. I will always be here for you.” You cried into his chest. “I love you, more than you’ll ever know.”
“I know, kid.” He said, his eyes softening as he looked down at you. “I know.”
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John MacTavish-
You awoke in a cold sweat, breathing rapidly as you blinked away hot tears. You’d just had the worst nightmare. You were out on a mission, when Johnny was killed right in front of you. The dream felt so real, and your heart was aching at the very real possibility that you could lose him on a mission.
You looked next to you, and found Johnny’s side of the bed cold and empty. It was clear he hadn’t been in bed for some time.
You threw the covers off of you, throwing one of Johnny’s hoodies on before making your way toward the gym- somewhere you knew he would be at this hour.
You breathed a shaky sigh of relief as you laid eyes on Johnny. He’d worked up quite the sweat, and it was clear he’d been here for some time.
Your legs reacted before your brain could catch up, and you found yourself grabbing Johnny by the collar of his shirt and roughly placing your lips on his.
You pulled back, breathless as you looked up as Johnny with tears in your eyes. He immediately frowned, his brows furrowed in concern.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart. Are you alright?” His hands rubbed at your arms soothingly.
“I- I had a dream. You were gone and there was nothing I could do.” You sobbed, rubbing away at your tears as your eyes drifted to the floor. “I woke up and you weren’t there.”
Johnny pulled you close to him, his arms holding you tight against his chest as he pressed kisses along your temple. “I’m here, Bonnie. It was just a dream. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up. I couldn’t sleep.”
“It felt so real.” You said, pulling away. “I.. I don’t know what I’d ever do if I lost you. I just.. I can’t even comprehend it.”
“Then don’t. Because I promise you, I will do everything in my power to keep coming back to you, okay?” Johnny asked, lifting your chin up so that your eyes met his. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You sniffled in return, rubbing your teary eyes against his shirt causing Johnny to chuckle softly. “Let us get back to bed, yeah?”
“I’m not even tired anymore.” You mumbled, not pulling your face from Johnnys chest.
“Well, it’s a good thing a beds good for more than just sleeping, eh?” Johnny threw you a cheeky smile, before lifting you in his arms. “Gotta show my babe I’m not going anywhere.”
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John Price-
Everything happened so fast. One minute, John was by your side as a hail of bullets rained down on the two of you in the field. The next, John was halfway across the field, oblivious to the enemy behind him. It was a blur, the man raised his gun, and proceeded to shoot John in the chest.
“John!” You shrieked, watching as the man you love fell to the ground. Your heart began to beat wildly in your chest as your brain started to malfunction. Nothing else around you in that moment mattered. He couldn’t die, not like this. He couldn’t leave you.
You sprinted across the field, ignoring the shouts of the other soilders around you, your eyes welling with tears as John’s frame came into view.
You skidded to your knees, your hands immediately reaching for John’s face.
“John!” You whimpered, your eyes skimming down the length of his body.
“Baby, hey. It’s okay. The vest caught it. It just knocked the wind out of me.” John reached out to grab your hands, trying to calm you down, to no avail.
Your hands continued to frantically pull at his vest, you needed to see he was truly unharmed with your own eyes. “No! No you got shot!”
John grasped your hands in his gently, forcing you to look at him. “Y/N. Look at me.”
You blinked away tears, your bottom lip wobbling as you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace. “I thought I lost you.”
“I hope you know it’s going to take a lot more than a stray bullet to keep me from you.” John said, before capturing your lips in his. “I promise you I’m okay, alright?”
You nodded, pulling away to help John to his feet. With one final firm kiss, the two of you finished out the mission, neither one of you straying too far from the other.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
You twiddled your thumbs anxiously, your eyes darting back to the front door of the base every few minutes, praying Kyle would walk through the door.
141 was expected back three days ago, and according to Laswell they’d gone radio silent the day they were supposed to come back.
You choked back a sob, burying your face into your arms. You don’t know what you’d do with yourself if Kyle never came back. He was your everything.
You slowed your breathing, trying to regain your composure when the click of the front door caught your attention. Your head jumped up, your heart immediately skipping a beat as Kyle and the rest of the 141 walked through the front door, looking a little worse for wear.
Without a second of hesitation, your legs moved faster than they ever had in your life as you slammed yourself into Kyle, your arms encompassing his waist in a firm grip.
Your relationship wasn’t common knowledge, so Kyle was quite surprised when you made such a public display of affection, but it wasn’t unwelcome in the slightest. His squeezed you in return, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m here, babe. It’s okay.”
“They kept saying you weren’t coming back. That you were all dead.” You cried softly, burying your face in your boyfriend’s chest. “I was so scared.”
“I know, I’m so sorry. Everything’s going to be okay.” He promised, holding you tighter. “I’ve got you.”
The two of you remained inseparable for the remainder of the day, neither one of you taking your eyes off each other.
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It was no secret that König wasn’t the most popular person on base. Between his height, the frightening mask he wore, and his timid nature, he wasn’t known for making many friends.
It’d come as a shock to the majority of the people on base when it was announced that you and König were a couple.
You’d heard the whispers of course, just as König did. The rude comments thrown about him behind his back, unbeknownst to you, had König’s self esteem plummeting.
You didn’t find out until late one night when you found your boyfriend alone in the weapons locker, looking the most upset you’d ever seen him.
“Babe? You weren’t at dinner, is everything okay?” You asked, pausing a few paces in front of him. You’d never seen him like this and you were unsure of how to react.
“I’m a freak, Maus.” König spoke, his voice so quiet you can barely hear him. “No matter what I do, no matter how good I am out on the field, no matter how well I follow orders… I’ll always be the outcast.”
Your heart shattered at his words, hot tears forming in your eyes as you stepped closer to him. “König, that’s not true.”
König finally looked up at you, a solemn expression on his face- something you never wanted to see on your lover again. “It is. I know you’ve heard what they say. I’m a monster. I’m weird. I look more like the villain than the hero. It’s all things I’ve told myself before.”
“Look at me.” You said, crouching before him. You quickly wiped away the stray tears that began to fall as you spoke. “You are not any of those things. Those people are fools. They haven’t gotten to know the man underneath the mask. On the field, you’re the battering ram. A powerhouse. The perfect weapon. But off the field? You’re the best fucking person I know.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, holding him close to you as you rubbed his back soothingly. “I love you so much König. If I have to, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you how great of a person you are.”
“I don’t deserve you Maus.” He murmured, squeezing you tighter. “But I thank god every day you’re in my life.”
A/N: ahh not super happy with this turned out- I’m not sure if I captured this request the best🥺
Excited to keep putting out the next few requests. Thank you again everyone for all your support❤️
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evera-era · 8 months
your writing is the best to ever exist in this website istg youre just too good. its so convincing cause no one portrays ellie as good as you do 😭😭😭💗💗
id love to read something along the lines of like getting back from a stressed day at work and ellie helps u relax (if u know what i mean😙)
THIS MADE MY HEART SWELL AW TYSM :’) sure thing bby, comin’ right up!! — nsfw, minors DNI
lay back.
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ellie williams x afab!reader
warnings: lotsa teasing, kissing, ellie spits on it, oral r!receiving, aftercare
“Hey baby,” Ellie chimes, her head peeking over from the living room. You sigh, shoulders drooping as you closed the front door.
“Hi, love.”
Her brows furrow as she takes note of the tiredness in your tone. She quickly rises from the couch, turning the corner.
“Is… everything okay?” She asks.
“Yeah,” You reply, taking off your shoes. “Just a rough day at work.”
“Oh,” She murmurs. You nod before heading to the bedroom.
You were quick to undress; eager to be rid of your uniform. Ellie followed behind you as you stripped down to your underwear.
“Wanna talk about it?” She questions, trying to stop her eyes from grazing down your bare body.
“Not… not really.” You respond.
Ellie bit down on her lip as her gaze traveled. She knew it was kind of wrong, drooling over you when you were so tired, but she couldn’t help herself. Not when you were topless and the only thing clinging to your body was a sheer set of panties.
“Today was so damn stressful.” You mutter. “I’m just… done with work. Just wanna relax.”
You jump when her unexpected hands roamed over the small of your back. The attention made you blush.
“Relax?” She raises her eyebrow. “Hm?”
Ellie places a kiss against the spot where your ear met your neck. And then down by your collarbone. And another, on the curve of your breast.
“Ellie,” You whine.
“I’m sorry— I— you just, you look so good…” She says. “And… I can make you feel better, you know.”
She presses another kiss dangerously close to your nipple, and you absentmindedly lean into her touch. A small whimper escapes your lips.
“But… what, hm?” She replies, teeth grazing against your hardened bud.
You smile down at her lazily. “I’m tired, love, I really am.”
“Mm, that’s fine.” She hums, green eyes looking up at you. “I’ll do all the work. Pretend like I’m not even here.”
Her lips wrap around your nipple, pulling and sucking at it as you heave a desperate sigh. Your hands find themselves in her hair as you close your eyes.
“Fuck,” You whisper, wetness gathering in your panties as you pull and tug at her auburn strands. “You know I can’t ignore you like this, Ellie.”
“Why not?” She says against your skin.
“B-Because,” She bites at your nipple, and you stifle a yelp. “Damn you…”
Her chuckle is scruffy as she lowers herself even more, peppering kisses along your tummy. Her hands travel up and down your waist as she relishes in the touch and feel of your body.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” She says quietly, teeth grazing underneath your belly button. “C’mon. Let me help you relax, baby.”
As the back of your knees hit the bed, Ellie drags her kisses lower and lower, until she’s practically tasting your slick through your panties. The moan that escapes your lips is filthy.
“Oh, fuck,” You groan, absentmindedly rolling your hips up against her mouth. Her hands reach down to grab your thighs and hold them still.
“Mm-mm,” She grunts adamantly. You whine in response; you were eager to actually feel her tongue, absent of the painfully thin fabric.
Her slender fingers toy with the lining of your underwear, sliding underneath a mere half inch before trailing back out. You pull harshly at her hair, to which she halts and looks up at you.
“Excuse you,” She says. Her lips pulled into a smirk, but her eyes were watching you carefully. You knew that look — it was as if she was telling you to behave.
You couldn’t help yourself. Ellie was doing so good, and now you wish you had never said you wanted to relax in the first place. Because you knew she was gonna go slow with it, take her time.
Her fingers slide under the band one more time before finally pulling the fabric away from your cunt. The cold air was a small shock against your wet, exposed clit.
She laughs a little, rubbing her thumb against your hood.
“So juicy,” Ellie huffs. “You really did need this, huh?”
You hum in response, cunt clenching around nothing as she teases you. It wasn’t fair, the effect she had on you.
She drags your wetness up and down your slit, biting down on her bottom lip. “Look at that,” She mutters, eyes trained on the way your clit glistens under her touch.
You opened your mouth, about to argue over how agonizing she was being when you feel her harsh spit hit your cunt. Before you even have time to react, she’s lapping it back up, sending you into a daze.
“Oh my god,” You moan, taken aback by her actions. Her tongue felt ecstasy.
You lifted your legs, wrapping them around her head to pull her in even more. She moans in response, continuing to messily eat you out.
Her hair fell into her face, but she didn’t care. She was dead set on pleasing you. She rested a hand against your hip, to which you held in place as you whined and wriggled underneath her.
“Feels so good,” You whisper, face scrunching up in pleasure as you relished in the feeling of her. “Please don’t stop.”
Ellie obeys your command for the next few minutes, licking and sucking on your cunt until your breath quickens and your legs begin to shake around her neck.
Your moans get louder as your high gets closer. She’s careful not to change her pace.
“E-Ellie—“ You choke out, tugging on her auburn strands as every stroke of her tongue becomes heightened. “Please—“
“Go on,” She hums, looking up at you from between your legs. “Cum on my tongue, baby.”
It was all you needed to hear. Within seconds, your entire body is seizing up, hips bucking and eyes closed as you came. It was the hardest you had cum in a while, so powerful that it left you weak and dizzy.
Ellie chuckles, looking at your puffy clit as she licks it a few more times, getting a final taste. She backs away and returns a minute later with a wet rag.
“You okay, babe?” She asks gently, pressing the warm rag between your legs. You nod, looking up at her.
“Felt s’good,” You say softly. She smiles.
“I’m glad.” She whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Get some rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
You sunk into her touch, eyelids fluttering closed.
You were gonna sleep real good tonight.
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yurmomsawh0r · 1 year
•°His Perfect Little Wife °• - p2
You and Nanami’s relationship has been a little difficult during your pregnancy and one turn of events has you ready to divorce him. But Nanami would never let you leave. You were his wife and he’d never let you go.
@delightfulmoonbanana @i-killed-a-prostutute @muzanswaifu @ebonydumbslut
Sorry it took super long! I’m pregnant with a toddler and it’s super hard to have energy to write anything, but I’m definitely coming back on here because YALL, I have soooo many ideas in my notes for tumblr and oof I can’t wait to drop them! But I hope you enjoy part 2 it’s different from part 1 because I kinda had to make it a small story but anyways enjoy 😊 💙
Prompt idea by @ebonydumbslut
“ I’m literally fina write a whole plot feel free to just take parts from it but I’m thinking For his perfect wife maybe yandere and Angst like since y/n pregnant she hasn’t been at her best with waking up on time doing things for her husband hasn’t felt like having sex so her husband hires a maid and y/n can tell that she is trying to take her husband away being to Close and saying things like “ofc I will make you food if you were my husband with how hard you work I would make sure you didn’t even have to ask he doesn’t see it but y/n does he’s also been a little distant and hasn’t been able to see her much because when he comes home y/Ns sleep y/n know this and stays up untill he’s home and by the time she gets all pretty for him she walks down stairs to see her husband and the made doing something that looks inappropriate (yk how In the movies someone walks in at the wrong time and it looks wrong) anyways she runs to her room and he goes after her to tell her it’s not what it looks like and y/n is getting ready to go to her moms house or something she tells him that he can have the maid and she’s going to leave and this is we’re the yandere starts he tells her she can’t and what about there baby and whatever else you want he makes y/n feel bad and she stays then he shows her how much he loves her by yk having sex’s loud to the maid hears everything while there having sex he tells her how she knows that she can’t leave because she needs him she’s to much of a dumb slut to do anything without him all she’s good at is being his perfect little wife y/n falls into this brain washing and promises she will never leave and that she’s his and will always be you could also put some fluff in there sorry for how long this is I Basically could have made the book for you😭”
CW - Yandere-ish, Manipulation, mentions of cheating, pregnant reader, penetration, pregnant sex, cursing, pet names, mentions of a divorce
Part 1 here
Nanami was frustrated to say the least. Between working extra hard and keeping your need’s satisfied, he definitely had his hands full. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he typed away on his computer. It was going on another late night and he had many things to get done. It always felt like he’d never have another second for himself or for you.
A knock on the door had an oh - so, very tired Nanami shifting in irritation. “What?” Came his groggy, stress filled voice. A subordinate of his walks through the door. A file in his hand. “Sorry sir. I just wanted to drop off my report you requested.”
“Place it in the black tray.”
The man did what he was told, quickly placing it in the tray and making his way out of the office.
Nanami glanced at the clock and seen that is was going on 1 am in the morning, making a sigh leave him. He knew you’d be in bed by now. You both couldn’t seem to catch a break. Nanami thought about the conversation you both had about hiring a housekeeper. You were about 4 months pregnant and you’ve grown quite a lot. It was getting hard for you to keep up your regular routine.
Nanami has even taken it upon himself to be home more to help out, but it was definitely putting him back, which resulted in him having many late nights and causing him to be way more irritated than normal. Anytime you both found a moment to yourselves, you would be to tired to do anything. You slept way more than you normally would these days, which he didn’t mind. It wasn’t your fault you ended up pregnant.
It was decided, he would take it upon himself and hire a housekeeper as soon as possible once he was able to cut back his work load.
It’s been about 3 weeks since the new maid started working for you both. She had tremendously been a big help around the house keeping things tidy and organized. Although you’ve had more help around the house, you still haven’t been able to see your husband for a while. The times you both did run into each other, he would always seem irritated with you. You knew work has been hard since he’s been catching up, so you decided to suck it up and do the things he normally liked.
“Oh! I see you cooked dinner Martha!” You honestly weren’t surprised. The past week she had been taking over in the kitchen before you even had a chance. “It was no problem. I understand that you’ve been tired lately.”
Although that was true, you usually pushed yourself to cook dinner for your husband but you haven’t been able to because she always did. It kind of bothered you, but you decided to try and be grateful for all the help.
“Well thank you, I can prepare the plates for dinner, as well as Nanami’s lunch for tomorrow. You can take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh no need ma’am. I already prepared his lunch as well as his plate for dinner.” She spoke. This was another thing that bothered you. She always took it upon herself to do more than she needed. You even seen that she left a note on his lunch one time. It was a small “Have a great day at work.” But you felt as though she crossed a boundary. This was your husband, not hers. Leaving notes wasn’t in her job description.
Before you could say anything else, the front door opened and in walked your husband. You went to greet him as usual. Helping him remove his coat and hanging it up for him. “Hi honey! How was work.”
He only grunted. “It was work.” Was all he said and brushed passed you, not a single glance your way. Not even a small forehead kiss as he usually did. An ache in your heart throbbed through your body.
In the kitchen, you could hear Martha speaking to him. As you went to peak, you seen her placing his plate in front of him and pouring him a glass of wine.
You couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt you to see the small act, but it did. Your own sensitive emotions plus being pregnant didn’t help, the tears started to flow. You turned on your heels and made your way to your shared bedroom skipping dinner that night.
Weeks had passed and still nothing had changed, well except you did. You weren’t yourself. You had completely stop doing your house work and just left it to the maid since, she took it upon herself to do everything. So you just rested in bed most of your days falling asleep when ever he felt like it.
You haven’t seen your husband for most days. By the time he came home you were already in bed passed out.
Martha had also been getting a little too close to your husband for your liking but Nanami didn’t seem to care to stop her advances so you assumed that maybe your were making things up, but you couldn’t help but think about all the little smart remarks she took it upon herself to say.
“Wow, you’re such a hard working man, if you were my husband I’d be sure to reward you everyday.”
“Would you like me to give you a massage sir?”
Maybe she was being nice? Maybe you were reading into it a little too hard. Either way Nanami didn’t seem to mind her forwardness so maybe you shouldn’t either.
Having enough of your pity party, you finally decided that it was time to put an effort in getting your husband’s attention again.
That night you got yourself all clean and dolled up in one of his favorite lingerie pieces and one of his t-shirts. He loved seeing you in his clothing. He always told you it made him feel like the best man in the world seeing his woman comfortable in his attire. It was almost 1 in the morning, the usual time he had gotten home. You had waited all night, despite being so tired, to see him. Lights shown through the curtains and the sound of a motor vehicle pulling into the drive way shook away any traces of sleep you had in you.
This was it! Tonight’s the night you and your husband rekindled.
Nanami walked through the door tired as ever. He was finally done with playing catch up and attending hour long business meetings for the month. He’s finally be able to catch a break. He felt as though he had be in a trans working and powering through his long streak, and finally he would be able to settle down for a while.
He made his way to the kitchen to look for something to eat. I was a little after 1 so he knew you’d be sleeping.
When he entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see Martha standing there in nothing but a small tank top and shorts to short for her size.
“Oh! Nanami, I didn’t think you’d be home just yet. Are you hungry?” Nanami only grunted and moved passed her and headed towards the fridge.
“Would you like wine with your meal sir?” The sultry tone of her voice rung in his ears. He eyed her suspiciously for a moment before shrugging it off. “No thank you, not tonight.”
He told her with a monotonous tone. He grabbed his plate that was left in the fridge and placed it in the microwave to warm.
“Alright, I’ll just put this back then.” She had a smile on her face as she strut her way towards the wine holder that was just behind where Nanami was standing.
Just inches away from him, she had stumbled, almost dropping the bottle in the process. Nanami kept forward, grasping her in his arms just as he was able to fall, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck as if they were lovers about to ignite in a night of passion.
She giggled, pulling him closer. “I’m sorry, I’m such a klutz! It’s a good thing a big strong man like you were here to catch me! You’re just like a knight in shinning armor. And my knight deserves a kiss for saving me.”
As she tried pulling him closer, Nanami started to pull away, but it was too late. A small gasp had them both frozen.
“Oh! My lady! I didn’t think you’d be up.”
There you stood from your stop in the kitchen, watching as your maid and husband were about to share such a passionate kiss. It brought tears to your eyes seeing how good they looked together.
You knew you hadn’t been up to par in taking care of yourself as well as him, but you didn’t think he’d cheat on you for such a small inconvenience.
“Wait! Y/n-“ He called out to you but you just turned and ran to your bedroom to grab everything you needed to leave.
Nanami dropped Martha letting her fall to the floor leaving her in pain as he chased after you.
Once he made it to your shared room, he saw that you were packing a suit case with everything valuable and important to you.
“It’s not what it looked like y/n” he tries to reason with you but you didn’t listen. “I don’t care Nami, it’s not like I haven’t noticed we haven’t been the same in a while. Especially since she got here.”
“What do you mean? I know I’ve been busy, but I’d never do something like that to you. I love you.”
“You don’t love me. If you did you wouldn’t have been all up on her. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m done.”
This caused Nanami to freeze. His voice dropped, a menacing tone sounded in his voice. “What do you mean you’re done?”
It sent a chill up your spine but you remained strong. “It means I’m done. I want a divorce. I can’t do this anymore. My own husband doesn’t even want to look at me, let alone act like I exist.”
You finished packing whatever you could and zipped it up, but Nanami was faster than you. He grabbed your luggage and threw it aside, shattering your vanity. “What is your problem! I don’t understand why you are so upset. Go be with your fucking mistress!” You yelled.
“I’m fucking upset because my wife is trying to leave me over a misunderstanding!” He cornered you. His pupils dark and expression angry. It was look you never wanted towards you.
He broke out into a laugh that boomed into the room. “You can’t fucking leave me y/n. You can’t break up our perfect little family that’s just getting started.” His hands slid up the sides of your waist pulling you closer to him.
“I take good care of you and I always will. No matter what. You are mine and I’d never let you go. I need you here with me little one. I don’t know what I’d do if you decided to break up our perfect little life.”
A flood of memories flew through your head. Even images of the future that you thought were to come. You felt a little guilty for trying to leave instead of making things work, but you couldn’t help but think about him being with another woman.
“How long have you been messing with Martha.”
Rage sparked in his eyes as he punched a hole in the wall by your head making your scream. He gripped your chin tightly and forced you to meet his gaze.
“I’ve never touched that fucking woman! She fell and I caught her, nothing more. Do you understand?” When you didn’t respond, he sighed.
“My love. My perfect little bunny, must I show you just how much you mean to me? Shall I show you that nobody can make you feel the things you do for me? Hmm? Must I show you one of the many reason that you love me?”
“Must I remind you who you belong too!?”
You couldn’t think straight. You really couldn’t think at all. The only thing filling your senses was your husbands dick penetrating you so hard and deep. Your face was wet with tears and saliva that pooled onto the pillow as he drilled into you from behind.
“Ahh, you feel so good little one.” He grunted in your ear. Nanami gripped your neck and pounded deliciously into you. The feeling of your juices getting him going.
It had been too long since you both last had sex and he was going to make it last as long as possible.
“And you’d thought I’d let you leave? With my baby in your womb? You’d thought I’d let another man have you? No, I’d kill anyone who thought they would have a chance.”
Your body shook as another orgasm ripped through you, but he didn’t let up, he just fucked you harder through it. “P-please Nami!”
But your please fell on deaf ears. “No, not until you learn that you can never leave me. You’re mine y/n. You’re nothing but my little dumb slut, my perfect little wife.” He licked up your tears grinding deeper into you.
“Say it! Say that your mine and that you will never leave me! Say that you’ll stay and be my perfect little housewife forever.”
You could feel him going deeper and deeper, skin slapping against each other in perfect rhythm. It was too much, you couldn’t even get a word out. You were moaning so loud and the bed was banging against the wall you were sure it would break. You were also sure Martha could hear everything.
“I’m waiting my little bunny.” Nanami’s voice warmed you. You gushed around his cock even more at his power over you.
He was dominating you. Showing you that you were indeed his. Nobody would make your body feel the way he did. Nobody ever could.
Just as another orgasm ripped through you, you wailed “y-yessss Naaamiiii, yessss i-im yours!”
“You’re my what?” He pressed his shaft into the opening of your cervix making you yelp. “IM YOUR DUMB SLUT DADDY!”
He moaned as he felt you squirt on him. Your essence pooling on the sheets. “Uhhh, that’s it! Let daddy have it all!”
His thrust started to get choppy as he reached his own peak. Spilling all of himself into you. Telling you how much he loved you. How he would never let you go. Ever.
As you both came down, he pulled you into his arms, gently caressing your face and smothering you with gentle kisses. You were exhausted. Falling in and out of sleep with a dazed but satisfied look on your face.
“Fire her.” Was all you could muster up. Nanami laughed and kissed your soft lips.
“Your wish is my command my lady. It always will be.”
You both laid there in each others embraces.
“But don’t think I’m done with you my love. You have awoken a part of me by just telling me your going to leave me. I need to make sure that never happens again.”
His perfect little wife, forever and always.
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nctsplug02 · 1 year
Recently I been thinking about romantic sensual sex with Johnny but it lasts like the whole night. Different positions, cuddles, cream pies UGHHHHHHHH I WANT THIS MANNB 😭😭😩😩😩
How About Now? J.suh
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GENRE: friends with benefits, fluff, smut, slight angst!
WARNINGS: body shaming, accusations, harassment, name-calling (sexually and abusively), crying, flirting, kissing, protected and unprotected sex, creampie, anal, doggy style, spooning, missionary, riding, backwards cowgirl, breast play, oral sex (both F and M receiving), and cum-eating!
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it’s five in the morning, you leave for work in five hours.
you can’t sleep, especially with your close friends dick balls deep in your cunt.
tonight was not planned, johnny your FWB wasn’t supposed to be over, but he was so needy and impatient.
without asking, he sneaks over and climbs up the balcony, knocking on your door and watching as you sit up in a hurry.
“he did not!” johnny could hear your whisper on the other side as you climb out of bed and unlock the doors for him.
the man explains that he couldn’t wait until friday to see you which explains why you’re folded in half with your knees to your chest and with johnny pounding his cock in you.
“j—johnny, ‘s getting k—kinda hard to breathe.” you gasp out quietly. “just a little longer, baby. i’m almost there, alright?”
you shut your eyes and bite your lip, ignoring the tightening in your chest and focusing on his tip kissing your g-spot with passion and quickness.
a whimper slips from your throat and blends in with the creaks coming from the springs of your old bed.
you re-open your eyes and look up at johnnys when he slows his pace. “w—what, w—why?” johnny sits up a bit but barely moves an inch. “let’s keep it down, alright, baby?”
before you can protest about his hypocritical saying, he picks up his pace, again causing you to fall silent.
your nails dig into johnnys biceps as your orgasm sneaks closer. johnnys thrusts become sloppy— both from the condom and his climax reaching.
“‘m so close, baby.” johnny growls as he rests his forehead on yours. “cum with me, please?” johnny whines, “when you’re asking like that? no way am i passing on that, baby.”
within seconds, you reach your orgasm with johnny. johnny bites hard on his bottom lip and swears he tastes the slightest hint of blood.
“gah— fuck!” johnny tries to ignore the overwhelming feeling of your walls tightening around his dick. “fuck, fuck, fuck.” johnny sighs and uses the rest of his energy to push himself back so that he’s sitting in his heels.
you whine and sit up when feeling the sudden emptiness. “again, again, please?” johnny frowns and reaches forward, cupping your left cheek with his right hand and rubbing your cheekbone. “i’d love to, baby. but, i gotta get’cha cleaned up and then you have to go to sleep for work.”
you tut in annoyance when receiving an answer you didn’t want. “fine— but, i want you to hold me until i fall asleep then you can.. leave.”
“i can do that, baby. but, let’s get you cleaned up first, yeah?” you nod and sigh when feeling johnny pull his hand away.
“should we take a quick shower?” johnny asks, slipping off the bed and grabbing a towel nearby and wiping the sweat off his forehead. “i’m gonna sound disgusting but no, i just wanna be wiped down and then i wanna be in your arms.”
johnny laughs a little and reaches down, pulling off the condom and tying it securely before tossing it in the small trash by your desk.
johnny walks over to you with the same towel he’d used to wipe his sweat and cleans you up. “you’re so pretty, y/n.” johnny says as he wipes away your sweat and looks down at you.
your face heats up and you quickly bite back a smile.
“okay,” johnny throws the towel back onto the office chair and lays next to you. “c’mere, baby.” he says as he’s taking you in his arms.
“you have work in a few hours, go to bed, okay?” johnny says, kissing your temple and rubbing your arm. “i’ll be here when you wake up and get ready for work.”
you tsk and roll your eyes. “what? what was that about?” you shake your head and shrug. “c’mon, y/n. what is it, baby?”
you sigh and toss a leg over his lap. “we really can’t go another round?” you ignore johnnys question and concern.
but johnny doesn’t mind and instead lets out a giggle and shakes his head. “no, we can’t. you have work and i need you going in fully rested not.. with wobbly legs.”
you bite your lip and run your hand over his abs, slowly moving your down to his barely soft cock.
“oh,” you look up at johnny who lays with a grin on his face. “how about now?” johnny sits the two of you up and flips you on your stomach so your ass hangs in the air.
you gasp and jerk forward when feeling a sharp spank land on your right ass cheek. “you asked for it, baby.”
a giggle comes from you as you listen to johnny dig in your nightstand for another condom.
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you wake up feeling overheated.
you groan and push off the thick blanket, rubbing your eyes and then sitting up.
in a rush, you grab the blanket and cover yourself, the cold air blows against your nipples causing your whole body to have chicken skin.
you look to your side and tap your phone, seeing it’s fully charged, you unplug the thing and check the time; 7:21AM.
you groan and look on the other side of you and when your eyes come into focus, you notice the empty bedside.
of course he didn’t stay, why would he? he’s just a fuck buddy, you’re sure he has other people to fuck rather than holding you to sleep.
oh, how pathetic you sounded last night when begging him to hold you to sleep and when begging for another round.
just how greedy could you get?
it was only supposed to be a one night stand but you and johnny kept running into each other— whether it was at parties, work places, café’s, etc— the two of you always suspiciously bumped into each other and ended in one another’s bed.
you shake away the thoughts and you climb out of bed, instantly wrapping your arms around your body and grabbing the white t-shirt that was hanging on the back of your office chair.
after slipping the shirt on, you grab a clean pantie from your underwear dresser and you slip that on as well.
you grab your phone off the bed and you while scratching your head, you walk towards your door and you let yourself out.
the house was silent.
you pass a room and a sudden, “thomas!” has you coming to a halt. you hear a giggle coming from one of your roommates room and then a soft moan.
ah, yes, your roommate of seven months and her boyfriend who doesn’t live in your house but does.
and yes, your house. you own a five bedroom house at the age of twenty-two, and how some may ask— your parents passed away in a car accident when you were in your junior year of college and left you with everything. you can’t pay for a five bedroom house on your own so you rent out rooms for people and it works fine.
you shake your head and sigh, moving your feet once again. as you head down to the kitchen, you grab all your hair and tie it into a high ponytail.
“oh, coffees already made?” you say to yourself with a head tilt. “great, saves me time.” you grin and grab a mug, pouring yourself a cup and sitting on the counter as you sip away.
you’re too zoned out to even hear the heavy footsteps coming into the kitchen. “oh shit, morning, y/n.” you look up at see your roommates boyfriend standing half naked with a smirk.
“oh,” you rest your mug on your thigh and clear your throat. “morning to you too, hwin.”
“mmm, coffee. can i have a cup?” you pick up your mug and shrug. “go for it, it was brewing here when i got down.”
hwin lets out a small laugh and grabs a mug, pouring himself a cup and then sitting across from you.
“so, you work today?” you make short eye contact with him and nod. “nice, maybe i’ll stop by for lunch with tera.” you take a quick look at him when feeling an uncomfortable stare and notice his eyes are staring directly at your breasts.
you work as a waitress at the restaurant in the city. you work ten long hours at a restaurant called, “sun and moon chefs.”
you look down at your breasts and notice your nipples are hard as pebbles and stabbing through your shirt. you clear your throat and use your arm to cover them.
hwin looks up and then clears his throat as well, he brings his mug to his lips and take a long chug. “so, y/n.. have you—?”
hwin is interrupted when his girlfriend— your roommate walks in the kitchen. “babe, are you—? oh, y/n.. hwin.. you two..?”
you hold up your mug and give her a warm smile. “would you like a cup?” her eye twitches and she licks her lips, she inhales sharply and then proceeds to nod with a smile. “s—sure, why not?”
“alright, i can make you a cup.” you set your mug down and you hop off the counter.
your hand goes for a mug but then an even larger hand grabs yours. “that’s alright, y/n. i’ll do it,” you look up to see hwin hovering over you with a smile, his eyes creased into moons. “i am the boyfriend after all.”
you yank your hand away while maintaining eye contact and then you nod. “yeah, sure. not a problem.”
you turn and grab your mug from the counter. “i’m gonna be in the living room.” you say quietly as you slip past tera who’s jaw is dropped and eye is twitching.
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before you can unlock the top lock, the door swings open and you’re met with hwin and tera. “oh, hey y/n. you’re home early!”
you look at tera who’s smile seems to fade. “yeah,” you look back at hwin who smiles big. “they let me off early.”
it was only 7PM.
“that’s great! well, i’m heading home now. good to see you before i left and i hope you had a great night.” you look at tera again who looks to the side with her arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face.
“yeah, thanks, hope you had a great night as well.” tera grabs his arm and rests her cheek against his bicep. “oh, we did.” she says with a smirk. “didn’t we, babe?” hwin looks down at tera and nods.
“okay, well.. i gotta shower before it’s too late.” you skip past tera and hwin who bids you a goodnight.
you go upstairs and take a long shower, soaking in the hot water until there was none left.
you lift your head from your phone and look at the door. “y/n,” it’s tera. “can we talk?” you climb out of bed and open your door. “hi,” she presses her lips together and walks past you.
you look back to see tera climbing on your bed and making herself comfortable. “okay,” you mumble under your breath and shut your door.
“so, what did you want to talk about?” you ask and sit in front of her. “it’s about hwin.” you nod, “oh, sure, sure.”
“and you.” your eyebrow pinch together.
“oh, me?” you point yourself and tera nods.
she sighs and shakes her head. “i.. you know me, y/n. i can get insecure and.. protective.” you nod with a hum, telling her to continue.
“i really don’t know how to say this, y/n..” she shakes her head, again and rolls her eyes. “i’m sorry,” she looks at you and you see tears rolling down her cheeks.
“oh— oh, uhh,” you jump out of your bed and you grab the tissues sitting on your desk. “here.” you hand her the box and she thanks you, taking it and then blowing her nose into one.
when she recovers, she pulls out another tissue for just in case. “i’m sorry, i’m just so emotional. gah, this is embarrassing.”
you hesitate but put a hand on her shoulder. “it’s fine, tera. you can tell me whatever.”
she smiles and nods. “i want you to stop dressing so slutty.” your eyebrows raise in shock. “i’m sorry?” tera laughs and shakes her head. “no, i’m sorry. i mean provocative.”
“i.. what?!”
“it’s just.. before hwin and i began dating, he had this huge crush on you and when we were friends, he’d constantly talk about you. he’d talk about how good you look and how sweet you are and.. he would just never ever shut up. but, finally he.. he just turned around and asked me out. i just thought.. finally, a guy i like is giving me a chance.”
you stare back at her with slightly wide eyes and with your mouth hung ajar. you jerk when she begins wailing.
“i.. wow, i never knew that, tera. but, how do i dress provocatively?” tera wipes her tears and sighs. “earlier this morning when we had coffee, we left and went back to my room and he asked if he could.. fuck my tits. it was so random and when i asked why, he openly admitted that he was turned on by your breasts.”
“tera, i was in a t-shirt.” she grabs your arms and shakes her head. “y/n, you don’t get it. you weren’t wearing a bra. you were openly showing him your breasts.”
you yank your arms away and you stare at you. “tera, no. no, i was not. yeah, i admit to being bra-less but i’m in my own home, am i not allowed to wear what makes me comfortable?”
tera tightens her jaw and her eye twitches, her hold on your arm getting tighter. “how would you feel if i walked naked around the house while johnny was here?”
the mention of johnnys name has her heart dropping to your ass.
“why.. why specifically johnny?”
tera scoffs, “don’t fucking play stupid, y/n. i heard you guys earlier this morning— fucking like rabbits. i see the way you two look at each other whenever we’re out. don’t you think i hear you sneaking out and him sneaking in?”
you shake your head and lick your lips. “what? did i catch you in something that i wasn’t supposed to know about?” she taunts you with a head tilt. “is miss y/n and mister johnny suh in a secret relationship?”
“no,” you deny and shake your head. “me and johnny aren’t in a relationship.” she laughs a little. “so what are you two?”
“we’re just friends. that’s all.” she scoffs and pushes her hair back. “friends that sneak around and fuck behind everyone’s backs.”
“look, we were on the topic of hwin and.. me? this is my house and i will wear whatever makes me comfortable.” you walk over to your door and you yank it open. “if hwin can’t keep his hormones under control, it isn’t my fault. i’m not going to change the way i dress just because your boyfriend can’t keep his dick in his pants. and, if that is all then i’d like you to leave my room.”
tera takes a few seconds and stands, stomping out the room with huffs and her arms crossed.
you shut your door and run your hands down your face. your body jumps when hearing tera slam her door. you shake your head in annoyance and you climb back on your beg, grabbing the box of tissue and tossing it on your nightstand.
you grab your phone and see a message from johnny.
Monster Dick: be over in ten, baby.
the nickname has you smiling like a geek.
Monster Dick: just grabbing some snacks and i’ll be on my way. send me a list of the snacks you want and i’ll pick them up.
You: i don’t know
You: me and tera just got in an argument
Monster Dick: what happened, baby?
you look at the text notification and it’s from your roommate, Anna.
Anna Banana: hey, wat happened? i heard yelling? are u and tera ok?”
You: yeah, just miscommunication.
and that’s the last you hear from anna, so you go back to the conversation with johnny.
You: don’t think can link up tonight, the air is very uneasy right now ;(
Monster Dick: uhhh nope, i’m already on my way to your place. gonna be outside in two minutes.
you wait a bit and then realize.
You: so no snacks?
Monster Dick: fine, send me your list.
Monster Dick: no list within a minute then no snacks.
Monster Dick: clocks ticking, baby ;)
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wind blows towards you as you yank open the front door. “this is new.. not really but it is.” you shrug and ask what. “coming in through the front door while your roommates are home.”
he walks in with the bag of snacks and slips off his shoes, reaching down to grab them until you stop him. “just leave them. it’s fine.”
johnny looks up at you with suspicious eyes. “what happened?” he asks with a hint of suspicion. “i’ll tell you once we’re in my room and eating the snacks.” you snatch the bag from him and dig your hand in the candy filled bag.
“mmm, i’ve been craving for sweets for so long.” you dig through the bag while walking up the stairs. “yeah, a thanks would be appreciated but y’know.. i know how greedy you are.”
you stop and glare back at him over your shoulder. “kidding, you’re so cute when you’re angry.” you turn back around and continue your way up the stairs with johnnys hands on your hips.
“you’re mean,” you pull out the pack of vanilla wafers and frown. “and thank you.” you mumble. “hm, what was that?” johnny teases as he pushes open your bedroom door. “i said thank you.” you say a bit louder for him to hear.
johnny giggles in success at getting you irritated. “and what for?” you huff and johnny shuts you door, locking it as well. “y’know what for,” you set the bag of candies in your bed. “for getting me all the candy i wanted.”
you turn with a wafer in your mouth, slowly munching it down. johnny licks his lips and smirks, leaning down and taking a bite on the other end.
you shove him and whine. “this one’s for me!” you shove the leftover into your mouth. “here,” you hold the wafer tray to him. “take your own.”
johnny giggles and shakes his head. he grabs one and holds it out for you. with your lips pressed together, you then open your mouth and take the wafer from johnny.
“hm, you’re cute.” this time you hold the wafer but johnny still manages to steal the other end from you but this time biting your finger.
“ooowww! my fwinger!” you yell muffle-ly and smack him as he backs away with his hands out and a muffled laugh.
“i’m sorry,” johnny says as he swallows the vanilla wafer. “here, let me give it a kissy.” you cringe and johnny notices. “don’t make that face!” johnny puckers his lips and you shake your head with a whine.
“my finger doesn’t need a kiss!” you argue.
“yes, it does!” johnny argues back and it goes back and forth until he’s tackling you on the bed while kissing your neck.
you giggle and push on johnnys chest but he doesn’t budge, he’s so much bigger than you.
“how ‘bout now, baby.” you shake your head and squeal and johnny nibbles on your sensitive spot. “uh-huh, and how about now?”
somehow, you manage to bite him which loosens him and allows you to flip him over so that you’re on top. “ah-ha.” you slam a palm on johnnys chest and he groans.
“alright.. you win.” johnny pants and chuckles that his chest rumbles. “c’mere, baby.” johnny yanks you on his chest with his arm and pins you down.
“you’re a jerk!” johnny spanks you and when you attempt to sit up, johnnys arm weighs you down. “i just wanna eat my snacks and my ice cream before it melts.”
johnny huffs and releases you. “thank you.” you reach and grab the controller on the end of your bed, as you sit back up on johnnys ribs, you fix your hair.
“what do you wanna watch?” you ask johnny as you wait for the TV to turn on. “mm, you pick.” you tut and find netflix. “just pick one, babe.” johnny giggles at the nickname and sighs. “i refuse, because if i do then you’re just gonna say no.”
“no, i won’t!” you go to the search button. “yes, you will. you always do.” you glare at him and he smiles. “fine, likes watch.. money heist—?”
“no, we’re watching Mulan.” you type in mulan and johnny scoffs. “i told you so.” you smack his chest and he groans, again. “stop doing that, ya’meanie!”
“whatever.” you hop off his ribs and sit against your headboard. “babe,” johnny lifts his head and looks at you. “come.” you pat to the open spot next to you.
johnny quickly sits up and crawls next to you. “did you—?” you shush johnny when the movie starts. “this is the best part, johnny.”
johnny side eyes you and reaches the ice cream in the bag. “ah, dang. forgot spoons, that’s what i forgot to text you to get before i got here.” he waits for a response but doesn’t get one, you’re too interested in the movie.
“yes, baby. i’ll get the spoons, yeah, you’re welcome.” johnny talks to himself and climbs past you. “woah!” johnny looks behind him and sees you still focused on the movie.
you’d attempted to shove him because he was in the way but failed.
johnny leaves downstairs to the kitchen and when he rounds the corner that goes to the kitchen, he sees tera.
she’s in a red silk robe with her breasts slightly showing and her orange hair is curled and pushed to the side.
“johnny,” johnny pauses and then stands up straight. “i knew i heard you somewhere around the house.”
“tera, hi.” johnny looks away from tera and looks for the drawer that holds the utensils.
“so, you here for y/n?” johnny looks up from one of the drawer and then looks at tera. “maybe, maybe not.” she snorts. “please, you aren’t here for me and you aren’t here for anna, she’s with thomas.”
johnny clears his throat and nods. “right. uh, yeah. we’re just watching a movie and.. gossiping.” excitement fills johnny when he finds the drawer with spoons.
“you mean netflix and chilling?” she scoffs. “maybe, maybe not.” tera sighs and looks at her nails. “just letting you know just in case you didn’t, hwin and y/n are seeing each other and.. it’s getting pretty serious.”
“i thought you’re with hwin, no?” tera turns pink and quickly brushed it off. “not anymore at least, not after he chose y/n over me. but with the two morning quickies they had today.. i’d say it’s serious.”
johnny looks at tera and tera smirks when feeling his eyes on her. “first in the kitchen and then.. oh, boy, in the shower.”
johnny slams the drawer shut and leaves the kitchen, going back upstairs and slamming your door shut when reaching your room.
“wha— what the fuck, johnny. i’m trying to watch mulan, c’mon, you’re gonna miss the best part!” you giggle and gesture johnny to come on the bed while your eyes are focused on the movie.
“yeah, uh,” johnny sets the spoons on your bed and rubs his nape. “i think i’m gonna head out?” you tear your eyes away from the TV. “right now? we’ve barely started the movie and we haven’t even ate all the snacks.”
johnny shrugs and rubs his temple. “yeah, i—i don’t know. i think it’s best if i go.”
“but we haven’t even talked about the argument tera and i had. c’mere, let’s talk about it.” you grab his hand and guide him on the bed. “sure.” he mumbles.
you go on a while rant about how tera was trying to get you to start wearing bras around the house and how hwin is a creep and can’t control his dick, all while being in johnnys arms.
“you gonna stay the night with me?” you ask in the now pitch black room.
the movie had finished and the snacks were halfway done.
“should i?” you snuggle your face more inside his chest and nod. “mhm,” you hum and inhale his scent. “i wanna wake up with you next to me, again.”
johnnys heart can’t help but ache at your adorable ramble.
“you smell good, y’know that, right?” johnny softly laughs. “mhm, it’s the cologne that you got me for christmas last year. i wear it everyday.”
you inhale and sigh. “it smells so good.”
“you smell good too, y/n.” you giggle. “thanks, it’s the strawberry shortcake perfume from bath&body works. you picked it out for me, remember?” johnny nods with soft hums.
after silence, you’re fighting your heavy eye lids. “y’know,” you hum, waking yourself back up. “i bumped into tera earlier.”
your eyebrows pinch. “when?”
“when i went to go get us spoons for the ice cream.” johnny grabs a small handful of your hair and begins twirling is between his fingers.
“what’d she say?” you mumble.
“i know it’s not true.. i think,” he adds and sighs. “but, she told me that you and hwin are.. seeing each other.” you laugh and smack johnnys back. “you’re stupid if you believe that. i’m already seeing you and you’re enough for me.”
johnnys heart warms up and he hugs you thigher. “you gonna do anything ‘bout it?”
“you bet your ass i’m gonna do something about it. i have a plan. and don’t worry, i won’t do anything that’ll make you kill someone.”
johnny sneers, “i would never. i wouldn’t even touch a fly.”
“liar!” you smack his back and he winces. “okay, sorry.” he whines and digs his chin into the top of your head. “just go to bed now, alright?” you nod.
johnny giggles when hearing snores come from you and then allows sleep to take over him.
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johnny was actually there when you woke up, it’d been so long since you’ve found him sleeping next to you. the last time was last month when tera and anna were at their boyfriends places leaving the house to you and johnny.
“morning, ugly. do you want breakfast?” johnny sighs and pulls you into his bare chest. “yes, but can we order in instead?”
“who said we were cooking? of course we’re ordering in, too lazy to wash all the dishes after.” johnny chuckles and sighs, pulling a centimeter away from you.
“order in bed?” you groan and shake your head. “i’ve gotta get up, hate my morning breath. oh, and i still have your toothbrush.” johnny winces, “you didn’t throw that thing away?”
you place your hands on johnnys chest and push yourself away from him, sitting up and looking down at him. “c’mon, let’s go get ready for the day.”
johnny tuts and sits up with you, a fat pout sitting on his lips as he rubs his eyes.
“can we go to the mall today?” you ask once you and johnny are walking to the small bathroom connected to your room. “sure, is there an occasion? sale going on? need something from there? or just for fun?”
you grab your toothbrush, “just for fun.” you wet your toothbrush and johnny grabs his. “need to clear my mind by spending money.” you apply toothpaste on your bristles and then johnnys.
“iz it becah tera?” johnny looks at you through the mirror. “mwaybe,” you shrug and look back at him through the mirror.
you spit into the sink and continue brushing your teeth again. johnny follows seconds after and spits into the sink then continues brushing his teeth.
“can we just get food from the mall?” johnny asks after washing out his mouth and dries his face. “i guess,” you wipe your face clean. “delivery fees are expensive anyway.”
you exit and johnny follows like he’s lost.
“uhh, i think i have a few pair of clothes that’ll fit you.” you go to your closet and search for clothes that’ll fit johnny.
“mm, here,” you hold a plain black t-shirt behind you as you continue searching through the bucket with one hand. “urhh, i have these sweats? i don’t know if they’ll fit.” you stand and johnny holds the t-shirt and sweats with a confused and jealous face.
“what?” johnny looks down at the clothes in his hands and then back up at you with his top lip curled. “they’re my dads! i don’t fuck around like you, suh.”
johnny stays silent and you huff. “well, i’ll let you change in private.” you try and slip past johnny but he blocks your way. “it’s nothing you haven’t seen, y/n.” your cheeks heat up.
“and i don’t fuck around anymore.” you bite your lip, embarrassed for even saying that. “stopped messin’ around after our third hookup.” you tilt your head and sigh.
“just get changed, ‘kay?” you whisper.
johnnys eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips. “wanna help me?” he asks after kissing you. “i..” you clear your throat and step back. “sure.”
johnny throws the shirt and sweats at you. he grabs the ends of his shirt, pulls it up and over his head and lets it fall on the floor.
his nipples harden and he flexes, his abs deepening and biceps growing bigger. “ah, there we go.” you hold out the shirt and johnny takes it, finding the opening and slipping it on.
“did you.. need underwear?” johnny stops mid way when pulling down the shirt into place. “huh?” you giggle a little when his voice slightly cracks. “i mean, i still have your boxers that you gave me from when i came over to your place for the first time.”
johnny rubs his nape and awkwardly laughs. “yeeaah, sorry again, babe. didn’t mean to shred your underwear.” you laugh and shake your head. “it’s fine. but it will be missed, that went with this cute bra that i really liked.”
johnny shakes his head and pushes down the other black sweats he had on. “oh,” you gasp when his underwear is yanked down as well. “i just..” johnny tries to explain and groans. “the memory me.. shredding up your panties just.. came back to me anddddd.. yeah.”
you laugh and stare at his hard on.
“just..” you turn and shake your head while trying to control your laughter. “let me find the boxer, i think i put it.. hm, i don’t know.” you search through the box and mumble to yourself as you try to regain memory of where you last put it.
“if i can’t find it, you’re stuck with the ones you’re wearing now or my panties.” you say and laugh at the last line.
you gasp when being pushed forward, your hand falls forward and catches you from hitting the wall. “johnny—! what are you—!” you attempt to stand but your clothes hanging above you leave you seeing darkness.
johnnys bulge pressed against your clothed pussy, he pulls up your grey t-shirt and massages your ass. “johnny,” you whine as johnny rubs your pussy through your panties.
“just want a little taste, baby.” johnny grinds himself against you and drops himself onto his knees. “ay, johnny!” you yelp when feeling a harsh smack land on your ass.
you moan when feeling johnny kiss your ass cheek and then bite down on the flesh.
johnny slips his thumbs under the waistband of your panties and tugs the thin fabric down your thighs. “aww,” johnny groans at the sight of your dripping cunt. “my baby’s drippin’.” johnny chuckles teasingly.
you gasp and allow your knees to fall weak when feeling johnny lick your slit. “oh, so sweet.” johnny growls and dips his head for more.
you moan and push your ass back, wanting more than just johnny lapping up your juice. “ssshit,” you gasp shakily.
“oh, good god.” you cry out when feeling the tip of johnnys tongue licking your clit.
“stand up for me, baby.” johnny mumbles against your pussy and holds you up. “c—can’t, ‘m gonna cum, johnny.” you whine and grab johnnys hand that held you up.
johnny shakes his head and moans. his tongue enters you causing you to levitate onto your toes. the box barely holds you up, it shakes with your hand.
johnny grabs your thigh and digs his nails into them as they tremble from the overwhelming pleasure.
“john— i’m cumming, god, i’m gonna cum.” you squeal at your announcement.
your press your thighs together as your orgasm comes over you. your knees beg to go weak but johnny holds them stable as he still laps up your juice.
johnny pulls away and lets go of your legs causing you to fall in the box. instead of helping, johnny laughs at you and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“johnny,” you whine and attempt your push yourself out the box but your weak trembling arms do no justice. “help me, please.” you say with weak giggles.
johnny helps you up after minutes of laughing and pointing at you. “you’re a dick.” you kick him but he dodges it.
“hey!” johnny yells and covers his dick for safety.
you look at his cock to see him still hard. “did you want some help?” you can’t seem to tear your eyes from his hard on.
“if you’re offering, i’m so not passing on that.” your lips twitch into a grin as you lower yourself on your knees and crawl closer to his dick.
you grab him by his base and gulp, the precum leaking like crazy. you give kitten licks to tip, then you tilt his cock to the side and you lube up his cock.
johnny hisses and tosses his head back with his jaw clenched. you gulp, wetting your throat and then taking johnny in fully.
or at least you attempt to.
johnny’s a tad too big for you. it takes time for you to actually take him whole.
“look at me, baby.” johnny says while softly patting your head. you look up at johnny with your pouty lips wrapped around his cock.
“fuck,” johnny hisses when seeing how innocent and doe-full your eyes are. “so pure and innocent.” he mumbles and groans when feeling the tip of your tongue swirl around his head.
johnny exhales shakily and pushes your head so that your nose is inches away from his abdomen. you moan and scrunch your nose as you attempt to breathe without pulling away.
but you fail.
you pull away and gasp for air. “i’m sorry, i always forget that i’m too big for you.” your eyes filled with tears as you shake your head and wipe your drool covered mouth.
“it’s okay, i’ll get used to it.” you look up at him again and his face his swarmed with guilt. “i always do.” you give a reassuring smile.
you grab him by the base just like before and you gulp, preparing yourself for johnnys thickness and his length.
you press a kiss on his tip and you take him slowly. you stick your tongue out as you bob your head down his cock. your eyes squeeze shut and tears slip past your eyes when feeling his tip reach the back of your throat.
johnny gasps when feeling your throat tighten around him.
“just breathe through your nose, y/n. you can do this.” the voice in your head encourages you.
you bob your head and suck in your cheeks. you tilt your head side to side as you swallow johnny and take him down your throat.
johnny wipes the tears that slip down your cheeks and grins.
“you’re doing great, baby.” johnny whispers.
johnnys knees buckle when you finally reach his abdomen. his barely shaved pubes tickle your nose causing you to pull away.
“oh, fuck!” johnny groans and instantly your eyes fall shut when feeling johnny shoot ribbons on your face.
you stick your tongue out last minute and johnny slaps his dick on your tongue. “fuck, you did so good for me, y/n.” you giggle and suck on his tip one last time.
johnny grabs the old shirt he was just wearing moments ago and uses it to wipe your face clean. “so, breakfast?” he asks while tossing the shirt into your dirty basket.
“yes, who’s driving?” johnny helps you up and pulls up your panties. “me, of course. don’t want my passenger princess driving for me.” johnny leans down, grabs your hips and kisses you.
“okay,” you sing and walk past him and out your closet. “you aren’t even dressed, no?” you pause and walk backwards. “i forgot.” you shake your finger and your head.
“oh, and you’re stuck with your old underwear or my panties. take your pick.” johnnys tongue pokes his cheek as you look for clothes for yourself.
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“drive safe, dummy.” you say to johnny through the open car window. “i will, dum-dumb.”
you turn and enter the house with the crazy amount of bags hanging on your arms.
“oh, sh, sh, she’s home.” you hear someone shush another person when you shut the door. you set the bags on the bottom of the stair steps and you go into the kitchen.
“oh, hey guys.” you see tera, anna, hwin and thomas all standing by and sitting on the counter. “well, if it isn’t the attention seeker and boyfriend stealer.” tera says and then giggles with anna.
you clench your jaw and open the fridge. “that’s really cute, tera.” you grab four cans of coca cola and turn. “is it? i’m just telling the truth, y/n.” tera is a lot closer to you, seems she’d walked closer.
“sure, tera, sure.” you turn from her and you leave upstairs with all your bags.
you shut your door and you set everything by your desk, including the drinks which sit on your desk.
“you gonna do anything ‘bout it?” johnnys voice from last night rings through your head.
“what am i gonna do about this?” you ask yourself and think for a minute.
you sit up and undress yourself, digging through your victoria secret bag and pulling out the newest set you’d just bought hours ago.
you change into the new set and you go downstairs. you tip your head into the kitchen to see them all still there, joking around and laughing.
you push your breasts up and you pull your panties so they’re clinging onto your hips. you ruffle your hair and you walk into the kitchen.
“..it’s because there are subs in the sea—? what the hell.” you don’t turn your head when hearing multiple gasps.
“mm, anyone else want some orange juice?” you stand from the fridge with a carton of orange juice in hand. “what are you wearing, you slut!” tera yells as you open the carton and chug the juice.
you screw the cap back on and you do a slow twirl. “me? oh, geez. this isn’t provocative enough, is it? should i wear a t-shirt without a bra on?”
hwin and thomas snicker but stop when being silently scolded by anna.
“put some clothes on! ugh, you’re acting like a whore, right now!” tera screams at you. “oh, does me being comfortable in my own home make you feel uncomfortable?” tera’s’ eyes twitch as she clenches her jaw and hands.
“do you know how insecure you’re making me right now?!” your eyebrows pinch together.
“you’re the worst roommate ever!” you frown and cross your arms. “that sucks for you! you’re free leave if me being comfortable in my own home bothers you.” you smile and it only makes her more irritated.
tera cries out loudly and runs out the kitchen with her hands over her face.
“woah, real jerk move, y/n. you know how insecure she is and you’re just making her more self conscious than she needs to be.” anna says walking up the you with thomas following behind, holding her waist as if she was going to lunge at you.
“you’re can leave too. i don’t need to hear thomas and tera having sex while you’re showering.” you look at anna and then gasp. “oops, that just slipped out.” you shrug and slowly, thomas slips his hands off anna’s waist.
anna turns to thomas and slaps him across the face. “you’ve been sleeping with my roommate behind my back?!” thomas shakes his head and stammers over his words.
“baby, i promise—?!” anna yanks his ear and pulls him outside while bitching at him.
“ah, peace and quiet. oh, hwin.. forgot about you. be a dear and go help your girlfriend pack her stuff.” you turn and as you’re about to leave, you see johnny walking inside with a bag of food.
he’s looking behind him as he enters the house. “geez, what happened to them.” johnny scoffs and then looks up to see you half naked.
“hi,” you smile and hold up your hand. “wow, what a pleasant surprise.” johnny smirks and walks up towards you.
johnny grabs your hips and squeeze your ass. “all for me, huh?” you bite your lip and nod with a head tilt. “always.”
johnny looks behind you and sees hwin coming out the kitchen. johnnys huge hand blocks the view of your ass as his stare sharpens.
“c’mon, let’s go upstairs.” johnny turns you around and then blocks the view of your chest while ushering you upstairs.
you giggle as johnny kicks your door shut and locks it. “jealous, are you?” johnny sets the bag of food on your desk and grabs your waist. “why wouldn’t i be? there’s something staring at what’s mine.”
“so, i’m yours all of a sudden?” johnny picks you up and carries you to the bed. “you’ve always been mine, baby.”
johnny spreads your legs and kisses you on your lips. your hand goes to johnnys cheek as you kiss him back, johnny lifts your knee to his waist and grinds his bulge against your pussy.
“you’re so hard, johnny.” you moan in between the kiss. “i’m always hard for you, y/n.” johnny pulls away and rubs your thighs.
johnny pushes your panties aside and teases your slit. “fuck, you’re so wet for me.” you moan as his fingers enter you slowly.
“let’s get you nice and stretched out for me.” johnny thrusts his fingers into your cunt and bites his bottom lip.
“c’mon, johnny.” you whine impatiently. “nuh-uh, the last time you made me skip foreplay, you were in pain because of the stretch.” you giggle and shake your head. “i was just eager and being greedy.”
johnny presses a kiss on your clit and continues to thrust his fingers inside of you.
a door being slammed causes you to sit up. “was that..?” you nod and meet eyes with johnny and suddenly the two of you burst into a fit of laughter.
“she seems pissed, what happened?” johnny removes his fingers from you and undressed himself. “ugh,” you scoff and sit up. “long story short, we argued and i told her to leave if my comfortability of me dressing up how ever i wanted to while being in my own home made her uncomfortable.”
“so, she left?” he jerks himself off and grabs your thighs, yanking you closer. “apparently,” you grab him by the nape and you yank his head down so that your noses are inches apart. “now, shut up and fuck me.”
johnny reaches for the nightstand and opens the dresser, he digs for a condom and finds two foil wrappers.
“enough for two rounds, baby.” johnny holds up the two foils between his fingers. “let’s use them wisely.” he winks with a smirk.
“ooorrr,” you sing. “we can go raw after we finish using these two.” you snatch the foils and mock his smirk.
“fffuck, baby!” johnny growls and climbs over you. “i’m so hard right now and that just made me even harder.” you giggle and tear one of the foils open.
johnny captures your lips and cups your face while you slide the condom on his hard cock. you press a hand on johnnys chest when he grabs your thighs, positioning you for missionary.
“let’s do our second go to position.” johnny nods and flips you so that you’re on your stomach. “your ass looks so good, babe.” you moan and wince when johnny lands a spank on your ass.
johnny yanks your hips up and kneads your ass, massaging the red handprint on your ass cheek. “‘m sorry, was i too rough?” you shake your head with your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“you’re so perfect.” johnny whispers and pulls your panties to the side. “so fucking perfect.” strings of your wetness pulls with your panties causing johnny to fall weak.
you fall to your chest and on your cheek when johnny pushes into you. your body tightens and strains when getting used to johnnys length and thickness.
“relax, baby.” you shake your head and bite back moans that threatened to spill. “c—can’t, you’re too big.” a thrust has your moans spilling from you like crazy. “oh, geez, babe. i didn’t know i felt that good.”
you stretch forward and push your hips back. “you always feel good.. always.” you sigh and relax.
“slow first, please.” johnny smooths his hand down your back and hums. “i know, baby. just let me know when you wanna change the speed.” you nod while softly humming to yourself.
johnny starts off slow, his hips rocking at a stable pace wile grunting and groaning and listening to your cute whimpers and moans.
johnnys hands massage your waist and hips while whispering to you about how you’re an amazing person and how you’re doing great for him.
you bounce your hips back to match johnnys little thrusts. johnny smiles at your hips fighting back and the sight of your ass bouncing back.
it takes you a few minutes to notice that johnny had stopped his thrusts and left you alone to do the work.
“nuh-uh,” johnny pulls your hips when you stop. “keep it goin’, baby. i’m so close.” you bite your lip, the thought of johnny cumming so easily to slow vanilla sex got you off.
“i love when you cum so easily.. especially during vanilla sex.” johnny yanks on your hair. “hm, you do?” you nod and shake your hips side to side.
johnny keeps a firm grip on your hair as you bounce your hips back. johnnys thrusts grew sloppy and his grip on your hair grew tighter, his breath was slipping.
a thought comes to johnnys mind and he smirks. he licks his thumb and rims your ass. “john!” you gasp, jerking in a shock response.
you and johnny have only done anal several times and the feeling always caught you off guard.
“it’s okay, baby.“ johnnys jaw drops at the tightness around his cock and around the tip of his thumb.
you struggle to move your hips, mind focusing on johnnys thumb up your ass. johnny frees your scalp and grabs your hips, yanking them towards him and moaning out loud as he cums into the rubber.
“geez,” johnny removed his finger. “my dick is so easily manipulated.” you laugh while johnny removes and ties the used rubber.
“c’mere, let’s do the position that we always do when we’re lazy.” you tug him next to you and you lay down, not listening to his laughing, “what?”
johnny watches as you lay on your side and push out your ass. “babe,” you look back and hum. “can i fuck your ass?”
you bite your tongue. “m—my ass?” you sit up and see johnny with a worried and hopeful face. “sure, we can try it again. but, promise me you’ll stop when i tell you to.”
“baby, i’ll obey to anything you say. you wanna spend all my money, go right ahead.” johnny chuckles.
“let me peg you.”
“that, i will not obey to.” you and him laugh.
you bite your lip, “the lube is in my bathroom. under the sink, behind the conditioner bottle.” johnny hops off the bed and runs to the bathroom, quickly coming back with the bottle of lube in hand.
“are your nervous?” you ask johnny while ripping open the foil. “nervous?” you nod and sink with the bed as johnny climbs on.
“sex without a condom.” you remind him. “right, i mean, we can always wait until we get more.” johnny reminds you.
you slide the condom on johnny and look up at him. “are you clean?” he nods, “healthy as a horse.” he smiles brightly.
johnny gives the bottle a slight shake and pops the cap, tilting it and rubbing some lube on his cock. “are you clean?” you nod, “very.”
“i’m on birth control but, i still want you to pull out.” johnny nods firmly. “i’ll pull out, baby.”
you and johnny lay on your sides and with the lubed condom, johnny slides into you. slowly working his way into you.
your hand on his hips, slowly guiding him in. “you’re so tight, baby.” johnny hisses, his cock twitching in your back entrance.
“put some more lube, it’s.. kind of hurting.” johnny complies and adds more lube to your ass and his cock.
“it just the stretch, baby. i’m sorry.” he presses a kiss on your shoulder and rubs your hips.
johnny does shallow thrusts, your ass tightening around his tip. johnny is more vocal with this hole and with this position, he moans and groans more loudly.
“i’m okay now,” johnny hums in questioning. “you can move faster.” excitement shoots through johnny once again.
johnny runs his hands up to your breasts and tweaks your nipples. johnny lifts your leg as he slowly pounds into you, too scared to go faster.
“fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” johnny moans and reaches below your hips. johnny rubs your clit and cries out at the tightening of your ass.
without warning, johnny realizes his load into the condom.
johnny pants and groans while he realizes his second load of the night. “fuck me,” johnny sighs. “that was good.” he huffs and puffs while slowly pulling out of you.
johnny only recovers for a minute before you’re up and pouncing on him. “giddy up, tiger. i wanna ride you.” you sit up on your knees and you hold up johnnys cock, pinching the tip of the rubber and pulling it off.
you toss the untied rubber and then you sink yourself on the barely harden thing.
“oh, shit.” johnny sighs and your nails dig into johnnys chest. “wow, this feels so amazing.” you shut your eyes and exhale slowly.
you throw the rubber on your nightstand and begin to ride johnny who holds your hips and guides you to ride him.
“you feel so much better without a condom.” johnny laughs.
the only time you and johnny went raw was when you both were drunk and when it was just the tip. even when drunk, johnny was careful enough to pull out just in time, pulling out and cumming down your back.
“why does your cock feel so much bigger without a condom?”
johnny chuckles, “i got so much harder when you climbed on me and ripped off the condom like it was nothing.”
you bounce your hips down and johnny picks them up, letting you drop yourself at whatever pace, whether it was slow or fast.
you pull your hands away from johnnys chest and you run your hands up your body. you moan when johnny grabs your breast and circles your nipple with the pad of his thumb.
you shove his hand away from you and you slide your hands from his abs to his neck. “you feel so good, babe.” you sigh and rocks your hips.
alternatively fastening your pace when johnny spanks you several times.
you grumble when johnnys cock slips out of you when you accidentally lift your hips a bit too high.
johnny picks up his cock and allows you to sink yourself down. “yes,” you whine and reposition your legs for better comfort.
“fuck me, y/n. fuck me.” johnny grits and helps you bounce on his cock.
“you feel too good— i’m gonna cum.” johnny groans and squeezes your hips with a face of discomfort. “shit, i’m cumming!”
you hop off johnnys dick and you grab him by the base, jerking him and sticking out your tongue while his dick twitches as he nears.
your eyes pinch shut when feeling johnny shoot his cum on your face. your face is painted in white ribbons.
you wipe your face with your fingers and lick them clean with giggles while being stared down by johnny. “fuck, you’re so sexy.” johnny groans and chuckles.
johnny only shuts his eyes for a minute before you’re climbing on him once again. “again?” johnny half whines.
“one more round, baby.” you say looking back at him while positioning yourself. “okay, before you.. get started— lemme sit up, i’m gettin’ kind of lightheaded.”
you throw yourself to the side and allow johnny to sit up against your headboard.
johnny picks you up and sits you on his lap. his face met with your ass and sadly, your face is met with his feet.
“let’s get you a pedi tomorrow.” you suggest and johnny agrees with no questions.
“aw shit,” johnny smirks as he realizes the position. “seems i’ve gotta cowgirl in bed. it’s about’ta get wild in here.”
you giggle and johnny holds up his cock for you, grabbing your ass and lowering you on the thing.
you roll your hips and moan as johnnys cock hits you differently. you gasp and johnny pushes you foward.
johnnys hands play with your ass while he drags your ass back.
johnny grunts and groans in pleasure while watching how beautifully your cunt swallows up his dick.
your moans turn lazy as johnny manipulates your hips to move with however he wanted them to. johnny runs a hand down your arch and then spanks you with a growl.
“i’m cumming, johnny.. my pussy..” you laugh and shake your head.
johnny rubs your clit and within minutes, you’re moaning and creaming all over his dick.
johnny soon follows with his dick snuggled between your ass and his tip spurting out white substances on your cheeks and back.
your body slips forward and your body goes flat. “my pretty baby.” johnny giggles.
you gasp and your feet fly up when feeling johnny suck on you ass cheeks. his cheeks hallowed as he suck blood to the surface of your skin. his tongue laps up the white substances.
johnny falls next to you and softly laughs.
“johnny?” the man hums and throws his hands above his head. “can we shower?” he chuckles and turns on his side, collecting you and kissing your jaw. “we can shower.” he confirms.
“carry me?” johnny clicks his tongue and whines a bit. “carry youuu?” he extends.
you smack his chest. “i’m tireddd.” you pout your lips and rub the spot on his chest where you smacked moments ago.
“you can walk, can’t you?”
you scoot back and then kick him off the bed. “oh look, you’re up! how about now?” johnny laughs while on the ground. “you’re such a pain in the ass, you know that?”
you sit up and reach your arms out while johnny stumbles back on his feet. “c’monnnn, lets go shower!” you squeal when johnny grabs you by the waist and throws you over his shoulder.
“we’re going for another round in the shower, i hope you know that.” johnny says while carrying you to the bathroom.
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minswriting · 12 days
Fell upon your blog recently and loveee it! Can I request something smutty with Hotch x reader where she fakes her orgasm because she is having a hard time finishing and he notices so he fixes the problem 😏
this is gonna be slightly different than that but hopefully you enjoy it! there is no faking orgasm because i feel like that’s so mean to do to someone 😭
nsfw | mdni | aaron hotchner x reader | unprotected sex, desperate sex, praise kink, degradation, daddy kink (because i said so), orgasm denial (like once) because aaron wanted to tease you
you’ve been having a hard time with cumming recently. you and aaron hadn’t really been able to have sex the past week due to being so busy and caught up with work that you’ve had to try and get yourself off by yourself and nothing seemed to do the trick. so you were pretty sexually frustrated. and aaron certainly could tell.
the tension between the two of you while on the case was a bit intense. there were moments where your opinions clashed, tempers flared, everyone on the team could feel it. and the cause for this tension was literally only because you hadn’t been properly fucked and can’t even get yourself off.
which is what led to aaron coming to your hotel room later that night. the moment he walked into the room and closed the door behind him, his mouth was on yours, kissing you like he needed to in order to breathe. and within minutes, clothes were shed and you were sat on the bed with aaron towering over you.
he was just about to go on his knees, ready to take his time and devour you when you shook your head with a small whine. “please just fuck me,” you exclaimed. “need to feel your cock.” your desperate tone sent a shiver down aaron’s spine.
he swallowed before speaking. “fuck,” he breathed out. “lay back,” aaron said, demanding you softly. and of course you obliged, laying down on the mattress and spreading your legs for him. aaron grabbed your legs, gently pulling you closer to him as he stood at the edge of the bed. he then grabbed his cock, guiding himself to your cunt.
aaron spread your wetness around with his tip, letting out a shaky breath. “god, i haven’t done anything and you’re already so wet,” he exclaimed. “how pathetic.”
you let out a small whimper. “i’ve been so needy, daddy.” you said. “haven’t even been able to make myself cum.”
aaron simply said “mmm” with a fake pout and in a mocking tone. “poor baby.” and without any warning, he eased his cock into your hole slowly, making you whine at the intrusion. without any sort of preparation, you were extremely tight around his cock, more so than usual. and aaron couldn’t help but close his eyes as he took in finally being inside of you once more. “fuck you feel so good,” he groaned. he stayed still for a few minutes, allowing you time to adjust.
“am ready,” you said hoarsely.
“good girl,” was all aaron said before he snapped his hips, not even building up to a fast pace as he began to just fuck you hard. though you didn’t mind at all. it was exactly what you needed.
“oh fuck!” you moaned, throwing your head back in pleasure. “so good, daddy.”
“yeah, princess?” aaron said between thrusts, his breath shaky. his thrusts were frantic as he fucked you with his cock. a sign that he was just as desperate as you had been. “daddy’s gonna take such good care of you.”
you moaned pathetically, gripping the sheets underneath you. aaron took your legs, moving them closer to your chest so he could fuck you deeper. the small change in position made his cock his that spongy spot inside of you, causing you to gasp. with the rhythmic and frantic movements, you could feel your orgasm coming quickly. “i’m so close, daddy,” you whimpered.
and suddenly aaron stopped moving his hips. you let out a groan of frustration, having already gone about a week without cumming. you opened your eyes, looking at aaron with a pout. he looked at you with a smirk on his face. “frustrated, princess?” he asked softly but mockingly. you nodded your head pathetically. “good girls don’t get frustrated. they take what they’re given,” he said, bringing his hand to your cheek and caressing it gently. “maybe i won’t let you cum tonight.”
you whined in response. “please, daddy,” you said. “need you to make me feel so good. i’ll be your good girl, please let me cum.” you begged, wanting desperately to get the release you needed.
“why should i let you, baby?” aaron asked, looking at you. you looked so pretty underneath him. with your hair sprawled out, your cheeks flushed from the heat of the moment, the pout on your lips as he denies you from cumming. he knew he wouldn’t ever deny of you such a luxury. especially when he wants you to cum from him and only him. but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease you about it.
“because you love me,” you said softly, your pout still prominent.
and that most certainly melted aaron’s heart. he leaned down, pressing a kiss onto your lips before leaning back up. “you’re right,” he said in the same tone. “i love you very much, princess.” and without any further wait, he began moving his hips once more, working towards the pace he had before.
you let out a whorish moan, something so pornographic that aaron was sure that the whole hotel could hear. but at that moment, he could hardly care. the two of you relished in the pleasures of one another. and it didn’t take long for you to get close once more. “oh my god. daddy, so close.” you moaned.
“go ahead, baby,” aaron exclaimed. “go ahead and cum for me.”
after a few more thrusts, you let out a choked sob as you began cumming on aaron’s cock. your toes curled, thighs clamped shut, and back arched as you came with a loud “daddy!” aaron followed suit, cumming inside of you with a loud groan of your name leaving his name repeatedly.
it was safe to say that it was the best orgasm you had had in awhile.
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gothic-thoughts · 6 months
Music To My Ears
Gojo Satoru x Black GN Reader Smut
MDNI, Perv Coworker!Gojo, Bimbo!Reader
CW: all the dirty words(he's a whore), stupid and oblivious Reader, Gojo jerking 📴 to your voice, reader being fluent in Yapanese 😭, imma degrade y'all cuz u lack brain cells
Word Count: 1,191 (give or take)
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It was 11 pm, and you were on the phone with your coworker, Satoru. You've been talking for about an hour now, but after a while, you noticed soft huffing and heard soft panting. Since there's not much going on up there, all you thought to do was tilt your head to the side with confusion. You shrug it off and continue to yap, but the longer he listened, the more he groped and palmed his erection through the grey sweats he wore.
“Uh, Gojo?” Your first mistake was saying his name.
“Yeah? What’s up, girlie?”
“You good?"
"Say again?" He heard you perfectly fine, but you can't tell can you?
"I asked if you were good. You workin' out right now?"
“Hah, yeah.” He responds before muttering, “I'm workin' somethin', ngh."
“Huh? You keep mumbling, Toru.”
"Hehe, don't worry about it." More panting "Just...continue your story."
You shake your head, believing his panting really came from a workout regimen, knowing damn well the strongest sorcerer don't need one.
“So like I was saying...”
He chuckled and made a low growling noise as he reached into his sweatpants, feeling how damp his boxers were from how much precum soaked into them. He bit his lip, slowly pulling out the erection that you caused from that voice you blessed him with. Every inflection, filler word, and gasp when you remembered another part of your story drove him so wild.
“And then I was like, ‘Ohmygod, Shoko’s not working for once?’ So I ran up to her...”
He grunts, trying his best to keep his voice away from the whiney territory he knew it could rise to if he felt too good. To you, his breathing sounded a bit...off, as if it sounded heavy and...well, different than normal. But he was working out, of course, he’d sound like that.
“The only reason I hesitated was because I feel like she don’t like me...”
With every passing moment, his fist passed over his shaft while his left hand kept a firm hold around his base, keeping him from exploding too soon, and with how often you clicked your tongue or sucked your teeth, he could’ve at any moment.
“Do you think she likes me; ion think she likes me. Anyways, though...”
The grunting sound only grew in pitch as the groans started to sound more...animalistic, mouth forming a smirk. He whispers your name, guiding his hand up and down his cock a little faster, getting the palm sticky with precum.
“Toru...” The concern in your voice makes his hand stop, “You sure you okay?
He bites his lip as he moans softly, watching another drop of precum squeeze out his tip and slide down to his still fist. "Yeah... heh...” 
“You huffin’ like a dog.”
“Oh sorry. I’m doing... I’m doin’ some push-ups right now so..." 
"Ohhhh, aight."
"Keep talking, short stuff."
"You even listening, Gojo?"
"Of course I am, I can, ngh, multitask."
The little hum of yours made him bite his bottom lip so hard that it bled. "I mean it, girlie." He sighs, "Hanging on every word. You were talking about your shopping spree."
"Oh yeah! I got a bunch of clothes with Utahime today! And they are the fuckin’ cutest! Like, there’s one that was...”
He groaned quieter as he heard you continue on, pumping his hand up and down to the speed your excited voice spoke. His fist twists with each stroke, grinding his red, sensitive cockhead into his palm which makes him shiver. The sound of his breathing had become noticeably heavier and deeper. He didn't respond just yet, instead, he only let out low grunts and 'mhm's in response to what he heard you say. He started to lift his hips from his bed, fucking his fist while pretending it was him making you ride him.
“And I got new lip gloss. Like a lot of lip gloss; cuz you know me...”
He did, in fact, know you; meaning that you prolly got almost every color, scent, and flavor imaginable just to try out. That sentence was all it took for the strongest sorcerer's mind to switch from thoughts of how good you'd feel bouncing on his long dick to how soft and wet your mouth was. You talk so much so it's gotta be moisturized as hell, not like he wouldn't make you use so much spit it made the colors on your lips smear around his veined shaft.
He whined into the speaker as you rambled, but TRUST he was listening. His eyes were rolled back, his hand began pumping faster, massaging the swollen head of his cock while his free hand gripped the base. He wanted to smear that lip gloss, stick, whatever so bad; just the thought of leaving your plump lips and chin stained with white and whatever other color made his full balls tense.
"H-hey, short stuff? You think you can you count down from 10 for me?"
"Yeah, why?"
"For my workout, remember?"
"Ohhh, right." You let out another oblivious giggle, "I forgot about that."
"Y-yeah, I'm, uhm, planking... and I'm al-most....done. Count for me."
"Kaykay. Ten.... nine..."
His hand slows down, trying to time his orgasm with that sexy voice. Gojo groaned and grunted, letting it all out since your dopey ass wholeheartedly believed he was tired from overexertion.
"Eight... seven..."
"Yesss~" He whispered, "Suck it, baby girl, that's it. Show me those eyes."
His breath got shallow as he looked down at his thighs, imagining you were scratching at them while your glazed-over eyes blinked up at him.
"Six... five..." 
"Yeah, not a fuckin' thought behind them, huh? F-uck, lemme give your mouth somethin' else to do."
Unable to help himself, he speeds up his hand, coating his entire dick in his own precum. His back arches from the bed as his hips thrust up, fucking his fist as you got close to one.
"Four.... three..."
"So fucking close, s'fuckin' close. I'm...gonna...cum. W-wanna cum in your mouth, baby please."
"Two... one."
"Ah, shiiit!!"
He let a resounding, drawn-out growl as pent-up cum spurts from his cock, shooting across his slim fingers. He continued driving his shaft through his fist, body shaking on his bed as his load continued to spill over his hand. He finally calms down, resting on his bed, and looking down at the cum all over his abs and lower stomach, clinging to his happy trail and pubes. 
"Damn," Your voice snaps him out of it, "Did you hurt yourself, Toru? That sounded painful?"
"N-no, I'm okay just...." He gulps thickly, collecting himself, "J-just planked longer than I could handle, heh."
"Was that okay? Did I count too fast or...?"
"Haah, no. It was perfect, girlie, th-thanks."
"Oh... uhh..." You tilt that empty head of yours, "What was I saying...?"
"You were talkin' 'bout... gettin' some clothes from Utahime... I think?"
"Oh, yeah! Then I was talkin' bout lip gloss!"
"Yeah, yeah." His cock slowly starts to harden again, putting a tired, yet devious smirk on his face, "Tell me what colors you got."
(a/n): eat up.
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kairoot · 7 months
₊˚★﹟ 에이티즈 : when they cheat on you in a dream
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⟢ pairing : ateez x fem!reader ➖ genre : fluff ➖ requested : no ➖ warnings : none really, mentions of cheating, petnames, playful hitting in san’s hc
ss: having a nightmare about atz cheating on you and waking them up about it lmfao
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. ⁺ .. 홍중 | hongjoong.
is actually startled when you wake him up
what is it that you need at 3:37 am..
nah cause mans has been working too hard in the studio and on that stage for you to come to him about some dream..
“what? what?” he sat up quickly, eyes squinted with his hair pointing in different directions.
“you really have the nerve to ‘what’ me after that?” you sat up against the headboard, arms folded.
he rubbed a hand down his face, “y/n what are you talking about..?”
“you cheated on me!” you shoved his shoulder causing him to glare at you in the moonlit room.
“y/n,” his face literally read ‘wtf’ all over. “i’m promoting right now. where and when would i have time to cheat on you?”
“..so if you weren’t promoting would you be cheating on me?”
he threw his pillow at you before turning over and going back to sleep.
. ⁺ .. 성화 | seonghwa.
he’s the one that feels you jolt awake
mother mode on
is kinda like ‘😕’ but he also laughs it off
doesn’t really take you seriously after that
“hey honey, you okay?” he props himself on one elbow, long hair in his face.
your eyes open up halfway before you realized what you just dreamed about. you furrow your eyebrows, pushing hwa away with a hand on his chest.
“i don’t know, considering my future husband just cheated on me..” you pouted.
ok first of all his heart fluttered at ‘future husband’
“i did what?” he chuckled, scooting back closer to you.
“hwa, it’s not funny! i saw it in my dream.” your hand came to shove him again but this time he caught it, bringing you into his embrace.
“oh, my baby. shh, you’re tired, go to sleep.” he smiled, patting your head as it laid against him.
. ⁺ .. 윤호 | yunho.
he’s the calmest one tbh
for some reason, he acts like it’s normal for you to wake up and accuse him of cheating 😭
he’s really good at comforting trust me
even if you did just interrupt his rest
“what’s wrong, baby? hm? tell me.” he reached over, rubbing your arm before yawning a bit.
“yunho, have you cheated on me?” you look up at him with big eyes, a frown on your face.
he cooed, giving you two pecks on the lips, “no, baby. why would i ever do that?”
you shrugged, still a bit skeptical. he read your mind, pulling you into his chest.
“i promise you, there’s no one i’d rather be with.”
. ⁺ .. 여상 | yeosang.
laughs at you pt2
no because what are you talking abt 😭
you better be glad he loves you cause sangie doesn’t like anyone interrupting his sleep
“y/n, you better have a good reason for waking me up at 2am.” he mumbled, his eyes still closed and cheek squished against the pillow.
“um, i think you’re the one who needs to have a good reason for cheating on me. oh wait, there isn’t one!” you threw the blanket off of you, pushing them to yeosang’s side.
he opened his eyes slightly to look at you before snorting.
“babe, are you serious?”
“no, don’t call me ‘babe’ now.” you scoffed, climbing out of bed to head downstairs to the couch.
“babe!” he called after you but the door was already closed.
“she’ll come back.” he murmured, closing his eyes back.
..and he was right.
. ⁺ .. 산 | san.
he’s actually kind of scared
thinks you’re a bit crazy but would never tell you that <3
san was still fast asleep, his breathing slow before you landed a smack on his bare back
“ow! what the-?!” he jolted awake, cheeks puffy while his eyes squinted as he looked around.
“so when we’re you gonna tell me you were seeing someone else, huh?” you propped yourself up, waiting for him to notice that the harsh action had definitely come from you.
he turned around, his eyebrows furrowed as he winced, touching the stinging spot.
“w-what? no, i- baby, who else would i be seeing?”
“whatever chick was in my dream, san!”
“oh, no, i swear, baby. i’ve never seen anyone else. my eyes are only on you. ah-!” he buried himself in your embrace and his face in your chest, continuing to rub at his back.
he peppered your cheek and neck with kisses, continuing to reassure you.
eventually you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him and rubbing the now red spot on his back.
. ⁺ .. 민기 | mingi.
is just as confused as the rest
probably even more confused 😭
“song mingi, wake your ass up right now.” you shook him by the shoulder, causing his head to pop up.
“yeah? what is it, babe?” he rubbed his eye, trying to wake up.
“did you seriously betray me like that? you cheated on me?”
“what? babe, no, I-“
“THEN WHO WAS THE GIRL IN MY DREAM?” you whisper yelled, causing mingi to look at you like you had two heads.
“a-a dream, you said?”
“yeah!” you folded your arms.
mingi was way too sleepy for this and he was sure that you weren’t even aware of how crazy you sounded.
“babe.. I-“ he stopped mid sentence, face palming. he let you have your moment, knowing you’d be better in the morning.
. ⁺ .. 우영 | wooyoung.
laughs at you pt3
he’s actually amused
we all know wooyoung, so of course he thinks you’re hot when you’re angry
doesn’t take you seriously the second you accuse him of cheating
he felt you shifting in his arms and woke up to you trying to leave the bed.
“babe, where are you going?” he spoke in a groggy voice, eyes adjusting to the dim room.
“somewhere where there’s no cheaters.” you grumbled, still trying to get out of wooyoung’s grasp.
ok now he was confused.
“you cheated on me wooyoung.���
“okay..” he laughed.
“is this funny to you?!”
“yes. 100%.”
you scoffed, smacking his arm.
“no, seriously, babe. why would i look at someone else when i already have the sexiest woman in front of me?” you knew he had that smug smile on his face even if the room was still dark.
he kissed your cheek, bringing you back into the sheets to cuddle with him, laying your head on his chest.
. ⁺ .. 종호 | jongho.
probably annoyed with you
not mad but like, “are u serious rn 🤨”
another one who clearly does not take you seriously 💀
“babe,” you patted his arm, a frown already sat on your face.
“are you cheating on me?” you asked, sadness clear in your voice.
jongho opened his eyes, giving you a questionable, yet annoyed look.
his face softened a bit when he saw that you actually seemed worried.
“go back to sleep, y/n”
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⟢ milan’s note: more ateez fics coming 😼
TAGLIST: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura @sasfransisco @kgneptun @m1ko-xu (message or comment to be added)
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emmyrosee · 1 month
oikawa you say?? my favourite character in the whole entire series? you don’t understand how happy I am to hear you say that bc I’ve been sitting on this idea for so long not sure if I should send it in or not BC I WASN’T SURE IF YOU WERE INTO OIKAWA THAT MUCH 😭 …alright I’m gonna call myself out a bit with this one. BUT ITS OKAY ITS FINE.
hype man oikawa. he’s. so. good. at. hyping. you. up!!!!
you don’t ever feed your own ego so HE DOES IT FOR U. like, let’s say you managed to accomplish something (big or small, an accomplishment is an accomplishment) and it becomes a big point of pride for you, like huge, and you don’t want to show it that much cause??? you don’t want to come off as if you’re bragging!!! but oikawa sees through it and totally just feeds into it to see you smile and stand a bit taller. like out of the blue on a random Tuesday he’d just kiss you on the cheek and bring it up and just 😭🫶🏻
I’m so soft for him emmy. he’s so proud and LOVESSSS it when he sees that you’re proud of yourself too. he’s safe he won’t judge you at all for being just slightly prideful in whatever you’ve done/are doing. HE GETS IT!!!!! (cough that one scene in season 2 with ushijima) HE KNOWS YOU’D DO THE SAME FOR HIM!!!!
Oikawa is the best hype man you could ask for, because he knows how good praise feels and how bad degradation feels, so he’s always the one to take all your accomplishments- be it taking a shower after a bad day, to getting a promotion at work- and make them the biggest deal he ever could.
“UHHH BABY!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU, THIS IS A BIG DEAL!” He always says, cradling your face in his big hands and beaming down at you with the most pleased twinkle in his eye. You merely shrug and giggle softly, which he dramatically gasp, “are you NOT completely impressed with yourself? Because I will make you be.”
“No, no, I am!” You assure, nuzzling into his warm palm. “It’s just… it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Not that big-“ he cuts of his repeating with a dramatic sigh and playful scratch of his head, “babe, you do realize this is something you accomplished. This is another checkmark on how great and smart you are- not to mention how hot-“
“I don’t think this has anything to do with being hot,” you snort.
But Tooru doesn’t let it go. Nay nay.
The next morning, the smell of fresh fruit and baked goods filled the air (obviously from the store because he’s banned from cooking without your watchful supervision), and you smile in the warmth of your pillow and slowly sit up with a stretch, swinging your legs over the bed and shuffling to the kitchen.
“BABYYYY!” He beams as he sees you, dropping the muffin he was holding to immediately pull you into a hug, peppering your face with kisses. You giggle at the tickly feeling and smile at him, only to pout as he pulls away to pick up the muffin. “Did you sleep well? I mean, I assumed you did, because you were drooling on me, so…”
“I do not drool!” You snicker, but your further teases die on your tongue when he makes his way to the counter and grabs a thick bouquet of flowers, your cheeks blazing at how serious he finds this and is encouraging you to do the same. “You didn’t have to do all of this,” you mewl, walking back into his arms. He wraps his free one around you and kisses your head repeatedly.
“Yes, I did,” he whispers. “Don’t be humble. You’ve earned this. And I’m so, so proud of you.”
Tears sting at your eyes at his words, and you burrow into him deeper, taking selfish inhales of his clean scent and fresh cologne, the closeness of the flowers adding a sweetness to your man.
“Come on,” he encourages, pulling away once again to get you to enjoy your breakfast. “I got you some pastries, grabbed you a breakfast sandwich, cut up some fruit, and I grabbed you one of those smoothies you like so much.” He says all of this with pride and a broad smile, pulling out a chair for you to sit in, “here. I’ll make you a plate.”
“I can do that,” you giggle.
“I don’t want you to. Today is all about celebrating you- who would I be if I didn’t pamper you today?”
“Well, when you put it like that,” you hum, watching him move around the kitchen and blushing slightly as he winks at you. He puts down the flowers and gets busy making you a plate of breakfast. “Hey, Tooru?”
“Yeah babe?”
“Thank you. For letting me have this. And being yourself.”
He smiles and chuckles to himself, scooping you a big helping of fruit.
“I’ve got you, baby. Gonna always take care of you and your accomplishments.
“You deserve it.”
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illicitghoul · 2 months
you’re instagram if you were in the BAU!
my first ever post :DDD yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah
spencer x reader • healthy and established relationship cause he goes through 2 much
part 2! https://www.tumblr.com/illicitghoul/748578849035599872/youre-instagram-if-you-were-in-the-bau-p2
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liked by pennycia and 43 others
yourusername breaking in my new shoes (they’re so cute but SO painful 😔)
spencer.re1d Get your feet off the bed???
yourusername girl 🤫
pennycia you’re so cute i love you and your funky socks
prentiss.em i love when you do things
yourusername thank you 😭😭😭??
prentiss.em free toe pics for the gram 🥺
yourusername i am blocking you. goodbye.
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liked by derek.m0rg4n and 39 others
yourusername spence has converse for each mood he is in and changes them out when his mood changes. it’s like a mood ring of shoes if you will
spencer.re1d I need more I think
yourusername what r the ugly mustard ones for
spencer.re1d I’m not inviting you to my mustard themed birthday party ]:
yourusername whole load of waffle 🥱
prentiss.em yk when you have a pos and a pos and it makes a negative? is that what happens when a high IQ and a high IQ talk to each other does it make a low IQ
spencer.re1d Whole load of waffle 🥱
derek.m0rg4n @yourusername he dresses up as colonel mustard in his free time
yourusername you’re probably not wrong and thats the sad thing😔
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liked by jen.jj45 and 48 others
yourusername i have a cart full of weird shaped objects
spencer.re1d Bondage 👍
yourusername HUH?????????????
spencer.re1d I MEANT BONDING
derek.m0rg4n sure you did you fox 😉
penny.cia its over sweet cheeks now we know what the good doctor gets up to when he is not at work
yourusername @derek.m0rg4n no wonder that sex shop asked for his badge again probably saw his face before the absolute dog
spencer.re1d I’m going dark
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liked by aaron.hotchner and 32 others
yourusername we r in the mountains! hopefully a yetti doesn’t come take reid away!!! oh no!!
spencer.re1d You’re not funny.
yourusername struck a nerve have i… hopefully the yetti doesn’t sense it…
spencer.re1d Not funny.
yourusername yk the statistic of people who believe in the yetti has rapidly declined in the 21st century you’re like the only one who still believes in it
spencer.re1d And when a big blue man approaches you i am NOT helping. You’re on your own
yourusername DAMN OK 😭😭😭
jen.jj45 i look so cute
yourusername i am president of jj love club btw..
jen.jj45 guess i have to kiss you
prentiss.em @jen.jj45 well i founded it …. so
jen.jj45 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
penny.cia JJ ME AS WELL
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noemilivv · 4 months
Heyy! I loved the request you wrote about reader finding Hazbin Hotel characters crying and then comforting them, I was thinking, could you write a pt. 2 adding some other characters? maybe Charlie, Husk, Sir Pentious and Adam, or anyone else you’d like 💓💕💞💖
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OMG TYSM!! honestly, that is one of my works that i am EXTREMELY proud of and hearing people enjoying that one is just 😭😭
but yes i can certainly do that haha hope you enjoy!!
also side note, since i got two requests that are pretty similar, i’m doing a two-in-one sorta thing!! so i hope this makes it to the anon who requested it :)
Warnings: Swear Words, S1 Spoilers, Mentions of Battles/War, Mentions of Possible Death, Mentions of Deals, Mentions of Degradation, Not Proofread
Adam, Charlie, Husk, Sir Pentious x Reader
Reader finds them crying HCs
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Adam was never one for tears, he was a man, the first one at that! His pride would never let himslef ever be perceived as weak.
But once he got sent to Hell, after his death during the extermination, while that damn snake was in his place — the only feeling he felt was weakness.
Adam had stayed in his room in the hotel ever since he came, begrudgingly that is, he didn’t want to be here. He shouldn’t be here.
But somehow, Charlie somehow let him come, much to his surprise, as well as dismay, but let’s be real here, he’d he pissed either way.
He curled up against the pillow, sighing, shakily, as hot tears slipped down his cheeks. “Damnit.”
Unbeknownst to him, a knock came from the other side of the door, Charlie made you drop off Adam’s ‘Welcome Package’ — When you didn’t get a response you creaked open the door.
“Adam?” You called from the other side of the room. He didn’t look at you, he couldn’t look at you.
“Leave.” He said, his voice cracking, despite the fact that he was attempted to hold back his sobs.
You set down his basket from Charlie on his nightstand. He felt his bed dip as you sat next to him. “It’s cause you’re here right?”
“The fuck are you talking about?” Adam sniffled. “Why you’re upset. It’s cause your here, right?” You elaborate.
He doesn’t say anything. You rub his knee, in attempts to comfort him. “I promise, it’s not as bad here as you think.”
You sigh. “I didn’t think it’d be great here when I first came here either, but this became my home - my family. You’ll get used to it, with time.”
Adam didn’t say anything. But deep down, his heart felt just a tad bit warmer from your words.
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Due to the upcoming extermination, Charlie was more stressed than ever, she was upset with herself. Upset that her and Heaven couldn’t band together. Upset that it had to end in this way.
Apart of herself grew to worry that maybe if she had been different, more normally, less singy-songy, Adam would’ve agreed.
Then no second meeting would’ve been necessary, no war would be needed.
The night before the battle was a tough one for Charlie, she loved and appreciated everyone she had met throughout her time, and within the blink of an eye, there was a 50/50 chance it’ll all be gone this time tomorrow.
“Charlie?” You called out to your girlfriend, who was crying infront of Angel’s door, “Sorry…” She mumbled, “I’m just so scared…” Her voice cracked, you’ve never seen her so… out of sorts, before.
“What if we lose?” She asked, rhetorically. “You’ve already done so much, Charlie.” You start, pulling her close, cupping her face.
“You’ve touched the hearts every soul here… Regardless of whether or not they admit it.” You run you fingers through her hair, you were scared to, scared shitless, but you put on a brave face. A brave face for her.
“So if it turns out that we don’t make it, there’s something that I’ve been dying to say.” You pull her into a hug, before mumbling in her ear, “You need to know I love you more than anything.”
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You had caught Husk in his vulnerability at a private time. You knew about his deal with Alastor, but never knew the extent of it.
“Good talk, my good man, always nice to catch up!” Alastor said, leaving Husker defenseless, shaking on the floor, as you hid on the other side of the hall.
Husk got up, slowly, and then leaned against the wall, muttering a small ‘Damnit…’
You approached him, “Are you okay?” You ask, very hesitantly, you know Husk is more of a listener then someone to vent, but there was no harm in trying.
Husk sighs, low and gruff, but so hurt, it hurt you. “Made a shitty deal I regret, and I can’t take it back, y’know.” Husk answered, using his claw to wipe a few tears from under his eyes.
You’re unsure of what to do, you’ve never seen him like this, you smile at him softly, and open your arms for him, “Hug?”
Husk chuckles at your innocent antics, “Seriously?” He asks with a smirk, “Totally seriously!”
He sighs jokingly, clambering over to you, accepting your embrace. “This is so stupid.”
“You know you love it!” And you’re right, he did.
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Sir Pentious
It was no secret that Pentious wanted to be an equal to the Vee’s, at least, before he officially started staying at the hotel.
And when Vox called him a ‘miserable failure’, it hit hard.
When Sir Pentious entered his room for the night, he shooed his eggs away, left with a sour taste in his mouth from Vox’s words.
A knock comes from Pentious’ door, he goes to answer it, trying to sniffle away his tears, he opened the door to see you.
“I just wanted to say you did a good thing, you’re willing to change even after you fucked up, and honestly I admire tha— Pentious, are you okay?” You rambled on, before getting a good look at his face.
He sniffled. “Y-Yes, I just.. don’t appreciate what Vox said about me.” He said, holding back his sobs, although not very well.
Your heart ached for the poor snake, you pulled him into a hug and patted him on the back, “If he can’t see the amazing Pentious I see, then he’s not worth it, we only met today, but I can already see what a wonderful person you are.”
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ningvory · 5 months
noncon with g!p ning2 would be so cool fr
like so apologetic too like "im so sorry i just couldn't help myself" while just continuing what she was doing to reader kcilwajvnw
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pairings: perv!gp!ningning x f!reader
warnings: noncon, pussy eating, squirting, cum eating, blacking out, pussy whipped ning, somnophilia, not proofread😭
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thinking abt ningyi being the quiet girl in your class and was shocked when you decided to sit next to her because you’re just so stunning!? great personality, good grades, and drop dead gorgeous!! you think she’s cool so you become friends with her.
ningyi would definitely check you out countless of times. oogling at your tits and how your thighs looked in your thigh high socks, it always caused her to have a boner but she couldn’t help it :((
whenever you guys would have to walk up a flight of steps, ningyi would always walk behind you to see up your skirt. revealing your pretty pink panties to her.
you two would have a project in your class so you decided to invite ning to your dorm so you guys to work on it. you decided to wear something comfortable so you wore a almost too little crop top with some random shorts that do nothing to cover you up.
when ning finally came and got situated, she couldn’t help but stare at your tits, you weren’t wearing a bra so your nipples were showing, causing her mouth to water because she was fantasizing about how she wanted to suck em and fuck em so bad :((
you guys would finish so late you just told her to stay the night, it was the weekend anyway. you would tell her that she can sleep in your room with you because you didn’t really mind! she would be so stiff beside you, trying her best to hide her raging boner, she felt herself leaking in her boxers :((
she would wait for you to sleep to finally help herself, tapped your shoulder just to make sure. she remembered that you were a little bit of a deep sleeper so if she needed anything she didn’t have to ask, she definitely used that to her advantage! ning would straddle your tummy, head in the crook of your neck taking in your scent because you smelled soo good! she lower herself down to your legs, taking off your shorts and panties. she began to kitten lick your cunt, letting lost in how good you taste. she immediately froze when she felt you stir, poor baby was scared of getting caught :((
when she felt that you stopped moving she decided to finally help herself, she took off her shorts and boxers, rock hard dick against her tummy. she aligned herself with you cunt and pushed in, when she started she really couldn’t stop! she felt like she was in heaven, you milking her dry. her head flew back and she was pounding into your cunt, her moans drowned out your quiet whimpers until she felt you stir.
“n-ning??” you spoke out groggily, letting out unintentional moans because your cunny was getting pounded into.
“i’m so sorry, y/n!! i really am! i couldn’t help it!!” apologizes and moans would spill outta her mouth, she really was sorry but your cunt was squeezing her so well :((
ning would have to pin you to the bed because you were crying for her to stop bullying your cunt but she couldn’t help it! mumbling apologies and apologies until she’s stuffed you up :((
she would eat her seed right out of you, diving into your overstimulated cunt. eyes rolling back and hips humping the bed because of the mixture of her cum and your cunt on her tongue! she would have to keep your legs open because you were trying to close them around her head, she would have you squirting all over her face until you blacked out on her! <33
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antoncore · 28 days
was playing billiards earlier and couldn't stop thinking about bending over the pool table to reach the cue ball with a very short skirt on, causing best friend eunseok or anton to see your panties 😕 they'd get hard so easily when they see your soaked underwear, clearing their throat and looking away before telling you to stop bending over like that because your undies were showing 😭 you'd tease them for even looking down there in the first place, not knowing that it would rile them up even more... after you and your guys' friends are done playing, they'd walk you home, only to ask you if they could come in and offer to fuck you or eat you out!!
- 🫧
this ask rlly made me think of eunseok🤭
you blushed at his words, hesitating for a minute before nodding, letting him in. the tension in the air was thick, you tried not to make eye contact with him due to your nervousness. eunseok noticed this and said softly, “you’re so shy, how adorable,” the words making your heart race. you guided him to the bedroom, the blush on your cheeks only deepening. “bend over for me, y/n” he instructed gently and you obeyed immediately, bending over the edge of the bed. he chuckled at how obedient you are for him, remarking, “you’re such a good girl.”
eunseok moved behind you, his hands tracing your body, making you feel more relaxed. “you’re so pretty, you know that y/n?” his words soft and genuine, making you smile. he left your skirt on, putting your panties to the side, his touch gentle as he positioned himself. “i’m not gonna go rough, ok?” he whispered, his voice caring. you nodded, feeling reassured by his gentle tone. as he entered you, he moved slowly, going deep with each thrust. as you felt every inch of his cock inside you, you babbled his name, feeling so overwhelmed by the size. “eunseok,” you whimpered as you started to rub your clit. “awww, does that feel good? you like being fucked by your best friend, don’t you?” he cooed as he watched you touch yourself, “you look so cute all worked up like this.” you could only nod in response, mind clouded with pleasure.
you felt so close already, other guys had never made you feel as good eunseok did. “you fuck me so good,” you moaned. “am i that good to you, hmm?” he asked, amused by your praise. “y-yes, gonna cum for you,” you moaned, your voice barely coherent, “please make me cum, eunseok.” his thrusts got slightly faster, helping you cum even harder. “that’s it, cum for me,” he encouraged, “cum on my cock.” with his words, you came all over his cock before he pulled out as he praised, “such a good girl.” he jerked himself off until he came all over your ass, admiring how cute it looked covered in his cum. you both caught your breath before eunseok asks, “can i stay over tonight?” “of course you can, eunseok,” you replied, smiling. you got changed before climbing into bed, eunseok holding you close to his chest as you fell asleep.
i love softdom eunseok so much…i’m so sorry if this wasn’t what you envisioned😭😭
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
Favorite Redacted quotes but the list gets longer everytime I find a new one
“And the energizer bunny…Takes a tumble” -Milo
“Is this why you put up with my memes and shit? Because i gotta big dick and a great ass??” - Guy
“Do you love me?” — Imp!Damien
“Keep his name out of your FUCKING mouth” -Sam
“Laying in comfortable silence, hands roaming lazily betwixt our supine bodies, tracing gentle patterns across supple skin…Yes that was all about my eyes😂” — Guy
“This isn’t like a dog or something. Like normal wolves are big. Shifter wolves are even bigger…and i’m on the bigger end of that too” -David
“Is David being a total groomzilla about your side? Oop— Heard that-” Asher
“But I bet I’d lay down for it” — Vincent
“Make it two” —Sam
“Great deal on a large sausage” —Guy
“Will you marry me, Angel?” —David
“….Isn’t that right??” “Heyyy no tickling!!” — Gavin and Caelum
“No not just yes…say the words…say the whole thing” —Vincent
“Ohh— You are getting close! Hi! Hi baby….I love youuu” —Guy
“We are NOT matching. I am wearing my work clothes, YOU’RE wearing contraband” — David
“someone please get the gentleman a door prize”— Blake
“I was thinking a little less nature documentary and little more battle bots you know like i want you to just fucking SNAP me like a twig😭” -Guy
“No! You can’t tell me I taste good >:(” — Lasko
“Who are you and what have you done with my lover??” — Guy
“I know baby I know” — Milo
“Staaapppp you’re being rude… Yes RUDE you heard me!” —Guy
“…..do it— hmmmMmMmMmm okay okay….That had a little less finesse than i’m used to” —Milo
“You know what wordplay reminds me of? Tounge twisters!! And you know what tongue twisters remind me of? Tongue kissing!! Let’s explore that topic shall we?” —Guy
“The goal is healin me, you can’t be hittin me at the same time” —Milo
“Show me that wagon ya draggin sexy uehh” -Guy
“Who’s that bitch we hate?” — Asher
“Any hole is a goal” — Guy
“Just move your ass…..hmm i didn’t mean to move it quite like that but you’ll get no complaints outta me” —David
“My mouth is good for a lot more than just…talkin” —Milo
“It’s our bedroom….It’s our bed” —Geordi
“Hey Baaaaabyy” —Ollie
“I’ve sat with these feelings long enough to know how to manage them I promise” —Blake
“Call me that one more time and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow” —David
“I cant be another mistake…because it’ll break me” —Blake
“I’m sure seeing him is like….like those healing classes. A nice diversion😊” —President Moore
“Milo…play nice” — Imp!Asher
“You don’t have to order anyone to do it…Just take volunteers” — Imp!Milo
“I just set my fucking curtains on fire” -Damien
“Who taught you how to do healing magic?? A construction worker with a jackhammer?!” —Milo
“You’re taking me so fucking good” —Milo
“I’m trying to get off of you…I don’t wanna crush you” —David
“Awe yeah i often walk into work with shotgun shells in my fucking brief case” —Milo
“I cant read your mind baby” — Vincent
“Welcome home my love. How was your day?” -Gavin
“Park it on me Sweetheart” — Milo
“That does not feel like searching for a key Lovely” —Vincent
“Do i need to set this stuff down or are you gonna behave?” —Vincent
“Yeah, no thinking about work today. Or we’ll come over there and kick your ass” —Milo
“Hey…sorry i’m late” —Blake
“Do I look like i care??” —Blake
“I’m a grown ass man” —Milo
“I DON’T whimper…” —Damien
“You know what we do to…Bad Boyss around here—💀💀💀” —Guy
“Did I really just get drive by kink shamed??!” —Asher
“Awweee poor baby” —Asher
“Keep it in your pants you two. I already mopped this morning😒” —David
“…boop” —Sam
“I don’t want this for you baby” —Milo
“Boot Licker” —Milo
“I’ll always find you” —Avior
“Wexler, Greer is causing problems at the west entrance” — That One Guard😭
“That wasn’t rhetorical. Answer me” —Imp!Damien
“I love you more than human words can convey” —Gavin
“Yes baby” —Gavin
“Ruth Holland are you here? Hello? Hello?” —Milo
“Fuck, bounce on my fucking dick” — Guy
“Moan. They moaned. You moaned.” — Geordi
“Pfftttt hahaha- Okay— WuHwuhWwaA—” — Guy
“This isn’t happening!!” — Ivan
“I don’t like you, and I’m not going to” — Alexis
“Hold still i’ll grab you one of mine” — Milo
“Bad. Worse. Better.” — Vincent
“Go kick that ass….champ? Oh God-” — Lasko
“No can do baby” -Huxley
“I’m just fucking with you” — Sam Collins
“I needa stop saying fuck. Fuck. Sorry. And i needa stop saying sorry. fuck. sorry. FUCK i mean FUCK so— oh fuck😭 Oh my god i am such an idiot” — Lasko
“I wanna touch” — Stranger/Caller/John..?
“Fuck! Fuck me—” — Lasko Moore
“Can I cum on you?” — Milo Greer
“I am not gonna have ants runnin round my house cause of you😭” — Sam Collins
“It is not funny, you FUCK” — Milo Greer
“I’ll spank your ass brat. Not like it’d be the first time. Or the last.” — Milo Greer
“You’ll be safe” — Blake
“Well of course it’s gaudy. I made it” — Gavin
“Shit Darlin. You really weren’t gonna say anything about this?” — Sam Collins
“It’s all good” — Huxley
“I hate to make a guy lose his fuckin’ noodles” — Milo Greer
“Where do you want these fangs baby?” — Sam Collins
“Do you have any idea just how much energy is coming off of you right now?” — Fool!Gavin
“Sorry” —Fool!James
“I gotta go faster before i start…fucking…crying or something😭” — Asher
“Moan for me baby” — Milo Rebane
“I’m still so hard omg…I think I can cum again” —Asher
“Because we’re going on a hike, baby” — Damien
(I will be updating this list when i find/remember new ones😊)
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ryuttaeng · 5 months
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pairing: lieutenant!ryujin x detective!reader
summary: all of a sudden, police department sent you to solve serial crimes with lieutenant shin ryujin, out of all lieutenants.
cw: smut, g!p, enemies to lovers, mentions of murders, pet names, in shy ryujin we believe
word count: 960
a/n: sorry it’s kinda mid it’s almost 4 am 😭
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“not you again, you prick.” shin ryujin, lieutenant exclaimed, nervously exhaling cigarette smoke. you smirked, straightening your tie and standing right in front of her face, “it’s nice to see you again, lieutenant.” you said in honeyed voice, which made ryujin inhale through cigarette and exhale smoke right in your face. you closed your eyes, not to cause irritation, “you better to stay away from me, detective byun.” she hissed, going inside the house where homicide happened almost an hour ago.
ryujin gritted her teeth, nervously sighing. where could she miss the most important thing for the whole case? ryujin’s eyes drifted all over the apartment, looking for any useful information. “i…”
“can’t find any more clues, lieutenant?” ryujin hears your voice behind her, making her annoyed. shin turns around, slamming you against the wall, “shut the fuck up, you moron! i’ve had enough of you being a pain in my ass!” ryujin spat out. she calms down and relaxes, removing her grip from you. it almost scared her, the way you didn’t say a thing back or flinched, at least, you hid your fear good enough. “maybe you should check victim’s bedroom again, lieutenant.” your only words, as you fixed your shirt. ryujin’s eyes went from your face to your hands, nervously fidgeting your ring on your middle finger.
she nodded, it almost went unnoticed, your eyes remained on her as she headed towards bedroom. for fucks sake, ryujin for real missed a lot of clues here, analysing all information again.
you took a sip of whiskey, your last investigation was successful, thanks to lieutenant, of course.
shin ryujin took a step inside the bar, her eyes wandering around the place, looking for you. lucky enough to find you, she sighed, moving to you. “my my, look at you, my dear detective.” she says, putting on the grimace of smirk on her face, as she slowly approached your side. ryujin herself doesn’t know the reason of tension between you two but she comes along it, fair enough, you do annoy her though, as much as she annoyed you. right.
“what… what do you want, my precious lieutenant?” you put effort to simply say something, barely looking at the woman in front of you. ryujin sighed, just looking at your statement she could say that she just signed a death sentence to herself, not that she’s a fan of drunk coworkers.
“what ya looking at? never saw a drunk woman before? i… hold on….” you spoke, hurriedly standing up and heading to the bathroom.
ryujin looked up, as she saw your figure come out of bathroom, you tiredly returned to your seat, groaning. “i’ve never seen someone being drunk and in a snap of fingers almost as sober as before.” she stated, watching you. you furrowed your eyebrows, as you fixed your clothes, “just forget it already. why are you here anyway?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“it would be better if i stayed and continued to drink instead.” you mumbled, taking off your jacket.
“it’s your work, byun y/n.” ryujin answered, following you.
“not that i have ever expected to spend a night in a hotel room with my lieutenant. in a hotel where homicide just happened especially.” you replied, laying on the bed, which is a king sized, and is the only bed in the room, ironically. ryujin sat down, sighing. “you’re so annoying sometimes, you know? but even now, you’re not.” older woman said, which made you to sit up, looking at her. “and what you mean by that is?” you asked, noticing how ryujin looked kind of nervous? she tried not to look at you, her hand nervously pulling her pants. “well, you… you’re a good person and i-i’m sorry that i yell at you and being rude to you…” ryujin nearly whispered, she flinched, when she felt your arm around her waist and your head on her shoulder.
“aw, such a gentleman you are! and a handsome one, i must say… if we’re complimenting each other right now, you know.” you replied, pinching ryujin’s cheek. “i accept your apology and-“ goodness gracious, when you looked down you almost didn’t believed your eyes. the bulge in her pants?
“oh… well, you can say sorry in a different way though…” you put your hand on ryujin’s thigh, slowly going up. ryujin’s breath hitched, as she almost immediately melted under your touch. you smiled to your thoughts, “suddenly so shy and not even complaining? that’s the way i like it, darling.” you whispered, as ryujin whimpered from your touch, your hand palmed her cock.
in a few minutes older woman already laid naked, as you hand slowly jerked her off. “you’re so cute when you’re not being a jerk.” you said, receiving a mumbling in response, ryujin didn’t knew where to put her hands so she basically just held your arms. “can’t keep you waiting too long, baby, aren’t you cute?” you murmur, as you hear ryujin whine at the loss of touch, just to moan your name when she felt herself inside of you, you immediately starting to ride her. “y/n! oh- fuck…” ryujin whined, her hips slowly starting moving in your pace, making you to let out a moan. you feel ryujin’s hands on your waist, her grip tightening as she’s about to reach her climax.
as ryujin’s movements grew faster and more erratic, you knew she was about to cum so you pushed yourself deeper onto her, trying to take more in. ryujin let out a loud moan, pulling you closer to her, connecting her lips with yours as she released her cum inside of you. the pleasure was intense, you slowed down, as ryujin’s slow thrust continued, letting you to ride out your climax.
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