#and she's hung out on the floor with the cories
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Shrimp Inspector 🦐👀
#fish nonsense#fishblr#aquablr#betta#betta fish#planted tank#planted aquarium#aquarium#fishkeeping#bettablr#I had a bunch of shit written but then tumblr yeeted this post and LOGGED ME OUT#trying to upload this video. the fuck dude#anyway SIX MONTHS. THIS TOOK OVER SIX MONTHS.#BUILDING A COMMUNITY TANK JUST FOR A BETTA#she's finally in and she's perfect btw#well behaved but a shrimp annoyer#I accept she might eat some juveniles but she just has had a BIG INSPECTION of the large females and then just got surprised#but gives so little of a fuck about the tetra it's comical#and she's hung out on the floor with the cories#sampled their food during breakfast (not a fan)#might eat baby snails but I have a bladder snail problem so down for that queen#yes I am considering naming her Karlach because I'm a cringle lesbian#bright/white spots are copper scales btw
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Bite Me | It's Not Your Fault, Love
Warnings: Show typical violence and gore, blood, angst, death (More or less)
After being cured and striking out on her own, Cori is dragged back into the world of the undead, and a stray bullet changes everything.
Song: Kiss It Better by He Is We
Word Count: 2.4k
She doesn't know how it happened or who did it. But a few weeks ago she woke up on Ravi and Moajor's couch and she was alive, not undead, actually alive.
After a brief period of not knowing who she was finally able to get her own place. And a few weeks later, she was out getting coffee, relishing the ability to taste it again.
Then, on the way home, she was grabbed by someone she hadn't seen, a pinch in the neck and everything went black.
When she wakes up, she has no clue where she is and she's shackled to the wall across from her friend Don E, who she's seen look better.
It's been nearly 24 hours, whatever brain he was has started wearing off, and he finally seems to recognize her.
"Hey, D?" The chains binding her to the wall clink when she wraps her arms around her legs.
"What C?" He growls.
"No matter how this turns out, I hope you know we're friends," She smiles at him, "And I'm okay with whatever happens."
She's been put there as bait while the rednecks outside their cell starve him.
"I uh," he groans, "I appreciate that."
"Ehh," He shrugs the best he can, "The moment Blaine finds out what happened and figures out where you are, he'll come in all guuuns blazing to get you."
"Yeah, I'm not so sure," She mutters, "We didn't break things off in good terms, and I didn't exactly leave any room for interpretation the last time I spoke to him."
"Yeah, I know, but he's so hung up on you that won't matter."
The next few hours are uneventful, she's already realized Ravi is just as much kidnapped as they are.
Don E tugs at the straps securing him to the pipe, looking much more zombie-esque.
"Fuck," He groans, "I don't wanna kill you Cori."
He sounds so pained.
"Good, cause I don't want you to kill me," She says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood even a little.
"H-hey, before I go total Romero," He swallows hard, "I... I want you to know I'm sorry for bailing when Blaine... y'know?
She nods.
"Our friendship means more to me than and I want you to know that."
"You wanna grab some drinks once this is over?" She chuckles.
"Yeah... yeah that sounds fun."
There's less chat after that as his vocabulary dwindles to mostly grunting and growling.
Cori hums to herself to keep herself calm. She doesn't want to think about the fact that she only just became human again and that one of her best friends is going to kill her because of it.
She wishes she had done things differently, done more for herself. Set better boundaries with Blaine earlier in their relationship and not let him get away with so much.
She wishes she'd gone to her grandmother's birthday three months ago, that she had smoothed things over with her mom.
She wishes she had fewer regrets.
She wishes she could tell Blaine she still loved him despite everything. That, yes, even now, knowing exactly where it's lead her, she would do it all over again just to know he knows he's loved.
It won't be much longer. She can see Don E starting to go feral.
Their captors start getting excited, having something planned for the near milestone 100,000 viewers.
"Get up you damn drunk! Let's go light up a zombie and watch 'im go coocoo for cocoa puffs!" They hear Harley yell.
"Well D," She tries to stop her lip from trembling as the guys in the other room countdown with the viewers, "It was great knowing you."
Ravi tries to stop them. He blocks the doorway and begs them not to not be stupid, but it doesn't work.
Cori backs up against the wall when Don E yells out taunts, too lost at this point to realize it's a bad idea.
She wants to go home. Wants to curl up in bed and have her biggest problem be how much she misses her ex, not this.
Ravi falls to the floor in front of her when Harley pistol whips him.
"They're killing machines you dumn sumbitch!" He yells, leading the others into the makeshift cage.
She stands up, back still against the wall.
"Please don't do this," She says, but he ignores her.
"Those things killed our brother, they'll kill us all," He nods to Beau, "Do it."
Before her can turn back to Don E, Cori wraps one of her chains around Harley's neck, pulling it tight.
"What the hell are you-"
He shouts when she kicks the back of his knee, knocking making him drop.
"I'd put those guns down if I were you," She warns, when they all aim at her, "I have no problem killing your little ring leader here."
She pulls them tighter and Harley starts to choke, grabbing at the metal links crushing his windpipe.
She pushes his body forward with her knee, adding pressure.
"Let Don E and I go, and I'll consider only adding a little extra brain damage."
Harley's face starts turning blue.
"Fuck you," Beau lunges at them, jamming the cattle prod into her side.
Her body seizes, chain slipping from her hold and Harley falls to the floor coughing.
Cori collapses behind him trying to force her body to inhale.
Don E is struggling harder now, starved and now pissed that they hurt her.
"Little bitch deserves to have her brain eaten," He scowls, voice strained, "Get on with it."
Don E screams when he's electrocuted, pulling against his binds.
They almost don't notice the bangs at the door over the sound of him and the clanging pipes.
When one of the guys goes to investigate, the glass window shatters and an arm reaches in, grabs his collar, and slams him against the door, knocking him out.
From there, all hell breaks loose.
Someone drops a smoke grenade through the skylight before they come crashing down behind it.
Her vision is blurred from the pain and smoke, but even in full rage mode she knows that voice. She gets to her feet and presses herself against the wall so she doesn't get stepped on.
There are gunshots, shouts, and more breaking glass.
Blaine grabs Harley's leg and he panic fires half his clip.
Liv comes rushing in before the one with the shot gun gets her in the back and she collapses.
The last three shots of Harley's clip go off, two of them hitting Blaine in the chest and stomach, making him fall back against the wall next to her.
Harley runs out of the cage, locking it shut behind him and flipping a switch.
Blaine isn't far behind him, moving to tear down the chain link but he shouts as soon as he touches it, electricity arcing trough him.
"I got something for you, boy. One in the head," Harley grins, watching him growl. He raises his gun and pulls the trigger, faces falling when it only clicks.
Blaine just grins back at him until he hears Cori's voice.
"Blaine?" She's quiet. He swears she almost sounds scared. Of him? No. She's never been scared of him before.
He turns to look at her and the rage drains from him, being immediately replaced with horror.
Her hand is pressed to her stomach, blood seeping from between her fingers and soaking into her pale yellow sweater.
She huffs out a small breath and her back slides down the wall.
"Heyheyheyheyhey," He rushes over to her, pulling her gently into his arms and lowering them both to the ground, "It's okay."
"I've got you," He says, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I'll make it better."
She shakes her head, catching his wrist when he goes to scratch her, "No."
"Cori," He looks at her, fear and confusion filling his eyes.
"I-I don't want to be that again."
He stares at her like she's insane, "It'll save your life!"
"I don't want to be a zombie again," She argues, "You didn't give me a choice last time. So respect it now."
Blaine's quiet for a moment but nods, pressing his hand on hers over the wound. She moans in pain when the added pressure causes pain to ripple through her.
There's more gunshots outside.
"Okay... okay. You'll be okay," He leans in and presses his lips to her forehead, "Everything's gonna be okay."
His hand is already drenched in her blood, fingers slipping between hers.
"I'm scared," She sniffles.
"Hey now," He pulls back to look at her, taking note of the tears in her eyes, "You're going to be fine, I promise. You don't need to cry."
"Come'ere," He holds her tighter, "I'll kiss it better, yeah? Kiss away the pain and make it all better."
He kisses her head, burying his nose in her hair and tries to hide his own terror from her.
He doesn't want to lose her, doesn't want to watch her die in his arms, unable to do anything to stop it.
"I love you."
The murmur of plan making behind him falls silent.
He can't stop his own tears and shaking breath, "Don't say goodbye. Please just- You're gonna be fine."
Her breathing begins to shallow and his grip tightens.
"Stay with me," He begs, voice cracking.
"Always," She promises.
Her body relaxes against him and he freezes, his blood running cold.
The room is too quiet. The only noise being the slow, periodic beat of his heart and the sound of his breath picking up.
"Coriander wake up," He shakes her slightly, "Sweetheart please."
He pulls away, hands moving to cup her face. Her eyes are open but unfocused.
"Baby look at me," Blood streaks across her cheek, "Coriander look at me! Look at me baby, please!"
"Baby, wake up!"
Liv puts her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs her off.
"Cori, sweetheart, please, please wake up," He runs his fingers through her hair and it sticks to the red on his hand, "Baby I-... I can't lose you."
"Blaine, she's-"
"No! She promised," He shouts. His thumb strokes her cheek, "Stay with me. Cori, stay with me. Baby, you promised... You promised."
A terrifyingly empty feeling washes over him as the quiet settles in. She's dead.
The thought of never hearing her voice again, never seeing her smile, it make him sick.
He can't do that. He won't do that. He needs her. Her hands in his hair, her breath on his skin.
Before anyone realizes what he's doing he runs his nail across Cori's cheek, breaking the skin.
He waits with bated breath as the others berate him for going against her wishes.
Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.
She suddenly inhales, eyelids fluttering, and he lets out a shuttering sob.
He pulls her into a vice-like hug, his face against her neck while he cries and hiccups against her skin.
He squeezes his eyes shut at the sound of her voice. It worked.
She's confused for a moment, looking around at everyone as they stare at her with wide, wet eyes. Then it dawns at her.
"I told you, I didn't want to be a-"
"I couldn't," His voice is muffled because he refuses to move, "I'm sorry, couldn't let you die."
She pushes his chest, angry tears forming in her eyes, "My life isn't something you get to just play with!"
"I love you too much to live without you."
Her anger turns to shock at his words.
"I know I never said it. I never..." He leans back, hands still on her shoulders when he sighs. His face is tear-streaked, "I never told you I loved you. But I do. I love you. I love you so much it hurts."
"So no actually, I'm not sorry," He says, "Because even if you hate me for the rest of your life, at least you're alive to do it. And that's enough for me."
"I don't hate you," She admits and he lets out a tearful laugh.
"Good," He smiles when she falls back into his arms, "Because I was totally bluffing, it would destroy me if you did."
The others go back to trying to find a way out while he holds her.
Minutes later there's a barrage of footsteps and the door bursts open. In floods a troop of Fillmore Graves soldiers with big guns.
Blaine's eyes turn red when they point them at them, pulling Cori closer.
Everything calms down when they realize one of the soldiers is Major and he helps clear thing up.
Blaine refuses to let her leave his side, terrified that if he takes his eyes or hands off her for even a minute he'll lose her again.
His hand is wrapped tightly around hers as they listen to Chase Graves give a rundown of what happened while she was... Well, dying.
He's given her his jacket, because not only is it a chilly night, but she's freezing after the amount of blood she lost.
When he finishes he looks over at them, "And who are you?"
"I'm the guy that just saved a zombie from getting tortured and killing a kidnapped human on the internet."
"Kidnapped human?"
"Former human," Cori explains, "Coriander Moes. This is Blaine."
"Blaine McDonough, owner and proprietor of The Scratching Post."
They talk for a bit, then Blaine leads her back inside to check on Don E.
"Hey, you guys want in on this?" Don E asks, referring to the cracked skull he's eating out of when he sees them.
Blaine chuckles when she pulls him over. He sits on the floor next to the body, leaning up against the step, and pats his leg.
The adjust and she eventually settles between his legs, one of his arms hooked loosely around her neck.
He can't stop staring at her, even with her mouth and fingers coated in the blood of some crazy hick as she messily eats his brain, she's the most beautiful tonight that he's ever seen.
He leans in to kiss her temple, soaking in her warmth.
"Don't scare me like that again, yeah?" He asks in a loving whisper, "You're everything to me, Cor. You're my everything."

#blaine mcdonough#blaine debeers#izombie#prisma writes#prisma self ships#blaine debeers x oc#blaine debeers angst#bite me
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THE SLEEPOVER . (all parts / lil bit of nsfw at the end)
you and your best friend decided that you guys should have a sleepover cause it's been a while since you guys hung out with each other.
"Y/N GIRL HURRY UPP I'M OUTSIDE" your friend said while screaming at you on FaceTime.
you put everything you need in your bag like your morning clothes , night clothes , lip gloss , makeup etc. you zipped up your bag and left the house locking the door behind you.
your friend rolls down her window. "DAMNN... GIRL TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH"
"STFU." you said laughing while getting in her car.
she starts driving to her house , you always known your friend to be a fast driver but she always gets to her destination safely cause she's still cautious.
"i'm so happy we're spending time with each otherrrr , it's been so long bruh"
"i knowww !!!! i missed you so muchhh"
you guys end up at her house , yall end out getting out the car taking yall bags in her house.
you go to her room putting your bag on the floor.
"so what do you wanna do !"
"girll i got a lotta stuff to tell you"
yall end out talking/gossiping for hours while doing each other nails and makeup.
les say like a good 6 hours past
"This is cuteee" you looked at your nails as you both got done with each other nails.
"thank youuu , i been trying my best in doing nails. i love yours too and the way you put the little charms on it."
"your welcome , so what you wanna do now it's kind of getting dark outside" you said while spinning on the stool.
"okay so i invited my boyfriend and his friend"
"is his friend fine ? , i'm not gonna judge i'm just not gon fw him if he look like Sid from ice age."
yall both started laughing
"nahhh he's not ugly, he's really cute, I think you will like him and if you're not comfortable with it just tell me"
she shows you his highlights on his insta
"he's so fine.."
"seee i knew you was gon like him"
"so when are they coming"
"ion kno he said give em like 5 mins"
"oh okay , u wanna make tiktok's ?" (press keep reading)



(kinda lazy writing some of this, bare with me also this is a insert character story i forgot to say ... so just make up whatever you want his name to be.)
you guys end up making TikTok's as soon you post it on your TikTok you get 540 likes in like 13 minutes. you weren't popular but a lot of people knew you cause you were nice to ppl who talked to you.
you looked at your friend "when are they coming?"
she looks at her boyfriend's location "They should be on their way"
"oh okay well i bought my polaroid for we can take pictures , cause i need it for memories" you went in your bag and grabbed your white polaroid and took pictures of y'all together.
the sounds of knocks came from the front door
"that might be them" she went to the front door and opened it.
standing there is her boyfriend and his friend holding bags of snacks and wingstop
(if you don't like wingstop just replace it with another food)
"hey baee" she looks at the stuff. "you didn't have to buy that we could've went and got them"
"nah it's all good , we didn't want y'all to go through all that" (her bf)
"yeah plus it's dark outside" (his friend)
"oh okay well y'all can come in" she walks back in the room and looks at you. "their here"
they both walk in putting the food and snacks on the bed
"Okay y'all we all gonna put our PJs on and watch a movie"
she took the snacks out of the bag and organized them on the bed.
her and her boyfriend went to the bathroom to change into their pajamas leaving you and I/C alone with each other.
(I/C means insert character)
"so what's your name?"
"my name is y/n"
"that's a beautiful name"
"what's urs?"
"i like your name also"
"thanks, you look really pretty"
"thank you" you started smiling at him.
you both start chopping it up and y'all conversation went really well , like having the same interest , music taste and everything.
"wow that's crazy me and you have the same interests in things"
"i knowww ... it's like we were low key meant to be locked in"
your friend and her boyfriend came out with their pjs on.
"what took y'all so long?"
"oh , we took a shower and shi.. y'all can too if y'all want"
you look at him "do you wanna go first?"
"im good , ill wait for you to come out"
"okay" you took your bag inside the bathroom with you and closed the door.
red : your bsf boyfriend
pink : your bsf
green : insert/character (your bsf boyfriend friend)
your bsf look at I/C.
"sooo what do you think of my bsf ?"
"shes pretty and she's into the same stuff i'm into"
"bruh you should make a move."
"i would but ion know if she into me like that"
"she is. cause i know if she wasn't she would've been said sum"
"duhh , trust me. i been friends with y/n ever since we was in 2nd grade. she would say sum if she didn't fwu"
"ong she always got sum to say"
she looks at her bf. "not to much on bsf.." she rolls her eyes and looks back at I/C. "anyways... she fw's u"
"okay if you say so cause if she don't i'm fighting both of y'all stg"
"stop" she laughs a little.
"bruh can she hurry up .. i'm hungry"
"your always hungry , that's why your back is getting big now"
"i knoww your not talking, every time i have some food , here come hungry ass. "can i get sum" "
"SHUT TF UP" she's says throwing her fist in the air acting like she's gonna hit him.
he flinches.
you eventually come out the bathroom with a cute pajama set with your furry bear slippers on
your bsf looks at you.
"girlll that's cute where you get that from!"
"shein." you laughed
"it looks hella good on you."
"thank youuu !" you smiled.
every time he complimented you it made your body feel warm cause it made you feel happy.
"finally time to eat."
"ummm no .. I/C gotta get ready too greedy"
"okay damn bruh the food not going no where"
he gets up and take his bag to the bathroom with him.
you bsf look at you smiling. "soooo what do you think of himm?"
"omggg!" you said in a happy tone. "he's so sweet and funny. i like him a lot , and he literally loves everything i like"
"he likes you too"
"he does ?"
"yesssss he was over here practically drooling talking about you"
"that man was not drooling, he is into you though"
she looks at him. "will you shut the hell up"
"my bad"
she looks back at you "anyways he literally fwu i swear"
"okay good cause if he didn't i would literally spazz out"
after minutes of you and your bsf talking and her boyfriend complaining I/C comes out of the bathroom with his PJs on. you look at him seeing what he's wearing and he's wearing a T-shirt with pajama pants. As you're looking at him you can see his abs compress to his shirt.
"alright i made you and I/C a pallet on the floor , if that's okay with y'all..."
"it's fine with me if y/n don't mind"
"yeah i don't mind"
"okay , i gave y'all extra blankets and pillows and some of my plushies for y'all won't b uncomfortable"
"i mean you got carpet so we're good regardless"
"alright enough chatting bruh i'm ready to eat"
you take off your slippers and sat down on the floor where your bsf made the pallet at.
I/C sits next to you.
your bsf turns off the lights and dim the led lights low. she opens the wing stop bag and hands y'all the food.
"alright what movie y'all wanna watch me personally we should watch mean girls"
"yeah we should"
"fuck no"
"what's wrong with mean girls"
"nobody wanna watch that"
"okay then how about we watch Rio"
she goes on amazon prime video and puts on the movie rio.
after like 25 mins past your bsf and her boyfriend was knocked tf out. leaving you and I/C the only ones awake.
"they really asleep?"
"yeah especially her." you laugh a little.
your bsf is lying all over her bf with a fry hanging out her mouth. you poke her but she doesn't budge.
"well are you tired yet?"
you looked at him and laid down. "not really , i'm just bored"
"yeah.. well can i tell you something"
"hm?" you look up at him.
"i think your really pretty."
"are you being honest?"
"yeah. why wouldn't i be"
"i'm just making sure cause i just need reassurance. that's all"
"well to me your the most prettiest girl i ever came across too."
he lays down with you leaving both of you looking at each other. you guys lock eye contact, he leans to you kissing you. you start kissing him back. the feeling of his lips was soft. He stops and leans back looking at you.
“Tell me when to stop”
he starts kissing you again passionately. you start putting your arms around him while he slowly puts his hands inside your pajama shorts/pants rubbing your pussy, but your panties are covering it.
he starts putting his hands inside your laced panties rubbing your clit. he stops kissing you and you can hear is his deep voice in your ear.
"your so wett..."
you start putting your legs around him as he puts puts his finger inside your pussy fingering you.
you start moaning softly.
"shhh mama.... ion want them to hear u"
he starts fingering you faster than before making you cum on his fingers. he takes his hands out your pants. and starts whispering.
"i want to fuck you so bad mamas..." he whispers while looking at you
"you can..." you said silently while rubbing his bulge.
"ion want them to hear us"
"i'll be quiet.."
"you sure ?"
you nod your head.
he pulls down the front of his pajama pants and boxers revealing his dick to you. you didn't expect him to be that big...
you start to look a little worried.
"what's wrong.. yon think you can take it ?"
" ... "
"like i said, just tell me when to stop .."
he grabs you close while you have a leg on top of his waist. he ends out sliding his dick in your tight pussy, he turns both of you over where you're on top of him now. you put your arms around him where your close to his ear and he's close to yours.
"make sure you stay quiet" he whispers in your ear.
alr this wasn't my best story honestly. im probably gonna start back writing story's but i maybe just delete this acc frl. ion know

#black reader#black writers#black y/n#smut#first time writing#strellz#reader insert#insert character here#sleepover
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Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw House: Phineas Nigellus Black x Reader
Chapter 12: Trial Two
You had never seen the common room so bare. The window had disappeared and the trial took over your surroundings. Black was gone and you had no instruction on what to do. You trudged slowly to the center of the room. Peering around you, more blue magic danced under you feet. It pointed towards the the dormitories.
"Alright ancient magic...let's see what you have to say." You whisper, following the magic. It led you to one of the common rooms on the boys side. The room looked different from the standard Ravenclaw room that everyone got. The bed sheets were torn up and personal items were scattered across the floor. The floorboards were also torn up which made a hint of fear grow in your stomach. Suddenly a bunch of foot steps came lurching towards the door and you turned around to see a young Cornelius and another person.
"What happened to your room, Cory?" The dark brown haired girl asked. She adjusted her glasses as she couldn't believe what she saw.
"It's nothing, Violet." He replied, searching through a chest at the foot of his bed. Violet shifted uncomfortably. A dark colored owl flew into the room, pecking at Violet's shoulder and then land next to Cornelius.
"There you are, Midnight." He petted his owl who glared at Violet. Finally, Cornelius found what he was looking for. A field guide?
"That's not possible..." You trailed off, staring at the much smaller book in his hand. The book was nowhere near as thick as you own, but there was no denying it was a field guide.
"What is that?" Violet asked, reaching out to it. Cornelius snatched the book away from her.
"The headmaster gave it to me. It's like a prototype or something." He muttered, flipping through a few pages. Violet looked extremely nervous, rubbing her arms as if she was cold.
"Prototype? Why would they give this to you..." Her eyes filled with worry.
"Because I am special. I have magic that no one else has. I know more than this entire school wants to believe. Who knows, maybe the information I write down will be used in a future rendition." Cornelius said with glee.
"Don't let this go to your head." Violet whispered, but Cornelius wasn't listening. You opened your field guide, thinking about every time you had used it. Professor Weasley had let you keep the field guide after it was completed. She thought it was a good way to refresh anything that may have been hazy.
"It's already there." He replied, taking out his wand. "I wrote down some of the Unforgivable curses. You never know who may need them." Violet's fear escalated and she began to back away from him.
"Why would you do that? Why would you do any of this? I don't understand what has gotten into you lately!" She screamed, now at the door.
"If I'm going to defeat Black then I have to be sure that my predecessor can do the same if my attempts to kill him are trampled." Cornelius hissed.
"You've changed, Cornelius. You were different before Black decided to forget you because of your blood." She snapped.
"That is nowhere near the only reason! But! It is the best one of them all. If being an orphan isn't enough then getting rejected by a pure blood should do the trick." He laughed, placing the field guide in his bag and running out the door. The memory faded and you look down to see the Cornelius' field guide on the floor. You picked it up and flipped through it quickly. There was nothing that stood out other than the small angry journal entries Cornelius wrote about Black.
"We are more similar than I thought." You whisper to yourself.
"Indeed." A familiar voice says. You whip around to see Cornelius standing behind you. Midnight was perched on his shoulder and a large, devilish grin hung on his face.
"Hello, Cornelius." You say, hiding the field guide behind your back.
"Hello, Y/N." He mimicked, beginning to pace around you. "Am I interrupting one of your trials?"
"Really? I thought you were a part of the show." You smirk. He shrugs with a light chuckle.
"I just thought I would check in. I hope Black will be joining us. I would just love for him to see what is about to happen."
"What are you planning?"
"What's the fun in telling you?"
"Quit your games."
"Why so serious? Is it that hard to have a little fun?"
"Maybe it is."
"I don't think so." Cornelius slammed you against the wall, placing a hand on your neck. "Where's your knight in shinning armor when you need him?" He laughed, pressing hard against your neck. You take out your wand, but Cornelius bats it out of your hand. Alright then...next step is to kick him in the balls and that's exactly what you did. He lurched forward and you quickly snatched your wand and booked it for the door. How were you supposed to escape this place if you hadn't completed the trial? What even is the trial?! "You can't run forever." His voice taunted. Your heart pounds, but you collide with something.
"Y/N!" Black hugs you. What was he doing here?
"There's the knight himself!" Cornelius laughed. Black quickly pulled out his wand and stood in front of you.
"Stay away from her." He growled as magic danced along the tip of his wand.
"Or what?"
"I blow you brains out." He snapped, now using his arm to cover you.
"I would like to see you try." Cornelius hissed, shooting a ray of blue electric like magic shot towards Black.
"Pretego!" Black shouted but the magic was stronger than he expected. Falling to the floor with electric charges surging up and down his spine, Black screams in agony.
"Enough!" You snap, shooting your own burst of ancient magic. Cornelius is launched backwards and you attempt to lift Black off the ground. "You're going to be okay."
"What would I do without you." Black whispers and you look at him surprised. Blue magic glows below you and it travels up your leg all the way to your face.
"This isn't over!" Cornelius snapped as the magic brought you back to the present day common room and of course kids were there.
"It's Y/N and her boyfriend!" One kid shouted.
"I will murder you if you say another word about this!" You snap, pulling Black out of the room the best you could. Black was beginning to regain his strength and they started for the hospital wing. "I'm sorry for all this."
"I've told you before...it's not your fault. I think we need a break."
"Maybe you should have cancelled classes for the holidays then." You smirk. Black chuckled as they came across a floo powder that was decently far away from the common room. They use it to appear in the wing and you drop Black off. While you wished to talk to Fig, you thought to would be better to rest after your encounter. You head back to the common room and sit on one of the couches. Pulling out Cornelius' field guide, you feel a sense of calm. That was until you noticed other students start to act...strange. Their eyes flashed purple and that was all you saw before voices filled your mind. Then there was no control. Nothing. You were stuck...controlled by someone you know all too well.
#phineas nigellus black#hogwarts legacy#fanfic#harry potter#hogwarts#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#phineas nigellus black x reader#professor sharp#seventh year#ravenclaw#poppy sweeting#natsai onai#romance#slow burn#hogwarts oc#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
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chapter one ⋆ chase
YEAR 2108.
[Hallway 47, Haven]
HASTILY, rugged military boots stroke down against the open steel flooring. Loud and heavy thumping echoed through the brightly lit, metal hallways, accompanied by buzzing vibrations and hissing pipes.
Running, was a young lady — Emmeline Chung. Her long, black ponytail danced behind her, reflecting the thrill and adrenaline of committing a innocuous crime. Her playful lips grinned from ear to ear as she ran determined, narrowly escaping her arrest by the two guards who strenuously chased behind her.
Assuming a safe distance after turning corner after corner, she finally slowed down and steadily rested her right hand on the metal wall, panting like a small dog on a hot summer’s day.
All the hallways of this station looked identical. The walls made mechanical sounds of tireless whispering and whizzing all day, all throughout. Without the plastered signs indicating which direction to go, a stranger in Haven would indefinitely get lost in its silver labyrinth. Unnatural, intense white lighting exposed the hallways completely, sharply flowing from the the long cylinder lamps that were drilled horizontally into the walls of each section. The walls were cold and smooth, an installation of bolted panels making a hollow, low pitched gurgle when knocked.
“Please don’t tell me you snuck into hydroponics again.”
The annoyed voice belonged to Cory Hansen, who suddenly appeared on Emmeline’s left.
This young man, with somewhat slicked back hair, had a fed up look in his dirt-colored eyes. He was dressed in a dark navy uniform, a guard’s badge on his left chest, and the crest of Haven sitting on his left upper sleeve. A walkie-talkie hung reliably on his belt, alongside a taser and a ring of few keys. Below, he wore boring, black, work trousers and black military boots, which looked similar to Emmeline’s.
Emmeline’s chest tightened as if she had been caught. She swiftly turned herself to face the owner of the voice, no longer needing to support herself with the wall. Immediately recognizing his serious, softly chiseled, chin dimpled face, she let out a sigh of relief, her hand now clasping over her chest.
“Jesus, Cory, you scared me,” she complained.
Cory rolled his almond eyes and huffed, “so what did you nick this time?”
He crossed his arms, causing his biceps to slightly stretch out the sleeves of his uniform.
“For your information, every trip I have made prior to this was to put my helpful green thumb to use-"
“What did you steal, Mel?” Cory asked sternly, stopping her from rambling on.
Emmeline sighed before reluctantly rummaging inside her forest green, sack-looking, drawstring bag that hung weightily across her body. She eventually pulled out a thin, ivory, cotton pouch. The pouch drooped slightly at its bottom as Emmeline held it by the neck. Appearing somewhat dense, weak-reddish patches also leaked through the pouch.
Cory leaned in suspiciously to take a closer look.
She finally undid the string that tied the pouch shut, and inside, Cory saw a bunch of harmless strawberries that were crowded together.
His face was now relaxed, revealing a more gentle countenance. He glanced at Emmeline, curiously looking at her, as if asking how she got her hands on these scarce items.
The hydroponics department harvested crops to feed the mouths of the station. At Haven, this included onions, peas, radishes, lettuce, wheat, garlic, cucumbers, potatoes, parsley and dill. Very rarely, on special occasions, did they grow fruit.
“Are those- strawberries?” Cory asked.
“Yeah,” Emmeline proudly replies with a smile, quickly tying up the pouch and gently dropping it back into her forest green bag. She then pulled the drawstrings of her bag, securing her goods.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The guards’ heavy footsteps returned, their thuds growing nearer by the second.
Right, she was amidst a chase.
“Shit.” Emmeline cursed, instantaneously peeking behind the corner and witnessing the two guards as they walked through the end of that hallway.
While she saw them, that didn’t mean that they saw her.
She decided to make a run for it.
“Wait,” Cory grabbed her lightly by her arm.
Emmeline furrowed her eyebrows at Cory, unamused.
“No time,” she impatiently replied, pulling her arm out from Cory’s grasp and grabbing his arm instead. She dragged him straight through the hallway behind him.
“They’re over there!” The guards exclaimed, hearing Emmeline and Cory’s stomping, and quickening their pace.
As she ran, Emmeline saw a nearby door up front. She darted towards it with the intention to hide, Cory unwillingly following behind her. She opened the door at once, hopping inside and pulling Cory in. She then quietly closed the door, causing a small click.
The room was dark and stuffy. She could almost feel Cory’s breath hitting her head.
Recalling a pull-string for the light on the way in, she noticed a bead moving in the dark. She yanked it, uncovering the layer of dust that fell on the two of them. Her eyes twitched at the sudden brightness of the room, disarming her, and simultaneously her nose was tickled by the fine particles.
As she was about to sneeze, Cory jolted in alarm, eyes widened, and mouthed “no-.” Instinctively, he covered the bottom half of her face tightly with his calloused hands.
He muffled her sneeze successfully.
The two of them stay frozen in this position, Emmeline doe-eyed, in surprise.
The guards outside seemed to have neither noticed nor heard anything. They heedlessly scurried past their hiding spot.
As their authoritative footsteps faded, Cory loosened his hold. At this opportunity, Emmeline pushed his hand away, dramatically breathing in, then subsequently coughing hysterically into her hands due to the dust bunnies.
Paying attention to his current surroundings, Cory realized that they were standing in a janitor’s closet. It was compact, but still shared the same metallic interior as the hallways. The two of them were barely standing an arms length away, facing each other.
As her coughing fit ended, Emmeline casually closed her eyes and tiredly leaned back on the shelf behind her. The shelf, around Cory’s height, appeared feeble, housing very few cleaning products. It rumbled and creaked at Emmeline’s pressure. Flustered by its instability, Emmeline immediately withdrew her weight and turned her head around, startled. However, the shelf rocked back and forth, finally tilting towards the two. Watching the fall, Emmeline automatically shut her eyes in fear of getting hit. She crouched down with her hands above her head.
Thanks to his fast reflexes, Cory halted the shelf from crashing onto them. His masculine hands gripped tightly on the top ends of the shelf. Some cleaning sprays fell to the ground, but Emmeline was safe.
After stabilizing the shelf, Cory let out a tired sigh. Emmeline reopened her eyes and stood back up. She was slightly embarrassed. She then looked into Cory’s eyes, in anticipation of some nagging.
“Don’t try anything else. Stand straight,” Cory ordered, “You’re still so clumsy.”
“Sorry,” Emmeline whispered, an apologetic look on her face before glancing down at her boots.
Cory sighed again, “so what’s with the strawberries?”
She looked back up at Cory to reply.
“They’re for Kai,” she said softly.
Cory nodded nonchalantly.
Kai was Emmeline’s boyfriend. He was taller than Cory and a year younger than Emmeline. He had black hair, thick eyebrows, and hazel eyes like hers. He was en route to becoming an engineer. She liked how they had different interests. Kai liked to build tangible things, while Emmeline liked to think. He wasn’t really friends with Cory, but they knew of each other— all the kids in the station knew of each other, there were only so many of them.
Also, it was Kai’s birthday tomorrow.
“So you’re gonna let me go?” Emmeline asked nicely.
Cory stared at Emmeline, examining her current disheveled look. Her ponytail was loose, her fringe messily framed her face, and her cheeks were reddened from exertion. Yet her round eyes were still full of life and determination. He let out a scoff.
“What?” Emmeline questioned his behavior.
“Nothing. You can go. But promise me you’ll start staying out of trouble,” Cory stated, “I can’t keep turning a blind eye for you. It’s my job, for God’s sake, to catch miscreants like you.”
Emmeline chuckles, mistaking his tone to be banter, “stop being such a hard-ass, you were a miscreant like me.”
“Well I’m not. Anymore,” Cory said in all seriousness.
Emmeline’s smile fell as she nodded quietly.
“How did your uh- exams go?” Cory asked, regretting the tension he manifested and quickly wanting to change the subject. His hands were now resting in his pockets as he leaned on the wall.
A small grin reappeared on Emmeline’s lips, “I passed them. I get sworn in a few months, then I’ll become a government dog like you.”
Cory laughed, shaking his head, “You? A government dog? I thought you wanted to make change happen in this place-“
“I do! I still do, but I definitely need to blend in, before sneaking up on them with my ridiculous proposes.”
“They’re not ridiculous.” Cory stated.
A silence fell between them as Emmeline tried to read his eyes, wondering if he really meant it. She unexpectedly scoffed, rolling her eyes coolly. A smile was still plastered on her face.
Cory’s left hand rustled in his pocket, pulling it out to peek at his watch. Observing him look at the time, Emmeline decided it was time to leave. She carefully pushed down on the handle of the door, creating a sliver of an opening.
Her brown eyes peered as thoroughly as they could through this small gap, making sure there were no passersby.
“I think the coast is clear.” Cory muttered, pushing the door wider and gesturing Emmeline to move.
She walked through the door back into the well-lit hallways. Cory followed behind her. Outside, they faced each other again, Cory opening his mouth to speak.
“You should get going,” he said.
There was a pause before he spoke again.
“And stop getting yourself into trouble.”
In response, Emmeline flashed a radiant smile at him before childishly sticking her tongue out at him. She then turned around in an instant and ran off, disappearing into the hallways. Cory sighed and shook his head. Accustomed to her cheeky tendencies, however, a smirk lingered on his lips.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
#writerblr#writers of tumblr#writing#YA#dystopian fiction#original writing#strbryfldsfrvr#the maze runner#hunger games#the 100#the walking dead#Spotify
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Chapter 12
There were other small signs of him all around the room, too-a pair of running shoes placed neatly just underneath the edge of the bed; a pair of reading glasses sitting on top of a well-worn book; a jacket hung carelessly on the back of a chair. She imagined Cory walking in at night, taking off his jacket and kicking off his shoes. Would he sit back against the headboard and watch his favorite movie, or would he read his book with Sophie lying at his feet?
Stella walked over and picked the book up, taking care not to drop the glasses sitting on top of it. It was a detective mystery-oddly, the exact same one that Surf had been reading. It was also in the exact same condition, right down to the torn and wrinkled cover and a coffee stain on the outside pages. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say it was the exact same copy.
That’s also strange, she thought. Well, if two of her favorite people were recommending it, then it must be worth the read.
“It’s so good. I finished it last night.”
Stella nearly screamed at the sound of Cory’s voice behind her. The book slipped out of her hands and fell to the floor, sliding under the bed. She had been caught.
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Cory knew he was the right dude for the job, I mean, at least that's what he was told at the tavern. Old man Wickam had drunkenly insisted that "them thighs." Were made for climbing or at the very least "-crushing the liquor from my throbbing head." Cory wasn't sure what Old Man Wickam meant by that but he sure was flattered.
The years of dueling any being taller than a mouse, insisting on army crawling to the store and catching flies with chopsticks prepared Cory for the task at hand.
No one really asked him to do any of these things, in fact, many villagers insisted he would stop jousting their dogs or live stock even though he armed every animal with a sword to give them a fighting chance.
Cory's Father, Reginald loved his son deeply and had no intentions of stopping his son's self imposed rigorous training. Sure, it was annoying to wait three hours for his son to return for a singular trip to the local grocery but it brought his son joy to army crawl in all directions.
When Cory hit puberty, the villagers no longer thought his antics were cute, in fact a group of the most outraged came to his father's tavern to complain. Cory had accidentally set free a troupe of armed animals who fled to the forest nearby.
"Unacceptable!" Washerwoman Karen cried, for once she was right, the goat wielding swords cut through her latest load of laundry hung out to dry.
"A danger to us all!" Pickle man Joseph exclaimed. He tripped and fell over Cory every Sunday on the way to church and he was sick of arriving in his finest clothes covered in dust.
"What are you gonna do about it!?" Demanded Glass Eye Ricardo. No one really knew what Cory had done to him but he was very pissed off about it.
Reginald took a look around and feared he was going to lose his most faithful patrons. Luckily Reginald was full of charm and not above deception.
With a shining smile and easy grace he poured everyone a drink and sat down with his people. After thanking them for letting him know that his son has been causing trouble, he paused dramatically before leaning in and lowering his voice.
"This is a story for the people in this room. No one beyond these walls will hear what I am about to tell you, capiche?"
Everyone nodded hesitantly, they hadn't heard the word capiche before but they got the gist and braced themselves for the secret.
"Cory, my Cordealius is a touch mad, yes but that isn't without reason. " Reginald paused.
"What is it?!" Washerwoman Karen yelled impatiently. She had a lot of laundry to mend, it made her a little crabby.
"When his mother passed away I was grief stricken beyond repair. I carried Cordealius in to the forest to the edge of the lake and mourned for a day and a night until we both fell asleep. When I woke there was a woman holding my child. She was short and wide with a chesire cat grin and a pointed hat. "
"A witch!" Glass eyed Ricardo nodded wisely and somewhat self satisfied.
"Indeed!" Reginald agreed "I was terrified, absolutely speechless. My uncle Tommy messed with a witch fifty years ago and to this day he can not achieve an erection."
Pickle Man Joseph gasped and spit on the floor to ward off evil. Karen, Ricardo and Reginald followed.
"The witch began to cackle, shaking her whole body, shaking my son, shaking the trees, the lake started to ripple and rise. Her mouth remained closed, yet I received this prophecy: the trouble in the tower will only be removed with your son's power."
Glass Eye Ricardo was confused "What tower? What power? What does it mean?"
Pickle Man Joseph was similarly puzzled but speechless.
Finally Washerwoman Karen said " It must be the ruins across the lake, that is the only tower in the region!"
Reginald shrugged with a wry smile and topped off the glasses of his patrons. He was no poet but their energy had been redirected. Cordealius was free to arm animals and army crawl for milk for another day.
Word got around as intended, Washerwoman Karen told her union, Glass Eye Ricardo told his priest and Pickle Man Joseph told no one but his pickles which several people overheard.
Teen Cordealius started hearing whispers about the lake, witch and prophecy on his daily crawls and integrated these beliefs without question. After all he did have thunderous thighs and the ability to pluck a fly from the air. He already knew he was destined for an unusual future, the witch stuff made total sense.
For years he would visit the lake and peer at the tower, crawling anxiously in circles, confusing the birds above.
Cory never saw anything though, just vines and bush, crumbling stone and bugs. He spent less time at the lake and more at the tavern and that's where he was several years later when Old Man Wickam told him that something fishy was going on at the old ruins.
"I saw it with my own two eyes! The most beautiful woman stuck in that terrible tower!"
Cory grabbed the frail shoulders of Old Man Wickam and exclaimed in excitement. Washerwoman Karen and Glass Eye Ricardo were sitting at the bar, turned toward the commotion and asked why Cordealius was kissing Old Man Wickam across his leathery face.
"There is a woman stuck in the tower!" Cory yelled and raised his arms triumphantly. Karen gasped "The prophecy!" Glass Eye Ricardo raised his drinking glass and everyone yelled in drunken merriment.
Only Reginald remained quiet and told his son to let go of Old Man Wickam who's face Cory was pressing to his well-developed chest. Cory let go and Reginald apologized. "I don't mind!" Old Man Wickam said cheerfully.
Cordealius would leave at dawn, he had grown more considerate of foot traffic on his crawling routes.
Story about a princess trapped in a tower but whenever someone goes to rescue her she has to explain to them that she's not locked in, she's just super agoraphobic and has made a nice home here, and if they want to rescue her then they can tell the area trader to bring paper next time they pass by
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Rockstar Babies
im so so sooooo sorry this took so long, anon!! (this was sitting in my inbox for over a month omg 😭) ok i give u permission to slap me once...maybe twice. HAHAHAH anyway, i hope this lives up to ur request ♡ ps. yes this is a repost
summary: ava and hunter watching eddie perform for the first time
tags: fluff, mama!reader x papa!eddie, kids and wholesome stuff ☁️
ava and hunter
The hotel room was bubbling with giggles and the springs of the bed creaked under the weight of two jumping kids. Though you weren't in the comfort of your own home, Ava and Hunter didn't let that get in the way of their fun.
You were busy stuffing your bag with the necessities: extra clothes, snacks, little toys and the works.
Tonight was a big night for all four of you. Eddie was having one of Corroded Coffin's most anticipated shows while Ava and Hunter would be their dad in action for the first time. You on the other hand were full of jitters and what ifs clouding your mind.
What if it feels too much for the kids? What if Eddie can't focus because of you? because of them? Plus, metal isn't really featured on the kids' radio, are they? Quite frankly, they hadn't been exposed to Eddie's music too much.
"Mama, quick we're gonna be late!" Ava huffed, exhausted from jumping up and down on the bed.
Hunter had long retired from bouncing and was now resting on the headboard, watching his sister with a toothy grin. "Late! Late!" He echoed.
You laugh at their eagerness and slung the well secured bag on your shoulders. "Well, I'm all dressed up. You guys are still barefoot." You teased.
Ava was the first to run to the door where her sparkly pink shoes rested, sitting carelessly on the carpeted floor as she stuffed her tiny feet in. Hunter followed and grabbed on his sister's hair to maintain his balance as he tried to fit into his shoe.
She was unfazed, focused on the task at hand while you gingerly ran to catch Hunter's hand off her well-styled hair. "Okay, big boy. Mama's got you."
What felt like thirty minutes passed and you were finally on the way to the concert venue. You didn't want to be there early but now, you were late. The show had probably started ten or so minutes ago.
With Hunter suddenly turning fussy in the car, you couldn't find the time to call Eddie and let him know you were gonna be late.
Upon arriving the venue, you thanked the driver before zooming to the entrance with Hunter cradled in one arm and your other hand holding Ava's.
You were about to go the general entrance when an orange-haired woman called your name. She had three lanyards around her hand and an identical one hung around her neck.
"Lydia, nice to meet you." She handed you the IDs. "Cory's pretty busy in there so he sent me to get you guys." Cory was Corroded Coffin's long time manager who you've met multiple times before.
You could hear the vibrations from within the building when she crouched to level with Ava who was now hiding behind your legs, her puffy skirt poking out. "Hi pretty girl, your outfit is totally metal."
Ava caught her skirt between her fingers, playing with the material with a shy smile on her face. "Thank you." She let out a small voice.
You bounced your little boy on your hip and let him play with the lace of your pass. "And this is Hunter."
"Nice to meet you, sir Hunter." She extended two fingers towards him and he gladly accepted her gesture for a handshake.
The two of you shared a look and chuckled to yourselves. Lydia ushered you in through a door that led backstage. She grabbed two pairs of ear mufflers from the desk and handed it to you.
She slid one on Ava's head and you put the other one on Hunter's. "Okay, you guys can stay here for a bit and we can go back to the mixing room whenever. Just call me." She did a call hand sign, yelling over the music.
Your whole body rumbled with vibrations and you were afraid that it would be too much for the kids but looking over to Ava, you were surprised to see that she was already dancing to the beat of the drums emitting from the stage.
Hunter wiggled his was out of your grasp and ran to join his sister. You turned to Lydia and thanked her. "I think we'll stay here for a bit."
She was quick to nod and within a second, she was gone with a clipboard in her hand.
Other staff offered to assist and you made sure to stay out of the crew's way. Luckily, they let you stand beside the curtains and you were finally able to catch a glimpse of Eddie for the first time that night.
He had on a black muscle tee, ripped black jeans and a red plaid shirt wrapped around his waist along with some chain links. His hair was let loose and you could barely see the stud in his ear with all the frizz covering it.
"Papa!" The kids shrieked.
They jumped in excitement and Ava was the first to approach closer to the curtain. You grabbed her by the hand, letting her know the furthest she can step.
The band was now in the middle of their second song with Eddie's guitar solo coming up. He walked across the stage as he ripped through the solo, head thrown back and forth with his hair.
Ava and Hunter, was quick to mimic Eddie's actions, unbeknownst to him. They both held imaginary guitars while rocking their heads from side to side.
With Ava's all pink outfit and Hunter's squeaky shoes, they weren't hard to spot. From the corner of his eyes, Eddie finally noticed you and you gave a little wave as you locked eyes.
His eyes fell on the tiny rocking figures and he turned to face them as he continued with his riff.
His other bandmates noticed this and one of them comes out to invite both kids on stage. They hesitantly turned to you for permission and you turned to Eddie. He smiled and nodded and did the same to your kids, looking at you with puppy eyes.
With your signal, they both ran out and stopped to face Eddie who was now on one knee, fingers skilfully gliding on his guitar. The crowd went wild and all your inhibitions came melting down.
Hastily digging at your bag, you pulled out the camcorder and zoomed in at the precious moment unfolding before your eyes.
Ava and Hunter hopped around the stage with Eddie tailing close to them as he kept playing and despite the booming vibrations running through you, you could hear their giggles as they danced around their dad.
Once the song finished, Eddie quickly jogged to you, both kids in tow, and placed a quick kiss on your lips before putting the kids down.
"I thought you changed your mind. Thought you weren't gonna come."
Though visibly tired, Ava mimicked the high pitched sounds as she played her imaginary guitar while Hunter sloppily threw his chubby arms around in attempts to act out playing the drums. "We're rockstars!"
You giggled at the sight.
"Are you kidding?" You kissed him again. "We wouldn't miss it for the world."
#dad!eddie munson#eddie x you#eddie x reader#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson#eddie fluff#eddie munson imagine#eddie x y/n#eddie imagine
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◈ - be brave Cory!
Send a ◈ for a first kiss between our muses.
"Oppa! Carry my bag?"
Turning his head a little, Cory watches as the young woman, stood with her handbag outstretched, gives her foot a little stamp, and her sweet, pink glossed lips pout as she holds the bag out towards her now chuckling boyfriend, as he happily obliges. His eyes filled with adoration as this soon wins him coos and cheek kisses, as he takes her handbag and slings it over his shoulder, before picking up the 6 or so shopping bags he was also carrying, and the two of them walk off along the mall's linoleum flooring off to do more couple shopping.
His eyes follow them for a moment longer, before slowly glancing down to his own tatty backpack, clutched in his grasp, and then up to David's back as the man stands beside him, still on the phone. With a pout on his own, slightly puffy lips, and a huff of breath through his nose, Cory wishes he was on a date like that - but as it was David had taken an emergency phone call 8 minutes ago and Cory had just been stood next to him waiting for some attention of a little while. They were only going to get a burger... no shopping, no hand holding, no bag holding. It was inevitable someone from David's work place would turn up before they'd finished anyway and Cory gets to third wheel for a little while before work takes over and he's sent off with a hair ruffle and a pat on the butt.
Still, as he looks down at his bag again, then once more up to his 'date' as he paces and talks, Cory does realise that he'd never actually asked for anything more. In truth he was happy doing anything with David - he enjoys the man so much. The way he smiles and teases him, his whole carefree attitude and silly antics. The way he smells like cologne and tabaco - maybe if he actually asked for something he could enjoy more of the experience? Though the thought in itself has his cheeks turn a little pinker. One thing he was definitely around David, was shy.
Turning towards the man he watches as he paces a little, brow furrowed in that way it did when something had irritated him, before he's turning to take a seat and his hand reaches into the inner breast pocket for the box of smokes. Step by step Cory knew the routine by now. The call was coming to an end. David had hung up before the cigarette butt reaches his lips, only this time Cory's bag drops between his feet, and his fingers pluck the smoke from David's lips and a pair of gently, pecking lips replace it. Cory leans closer to press his lips to the sitting man's, taking his full attention the only way he knows how, before he leans back a little to let thick lashes flutter open as he looks back at him, still hovering close.
"Can we go shopping?" He asks quietly, as their faces hover so close and his gaze doesn't falter. This was something he really wanted, a proper date and David to himself, just for a little while...
#meme;cory#/ okay so.. it's not their first kiss#but you saying he needed to be brave gave me the idea and i had to!#he wants a daaaate ;;#I do also kinda want to write their first kiss too cuz that shiz is DIRTY hurhurhru#but i did sweet and wholesome instead!#im growing as a person honestly#(but if you want the dirty one too like ill do that happily hurhur)
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Sixteen Candles
First Date with Shawn Hunter
Word Count: 5,549
Pairing: Shawn Hunter x Fem! Reader
Summary: Shawn Hunter and Y/N Y/L/N have been close friends since they first met at age seven. They have also been in love with one another just as long, but Y/N was not allowed to date until she is sixteen. Her sixteenth birthday comes and Shawn asks her out on a date where they make milestones in their relationship/friendship.
Contains: Tooth rotting fluff, Young Love, First Kisses, Cuddling, and did I say Fluff already
Y/N: Your name Y/L/N:Your last name
Y/D/L/N:Your Dads last name Y/N/N:Your nick name
They were seven when they first met; no one wanted to play with her in the slightest chance they could catch the mythical “cooties” and no one wanted to play with him the so-called “trailer trash”.
So they made their own fun together, imagining a world different from their own.
Age 16
“Y/N come on stop dodging my question” the boy exclaimed.
He brushed his hair out of his eyes in that way that make’s all the girls swoon. “Shawn what am I supposed to say” she laughed half out of the comedy of it and half because she was frustrated.
“You could say, I don’t know...Yes!”. “I don’t know Shawn, every other girl you have gone out with has been a two-week thing tops. And I don’t want to be another notch on your belt” Y/N opened her locker, set her books in and finally made eye contact with the soft-haired boy in front of her.
“Well, it’s a good thing I don’t own a belt” flashing a dopey but charming smile her way, in hopes to lighten the situation. She rolled her eyes to prove she wasn’t amused by his joke.
“Okay look Y/N…” he slowed as his tone got serious “...The whole reason I went out with those other girls is to fill the time until now. Your parents have that rule about no dating till you’re sixteen.” He grabs her free left hand and holds it with his gently. “That is why they only lasted two weeks. I wanted to get good at dates so when the time was right, then I could make sure it is perfect”.
His eyes darted down to the floor, hair falling over his doe-like eyes, after a moment she caved.
Bending down slightly she looked up at Shawn’s face that was dangling in defeat; her right hand brushed the stray hairs behind his ear and squeezed his hand in the other. Looking at her he couldn’t help but smile in the slightest like one does at a sleeping puppy. With her hand wavering on Shawn’s cheek she spoke, “Is that the same story for the kissing I suppose” a cheerful smile showing no malice on her face.
“From what I recall you stole my first kiss Y/N/N” Shawn laughed lightly at the memory sending a wave of nostalgia his way.
Age 12
It wasn’t a secret that Shawn had a crush on Y/N for years already but she never let that get in the way of their friendship, even though admittedly she had a crush on him for equally as long.
It seemed like every day he was asking her to marry him, probably because it was in fact, every day.
She never showed it but she loved his persistence, even if she always turned him down.
On this particular day, Y/N was wearing an overall type of dress that had a sunflower pattern on it with pockets and underneath it, she wore a white long sleeve blouse perfect for the fall weather.
Hot on Y/N’s heels was Shawn with Cory and Topanga following farther back in their own conversation
As if on cue Shawn says smoothly “Y/N that dress is pretty on you, I look forward to seeing how beautiful you will look on our wedding day”. Cory and Topanga join the two near the lockers and Cory says in a fake deep booming voice “You may kiss the bride” as Topanga joins in on the fun humming of ‘Here comes the bride’. Y/N looks at Shawn as he closes his eyes and puckers his lips in a comedic way, not expecting anything to come from it. Y/N grabs Shawn by his shirt collar and puts him back to the locker, his eyes widening in confusion and fear thinking he is about to get pummeled.
But instead, Y/N plants her lips on his in a kiss, it only lasted not even a moment ,but it still left the both of them breathless.
Sliding down the locker onto the floor both of them said a unison “Woah”.
Blushed faces, Pink lips, and an understood adoration of one another was the recipe of Shawn and Y/N’s relationship. But that first kiss would have the pair yearning for the next, for years to come.
Back at age 16
“And I wouldn’t trade it for a second, Shawnie” her hand still cupped Shawn’s cheeks and his face turned a shade of red that Y/N loved to see travel to his ears.
Regaining a bit of his confidence with hearing his nickname from her he says “So will you go out with me Y/N Y/L/N. I promise you won’t regret it.”
Y/N stared at Shawn for a few seconds taking in and soaking his words up, she didn’t have much to lose and even if she did, losing whatever it was for the gift of Shawn Hunter would always be worth it.
“Yes, Shawn I’ll go out with you. But you better have something phenomenal and never before seen planned since you talked your dating game up so much”.
“Just you wait, darling” he lifted her hand up, their fingers still interlocked and kissed her hand princess style. Y/N leaned over and kissed Shawn’s nose, her face turning red this time.
Shawn got all giggly, Y/N had never seen him this way but she was definitely enjoying seeing a different side of him she was pretty sure only she could bring out of him.
“So I will see you at 6,” Y/N said, giggling a little now too, pulling her hand away from his, she could only get a two-thumbs-up from him as a response. At the same time, Mr. Turner came and dragged Shawn away, and to class still unable to do anything but giggle.
Y/N was swapping her books in her locker when Mr. Feeny came up behind her and says “I just saw Mr. Hunter down the hallway it was as if he was on laughing gas, you didn’t happen to know anything about that now would you Miss. Y/L/N. Because I believe you broke the poor boy.” Mr. Feeny put a hand on her shoulder and laughed with his coffee in the opposite hand. He had watched this dance between the two for years, growing and maturing as young adults and destined lovers. “Love is a precious thing that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially young love, for it is at its most precious time of a person’s life” then he walked away without saying another word.
Later that Friday night Y/N stood in front of her mirror and smoothed her casual pink dress out.
Staring at her reflection she thought to herself “I cannot believe I’m going on a date with my best friend”, but she was smiling ear to ear. Shawn and Y/N’s friendship was unique in the way that they behaved as if they held the label of boyfriend and girlfriend, what with the hand holding, him carrying her books, and his arm slung over her shoulder being a regular sight. But when anyone would ask it was always the same response “We are just friends” or the occasional “She’s not allowed to date yet” coming from Shawn. But after a long nine years the night is finally here.
Hearing the door shut from downstairs she hears chatter and then her father calling her down shortly after.
Coming down the stairs she could imagine how cliche she looked based on the way she felt, that was until she saw how Shawn looked at her. Eyes glazey, mouth slightly hung open, and his hand scratching the back of his neck (a nervous habit that he couldn’t ever kick) she loved every bit of it. He looked at her like she put pieces of her soul into the sky and that's what made up the stars, and somehow she knew only he could ever make her feel as if she really did.
There was an electric charge in the air and the words between the nervous teens seemed to dissipate.
No words were needed anyways they both knew.
“Um, Y/N … wow, you’re so beautiful” Shawn couldn’t hold his tongue any longer even if it was in front of his date's Dad.
“You look great too Shawn” Y/N walked forward, grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers showing no discomfort in front of her Dad.
After being best friends for almost ten years Y/N’s family knew Shawn was going to become part of the family one day and this was just the beginning of it, they only had that rule so the pair could do some growing up before getting their hearts involved even more than they already are.
“Go have fun Sweetie I trust you and Shawn to stick to the same rules,” Y/N’s Dad said cheerfully.
“Thank you Mr.Y/D/L/N I’ll have her home by 11 'o'clock as usual sir” Shawn knew the rules indeed and surprisingly they were the only ones he followed.
Going out the door hand in hand was a new feeling that Y/N relished in, she knew that when she was with Shawn everything would make sense eventually and from experience, she knew when Shawn Hunter was around everything made sense in her world.
“So what do you have planned for us tonight, so-called King of Dates”.
“Well first off it is not something as lame as King of dates, many like to refer to me as ‘Oh great one’.”
His eyes locked onto her features taking in every slight curve of her soft face then continued.
“But that’s behind me, now I have my girl here and nothings going to ruin that without going through me first.”
Y/N blushed walking with him further.
After taking the subway and walking for a while Y/N could see it in the distance it was the park where she and Shawn had first met, except this time the jungle gym and trees had twinkling lights strewn everywhere and there was a blanket laid out in a clear area.
The look on Shawn’s face was immeasurable to how he actually felt inside, his chest was on fire but then again so was the rest of him but in the best way. He only feels like this around her, perhaps it's because she knows the real him and not the fictitious version everyone at school knows him as.
Turning his head he looked at Y/N’s expression, it was priceless.
He swore he had never seen her eyes go this big, it was as if she held the suns rays in her irises
Shoulders hunching up slightly Shawn asked nervously,“Do you like it” ?
It took her a moment to answer and he started to panic, fumbling over his words he says “If you don't I totally get it we can go and do something else or…”
Putting both hands on the shaky boy's shoulders she said “Shawn this is better than any date we’ve had in my dreams”.
Finally coming back to reality Shawn’s voice goes soft and questioning “You dreamt about our date”?
Y/N giggles at the same softness that Shawn used “Only since we were seven, you goof”.
“Wow I had no idea, glad I could exceed your expectations Y/N”.
“Shawn you always have, there has never been a moment where you have ever let me down” Y/N’s hand fell down from Shawn’s shoulders and reached for his hand then pecked his cheek.
Now it was Shawn’s turn for his eyes to explode with happiness.
“Well then let's get started m’lady”.
Hide and go seek a game that has been Y/N’s favorite over the years and now here they are playing it at age sixteen. Usually Shawn would feel childish and refuse playing such a game any other time but with Y/N everything changed in the best ways, if she wanted to do something he would move mountains just so it happened.
For the first round Shawn was the hider and Y/N was the seeker, hiding on top of the jungle gyms roof , it took a lot of willpower for Shawn not to laugh.
“3...2...1...ready or not here I come Shawnie”! She yelled from below.
When she opened her eyes she went straight for the tree’s, looking around every single one with a large trunk. When she realised he wasn’t there then she went to every other area, not even thinking of looking up to the roof.
Shawn watched as she looked around confused, he was so in awe with her he zoned out and lost track of her, that was until she shouted from underneath him “Found you”!
Then they switched positions Y/N was now the hider. When she hid she didn’t try as hard, she actually wanted him to find her. She climbed their tree, the one where they had first played all those years ago.
It was a medium sized tree easy to climb but sturdy enough for something like a tree house, thick branches and all.
It took Shawn longer than expected to find her but what matters is he did.
“Found you” He said softly.
“You always do” she jumped down, him guiding her with his hand.
She kept his hand in hers as she pulled him down gently to the blanket underneath them, sitting down legs spread out next to one another.
He complied doing as she silently asked, just as he always did and always would.
“This tree holds a lot of memories” Shawn says pulling her into his side wrapping his arm around her, their hands still clasped together.
“It sure does, do you still carry that pocket knife you got for your tenth birthday” Y/N asked curiosity filling the air.
Pulling out the pocket knife in question Shawn says “Yeah, why”?
“Could we add one more memory into this tree by engraving out initials into it” .
Shawn's heart was a mess at this point, he obviously did something right if she wants their initials engraved into their tree, he thought.
Wasting no time or words he untangles himself from her disappointedly, and starts carving.
You would think there would be hurt feelings at some point because of Shawn’s active dating life and Y/N’s lack thereof, well before this of course. But it was actually the opposite, I mean sure sometimes Y/N would get a tad jealous at him going out with these other girls. But soon she realised that they only get him for a few short hours every saturday night, while she has him every other day of the week. She also had realised that what she has with Shawn they are never going to have, certainty. Y/N always had known she was going to have Shawn by her side no matter what and she would be by his, whether that would be romantic or not.
Finishing up the last letter he took a moment to look at his handiwork then decided to add the finishing touch, a heart to enclose it all.
Shawn looked up for Y/N’s approval and she was beaming, if smiles were lazars then hers could cut steel.
“Shawn I don’t know if I have ever told you this but, You’re my favorite person” Y/N grinned but her words were spoken with solid truth.
“Even over Cory and Topanga” Shawn joked. “Yes, each and every day”.
Y/N leaned into Shawn’s space, even closer than they were before.
It was as if a spell had been cast onto him, he was so nervous and yet so calm.
Leaning towards her as well, now engulfed in each other's breath Shawn rests his forehead to hers.
Hands finding one another blindly on the blanket, no map needed.
“Shawn…” she says with a softer voice than he has ever heard it.
“Hmm” He hums, eyes fluttering open to look at her.
“Thank you” she leans back to look him in the eyes properly.
“Y/N the pleasure is really all mine..” but before he could finish she interrupted him.
“No I mean just thank you for everything, not just this… date. Thank you for being everything to me”.
Shawn's heart swelled more than he ever thought it could. Taking a moment to find the words he says
“Y/N you’re not only the most beautiful girl I have ever known on the outside; but the brightest soul on the inside as well. You remember the first time we met yeah?”
“Of course, no one wanted to play with either of us, so we played together,” she said, absentmindedly playing with his fingers in hers.
“Yes that is true. But what you don’t realise is how lucky I got, meeting you is why I am who I am today, So...thank you right back.”
Y/N didn’t protest, she just smiled and then her stomach growled so loud; it was as if it was hooked up to a loudspeaker.
The pair fell into a pile of giggles, true belly laughs forming every passing second.
Pulling Y/N to her feet Shawn looks to his watch and says “Okay we have plenty more than enough time to go and grab a burger from Chubbies; how does that sound”.
The laughter still hung in the air between the two of them.
“Sounds great, let’s go” Y/N says , eager to go and eat.
Shawn reached out for her arm to stop her “Um one second, I have a surprise for you”.
“I had somewhat of a plan on how to give this to you, But I guess this will have to work; Close your eyes”
He instructed and she listened, not wanting to ruin the surprise.
With her eyes shut she only heard a bit of rustling from beside her.
Shawn had hid her surprise behind their tree covered with a dark cloth so she wouldn’t find it too early; but instead he was struggling to find it himself.
“Okay here we go” Shawn mumbled when he finally found the familiar box he placed her surprise in.
“You can open your eyes now, Y/N/N” and when she did there he stood nerves and all, with a baby blue box and a dainty ribbon tied around it.
“Shawn” Y/N says with a look that is serious. “I know, I know you don’t like presents but please just let me do this” and she does.
He hands her the box with shaky fingers; her eyes dart up to his when their hands brush together during the transaction.
Staying relatively close to her as he awaits her reaction, she unwraps it painfully slowly.
After taking off the ribbon she ties it to her wrist, knowing she’ll want to keep it as a memento.
Then finally she opens the small box and inside is a weathered silver heart shaped locket.
Her hand flies up to her mouth in surprise, tears filling the waterline of her eyes.
“I remember you telling me when we were about nine or ten; how your Dad had given the locket to your Mom when they were our age…” he taps her hand as if to silently ask if it's okay if he grabbed the said locket from the box. “...you loved that necklace so much I told myself that one day I would give you one of your own. And I also took a page from your Dad’s book as he used the locket to ask your Mom to be his girlfriend”.
The silver chain and locket attached to it dangled expectantly in Shawn’s hands.
“So what I’m saying is...Will you Y/N...Will you be my girlfriend” a flustered Shawn asked his childhood friend.
Y/N wiped the tears away from her eyes and nodded her head profusely, this being one of the few times he has seen her at a loss for words.
Shawn just let out a relieved and breathy “Really oh my gosh”; but wasted no time going behind her to clasp the jewelry around her neck.
Lifting up her hair and angling her head down to make it easier for him to do so.
She was beyond happy and once he said “Okay”.
She spun around so quickly she got dizzy; and basically jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck into a hug, in return he wrapped his arms around her abdomen. “Shawn I love it, thank you so very much” she whispered into his ear “Anything for you darling”, her face growing a flame at the use of the pet name.
When the hug died down, Y/N bent down and grabbed the blanket they had used earlier. And wrapped it around her shoulders, grabbing his hand and walking in the direction of Chubbies.
Shawn stopped in his tracks and she gave him a confused look.
“What” Y/N asked as Shawn took the blanket off of her shoulders. He shrugged off his own jacket and said “Here take my jacket, it will be much warmer” a blush tinted both of their cheeks and they continued on to Chubbies.
The walk was silent besides the sounds of nature and Y/N breathing in the scent of Shawn’s clothing hanging from her shoulders, a smell so unique she could only classify it as Him.
Y/N rested her head on his shoulder as they walked, knowing they would be at the restaurant within a few short minutes. The display of affection even though it was small was enough to make the butterflies that resided in Shawn’s stomach since he met her, go insane. In his defence even though touches between the two were a normal behavior, she has never done this and he honestly loved every bit of it. How she trusted him to have these most precious moments with, of all people.
Arriving at Chubbies it was packed as it usually was on a Friday night, every inch of the place filled with bodies. Except one booth in particular, their booth. Y/N’s head snapped up to look at her now, Boyfriend.
“Shawn, What did you do?”
“I used the best friend card” Shawn points as they make their way down the stairs and Y/N sees Cory dressed in a suit with black sunglasses; and everytime someone even goes near the booth he says “This booth is reserved for two of my best friends” How sweet Y/N thought.
Taking a seat Shawn lets go of her hand and takes a seat opposite from her; But she reaches immediately back for his hand which makes him happier than he’d care to admit to anyone but her.
“Thanks Cory, see you later,” Shawn says. “My duty is done, I got it. Have a good night love birds” .
After a burger and countless fries it's surprising that the pair haven’t run out of things to say to each other.
Right now they’re reminiscing about how Shawn dressed up as a girl for an article for the school newspaper. “Yeah and you came to my house, because you and Cory ran out of pantyhose”
“The funny part was you weren't even shocked. You were just like ‘Yeah which shade’? When you obviously know I am a medium tan.” Y/N busts up laughing letting out a snort in the process.
On anyone else that would be obnoxious but because it was Y/N, Shawn was in awe.
Once the laughter died down between the two of them Shawn realised something important;
Pulling back the sleeve of his sweater covering his watch he panicked...It was ten thirty and taking the subway would take well over half an hour.
When Y/N asked Shawn what was the matter he just showed her his watch as he ran to the counter, paid for the food and tried to think of a faster way to make sure she got home on time.
“What am I going to do, your Dad is going to kill me if I don’t get you home before curfew. And what if he never lets me see you again that would be a terrible way to start a relationship…” shawn rambles.
“Shawn, he would never do that over a broken curfew. Just give me a minute”.
Y/N scans the room for anyone who could help the couple, and across the room she spots Eric, thankfully not on a date.
“Okay I got this” Y/N says to Shawn to possibly help calm him.
Y/N bassically sprints towards Eric, so hard in fact she runs right into him. “Woah there buttercup, whats going on” his tone goes from going to concerned quickly when he sees her face.
“Curfew is in thirty minutes and could you possibly...drive us” Y/N asks, nervous of his answer.
Sure her family and his were close and even though Eric was the closest thing Y/N had to an older brother, that doesn’t mean he will say yes.
With the most nonchalant attitude he says “Yeah of course let's go. I have a late anniversary present from my parents to yours anyways that I need to deliver”.
Even though Shawn and Y/N no longer had to worry about her missing curfew there was an awkwardness in the car because Eric was giving Shawn the ole big brother talk, while she was in the vehicle.
But to her astonishment Shawn was taking it like a champ, agreeing with practically everything Eric was saying. It was at this moment that Y/N really felt how much Shawn cared about her. I mean of course she knew it in her mind but it wasn't until now that she felt it deep inside her heart and it made her heart soar beyond words.
When they arrive at her house Shawn and Y/N race out of the car as fast as humanly possible. Rushing to the door Shawn checked his watch and it said 10:58pm. Ringing the doorbell there is no time for anything except a rushed “Goodbye” before she is ushered into the house. Before closing the door Y/N’s Dad laughs saying “See you tomorrow”.
When Y/N is in the comfort of her own room she shuts the door and slides down it, squealing with glee. She realises that she is still wearing Shawn’s leather jacket so she brings the collar up and takes a deep breath of her Shawn and lets herself get lost in thought rewinding the night in her mind. Her hand placed over the locket that hung over where her actual heart was. *Tink* She hears not thinking much of it going back into her daydream. Then a knock against her window makes her jump. Looking over to the window she sees Shawn hanging from the large oak tree directly outside her window. Quickly she opens it then rushes back to her door and locks it, eliminating the possibility of anyone walking in unexpectedly.
“Not that I mind but what are you doing back here” Y/N pushes her hair out of her face and behind her ear. Shawn steps closer and puts his index finger on top of her locket “Well I remembered you never looked inside of the locket and I wanted to see your face when you did”.
Shawn eased his finger up off of the pretty object and made eye contact with her waiting.
Wasting no time she did just that; and upon looking at the inside of the locket is on one side a picture of the two of them aged seven… the day they first met. And on the other a picture of her that she's never seen before, her face deep in concentration as she was reading a book. It was just a simple photo, she assumed he took it.
Looking back up at Shawn she was so overwhelmed by emotion she said what was on her mind. “Is this how you see me” she asks and if voices could have textures hers would be a flower petal. “Yeah I do, I think you’re gorgeous Y/N and as I have said plenty of times before not only on the outside but your soul too. I don’t know why or how but our souls are meant for each other Y/N and I hope you feel the same way” Shawn says heart in his hands.
“I do” she holds the eye contact with him as she awaits whatever he is going to say next.
“Good cause I also forgot one more thing” he says wasting no time.
Puts his hands on Y/N’s face leans in and closes the agonizing space between them. It takes no time for Y/N to move her lips with his, her hands placing atop of his and then moving them to his face she deepens the kiss and wishes she had done it sooner. It was a kiss filled with nine years of friendship, adoration, and something more than yearning.
After what feels like not long enough they break apart for some air, foreheads resting against each other for support just as they did earlier that night. Words of true emotion slip from Y/N’s mouth “I am in love with you Shawn Hunter”. He doesn’t even hesitate before replying with “I am in love with you,Y/N Y/L/N. And god I should have kissed you sooner. That was five years of torture.” She giggles before placing her lips back onto his, smiling in the process. This was right, she couldn’t explain why but she just knew.
After many sweet kisses and hushed talking, Y/N looks at the clock, the time being a quarter past midnight. It was definitely way too late to let Shawn walk home to Turner’s apartment alone, and even though Shawn protested claiming that he can take care of himself; Y/N was not having it.
“You aren’t leaving and that’s final. You can call Mr. Turner on my landline and tell him the truth. At least he will know you’re safe, besides it is not like this is your first time spending the night here.”
Shawn nodded deciding his response could wait until after his call.
Shawn tells Turner what happened and that he is safe at your house for the night, the details of this impromptu little sleepover didn’t matter, at least Turner didn’t have to wait up any longer for the boy sat beside her.
During Shawn’s phone call with Turner; Y/N went to the bathroom and grabbed some pajama pants for Shawn to sleep in.
When she returned there he was waiting silently for her, she handed him the Pj’s. Y/N went to the opposite side of the room in order to give him some privacy and turned away.
“Done” he said to give her the okay to turn around, and when she did he looked so comfy she could have melted right through the carpet.
There was a sting in the air, full of nervousness and uncharted territory. As they both knew they were going to sleep in the same room together, perhaps even the same bed. But neither of them would admit just how much they wanted to sleep next to the other, not in a sexual way either cause they both knew there was time for that later on in life. But in a ‘I just really want to hold you in my arms’ sort of way.
“Just for the record this is different cause all of the other sleepovers we have had, had been in your living room on two seperate couches.” Shawn broke the silence first and Y/N’s face dropped, she hoped this didn't make him uncomfortable. But he spoke up again before she could continue the assumptions in her head “But different isn't always bad”. He reached for her hand resting on her lap and curled his fingers around her own. Instead of speaking Y/N just leaned forward and kissed him much like she had plenty of times during this night, but this kiss was different in the good way; it said ‘I trust you completely’ because she really did.
After getting under the covers the pair laid on the edge of each side of Y/N’s full size mattress, too scared to touch one another. As the awkward tension grew; Shawn knew neither of them could sleep like this so he scooched closer to Y/N putting a hand on her arm in the gentlest way possible as to be sure not to scare her and said “Can I hold you please”?
Y/N’s eyes twinkled with the reflection of the moonlight bouncing off some unknown source, “I was just about to ask you the same thing” soft whispers filled the air.
Y/N tucked her head into Shawns chest as his arms wrapped around her arms and overlapped at her back. Their legs tangled together practically on their own, comfort between the two coming quickly.
As Y/N’s breathing slowed and Shawn’s eyelids became heavier he said “Happy Sweet Sixteen, My girl”.
A smile woke its way onto her face before they fell asleep for the night.
In the morning before the new official couple woke up, Y/N forgot one important thing when you’re to sneak a boy in to spend the night in your room….Remember to re-lock the door. When Y/N’s family came in to wish her a happy birthday they discovered the childhood friends and now Lovers strewn together in the comfort of Y/N’s blankets. But instead of being angry her parents smiled and her mother captured the blissful moment of Teenage love, forever in a photograph.
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Dream Come True
Colin Shea x O/C Corinne MacAdam
Multi-Chapter Story - Complete
Summary: Colin Shea and his band Rock the Cradle are finally making it big - until something unexpected happens. When he meets a girl that makes him reconsider his player ways, he thinks his life may be coming together, until she blows it apart.
Warning: Bad language, smut, suicidal ideations - no one under 18, please
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please do not read if you are underage. I do not own the character of Colin Shea; the rest are my original characters. By reading beyond this point, you understand the disclaimers as posted.
Chapter Ten
Cori slowly opened her eyes, trying to figure out where she was. She looked around, saw the Red Sox cap on the dresser and it all came back. Last night with Colin was so good, even better than she’d imagined it might be. She was warm under the covers and when she rolled over to put her arm around him, he wasn’t there. She lifted up on an elbow, but it was apparent she was the only one in the apartment.
She sat on the side of the bed, her feet hitting the hardwood floor. She looked around and saw that her clothes were folded and laid on a small table by the front door. There was no note, no text or message on her phone. She laid back down and wrapped herself in the sheet, laying her head on his pillow. His scent filled her mind and she closed her eyes, reliving last night. All the kisses, all the touches, she craved them again. She’d hoped when she woke up this morning, he’d be there and they could pick up where they left off. She was head over heels in love and it didn’t matter at all.
Her stomach dropped. So this is how it worked. He always said it was easier if he wasn’t here. He couldn’t hide in her apartment today so he’d just disappear somewhere else until he thought she was gone. She unwrapped herself, got out of bed and threw her clothes on, padding across the hall to her apartment.
She quickly showered and dressed and headed out to Ms. Robbins’ house. She had a week until her big event and she had work to do. She didn’t know where Colin was and he obviously didn’t want her to know. He’d done just what she asked – he wanted her just for a night.
Colin ran upstairs to his apartment, but she was gone. No note, no text, nothing. He’d totally forgotten about meeting the manager at O’Leary’s to set dates for next month. He’d slipped out so quick he’d forgotten his phone. He knew Cori loved to sleep late so he was sure she’d still be there when he got back. She looked so sweet and peaceful sleeping, he was glad she was able to rest so comfortably. He’d pulled the blanket up to keep her warm before he left.
He strode across the hall and knocked but there was no answer. When he walked back in, he shot her a quick text. “You ok?”
In a few minutes, there was a ding. “Sure”was her response.
Oh boy. He knew it. They shouldn’t have done what they did. He ran his hand through his hair. She’d been drinking. She wasn’t capable of making a good decision. He’d told her no, but she looked so beautiful, so sexy, her body felt so good against his. No matter how strong he was, there was no way he could resist her, he’d been doing it for so long. He plopped down on the couch. She was somewhere lamenting what a huge mistake she’d made and all he could think about was how fantastic it was.
He knew she was too good for him and now she really knew it. And she’d given herself up when he should’ve protected her.
For the rest of the day he straightened up and did laundry, waiting on her to come home, but he never heard her. He finally had to leave for the bar, their set would start at 8. Before he left, he pulled his phone out and pulled up her name. “I’m sorry,” he texted. Then he set out for the bar.
The week before the benefit flew by. Cori went in early and worked late every day, confirming and arranging. The fundraiser would be held in an old warehouse that had been retrofitted for events. It had an industrial feel but the owner had added a number of wood and stainless finishes, and it made the large room sleek and inviting. A chef’s kitchen had been added, along with several storage areas.
Cori had communicated with Kevin during the week when she needed to share info with the band. Their comms had been concise, as she didn’t have time for much else.
Colin’s week had been busy as well. The band had added practices to prepare for Saturday. He’d met with the managers at their other regular venues to negotiate appearances for the next few months. He gave music lessons on the side and had added three new students all over the Boston area, so he spent extra time with them getting them started.
On Friday night, he knocked on her door before he left for Rap’s but there was no answer. He hadn’t seen or spoken to her all week and it hurt. He missed her, and he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to apologize in person and let her know no matter what happened, he respected her and would shoulder the blame for going too far. But most all, he wanted to tell her he’d fallen in love with her. He’d spent the week alone every night. He couldn’t think about anyone but her. The first couple of nights he could smell her on the pillow she’d used, and he’d held it close and thought about that night. It wasn’t like any other. He wasn’t just going through the motions. He’d taken it slow because he wanted it to last forever.
After their show, he ducked out of the bar and headed home. He texted her to see if she was home but she didn’t respond. He knocked on her door but there was no answer and no sound inside.
He was running out of hope. He knew she’d be at the at the event tomorrow but since she was the coordinator, he may not even see her. She’d be occupied with her responsibilities. He tapped the pen he was holding on the coffee table in front of his couch. How could he reach her? What would make her listen? An idea popped into his head and he smiled and grabbed his guitar.
Saturday dawned sunny and gorgeous. Cori was up and out the door at 6 after working until past midnight, and was thrilled that the weather was good. There was an outdoor area at the venue that would now be in play. It would enhance the entire night.
Once she got there, she coordinated arrival of services and managed decorating, and at 4 o’clock, she slipped into the bathroom and changed for the evening. The event was formal, so she’d chosen a black taffeta gown, off the shoulder, short in the front and full length in the back. She wore long silver and rhinestone earrings. She accented her makeup for the evening, a smoky look that made her eyes stand out even more. She’d had her hair in a messy bun, but let it down and ran the curling iron through it. Long curls hung down her back. When she emerged from the bathroom, the caterer didn’t even know who she was.
The band arrived fifteen minutes ahead of her recommended time, much to her relief. Kevin came over to check in and they brought in their equipment. The stage was theirs so she returned to her duties while they set up. She didn’t see Colin and ducked into the kitchen before she had the chance.
Before she knew it, guests were arriving. She joined Ms. Robbins at the door to greet them, escorting the honored guests to their tables. Tonight they were raising money for the foundation but proceeds would specifically go to charities that helped women and children who’d sought help after leaving abusive homes. The program included helping to fund housing, education, employment assistance and transportation. Cori was thrilled that she could use her skills for an event and have it make such a difference.
It was also refreshing to see that the crowd was made up of members of her generation. Ms. Robbins’ hope was to attract interest from younger people and hopefully make them lifetime donors. There were information booths throughout the hall that described the work done by the foundation and offered opportunities to volunteer. As Cori strolled by the tables, she was happy to see so many lines completed with names and contact info for volunteers. The event was going even better than she’d hoped. There was only one more piece that needed to fall into place, and as she looked towards the door, she smiled broadly at the guest walking through.
At 8, Ms. Robbins took the stage, thanking her guests, informing them about the cause they were helping and thanking sponsors and those who helped with the event. She then grabbed the microphone and gave a raucous welcome to Rock the Cradle.
Cori had escorted their latest guest to his special seat near the stage and made sure he had a drink. When she turned around, she almost laughed. The guys, normally in stereotypical rocker gear of t-shirts, jeans and sneakers (and Colin’s famous leather pants) were wearing tuxes. They looked fantastic. They started their set with one of her favorites and Colin started pouring on his usual stage charm. He looked especially sexy and for a minute, she couldn’t catch her breath. She wondered if through some miracle, this is what he’d looked like for his bride as she approached the alter. She almost laughed out loud at the outlandish thought.
Colin encouraged the guests to come up front of the stage where room had been left for a dance floor and before long, the floor was crowded with revelers.
“Cori!” Ms. Robbins came up behind her as she stood just outside the kitchen, watching the crowd and enjoying the band. She wrapped Cori in a tight hug. Tonight her brocade was beautiful blue, adorned with beads and jewels. She looked like the perfect hostess.
“This is even better than I imagined! You are the best decision I ever made!”
Cori couldn’t help the blush that flushed her face. “Thank you Ms. Robbins. I’m so glad you’re pleased.”
“I hope that you and I are going to work together for a very long time. We’re going to change lives.”
She walked away and Cori felt pleased, then looked up at the stage, and once again, felt the squeeze in her chest. Colin was looking at her and she locked eyes with him, unable to look away. She smiled at him, then disappeared back into the kitchen. She blinked rapidly to fight the tears that suddenly appeared.
After a set, the band took a break and retreated to an area set up behind the stage as a green room. The guys all grabbed bottles of water and sat down to relax a little. There was a knock at the door and Ms. Robbins peeked inside. “May I come in?”
Kevin jumped up. “Of course,” he said, pulling the door open for her.
She entered the room, along with a gentleman in a blue suit and glasses. “I just wanted to thank you for being here tonight. My assistant was right, you are exactly what this event needed. Everyone is having a wonderful time. Now, which one of you is Colin?”
He stood up. “That’s me,” he said, walking forward and shaking her hand.
“Of course,” she said with a smile. “I should have known, I’ve heard so much about you.”
He blushed – she must be talking about Cori.
“When my assistant – Cori – asked about having you here tonight, she explained that you’d had some interest from National Records a few months back but that something had happened and you’d been unable to make the meeting. She said it was indirectly because of her and she felt awful about it.”
Colin suddenly felt warm, his face turning red. What the hell was happening?
“I have a great deal of respect for Cori and when she was so upset, I told her we just couldn’t have that. So I made a call. Colin, this is Steve Minor. He is president of Atlantis Records. He and I are old friends. Cori sent him audio and video of you boys performing and Steve called me almost immediately.”
The executive stepped forward and shook Colin’s hand. “Colin Shea, correct? You’re a pretty fantastic front man,” he said. He looked at the others. “You’re very accomplished musicians and I couldn’t believe the stage presence you have. I asked around and you’re very well known here. We have a program that spotlights local bands with adept musicians. You all are the poster band for it.”
Colin barely heard his bandmates reacting happily behind him. He felt a little dizzy, then as if the breath had been knocked out of him. Cori had gone out of her way to help make his dream a reality. All of the times she’d asked them to play certain songs, the time she’d spent with her video camera at their performances. He had no idea, it didn’t even occur to him she’d go to all this trouble.
He was faintly aware that there was conversation around him and he tuned back in, not wanting to miss anything.
“Mr. Minor, if it’s ok, we’re doing a new song in our next set. It’s one that’s really special to me. I’ve written a lot of songs but this one, I don’t know, I think it’s a hit. I hope you do too,” said Colin.
“What’s it called?”
“Don’t worry, you’ll know when we play it.”
They exchanged contact info, taking his card and thanking Ms. Robbins profusely. Colin stuck his head out the door looking for Cori but she was nowhere to be seen.
He touched Ms. Robbins on the arm. “I need your help,” he said and he told her his plan.
The band launched into its second set and the crowd, with drinks flowing, flooded the dance floor like before. After several songs, Colin waited until the crowd noise died down and began addressing the group.
“Our band has been together since we were all in high school. We’ve played hundreds of shows and have grown together as musicians, and a few months ago, we thought we’d reached the peak. We had a shot at a record deal.” There were some cheers from the crowd.
“But that day, we decided to try and relax a little by playing basketball and while we were playing, I took a serious fall. I was unconscious for three days.” The crowd grew so silent you could hear a pin drop.
To his right, he saw Ms. Robbins bringing Cori from the kitchen. “Something really crazy happened that day. I had what I thought was a dream. There was a girl,” he said as he looked towards Cori. “A gorgeous girl. I didn’t know where I was or what was happening in this dream, but this beautiful girl was in distress. She was sad and in pain, and she just wanted it to end. But something in me told me it just wasn’t her time. So I pulled her back and kissed her,” he said as the crowd cheered and whistled, “and brought her back to life. I know it sounds crazy, believe me, I thought it was too. And then I met Corinne MacAdam.”
Ms. Robbins gave Cori a gentle shove towards the steps onto the stage. He walked over and reached out his hand for her. She hesitated, suddenly aware that every eye in the house was on her.
“I’ve spent my life thinking about myself, not really allowing myself to truly feel anything for anyone else. Until now. You can imagine how surprised I was when, after becoming friends with her for months, I kissed Cori and realized she was the girl from my dream.”
There was a mumble from the audience. Colin motioned for her to come to center stage with him, and she did. “Cori had an accident the same day, at the same time as me. And while we won’t ever know exactly what happened, I know now that the girl in my dream is real – and I’m in love with her.”
She looked at him, that gorgeous smile that she loved gracing his handsome face. The crowd started cheering and guests were suddenly tapping their glasses with their silverware, the universal sign to kiss. He pulled her close, ran a hand through her hair and pressed his lips to hers and the crowd went crazy. Even the guys in the band were cheering.
Slowly she opened her eyes, not believing what was happening.
“I’m sorry I was gone when you woke up,” he whispered to her. “I thought I’d be back in time.”
“I’m sorry didn’t wait for you,” she whispered back.
He kissed her again softly and went back to the mike. “Tonight we’re going to play a new song for you, you’re the first to hear it. It’s for Cori, and it’s called ‘My Dream Come True.’”
She stepped to the side of the stage as the crowd cheered wildly and they launched into the song he’d written for her when he couldn’t think of another way to reach her.
Thought I knew what I wanted, thought I knew what I need.
Had a dream I was chasing, knew I’d always succeed.
But then I saw you, saw you were hurting so bad,
Wanted just to save you, best kiss I ever had.
It started with a spark, and turned into a fire
My heart soars just thinking of you, your love lifts me higher
Know I need you by my side, know that you were meant for me
I’ll take you in my arms, rescue you from the sea
She’s my dream, the one that gave me her heart
And now I know, I know the we’ll never be apart
She brought me back to life, baby it was always you
You’re my dream, my real dream, a dream come true.
He didn’t know, know what he had.
Left you alone, left you so sad.
You brought me back to life, my future is you.
You’re my dream, my real dream, a dream come true.
Tears were streaming down her face, the words so personal. It was truly their story and he was singing it to her. When they finished, the crowd went wild. He pulled her in for one more kiss, putting everyone into more of a frenzy. She moved to the side of the stage as they finished their performance and fell into his arms at the end, taking a bow with him and the band to the delight of the crowd.
“It’s not easy being with me, but I want to try,” he said as he hugged her again. “I’m sorry I blamed you for ruining my life. It wasn’t your fault. It’s not very practical to have such an obscure dream. It’s a pretty small box to put all your hopes in.” He pulled her hand up to his chest. “I think I didn’t really know yet, what I wanted I mean. But I do now.”
“You were right, Colin. You said ‘what if there’s something you haven’t done yet?’ I hadn’t truly fallen in love.”
The crowd noise disappeared for both of them as they engaged in the best kiss yet.
#chris evans#chris evans fanfic#chris evans angst#chris evans fanfiction#what's your number#dream come true#colin shea#colin shea fanfic#colin shea fanfiction#colin shea x ofc#colin shea x original fictional character#what's your number fanfic#what's your number fanfiction#chris evans fic
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🎤 for a trope filled drabble
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“Hey. Hey.” Persistence earned Tabby a single glance of acknowledgement. “My nose itches. I don’t suppose you could, like, untie me for two minutes so I can scratch it.”
Despite unleashing all of her charms, with big sad eyes in the mix, their captors remained unmoved. Sighing, Tabby slumped back against the wall.
“Which trick was that?” From a similar position beside her, with hands bound at the back by a thick white zip tie, Corinne merely sounded curious. Not afraid or quivering, as any normal person might be during an armed robbery gone sour. “Was that the ‘annoy the bad guys so they leave’ tactic, or ‘humanize their victims’.”
“Option three. My nose is really itchy.” Several years of hopping from one tropical island to the next had darkened the freckles upon Tabby’s face, and the marks bunched in as her nose wrinkled for emphasis. “Besides. Today is already enough of an epic fail. I’m not going to pretend to be a big damn hero. I am going to sit here and wait until these dudes and their showdown with the local law enforcement comes to its natural conclusion.”
To call the past few hours eventful was an understatement. The plan had been for a quick layover, swapping of boats, and on to the next destination. Easy. Something they’d done time and again. Except today the boat seller suddenly decided he didn’t want local currency. He wanted US dollars, forcing Corinne and Tabby to detour to the local bank. Barely two seconds after joining the queue for the sole open teller, the men with guns had come bursting in.
“Do you think we got set up?” Amid the panicked screams from the other customers, Tabby hissed the question in Cory’s ear. Her friend merely gave a resigned sigh.
“Honestly, Tabs, I can’t even tell anymore if it’s bad guys out to get us, or just bad luck.”
Maybe the robbers were having a rough time too. If the whole bank heist was designed around stealing the sizable lump sum Tabby had been hoisting around in a duffel bag, the criminal masterminds had neglected to dole out appropriate bribes. The police had come squealing up right as the bank teller withdrew the last note from the till, her hands shaking so hard the money resembled the blur of a humming bird’s wings.
Half an hour in, nerves had settled into stillness. From the ceiling, three-blade fans kept their slow rotation, filling the silence with a steady hum, if doing little to actually keep the air circulating. Beads of sweat dripped down exposed skin. Corinne’s loose cotton shirt clung where damp patches grew, and Tabby fared no better. She regretted wearing white, even with an old bikini beneath. Their captors wore masks, the cheap plastic Halloween type with elastic over the ears. Lion was the leader. Dog paced around nervously and then there was Devil. When that flame red visage turned towards Tabby and Cory, her gut twisted into knots. It was a relief each time he rotated out of the main room, sweeping over the rear with his assault rifle cocked from the hip.
More time ticked by. Lion took a phone call from the negotiator, ending with the handset being slammed down, causing a few nervous jumps. Dog and Devil swapped their positions, leaving Tabby’s favorite Devil looming over where the hostages sat in a messy row. Of the several people unfortunate enough to have been in the bank at the portent hour, Tabby and Cory stood out as the obvious tourists. Maybe that was enough to draw Devil’s attention. Maybe he was restless. Or maybe their lack of fear provoked him.
Devil breached the distance his compatriots had maintained. Empty eyes locked onto the two women, daring them to respond when he dragged the tip of his rifle over the hems of their shorts. Their silence proved insufficient, and he dug into Tabby’s thigh, metal pushing through denim, speaking for the first time as he detailed with French’s usually luscious vocabulary what played through his imagination.
Even while Tabby’s stomach rolled violently, she simply lifted her chin in defiance. “Je t'emmerde, connard.”
Devil pulled back his gun, flipping the direction. Tabby tracked the shift in muscles and angles, knowing he intended to smack the butt of the rifle right in her face, and there was nowhere to dodge.
Except, Corinne was faster. The thugs had only bound their hands and Cory’s heel shot out, getting Devil right in the knee cap. “Stay away from her.” Even through the language barrier, the woman’s fire burned bright, the yell echoing from wall to wall. Devil stumbled back a step before recovering, taking Corinne by the collar and hoisting her upright, just to slam her back into the unforgiving concrete of the wall. It must have hurt her friend, and she hated it, but Tabby still took her chance to aim for the man’s shins, getting in one good, distracting blow. The commotion forced Lion to leave his post at the counter before mayhem could complately break out. Rapid French passed back and forth between the men, too colloquial for Tabby to completely follow. Dog returned from the rear, head cocked as if trying to catch up on what he missed.
Devil was gesturing wildly, furious, with the Lion trying to pacify him. The subordinate angrily shook off his leader’s grip, making what sounded like a suggestion to take the two women to another room, when Dog lifted his rifle. Bang. Bang. Two shots and both Devil and Lion slumped motionless to the ground.
One of the hostages began to scream. Then another. Cory merely turned to give Dog the space to slash a knife through her restraints. The blade swapped hands while Tabby clambered to her feet, Corinne freeing her friend of the ziptie while Dog hustled over to where the robbers had piled the money. He stayed low and moved fast, grabbing the duffle bag that Tabby had originally carried into the bank, then nodding for the women to follow him.
Corinne paused only long enough to tell the other hostages to stay down, to wait for the police to come bursting in, with better French than Tabby possessed. Tabby herself was already making a move, following Dog out the door to the back corridor. Inside, the original Dog lay sprawled across the floor, his naked body pointed towards the ceiling, his chest unmoving.
“C’mon. This way.” Dog – or rather, Aaron Cross, - gestured down another corridor into an office designed for some level of management. Whoever it was felt they deserved air conditioning, even if the main rooms did not, and a vent hatch to the pipes hung open. Without needing a prompt, Tabby let Aaron hoist her up, her small fingers finding the ladder he had prepared so they could all get the hell out of there.
Once outside, Aaron dropped the canine mask onto the dusty road, leaving it to rot while they walked back towards the boats, shucking a layer of the original Dog’s clothing along the way. “Did you know I was already inside when you began to cause that ruckus?” As the two women exchanged glances, he let out a sigh. “I guess not.”
“Hey, before you give a lecture. One, they were assholes and deserved it. And two….” Tabby waggled a finger before quickening her pace, giving Corinne some privacy to thank Aaron in her own way. “I knew our own personal big-damn-hero would come to save the day.”
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Power of Three: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
Blowing out a puff of air, Steve looked over his hard work. All three babies with clean diapers and freshly powdered bottoms. But most importantly, in their pretty new party dresses. They were even wearing the matching headbands, which Steve found to be the biggest feat.
Now they were all on the floor with their own activity gyms and Steve felt like he could finally relax. Not realizing how difficult it would be to take care of the three by himself while Bucky, Oliver, and Finn went to pick up Kit's birthday cake.
Should've made one of the older boys stay.
"Papa, I help," Kit gained Steve's attention.
Finding the toddler tenderly brushing Bitsy's hair – despite the headband – with the biggest grin on his face. All the while, the birthday boy getting an earful as she cooed and occasionally squawked. Over the past couple of days, the girls had seemingly found their voices, and they weren't afraid to use them.
Nodding, Steve reached over to take the soft bristle brush from his son while encouraging, "That's so nice, thank you. But you're the birthday boy, so you don't have to do that."
"They look pretty for party," Kit agreed as he looked over his sisters. Even Bitsy with her now messy hair. Leaning down, Kit kissed Bitsy's forehead. Then, he turned and moved towards Cori to kiss her head, with Nevie being the last.
"They sure do," Steve smiled.
Setting the brush on the couch proved to be a threat towards Greg as she ran off from where she had been sleeping. Steve rolled his eyes at her dramatics. After all, the only one allowed to brush her hair was Bucky. They all knew that.
As Bitsy started to fuss, Steve lifted her into his arms and fixed her headband. Making sure the bow was facing the front. Soothing her, Steve assured, "You're okay. Papa's here."
Of course, that didn't seem to do anything. Always reminded that she was a daddy's girl, through and through. Making Steve wonder what would happen once Bucky went back to work.
Shaking his head to shake the thoughts away. Steve brought Bitsy up to hold her more comfortably as he rocked her. Just a simple sway that usually calmed the girls enough. And that's all Steve needed. Just to calm her enough that she realized she was okay. Then, he set her back on her playmat where she could practice her motor skills by reaching for the happy little objects that hung from the activity bar.
"See?" Steve marked her back as she started to coo more happily, "It wasn't so bad."
Kissing the side of her head, the door to the garage opened. Hearing more than just his guys, Steve's brows furrowed. Placing Bitsy back on her mat, Steve stood from this spot on the floor. Making his way to the kitchen just in time for Oliver and Tony to rush in from the mudroom.
"No running in the house!" Steve reprimanded as Finn tried to keep up and the three little boys raced up the staircase.
Carrying, the cake into the kitchen, Bucky smiled as he greeted Steve with a kiss, "How was it?"
"Fine," Steve shrugged, "Kit helped."
"See, told ya he would," Bucky set the cake down on the counter.
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and asked, "How'd it go with you? Especially with Tony joining."
"Yeah, sorry about that," Bucky chewed on his lower lip, "I probably shouldn't have agreed to let him stay without calling first, but –"
"You're a pushover," Steve teased.
"– you know how much the boys love having him here," Bucky finished, narrowing his eyes playfully at his husband.
Steve mocked a cough and repeated, "Pushover."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Bucky brushed off. Knowing that it was useless to argue when the omega was right. Pulling Steve close, Bucky wiggled his brows, "Did ya miss me?"
"Are you kidding," Steve good-humoredly scoffed. Locking his hands behind Bucky's neck, Steve joked, "The girls and I partied without you. They're disappointed that we had to end it so soon since you came back."
Grinning, Bucky leaned down and kissed Steve. Just a sweet, chaste kiss, but it made Steve's heart comfortably stutter the way it always did. Bucky smiled down at him and confirmed, "I missed you too."
Blushing, Steve shoved at Bucky's broad shoulder and teased, "You're the worst. You weren't even gone for an hour."
"Hey," Bucky shrugged and chuckled, "You're the one who married me."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Steve mocked, blowing a raspberry at Bucky as he pulled away from the embrace. At hearing the girls start to whimper and fuss, Steve asked, "You want feeding duty? Or do you want to keep setting up for the party?"
"Is that even a question?" Bucky scoffed, reaching for three clean bottles while Steve turned on the BabyBrezza and chose the correct settings. More than glad to have been gifted the formula dispenser since Steve knew that he would definitely be too slow to make the bottles by hand. Especially in the middle of the night. Especially if more than one of them were awake.
Placing one bottle under the nozzle and letting the machine do the work of mixing the formula and creating a bottle of the perfect temperature, Bucky wrapped Steve up in his arms again. Gently swaying them as they waited, even though no music was playing.
Leaning in, Bucky softly kissed him. Only pulling back once the first bottle was done, Bucky replaced it with an empty one and let that one fill too. All the while keeping one hand on Steve's hip; still swaying them.
"You're hopeless, ya know that?" Steve playfully questioned, reaching into the silverware drawer for the nipples.
Reluctantly, Bucky let Steve pull away and got the last bottle ready. While the formula dispenser did most of the work with mixing it together with the water and dispensed it into the bottle, Steve twisted on one of the nipples for one of the bottles. Bucky did the same with the other. Leaning over, Bucky kissed Steve's temple.
"How about you and me have a dance party? Tonight? Our room? Let's say nine?" Bucky propositioned, pulling Steve in by his hips.
Steve scrunched his face as he feigned thought. Negotiating, "Buffy binge-athon. Living room. Two-thirty feeding."
A dopey grin tugged at his lips and crinkled all the way up to his steel-blue eyes as he complimented, "You have the best ideas, doll."
With the girls' whimpers turning into cries, Steve took one of the bottles and said, "Speaking of babies..."
Kissing him once more, Bucky led the way into the living room. As Steve sat them in their bouncers, Bucky tried to figure out the new bottle supporters that they had gotten. Once he had the bottle securely in place, Bucky placed the head support under Bitsy's head first since she was closest to him. Then, he made sure that the bottle was positioned correctly before moving onto Cori.
"Bottle," Bucky gestured towards the one Steve had carried into the living room.
"Bottle," Steve handed it to Bucky as the brunet placed the last bottle in the final support and rigged it up like the other ones.
Although there had been concerns about the self-feeding pillows, the pair always stayed close to keep an eye on the girls. Making sure that they didn't choke or overeat, like some of the scarier and more distressing reviews reported.
"You got it?" Steve asked, standing.
"Yeah, I've got it covered," Bucky assured, taking a seat on the sofa so he could watch them.
Steve nodded and headed for the front of the house. Hearing the boys laughing and having fun, he yelled up the staircase, "Who wants to help me decorate?"
"What do we get if we help?" Oliver called back.
Rolling his eyes, he should've known better since he was becoming more of a little shit every day. Gets it from his dad.
"An extra slice of cake," Steve negotiated.
After a moment of deliberating, Oliver countered, "We get to stay up an hour later at bedtime."
Hearing Bucky snicker at that, Steve narrowed his eyes at his husband in the living room before redirecting his attention back upstairs. Countering, "A half hour! And I'll help you build a blanket fort!"
More deliberation and Steve dramatically draped along the banister, earning a chuckle from Bucky in the living room. Finally, Oliver agreed, "Deal!"
So, Steve headed for the master bedroom while the boys ran down the staircase. Like a stampede, the boys ran down the hallway and into the master bedroom where Steve was gathering the different assortment of dinosaur decorations. As Steve started handing the heavier stuff to Oliver and Tony, Steve noticed that Kit was among them too.
"Baby, you don't gotta help," Steve told Kit, "It's your day, you can go play."
"Wanna help," Kit insisted, reaching out for a roll of streamers.
Shrugging to himself, Steve handed the roll to Kit and some more to Finn. Instructing the boys to carry them out the French doors that let out to the back deck. Since it was a pleasant late April day, the dino themed party was going to be outside. Mainly so if the girls needed some down time, they could get it.
"Alright," Steve clapped his hands, regaining the attention of the boys once they were outside. "Ollie, Tony, you two set up the photo prop and games. Finn, you handle the streamers."
"What 'bout me, papa?" Kit asked, about to vibrate out of his skin from all his excitement even though Finn took the roll of streamers from him.
Smiling, Steve crouched so he was eye-to-eye with the three year old, "You're gonna help me with the balloons. How does that sound?"
"Yay!" Kit hopped around as Steve headed over for the rented helium tank.
Opening the pack of balloons that they bought, Steve got right into it. Following the instructions, Steve went through the assortment of green balloons. Tying them off and tying a long ribbon, Steve handed them to Kit. When Kit had five, Steve tied them all together and fastened them to a dinosaur shaped weight. Letting the birthday boy choose where on the tables they should go.
Done with his task, Steve looked over the lawn where Oliver and Tony were done and playing on the swing-set, playhouse, jungle-gym combo while also helping Finn with the different colored green streamers. Smiling at the sight, Steve knew that he'd have more of Bucky's babies if his body let him. If he knew they'd end up as great as the ones they already had.
Which was exactly why he opened one of the French doors leading into the living room and told his husband, "Schedule an appointment for a vasectomy, ASAP!"
Pausing as he burped Bitsy, Bucky quirked a brow, "What?"
"You heard me," Steve answered, shutting the door so he could get back to work setting things up for Kit's party. Hoping that his husband would be able to work out his reasoning. And considering how neither of them could keep their hands off each other, he had faith that he would.
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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After 5 years, Eurydice gets to graduate. And there are some familiar faces in the crowd and on the stage.
“Eurydice, how long until you’re ready to go?” Orpheus asked, from his place on the floor. He was sat with his guitar in his lap, absently plucking chords to fill the quiet of the room. He leaned against the wall next to the door, sitting across from Eurydice, who was using the mirror to adjust her makeup. Getting ready for him was a breeze; He simply slid on a shirt and a jacket and was ready to go. Eurydice was a different story.
“A few more minutes,” she said without moving her mouth, as she continued to paint her face. “Also — can you get Erato on video chat? I need her opinion on something.”
“And you can’t ask me?” Orpheus asked with a small smile, letting his hands fall away from the guitar to reach for his phone.
Eurydice rolled her eyes, and nudged his leg with her foot. “Last time I asked for you to help me pick a lipstick, you said i shouldn’t wear any because it would probably end up all over you.”
A small blush creeped up his neck at her words, but he mumbled, “and i stand by that decision,” as he called Erato. She picked up after a few moments, and her buoyant voice filled the room.
“Hey Peanut!” Eurydice could hear the smile in her voice even through the phone.
“Hi Erato — Rydice’s got a question for you.” He turned the phone around and passed it to her.
“Erato I need your opinion.”
“Go for it.”
“What lipstick? I was going to use my regular one but Hermes kept talking about pictures, and Urania mentioned the lighting, and now i’m second guessing myself.”
Erato thought for a moment, twisting a braid between her fingers. “What colour is the robe?”
“Black. With a blue and white hood.”
“And what are you wearing underneath?”
“Black dress and red shoes — the ones I wore to Cory’s last opening night. Orpheus, hold please,” She murmured, handing the phone back to Orpheus, who held it up for her while she filled in her eyebrows. Erato thought for a moment — tapped her fingers against her chin.
“Wear the red you wore on New Years, but make it matte. And take off those gold earrings and put on silver ones instead if you can. They’ll match your ring better.”
“You’re very good at this,” Eurydice smiled at Erato, who beamed and shrugged her shoulders.
“It’s my job. See you soon!” Erato hung up before they had any chance to say goodbyes.
Orpheus put his phone down, and as Eurydice went back to the mirror, Orpheus just leaned back and watched. She was used to this by now — Orpheus’ lingering gaze. It used to freak her out, used to make her feel like she was being mocked. But now she just understood this as the gaze of a poet — trying to find the right words in his own head.
His gaze was interrupted by Hermes knocking on Orpheus’ door.
“I’m going to pull the car around — I expect you two downstairs in ten!”
“Almost done, Hermes!” When she heard his footsteps recede and the front door shut, she sighed, and sat back, looking up at Orpheus.
“I don’t understand the big deal,” Eurydice said. “It’s going to be a long ceremony, and then I’m just going to walk across the stage. Hermes didn’t have to close the bar for this.”
“It’s a big day,” Orpheus said with a smile on his face, his hand reaching for Eurydice’s. She stretched her hand out and intertwined their fingers. “And I think Hermes is just excited for you. The last graduation he attended was Poly’s after all.” This made Eurydice chuckle and nod. “I never finished high school.”
“Fair enough,” she said, lifting his hand to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on his fingers, careful not to smear her lipstick. “You ready?”
After Hermes convinced the two of them to humour him and take a couple pictures in the Dust Bowl, the two of them were shuffled into the back of Hermes car, as he drove to the campus.
“How are you gonna find parking, Hermes?” Eurydice said, looking out the window at the packed lots surrounding them. “It’s never this busy, holy shit.”
Hermes chuckled and turned to grin at Eurydice. “Urania has a parking spot.”
She cocked her head after hearing this. “But she doesn’t drive?” Hermes kept laughing as he pulled into a spot with a plaque labelling it “Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics: Reserved for Dr. Urania”.
“Do I even want to know?” Eurydice asked. Orpheus shook his head as he got out of the car, reaching for her hand to help her out. She took it, squeezing his fingers. Why was she nervous? What had gotten into her?
“Later. You’re going to be late though, if you don’t hurry.” Eurydice nodded, and Orpheus smiled at her — big and bright. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she hugged him right back.
It only lasted a moment though, before she pulled back slightly to give him a gentle, chaste kiss. He smiled, a hint of redness creeping up on his cheeks. She let him go, and turned to Hermes, who quickly wrapped her in a hug.
“Good luck, girl,” He said, his hand solid on her shoulder. “We’ll be cheering you on.”
She kissed her poet once more, before rushing off into the basement of the Student Union building to collect her robes. Eurydice would have loved to cling to every moment, to be able to, years down the line, remember how it felt to experience this. But all she could think of was hurry. Time couldn’t move fast enough.
Every member of her family, every garbage boyfriend her mom brought home before Eurydice finally had enough and left, told her she would never make anything of herself. Of her life. The boyfriends she lived with — nothing more than a way to get food into her system and a roof over her head, told her to give up this pipe dream. That broken girls never made it to first place.
All she wanted was to get that piece of paper so that no one could take it from her. She did this. This was all her.
She felt slightly out of body, not fully aware of what exactly was happening. Someone pinned her hood on, passed her a cap, and she lined up. She filed into the stadium. And she waited. She listened to professor after professor speak about the future. About pride and community and perseverance. And then it was time.
When she heard her name being called, with bachelor of commerce - finance, and summa cum laude directly following. She took the cue and started walking across the stage, doing her best to make everything go smoothly. If nothing else, she wanted to remember this.
She felt her own anxieties rising, the bright lights and thousands of eyes trained on her, scattered applause being heard through the crowd. Approaching the centre of the stage, she took the diploma from one of her professors.
“Congratulations, Miss Eurydice,” He said, shaking her hand. “Good luck in the future.”
And then it was done. In that moment, in the passing of papers, it was over — she had done what everyone she had known had told her she couldn’t.
“Thank you, Professor,” She said, finding her voice before walking to the other side of the stage. And waiting for her, drowning in academic regalia, was Urania.
With her hand outstretched and a smile on her face. Eurydice smiled back at her, and shook her hand.
“Congratulations, Eurydice,” She said. Eurydice had never heard Urania sound so earnest, but it warmed her heart. She knew that they had their differences, and that they had clashed in the past, but to be embraced by Orpheus’ aunt this way made her breath catch in her throat.
“Thank you,” She finally managed to say.
“Now look out,” She said, pointing over to a spot in the crowd. Eurydice raised an eyebrow but looked out, to where Urania was gesturing.
In the crowd, she spotted Orpheus, a blinding smile on his face, his features soft, and his eyes brimming with love. She saw Hermes next to him, his phone positioned for photos, and Erato on the other side, her face blocked by a massive camera lens. And surrounding them, Eurydice saw all of Orpheus’ aunts — all of the Muses, dressed up, and standing, clapping and cheering for her.
Eurydice laughed, and shook her head, smiling up at the group of them. She was in shock — it wasn’t only Orpheus and Hermes who had given up their days for her, but all of his family.
She needed to get off stage now, she realised. She had already been up there for too long, even though it had only been a few seconds. She turned back to Urania, and grinned.
“Nice hat,” she said, and Urania rolled her eyes.
“See you tonight,” she said, and they parted ways.
When she stepped off the stage, she was handed her proper diploma and she took her seat. She could barely peel her eyes off her diploma — her name in fancy lettering, with a gold seal and all.
The ceremony ended, and Eurydice did everything she could to keep her head forward, and not to turn and try to catch Orpheus’ eyes. As she and all the new alumni were ushered out of the stadium, she just looked for Orpheus. For Hermes. For Clio or Thalia or Cory.
“Eurydice!” She turned to see her poet, a good head taller than most of the crowd, and she broke out into a smile.
Running to her, Orpheus couldn’t wipe the grin off of his face. And it wasn’t until he reached her, his arms wrapping around her, and hers around his neck, did he finally let out the laugh he’d been holding in throughout the while ceremony. She laughed with him, as he lifted her up, his arms around her waist, holding her close.
Standing a little ways back was Hermes, surrounded by Orpheus’ aunts. He had his arm around Poly’s shoulders, his other arm linked with Cory’s.
“Shouldn’t we go congratulate her?” Erato said, snapping a few photos of the couple from a distance. Orpheus put her down, but they were still holding each other close. Eurydice’s blush was visible to everyone, as was the glowing look on Orpheus’ face.
Clio wrapped her arms around Erato’s shoulders, leaning down to see the pictures she had taken. Erato held the camera out for Clio to see a little more clearly.
“Nah,” she said, a smile in her voice. “This is a big moment for Eurydice. Let them enjoy it.”
And so they watched from afar as Eurydice showed Orpheus her new diploma, watched as the two of them celebrated, spirits light and adrenaline pumping through her heart, pride through his.
It went unsaid, but everyone could feel in that moment, how proud Calliope would have been for this girl she would never meet. But they all knew that, if Calliope had been there, she would have been the first one to cheer as Eurydice crossed the stage.
#so many people say that grad is boring and annoying but they're very emotional#eurydice did it yall!#she fucking did it!#eurydice#orpheus#hermes#erato#clio#terpsichore#euterpe#urania#thalia#polyhymnia#the muses#dust bowl fic#dust bowl au#hadestown au
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AMBITION Season 2 ♫ “We’ll Be the Stars” [ 2.11 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows) || S2 Tag || Official Page
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER – Tensions are set aside in honor of a promenade, and some students opt for a change of pace. A clever ruse forces Eric and Jack to team up. Unfortunate circumstances make for odd couples, but stars always know where they’re supposed to go in the end.
66 Minutes (18K words) || No content warnings apply.
[ ← Rarely Pure and Never Simple ] [ S2 Synopsis ] [ Final Run → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
A series of shots guide us into the episode, displaying the school in the midst of preparing for promenade. Banners are hung, student council members work the ticket booth. The halls are decorated according to the theme, “We’ll Be the Stars,” small stars seemingly glittering on every visible surface. A promposal wraps up in the hall outside the auditorium, senior students applauding and cheering as the girl says yes and the other girl wraps her in a tight hug.
Yes, it’s prom time at Adams Academy for the Arts. Let the insanity commence!
FARKLE MINKUS opens his locker. We’re looking at him from the inside, giving us a look at it as he rearranges some things. Its decor has been updated after a long detour of being trapped in sophomore year -- there are fewer photos, but they are newer and more representative of the way things actually are now. A couple photos of him and Maya are the focal point, but there’s a few scattered notable mentions. A photograph of the full Junior A Class; a picture of his whole family; a rare capture of him and Isadora.
From outside the confines of the locker, we hear RILEY MATTHEWS speak.
Riley: And you’re sure you can handle it? I’m sure if you wanted, we could work out something else --
Perspective shifts back to its usual framing, showing the two of them hanging by his locker. Farkle stems her worrying from the start, holding up a hand.
Farkle: I’m going to stop you right there, Riley. Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?
Riley: … demonstrating concern as a good friend?
Farkle: You’re neuro-splaining me. [ off Riley’s expression ] I get it, you’re concerned about my health. Mentally, above all else.
Riley makes a face, obviously not sold on the concept of “neuro-splaining.” As if she hasn’t had her own mental health experiences… but she figures it’s not worth the argument.
Farkle: But trust me, as much as I appreciate it, I will be fine. [ a beat ] I don’t want to miss out on anything else essential to my junior year experience, and prom is one of those things. Not to mention, I certainly won’t be able to graciously receive my prom king crown if I’m not there to accept it.
It’s clear he’s joking, although with his dry delivery… either way, he’s made up his mind. Farkle will be in attendance at the upcoming event, come hell or high water.
Farkle: Besides, it’s bold of you to assume I could avoid it anyway.
Riley: How come?
Farkle: Prom isn’t just an event around here. [ pointedly ] It’s a contagion.
As he closes his locker --
For how alight with excitement the halls seem to be, classes are still in session and there’s still work to be done. The energy is tamped down in Cory’s classroom, where everyone is completing silent reading for the last few minutes of class.
Still, Farkle was right, and the junior class has been bitten by the prom bug. Everyone is jittery as they sit at their desks, unable to keep still. Under the desk, ZAY BABINEAUX taps his foot to an unheard rhythm. MAYA HART flips her pencil in her fingers, adding to the rhythm against her desk.
CHARLIE GARDNER glances up at the clock, impatiently watching the seconds go by. Tick, tick, tick… as the percussions slowly evolve into an actual beat...
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “You Should Be Dancing” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Juniors
The bell rings about 7 seconds in, releasing the class from their academic torture. CORY MATTHEWS cringes as the energy in the room skyrockets, papers flying as the energetic juniors are free to succumb back into the groove.
Zay kicks off the vocals, the number staying in the classroom for the first verse as he volleys lyrics back and forth with Maya. As they escape into the halls…
Charlie takes over, leading the charge into the rest of the school. The three of them are the front of the pack, but they pick up other junior students as they go. The whole atmosphere of the halls has changed, feeling groovier in the midst of the twinkling stars and amped up music.
Around a minute and a half in, they pass by Riley and Farkle and pull them into the dance. The movements become less chaotic and more choreographed at that point, truly a spectacle only AAA could pull off.
As they pass by the techies hanging out on the stairs outside the auditorium, it seems even they aren’t immune to the allure of prom fever. They jump up and join in the parade, JEFF MONROE in particular worth spotlighting due to his breakdancing ability.
And away they go again…
By the time they make it into the auditorium and onto the stage, the vibe of their collective imagination has completely succumbed to fantasy. The stage is basically a disco floor as they dance their way up there, the only thing still remaining commonplace their outfits.
And by this point, they’ve paired off. Farkle and Zay stay front and center -- a fun little duo to witness tolerating each other again, if nothing else -- with Maya and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ to their left and Charlie and YINDRA AMINO to their right. In the back, ASHER GARCIA and DYLAN ORLANDO are grooving together, while Riley Matthews gets LUCAS JAMES FRIAR to at least do something.
As they finish out the jam, Farkle and Zay theatrically toss their heads back and raise a hand to the sky. Declarative, with a flourish, what a dynamite finish. One thing is essentially guaranteed on this prom week, that’s for sure.
There will be no shortage of drama.
Cue title sequence.
Zay is at his locker, swapping out his dance duffle for his classwork. When Maya practically jumps him and surprises him at his locker, he’s not fazed -- he might be the only student at AAA who she doesn’t strike instant fear into in one capacity or another.
Zay: What do you want, mini Britney?
Maya touches her hand to her chest, faux flattered.
Maya: You’re so sweet. I was just thinking that you and I have a real opportunity on our hands this week.
Zay: Must everything be about an “opportunity?”
Maya: Ugh, would you stop being such a damp toilette? Your mood has been totally subbasement the last couple of weeks and it’s really harshing the vibes.
Well, Maya, he did just break up with his boyfriend. But people not knowing about them was kind of sort of the whole problem, so he says nothing as he allows Maya the floor again.
Maya: Chin up, Zayby. It’s promenade. And you and I are going to come out of it as royalty.
Maya makes her grand pitch: they should go to prom together. Not out of any romantic interest -- although, as she admits, Zay is by far the most eligible male in the walls of AAA -- but because the two of them would be a shoo-in for junior prom king and queen if they team up.
And like everything else at Adams, there is an opportunity attached. Every year, the duos crowned as prom king and queen in both grades get to perform at graduation. It’s a time honored tradition, one that Maya believes they should not pass up.
Zay: I don’t really see what the big deal is.
Maya: Oh, Zay. Isaiah! Wake up! Snap out of whatever quarter-life crisis funk you’ve succumbed yourself into and smell the potential right in front of you! [ matter-of-factly ] You know that there are always college representatives at Triple A graduation. Of course, it’s to honor the students they’ll be bringing into their ranks, and to hopefully snag some quality time with a celebrity family member or two -- I mean, think how many people are going to be swarming our graduation next year when Valerie comes to support Isadora --
Zay, flatly: Yeah, I’m sure she’s so excited about that.
Maya: But it’s also to scout the next crop of graduates. That’s us. It’s almost cosmic that every junior prom king and queen end up going to amazing schools for the arts -- there was even that junior prom queen in ‘96 who got a straight up recording contract.
Zay: How the hell do you know this stuff?
Maya: Because I do my research, Zay. And I know you do, too. Which is why once you’ve shaken off the ennui and have your head back on straight -- or, bi, whatever -- you’ll realize we have prime real estate in front of us. And it’s ours to take… if we step up to the plate. [ backing away ] You know where to find me.
Well, that’s certainly a proposition. Maya floats away as Zay contemplates it, slinging his bag over his shoulder. It’s a good point, he can’t argue with that, and yet…
He glances to the photo of him and Charlie, still taped up in his locker innocuously amongst the rest. In some ways, it seems, it’s just hard to let go of the way you hoped things would be.
Zay closes his locker, heading on his way to rehearsal.
Dylan, pre-lap: We’ll boycott.
Dylan and Asher are following Lucas into the booth, obviously in a heated discussion. Dylan continues to make bold declarations.
Dylan: We’ll stage a full-on protest. You know, when I was in middle school, I was renowned for my poster-making skills in environmental club. They usually lasted like, nine days longer than usual before people tore them down. And Cory is always saying how loud and annoying I am -- that has to be helpful for a protest, yeah?
Asher: He said that to you?
Lucas: Guys --
Dylan: Or even better --
Asher: I swear, I’m going to report him. Like, sorry Riley --
Dylan: Let’s stage a riot. That’ll really show ‘em! They think they can bar Lucas James Friar from prom? Not when we’re there to literally blow the roof off this place. I bet we can get Isadora to sing “Bad Reputation” -- I think we’d need music to be taken seriously here, so --
Lucas: Hey. Hello. Earth to Asher and Dylan. [ clapping ] Let’s cool it, alright?
Lucas waves off their concerns about his ban from prom. He doesn’t want them wasting energy on him when it hardly matters. All things considered, being barred from stuff like this for the rest of the year seems like the best he could’ve asked for given all the bullshit he’s done this year. He slouches into his rolling chair, shrugging.
Lucas: I mean, it’s not like I was really psyched to go anyway. I think I’m more lucky I didn’t get expelled.
Dylan, under his breath: Would’ve boycotted that too.
Lucas: You guys have been looking forward to this for the last three years. It would be stupid for you to blow it just for me. Especially when we consider everything else you’ve already sacrificed for me. Like your sanity. And your clean legal record.
Dylan: I wasn’t mad.
Lucas, bluntly: You should have been. Asher was, but then, he’s always been the smartest out of the three of us.
A beat of quiet as that truth lingers between them. Lucas reiterates the point -- that he doesn’t want them to give up something they care about just because of him. They do enough of that already. Asher and Dylan exchange a look.
Dylan, softer: … well, we love you, man.
Lucas: I know. [ looking at them, then slowly ] And I love you guys, too.
Well, there’s a breakthrough! Dylan beams, looking to Asher in excitement. Asher is smiling too, although a bit more bashful. Lucas elects to move past the vulnerability quickly -- he can give it, but only so much at a time.
Lucas: Which is why I’m not letting you do this. You’re going to prom, and you’ll have a great time without me. Besides, someone has to give whatever posh performers are gunning for prom court a run for their money.
True enough. In fact...
That’s exactly what the rest of the techies are discussing as they start doing end of year inventory. It’s a long process, so they have to start early. Rather, they’re complaining as Jeff and DAVE WILLIAMS pick their way through the furniture and wood supplies under the prop loft. NATE MARTINEZ is supposed to be taking notes, but he’s not doing a great job.
JADE BEAMON is seated on a stack of wood pieces, nodding along as she feverishly works on the finishing touches to a wardrobe piece. It doesn’t look like a costume for any sort of production, however…
Nate: It’s rigged, anyway. Every year the most popular performers win so it’s not like the institution means anything.
Jeff: Does prom court mean anything… anywhere? Ever?
Dave: My parents were prom queen and king when they were seniors. They got a free dinner at Waffle House.
Jade: [ tearing a thread with her teeth ] Sounds like a better prize than performing at graduation.
Inspired by their complaints, Nate lights up with an idea. He claims that they should start a new tradition to go with their holiday party, and should throw a techie pre-prom bash. That way they can celebrate their year together and have real fun before they have to go deal with the performers all night.
Jade: You know, I think that’s the first idea of yours I’ve liked in months.
Nate bows, then enthusiastically gives Dave a high-five.
Their tomfoolery is interrupted by Isadora entering, all of them growing uncertainly quiet. She hesitates but then marches onward anyway, greeting them with the best attitude she can muster. She just came by to drop off some paperwork for them -- she already went ahead and inventoried the wood and set building supplies. This is good, because Nate definitely wasn’t doing it.
Jeff accepts her record, looking it over.
Dave: When did you do that?
Isadora: Oh, I just skipped Matthews’ class. [ offhandedly ] I could ace that class with my eyes closed, so. And probably brain damage.
It’s a nice gesture, and they’re not going to refuse it. Jeff awkwardly thanks her, silence settling over them once again. Isadora clears her throat, clasping her hands together. She expresses that she knows she messed up with them, and she is going to put in the effort to get back in their good graces.
She spins and escorts herself out without waiting for a response, leaving the four of them to contemplate her promise. Interesting development…
Dave: So… we don’t have to count the wood?
Charlie is having lunch with HALEY FISHER and CLARISSA CRUZ, although he doesn’t seem nearly as enthused about prom as they are. On the other side of the cafeteria, applause erupts again as another promposal between seniors gains public attention. So happy, so romantic!
Clarissa: I swear, nowhere in this school is safe right now.
Haley nudges Clarissa, claiming that she should be less cynical. It takes a lot of bravery to ask someone to prom in front of everyone else.
Clarissa: Yes, well, then they could just have a conversation about it. Or make a big deal about it, but like, between the two of you.
Haley: I think it’s romantic.
Clarissa: You think everything is romantic. You’re the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever met.
Haley: Charlie is too -- you agree with me, don’t you, Charlie?
In all honesty, Charlie was not listening. He blinks himself out of his daze, blankly agreeing with whatever Haley said. Clarissa rolls her eyes.
Haley goes to explain how much courage it takes to do such a public proposal. It demonstrates what you’re willing to go through for the other person, how much you like them. Charlie admits that it’s not exactly an act of bravery to ask someone who you know will say yes -- especially when there’s no stakes involved for either of you.
Haley: Well, there’s always stakes. You know, even if you think you know someone, they could always say no. And there’s a lot at stake with a rejection… you know, especially if it’s… [ looking at Charlie intently ] between good friends…
Whatever hint Haley is trying to lay down, it’s going right over Charlie’s head. He shrugs, claiming he might not even go to prom. He’s just... not feeling it this year. Haley is mortified, Clarissa looking between the two of them apprehensively. This seems like a recipe for disaster.
Meanwhile, the techies are enjoying lunch at their usual indoor table when NIGEL CHEY approaches. He greets them before turning his focus to Jade.
Nigel: … hey, Jade.
Jade, shy: … um, hi.
Nigel: I, uh… I just had a quick question. I was wondering if, uh --
All of the techie eyes are on him, making this whole situation a lot more intense. Dylan is watching with wide eyes, wondering if what he thinks is going to happen is about to happen. Jade might be holding her breath. Nigel pushes up his sleeves nervously, clearing his throat.
Jade: … yes?
Nigel: I was just… [ quickly ] I had a question about the costume you made for that number last week. It’s actually… it’s nothing, I’ll just ask you about it in class. Sorry, ha ha. Didn’t mean to interrupt.
Jade: … oh. Okay.
Clearly not what he actually intended to ask. Nigel backs off awkwardly, making a quick escape. Jade tries to hide her disappointment. Asher and Dylan exchange a look across the table, shaking their heads. Pathetic!
All of the missed prom-portunities are forgotten, however, as soon as Maya and Zay arrive to kick off their pronouncement of going together. Evidently Zay agreed, because here they go…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Greedy” as performed by Ariana Grande || Performed by Maya Hart & Zay Babineaux
It’s been a while since we’ve endured a good old disruption in the cafeteria during lunch hour, and this time Lucas is less likely to pull the fire alarm than ever. So Maya and Zay take full advantage of it, bringing up the energy with their talent and an undeniable bop.
They make a point of pulling other people into it at their tables, and of course, Maya is going to climb up onto the tables in her heeled boots. It’s not quite the same full-blown jam session as “Looking At Me” from earlier in the season, but people seem to be into it and in the general prom mood. Spirits are high!
Well, mostly. There is one pointed shot of Charlie forcing a smile as everyone else grooves along, likely wishing he could be anywhere else.
It’s not so much a promposal as it is… a spectacle, but boy, do they know how to put on a show… once they wrap, Maya makes the official statement that they’re campaigning for prom royalty, and if people have any taste, they sure know who to vote for come prom night.
Given how naturally glamorous the two of them are, up high on the table top and looking fresh as ever, it’s hard to argue with that!
Riley is hanging up her dress for prom, a classic and simple lavender floor-length number. She’s fretting over it as she vents to Maya, expressing that she’s still debating the whole upstate move thing Topanga has saddled her with.
Maya: Well, do you want to move?
Riley: I… it’s not that simple.
Maya: It should be. Either you want to go, or you don’t.
Riley: Yes, but… I mean… there’s lots to think about.
Maya: She said it was your choice.
Riley: Yeah, well, my mom says a lot of things she doesn’t mean, so…
Maya: Have you talked to Cory about it? He might have some insight. Or like, Eric?
Riley chews her lip, avoiding the question. Maya straightens up, asking if anybody knows about this potential move other than the two of them. Riley has plenty of excuses ready as to why she hasn’t mentioned it to anyone else, but Maya isn’t interested in hearing them. She claims she at least, at least, needs to tell Cory. He deserves to know, lest another life-changing thing get sprung on him with no warning.
Maya: Believe me, as the girl with no parents because of sudden life-altering moves, you owe him that decency.
Youch. Well, that’s tough to debate. Riley absorbs it, focusing back on her dress and smoothing it out nervously.
ROSIE GARDNER is chilling on her bed with her laptop, listening to pop music and humming to herself. Charlie comes and knocks on her door, pointedly until she takes out her earbuds.
Rosie: Ugh, yes? Can I help you?
Charlie: You’re so nice. How about, hey, Charlie? How was your day?
Rosie: I’m fourteen, I have the right to be obnoxious.
Charlie: I wouldn’t say it’s a right so much as an active choice.
Rosie groans, asking him what he even came in here for in the first place. He asks if she has anything going on this weekend -- perhaps they could go do something together. It’s been a minute since they did some brother-sister bonding.
Rosie: I dunno. I guess we could go see that new Chris Evans movie. I think it’s coming out next weekend, and I’m probably free Saturday --
Charlie: … well, I was thinking more this weekend. Specifically. Like not next weekend. This weekend.
Rosie: I know what this weekend means, weirdo. [ looking up movies ] Why are you so set on that? Isn’t it prom this weekend?
Charlie: … well, you know, it’s not a big deal. I was thinking I probably wouldn’t even go anyway, so.
Rosie, offended: Charlie! Ew, no, you can’t not go to prom. Don’t be lame, you’re embarrassing me.
Charlie, scoffing: This has nothing to do with you! You don’t even know anybody I go to school with.
Rosie: Yes, but by Gardner law, I’m associated. Just go with your friends! It does not have to be that deep.
Okay… fair point. Charlie questions if her blatant disgust means they’re not going to the movies, and she claims next week… after he doesn’t embarrass their family name by going to prom like everyone else. So much for finding a clever way out.
Speaking of clever escapes, JACK HUNTER is still struggling to find a way out of the Bradford debacle. So much to the point that he’s now elected to share the issue with Lucas, sitting opposite him with ERIC MATTHEWS as they get him up to speed.
It’s obviously not the kind of thing you want to hear. Lucas is hiding his head in his hands, cursing to himself before turning back to Jack.
Lucas: How long have you known about this?
Jack: … a couple months --
Lucas: Months?
Eric tries to keep stress levels at a manageable level, taking over for Jack in explaining exactly what the suit entails and what the Bradfords are hoping to gain from it. Essentially, they’re hoping that publicly printing Jack’s “questionable” enrollment processes will force his hand. Either he’ll cave and let her enroll regardless, or public dissent will push him to oust Lucas, making room for her in his vacant spot.
Jack, reassuringly: Which will not happen.
But for it to gain any traction, it needs to smell somewhat of a scandal (even if it isn’t) -- which is why they’ve targeted Lucas as their student to blame. They’ve obviously done their research. And between Lucas’s unique situation for enrollment, his lack of participation in the more showcased elements of the school, and his behavioral record…
Lucas, exasperated: I’m guessing stealing a car didn’t help!
Jack frowns. It’s clear he didn’t want to get Lucas involved if he could help it, and seeing this stressed reaction from him is exactly why. But Eric placates them both, reminding them that the fight isn’t over until it’s over. They will be able to brainstorm a way to fix this -- it’s just going to take a concerted effort.
Eric: We will be able to make this work. But it’s going to take a team effort, and total cooperation. You have to trust us, Lucas, and you have to be willing to cooperate. Can you do that? Can you work with us?
What a question, and posed to the notorious school troublemaker at that. But Lucas doesn’t want to leave AAA -- let alone be forced out. He sighs, tilting his head back and swallowing his pride before nodding.
Lucas: Okay. Yeah. [ serious ] Just tell me what to do.
He looks to Jack, meeting his eyes. Ready to do whatever it takes.
Charlie is at his locker, relaying the rejection by his own sister to Riley. She’s leaned back against the lockers, listening sympathetically as he points out another crappy addition to what has been a crappy last couple of weeks.
Along those lines, Riley questions if Charlie still thinks he might transfer to a different school. He hasn’t heard back from Haverford yet, but is he still seriously considering the notion?
Charlie, diplomatically: Given that Zay and I were able to lay everything out there and at least confront the reality of our situation, I don’t think it’s really a necessary maneuver anymore. I mean, the situation is far from ideal, but that I can deal with. I’ve been living in far from ideal my whole life.
Riley: Sad, but sort of inspiring, I guess.
Charlie: I will admit though… it was kind of nice, going through that whole process. Just going out there, you know, proving that I could do things. That I was capable. [ smiling to himself ] If anything, at least I came away with that.
Riley mirrors his smile. Then they’re back on the subject of prom, Charlie lamenting that he doesn’t see what the point is of going if he can’t be there with the person he would actually want to spend it with.
Riley: Considering my ideal date has literally been banned from all school activities and therefore can go nowhere near it, I think I can say I relate.
Charlie: Tragic.
Charlie mentions what his sister said about not making it that deep and just going with friends, and this seems to strike something in Riley. A smile drifts onto her face.
Charlie: Oh no. I know that look. What are you thinking?
Riley: Just that dear Rosamund might have a point. If we are going to be miserable and repressed all night long, then we should at least be miserable in good company.
Charlie: … I don’t know if I like where this is going…
Riley turns to face him, a mischievous smile on her face. She leans in conspiratorially -- her delivery would be more convincing though if she wasn’t so inherently cute.
Riley: Charlie Gardner! [ in a whisper ] Will you go to prom with me?
Charlie stares at her, expression betraying nothing. She matches his gaze, wiggling her eyebrows. Then he can’t help but crack a smile.
Charlie: Well when you look at me like that, how could I say no…
Riley grins, bouncing on her feet and lightly punching him on the shoulder.
The first step to putting Lucas in less jeopardy -- actually participating in class. He’s meeting with HARPER BURGESS to discuss how to make his optics better in that regard. Unfortunately, there’s really only one thing he can do…
Harper: If you do even one performance, then at least you’d have something to point to if the case attempts to jump down your throat.
True. Although he looks like he’d rather die, Lucas reluctantly accepts that point. So it’s official -- he’ll be performing a number this week!
Harper: It’s for the best, actually. Everyone else is so consumed with prom fever, they won’t even remember it happened.
Zay: Are you kidding? It’s Lucas James Friar. No one is ever going to forget this.
Lucas: Yeah, um, [ pointing to Zay ] what is he doing here again?
Harper gestures Zay forward to join them. She explains that considering Lucas is literally starting from scratch, he’s going to need help when it comes to choreography. And singing. And well… basically all of it. She figured Zay is one of their best performers and far more willing to lend a hand than, say, Maya. If Lucas wants a chance of pulling off a decent performance, having his help would be his best bet.
Harper: That is, of course, if you’re up for it, Zay.
Zay: Honestly, I would welcome the distraction. It’s been… an interesting few weeks.
So that’s that. We’ve got the team, we’ve got the plan -- time to make shit happen! Even if it kills Lucas in the process. As the backbeat floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I Think He Knows” as performed by Taylor Swift || Performed by Dylan Orlando (feat. Asher Garcia)
Two AMBITION firsts in one, as Dylan kicks off his first mostly solo performance by bringing Taylor Swift into the song catalogue. He starts off at his locker, giving us a glimpse into the interior which despite the mess is basically as bursting with love as he is -- full of photos of his friends, his family, and Asher.
Of course, there’s Asher.
And that’s what he’s focused on as he slides into the pre-chorus (“He’s got that boyish look that I like in a man, I am an architect I’m drawing up the plans”). When he sings “It’s like I’m seventeen nobody understands,” he sure means it, because he is seventeen, and nobody does understand. Whew, Taylor really just knows how to write ‘em!
Then he launches into dance, strutting his way down the halls with a definite spring in his step. It’s nowhere near as elaborate as performer choreography would be, but it’s charming and just sharp enough that it’s clear Dylan’s got some real talent.
Dylan takes the number into the auditorium, making his way over to the prop loft where he’s guaranteed to find Asher. There’s a brief sequence he basically serenades Asher from down below, scaling the fence around the set pieces until he convinces him to come down. The whole thing is dynamic and fun and a little bit theatrical, humoring their classmates as they watch from the stage before class.
On the bridge, Asher takes over the vocals, taking Dylan’s hand and leading him through the backstage areas. Dylan follows along happily, waiting until they’ve reached the other side of the stage to pull him back towards him. Asher presses their foreheads together (“Where we gonna go… I whisper in the dark… where we gonna go…”), then drifts away as Dylan belts out the note that throws us back into the chorus.
The final swell of the song takes place center stage, surrounded by classmates and with nothing but good energy. The techies are laughing along, cheering, and even the performers are enjoying the rendition. Dylan and Asher sway together in a circle with the beat, doing a final spin under Dylan’s arm before falling back together and breaking into laughter to take it home. The A class breaks into applause, Asher pulling Dylan down into a quick kiss.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you prom-pose!
In the high energy after the performance, Nigel casts another glance towards Jade across the stage. It seems like he really might do something, and she definitely acknowledged his eye contact… but then nothing.
Isadora also notices the exchange, curiosity piqued. She raises her eyebrows, Sherlock brain turning before Maya pulls her into a conversation about how the twink performance was clearly not better than hers and Zay’s… right? Right?
Isadora brings up the notion while hanging out with Maya and Riley, the three of them spending an evening together to map out prom logistics. She questions if either of them noticed it too, or whether Nigel has ever even shown interest in their classmates before. Maya claims he’s never dated anyone in their class, and Riley states that maybe he’s just shy.
Maya scoffs, focused on painting her toenails a shiny silver.
Maya: Look, Nigel is lean meat. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s talented, but the boy has no moxy. He has let Farkle walk all over him for three years, when if he just put like, a crumb of effort in he may have already had a lead by this point.
Riley: You know, it could be that he just… doesn’t care that much.
Maya: Well that was his first mistake.
The point is, if Nigel does have interest in Jade -- which Maya doesn’t get, because she forgets who Jade is half the time -- then it’s more than likely he will do absolutely nothing about it.
Isadora: That’s too bad.
Maya: I mean… I guess.
Riley: Maybe they just want to go with their friends. Prom doesn’t have to be inherently romantic, you know. [ off Isadora’s nod ] I mean, I’m going with Charlie, and --
Maya: Wait. [ sitting up ] You and Charlie are going together?
Riley: Yeah. But, like, just as friends.
Maya: Oh… oh. That’s… interesting.
There’s a plot twist. If Riley’s unnerved by Maya’s tone, she has the right to be. It’s an odd moment, and it’s only subdued by Cory calling for the girls from the living room. There’s a surprise here for them!
And what a surprise it is. Maya practically screams when she finds KATY HART in the living area, having just arrived with VALERIE DE LA CRUZ. She runs over and launches into her arms, the two of them hugging tightly.
Maya: Oh my God, what are you doing here?
Katy: Val helped me. Paid my way, so that I could be here for prom.
Isadora: No way?
Valerie: Oh, it was nothing. Hardly a penny out of my pocket. I know how much it meant to me to be here for this weekend -- figured the least I could do would be to allow a good friend the same opportunity.
Certainly no arguments here. Maya and Katy hug again, elated. Cory and Riley exchange smiles, Cory pulling her to his side and into a hug.
Valerie pulls Isadora aside, greeting her and stating that she wants to do something special after prom. Like a girls night, deglam and rejuvenate and catch up. Deglam being key, because Valerie knows Isadora is going to look stunning. She can’t wait!
Isadora is totally open to the idea. She nods, matching her enthusiasm.
Jack is at his desk, going through the Bradford paperwork. He’s flagging and highlighting every potential point he might have to refute in an argument, emails open on his desktop of pitches he’s going to send to school board members for support if the complaint breaks.
Eric pokes his head in and knocks on the door pointedly.
Eric: Knock knock.
Jack: Who’s there?
Eric: Stop obsessing.
Jack: Okay, we’re done with the bit --
Eric smiles, leaning against the doorframe. He knows Jack is concerned, but he’s already thought so extensively about this problem. He needs to take a mental break from it, before he burns himself out. Besides, there’s always the chance that it won’t even ever go public.
Yes, a chance… but a chance isn’t a guarantee. Jack claims he just wants to be prepared for the worst, which Eric can’t exactly argue against.
What he can do is change the subject. He states he wanted to double check that they’re both still on for chaperoning the dance on Saturday. Jack confirms, wondering why plans would have changed.
Eric: Well… you know, given your own personal circumstances, I just figured you might not want to --
Jack: Eric, I’m fine. [ with a shrug ] After all, what better distraction is there from the shambles of your personal life than watching out for a bunch of rowdy, dramatic teenagers all night long? Can’t think of anything better.
Eric: At least your humor is still intact.
Jack makes a face, accenting the point.
Zay, pre-lap: Okay, literally, what the hell is the matter with you?
Zay is attempting to teach Lucas choreography, but it’s clearly far from easy. Not that that’s surprising, but it’s evident that Lucas was not meant to be a dancer. It’s a challenge unlike anything Zay has ever confronted before, regardless of how hard Lucas is trying.
Zay: I don’t -- like, is your brain connected to your limbs? How is this not clicking?
Riley enters, brightening when she finds them both. She asks how everything is going, and the look that both of them give her basically answers her question for them.
Riley: I hope I’m not interrupting.
Zay: No, you know what? It’s good. I need a break. Rome wasn’t built in a God damn free period. [ pointing to Lucas ] Don’t go anywhere with your two left feet, Fry Pan.
Lucas holds out his arms. What do you want from me? As Zay marches off, Riley tries to hold back her smile as she joins Lucas at center stage.
Riley: So seems like it’s going good, then.
Lucas: Oh, haha. [ making a face ] You know -- and this may shock you -- I’m not a dancer.
Riley, gasping: No. You’re kidding?
Lucas: I know, I know. Brand new information.
Riley smiles, asking to take a look at Zay’s choreography sheets. Lucas hands them over, Riley hopping onto the stacked acting blocks and reading them over for herself. He watches her as she reads, only shifting his gaze to his feet when she glances up to look at him.
She says that all things considered, the choreography isn’t so bad. He just has to keep working at it, and the whole thing is pretty low stakes anyway.
Riley: What even made you decide to do a performance? I have to admit, I never thought I would see the day.
Lucas: … well, with everything I did this year, figure it’s the least I can do. Just putting the karmic cycle back in balance.
Riley: You believe in karma?
Lucas: Could be. Either way, mine is shit. Objectively speaking.
Riley gives him a look. She glances back down at the papers and then states she’s sure he’ll be fine, and she for one is looking forward to the show. He rolls his eyes.
Lucas: You know, they have words for people who demonstrate ridiculous belief in unreliable things. It’s called blind faith. Usually it’s reserved for important things though. Gods, governments. Conventional belief systems.
Riley: Well, I’m nothing if not unconventional.
Lucas, quietly: Yeah.
The tension between them is palpable, even with the fair amount of space between them. They hold each other’s gaze, another one of those moments where they can’t seem to look away from one another. If it were possible, they might just stand there and look at each other forever.
Fortunately -- or maybe unfortunately, depending on your perspective -- Zay keeps that from happening. He reenters and tells Lucas to get ready to run it again, totally oblivious to their lingering moment. Riley hops off the acting blocks as Lucas clears his throat, directing his attention back to Zay.
Riley: I’ll get out of your way. Good luck. [ smiling ] Both of you.
Zay waves her off, sending her on her way. Once she’s gone, he turns back to Lucas and lets out a grand sigh.
Lucas: Now you’re just being a bitch.
Jade is in the costume department, ignoring the task of organizing the leftover fabrics from this year and painstakingly attempting to fix the project she’s been working on all week. When someone enters she jumps and tries to hide the garment, straightening up and nervously looking towards the doors.
It’s not who she was expecting. Isadora enters, pushing a costume rack.
Isadora: Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.
Jade: No, it’s okay. I’m just um… it’s fine.
Isadora nods, bringing the rack all the way in. She explains that she got a head start on the inventorying of the costumes, and all the ones on the rack here are finished. She intends to put them back after theatre lab, if that’s alright.
Jade, surprised: Um… sure. Yeah, that would be helpful.
Isadora: Great. [ a beat ] I really am sorry, Jade. It wasn’t intentional, but I know I dropped the ball when it comes to pulling my weight on our team. [ hesitant ] And our friendship.
Well, Jade isn’t going to tell her otherwise. She shrugs lightly, acknowledging the apology but not necessarily accepting it quite yet. It’ll take time, and Isadora gets that. But she’s said her piece, and now all she can do is keep working to make reparations.
As she’s heading out, though, she decides there’s one more thing she wants to say.
Isadora: About Nigel.
Jade: Huh?
Isadora: Nigel. If you want to go to prom with him… then you should just ask him yourself. Don’t wait around for some boy to do the job right when you’re perfectly capable of doing it -- and probably better. He’s chicken, but the way he’s been looking at you… I’m pretty sure he would say yes.
Something to think about, at least. Jade considers it as Isadora exits, leaving her alone with the costumes.
Riley has joined Charlie, Clarissa, and Haley for lunch. As they chat the notion of Charlie and Riley going to prom together comes back up, Haley visibly taken aback by the reveal. She starts to question how that came to be, obviously struggling to accept it, when their conversation is totally derailed by Maya paying a visit to their table.
Although she’s all bright smiles, the tone is mildly threatening as Maya confronts Riley and Charlie. She also is questioning their union for promenade, wondering if their admittedly perfect cookie-cutter image is intent on also campaigning for prom court. Because it would sure be a shame for them to have to go head to head…
Maya might be built like a pixie, but the threat behind her words resonates loud and clear. Charlie shakes his head, stammering to correct her thinking.
Charlie: Oh, we’re not --
Riley: We weren’t planning to --
Yeah, no. It’s a no. This seems to appease Maya, who relaxes and turns back on the charm. Still, her friendly laughter still feels ominous as she wishes them the best, and reminds them not to forget to vote for her and Zay for prom king and queen come Saturday evening.
Clarissa shakes her head, reiterating her former stance.
Clarissa: Nowhere and nothing is safe.
Eric is putting on his most encouraging counselor smile, sitting across from Isadora and Farkle. He’s just wrapping up a pitch, stating that considering they’ve become such good friends in the last few months, he thought maybe it would be a good idea for them to go to prom as a duo. Just as friends. Pals, looking out for one another! Good, old, promenade buddies.
Farkle seems entertained by the mere suggestion. Isadora looks unamused.
Isadora: So you want me to babysit him.
Eric: That’s -- that’s not what I said.
Farkle: That’s basically what you said.
Eric tries to save face, but he forgot he’s dealing with the two most intuitive (and judgmental) students in the junior class. They see right through his facade, recognizing this tactic for exactly what it is.
Isadora: Also, what makes you assume I don’t already have a date?
Eric: … well do you?
[ Farkle looks to Isadora, raising his eyebrows. When she huffs, he cracks a smirk. ]
Isadora: No, but that’s not the point.
Eric relents, talking to them straight. Yes, they want Farkle to have company at the dance due to his history over the last few months. Ideally, this would be a small ask, considering they are friends and would likely be hanging out at the event anyway.
Eric: You are friends, yes?
Isadora: Request pending.
Farkle: I think of it more as intellectual sparring partners.
There’s really no good way to respond to that. Eric requests that they consider the option, as it would be a favor to him if nothing else. Give him a little peace of mind.
That’s just the selling point he needed to flex. Isadora glances between them, then sighs, claiming Farkle will pick her up when she decides he will.
Eric is thrilled, and Farkle doesn’t look all that opposed either. This, he claims, is a good thing. They’re thwarting problems before they even arise. No problems for junior prom this year!
Clarissa runs into Charlie, concerned. She takes his arm.
Clarissa: Problem. Big problem.
When Charlie asks her what the heck is going on, she states that Haley has finally broken down. She’s up in the costume loft and is refusing to talk, and she’s effectively decided she is not going to prom. Whatever crazy plague is running through their class, it’s finally hit her.
Charlie sighs, nodding and telling Clarissa he’ll handle it. He takes off at a jog towards the auditorium.
Haley is sitting amongst the costumes, wiping tears from her cheeks. When Charlie pulls himself into the loft it almost makes it worse, Haley shaking her head and telling him to go away.
Haley: As if this could not get any more humiliating.
Charlie: Hey, don’t worry, I have had… my fair share of breakdowns up here.
He settles down next to her, in the exact spot he was crying just an episode ago. He waits patiently for her to acknowledge him again, asking her why she’s so upset. Clarissa told him she wasn’t going to prom -- what’s that all about?
Haley shrugs, huffing and avoiding eye contact with him. She shakily admits that some part of her always thought… maybe it was stupid, but he really doesn’t get it. They can be friends for years, spend all this time together, and he still has no idea. And she just… she feels like such an idiot. All of this is just so stupid.
Charlie pauses, searching for how to tread cautiously.
Charlie: If we’re being honest with each other… I know.
Haley: You -- you know. You know that I --
Charlie: Yeah. I have for a while.
Haley: Oh God. [ hiding her head in her knees ] That’s even worse.
Charlie: It’s not, Hales. You can’t help who you like. [ a beat ] Although, still being honest… I don’t really think you do.
Haley lifts her head, frowning at him. She asks what he means, and Charlie tries to figure out the best way to articulate what he’s thinking.
Charlie: Believe me, I speak from experience here, but I think it’s… really easy to become in love with the idea of something. Things that seem easy, and perfect, if they could just work out a certain way. So we fall in love with those ideals, rather than the way things actually are.
Haley: So, what? You think I’m just making everything up?
Charlie: No, I believe some of it is real. I believe you love me -- and that makes sense, because I love you, too. We’ve been friends for years, like you said, and I can’t imagine what my time at Triple A would be like without you. I don’t want to.
[ Haley wipes her eyes. ]
Charlie: But I think, realistically, that’s all we’re ever going to be. And I think you know that, too -- it’s just safer to keep things the way they are now. Where you never get what you think you want, but then you never get hurt, either.
Haley: … okay, you’re kind of freaking me out here. Get out of my head.
Charlie, laughing: Like I said, talking from experience.
A quiet moment passes between them. Charlie goes on to state that Haley shouldn’t give up her junior prom, especially not over him. They’ll both be there, and they’ll still get to spend the evening together with Clarissa and Riley and the rest of their friends. It’ll be fun, even if it’s not the fantasy they imagine in their heads.
Charlie: And as for the rest of it… I guess you and I will both just have to see what the future holds. Rather than hiding behind expectations we know we’re never gonna meet.
A tough pill to swallow, but important. Haley exhales and then nods, giving up. Trading out the fantasy, but perhaps for the better. She gives him a smile.
Haley: I do love you, Charlie Gardner. That much is true.
Charlie returns the beam, accepting the hug she gives him.
Jade is standing outside the black box, watching Nigel chat with Yindra and NICK YOGI. Dylan and Asher stand behind her, hyping her up as she gears up to do the impossible.
Asher: Just be yourself. Be straight-forward.
Dylan: Go in there and get what you came for.
Jade: Right. Sure. [ a beat ] What if he says no?
Dylan: Sock him.
Asher glares at him, Dylan shrugging before smiling to himself. Asher takes the more serious approach, bracing Jade’s shoulders from behind.
Asher: If he says no, then it’s his loss. You’re Jade Beamon --
Dylan: Jade motherfucking Beamon!
Asher: And he would be lucky to get even an evening of your time. [ patting her shoulders ] Go get him, queen.
Dylan lightly nudges her forward, Jade taking a deep breath. Then she marches into the classroom, approaching Nigel and tapping him on the shoulder.
When he turns around and meets her eyes, for a second it seems like she’s going to run. But she squares her shoulders, clears her throat, and speaks as confidently as she can.
Jade: Nigel.
Nigel, surprised: Jade?
Jade: We should go to prom together. If you want to. I mean -- you should want to go with me. But only if you do. The point is -- will you go to prom with me? Maybe?
The back and forth between assertive and timid is jarring, but also quite charming. Nigel takes a moment to fully absorb what’s happening, but the smile that blooms across his face is near instantaneous.
Nigel: Yes. Yeah, I’d -- I’d like that a lot.
Jade: Great! I mean, um, great. Good. I’ll text you with details.
Nigel: Okay. Great.
Jade: Great. Okay… great.
Jade spins on her heel and marches back out, Yindra and Yogi exchanging wild looks. But Nigel is fully endeared, obviously not at all opposed to this turn of events.
As Jade escapes back into the hall, Dylan and Asher mob her with congratulatory hugs and pats on the back! She did it! Jade Beamon is going to prom with Nigel Chey, baby!
In tone with the celebratory mood, the bold brass opening floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I’ve Gotta Be Me” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Lucas James Friar (feat. Zay Babineaux)
Another AMBITION first for the bucket list, Lucas gives his first almost solo performance, with a Broadway number, and that isn’t fueled by pure rage. Zay is on stage with him to help with the choreography, but in some ways that’s a nice way to help take the pressure off. It’s sort of like a dress rehearsal rather than an actual performance.
And look… it’s not great. Lucas is not a performer, and he was never pretending to be. But it’s passable, and honestly the vocals aren’t half bad. There are even a couple of rare, fleeting moments where it seems like he might actually be having fun.
The real fun is for the audience though. His classmates are near entranced by the spectacle, having watched Lucas do nothing but grump and roll his eyes for three years straight -- and especially the majority of this year. Farkle is watching with his jaw dropped open, blankly stunned. Riley is hiding her fond grin behind her hands, shaking her head. Isadora is openly laughing, but with him rather than at him. Even Jack and Eric came to watch, thoroughly amused, and maybe a little bit proud.
The techies are cheering along the entire time, and when Lucas gets through that last note and hits those last steps with Zay, they leap to their feet and give him a standing ovation. Given the year he’s had, the uproarious applause sort of feel well-deserved.
He survived, God damn it, he survived!
Jade is leading Asher into the floor level of the costume department by both hands, the latter having been instructed to keep his eyes closed. He’s playing along, but nervously, reminding Jade that he hates surprises and also hates not being able to see.
Asher: You know going blind is one of my anxieties.
Jade: Everything is one of your anxieties. But hold on, we’re almost there.
She gets him right in front of where she’s hung up her latest project, pulling back and instructing him to open his eyes. He does, seeing the surprise and expression growing shocked.
It’s a pair of suit jackets, custom-made for junior prom. They align with the theme in terms of the subtle allusions to stars and shimmering elements factored into the design, but they’re inverse in terms of colors -- one mainly creme-colored with darker accents, and the other dark with lighter accents. Matching, but unique. And clear labors of love, from a seamstress who knows her craft.
Jade explains how she got the idea to make them, how she wanted to make sure they were clearly a matching set like Asher and Dylan, but also distinct from one another.
Jade: We just used to talk all the time about how fun it would be to have custom stuff for prom, when we got there one day. And you used to always talk about what you and Dylan could wear, but then would get all embarrassed, as if that was silly. Like it would never happen, that you couldn’t last that long. [ a beat ] Well, we got here, and I just figured after the hell year we’ve had…
Asher is staring at them, speechless. He’s tearing up, at a loss for what to do. Jade takes the impending waterworks as a bad sign, searching for a way to recover.
Jade: I mean, if there’s something you’d like better, you can just tell me. Or if you already picked out tuxes, that’s totally fine too, you don’t have to wear them --
Asher interrupts her nervous rambles, barreling her with a hug. The embrace is tight, and although there are tears the tone in his voice conveys that they’re happy.
Asher: I love you so much.
Jade beams, getting choked up too. She hugs him back.
Jade, teary but laughing: I love you, too.
Prom night is upon us! There’s a flurry of activity at the Matthews apartment, making it more lively than its been in months.
AUGGIE MATTHEWS is there to help Riley get ready and spend the weekend with Cory. Riley is obviously happy that he’s there, grinning when she emerges from the hall in her gorgeous lavender gown and he jumps up in excitement. She questions where their dad is and Auggie nods towards the fire escape, Cory visible through the window.
Riley delicately climbs her way out onto the balcony, Cory going to help her through when he notices she’s trying. Once they’ve got her upright, he gets a good look at her and goes soft with fatherly pride.
Cory, softly: You look lovely.
Riley smiles, both of them adjusting further out onto the fire escape. They take a moment to look at the scenery of their street, throwing a couple of jokes back and forth about how she’s going to prom with Charlie and whether or not Cory should be worried (he should not at all).
After a moment of quiet, Riley pecks up the courage to speak on what she really needs to say.
Riley: When mom called a couple weeks back, it wasn’t just to check in. She, um… [ off his wary expression ] She wants me to come upstate, too. For senior year.
Cory: … oh. [ swallowing hard ] Oh.
Riley: I’m not telling you because I’ve made any sort of decision, yet, or anything like that. I’m going to take the time to really… really think about it, and make sure I make the right choice for me. [ a beat ] But I just… wanted you to know what was going on. And also that no matter what happens, I’m still with you. I’m not going to leave you alone.
Cory nods, trying his best to accept it. Riley hesitates, deciding if she wants to continue.
Riley: Regardless of what I choose though… I need to be clear that I can’t be in the middle anymore. I love you both, but I am tearing myself apart trying to keep up with the constant back and forth. Trying to keep things civil in this family when I don’t think that’s supposed to be my job.
Cory: It’s not… Riley, I never meant for --
Riley: I know. And part of it is me -- feels like I’m always looking for other things to focus on and fix rather than myself. [ with a deep breath ] But I can’t keep living like that. I need to start focusing on myself… and that comes with setting boundaries. I love you, dad, but I can’t carry your baggage with mom anymore. It’s your fight, not mine.
Cory hesitates, obviously feeling guilty. Then he nods, assuring her that he’ll try his best to remember that. He doesn’t want to make this any harder for her than it already is. And if she’s trying to get him to hear her, then he’s listening. He really is going to try.
Riley smiles lightly, leaning forward to pull him into a hug. He returns the embrace, stating that he’s grateful he gets to be here with her on this important night. They pull apart, Cory fixing a piece of her hair.
Cory: Absolutely beautiful.
She smiles again.
Katy and Maya are sharing a similar bonding moment. Katy has taken over eyeliner duties, adjusting Maya’s makeup with her expert hand. She claims Maya has a tendency for overdoing it, which makes her laugh.
Maya: Tell me something I don’t know.
When she’s all finished, Katy looks at her daughter lovingly. She looks stunning, in a beautiful silver and white dress and blonde hair glossy as ever.
Katy: Like bona fide royalty. [ touching her chin ] No matter what the votes say.
Maya grins. She pulls her into an embrace.
JENNIFER MINKUS is nitpicking at Farkle, brushing off the shoulders of his navy suit jacket. He tells her to stop fussing, but she requests just one more second. She reaches up on instinct to fix his hair then remembers there’s not as much there as there used to be. Then she smiles, bracing his shoulders.
Jennifer: Beautiful boy. Perfect.
The housekeeper claims that the driver is downstairs, so Farkle should start heading out. STUART MINKUS shares an exchange with him as he’s in the entryway, offering him a Minkus good luck charm. It’s a silver lapel pin, a little crest shape related to their family coat of arms.
Stuart carefully pins it to Farkle’s lapel.
Stuart: You know, I wore this when I went on my first date with your mother -- and look where we are now.
Farkle, scoffing: It’s not -- this isn’t that kind of…
He doesn’t finish the sentence, letting it trail off. Stuart’s expression is amused, claiming he doesn’t quite buy it, but relenting for now.
When he finishes and smooths the lapel to crisp perfection, he takes a moment to really take in his son. Still with him, still standing in spite of everything that’s unfolded. It’s clear that there’s something he wants to say to him, heavy with the same weight that him sleeping at his hospital bedside all through his recovery held.
Yet, the words still don’t exist. Emotional expression has never been paramount in the Minkus household, and old habits die hard.
Instead, he pats his shoulder bracingly and wishes him luck. Jennifer comes to join Stuart as Farkle steps out, both of them wishing him a good time. Have some fun! This is your night of freedom, soak it up for all it’s worth!
Isadora, pre-lap: I don’t see how much fun it could be when we’re being watched by faculty all night long.
Isadora is seated at the vanity in Eric’s guest room, the space she’s taken over while staying with him. It seems that per their last conversation, Eric is keeping to his word with Valerie and is giving Isadora an actual legitimate place to stay in the mean time rather than Blue’s couch.
She’s sitting impatiently as Lucas stands behind her, braiding pieces of her hair to complete her prom look. A hidden talent, perhaps? It looks pretty, to say the least. He plainly states that she’ll be having more fun than him no matter what, there’s little doubt about that.
As he wraps up the last braid, Isadora pulls on her Converse and carefully gets to her feet.
Lucas: What, no heels?
Isadora: Are you kidding me? I think I’d break my ankles.
Lucas: Very “I’m not like other girls” of you.
Isadora: This is not about faux-originality, this is about my comfort and safety. As well as the safety of others.
The shoes hardly put a dent in the overall ensemble anyway. She’s in a gorgeous dark blue number, accented with a sheer layer of star patterns and custom designed by one of Valerie’s designer friends. It’s certainly not her typical ensemble, but she makes it work. Beautiful, but still a force to be reckoned with.
Lucas smiles, lightly punching her shoulder. He tells her she looks good, and she nudges him back before saying thanks.
Lucas, more serious: Sorry I can’t be there. To be there for you.
Isadora: It’s whatever. Be sad for your own sake, not mine.
Eric calls for Isadora from the hall, the two of them heading towards the door.
Eric is adjusting his suit and tie in the hall mirror when there’s a curt knock at the door. He goes to open it, delighted to greet Farkle on the other side. He gestures him inside, Farkle awkwardly making his way in and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Both of them soften when Isadora emerges from the hall, obviously exceeding expectations. Eric tells her that she looks great -- Farkle says nothing, because he has no words. How are you supposed to react when your intellectual sparring partner shows up looking like that?
For a moment, all of them just hang awkwardly in the living area. Lucas clears his throat, scratching at his neck. That’s as good a cue as any, and Eric claims they should get going if they’re going to get there early to help set up. The price they pay, carpooling with a chaperone.
Eric ushers them out, giving Lucas a pat on the shoulder and telling him he’ll drop him off at his destination for the first half of the evening. And away they go! As their door closes…
Another opens, Riley standing bright and smiling on the doorstep of the Gardner home. AMBROSE GARDNER takes care to greet her cheerfully and help her inside, asking if there’s anything he can get her.
She should be grateful that the sanest member of the family met her first. ELEANOR GARDNER excitedly comes in from the kitchen moments later, greeting her enthusiastically and wanting to know a million things about her. Of course, they’ve heard so much about her already -- feels like Charlie is always talking about her!
From the living room, Rosie and DAISY GARDNER watch curiously.
Daisy: She’s pretty.
Rosie: Yeah.
Daisy: How did Charlie manage to get that?
Rosie: Shh.
As if summoned, Charlie rushes down the stairs. He looks charming in his relatively simple tuxedo, the touches of purple in his tie and pocket square perfectly accenting Riley’s dress. She gives him a hug as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, all of the Gardners eyeing them as they interact in front of them for the first time.
And to be fair, they look lovely. They seem near classic, the picture of prom perfection… but it’s so… boring. Whatever spark of flirtation Eleanor thinks she’s seeing between them, it’s absolutely nothing.
Still, she insists on getting some photos before they go. Charlie is embarrassed, but he allows it. As they’re assembling against the wall by the door, he leans over to whisper to her.
Charlie: Sorry about this. You look great, by the way.
Riley: Thanks. You too. And it’s fine. These’ll be great pictures to show my kids someday.
The choice of “my” rather than “our” is very pointed. Charlie gives her a look, elbowing her and earning a giggle out of her. Eleanor captures the moment, claiming that’s the perfect one.
Then Charlie tries to plot their escape, claiming they really should get going. Ambrose thanks Riley for driving -- Eleanor jokingly warns them not to stay out too late! A-wink!
Charlie looks like he’d rather be dead. Riley holds back her laughter as they escape into the night, the whole family sending them off cheerfully.
Once they’re gone, Ambrose and Eleanor exchange thoughtful looks.
Ambrose: She seems nice.
Eleanor, “knowingly:” Mhm… pretty…
Yeah, she really thinks this is something else. As she saunters back towards the kitchen…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “That’s What I Like” as performed by Bruno Mars || Instrumental
The techie pre-prom gathering is in full swing, the techie jams playlist on shuffle as they get ready together and mingle. Some of their parents are also in attendance (and likely to have a party of their own once they get them the hell out of there), namely LEVI GARCIA, EMILY GARCIA, and of course RANDALL ORLANDO.
Randall subtly interrupts a conversation between Lucas and Jade, where she’s just finished commenting on how nice it is for this gathering to be snapback free. It’s true that Lucas does stick out like a sore thumb, in his plain old blue flannel and jeans rather than dressed up like the rest of them.
The two of them exchange a bit of small talk before Randall gets to the point, asking Lucas about how things are going. Considering the last he heard about everything was literally picking up Dylan from the police precinct because of the joy ride, it stands to reason that he would be interested in knowing since he’s let Lucas back in his home since then.
To his credit, Randall has also been more of a dad to Lucas than his own, in spite of how avoidant Lucas can be. So he tells him the truth, stating that it’s been better but it’s also definitely been worse. He apologizes for what happened with the joy ride, and assures him that he’s banking on that sort of thing never happening again. Randall gives him a nod and a pat on the shoulder, approving.
The moment is interrupted as Nate gets their attention, using a cooking spoon as a faux microphone as he plays MC. He thanks them all for coming (which Dave and Jeff jeer at) before claiming he has the distinct pleasure of introducing their host and his paramour for the evening, showing off their custom-made, never before seen Jade Beamon originals.
Nate: First up -- you know may know him as Dyl Pickle, vlogger extraordinaire, the deviant who once stuck a whopping thirty-two sticky notes to Shawn Hunter’s back in one class period. He’s as gay as they come, in every sense of the word. Host of the evening and renowned “kissing expert” --
Asher, from upstairs: NATE!
Nate: What? He told me to say it! Anyway, let’s give it up for the one-of-a-kind Dylan Blake Orlando.
All of them cheer theatrically as Dylan comes downstairs, sliding down the banister and hopping onto the bottom step. He shows off the suit jacket Jade made, looking even fresher and fun actually on him than just hanging in the costume loft. He spins and hams it up for a moment, then backs off so Nate can continue.
Nate: Equally as effervescent, our other star of the evening is not to be discounted. He’s smart, he’s sharp, he’s the scariest person you will ever meet if you piss him off or forget to organize the paints in alphabetical order. King of production design, prop mix master, puts the Ash in Ash Cash Money --
Dylan, taking the spoon: The love of my life --
Nate, taking it back: Hey, this is my gig! I didn’t ask for ad-libs.
Jeff: Drunk on power…
Nate: Anyway, let’s give it up ladies and gentlemen for the only one of us with any class, Asher L. Garcia!
Asher jogs down the stairs, looking equally as iconic in his custom suit jacket. He does a small spin as well to give the item it’s due moment, Dylan cheering the loudest of all of them.
Randall: Very nice, very good. Now, could I get a moment with my “gay vlogger sticky note” son?
The techies all cheer and laugh at his take, Dylan sliding across the hardwood to meet him. Jade and Asher link up, the former taking his hands and practically bouncing as she proclaims how good the suits turned out. They look amazing!
Lucas looks around at all of his friends, glammed up and excited. Distinctly left out of the excitement, only this time not by his own choice. Somehow, that’s worse.
He’s pulled out of it as Nate declares they still have one order of business, the seven of them regrouping. Dylan slips back into the circle between Asher and Lucas.
Nate: Now, as with any good tradition, we have some firsts to establish. And this shit is important -- it may be the most important thing we do in our lives at Triple A.
Jade: Speak for yourself.
Nate: As we know, the prom court institution at Adams is royally corrupt. It’s the same shit every single year.
Dave: Nothing new.
Jeff: Same old shit.
Nate: And to that, the techie tots say no more. We will be crowning our own reigning royalty this year, and that honor happens tonight. Without further ado --
For what it’s worth, the only two that don’t seem to know what’s happening are Asher and Dylan. They watch in confusion as Dave retrieves two pin cases from his interior pocket, handing them to Jade and Lucas respectively. Then they turn to face them, grinning wide at the stunned expressions on Dylan and Asher’s faces.
Nate: Congratulations, Pickle and Bird Bones. You’re fucking royalty.
Jade and Lucas move forward, pinning the brand new charms to Asher and Dylan’s lapels, respectively. The pins are small medals, the band being monochrome like techie uniforms and the metal piece a small crown.
The true kings have been crowned. Whatever happens next hardly matters.
Jade: Okay, we have to get out of here before Asher cries again.
Randall and the parents swoop in, insisting on one group photo before they all head out to wreak havoc. At first Lucas steps out of the photo, allowing them their classy group photo, but then all of them shout for him to get in the picture as well.
Dave leads the charge down the steps to the “party van,” i.e. their techie van they use for Home Depot runs. On the steps, Dylan and Asher hang back and check in with Lucas one last time.
Asher: You sure you don’t want to come?
Dylan, sing-song: We could sneak you in...
Lucas knows they damn well mean it. But he waves them off, assuring them that he’ll be fine. They need to go have fun and not worry about him for a night.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Good Love (Feel Like This)” as performed by Sir, Please || Performed by Nigel Chey (feat. Dave Williams, Nick Yogi, and AAA Juniors)
And so it is. Asher gives him a pat on the arm and then they’re off, leaving Lucas on the steps alone. He watches his friends head out without him, bittersweet smile on his face.
As the groovy rock hit floats in…
Prom roll up! The event is hopping, the large ballroom space beautifully decorated towards the stars theme and everyone’s appropriately matched outfits shimmering under the low lighting. The brightest lights are geared towards the DJ stage, which alternates between a sound system and live performances.
At present, Nigel is giving a riveting vocal performance while the junior and senior class parties on the dance floor. Dave is backing on guitar, Yogi on the keyboard, and other B Class students filling out the rest of the band.
Jade, Dylan, and Asher are right by the stage, Jade watching him perform with a mix of shyness and excitement. Every once in a while, he’ll look over at her and crack a smile.
Dylan and Asher are distracted when Isadora wanders over to join them, all of them immediately complimenting one another on their one-of-a-kind outfits. Dylan gives her a hug. Asher asks how it is being accompanied by Farkle Minkus, which Isadora claims isn’t terrible -- but it’s not particularly enchanting either.
Meanwhile, Farkle has just met up with Riley and Maya. They ask him how his evening is going so far -- is he having fun? It’s not too overwhelming, is it?
Farkle: Oh, yeah. Sweaty room, loud music, constant surveillance, date who didn’t even want to go with me. Time of my life, girls. Undoubtedly.
On the opposite side of the room, Charlie has just made his way over to the refreshments. He reaches for the ladle for the punch just at the same time as Zay, their hands brushing before they look up and lock eyes.
For a moment, neither of them say anything. They just take one another in -- well-groomed, nice tuxedos, the most they’ve even really seen of each other since the break-up -- before Zay manages to say something.
Zay: You look… classic.
Innocent enough. Charlie laughs nervously, nodding.
Charlie: And you look…
He can’t finish the sentence. What’s he going to say? No word is good enough. And where they are right now doesn’t allow for him to say what he’s actually thinking.
Thankfully, Maya swoops in and unwittingly throws him a life preserver. She interrupts their conversation, claiming that she needs for Zay to come dance with her lest people get the impression she can’t hold her own on the dance floor. She pays Charlie the same compliment in that he looks nice, before reminding him to vote Zay and Maya for prom king and queen!
Charlie: Okay, if you keep saying that, someone is going to murder you by the end of the night.
Maya: Attempted assassinations are just part of the job description.
Farkle regroups with Isadora, finding her amidst the crowd. The two of them stand in silence for a moment, absorbing the chaotic scene around them. Farkle eyes Jack and Eric across the room, talking to one another and not paying any attention to them, then leans down to whisper in Isadora’s ear.
Farkle: You wanna get out of here?
Isadora looks around at her classmates and teachers before her gaze lands on Farkle. She smiles, somewhere between a smirk and genuinely sweet.
Valerie emerges from the courthouse, seemingly in much better spirits than the last time she was there. She inhales a deep breath of fresh air, blithe smile on her face.
Katy opens the door to her hotel room, surprised to find Val standing on the other side. She’s carrying a bottle of champagne and doesn’t wait for an invitation to march inside. She tells Katy to grab a couple of glasses, they are celebrating!
Katy, uncertainly: Good news, I’m guessing?
Valerie: You know, in this industry, they tell you the most important thing is to hang on. Hang on by the skin of your teeth, dig your fingernails in, and never let go. Who would’ve known that applied to the rest of this crazy, mixed up world too?
Valerie pops the champagne and pours a glass for her and Katy, raising her glass.
Valerie: I persevered, and only good things have come from it. [ sublime ] Isadora is going to be mine. We’re going to be a real family.
Katy happily cheers to that, both of them taking a drink from their glasses. They settle down on the couch in the suite, Valerie absolutely giddy with the news. She can’t wait to tell Isadora. Katy can imagine -- she knows how important it is, having time with her baby girl.
An idea seems to strike Valerie in that moment, eyes widening. She reaches out and touches Katy’s arm, excited.
Valerie: You’ll come stay with us.
Katy: Wh -- what?
Valerie: Yes, yes, you’ll come back to New York and you’ll stay with us! You, me, Maya, and Isadora. The four of us will live together, four rough and tough, talented women surviving the concrete jungle as a team.
Katy: Oh, I don’t… I couldn’t --
Valerie: Katy, you belong here. In this city, with your daughter and your dreams. If I have proven anything in this endeavor, it’s that it’s never too late to change course and achieve something you never thought possible. [ a beat ] You belong in Manhattan, with Maya. Talent like yours shouldn’t be wasted in the farmland of Vermont.
Katy processes that, taking another sip of her champagne. If a Hollywood starlet is telling her she’s meant to be here, then who is she to refuse it?
Katy: Alright. Alright, then!
Valerie claps excitedly, already abuzz with so many new ideas.
Valerie: Oh, this is so exciting. This is amazing! Isadora and Maya are going to be over the moon. This is a bigger deal than when my good friend and mentee Lizzo basically single-handedly saved the R&B industry.
She raises her glass again for another toast. Katy grants it, their glasses clinking together.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dance Again” as performed by Selena Gomez || Instrumental
The lighting is more aesthetic and dimmer as the prom goes on, the junior class out grooving on the dance floor. We get shots of different combinations of them dancing -- Charlie is with Haley and Clarissa, Jade and Nigel are giggly as they get comfortable with one another, Dylan and Asher are upholding their reigning title as cutest couple.
In the midst of the festivities, Eric grows concerned as he realizes he can’t find Isadora. Farkle is nowhere to be found either -- and that’s because they’re not there. They’re long gone, someone having disappeared right under his nose.
Eric grabs Riley from the edge of the dance floor, asking if she’s seen either of them. She claims not since they first got here… is everything okay? Eric doesn’t respond, pushing through the crowd to try and get a better look.
He’s surrounded by teenagers, and yet none are the two he’s specifically supposed to be keeping an eye on. Just as he’s on the verge of panic, Jack comes to his side and asks what’s going on. What’s with the look on his face?
Eric, breathless: Isadora -- and Farkle -- they’re not -- I can’t find --
Jack: Okay, relax, alright?
Eric: Relax? I lost two children!
Jack: Okay, we’ll find them. Alright?
Jack drags Eric out of the center of the room, passing by HARPER BURGESS as they go. He tells her she’s in charge, guiding Eric out of the venue.
Lucas emerges from his room with a box, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and clearly down to business. He and GRACE FRIAR are operating with relative ease, indicating that their third household member isn’t home at present.
He places the box on the table in front of her, claiming that he’s gone through it and he needs her to go through it too so they can decide whether or not to donate it. Grace seems intrigued, but not opposed to the idea.
Grace: Spring cleaning?
Lucas: Something in my life might as well be in order.
She chuckles a bit at that, although the joke is admittedly somewhat dark. She starts going through the contents, hesitating before telling Lucas she’s sorry that he didn’t get to go to prom. He shrugs it off, but his aloof facade has worn thin over the week.
Grace gives him a warm smile, stating that he’ll be able to go next year.
Lucas: Yeah, let’s see if I make it through this year first.
Valid point. Lucas leaves her to keep going through the stuff, agreeing they should get rid of it either way before Kenneth gets back.
Lucas steps back into his closet of a bedroom, sighing at all the junk there still is to go through. He frowns when his phone vibrates in his pocket, growing even more confused when he sees who is calling. He answers.
Lucas: Hello?
Jack is on the other end of the line, already on the road with Eric.
Jack: What are you doing right now?
Lucas, flatly: Crystal meth.
Jack: Okay, you jest, but you’re really not in the position to be making those kind of jokes right now.
Lucas asks what’s going on, and Jack explains the situation. He asks if Lucas has seen or heard from Isadora, and he says no. When Jack requests that he go search that side of town, just drive around and take a look, Lucas seems skeptical.
Lucas: Aren’t you forgetting? My license is suspended.
Jack, unimpressed: Am I really supposed to believe that makes a difference?
Lucas: … fair enough. I’ll do whatever.
Jack assures him if he gets into any trouble, he’ll help him out of it. They just need to get a trace on them so Eric can breathe again. Lucas grabs his denim jacket, heading out.
Isadora and Farkle, thankfully, are not engaged in anything remotely nefarious. They’re just making an evening out of it all their own, having escaped prom to seek refuge at a non-descript diner across town.
Farkle is way more enthused by the prospect than Isadora. He’s practically jittery, tapping his fingers on the table and unable to stop grinning. He claims this is the most fun, the most freedom, he’s had in months.
Isadora: Okay, calm down, edgelord. It’s not that deep.
Oh, but perhaps it is, Isadora. Farkle leans further into the theatricality, dramatically stating that he doesn’t think there’s ever been a night quite like this. Full of this… energy, and mystery, and potential. Can’t she feel it? In homage to the number that’s just about to come into play, Farkle sits up so that he’s sitting on the booth seat, rather than in it.
Isadora: Okay, what are you doing? Sit down.
Farkle: Can’t you just feel it? And how… how we start thinking --
Isadora: Start thinking what?
Farkle: How wonderful it all is.
Isadora: How wonderful what all is?
Farkle: Everything.
Isadora: Now you’re just talking nonsense. Did you take too much medication this morning? What are you on?
He, Isadora, is on life. The freedom of tonight, how good it feels to just be out and adventuring and… alive. In fact, he thinks, it might need some expressing…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “A Lovely Night” as performed by Cinderella Original Television Cast Recording || Performed by Farkle Minkus (feat. Isadora De La Cruz) [ starting at 4:20 ]
Farkle pushes his way out of the booth and starts sauntering through the diner, Isadora leaning out after him and whispering for him to come back. But he’s already on his way as the instrumental comes in, meaning there’s no hope. This singing train has left the station!
So he kicks off the first verse, singing the fantastical lyrics about how absolutely perfect the evening is. Somehow, it actually works, brightening up the drab, everyday diner and adding a splash of something special and unique.
It helps that Farkle is crazy and completely unapologetic as he takes over the space, the other patrons hesitant at first but then endeared by the performance. Farkle sings the first line about a “charming prince” to a gaggle of middle school girls, who all collectively lose their shit when he turns away from them. To them, for all intents and purposes, all suave in his prom suit and singing so elegantly, he is a prince charming.
Isadora might be starting to figure that out too, as she watches in disbelief while Farkle pulls other diners and workers into brief stints of choreography. By the time he makes it back over to her table in the second verse, he leans forward on the table and sings the lines “darling, I love you” while looking right into her eyes.
Part of the whole act? It’s impossible to tell.
Then he pulls her up from the booth, into dancing with him through the diner as the dance break commences. Although she’s hesitant at first, Isadora is more surprised by how not averse to the experience she is. Farkle is a good dancer, at least this kind of dancing, and it’s not long before she finds herself grinning and laughing along.
They spin their way towards the front, right out the doors…
And out into the city, the world aglow with nightlife and even more emphasized by the unreal quality of the dance. It feels very La La Land. They continue the pas de deux through to the end, Farkle picking up the lyrics again for the final rendition of the chorus.
They end it spinning in a circle in the parking lot, Isadora laughing and Farkle truly free as they round out the performance. If there’s going to be any true spectacle this prom season, then Icarus and the fallen Techie Queen dancing together in what may as well be a fantasy sure takes the cake.
Eric is not feeling the fantasy, a nervous wreck as they drive through the streets looking for signs of Isadora and Farkle. He relays that she has not responded to any of his texts, and Jack states that’s it. He pulls over, allowing him to give his focus to Eric as he parks on the side of the road.
Jack takes Eric’s phone, out of his grasp.
Jack: Enough. You’re driving yourself crazy.
Eric: Yeah, you’re one to talk. [ trying to snatch it back ] Mister obsessive civil suit --
Jack: Oh, I’m not saying I’m innocent. But you have got to give yourself a break. It was their choice to sneak out and go wild, not yours. You can only do so much. If they choose to be idiotic, that’s on them. Regardless of how much we care.
Eric knows that Jack is speaking from experience. He sighs, slouching back in the passenger seat. Jack tries to comfort him, reminding him that Isadora and Farkle are two of the smartest students at AAA. They’re not going to get into trouble. Besides, if they are, then at least they have their best troublemaker on the case.
Jack: He’s like a heat-seeking missile. If there’s mischief afoot, trust me, I believe he’ll find it.
Maybe so, Jack. Maybe so. Somehow, Lucas manages to catch up to Isadora and Farkle as they’re walking along the streets, slowing down in Grace’s car and coming up next to them. He honks, startling them both.
Lucas: Hey! Lunatics!
Isadora: Lucas? What the hell are you doing here?
Lucas: I could ask you the same question.
Farkle: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas holds up a finger to silence Farkle, not acknowledging his question. He keeps his focus on Isadora, who is similarly confused.
Isadora: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas: You tell me. You tell me what the hell you’re doing walking around like freaks and sending Eric so postal Jack had to send me out here risking future legal penalty to come find you.
Farkle: Hey, I mean, we snuck out of prom. [ holding his arms out ] Don’t I get a little credit for that, Lucas James Friar?
Lucas glares at him, unimpressed.
Lucas, sharply: Don’t talk to me like you know me.
Farkle raises his hands in surrender, turning away. Lucas turns his focus back to Isadora.
Lucas: Tell Eric where the hell you are and that you’re not dead. At least pay him that decency.
Isadora: Alright! Alright, I will. Sorry you got dragged into it.
Lucas: You’re so lucky I have no life.
Lucky, indeed… Lucas drives off, leaving the two of them alone again. Isadora shifts awkwardly, Farkle hesitating before giving her an unbothered smirk. Woo, reckless freedom!
Jack gets the text from Isadora on Eric’s phone. He smiles and then passes it back to him, telling him that now he can breathe again.
And so he can. Eric lets out a huge sigh of relief, falling back against the seat and rubbing his face. These kids, are they ever gonna let them live? Once he’s pulled himself off the ledge, Eric drops his hands and asks what they’re supposed to do now.
Now that they’re already out? Well… Jack shrugs.
Jack: You like bowling?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Magic” as performed by Gabrielle Aplin || Performed by Yindra Amino
Things slow down back at the prom, allowing the students to shift into a slow dance. Before Riley and Charlie can make any decisions, Zay swoops over to them to cut in. For a second it seems as though he might ask Charlie, in front of everyone… but he simply requests a dance with his favorite girl at AAA. Charlie relents without an argument, allowing him to steal Riley.
Riley: Sweet of you to say all that. And…
Zay: And I will give anything not to slow dance with Maya, yes.
Charlie shifts his sights to Haley, offering a hand to her. With their former conversation having cleared the air, the two of them are able to simply enjoy a dance together rather than twisting themselves up over what it might mean.
Yindra’s vocals truly help set the mood. The types of slow dancers are all across the spectrum. The soft familiarity of Dylan and Asher, whispering in each other’s ears and smiling and tilting their heads against one another; the timid beginnings of Nigel and Jade, more distance between them but equally as happy to be sharing the dance. Then there’s Maya, not bothering to slow dance at all and continuing her campaign amongst the other single prom-goers.
While Zay and Riley dance, they softly discuss how the evening is going. Riley subtly makes it clear that she is no way moving in on Charlie -- they should both be well aware how unlikely that would be. Zay holds no such suspicions. After all…
Zay: Think you and I are both here while our hearts are somewhere else.
Couldn’t have said it better, Isaiah. Tellingly, while Haley and Charlie are having a swell enough time dancing together, he cannot seem to keep his gaze from drifting towards Zay over her shoulder…
Yindra brings the number home, delivering yet another dazzling performance.
Pow! A bowling ball knocks over a volley of pins, shattering the dreamy melancholy of prom.
Jack and Eric have already played one game, crashed in one of the tables by the lanes and sharing some cheap bowling alley snacks. They’re also drinking and… okay, they might be a tad tipsy. They’re laughing as they chat about the evening, more relaxed than we’ve ever seen them. They could almost be teenagers themselves, just wasting away prom night at a bowling alley and blowing off expectations.
Eric complains about Isadora and Farkle’s actions, still not over the sleight. Like he gets it, they’re teenagers, but really? Jack chuckles, shrugging and claiming it’s just that kind of night. He can remember how he used to be -- Lucas really isn’t that far off from how he was at that age, although the kid is way more ballsy than he was.
Besides… there’s something about prom night, man. It makes people do crazy things.
Jack: I was never super into it, but… ha. I remember senior year, me and the guy I was going with --
Eric nearly chokes on his drink. Jack raises his eyebrows, handing him a napkin in concern.
Jack: You okay?
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I just -- [ clearing his throat ] Guy? You went with a guy?
Jack: Oh, yeah. Administrators weren’t thrilled about it at the time though. [ off his stunned expression ] Oh, come on. You know I’m bisexual. We’ve totally discussed this.
Eric: Um. No. No we have not.
Jack: We definitely have.
Eric: Jack, I would not have forgotten that. Believe me.
Jack shrugs, smiling to himself and taking another drink. Eric just stares at him, trying to reconcile this new understanding he has of his friend and co-worker in his head. He starts to say something, then thinks better of it. Lost for words.
The music on the sound system of the bowling alley saves him from having to speak. As soon as the song starts playing, both of them react with joyful acknowledgement.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Bye Bye Bye” as performed by *NSYNC || Performed by Jack Hunter & Eric Matthews
At first the two of them just reminiscence, talking about how classic this song is. Speaking of hits of their youth, this was it in the college days. But as they casually start singing along in their seats, just like their students (and maybe thanks to the alcohol), the groove overtakes them.
Eric jumps to his feet first, crouching on his seat and launching into the second verse. Jack cracks up and claps, encouraging the dramatic performance. Eric manages to pull him into it as well, the two of them delivering the rendition with the same gusto as their overdramatic students.
In their folly, it would only be fair to give them the same imaginative scape as their students. Part of the performance is a fantasy tribute to the “Bye Bye Bye” music video, Jack and Eric dressed as if they’re back in the early 2000s and dancing around a tilting room.
We cut back and forth between that and them wreaking mild havoc in the bowling alley, and gosh dang is it a fun performance.
That’s one way to cut loose for a night. Let’s go principal and counselor!
Farkle walks Isadora to the front stoop of the fancy hotel Valerie is staying at, although she tells him that he didn’t have to. He claims as her date it was his duty -- even if their arrangement wasn’t exactly by choice.
Isadora: Well, impressively, I did actually have fun.
Farkle: Oh?
Isadora: Yes. I don’t expect the enchantment to last past midnight, but it was fun while it lasted. [ a beat ] I suppose I’m glad that I had to babysit tonight.
Farkle rolls his eyes. Isadora looks at him for a long moment, and then stands on her tip-toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
He blinks, obviously not expecting it. After a moment he kind of smiles, caught between a confused frown and a pleasantly surprised smile. He looks at her, narrowing his eyes.
She gives him no explanation. She just tilts her head in a nod and marches through the revolving door, leaving him on the sidewalk. He glances up at the building, smile widening as he spins on his heel and saunters down the street.
Clarissa and Haley are just wrapping up a performance, dismounting the stage as Harper heads up to the microphone. She warms up the crowd by asking how everyone is enjoying prom, which is met with resounding cheers. The time has come, she announces, for the crowning of their junior and senior prom court!
Amidst the cheers, Charlie shifts his focus to Riley next to him. She’s zoned out, glancing over her shoulder and not paying any attention. Looking for someone who isn’t going to be there, no matter how many times she looks.
After a moment, he elbows her lightly.
Charlie: You should go.
Riley: What? What do you mean?
Charlie: I appreciate what you did for me tonight. But we both know… you don’t want to be here. Not really. [ nodding towards the door ] So you should go. Don’t waste the rest of your night on me.
Riley examines him, thoughtful. Then she smiles, taking his arm and leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. She squeezes his arm.
Riley: Never a waste.
Then she’s gone, weaving her way through the crowd and on a mission. Charlie watches her go, and when he turns back to the crowd and the excitement of the senior prom court being announced he suddenly feels very detached. Like he’s a fish out of water, as if he shouldn’t even be there at all.
It’s claustrophobic. Charlie starts to push his way through the crowd as well, searching for an exit. Needing to get out of there.
From where he’s waiting with Maya, Zay notices Charlie’s frantic escape. He frowns, hesitating for only a moment before darting out after him. Only Maya notices him go, looking after him in confusion.
Maya, in a whisper: Zay. Zay!
He’s already gone. And her attention is stolen anyway, as Harper gets a drum roll going for the announcement of junior prom queen and king. It goes, unsurprisingly… to Maya and Zay!
Only Zay is nowhere to be found. Lucky for him, Maya is an expert showman and covers as if it’s nothing. She hops up onto stage and happily accepts, claiming her king had to dip out for a moment and she’ll be accepting both on his behalf.
Once she’s found a way to balance both crowns on her little blonde head, she takes to the microphone and gives a small speech about what an honor it is to be selected. And in return, tonight, she’ll give them a prom slow dance really worth remembering. As the track cues up --
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “At Last” as performed by Beyoncé || Performed by Maya Hart
As obnoxious as she is, there is no doubt about the fact that Maya Hart can sing. Her vocals are damn good on the romantic classic, truly creating a perfect final slow dance for the evening. And she’s milking every second of it, glamorous as ever in her elegant gown and dual crown glory.
Charlie has made his way to a mostly vacant section of the parking lot, inhaling as much fresh air as he can. He holds his breath, then lets it out, fighting off whatever strange panic was prickling at him.
It doesn’t truly fade until Zay joins him, approaching casually and claiming that he’s missing Maya’s big performance. Isn’t that what he came all the way out to prom for anyway? Charlie can’t help but laugh, even though the vibe between them is still uncertain.
Charlie: Oh, naturally. Everything’s about Maya Hart, after all.
Zay: Absolutely everything, yeah.
Charlie: [ just looking at him ] … shouldn’t you be in there too, then? Far as I recall, you were her running mate.
Zay, with a shrug: I didn’t really care much about it.
Zay is stepping closer with every word that passes between them.
Charlie: … no?
Zay: Nah. I mean, can’t blame Maya though. She knows how to pick a winning candidate.
Charlie: Well, no arguments here. Sure you don’t want to get your crown, though? Think that would be a nice prize regardless.
They’re standing right in front of each other. Zay swallows, meeting his eyes.
Zay: I can think of something better.
Charlie lets that sink in, not sure how to respond. Knowing that they’re the way they are for a reason… but then there he is, right there in front of him…
Zay doesn’t ask for much. He gently takes Charlie’s hands, pulling him towards him and into a slow dance. There in the parking lot, alone, where nobody else is going to bother them.
Charlie is stiff at first, then slowly he relaxes into it. The familiarity, the ease, the way they seem to just naturally fit together... especially when it comes to dancing.
Still, something in his expression is conflicted. It’s obvious he loves it -- being so close to Zay, sharing anything with him regardless of what their status is -- but then that’s the problem, isn’t it? As long as Charlie is around him, he’s never going to be able to let it go. They’re going to keep drifting back to each other like this, and Zay is never going to be able to move forward.
Charlie realizes all of that… and yet.
For now, he chooses to live in the moment. He tilts his head against Zay’s shoulder and chooses to soak it up for all it’s worth, the dance and the closeness and the way he continues to choose him, even when he pushes him away.
Everything else, he can deal with another day.
Isadora has changed back into more comfortable clothes, Valerie hanging her dress up so that it stays nice and unruffled. After all the hard work Stella McCartney put into it, she would hate for it to only survive one use!
Then Valerie settles on the bed with Isadora, telling her the good news. The paperwork went through -- they’re on their way. She just has some things she needs to go wrap up last minute in Los Angeles, and then they’re going to do it. They’re going to be a proper mother and daughter, she’ll move to the city, and everything is going to change. For the better, she’s sure.
Isadora is stunned just to hear it said -- she can’t begin to wrap her head around it in reality. But she manages action, leaning forward to initiate a hug with Valerie.
She hugs her back, tight, so excited about the next steps they’ll be taking together.
Well, for only a night’s work, Lucas has made substantial progress on organizing his hell bedroom. You can actually see the floor now in most places, which is a step up. Maybe one solution to not having horrible mental health is to not feel like you’re living in an abandoned storage closet. Music is playing from his phone, shuffling the playlist Riley made him last year.
He finishes clearing the floor by the actual closet door, finding Riley’s gala shawl. He holds it in his hands, delicately, trying to decide what to do with it. It’s survived this long, in spite of all the times he’s thought about destroying it -- to get rid of it now would almost be a disservice.
He’s distracted from the decision for now, his phone buzzing. He settles onto his bed, putting the shawl to the side towards his pillow and opening the message.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Ebony Eyes” as performed by Jamie Scott || Instrumental
It’s from Dylan, a group picture of the techie crew in the midst of the glitz of prom. The caption underneath it is simple and to the point -- “We miss you!!!!!!!”
Lucas can’t help but smile, but after a moment it shifts to something more muted. The disappointment is clear on his face now, fully realizing how much he might be missing out on. How much he’s missed out on for the entire year, while he was busy fighting to survive his own personal hurricane. And there’s no way to get that back -- there’s no way to know if it’ll ever stop hurricaning, given how up in the air everything feels.
He’s distracted once again from his own internal musing, this time by creaking from outside his window. At first he glances towards his door, worried it might be someone coming home, but an additional creaking confirms it’s coming from outside. It’s coming from the fire escape.
Cautiously, Lucas gets to his feet, edging towards his window. He nearly jumps out of his skin when Riley appears from the ladder below, scrappily climbing her way up to his level.
Lucas scrambles out the window to meet her, eyes wide in disbelief. She smiles at him as he emerges and she manages to pull herself fully onto the fire escape. There’s barely room for them both to stand, Lucas taking her arm and pulling her as far from the window -- and his apartment -- as possible.
Lucas: What the hell are you doing here?
Riley blinks at him, trying to catch up with her own choice of actions. She’s changed out of her fancy gown, hair and makeup still done up but having opted for a pair of high-waisted jeans and a thrifted tee. Better attire for building scaling, at least.
She explains that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and how he was missing out, so she decided to bring some of the fun to him. She shrugs off her backpack, unzipping it and showing off some of the snacks and movies and junk she threw in there along with her laptop. She didn’t have a lot of specific ideas, or anything, she just thought… who knows. She just knew she wanted to be here.
Lucas is in shock. He can’t believe any person would ditch prom without some other grand plan, and definitely not for him.
Lucas: That’s… that’s nice, but you shouldn’t have to do this. You should be at prom, having fun. Least of all worrying about me.
Riley, shaking her head: Wasn’t the same without you.
Oh. Well then. Riley glances towards his room, recognizing the music playing and smiling to herself. She comments that at least he has good tunes to get him through the night, and the slower, rustic song playing now is better than about half of the songs they played at the dance.
In fact… she did say she was going to bring the evening to him…
Dropping her backpack by the window, Riley cautiously takes Lucas’s hands. When he doesn’t complain, she gently guides him into a dance of their own -- a promenade on six square feet of metal with a shitty outdated iPhone speaker acting as the DJ.
Even still, it might be the most authentically romantic duet of the night. The music quality shifts and improves to be more encompassing as they settle into the dance, once again supplemented by that fantastical quality of the evening. Secluded enough for Lucas to ease into it, more intimate than a room full of their peers would allow.
After a minute or so, Riley adjusts their posture and presses their foreheads together. For how soft the moment is, the energy between them may as well be electric. They’re inches apart, one or two breaths and a bold choice away from another kiss. And maybe they could…
But not tonight. Not yet.
Riley shifts and rests her head against his shoulder, Lucas closing his eyes and tilting his head against hers.
For now, what they have in this moment together is enough.
Crazy how in the aftermath of such a whimsical weekend, life is expected to proceed as normal. Jack is in good spirits as he jogs his way into the school building later than usual, pushing through the doors at the same time as Lucas. Lucas comments on his late showing.
Jack: You know, for all the times you’ve shown up to class tardy with no good excuse, I think you can zip it on this one.
Touché. Jack does remember to thank Lucas for his help with Farkle and Isadora though, expressing that it was a big help. He asks how he spent the rest of his evening -- aside from the crystal meth.
Lucas, nonchalantly: Nothing much. And you?
Jack: Got kicked out of a bowling alley.
Lucas: … fun. Respect.
Jack grins, nodding him on his way. He makes his way back into the office…
Where the real world is waiting for him. Jack is surprised by the gift-wrapped item on his desk -- until reality slams into him like a freight train. He drops his briefcase and jogs towards it, lifting the ribbon-bound local newspaper into his hands.
There it is. The Bradford case, front page Monday morning news. Likely paid a fortune to make it front page news, if he knows his adversaries.
It’s officially gone public. The fantasy is over. Another day has arrived, and now it’s time to deal with all of the challenges ahead.
Now, it’s time to take action. For better or for worse.
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Little Luke McIver (G.D)

Summary: Kindergarten teacher Grayson Dolan is the only one who can crack the shell of Luke McIver, your newest case in social work. So you’ll need him to stick around.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone, this is again a newer branch for me; it’s mainly focused on the relationship between (y/n) and luke and then luke and grayson instead of being complete romance. if that isn’t for you, i totally get it!!! but it was again fun to step out of my comfort zone and try something. extended author’s note
Warnings: PLEASE READ!!! child abuse, social work, a little bit sad. if any of this bothers you PLEASE don’t read, i really did my research to be as precise as i could be!! but it could still be triggering !!!!!
Word Count: 15.2K+ || masterlist
It hadn't changed a bit.
There, a hundred yards away, stood your beloved elementary school in its glory: chipping paint, rusted sign, and all. You weren't one to deny yourself of a smile. It had been eons since you'd visited this place, but it was still nostalgic and vivid and bursting with memories; you'd hardly stepped foot on the property and you'd already spotted the pole Caleb VanDyke stuck his tongue to in third grade.
You crept up the sidewalk with your binder tucked under your arm, hopped about in your heels, and narrowly dodged the forbidden obstacles--cracks--etching the dull pavement. Along the sidewalk were mementos, engraved and painted in the cement, dating all the way back to the early 1980s. It was tradition for the kindergarteners to add their addition with their teeny, tiny, creative brains, and you nearly gasped when you stumbled upon your own handprint, embedded near the benches, basking in the hot August sun. You slumped down to your knees and flattened your hand (now ginormous in comparison) to the shallow crater and marveled. Marveled at how quickly twenty years had slipped on by without you ever noticing the size of your hands.
"Crazy, innit?"
You jumped to your full height, wobbled under the instability of your heels, and smoothed out your pencil skirt with dusty hands. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you turned to face your attacker.
"Jeez Hun, I didn't mean to scare you!" the lady cried, pressing a hand to her heart and enveloping you with the other.
"Mrs. Hoffmann! Oh my god, I'm sorry I just-"
"No, don't apologize, that was completely my fault!"
"No, seriously, I am so jumpy that I just-"
At once, you both realized how unnecessarily kind and apologetic you were being and huffed a chuckle. "My, how you've grown," she simpered, cupping your face between two hands before tugging you into one of her famous bear hugs. You smiled into her shoulder and realized she hadn't changed that much, either; you'd seen her all throughout high school when she popped by the boutique you had worked at, and aside from a few more pairs of crow's feet and some greying roots, she was practically untouched, well into her late forties. She was kind and had a heart twice the size of anyone you'd ever met. And she was beautiful; she always had been. "You're so old now," she said. "Making me feel like some ancient ruin."
You giggled and shook your head. "Not a chance, you're still kickin'! It's going to be so weird counseling little mini-me's," you gushed, wrapping your arms around yourself. You stared at your feet and smirked at the handprints of classmates you'd graduated with. "I feel like I should still be wearing light-up sketchers, not these... death traps," you laughed, kicking your heel up.
She chuckled and slipped her arm around you and escorted you into the entryway. Almost instantly, your brain bloomed with memories upon memories upon memories. "Do you know where you're going, Honey?" she asked as the two of you pulled up to a fork.
You nodded and waved her goodbye with a promise to catch up soon, and then dashed away, beelining for your office.
Your office. What a phrase.
There, you frowned at the blankness, the blandness, the bareness of the walls and decided two things: one, that you had to redecorate this cell, and two, that you would be the best elementary counselor this world had ever seen.
Easier said than done.
"Luke, hi!" you cheered as Cory, Principal Larson, coaxed a boy, maybe five years old, into your office.
A few weeks had passed and your job, so far, had been less than flashy. You'd resolved tearful playground disputes and consoled cafeteria tantrums and, well, not much else. It was a blur of meetings, hissy fits, and really bad school coffee. You'd made a mental note to buy your own Keurig.
But Luke was different, and you could see that right away.
Cory hung in the doorway, nearly barricading Luke in as the kid fought his way around the large man. Luke already had tears sprung in his eyes, a pitiful frown, and an overall, seemingly permanent, aura that oozed with fear. His tiny hands were fisted by his sides and his curls dangled protectively over his big doe eyes and something painful, something piercing, poked at your heart when you realized Luke needed your help a lot more than any of those kids on the playground. Luke really, really needed your help.
So, you bounced out of your chair and scurried over to Luke and bent at knee level and swept a warm hand over his shoulder. "Hey Luke, can we talk for a little? Not too long, I promise" you pleaded softly, hoping to catch his eye. But Luke was staring at the floor, blankly, stubbornly. And a tear rolled off his nose. "I've got it from here, Mr. Larson," you whispered, nodding up at Cory.
You held onto Luke's hand as you shut the door, careful to make sure he didn't just bolt right out. "Wanna sit in the beanbag?" you smirked, thumbing to the cushy, plump seat tucked in the corner. It was every kid's favorite. Luke looked at it longingly before shaking his head, hopping on the rigid desk chair far, far away from you, and staring at the ground again.
Luke was small. Smaller than most of his class, you'd assumed, with his skeletal arms and equally skinny legs. He wore a grey Power Rangers shirt that practically dwarfed him and brown cargo pants that rode up his ankles. His shoes were a dull, gunky yellow with dozens of holes and, from the looks of it, Luke's feet were bare of socks. Luke was textbook poor.
And poor-spirited, it seemed as well. You'd seldom seen a kid so quiet. You were so busy studying him you'd hardly realized minutes had passed on the clock without a single word exchanged. No, Luke just sat there, cowering under your gaze, staring at the ground. Luke was well practiced in the art of silence.
And that just wasn't okay, nor was it natural. Kids had technicolor brains bursting with imagination and creativity and words. Kids would scream and shout and run amuck and yell; kids would talk--if you let them.
"Luke," you began, fumbling for words that could fill the dreary silence that suffocated your office. "Luke, what's your favorite color?"
Luke looked up at you with his big doe eyes and a quivering lip and sat on his hands. He kept looking at you, tears in his eyes, tremor in his jaw, and stared. Stared for minutes. Stared for hours, it felt like. You weren't going to rush him, Luke should take as long as he wanted.
But then he was sniffling, and a pitched, strangled whimper echoed from his mouth and you wondered how you could possibly fix this.
C'mon, you went to school for this. Speak!
"Luke, wanna know something cool?" you asked, leaning over the desk as he tucked in on himself. "This room? It's the safest place in the world."
To that, Luke's cries cut off. He was now just staring at you with his big, big brown eyes and waiting.
"I'm serious, this place is protected," you nodded.
In the smallest, most broken voice, Luke asked, "From what?"
You smiled your kindest smile and said, "Can you keep a secret?" He looked to either side of him, made sure the coast was clear before he nodded. "Luke, this place is protected by magic," you whispered. "Fairies and wizards. Swear," you said. Luke's doe eyes got even rounder. "So we can tell secrets and no one will find out. Soundproof," you explained with confidence, knocking on the wall theatrically. "Which is why I can give you this, and nobody will ever know."
You dug in your drawer and pulled out a sucker and tossed it his way, watching as he marveled at the little treat plopped in his lap. "Thank you, Ms. (Y/L/N)..." Luke breathed, stuffing the candy in his pocket.
"You can call me (Y/N)," you grinned. "But only my friends get to call me (Y/N), okay?"
Luke nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
With the full understanding that these things take time, that Luke needed space--and by the looks of it, a lot of space--and that he would work his way up to trust, you asked, "Luke, can I see you in a couple days? Would that be okay?"
Luke didn't answer, he simply leaped from his chair and darted out the door, and left you with a low, low spirit.
"Hey," Cory mumbled, tapping on your door. "Get 'im to crack?"
You grimaced and shook your head. "No, I didn't. It's going to take time--and I mean time. He hardly breathes in the same room as me," you groaned, digging your fingers into your scalp. "Scares me to think about what might be going on at home."
Cory sighed. “Yeah, the kid’s a little... I mean, the teachers notice it, you know? I know you know, you’ve dealt with this stuff before,” Cory shrugged, frowning at his polished shoes.
But you hadn’t dealt with this stuff before. You were fresh out of your master’s with minimal experience. Your internship was borderline bogus.
“Yeah, I don’t know, stuff never gets easier,” you mumbled.
And that wasn’t entirely a lie. You imagined you’d feel the same way about Luke as any of the other kids whose shells needed cracking, whose homes needed relocating. No one wanted to deal with this stuff, this heartbreak of a job. But someone had to.
“Just... keep me updated, alright? Let me know if you need help with anything,” Cory said. “And I’ll let Luke’s teachers know what’s going on. I mean, it’s only kindergarten but you never know what tricks Mr. Dolan is pulling,” he chuckled, smirking to himself.
A thick glob of spit lodged itself in your throat at the mention of a ‘Mr. Dolan’, and you began coughing and wheezing and making a scene at once.
Growing in a town that size with a family as known as the Dolans were, there were only two possibilities for who ‘Mr. Dolan’ could be. Grayson, and Grayson.
You’d hardly been keeping tabs, but Ethan had boomed as a traveling photographer and Cameron was most definitely not a ‘Mr.’, and Sean was still the superintendent of the district (and had hired you). And, unless there was a new clan of Dolans in town, ones that weren’t half as gorgeous, you were very, very stressed.
You hadn’t seen Grayson since a small town, Christmas-break party. Limited interaction was how you liked it; Grayson made you (and the rest of the Long Valley population) clutzy, stuttery, and blushy—a few of your least favorite things to be.
It was nothing more than the fact that Grayson was gorgeous. And kind. And so, so polite. Every mom spent their Sundays praying their daughters would woo him and their sons would follow in his golden boy footsteps. He was Long Valley’s most beloved and there was no shame in admitting that you had also fallen victim to his spell; everyone loved Grayson, and that was that. But of course, that fucker picked something as absolutely adorable as Kindergarten education.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay? Here, drink some water,” Cory urged, patting your back and sliding you your water bottle.
Red in the face, you hacked before saying hoarsely, “All good.”
Not all good.
"Mrs. Hoffmann, hi!" you cried, stepping into the coffee shop and greeting her with a hug. She buried you in the warmth of he fur-lined parka and you accepted it with appreciation; this October had been particularly chilly in New Jersey with its barren trees and its frosted lawns, and cold meant the need for, well, coats. Your thoughts drifted back to little Luke McIver with his Power Rangers shirt and his brown cargo capris and his canary yellow, many-holed shoes. He needed a hug from Ms. Hoffmann and her big parka.
"Ugh, how are the roads?" she asked conversationally. "Are they slippery? This morning it was just pouring, I'm almost afraid it'll freeze over."
You nodded along. "No, yeah they were slippery. I nearly drifted pulling into Cozy Corner just now," you expounded, pointing to the entrance near the coffee shop.
She shook her head with disgust. "Guess you can't hope for a late winter here in Jersey. I'll for sure be getting a pumpkin spice latte with this weather."
And so, you sat down with your mugs in hand and huddled in the overstuffed loveseat and chatted for hours about the new boutique that had popped up on fifth street and the old bowling alley being torn down. She was, without a doubt, one of the kindest people you'd ever met: she bought your coffee and tipped 50%, offered up her coat as a blanket for the two of you, and complimented your very lazy outfit. This was no surprise to you; this woman was magical, and you'd known it since you were five. It felt like an honor to even sit and chat.
"So, I have to ask and I don't mean to offend, promise," she started. "but what exactly are you? Like, at the school? Do you work outside of the school too? I feel like such a loon, but I've really fallen out of the times-"
"Ms. Hoffmann, please," you snorted, laying a hand on her forearm that was dancing all about.
"And would you quit calling me Ms. Hoffmann! Call me Nancy, Honey."
"Okay, Nancy," you giggled. "I went to school and got my masters in counseling psychology and a bachelor's in social work. So, I work as both in the school. So, if a student were to be dealing with mental health issues, I could, you know, help them out as any counselor would, but if their problems are stemming from their home life, well then I move about and-"
"Hun, you know I'm in the system, right?" she smiled gently.
"What? You're kidding," you gaped. "You're a social worker?"
"Well no," she laughed. "No, I double-majored in elementary education and social work and then when I got out, I decided I'd just be a teacher for awhile and get my feet on the ground, and then I fell in love with teaching. I absolutely love the kids and after I got tenured, I just... I never went back to fulfill that part of the degree. I kind of wonder sometimes, what it would have been like, but I've never regretted it. Of course, it would have been fun if Steve and I could have fostered some kiddos," she smiled sadly. "Or had some. But, things don't always work out in your favor, I guess."
Her eyes glassed over and she clasped her hands tightly under the coat, fisting a wad of the material. It was a tragedy what happened to the Hoffmanns; a few years into their marriage, Nancy miscarried once, then twice. There was only so much gift baskets and get well soon cards could do. She was lonely without kids, that much was obvious. You supposed being a kindergarten teacher was as good as it could have possibly gotten for a woman with her circumstances, but they always left after nine months and change. It wasn't the same.
You grabbed her hand from under the coat and rubbed a thumb over her knuckles.
She laughed breathlessly and said, "Not that- not that we should delve into something so cynical, I-"
You lifted a hand to her to stop her unnecessary apology. "Mrs. Hoffmann-"
"Nancy, this is my job, being a shoulder to cry on. Never apologize to me for such a trivial thing as uncorking your emotions. We all need to, sometimes. Be my guest," you urged.
And she did. She talked about the ache to buy Christmas toys and back-to-school supplies, how she ached when she received graduation cards from past students and Christmas cards from past families. Ached when people told her to 'get a dog, it's basically the same thing.' Ached when Steve played with little ones and looked so natural, so right. Ached when students accidentally called her mom.
"You're so good at this," she sniffled, wiping her nose with her macaron's napkin. "The words just come pouring out, I haven't told anyone this stuff in years."
You nibbled on your lip, feeling that certain pride that comes with intimacy. "Sometimes I can crack shells, sometimes I can't," you admitted. "There's a student, and I just... can't get him to budge. Not an inch."
She frowned and patted your leg soothingly. "He'll come around. Kids are weird, sometimes," she giggled. "Like Grayson Dolan was telling me about this girl, Piper Conrad, just flopping on the carpet and making a snow angel in the middle of class and- why are you blushing?"
Heat was boiling your face at the mere mention of Grayson Dolan. It was pathetic. "Blushing? I'm not, I'm- this pumpkin spice is just really seasoned, the nutmeg in it is just-"
"Grayson Dolan," she gasped, piecing the bits together. "Oh (Y/N), tell me about it. That man's a hunk. Didn't you graduate with him? I get it, I really do; if he weren't half my age and miles out of my league and I wasn't married I would just-"
"Nancy!" you cried with laughter, shushing her confession. "Nancy, I don't like him. There's nothing there, he probably doesn't even know I exist, it's been like, seven years since I've seen him."
She smirked and nodded sardonically. "But he will. Just you wait until we have a workshop day, oh you are so-"
"I am so nothing! You pipe down, missy."
"Right," she laughed. "Well, let me buy you another coffee for your troubles, listening to this old hoot cry a hurricane, and let's head on out. I think the roads are going to freeze over, after all," she frowned as looked out the window. "Hopefully this latte will keep you warm in place of Mr. Dolan."
On Thursday, Luke was again seated in his rickety, uncomfortable chair in the back corner, far as far could be from you. He was wearing his brown too-short pants and his grey too-big Power Rangers shirt and his ochre too-many-holed shoes again. No socks, big brown eyes, and a raw bitten lip—Luke looked about as sad as you’d think.
“Luke, how have you been the past couple days?” you asked quietly, approaching the subject as gently as you’d approach a tortured animal.
Luke looked tired. And lost. And cold; New Jersey’s lawns were crisp with frost on that October morning with a thick mask of fog settling in the air, and the school had yet to crank the heat on in an effort to save money. Of course, this typically wasn’t a problem—most kids had jackets, or at least sweatshirts. You suspected that might be a problem for Luke.
Luke didn’t answer you.
“Luke?” you coaxed.
He tucked his lips under his teeth and clenched his tiny little jaw and visibly fought back tears.
And he sat like that for the whole hour. You would have sat there the whole day with Luke, waiting, pleading with him to let you help him, but Luke had lunch.
When the bell chimed, he hopped off his seat and dashed towards the door, but paused. “(Y/N)?” he whispered, his voice crackly and dry.
“Yeah, Luke?”
“Mommy said fairies don’t exist,” he sniffled, hand on the door handle. “Mommy said you lied to me.”
Your heart wrenched deep in your chest, the physical symptoms of heartbreak bustling within you. Luke looked at you with his big doe eyes and you looked back with all the sadness in the world and then, then you noticed.
You noticed that the collar of his oversized tee had slipped down to expose his shoulder, which had an enormous bruise. It was green and violet and nearly theatrical in size; it was nauseating, this bruise on little Luke’s shoulder.
With a shaking voice, you asked, “Luke, where’d you get-“
Luke beelined out of your office and into the hall. You scooted out of your chair and crept behind him, desperate to just get this one secret out. That would be all it took; one admission and Luke could live such a better life.
But as you rounded the corner, you found Luke wrapped around the leg of Grayson Dolan, sobbing profusely into his dress pants. Grayson had a hand on his head, ruffling the curls that dangled above his eyes with the most sympathetic of frowns. And then, Grayson ducked to eye level and enveloped Luke in a bear hug—one as gentle as himself—and nodded along with his warbles.
“Luke, can you tell me what’s wrong?” Grayson pleaded, searching the boy’s eyes.
Luke grabbed ahold of Grayson’s tie and buried his nose into his chest and shook his head. Luke then heaved a deep breath, scrubbed his eyes of well-deserved tears, and bounded off to the cafeteria, grey shirt flowing behind him.
And Grayson stood and watched him scamper all the way down the hall. And then Grayson rubbed at his eyes and turned back into his classroom and closed the door.
Luke was sobbing, absolutely bawling in his stiff, creaky chair, and you had absolutely no way to help.
And you felt like such an idiot, because you went to school for this damn it. Seven years of education in counseling psychology and your first patient wouldn't even talk to you after four sessions. But he was crying. And you were doing nothing.
Panic rose in your throat as you realized how useless, how absolutely incompetent you were sitting there, watching Luke wail in his seat. You'd tried; he had stumbled into your office by the guidance of Cory once more and promptly sobbed. You asked him gently, then firmly, why he was upset, what was wrong, how you could help but Luke was deaf to your pleads and questions.
With hardly any direction, you did something thoughtless. Completely, ridiculously senseless.
You hopped from your seat--abandoned Luke in your office--and sped to Grayson Dolan's room down the hall.
You weren't thinking (clearly), you were just doing, acting, hoping something, or someone, could tear down this child's indestructible walls. Because you hadn't stopped thinking about that bruise--that monstrous bruise--since you saw it, and you wanted him to get help. You wanted this kid to have all the love in the world.
So, you clacked down the hall in your heels and scampered up to Grayson's door, knocking tentatively and then urgently. From outside the door, you called, "Grays- Um, Mr. Dolan, I- I know this sounds crazy, but-"
The door swung open to reveal Grayson a pair of wide eyes and a slackened jaw. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)? Is that-?"
"I really need you to just, just come with me," you begged, verging tears, grabbing ahold of his forearm and tugging him behind you.
Grayson stumbled behind you, his shoes slapping the linoleum, and rushed up to your side. "Damn, you can walk fast in those heels," he panted to your left. Panicky tears sprung in your eyes and you curled your hand into a fist tight, tight, and pinched yourself a painful distraction. "Hey, what's going on?" Grayson murmured, slow and deep and warm.
You scrunched your face unattractively and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I- Mr. Dolan-"
"(Y/N), it's me. Grayson," he muttered sternly, grabbing your arm and halting the two of you.
You pulled at his hand and said, "No, we need to keep going, I-"
"(Y/N)." he commanded, sternness wired hard in his voice.
You whined oh-so-pathetically and shook your head. "You're going to think I'm such an idiot because I can't do my own job, like I'm over here asking you to do my-"
"You work here?" Grayson asked with a knit in his brows.
With exasperation, you sighed, "Yes. Yes, I'm a counselor and Luke McIver is sitting in my office and-"
"Luke McIver?" Grayson breathed. Without hesitation or a need for any explanation at all, he encased his hand in yours and dragged you down the hall, wordless and worrisome. Tailing behind Grayson (who was obviously handling this much better than you were), you snuck into your office and watched with wonder as he folded himself smaller than Luke, who was still gasping for breaths. Grayson tucked himself up by Luke's side, wrapped his hands around Luke's forearms and rubbed soft circles in his boney flesh, and said, "Take a deep breath, we aren't going anywhere."
Luke's jaw clamped shut and the last few tears rolled down his rosy cheeks and he nodded his head. Luke felt safe.
His eyes, as doe-ish as they typically were, were soft around the edges. They were usually pried wide; his eyelashes tickled the tops of his brow bones and his beautiful brown irises drowned in a sea of white. He looked alert, always, and his blinks were few and far between. Now, Luke just looked tired. Like he'd never had a chance to just relax. And vulnerable, too. In a good way.
Grayson smiled to him and Luke smiled back. "Luke, we need to talk to you, and we need you to talk to us," Grayson murmured, rubbing a hand down Luke's shoulder.
Luke nodded. Grayson peeked over his shoulder at you and gestured vaguely for you to join them in their little huddle, so you slipped next to Grayson and fell on your knees and left your hands in your lap, far away from Luke. You weren't going to push your luck.
"Luke, how did you get that bruise on your shoulder?" you asked softly.
Grayson grabbed ahold of Luke's shaking hands. Luke said, almost robotically, "I was on the monkey bars and-"
Grayson shook his head. "Luke, please don't lie to me."
Luke's lip quivered and his face crumpled and he collapsed on Grayson's shoulder, burrowed his head into the crook of his neck and cradled himself, let Grayson hold him and just cried. Cried like he deserved to, cried like he wanted to, cried like he had to. Cried so long you had to sneak into the main office and call for a substitute teacher for Grayson's kindergarten class. And that was okay. Luke needed this.
You slinked behind your desk and clicked your pen, dug out your notepad and waited. Waited for Luke to calm down and unfold himself for you--for Grayson.
"She doesn't like when I come here," Luke muttered into the cloth of Grayson's dress shirt.
"Come where, buddy?"
"(Y/N)'s," he whined. "I told her, I told her that it was protected by fairies and wizards and she- she hit me right- right here," Luke blubbered, tugging on his Power Rangers shirt and exposing the battered skin of his skeletal shoulder. Grayson's face fell even more, his eyes downward and his face low. "And she- she told me that- she told me that (Y/N) lied to me and she took my sucker and she stomped on it and- and- and-"
"Luke, is that the only time she's hit you?" Grayson whispered.
"No, Mr. Dolan."
Your throat bobbed with emotion as you scribbled down notes furiously. Your handwriting was godawful and your hand was cramping but you wouldn't stop writing this child's story for the world. Even if it really, really hurt.
"She doesn't like when I come to school, either. She said that- that I shouldn't get all this food and all this heat and that I don't need to be away from home for seven hours. And she-"
You shoved all that emotion down and took the validity out of his words and just wrote. Just wrote, detached and factually.
Grayson had to suck up all the tears, had to soak in all this tragedy first hand. Luke was staring at him like he had all the answers to the world, like Grayson could solve his problems with his bare hands. And Grayson had to act like he could.
After hours of cries and admissions and a whole lot of heartbreak, the final bell chimed in the hall. Grayson turned to you in question, a tear slipping from his eye.
"Luke, can you sit in here for just a second? Just a quick second, we'll be back," you asked, looking at the boy with a cautious smile.
He nodded and you slipped into the hall, beckoning Grayson as you went. Shutting the door as gently as you could, you turned to find Grayson with his head guarded by his hands, his shoulders shaking. "He can't go back," he croaked with a crack in his voice. He lifted his face and it was blotchy and red and tear streaked and he said, "He absolutely cannot go back to that monster."
"I know, I know," you muttered, staring at your heels. "I- I need to make some phone calls and talk to some foster cares around the-"
"No," Grayson interrupted, steel in his tone. "This kid needs someone he can trust. I'll take him."
You laughed in disbelief, shaking your head. "No, that isn't how this works. First, I have to call Morris County human services and have them head over to Luke's house and take his mom into custody, and then I have to go over to Morris County Human Services and find him a caretaker for the next 72 hours.”
"So what, we just drop this kid off? Leave him completely alone? I just told him we wouldn't go anywhere," Grayson growled, flaring his nose.
You pressed your hand to your face with frustration and sighed. "No, I- I couldn't do that to Luke. I don't think I can take him into custody for too long because I'm a conflict of interest, but I'll take him until we can get a judge to sign off on a permanent foster care or a-"
"Luke doesn't need a temporary family. Luke needs a home," Grayson hissed.
Irritation built in your chest and you pinned him with a hard glare. "Do you think I don't know that? How do you think these things work, Grayson, we just throw him into a house, no legal document, no nothing, and send him off?"
"Well, of course not, I don't know what-"
"You're right, you don't. I might not seem like I know what I'm doing, and you've been the best help, but I know what to do now," you spoke evenly. You reached for your office's door handle but Grayson flattened his hand against the wood.
"So what, you're just ditching me? I can't help Luke through this? Last time I checked, I was the only one who could get him to talk, (Y/N). And I just told him I wasn't going anywhere," Grayson fumed, his voice low and cold.
You glanced at your toes and let the wheels turn in your head, round and about, until you sighed and threw caution to the wind. "Okay. Listen, you can... you can come check on him later tonight at my place and whatnot, you can even come to the court hearing. But if he finds a new home, I don't- I can't promise anything, Grayson. This isn't up to me; if it were, I'd just give you the fucking kid."
He breathed a sigh of relief and wrapped a hand around your shoulder, warm and firm and big. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," you muttered. "Here's my phone number... and my address..." you mumbled, rifling through the packet of notes you'd scribbled down while listening to Luke and tearing out a stray paper, jotting down both messily. "Now, I really need to get in there and make some phone calls."
There you stood, in Morris County Human Services, hand in hand with little Luke McIver. He was willing to hold your hand, which in itself was a feat, but distantly; the two of you were connected by the full lengths of your arms apart. He was staring at the kid's corner in the waiting room, watching an eight-year-old rumble around with dozens of colorful blocks longingly, frowning. Just as you were about to invite him to go play, a county social worker peeked their head out from the hallway. "Ms. (Y/L/N), come with me, please,"
You looked down at Luke and tugged on his palm, tilting your head towards the lady. "C'mon Luke," you encouraged, taking a step in her direction.
The two of you followed her into the narrow corridor, shuffling behind her as she led you past dozens of rooms. "Luke, you can take a seat in this room," she smiled, popping open a door. Inside was a room abundant with toys, games, and books galore. It was prismatic and bright and Luke looked at it with a glint in his big, big brown eyes and hurried inside. And then Luke plopped on a chair in the center of the room, sat all still, and the social worker shut the door before you could promise Luke that he could play with those toys.
"Ms. (Y/L/N), I'm Emily Bradshaw and I have some terrible news," she hushed, leading you down another hall, and then another, halting at a dead end in a secluded corner.
You weren't in the least surprised.
"Luke... has some bad luck, to put it lightly."
I know.
"There's no one we can put him in for custody. His dad's out of the picture, Uncle's a crack addict, Grandparents are dead, his other Uncle's in jail for felony charges and... well, we can't give him back to his mom, obviously. Not after what you told me," Emily murmured. "We don't have a single--and I mean, not a single--person available for this little guy."
You touched your forehead with heartbreak. "No siblings, right?"
"I- Emily, can I take him for the night then?" you asked, biting down on your lip nervously. "He's so fragile, Emily. He hardly trusts me, and it took weeks to get him to even talk in front of me. I don't want him with anyone else, he'll be absolutely scarred."
"(Y/N), I'm afraid you'll have to. Obviously, you can't take him longer than 72 hours, you're a-"
"Conflict of interest, I know. I- I'll look through the records and see if there's anyone in the system worth calling. This is just terrible," you breathed.
"You're telling me. I know this stuff happens all the time, but it never gets easier. God, poor kid," she whistled, scuffing her shoe on the linoleum floor. "You've got him until Monday, cause we can't collect him on Sundays. So, Monday at... 5:00 PM. Just- I know you don't need to be told, but just take care of him, okay? Kid's been through more than we know."
With that, the two of you walked your way back to Luke's playroom and knocked on the door, creaking it open. Inside, Luke sat on his stool, the room left completely as it was.
With a frown, you and Emily crept over to him and squatted to his level. "Luke, I'm going to take you to my house for the next couple days, is that okay?" you asked, tucking the bulk of your hair behind your ear.
He nodded, slipped off his chair, and grabbed your hand.
"Luke, just for tonight, we need to go get some PJ's for you, okay?" you offered, glancing in your rearview at Luke, who was strapped in the middle seat of your car.
"It's okay, I can sleep in this," Luke mumbled, playing with his fingers and glancing out the window. He was talking about his massive grey Power Rangers shirt and his teeny brown cargo pants.
You winced and stared at the road again. "Nope, we're getting you some super fuzzy PJs. And hot cocoa."
"What's hot cocoa?" Luke asked.
You shrugged a shoulder and grinned in the mirror. "You'll have to wait and see, Luke."
Inside the store, you stood in the kid's section, ogling the quality of each fleece lined item. You surfed through nautica-inspired, dinosaur patterned, and hot-wheel styled pajamas, entirely lost on what Luke liked best.
"Luke, which design's your favorite?" you asked tentatively.
"It doesn't matter," Luke mumbled, not even bothering to look from where he sat in your shopping cart.
So you grabbed all of them. And a huge, sherpa blanket, and a set of socks and underwear, and then it dawned on you.
"Luke, we're getting you some new clothes, too."
Ignorant to his declines, you ransacked the whole department of hoodies, long enough pants, tees, and finally, a new pair of shoes. And then, you wheeled him to the checkout, paid, and left for home.
Maybe: Grayson: It's Grayson, I'm coming over.
You: Bring hot cocoa I forgot to buy some at the store.
Grayson: Okay. On my way!
Your house was oddly fit just for a kiddo. You'd know; you grew up in this house.
Your parents, after a few decades of living in a town as quaint as Long Valley, wanted a little more excitement and up-and-left to New York City once you dashed off to college. They used this house as a summer home, seeing as they'd paid it off, and spent their springs and falls and winters in the boisterous, cluttered metropolis of NYC. You'd only ever be willing to visit.
It wasn't that you hated the city, no, most certainly not. But it was loud. And cramped, yet so big. You loved the familiarity, the peacefulness, the home-ishness of your little Long Valley. So, after completing your masters, you headed back home and paid your parents what they'd take and redecorated your old childhood bedroom.
At the kitchen island, you sat with Luke, bowls of Kraft Mac n Cheese in hands, forks shoveling the noodles by the mouthfuls. It was alarming how fast Luke was eating his dish; he hardly left time for breathing.
"Luke, there's more in the pot, you don't need to-"
You cut yourself off when you realized he was not listening, just eating his meal anxiously, like you'd take it away at any second.
The doorbell rang throughout the building and you hopped off your seat and slipped into the foyer. Greeting Grayson, you said, "Hey, did you bring the hot-"
"Already got it," he said, waving a family-sized tub of the powder. "And some games. How's he doing?"
Glancing at the hallway that led to the kitchen, you shrugged. "Can't really tell. It seems like he doesn't know what's going on, so he's fine. I took him to the store, bought him some new clothes, got him some PJs. But I forgot about the hot cocoa I'd promised him, so thank you for bringing some," you finished, stealing the container from his hands.
"Well, that was nice of you..." Grayson mumbled behind you, following you out to the kitchen.
"What, you think I'm some heathen?" you smirked, eyeing him over your shoulder.
"Mhm, don't act like you weren't the one who put twenty boxes of Orbees in the school's swimming pool our senior year," he snickered, lifting a brow.
You clamped a hand over your mouth, a flame licking the back of your neck. "I can't believe you reme-"
"Hey Luke!" Grayson called, scooting past you and pressing his elbows against the kitchen island.
Luke was sitting there, staring at his empty bowl of mac n cheese in a melancholic state. "Hi Mr. Dolan," he said in that raspy, weak voice of his.
"Luke, you want more Mac n cheese? And some hot cocoa?" you prompted, grabbing the bucket of pasta. Without an answer, you scooped a helping into Luke's bowl and paraded to the refrigerator for some milk to heat. "Gray, you want some?"
Grayson looked your way with a funny grin and said, "Yeah, I can just eat it from the pan."
You shook your head and repressed a smile. "You are gross."
"Why!" Grayson defended, laughing. With a shrug, he said, "I'm saving you a plate, and I'll definitely eat the rest, anyway."
Once you had fixed everyone a mug of hot cocoa, you ushered the boys into the living room where Grayson excitedly dug out a hodgepodge of games, toys, and books. Spreading everything out on the rug, Grayson prompted, "Alright Luke, I was thinking I could teach you how to play Candy Land. Is that okay?"
Luke looked at you, and then at him, and then nodded.
"Cool. So basically Buddy, you get one of these little guys," Grayson said, gesturing to the colorful figures lying dormant in the container. "And you hop on the color of the card you draw, and we go back and forth, and we see who wins. Okay?" Luke nodded. "And there are traps. So, when you draw a card like- like this one," he explained, grabbing a piece with a lollipop on it, "then you get to move to the spot that has the lollipop on it. Which can be good, unless you're ahead of that spot, then you have to move back. It's really fun," he gushed, folding his legs crisscrossed. "I think you'll like it. What'd'ya say?"
Luke looked at the board, studied it hard, and then nodded his head. "Okay."
Gleefully, Grayson shuffled the deck of cards and plucked two characters from the cardboard box and you realized, almost instantly, why he became a kindergarten teacher. He was a kid at heart.
"(Y/N), are you playing?"
You thought about all the things you had to do, all the paperwork you had to fill, all the phone calls you'd have to make for tomorrow, and said, "Yes."
Grayson smiled at you eagerly. "Perfect, three makes it way more competitive anyway. The more the merrier, you know?" he said, reaching for his mug of hot cocoa.
You looked over at Luke's mug and realized he hadn't drunk a drop of his treat. "Luke, you can have some of your hot cocoa if you haven't yet," you smiled, edging his cup towards him.
He looked at you long and hard, his eyes blown wide, and glanced between you in the drink. And then he looked at Grayson, almost for permission, and lifted his skinny arms and grabbed the mug with both hands. He lifted it to his mouth, oh-so-cautiously, and took a tiny sip.
And then he smiled, grinned comfortably.
"This stuff is- this stuff is really good," he said, setting it back. "Thank you."
You looked at Grayson with confusion and said, "Luke, you can have the whole cup if you want."
"I can?"
"Yeah," Grayson smiled, rubbing a hand down Luke's back. "Drink up, Bud."
And Luke did. And you three played Candy Land for hours, Grayson and you both being far too competitive and Luke hanging on for the ride. You won once, Grayson won twice, and Luke won at least five times. Luke's smile just kept growing.
"Alright Luke, I think it's bedtime for you," you said after a bit of celebratory hot cocoa.
"Want some help getting into your PJs, bud?" Grayson offered. Luke shrugged a lame shoulder, his eyes flickering between the two of you.
"Hey, give me some skin," you giggled, bending at the knee and raising your hand for a high-five from Luke. Tentatively, he lifted his hand to yours, smacking it feather light. "You killed it in Candy Land today."
"Sure did," Grayson laughed. "We'll play again soon. C'mon Luke."
And off they went, into your guest bedroom.
You crept back into the kitchen and grabbed your binder full of documents and splayed them all out on the table, organizing them into piles. You loved this job. You realized it when Luke's big wide eyes lit up at the sight of a Licorice Lagoon card and his character clobbered all the way across the board and he just looked happy. Happy like you'd never seen him. And that made all of this heartbreak a little less awful.
You were ruffling through your binder for names of available foster carers with your pen wiggling between your teeth when Grayson tiptoed into the kitchen. "Hey, how was-"
Your voice fell silent when you looked up to find Grayson crying, feeble with his arms tucked tightly around himself.
"Gray, what happened?" you asked hesitantly, twisting your body and giving him your full attention.
He whimpered pitifully and glided over to you, clearly shameless when it came to crying. He laid his forearms on the kitchen island and looked at you through his soaked eyelashes and screwed his eyebrows together and said, "I don't think I can forget that."
You reached out and carefully laid a palm on his arm. "Forget what?"
Grayson wheezed a deep breath and shielded his face with a hand. He mumbled, "There's a reason he wears that giant shirt every day." Grayson wiped the tears from his cheeks and said, "It was like I wasn't even taking off a shirt. It's like, an outline of the shirt, made of bruises. Tan lines, but instead of pale skin it's just green, and blue, and purple."
Unconsciously, you dug your fingernails into the firm flesh of his arm and clenched your jaw, willed yourself from tears.
"And that's no exaggeration. I don't think there was a spot untouched on his skinny, skinny body. His whole torso is just-" Whine. "Covered. I thought I was going to be sick. And he turned around, and his back was no different. It was like this- this fucking monster he calls 'mom' knew exactly how to hide it. Give him a t-shirt big enough, and it'll cover all the marks. God fucking damn it," he sobbed, his voice thick with emotion.
You pinched at his skin, nails deep enough to really hurt, and lowered your head and cried. Let the tears fall with the realization that no number of board games and no amount of hot cocoa could make up for his trauma, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Luke McIver was a punching bag and a kicking post.
You sat there with Grayson and cried quietly. You prayed Luke couldn't hear you; he deserved all the sympathy in the world, but he looked up to Grayson, and you hoped he didn't give up on himself with how sad his circumstances were.
Grayson walked around the island and engulfed you in a hug. You'd hardly registered how strange this might be, hugging a guy you'd barely known since you needed one so bad. You can't just watch these things and shut everyone out. You would start to see that kind of darkness in everyone.
"I'm sorry," Grayson said, his jaw working against your shoulder. "But I really needed a hug."
"It's okay," you said, your head bowed into the crook of his neck. "I really needed one too."
"Can I stop by tomorrow?" Grayson asked.
Yes, he could.
Tomorrow meant Friday, and Friday meant school. You didn't have a whole lot of direction when it came to getting kids off to school, but you figured you would do what you typically did; had him hop in the shower, laid out his clean clothes, and fixed him a bowl of cereal. After a few minutes of thought, you packed him a lunch, just in case his lunch account had frozen along with the rest of his mom's assets.
"Luke, are you okay with a turkey sandwich? Or do you want salami?" you shouted into the refrigerator, raiding the drawers for your lunch meat.
After a few moments without a response, you called out, "Luke?"
Panicky, you pulled yourself out of the refrigerator and hurried off to check on him in the guest room. Inside, he stood sopping wet, dripping on your carpet with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. Upon your arrival, he twisted to look at you. "Where are my clothes?" he whispered, looking around the room.
You pointed to the pile stacked on a chair near the bed. "Right over there, Silly," you giggled.
"No, my clothes," he said.
"The grey shirt and the brown pants?" you asked.
He nodded.
"Do you wanna wear those instead? I thought you'd like to wear something warmer, I have a hoodie and some cozy sweatpants on that chair cause it's going to be pretty chilly today," you elaborated, beginning to stress. It was far too cold to wear that Power Rangers shirt and that Power Rangers shirt alone, and you hadn't bought Luke a jacket. You made a mental note to do so.
"But those aren't mine," he said.
"Yes they are, I bought them for you."
"All of those?" he gasped, his eyes bugging at the outfit. And that was just sad.
"All of those, and a few others, too. Now, come on! We gotta get going to school, do you want some help getting into your clothes?" you offered, walking over to the chair and grabbing the stack.
Luke shook his head and you gave him the pieces, leaving the room and fixing his turkey sandwich. By the time you'd packed everything, Luke was waiting silently with his backpack taut on his shoulders. The hoodie was a bit big, but Luke was tiny for his age. The sweatpants looked about right, and the shoes seemed to fit okay. He hardly looked the same in different clothes.
"Ready?" you asked.
Luke was.
As your lunch break neared, your foot began pedaling faster in place. You worried about Luke on his first day back: did he miss his mom? Did his clothes really fit? Did he even like turkey sandwiches? After a plethora of anxiety-ridden questions, you hopped from your seat and dashed off to Grayson's classroom.
You knocked on the door softly and waited with a bitten lip. Grayson creaked open the door and you found that the classroom was, in fact, empty, excluding the six-foot tall man hovering in the doorway. "Oh," was all you said. "I thought maybe Luke was here."
Grayson grinned toothily and said, "No, they just went off to lunch and recess, but I'm glad you stopped by."
He opened the door and ushered you in, shutting it and following you inside. "Ramen?" you asked, scrunching your nose as you noticed the cup of noodles sitting next to his school-issued desktop. "How can you eat that after college?"
He smirked and grabbed it, loading a forkful of the stringy, golden noodles into his mouth. "Never get sick of it," he said through bites.
"Charming," you laughed, rolling your eyes. "How's he doing today?"
He munched for a second before nodding, setting the cup of noodles down and sitting on one of the very tiny desks with his legs stretched out comfortably in front of him. "Good. Great, even."
"That's good!" you exclaimed, smiling big.
"It is good," he agreed. "He even talked to a few classmates, which is new for him. They said they liked his shoes."
You weren't sure whether you were devastated that Luke hadn't any friends or ecstatic that he was trying, and that the other kids liked his shoes. That was a personal achievement. "I've been told I'm a fashionista," you drawled, flicking your hair over your shoulder.
"I can tell. You're always wearing those pretty skirts of yours," Grayson smirked, cocking a brow.
Butterflies burst in your stomach and you prayed a blush didn't stain your cheeks. But, judging by Grayson's obvious smugness, you looked just as bashful as you felt.
"Thank you. Um..." you squeaked, not knowing what else to say.
Grayson chuckled at your discomfort and looked out the window. "It was really nice of you to buy him all those clothes. It's too cold to be wearing those- those rags he was wearing before."
You nodded, following his gaze to the gray, gray sky that was brewing something awful outside. "I didn't think he'd fit in one of my sweatshirts," you joked.
Grayson looked at you and grinned kindly. "I don't think he'd look half as good, either."
Your face broke out in a smile and you said, "Okay, stop, you're doing this on purpose," with a laugh.
"Oh definitely, you're cute when you blush," he pushed, enjoying the upper hand far more than he should.
You stared down at the floor and begged the warmth in your cheeks to subside before saying, "You always were a flirt in high school."
Gobsmacked, Grayson gasped. "Me?" he asked incredulously. "No, you're thinking of Ethan, my twin idiot."
You shook your head. "I don't think so, you had everyone at your beck and call..." you trailed off, giving him a lopsided smile.
"Again, Ethan."
"No, it was you, I know that for certain. Grayson Dolan: Long Valley's Golden Boy," you teased, your hands dancing in the air. "Everybody loved you."
Grayson scratched back of his neck and shrugged his shoulders, flattened out his tie. "Yeah, maybe, but I've closed the yearbook. Now I'm just a kindergarten teacher; don't think that makes me too popular," he chuckled, clamping his hands in his lap and grinning up at you.
"You're definitely popular with the kids--if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a little kid sleeping at my house tonight," you said.
"That's way better than homecoming king," Grayson smiled, all warmth and honey. "Knowing I saved a kid from some garbage parent like his."
You nodded thoughtfully, staring back at him. In an effort to preserve the lighthearted mood floating through the air, you joked, "Can't be better than scoring the game-winning touchdown against Rocori though, right?"
Grayson's head fell back with a laugh and he shook his head. "Nothing could be better than that. Should've seen their head coach's face when I caught that ball," he smiled with his teeth full in display.
"I guessed so," you giggled back.
"So what, did you keep tabs on me in high school or something? That's a pretty particular thing to remember, Ms. (Y/L/N)," he smirked, running a hand through his fluffy mane.
Though you were painted in pink, you rolled along. "I already said everybody loved you, Grayson."
The door busted open, dozens of kids flowing through its tiny entrance, clambering about with their squeaky shoes and their uncoordinated legs. "Does everybody include you?" Grayson asked over the roar of the children.
You shrugged a shoulder and grinned with mischief. "Mind if I stay for a bit? I still have half an hour of my lunch and I kinda wanna see Luke in his natural habitat."
"Be my guest," Grayson smiled.
Luke ambled in last, a little pep in his step and a boy jabbering off his ear. Grayson looked as surprised as you.
"Everyone get in your seats, please," he instructed, working his way over to his desk. Glaring playfully at you, he said, "I didn't even get to eat my ramen."
"A shame."
Dropping his styrofoam cup in the garbage, he dusted off his hands and hurried to the front, rolling his dress shirt's sleeves up to his elbows. Without much to do, you slinked your way to the play area and seated yourself in a comically small chair, one clearly fit for a five-year-old.
"Alright everyone, could you please grab a pencil from the center of your desk? We're going to learn about shapes," Grayson announced, his eyes drifting around the room.
Your eyes flickered to Luke who in return was staring at you with his big doe eyes. Nervously, you waved a hand, worried of boundaries once more, and felt a certain sense of pride when Luke waved back to you.
"So guys, let's practice. Can anyone tell me what this is?" Grayson asked, gesturing to the giant triangle fixed on the smart board in the front.
Nearly all the kids' hands shot up, excluding Luke's. There he sat, towards the back, with his hands tucked in his lap.
"Kyra?" Grayson called.
"A triangle!" she cheered, dazzle in her eye.
"Very good, Kyra," Grayson smiled, tapping the board and switching the shape. "And this one?"
Again, Luke sat statuary.
"A square!"
You couldn't help but frown as you stared at Luke, lonesome and quiet with his big brown eyes staring blankly at the screen.
"And this last one? Luke?" Grayson asked, eyes weaving through the sea of hands to find Luke.
Luke sat quietly, his chest rising and falling quickly. After a few seconds, all of the students twisted in their seat to stare at him with beady, pressuring eyes. Almost reflexively, Luke spun and looked to you for help. 'Circle,' you mouthed, breathing out the word inaudibly.
"C-C-Circle," Luke spat, grabbing the sides of his desk.
All of the kids turned forward once more and waited for Mr. Dolan's confirmation. "Awesome job, Luke," he said with the proudest of smiles. "Now I have a worksheet for you all and I want you guys to bring it back to class on Monday after this weekend, signed by your parent."
Luke again strained his chin over his shoulder and you nodded back, assuring him you'd sign it, or help it, or just be there.
Your Fridays were typically reserved for wine night at your friend Carina's house, but you had no such plans with a five-year-old sitting on your couch. So, you were a little lost on what to do.
"Luke, do you want a snack? I'm not sure what we have in the cupboards, but..." you trailed off, bounding into the kitchen.
You had no use for pudding cups or fruit snacks up until this point, and to your knowledge, all you had was a ginormous can of hot cocoa. You scoured the pantry and found some surely stale Reese's Puffs and prayed he didn't notice once you doused them in milk.
Luke eyed the bowl skeptically, glancing between you and it before eventually scooping the cereal into his mouth. After that, it was a race to drain the bowl, and he was slurping away at the milk. You hardly cared about manners.
Grayson: Can I come over?
Instantly giddy at the idea of Grayson being in any close proximity, you texted him and assured him that would be fine. Luke was still tongue-tied, and you assumed it'd be that way for a long time. Perhaps he'd never grow out of his shyness, and that would have to be okay with you.
Looking at the little boy sitting on your couch, chomping on a spoonful of cereal like it could be his last meal, your heart broke. There was so much you didn't know about him, so much you didn't know about what he went through. You doubted anyone would ever know the full truth besides him and his 'mom.' Just thinking of her in a maternal sense made your tummy lurch sideways; she should have never even considered kids.
But, in some twisted light, you were so glad she did. You'd take a bullet for this little guy on your couch. And you didn't even know how that happened so quickly.
Grayson's knuckles rapped against your front door and you jumped from your spot on the couch beside Luke to allow him in, but by the time you'd gotten there, Grayson was already standing in your foyer in a pair of joggers and a hoodie. It was somewhat strange seeing him out of his office clothes. Frowning, you said, "How did you get-"
"You should really keep this door locked all the time," Grayson said sternly, abandoning his shoes on your welcome mat. "For your safety, and for Luke's."
You rushed over and locked the door behind him, feeling a little naive. "Luke's upstairs, I was going to start on that worksheet you gave everyone today but now that you're here, you can do all the hard work," you grinned.
He rolled his eyes playfully and elbowed your side. "I work all day with little kids and I come back to your place to slave away?"
"Exactly," you laughed. "besides, bold of you to assume I know my shapes."
Grayson chuckled and swept past you, hurrying over to Luke. You heard them greet one another, Grayson's excitable baby voice echoing throughout your house. Content with their situation, you whisked away to your room to raid your closet for something more comfortable. Then, you returned to your kitchen and began searching in your big stack of files for names in the system that would qualify to give Luke the home he needed.
G. Hammend... R. Harick... I. Helpin... Your finger followed down the column, each name seeming drearier and more hopeless.
"Mr. Dolan?" you heard from the other room.
"Yeah, kiddo?"
"Is (Y/N) your girlfriend?" Luke asked.
Grayson promptly began coughing uncontrollably, hacking and wheezing, and a chill ran up your spine, heat baked the back of your neck. No, you weren't Grayson's girlfriend and his flirting was harmless, but you were curious to know what he'd say, so you leaned in closely and listening keenly to Grayson's next words. "Uh, um, uh Luke it's- it's more complicated than that," Grayson spoke, his voice raspy and cracking.
Yeah, how?
"Well, um, I- I don't know how to explain that, Luke."
A giggle escaped past your lips at Luke's determination and Grayson's obvious struggle. "I- I, um,-"
Grayson's stuttering was cut short by a soft rumble overhead followed almost immediately by a burst of lightning. You frowned and glanced at the window, fully aware of the forecast but hopeful that it would blow over. From the looks of the blackened sky, it wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon. Soft pellets of water began showering your room and it's thin shingles, heavy enough to pierce through the silent air. And again, another bit of thunder rolled in.
"(Y/N)?" Grayson called. "You okay?"
As if you'd be in any harm in your own home during a thunderstorm. "Yeah Gray, I'm good. Are you okay?"
There was silence and then a shuffling of footsteps. Then Grayson walked up behind you and said, "We have a problem."
You wheeled around in your chair and furrowed your brows. "What?"
"Luke's afraid of thunderstorms," he whispered, avoiding your eyes.
You slid off your seat and padded into the living room to find Luke tucked in the cushions of your couch, tears streaming soundlessly from his big doe eyes. Your heart wrenched beneath your ribcage and you hurried over, sliding into the spot beside him and grabbing his hands that were shaking in his lap. "Hey Lukey, you doing okay?"
Luke nodded robotically, his nose bouncing and the tears rushing down his face.
"Luke, how can I help?" you asked, stroking the side of his head.
His body went rigid and he shook your hands off him, scooting a few inches away. You felt rejected.
"Hey Bud, do you wanna keep going with our math? Get your mind away from all this noise?" Grayson offered, lifting up his worksheet.
Luke shook his head, tucking in on himself and wrapping his own frail arms around his own frail legs.
"We could maybe watch some TV?" you proposed, cocking your head towards the flatscreen. It seemed like Luke's ears might have perked up at this. He stared at you silently with his big brown eyes and asked for permission, even though you'd just offered. "Yeah, we can watch some TV," you said. "Do you like cartoons?"
Luke just stared, but you got the message. You'd learned his mannerisms over the past twenty-four hours. Flicking on the television, you surfed through the channels in search of a good cartoon before landing on Scooby-Doo.
"Have you ever seen this show?" Grayson asked, nudging Luke.
He shook his head, and you three fell in silence, watching the show chase across the screen.
Lost in thought, you began to wonder if this would be the case for every kid, or just Luke. Would you always take the kids in for 72 hours? Or was Luke just special for you? How often would this happen? Was Grayson always good with the little kids? Could he be a reliable source if you couldn't get them to budge?
Probably not, you decided. You felt incompetent and useless and downright stupid caving and fleeing to Grayson for aid. Not that you regretted it.
Would Grayson ever talk to you after this? Was this just for Luke, or was there some friendship between you two? Or maybe something more?
Probably not, you decided again. Sneaking a glance at him, engrossed in the show, you decided, definitely not. He might not be Long Valley's golden boy any longer, but he was still far, far out of your league.
"It's definitely the bank teller," Grayson said with complete certainty. "He's hijacking his own bank so he can take all the money but remain seemingly innocent."
You stifled a giggle and eyed him incredulously. "For sure, Gray."
"It is!" he whined, pointing at the screen excitedly. "You just wait and see."
"Luke, who do you think it is?" you asked, bumping him with your elbow.
Luke looked between the two of you and then said, so quietly, "Whatever Grayson said."
As the night dragged on, so did the storm. Eventually, the power surged out and left the three of you sheathed in blankets, surrounded by candles, and playing Candy Land in the dim glow. Conversation was limited and gentle; Luke was exceptionally scared, though he was too nervous to voice his concerns. So, he just sided up next to Grayson and shielded himself under Gray's big, long arm.
"Grayson, there's no way you're driving home in this weather. You can't," you said with finality, craning your neck to sneak a glance at the buckets of water blurring the sky.
Grayson nodded in agreement, moving his figurine several spaces forward. "Yeah, I don't think so either. Can I sleep on the couch?"
After a moment of thought, you nodded and hopped from your spot under a mound of blankets to fetch him a few pillows. Glancing at the clock, you noticed it was nearing the bedtime you'd given Luke, so you waddled on down to the living room to deliver the mournful news. "Lukey, it's time for bed."
It seemed Luke was unordinary in every sense because he didn't fight you on it. He simply unwrapped Grayson's arm from around his shoulders and glided past you to the guest room.
"He's a quiet one," Grayson noted, tugging his blankets tight on his body.
"Yeah," you agreed quietly, staring down the hallway Luke had slipped through. "I don't know if that'll go away or not."
"I'm going to go read him a bedtime story," Grayson said, his voice gentle and kind.
As he trailed after Luke, Where the Wild Things Are in hand, you decided that maybe everything about Grayson was gentle and kind. You saw it in the way he talked to children, the way he never raised his voice, the way he laid a hand on any person he talked to, his palm huge and warm and soft, just for reassurance. Grayson was a gentle giant with his intimidating stature and his ginormous muscles; he'd never hurt a fly.
You listened to Grayson's voice float through the air, speaking of monsters and trolls tucked in the thickets of trees, and felt a flutter in your chest.
At last, you heard Grayson mumble his goodnights and the creak of footsteps on your hardwood. He hobbled his way to the couch, plopped down, and patted this seat beside him. Sheepishly, you tiptoed over and flopped into the space next to him, your blanket tightly secured around your figure. After a few beats of silence, of you two just staring at each other, you said, "I don't know who is worthy of taking in that boy."
Grayson shook his head, his lips pursing for a moment. "I don't think anyone is. Well, anyone besides you."
You stared down at the cushions with their plain brown fabric, scrunching your brows together. "I don't think I'm very good at this, actually." He snorted about you and you shot him a glare. "I'm serious."
"Maybe, but you're wrong," he argued loftily. "I don't think that kid has ever felt so much love in his life."
You shrugged a limp, lame shoulder. "Probably not, but that's just because any love is better than none. I just don't think I'm handling this well. I'm not sure he really likes me."
Grayson smiled crookedly and cocked his head to the side. "I think he likes you. You guys can talk without even speaking," he noted.
A smile worked its way onto your lips. "Yeah, there's that. But... I'm not trying to take it personally, the kid's been through way more than we know. But I just wish he liked me. It feels like he just tolerates me," you breathed, scratching at your arm.
"Well, he agreed with me that you're pretty, so there's that," Grayson smirked, watching you duck your head in embarrassment.
"Well that's nice of you two..." you muttered, tugging your sherpa around you tighter.
"No, it's just a fact. You're pretty, (Y/N)."
Suddenly, your blanket was entirely unnecessary, because your body was overheating with this romantic attention from Grayson Dolan himself. His eyes burned your skin and his body, a few inches away from you, was like a furnace. "You're pretty, too."
It came out croaky and strangled, but you meant it. You had eyes, after all.
Grayson chuckled, his dimples full in display. "Thank you," he whispered.
Then, you were sharing an awkward beat where he was looking at you and you were staring at the ground with complete determination. And then, you were hopping from your spot and hurrying into the kitchen to grab your binder, ignorant to Grayson's laughter.
"You need to help me find someone worthy of fostering this kid," you breathed, discarding the blanket altogether.
And so the two of you sat there well into the night, flicking page after page, name after name, hopeful to find a soul kind enough for a soul as vulnerable as Luke's.
It had to still be night when you awoke, startled, to the shadow of a boy standing in your doorway. You'd seen enough horror films to know that this meant imminent death, but after rubbing your eyes once, twice, you noticed it was just Luke.
"Hey buddy?" you called out, folding yourself upright. "What's up?"
Luke was holding the blanket you'd purchased for him a few days ago in his tiny hands, his knuckles white. "The storm," was all he whispered.
The storm. The wind was whooshing and swirling in every which way, tossing branches into each other and smattering rain against your rooftop. How do you fix that? You couldn't just ring up Mother Nature and tell her to calm down.
"Um," you mumbled, glancing around the room. "Do you- do you want to sleep in here?" you offered, patting the spot beside you. Luke stood and waited for about a minute before slowly creeping toward the empty half of the bed, hoisting himself up on it and peeling back the covers. He turned his back to you, crumpled his knees into his chest, and lied there silently. You had half a brain to screen him with his blanket and tuck it around his small, small body, and then the two of you went to sleep.
Slow like a sloth, you opened your eyes and blinked slowly, lazily, letting them adjust to the sunlight pouring through the windowpanes of your bedroom. You'd hardly registered that your jaw was tucked on top of a little boy's head, or that your arm was secured around his tiny frame. He fit perfectly in the cave of your belly, the two of you just a large ball in the middle of your bed, blankets and all.
You lifted your head to see Grayson standing in your doorway, his shoulder pressed against the door frame easily, a smile on his lips. "Morning."
Grayson Dolan standing in your doorway when you first wake up. Now that was a concept high-school-you would have snorted at.
"Morning," you whispered, careful not to wake up Luke. "What time is it?"
"Almost eleven. I was thinking we could all go and get breakfast at the Gingerbread Café," Grayson offered, still gazing warmly at the nest in your bed.
"God, that sounds amazing. Okay, let me get dressed and-"
"No! You have to go in your PJs! That's like, law," Grayson argued instantly.
You glanced down at yourself in your reindeer, well-worn pajamas and shrugged. There was no use arguing; you'd never get out of those pajamas unless absolutely mandatory.
You nodded and unraveled yourself from Luke, shook his shoulder gently, and then zipped out of your home, into the Gingerbread Café and played the best game of iSpy over bacon and eggs.
Again that afternoon, you sat on your coach, rifling through sheet after sheet of names of foster carers.
"I don't even recognize one of these names," you whined, flipping a page.
"Me neither," Grayson agreed.
Luke was tucked in the corner of the living room, legos crowding the floor in a clutter. He'd actually been playing with them, to both Grayson's and your astonishment.
"And you don't have any like, social worker friends? Nobody that you know?" Grayson asked, lifting a brow.
"No, I'm brand new to this, Grayson," you defended. "Literally the only person I've met in this town that knows anything about social work is Nancy Hoff-" You dropped the book of files you were holding, your blood surging through you. "Nancy Hoffmann! Oh my god, how could I forget Nancy! Oh my god, oh my god," you squealed, jumping to your feet.
"Nancy Hoffmann does social work? No way," Grayson gasped.
"Yes! Yes, she said she's in the system, go look, please, please, go look!"
"N. Hoffmann, right under I. Helpin," Grayson grinned, gazing up at you with hope, hope, hope in his eyes. "Are you going to call her?"
"Yes," you stated, digging out your phone and beelining for your room. "I'm going to call her right now."
And you did. And Nancy was so excited to take care of a little one, especially a little one like little Luke McIver, that she started to weep. And you started to cry. You could have flooded the whole room with your tears. And you absolutely hoped and prayed Luke's life would look up.
Later that Saturday night, once Luke was in bed and you and Grayson sat tight on your couch watching reruns of vintage Scooby-Doo episodes (and trying desperately to guess who the villain was each time), Grayson turned to you and asked, "Wanna get ice cream sometime?"
His words alone sent a chill down your spine, cold and then hot, warmth sticking to the back of your neck. "No," you blurted.
And you could see the hurt flinch on his face, the emotions vivid in color on his sleeve. But there was a problem.
"I feel- I feel like it would look... unprofessional, right now, to date a coworker, especially after I royally fucked up with this whole Luke thing. Call it a Fluke," you giggled nervously, biting your lip. "I- Grayson, you know I would love to, you can probably tell how nervous you make me, but this seems just... It just seems unprofessional, especially when I still have Luke in my custody."
Grayson's eyes softened. "Well, what about when Luke's out of your custody? Can we get ice cream then?"
Your hands twitched nervously in your lap. "I... we would still be coworkers, Grayson," you whispered, holding onto your willpower by a thread.
He inched forward, invading your space in a way that left you gulping.
"We would, wouldn't we? We'd be coworkers just like half of the teachers in this school that are married to other teachers," he murmured, inches from your face.
His body heat radiated onto yours and you worried for a moment that you'd melt right into that sofa. "You think about it," he finalized, smirking and rising from his seat. "Or, sleep on it. I'm heading home."
He thundered into the foyer and slipped on his shoes and glanced back at you, who was hiding behind the hallway's bend. He grinned, shucked on his hoodie, and headed outside.
Were you just going to let this go?
Certainly not.
You dashed out behind him, waving your arms in the headlights of his car manically, acting like a real loon. You skipped over to his car and waited for him to roll down his window, itching to just spit it out. "I don't have to think, I'd love to get ice cream with you, coworkers be damned."
"I was hoping you'd say that," he chuckled, grinning up at you. "I'll see you tomorrow to introduce Nancy and Steve to Luke. Sleep tight, (Y/N)."
You awoke again with Luke cradled under your arm and a knocking at your door. Grayson was undoubtedly up at the crack of dawn every day, which would explain why he was pounding on your door at eight in the morning. Both groaning, you and Luke rolled out from under the covers and padded lazily through the halls, separating at the living room where Luke crawled into the nest of blankets jumbled on the couch as you traveled to the entryway to let Grayson in.
"Hey," he announced when you dragged open the door. Glaring at him, you wordlessly spun on your heel and shuffled into the living room. "Don't tell me you're mad because I woke you up," he laughed, on your heels.
You opened your mouth to protest when Luke said, "Yes."
You and Grayson exchanged a look before bursting into laughter. "Luke has spoken, and I agree. Yes, Grayson."
You hobbled over to Luke and curled up next to him on the sofa, stranding Grayson alone to stand and watch.
"What time are we all heading over to Nancy and Steve's?" Grayson mumbled to you, eyeing Luke cautiously.
You sucked in a breath and decided that this was a good time to introduce the idea to Luke. "Lukey," you announced. "we think we found you a good home for a little bit, okay? Would it be okay if we met with them later?"
Luke looked at you uncertainly and said, "No more sleeping with you?"
Your heart dropped into your stomach with the reality that Luke may have gotten too attached--that you may have gotten too attached. "No more sleeping with me," you mumbled, your lower lip jutting out reflexively. "I- but Luke, I'll still visit all the time, promise. And we'll still have our weekly counseling sessions, and-"
"Will Mr. Dolan still visit?" Luke asked, staring at you, his eyes flickering momentarily to Grayson.
"I..." you trailed off, unwilling to make that promise.
"You know it, Kid," Grayson said, squatting to Luke's height. "I'll be over with Candy Land all the time."
"So what do you say?" you asked, grabbing for Luke's hand.
Luke squeezed back and said, "Yes."
And so you went to Nancy's.
The Hoffmann's yanked open the door before you could even knock, dressed in their best formal gear, and you glanced down at your jeans and hoodie and winced. This was why you weren't very good at this stuff. "Welcome!" they cheered, ushering the three of you inside. Nancy gave you a sidelong look as Grayson filed in behind you, a glint in her eye.
Luke was holding onto your hand tight, tight, tight, and you bent down and picked him right up, setting him on your hip. "Luke, this is Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann," you introduced, pointing to each of them respectively. "Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann, this is Luke McIver." Luke clung to your sweatshirt's fabric, fisted the material and pulled himself closer. "Don't be shy Luke, say hi," you said.
They waved brightly, big smiles on their faces and Luke waved back.
"Everybody can come to the living room, we have fruit snacks and pudding cups," Nancy said.
You knew they'd be better than you already.
On Monday, the five of you (Luke, Grayson, Nancy, Steve, and you), caravanned to the Gingerbread Café with a court document in your briefcase with plans to head over to court after, skipping school entirely, much to Luke's (and your) excitement. Once you arrived at the courthouse, you met with Luke's assigned social worker, Emily, the judge, and that was it.
Standing in the echoey area, the judge asked, "Are all parties present?"
Glancing around at the tiny, tiny group, you giggled. "Uh yes, Your Honor," you said with complete seriousness.
"Who is the legal guardian in question?" she asked, scanning over her document. "Is Alexa McIver here?"
You bit on your lip and said, "No, Your Honor, she's currently in custody."
"Alright," she nodded. "Who is the present carer, and the preferred foster carers?"
"Um, I'm the current carer and Steve and Nancy Hoffmann are the foster carers," you said, pointing to the couple standing beside you. They waved giddily, hardly pressured by the legalities.
"Okay," the judge said, a lack of formality in her tone. "Let's get this show on the road."
The judge handed over a packet, 'In the matter of the welfare of Lucas McIver: CHIPS/EPC' titling the top. Beneath it was what seemed like hundreds of documents, all waiting for their own special signature from their own special foster parents, Nancy and Steve Hoffmann.
And after half an hour of "sign here"s and "initial here"s, the judge turned to Nancy and Steve and said, "By the law of Long Valley, I formally grant Steve and Nancy Hoffmann full foster care custody of Lucas Christopher McIver. Court, dismissed."
And you turned to Nancy and found her with tears in her eyes and you turned to Luke and found him with one big, toothy grin.
"Time for ice cream, everybody!" Nancy squealed, throwing her arms around you tightly.
You shared a smirk with Grayson and said, "Definitely."
"(Y/N)," Luke said, tugging on your pants.
"Yeah Luke?" you said, ducking to his level.
Luke leaned in close and cupped his hand around your ear. "My favorite color is yellow."
You sat at Moo's with a cone of cookie dough ice cream in hand, chatting with livelihood with the group. It was, by definition, perfect. Grayson kept sneaking glances at you, looking away when you caught him, dimples dotting his cheeks. Nancy and Steve demanded--and more miraculously, received--a full autobiography from Luke himself, as shy as he was. What his favorite class was (which, to Grayson's dismay, was not any of his, but instead gym class), what his favorite animal was, and so on.
Luke offered you a taste of his delicious cookies 'n' cream ice cream (in exchange for a lick of your own, of course) and grabbed for your hand a few times. It was bittersweet to have him be so affectionate right as you were about to let him go.
When five o'clock rolled around, the Hoffmanns said, "Staying true to our legal work, we are removing Mr. McIver from your custody," with all formality and then some.
Giggling, you nodded. "Take 'im away, coppers."
Luke turned to you and wrapped his arms tight around your neck and you kissed his cheek and willed yourself not to cry. This was so, so good for him.
"Do you guys need a ride home?" Steve offered, seeing as you all banded together to get to court and Moo's.
You opened your mouth to graciously accept when Grayson said, "Nah, we can walk."
Looking at him excitedly, you clamped your mouth shut and nodded, a ditzy grin on your mouth.
"Right," Nancy chuckled. "Well, we'll be on our way then, bye everyone!"
"Goodbye Luke, see you tomorrow!" you cheered, waving him away.
Watching the car zip out of the parking lot, you sat beside Grayson, your senses heightened with anxiety. "And then there were two..." Grayson joked, leaning back in his seat. "Ready for our date?"
You turned to him and shook your head, gleeful and nervous. "Yeah, I could use another cone," you giggled. "Even if it's freezing out and we have to walk home now."
"I'll keep you warm," he smiled, propping his chin on his fist.
You were sure the butterflies bursting in your stomach or the blush staining your cheeks was more than enough to keep you steaming hot.
As you walked down the pavement, slow as snails, Grayson tangled your fingers together. It was adrenaline inducing, holding hands with Grayson Dolan. You had your third helping of ice cream in your hands, licking stripes of it and scuffing your shoes down the sidewalk.
"What is that?" you asked, pointing to the cone in Grayson's hand.
"I don't know, actually," he shrugged, swiping his tongue across the treat. "I couldn't read some of the names so I just pointed to whatever looked promising."
"What do you mean, you couldn't read the names?" you giggled, your brows furrowing. "They're right on the glass."
Grayson nodded, fully aware of that. "I know, but I have dyslexia, I can hardly read at all," he snorted.
"You have dyslexia? I didn't know that," you said, licking a long dribble of ice cream.
"Yeah, why else do you think I teach kindergarten? I'm constantly relearning the alphabet," he joked, snorting and smiling to himself.
You giggled and said, "Well, I don't know, maybe just to make vulnerable elementary counselor's swoon," taking a jab at flirting smoothly.
He looked at you with a blush and a grin. Silence fell over, but not the uncomfortable kind. You could walk sidewalks as the sun set and eat ice cream for the rest of your life with Grayson. The thought alone stirred the frenzy of butterflies in your belly.
"You know, I always thought you were gorgeous in high school," Grayson murmured, his eyes avoiding yours.
"Oh, shut up, no you didn't," you groaned, smacking him with your shared fist.
"No really, I did! And you went to prom with Alec Jenson and I was so mad," he moaned, throwing his head back for dramatics. "I beat myself up over it for like, a month."
You shook your head, gazing far off in the other direction. "You're a terrible liar."
But Grayson wasn't lying, and he made sure you knew it. He halted in place, tugging you back to him. "I'm not lying, I'd be an idiot not notice someone like you," he breathed. "And I definitely know that now."
You bit down on your lip to contain an enormous grin, one the size of the sun glowing in the distance, and looked into Grayson's soft honey eyes. Time slowed down, the world dimmed around Grayson, and all those other cliches. And then, he was dipping in close and kissing you with sugar-sticky lips and soft and gentle, just as you'd imagined. Absent-mindedly, you went to weave your arms around his neck and then realized you had dropped your ice cream in order to do so.
"I-" you panicked, eyes wide and glancing down at the ground. Grayson's shoes were splattered with your cookie dough ice cream, wet and sticky. "Oh my god, I'm so-"
A boom of laughter sounded from Grayson and he shook his head. "They're already messy. Now get back up here, I'm not done kissing you."
You were more than happy to oblige.
A year and change later, you tapped your foot outside of the Hoffmann's home, Grayson by your side with party hats adorning the crowns of your heads. You had a cake in your hands and Grayson held four gifts, each stacked wonkily on each other. "Think they went out for his birthday?" Grayson asked, his breath fogging in the chilly December air.
"No, they told me they'd be here! God, it's fucking fr-"
"Hey!" Nancy greeted, pulling open the door. "Sorry, the oven was going off and Steven couldn't find the-"
"It's okay, don't worry," you giggled, stepping inside the home. "It wasn't too cold." Grayson leaned over and pinched your side, confronting your lie. "Where's Lukey?" you asked, your head moving about to look for him.
"He's in the living room surrounded by presents. Steve and I went kind of overboard," she chuckled.
You wandered into the living room after setting the cake down on the kitchen table, eager to spend some time with your favorite little boy and even more excited to give him his gifts. Grayson and you had also spoiled him with lego sets, hot wheels tracks, and a homemade ice cream maker. And, well, something else.
"How's the birthday boy?!" you greeted, opening your arms for a very hyper Luke to jump into.
He wrapped his legs around your waist and pulled you as tight as he could against him, his cheek pressed into yours. He had definitely grown since the last time you held him; you could barely handle the weight.
"Good!" he yelled.
"Luke, inside voice," Steve chastised from the couch, a familiar grin on his face.
"Right, sorry," he said.
"Do you want to open some presents or what, Kid?" Grayson offered, setting down the tall stack.
Luke nodded giddily, detangling himself from you and seating himself on the carpet. One by one he plucked the wrapping paper off, his gasps getting bigger and bigger with every present until he reached the last one. "What's this?" he asked, spinning the fabric in his hands.
"It's a Power Rangers sweatshirt," you said, gesturing to the item. "If you don't like it, we can return it."
"Just like my old one," he gaped. "Is it my old one?"
"No," Grayson explained, "but it's the same design, just warmer. And it'll fit you nicer."
Luke nodded and then slipped the clothing over his head, stuffing his arms through the sleeves. There he was, seven-years-old and yet so, so different. He still had his big brown eyes and his messy, floppy curls, but his face was full and his body was healthy and his mind was creative and open. He was Luke McIver as you'd always wanted to see him; human.
Before you could cry, you said, "Luke, you look handsome!"
"Do I?" he asked, glancing down at himself.
"Sure do, Honey. Now, we have one last present for you," Nancy said, exchanging a look with Steve.
She handed over a little envelope to Luke and he pulled out a slip of paper. "Would... you be... our son? What does that mean?" he asked, reading slow and brokenly.
Your hands flew to your mouth with excitement and love, and you decided crying was the only option at that point.
"Luke," Steve began, grabbing his wife's hands. "Luke, we want to be your parents. Like, forever," he chuckled.
"I thought you already were?" Luke said, glancing around the room with confusion.
"No, Honey, you get to choose if you want us to be or not. We completely understand if not," Nancy said, her voice quavering.
Grayson pulled you into him and you could tell he was holding back a spout of tears. He kissed the top of your head and waited.
"Oh. Well then, yeah. Yes," Luke said.
And by the following Monday, he was little Luke Hoffmann.
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