#and she makes sure to send JJ Minbari graphic novels when he's old enough
ddagent · 2 years
So, while I de-stress from the heat and work, I thought I’d share another snippet of fic. This is from my ‘David and Sofie’ verse, expanding into all the other little ones that John and Delenn like to spoil. 
Sipping her tea, Delenn sat and watched the occupants of Babylon 5 go about their daily business. It had been over six years since she had called the station home and she marvelled how much it changed during each visit. New businesses sprung up to replace old ones; more commercial entities took over from Earthforce space. The last major addition had been the introduction of a Ranger outpost within the station: it was nothing more than bunks, a training space, and a small bar named Sinclair’s. But it was a testament to how Babylon 5 was changing with the Alliance. The lights would remain on for years to come.
She continued to watch the world go by from the newest addition to the Zocalo: a tea shop that carried a variety of blends. The young woman behind the counter had been thrilled by Delenn’s patronage. It provided a sharp contrast to Delenn’s most recent visit to Earth. Blinking away the thought, Delenn caught sight of a familiar face.
“Good morning, Neeoma. I thought you were—”
“—late for a meeting with John; I am.” As part of the Interstellar Alliance, John was trying to promote safe working conditions, appropriate training, and fair wages. Neeoma Connally was consulting on their proposals. “But Michael got called in to bust up something in Downbelow and now I don’t have anyone to look after JJ. Do you think John will mind?”
From behind his mother, a boy with sandy hair and bright eyes blinked at Delenn. She smiled back. “He will not mind. But I could always watch JJ while you’re in your meeting with John. My own meeting cancelled and I would be grateful for the company.”
“Are you sure?” Delenn nodded. “Thank you so much. Okay, JJ, I’m going to leave you with Aunt Delenn while I go have a very important meeting with your Uncle John. Be good. Do not talk her ear off, okay?” Neeoma pressed a kiss to her son’s mop of sandy hair. “Love you.”
JJ waved at his mother before pulling himself into the chair opposite Delenn. “Hi.”
“Hello.” Despite JJ being one of David’s friends, Delenn had not had the opportunity to spend much time with JJ other than celebrations of their births and other days of tradition. He had Michael’s love of food and both his parents’ quick wit. Yet, he now seemed unable to speak more than a syllable. She noted the pages under his arm. “What are you reading?”
“You wouldn’t know it.”
“Perhaps not. But I would like to hear about it.”
JJ shrugged. “You wouldn’t like it. Dad and Uncle Stephen don’t.”
Delenn smirked. “I am not your father or your Uncle Stephen. I would like to hear about it.”
With a huff, JJ produced the well-worn pages from under his arm. “It’s called Amazing Spiderman. It’s about a boy who is bit by a radioactive spider.”
Delenn leaned forward. “What happens to him?”
“He gets the powers of a spider.” JJ began to list these powers off on his fingers. “He can climb walls, he can stick to things, he can even produce webs. You know, spider stuff.”
“We do not have spiders on Minbar. We have creatures who serve a similar function – they produce webs to catch their prey – but they have nine legs. They are considered sacred.” Sensing that JJ had little interest in Minbari entomology, Delenn changed the subject. “Go on, JJ. I would like to hear more about this…Spiderman.”
When John and Neeoma found them later, JJ was, indeed, talking his aunt’s ear off about comic books. She did not mind one bit.
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