#and shadowheart's like “heh. nice.”
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gunpowdercarousel · 1 year ago
Shadowheart: Lae'zel, how would you punish someone who had wronged you?
Lae'zel: Wronged me how?
Shadowheart: I dunno. Murder... or theft.
Me: Haha what a funny hypothetical question, but I guess it's good that Shadowheart wants to learn about Githyanki culture. Of course she would be curious, and clearly she's just using a theoretical scenario as a basis for her questions.
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thewizardyfish · 1 year ago
‼️‼️Pretty major spoilers for big parts of Baldurs gate. PLEASE read with caution. ‼️‼️
Scary: she plays a drow wild magic sorcerer. If this is before she and Willy broke their patron pact, then her dream visitor is Willy. If its after that, then its some really hot emo person. In terms of romance, Scary is likely drawn to Astarion after the vampire reveal but is torn between him and Shadowheart. (Also Wyll because hes actually GENUINELY nice to her but sincerity scares her so she doesn’t try to pursue anything with him even though she does actually really like him) she tries to romance the dream visitor (if it's NOT Willy obviously) but is pretty disgusted by the later reveal and later kills them. Scary plays evil until she gets to the nightfall and shadowheart doesnt kill the night song. After that, scary makes an effort for the rest of the game to be better.
Lincoln: Linc is just a normal human guy oath of devotion paladin. He’s literally just playing himself. He makes his dream visitor his dad which makes later scenes REALLY uncomfortable and he gets real-world mad at Marco like it’s somehow his fault. Linc helped minthara take over the grove because he got to the goblin camp before meeting the tieflings and he supports women. (#ally)(also she reminded him of scary and her character) but he massacred an entire people and then didn’t know why everyone was so upset at the party. Anyways he ended up romancing her. He DID NOT romance the dream visitor for obvious reasons. Linc does a FULLY evil run because he listens to women (ally) also hes: "too far in now to be saved anyways."
Normal: norm is a half elf, elf, gnome, dwarf, halfling, dragonborn and gith. He keeps restarting the game when he makes a choice he feels guilty about (Often). it REALLY bothers him that he cant make ALL of his companions approve of ALL of his choices at the same time. Eventually, he settles on a halfling college of valour bard. His dream visitor is (unfortunately) hermie. For romances, like Scary, hes also drawn in my Astarion’s “emo bad boy ness” and normal BELIEVES that he can fix him. He cant. He ascends him because he really just BELIEVES that there’s no way astarion will continue the cycle of abuse. It’ll be different this time for sure. It’s- uh- NOT. (Shocker). Also he romanced the dream visitor and felt guilty about it. Normal plays a good route (with the exception of ascending astarion) and the final party is bittersweet with his partner being the way he is. (Scary hears him talk about what happens to astarion and is FULLY like: “norm thats straight up toxic as fuck. LEAVE HIM” "ITS MY FAULT HES LIKE THIS" "no its NOT norm i am BEGGING you to raise your standards")
Taylor: oh you KNOW hes playing a tiefling. He plays a gloom stalker ranger because now he can actually USE those skills on the road. His dream visitor is his anime waifu. He’s romancing Lae’zel WHICH SOUNDS KIND OF SUPRISING until you realize the conversation went like this: Lizzie: “you’ve earned my respect and more still. You’ve proven your wits and your efficient and dominant. In and out of battle.” Taylor: “heh. It’s about TIME someone recognized what i bring to the group. I truly am the backbone of our party and shes smart for finally recognizing the value of my expertise. A WORTHY PARTNER FOR- (15 more minutes of monologue)” also he romanced the dream visitor and DID NOT feel guilty about it and was in fact, VERY onboard with the later revel. But he does end up turning on them and killing them to free Orpheus. (which he cried about afterwards) Taylor plays a fully good play through and gets the best possible ending.
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bluerose5 · 11 months ago
Fenris, shifting, shirtless as Astarion stitches up his wound: Is this really necessary?
Zevran: Unless you want to bleed everywhere and more than likely get a nasty infection on top of that, then yes.
Astarion: And what a waste of perfectly fine blood that would be.
Fenris: Try not to sound so out of breath when you say that.
Astarion: Spoilsport, but imagine. All of this could have been avoided with a quick trip to Halsin or Shadowheart.
Fenris: Hmm... It's just one of those days. I'd rather not have the feeling of magic clinging to my skin right now, no matter how convenient.
Zevran: Understandable, and you certainly won't hear us complaining. We're enjoying the show, after all.
Fenris: Should I flex a little for good measure?
Astarion: Darling, if you do, I can assure you that we are not the only ones watching, and this whole camp will be a mess of drool and, ugh... other bodily fluids come nightfall. So I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's refrain for now.
Fenris: Heh, I'll be on my best behavior.
Zevran: Ah, the joys of living amongst a group of particularly horny individuals. It never gets old, does it?
Fenris: You got that right.
Astarion: *sighs* Why can't people have this same energy about having a good cuddle every now and then?
Fenris & Zevran: Right?!
Fenris: That sounds amazing right about now.
Zevran: I'd kill for a nice snuggle.
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baldurs-kinfessions · 7 months ago
i want to talk about. uh. scents. this is very specific and very random.
gale smelt like lavender and saltwater and old books. also his clothes smelt weirdly Clean considering we spent most of our time in the fundamental wild.
halsin smelt like fresh earth and if you know that smell when it's just started raining after it hasn't for a while? i think it's called petrichor but he smelt like that too.
shadowheart generally smelt nice. i could never specify what. herbs maybe?
karlach smelt like charcoal and usually the lingering scent of whatever had been cooking recently. she liked to hang around gale when he was cooking.
lae'zel smelt like blood. not fresh blood, granted. but blood. heh. might have been because blood is very difficult to get out of fabric when you have nothing proper to clean with.
wyll smelt good. like bergamot. i know that that was my scent, but he shared it and it was Very Nice
tav smelt like the sea, for some odd reason.
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dramatiquechipmunk · 1 month ago
Project O?
Tell me more!👀
Heh, so Project O was initially the name of my main fic's doc when I first started writing it (O from Octavia - I know, how original)
Adjacently, "Project O - journal entries" is exactly what the title suggested. Octavia's journal entries that are (and will be) sprinkled through different chapters in Marked by Fate. She's someone who documents everything she sees and everyone she meets, so the biggest part of her notes are about the companions.
Longer snippet because if I chop it off, I feel it loses some of its essence
Day 54 - Shadow-Cursed Lands (No light. No proper day. Time's a blur.) Skin’s dry. Flaky. Need cream. Everything smells like rot. Ran out of soap. Feel disgusting. Hair…let´s not talk about it. Lips are chapped. Looks bad. Should’ve packed extra oils. Idiot. Astarion  (High Elf, Rogue—Still a Vampire): - Red eyes. That stare. Caught him watching me. Again. - Avoiding him. Have to. Heart skips too many beats when he’s near. He’s dangerous. I can’t get distracted. - Why does he look better in this cursed place? Hair too perfect. Armor fits too well. Not fair. - Has pomade. Need to borrow some. - But he’s getting reckless with the tadpole powers. His eyes glinted purple after we left Moonrise. Is he even scared of this anymore? - He saved me. More than once. I saved him too. I don´t mind it.  - Dreamt of him last night. Again. Don’t want to admit what kind of dream. Shadowheart (Half-Elf, Cleric of Shar): - Hair still flawless. Damn her. But... she’s softer now. Less guarded. - Saw her smile today. Proper smile. It was... nice. - Seems to thrive in this place. It´s…unsettling. - Saved my life again. Her magic's always reliable, even if it comes from the dark. - The Nightsong. A weapon or a person? Not sure anymore. - Could trust her with my life. Maybe not my secrets, though. Not yet. Wyll (Human, Warlock, Noble): - Still won’t talk about Mizora. Saw him staring into the dark like she’s calling him. - Got used to his horns, I think. - He’s always got our backs, even here in this cursed place. - Dependable. Heroic. Maybe too heroic. Still naive sometimes. - Talks more about his dad. Nice to listen to. - Moonrise changed him. Quieter. More thoughtful. What’s going through his head? - Boots are finally filthy. About time. Karlach (Tiefling, Barbarian): - Keeps laughing despite the gloom. Her laugh’s the only light left here. - Said she misses the smell of flowers. I miss the smell of soap. - She’s getting restless. Needs a fight. Saw her punching a tree earlier - I want to hug her but I can´t. Need to fix engine. - Getting closer to Wyll. Might be something there. She deserves that kind of affection, honestly. - Told me about Gortash. What a piece of shit.  Lae’zel (Githyanki, Fighter): - Would follow her into any fight. Even if she’d bite my head off after. - Still scares me - Threw herself between me and that cursed undead the other day. We didn´t talk about it. - Still thinks about Vlaakith. Feels lost a bit. Barely talks about it. - Snapping at everyone. Tension building. - Told me I look tired. Didn´t appreciate it. Gale (Human, Wizard): - Quiet. Too quiet. - Not talking about Mystra much anymore. Feels... off. - Fuck Mystra. - Seriously considers blowing himself up. Idiot. Have to stop him. - Clever. Annoyingly clever, but he's been essential. The things he knows… He’s been unraveling secrets from Moonrise faster than I can keep up. - Still helps me tame my magic. Still won´t admit I like it. - Note: get him a nice book when we arrive in the city
if you read 'till the end, thank you ❤️
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momonica05 · 1 year ago
Jack Jack - my tav for the "jack of all trades" achievement!
My urge to info dump about an oc won so now please, meet my son: Jack Jack (I don't know how to make a good blog post on tumblr, so I apologize if the images are a little too big)
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JJ wasn't born a tiefling. He actually came from a family of humans, but he has no recollection of it outside of his father and grandparents, whom he hates with all his heart
At the age of 6, his father disobeyed his patron (for a good reason, but he doesn't know that, hehe). But instead of punishing his father directly, JJ was the target. He was turned into a Mephistopheles tiefling that day, and his family was horrified. He remembers the look of pure hatred and fear from his grandparents, shouting at him, saying he was now a devil. He doesn't remember his father's face, but he remembers his fingers, pointing at the door, and his husky voice "get out"
Since then, he had to live at the city of Baldur's Gate all by himself. He had some friends, partners, and even a mentor (which the dream visitor had taken form of)... but he never got back what he lost that day: love and identity
He spent a good portion of his life, mainly his adolescence, trying to "fit in". He even cut his horns off, which he regretted later down the road as he's now more confident in who he is. Beeing cursed by a devil at the age of 6, as one might imagine, was no easy feat. And aside from gaining an appearance that everyone deemed as "hellspawn", he also gained powers. Powers in which he can not control very well, but powers nonetheless (sorcerer wild magic)
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After a whole life of stealing, performing, trying out magic and needing to run because uh oh you accidentally sumoned a troll in a bar! He... well, his life continued shit, but he never gave up. He had some not so trustworthy friends, but hey, as long as they're not a devil or a warlock, he's a very social guy!
Before he was captured by the mindflayers, he was actually planning on traveling around! He wanted to get all his skills worked on. Maybe study a bit more of his magic, as a wizard.... maybe becoming a bard with his musical talent... hell, maybe he'd finally accept his calling for the rogue life! The opportunities were endless!
That is until, of course, he got a tadpole in his mind... but eh, he was planning on traveling one day anyways, so why not use this as an excuse? (definitely not frightened at all haha what do you mean?)
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So far, he's really enjoying his adventure! Here's what he thinks about each companion:
Lae'zel: heh, she wants to kill me! (nervously sweating and trying to do what she says because he's terrified, but also really likes her interrogation methods!)
Shadowheart: she's hiding something. She ain't fooling me...
Astarion: he's also hiding something, never EVER trust the snobs from the upper city.... unless, of course, you want their money/sleep with them. (thinks Astarion is a less hot version of him, with how similar they act. Except JJ actually has a soft spot for children and little rascals, so he'll always help them. He's more chaotic good)
Gale: i really liked him and wanted him to teach me how to do magic safely, but never mind! He just ate my magic spear, which doesn't seem very safe...
Wyll: he makes me angry with how he challenges my morals, okay? you shouldn't be nice! You're a warlock! (has a mental breakdown watching Wyll get transformed like he did and wonders if his father was a good man like Wyll all along)
Karlach: I was deadset on killing her... turns out she's not a devil! just a person like me! i really like her (wants to kill Zariel and enter rage like Karlach one day)
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He knew damn well what he was getting into but opened the door anyways and said he was gonna write a smut about it (he's batshit insane)
Anyways... I guess that's it. That's all I have for now, I haven't progressed much into the game... sorry if his information is a little scattered around, I don't have it organized and probably didn't mention somethings (he chose his name, for example)
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archived-from-the-realm · 1 year ago
My idiots' general opinions about companions and each other
Artemis: His skills are useful. I like his drive, but he could do to gain some sort of moral fiber rather than just seeking amusement.
Astrophel: Oh, he's the best. I would like to know more about him, but I get the feeling that the two of us are too alike for an honest conversation.
Azriel: Hm... he's a hunter in his own right. I can respect that... he also has a pretty good sense of humor.
Kieran: He's odd and livelier than most undead that I've met. I don't know how to feel about it, but he's nice, I think. He's sneaky sneaky, too.
Artemis: Her devotion is admirable, but I wish she would allow herself... something more while she has her whole life ahead of her.
Astrophel: A kind and devoted soul. I... feel a little bad for her, the gods, especially ones as petty as Shar, rarely reward such things, but as long as she's happy, then whatever.
Azriel: She's a nice person and a good friend to have.
Kieran: Her goddess freaks me out, but she's nice. I like helping her heal the others.
Artemis: An ambitious wizard is hardly a novelty, but straj, he'd put a lot of them to shame. Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.
Astrophel: Oh, he's a delight. Normally not entirely fond of wizards, but he's nice to listen to. Hm, wonder if he'd loan me any books...
Azriel: He's smart, but he's not the wisest guy there is, huh....
Kieran: ...I don't think he likes me or thinks much about me, but I... wanna get along with him. ...maybe learn a few words, too...
Artemis: She's a devoted warrior. I... don't exactly trust her goddess. Vlaakith isn't like my father's goddess, but I can't help but be unsettled by an entire race showing one deity such reverence.
Astrophel: I knew a githyanki, once, before I met her... he was... very different than how she is, not sure they'd get along. That said, she's one of the more unique souls I've ever met.
Azriel: Heh, I like her style.
Kieran: ...I want to know about the funeral rites of her people, just in case.
Artemis: Heh, she's strong... very strong. I want to aid her in getting her heart fixed in whatever way I can. Someone like her is worth facing the hells for.
Astrophel: Oh, she's... wow. The better poets would have a field day writing about her, as they should, really. She deserves to be immortalized, I think.
Azriel: I'm really glad she isn't dead, and I'll do whatever I can to keep her from begin dead.
Kieran: She's fun! ...I'll be sad when that weird thing goes out.
Artemis: He's an honorable man, one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He will regain some of what he has lost. I will make sure of it.
Astrophel: ...at least he sold his soul for an honorable cause, but I'm sure there is a loophole in his contract somewhere...
Azriel: I don't think much of the noble prince thing he has going for him, but he isn't a bad person to know.
Kieran: When he passes, he will be honored greatly by everyone who's lives he played a part in. There are few that can attest to the same.
Artemis: A wise man. I'd seek out his council on most matters.
Astrophel: He's unique, I'll give him that. He's the type of elf that has a lot of stories to tell, and I'd love to hear his most interesting.
Azriel: His connection to the earth is admirable...
Kieran: He's wise and respects the natural order of things. I can respect that, though... do I wonder if he would... make a little wooden duck for me...
Artemis: She was wise to reject Lolth, but I do not trust her. My honor is unstained and my hands are ready to deliver justice for all that she has slain... but everyone deserves a chance at redemption, even those like her.
Astrophel: As lovely and twice as deadly as the most lethal of nightshades... I do not envy anyone that invokes her ire, but if she calls me a faerie again, I'm stabbing her in her sleep.
Azriel: Deadly and loyal, a good mix.
Kieran: She reminds me a little of those in the cult of Myrkul I knew... calculated and cruel, but she's different in the fact that she'll at least kill while the enemy can fight back sometimes.
Artemis: A just and stern soul. My mother used to read me stories about her when I was still a child. Words do not do her justice.
Astrophel: Others of my profession tell such tall tales of her, but I must admit, her actual story seems far more interesting.
Azriel: She knows my true nature and allows me to live anyway... it's more than I deserve, probably.
Kieran: She'll live forever in the hearts of many for her heroic deeds from before and now... though, for her sake, I hope the bards get it right this time.
Artemis: He's a warrior, and I would hope to spar against him one day.
Astrophel: Well, his hamster is adorable, but I'm not so sure what to think about the man himself. He's an honest soul, and those usually don't associate with the likes of me.
Azriel: ...I don't know how to feel about him calling himself my uncle, honestly.
Kieran: Boo is cute, but uh... Minsc... worries me.
Astrophel: Ah, the noble, just paladin... truly the heroine of a great tale of chivalry and honor... forgive me if I fall asleep halfway through.
Azriel: Her thirst for spider's blood is only matched by her love of shiny things. Just need to keep her focus on our enemies.
Kieran: She's kind... I really like her. She gave me rocks that were kind of shiny that I like to keep with some bones I thought were neat.
Artemis: He's a more prolific liar than poet, and it shows. Though, whatever he's hiding, he doesn't seem to want to harm anyone.
Azriel: He's useful for his charms, but I prefer Alfira over him.
Kieran: He likes to tell me stories about all sorts of things... he said he's going to teach me to read when we get time, but I doubt he'll be able to.
Artemis: If we can keep his bloodlust focused on the enemy rather than on us, then he is an asset. Should he lose control, though... I will put him to the sword.
Astrophel: I don't trust him, but I don't dislike him either. He... tries, so I'll support him... but he'll have to forgive me if I'm not eager to get too close after the last bard he was left alone with.
Kieran: Unnatural death follows him like a shadow... he is a killer, but he is kind, too. I don't know what to think about it all, but he is strong enough to fight his own demons...
Artemis: I have... never thought I would meet a cleric who does not know the name of the god they serve... nor one that was so flippant about life and death.
Astrophel: I've never met someone so blunt before, but it adds to some of his charm... They just need to learn to read, and I'm sure they'll be... well, not better, but maybe more articulate.
Azriel: He's wiser than his naivety would imply. I would trust them to bury me with the greatest care and not much else.
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bluerose5 · 11 months ago
[Fenris enters Zevran’s tent after catching up with the others.]
Astarion: Hmm... You mean, besides Cazador's head on a silver platter?
Zevran: Yes, something unrelated to your current quest for vengeance.
Astarion: Ugh, how boring.
Fenris: What exactly did I come back to?
Zevran: Astarion and I were talking about gifts! I mentioned how the Warden gave me a few things during our travels—
Astarion: And I said as long as it wasn't chocolate and flowers, then it's already a step up from most in my book.
Fenris, to Zev: What did they get you?
Zevran: *shrugs* Boots, gloves, bars of gold and silver. Things that are practical, stuff that I will actually use, items that are worth something. A bit of sentimentality is nice and all, but gifts are meaningful in a manner when they show your value to a person, yes?
Astarion: Couldn't agree more. Fix me up a fancy poison any day, and I'll be far more impressed by the effort. Can't go wrong with clothes either, whether it's buying something new or patching up old ones.
Zevran: What about you, Fenris? Did the Champion ever get you anything?
Fenris: They got me a greatsword... and a book.
Zevran: A book?
Fenris: *nods* A thoughtful gift, but I–I can't read.
Astarion: Wait, what? But you're so smart!
Fenris, deadpan: Thanks. I didn't realize there was a direct correlation between the two.
Zevran, aside to Astarion: Very smooth.
Astarion, stammering: L–Look, I mean, come on! It's just that you pick up on languages so quickly. For as much as you hate magic, you soak up some of Gale's more complex theories like a sponge. It's no insult to you. It's simply surprising, is all.
Fenris: Slaves are not permitted to read in the Imperium.
Zevran: Ah, of course.
Astarion: That... explains it.
Fenris: Hawke did their best to teach me when they could, but they had their own problems to deal with. And eventually, circumstances forced all of us apart from each other.
[They all take a moment to consider that.]
Zevran: Well, you know what this means! We will teach you how to read.
Fenris, hesitant yet hopeful: You will?
Astarion: We will?
Zevran: *elbows him in the side*
Astarion: Oof, I mean of course we will! Why not?
Zevran: It will be great fun!
Astarion: Let's just make sure our little crow here doesn't get too carried away. His tastes are about as refined as Wyll's and Shadowheart's.
Fenris: Heh, deal.
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