#and part of me knows that i'm not alone in this one
When They Call You Clingy So You Distance Yourself| Maknaeline Pt1
Warnings: Cursing, Mentioning of Blood
There was nothing you loved more than Jisung's singing. Well maybe Jisung himself.
But from the moment you heard him sing you knew that it was game over for you. You didn't know what you had done to have God bless you with the off chance of running into the chubby cheeked boy on the street during a last-minute girls' trip - the result of a horrible breakup.
And you sure as hell didn't know what you did to have him become smitten with you at first glance, softly asking for your number - even though it was obvious you weren't going to stay long.
But after a week of non-stop texting and meme exchanging it was obvious the feeling was mutual so long distance was something you were willing to try.
And it was the best decision you had ever made. Two and a half years strong.
The last year you had spent in South Korea had been filled with wonderful memories too, and you quickly found yourself getting used to living life with Hanji.
"Sungie!" You burst into the studio and Jisung jumped in fear. "I brought you something!"
He turned around with wide eyes and his mouth opened slightly. "What is it?"
You handed him a couple of his favorite snacks and an energy drink. "I figured you were tired since the guys told me you didn't come back to the dorms..." You wrapped your arms around him and peeked over his shoulder at to what he was scribbling in his favorite, beat up notebook. "What are you writ-"
Jisung quickly closed his notebook. "N-nothing."
"Lemme see!" You giggle reaching for it again. He quickly pulled away. "Jiji you always show me your songs!" You said, not noticing his growing irritation.
"Y/N stop I don't want you to see this one." He said grabbing his notebook.
"Why not?" You whined, trying one last time to grab it. "Thats are thing you show me your songs even before you show the guys!"
Your hands folded around the broken metal spine and part of the papers themselves and Jisung pulled away with an extreme amount of force.
The small part of metal that had no home in the small holes of the spiral bound book hooked its way into your hand. And with Han's forceful pull, ripped open your skin as well in a thing but deep wound.
You hissed in pain slightly from a small paper cut on your middle finger, which was ironic considering the much deeper gash in the palm of your dominant hand.
"Dammit Y/N!" He snapped looking at his ripped pages.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." You said quietly.
"Well you did!" He mumbled turning his back on you looking for tape on Chan's cluttered desk.
"I'm sorry."
"Its whatever." Han mumbled, his back still turned to you.
You hold your wrist, you hand bloodied. "Jiji-"
"Y/N I want to be alone right now." His voice was firm, and you could tell he was trying to hide his growing anger. You wanted to respect his wishes but your injury seemed to throb even more by the second, even more blood spilling out.
You nodded but opened your mouth to speak again trying to ask him for help with your gushing hand. "I know but-"
"FUCK Y/N!" Jisung screamed slamming his hands on the table. "Just leave me alone! Stop being clingy for two seconds and give a moment to breathe! You just ruined something extremely important just because you don't know when to stop messing around."
You bit your cheek, trying to stop the tears that were pricking your eyes from falling.
You knew that Jisung was only calling you clingy to to get you to go away. To hurt you enough so you'd want to leave. He had done it before.
And even though it was a bad habit, it was proving really hard for him to break.
You quickly made your way out after watching your boyfriend for a few more seconds as he started tearing small pieces of tape from the dispenser.
And even still you couldn't help but have your heart flutter at his concentration as he bent down to carefully place pieces of tape on the ripped pages.
Dammit. Why do I always have to go and ruin things... You think to yourself as you head out to your car. Grabbing an extreme amount of paper towels to soak up the red liquid streaming from your hand.
You go to wipe your tears, but only smearing blood on your face causing even more tears of frustration, sadness and disappointment to fall from your eyes.
Fuck. I'm gonna need stitches.
You drove to the hospital, continously blinking to keep your vision clear through your emotional state. You were so focused on the road and replaying the whole situation that had just occurred in your head you didn't realize your phone was ringing.
Once you computed the ringning you frantically reached for your phone, so you could talk to Jisung - apologize, just talk things through - not remembering the state your hand was in and feeling it rip open even more, causing your phone to slip and a strangled cry of pain escape your lips.
Incoming call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
Your phone had fallen in between the crack of your seat and you tried grabbing it while keeping your eyes on the road.
Incoming call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
"Holy shit can't I-"
You heard the blaring of a horn and by instinct you turned opposite of the direction you heard it coming from, only to have the noise covered by metal crunching on metal.
Missed Call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
You have one new voicemail.
"Jagiya - I saw blood on my paper. Were you bleeding? Look, I know you probably don't feel like talking to me and that's valid. I say a lot of mean things to get space- and I know how wrong that is of me. Just...call me back okay? Let me know you're okay...there was...a lot...of blood. A lot...I'm worried. You can be mad but please just let me know, okay? I feel bad. I had a reason for hiding the lyrics; but it just seems stupid now. Because you got hurt because of me...I know I'm ranting but I'm worried sick. So please just...text or something. At least tell me you have the cut bandaged or something. Because baby if I would have realized sooner you were bleeding that much...God I feel like an idiot. Just call me, okay? Or you know what text if you don't feel like talking...just let me know your safe...the guys are worried too...you left a trail...God I feel so bad. Maybe I'm exaggerating but it looked like so much...I love you. Okay? I love you."
You heard your front door unlock and looked behind you to see Felix walking in.
He slipped his shoes off and immediately headed towards the game room you had set up from an old study when you and him had frist started dating.
Your desk was still in the corner, but you had set up all of Felix's extra gaming things throughout the rest of the room. Stringing up LED lights and making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible since had taken a liking to filming some of his lives in that room once your relationship had gone public.
You got up from the couch and followed Felix into the room. He didn't seem like his usual cheery self. And his determined steps into the game room differed from his usually excited steps and leaned more towards annoyance.
"Lix is everything okay?" You asked, coming to stand by him. You placing the energy drink you were sipping on by him as you reach out to give him an embrace.
"I'm fine Y/N." He mumbled, trying to shake his PC awake. Then trying to turn on the LED's and lamp next to him. When they didn't turn on he tried plugging his phone in to the extra charger that he always kept plugged in at your home, groaning when that too didn't work.
"You seem upset love, you know I'm here for you."
"I said I'm fine." He snapped as he got up and started looking at the different wires connecting the lights and other various things in the room. "This damned thing."
You got up and looked at the wires yourself. "Let me see-"
"I got it, Y/N." Felix said sternly as he moved his makeshift desk back carefully from the wall enough to squeeze back there and look at the outlets.
At the same time you notice the extension cord didn't look like it was fully plugged in. You let out a small noise of acknowledgement and crawled under table to plug it in.
It was too bad Felix didn't notice your other hand resting on the ground for balance, as he stepped on it while trying to get a better look.
You yelped in pure shock, your head coming up to bang against the underside of the table- and Felix jumping back in surprise - and reaching out to balance himself but instead knocking over your drink onto his extremely expensive keyboard.
You had never heard so many profanities string from his mouth at once.
"I'll go get towels-"
"Are you fucking slow Y/N?!" His voice was harsh. Nothing like the gentle tone he always used with you. "Maybe you are. Would explain why you'd think a fucking corrosive drink could be easily cleaned from a keyboard. GOD." He groaned slamming his fist down.
"Felix I didn't-"
"I didn't know! I didn't know!" Felix mocked. "Well no shit you didn't know. Who in their right mind puts an open drink next to a set up that probably costs more than your monthly wages."
You felt your chin start to tremble and you tried to take a breath.
"You know maybe if you weren't clinging to me 24/7 this wouldn't have happened. Now thanks to you I have to find replacements." He grumbled pushing past you.
You turned to follow him like a lost puppy.
"Dammit did you not get the hint?!" He shouted turning back towards you. "You really are slow holy shit." He spat out.
You watched him make his way towards the door grabbing his keys and just walking out in his house slippers that's how angry you had made him.
"I can fix it..." You whimpered, trying to wipe your tears as you collected an arrangement of towels both dry and cloth. "I-I can f-fix itttt..." You whine as you hold the towels with shaky hands trying to mop up the mess.
"I-I'll fix-fix it-" You keep repeating to yourself until your vision is so blurred by tears the they flow over into the crevices of his precious keyboard. You try to soak up the mousepad he had customized, and the fabric of his chair.
"I'll...fix it..."
Soon enough those three words didn't sound like words you had said them so much.
Your hands were red and raw from scrubbing down the table so much. And you could barely even breath through your desperate cries.
His words kept ringing in your head.
He sounded so angry. You had never seen him like that. And it scared you. It scared you so much.
So much it had you considering if his accessories were the only thing he'd ever consider replacing.
You sat in the dressing room, waiting for Seungmin to come back stage.
Tonight was the kickoff concert for their mini tour. Just ten destinations. A mix of normal venues, mini music festivals and things of such.
Ever since you and Seungmin had become a thing a little over three years ago, you had made it your mission to attend all of his concerts. While at first you flew under the radar of attendance- you soon became the "Where's Waldo" of sort when your relationship became public- stays doing everything they could to spot you in the crowd.
Tonight was no different other than the fact that everything went abswolutely horrible.
Malfunction after malfunction. Although most of the Stays were too preoccupied with the the visuals and the improv to really care about the mistakes on the crew end of thing.
And you had come backstage to tell Seungmin the same thing that all the Stays in the crowd had been thinking.
You did great.
Most of the time on Seungmin's shorter trips you stayed out of his way. Calling him and just infroming him of the different places you were visting in the cities, and asking if he would like any specific souvenirs. Thats the way you balanced out most. Thats the way things had worked and you figured they would continue to work...
Until Seungmin came in,.
"What are you doing here?" He asked throwing his jacket on the closest chair, and immediately going to strip off his shirt.
"I just wanted to come in and see how you were doing." You said quietly- gently.
"Appreciate it but you're not exactly helping my situation. I come into the dressing room for a breather - some space but your in here." He sighs grabbing a towel and trying to soak up his sweat.
You frown and look at him, his puppy eyes clouded with frustration.
"I just wanted to tell you that you did good...none of that was your fault. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of that..."
"Y/N. You're getting overwhelming. Seeing you home, at the studio in the audience- I can't catch a fucking break. Its like you're acting as my fucking shadow- clinging on to me wherever I go. Normal couples don't do that." He said as he stepped behind a portable stall to change completley.
You opened your mouth but closed it quickly, not wanting to start something you knew Seungmin was more than likely to finish.
"Like everytime I see you it's such a burden really..." Seungmin came out drying his sweaty hair with a smaller towel. "Like don't you ever get sick of seeing me all the time?" He gives out a smile and a laugh, but his eyes don't crinkle the same way they usually do.
You bite your cheek. "No...why would I get sick of seeing you? Why...would I ever see you as a burden?"
Your boyfriend looks at you in the reflection of the mirror, and turns to see the pain in your eyes.
"I came back here to comfort you Min...but instead you want to find ways to tear me down? So effortlessly at that?" Your voice is growing in pitch by the second but getting quieter and quiter. "I've spent three years supporting you in everything that you do. I've spent money to surprise you on trips Seungmin! When you know I don't have the money to do that!" Seungmin flinches when you use his full name. It had been so long since he heard anything other than a nickname fall from your lips when talking to him. "I always put you before me...am I really that much of a burden to you Seungmin?"
The quiet boy just looked at you.
"Dammit say something!" You exclaimed.
"I...don't know what you want me to say Y/N...I appreciate you coming to my concerts. I do...but don't you have another life outside of me?"
You clenched your jaw. "You're geniunely asking me that? When we've spent over three years together?"
Seungmin sighed. "You know I don't mean it like that..."
"Then how do you mean it?"
He fidgeted and opened his mouth to say something but bit his tongue and thought for a second more.
"You know what...maybe you're right Seungmin." You grab your purse and coat.
"Where are you going?" He asked, a bit of panic creeping into his voice.
"Away." You mumbled. "You're right Seungmin. I don't have a life outside of you. And maybe that's why this doesn't feel so right anymore."
You reach for the door and you feel both his hands wrap around your arm.
"B-Baby...y...you don't mean that...you don't." He pleaded softly. You watched as his brown eyes searched your face for any bluff. "We're right...we feel right-we we fit right..." His voice took a little pitiful whine to it and you felt as if you just kicked a puppy.
Right now he looked like a kicked puppy.
You had to turn your face away so he couldn't see your walls built in anger break.
Because no matter how petty you could be you wouldn't do that to Seungmin.
Would you?
"Seungmin...you think you can just go and say those things...the things that effortlessly hurt me?" You took a deep breath. "It's like you put no thought into how you crack my heart."
Not break. He couldn't break it...
"Jagiya...please...please stay?"
Couldn't my ass. He damn well could. And two could play that game.
"I'm leaving." You said pulling your arm from him roughly, knowing that you ripping yourself from the embrace you relied on so much would hurt him the most.
"You don't mean it...we're both frustrated...Jagiya..."
You decided not to look back as you walked out the door.
Knowing just how quickly your resolve you fold if you saw just how easily Seungmin's heartbreak was painted on to him.
You knew you'd fold the second you saw how his heartbreak mirrored your own.
Please leave a message after the tone.
You groan as you guide yourself to the counter, holding onto it trying to find unwavering land in the battle of dizziness you were fighting.
Please leave a message after the tone.
"Pick up..." You groan as you try to hit the call button for Jeongin, your vision was clouded and you mistakenly pressed your second most recent call.
"Y/N? What's up?"
"Ji...Jisung...grab Jeongin for me?"
"Y/N...he's a little...irked right now. We were poking fun at him when you called but I think we went a bit too far... I don't think its the best idea..."
"Jisung, please?"
You heard Jisung shuffle around, and you heard the crunching of leaves as he made his way towards the sound of loud laughter.
"Innie! Your girlfriend is one the phone!"
You think you're hearing things when you hear Jeongin's distinct groan- but you don't have time to think about it before you hear all of his elder group members "ooh" and "ahh" at the youngest member.
"What is it?" The annoyance in his voice is evident.
"Innie...I don't feel good." You say steadying yourself on the counter. Your hands are slick with sweat, just like the rest of your body.
"Y/N I don't know what you want me to do about that." He says, covering the mic to yell something at the members- who are making kissing noises and mimicking romantic music in the background. "I'm hours away and I'm not gonna be back until Monday."
You whimper as you lower yourself onto the ground, your head swimming with dizziness - all while feeling as if someone tigthened a rubber band around your noggin.
"Stop being so dramatic and take medicine if its that bad." He finally says. "It's embarassing to have you blow up my phone while I'm on a guys trip - and even more embarassing for you to blow up my friends phones as well."
Something about the way he says my makes your heart sting slightly. As if you hadn't cultivated friendships with the guys as well.
"Maybe if you had answere-"
"Just stop Y/N! I'm not a baby! And having you cling to me...its making the guys think that. I mean don't you see how annoying that looks? Childish? Being clingy is downright childish."
You can't really focus on Jeongin's angry rant because you vision is getting blurry, and your head is throbbing so horribly, and your body is getting so clammy you can't focus on anything other than how shitty you feel.
"I think I'm gonna pass out-"
You hear Jeongin's exasperated huff. "You always have to make it about you don't you?! I'm trying to tell you how I want you sto stop blowing up my phone so damn much while I'm with the guys and you're here being dramtic. We're adults Y/N. We don't have to rely on each other for everything! So just lay down if your feeling that bad. I don;t cal you for everything."
You groan into the phone. "Jeongin-"
"Holy shit Y/N, can't you take a hint? For fuck's sake...I'll talk to you Monday." He said before hanging up, his tone exuding the aura of a typical "too-cool-for-anyone" teen boy or more specifically a hormonal attitude filled PMS monster.
You take a second to breathe, the nausea that was hitting you in waves only coming in faster and stronger.
You scrolled through your contacts and just clicked on one. Your fingers were trembling and you could barely press the speaker button before dropping your phone to the ground in a moment of weakness.
I'm gonna pass out...just...a minute longer...wait until someone answers...
You decided to not delay the inevitable and just lay on the cool ground that you'd end up on anyway. Might as well save yourself from an uneccassary bump.
"I think I'm gonna faint..." You groan.
"The fuck? Y/N? What? I'm on my way I'm at the studio I'll be there in a minute..."
You give a small hmm and lean more into the floor if that was possible.
It brought you back to when you were a child, and would decide to randomly nap on the ground.
Maybe I am childish...
Maybe he was right...
You're mine clears as your mind goes static then black as if a switch turned on.
"Y/N? Y/N!"
When you open your eyes your blinded by lights and instantly annoyed by the beeping of mulitple machines.
"Y/N-ie!" You see the smiling faces of Chaeryeong and Yeji. Then Ryujin, Lia and Yuna's faces pop around you too.
"The doctor said your blood sugar was extremley low." Yeji said grabbing your hands. "He said that they're gonna run a few more tests on you too see what the cause of it was."
"We were worried sick when you called Chaer so we all came!" Lia exclaims.
You smiled gratefully, your head still throbbing slightly.
"Thank you." You said quietly.
"I called Changbin." Chaeryeong commented. "I thought it was best that one of the Kids relay the message to your boyfriend."
You pop up in bed, the sudden movement dizzying you. "What? What did you say?"
"I just told him we found you past out in your kitchen. At that point we didn't know what caused it...so all I said is we were bringing you to the hospital."
"Your boyfriend has been calling your phone for the last hour and a half." Yuna says nodding towards your phone.
26 missed calls.
"Hah...so he calls me clingy and childish then proceeds to call my phone 26 times?" You groan as you throw yourself back onto the hospital bed.
The ITZY girls look at you with sympathetic looks, Yeji squeezing your hands gently as well.
"Fuck it." You mumble, a fit of anger bubbling inside you as you swiped away all the call notifications, an insurge of pettiness filling you. "Clingy and childish my ass. I'll show him what that actually looks like."
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee @shuporanporang
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reiderwriter · 1 day
🌙 Like You Did With Her 🌙
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Spencer Reid x female! Reader
Part of the CM Kink Bingo Challenge
Requested: Can I request Spencer x female!reader who are in an established relationship and she sees him kiss cat that one time. And once the case is over she’s not actually mad cause she understands he had to but she kinda plays it up a bit like ‘I don’t think you’ve ever kissed me like that’
Warnings: BDSM themes, dom! Spencer Reid, mentions of cheating, voyeurism, cuckolding, exhibitionism, bondage, handcuffs, penetrative sex (P in V), consensual degradation (use of whore and slut), anal play, cum play, implied unprotected sex, unconventional sex location (non-public), rough sex, clit stimulation, etc.
A/N: Additional warning - you may not see God's blessing if you read on. To say I got carried away would be an understatement. If you're reading this and you know me, do not ask questions. Simply separate the art from the artist. It's what I want (I'm being dramatic).
Masterlist || Bingo Board
You'd promised Spencer that you wouldn't let Cat Adams or anything she said or did get to you. You'd waven him off on his “date,” kissed him goodbye, and then sat on his couch for hours worrying.
And you'd kept worrying as the hours passed, until you'd heard voices in the hallway and then movement, and the door was opening and you saw it.
Your boyfriend savagely pushing another woman up against a wall, fighting for control, his large hands spread wide and tensed against skin, his lips sucking and kissing and preening, and showing his control.
You watched for entirely too long before you accidentally made your presence known.
It was a game to Cat, and you knew enough about her to know that you couldn't show any reaction. You didn't know if she'd only get more dangerous if she knew just how much you'd enjoyed watching that.
You held the conversation still, letting Spencer push at whatever game it was he was playing with Cat, but you weren't wholly there. Instead, your mind was playing the comparison game.
You loved Spencer. Spencer loved you. When you had sex with Spencer, it was clear that Spencer loved you.
And maybe love was all there was to it because based on what you'd now seen, there wasn't exactly that much heat when you did it.
If he could be so rough - and you wanted him to be rough - then why wasn't he being rough with you?
He may have been playing games with Cat, but you'd fucked him enough to know the subtle postures of his arousal. You caught it in the way he held himself, the way his breathing hitched, the way he was looking.
Not just at her, but at you, too. As if he were caught between the two of you, unsure who to force to their knees first.
So you let him do the talking and tried to distract yourself from a moment of arousal that you feared would never be satisfied.
To your credit, you lasted two weeks. You hadn't made love to him that night because it was too soon, and he was desperately grovelling in apology for something you weren't angry about in the slightest.
Sure, you should've been angry. If not because he'd made out with another woman than he'd made out with a sociopathic serial killer specifically, one who'd made his life a misery. But you couldn't bring yourself to be upset when your hands worked their way between your legs every time you thought about it.
A week after, he caught you pleasuring yourself, and he'd taken over, kissing you gently and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
His touch was pathetically gentle, and after you came, he rolled off the bed and took himself to the bathroom, leaving you alone.
A week after that, he initiated sex again, but it was soft, sweet, and so warm that you felt almost ashamed for wanting him to choke you out even just a little bit.
Spencer wasn't exactly unaware of your preoccupation.
You hadn't kissed him without frowning in two weeks, and you hadn't initiated anything sexual yourself. There was still the casual intimacy, the friendship, the I Love You’s, but you seemed distant and he knew he fucked up.
You drew a line in the sand when he started coming home with flowers.
“Spencer-? What is this?” You said as he pushed the bouquet into your hands, kissing you hello as he walked through the door.
“Flowers. Lilies, to be specific, you like lilies, right? I didn't ask, I should've asked-”
“Why did you buy me flowers?” You said, still just staring at him and the guilt on his face.
“I thought - You like flowers.”
“I do. But I also like to know the reason behind the flowers, so spill.”
He hesitated for a moment and let out a sigh, running his hands through his hair as he looked between you and the flowers.
“Lilies are apology flowers.”
“Spencer,” you said, almost exasperated, throwing your hand sin the air and walking back to the kitchen.
“You're upset. You're obviously upset. I kissed Cat, and-”
“You did a little more than kiss her.”
“Y/N,” his voice getting slightly deeper, his voice warning you to tread lightly. “You're jealous.”
“I already told you I'm not,” you said, even though that was half a lie. “It's just-”
“Just what? Jealousy? Speak to me, Y/N, you've been ignoring me all week.”
His brow was furrowed, his stress evident in the hard lines of his body, his stiff shoulders, the line of his mouth. You wanted to keep pressing his buttons until that anger, that stress, boiled over, and you got to experience what Cat had.
“Sorry,” you said, dropping the lilies on the counter in your kitchen and turning around to face him once again. “I haven't been ignoring you, though. Ignoring someone is when you make out with another woman in a doorway, not knowing your girlfriend is sitting on a couch watching the entire thing.”
“What? I'm not allowed to tell the truth now? Are you afraid you'll feel too guilty?”
“I am so sorry, Y/N, it was-”
“I'm not.” You said quickly as he stepped forward. You knew that if you let him get further in his apology, he'd bundle you up in his arms, and gently carry you away to kiss and hug and cuddle and have sex in the most dignified, loving way imaginable. You didn't want that.
“I'm not sorry. I lied earlier. I'm not sorry, I'm fucking envious.”
You slid your hands down his chest as he stilled again, watching g your hand descend to the front of his pants. You grabbed his belt and pulled him closer.
“Spencer, why have you never fucked me like that?”
His eyes widened in shock, but they quickly flicked back to your hands as you slowly unbuckled his belt.
“I… I didn't fuck her, let's get that straight.”
“I know,” you said, leaning up to whisper in his ear. “I was watching.”
His hands gripped the counter as he stared at you straight-faced, finally locking eyes with you as you pulled his belt free and dropped it to the floor.
“I don't want to treat you the way I treated her,” he said, voice quieter but still full of tension, as if ready to shout at any second.
“You don't want to fuck me?” You asked, even as you grabbed his cock through his pants, taunting him with the fact that he did. You knew he did, because you held the evidence in your hand.
“No…! Yes, I do, but not... like that.”
“Not like what?” You said, pushing his shirt up and out of his pants so your hands had more room to explore, fewer layers of clothing to obstruct.
“Like… like a… fuck, stop distracting me.”
“I'm not distracting you, I'm trying to prove to you that this is meaningless and that you should bend me over and fuck me like a cheap whore.”
“Y/N!” he said, either exasperated, or desperately horny from your grip on his hard cock.
He grabbed your hand and pulled it away from him, pinning it against the counter with his own.
“No,” you spat back at him, pressing closer to him and wiggling your hand free so it could stroke his dick again. “Not until you make me.”
His lips dropped to yours in a kiss, but this time, you could tell you'd made progress. An annoyed harrumph echoed through the kiss, and you fought his tongue back as he tried to take control of your mouth, attempting to gently lead as he always did.
“Y/N,” he moaned, as your hands fought off his to fondle his cock, unbuttoning his pants and pulling it free as you stroked it gently, teasingly.
You had to show him a taste of his own medicine.
“Y/N, we need to talk, keep your hands to yourself.”
“No,” you said, stroking harder, spotting into your hand while keeping eye contact with him. “Unless you want to try and stop me?”
He watched your hand fall back to his cock, watched you tease the tip with one small stroke, then another, and then another.
And then he finally broke.
He pushed your hands off quickly, twisting one arm up and around your back, pinning it there as he grabbed his handcuffs and attached your hands together behind your back.
“Spencer!” you gasped.
“Cheap whore? That's what you wanted?” He said, pulling your hips back so his cock could nestle in the fabric of your skirt.
You nodded, rolling your shoulders to test the limits of your new restraints. Restraints you knew had been on Cat two weeks ago. You wondered if he was thinking about her now as his cock got harder and harder. You wondered why that turned you on so much.
“Okay. I'll give you what you want, but don't complain after.”
“Please, like you could actually hurt me that much.”
His hand immediately crept up to your neck and wrapped around it delicately. He didn't press down, but the threat was there as he leant down to whisper in your ear.
“Y/N?” You nodded in response, not chancing talking back. “Shut the fuck up.”
His hands pulled your skirt up first, and you found yourself without underwear just as fast, though you felt it suspended between your knees. He ran a finger through your folds, pushing your legs wider with one hand as the other grabbed a fistful of hair and slowly forced your head onto the counter.
This was new. All of this was new. The position, the location, the emotion. The handcuffs. You struggled against them again but didn't say a word, as his hand gently came down on your bare ass.
“Ah,” you cried out in surprise, jumping slightly as you felt the impact.
“I said be quiet,” he said from behind you, inspecting your pretty pink pussy as you displayed yourself for him.
One finger slowly slid into you, and you bit your lip to hold back a moan. It was joined by a second finger, and then he started moving them.
He'd touched you before, buried himself deep inside even, but this new angle felt different, and your eyes rolled shut as he pumped in and out. With two weeks of frustration, you were perfectly wet for him already, and you were almost embarrassed about the wet sounds his ministrations were causing already.
“S-Spencer,” you moaned, pushing your hips back into him, in time with his fingers.
He pulled out his hands and slapped your ass again, hard, as you cried out.
“You want to be treated like a cheap whore, but even they follow instructions, Y/N.”
You heard him spit on his hands again, and then his digits returned.
Except they didn't return to your pussy, but a spot higher up.
His fingers lubed up your ass with his spit and your arousal as he gently slid a finger into your ass, and you cried out in shock, or pain, or arousal, or whatever it was that had your head sagging to the counter, your legs lifting onto your tiptoes to allow him better access to your holes.
“You're even tighter here than there…” he said, almost curiously, as of transfixed by watching his fingers enter and exit you.
You were so distracted by his fingers, you barely noticed his cock probing at your pussy before it slid into you entirely.
You really couldn't help the mess you made of the kitchen counter. When he pushed into you, he used his free hand to lift your leg slightly, and inadvertently pushed your clit into the edge of the kitchen counter. With every thrust of fingers and hips, you ground into the edge, pussy flooding with juices as you were stimulated on all fronts.
You almost begged him to play with your nipples as well, just to see what the experience would feel like, how hard you could cum when every area of your body was being bombarded with pleasure.
As it was, the cock and handcuffs probably would've been enough. But you felt the shame of your arousal dripping down your leg, piddling at your feet. You heard him questioning which part of the experience it was that had led to you being such a desperate slut.
Was it his cock? Was it the fingers in your ass? Was it the handcuffs? Was it the fact that you were still imagining him doing exactly this to another woman while you watched on?
You didn't know, and he didn't degrade you further by asking.
His hand gripped your hair again, pulling you back harshly so your back arched, and your clit painfully pushed down into the edge of the counter.
With a scream - a loud, sudden, uncontrollable thing - you came, letting loose a torrent of cum down your leg.
Still, he kept thrusting, but he let go of his previous vow of silence.
“You are such a cheap whore, aren't you?” He said, removing his finger from your ass, hands gently gripping your hips as he pulled your ass cheeks, inspecting how far he'd stretched you, how much your hole gaped open.
“You've been so jealous that I wasn't tossing you around all this time. My cock could've been buried inside someone else, and you'd have enjoyed that. Wouldn't you?”
You could only moan in response, too scared to confirm or deny. You wanted more.
“You know, Y/N,” he started, leaning down to your ear again, squishing you painfully against the hard counter. “Cheap whores don't deserve cream pies.”
Just as you approached another climax, he pulled out of you, letting you crumple to the floor without his weight counterbalancing your own.
Then he hooked a finger under your jaw and lifted your head up. He barely managed to grunt out “close your eyes” before his cum was shooting out over your face.
“Fuck, I'm sorry, I love you… I love you, I love you, I love you, I love-”
Your lips parted in shock as a spurt hit your chin, your eyes. It was even in your hair. He aimed after that and managed to get a good amount of it on your tongue as you grimaced away from his hold.
But his hands held you still, and you swallowed it, even wiping the spurts from your cheek and eyes and licking off your hands as you cleaned up.
When he was finished, Spencer let you go and leaned back against the kitchen counter. When you could open your eyes again, you stared up at him in shock before collapsing down and laying on the cold floor of your kitchen, chest heaving.
“I knew…. I knew it would be more…” you said, unable to find the words to describe the deeds you'd just done.
“But I wasn't expecting… most of that.”
“I'm so-”
“Do not fucking apologise,” you demanded, pointing a stern finger at him as he pulled himself together.
“Next time you bring flowers home, I'm going to be expecting that as a follow up,” you laughed, letting him help you off the floor and release you from your constraints.
“So,” he said, playing with the cuffs as he gave you an awkward, straight smile. “Bondage, huh?”
You burst into laughter as you grabbed him by the tie and pulled him all the way to the bathroom.
“By the way,” you said, beginning to strip yourself off, distracted only by your attempts to strip him off as well. “You're cleaning the kitchen after we're done.”
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mourn-and-watch · 1 day
so if solas sees himself in the inquisitor because of how they were made a leader, a prophet and a symbol by people who followed them, just as fen'harel had been made a leader and a saviour for by the freed elven slaves, will he see himself in rook because they're left alone against the threat they can't possibly defeat without singlehandedly making decisions that will impact the world in unknown ways, just as fen'harel had been left alone against evanuris with no other option but to create the veil
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lee-laurent · 22 hours
Done Trying - Luke Hughes
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Summary: In which Luke falls for a girl who always seems to be hanging around the Devils, the issue she has a toddler with one of his teammates
There will be more parts!! Next part is the backstory of John and Tori! Part after that is a continuation of this part! Hope you guys enjoy!
content: unplanned pregnancy, fluff, angst, children (is that a warning??), past relationships, self confidence and body image issues, money struggles, oc x ex!john marino (this is throughout the story, but this is a luke fic!! she ends up with luke!!)
WC: 4.8k
notes: this idea came to me the other night while i was watching tiktoks lol, but i thought it would a fun fic to write. the poll i put out showed a pretty clear leader the whole time, but if you guys are interested in me doing any of the other pairings in the poll just let me know!! before writing this i have a feeling it's gonna be a long fic so enjoy!!
Luke Hughes was walking down the street to the cafe that Jack had recommended. He still didn't know many places in Newark, seeing as it was his rookie season, but his brother had been a huge help... for the most part. Jack had told him about his coffee shop that was usually pretty quiet, so he wouldn't have to worry about fans coming up to him. And it had become his safe haven over the last two weeks.
Victoria Wilson was also walking down the street in the direction of the cafe, but she wasn't alone. Her newly turned two-year-old was toddling besides her, having refused to get in his stroller when they were leaving their apartment. "No" was his favourite word at the moment and Tori thought it might drive her crazy. She was dropping him off at his dad's in a couple hours, so she decided that grabbing him a bagel and some juice for breakfast sounded like a great way to get out of the house.
"Riley! Stop!" she screeched, watching as her son started to run down the sidewalk in the direction of a tall boy, looking at his phone. She didn't reach him in time though, the little boy wrapping his arms around the man's legs.
"What the hell?" Luke muttered, staring down at the toddler gripping his leg.
"I am so sorry! He's really big into hugging right now. We're working on learning who we shouldn't hug," Tori rambled, attempting to pull Riley off the man.
"It's fine. Really. No worries. Come on, little dude. Go back with your sister," Luke smiled, making the girl blush.
"I- I'm his mom, but I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled, finally prying Riley away and picking him up. He squirmed her arms, screaming "no" like it was mantra.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed," Luke rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's all good. Let me buy you a coffee. Again, I'm so sorry. Terrible twos," she sighed, reaching into her purse for a pacifier. "Here bubba. Let's go get breakfast."
Riley finally calmed down, happily putting the pacifier in his mouth. Tori had been trying her best to ween him off his "binky" but his dad wasn't, so it wasn't really working all that well.
"You don't have to do that. He's just a kid."
"Please, I'd really like to," she smiled. Luke nodded, opening the door for the woman and her son.
Tori ordered a coffee for herself and Luke, as well as a bagel and apple juice for Riley. They sat at a small table, Riley on her lap and Luke across from her.
"I'm Tori, by the way. And this little devil is Riley."
"It's nice to meet you," Luke grinned, "I'm Luke."
"So, how long have you lived in Jersey?" she smiled, breaking off a bit of bagel for Riley. He had a habit of trying to shove things in his mouth and gagging every time. So Tori always broke his food up into little pieces.
"A month now. I, um, just moved here for my new job."
"That's exciting," she grinned, handing Riley more food.
"What about you?"
"We moved here two years ago. Riley's dad moves a lot for work and I like to be in the same city as him so they can spend time together."
Luke nodded. So she was single. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't admiring her. She was stunning. Pale skin covered in freckles, ginger hair that she'd curled into waves, and the prettiest blue eyes he'd ever seen. She giggled as Riley dropped bagel all over his shirt, attempting to wipe it away as best as a toddler could.
"You said Riley's two?"
"Yes! He just turned two in August!"
"My mom always said that's the hardest age," Luke tried his best to relate to the girl in front of him.
"Ha! She's right. He really likes saying 'no' right now. It's impossible to get him to do anything except play mini sticks."
Luke choked on his coffee, "As in hockey?"
"Oh, yeah. He, uh, we're big hockey fans in my house."
"No. No offence if you're a Devils fan. But we're proud Penguins fans. Right, Riley?"
"Pen-guin," he giggled, clapping his cream cheese covered hands together.
"That's cool," he nodded, checking his phone. Jack had texted asking if he'd died on the way to get coffee. "I, um, it was really nice meeting you, but my brother's getting worried about me. I should go."
"No worries! It was lovely meeting you too. Say 'bye-bye', Riley."
"Bye, Riley. Um, I was wondering if I could get your number. We could do this again some time? It's totally fine if not. I just-"
"Of course, Luke. Here," she chuckled, taking his phone from him. Luke walked out of the coffee shop with a smile.
It was the first Family Skate of the season and Luke was happily yapping away with Jack and Nico, seeing as they were all single. Luke had been texting nonstop with Tori for the last two weeks, she was really busy taking care of Riley so they hadn't met up again yet. He had found out she was 24, from Pittsburgh, and had a degree in journalism. He hadn't told her what he did for a living, just saying athletics which she assumed meant personal training. He was laughing at a joke that his brother had made when a flash of red hair caught his eye.
He did a double take. Standing at the bench was Tori, holding an extremely excited looking Riley on her hip, tiny skates on his feet. They were both dressed in Devils jerseys. Tori pointed at someone on the ice and Riley clapped happily. John Marino skated over, grabbing Tori's hand to guide her onto the ice. Maybe she wasn't single like he assumed.
"What're you looking at, Rusty?" Jack knocked his shoulder.
"Huh? Nothing."
"Come on, let's go see Curtis."
Luke followed his brother, keeping an eye on John and the girl now holding his hand. It hurt a little, he really thought they were connecting. And she hadn't mentioned a boyfriend at all.
Tori had yet to notice Luke, smiling widely watching her son and his father interact. Even if she and John had broken up, they still held a mutual respect for each other, maybe even still loved one another.
"Do you like his jersey?" she asked, showing John the '6 Marino' on the back of their son's shirt.
"Wow! You look just like Daddy, bubba!"
"'Ike Dada!" Riley smiled.
"My mom got it for him for his birthday. He was really excited to show you."
"Well, I think it's awesome. Tell your mom 'thank you.'"
"Of course. I-" she stopped. Her eyes locked with a familiar pair across the ice. Luke? She furrowed her brow, handing the toddler over to his dad. "Here. Practice skating with him. I, uh, need to talk to someone."
"Oh, sure! Everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just fine," she mustered a smile as he pressed a kiss to her temple, skating off with Riley.
"Luke?" she approached him, a confused look on her face. Jack and Nico looked at each other before skating off to see John and Riley.
"Hi, Tori. I, uh, I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah. Me neither. You play for the Devils?"
"Um... yeah? It's my rookie season. I just- I didn't want you to like only want to talk to me cause I play in the NHL."
"I gave you those vibes?" she sassed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, no. That's not- You don't. I, uh, what're you doing here? I thought you were... single."
"I am. I would've stopped talking to you if I wasn't. Riley's dad also plays for the Devils."
Then it all fell into place for Luke. Moving from Pittsburgh, being Penguins fans, Riley's dad moving around for work, her being here.
"Yes. John invited us. I thought it would be fun for Riley."
"I'm sorry. I- I should've told you. Are- is this too weird now?"
"'This?' There isn't really a 'this' yet, Luke. We just met and I have a kid. But if you're asking if I'm going to stop talking to you. Then no. This isn't weird for me."
"Do you- d'you think John will be upset?"
"John? No. He just wants whatever is best for Riley. We broke up over a year ago."
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to pry. I-"
"Luke, it's fine. It was nice seeing you, but I should get back to my family."
"Right. See ya, Tori," Luke smiled, ignoring the pain in his chest at her words. John was her family. How was he supposed to beat that?
"You know Luke?" John asked as his ex-girlfriend skated up next to him.
"You remember that guy I met that Riley hugged?"
"The one from the coffee shop? Yeah, you said- oh my god! Was it Luke?"
"Yep," she popped the 'p' at the end of the word, "He didn't tell me he played hockey."
"Are you gonna cut things off?"
"There isn't really a 'thing' to cut off. We just text."
"Right. Well, don't let it stress you out."
"I won't. Don't worry. Anyway, how's Riley doing at skating?"
"Like a newborn deer. But he loves it, so..."
"Are you gonna be just like Dada?" she cooed, kissing her son's chubby cheek.
"'Ike Dada!"
"Yes! Just like Dada!"
Riley joined John in the locker room after, seeing as he was spending the night at his instead of going home with his mom. He sat in John's stall, kicking his feet back and forth. John had changed him into some tennis shoes instead of his skates.
"Hey, Riley!" Nico smiled, raising his hand over a high five.
"Yes sir! That's gonna be you some day, huh?"
Nico ruffled the boy's dark curls, walking back over to his stall. Jack also came over to see the little boy, but turned his attention to John after.
"Did ya know that Tori and Luke know each other?" he frowned.
"Huh? No, Tori told me today. Why?"
"Luke had been talking about this girl he met a couple weeks ago, had no idea it was Tori. I would've told him to back off."
"Back off? Tori and I aren't getting back together. That ship has long sailed."
"Really? I thought you still... loved her?"
"Of course I do. She's the mother of my child and for that I'll always love her. But she's made it very clear that we didn't work as more than friends. If she wants to see other people, I'm not going to stop her."
"Even if it's your own teammate?"
"Luke is the only guy on this team I'd let date my ex. Trust me."
"Damn. Maybe I was gonna shoot my shot."
"She'd reject you before you could even say hi," John smirked.
"Hungy! Hungy!" Riley chanted, pulling at John's sleeve.
"Okay, bud. One second, Jack," John reached into his backpack, pulling out a pouch and opening it for Riley. "There you go, bud. Eat slowly."
"Anyway, Tori wouldn't be interested in you. She only likes guys with curly hair."
"Yes, really. We were together for four years. I know what her type is," he rolled his eyes. "Are we done here? I'd like to take my baby home."
Jack nodded, sulking back over to his stall.
"So... how're things with that Luke boy going?" Tori's best friend, Allison, asked. The two girls were sat on the sofa, an almost empty bottle of red wine in front of them, some horrible reality tv show on in the background.
"About that..."
"Oh no! Did he end up being a dick?"
"No, no. Nothing like that. He, um, he's teammates with John."
"He's what?! You're kidding me!"
"Nope. Saw him at family skate today."
"I thought you said he was an athletic trainer."
"He told me he did athletics. I just assumed he did like training for something. But nope, he's a rookie for the Devils."
"That's insane! Are you cutting him off? I thought you'd sworn off hockey players."
"Victoria Jane Wilson! Do NOT tell me you're thinking about getting with this guy!"
"I... I'm not sure. He's really cute, Ally. Like the cutest guy I've seen in a while."
"Cuter than John?"
"Not sure anyone is cuter than John. My son is his carbon copy and he's the cutest ever."
"Speaking of Riley, do you think this Luke kid is ready to deal with a child in addition to you? He's how old? 20?"
"I know... I love Riley, but he's definitely made my dating pool smaller."
"Well, you'll have no way of knowing until you ask him on a date."
"You were just saying no more hockey boys! Make up your mind, Ally!"
"I know... but you haven't been on a date in like what..."
"Seven months."
"Seven months?! Text him right now!"
"Right now?"
"Right now!"
Maybe it was the copious amounts of wine that she'd consumed or the fact that she hadn't been on a date in seven months, but she reached for her phone and typed out a message.
I was wondering if you'd like to go on a proper date some time? Without any children with us
"Yay!!! This calls for more wine!"
The girls clinked their glasses together, giggling as they drank more.
Hey, Tori. I'd love that! Is Riley with John tomorrow? I'm free after 5.
"Oh my God! He said yes!!!"
"I knew he would, girl! You're stunning."
"Don't give me that shit about your 'Mummy Tummy.' You carried a baby for 9 months of course you aren't going to look exactly the same as you did before. But trust me, you look fucking stunning. Now text him back!"
Ally was over for the second night in a row, except this time it wasn't girls' night. She was helping Tori get ready for her first date in almost a year.
"You have to wear something lowcut! Show off the goods," Ally smiled, pretending to squeeze some boobs in the air.
"They're not that impressive," Tori rolled her eyes, flicking through her shirts.
"Girl! Be confident! If I had tits like yours, I'd walk around in nothing but a bra!"
"Ally! Don't be crass!"
"What? Just telling the truth! We both know that Riley exists cause John loved your curves a little too much."
"Allison!" Tori gasped, although it was a tad bit dirty, she couldn't help but giggle. She pulled a white, flowy tank top out of her closet, holding it up to her body. "Thoughts?"
"That's the one! You'll look irresistible. Now! Let me do your makeup!" Ally clapped.
Tori did a once over in the mirror, smiling brightly. She wasn't usually very confident in her body, and that only got worse after having Riley. A ring filled the apartment as someone pressed her buzzer in the lobby. She pressed on the intercom button, "Come up!"
"I'll be here the whole time. Call if you need rescuing and I want all the details when you get back!" Ally smiled, plopping down on Tori's bed.
Luke rasied his fist, knocking on the wooden door. Tori wiped her hands on her jeans one last time, opening the door to reveal the boy. He was wearing a polo shirt that showed off his arms in the best way and a pair of khaki pants. It looked like he had attempted to tame his curls, but they just looked like they always did but wet.
"Wow, you... you look so pretty, Tori," he stuttered.
"Thank you. You also look really cute," she blushed. "Let me just grab my purse and then we can go. Come in."
Luke entered the apartment, taking in the decor. There was a small table in the corner covered in art supplies and a basket of toys next to it. On the sofa was a stuffed Winnie the Pooh and lots of plastic farm animals. Hanging on the wall was a colourful scribble with Riley's name printed at the bottom. It was clear to him that Riley was the most important thing in her life.
"Sorry, it's a bit messy. I usually clean when he's at John's, but I was... kinda nervous about tonight and forgot."
"You've got no reason to be nervous. I promise," Luke smiled.
God, his smile was cute. It was crooked, almost like a smirk and she wanted to see it every second of every day for the rest of her life.
"Shall we?"
"We shall."
The walk to the restaurant was full of jokes and laughs. Conversation between the two flowed so easily.
"You're joking! There's no way!"
"I'm not! He ripped Quinn's braces out!"
"That's insane!"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"No, no, I don't. Only child."
"How's that?"
"It was a bit lonely when I was a kid. But now I've got Riley so it's impossible to feel lonely."
They sat at a table, deciding to share a very large plate of seafood pasta.
"This is kind of a personal question, so you don't have to answer. But did you always want to be a mom?"
"That's not too personal, in my opinion. But yeah. When I found out I was pregnant though, I was really unsure. I was 22 and wanted to do so much more in my life first. But I can do most of those things even with Riley. And if I can't, John is there to watch him for me."
"That's a good way of looking at things. I, uh, I've never dated anyone with a kid."
Tori giggled, "I'm not surprised, Luke. But I'm not asking you to stay around if you don't want to."
They quickly moved on from talking about Riley, talking about their childhoods, favourite movies, and favourite foods.
"Secretariat? The horse movie?" she laughed.
"Don't laugh! It's a good movie!"
"I've never seen it."
"Well, I know what our next date is going to be," Luke's eyes widened as his brain caught up with his mouth, "If- If you want to go on another date. I, uh, I get if you don't want to. No pressure."
"Luke, I'd love to watch Secretariat with you," she smiled, reaching across the table to hold his hand. She ran her thumb over his knuckles, giving him a reassuring smile.
"I, uh, I'm free tomorrow. If that's not too soon."
"That should work. I just have to pick up Riley at 5, so it'll have to be in the afternoon."
"I'll make sure I'm up then."
"It's okay. I also sleep in on days Riley is with John."
Luke walked Tori up to her apartment, not wanting their night to end. They stood awkwardly in the doorway, looking at each other.
"I had a really good night," she smiled, looking down at her shoes.
"M- Me too. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Can... Can I kiss you?"
"I don't normally kiss on the first date," she smirked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"I'll make an exception for you."
Tori pushed herself up on her tip-toes, leaning in until their noses brushed. She let Luke take the final step, softly pressing their lips together. His were a bit chapped, but she didn't mind. Maybe her lip balm would rub off and help him out. They smiled, breaking the kiss.
"See you tomorrow," she waved goodbye, closing the door as he walked down the hall to the elevator.
"How was it?!" Ally screeched. Tori jumped, holding her hand to her chest.
"Holy shit! I forgot you were here!"
"Okay? How was it?!"
"So good! He's coming over tomorrow. Oh Lord, I have to clean!"
"He's coming over?! You're getting laid?!"
"No, God. Ally, it's our second date. I'm not sleeping with him."
"Why not?! When was the last time you had sex?"
"When did you and John sleep together?"
"Two months ago."
"I still can't believe you did that."
"He looked really hot playing with Riley. And we both hadn't slept with anyone in months. It was just... a mutual release."
Ally shook her head, "Whatever. Two months. You need some dick. And not your ex's."
"Why not? John's-"
"I don't want to hear about John's dick, Victoria."
"Your favourite person ever wouldn't exist without it," she shrugged.
"Riley's the only good thing that came from John. Anywho..."
"We're not sleeping together tomorrow. We're watching his favourite movie."
"Aww! That's so sweet! Look at you!! Finally moving on from Johnny Boy."
"I've been moved on for a while. I'm not sure the same can be said for him."
"He'll figure it out when he sees how happy you are with Luke!"
Tori giggled, "Time to clean up."
"I'll help... if we open a bottle of wine."
Tori was so nervous that she'd refolded the blanket on the back of the sofa at least six times now. She didn't really have company over except Ally and John. She wanted her apartment to look the best it ever had. All of Riley's toys were back in his toy bin and his room, she'd even cleaned the kitchen counter in case Luke went in there for something.
The intercom buzzed and Luke's voice broke through, "It's Luke. Hughes. Luke Hughes. Except I don't think you're expecting another Luke. But, I'm here."
Tori laughed, pressing the button to let him up. Less than a minute later there was a knock at her door. She took a deep breath, swining it open and smiling widely. Luke was in a Devils hoodie and some track pants. Luckily, she was dressed similarly.
"Welcome! I set up the living room for us."
"Perfect," Luke entered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Tori sat on the sofa, Luke boldly sitting right next to her. Their thighs were touching and he had his arm stretched over the back of the leather sofa.
She couldn't help but admire his thighs. That was one thing she loved about hockey boys. Their thighs. It was probably her favourite feature when looking for a guy.
She clicked on Disney+, the app immediately playing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
"Shit, sorry. Guess that's the last thing we were watching on here."
Luke just laughed, scooting closer to her (if that was possible). She relaxed, cuddling into his side. The movie started and Luke smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to her nose. She blushed, leaning up and connecting their lips in an actual kiss.
"No more kissing. You're going to distract me from the movie," Tori sassed, playfully pushing his face as he went in for another one.
"Fine," he pouted, turning his attention to the movie.
By the time the movie had ended, Tori was practically wrapped around Luke. A loud yawn escaped her.
"Was it that boring? That's my favourite movie we're talking about, Victoria," he feigned anger.
"It was sad. But I liked it. I need a nap though."
"Oh, I can go."
"No, come on. Your comfy," she grabbed his hand, leading him to her bedroom. Luke lay down next to her, allowing her to cuddle into his side, an arm thrown over his chest. She fell asleep almost immediately. He wasn't surprised though. He understood that Riley had been having a sleep regression and it was exhausting for John and Tori. He turned to look at the picture on her bedside table. It was her, Riley, and John at a beach. It looked recent, like it had just been taken over the off season. Tori was holding on of Riley's hands and John was holding the other. They looked like a happy, functional family. And it made Luke's brain run a mile a minute. How come her relationship with John hadn't worked out? Maybe she didn't commitment. Maybe she didn't want something serious. Maybe- A snore cut off his thoughts and he looked down at the sleeping figure in his arms. Why was he worried? She seemed happy. He just needed to not overthink it. Easier said than done.
Luke woke her up at 4:30, shaking her shoulder slightly. She slowly sat up, patting down her messy hair.
"What's up?" she mumbled.
"It's 4:30. I should probably go before John and Riley get here. I don't want to confuse anyone."
"Oh... okay. I, uh, sorry I fell asleep. I haven't had a full night of sleep in what feels like ages."
"You're fine, Tori. You coming to the game on Tuesday?"
"Yeah. I try to bring Riley to most home games. We just never stay long. He gets restless."
"See you then," he kissed her one last time.
"Mama!" Riley ran into Tori's arms.
"Hi, baby! Did you have fun at Dada's?"
"Yes! We 'ockey!"
"You played hockey! That's so fun! Let's get you some dinner!"
Tori smiled, standing up to talk to John.
"How was he?"
"You weren't kidding about the sleep. Couldn't get him down until 11 last night. And he was up at 3 and 5."
"Yeah, it's Hell. Did he stay in his cot?"
"Last night he slept in my bed. Night before he slept in his cot until 4."
"Did you use a pacifier?"
"I'm working on not. I know you said you want him to give it up. He used it last night because I could not calm him."
"That's fine. We're coming to the game Tuesday. Can't promise we'll stay after the first period though."
"All good. You wanna stay for dinner?"
"Nah, I'm going to Jack's. See you at the game."
"See you at the game."
John pressed a kiss to her hair, "Come say goodbye to Dada, Riley!"
"Buh-bye, Dada! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too!"
Once the door was closed and locked for the night, Tori put Riley in his booster seat.
"How about mac and cheese?"
"Let's do it! We're going to go see Dada play hockey in two days! Are you excited?"
"I 'uv 'ockey!"
"I know you do, baby! Mac and cheese time!"
Tori was exhausted Tuesday night as she entered the arena. Riley hadn't slept the last time night for more than 4 hours and was throwing tantrums all day because he was tired. He cried and cried for his dad. Tori eventually had to call John and have him come calm down Riley while she showered. She was on the brink of crying all day Tuesday and the stress of being at the game wasn't helping. But she'd promised John that Riley would be there at least for a little bit. She was chasing him around the family suite, trying to tire the little boy out. He'd started playing with some of the other kids and she finally had a moment to herself.
"Girl, you need a vacation," Reanne sighed, rubbing her friend's back.
"You're telling me. He's been so poorly behaved recently. I just... I'm considering have John move in until he gets over his sleep regression."
"Really?" Nicole gasped, "Are you sure?"
"I'm not sure what my other options are. Call my mom to come. But she hates flying. I'd ask John's parents, but they don't love me since the break up."
"We've been on two dates! And he's a rookie. He needs his sleep."
"A nanny?"
"I have no money, girl. Child support is a saving grace at the moment."
"I'm sure John would-"
"I'm not asking my ex for money."
"Are you still working for that online newspaper?"
"Yeah, but the pay isn't the best ever. It works for us, but I can't afford a nanny."
"Well, if you need moral support when you talk to John about it, we're all here," one of the other wives smiled kindly.
After the game, John came over for a bit. Tori had texted him and asked for him to come so they could talk. So, now they were tensely sitting at the kitchen table.
"What's up, Tori?"
"I- I need to ask you something."
"I, um, I need you to move back in for a bit. This... this isn't me asking to get back together. Please don't take it that way. I- I'm seeing Luke now. But Riley has been a lot to handle on my own right now. And I really need help."
"I- I could pay for a nanny. Or-"
"John. I'm asking you as his father not as my ex-boyfriend."
"Right. Um, yeah. I can do that. For how long?"
"Until he's over this sleep regression. We need to tag team it right now. It's too much for one person."
"Let me go to my place and grab some stuff. I'll be back in an hour. Can you set up the sofa for me?"
"Why? You can sleep in my room. It's closer to Riley's."
"Because we're not together?"
"John, I'm not uncomfortable if you aren't. Your the father of my child. It's not weird for me."
"Then it's fine with me. See you in an hour."
God, she hoped this didn't backfire.
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st-danger · 24 hours
I have a request: a hookup that keeps getting interrupted. They're trying to fuck and someone interrupts with urgent business and damnit, it'll have to wait. A quick handjob before mass but ahh fuck they're supposed to do something for Papa and it'll have to wait. Until they finally get a minute alone and just end up grinding against each other for a second before one of them comes in their pants. Nice and quick and unexpected. And then the other get pressed against the wall and a hand on his dick through his pants until he's coming too. Pairing of your choice but you know what I like better than anyone xx
The first time they're interrupted four hours earlier, it's by an exceptionally flustered Nihil who, apparently, spends more time in the library than either of them thought, it was funny even through the mild frustration. A bit disappointing, of course, but they both have to agree that the look on his face was undoubtedly worth it. Nihil, or rather his ghost, calls after them, whining about wanting to watch. That part isn't as funny and Dew miming retching over the thought? Aether would agree.
"He's dead," Dew mutters as they stride out of the library with haste. "How the fuck is he horny."
"Not to worry. I'm sure you'll be a pervert when you're dead, too."
"That's actually really nice," Dew says. "Knowing you believe in me." Aether places a small kiss to the top of his hair and sighs heavily.
"C'mon," he says. "Make it up to you later."
Later, as established, is four hours later, having blown through the list of daily tasks as fast as inhumanely possible. A quick nod from Aether is all it takes, and while they don't exactly run (a purposeful speedwalk, he'd say), they still manage to almost knock over a Sibling going round a corner. Aether apologizes, Dew does not.
He has him against the door the moment it's shut, shoving him into it, Dew's back hitting the wood with a thud. Hands much more careful that they were a brief moment ago come up to hold Dew's face, cradle it and hold it still so he can duck his head and lick into his mouth. Dew has fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him in close. Preventing him from leaving.
"Can I have your mouth?" Aether breathes against his neck, peppering it with sucking kisses, a line that begins underneath his jaw and ends under his ear so he can scrape his teeth against the lobe. "Been thinking about it. Would you? Please?"
"'course," Dew nods, hands flying to the snap on Aether's trousers, unbuttoning and shoving the zipper down before wriggling out of his grasp enough to drop to his knees and violently tug both the waistband of the jeans and underwear down to pool at Aether's feet. He's not even hard yet. Plump, sure, but like this, Dew can take the entirety of him into his mouth. He does so now, no preamble, no looking him in the face while he slaps the head against his tongue. Sucks him all in at once and swirls his tongue, massaging as he feels Aether start to fill out for real, and when he's hard enough Dew can't keep his nose pressed into the nest of soft curls at the base, he pulls off with a pop, jerks him so he can tilt his head and kiss on his balls. Aether pets his hair, head back, enjoying.
"Don't think you're gonna finish in my mouth," Dew warns. "Inside or not at all." He still sucks until the meat of his thighs are trembling, until he has to pull his own cock out because it's too uncomfortable to keep it straining against his pants.
When Aether finally gets him on his hands and knees, slides a lube drenched finger inside him in one slick glide, the only sound Dew can give is one of relief, a pleased exhalation into blankets. In, out. Petting. Searching. Curling until he earns a low grown.
"That it?" he asks. Like he doesn't know. Normally Dew would have a snippy remark towards a question like that, but it's a sign of just how much he wants more that he says nothing save for another moan and a nod of his head.
"Hurry," Dew urges, "and I'll let you put a plug in after."
Aether isn't weak, per se, but the idea that he has any control left after being told Dew is wanting and willing to keep his cum inside after is a joke. One, two, and then three drilling in and out while the heavy strokes against a special spot force Dew's cock to drool out pre onto the bed sheets. He's just slicking himself up when a cruel thing happens.
The second interruption is so far from funny.
Someone knocks on the door like they're trying to break it down, and they both startle, Aether jumping more than Dew only because he's sitting up and not face down ass up, presenting his hole to be used thoroughly and well.
"What?" Aether growls, rubbing the wet head of his cock against Dew's rim.
"Imperator wanted me to come find you," comes Rain's muffled voice, urgent and uncomfortable as he'd clearly been the target of her ire. "Mass started fifteen minutes ago and Copia-"
"Fuck," Dew mutters, shoving himself away with great difficulty. "This was- fuck, he's making an announcement, we were told-"
"Not to miss," Aether says, his excitement deflating and quickly being replaced with a mild panic.
"Yeah, the thing she told us not to miss." Dew grabs one of Aether's used shirts from the floor and starts cleaning himself up before he can protest the abuse of clothing.
"Hurry up," Rain urges. "She's not happy."
"Neither am I," Aether says, and chokes on his tongue when he sees Dew snatch the plug from the bedside table and pushes it inside himself.
They both have to tuck their cocks under the waistband of their pants in a pathetic attempt to be inconspicuous, both hoping that if they rush to the chapel, enough blood will divert by the time they sneak in, carefully avoiding Imperator's judgemental gaze. Dew squirms and Aether can't think about the reason for why that is too much or he'll not be able to stand and leave when all is said and done without embarrassing himself.
It's an easy choice to skip dinner. They'll sneak into the kitchens later to forage for something, pilfer whatever they find if a Sibling isn't around to provide them with something. Aether can live with a rumbling stomach; he cannot, however, live with aching for Dew like this. They don't even make it back to their common room. Dew decides a dusty old room is good enough. The filing cabinets and boxes of papers don't deserve to witness what they're both desperate to make happen, but as they aren't animate, they aren't about to complain.
Still, they really don't deserve it.
It's dark. No windows, no lightswitch that they have the patience or peace of mind to search for, and Dew stumbles over a pile of ill-placed black instrument cables, falls forward and hisses in pain when his knees cushion the fall.
'"Fuckin- what the hell," he bites out, turning over to rub his kneecaps. "Who left that there?" Aether says nothing and decides it's easier to simply join him on the floor. "Not how I planned to bruise my knees, so you know," Dew continues. If there was enough light, Aether would be able to take in the scowl in glorious technicolour. For right now though, he uses his imagination. Certainly he's seen it enough in the past to recall an accurate depiction. Their noses bump together in the dark finding each other's lips, and Dew shoves his hand against Aether's crotch immediately, groping. More of a demand; nobody is as skilled as Dew at making Aether feel like he has and is owed free reign over his body. He's more than okay with that. It has never stopped being a thrill.
"Get it hard," Aether breathes between lewd strokes of Dew's tongue against his own. "Squeeze it."
Dew can be an awfully good listener when the situation requires it. He gropes and fondles and rubs in the neediest way, groaning when Aether sneaks a hand up Dew's shirt to tweak sensitive nipples. It comes as no surprise that Aether fattens up quickly, Dew stroking up and down the length where it's pressed against the material. The harder and faster clever fingers toy with rings, the more insistent the groping becomes, Aether's hips hitching forward into it. He knows his face and neck must be flushed. He feels overwarm, but abandoning pleasuring Dew's chest to peel off his shirt feels unfair. He aches, throbbing under a palm so warm he can feel it through his pants. Dew is just so insistent, so-
"Slow down," Aether whispers between kisses.
"No," Dew responds, gripping harder, stroking him without a care to his protest.
It feels good. Almost unfortunately, too good. Aether is keenly aware of the fact Dew still has a plug in his ass, and that the way he squirms is to allow for more stimulation. He makes devastating sounds with every tweak on his nipples, and he knows just how to fondle his thick cock to make him insane. He's increasingly aware of the way he's tingling, the way his balls feel so full as his sack gets tight.
"Dew, seriously," he says, much more urgently as the realization of how close he is so fast smacks him in the face. Dew's only response is to kiss him deeper and Aether begins to tremble, desperate for breaths in between sloppy kisses. "One second, love, please-"
Dew focuses on the head, squeezing and stroking and that's- that's a terrible thing. What happens next is worse:
"Get inside me and you can watch it drip out later," Dew breathes.
"Oh, no, Dew, oh no, oh-"
His eyes roll and his hips twitch as the comment proves to be too much after the misery of the day. There's a quick moment where his stomach twists, a small speck of suspension, and then he throbs hard and-
Aether whimpers pathetically as his cock flexes in Dew's hand and spits out everything he has to give in his pants.
"Fuck," Dew panics, but to his credit gropes him through it. "No, fuck, you weren't- unholy shit, why-"
Aether shudders, and is acutely aware of the wet spot soaking in and spreading, face burning with the embarrassment and each wave of pleasure, twitching under Dew's fingers.
"I'll make it up to you," he grits out, and Dew's breathing, harsh to his ears, intensifies when he gets his faculties back and presses Dew back onto the dusty floor and fights the urge to unglamour enough to draw sharp claws over the jeans to tear them off.
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jumbojazzcats93 · 2 days
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Should've been a Cowboy - Soap
Summary - Cowboy Johnny has a penchant for keeping a woman on her toes.
Tags/Warnings - Should've been a Cowboy by Toby Keith, MDNI 18+, smut, cussing, drinking, biting, anxiety, religious values, old fashioned mindsets, part 1 of ????
@glossysoap @lordlydragon @grizzersmamma @ivymarquis @gremlingottoosilly @quietlyignoringyou @violet-phantoms @ghastlybirdie Banners by @/saradika-graphics
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A woman living alone in the prairie was a risk. Bandits or crude cowboys could come along whenever they wanted and wreak havoc on your little homestead. By the grace of God, it never happened, but the threat was always there.
Your livestock guardian dogs would alert if any uninvited guests appeared, but the nights were always relatively uneventful. Stray coyotes came to test the worth of your dogs, but you'd never been given instance to doubt their abilities. It's why you jumped sky high, 2 steps out onto your front porch when you went out for your morning chores on the farm. A large body laid limp in your rocking chair; boots still on and hat drawn down over his eyes. Your 2, apparently worthless, dogs were laying next to the man's feet, sheepishly wagging at the sight of you.
You snatched the towel from your belt and began whipping at him with it. "Johnny MacTavish! How dare you sleep on my porch!" Johnny flings himself from the chair, stumbling to the ground. Your towel finds him over and over, "Stop, Lass! Please, I'm sorry!" His hand finally grabs a hold of the towel, "I didn't wanna wake ya up last night!" You stare at him on the ground as you both held tightly onto the towel... before releasing it and letting him fall back. Hands on your hips, you looked down at him, "You scared me!" He slowly sat up with a sheepish smile and you sighed, fighting against your own smile with pursed lips. "Come on inside and get cleaned up, then." Snatching your towel back from him and turning to the door, you glanced back at him still sprawled on your porch as you headed back inside.
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One bath later and you're cleaning up your kitchen while Johnny's sat at your dining table scarfing down the fresh breakfast you'd made him. You'd zoned out; staring out the window at the extra horse that now grazed in your pasture. "I missed you, dearie." Warm breath whispered against your neck, jolting you out of your daze. His strong arms slid around your waist in a soothing effort. "It's been so long... what were you doing?", you questioned. Johnny squeezes his arms and presses his face into the crook of your neck, "Well... I won't taint your lovely mind with such gritty tales." You hummed absently. "Dont fret, bonnie girl... You know I always come back."
That he did... but he would never stay long.
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Coming into the parlour room at the end of the day felt odd. Seeing Johnny fast asleep in one of your arm chairs makes you wonder, again, what he had been doing all this time. Normally, he'd never be away longer than a month, but this time you'd been alone for almost 8 months. At first, you'd wait on the porch some nights. By the end of the second month, some nights became every night, and by the end of the fourth month you'd given up on the idea of him coming back. You're not really sure if the things he did were legal, if he had other women. He never went into detail about his exploits, but you always knew it was safer not knowing.
You sit on the arm chair opposite to him with a cup of strong cider. A new and nasty little habit you'd had to hide from the other ladies in your congregation when they came to visit. They'd been wanting so badly for you to marry and had no idea why you'd been so disinterested in all the suitors that had come from town. Your eyes focuse in on Johnny. Watching him sleep put you at ease for the time being. He never wanted anything from you, but that was half the problem. Other men saw something material to gain when they approached you. Your farm and all your property were a great asset after all. Johnny was straightforward. He wanted nothing, but your attention when he was here.
When was the key word. People in town would be scandalized to know of his irregular presence in your home.
Before you knew it your cup was dry. Sighing and briefly clenching the cup in your hands, you stood from your seat. "Johnny...", you called out gently to his sleeping mass. He made no move to wake as you slowly approached. The firelight lit his tan skin in such a complementary way that you let out an appreciative sigh. Shirt slightly unbuttoned, legs spread wide, his body slumped into the chair with his head lolled to the side. "Johnny.", you called louder. A lack of response made you come closer until you stood between his legs. Reaching out, you ran a hand up his chest to his neck where you brushed your thumb across his cheek. His head shifted to rest against your hand and he peeked one eye open. "Coming onto a man while he sleeps is rather uncouth now, dearie." An uncontrollable smile broke out on your face in response.
His hand grabbed yours and slid it to his lips for a kiss while his other hand grabbed the waistline of your skirt to pull you closer. Tired eyes held yours as another kiss was placed against your palm. Your knee rested on the cushion between his thighs; a deep inhale and his eyes fluttering shut were the only indication he had felt your knee pressing against the crotch of his pants. "Come to bed?", you whispered. After a pregnant pause, he dramatically slumps back into the seat, "Carry me." You scoff a laugh and pull yourself free from him. He grabs at you like a phantom. You're just barely out of his immediate reach.
"If you're not upstairs by the time I'm out of my day wear, you'll be locked out for the night." An empty threat that you know he knows, but he gives a dramatic start anyways. "You wouldn't dare.", he counters dramatically. You back up slowly as he rises, both of you wearing playful grins. By the time he's chasing you up the steps, the brightness of his smile has left your relentless worries in the shadows.
The boards of the second floor groan under your hurried and careless steps. Johnny has you cornered in the upstairs hallway within seconds. His eyes are alight with something wild and his canines glint in the candle light as he grins from ear to ear. Your heart is hammering in excitement within your chest. You reach out a hand to touch his chest as he draws nearer. Your fingers brush against his exposed skin as your back thumps against the wall. Eyes meet and he looks feral. You can only imagine what you look like to him with your skin flushed from drink, hair sitting loose after your playful chase. His eyes shift to your hair as he reaches for a loose lock and gently twirls it around his finger, murmuring, "You should know better than to play games with me when I've been away for so long, lass." Johnny slides his finger down your throat, following it with his gaze. You lick your lips and his eyes lock onto the movement.
"You've been rather cold to me all day." He muses and looks up to meet your eyes. "I did miss you.", he reaffirms.
It's almost jarring to be reminded of your unease and uncertainty in this state. The questions about where he'd been and who he'd been with. Were there other women like you? Did he really think of you when he was gone? Why had he been away so long this time?
A warm hand runs firmly from the top of your breast up to your neck until two hands are tilting your head up and your eyes are focusing back in on Johnny. "Don't think about it so much."
"I thought you'd gone home to Scotland... and I'd never see you again."
Your words are quiet. He sighs deep with his thumb brushing your cheek affectionatly as he leans in and kisses you. It's avoidant of him, but it's nothing new... so you let it go. Give in to him knowing it'll just drive him away if you don't.
You let him pick you up and carry you into your bedroom. As he lays you down on your bed, your skirt slides up your legs drawing his attention. Johnny falls to his knees in front of you; taking your leg and throwing it over his shoulder, he laves wet kisses along your inner thigh. Upon reaching the softest part, he bites down making you gasp out. The bite is hard enough to know that the mark left behind will bruise before the night is over. Johnny pulls your underwear down and your heart races. It's another thing the ladies of your congregation would be scandalized by; premarital sex. It was even worse that you had no defined relationship with Johnny. You'd been personally, religiously, and if anyone found out, socially ruined for any other man.
Your arm flew up to cover your face and Johnny chuckled at your embarrassment. His fingers graze your cunt before slowly pressing in. Your face pressing deeper into your arm. It wasn't like you'd never laid with Johnny before, but 8 months was a long time and you'd forgotten the intensity of it all. Suddenly, his fingers are pulling out of you and his tongue licks a fat stripe up your slit before sucking on your clit causing you to jolt forward a bit and squeal. "Eeeaasy, lass." Johnny shushes you as he stands up, undoing his jeans. You watch wide eyed as he pulls his cock out. He reaches out, dragging his fingers along your slit to collect your juices and uses it to wet his cock. "Take a deep breath for me, dearie." A smirk creeps onto his face, "I'm sure you've been waiting for me like a proper little lady."
The feeling when he slides his cock into you is electrifying and it has you letting out a soft, shakey moan. He starts with shallow, gentle thrusts. Taking your legs and wrapping them around his hips, he props one knee on the bed. His hands slide up your thighs until he's gripping your hips. When you look back up at his face, he's watching you. The way you look at him must spark something because he suddenly grabs your thighs and presses them right up to your chest. While it's something he's done before, it's been so long that the sensation is just too overwhelming. You moan loudly, struggling in his hold a bit as he starts to lose that gracious bit of gentleness he'd afforded you. His thrusts are an even pace, but their hard; striking your gspot everytime. In this position you know you won't last very long. You're clenching tightly on his cock, an absolute moaning mess as he fucks you.
Johnny lets go of your thighs and leans forward onto his hands. Still thrusting into you, he reaches one hand to your face, brushing his thumb over your lips. You moan and he slides his fingers into your mouth. The ones previously inside your cunt. You're holding his stare while you suck on his fingers. His mouth hangs open, panting and his shaggy Mohawk sticks to his forehead with sweat. In a defiant move you bite down. Not enough to hurt, but enough to elicit a reaction. His hips buck erratically when you do causing you to moan his name and let his fingers go. His hand is instantly on your jaw forcing you to look at him. "What a brave little lass you are, biting me." His chuckle and aggressive tone strike through your body and make your pussy clench. "Ahh... yeah, love, I knew you liked it a little rough." He reaches his free hand down as he speaks and slaps your clit. "Just took a little while for you to show it."
Your orgasm is building up the more he teases you, all you can do is nod and moan eagerly in agreement, praying he doesn't stop. You grab onto his forearms and look down to watch his cock as he fucks it into you. The way your body reacts must be so familiar to him at this point because he slows down and grinds into you, still playing with your clit as he feels you reach the start of your orgasm. Your pussy spasms wildly as you cum. Your head falls back and your stomach clenches while your loud moans fill the house. Johnny's groaning is drowned out by the blood rushing in your ears as you relax. He's fucking you through your orgasm to desperately reach his own and it doesn't take long. With a whispered, "Fuck." His thrusts become frantic, his panting gets louder until he quickly pulls out and grabs your hand; guiding you to jerk him off. His hand squeezes and guides yours until he's cumming all over your stomach and cunt with a loud moan. His hips buck involuntarily as he overstimulates himself.
Your gentle puffs mix with his heavy pants. You watch his body jolt as you let go of his cock and use your clean hand to reach out to his face. Your hand slides from his cheek to the back of his neck. He's leaning down before you even have to pull him. Leaning up and meeting him in the middle, you share a final heated kiss.
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anistarrose · 2 days
Hey. Psst. Person who comments things like "please update" on unfinished fics. As an AO3 author with a couple of works on indefinite hiatus, I'm gonna teach you the secret to maximize your odds of that author writing more of your beloved story. And it only takes two simple steps! Are you ready?
Stop commenting "please update" and similar things on incomplete fics.
Leave a comment about something you enjoyed in the fic. Anything. If you liked it enough to reread previous chapters, let the author know that too.
Why does this work? Well, if you tell us you liked the fic, we can infer that you would be excited to read more. We can draw that conclusion pretty effortlessly — we're usually fic readers too, so like, we get it.
On the other hand, if you comment just to ask/beg for an update? You are much more likely to leave a bad taste in our mouths. Your comment may be intended to be polite, but it does not exist in a vacuum.
If you're commenting "when will you update I'm desperate" on a fic with a lot of traction, the author has no doubt gotten dozens of similar comments, and is absolutely exhausted by them. But if you're commenting "please please please don't abandon this" on a fic with a tiny audience, that might be one of the only comments the author receives. Do either of those sound pleasant? Being flooded with demands for more content, or to have the only response to your creation be about the fact that it's incomplete, instead of about all the love you clearly put into it?
I can't speak for all authors. But I've had works fall into both these categories, and to me, both suck. I've gotten "update plz" comments while fighting for my life to get through college while chronically ill. I've gotten "I hope you keep writing this" comments from people who didn't even leave kudos, on fics that were explicitly labeled as "bonus scenes" for a separate and stand-alone, fully complete work.
Do I want to shoot a rude reply to any of these comments directly? I'd rather not, because I'm sure at least some of them are trying to express that they liked my writing, no matter how bad of a job they're doing. But the fact stands:
It's not fun, or motivating, or going to draw me back into an old hyperfixation, when the majority of comments I get are appreciating me only for content. That's just isolating. The comments that make me want to come back to old projects are ones that provide a chance for dialogue — even as simple as "I'm so glad you enjoyed!" — and make me feel appreciated as a part of a community.
That's it. Content versus community. Just comment in a way that shapes your interactions with creatives and fan spaces to be more about the latter.
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enchantedbarnes · 19 hours
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Uncle Buck • Part 7
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Word Count: 9.3k
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: Surprise! I hope you enjoy 🤗 I love hearing from all of you, so don't be shy - please spam me with your thoughts. I love gifs and seeing your reactions. 🥰 If you have any ideas for future parts let me know! xo
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"I GOT IT!" You call out while rushing downstairs to answer the door, grabbing your wallet from your purse by the door for the pizza delivery.
Opening the door while still fiddling with getting the money from your wallet, you look up and freeze.
"Fuuucking hell," you clutch your wallet at your chest.
"Heyyy, Aunt Y/n," Sam greets while leaning against the doorway holding a stack of pizzas.
"Cute outfit," Bucky smirks while looking you over. He has two pillows tucked under his arm and a backpack hanging from one shoulder.
It's movie night and you're currently wearing a fluffy hooded cookie monster robe (when you pull the hood up it has his goofy looking googly eyes on top), a blue ribbed tank top, black and blue plaid flannel pajama bottoms, fuzzy slipper socks, and your hair tossed up in two messy buns on top of your head.
"Did you guys decide to get a pizza delivery side hustle going?"
"Walked up at the same time as the delivery kid," Sam answers, nodding his head behind them.
"And what exactly are you doing here, besides stealing our pizzas?" You tilt your head to the side, a questioning glare looking over the both of them.
Bucky holds up a greeting card in his right hand. More specifically Benji's Christmas card. He flips the card open and holds it up to you. You reach out and take the card from him looking it over.
The front of the card says "MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY ANIMALS" with an edited Home Alone poster showing Benji in the middle with Bucky and Sam in the background. This you already knew, but what you didn't realize was the little shit apparently customized the inside of their cards without you knowing.
The inside of the card reads:
You've been cordially invited to:
New Year's Eve Movie Marathon Night
📍 Location: Attic movie space
⏱️ Time: 3pm set up, 4pm movie selection process
Comfy Attire / Pajamas
Bring your own: overnight essentials - pillows and blankets encouraged but probably not necessary
Snacks and Pizza will be provided
[*Mom knows of this, Aunt Y/n does not...please direct any further inquiries to Mom 718-555-0110*]
"I saw you yesterday, you didn't want to bring this up to me??" You glare over at Bucky, holding the card up.
"Oh you did, did you?" Sam looks back and forth between the two of you.
"Must have slipped my mind," Bucky shrugs.
"I'm sure you were both very busy at this mystery meetup," Sam smirks.
"Yes, it was very eventful," you keep a straight face, "My legs are still sore."
"Oh??" His eyebrow raises as his head whips over to you.
"Mmhm, and there was also a lot more oils involved than I expected."
"Go on..."
"Lots of flowers. Candles. Honey. Fruits... Anything I'm missing?" You look over at Bucky.
"The leather. Can't forget that."
"Of course, how could I forget that. Very sturdy leather, indeed."
"Wow, I just knew you two were a couple of freaks." You can see the wheels turning in Sam's head as he processes this information and tries to decide which question to go with next.
"And then there was that sweet old lady that joined us," you're starting to struggle to keep a straight face, but manage to keep it together.
"Mildred was very energetic for 86 years old," Bucky nods. You finally break and start laughing.
"She probably could have gone another 3 or 4 rounds."
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," Sam interrupts, holding his hands up in an X motion. "You lost me. Explain yourselves," he looks back and forth between you, an eyebrow raised.
"We went to the farmer's and craft market, obviously. What were you thinking we were talking about?" You sass.
"Yeah, Samuel. What were you thinking of?" Bucky asks, a smirk appearing on his face now.
Sam scoffs. Nora makes her way downstairs and spots their new guests still standing in the doorway.
"Hey, guys! Welcome! Why are you still in the doorway? Come on in," Nora waves them inside. She greets Sam with a squeeze on his arm as she walks by, "Thanks for grabbing the pizzas! Bring 'em on up with you. Everyone's in the attic - you're just in time. Hey, Bucky!" She grins while greeting him with a quick wave.
Nora quickly disappears into the kitchen. Sam sets the pizza boxes down on the entry table temporarily and wraps you in a bear hug, giving you a lift before he sets you back down to snag the pizzas again while making his way upstairs.
Bucky steps inside and hesitates as he closes the door behind him, "Is this ok with you that we're here? I would have told you but I wasn't sure what repercussions would happen if I was the one to spill the beans. Plus seeing the look on your face when you opened the door..."
You grab one of the pillows from him and playfully whack him with it.
"How dare you," you laugh, "And of course it's ok. You're welcome here any time. The fact you keep willingly coming back to this circus amazes me every time."
Bucky just shakes his head and holds his pinky up to you. Those piercing blue eyes staring right at you with his stupidly handsome face.
You smile as you hook your own pinky around his, reminding you of his promise back in the attic during your last movie night together. "Promise you'll tell us if the crazy gets to be too much?"
Somehow we still haven't scared him away. He's gorgeous but I'm worried he might be a beautiful idiot.
"Happy almost New Year," you smile as you place your hand on the side of his face, the stubble tickling your palm. He smiles down at you in return, "Happy New Year's Eve." He starts to lean in but you're lost in thought for a moment.
"Wait," You blink and Bucky halts his movement, "Did you guys tip the pizza delivery?"
"It was a young kid, he got a picture with Sam and ran off in his excitement after."
"Damn, that's genius." Note to self, remember that for the next time we order delivery.
You kiss his cheek and hand him the pillow back. "Well, I'm pleasantly surprised and glad you're here. Your continued movie education awaits. You first," you gesture up the stairs, "I'm just gonna go help Nora real quick." Bucky stares at you for a moment, an eyebrow raised as he tilts his head.
He goes to question you but you interrupt as you start to back away, "I'll be right up!"
He gives you a face that looks like you just kicked his dog and you suddenly realize in your frazzled state you gave him the brush off. You step closer again and place your hands back on his face.
"Hi, sorry. Starting over," you crank up the excitement, "I'm so happy you're here. Happy almost New Year!" You move his face between your hands back and forth for emphasis.
"Happy New Year's Eve," he repeats his part in amusement.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer into a sweet kiss. Bucky slowly rests his forehead against yours after, his piercing gaze searching yours with a light smile.
"Sorry for the awkward scatter brain. Was just caught off guard."
"S'fine. Don't do it again though," he jokes with you.
"An eight year old wasn't trying to set me up with a stranger for no reason. He's aware I'm a basket case."
"If you think you're a basket case, I don't know what that could possibly mean for me then."
"Well, the remaining roles available are brain, athlete, criminal, and princess. If you don't understand that reference we'll add it to the growing movie list. But I'm voting princess," you quip and kiss his nose quickly before you step away, "See you upstairs, your majesty."
He glares down at you sceptically, but decides not to bother questioning you. He's sure he'll find out at some point. He shakes his head while adjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder and making his way over to the stairs.
You escape into the kitchen in a flash but wait a moment, listening to Bucky's footsteps make it up the stairs before you say anything.
"Nora, how could you?" You try to keep your voice low while you whisper yell at her.
She clearly knew about this and said nothing this whole time.
"I made sure you looked cute today! Come on!"
"Why are you even in here? I don't need your help. Go make out with your handsome future husband."
"I'm moving somewhere tropical and far away from all of you," you mutter as you grab a tote bag off the counter.
"Send postcards! Save a guest suite for us," she blows a kiss at you. "Oh, that also sounds sunny! Make sure Bucky gets your back for you when you need to reapply sunscreen."
You send a middle finger (with love of course) her way as you exit the kitchen.
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Bucky lets out a low whistle when he reaches the attic space, "Wow."
"How does it get cooler every time we come up here? What is this?" Sam waves his arms towards the fully decorated ceiling.
Benji's previous surprise movie set up had been recreated but on a much larger scale.
The couch was set up much the same with it's pillows lined up, sheet canopies hanging over it, and string lights surrounding the area. However Prudence had helped Benji cover the rest of the space to look like the room was basically a giant blanket fort, with sheets draped and hanging from the ceiling from various strings and pins.
The king size and queen size foam mattress toppers that belong both on your bed and Nora's now took up residence on the floor for some padding along with every cushion that could be found and removed in the house, making one large cozy area. Sam tosses his backpack down, flopping onto his stomach on the padded floor next to it, "I'm moving in."
Benji jumps on top of him, "Heck yeah!"
"Hi fellas!" Prudence greets from her spot on an oversized beanbag chair, her boyfriend Monty next to her.
You make your way up the attic stairs with Nora, the large tote full of snacks and candies in your hands.
You hold the tote open to Bucky with a grin when you reach the top of the stairs.
"Are you sharing?" He asks while peering into the bag.
"I suppose," you tease, "Go ahead and pick your poison."
The lights dim as Bucky goes to reach into the bag and "Get Ready For This" by 2 Unlimited starts playing. The recognizable beat pumping through the Bluetooth speakers.
"Ohh, here we go," you sigh but laugh.
The starting line "Y'all ready for this?" announces Theo's presence as he starts pumping his phone in the air while the lights in the room start flashing with the help from Nora flicking the switch off and on rapidly to the music.
Benji groans. "Every time," he grumbles while crawling off of Sam and standing back up.
"Party peopleeeee!" Theo shouts as he reaches the top of the stairs.
Nora turns the lights back on, "Everyone go ahead and pick out your movie choice for tonight. Try not to share your choice yet."
Sam and Benji move to huddle by a large shelf of DVDs.
Sam silently holds up a copy of Sleepless in Seattle to Benji with an eyebrow raised.
Benji's eyes widen as he continues their silent exchange with a violent head shake side to side.
Sam slowly puts the DVD back on the shelf and gestures to locking a key over his mouth and throwing it over his shoulder.
"I knew that line about soulmates, puzzle pieces and cosmic forces sounded familiar," he points an accusing finger at the small agent of mischief.
Benji smirks and flashes his choice so only Sam can see. They both break into a giggle fit and high five.
Meanwhile across the room, you stand next to Bucky, "Do you have any favorites you'd like to pick out? If we don't have the physical copy we can try finding it online and just hold up a photo on my phone."
"Haven't been big on movies these days. I caught part of a movie recently playing on one of the TV's at the bar? Never saw the end, definitely didn't start watching at the beginning either. Just glimpses here and there."
"Do you know what it was? We could find that one if you are interested."
"Never saw the title," he shrugs.
"Oooh, a challenge," you rub your hands together and turn to face him better, "Let's see... Was it real life or animated?" You lean in, face turning serious in concentration.
He laughs lightly under his breath at your switch in demeanor, "Not animated. It was in space? It had people and robots in it."
"Oh hell yeah, okay. Let's see... Was it like a moon landing situation? Or maybe trapped on a planet?"
"Uh.. buncha people with terrible aim. Like, astonishingly bad aim. They were in a garbage compactor that was closing in..?"
"BUCKY, please shut your beautiful mouth right now. Star Wars????"
"That's the movie people always bring up?"
You grab his arm and yank him over to the many movie collections. You pull 'A New Hope' out and hand it to him.
"Yeah, that's the one. The girl with the hair," he holds the cover up to your face to compare side by side. "Yours are cuter," a sweet but devilish smile appears on his face as he references your hair that's up in two buns.
You swat the case away from your face, "Is this what you'd like to pick? You might get some heat for choosing this... Just a fair warning."
He shrugs while tucking the case under his arm.
"Beautiful mouth, huh?" He smiles slyly over at you.
You fix a playful glare at him, "Now is not the time, Barnes. This is serious business."
"Okay!" Nora announces, "For our esteemed guests, welcome. We're glad to have you join us. Everyone please put your choices behind your backs and line up when you're ready."
You all finish grabbing your choices and gather in a line, standing side by side. You pull on Bucky's arm and direct him to stand next to you. Benji grins up at him and tosses his arms around Bucky's waist, giving him an excited hug. Bucky freezes at first and then relaxes, ruffling Benji's hair. Benji lets go and gives his attention back to what's going on in the room.
"Here's the deal," Theo begins, "We each get a turn. When it's your turn you step to the front and present your choice. When you hold the movie up, we like to say a line from the movie for an added razzle dazzle, you don't have to though. The next person goes up and does the same with their movie. We then vote on which one stays and which one goes. The winner stays and the next entry goes up against them. We repeat until the last movie is standing. Got it?"
You all nod and confirm your understanding of the rules.
"Since we're watching more than one movie tonight, how are we deciding follow up winners?" Prudence asks.
"Well I mean, if you insist, I will choo-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Nora cuts Theo off.
"Guests could choose," Prudence suggests.
"What about the youngest? Hellooo?" Benji cuts in, waving his hand.
"We could go by highest rating on IMDb?" Monty adds.
Arguments break out. You roll your eyes and go back to picking out chocolate from your tote. You grab a snickers and inspect the wrapping and then silently offer a piece to Bucky, tapping his arm with the wrapper to grab his attention. He smiles and accepts your offering while you rip into a KitKat and take a bite. "This could be a minute."
Sam nods over to you and holds his hands up in a stance ready to catch. You reach into the tote again and toss over a random candy for him. He catches the orange Reese's and gives you a thumbs up.
"Alright!" Nora interrupts the bickering, "Raffle style? We pull from a hat."
A chorus of fiiiiine's agree and you're all finally ready to continue.
Theo steps up to present his choice first. "Pockets ain't empty, cuz." He proudly slides a copy of 2 Fast 2 Furious out from behind his back.
Nora rolls her eyes. "Another one?! Again? Why the second one?"
Theo puts his hand over his heart, "How could you? You're my wife, my FAMILY."
"Don't you dare say it-"
"You're gonna turn your back on family?"
Nora's palm covers her face.
"This is the fourth time in a row he's chosen a fast and furious movie," you whisper to Sam and Bucky, taking another bite of your candy.
"I heard that," Theo points at you, "and that is a lie. This is my seco-... No wait, it's the third time."
"And you don't choose them in any order. You just pick random ones! Last time we watched one of the more recent ones, now you wanna go back to not the first but the second movie? Make it make sense," Nora argues. They both stick their tongues out at each other.
Prudence skips up next to Theo, "Well this should be an easy choice then." She holds up her choice over her head: Hot Rod. "You look pretty. What did you say? Uh, I said you look shitty. Goodnight, Denise!" She quotes while mimicking the two different voices.
You laugh while pointing towards Prudence, "Cool beans!" You quote back.
The majority votes for Prudence and Theo dejectedly goes to stand to the side, Monty stepping up in his place.
"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting," he kneels while holding up A Knight's Tale over his head, "Come back when you're worthy."
"Dang. Sorry Prue," you join the votes and point over to Monty.
"It's a worthy choice, I understand." She moves to the side and Nora steps in her place.
"D-i-g, what's that spell?" She swings the DVD case for Holes like a shovel, "DIG!"
Theo groans, "I'm tired of this, Grandpa!"
"Well that's too damn bad!" Nora shouts back.
Bucky looks over at you with visible confusion written on his face.
"They're still quoting the movie," you answer for him.
He nods but still seems baffled by this movie selection process. You link your arm around his and pat it in a gesture to show your silent support among the chaos.
Votes stick with A Knight's Tale. It was close though.
"If you forget to come back for Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity," Nora does her best Eartha Kitt impression as she moves aside.
Finally it's your turn. You let go of Bucky's arm and make your way over next to Monty.
"I do a great impression of a hot dog!" You scrunch your shoulders up and neck down, holding up Mrs. Doubtfire.
"HelloooOOooo!" Prudence cheers while voting for you.
"My first day as a woman and I'm already getting hot flashes!" Nora points to you as well.
"It was a run-by fruiting," Benji giggles.
"I'm melting like a snow cone in Phoenix," Sam joins in, Benji giving him a high five.
Bucky's eyebrows scrunch together. Benji tugs on his hand and pulls him down to whisper in his ear.
Standing back up, Bucky clears his throat and answers, "Help is on the way, dear?"
"Yeah!" You all cheer.
Bucky blushes a bit at the attention. Benji grabs his arm, giving it an excited shake.
"Alright, alright." Monty surrenders and steps aside.
Sam starts singing in a deep voice as he walks up next to you, "Bow bow, Oooh yeahhhhh," he raises his movie up, "Chick, chicka-chickaaaa!"
His voice goes monotone as he continues, "Bueller..... Bueller......"
It's a strong choice but votes stick with Mrs. Doubtfire instead of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Bucky shyly makes his way up next to you. You give him an encouraging nod and smile. His face is scrunched up and unsure, "I'm not really prepared with a quote or anything..."
"Wait! Hang on," you pull out your phone, quickly typing away. "One second... Almost got it... Fucking ads - five more seconds please..." You watch the countdown waiting for 'Skip Ads' to finally appear. "Ok! On the count of 3," you nod over at Bucky. You hold up three fingers, two, one, and then point over at him as you press play.
The intro to Star Wars dramatically blares as Bucky presents his choice.
"Boooo, hiss!" Prudence yells out towards you.
"You coached him!" Theo argues.
"Party foul, bending the rules to your advantage!" Monty joins in.
"I didn't coach shit! This was his choice! So be nice!"
"Then you two really are perfect together," Nora rolls her eyes.
"The rule was I can't choose this movie ever again. Our GUEST chose it!"
Bucky's eyes are wide as he stands frozen, trying to figure out what is happening.
"Uh, we can skip my choice?"
"Of course not, Bucky. So sorry for freaking you out. Y/n has made us watch this a million times. Open the case, we started a tally mark system for them," Nora motions towards the case.
He opens the case and sees the cluster of line tallies filling the inside cover.
"I tried to warn you," you shrug at him.
"At least it's not Lord of the Rings again," Theo sighs.
"You leave my precious out of this," you point at Theo accusingly, "I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground."
Theo rolls his eyes at you.
"I'm just gonna.. step aside... No votes necessary, really," Bucky assures.
"You're all a bunch of jerks. Bucky, I will gladly watch the entire series with you. You're not getting out of it that easy."
"Wait, have you not seen them before?" Nora asks.
"I've only seen parts of that one," Bucky shrugs and moves back to his original spot.
"Well, that's a different story I guess," Monty shrugs, "but still not enough to sit through it again. Sorry."
"Nerf herders," you mutter under your breath.
Benji dances up to the empty spot. "With it being New Years, I have decided to go with a more New Year resolvation related choice."
"Resolution," Theo corrects.
"Yeah, that." Benji reveals his DVD, holding it up with a wide grin. Uncle Buck.
Prudence lets out a snort that instantly makes her start giggling even harder. "Remember when you showed me his first ultrasound and I told you ' this baby is destined for greatness'?" She asks Nora next to her, "Absolutely knocked it out of the park."
"Well, that was fun. I'm so honored to have the winning choice," you interrupt while shoving Benji's face as you push by him.
"Hey! We didn't vote yet!" Benji protests.
"Are you really sure you want us all to watch this? Mr. 'Where do you live, own or rent?' Hm?" You whisper the last part to him, hinting at you knowing all about his previous kitchen interrogation after prying the info out from Bucky yourself during your first date.
Benji's eyes widen as he gasps. "I, uh, I... Y'know what... I was just being silly. You know meee, just gotta get that title joke in there. I.. take back my choice and pass," he plasters on a nervous grin as he hides the movie behind his back, "Maybe next time!"
Bucky raises an eyebrow but you refuse to look over at him.
"Can I see that?" He asks Benji with a smirk.
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Theo and Nora claimed the couch.
On the floor area in front of it Monty and Prudence assembled their own little nest where they gathered some of the extra cushions and blankets around them.
You were next to Prudence, a wall of cushions between the two of you and a stack of pillows from your bed behind you. Bucky is next to you with his pillow he brought with him, the other pillow he carried in earlier was Sam's. Sam is on the other side of Bucky, an empty space left between them for Benji who called 'dibs' on the spot before disappearing downstairs.
While Theo sets up your winning movie for Mrs. Doubtfire, you get up to grab some plates and pass out pizza slices with Prudence who passes out the drinks.
You place one more plate of pizza in Benji's open space and sit back down in your spot with your own.
As you're pulling your blanket over your lap, loud thumps and clatters from Benji running back upstairs start to echo and he emerges carrying a bag full of items over his shoulder like a small Santa Claus. He plops everything down immediately.
"Here you go, Sam." Benji grins while tossing a thick rolled up fleece blanket over to him.
"Ayyy! Thanks so much, big guy." Sam unrolls the blanket and tosses it up slightly to spread it over his legs, revealing a large captain america shield on it. "It's perfect," he laughs.
"Do I get a blanket?" Bucky asks, looking over at the blanket and back over to Benji in betrayal.
"I'm all out. Sorry. You'll have to share one," Benji smirks and scurries away.
"I wonder who he thinks you'll share with," you ask in an airy tone while pretending to brush dirt off and pick lint from the comforter over your lap, tucking it closer under your legs with one hand while taking a bite of your pizza with the other.
Bucky gives you a side eye, but you keep a straight face while focusing on your pizza. A piece of mozzarella stretches as you pull it away and place it back on your plate.
Sam makes a show out of smoothing his blanket out as well, pulling it up over his shoulders and giving them a shimmy. "So cozy. Wow. It's like I'm being hugged by a fluffy cloud."
Bucky shakes his head at both your antics.
"You can share with us, BB." Monty lifts a corner of their blanket up with a wink.
Suddenly the large blanket over Prudence and Monty disappears towards their feet. Benji has their blanket tangled at his feet as he walks away. "Whoops," he shrugs while shuffling his feet and the blanket around some more like a plate of spaghetti. You almost break, but manage to keep a straight face still. Benji then grabs two chunky black plastic objects from his earlier pile and you know exactly what they are. One definitely came from your room, the other from his own. He rushes over to the corner of the room and plugs one in, setting the object down on the floor at a slight angle. He then rushes to the other corner of the room and does the same with the second one. He excitedly runs over to the light switch, shutting off the overhead lights, leaving only the movie projector and the string lights lighting the room.
"Sure, I didn't need to see anything," Theo grumps, remote in hand still clicking around on the screen.
"It's a projector, you can see better in the dark," Nora shakes her head at him.
Benji excitedly plops down in his spot and leans over to Bucky. "Are you ready for this??"
"Da na na, da d-da da, na na-" Theo starts singing the same 2 Unlimited song from earlier.
"Dad, stoppppp!" Benji swats behind him at Theo. "Anyways! Watch this!" He holds up two small remotes and presses the power buttons on them.
Two more projectors come to life, but these cast laser dots to look like stars with multi-color aurora light effects dancing around the room.
"Are you kidding me?? I'm forwarding my mail. How much for my share of rent?" Sam asks Theo behind him.
"We'll crunch some numbers and get back to you," Theo answers.
"I could stare at this for hours," Bucky watches in awe as the colors slowly shift and dance around.
"I bought Benji one for his birthday and then immediately bought one for myself. Ceilings are so boring and depressing without them now."
"Can we turn the spinning off? It makes me slightly nauseous," Prudence requests.
"On it," Benji presses a button and the laser stars stay stationary in their positions, they continue to blink in and out softly and the Aurora effect is still shimmering and shifting colors.
"Perfect, thank you!"
Benji starts making himself comfortable in his spot between Bucky and Sam. He has wrapped himself in his favorite fleece blanket that looks like a giant tortilla and has managed to lounge his way across both Sam and Bucky, shoving a large slice of pizza in his mouth.
The 20th Century Fox logo pops up on the screen as the opening music for Mrs. Doubtfire starts playing.
A sense of calm washes over Bucky as he relaxes. Next to Wakanda he thinks he has found a new favorite spot. A feeling catches him off guard. A feeling he hasn't had a lot of experience with in a long time... Home. He has had a similar taste of it when he visits the Wilson's, but he still felt more like an outsider looking in. This though. This felt different. He looks over at you.
You were still sitting up, a bag of chips now resting in your lap while you toss candies back and forth with Prudence. A smile is stretched across your face as the two best friends giggle at each other. Monty retrieved their blanket.
Benji has his head resting back against Bucky's chest and left shoulder, while one leg stretches across Sam's shins. Bucky's vibranium arm rests across Benji's small shoulders, his forearm bent up allowing his hand to rest on top of Benji's head.
You smile and shake your head when you look over and see Benji has made himself comfortable. In his own little chosen people bubble. Wrapped as a cozy pizza-eating burrito.
You give in and lift the edge of your blanket and comforter, tossing it over what you can reach of Bucky.
He looks down in surprise for a moment and then smiles over at you. With his Benji-free right arm, he adjusts the blanket over his legs. You scooch over closer, purely to make it easier to share of course. He nudges you with his shoulder in thanks. You tap him with your knee as your silent reply.
During the movie Benji grabs a bag of peelable red licorice strips that he starts chowing down on. Every few peels he'll hold a couple strings up and offer them to Bucky or Sam.
Mrs. Doubtfire wraps up and you all get up to stretch and take bathroom breaks while setting up for the next movie.
You start clearing up some discarded pizza plates.
"Anybody want some cake?" Nora asks.
"Yes!" Benji cheers.
Nora goes to open a cake box, revealing a decorated vanilla & chocolate marble cake made to resemble a clock.
"Theodore, why is the 5 o'clock slice missing?" She points the serving knife over at her husband.
"Uh.. because seven ate five?"
Prudence lets out a snort of laughter. Nora just sighs while shaking her head, slicing into the cake to serve the rest.
"Alright, Benji," you hand him a plastic cup, "I scribbled down the movies on paper scraps and put them in the cup. Go ahead and pick out the next movie."
"How do we know you didn't put Star Wars in there for every entry?" Monty points an accusing finger at you.
Benji reaches in and pulls out A Knight's Tale. You hold a middle finger up while Monty cheers, "Only joking, sweet Y/n. I knew you'd never do that." He cuts his eyes over to Prudence quickly, mouthing "What are the odds?"
"You owe me five," she mouths back while holding up her hand.
Monty gives her a quick high-five, earning an eye roll from Prudence. "That was my fault for not being more specific that I meant dollars, you cheeky bastard."
Monty grins and leans over, stealing a kiss from her.
Mid-movie Benji let's out a slight snore-snort as he startles himself awake, sitting up straight. "Wha- is it midnight yet?" He rubs at his eyes.
"It's not even 8pm yet, you lightweight," you toss a smaller pillow at him and it bounces off his head.
"Heyyy. So rude." He yawns while laying back down but instead of leaning back on Bucky again, he burrows into his own stack of pillows.
Bucky takes advantage of his newly freed arm and range of motion, reaching over to steal some of your snacks. You playfully glare over at him in mock offense as he gives you a smirk in return.
Benji pops his head back up suddenly, a new wave of energy hitting him at his sudden thought. His head whips around to look over at his parents on the couch behind him, his eyes staring owlishly wide at them.
Theo whispers over to Nora, "We made that terrifying little being."
"Straight up brought that chaos into this world," she whispers back. "How can we help you, sweet definitely-not-possessed baby boy of ours?"
"Can we play my new board game?"
"That sounds more like a group vote decision, my love."
Benji sits up on his knees sitting back enough to have all eyes on him. The overkill gut-punch pout and large puss in boots eyes appear, "Can we all play my new board game, pleeeease?" He clasps his hands together under his chin making sure to tilt his head and pitifully look at each adult while he begs.
"Man, that is stone cold. How do you say no to that?" Sam asks.
You and Nora sigh at the same time, "You don't."
"Which board game is it, Ben Ben?" Prudence asks.
"I'll go get it!" He leaps up and runs to a closet in the corner
"Are you sure you can stay awake long enough to play a game?" You tease.
"I was not sleeping! I was resting my eyes like Pop-pop! It wasn't my fault, Bucky's arm must have some sort of sleeping magic."
"Sleeping magic?" Bucky and Nora ask at the same time.
"Can't say I've unlocked that feature before," Bucky answers while flexing and twisting his arm back and forth as the plates shift with the motion.
"Please tell whoever made it I will donate my entire body to get some of this sleeping magic. Even if it's just a pinky," Nora pleads back.
"I'll pass that along," Bucky laughs.
Benji runs back in with his new board game proudly held over his head. A box that says... Benjopoly?
"Benji, what is this?" You ask taking the box from his hands to get a closer look.
"It's a custom monopoly board!" He jumps up and down in excitement.
"Hey, our house is on a spot!" You point at a spot on the box, "How cool! Why is this the first time I'm seeing this?"
"He wanted to surprise everyone with it today," Nora shrugged, "I haven't even seen some of the choices he went with yet."
"So can we play, pleeeease??" He begs.
You open the lid and hold the box back out to Benji. He's practically vibrating with excitement as he pulls the board out.
As Benji lays the board out you get a closer look at the property choices around the board. You also catch a glimpse at the little trinkets for player pieces.
"Sweet Jesus...." You sigh and shut your eyes while you press your fingers against them.
"What?" Bucky questions, "You okay?"
You clear your throat, "Fine, I'm fine..." You grab Benji by the back of his shirt and tug him over into your lap. He lands with a thump and gazes up at you with a look of complete innocence, but you know it is anything but. Placing your forehead against his, you playfully glare into his tiny mischievous eyes, "Wanna delight me with an answer on why you chose these places?"
Your house, the library, museum of natural history, a few fancy hotels, the gazebo at a local park, Brooklyn botanic garden, the aquarium, even Disneyland and the Smithsonian were on here. These were all innocent enough until you started noticing things like your childhood family church, city hall, the large barn on your uncle's property where Nora and Theo were married and you finally start to piece together... These were all a variety of wedding venue options. The player pieces? You noticed a diamond ring, top hat, flower bouquet, and a limo amongst them.
He beams up at you in return and rubs his nose against yours. He then pulls you into a tight hug, squeezing the life out of you. "Just some favorite places!"
"Oh hey, it's Uncle Dave's barrnnnn-ooooh..." Nora's sudden epiphany hits next. She looks over at you, her eyes wide but trying to keep a neutral face. She mouths, "I didn't know," over to you and winces.
"Oooh? Oooooh what?" Theo asks her.
"Uh..I was just thinking how long this is gonna take to play... Bubs, I know you're excited about this, but what do you think about something less time consuming? Like maybe Uno?"
Benji pouts and huffs while getting up and going to grab the deck of cards instead.
Nora makes quick work of packing up the board game and discarding the box discreetly under the couch.
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At 10:45pm Prudence jumps up and starts lining up plastic champagne flutes, filling them with a sparkling cider. Benji also gets up and grabs a shopping bag from the corner of the room, pulling out a stack of cone shaped party hats, glittery gold paper crowns, and some foil horns to blow into. He passes out one of each to everyone, asking each person, "hat or crown?" while holding each option up.
You try to figure out the best way to make this work with your hair up. You grab two crowns. Bucky takes one from you and helps you adjust the sizes to put a crown around each bun on top of your head. He shakes his head once they're on and pulls his phone out, snapping a photo of you posing with your hands under your chin. Benji and Theo can be spotted in the background giggling as they were also trying to figure out how to give Theo a mohawk look with the party hats, elastic strings meant to go under your chin covering his face at weird angles to accommodate multiple hats going along the back of his head, which only makes them giggle harder. Nora shakes her head at their antics but has a smile on her face as she watches the two in amusement, a crown already on her head as well.
You grab Bucky's phone and go to take a picture of the both of you. He places his arm over your shoulder and smiles for the photo. After you take a couple to make sure you get a cute one you tell Sam to move closer and join in for a photo.
"I don't want a photo of Sam," Bucky argues with a huff. You lightly elbow him and Sam ignores Bucky, plastering a goofy grin on his face for a photo with both of you, while yelling "Misterwives!" as his way of saying 'cheese!'
Prudence checks her phone, "My co-worker lives up the street. She said they're all at the park having a new years party. Looks like there's a projector show of their own set up against the nearby buildings to watch the ball drop with music. Anybody interested in checking it out? We have enough time to get over there."
You trade your cookie monster bathrobe for a long wool coat and slip on your boots on the way out.
Bucky is giving an overtired, sugar-buzzed Benji a piggyback ride. Benj yaps away in his ear as you all walk along the sidewalk
"We have a 'bring your favorite person to school' day coming up soon. Can you come?" He asks Bucky while playing with the cone party hat on Bucky's head.
"EXCUSE me?!" Theo, Nora, and you stop short and yell at the same time.
"I can't pick just one of you. Two of you will get all butthurt. So I'm choosing outside the box.. or roof..? And then you all can be equally butthurt together."
"Unbelievable. The audacity," Nora scoffs and keeps walking while holding Theo's hand.
"Judas," Theo grumbles.
"Good thing we kept the receipts on those Christmas presents."
Benji ignores them and continues, "We eat lunch and they have some games set up around. We would totally crush it." He holds his fist up.
"Am I expected to make some sort of presentation?"
"I'll think about it, but I think you have better options, pal."
"Nope!" He repeats and squeezes his grip around him.
"I thought I was offended before, now I'm extra offended. The absolute nerve," Theo scoffs.
"I'll text you the info," Benji fake whispers.
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You get separated from Bucky at the park. He went to get you a water but he hasn't returned yet. You make a quick sweep through and finally find him, his body language clearly showing discomfort as he looks around. A woman is standing in front of him trying to pull him into conversation. You walk over and see his shoulders sag slightly with relief.
"There you are, we were about to start a search party!" You joke as you walk up to him and link your arm around his. "Hello," you greet the woman standing in front of him.
"Oh, hi!"
"This is the future Mrs," Bucky tilts his head towards you.
Her eyes dart down to your gloved hands.
"Yup, that's me," you play along, "Nice to meet you. Are you the owner of the salon on 8th? I think I've seen you there before? I've had an appointment with Mac before."
"Oh yes! We miss her. She moved back west after the baby was born."
"I heard. I'm happy for her, but she will definitely be missed."
"You'll like Alex, he has the same aura. Very welcoming and highly recommended by clients. His bridal updos are to die for."
"I'll keep that in mind. Happy New Year," you wave to her as you steer both you and Bucky away.
"We lose you for a few minutes and you're nearly on your way to another future wife, you stud."
"Haa-haa," he gives a flat response back, pulling you closer to him. "Can we go find the others before she decides to appear again?"
"What, you weren't enjoying your conversation with crazy eyes? She's loaded, you could have been her sugar baby."
The midnight countdown echoes as everyone chants down from ten.
At 'three', Bucky gently tugs you closer while his hand cups your jaw. His vibranium fingers brush gently against your chin, tilting your head towards him. You can feel your heart pounding faster in anticipation. The growing noise of the excited crowd starts to fade as he pulls you into a soft, tender kiss. Your lips fitting perfectly together.
The midnight cheers erupt and echo around you as you fight your own internal fireworks erupting for your new year's kiss. Time feels like it slows to a crawl.
"Happy New Year," you whisper with a grin when you finally pull away. You can't help but let out a laugh.
"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" He squints down at you.
"Sorry, I don't wanna ruin the moment... This is just so cheesy," you bite your lip while holding back another laugh at the stunned look on his face.
"Cheesy? Cheesy?? You think this is cheesy, huh??" He squeezes your waist, while he playfully taunts you. With each question his face inches closer to you.
You break into laughter as his fingers tickle into your sides.
"I'll show you cheesy," his grip tightens as he dips you backwards, pulling you in for a breathtaking kiss.
Bucky lifts you back up and you both take a moment to breathe before he interrupts and pulls you back in for a more passionate kiss.
Benji makes his presence known by blowing a foil horn at both of you. The loud sound startles you away from the kiss. "Ew, was his tongue in your mouth? Or was that your tongue? Either way, tongue was involved here." He holds an accusing finger up at the two of you as his face twists in disgust.
Theo places a hand over Benji's forehead and directs him away. "Stop making things weird. Keep moving."
"I'm making it weird?? But that can't be sanitary!"
You hide your face against Bucky's shirt, both of you shaking with laughter. Tears fill your vision from a combo of the cold weather and your laughter. Your face burning up from both the exertion of laughing and the embarrassment of being called out by your nephew.
You finally look up and go to wipe your eyes but Bucky beats you to it. His finger slides along your cheek first and then gently swipes his thumb under your eyes. He takes extra care to wipe some of your smudged eyeshadow at the corners and he smiles warmly at you in the process.
"Are you gonna finally let me call you mine, or will Benji need a 12 step plan drafted up to help convince you?"
"I dunno, I might have to update my cootie shots and consult with the counsel. It's a whole to-do."
He growls and goes to squeeze your sides again, playfully nipping at your chin and cheek, "C'mere."
You giggle as you try to back away but he only squeezes you closer, "I'm still waiting for an answer," he locks his arms around you, holding you in place.
"How could I say no to this face?" You try to go squeeze his face but he has your arms pinned to your sides.
"That's not a proper answer," he squeezes tighter. "Are," he leans closer, "you," and closer, "my girl," his nose brushes against your cheek, "or not?"
You let out a surprised squeal as his bends slightly, moving his grip around your hips and upper thighs, lifting you off the ground and giving you an excited spin.
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You gather the group back up and start to head back to the house. This time Theo gives a dozing Benji a piggyback ride.
You squeeze Bucky's hand and smile over at him. He squeezes back and pulls you closer as you both continue walking behind the group. You still can't believe how this all started. You're still expecting to blink and this all was one big hallucination.
Nora unlocks the front door as you return to the house and you all make your way back upstairs after discarding your coats and shoes.
Theo and Nora grab their pillows from the couch and decide to go sleep in their room. Theo's snoring would keep everyone awake. Although you're surprised Nora doesn't want to stay. She claims without Theo's snoring it's too quiet for her to fall asleep.
They offer Sam the couch, "If you stay down there, Benji sleeps like a starfish and moves around as if he's fighting crime in his sleep," they warn him on their way back downstairs.
"I do not," Benji grunts as he sits up while rubbing at his eyes. He reaches a tired hand up and pulls at a dangling string. A series of sheets pinned to the ceiling fall and section you all into your own little separate fort areas.
The couch area is almost completely covered, and both sides surround you and Bucky into a somewhat tent-like section together.
You hear snickering and look over to see Benji and Sam making shadow finger puppets at each other through the sheets.
Bucky moves to kneel while he grabs his pillow, and starts to shift as if he's going to stand up.
"Um, where are you going?" You ask.
"Home?" He answers, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"What do you mean home? It's late, just stay here?"
"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Why? Do you turn into a green ogre like Fiona?"
"I hate that I understand that reference now."
"You loved that movie and you know it. Stay and we can watch Shrek 2."
"They made another one?" He looks baffled at this fact.
"Oh, my sweet Fiona," he rolls his eyes at you, "there's a whole franchise. At least 4... or 5? Maybe 6. I'm honestly not sure at this point, but we're going to find out."
"Oh no."
"Oh yes," you grin and grab the remote. You reach for his hand and tug him back down.
Everyone has settled into their spots. Monty and Prudence have already fallen asleep by the time you find the movie.
"Hey, Shrek 2!" Sam cheers quietly.
Bucky places a hand over his face. You try not to laugh as you grab his pillow from him and place it back in it's spot behind him. He moves his hand down to look over at you and shakes his head. You continue to grin over at him as you press play.
"You're still awake?" You whisper. The movie ended at least 15 minutes ago. Everyone else peacefully snoozing around you. Well, it's 50/50 on how peaceful Benji actually is, judging on the awkward position he's contorted and passed out in. Oh to be a kid and not worry about your neck and back again. You're already positive you're gonna be regretting this floor slumber later today, even with the foam padding attempt under you.
It's not that Bucky doesn't want to sleep, he just...can't. Too many people in the room. Too self conscious of having a nightmare and potentially disturbing the rest of the sleeping occupants. The last thing he wanted to be was a burden or a nuisance. His mind is also telling him to stay vigilant as he watches the staircase entrance.
He shrugs as his short answer, not wanting to voice his thoughts out loud.
"Sleep magic run out on you?" You joke, trying to lighten the mood when you see the dark look in his eyes, the wheels turning in thought behind them. You can tell he's fighting his answer, a look of uncertainty on his face, but a lazy smile appears. He shakes his head at you.
Laying on your side, you scoot closer and grab his right arm, hugging it against you. "Can I borrow your sleep magic then?"
Bucky smiles over at you as you drift off. He tugs your pillow closer and tucks it against his arm some more so your head and neck are more comfortable. He places a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment. He slowly tilts his head back up towards the ceiling. However, he continues to stay awake. Silently watching the stars and swirling patterns dance across the room. Soaking in the comfort and the feeling of being surrounded by people that care for him. In their own dream worlds.
Benji starts to stir with a slight grumble. Bucky lazily turns his head and watches the shadow of a small lump shift slightly closer to him behind the sheet.
"Un Buc, m'gumdrops. Gone," he mumbles together in his sleep. "How dare...th's m'ne. Hmmph." He shifts again, an arm and leg flailing as he turns over and starts to settle back into a deep sleep. Bucky shakes his head in amusement and goes back to watching the ceiling.
Hours later, Bucky is still awake when everyone starts slowly shifting and waking up. He hears Prudence and Monty shift around as they quietly make their way downstairs.
You start to stir and stretch next to him soon after. He watches as you rub your eyes and then bury your face into both your pillow and his arm. He waits a moment to see if you're awake. You finally peak up at him, giving him a slurred greeting.
"Mornin', " he greets back with a tired smile. You clock the dark circles under his eyes.
"Please don't tell me you've been awake this whole time."
"Course not. I feel fresh as a daisy."
You sit up, grab your pillows and drag him downstairs.
"Where are we going?" He asks at the bottom of the stairs. You ignore his question and approach the door to your room. "Can't drag me to your bed fast enough, huh?"
"Oh baby, you're about to get hours," you pause and look over at him, leaning up closer, "and hours," you lower your voice and kiss his knuckles quickly, "of great sleep. Let's go." You pull on his arm again and direct him over to the bed. You give him a push towards it and take a step towards the side table. He sits on the edge of the bed and watches as you open the side table drawer, pulling out a small spray bottle. Uncapping it, you give two quick spritzes over the pillow areas and one more in the general area over the bed behind him before putting the cap back on and tossing it back in the drawer.
"What the hell was that?" He blinks at you.
"Lavender spray," you shrug and walk over to your dresser. "It's supposed to be calming and relaxing to assist you with falling asleep." Opening a bottom drawer of the dresser you pull out a water bottle and set it on the side table.
Bucky watches in amusement, observing the other bright colored packages of what looks to be a snack stash in the same drawer before you close it.
"Are you one of those doomsday preppers? Or is it a hoarding thing? What else do you have stashed around here?"
"Look, I'm just trying to survive in this household. Benji and his little friends eat everything. I'm terrified when puberty hits. Also, I don't feel like going all the way downstairs when I'm thirsty," you shrug. "Now will you lay down?"
You pull the blankets back, "Chop chop. Don't make me dump that whole bottle of lavender on you."
He rolls his eyes and lays back against the pillows.
"Is this ok? Are you comfortable? Do you need space and want me to leave?"
He scoots back and grabs your arm, tugging you onto the bed next to him. You sit on the edge of the bed and he pulls your arm again, and then places a gentle hand on your leg making you lay down next to him. You lay on your side facing him.
"That didn't answer my questions. Do you need music? white noise? a bedtime story? I can go grab the comforter," You continue to ramble on.
"Just a good night kiss," he pouts his lips towards you.
You lean over and place a soft kiss to his waiting lips.
He smiles and wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you to him. "Goodnightmorning," he whispers.
You let out a soft laugh in return and place another kiss to his cheek which gets another smile from him.
You start to lightly run your fingertips up and down his forearm and then repeat again lightly with your nails, back to your fingertips.
He hums in appreciation.
"Goodnightmorning. Sweet dreams," you whisper back as he drifts off.
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Dividers by @saradika
145 notes · View notes
woongisi · 3 days
Hot & I Hate It // Park Sunghoon
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power struggle but eventual sub!Park Sunghoon x dom!fem!Reader // SMUT
WC// 4.1k
Synopsis// Park Sunghoon is the thorn in your side. The really hot thorn in your side. An "apology" visit changes your view on him for good.
Warnings// arguing, unprotected sex (use protection please xx), drinking, name calling (slut, whore), pain play (smacking), dacryphilia
Author's Note// I've been sitting on this baby for so long and finally got the motivation to complete it. Idk how I feel about it but I hope you all enjoy. ☺︎
7:16 pm
“Sunghoon. I'm so serious. I need you to stop talking before I shove this pen into your throat.”
Your best friend, Sunoo, being part of a band had its perks, it was hard to get hit on by greasy strangers when you're surrounded by 7 men you, for the most part, trust. It had its cons too… the biggest being the existence of Park Sunghoon. He was cocky, always made fun of you, and seemed to make it a point to push you to your limit. The only positive you could think of was that he was, at the very least, eye candy. Unfortunately for you, he was still part of the band, and he was still one of Sunoo’s closest friends. There was no changing that.
You'd only been out to dinner for around half an hour. Jake had found some pizza joint with drinks and cheap food. In that half hour alone Sunghoon had made fun of your height, and your choice of clothing, and bumped into you a few times which you assumed was on purpose. The food hadn't even made it to the table. Whatever the reason, you especially weren't in the mood for his shit today.
“Aww, I'm so scared.” Sunghoon leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. “You gonna throw a hissy fit, huh?”
“You know what.” In one quick movement, you shoved your chair backward and slammed your hands down onto the table as you stood up. “Fuck you, Sunghoon. I'm going.”
Grabbing your purse and heading toward the door, Sunoo called after you. “Where are you going?! At least tell me where! You didn't even drive here!”
“Anywhere that isn't with that asshole!” You slammed the door behind you.
“Damn. What's up with her? I thought you were just joking around.” Sunoo murmured and shoved his face into his hands. “I should go after her. It's not safe to be out around here alone. Sunghoon, you're coming with.”
“What about the pizza-”
“Get up.”
7:23 pm
In the meantime, you'd slipped into some grimy little dive bar a few streets down. The cleanliness was questionable, and it smelled concerning at best, but you supposed they didn't serve food. Perhaps the standards weren't so high. Fighting back tears, you slapped your card down on the counter and waved for the bartender.
“Give me something strong. I don't care what it is… Please.”
Thanking the man and tossing your head back, the shot burned the entire length of your throat. “Shit tastes like motor oil… guess I got what I asked for.” You sighed and ordered a cocktail. Something fruity, something to lift your mood.
A man took the bar stool next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Did you come here all alone?”
You hesitated, feeling uncomfortable already. “No… My friends are in the bathroom. They'll be back in a minute.”
“Playing hard to get? I watched you come in. Not a soul following you.” He pulled the thin strap of your shirt and let it snap back against your skin.
“Fine… You got me. Can you just let me be? I'm not in the best mood.” You chuckled half-heartedly and swatted his hand away.
“Aw, this kitty has claws. What's the matter? I just wanna talk. I can cheer you right up.”
By the time Sunghoon and Sunoo made it to the bar, you were a few too many drinks deep and desperately trying to convince the man to leave your side. They'd checked every building in the area, asking if anyone had seen a girl yay high in a black crop top and long black pants.
You heard a set of footsteps approaching you from behind, clutching your purse and preparing to have to fight.
“Leave her alone, shithead.” Sunghoon’s voice rumbled over the snide comments of the stranger. “She's not into you.”
“Who are you? Her boyfriend?” He scoffed.
Sunghoon cringed slightly at the suggestion he'd ever date you but gave the man a shove all the same. “What's it to you? What? You can't get some pussy so you creep on lonely girls at the bar, huh?”
“Why you think pretty highly of yourself, huh? How about we take it out b-”
Taking note of the commotion, the bartender waved over security who grabbed the dirt bag by the collar and dragged him away, much to his displeasure.
“Thanks…” You muttered and stirred the ice of your cocktail with your fingernail. Your heart was heavy, a predator replaced by the most insufferable man you'd ever known.
“Don't mention it.” Sunghoon stopped and for a moment you thought you might've misjudged him. “I just did what Sunoo told me to do.”
“Oh? Great to know you care about me soooo much.”
“Don't get your panties all in a twist, jeez.”
You shot a razor-sharp glare to Sunghoon and stood up, moving behind him to cling to Sunoo’s arm.
“Sunghoon, get your act together and apologize when you can bear to act nice.” Sunoo sighed and pulled you into his arms tightly. You were crying into his shoulder now, staining the dark orange fabric of his sweater.
Sunoo was a constant for you, you'd known him for years. He was always there to support you and the familiarity was something you needed far too badly.
“Come on,” Sunoo tapped your lower back with his finger. “I'll pick up some drive-thru and drop you off at your apartment. Sunghoon, go back to the boys. I'll meet you there in a few.”
8:00 pm
The drive back to your home was quiet. You didn't say a word, staring absentmindedly out the window. Sunoo hummed along to the songs on the radio which provided you some small amount of comfort. Walking you up to your door, he brushed the hair out of your face.
“Stop crying, alright?” He smiled and wrapped his arms around you again. “Get some rest. I'll talk to Hoon… call me if you need me.”
“Thanks. Love you, man.” You nestled your head into the crook of his neck for a moment before pulling away from him, then you slipped into your apartment. You peeked your head out the door until he reached his car safely and then collapsed on the couch.
8:37 am
You awoke with a start, jumping out of your skin to the sound of someone knocking firmly on your door. You threw on some modest pajamas and opened the door, immediately pissed. Sunghoon. At your front door. Admittedly he looked incredible. His long black coat was double-breasted, adorned with silver buttons, and taken in at the waist to compliment the shape of his body. His pants were just as well tailored, and his shoes well polished.
At some point in the night, it had snowed and was continuing to snow now. Sunghoon’s ears and cheeks were flushed pink by the biting cold. Fluffy white snowflakes decorated the black hair that landed so naturally to the sides of his face and more landed on his lashes before he quickly blinked them away.
“What do you want?” You avoided his gaze, shuffling your feet and feeling defeated.
“Sunoo thinks I'm here to apologize.”
“So you aren't?”
He simply shrugged and questioned if you were going to let him in.
Reluctantly agreeing, you sat down on the couch with him clear on the opposite end. Neither of you said a word, but you could feel him staring at you even while you looked away.
“I was just messing with you, y’know.”
“You know I don't like it.”
“I know you overreact.”
You snapped your head to look at Sunghoon in bewilderment.
“You know what I know? I know that I hate your guts.”
“You gotta learn to calm down and take a joke.”
You were standing in front of Sunghoon now, annoyed at the way he lounged back on the couch and man spread like he owned the place.
“Honestly, Sunghoon. If you just get out of my fucking house you can tell Sunoo you apologized, and I'll even back you up. I was sleeping pretty peacefully until you got here. To be entirely truthful, I could die happy if I never saw your stupid hot face again! I could live my whole life without seeing those dark eyes or the little moles that dot your face and be-”
“Hot?” Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m hot?”
You stared at him stunned, not even realizing what you'd said. You opened your mouth as if to speak but nothing came out. Those same deep brown eyes you'd thought about more than you'd ever admit were now resting heavily on your form.
“Shut up.” You hissed and crawled on the couch, straddling Sunghoon's lap and crashing your lips against his.
He gasped, processing what was happening, before grabbing your waist with his large hands. He attacked back with vigor, forcing your bodies closer together. Despite having spent time in the freezing cold, his body was searing. He tasted like bitter coffee, the scent of it lingering on his breath and mingling with the scent of your perfume.
“You know I wanted to like you,” You tugged on his bottom lip with your teeth. “I've always thought you were so fucking fine, but every time you open your mouth I pray to whatever higher power that you shut up.”
“You seem to like me plenty right now…”
“Stop talking. Please.”
Sunghoon made some sort of acknowledging nod, allowing you to settle back in. Your chests were pressed firmly together, your hands tangling through his silky black hair. Heavy breaths filled the surrounding air, panting against each other's faces with lewd strings of saliva connecting you.
“Hey,” Sunghoon’s voice was laced with need that made your stomach swirl. “I-I'm gonna be honest. I'm getting really hard here but if we're going to go farther I need to know if you really want to do this or if it's just the heat of the moment you'll regret later.”
You smoothed Sunghoon's hair back and pressed a kiss against the tip of his nose. The tenderness of your action made his train of thought falter.
“I mean it when I say I hate your guts,” You growled. “That unfortunately doesn't mean I hate the way you feel against me. Please make yourself useful, I want it.”
He let out a breathy “fuck” and lowered his hands to your ass, urging you to give him some kind of friction. He sheepishly heeded your warning of getting too greedy, you reminding him this was out of the kindness of your own heart. Sunghoon latched onto your neck, his sharp canine teeth nipping at the sensitive skin. Something was too good about the warmth of his mouth with the slight pain of his bites that was soon soothed by his plush lips.
“Sunghoon,” You moaned softly. “Bra. Take it off… if you even know how.”
He was quick to oblige, grabbing the hem of your nightshirt and aiding you in slipping it off. You donned a sports bra, one that closely matched your skin tone and featured a zipper up the front. You insisted they were more comfortable to sleep in and easier to remove this way.
The confused “ah?” that escaped Sunghoon was almost cute. He took the zipper in his shaky hands and unzipped it almost painfully slowly, biting his lip at the sight of your tits suddenly being free of their confines and spilling out.
“Damn…” Sunghoon muttered with wide eyes, making you feel suddenly vulnerable.
“So now you like what you see? Men. All the same.” You looked to the side in an attempt to hide the deepening blush on your cheeks.
Only after sneering, Sunghoon happily took your tits into his hands, squeezing lightly. His tongue swirled around your nipple, purposely avoiding the bud itself. Your hand rested on the nape of his neck so you could encouragingly (or rather, impatiently) dig your nails into his skin so he'd cut to the chase. Sunghoon harshly sucked your nipple between his teeth, tugging and swirling it in the process.
Sunghoon felt he could stay in this position forever and be completely content with his decision. He shuddered when you scratched his nape softly, trying to get his attention.
“As nice as this is… I didn't agree to this so you could use me like a stress ball.”
He considered making a snarky remark but thought better of it. The sight of Sunghoon’s flushed face and furrowed brows almost stressed you out, praying he couldn't feel the pulsing of your cunt against his lap.
“Alright, I'm sick of this…” You sighed, smirking at the way Sunghoon’s face twisted into a pout. “I think I'm going crazy, just get your dick out.”
The two of you scrambled off of the couch, removing most of your clothing in a hurry. You kept your panties on at first, allowing Sunghoon to rip them off of you as long as he bought you a new pair, a pair even nicer than the ones he'd ruined.
Settling back down on the couch, you lay on your back with Sunghoon moving to hover over you. Sunghoon freed his cock from the confines of his briefs and gave it a few languid strokes for good measure. The sight of him nearly stole your breath. He was of pretty average length, but girthy with a pleasant curve to the left.
Feeling precum drip onto your thighs, you huffed and pulled Sunghoon into a brief but harsh kiss. “I've been insulting you and treating you like shit this whole time, yet you're leaking all over the place. You like it when I'm mean to you, hm?”
“I… I guess I can't deny it at this point.”
“Slut.” You murmured, which caused Sunghoon to gasp in protest.
“I'm not a slut, what the hell?!”
“Yes, you are. Why else would you be so worked up from me degrading you? Say it.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Sunghoon. Say you're my bitch or I'm putting my clothes back on right now and kicking you out.”
“Fine… I'm… I'm your bitch.”
Sunghoon despised the electricity that shot through his core when he heeded your demands. What the hell was he doing? He was supposed to be the one in charge, the one calling you names. Yet, the humiliation that burned his cheeks clouded his mind with hazy arousal.
You reached down, wrapping your hand around Sunghoon’s cock so you could guide the tip to your entrance, rubbing it in small circles against you.
“Are you ready?”
“As I'll ever be.”
Sunghoon's reply came across so softly, whining when you urged him to finally push into you. Every inch of him stretched your walls so intoxicatingly.
“Oh, fuck,” Your breath hitched once his hips finally pressed against your skin. “So good, Hoon, so good.”
“Ah? I haven't even done anything yet. That's all it takes to-”
“Watch your mouth.”
His thrusts were slow at first, too slow. You could tell he was absolutely relishing in the feeling of your walls around him, this would have irritated you if it didn't stroke your ego so well.
“Sunghoon,” He hadn't moved in a minute. Just staying in place with his eyes screwed shut, panting heavily. “Earth to Sunghoon. Speak to me or I'm shutting this whole operation down.”
Sunghoon’s eyes shot open, his pupils blown wide with lust. His hand moved to grab your own tightly. “W-wait, I'm ok. Promise. Just… so tight. Please.”
A moment later, Sunghoon seemed to regain his icy composure. Every slap of his hips against you brought a low grunt from him. Yet, every so often he faltered with a whine. He was trying his best to maintain some dignity though deep down he knew he was slipping.
Suddenly, your phone rang. Blasting some shit default ringtone you never bothered to change. You groaned as you reached for your phone, squinting at the brightness of your screen. It was Sunoo.
“Keep it down,” You warned. “It's Sunoo. I gotta pick up or he's gonna show up at my door.”
Sunoo sighed in relief when you greeted him. You sounded awake which was enough to convince him that Sunghoon had come to apologize like he instructed. You told him it had gone fine, that Sunghoon apologized and left, though you still hated his guts. Hah. Ironic, given he was in your guts at the present moment.
Snap. Sunghoon had apparently grown sick of waiting and granted a particularly rough stroke that slammed into your g-spot. You just about dropped your phone, doing your absolute best to stifle the noise of pure shock and pleasure that you let out.
“Y/N… you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry. Just stubbed my toe.” You feigned pain quite well to try and pass off the aforementioned moan as an unpleasant one.
You found yourself gripping Sunghoon’s hair tightly and pulling it angrily. Unfortunately for you, Sunghoon did not try to hide his reaction. Not that he had much of a chance to process how good it felt.
There was radio silence over the phone from you and Sunoo both.
“Y/N was that Sunghoon?”
No reply.
“I gotta go, I’ll call you in a bit. Byeee!”
“Woah, hold on, wait a sec-” Sunoo was cut off by you ending the call and practically throwing your phone across the room.
“Oh. Oh we’re screwed aren't we?”
Sunghoon’s voice speaking meekly sent a wave of ire through you.
“Oh. Oh we are. Guess what? It's your fault too.”
You sat up, causing Sunghoon to slip out of you. Grabbing the silver chain he'd so foolishly left on, you yanked him toward you, causing him to lose his balance for a moment and hurriedly try to settle on his knees.
“Oh, fuck!” Sunghoon's breath caught in his throat as you tilted his head upward and smacked him square across the face. He was trembling visibly.
A realization hit you with horror and intrigue. He was loving this.
“Oh my God! You really are getting off on me treating you like shit!” You smacked him again, this time with more purpose and calculated force. “You're no better than a common whore!”
“Don't stop. Please don't stop!” Sunghoon was absolutely desperate. He'd tried to explore this aspect of his sexuality before but hadn't had luck finding a girl willing to indulge him. He absolutely couldn't lose this now.
Pushing him into place so that you were now hovering over him in turn, you closed in on Sunghoon like he was your prey.
“Is this what you wanted, hm? Is this why you dedicate your time to getting under my skin?”
Sunghoon, at this moment, thought he could die. How could anyone be so indubitably hot? He felt vulnerable under you. Powerless. He was always the dominant one. Not just sexually. Tall, hot, imposing, and a man that people generally didn't want to mess with. You weren't scared of him. Sunghoon didn't understand why, but somehow he trusted you. Finally, he granted a reply. Perhaps it was time to give in.
“Yours. I wanna be yours.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “If I knew we'd end up like this I would've pushed harder. So, take it out on me. Whatever you want, I can take it.”
You could not believe your eyes. Your ears. Any of your senses. This wasn't an opportunity you were going to give up. You took a timeout to establish any hard boundaries and a safe word. You hated him (did you?), but he was still a person at the end of the day.
Sunghoon sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. You bound his wrists together with white rope that was specially designed with this in mind, then tied them to the posts of the bed. Normally it was being used on you. He looked gorgeous with the snowy bindings contrasting beautifully on his tanned skin. You cupped his cheek in your hand.
“Look at you.”
You forced your thumb into his mouth, pressing down on his tongue so that he'd open up, spit pooling before running down his chin. You always did appreciate his sharp canine teeth and now was no exception.
“You dirty boy. Park Sunghoon, all at my mercy.”
Sunghoon flinched when you took tight hold of his sore cock. You kept your grip tight with every deliberate stroke, causing him to whimper and buck his hips up against your hand. You released him only to place a firm slap to his shaft which you followed with soft soothing tugs. Sunghoon yelped, slumping over helplessly. He'd become so pliant for you, so obedient.
“So this is all it takes, Hoonie?” He whimpered at the pet name. “Just needed someone to boss you around to crack you open.”
You spent god knows how long teasing and tormenting Sunghoon until his cheeks were wet with salty tears. Eventually, you felt like you were torturing yourself with how needy you were with your pussy clenching against nothing. You untied Sunghoon’s wrists and granted him permission to touch you again. He took you up on this eagerly, his hands roaming your body mindlessly.
“Be a good fucktoy and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
A choked moan ripped from Sunghoon’s throat when you finally sunk down onto his cock. He was even more sensitive and jumpy than when he'd first entered you, and you were even wetter. One hand placed on his abdomen, you felt his stomach distend and shudder along every pathetic sob. Sunghoon's stomach was well toned, not rock hard, but sculpted. He had a noticeable happy trail that drove you absolutely insane.
Sunghoon clung to you like he might lose you, allowing you to ride him to your heart's content and doing his very best to thrust up into you at the same pace. The more overwhelmed he got, the more he struggled to keep up. His head was buried into the crook of your neck, drooling and whining against your soft skin. He really has lost all his will to maintain his attitude towards you. It almost made you melt.
“Sunghoon,” You softly raked your fingers through his silky black hair. “You doing ok, hm?”
“Y-yes, love your pussy, wanna cum-”
Your pace slowed down to a consistent level. You held Sunghoon as close as you could. He’d entrusted himself to you and you felt the need to keep him secure.
“Alright,” Your voice was soft in his ear. “Cum for me. You've earned it.”
Sunghoon let go with a high-pitched cry, his thighs shaking underneath you. His cum flooded your walls in warm spurts. Your orgasm followed soon after, squeezing each and every drop of semen from Sunghoon’s twitching cock.
The two of you were quiet for some time, clinging to each other and coming down from your highs. Once you pulled off of him, his cum spilled from your pussy down onto his hips. Though he clearly wasn't completely clear headed he was already making moves to get his clothes on and go.
“Where are you going?” You frowned.
“Uh. Home… I figured you would just want me out of here as soon as possible.”
“Sit down, Sunghoon. Just sit down.”
You tossed a loose t-shirt on and hobbled to the bathroom with a groan. Your legs were already this sore? You were so fucked tomorrow. Cleaning yourself up quickly, you proceeded to wet a cloth with warm water and make your way back to Sunghoon.
“Why what?”
“Why are you doing this, Y/N? Why aren't you kicking me out?”
“It's aftercare, Hoon.”
“I know. It's ok. You deserve it just as much as any of the girls you've slept with in the past.”
In the midst of you wiping the tears off of his face, Sunghoon looked up at you so weakly and did his best to keep himself from crying on the spot. He never expected you to let him be so exposed, never mind how sweetly you were treating him now. You handed Sunghoon his briefs and a throw blanket.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. For being such an asshole. Everything I’ve done for you was willing, even if it was Sunoo’s idea. I actually couldn't stand the thought of you being alone in that bar with strangers. It's just… when our reputation for fighting is so strong it's hard to let you know I care.”
“It's alright. I accept your apology. I think I should say sorry too, though. For refusing to let you in. You trusted me to watch over you in your most vulnerable state and I… I don't know. It will take time but I think we can really be something.”
Crawling into bed, you invited Sunghoon to stay awhile. It was still early, after all. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his strong, steady heart. He hesitantly grasped your hand.
“To new beginnings?”
“To new beginnings.”
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Age gap!Bruce is so in love with his wife, I’m sure that he believes she can’t do nothing wrog. Like, he’s the type to brag about how amazing she’s to everybody.
I love your writing and this scenario in particular has me very interested bc I think is so original. Usually, I don’t like age gap bc writers tend to make reader a little childlike or with no personality, but age gap!reader is so unique that I love her so much.
I like to imagine one of Bruce’s exes, like Selina (I’m sorry, but I always remember how she left him at the altar. I love her but my heart breaks for Bruce) comes back to Gotham and everything is kinda awkward bc yes, they have this weird off and on relationship (they haven’t seen each other for more than a year), not string attached but serious at the same time. And suddenly, he’s married to a fucking pop-star and actress??
Even a one night stand seeing Bruce “the playboy” marrying reader.
I can see this with anyone who used to be in love or having feelings either for Bruce or reader. “That should be me” by Justin Bieber will be in their spotify wrapped
I think it was the hard launch of the YEAR. Everyone will be so shocked by it that it becomes an iconic and part of Gotham’s pop culture. They did an interview and suddenly, the next thing they knew?? They got married at a private ceremony where only close family and friends knew.
"This is a stunt even for you, Bruce," Lois scolded tapping her foot. "Honestly-"
Bruce held his hands up, "The only reason it's public now is because we got caught in public. She was perfectly happy to be a private thing."
"Bruce," she scoffed giving him a look, "I know she's an adult but still. You're old enough to be her dad-"
"Not unless I was 16 when she was born," Bruce snorted, "she's the same age Dick is. Damian is 9-"
Lois rolled her eyes and took a seat, "So what did your kids say?"
"Over all, they were fine with it. If not happy about it. But Jason had to make a scene about me dating his childhood crush and betraying him all over again for dramatic effect. And Damian had to lecture me about the security risk."
"Naturally," Lois said smiling. "Jon said Damian had a lot to say about it. That's how we heard about it."
This time it was Bruce's turn to roll his eyes. "Be nice to her-"
"Are you kidding?" Lois asked, slightly incredulous.
"Why would I not be? She's Iconic, honestly."
"And better at managing her image than I am," Bruce chuckled.
"Sad, really," Lois observed dryly. "But also impressive."
"No one knows who she dates, where she donates, no one knows her net worth for sure... honestly if she didn't volunteer the information I'm not even sure I'd know her favorite color."
"I'm not surprised," Lois mused, "After watching her get ripped apart a few years ago."
"I don't-"
"You wouldn't," Loid allowed, "You didn't have editors that wanted you to write think pieces about it. And you didn't work in an office that had a betting pool to her inevitable suicide or addiction spiral."
Bruce winced. He didn't remember it. Not directly, but you'd talked about it. It was part of why he agreed to letting you keep things private. You liked keeping things quiet. A separation between your public face and your private one. It fucked you up. And no one protected you. You'd had to handle it alone- Sure, you had your team but that wasn't the same as having PEOPLE to fall back on.
"I'll be nice," Lois assured him, "Just don't be a creep or I'll sic Clark on you later."
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zaczenemiji · 2 days
Curtain Calls and Curveballs II
Kenji Sato x Reader
Synopsis: After high school graduation, you never expected to see Kenji Sato again. But fate reunites you both at the same university where your love/hate relationship continues to grow.
Word Count: 1,376
Genre/Warning: Coming of Age, Enemies to Lover, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn
Author's Note: Oops, it became a short series 🫢 Part 3’s otw and I changed the title
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You were dead wrong when you thought that high school graduation would be the last time you’d ever have to interact with Kenji. You remember your last words then, saying, “Congrats, Sato! I hope this is the last time I ever have to deal with you again.”
To which he replied with, “I’m sure this isn’t the last, (y/n)—to me at least—if ever you really are going to be the actress you dream of being.”
You were hurrying across the busy campus of your university, juggling a stack of drama textbooks and a cup of coffee.
Just as you were about to approach the performing arts building, you noticed a group of students gathered around a bulletin board. Your curiosity built up as you got closer to see what the commotion was about.
“Did you hear? There's a big baseball game this weekend.” a familiar voice called out.
You turned, heart skipping a beat. You didn’t expect to see anyone from high school here, let alone Kenji Sato. He stood there, his signature confident grin in place, holding a baseball glove.
"Kenji?" you blurted out, surprised. "What are you doing here?"
Kenji raised an eyebrow, looking equally taken aback. "I could ask you the same thing,” he said. “I thought you were off to some fancy drama school."
“I am,” you rolled your eyes, recovering from the shock. “This university has one of the best drama programs in LA. What about you? I thought you were headed straight for the big leagues."
“Not yet,” Kenji chuckled, shaking his head. “I've got a scholarship to play baseball here while I get my degree.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, sizing each other up. The familiar tension from high school crept back in, but it was tinged with the novelty of your new surroundings.
"So, you're still playing ball?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
"Yeah, and I'm still throwing strikes," Kenji replied with a smirk. "And you? Still pretending to be someone else on stage?"
“Ugh!” you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the small smile tugging at your lips. "It's called acting, Kenji. Something you'd know nothing about."
Kenji laughed, the sound surprisingly warm. "Fair enough. So, are you coming to the game this weekend? It's against our biggest rival. Should be a good show."
"I might," you said, shrugging. "If I don't have rehearsals."
"Typical," Kenji said, shaking his head. "Always busy with your little plays."
"And you're always busy chasing a ball," you retorted.
The rivalry that had defined your high school years was still there, but it was different now but no less present.
"Well, I've got to get to practice," Kenji said finally, stepping back. "Try not to trip on stage, (y/n)."
"And you try not to get hit by a pitch, Sato," she shot back.
As you went your own way, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Being in college felt like being in an unknown and bigger territory with so much more people. It was nice to come across someone you know in a crowd of unfamiliar faces; even if that was Kenji.
So many things have changed since you got into college. The only thing that didn’t, of course, was your rivalry with Kenji but the competition was less intense since you were in different programs.
This shift allowed you to focus on your individual passions without the constant pressure of direct competition. Here, in college, people didn’t know about the rivalry you had.
But this anonymity disappeared quicker than you thought because, for every time you came across each other, you’d always be hurling sarcastic remarks; as you two always did.
One bustling afternoon in the cafeteria, you were with your new friends, laughing and discussing your upcoming production.
"Hey, (y/n), I heard your play's actually worth watching this time," Kenji called out, smirking as he approached with his tray.
“Kenji,” You looked up, a frown on your face. "I thought you'd be busy throwing balls around. What brings you to the world of real talent?"
Kenji chuckled, setting his tray down. "Just wanted to see if you're still pretending to be someone you're not."
One of your friends raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two of you. "You two know each other?"
“Unfortunately,” you said, rolling your eyes as you sighed. "Kenji here thinks he's the king of everything just because he can throw a ball."
"Careful, (y/n). Your jealousy is showing," Kenji retorted, grinning.
Your friends exchanged looks, quickly picking up on the rivalry. "So, you two have a history?"
"You could say that," Kenji said. "She's been trying to keep up with me since high school."
You scoffed, "In your dreams, Sato."
On baseball games, you’d attend with a group of friends from your program more to support the school than to see Kenji, or so you told yourself.
As you settled in your seat, one of your guy friends nudged you. "Isn't that the guy you're always talking about? The baseball star?" He asked.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. "Yes, that's Kenji,” you said. “Try not to feed his ego."
Kenji was on the mound, winding up for a pitch. He glanced towards the stands where he spotted you and your friends. With a smirk, he nodded in your direction.
"Is he waving at us?" another friend asked.
“No,” you shook your head. "He's just trying to show off. Watch, he'll probably strike this guy out just to make a point."
Sure enough, Kenji delivered a fastball that struck the batter out, the crowd erupting in cheers. He turned back to you, giving a mock bow.
Your guy friend laughed. "You weren't kidding,” he said. He's got a flair for the dramatic."
"Tell me about it," you muttered. "He's always been like this."
More than once, on your rehearsals, you’d find Kenji standing by the doorway, leaning casually against the frame.
"Nice performance, (y/n)," he called out, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Almost believed you were someone else."
You paused, turning to face him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here, Kenji?” You asked. “Lost your way to the field?"
The director looked between the two of you, intrigued. "Friend of yours, (y/n)?" He asked.
"Hardly," you answered, crossing your arms. "Just someone who thinks he's more important than he actually is."
Kenji grinned, unfazed. "Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he said. “You know, your acting. Seems like everyone's talking about it."
"Well, I'm flattered," you said dryly. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have real work to do."
As Kenji left, one of your fellow actors whispered, "He really gets under your skin, doesn't he?"
You sighed, shaking her head. "He's been doing it for years."
During hell week, your exams season, you’d spend your time in the library a little longer. Of course, Kenji knew about this. He’s been keeping tabs on you since coming across you when you were freshmen.
You were studying in a quiet corner of the library when Kenji walked in. He made his way over, pulling out a chair across from you.
"Studying hard, I see," he said, grinning. "Trying to finally beat me at something?"
You looked up, exasperated. "Kenji, some of us actually have exams to prepare for,” you replied. “Don't you have a game to practice for?"
"Already did," he said. "Thought I'd see what the academic life is like. How's the memorizing going? More lines to learn?"
"At least I use my brain for something other than sports," you shot back.
A nearby student, overhearing the exchange, glanced over with curiosity. "Do you two always bicker like this?"
You nodded, not missing a beat, “Pretty much. It's our thing."
Kenji laughed, leaning back in his chair, "Can't let her get too comfortable, can I?"
As he left, the student shook his head, smiling, "You two have a strange relationship."
You didn’t even know that guy or from what program he’s in. It felt like it was high school all over again where everyone knew of your rivalry, and it’s the only thing they knew between you two.
And soon enough, it will be what the world knows about you two.
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
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@eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan @reggies-eyeliner @buggs-1 @miffysoo @spencerrxids @stupidbutsmart @marimargirlies @mixvchelle @lannnu @lailuv21 @christiinee @abracarabbit @youngbananamilkshake @flutterfly365 @o-schist @brazilsho @arrozyfrijoles23 @finestflora
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nohoperadio · 1 day
Imagine a far-future society, we don't know what's happened but the Earth is dead, I'm vaguely picturing them all living on space stations or something, there are only precious few species of plants and animals being kept alive, very few indeed, you couldn't quite count the remaining species on your fingertips but you could certainly check out all of their Wikipedia pages within the space of an hour. Future Wikipedia I guess, I mean whatever it is they have. No edible fruit or vegetables have survived at all, I'm not sure what they do for food, something futuristic presumably. Some kind of... future powder?
But there's this project that's been in the works for decades, they've figured out they can synthesize an apple. I don't know how that works, but the scientists have figured out a way. They're going to make an apple and this is like landing on the moon for them, everyone's insanely hyped about it, nobody's seen an apple for millennia... well see part of what's going on here is that the historiography of the time back when Earth still existed is irreparably bad now, it's super impressionistic because so little survived. And I guess partly because the Genesis story has been all blown out of proportion (there's more to it but that's a big part of it) these guys have a really exaggerated idea of the importance of apples to Earth humans, they basically imagine us eating apples all day long and worshiping apple gods and making apple art and all stuff like that. It's pretty silly but remember they have NO fruit or veg, they eat powder or whatever it was I said, they don't even have a rough concept of what "eating an apple" might be, like does it get you high for example? I bet they think it does, like a really spiritual special kind of high! They must have embellished it so much right? Gotten real carried away.
So like I say it's really hype, they're going to finally make an apple! A real one I mean, not like an approximation of what some scientists theorize an apple might be like, they've figured out how to definitely do it accurately (somehow, idk, just trust the omniscient narrator that they're doing it for real). But: they can only make one. Too much resources required or some shit, like I said this is their equivalent to the first moon landing except maybe more so, it's not a sustainable plan to reintroduce apple trees or something, they can only make one apple ever and that'll be it.
So as you can imagine, quite apart from all the scientific resource that's gone into this project, there's been a ton of resource invested into (not to mention endless public fascination and debate over) the question: who gets to eat the apple? It's a big deal! Everybody envies whoever's gonna eat it; most people also don't envy them. Since time immemorial, the essence of the apple has been defined by centuries and millennia of myth and speculation and storytelling holding together scattered fragments of a mysterious glorious past. Very soon, the essence of the apple will be defined by whatever this guy says it is, whatever the apple eater manages to communicate of the ineffable experience that will always be theirs alone. Humanity will demand a report, and the apple eater will have to be a poet of rarest genius at the very minimum to be trusted to deliver it, they hold the most privileged position maybe anyone will ever hold by being allowed to do this, and all that will remain of that briefest experience for all eternity will be their words. They're an instant prophet, no questions asked. I don't know about you, but if that was me I would definitely shit myself.
Well anyway forget about all that stuff. I was only thinking of this because it occurs to me, you're kind of like the apple eater of your own life, right? I mean nobody's making a big song and dance of it like those crazy apple space freaks, but it's true no?, you *pokes you in the face quite hard* with your highly specific soul positioned in your highly specific situation, that's only going to happen once, you're the only one who's ever going to know what that's like, assuming you aren't going to give some sort of big testimony, somehow. Only difference is like I say, no one really cares in your case, although actually I do sometimes, I hope that doesn't weird you out. I'm just saying imagine being asked the question! As if the answer really did matter! In theory anybody could just walk up to you and do that! I promise I won't ask you, if you promise you won't ask me.
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thefirstknife · 2 days
Okay, this is it for Act I and now we have to stew for 20 days, I'm okay and not feeling abnormal at all (lie). But there's SO MUCH that I want to mention.
The mission starts normally, we're just collecting samples for Failsafe, but then Osiris calls us to come help him with Saint. And then shit hits the fan. Saint has apparently walked off alone into Nessus and isn't answering his comms. Normal and cool!
I'll go into the whole thing, under read more for length (long ass post, I'm having normal thoughts and feelings about this whole thing):
Right away, no more lake where we were fishing (only in the mission though):
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Strange! The Vex appear to have let Saint pass through here without a fight. Once again, there's a mix of Vex in this area; some are normal Vex units with collars and some are Precursors without (the boss, the cyclops and the hobgoblins are Precursors):
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The Precursors aren't collared, but they still participate in this and are also changed ("uplifted choral cyclops" = part of the chorus even without a yoke). This is incredibly strange. And then more strange information:
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Okay!!! What is going on! We've seen in the last week's lore page that the Vex are behaving incredibly strangely. In short, they seem to be behaving more like individuals, rather than what we're used to seeing from them. This adds to that. They are developing tactics and changes that they previously weren't engaged with because, essentially, they didn't have to be.
Anyway, we get to finally hear Saint and he's... Talking to himself. About how he's not real. We find him collared and he appears to be hearing a voice talking to him; the voice is only identified as a "Conductor." At this point, I don't think there's any doubt about this being Maya. The same term was used by her in her experiments with the Veil: she needed someone to be a "conductor" to the "chorus" of minds when she was trying to merge fabricate consciousness (which she succeeded in with Lakshmi). Maya died in the "conductor's chair." What we don't know is ... Well. Anything else. What is she doing and why and what state is she in. The assumption right now is that she's using the Vex as a chorus, but why are they allowing this and why are some of them participating even without the collars? No clue.
What's interesting is that she seems to have analysed Saint and knew about him, either from her own analysis of him after observing him during our expeditions or from the Vex themselves. Or both. I suspect a combination of both because he's been involved with what we've been doing so she would've been interested to see why, and then she would've also gotten additional information from the Vex who recognise him. I would assume the Vex also had information about the rest of us, including Osiris and YW, but Saint was easiest to control.
With what she was telling him, it also means that Maya now knows how we saved him. His entire story is directly linked to the Vex and Vex technology so naturally all of this would be recorded with them and would allow Maya to find out about it. She knows that in some timelines he dies and he is saved in this one. She filled his head with the idea that he doesn't belong here, that he shouldn't have been saved. That he's an error that's "corrupting the true timeline."
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As a sidenote, when you come into this room, Curse of Osiris music starts playing, again, as it has been playing for a lot of stuff this episode (specifically the Panoptes fight track). I'm super glad to hear that OST again. I'm also insane about them dropping Mercury music and Precursors at me.
Saint has more concerning lines:
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And then we reach him:
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Totally okay scene to see. Saint in his bubble, with a yoke, Vex arranged around him in their worshipping pose and the mysterious figures hovering above him. Saint continues:
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Okay! *cries* He snaps out of it when Ikora reminds him of Osiris. Old man yaoi wins again!!
Then there's the conversation between Osiris, Saint, Ikora and Failsafe where Osiris is desperately trying to convince Saint that he's real and fine and that there's nothing wrong with him. I crode.... Man, they really said "you WILL watch these old men lovingly put hands on each other." But also, Saint confirms that he just heard a voice speaking to him on Nessus and that he couldn't do anything except obey its commands. It wasn't a Vex; Saint describes it as something that "connected to his mind" and called itself the "Conductor."
Failsafe pointed out that the Vex and Exo share radiolaria as a "base material" and that the Vex were perhaps trying to interface with Saint for information about what we're doing. But Saint said that they did not care about that at all. Instead, they "measured" Saint's "humanity" and "legitimacy."
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Osiris does his best to convince him otherwise:
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Bro. I am crying in the club what the fuck. Osiris had access to other Saints, but he didn't want to mess with them. He wanted to save the Saint he knew. It was the whole deal with the Sundial being so specific to find "the right moment" and "the right Saint" to save him and why it didn't work for Osiris, because of the paradox with the Young Wolf.
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Ikora points out that this is all just a tactic against us and Saint does seem to understand that, and Osiris' reassurances, but it's still difficult to deal with. Saint has previously already dealt with the feelings of not being sure if anything he's experiencing is real. He's spent decades in the Infinite Forest surrounded by simulations. It's a hard thing to adjust to, especially with all he's been through since.
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He'll need time to process this. He needs to be alone.
Failsafe is normal about it:
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You and me too bestie!
But wait! There's more! We still have the radio message which is between Osiris and Ikora talking about the changes to Nessus and the Vex. It's naturally Osiris' way to distract himself from the issues with Saint, but also we really do need to keep researching what's going on so he's got a good idea. Nessus is "changing rapidly" according to Osiris, "moreso than when the Vex first assimilated it, if Red War records can be trusted." Osiris also notes that this isn't just limited to Nessus, but to everything, including our data and the radiolaria that we collected. They're "mutating."
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This bit in particular is important and concerning because that's just not how the Vex do things. As Osiris said, when they change, they change because they have time shenanigans so they essentially gather data in the future and transmit it back, then alter themselves from the past, to appear as if they were always that way. But now? They're adapting "in real time." They learn linearly and adapt on the go.
This is bizarre with the utilisation of Precursors because they are the past Vex. However, they do not have the collars so they're not directly "compelled" and yet, they still participate and change alongside all of the other collared Vex. They also send their minds, again, not collared, to control the collared Vex and lead them. This is baffling.
Ikora is linking this to the impact of the anomaly, the echo. While Saint was down there, Geppetto mapped some of it, including the radiolaria around the site; apparently, the Vex are "swirling around the impact site for miles below the surface." It's also "causing disturbances in the planet's EM field." Ikora concludes that the Vex must be doing "something big."
Osiris also mentions the importance of Saint saying that it was a singular voice directing him, not a collective one, like a Vex would be. He reminds us that this isn't how Vex do things usually and this thing with Saint was just a test. He speculates, and Ikora agrees, that the Vex behaviour is like this because they found "a new leader." Obviously, the Conductor.
That concludes Act I. The seasonal activity, Breach Executable, has new lines as well. I've only played one, got some more sad Saint lines and then had to pause to stop crying. Act II starts in 20 days.
But wait. There's MORE! Of course we can't forget the seasonal lore page. And this is also where they went straight for the jugular. The lore page is about Mithrax visiting Saint and finding him not feeling well. Saint is distressed and Mithrax is trying to help him feel better, especially about his feelings of not belonging. Mithrax understands those feelings and he's trying his best to help Saint not feel that way. A little bit of joy in the gloom:
Saint groaned and waved the question away. "Do not say something smart to me now. Osiris does this, and I have had enough of it."
I LOVE when Saint compares Osiris and Mithrax, it's so good and also funny. But anyway, let's get back to the pain. As Saint realises where Mithrax is going with his questions, he relents and accepts that yes, sometimes we feel like we don't belong, but that is clearly not true.
And then Mithrax experiences something strange:
Suddenly, his vision narrowed and darkened. His headache shrieked, filling his mind with blinding pain. He doubled over as a terrifying urge—RULE, KELL—roared through his chest. The pigeons burst away in harried flight, leaving the seed untouched on the ground. Saint was still watching the pigeons wheel through the sky and down into the City. Mithrax wrapped his arms around himself until the shaking subsided and took a deep draw of Ether. "You are good friend," Saint said quietly, his gaze fixed on the City. Mithrax walked over slowly and sat down next to him again. "I try," he said softly.
Hello? Okay. So on top of Saint having massive issues, we're still seeding the future plot of something getting absolutely the fuck worse with Mithrax. Cool. Cool. I'm jumping off a bridge.
And Mithrax doesn't tell Saint about this, obviously. Saint is preoccupied with his own problems now and this is the way of Titan; care for others first, then yourself. Mithax should NOT be copying this from Saint, but alas. Enjoy brewing in this little piece of terrifying information until we get more on it next episode, I presume.
But wait. There's EVEN MORE! For finishing Act I, we got another lore page, from another lore book called Dynasty. We had no clue what this would be until now.
And well. It's a completely separate story from ancient past, about the Qugu civilisation. This is an incredibly packed lore page, one of the longest I've seen to be honest and it features a lot of bizarre alien stuff from an ancient civilisation, but the gist of it, for now until I can truly dive into it; it follows a member of the Qugu species as he's rising in the ranks to become a military leader. The Qugu are ancient civilisation we first learned about in the Books of Sorrow, as they were wiped out by the Hive. We got an update on them in Inspiral, telling us they were Darkness users, utilising the psychic abilities to connect each other's consciousnesses and talk to their ancestors.
In this page, we see some stuff about their culture, their connection to the creatures they're in symbiosis with, the way their civilisation worked in regards to how they ruled and how many planets they occupied. It's a fascinating read, but fairly hard to get through. The page ends with the Qugu discovering the Hive and the Black Fleet that attacked one of their systems and they try to get back to warn the others. I assume the rest of the book will be about the Qugu as well, to further flesh out this plot.
Why this now? I am unsure. Possible setup for something going forward down the line? One other idea I've had is that this will somehow relate to the "ally" of Maya we speculated about when I talked about the lore pages from the seasonal exotic gear. It makes sense that this "ally" is an alien because of Maya mentioning his fascinating origin, culture and biology. This would also explain why we got this lore book for finishing Act I, as it would make it relevant to what's going on. But this is, for now, a really big speculation. We'll need more pages, which I assume we'll get for finishing other Acts, so good look not exploding in curiosity until then (I've already exploded). I'll most certainly analyse this lore page more in-depth because there is NOTHING in this world I am more interested than digging into ancient space civilisations.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 days
The Art of Etiquette Part 10 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your lesson with Jungkook ran a bit longer today so he offers to give you a ride home but decides to make a stop along the way Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.7k~ Warnings: Suggestive language if you think about it lmao but nothing too crazy a/n: I can't believe it's been this long since I last updated this story 😭 (almost 2 months) I know this chapter is short but the ball is coming up in the next chapter so this was a good stopping point. Hardly edited per usual lol Start from the beginning
"Late again princess. I should start counting at this rate" Jungkooks taunts, his back to me as always when I walk in the room. "Prey tell," he continues, turning to face me and sizing me up like a predator does his prey. "what might your excuse be for being late this time? The roads were quite clear last I checked" he presses, walking closer and closer to me. 
"I-I forgot my shoes at home. I know you told me I needed to break them in so..." I say, being truthful but keeping the matter of being stopped by Foster on my way out of class to myself. 
"Why are you so nervous? Have I done something to frighten you already?" he asks, circling me and slipping my bag off my shoulder before walking over to the chair I usually sit on when I change into my heels before class. 
Gone is the easy going and attentive Jungkook from Sunday, leaving a hungry dominant one in it's wake. 
"I'm not frightened" I argue, following him so I can sit down but when I reach for the box that contains the shoes in question he gives me a warning glance, leaving me recoiling and letting him do as he pleases. 
Okay so maybe I am a little frightened but I just don't know where we stand and that fact alone has me on edge. 
"You look at me as though you were afraid I might gobble you up" he smirks, kneeling before me and helping me slip them on. "You look at me as though you would" I throw back and the look in his eyes goes from mischief to one of challenge, knowing now that I'm willing to play into his little game. 
"Is that something you'd like?" he asks, licking his bottom lip making my eyes draw straight to them. "Is that something you'd like?" I echo, throwing the taunt right back. He smirks softly and runs one of his hands up the back of my calf, no higher than my knee but still sparking a flame alight inside me.
"Answering a question with a question, I was under the impression I taught you better than that" he says and removes that hand that I begged would climb higher, him choosing to stand up and straighten his appearance instead, walking towards the sound system to turn on the endless ballroom music I'm sure we'll be dancing to. 
Damn him and his flirting! Can't he ever just follow through with one thing? 
As our lessons draw to a close he hands me a bottle of water, leaving me accepting and downing half of it in one go. 
I feel his eyes on me, watching as a stray droplet trails down my cheek to the column of my neck and collarbone until it disappears under my blouse and it seems as though he wishes he could tear it away and find where else that droplet might've traveled. 
I finished drinking moments before it disappeared, watching him as he watched it, his eyes fluttering up to mine seconds later and noticing my stare. Clearing his throat in response he turns away and goes to shut off the sound system for the rest of the day. 
"Your dancing is improving" he says once he's walked back towards me, giving me a towel to dab off the light sheen of sweat that had appeared during the final three songs. "I only stepped on your foot once today" I say feeling a tad victorious. 
"Twice" he corrects gaining him a frown. "That one doesn't count! My foot barely grazed yours" I groan and he chuckles, "Still hurt though" he says with a shrug. 
"Really?" I cringe, hating the thought that I somehow still seemed to hurt him even after all the time we've spent running through all these steps together. He grants me a devious smile before stepping towards me, one of his feet closer to mine now. I look up at him with a questioning gaze, waiting for what he might say but it wasn't something I had expected. 
"Step on it" he says, smirking at the confusion now running through my whole body leaving me recoiling instead. "What?" I question, baffled by the absurdity of the request and he chuckles, thoroughly amused with my reaction. He glances down at his shoe and back up at me, daring me not to and I narrow my eyes at him while contemplating it for a second but decide to do it anyway, being met with a hard shell encasing the front of his foot.
"Steel toe dress shoes? Really" I roll my eyes, walking over to my stuff so I can take my heels off, feet thoroughly abused with the whole task of breaking them in. "They're very useful when you're in the line of work that I'm in" he responds, amused by my reaction of him revealing his secret to me. 
"I bet they are" I respond and once I'm back in my flat shoes again I stand up but lose my footing after having spent all this time on my toes. "Are you okay?" he asks, catching me right away. "Yeah I'm fine. Dancing with new shoes was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be" I explain and he nods his head, understanding completely and lets go so I can stand on my own. 
"Were you planning on teaching me anything else tonight? It's already a little past the usual time we wrap things up" I ask, checking my phone and then glancing outside, seeing that the sun is long gone. 
"Oh I apologize, I seem to have lost track of time. Let me drop you off then" he says, grabbing his keys. "I drove here though, and I'd hate to have James send someone to pick up the car again" I try to refuse, ultimately knowing I'll lose the battle but still doing so nevertheless. 
"It's fine, I can come pick you up from home and take you to campus when I drop off Bam at his trainers in the morning" he says and I stop in front of his car while he goes to the passenger side and opens the door for me. 
"Isn't that a little too much? I don't want you going out of your way to do that for me" I say, making excuses so he doesn't feel like he has to do all of that. "It's completely fine y/n. I pass by your house on my way home anyway so I don't mind adding a couple of extra stops since I don't have much planned in the morning" he replies and I nod my head, slowly making my way over to his car. 
"I really don't mind driving in the dark Jungkook my vision is completely fine" I relay, trying to back out once again but this time he walks up to me and ushers me over to the car by my waist so I have no other option but to get in. 
"Okay but I-" I start, turning to face him before I get in, not knowing how close his face had been to me, leaving our lips mere inches apart. He tilts his head and hums, urging me to continue. I try to find the words I mean to say but they are buried in the deep recesses of mind, whisked away with the proximity between us. 
"I'll pick you up once your classes have ended as well. That way you'll be here on time tomorrow" he says, touching my jaw for a second before leaning in. "Get in the car" he whispers against my cheek leaving me quickly turning around and doing as he says before he can see my expression. 
Seconds later I could've sworn that I heard him chuckle and mumble a quiet 'Cute' under his breath before closing the door and rounding the car to his side. 
After we've been driving for a bit I notice how he's pulled off onto a dirt road and I'm instantly confused. 
"Is this where you plan on killing me?" I joke, curious as to where we're going. "If I wanted to kill you Pretty," he starts, paying close attention as we round a bend, pausing in his response for a second. "you'd already be dead" he finishes, sending a chill through my body and when he notices how stiff I've gone he gives me a sly smile before turning back to make sure we get to our destination safely. 
"I went ahead and messaged Matthew and asked him to inform James that our lessons ran a little late so they won't be too concerned" he says, putting the car in park and unbuckling his seatbelt. "So this is where you're going to kill me" I say and he chuckles again before tapping me twice under my chin. "You're cute when you're scared" he says before opening his door and rounding to open mine.
I cross my arms over my chest, thoroughly annoyed by the fact that I let him get away with stuff like this to the point where I actually prefer it. I'll never give him the satisfaction of knowing that though. Knowing him though he's probably already very aware of it, otherwise he wouldn't keep pushing my buttons. 
When he opens the door I glare up at him keeping that same posture and he smirks down at me while offering his hand to help me up. "Where are we?" I ask and he lets out a dry chuckle. "Get out of the car and you'll find out" he temps and I look between him and his outstretched hand that is still waiting for me to take and against my better judgement I decide to dance with the Devil. 
Who would blame me though when he looks at me like that, a heated gaze that never truly acts upon the sinful desires hidden behind them.
Stepping out of the car we're met with an open expanse of land, not a single soul or building in sight with only the low hum of vehicles barely audible from the highway behind us. "What is this place?" I question marveling at the serenity of it all, breathing in the could night air and letting the chill surround me. 
I shiver slightly as it's seeped through my clothes a lot sooner than one might think and just as I'm about to wrap my arms around myself for warmth I'm met with a coat being draped across my shoulders and when I turn around I see he's looking up towards the sky. 
"Have you looked up yet?" he ask, the body heat from him wearing it moments ago still present making me shiver for another reason but once I do look up none of it matters anymore as I take in the sight of thousands of heavenly bodies strewn across the clear night sky. 
"I-" "You were so concerned with the thought of me harming you that you didn't even notice the clear purpose of me wanting to bring you here" he say, cutting off whatever nonsense I was about to let tumble out of my mouth. I sigh in response, not bothering to ruin this moment of peace with nonsensical bickering since he's clearly done this with me in mind.
"How did you find this place?" I ask after having taken in the sight of it, countless start twinkling above us. "I went driving one day and my car broke down so I pulled off near the entrance of this little dirt road and while I was waiting for the tow truck I walked down the path and well..." he says, trailing off making me fill in the obvious blanks. 
"I see" I respond and we stay silent for a while, the both of us standing there with all of our thoughts angled up towards the heavens until he finally speaks again. "I should probably get you home" he says, turning towards me but I shake my head.
 "No, no not yet. Can we stay a little longer? Please?" I ask, this moment difficult to let go just yet and can see him smiling at me from the corner of my eye as I continue to keep my eyes on the stars above, praying that I'll be able to feel this way forever...
When he parks his car in the driveway and opens the door for me he keeps me there for a second, not letting me get away so fast this time. "Thank you for letting me keep you a little longer tonight" he says, ghosting his hand on my waist and it's then that I realize I'm still wearing the coat he let me borrow. I try to take off but he grabs both of the open sides and pulls them together, trapping me inside and in turn pulling me closer to him.
"I wanted to give your jacket back to you" I mumble since the intimate space between us makes even that sound too loud. "I realize that, but I want to get you inside first before taking it back. Don't want you to catch a cold after all the effort I put in to make sure you stayed warm" he explains, one of his hands now holding onto my waist while the other keeps the coat closed.
I hum in response and look away as I notice he's started to study my features. "The ball is this weekend" he says and I nod my head. "I know" I mumble again, my expression now one of doubt. "Hey" he says, cupping my face, trying to make me meet his gaze but my eyes then turn downward in response. 
"There's nothing to worry about y/n, I promise" he says and I nod my head again, not bothering to utter a word in response. He tilts my chin up and I give in, letting my eyes peer back into his and I notice how sincere he looks, an expression I don't think I've ever seen from him leaving me holding my breath and waiting for him to continue. 
"No matter what happens just remember that I'm proud of you. You've done well in our lessons and I have no doubt that everyone is going to love you" he reassures me making me feel a little more at ease with the thought of it all but also nervous about him saying things like this to me.
"Thank you Jungkook" I whisper and he smiles in response before reaching into the car to grab my bag that's still on my seat and handing it to me. "Let's get you inside" he says placing his hand on the small of my back, walking me to the front door and stopping right outside of it, waiting for me to unlock it. 
Once I step inside I turn around to say something but he steps inside making me take a step back but he takes another step closer so he's standing right in front of me, hardly any space between us now. 
I blink up at him, not really sure what his plan is before he slowly unzips the coat the rest of the way, making my breath hitch, the feeling of him taking my clothes off even if it's as simple as this making my brain short circuit. Once he unhooks it at the bottom he pushes it off my shoulders and leans in to help it slide down my arms leaving me shivering once his warm breath hits my neck. 
He hums, satisfied by my response and places a feather light kiss under my ear before quickly pulling back and pretending as if nothing had happened meanwhile leaving me completely flustered by his ministrations. 
Let's just say I'm lucky neither of my parents came downstairs to greet us. 
"Sweet dreams" he says playfully and slips out without another word, walking over to his car and driving off. I only close the door once his car is out of view, my back against it now, catching my breath as I think about everything that happened today and all I can think of is 'How the hell am I supposed to take much more of this?'
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larluce · 5 hours
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21
In "Excalibur"
The black knight arrives as expected. Arthur this time lifts the gauntlet before any other knight can do so, much to Merlin's dismay, but at least he now knows what to do.
Kilgharrah: (watching Merlin arrive) Oh, until you finally deign to see me, young warlock.
Merlin: I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. Many things happened.
Kilgharrah: (analyzes Merlin and realizes) Another old mind in a young body.
Merlin: (confused) What?
Kilgharrah: You are not from this time, are you young warlock?
Merlin: (sighs) I should have known you'd notice. Look, if you're going to give me the destiny and coin speech, I swear that-
Kilgharrah: I find it useless to talk to you about something you already have very present. However, I'm sure you didn't come here just to greet me. If so you would have come much sooner.
Merlin: (takes out the sword Gwen gave him) Arthur, the Once and the Future King of your prophecy, is going to duel with a wraith. It's not in your best interest for him to die, so I need you to reforge this sword so that Arthur won't die in combat-
Kilgharrah: I'll help you.
Merlin: I remind you that your revenge is with Uther, not with… Wait, you'll help me? 😧
Kilgharrah: You have a very strong argument. I can't deny that.
Merlin: And you won't try to convince me to free you in exchange either?
Kilgharrah: I don't want you to see my help as conditional, young warlock. I imagine that's why you've avoided coming to see me. I'll just ask you one thing. Where you come from, am I free?
Merlin: Yes… (Thinking) After you almost turned Camelot into ashes.
Kilgharrah: That's all I need to know. (Raises the sword towards him with magic) A sword forged with my assistance will have great power.
Merlin: I know.
Kilgharrah: Normally I'd say you can only guess, but in this case I know you are very aware, and yet there's still so much you don't know.
Merlin: I know that in the wrong hands this sword can cause great evil. I won't let that happen.
Kilgharrah: That's not what I meant. (comes closer) Do you know why you and Arthur are two sides of the same coin?
Merlin: (rolls his eyes) Yes, yes, the prophecy. We are the half that makes us whole. Arthur is my destiny. I already know all that. 😒
Kilgharrah: Indeed, but the curious thing about the sides of a coin is that, despite being literally glued together, they never see each other.
Merlin: (tired) I don't have time for this. Are you going to forge the sword or not?
Kilgharrah: (forges the sword) Hear my words, the sword must be wielded by Arthur and him alone. You must promise.
Merlin: I promise.
Kilgharrah: (returns the sword already forged to Merlin with magic)
Merlin: (looking at it wistfully) It's just as I remember it (looks up at Kilgharrah again, smiling) Thank you, Kilgharrah. (leaves)
Kilgharrah: Any time, young warlock. (Thinking) It is when the sides of the coin see each other that tragedies occur.
Time skip. Right after Merlin gave the sword to Arthur and just before he duels the black knight.
Merlin: (finishes putting Arthur his armor on) Ready, sire.
Arthur: (smirking) Won't you give me a hug?
Merlin: What?! 😳
Arthur: For luck, of course.
Merlin: (very red and confused) Since… since when are you so fond of hugs? (thinking) You were never this affectionate before...
Arthur: (opens up) I admit I didn't always like them. Wrong, I always liked them, but, as a prince, I'm not supposed to be affectionate. At least that's what my father always said. "Physical contact with royalty is a privilege, it cannot be given lightly" that was his phrase.
Merlin: (realizes, sad) The king doesn't… doesn't hug you much, does he? (Thinking) Now that I think about it, I don't remember a single time he did it.
Arthur: (thinking back) I think the last time he did it I was… 5 years old? Oh, don't look at me like that. I understand why he thought that was the best way to raise me, but it wasn't until recently that I realized… that's not how I want to live the rest of my life, or how I would raise my kids, you know? I don't want to deny myself the giving or receiving of affection, at least not when it comes to the people I care about.
Merlin: (understanding) That's why you hug Morgana more often now.
Arthur: And you. (Extends his arms) So? Will you give me my lucky hug or not?
Merlin: (laughs softly) As if you need it. (but he hugs him, thinking) I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me this and that you want to change. We've never... we've never hugged this much before... It's... it feels good. (melts in the hug)
Arthur: (thinking) I thought I'll never have you like this ever again... (pulls him closer) I don't want this to end. Gods, let me hold him forever. Please
Merlin: (thinking, scolding himself) Stop it! What will Arthur think? (gently separates the hug and says) There, you can go now.
Arthur: I don't think that's enough luck.
Merlin: (confused) Huh?
Arthur: I'm going to need this too (takes Merlin's neckerchief off)
Merlin: What?! 😨 What are you doing?! (He tries to get the neckerchief back from him) Give it back! Arthur! 😠
Arthur: (raising the nekerchief and dodging all of Merlin's attempts to take it from him) I need all the luck I can get, Merlin. And what's luckier than a favor?
Merlin: (very red, but pretending to be upset) Yes, but that's supposed to be with the favor of a lady! Not my-That's not how it works!
Arthur: Would you prefer that I ask a Lady hers?
Merlin: That's not... You don't need it! 😡
Arthur: I could die.
Merlin: (raises his voice in sudden panic) You are not going to die! (Composes himself) Sorry.
Servant x: (enters) Sire, they are waiting for you.
Arthur: I'll be right away. (puts the neckerchief around his arm) Merlin, help me, will you?
Merlin: (ties the neckerchief around Arthur's arm, blushing)
Servant x: (gives Merlin a knowing smile and then turns to Arthur) Your highness (bows and leaves)
Merlin: (sighs, thinking) Great... more rumors...
Arthur: Will you be cheering for me? 😏
Merlin: (snorts) You wish. (Softens his expression) But I'll be there. Just to make sure you don't ruin my neckerchief, of course.
Arthur: (starts to leave, but turns to Merlin) My lady (bows with a flirtatious smile and leaves)
Merlin: (in shock with eyes wide open) What the…? (turns red with fury and embarrassment) This clotpole is making fun of me! 😡
Arthur wins, of course. Merlin was definitely not clapping and cheering loudly and he definitely did not blush furiously when Arthur decided to give back his neckerchief publicly.
"He is taking this joke too far" is all Merlin can think when he gets back to his chamers, but he sleeps with a smile on his face and the neckerchief curled in his hand.
In "The moment of truth"
In Arthur's chambers. Arthur writes at his desk.
Merlin: (enters without knocking) Arthur!
Arthur: (startled, spills the ink with which he was writing on the parchment)
Merlin: Sorry... 😅
Arthur: (sighs, thinking) Some things just never change. (Says) Be useful for once and bring me another scroll, will you?
Merlin: (hurries to take out another scroll and gives it to him)
Arthur: (takes the parchment) Any special reason why you decided to burst into my chambers so suddenly or did you just miss me? (moves his eyebrows flirtuosly)
Merlin: (blushes) I...(thinking, freaking out internally) WHAT IS HE DOING?!😳😱😫. (Says, nervous) I just wanted to ask you if you could give me a few days off so I can visit my mother, sire. (doesn't look at him in the eye)
Arthur: (frowns, concerned) Is something wrong? You seem anxious.
Merlin: It is nothing, my lord. I just miss seeing my mother. I haven't been able to see her since I came to the castle.
Arthur: I see, that's understandable. (He puts the parchment aside and stands to look Merlin right in the eye, seriously) Now the truth.
Merlin: (thinking) Damn it! (sighs, giving up and says) I got a letter from her recently. The village I come from, where my mother lives, is being attacked by raiders. I promise I won't be gone for long, just until I'm sure she's save. She's my mother, Arthur. I need-
Arthur: I understand. You have my permission.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Arthur (About to leave)
Arthur: Oh, take this (throws him a bag with supplies)
Merlin: (looking at the bag) What...?
Arthur: (Searches the room and grabs another bag) And this (throws it at Merlin too) and this (goes to Merlin and hangs the last bag around his neck). Yep, that's all, let's go.
Merlin: (confused) Go where, Sire?
Arthur: To Ealdor together.
Merlin: What? No! (Drops all things) Arthur, you can't come with me. The king will not allow it.
Arrhur: Did you really think I'll let you go alone?
Merlin: (thinking) I mean, you did came with me before, but no so soon! (Says) But, Uther-
Arthur: Don't worry about it. I'll solve it.
Merlin: But I need to go alone!
Arthur: Why?
Merlin: (thinking) Because I need to be able to use magic without you watching me! (Says) I…
Arthur: (thinking) I don't know how advanced you are at your magic, I'm not going to risk something happening to you... And I have to reduce numbers. (snorts) I know you think highly of yourself, Merlin, but I don't think you can take down a mugger patch all on your own.
Merlin: (thinking) If you only knew... (Says) You don't have to do it.
Arthur: True, but I want to.
Merlin: (smiles) I know and I really apreaciate it. Truly. But it's not just a matter of want. Ealdor is in another Kingdom and if there was a word that the Prince of Camelot went there- (thinking) The treaty with Cenred will be broken and it would be my fault again.
Despite Arthur never telling Merlin this in his other life, he knows Arthur going to Ealdor to help him played a great part in that to happen. He remembers Uther was furious with Arthur when he got back and throw him in the dungeons for a week. When Arthur finally got out he had several bruises on his skin. It was the first time Merlin ever consider killing Uther if even for a moment. Arthur never hold any of that against Merlin but that didn't make him feel any less guilty. He can't make Arthur go through that again.
Arthur: No one has to know I'm the Prince. Plus we could take it as a trip to Ealdor and I can finally meet your mother.
Merlin: (confused) Why do you want to meet my mother?
Arthur: Can't I meet my manservant's family?
Merlin: (shuts his mouth helplessly, thinking) Oh, well, at least it'll just be Arthur and me.
Time skip. Outside the castle.
Merlin: (yelling at Arthur) YOU BROUGHT YOUR KNIGHTS?! 😡
Knight 1, 2, 3 and Leon: (standing awkwardly a few meters away of Arthur and Merlin)
Knight 1: He's yelling at the prince.
Knight 2: I think the servant doesn't like us very much.
Knight 3: I feel bad third.
Leon: I'm not even surprised anymore.
[Welcome to: ✨breaking the fourth wall space✨
Me: Hi!😊 I'm the author of this crazy story! An I created this little space so the characters can break the fourth wall, without affecting the trama! They will mostly use it just to complain to me though.
Knight 1, 2 and 3: (to the author) Hey! when are you going to give us names?! 😡
Me: (to the audience) See? (to the nameless knights) Well, I would but, you see. Normally I just give names when they... last.
Knights 1, 2 and 3: (who literally die in the "Le Morte d'Arthur" part) What does she mean? 🤨
End of ✨Breaking the fourth wall space✨]
Arthur: (To Merlin, but raising his voice so the knights hear him) Of course! We are going to carry out a formal inspection of Camelot's border (looking at Merlin meaningfully), or did you expect the King to send his only Prince and heir to the border alone, Merlin?
Merlin: Oh... Oh, right!(nods exaggeratedly and turns to the knights smiling, then looks back at Arthur with too much enthusiasm) Then we better hurry, my lord. (He gets on his mare)
Arthur: (gets on his horse too)
Time skip. Merlin and Arthur riding ahead and the rest of the knights riding a few meters behind.
Merlin: (Just loud enough so Arthur can hear) Did you tell them?
Arthur: Tell them what?
Merlin: 😑
Arthur: Of course (pauses) not.
Merlin: Do you realize that technically we will be invading the territory of a neighboring kingdom? Not only is it a delicate matter, it could escalate into a diplomatic conflict! That's why I told you-
Arthur: Don't worry, I have a plan.
Merlin: (opens his mouth)
Arthur: (cuts him) Before you ask me what the plan is, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. (Turns to give a look at the knights) That way they will have no choice but to obey me.
Knights: (feeling a chill down their spine)
Time skip. After two days of travel, they finally arrive at the border.
Knight 2: Uhm… Sire? Isn't this the border?
Arthur: No, it's ahead.
Knight 1: I'm sure we've already crossed the border.
Arthur: Do you claim to know more than me, Sir Innprudence?
Knight 1: No, sire (shuts up)
[Knight 1: (to the author) Sir Innprudence?! 😡 That's the best name you could come up with? Really?!
Me: (laughs a little) He he, yeah, I forgot I already named you in part 16.
Knight 1: I prefer Knight 1 😒.
Me: Too late, I already changed it 😈.
Sir Innprudence: NO! 😭]
In the forest of Escetir, near Ealdor. Arthur stops and dismounts his horse, so the others do too.
Leon: Have we reached the border yet, sire?
Arthur: Actually, we are technically in Escetir.
Knights: WHAT?!😱
Arthur: Yes, we're on a deck mission. I'll explain. Merlin, bring the bags.
Merlin: (brings the bags)
Arthur: (To the knights) Do you see the village there? (points to Ealdor)
Leon: Yes, sire.
Arthur: This is my manservant's home village and it's under attack by raiders. Our mission is to slay them all and protect this village.
Knights: ...
Merlin: Oh gods 🤦‍♂️
Arthur: As you know, it would be catastrophic if they were to find out the Prince and the Knights of Camelot were here. So (takes some clothes out of the bags) We're going to pretend to be mercenaries. (throws the clothes at each of them) and we will tell the villagers that we were paid to defend them.
Sir Innprudence: And who paid us?
Arthur: Merlin, of course.
Merlin: What?!😨 Arthur, no one is going to believe that!
Arthur: Why not? This is your native village, your mother lives here. You have more than enough reasons to want to protect Ealdor.
Merlin: And where did I supposely get the money from?!
Arthur: From your benevolent master, of course. That pays you very generously.
Merlin: You are mad! Completely mad! (Pointing to the knights) THIS is MADNESS!
Leon: Sire, you know that I support you no matter what, but you do understand you are basically asking us to betray the king, right?
Arthur: That's only if he finds out, which he is not going to do.
Sir Innprudence, knights 2 and 3: (hesitating whether or not to inform the king of what is happening)
Arthur: After all, everyone here crossed the border, so everyone here would be in trouble if the king ever found out. Although, of course, I would not receive such a severe punishment because I am the prince and unlike others I am not replaceable.
Knights: …
Leon: Count on us, sire 😊.
Merlin: (shouts) NO! (To Arthur) You are not going to do this! 😡
Arthur: (with feigned confusion) But, Merlin, it was you who asked for my help strongly, don't you remember?
Merlin: (jaw drops at Arthur's audacity, thinking) This son of a- (says) That's not true! (To the Knights) I didn't ask for anything, I swear!
Leon: Don't worry, Merlin, we understand how things happened. (wraps an arm around Merlin) Surely you only asked him for money to hire the mercenaries, but his highness decided to come himself to defend the village for you.
Merlin: No! I didn't ask for anything at all!
Knight 2: (to Knight 3) He is the favorite for sure.
Sir Innprudence: (to Leon, making him let go of Merlin in panic) Don't touch him! Do you want to die?!
Knight 3: We better change.
Knights: (start changing)
Merlin: I'm not...! I didn't...! (tries to explain, but no knight listens)
Arthur: (smiling, amused) What are you waiting for, Merlin? (Points to his mercenary clothes so Merlin dresses him)
Merlin: (goes to Arthur and changes his clothes, thinking) Oh, you're going to pay for this Arthur Pendragon.
Meanwhile in Ealdor.
Kanen: (on his horse, grabbing the harvest sacks) What's this? Where's the rest of it?
Village chief: (on the ground, picking up the vegetables they made him drop) I only kept back what we need to survive.
Kanen: (mockingly) Survive? (threatenly) I'll be back in one week, farmer, and I want to see all of it.
Hunith: (Runs furiously to Kanen) You can't take our food! Our children will starve! I won't let you do this! (Tries to take the harvest sacks) You're not taking any of it!
Kanen: (hits her and Hunith falls to the ground)
Merlin: (arriving on his mare, shouts) Mom! (Furious, mutters a spell) Miere hors.
Kanen's horse: (gets upset, raising his legs, making Kanen fall off him)
Hunith: (hurries to grab the harvest sacks and runs)
Arthur and knights: (just behind Merlin, they get off their horses and attack the raiders)
Merlin: (gets off his mare and runs to Hunith) Mom! (cradles her face) Are you okay?
Hunith: (very surprised and happy) Merlin! What are you doing here?
Kanen: (gets up and rushes towards Merlin and Hunith with his sword, about to sly them)
Arthur: (blocks the attack with excalibur) Don't you dare... (Breaks Kanen's sword with excalibur) even think about it!
Villagers: (looking between fear and amazement)
Kanen: (seeing himself outmatched, decides to retreat) You will pay for this with your lives! (gets on a horse nearby) All of you! (Looks down at Hunith and smirks) I'll see you later, sweetheart.
Merlin: (about to jump beat Kanen up, enraged)
Arthur: (Stops him by putting an arm in front of him)
Kanen: (leaves with the raiders that survived)
Arthur: (Thinking, coldly) He'll be back with more, perfect. (Looks at the bodies lying there, thinking) 295.
Hunith: (hugging Merlin) My son, how good it is to see you, but you shouldn't be here.
Merlin: I came as soon as I knew what was happening (points at Arthur) and I brought help.
Arthur: (introduces himself) Nice to meet you, Hunith of Ealdor, my name is Arthur. Merlin hired me and my men to defend this village.
Hunith: Arthur? Like Prince Arthur?
Arthur: A very popular name, indeed.
Hunith: (smiles) I sincerely thank you for what you're doing, Arthur. You are very chivalrous for a mercenary. (sees the knights in the distance, who are helping the women and children) You all seem very chivalrous to be mercenaries.
Arthur: Uh... We get paid well.
Will: (approaches Merlin) You're still up to the same old tricks? I thought I told you we don't want your kind here.
Merlin: ...
Will: (confused) Merlin?
Merlin: (suddenly breaks down crying)
Arthur: (angry, to Will, ready to beat him up right there) What's wrong with you?! 😡
Will: (in panic, worried) I was kidding! Merlin, that's how we always mess with each other! I did not mean-
Merlin: (his crying turns into laughter) Ha! I got you. (Hugs Will) I missed you too, Will. (Thinking) I missed you so much.
Arthur: (coughs, definitely not jealous) Merlin, gather the villagers, I need to talk to them.
Merlin: (pulls away from the hug) Yes, right away. (about to leave)
Will: Wait. You let him give you orders? I thought you hired him.
Merlin: (in realization and smiles evilly) It's true. (hits Arthur arms) You! How insolent! Is this how you treat your employer? You gather the villagers!
Arthur: (About to yell at him, but remembers that Hunith and Will are there and stops himself) Sorry, I thought you might want to do it yourself. I'll do it right away. (Thinking) Wait until we return to Camelot, you dollophead.
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, this is going to be fun.
I know this kind of feels like a filler, but it's important I swear! What did Kilgharrah meant? Can Merlin save Will this time? Will the rest of the Kmights get to have names? Find out in the next episode of ✨"Merlin: the Mistress in denial" ✨
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smoooothoperator · 2 days
What Was I Made For?
06: I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: time skip (three months), Sebastian Stan, race inchident, crash, hospital
a/n: Hiiii!!!How is your life going??? I have to thank my lovely @alltoomaples for being the beta reader of this chapter :3 thank you!! And I just have to warn that this is the start of the real deal!
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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3 months later. Abu-Dhabi GP.
“Are you sure it's okay if we're seen together?”
After that charity event, where I had an anxiety attack and Sebastian came to help me, the two of us somehow got closer. We exchanged numbers and he texted me every day asking me how I was doing, if I felt better or if I had an anxiety attack again. And that concern turned into something more as weeks passed by, ending in something like a situationship.
“Of course. They should mind their own business” I smiled. “You came to support me”
He smiled and nodded, pressing a light kiss on my head and grabbing his backpack, getting ready to leave the hotel room to go to the track.
Avoiding Charles in Maranello was easy, I only had to look at the schedule and go whenever he wasn't there or even being in the same building but making sure I didn't see him at all. During race weeks was harder, because our garages were next to each other and the team briefings were in the same room, but that didn't stop me from sitting on the other side of the table and ignoring him.
And now that the season was finally ending, I could finally breathe in peace knowing that the only time I'll see him after this race is going to be at the team dinner.
I got out of the hotel room with Sebastian behind me holding my hand, squeezing it softly as we walked towards the elevator. The last three months with him were amazing, he always supported me even if he had to be away filming, sending me gifts or calling me before a race.
“This is the last race of the season, right?” he asked. “Why don't we go somewhere to have a week alone, only the two of us? Maybe somewhere warm?”
“That sounds amazing” I smiled looking at him, pressing a kiss on his cheek and hugging his arm.
If someone ever told me that I could do something like this with the one and only Sebastian Stan, I would tell them that they had drugs on their drink. But here I am, waking up next to him some mornings and feeling his touch all over my body.
I knew there were rumors about us. Some people somehow connected dots and started saying that Sebastian and I were dating. And the comments are everything but good. I had haters all over my career, but since that night of September the hate started to get worse, making fans get creative and make comments about everything I did: be with someone older than me, going to fashion events, trying to start a clothing brand. 
“You are tense” Sebastian said while we walked towards my car. 
“I'm okay, it's just… I'm tired” I smiled weakly. “It's been a long season, all I need is to rest”
“Are you sure?” he sighed. “It's just… Lately you've been so tired, Dafne. And I worry about you”
“Don't worry, really” I smiled, squeezing his hand softly. “After this race I'm all yours, okay?”
He smiled softly and nodded, kissing my temple and getting in the Ferrari. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, preparing myself for what is about to come once I'm near the track. I swallowed thickly, feeling tears burning my eyes and the knot of my neck not letting me breathe. 
I can do this, just one more day. I can handle this. Another day or hearing the crowd roaring, engineers talking to me asking me to push more and more, fake smiles to the photographers. Just one more day until I can disappear for a while and come back stronger to fight Charles.
I sighed, opening the door and sitting on the driver seat, looking at Sebastian and smiling weakly. This will be the first time he will come to a race, and even if we made clear to the other that what we had right now was everything we wanted, I was still nervous about what people would think and assume, how he would react to the hate.
“It will be okay, yeah?” he smiled looking at me, placing his hand on my knee and squeezing it softly. “The race will end before you know it and then you won't have to be around him for some months”
I smiled weakly and nodded, driving towards the track. My grip on the steering wheel is tight, with my mind working nonstop about the different scenarios of what will happen once my car appears near the track, with all those fans there waiting for the drivers. Will they be respectful? Will they scream profanities? Will they hate seeing Sebastian next to me? The hate will be towards me or towards him? 
I clenched my jaw when I started to see all the people behind the barriers, taking pictures of the cars that drove in front of them, calling the names of the drivers. I recognized Lando's car in front of mine, and I could hear the fans calling him, excited to see him. But when I drove pass them, the turned their heads to look at the car behind me.
“God, not even taking pictures of this beauty?” Sebastian said, trying to cut the tension. “Come on, this car is amazing, when will be the next time they'll see a Ferrari Roma?”
“This is Abu Dhabi, Seb” I smiled weakly. “They have supercars in every corner…”
I looked at him smiling weakly. I know he tries to cheer me up, but it's not the first time they do this. I'm already used to being ignored.
“My family will be in the hospitality during the race, you want to be with them?” I asked him, changing the subject.
“Don't mind me, I love your family, they are great” he smiled. “But… I want to be in the garage. I-if that's okay with you, of course. I want to experience a race inside of the garage”
“Yeah of course” I smiled. “You'll have to stay in the back, but… Yeah, sure”
He smiled and nodded, biting his lip and looking at the front.
What people will if they see him in the garage? What will media say? 
I swallow thickly and park the car, taking deep a deep breath before opening the door. Sebastian got out after me, looking all the time at me. I grabbed my backpack and locked the car, looking around. 
“Go ahead” Sebastian smiled, nodding. “I'll be okay. It's just scanning the pass and then I have to walk to the big red building, right?”
“Yeah” I nodding, grabbing tightly the backpack. “I'll see you there”
I took a deep breath and walked away, wanting to go back and kiss his lips, but I knew people had their cameras ready to picture every move I made. So, instead of that, I walked alone with the biggest fake smile I could make, scanning my pass and walking through the paddock, letting the photographers take pictures of me. 
Chin up, bitch smile, walk straight.
During most part of the day I felt nauseous. And my chest hurt. 
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“Probably your period will come soon” my sister Soleil said. “You want me to give you some vitamins?”
“Yeah, sure” I nodded, moving my shoulders in circles to warm up. “And give me a cold jacket before I go to the anthem”
The last few days I have been feeling weird, true. My breasts were more sensitive and I felt swollen. 
“Thank God this is the last race if the season” I sighed.
Sebastian was out of my room with the rest of my family while Soleil helped me get ready for the race. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, slipping the fireproof shirt inside the leggings.
“Yeah, probably it's the period” I sighed looking at my abdomen. 
I walked out of the room with the suit hanging on my hips, grabbing the bottle of water and walking towards my family and Sebastian. I saw Charles' family near, and I just smiled weakly at them before hugging Sebastian.
“You ready?” he smiled, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back. 
“Yeah, I'm just a little nauseous” I smiled weakly. “Probably I shouldn't have eaten that yogurt from earlier…”
“I'm sure it's nothing” my mom smiled. “You always get nervous in the last race of the season, is normal”
I nodded and smiled weakly, hugging Sebastian tighter as he rubbed my back, comforting me. 
I heard Charles walking out of his room and I tensed immediately. I can't avoid him always, we are in the same team, even if we hate it.
“I have to go make the team photos” I sighed, kissing Sebastian's jaw. “The race is in an hour, you can go to the garage now”
“Okay” he smiled kissing my forehead.
I smile looking at him walk away, biting my lip when I heard my sisters giggling. I rolled my eyes and grab the helmet Erica was holding for me.
“What would say the Dafne of a year ago?” she smirked.
“About what?” I laughed.
“Well, look at you and Sebastian” she smiled. 
“Yeah, well” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “We are not dating”
“Yet” she smirked.
“We are too busy for that” I sighed.
I walked out of the hospitality and went towards the garage, smiling weakly when I saw Sebastian already with a headset hanging on his neck. I walked towards him and smiled.
“You'll be okay here?” I asked him.
“Of course I'll be” he smiled, holding my helmet while I zipped the suit. “Smile, okay?”
“Yeah” I sighed, smiling weakly and grabbing the helmet, following all the workers that were walking towards the stands where the picture will be taken.
Charles was already there, following me with his eyes. He was already sitting in the tyre of his car, with his helmet resting on his thigh. I ignored his eyes and sat on the tyre of my car, looking at the camera with my helmet on my thigh, wishing this would end fast so I could take a lap on my car to place it on the grid. 
“Are you okay?”
I frown, turning my head slowly and looking at Charles standing next to me. I laughed loudly, standing up. Did he really ask that?
“As if you cared” I laughed. 
“You look pale. If you get sick today it won't be good for the team” he frowned.
“Mind your own shit, Leclerc” I said. “What I do is none of your business”
I walked away fast before he could talk to me more, not wanting to interact with him at all. I got inside of my car and after the track was clear, I drive to the postion I'm starting the race. 
But things do not always go how I planned. The moment I got out of the car he was already there, looking at me with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Fuck off” I groaned. 
“I heard you throw up this morning, Morelli” he frowned. “Remember our rooms are next to the other”
“So? Am I not allowed to feel sick?” I scoffed.
“Today is an important race for the team, Dafne!” he exclaimed. “If we want to keep the second position of the championship we have to be in the podium. And if you are not feeling well, that won't happen”
“Come on, don't make me laugh” I frowned. “I drove multiple races having the period, with cramps making me want to get out of the fucking car and curl in my bed! And did I do it? No, right? So shut the fuck up, focus on your own race and leave me alone”
I groaned, hugging the helmet and starting to walk away. But again, he's not satisfied with making me mad, so he keeps opening his mouth.
“Why did you bring that dude?”
I frown, turning around on my heels and frowning. 
“Oh, now we are talking about my private life?” I laughed. 
“He's too old for you” he frowned. 
“Oh my God, shut up!” I exclaimed, walking closer to him. “Do you have something else to say? At least I am with someone that has a brain and a job and doesn't need my money to be someone. Oh, and he is way better in bed than you, asshole”
I saw him clenching his jaw as well as his fist, and I knew that it hurt him. Groaning, I turned around and walked towards the garage to have one last meeting with my engineers to have everything ready before the race.
I walked towards Sebastian once the meeting was done and he welcomed me with that shy smile he always has. He was on my side of the garage, opening his arms slowly as I walked closer to him.
“Are you ready?” he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist while I hugged his neck, playing with the baby hairs of his nape. 
“I am” I sighed. “And you?”
“I’m excited to see my girl being an absolute badass out there” he smiled, making me freeze after I heard those words.
“Your girl?” I whisper. “S-Seb…”
“I know” he sighed, pressing his lips on my forehead. “We’ll talk after this, okay? Come back to me with the big trophy”
“I will” I smiled, playing with the hair of his nape and standing on my tip toes to press a fast kiss on his lips. “I have to go”
“Yeah” he smiled. “You’ll do amazing”
He unwrapped his arms from my waist, pressing another soft kiss on my lips before I walked away, with Soleil joining me on the grid.
“And that big smile?” she teased me, handing me the cold jacket and helping me put it.
“Well, Sebastian called me his girl” I chuckled softly. “I think tonight we are going to talk about… Well, us”
“Finally! Arthur owes me money!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands.
“What? Did you make a bet with him? Why?” I frowned, confused, but somehow that smile didn’t disappear from my lips.
“Because it was obvious you two would end up together” she said. “He said it was going to be during the winter break, but I just said that it was going to be for sure tonight after the race”
“Idiots” I laughed, shaking my head.
The national anthem played, and I took my position alongside the other drivers. My mind was a spiral of thoughts and emotions. The weight of the season, the pressure of the race, and the looming conversation with Sebastian were all battling for dominance in my head. But most of all, I felt an inexplicable sense of unease in my body.
As the anthem concluded, my dizziness started creeping into my body. I blinked hard, trying to focus on the task ahead. Just one more race and I will rest.
The cars roared to life, and the anticipation in the air was electric. I strapped myself into my seat, hands gripping the wheel. Sebastian's words echoed in my mind, giving me a strange mix of comfort and determination. I glanced towards the garage, knowing he would be there, biting his lip like he always does when he’s nervous about something.
The race started, and I pushed all doubts aside. My car flew down the track, driving through the early chaos of the race with precision. But as the laps progressed, the dizziness got worse. Each turn required more concentration, each acceleration felt more hard.
On the 44th lap, I found Esteban Ocon in front of me. He had to let me pass because he had the blue flag. But he was fighting me, defending like he was defending his position.
“What the hell is he doing?” I groaned. “He has to let me pass! Fucking idiot!”
“Stay calm, Dafne. We sent the report to the stewards” my engineer said.
Some seconds after he seemed to understand that he couldn't fight, maybe he even received a penalty, so I just drove next to him, showing him my middle finger as I overtook him.
But then it happened.
He didn't give me enough space, making his front wing clip my rear tire, sending my car spinning out of control. I struggled to regain control, but the dizziness made it nearly impossible. The world around me tilted and swayed, the track blurring as I fought with the steering wheel.
I hit the barriers hard, the impact shaking my entire body. Pain exploded in my head, and the last things I remembered were the deafening sound of crunching metal, the voices of my engineer and Fred in my ears and the crowd screaming terrified before everything went black.
The sound of the beeping of a machine next to me was the first thing I heard when I started to wake up. Then I held the weight of another hand holding mine. When I started to take deep breaths, the smell of hospital and Sebastian's perfume filled my lungs, making me open my eyes and search for him with my eyes.
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“S-Seb” I croaked, feeling a wave of pain in my neck when I moved my head.
“You are awake” he said softly, relief flooding his voice.
“You had a crash” he sighed, smiling weakly. “Ocon lost control of his car and crashed into you… You've been unconscious for some hours, Daf…”
“The race” I mumbled, nervous.
 “There was a red flag” he explained, rubbing my hand softly. “Until they took your car out of if the barriers and they translated you to the helicopter”
“Who won? The championship…” I mumbled concerned. “We lost it…”
“Fuck the championship. You could have died, Dafne” he sighed. 
I swallowed thickly, looking away and closing my eyes, the memories coming back in fragments, repeating in my mind over and over again. The race, the dizziness, the impact.
“My family?” I whispered, swallowing thickly.
“I sent them to the hotel” he sighed. “They have been here since you arrived and they needed to rest, Dafne. I'll call them later, okay?”
Some minutes later, after Sebastian pressed a button, a doctor entered the room with a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a reassuring smile, holding a file and pressing it against her chest.
"Miss Morelli, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked, checking the monitors.
“Like I got hit by a truck” I sighed, smiling weakly.
“It's totally understandable. You had a severe concussion and some minor injuries, but nothing too serious" he said. "However, there is something else we need to discuss. We ran some tests to make sure everything was okay after the crash”
“Okay… and? How did they come out?” I asked confused, nervously.
“You are pregnant” the woman said, opening her file and showing me what looked like an ultrasound. “Three months pregnant, to be more precise”
“W-what?” I mumbled.
 "The baby seems to be doing fine despite the crash, but you'll need to take it easy for a while.”
Pregnant. No. No, it can't be. Sebastian and I always used protection. Always. And I am on the pill.
“It's imposible” I said, looking at Sebastian and then back at the doctors. “No, I'm sure it's a mistake. I can't be pregnant. I'm on the pill! We use protection!”
“There are many possibilities, Miss Morelli” the woman said. “The condom could break… I saw in your medical file that you've got prescripted some antibiotics three months ago because of a throat infection. The antibiotics can take down the effects of the pill…”
The woman kept talking and talking, Sebastian's grip in my hand was tighter. But my mind only could repeat that scene from three months ago. 
“Please, leave me alone” I mumbled, making the woman stop talking. 
She and the other doctor nodded and walked out, closing the door behind them.
Three months. My mind raced, trying to piece it together. The timing... it couldn't be. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. Anger, disgust, fear, panic.
“Talk to me” I heard Sebastian whisper, squeezing my hand again. “Dafne, please say something”
“I don't know what to say” I whisper, feeling my throat closing with panic.
“We can do this together, okay?” he smiled weakly. “Maybe this wasn't how we wanted, but… God, Dafne, the past few months made me realize that I really like you”
“I know it's not the perfect timing, but I promise I will take care of you two, hm? I can take a break from filming, we can… We can buy a house, what do you think? So our baby can grow up happy. Yeah, we can do that. We will live together, hm?”
He's going to hate me. 
“And I know you might not like it, but you can't race…”
Oh, that was what broke me.
“It's not yours!” I exclaimed.
“What?” he mumbled, the smile on his lips disappearing slowly.
“This baby” I whisper. “It's not yours. It's Charles'”
Sebastian's grip on my hand tightened slightly, but he didn't say anything immediately. I could see the hurt flicker across his face, masked by a veil of confusion.
“That fucking idiot” I spat, feeling the anger burning in my veins, getting rid of his grip in my hand. “Of all people it had to be him! Why?!”
“Dafne, calm down…” I heard Sebastian say.
“Calm down? Calm down?!” I exclaimed.
“We'll do this together, okay?” he said, trying to reach my hand again. “I'll be next to you-”
“No” I said quickly. “Leave me alone”
“I said leave me alone!” I said louder. “Get out, please! Get out! I don't need your pitty, I don't need you!”
He clenched his jaw, looking at me with pain in his eyes. But that pain is nothing compared to the one I'm feeling right now.
“I need to be alone” I whispered, feeling a wave of panic.
Sebastian hesitated for a moment, hurt and confusion filling in his eyes. Finally, he nodded silently and stood up, his shoulders down, defeated. He paused at the door, casting one last worried glance at me before leaving the room.
Alone in the hospital bed, the anger that had fueled my outburst began to disappear, leaving behind a terrible ache. I felt disgusted. Disgusted at the situation, at Charles, at myself for letting this happen. How could I have been so careless? How could I have let him go this far?
The tears that I had been holding back finally spilled over, tracing silent paths down my cheeks. I was scared of what this pregnancy meant for my career, for my relationship with Sebastian, for everything I had worked so hard to achieve.
I was so lost. I will lose my career. My family will be disappointed. The team, the media will hate me. Sebastian probably hates me, I'm not carrying his child.
What am I going to do?
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