#and obviously it's important to find solutions that are fair to women with biologically male features like xy chromosomes
todaviia · 2 years
#Holy shit I hate the takes about women's sport on here#like it's not a problem if you neither do nor watch women's sport#and obviously it's important to find solutions that are fair to women with biologically male features like xy chromosomes#such as trans women and women with these specific intersex conditions#but this whole uwu why do we even have a women's sport category or whatever#is just so fucking dumb#half the planet is biologically female and has XX chromosomes#there are AMAZING women athletes in the world#and the reason we do that is because we realised that... women's performance isn't measured#by how well they compete against men#bc men shockingly aren't the gold standard for competition#in most Olympic disciplines the women's world record isn't enough to even qualify for men's events#that's not sexism or a drag against the incredible women who set these records#that's just a fact#XY intersex women have an insane athletic advantage over XX women#(which is why at the last Olympics without regulations#THE ENTIRE PODIUM of the women's 400m was women with XY chromosomes and male-typical testosterone levels#that's what lead to the regulations in the first place...#BC people realised it is indeed stupid to have a women's category that can't be won by people with biologically female sex characteristics#)#and I get that it's a complicated topic that's never going to be fair to everyone#but this whole discussion is just so unfair towards women's athletes#and it feels like there's this weird assumption that women's protection is ONLY allowed#as long as there's not a single person with biologically male sex characteristics who feels offended by that
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