#and now I get to wear all those pretty dresses I want because I won't feel nauseous at the thought that people will stare and judge
phloxy-fox · 6 months
Something good I noticed about the fact that the general population does not view you as attractive: It immensely helps my social anxiety to know people won't spare me a second glance. I feel more free to wear whatever I want without having this horrible voice at the back of my head whispering that people are staring.
Because I can just whisper back: "No, you convinced me that I'm incredibly undesirable and logic dictates therefore, people won't even bother to look at me. Shut up."
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
If that ask was too long and elaborate, I have another one!
What about a fic with Batman, where the reader finds out she’s pregnant and doesn’t know how to tell Bruce since he already has mature/ teenager kids and she doesn’t know if he wants to raise one from the infant stage to adulthood.
She kinda overthinks about it and distance herself from Bruce. He notice it and when she would confess, to her surprise, Bruce would get super exited!
What I don't understand
AN: I'm back baby! At least partly, my hand is still on and off achy so I won't we posting as activiely as I have previously. I've done so much research on pregnancy that all my adds are now of pregancy tests, fertilitie test, baby stuff, I'm worried my bf might start to suspect that I'm pregnant which would be akward Bruce Wayne/F!Reader, 3.9K words CW: Husband/Wife dynamic, pregnancy, feet (none sexual), mentions of vomit, body dysmorphia, lying/sneaking around, prenatal anxiety/depression, martial problems, swearing. Fluffy ending tho!
Pregnancy brain is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Or maybe that's insanity, who knows? You ponder the thought as you fidget with the flimsy cardboard packaging of the pregnancy test you're awaiting the results of as if you don't know the answer. You'd already taken countless tests, trialling different brands in the hopes of a different outcome but every single one of them had confirmed your situation with variations on lines and plus signs. They'd never offered you a negative, and yet you keep trying.
There was no denying it, and pretty soon there would be no hiding. You were fast approaching the end of your first trimester at 9 weeks but had only found out about a month ago. The task of informing Bruce while there was still time to act seems to grow bigger and scarier with each passing day. Not to mention; it's becoming increasingly obvious that he already suspected something is wrong.
3 weeks ago:
The cold tile against your aching feet felt like ecstasy. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and lean against the wall, relishing in every second of release as you awaited Jason’s return.
You’d spend hours hiding your pain, precariously balancing in a pair of heels as you kept up appearances during a charity event being held at the manor. Bruce was currently being cornered by a visiting dignitary, and as bad as you felt leaving him alone, it might have been your only chance. You’d slipped away to an off-limits hallway, grasping Jason’s who had drawn the short straw for event appearances along the way. Once out of view to your guests you’d begged him to retrieve a pair of pumps from your bedroom, the petty prospect of keeping it secret from, and thus getting a one-up on his adoptive father being the primary motivator. That and he owed you, a lot, for defusing many situations in which he and your husband had butt heads.
The weight of your discarded shoes hung heavily from your fingers, you hadn’t realised how weighty they were. A shame, because they were so pretty. They were a gift from Bruce, strappy and bedazzled, the perfect colour to match your dress. Another pair for your ever-expanding collection, he’d always favoured gifting you shoes and purses, and you certainly didn’t mind, at least not until your ankles had begun swelling at the mere notion of being used for their primary function.
“Are you okay? You seem off.” Jason’s voice returning to the hall made you jump out of your stupor, and he watched with concern as you tucked your heels behind a curtain and slipped into the flats he’d brought you.
“Fine, fine.” You smile, patting his arm with a reassuring smile. “Just didn’t wear those in properly and now I’m paying the price.”
“Right.” He still seemed dubious and was about to say something else when a door creeks open, redirecting both of your attention.
Bruce stood in the doorway, stern, arms crossed. He glares at the both of you, he and Jason have a very similar glare. His eyes focus in on you, identifying you as the main culprit, his gaze roves across your form, lingering on your feet for an uncomfortably long time before speaking.
“If I have to suffer through this, so do the two of you.” He points behind him. “In.”
Jason’s face is obscured as he takes the lead, but Bruce must not like his expression because his frown seems to deepen.
You followed close behind, careful not to step on the hem of your dress now that you lack the additional six inches the heels had offered but your integration back into the crowd is halted. Bruce traced his hand along your back, cupping the curve of your waist and directing you to a lesser populated spot amongst the outskirts of your visitants.
The stony look on his face was gone, replaced with a polite smile for the crowd and softer eyes for you.
“What happened to your shoes?” His voice was low, in-perceivable to anyone but yourself.
“My feet were sore is all.” It’s not a lie.
“Too sore for dancing?” He asks, voice as slick as silk and you don’t want to agree but yes, they are too sore dancing. Not to mention you’d gotten nauseous from standing up too quickly only hours earlier but damn if you didn’t want to dance with your husband. Want to feel his chest against yours, his hands on your curves, admire the smile on his face. There are few things you enjoy more than any form of intimacy with Bruce.
“Maybe later.” You sighed, “I think I need to sit down for a while.”
2 weeks ago:
‘Breast changes are another very early sign of pregnancy. Your hormone levels rapidly change after the egg is fertilized. Because of these changes, your breasts may become swollen, sore, or tingly.’
You groaned aloud, rereading the entry on WebMD once more. You hadn’t expected your breasts to change so early on, incorrectly assuming any swelling or pain would be a result of breast milk, but you were wrong.
Believing you had the house to yourself, you figure now was as good a time as any to read up on more early pregnancy symptoms, to correct any other misconception you might have. You were midway through reading about progesterone and how it causes constipation when your laptop pinged.
A notification popped up in the corner of the screen, a DM from UserDC27, Bruce’s bat-server codename. You click to open the message and audibly gasp when a screenshot of your browsing history greets you, framed in red with its own ‘suspicious activity’ notification in the corner.
‘Pregnancy trimesters in weeks’ ‘Swollen breasts pregnant’ ‘Early pregnancy symptoms’
Amongst all the suspicious browsing habits of this family, of course yours had flagged up! Fucking ridiculous!
UserDC27: ? UserRI01: For a friend UserRI01: dw UserRI01: Love you x UserDC27: is typing… UserRI01: has signed out.
1 weeks ago:
“Good morning.” A familiar voice greeted you, strong hands slink around your body, brushing against your back and hips before settling on your stomach. What should have been a sweet moment frightened you, disturbing you from your train of thought and causing you to almost spill your morning decaf coffee.
“Woah there.” Bruce laughed, the warmth and proximity of him soothing you quickly. He effortlessly took the mug from your hands and settled it on the kitchen island so he could pull you closer without spillage.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, turning your head to rest it against his chest. The strength of his cologne is always so much stronger in the mornings, the scent of the man you love, of citrus and woodsiness does wonders to comfort your frantic brain no matter the time or place. “Just lost in thought.”
After a second you realise your mistake, you’ve allowed him an opening to ask what you’re thinking about and that exact moment certainly did not feel like the right time, what with Damian in the next room. You should be alone, completely alone.
He surprises you however, always one for keeping everyone on their toes, by spinning you around to face him and telling you, “I don’t think that’s it.”
“What do you think it is?” You tried to keep your voice airy, relaxed, unsuspicious but even you can hear the guilt in your tone.
“I think you’re tired.” He watches you with a playful glint in his eye, but the next words out of his mouth are accusatory no matter how light his tone is. “Where are you sneaking off to in the mornings, oh wife of mine?”
“W-what?” You heard him fine, you were stalling while you calculated a response. You had been sneaking off in the mornings and the fact that he’s asking so playfully, as opposed to interrogating which he is not unknown to do even with you, means he knows more than he’s letting on.
Bruce isn’t exactly an early riser, often too tired from long nights of crime fighting and case filing, but he is a light sleeper. Always on alert. He’d already caught you in a bought of morning sickness once. Roused by the unpleasant noises you’d been making. You’d lied about it, citing an upset tummy from something you’d eaten. You weren’t sure which was worse, the vomiting, the sombre expression he’d given you as he approached to rub your back throughout, or the look of horror on Alfred’s face when Bruce had brought up your supposed food poisoning later that day.
Ever since you’d purposely been rising early and sneaking off to dispel any nausea in one of the many guest bedrooms.
“Nowhere, I’m just becoming more of a morning person I guess.”
He eyed you sceptically, and you thought you might crack under the pressure. His hands reach up to cup your face, preventing you from turning away. His touch is so gentle, so soft for a man of his stature. “You can tell me anything, you know that?”
“Of course.”
As if you couldn’t feel worse he adds; “I miss waking up to you beside me.”
“Oh Brucie-“
You’re already on your tip toes, ready to concede, to apologise, to shower your sullen husband with kisses when you’re saved by the signal. Literally, a call from Duke 'The Signal' Thomas, with a reminder of your apprehension; an active situation that needed Batman’s participation.
Your relationship, and now marriage to Bruce had always hinged on an unspoken understanding that Gotham comes first. Even with Tim taking over most of his responsibilities at Wayne Tech, Bruce simply does not have enough time to raise a baby. You can't expect him to take turns with the nighttime feeds, with the frequent nappy changes, with the constant attention an infant will need.
You’ve no doubt Alfred would delight in assisting you, he's been dropping hints about wanting a baby Brucie since the engagement, and you love him very much but if you’re to raise a baby, you want to do it with your husband, not his butler.
That’s presuming your husband even wants a child. Another child. He already has enough children to populate a small village. Children with lives of their own. Children who in some way or another have followed in his vigilante footsteps. You think of the stress and trauma each of them has faced, and how it has affected them and their father. You think of Steph and her tremulous relationships with Bruce and Arthur. Of Jason’s deaths, plural. Of Dicks ineptitude to form meaningful relationships with anyone outside of the lifestyle. Of all the childhoods so many, but especially Cass and Damian missed out on. Could you be responsible for putting another child through any of that?
Furthermore, if your child wanted to live this life, could you really stop them? Nobody stopped Tim. Nobody stopped Barbara, when Jim had tried it only caused the rift between them to grow bigger.
Could Bruce stop your unborn child? Would he want to?
Speak of the Oracle. The chime of your phone draws you out of your spiral of perinatal anxieties. It’s Barbara, informing the girls-only group chat that she’s running late for lunch. Crap. You’d completely forgotten that you’d promised the girls lunch and shopping. Barbara had some tech on hold, Steph wanted to try the new caramel cookie waffles at Goodilicious, and Cass needed new boots whether she knew it or not.
Hurriedly, you shove the used test into a previously disused makeup bag that is now full of other used tests. It's starting to smell, but you don't have time to figure out how to stealthily throw it out, so you hide it at the back of a cupboard behind a basket of sanitary products before rushing out the door.
Catching up with the girls had been fun, it had really helped you forget about your predicament and just relax for a while, but it had also taken a lot out of you, keeping you out well past dinner. Your body just was not functioning as well as it used to, for obvious reasons.
Upon returning to the mansion you’d made it to the ground floor lounge, feet too sore to even consider the stairs, and collapsed on the closest couch, exerting just enough energy to pry your shoes and sock off of your swollen feet prior to falling asleep. Just a quick nap you tell yourself, to regain some energy, you’ll be right as rain in time for Damian’s bedtime. He’s old enough now to put himself to bed, especially given that he often patrols with his father until the early hours of the morning, but tonight is his night off and you’d always make the effort to wish him sweet dreams when you can.
You’re awoken by the feel of calloused fingers pressing into the arches of your feet. You hadn’t heard him enter, but Bruce is sitting on the arm of the couch, in nothing but sweatpants and slippers. Between his bare chest and cowl hair, he is a welcome sight, bruised chest and freshly cut lip and all.
“What happened to you?” You ask, voice husky from your impromptu nap. You manage to draw your eyes away from Bruce long enough to check the time on an antique wall clock, it’s 4 AM. You’d far exceeded a nap. “Where’s Damian?”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Damian is asleep. When you didn’t wish him a goodnight he came to look for you, that’s how I knew you were here.” He asserts. He looks at you with a furrowed brow and pinched lips, working his thumb into the arch of your feet with just enough pressure to make you mewl in relief. “Are you punishing me for something?”
The question hits you like a ton of bricks, it’s not without merit. You hadn’t intended to spend the night on the couch, but you can understand how it must look to him, especially in tangent with the ways in which you had intentionally been avoiding him; sneaking out in the mornings, not allowing him to see your naked body for fear that he’ll notice your swollen breasts, and growing belly. You hadn’t had sex in at least three weeks.
All at once you are overcome with remorse. You’d been so consumed with the pregnancy and how best to approach the subject with Bruce that you hadn’t stopped to think how your actions would weigh on him. He’s so strong, your anchor, an unchanging presence for the whole family. He locks himself and his emotions behind the big bad bat or billionaire Brucie so well that sometimes he forgets he has them. Sometimes you forget. Even now, clearly hurting and concerned for his marriage, he’s rubbing your feet.
“No of course not Bruce, I’m sorry…” your mind starts to form the end of your apology ‘I was just so tired’ or ‘it’s been a long day’ and they wouldn’t be lies but they’re not the right thing to say. You can’t keep postponing for the ‘right moment’ that will never come, can’t keep chickening out. He needs to know the truth. “I’m- I’m pregnant.”
You’re not sure how you’d expected him to respond really. You’d feared anger, hoped for joy but instead, he continues to stare at you, his brows raising in a way that implied he needed more information. He swaps your left foot for your right as he awaits your resumption. When you don’t speak he nods and states; “I know.”
“You know?” As though possessed your tired body launches into an upright seated position. “How could you know?”
Bruce smiles in response, an amused, tight-lipped ‘Are you kidding?’ smile.
“Well, to name a few things;” he counts off each observation on his fingers. “You’ve stopped wearing heels because your ankles are constantly swollen, your breasts are also noticeably swollen even under your clothes, you now only drink decaf, you seemingly have ‘food poisoning’ every morning and at no other time of day, a massive increase in urination, and my personal favourite, the bag full of positive pregnancy tests behind a crate-full of menstrual products that haven’t been used in almost three months.”
He’s trying to hide it, but he’s smug about his own detective skills. His mouth might be straight but there’s a fire in his eyes that has you drawing your legs away from him with a huff, abruptly ending the massage you had been enjoying. “How long have you known?”
“I’d had my suspicions for about 6 weeks, but I wasn’t certain until I found your stash last week.” Typical of Bruce to have figured out you were pregnant before you’d known yourself. “What I don’t understand, is why you didn’t tell me. Why you’ve been lying.”
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have kept this from you. I was going to but…” You trail off,  straightening your thoughts as best you can and finding your composure, preparing to begin monologuing about your concerns. “I didn’t know how you’d feel about it, what with you know, already having so many kids. Everyone but Damian has flown the nest, Dick and Babs are married! They’re all so grown up, do you really want to start again? And then…”
Conscious of your rambling you cut yourself off, looking to Bruce for reassurance that you’re not talking too much, that he’s not offended by your worries. He consoles you by coming closer, sitting on the cushion beside you and easily coaxing your legs over his. His firm hands are gentle as they grasp your knee.
“And what?” He questions.
“I wasn’t sure how I feel, I wanted to figure that out before talking to you.”
“What do you think you feel about it?”
“I think I want to have your baby Bruce, our baby.” So caught up in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed your husband’s hands creeping higher and higher up your body until a hand settles on your stomach, his thumb stroking you through the fabric of your shirt. You’d been so self-conscious of its growth but as you look at it now, under Bruce’s sturdy fingers, you realise it isn’t much bigger than it had been pre-pregnancy. How tedious your problems seemed when voiced and put into perspective, except maybe one. “I’m just not sure about how… well I guess I never thought about raising a child within your lifestyle.”
“I understand.” He nods, confirming his statement. He’s done well to keep his face soft but neutral throughout, a staple of his Batman facade but also a careful way not to let his own emotions interfere with yours.
“What do you think?” He looks down at your abdomen as he considers his words. You follow his gaze, watching as his fingers lift your top, exposing your skin to him. Without warning he lowers himself to pepper your belly with gentle kisses, the ticklish motion causes you to giggle and writhe beneath him.
When he looks up at you again he’s smiling, the motion causing the scab on his lip to split and bleed. Without thought you pull yourself closer to him, using his broad shoulders as leverage. Once close enough you dab at the minor wound with your thumb soaking up the fluid as best you can and examining the cut to ensure no further damage.
Bruce watches you intently the whole time, cupping your face in his hand when you appear satisfied. The adoration in his eyes makes you feel sheepish even after everything you’ve been through together.
“I think,” his voice is low, sincere. “I couldn’t be happier to be growing our family together. I think this child, like all our children, will be lucky to have you as a mother, whatever life they choose to lead.”
The amount of pent-up tension in your body had not been apparent to you until now. Until your body noticeably lightens in response to his words. The relief of no longer sneaking around, no more fretting over how he might react has you wishing you’d done this a long time ago.
“Bruce?” You sag into his chest, breathing him in. His arms unconsciously wrap around you in response, pulling you in for a tighter embrace. “We’re having a baby.”
“Were are having a baby.” He confirms, pressing more, tender kisses to your neck, the curve of a smile apparent as his lips press to your exposed skin. "I've been waiting for this moment since the day we me. But, I think it’s time we got to bed, it’s late.”
Swift and practiced, Bruce lifts you from the couch, cradling you in the bridal position. You stretch to check the clock, 4:34 AM.
“Technically it’s early.” You jest, expecting him to punish your cheek by jolting you in the air or throwing you over his shoulder as he normally does, but instead, he chides you with an amused glare, clearly too concerned about the baby for play fighting.
“Neither of us has been to bed, it’s late.” His grip tightens on your body as he makes his way up the stairs, one steady step at a time. “And I expect my wife to be in our bed when I wake up.”
“Hmmm.” Your morning sickness has eased in the last few days, you’d only persisted in sneaking out to be safe, but he doesn’t need to know that just yet. “I’ll try, but I might be in our bathroom.”
“I can cope with that. At least then I can care for you. And we can throw out your hoard.” You don’t fuss over the likelihood of him having to rush off to save the day or for an urgent board meeting, you just throw your head back, laughing at yourself for trying to hide anything from Bruce.
When you reach the bedroom he lays you in the bed and climbs over your form. He’s in full caretaker mode, a manner you could get used to. He carefully removes your clothes, offers to redress you in your sleepwear and to bring you your lotions, or anything you should need from the bathroom.
Dawn is breaking behind your blackout curtains by the time you’re both settled in bed, entangled in each other’s arms. Sleep has nearly taken you again when Bruce whispers; “I do have one other thought.”
“Oh?" You peer at him curiously over your shoulder. "Yes dear?”
“I think you should be the one to tell Damian.”
His request hangs heavy in the air as you consider the implication. “Tell Damian that he will no longer be your only blood child?”
The room remains silent, he doesn’t expand because you know what he’s getting at. Damian probably won’t mind, because he’ll still be the oldest, the first in line and you’re certain he’ll be a wonderful older brother, he’s great with animals, so why not babies? Right?
“… That's not fair.”
“Think of it as penance for lying to me all month.” There’s an air of humour in his voice as he pulls you closer still, squeezing himself into your back and planting sleepy kisses against your neck. “Besides, he’ll probably take it better from you. I think he likes you more.”
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midwestprincesss · 3 months
you being the first girl to give patrick a challenge (no pun intended)!!!
he is used to girls falling at his feet, and yeah, you think he's attractive. but he's gonna have to work at it if he wants you.
and he's so down bad and horny for you that this guy who girls would beg to fuck is begging you for a measly little handjob.
and when you finally give it to him, you coo into his ear how pathetic and desperate he is. knows he's fucked when it's a stupid handjob and its the hardest he has ever came in his life.
you've known eachother for a while and you are very aware of his habit of fucking new girls every week. and you know how pretty much every girl that knows him is drooling after him. but you can't exactly blame them.
patrick zweig is hot. it would be stupid not to admit it. but just because he is hot that doesn't mean you'll fall into his trap! if he wants to fuck you, he has to earn it.
but he's not dumb either. he knows that if you two ever get to have sex, he won't be the one fucking you- it'll be the other way around. but he knows that it'll take him a long time to actually get you to fuck him- like for him to actually be inside you. so he settles. anything you want to give him, he'd be pleased.
you two were at a party- some stupid college party art had invited you two at. you left earlier than the rest of your friend group, bored and uninterested in whatever the hell those other people were doing.
and guess what? patrick zweig begged you to take him home with you.
"look, i even told art i'm leaving! it would be stupid not to leave now, don't you think so?" he begged you.
you raised an eyebrow at him. "so if i understand correctly, you want me to give you a ride home, right?"
"well. your home, preferably." he explained, eyeing you down with that signature smirk of his plastered on his face. you were wearing a tight, short white dress, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.
"in your fucking dreams, zweig. what? you think that if you get in my house i'll fuck you?" you ask.
he chuckled. "i mean, your car's alright with me, too."
you looked at him unamused, then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him towards your car. if he wanted to go to your house so bad, then you guess he could. that didn't mean he would get what he wanted. you could have some fun with him.
you opened the door and almost pushed him into the passenger seat, then you went and got in the car as well. you looked over at him before starting the car. he was, uh, struggling. to readjust his shorts, that is.
"i can see your fucking dick print, patrick." you pointed out.
"y'wanna feel it, too?" he asked, taking your hand- but you quickly slapped his hand away.
his dick twitched. he was so fucking obsessed with you.
and then, when you finally got to your house, you changed into your pjs in front of him- not caring that he could see your bra and your panties you slipped into your pink tank top and pink shorts. why not give him a show?
"wanna see my room, zweig?" you asked, with faux sympathy, to which he nodded.
you sat down on your bed, slightly bouncing, and he sat right next to you. he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like if you bounced on his cock like that. and if it was physically possible, in that moment he got even harder. he couldn't take it anymore.
"stop fucking with me." he said.
you widened your eyes, innocently. "but i'm not"
he groaned as he took a pillow to cover up his boner with it, and he couldn't help but buck his hips into it.
you gasped, took the pillow from him and slapped his thigh. "you fucking whore. if i don't let you fuck me then you're just gonna fuck my pillows?"
he moaned at that. "please- fuck. please touch me. just- just jerk me off- even if you only touch me with one finger- look- i'm going fucking insane, i can't take it anymore. you've been teasing me all night. even at the party- bending over so that i could see your panties- fuck"
you smiled. you had a huge effect on him. "i'll touch you. but i won't jerk you off. you'll do all the work. you have to fuck yourself into my hand. yeah?"
he nodded and he swore he saw fucking stars. you just agreed to jerk him off. well, partially, but it was still jerking off.
he took off his pants and boxers so fucking fast- you could have almost missed it. his dick slapped his abs- he was huge. you decided to have your fun with him.
you looked at him, and he was looking down at you with the most fucked-out look on his face. he looked like he had already cum five times. you squeezed his inner thighs, not touching him where he needed you yet- and he already started breathing heavily at that.
"f-fuck, please- please just wrap your hand around me" he moaned, and at this point his cock was twitching uncontrollably. all while maintaining eye contact, you spit into your palm and tightly squeezed his cock with your hand- and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
"c'mon pat. be good and move your hips, just like you did before with my pillow. c'mon, you can do it" you said, in a mean and cold tone, even though your words were sweet.
at this point, patrick's brain had disappeared. the only thing he could do was fuck himself into your hand, grabbing your pink floral sheets with his big, veiny hands.
"look at you. followed me home like a lost puppy, just so you could get a fucking handjob from me. you were fucking starving for it, weren't you? not even a blowjob, patrick. you're this desperate for a handjob. such a pathetic slut" you said to him, as he continued bucking his hips into you, movements getting shakier and shakier.
"fuuck, i have to cum- please let me cum" he asked. but he asked nicely, so who were you to deny him?
"go ahead, pat. cum for me. be a good slut and cum." and with that, he fucking exploded. some of his cum got on his chest, some on yours, a bit even got on your walls. he was fucking crazy about you. you licked a bit of it off his chest, and he whimpered at that.
"what? i gotta clean you up, right?" you giggled.
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strongheartneteyam · 8 months
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Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!omatikaya!reader
cw: mostly angst, TRIGGER WARNING for Reader being bullied bad by some Omatikaya girls, the perks of dating a popular boy (irony alert), hurt/comfort, neteyam reassuring Reader, some fluff, a stab in the heart disguised as a fic basically
So, this is just an angsty Neteyam fic inspired by “Slut!” by Taylor to make you guys suffer with me, I guess.
na'vi words: tweng (loincloth), nantang (viperwolf), tanhì (star - term of endearment)
Not proofread.
Love thorns all over this rose
I'll pay the price, you won't
But if I'm all dressed up they might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know, it might be worth it for once
“Slut!” (Taylor Swift)
You were dressed in your best tweng, one you had spent a long time making, wearing your best beaded long necklace to cover your breasts and even wearing some flowers to decorate your black, silky hair.
But none of that mattered. They laughed at you. The girls you thought were pretty and just so skilled and… popular. Something that you were never able to be, it didn't matter how hard you tried when you were a teenager. You were now a 22 year old girl, so, being popular did not matter to you anymore but it did not mean that having only one friend and having those girls look funny at you stopped hurting. The harassment did not stop there, it also included pushing you, putting their feet in front of you so you could trip and then pretending they hadn't done anything, saying something smelled bad whenever you were close to them and laughing inside their little group, making you smell your arms and your hair to try and see if you were the one who was smelly, just for the sadistic pleasure of messing with your head. You were a strong girl but stuff like that would bring down even the bravest na'vi female warrior.
“She thinks she's from the Tawkami clan, all dressed with flowers like this.” The girls would mock and laugh as you passed by
Your sad big amber eyes focused on the ground as shame and self doubt covered your body and beat you up from the inside.
Yes, you did love wearing flowers, sometimes wearing them in many different places in your body, on your hair and on necklaces over your breasts, but you never thought it was a bad thing until they pointed it out. It got to a point where you just couldn't take that many comments about your flowers anymore, the ones you used to pick up in the forest with a chest filled with joy. It used to be an incredibly wholesome, spiritual activity for you, but at those following days, you only felt rage and pain when you looked at your flowers. Poor them. It wasn't their fault. They were as pretty as ever. But you decided to tone it down and now you only wore a flower crown most days.
It was hard to relax. You could almost never be at ease when you were walking around the tribe, trying to focus on doing your chores as an Omatikaya, because you never knew when some girl would make a mean comment or just laugh at you, leaving you wondering if you looked weird or walked funny.
You tried to convince yourself that it was worth it, that you would get through it to be with the boy you loved, the one you were promised to and was soon to go through a mateship ritual with in front of the whole clan to bond you two together forevermore.
But it was insanely hard and sometimes it felt like you couldn't breathe.
Being Neteyam Suli's, the Omatikaya tribe heartthrob, mate to be was challenging to say the least. And yes, you knew that you were being bullied because he had chosen you. When it all started, you tried to convince yourself it was all in your head, that there must be another more rational reason for you to be bullied by those girls, that they couldn't be doing all this out of jealousy. It seemed too stupid, childish and… cruel, honestly. But even Neteyam pointed it out to you.
“Don't be sad because of those girls, tanhì. They are mad because you're mine and they wish they were in your place. But I chose you because I saw something in you that I didn't see in any of them. You're always honest, you have a childlike light in your eyes and a pure soul. They got nothing on you and that's why they treat you badly.”
He had told you those words one day when you were crying about being excluded from the girls’ friendship groups in the tribe. Neteyam's words reassured you of his love and made you feel better but the wounds still hurt.
Sometimes, the worst part of you told you to give up on him, that it was too difficult to bear, all those nantang like girls scorching you with their mean eyes every time they saw you walking around holding hands with Neteyam. But after a while, when you could think more rationally, you would think about how it would be unfair to him to do that. So what if those petty girls made you suffer? Making Neteyam suffer because you couldn't be brave enough to deal with that hardship would hurt you way more. Neteyam was worth it, he treated you like a princess, like you were the most beautiful, the most precious thing he had ever laid eyes upon. You'd be damned if you threw a love like that away because of other people's envy.
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misotsukiiyeooo · 2 months
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"But Daddy said I could!"
Pairing: Husband! Father! Joshua x F/ Mother! Reader
A/N: Thinking of Joshua with a cute bambi-eyed little girl would be so cute!
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2.2k
Synopsis: Your daughter, Jiyeon always goes to her father to ask for things because he never says no.
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Lying on Joshuas' thighs watching TV as he plays with your hair until Jiyeon walks over, done playing with her toys on the floor. "Mommy, when are we going outside?" Her big bami-eyes look into yours with her pouty pink lips always makes you smile. "We can start getting ready now if you want." You say causing her to smile, "Okay, Mommy let's go." Her little hand attempts to pull you off the couch so you pretend as if it did. "Mommy, can I wear this dress? pretty please?" She brings out a black dress which you've never seen before, "When did you get that? And I'm sorry but no, It's too cold outside for that."
She pouts and looks down leaving the room slowly. knowing she'll come back eventually, you go to the bathroom only to come back and see Joshua dress her in the same black dress, a big bow, and a heart-shaped little purse. "Didn't I tell you it's too cold to wear that?" You cross your arms. "But Daddy said I could!" She points at her father who's walking up to you smiling. "It's okay Sweetheart, I bought her that dress a while back and I told her she could wear it. I didn't know you told her she couldn't, but look, I gave her thick leggings so her little legs don't get cold see?" Looking over at her as she's smiling. "Shua...that's not the point, you need to stop giving in." You sigh looking at him smile gently.
"It's not that cold outside right Daddy?" Jiyeon looks at her father and he nods. "That's right, but it is a little windy." He looks back into your eyes to see if you're actually mad. "It's okay this time because she has those warm leggings?" Sigh once again, you can't help but give in to their cuteness. "I'll let it slide this once, don't do it again. And you, Jiyeon, stop going to your father every time I say no okay? no means no." Joshua hugs Jiyeon and loudly whispers. "Mommy's so mean right?" You glare at him however, he still has that charming smile that he knows you're absolutely weak for. "Okay, okay Mommy we won't do things we're not supposed to again, right Jiyeonie?" "Right Daddy, I'm sorry Mommy." Knowing Jiyeon would continue to ask her dad when receiving a no from me, and Shua would always fall for it and agree to her questions but what can I say? She is a daddy's girl after all and he just so happened to have a soft spot for his girls.
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Req are open!
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 2 months
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Gif credits
Pairing/AU: soft boyfriend!Joel Miller x AFAB!reader, no outbreak
Words count: 1775
Warning: +18, minors please don’t interact! Basically PwP (or very little one lol), established relationship, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), pussy pronouns, sex in a public space, sex in a restroom, drinking (very little), reader has breasts and pussy and wears a dress, other than that no other description is given, Joel is soft, reader is so eager and they are stupidly in love, pet names (baby, kitty, kitten), written listening to “Guess” by Charli xcx featuring Billie Eilish.
I wrote it furiously and impulsively, no proofreading and no beta, I hope there aren't too many mistakes 💀 English is not my first language so please, be kind.
Thank you so much to anyone who will read this ❤️
This little game between you and Joel is taking place again tonight.
You dressed super secretive in your bathroom and he took you out to dinner.
Now you’re in a pretty crowded place, enjoying a meal together and looking at each other like you’re starving for a decade.
It’s just like that, between the two of you.
He’s right next to you on a little padded bench at a secluded table and won't stop whispering in your ear feigning total indifference as if he were talking about the weather or Mr. Something's house he's finishing renovating.
“Those pink ones?”
You shake your head smiling slyly “nope, try again”
He looks at his plate, calm and collected, as if he were only focused on cutting the steak in front of him.
He comes closer to your ear again “The blue ones with the little rose?”
You try to show the same composure but it's difficult, increasingly difficult every time you hear his voice get a little hoarse and deeper.
He scoff and take his glass to have a sip of wine.
You giggle “oh come on, you can do better than this”
He places a hand on your thigh under the table, squeezing gently. “It would be easier if you let me touch it a little bit.”
“Absolutely not, not yet. You know the rules,” and he squeezes again, a little harder, looking briefly into your eyes with a smirk that nails you to the bench.
The waitress comes to ask if everything is okay and you feel his hand move, his touch still warm on your skin as you quickly reply that everything is perfect. The girl fills your glasses with water and walks away.
Joel laughs at your embarrassment and you playfully slap him on the shoulder.
You try to go back to your dinner but he whispers again, “Those black lace ones?”
And you know he’s right, you bite your lower lip and you stifle a sound of disappointment, the game is over sooner than you wanted.
You wanted to keep him on tenterhooks a little longer.
Joel grin mischievously “It seems like I guessed right”
You roll your eyes and reluctantly admit "yes"
Joel pinches your side “good. you know they’re my favorites”
You jump on the bench “stop it, you know I hate it when you do that” but giggling more than you want.
The seductive power this man has over you is incomparable to any other man you have ever had.
He goes silent and you can clearly see his eyes turning darker and him licking his lips as he keeps cutting the steak.
You know he’s waiting.
You take a few forkfuls of your salad, chew, and wipe your mouth carefully with your napkin. You do it all very slowly as Joel begins to fidget on the bench. He’s impatient, you can tell even though he’s not vocal.
You try to hide the little smile that appears on your mouth as you take a sip of wine from your glass but he notices. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just the way you can't contain yourself”
Joel taps his fingers on the table as if he had been waiting for years, he always does it when he is nervous. It is an involuntary movement that you have learned to observe over the years, you have become an expert because when he closes himself in his silence it takes all your patience to make him speak. From these small movements you can already imagine what he will say and how he feels.
He comes closer to your ear again and whispers, “You look like you want to eat that salad more than you want me to eat you.”
And then he runs his fingers up the hem of your dress and slides them underneath, over your thigh, slowly, sending shivers down your spine, higher and higher until he reaches the lace of your panties and barely touches them.
You grab his arm and pull his hand away for fear that someone might see you but now it's your turn to fidget on the bench, his warm, deep voice went straight to your pussy and his fingers are all you crave.
He knows your weaknesses as you know his.
And he knows perfectly well that this little game makes you wet and how much you like it when he eats you out.
You can’t wait a minute longer so you look him in the eyes biting your bottom lip and say “Bathroom, now”
Usually you wait until you get home but right now you would kiss him obscenely here in front of everyone, tearing his clothes off.
You get up to go to the bathroom and slip into the ladies' one.
You check that all the stalls are empty and wait with your heart beating like crazy as if it wanted to come out of your chest.
He comes in a couple of minutes later “so you couldn’t wait until we got home?”
You don’t even answer him, you grab him by the collar of his shirt and push him against the wall, taking his lips as if it were the last thing you do. You push your way into his mouth meeting his tongue and intertwining it with yours, you are devouring him and you feel like you could never get enough. His lips are soft and wet on yours, his warm tongue greedily licking your palate. Your hands feverishly search for his ass, filling your hands and squeezing it tightly.
“Hey, baby, calm down” you must have been really impetuous to make him say something like that.
“I want you so bad” you sigh on his lips staring at him “Joel, please”
He takes your hands and kisses your fingers one by one without losing sight of your gaze for a second.
“Do you want me to do it here, kitten?”
“Yes, yes please, eat me Joel, right now” you whimper.
He gives you a sly smile and pushes you into one of the stalls.
He makes you lean against the divider and slips his hand under your dress.
He graze at your panties with his fingertips “mmh, already soaked for me, babe.”
He traces a line of kisses along your jawline and on your neck, wet and sloppy, licking at your heated skin and pushing his body against yours.
You can clearly feel his hard cock on your thigh as he brings a hand to your breast squeezing it while he doesn't stop moving his fingers on your soaking panties.
You whine in anticipation like a dog in heat, you just can’t take anymore of his teasing, he’s driving you wild.
“Joel, please” you mutter desperately.
You feel his smile widening on your skin “alright, honey, I’m going to give you what you need”
He kneels down in front of you and lifts your dress up to your waist, you hold it tight with one hand without taking your eyes off him. He pulls your panties aside and you see his excited grin “God, baby, she’s begging to be licked, isn’t she?” his hand holds your hip, squeezing it, you feel his fingers digging into your flesh, just above the edge of your panties.
He comes closer and sticks out his tongue licking from bottom to top and then swirling it on your clit.
He stops and looks up at you “tell me again how much you want it”
You don't answer him right away, you grab his hair and slam him against your pussy "that's how much I want it” you pant “please"
The vibration of his laughter shakes your core, reverberates on your skin and tingles your clit.
He kisses your folds softly and then parts them with two fingers and starts licking your clit like a hungry man. He is devouring you, his tongue deep in your pussy, his beard scratching you lightly, you feel your body quiver with his every touch.
He tease your hole with just one finger and you cry again “More, please, more”
“Fuck, you are insatiable tonight” he says “and you taste so sweet, babe, so incredibly sweet.”
The image of him on his knees devouring you is something incredible, you look down at his glistening mouth and chin and his eyes so hypnotic are looking at you so voraciously, you think you could come just by looking at him like this but you know he can give you even more “Joel, please”
“I know baby, I know, I’m right here with you”
He inserts two fingers into your hole, you're so wet they slide easily inside you, he curls them and searches for that special spot while he suck your clit in his mouth, swirling his tongue around. His fingers are inside you throughly, you feel them stretching you out just right.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling it lightly “God, you’re so good”
You feel the tips of his fingers caressing you softly, over and over again until you can't hold back anymore.
“I’m coming, fuck, i’m coming- Joel”
“I can feel it, babe, give it to me. Give it all to me”
His tongue moves over your clit, quickly tickling it, faster and faster.
You don't care where you are and whether someone might find out, the only thing you feel is a warmth growing inside you from your tummy to your chest, he’s still licking and pumping inside you when you gush all over his fingers and his mouth.
You bite your lip to muffle your cries, he keeps licking you until you calm down.
He looks up at you and you see your pleasure all over his face and chin, glistening his scruff.
“mmmh, thank you babe, this has been amazing” you whisper softly.
“for you this and more baby, and you know how much I love your pussy, I can never get enough of tasting her”
He stands up and kisses you, you taste yourself on his tongue and it's the best feeling in the world.
“The sweetest pussy for the sweetest woman” he mutter
“I love you, Joel, so much”
He smiles softly “I love you too, kitty” and he kisses you again nibbling gently on your lower lip.
“Now let’s get out of here before someone finds us” He slap your ass playfully as you exit the stall trying to fix your panties and your dress.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist your delicious ass”
You look at him sternly and then burst out laughing.
You pass him a paper towel. “Fix your face, will you?”
He wipes his face smiling.
“Come on, let's go home, I want to give you something special too"
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mothisamess · 1 year
Bakusquad x Insecure! Reader
or alternatively a reader that's just not confident bare faced
(more platonic but could be seen as romantic! more fem centric. sorry for weird formatting I wrote on my phone lol and not proof read I wrote this in less that 10 mins)
- It was no secret that you were one of the prettiest people in class 1-A.
- You were always put together.
- having your hair clean and always wearing at least some makeup.
- it was a very very rare occurrence that you wouldn't be wearing any. practically no one had ever seen you without it.
- the closest they got was after training or villain attacks.
- one night, you, Mina, Kirishima, Jirou, Sero, Denki, and Bakugo were having a sleepover in Mina's dorm.
- It was around 12am and everyone was winding down for the night. (Bakugo is not very happy about it. but it's the weekend so they managed to convince him)
- mina handed you a makeup wipe so you could sleep barefaced.
- you politely refused.
- mina pryed a bit more, she didn't want her pretty best friend to break out!
- you laughed a bit and made a joke about how you 'look like one of those old diseased hairless cats' without makeup.
Mina - ✩⁠
- she's shook.
- you're literally her perfect best friend like huh?
- she'll pester you about it for a while
- and if you say that it was caused by others at your old school...
- she loses her MINDDD
- bc youre gorgeous like what?
- she always hyped you but before but now it's extra!
- will 100% spread rumors about anyone who talks bad about you.
(and they're vileee 💀)
Kirishima - ✩⁠
- he's so surprised
- you look like that and think you look bad??
- aggressive positivity. literally shoving it down your throat.
- hype man!!
- he hypes you up more than Bakugo at this point
- if anyone's trying to be rude to you he will immediately stop them.
- he will not hold back in training and will definitely tell other people that they aren't nice
- and you know it's bad when even Kirishima isn't nice to you. before the person knows it all of class 1-A hates them.
Jirou - ✩⁠
- she's so surprised!!
- you're like a goddess in her eyes
- she doesn't say much about it that night but over time she subtly hypes you up!
- just small things like 'you're hair looks nice today's or 'where did you get that shirt?'
- she's a little nervous that she'll offend you so she tries her best to not seem as blunt as normal.
- if anyone says anything bad about you (in general but especially about how you look) she goes crazy 💀
- she will not hold back during training.
- (she has gotten scolded by Aizawa for it before)
Sero - ✩⁠
- he has to take a moment to take in what you said
- like huh?!
- how are you insecure?
- you'll def end up having one of those deep conversations another night where he finds out everything.
- def hypes you up
- practically everytime you walk into the common room he'll tell you you're outfit is nice
- you could be dressed like Adam Sandler and he'd still eat that up
- if anyone is rude to you he'll shoot a small piece of tape onto the ground so they face plant 😭
Denki - ✩⁠
- he side eyes you immediately and does one of those slow head turns 💀
- he'll pester you for a bit about it but after Bakugo slapps him over the head because he wants to sleep he drops it for the night
- hypes you up about everything, your handwriting, cooking, baking, drawing, grades, quirk, strength, everything.
- if anyone's every rude he will 100% give the person small shocks.
- especially in quiet rooms.
Bakugo - ✩⁠
- even though he might be bad at showing it, he didn't want his friend to break out either!
- but he hid it behind him not wanting to hear you complain about your skin
- won't hype you up but once he sees you with out makeup he'd definitely do a really sarcastic fake shock
- like 'gasp oh my god-! you- you- look perfectly fucking fine. say some dumbass shit like that again and I'm beating your ass.'
- will immediately scream insults at whoever talks about about you
- it could literally be a medical professional next to you on your death bed saying that you over estimated yourself in a fight and he'd still do it
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linawritestwst · 11 months
wearing matching halloween outfits with your bf! (gn!reader)
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this is my entry for @twistedchatterbox 's halloween collab! my prompt was "dress up (together)"!
characters: ace trappola, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, floyd leech, kalim al-asim, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, lilia vanrouge
genre: fluff
warnings: none
ace trappola.
♡ "come on, y/n, hurry up! the dorm leader's gonna be real mad if we-".. o-okay, he didn't expect that you'll choose an outfit that looks just like his, not counting some slight changes. he was pretty sure you're gonna go with something different. a-and why does his face feel so warm?.. ugh, this is embarrassing, he shouldn't feel this way just because you've decided to match with him.
♡ "ace, ace, look! hehe, don't i look cute?~" yes, you do. but obviously, he's not gonna tell you that. no, he's gonna go "halloween's whole thing is that you gotta look scary, not cute!" while his heart is beating so fast and his cheeks are only becoming more red. this shouldn't be a big deal, all of his dormmates are dressed up like this after all, but something about you two wearing the same outfit is.. like, it feels like something couples do, you know? even though you two ARE a couple, but still..
♡ "hmm? is it just me, or are you.. blushing?" okay, he has to get out of here. he quickly reminds you that you two are gonna be late, grabs your arm while trying not to look at you, even though it's so hard, and you two leave. you try so hard not to laugh because you know so well that he IS blushing right now. he's just trying so hard to act cool, but ends up being cute instead.
cater diamond.
♡ he also needs a moment before his brain can process what's going on. and when it actually does process it.. oh boy, he's gonna take SO MANY pictures of you. and he's also gonna take pictures WITH you! he needs everyone to know how adorable his s/o is and how good you two look together. it's just so cute, you two look like an actual couple!
♡ he is so excited, he can't stop smiling and he keeps holding your hand the entire time. every time you do something cute, he immediately takes a picture. come on, y/n, at least smile a little!~ but if you're not comfortable with that, he'll understand. if you don't want him to post those photos, he won't, please trust him. he can just keep them for himself to look at later <3
♡ oh, but now you have to be prepared for wearing matching outfits with him for like.. every single holiday. cater loves matching with you too much, it's just so nice and so fun and.. um.. m-maybe it feels like your relationship is actually serious a-and you actually love him and- n-no, he probably shouldn't talk about it. he doesn't want you to think he's weird, haha..
leona kingscholar.
♡ .. why exactly are you dressed like this? is this the outfit that you were so proud of earlier? why is he finding out about this only now? sure, all savanaclaw students are wearing the same outfit, but.. he just knows that you chose this exact outfit just because you wanted to match with him and nobody else. ugh, why are you like this..
♡ okay, he has to admit that you being so happy and acting all excited is kinda cute. no, he won't admit it out loud, shut up. he will just silently admire you when you don't notice it and if you're very, very lucky, you can see the corner of his mouth turn up a little, forming a smile, but the moment he sees you looking at him, he'll immediately turn away. not so good with being honest about his feelings, is he?
♡ you just keep following him around the entire time and the savanaclaw students try so hard not to tease their dorm leader about it, but they know well what's gonna happen if they do so, so instead they just try to see it as their dorm leader being so cool and having an extremely loyal s/o. eventually leona becomes kinda annoyed with you refusing to leave him alone, so maybe a quick kiss on the lips will shut you up at least for a minute?
azul ashengrotto.
♡ hm.. for some reason you changing is taking a bit more time than azul expected.. he'll wait, of course, but he still asks you if you're having any problems with anything, just in case. "o-oh, uh, it's just a little hard to move with these things.. they really are like bandages, haha." .. bandages? hold on, isn't that octavinelle's theme this year? ".. darling, i am sorry if this sounds rude, but could it be that our costumes are actually more similar than i thought they would be?" ".. yes-"
♡ .. y/n. when he said that your costumes could be similar, he didn't think your costume will be an exact copy of his. what is going on, y/n. and why is his heart beating so fast. why does he actually find it cute. oh no. quick, he can't show it, he doesn't want you to make fun of him even though you most likely wouldn't. he clears his throat and tries to stay calm, but it's hard, because it's like.. you planned this as a surprise for him, didn't you?
♡ you wanted to make him happy and well, congratulations, this mission was a success. he softly kisses your hand and tells you that this outfit suits you well and even if you fall because of the "bandages", he'll be right there to catch you, so you don't have to worry about anything. except he's wrong and it's actually him who trips like five minutes later and you have to catch him.
floyd leech.
♡ "shrimpy!~ ugh, what's taking you so long.. huh." yeah, sorry, floyd is not like azul. he's not gonna wait. you're being too slow? yeah, he's coming in. he has no shame. and well.. he really did not expect you to wear the same costume as him. like, if he remembers correctly, you've said that you will wear something different?.. haha, it's okay, shrimpy, he likes surprises.
♡ i hope you're ready for lots and lots of affection from him. he's gonna hug you, he's gonna squeeze you, he's gonna pick you up (he doesn't care about your height. he WILL pick you up. you have no choice), he's gonna bite you- okay, okay, fine, he'll try to calm down. he can't promise anything though. it's just!! you're so cute!! and so squishy!! and so biteable!!
♡ hey, hey, you two are going to wear matching outfits for other holidays too, right? come on, you gotta do it. and you look so cute in this particular outfit too.. be careful though and watch where you're going, because he might use the bandage-like details of your outfit to make you trip and fall right into his arms. come on, don't be mad at him, it was just a silly little prank~
kalim al-asim.
♡ .. he is SO happy. he's literally jumping and running around and his eyes are so sparkly and his smile is brighter than the sun itself, you actually have to close your eyes. he literally goes :O and points at you and turns to jamil and turns back to you and goes "JAMIL!! THEY'RE- WE'RE- WE'RE MATCHING!!!" jamil has to calm him down and say that's just something everyone in scarabia is wearing, but kalim refuses to listen to him.
♡ i hope you're patient enough because kalim is just. he's just a cute little puppy who will run around and will show you off to everyone he knows. "hey!! hey!! hi, look, this is y/n, my s/o! o-oh, you already know them? ohh, you must be very happy to see them again then!" he's literally acting like spongebob in that one episode where he made squidward wear a salmon costume and introduced him to everyone.
♡ but again, kalim is actually very happy because the concept of you two doing something together, even if it's just wearing the same outfit, is just so.. like, it warms his heart. it makes him feel like you two really are together, you know? like you two really are a part of each other's lives and maybe there's a chance that you'll be able to spend the rest of your lives together.
vil schoenheit.
♡ you're taking a little more time than he expected. but before vil can say or do anything, he suddenly hears your voice and turns to you. "haha, s-sorry, this outfit was a little hard to put on.. man, it's so detailed." hm? what does that mean- oh. oh. you're wearing the same outfit as him. oh. his head goes empty for a second, but only for a second, even though that second means a lot to someone like him, before he can react properly.
♡ but before he can say anything about your outfit, he notices that your hair is a little messy. and what about your makeup? dear, you know that you would look so much better with different colors.. no, no, this won't do. he has to help you out. he immediately drops everything he was doing before this just so that he can fix your hair and makeup. yes, he doesn't want to be late, but also, it'd be a shame to just let his s/o look like this while he's serving as always..
♡ while he's working on your makeup, he can feel that you're a little worried, most likely about him "not paying attention to your outfit". he smiles softly and kisses your forehead before telling you that you shouldn't think so low of him. of course, he noticed it. and of course, he loves how you look in it. it's an honor for him to wear matching outfits with someone like you. he just thinks that if you two are going to match, you both deserve to look like the most beautiful couple of this school (even if you two already are one)~
idia shroud.
♡ "guess who?~" you ask playfully, covering idia's eyes with your hands. he screams and starts shaking, but he still recognizes your voice. "u-uh.. y-y/n?.." "aaaaand you're right!" you let idia look at you and finally see what you're wearing. wait. wait hold on. hold on, let him just. n-never mind, his brain totally stopped working. girl help he's about to lose consciousness. not because you're so scary, but because you're so cute.
♡ oh. oh his s/o is matching with him. oh sevens. okay, let him just. let him just take a deep breath, in and out. look, what did you expect from him, it's not something that happens every day! okay, you really are wearing pretty much the same outfit as him. but.. why? "oh, i just thought it'd be fun", you shrug your shoulders. idia is shocked to hear just how chill your answer is, but you know that he'd be more shocked to hear the real reason why you did this.
♡ hm? so what's the real reason? uhh.. honestly, you just wanted to see his reaction. you thought it'd be cute and you were right. your boyfriend is going insane in a good way, his face is red, his hair is pink and his little brother is trying to calm him down. ortho is a little confused at first, but then he looks at you and. ohhhh, okay, he gets it. "ah, are you just so happy that you'll be able to match with y/n?" "ORTHO PLEASE-"
lilia vanrouge.
♡ you aren't sure if this is a good idea. you aren't prepared for all the teasing from lilia that's most definitely going to happen. but also the idea of matching with him sounded so cute.. so here you are. lilia was actually in the middle of talking to other diasomnia students, but he could still feel that you're here, so as soon as he was done, he looked at you and. u-uh.. are you going crazy or did his face just become slightly more red than usual?
♡ his face really did go red, but only for a minute, and right after that lilia basically runs to hug you and that hug is so sudden, you both fall on the ground. he laughs and apologizes to you, he was just so happy to see you and you look sooooo cute! here, let him help you get up. to be honest, he actually was kinda hoping to match with you.. and you look even better than he imagined!
♡ you can just see how proud he is of you being his s/o and he doesn't leave you alone for the entirety of the event. that's it, he's holding your hand and going "ah, have you already met my lovely partner?" and looking at you like you're the best thing that has ever happened to him and you have no choice. and yes, prepare yourself for a huge amount of teasing and flirting and hope that your heart can handle it.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
hiiii!! can i request aaron hotchner x bau!reader where reader gets sooo jealous of the women flirting (or trying to flirt) with him (at jacks soccer games, when they’re away on a case or when he did that fbi triathlon)? i’m curious to see how you think she’ll react and what aaron will say when he realises she’s jealous 🤭🤭
Hii, thank u for this request, lovely!🥰Warnings: pet names, mentions of food (kind of), like one kiss, (1k)
It's not your first time at one of Jack's soccer games. But it is your first time witnessing what is happening in front of you.
The other kid's moms are ogling Aaron like he is some kind of famous painting hanging in Louvre (which you can't really blame them for). They also keep smiling and waving flirtiously anytime he looks over their way.
And it is even worse, when you realise, they are all dressed up, make up done with pretty clothes on. It looks like they dressed up just for him. It causes a pang in your heart.
You didn't think about wearing anything special, as you dressed up this Saturday morning for Jack's match. Compared to them you look like a bag of potatoes, you with the loose jeans and a comfy hoodie on.
It makes you feel kind of anxious, but you also feel one even more intense feeling, which can be only described as jealousy.
But you didn't come here to be angry at ridiculous moms, you came to watch Jack score some goals and see him have fun. Which is exactly what you force yourself to do now. Occasionally, your gaze slips from Jack to Aaron, but most of the match you just cheer Jack on loudly.
During the half-time, you fight the want to go to Aaron. You don't want to distract him from his coaching duties, even if it's a friendly match between the kids.
So you stay seated, still having to see and listen to those moms. They even started to talk about how hot and handsome Aaron is, which has you squirming in your seat uncomfortably. You can't decide if you want to run away from them or if you want to go tell them off from talking about your Aaron.
But you don't, you power through the second half of the match, but the urge to go say some very rude things to them doesn't dissappear.
Finally you hear the whistle, signaling the end of the match. And while the kids shake their hands with happy faces, you sheepishly walk towards the bench. Aaron is standing next to it and when he notices you walking his way, his whole face lights up.
"Hi," you greet him, you smile at him, but it's not your usual big smile.
Aaron immediately picks up on it, but he doesn't say anything. He just opens his arms, inviting you to hug him, which you gladly do.
"Hi, honey," he quickly kisses your temple, "Did you have fun?" You've come separately here, having slept at your on place for a change.
"Not as much as Jack," you grin at him, "oh, before i forget, I've brought a little snack for the kids." You gesture at the big bag in your hand, it's full of juice boxes.
"Ah, you shouldn't have, the kids will want it every time you come here now," he teases you.
"Yeah, well I wouldn't mind getting them something every time," you respond. Aaron knows that you wouldn't mind, because you are the biggest sweetheart on the earth, which is one of the many reasons why he loves you.
You are grinning at him, when suddenly your smile dissappears and you start to frown. Aaron has never before seen that kind of frown on you.
"What's wrong?" he questions, eyebrows drawn up.
"Nothing, i just thought of something, " you murmur, but your frown deepens. And it doesn't take Aaron long to find out the reason behind your scowl.
He notices you frown more and more every time, one of the other moms speak near by. So he puts 2 and 2 together.
"Did those moms say something to you?" He asks you with stern voice, because if they did, he won't hesitate to go talk to them.
"No, it's just...," you feel rather embarrassed to say it now, "they talked about...-about you."
"About me? What did they say?" he puzzles, he hopes, that it isn't something to do with his coaching.
"Oh come on Aaron, you must know what I mean," you whine with slight frustration, it is clearly not directed at him but at them. Still you are a bit annoyed by his cluelessness.
"I really don't know, tell me?"
You sigh, "t-they talked about how hot and handsome you are, how they would love to go out with you. They waved and smiled at you basically the entire game," you grumble it silently. Face scrunched up in vexation.
"Really?" he asks, surprised.
"You must have noticed it by now."
"Well, I haven't," he tells you honestly, "I am too busy giving instructions to the kids and," he pulls you towards him by the sleeve of your hoodie," I am too distracted by you, to notice those silly women."
His words, as always, have you blushing, "Yeah?"
"Oh most definitely, have you looked in a mirror lately, sweetheart? Nothing compares to you and for sure not those moms," he playfully jabs his finger into your side, but his words are as sincere as they can be.
And after he says that, he quickly looks over to those moms to make sure they are looking and kisses you hard. It catches you off guard, but when you kiss him back, your kiss is just as eager as his.
When you pull away, he whispers against your lips, devilish smile on his face," I don't think you need to be jealous anymore, honey. I think, they understand now, that I only have my eyes for one person, that is you." The only thing you can do as a response to that, is to hide your red face in his neck.
You shyly smile at his words and inside you are beaming, happy that Aaron showed off your relationship even if he isn't the biggest fan of the pda. And you are a little, and i mean a lot, proud that he showed you off like that, because the irritation on those women's faces was priceless.
"I love you," you whisper bashful into his skin.
"I know, sweetheart. I love you, too," he responds warmly, "now let's go quickly hand out the snacks to the kids and get that breakfast, before those moms burn a whole into our faces."
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cyberluvzu · 1 month
Could you do some head canons for dating Jeff the killer?
Jeff The Killer x Reader
I've never really written about Jeff, but I definitely have a couple of headcanons about him. TYSM FOR THE REQUEST MWAHHHH (also I'm SO SORRY for not responding sooner, I completely forgot I had this in my drafts 😭)
- Pretty cocky
- In the "I'm so much better than you all, just look at my partner and tell me I'm wrong" way and in the "I'm so hot and sexy, look at me" way
- He goes INSANE with it bro
- Hand holding? Kissing? Literally touching you in any way?
- Immediate yes from Jeff
- Really likes the idea of people knowing your his
- Would find ways to make sure people know
- Maybe wearing a necklace or some kind of jewelry with his initial on it
- Or he'll mark you up if you'd like
- Bro goes feral when you let him
- He just loves the idea of people knowing you are his
- I think that he would cut his smile back in every now and then, after it inevitably starts to heal
- You'd have to help him clean and disinfect it
- He refuses to, just because he knows you'll go and help him
- And because he's lazy
- Lazy as fuck
- Expect a lot of "I just wanna stay in tonight babe" getting thrown at you
- He loves showing you off, yes of course he wants people to see you in that cute outfit, and know that only he can have you
- But he also likes to stay in with you, just the both of you, him and you all comfy, cuddled up and just being alone together
- He'd like it when you'd get all dressed up for him
- This man LOVEEESSSS when you dress like he asks you to
- "You should wear this top, you'd look hot, babe"
- "Hmm... okay!"
- He's absolutely internally celebrating
- He also has pretty bad anger issues
- When he does have his outbursts and they happen to be directed to you, he'll come and apologize after an hour or so
- You'd seriously have to work with him to get it in check, because WOAH BRO
- He'd be upset about a mission going wrong and then take it out on you, but he knows it's not your fault, he's just pissed off
- But he can't control it and ends up lashing out
- Leaves you alone for a while, for his sake and yours
- One of you ends up going to the other and talking about it
- He'd still be mad about his issue, just won't direct it at you because he feels bad about before
- You'd have to work on communication with him, he's obviously not the best at it
- Branching off of that
- He also gets jealous pretty easily
- A guy is hitting on you? Boom he's on the floor and Jeff is beating his ass
- Gets mad when people flirt with you or talk with you in a manner that he considers "too friendly"
- Thankfully he understands that it's not your fault, it's the other person's
- But that doesn't mean he won't be upset at you
- Oh no, no, no
- He'll be upset and not know what to take it out on...but you're there, because you always are.
- He ends up being mad at you, but just slightly
- A snarky comment here and there, but c'mon now, it's Jeff, whatcha expect?
- He doesn't get TOO mad at you, just more frustrated
- Because why'd you have to go and be all smexy and hot??? 😓😓
- But when he inevitably calms down, he understands it's not you, and to stop talking shit
- He'd absolutely call you all kinds of nicknames
- His favorites are, baby, doll, sweetheart, and my love
- Would definitely call you nicknames in front of everyone so they know you love him and he loves you
- He'd also like to put his hand on your thigh whenever you two sit next to eachother, it's almost a comfort thing for him
- Likes to brag about dating you
- "oh I'm ugly? Then how did I score my sexy ass partner?"
- He has zero shame about loving you
- Absolutely none
- He'd send you messages when he's on missions because he misses you
- But he's too stubborn to admit it
- Would send you pictures of the people he killed and call it his "work of art", "masterpiece", something along those lines
- He worked hard pls be proud :((
- Has minor insomnia, so expect to be staying up with him late into the night
- He likes when you stay up for him, because it means more time with his favorite person
- Stays up and talks with you, plays video games, cuddles, anything you or him wants to do
- He absolutely loves the nights where you two stay up late, cuddle, and talk. He loves spending more time with you
- So what he already spent the whole day with you? He wants more!!!!
HELLO GUYS!!!! I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD🙏🙏🙏. I MISSED YOU ALL DEARLY. I've literally been so busy it's genuinely insane 😭😭. I lwk half-assed proof reading this, so I'm sorry if there's anything wrong. BUT THATS IT I LOVE YALLLL MWAHHHH MWAH
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
"Lying in bed fantasizing about how badly I want to detransition. Lose these big soft boobs I've grown, never pass as a girl again.... not that I pass very well now, do I, boys?" Anna reached into her pants, pulling out thick, rock-hard foot-long cock. She shook it for the camera, its swollen foreskin jiggling. "What have I done to myself? My feminine little three-inch cock is monster size now. I already feel like I'll never be a girl again because I did this. My balls are the size of lemons, nice and plump. To think what'll happen to my girly body if I stop taking my testosterone blockers. Those giant balls will flood my body with so much T I won't need injections at all. I'll never be mistaken for a girl ever again.
I'm so happy I stumbled on this community. I was just a happy-go-lucky trans girl walking through life oblivious, wearing sexy outfits, flaunting my growing boobs on social media. A bunch of guys started messaging me telling me how poorly I pass and they're surprised I even bother continue keeping up the act with how masculine I look. For some reason reading these DMs made my cock hard. All the comments were from former trans girls who stopped their silly game of dress up and detransed. They showed me before/after pics of how girly they were, all totally gorgeous with big boobs and fat asses, only to become fat greasy men with balding scalps and beards, huge beer bellies covered in stretch marks and hair.
I could hardly believe it. They kept interacting with my pics, asking when I was going to detrans, telling my followers I was thinking of going on T. I could hardly keep up with it. I made a pretty infamous video, all dolled up in a sexy dress, telling my followers I wasn't detransitioning...... yet. I was just thinking about it a little. This opened the floodgates and my comments and DMs were 100% overrun by people cheering me on to detransition. A lot of them said the best way to know if you should detrans is take Rocket. It does make your balls huge but as long as you stay on blockers it won't detrans you to have them. Apparently any real trans girl will be mortified to have a growing cock, and finally get SRS out of desperation after going on Rocket, fakegirls will become obsessed with gooning their new plaything.
Guess what camp I'm in? Even at six inches I started going outside way less, finding porn more interesting by the day. Now I jerk off the second I wake up until the night. I don't let myself cum. I let it build and build, so my cock is bloated and swollen, covered in painful scratches from my nails from pumping it all day, then if I'm lucky I have a wet dream. When I go out, I don't see girls as the same thing as me anymore, I see them as targets to pounce on or humiliate myself in front of by going up to them and gooning to them. Which I've started to do quite a lot. Especially pregnant girls, I love finding a couple a pretty college girls with big guts full of kids, their tits bouncing in their little tank tops, and I'll walk up jerking with one hand, squeezing my balls with the other, gasping and moaning, telling them I want to break their water and force them to give birth. A few have even taken me up on my horny guy-brained offer.
Now I'm totally obsessed with being a voyeur and gawking at pretty girls as I pump my growing cock. This is going to get even more fun when my voice cracks and I don't sound girly anymore. As it is now when I goon in the girls' room the other girls hear me and just knock on my stall to tell me to masturbate at home. I can't wait until they start kicking me out for being a guy pretending I'm a girl.... surprised they don't now since it's soooo obvious I'm not a girl! I can't wait until my facial hair starts growing and I get hair on my big bouncy boy tits.
Since starting Rocket I've also already put on about 25lbs. Some of that is my big meaty cock but I think it's a good sign for the kind of guy I'm detransing into, like soooo many mtftm detransitioners I've met, I think I can expect to get very, very fat, which perfectly suits the kind of perverted gooner I'm meant to be. Sweaty, hardly bathing, sitting at home all day engaging with pornography, commenting all kinds of gross stuff, subscribing to loads of OnlyFans girls that look hot like I used to and perving on them like a desperate loser, telling them how much I goon to them every day, how much I wish I could knock them up and make them cum. Godddd I can't wait! I should do it, shouldn't I? Go off my blockers today? I need to!" Anna bit her lip, pumping her oversized cock. "I need to become a boy so bad I can't stop! I want these big swollen balls of mine to flood my body with T and totally ruin all the hard work of transitioning so young. I can't wait to get my titties removed and tell my doctors I was just a dumb boy playing pretend, as I get fatter and fatter and more perverted, hitting on my nurses and fondling my cock in front of them. There's this cute brunette who takes my bloodpressure who's been pregnant like four times, her boobs must be an H-Cup! I think next time I see her I'm going to grope her tits just to see what happens, I bet I'll get milk all over her scrubs, it'll be so hot! ❤️"
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baby-tini · 2 months
your mikey headcannons are so GOOD!!! i love how you write his character. how do you think all timeline mikey will react to a girly gf? someone who likes pink, stuff toys, and wearing skirts, etc (i'm a 22 year old woman who likes those so 😔)
Babes, I am (now) 20 y/o and I love plushies, I have a huge collection of beanie babies (not my pic, just what they look like) and I love pink and you could wear skirts at any age frfr and thank you sm
Toman\OG Timeline- He doesn't really mind any of it, too be honest with you. He thinks it's pretty cute actually. As long as it's too over the top, because he does have a reputation too up-hold, then ask for whatever. If you want a specific stuffed animal, just let him know and he'll have someone get it for you. He likes that you dress all girly, it's cute contrast to his constant gang attire. He also may or may not let you put cute pink bows in his hair... but only in private and you have too catch him in a good mood. He also won't let you do it ever again if he finds out that you've taken pictures. (He's not being serious, but you better not show anyone because he will kill them.)
Manila- He teases you about it, but he really doesn't care. He loves seeing you in your skirts.. as long as he's the only that sees it, or else you're not allowed too where them at all. He'll do this thing where, if you misbehave he'll take your little stuffed animals away, he's done it before. Now, he won't destroy them, unless you really piss him off, but he will take them away from you. For example, if you don't give him affection, he'll have his gun pointed at the little studded plushies head. He doesn't mind all the pink, but he will tell you it's an eye sore, when in actuality, he quite enjoys the pop of color in the apartment.
Kanto- Doesn't really care, as long as there's not stuffed toys everywhere, do whatever you please. He does get a little annoyed if your shared bedroom is covered in pink however, so don't.. go crazy with the decorations. He doesn't mind the skirts, but you are made too wear shorts under them if there's anyone besides Mikey around, it also has too be to your knees and he will give you length checks if you're going out, which is already pretty rare on it's own. In these length checks, you will be told too bend over, and if, he can see your shorts, that you have too wear under it or if the shorts are too short, you are made too change and don't throw a tantrum, as he calls them, 'cause then you're not allowed too go out at all.
Bonten- Loves the little skirts, he likes too bend you over his desk, as he sits in his chair, paperwork spread messily around his desk. He just likes too run his hands up the back of your thighs, playing with the lace. Just like with Kanto though, you're only allowed too wear the skirts with him, he does take it a little further though, as in, if there's anyone is around, you can't wear the skirts at all. Not even with shorts underneath, not at all. Either you wear long shorts or pants. Doesn't mind the plushies, he'll just watch you as you sit with or play with them, the only thing about it that would annoy him about them though, is if, you show the plushies more affection or you cuddle with them and not him. That'll piss him off and he'll take them away. He doesn't mind the pink, as long as it's kept to a minimum.
Street Racer- Thinks it's the cutest thing ever, seriously. He prefers when you wear skirts, simply because he likes too keep one of his hands on your thighs all the time. He'll run his thumb over the soft skin as he just has conversations with his friends. It's not really sexual for him, he just likes too be touching you all the time and he appreciates that skin-to-skin contact. Doesn't mind or care about you having plushies, he thinks it's sweet that as an adult, you still keep your childhood- or adulthood memories in the shape of little plushies. If he wakes up and sees your little plush ha sfallen on the floor, he'll pick it up and put it back in your arms, he'll even learn all the names and refer to them with prefered pro-nouns and if they have backstories.. he's all ears baby and he's so interested, asking questions and everything.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi lovely! May I ask for the twisted wonderland dorm leaders reaction to piercings. (Nipples, septum, lip, industrial, bridge etc))
A/N: I wasn't sure if you meant on reader or them....so I did all of the above! Hopefully I hit what you were looking for 😂
3k masterlist
CW: religious fear in Riddle's part, but it's an if you know you know kind of thing 😂 😭
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 In general, Riddle will always start out as anti piercing. His mother raised him that piercings are from the devil (or the devil equivalent in twst) and should be ever pierce his body with a needle, he would be thrown in the fiery flames for all eternity. So…he's anti piercing
That said, if he had to pick one he wanted, he'd go for a navel piercing. That way, the gods (and his mother) would never know he had it. He'd probably go for a simple ruby.
He doesn't react too much to piercings on other people. He just never thinks about it, even though he's always thinking about it for himself. So your piercings wouldn't phase him.
He's simplistic. A favorite piercing he'd have for you, is a simple nose stud. Maybe a ruby to match his hypothetical navel stud.
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I'm totally blanking on what he looks like, but if he doesn't have piercings now, he will as soon as he's out of the public eye. Once Cheka is of age, he knows no one will care about the "delinquent second born" and he's free to do what he wants without judgment.
He'd go for a single stud on one side, a nose ring, a navel ring, and probably one lip piercing so that it glitters when he smirks.
He doesn't care if you have piercings. Obviously, it's sexy as hell if you do, but whatever, it's your life.
His favorite on you is, surprisingly, a basic earring. He likes to gently pull them with his teeth when he's feeling particularly flirty or needy.
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He won't have piercings ever. It would affect his businessman facade. That said….if he ever got a piercing, he would want a single dangle earring so he can match the twins. Maybe a conch shell?
Another one who doesn't mind it on you. And his favorite one you? Tongue piercing. Not that he'll ever admit it…because it's his favorite due to him liking the feel against his tongue when your tongue is down his throat…the taste of iron filling his senses along with your signature smell….ahem. He uh he means he likes a typical earring on you. yup yup.
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Pierced everywhere. He likes shiny things. There was no stopping him.
He would like you pierced top to bottom, so that he can shower you in even more gold and jewels. He loves to see you shimmer, and hear you jangle. Piercings just add to it. 
But if he had to choose a favorite spot, it's regular lobe and cartilage piercings on your ears. Then he can still see the shimmer 😁 he loves to decorate along your ears with chains and jewels, thinks it's so pretty
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He has regular ear piercings. I'm sorry, a man who looks that hot in red heels is ready to wear a set of pearl drop earrings at a moments notice. He's modeled a hundred sexy looks in those hypothetical earrings, and you can't tell me otherwise. Maybe he takes them out for school so that when his fellow students decide to get in a fight, he doesn't have to hand them to Rook Everytime.
He wants you in pearl earrings to….just saying. He thinks you'll be so pretty, so professional, with a set of pearls; pearl choker, pearl bracelet, pearl earrings (does this feed into his desire to dress you like a doll? Maybe)
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Out of everyone, he's the one who would get nipple piercings. Probably after watching some anime where the tough guy had gold nipple hoops. Subtle but enough of a character design that Idia snuck past Ortho to go get some himself.
He's gonna think any piercings you have are sexy. Nipple piercings? Bad ass. Navel? Show him that tummy. Lip piercing? Kiss him. I mean what?
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Man wears black classy earrings. Doesn't really branch out, but that's fine. He looks hot.
He loves if you have piercings. It adds to his delusions about you, like "look at my rebellious little human". Mal Mal, it's just a nose ring? It's a common piercing in many cultures? Not a big deal? He's never gonna hear you over his delusions, babe
His fave on you? Navel and nipple. Because our Victorian man thinks seeing either is such a scandalous treat, and sends a thrill down his spine. Such intimate places, and he gets to see them! How thrilling! Humans are so brave these days!
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adelliet · 1 year
Joel miller x f!reader
Ur too young for me
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Summary: it's your mom's birthday party and her boyfriend Tommy is of course invited, but none of you were expecting he'd bring his brother too, which you had no idea he even have one.
Warnings: 18+, rough but soft, unprotected sex ( p i v ), age gap, drinking alcohol, teasing, sexual allusions, fingering, flirt, dom & sub
A/N: Hi! Sorry I wasn't active these days…trust me I have load of ideas and concepts, but I have no time :/ also sorry for the mistakes, of there are any, english isn't my first language! Enjoy, sedning love <3
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You stood in the corner of the kitchen, far away from all those 40-50 year old people, who were talking so loudly that if you wanted to, you could hear every detail of their conversation. But you didn't care about that, you didn't care about any of that, and the only reason you're here is your mom. She does enough for you, so you want to at least pay her back and attend this boring senior party where absolutely nothing happens. The only good thing here is alcohol.
Since there are enough people here that mom won't see you drinking Gin or Vodka through them, you take the opportunity to get drunk to the point of unconsciousness so you don't have to spend any more time here. However, when you wanted to pour another glass of Vodka into the red plastic cup, you felt a woman's grip on your forearm. Before you could turn around to see who it was, you were led to the front door.
Of course, it didn't take you long to realize that your mom was dragging you to the door. "So, straighten up and be nice" your mom ordered as she smoothed the dress over her stomach and reached for the handle. You just rolled your eyes and looked at the door in disgust until Tommy appeared in it. A really forced smile appeared on your face by the second and you tried not to be mean like your mom told you to.
Tommy is a nice guy, you gotta admit, but you don't even know why you "don't like" him. Like it was some kind of natural instinct because none of the guys mom found after dad died were smart or nice. They all acted like whores and wanted only one thing from mom. Maybe your hatred is also from trust issues, but you haven't had much time to think about it now. Your mission to get drunk must succeed, so you did everything to make it happen. “Hi Tommy” you greeted him and wanted to offer your hand for a shake but he forcefully ignored her and pulled you to his chest as he wrapped you in a hug. At first you thought how gross it would be, but it felt pretty good. When he finally let you go, he hugged your mom too and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Your mom was as red as a tomato and her happy smile just couldn't be shaken off. You were glad that she was happy after such a long time.
"I hope you don't mind that I brought my brother too" this sentence that came out of Tommy's mouth caught you both by surprise. You stared wide eyed at Tommy until you heard footsteps coming down the hall towards our door. "You have a brother?" Mom asked in shock and Tommy nodded. Then he said something to her, but you stopped noticing everything that was happening around you as soon as you saw a muscular, mature and slightly older man standing in the doorway. He was tall, with a light gray beard and hair so silky you fought the urge to run your fingers through it. Wearing a green plaid shirt with a gray belt around the waist and slightly flared jeans. You wouldn't say that such a sexy and attractive man is Tommy's brother. Now the fun begins.
All of a sudden, everyone fell quiet and there was an awkward grave silence as everyone but one stared at the man standing in the doorway with a serious face that exuded genuine respect. Seeing this man on the street, you wouldn't want to mess with him. The silence became too long and deep, so our birthday girl decided to break it. "You must be Joel, is that right?" mom asked sweetly, suffocating you a bit to get a better view of him. You couldn't believe it. Tommy was literally standing next to her and she was even redder than before paying attention to this man. On the other hand, you should not be surprised. You don't see such a handsome man very often.
“That's right" Joel spoke and his voice was even more beautiful than you imagined. A deep husky voice, to hear it so grainy in the morning, oh my god. He accepted your mother's offering hand for a shake, giving you a better view of his soaked and muscular whips. He must work out at least 3 times a day.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. You looked at every detail of him, his sharp beard, the beautiful brown eyes that looked so sweet, but they were formed strictly. You imagined how his body must look under all those clothes. It must certainly look like it was created by god himself. When your mom finally pulled away and finished chatting with Joel, she made room and now you could see the handsome guy face to face. You started to get nervous. What's going on?
You were never nervous with any boy before, whether you liked him or not. This is weird. Everything is strange and especially your feelings that you can't describe right now. "And you are?" a manly deep voice interrupted your thoughts and you regained your composure a bit. You made eye contact with him and that was your bottom. You could feel your knees buckle and your legs shake. The heat was boiling inside you and your heart was beating at least 4 times faster, as if you were charged with some energy.
"Y/N" stuttered a little but you finally answered, and accepted his massive hand that he was offering you. His grip was strong, he surrounded your entire palm with his, fingers thin and long enough, god you had to move away from him or you wouldn't be able to hold on and it would end badly. "Nice to meet you" he added but no smile appeared on his face. You didn't know how it was possible, but the fact that he wasn't smiling at all added 100+ points to his attractiveness.
“Nice to meet you too” you squealed so quietly, that you couldn't even hear yourself, but Joel heard you very well because you could see his corners lifting slightly up, when you spoke. "Well…how about we all introduce ourselves hm?" Tommy jumped into your eye contact and broke it. You, Joel, your mom including the other people, were looking at Tommy, but you knew very well that everyone was interested in Joel. You were jealous a little, but at least you could do anything and everyone's attention was on the massive man, not on you.
You decided to take advantage of this and carefully sneaked into the kitchen with maximum stealth, where you picked up two bottles, each a different type of alcohol, and hide yourself in the bedroom, as you sneak there the same way you sneak into the kitchen. Everything went so smoothly you couldn't believe it. Everyone was really only looking at Joel, both women and men, including your mom. She looked at him suspiciously peacefully, but at the end of the day you decided not to deal with it and to fulfill the mission you ordered from the beginning of the party. Get drunk.
After a few minutes and a few sips of Vodka, the bottle was already half empty and you felt a slight dizziness, but still nothing terrible. You stared at the wall and all you could think about was Joel. You tricked your thinking into drunkenness, even though you knew full well that thinking about Joel Vodka really wasn't to blame.
As you were about to take another sip from the bottle, you suddenly heard dangerous footsteps approaching your room. You immediately took the bottle out of your mouth, even doused yourself a little and hid it with the other one under the bed while you cleaned yourself up and checked your breath for the smell of alcohol. Suddenly the door opened aggressively and to your surprise Joel was standing there. He looked quite stressed and as soon as he entered your room without permission he slammed the door behind him and leaned against it. He rubbed his face with his large palm and exhaled until he saw you sitting on the edge of the bed. He was so startled that he jumped slightly on the spot and had to grab his heart. "Oh my God" he breathed out and you tried as hard as you could to fight the urge to immediately imagine his light outpouring in some deviant scene in your head.
“Sorry, didn't know you're here” Joel apologize but entered in the room anyways so, it's too late to apologize. “It's okay” you assured him, but you didn't ask the crucial question that was running through your head. Why is he even here? Shouldn't he enjoy partying with people of his own age and equal? Shouldn't he be enjoying the fame and being the center of attention? Probably not his cup of coffee. He looked pretty tired and beat up, like he'd just been hit in the head with 40 footballs.
He laid down on your bed without any warning or question, automatically covering his closed eyes with his hand. You bounced a little on the bed when he jumped there. You watched him and looked at him like a he was some treasure. “Those people are wild” he complained and when he finally spoke in a normal tone, your body calmed down a bit. You laughed at his good point and pulled the bottles from behind the bed. You wanted to drink one of the bottles but the familiar voice stopped you. "Aren't you too young to drink this?" you slowly turned over your shoulder only to see Joel, even hotter and more attractive than five seconds ago. One hand was tucked behind his head, the other rested on his chest, and his beautiful brown eyes were only fixed on you. "You're not my dad" you snapped at him and drank anyway. You have no idea where you got the courage. It sure does the drinking.
"Fine, but I won't hold your hair when you gonna throw up in the toilet" he got comfortable and finally closed his eyes after he said that. His words took you a bit by surprise and left your head spinning, but you ignored it anyway. "What are you doing?" you asked him curiously and slightly offended as your pupils widened. "Taking quick nap" again, that deep husky voice that made you cross your legs and ignore the throbbing down there. "And who let you lie here?" you asked him in a sussy voice, but immediately ducked your tail as Joel mopped the floor with you. "Who let you drink alcohol?" Shit, he's good. You decided not to answer and drink again.
You looked at him. You watched his nostrils expand every time he breathed air out, you watched his chest rise slowly and calmly, it was so calming to watch him that you got tired too. Your bed isn't very big so there wasn't much room left for you with Joel taking up most of the space, but she decided to rub herself in and lay next to him. He turn to side so now he wasn't laying on his back, but on his side. His face was right in front of your back, but you decided to not really care, or at least, try to not care.
But you couldn't lay down without touching Joel at all, and right now you were touching a really sensitive spot. You could feel your ass in that tight red dress touching Joel's pelvis. A normal person would have moved forward a bit or just ignored it, but the alcohol in your brain was starting to take over and so were your wild thoughts, so you decided to do something that could get you into trouble. You lay with your back to Joel, unable to see his face just imagining it. You slowly started moving your hips from side to side, provoking Joel. You waited for his reaction but nothing so far, just his sleep breathing purring into your neck, but no reaction at all. So, you didn't stop and keep going, maybe add a little more power.
Suddenly you heard an annoyed deep exhalation and at that exact moment you felt Joel's hand on your tiny neck. He had it propped up under your head, so you were practically lying on his arm. You gasped a bit from the surprise, because you weren't ready and expecting this to happen at all. You though that he may be telling you to fuck off or something, but definitely not this. His huge palm was covered all over your neck, his grip strength was small, but he would only need to add a little more strength and you would be suffocated in no time. You played a dangerous game but you loved it. "What do you think you're doing?" he barked at you quietly, his half-sleeping voice were sending chills down your spine and a flame of fire to your feminine parts. You felt your nipples harden and goosebumps appeared all over your body. "Getting myself comfortable" you said innocently, trying not to let your plan be known, to make Joel hard by teasing him with ur ass. You were so horny in your life right now, you never been like this before.
“Do that again and you'll regret it" he hissed making it clear that he was pretty pissed off but what did you take from that? That a dangerous game was starting to turn and you decided to provoke Joel even more and put yourself in more danger. Of course you were frozen when he said this and you waited a moment until you heard that cute purr on your neck again and his grip softened. You then started slowly moving your ass again, but this time, in a different direction. You weren't afraid to challenge him at all and moved your hips back and forth, hitting Joel's lap hard. You could feel the slowly growing bulge in his jeans, but it didn't last long as Joel huffed aggressively and woke up again, now even angrier than before.
Not only did he tighten his grip around your neck, but his other hand literally pressed down on your hip with si much preassure. He was holding your body so hard you thought he was going to break your bones. Your breathing quickened but it wasn't that you were afraid. The reason for your rapid heartbeat, pulsing and breathing was all too clear, you were so turned on. You could feel the wettness in your panties, dripping off to your inner thight and landing on the mattress. And it get so much worse.
"Didn't you hear me the first time you little brat?" he growled into your ear and squeezed your hip even more, making you curl your toes and stretch them out. So much pressure, so much tension, so much horniness and lust that you screamed ‘I want to have sex’ without even turning your face to Joel. You ignored his question, which may have been a mistake. "This is wrong you realize that?" he was asking you questions in anger and frustration, but you felt as if you were speechless and unable to verbally respond to them in any way, but that didn't matter because Joel could clearly read what was on your mind from your body movement.
"We're going to be in trouble…" he breathed out, his voice a little calm but grainy and so deep it was as if the bear himself was speaking to you. You felt his hand on your hip as it slowly traveled lower on your lower abdomen but it didn't stop there for long as it then traveled to your thigh where Joel then left his palm print as he squeezed it hard. That imprint will be there for a long time. You squealed softly, full of temptation and your body as hot as concrete in the summer. Joel felt very good about you and knew what to do. He always knows what to do.
"Tell me, has anyone touched you like this before?" another question, which was already much more pleasant when Joel was rubbing your thigh, his palm moving up and down and slightly returning the provocation when he sometimes went lower, where your thighs met and where you needed his hand the most . But he never stayed there very long, which frustrated you even more than being at your mom's party with old people. “Answer my question”
His grip on both your neck and your thigh twitched and gained strength as you remained silent and tried to enjoy this. You shook your head in disapproval but it wasn't enough for Joel. "Words" the grip even tighter and you felt that you were starting to feel your neck slightly. "No" you finally answered, all shaky but as soon as you said it, Joel's grip on your neck took away that strength, but on your thigh it was the oppostite and be just added more. "Good girl...where did the courage to speak go, huh?" this was a sarcastic question and you both understood that you weren't supposed to answer it.
After a bit of teasing, Joel decided to start doing something more, maybe it's because of his hard dick, which twitches every time you move or make any sound. "Will you be a good girl and be quiet?" he asked as he forced his hand he fell between your legs and caressed your inner thigh, where he sometimes 'accidentally' flicked his finger against your wet panties. He let out a small giggle when he felt how wet you already were, but decided to save his comment until after your answer. "Y-yes" you stuttered, all hot and eager as you moved your hips to feel Joel's fingertips just a little bit where your flame was heating the most. "So wet and we haven't even started..." he sighed as he finally touched his fingers to your panties and began to slowly and gently rub.
You let out a cute quiet sight, but you try really hard not to be loud, as Joel told you. "Good girl...you wanna feel my fingers inside you, don't ya?" what the fuck is happening. Are you fell asleep and this is a dream or are you that drunk that you are imagining things...or is this really happening? Is the most hot and attractive man in this house and in your whole life rubbing you through your panties and saying dirty stuff in your ear? What kind of porn-story is that!?
“Please~” you moaned, head turning so you could scream into the pillow and not be hearen, but Joel didn't fucking let you. He likes how you you begged and pleaded but he wasn't going to let you trick him into not controlling your squeals and whimpers, so he lifted his shoulder that you were laying on and rolled your head back to the original position it was in before. “No cheating, or you won't get what you're asking for” god his voice only added to your wetness and body temperature, you were as hot as a falling meteorite. This was the worst torture what could you have experienced but you deserved it. You shouldn't have provoked Joel with your ass and none of this would happened, but do you regret it? Absolutely not. This is so much better than be drunk, which you practically were.
“Do you want it?” He asked you as his body get closer to yours, that you could feel his muscular chest hiding in the clothes and his popping bulge wanting really hard to get out of there. His hot breath was know on your back of your neck, and you couldn't move. You were locked in Joel's touch and there was nothing to do than listen to him and do what he told you to do, so you could finally get what you fucking need. “Yes” you answered, this time full of confidence which Joel likes but not as much as he heard you begging.
“Beg for it” he said as he put much preassure on his two fingers rubbing against your wet panties that were probably soaking inside. Your clitoris was plumbing as much as your hole, fuck this man. "Please" you moan once again, trying really hard to give him his ego and the dominance he lost for a moment but regained immediately. You could feel his annoying grin ear to ear as he heard you. “See how easy it is” he stopped rubbing your vagina over the soft material which made you freeze a bit and you let us out with what you had at least for a little while and now you lost it but you didn't wait too long as Joel took off your panties in one jerking motion until they came down to your ankles and you shook them to the ground. "Let me feel how wet you really are" and before he finished this sentence, you could feel his bare fingers, rubbing your labia back and forth. Finally. The exhalation from the feeling that you have finally passed to the next stage kicked you so much that you forgot your promise and let out a slight loud sight. Joel immediately covered your mouth with the hand that was originally on your neck. "Shhh...we have a deal honey, don't break it" your eyes rolled back as he started to looking for your clit by his one finger and find it immidietly, then started doing small circles around there, making you go crazy and scream into his hand so fucking loud.
“God…you have no idea what're you doing to me” he whimpered into your ear and you could tell from his voice and shaking that he was in such tension and he couldn't last very long without interacting with him and his needs. You wanted to help him, but he wouldn't let you. You couldn't even turn or look at him, just trying to lie in a still position and not make a sound, which was quite hard task for you, especially when Joel added strength to your clit and started rubbing it hard and fast. You automatically pressed your thighs together, squeezing Joel's hand as well. You felt so close, but there was still something missing, which Joel filled in after a short time.
He stopped teasing your clit, but instead stuck two fingers straight into you. As soon as you let out a loud controlled sigh and your eyes squeezed tightly, Joel started curling his fingers inside you, slowly but with passion. His fingers were big, string and long, so when he goes deeper, he hits your g-spot really fast. You started shaking, eyes with tears when you couldn't move and could only scream Joel's name into his own hand, that were still covering your mouth. "You're close, aren't you?" he teased you a bit, but you nodded your head roughly and moved your legs when you really felt the climax coming. Joel makes it even worse, when he uses his thumb rubbing your clit too. It was totally over for you.
The tension were so close and you were tense and hard, but suddenly Joel pulled his fingers out of you. You opened your eyes in confusion and furrowed your brows as you angrily turned to face Joel and were on your back on the bed. Although you were upset that he didn't finish you off, the sight of him licking his fingers and muttering happily while doing so made you forget about it right away. "Did you think it would be that easy?" he asked provocatively and before you could react Joel was on top of you. One hand resting on the bed as a helper to keep him from falling, the other hand on your hot red face, softly rubbing it with his thumb. You liked this angle better.
Joel didn't leave you in the pleasure for long though, breaking your eye contact with him as he forced his lips to yours. You felt his hard erect cock, pushing in his pants and rubbing against your inner thighs, very close to your core. The passionate and ardent kiss turned into an intense kiss that clearly indicated that it would go to the next level soon. Joel's hand on your face very quickly moved to your neck where it stayed long enough until Joel couldn't take it and used it to pull off his pants freeing his partner. All this time, you were glued to each other not only with your bodies, but also with your lips. Your saliva was mixing and you were trying to inhale as much oxygen as you could because you couldn't tear yourself away from Joel.
The atmosphere was starting to thicken and your bodies were starting to heat up, forcing you to roughly unbutton Joel's shirt, finally exposing his godlike body. Joel didn't let himself be talked down to and decided to cooperate as he slid his arm under you and lifted you up a bit pulling you closer, your lips still on his. Joel was unzipping your dress while you were unbuttoning his shirt and when all the buttons were done, you tore the fabric off of Joel like a wild animal, and immediately broke the kiss to look at the miracle, you wanted to see since the moment you met Joel for the first time, a few hours ago.
Those toned muscles, those muscular abs, and that unshaven hairy chest that clearly indicated what an alpha male Joel was. It looked even better than you imagined. You couldn't hold it for much longer, knowing that every second you were getting closer to what you so desperately needed, so without any warning, you stuck your tongue in Joel's mouth again and gently ran your hands over his massive body. You swear you felt an egotistical smirk from Joel, but chose to ignore it.
You weren't the only one who wanted to see the other naked. Joel was so curious about you, so excited and mostly so horny that he literally ripped your red dress off you. You immediately pulled away from his lips and shot a ‘are you serious?’ look. "Are you fucking kidding me?! They were expensive!" you raised your voice after him, but Joel could care less right now. He was so amazed by your body, that he ignored the fact that you literally yelled at him. If you weren't almost naked, you would be in so much trouble. "You look much better without them" he said in his husky-bear voice again.
There was only one thing standing in his way now, apart from your angry face, and that was your black bra, which Joel passionately lunged for and in one graceful movement, with no effort in, unhooked your bra and gently threw it to the floor. It was a strange feeling to see Joel not knowing where to look first. He loved your body, if he could he would have hearts instead of pupils. He didn't know where to look first. He wanted so badly to squish your body and leave huge purple and painful hickeys everywhere, but he decided to save that for another time. He couldn't resist, and after a few minutes of just watching and admiring your naked body, he had to go, and he wasn't afraid to take a challenge.
He cup one of your tits, he slowly squeezed, and your natural reaction was to throw your head back and sink your teeth so deep into your bottom lip that you could feel the blood coming out after a while. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen" you melted at his words. You felt his cock twitch almost every two seconds, and all the blood from his body was just there. He was so close you could feel his head and a little wetness on it as the pre-cum started to form. He was just as horny as you, he wanted it just as much as you, but the only difference was, that he was so fucking patient.
In a snap, his mouth was on your neck, sucking and leaving red fresh marks on your sensitive neck. You weren't thinking about anything but Joel's tongue, hand placement and his definitely huge dick, you want to feel inside you so badly. Just make things worse, he started to teasing you. His head of his cock was really slowly started brushibg against your labia, and you thought you gonna cum already. He is fucking asshole.
He wanted it as much as you did, to push his member inside you and fuck you so good, but he loved the feeling of you being helpless and able to plead for Joel, which is exactly what you did. He had you wrapped around his finger, manipulated you didn't even realize what Joel was doing to you. All you focused on was sex. “Please~” you sighed, throwing your head back and pulling Joel's hair slightly, as the feeling of his teeth on your shoulders and the top of his member softly rubbing you, and start teasing your clitoris too. Joel loves your fingers inside his hair, your moans and sights, but he wanted more. His head with his lips went lower on your body, stopped when he met one of your tits, and start slowly sucking and licking your nipple. You never were on this kind of ‘stuf’, like breast playing, but gosh it felt so fucking good! He also included his other hand in the game, which he used to roll your other nipple and his elbow was resting on the bed so he wouldn't lose his balance. On top of all that, as if it wasn't enough, he added power of provoking your pussy and not only started to speed up, but also started getting inside a little bit.
“Fuck~” you moaned, thugging Joel's slightly gray hair more and arched your back, when you started feeling your legs shaking and your underbelly hurting from how hot it was. Joel wasn't stopping with playing not only with your breast but even with your vagina, having you under his control. “Tell me, how much you want it?” he asked you as his hips still moves around you and played with you like with some toy, but you were so desperate and helpless for him, that you would do anything to get what you want. “Badly” you sighed and lick your lips as Joel started giving sweet kisses on your nipple and softened. “How badly?” you wanted to punch him so much. “So badly I~…I'd do anything” he loved seeing you in that state.
When he first saw you in that door, he never could have imagined it would turn out like this but he liked it maybe more than he should have. But Joel wanted to hear you begging, begging for his cock, begging to be fucked by Joel Miller. "Anything huh? What do you offer…" his mischievous grin widened as he stopped whatever he was doing giving you a chance to breathe in oxygen and reply in a notmal tone without sighing or moaning. Of course you took advantage of that and straightened your body so you could look into his eyes. You completely forgot about the question, how fired up you were, and the whole situation as you lost yourself in Joel's eyes. 'All eyes are the same' they say, but he showed you that's not true. You can read so many things in them and stare at them for hours as you melt into Joel's hands massaging your hips. "Hm? Did you hear me?" he woke you up a bit from the day's vigil and you thought about your answer. "Anything you want...I'm all yours" this was exactly the answer Joel needed to hear. Not only did you allow him to do whatever he wanted with you, but you also admit you are only his. Joel is very possessive and your answer gave him even more ego than he already had, which seemed impossible. "What a needy girl...I'll do what you want so badly for the last minutes hun, but you need to beg" this is where the final game starts. Joel started rubbing the tip of his dick against your labia again, making you open your mouth out wide and squeeze really hard your eyes. “I am begging you Joel…please~” this was a lullaby to his ears. "What? Didn't hear, can you said that again?" fuck this man. "I. am. begging. you." you blurted out and when Joel realized you couldn't talk anymore, he decided to take pity on you.
He carefully leaned back and directed his cock to hit. You were starting to find it really weird that he wasn't saying anything and not really doing anything either out of nowhere, so you opened your eyes, but when you looked down, at that exact moment, Joel thrust his cock into you. Even though it was what you wanted so much, it extremely hurt.
You hissed in pain and dug your nails deep into Joel's back leaving gashes. It looked like he had been attacked by a wild beast, which actually wasn't that far from the truth. He did nothing for a while and let you get used to it and wait until you stopped destroying his huge back. "U're okay?" he asked nicely and placed one of his palms on your face when he saw tears coming from your eyes. You nodded roughly through gritted teeth, but Joel didn't believe you. You didn't look like you were 'good' or enjoying yourself like you were a few seconds ago.
“S’okay…we have as much time as we want” Joel's voice was suddenly soft and caring, that you wouldn't believe your ears. After a few seconds, when you didn't feel the pain as much, you nodded to give Joel's permission to continue. He understand your sign immediately and push more into you, he stretched you more and you felt so full. Pain started to surround you again, but Joel's hand on your hip and cheek made it better. Added to that were his lips on yours, sweet small kiss making you feel butterflies again. “God that's a lot” you sighed in laugh as you finally felt better and open your eyes.
But your laughing immediately stopped, when you saw Joel's face, which was not as happy as yours. You frowned at him and cocked your head to the side in confusion. "It's only halfway" he whispered and your eyes widened by at least 7 inches. HALF?! IS HE FUCKING KIDDING?! You already felt full and the thought of him having to push that much length into you one more time intoxicated you so much that you closed your eyes again and tried not to think about it.
"'Kay, do it" you said quickly and your whole body was in such tension. "Are you sure? We don't have to rush this-" "I am." you snapped at Joel and your brow furrowed and your teeth clenched as you felt him continue. It really hurt a lot, you couldn't imagine such pain even in your worst dreams, but when Joel was all the way in, you knew it would only get better. He waited again for a while as he kissed you passionately, trying to distract you, which was half working.
His kisses and the way he squeezed and touched your body sent chills down your spine and juice into your already big fire down there. After a bit of kissing and groping, Joel began moving his hips very gently, in a circular motion. This movement sent pain to the back of your head and you couldn't help but let out sighs of happiness. The pain gradually fades to pure pleasure, and as your moans began to sound more intense, with more force and volume, Joel began to change direction and speed.
“Fuck…you have no idea what you're doing to me” Joel gasped as his orgasm started feeling closer, so does yours. Pain wasn't there anymore, only pleasure instead. Very soon you started to feel on your edge, cuz Joel didn't search for long and found your g-spot very quickly, then he just hit it every time, whenever he thrust into you.
His thrusting started being more aggressive, more intense, that the whole bed started shaking too. Joel needs to cover your mouth again, and this time really put strength on your lips, because you no longer had control over the sounds you made or over your body. You twitched in tension whenever you felt the strange sensation of going to the bathroom.
You couldn't hold it for long, and you could tell by Joel's expression and the way he wasn't continuing at the same pace, stuttering and sighing much more often, that he was damn close too. A few more thrusts and you already arch your back, but Joel did it again, he stopped.
It frustrated not only you but also him, but he knew very well what he was doing. As if your fury could not be greater. First he didn't give you that first orgasm, then he ruin your clothes and now he doesn't want to give you another orgasm? What is wrong with this man?! "Joel-" before you could even ask him anything, Joel grabbed you closer to him and roll that he was laying on his back while you were sitting on his lap, this time he was under you. You were still inside him, not moving a muscle. You looked at him confused, but not for a long time when he said: "I wanna see you ride me" and that made your pussy pulse again.
Right after he said that a devilish grin appeared on your face from ear to ear, and you started moving forward slowly. Joel was sighing the same way you were, he was looking at your belly, then your breast and then deep into your eyes, repeatedly. You only looked at his face in the hope that he will tell you instructions, because you never 'ride a man' before. Joel corrected you with his hands on your hips, gently pushing you back and forth as you let him lead you.
After a moment, when your vagina and yourself calmed down, you threw your head back and opened your mouth wide. "Joel~" that was only thing you could say, correctly, moaned. This position makes your orgasm come even faster to you, and you just hoped you wouldn't be so loud, since Joel can't really reach your mouth and can't shut you down.
"Yeah, good girl...just like that" he said as he started making you go up and down on his cock, practically jumping on him. At first it was slow, you couldn't even hear the smacking of your ass against his thighs, but after a while when the atmosphere kicked into high gear and in your liquid started to accumulate in the vagina, your slaps whenever you land back on Joel's legs started being louder and louder. After a few seconds, Joel didn't even have to continue guiding you because even though you didn't know what to do, your body definitely knew. Joel was admiring your body, your breasts moving up and down to the rhythm, your moaning and literally screaming his name, it was beautiful. "Joel I-" "I know baby, I know~" Joel groaned as an angry wolf and his grip was thick and strong, just as your pussy. You both felt the climax coming, it started being so intense that Joel is definitely going to have red marks of your ass on his thighs. The bed started to creak so much that you thought it was going to break but now you weren't focusing on that at all. All you focused on was your orgasm, which was so close, and you finally reached it when Joel pushed you a little and started rubbing your clit. You came first but Joel didn't let that stop you from riding. The post-orgasm feeling was amazing, but you started feeling overstimulated. Of course you wanted Joel to reach his orgasm too, but your vagina was just as tired as you. It didn't take long and luckily Joel did and respectfully and honestly, his face and the sound that came out of him when he squirted into you was something like euphoria for you. The overstimulation thing fades out really fast, as you saw Joel, breathing heavily as you and when you realize, YOU make a man come. It was amazing and you had so many mixed feelings right now, that you don't even know how you feel. The only thing you know for sure is that you are fucking exhausted, that's why you passed out right next to Joel, breathing heavily as he did.
It was akward silence, except your and Joel's loud breathing, trying so hard to catch breath and not pass out by low oxygen in body, and the people talking loudly in the other room, where the party is still going. you were quite surprised that the celebration wasn't over yet. Even though the sex with Joel seemed endless, it only lasted a few minutes, that's how good the fuck was. You tried to ignore your surroundings and focus on only two things, breathing and thinking about what the hell happened. It's wrong, this whole situation is wrong, this shouldn't have happened, but these negative thoughts immediately passed you when you felt Joel's large, muscular arm under your neck. He then pulled you closer to his warm manly body. Even though you were both covered under the covers, you could still feel the nakedness and sweat from the other. You couldn't find the words. Even as your breathing calmed down and so did Joel's, you didn't know what to say. You wanted to thank him so badly because the way he made you feel and relieved you was unforgettable.
“Thank you…” you chirped softly but loud enough for Joel to hear you. As soon as you said it with a shaky voice, Joel scoffed and made you tilt your head, so you were looking into his eyes. "Are you kidding me? Are you thanking me right now?" he asked eagerly, and it was clear that Joel thought you were being sarcastic, but when you remained silent and formed your lips into a thin line, Joel rolled his eyes and sighed in disappointment. "Boys haven't been nice to you in the past, have they?" he asked, softness in his voice as he rubbed slowly and comfortably your back by his big palm. You sigh as a clear answer. "Oh baby...don't worry, you have me now and I'll show you how a man should treat a girl like you" the way that he said that made you blush and you needed to burn your face into his chest , making him giggle a bit. "But promise me one thing" still rubbing your back and sometimes stopped at your hair, slightly played with them. You look up at him again and give him a shy little 'hm?'. "Do not tell anybody about this...especially not your family members" it was like all your power and confidence just woke up, as you imagine ur mom finding out about this.
“Are you kidding me? Do you think that my mom would jump with happiness that I slept with…basically my uncle? Oh my god saying that out loud makes me want to puke…” The typical ‘dad laugh’ came out from him and he agreed. Your mom would literally tear you and Joel appart on pieces, then cook the bodies and serve it on parties like this…like some Jeffrey Dahmer in female version.
Well, I think she needed to hear us because there is absolutely NO WAY that she came to my room without knocking, that's what she always do, and of course, cough us. The timing was too damn perfect so I couldn't bealive that. I think mom is some kind of wizard and she is just plying with time, when she is alone.
She stare at us, in shock, behind her was Tommy, who stare as same as my mom. I and Joel stare in shock too, we had no idea what to do or what to say…
Well, we're FUCKED-
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fantomette22 · 1 month
A little something about the students dress
Alright so I was looking at references (to draw a character) and ended up doing a bit of research on academic dresses & graduations uniforms! I only find a couple of things so if someone have more infos I will be very interest!
So in Bloodborne we got those dear uniforms :
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The one with the robes is very classic of what people in old classic university still wear for big events and graduations such as in the U.S.A or UK. A decades/century ago they did wore those uniforms of course way more often. Now we wear mostly casual clothes.
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(This image always made me think of Byrgenwerth. With the balcony and all. That remind me of a post I made a while ago I have still no clue what those balcony were use for!!!)
At first, I discovered that between a bachelor/licence degree, master degree and phd/doctorate you aren't going to get the same clothes. Plus, colours can differ depending of : the level of the degree, the school or the field you graduate in (can differ depending the countries as well).
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Bachelor outfits are the most simple ones with not a lot of colours for most of them. Sometimes they don't have hoods but depends. Sometimes they seems to have very large selves like the Byrgenwerth one. The master ones have a bit more colours and I read generally long sleeves but that depends? Then the phd/doctorate ones are generally very colourful! And like the last sources below v They even had even more beautiful outfit for very important members (so I guess Willem pope outfit still make sense XD)
As for the colors it really depends the country etc but I read red is often associated with medicine and surgery (what a coincidence!). White / purple or even red is for theology and blue could be for sciences (Byrgenwerth/willem researches seems to be quite a mixt with theology/sciences so make sense).
(@katyspersonal we did talk a while back on colours on clothes meaning but hey it had have academic significations that fit well too! So in the end, drawing Laurence with white & red clothes is even more accurate now! XD) Oh I wanna draw him in an entire red academic dress now...Future drawing idea ).
Also I forgot to mentions that there's the hat/trencher that's part of it as well. It's not part of the set in the game but ennemies have it.
Also little side note: some dress have stripes or ermine bands on the clothes that represents their grades and also "academic curiosity, academic honesty, and academic courage."
So i suppose the garb Micolash, Damian & co have would look more similar to a master degree one? I guess?
But I won't throw any rocks at Fromsoftware even if the ones we got might not be too much detailed/ accurate because they sure did their homeworks to find and design those clothes. They aren't historians and they probably found a lot more things than I here (plus Japan don't have those dresses too). They're not going to design like 5 different outfits in the game too XD. (Yes I want more details for my story bc making things way more complicated is way more accurate I guess...) We don't know how exactly those types of institutions fonctions in Bloodborne universe too. And it's a fantasy world after all. So it's free real estate
I dunno if you guys @pyro-madder @karnaca78 @secteel or others could know more about it 🤔
But for now it's all!
Sources :
PS : I found this piece of medieval scholar dress and it really look like the same as the guy in the cainhurst painting and cut content Beltran!
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They are probably wearing a "simarre". Some magistrate/ university professor / religious clothes people would wear. So pretty oblivious and what we thought @heraldofcrow
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applesooyoung · 3 months
sub!ricky in lacey thigh highs *drools* it would be such a pretty sight
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Genre: Smut !! | Wc: 1.472k | AFAB!Reader
Contains: sub sugar daddy!Ricky x dom sugar baby!Reader, Ricky wears vibrators out in public oohlala, Brat Ricky, petnames (reader calls Ricky "Angel", "Kitten and "Kitty"), mommy kink, lowkey petplay cuz Ricky dresses up as a pretty kitty, dress up, slightly Ricky feminization if you squint (just a teensy bit), fingering, finger sucking, gagballs cuz we spicy LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING! ^^
A/N: I fucking love you for sending this ask jas, Istg ilysm that I turned your random Ricky hard thought into a full blown fic cuz I gotta make up for my absence and as a good friend, it is my job to relieve your Ricky brainrot, girlie 🤭 Hope u enjoyed this one~!
[Now playing: Kiss — NCT DOJAEJUNG]
꒷︶🖇 ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿💭 ‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
Shopping has always been a thing and a little bonding time for you and Ricky, and he absolutely loved spoiling you. Oftentimes enough, people assume that just because he's your sugar daddy, he definitely takes on more of a leading role in a relationship—a provider, perhaps.
But who would've thought that this aloof and intimidating aura was just a facade?
Just like your typical Friday shopping spree with Ricky (as if it's not a shopping spree every day with Ricky's money, but please, I beg to differ) when a bunch of girls stared at him as he's stunning, from his Khaki Ralph Lauren pants to his gold Rolex watch—he's a gold digger's wet dream.
As he pays for all of your stuff, you can see the cashier hitting on him, and being the little bratty shit he is, of course he entertained the woman and flirted back. The cashier compliments him on his physique and asks if he'd like to go out with her sometime. Ricky smirks, flirting right back with a wink and a suggestive tone in his voice.
This made your eye twitch, as he always loves to get on your nerves, especially when you're seeing it in real time. So in return, you put his vibrator on its max setting. He flinched a bit, but probably not enough to concern the cashier that he was flirting with, he felt a sudden surge of pleasure as the vibrator is turned on and placed at maximum speed. He gasps, then laughs nervously as he tries to regain his composure. "What was that, mommy?" 
To mask your jealousy and annoyance, you smiled at the cashier, walking away with your hands on his beautiful waist to show that Ricky only belongs to you and ONLY YOU. Oh, that confusion and disdain on the cashier's face made your ego grow tenfold.
"You sure do like pissing the shit out of me, don't you, Ricky?" you said with an innocent tone as you tossed all your purchases into the backseat of the car before taking the driver's seat. He raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "What are you talking about, mommy?" He chuckles, knowing fully well that he loves getting a reaction out of you. He reaches over to place a hand on your thigh, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your skin. 
"You're on thin ice, Ricky, thin ice," you said before parking your car in the garage. You got outside of the car, letting Ricky carry all of your stuff, and of course, that's not it! No, no, no, no, no! As your bratty boy carries all of the stacks of shoes and dresses you bought, you play with the vibrator's speed. He tried to keep it in, but he failed. He could feel his cock throb with the sudden highs and lows of the vibrator stuck to his pathetic cock. All he can do is keep his whimpers on and carry all of your stuff.
As the night deepens, you continue to give him the silent treatment. Despite his attempts to make you talk to him with those gentle neck kisses and honey-coated words, you remain silent in your space. But he had an idea; he's so sure that once you lay your eyes on him, you won't be able to keep your hands off him. He wanted your attention, and what Ricky wants, Ricky gets.
You notice Ricky enter his closet; his unusual behavior catches your eye as he gets your attention away from your laptop, but you just brush it off as you're aware that he's trying to get your attention. "Mommy~" he sang in almost a whisper, "I know you're upset with me, mommy, and I came here to apologize." 
That sounded new, Ricky Shen. Apologizing for being a brat? No fucking way.
As you shifted your eyes from your laptop, your eyes glimmered. "As you're buying your red bottoms earlier, I was buying these thigh highs, and I thought you would like them on me. What do you think, Mommy?" He was all dolled up. His luscious strawberry lip gloss complemented his favorite strawberry lotion. He wore a simple white t-shirt, but he made it more slutty by wearing his cat ears decorated with cat bells. And of course, the highlight of his show was his new lacey thigh highs.
He was so pretty, you just wanted to devour him right then and there. "Come here." You wriggled your fingers as you signed him to come close to you, and he obediently complied. "You look so pretty, angel. Is this your little show for mommy?" He beams with pride at your compliment and nods. He was pleased that he'd managed to capture your gaze. Ricky steps closer, letting the material of his new clothes brush against your arm. 
"You get me every time, kitty," you whisper to him before placing kisses all over his body, irking him to let out a soft and breathy moan. A shiver runs down his spine. He's caught off guard by the sudden show of affection and feels a warmth spread through him. "Thank you, Mommy." 
You could see his visible erection in his lace pants that matched his lovely thigh highs. "All that ignoring made you this hard, huh?" you softly mumbled before latching on his lips while stroking his now-exposed sex. His cheeks flush red at the sight of your gaze on his lace panties, and he can't help but feel a little embarrassed, yet all of the pleasure overrides any embarrassment as you stroke him through the silky fabric. "Hey, careful now..."
"Shh, I'll make sure you get what pretty little brats like you deserve." You traced your fingers on his jaw to his elegant collarbones. You got his gagball from the box inside your dresser and put it on him. Ricky's eyes widen in surprise as he feels the gag ball press against his lips, cutting off his words. He looks at you with a mix of desire and submission, intrigued by what's happening. "Mmmph," he mumbles around the gag, his eyes locked on yours; he was a sight to see.
"You asked for my attention, didn't you?" You let out a quiet, sadistic chuckle before bending him over your lap and starting to finger him. He gasped softly as he felt your fingers go in and out of him; his cheeks burned with embarrassment, but his cock twitched with each stroke of your fingers. You fastened the pace even more. His cock is rock hard and leaking all over with his precum.
You removed his gag to reveal all of his drool; he was so fucking into it. You tentatively took it off and made him suck your fingers while you stuck the vibrator on his filthy length and uttered, "Suck." Together with his hazy eyes, his mouth eagerly obeyed your commands and sucked your fingers. His body rocks with each thrust, his cries growing louder and more desperate. He's completely under your control, his mind and body consumed by pleasure. "Oh, f-fuck, mommy, more!" His cock is throbbing, the vibrations making him squirm with need.
Still thrusting your fingers, you leave kisses all over his back and his neck. This gave him shivers, adding more to his sensory overload; his body tenses, on the brink of release. They were so intense, and the feeling of your fingers inside him is almost too much. Everything about your room right now is so slutty; the moans of the pretty boy across your lap, infused with the tinkling noise of his cat bells, are enough to make you go crazy.
You remove your fingers from his mouth before putting the gag back into his mouth. You finger him faster, and unsurprisingly, this action made him cum in seconds, his orgasm tears through him. His beautiful brown eyes rolled back in his head as he released himself onto the bed and vibrator, you removed his gag. "God, mommy, you ruined me." He managed to make you chuckle even in his messed-up state. 
You leave a kiss on his cheek as he collapses on your shared bed. Catching his breath as he desperately gasps for air, "You did so well, Kitty," you cooed as he leaned and indulged in your touch. "Really?" He then looks up at you with a mix of awe and disbelief in his eyes, his usual smug demeanor replaced with a raw vulnerability.
"Get up," you said in a commanding manner as Ricky looked at you with his tired and hazy eyes. The shift in your demeanor was so sudden that all he could do was obey. "Yes, Mommy," he manages to croak out in a weak voice, still reeling from the intense pleasure you just gave him. You put him in place, aligning him with your strap. "We're just getting started, kitten."
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© applesooyoung
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