#and not squash anyone's (ultimately harmless) fun
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not a hardened!lucanis romance mod....... say it ain't so.....
#like lmao okay#play the game however you want (genuinely if you enjoy this idea more power to you and i hope you have fun telling the story u want)#but imo it is suchhhh a fundamental misunderstanding of one of the most interesting parts of his character#lucanis isn't some kind of super-being there's only so much a person can have on their plate at once#and after being imprisoned and tortured for a year + his grandmother being murdered + his home being BLIGHTED#this man doesn't have the mental energy for a romance with someone he just met (who left him when he needed them)#and its TRAGIC. and its REALISTIC. and its COOL.#and its a great moment of character agency#bc while the player may have freedom of choice those choices have CONSEQUENCES#and like okay hardened!Neve can still be romanced but she's in a *much* better place mentally -#- and so minrathous being sacked is like her first blow#while sacking Treviso for Lucanis is like kicking a dying dog#what i'm saying is that locking the player out of his romance is an incredible realistic consequence of this choice#and imo it really misses the point to just. remove it.#that's why even though he has lines for it in the files they're not in the GAME#bc (presumably) the writers realized it wouldn't be in-character#anyway. turning of rbs for this bc i just wanna be salty#and not squash anyone's (ultimately harmless) fun#datv#marie speaks#datv spoilers
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Every time you treat an enfranchised, establishment Democrat like Biden as a doddering old fool who is out of touch and doesn't understand anything about what's going on, you're doing what the Democrats want actually. Democrats aren't your awkward, embarrassing, but ultimately harmless aunts and uncles. They're vicious warmongers. They are violent racists, just as much if not more so than many establishment Republicans, but with a deliberate enough vocabulary to placate large swathes of their liberal voter base. They won't hesitate to sell you down the river the second they get the chance. Democrats count on their Incompetent and Spineless and Defanged images to keep you from rolling up to their houses and blowing their fucking brains out because if the general public understood that Democrats are cold, calculating, manipulative, heartless, violent, and joyful participants in this fucking merry-go-round they've put us on, rather than victims of the System, just like Us, we'd put them in the ground in a second. Joe Biden was a segregationist btw. Why on earth do you think he would do anything to help anyone? Democrats are "powerless" to do things that would be good and just because things that are good and just take power out of their hands and out of the capitalist class. Biden can squash unions in a second, increase military funding to bomb more 3rd world countries, keep kids in cages, and btw lie about every single campaign promise and never be held accountable for that, but he can't ACTUALLY protect abortion rights. Oh and Congress can unanimously change daylight savings time in a heartbeat but they can't ameliorate the climate crisis because that's not conducive to their bourgeois interests. Democrats can never Actually Do something that helps us. Not without ceding power to the people, which is too dangerous of a game for Democrats. Biden and his sycophants can't protect Black people or trans people or Jews For Real because the second he provides something materially, something REAL and not smoke and mirrors bullshit, to vulnerable Americans the grip that white supremacist and capitalist exploitation has on the people weakens ever so slightly. Democrats are not in government to fight for the people, they're in government to play shitty civil war reenactments of social liberties through a thinly veiled allyship with their Republican counterparts. American politicians only care about upholding America's capitalist and imperialist hegemony and any domestic concern that doesn't pertain to this can kick rocks. And btw the Democratic party as an institution doesn't give a shit if Republicans kill every minority in the country because Democrats literally aren't even there to protect us. They are there to protect class interests. They just run PR for The System and fundraise lmao. I hope you dumb fucking liberals who keep lashing out at leftists for not sacrificing ourselves at the altar of Electoral Politics are having fun watching the Wizard of Oz piss all our rights away while you hold his dick graciously in your hands.
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God's Watching, Put on a Show || Chapter II
It's been a day since the oven mitts were lent to her.
Eve hadn't been able to return the them, too shy to ask around for it's owner.
Once class was finished, she washed it in her kitchen sink. Half a pack of lavender detergent wasn't enough to get rid of the burnt smell that lingered on the cloth, but she had done her best.
While she chipped the hardened batter off of the soft cloth, her hand sometimes stopped to caress the tag, tracing over the small, slightly slopping lettering. She'd only realize she had stopped scrubbing them when her bunny slippers were damp with water from the still running tap, the soapy liquid spilling over the sink and in between the wooden floorboards.
Even when the oven mitts were tucked away in her nightstand, her mind would wander to thoughts of it's owner, her warm hands, her fiery hair, and her plump, pink lips.
But that was a problem for the Eve of tomorrow to deal with.
It's been two days since the oven mitts were lent to her.
They've sat in the front pocket of her backpack since the moment Eve deemed them dry enough, squashed against her pencil case that was filled to a near burst.
She put them in with her books after an hour, not wanting to return it smelling like pencil shavings.
For the rest of the day, her mind was bombarded with images of the smile she would receive upon returning them.
That is, of course, if she could even bring herself to do so.
It's been three days since the oven mitts were lent to her.
Eve thought about leaving it in the lost and found but ultimately decided against it, seeing as it wasn't lost, nor was it found.
It sat heavy in her deep skirt pocket while she ate her lunch, plush compared to the hard bench pressing at her thighs, hyperaware of its presence.
Her chicken pot pie was cold in the center and she immediately recoiled when it met her lips.
"Is the pie chilly?" Elizabeth asked, looking up from her plate.
Lilith's smile flashed through her head, the epitome of stunning.
In the past few days, the word chilly had been linked to Lilith and Lilith only. This was going to be a problem as the wind began to blow and all Eve heard in the hall was the sound of her voice, gentle but teasing.
"The center is."
Elizabeth laughed at this, a quick, cute snort through her nose. "I bet you half my cake slice that the freshmen were on lunch duty today."
Gambling, no matter how small, was against the rules. It said so in big, bold letters on page 37 of the student handbook.
They had to have fun somehow though, so this was often overlooked in favor of small and quite harmless bets.
"I bet you my juice that it was the sophomores that skipped home economics last year."
"You're on!"
They ate what parts of the food they could stomach, waiting for their other friend to join them from the line.
"Hey." Mary slid her tray next to Eve's and sat down, slicing the crusts off her tuna sandwich with the dull, school issue knives.
"What year's on kitchen duty?" Elizabeth asked, always straight to the point.
"The people who got in trouble for the fire." She bit into her sandwich. "A senior class."
"Okay then, so it's a draw."
"What's a draw?"
"We made a bet on what year made the meals because the center's cold," Eve explained.
"Wait a minute, this means they caught who started the fire, right?" Elizabeth perked up immediately at the thought of gossip. The fire was all anyone could talk about these past few days.
"Please, please, please, tell me who it was!"
"Not really..."
"No way! If they didn't catch anyone, then who's on kitchen duty?"
"According to the file, everyone who put something in the oven was held accountable because they weren't able to get a confession."
"Gimme the list of suspects," Elizabeth whispered. Mary was head of the student council and knew everything that was worthy of an official report.
"There's only five of them. Joan Amiel, Eliza Job, Paula Matthews, Gabrielle Davidson, and... Lily? Wait, that's not it," She rested her head in her hand, immaculate brows furrowing.
Makeup was also not allowed, as stated in page 34 of the same handbook. But practically all the students knew that if you were able to make it look natural enough, you'd get away with it.
"It's on the tip of my tongue, I just can't- oh! And Lilith Damien." She took a bite of her sandwich, shaking her head all the while. "Honestly, how could I forget her? She causes half the problems around here."
Eve's head shot up but she hurriedly ducked down again, hoping her friends wouldn't notice her rather dramatic movement.
"You know her, Eve?" Their eyes bore into her skeptically, far too accustomed to her demure, blink-and-you-miss-it, reactions.
"Not exactly?" She brushed her golden hair back, playing with the ends as she avoided their gaze. From what she had just heard, knowing Lilith was not the best thing.
"We ran in to each other in the courtyard when the fire alarms went off. I doubt she even remembers me." She decided not to tell them about the things that had happened, the oven mitts in her pocket, or how soft her hand was.
"That's a good thing, too! Lord knows what kind of trouble you would have gotten into, hanging around with her sort," Mary said, adamant.
Eve couldn't help but wonder if her days of snooping through the school records had let her feel like she truly knew people. Though, she knew better than to say anything, merely nodding along and sipping her juice.
The rest of lunch continued like this for her, passively humming and nodding as her only response. As silent as she was, however, her mind was buzzing with thoughts and possibilities, some more welcome than others.
By the end of the hour, Eve had a plan.
She would knock on the kitchen entrance, oven mitts already in hand. (She didn't want to waste Lilith's time.)
After handing them over, she'd apologize for taking so long, and maybe, just maybe, she'd tell her she washed them for her.
Just so she wouldn't appear to have kept them for no reason.
The conversation went on without her, the other two saying goodbye before heading to the one class they had together, not bothering to wait for Eve since they knew her free period was next.
The blonde patted her pocket one last time to make sure the oven mitts hadn't somehow disappeared and shrugged her bag on when she felt it's now familiar plush against her.
Her plan, Eve quickly realized, was easier thought out than done. Her fingers curled into a loose fist that hovered nervously over the kitchen's backdoor.
She knew what she wanted to say. Well, she thought she did anyway. The real problem for her now was how she was going to say it.
So there she was, pacing by the garbage cans and muttering incoherently to herself, trying to find the right words to sound grateful for being lent the gloves, which she was, but not creepy or annoying, which she thought she was.
This went on for quite some time, Eve completely unaware of her surroundings til she was snapped back to reality by a loud, familiar laugh.
"Eve! We meet again!" The girl said, somehow giddy and suave at the same time despite barely being able to get her words out through her giggling.
"Hi!" Eve squeaked, clinging to the cloth tighter than she had been.
Her obvious shock only served to make Lilith laugh harder, the redhead clutching her stomach and struggling for breath.
"Why are you laughing? Come on, what's so funny?" Like that day in the courtyard, Eve felt her face flush with what she thought was indignation. She ran a hand through her hair, nervous and entirely confused as to why.
"Sorry about that," The girl walked past her and tossed a garbage bags into the dumpster nearby.
"It's just," another small laugh escaped her, "the people I was cooking with were too scared to come out here. They said there was some crazy chick was talking to herself by the trash like she was on crack!"
"Really?! I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
She felt like dying, her face hotter than a stove and twice as red. Her fingers reached for her hair on instinct, twiddling with the tips, snapping some of the strands of in the process.
"Hey, it's alright! Gave me an excuse to get outta there, so I ain't complaining." She shrugged her shoulders then stretched her back, uniform rising as she did so.
Her eyes were instantly drawn to the sliver of skin that appeared before her. It was gone as quick as it appeared yet the very image was now burned into her mind.
It would occupy her mind all throughout dinner. It would be all she could think about as she took her nightly shower. It would invade her mind as she lay in bed to sleep, restless and half mad because of the picture.
Though it wasn't so much of a problem now. She had something else to keep her mind busy, after all.
"How'd you find me, by the way?"
"I saw your name on the tag and I asked around."
"Oh..." She breathed, face falling for only a second. "So you know who I am?"
Her voice was laced with something akin to disappointment and hesitance. As if, in her mind, the moment Eve knew of the person she was and the things she'd done, the blonde would go running.
"Yeah, you're Lilith Damien, right?"
"Depends on who you ask." She winked, blue eyes filled with mirth and smile becoming devious.
The way she said it somewhat jokingly. Though what the joke was evaded her and she was left looking like a fool, a few slow blinks being her sole response.
"Anyways, I'm here to return these," Eve said, turning a deeper shade of pink at the wink.
Those eyes did things to her.
Whether she knew it or not, though, was something for later.
"Thank you." Lilith smiled, apple red lips a cross of amused and endeared.
Like the first meeting, their hands brushed against each other, but if Eve was honest with herself, though she rarely was, it didn't seem as accidental or as fleeting, skin lingering and heat staying for a moment longer than it had.
"Were they able to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Keep you warm."
Lilith said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but not in a way that berated her or made her seem naive and stupid, but her tone was that of care, as if the oven mitts were meant to warm her.
"They did great, you should be very proud of them," Eve giggled, cheesy humor shining through before she could stop it.
It was refreshing when Lilith laughed, not a snicker of distaste or one of pity like her friends who would cringe are her childish jokes and puns, but a sound of genuine joy and hilarity.
Eve was still getting used to the sound, lost in her own high when Lilith spoke once more.
"Did you wash them for me?"
"Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy."
"Yes, actually. I had them for a while after you gave them and I didn't wanna give you a hard time scrubbing all the dried batter off after being so nice to me."
As it turns out, this was the right thing to say as the redhead gave her another dazzling smile in thanks.
The serene silence that hung between them was interrupted by three heavy knocks on the door behind them.
"Hold on, I'm in the middle of something here!" Her smile was wiped clean of her face, replaced by a deep scowl that looked so out of place on her sharp, yet stunning features.
"Lilith, get your ass back in here!" A harsh voice boomed from inside the kitchen.
"You better not be on a smoke break, taking the trash out shouldn't be taking that damn long."
"I'm not smoking! Just gimme a minute, will you, Joan?"
"If you're not in here in two minutes, I'm telling Mother Cecilia."
"Fuck you!" Her change in tone was abrupt and shocking to say the least, and Eve couldn't help but gawk at the more aggressive language.
Cursing was prohibited and anyone caught doing it would get a detention and a note home. It was on page 39, right in between bullying and, coincidentally, smoking.
"Anyway," Lilith said, turning back to her, suddenly sheepish as she rubbed her neck. "I should probably go..."
"I see what you mean now when you said it depends on who I ask."
"Yeah?" Her usual smirk was off now, cool façade cracking under the weight of Eve's words.
"And... is it a bad thing?" Lilith's voice was hesitant, as if, for some reason, she cared for what the other thought of her.
"Not exactly. Flexibility is a good trait in the workforce." She said, taking a quote straight from their textbook to justify the girl's actions with something other than the fact that she had taken quite a liking to her.
All the tension left Lilith, shoulders slumping in a show of relief. The hand at her neck had fallen, dragging her unbuttoned collar with it, giving Eve a peek of her cleavage.
She would also think about that later tonight, mind alternating with the peek of skin earlier, and now, this.
"OK. I'll see you around, then?"
The blonde grinned and nodded in response. She didn't know why, but she wanted to see her again.
"Bye, Lilith."
"Bye, Eve."
With that, the girl went back into the kitchen, door unintentionally slamming shut behind her.
Eve could hardly wait for their next meeting.
And lucky for her, she wouldn't have to wait long.
"So?" Paula asked, not even a minute after Lilith entered the kitchen.
"So what?"
All the girls in had their eyes on her, as if waiting for their turn to asks their own questions.
"She's asking you if you dealt with the crackhead or not, dummy." Joan said, snickering, though she shut up after being elbowed by Paula.
"I'm here, aren't I? And don't call her that." She went over to the sink, quicklime washing her hands and wiping it on her worn apron. "She has a name."
"We'll call her by her name when you tell us what it is."
"Joan!" Paula hit the girl once more.
"That's not what I meant. We just wanna know who she was."
Paula took Lilith's damp hands, thumb moving in small, soothing circles.
"We're worried about you, Lil. You haven't really been with anyone since Sarah left."
"You really don't have to worry. I'm over her, I have been for months now!"
Joan sighed and sauntered over to the pair, patting the girl on the back. As much as they'd tease and bicker and squabble, they cared about each other, though their ways of showing it were unconventional to say the least.
"You sure?" She started. "I mean, it's fine if you wanna take a break from relationships and all that, but maybe it would be better for you to get out there and try dating again?"
"Date who?" Lilith went to her bag and fished out a pack of chips. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't exactly have a lot of options here."
"Me and Paula met someone at the garage concert we went to last week, I can hook you up with her if you want."
"Not happening."
"Why not?"
Lilith looked at the floor, kicking the tiled ever so slightly as she popped a chip into her mouth.
"'Cause, I don't feel like it."
"Why not?"
"I just don't."
Joan and Paula shared a knowing glance.
"Look me in the eye and say that again."
Lilith groaned, blue eyes shifting upwards before she muttered, "I don't feel like it."
"Why not?"
"I answered that already."
"Why not?" Paula said, deciding to help Joan and press on.
Lilith frowned, sharp features turning harsher than they already were.
"I see what's going on here, Lil." Joan put her head on the girl's shoulder, neck craning. "Who's the lucky girl?"
The redhead's expression softened and she slumped onto her friend.
"The one I was talking to outside." Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. But girls like Lilith had to get used to talking in hushed voices and hurried murmurs.
Love was a dangerous thing for girls like Lilith.
"Will you tell us her name?" Paula leaned on the wall by her right, effectively sandwiching the girl.
#Lilith and Eve#my writing#writing#writer#writers#writers of tumblr#writeblr#books#books and libraries#pride#gay pride#lesbian pride#wlw pride#lgbt#religious imagery#religion#christianity#religion tw#christianity tw#tw religion#tw christianity#religious trauma#literature#gay literature#lesbian literature#sapphic literature#wlw romance#lesbian romance#gay romance#romance
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Mankai Method Acting 6/2
Character Profiles
Spring Troupe: ����♂️ Host Club
Itaru Chigasaki --- Ruby
• Welcome to the Shining Jewel Host Club, where all our guests are treated like royalty, the shining jewels in our crown. Ruby is the ringleader of the host club, and the most requested member of the club. He began the Shining Jewel as a fun side business with his friends. Charming, suave, and considerate, he's the picturesque boyfriend.
Sakuya Sakuma --- Emerald
• Emerald has been friends with Ruby since high school, and they've always talked about going into business together. While Ruby is the dreamer and visionary, Emerald serves as the critic, considering each plan and picking out the flaws to be solved. He's as sharp as his name, quick to call out those around him, and is perfect for guests who prefer a tsundere type.
Citron --- Jasper
• Jasper has the most gap between his real personality and his host persona. In real life, he's cunning and sly, always arranging the chess board in his favor. But if you showed any of his guests this side of him, they wouldn't recognize him. As a host, Jasper is the epitome of the boy next door, and he charms guests of all types with his innocent and sweet charm.
Masumi Usui --- Sapphire
• Sapphire takes care of most of the runnings of the Host Club, from budgeting to catering. If Ruby is the director, then Sapphire is the stage manager. Sapphire aims to be the caretaker boyfriend, anticipating his guests needs and pampering them beyond their wildest dreams.
Tsuzuru Minagi --- Onyx
• Onyx plays the part of the sleepy boyfriend. Cuddling, dozing, and sharing snacks is the way he shows affection to his guests. He loves any form of skinship, and will get pouty if his guests play coy about it. Onyx is fully content with this arrangement, and most of the time doesn't even consider being a host as work.
Summer Troupe: ⚽️ Sports Stars
Misumi Ikaruga --- Kenta
• Kenta loves soccer. It's his biggest passion in life, and all he wants is to be able to play with his friends and have fun. But once he enters high school, team tryouts start to get more cutthroat. He's the only one of his friends who makes it onto the new team. Faced between a chance of popularity and his closest friends, Kenta decides to rewrite the rules, and forms his own soccer team with himself and his friends, determined that they can be successful if they all stick together.
Tenma Sumeragi --- Hiroshi
A ball of energy, Hiroshi is team's loveable goofball. He's always cracking jokes and keeping his friends' spirits up. He was the first to join Kenta's new team - the Uncooked Noodles - and is the most determined, behind Kenta himself, to see them succeed.
Muku Sakisaka --- Aito
Aito is a jack of all trades, but he struggles with focus. He's in almost every extracurricular at school, and his friends don't know how he keeps track of everything. The answer is his digital planner, which is more valuable to him than gold. Aito is under a lot of pressure from his parents to get excellent grades, and upkeep all of his extracurriculars, even though soccer is the only one he really enjoys.
Yuki Rurikawa --- Yosuke
Yosuke was always a lone wolf. He hasn't been playing for as long as the others, and his biggest fear is being deadweight to the team. That's why he trains twice as hard, oftentimes collapsing by the end of practice. But seeing his friends' smiling faces as they help him to his feet makes him feel like he's finally a part of something.
Kazunari Miyoshi --- Koji
• Koji is the goalie for the team, and the biggest skeptic of Kenta's plan. He was the last one to officially join the new team, but after seeing how passionate Kenta was, it made him start to believe that this crazy idea could really work.
Autumn Troupe: 🎤 Rock Band
Taichi Nanao --- James
• The battle of the bands is coming up soon, and James is ecstatic. It's always been his dream to take his garage band Static Shock to new heights. As the leader and drummer, he doesn't get as much spotlight, but that's alright with him. All he wants is to have fun making music with his best friends. But trouble starts brewing when the rival band in town scouts his lead singer, Tony. Will he and the rest of his crew be able to pull together and win the competition?
Banri Settsu --- Lenny
• Lenny steps in as lead singer after Tony leaves, but they are some big shoes to fill. He'd only done backup vocals until now, and he's struggling to balance playing guitar and delivering consistent vocals. He's worried he may have to give up guitar for the good of the team, but he's not giving up yet. Determined and fierce, Lenny is eager to make the most of the limelight now that it's on him.
Sakyo Furuichi --- Griffin
• Bassist of Static Shock. Griffin is laid back and positive. He's always offering food and drinks to the others, and breaking the tension with a joke or two. He was best friends with Tony before he left, and without Tony's serious attitude to balance him out, Griffin hasn't been taking this competition seriously enough. Now James is worried that Griffin may jump ship too, to stick with Tony...
Omi Fushimi --- Squash
• Squash is a man of few words. He plays the keyboard exceptionally well, because he's actually a classically trained pianist. But ever since his friends started Static Shock, he's had more fun playing simple chords for them than the accomplishment he feels from playing even the most intricate pieces of music. Though he doesn't say much, he's always there for his friends, offering a shoulder to cry or lean on. And when he does choose to speak, it's often to give incredibly good advice.
Juza Hyodo --- Tony
• Tony didn't want to turn on his friends, but the Zippers made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Actually getting paid to sing. Having a paid gig to put on his resume will put him one step closer to going pro. He tried to tell the others it was nothing personal, but he still feels bad about abandoning them.
Winter Troupe: 💥 Yandere
Tasuku Takato --- Daniel
• Daniel is a businessman, unassuming, and utterly alone. He's stressed and unsatisfied with his job, and is looking for a change. That's when he stumbles across a business card for "Silken Thread", a night club. Figuring he has nothing to lose, he visits the club that weekend, is able to relieve a little stress and get in a few drinks. Little does he know that his movements were being closely monitored by the club owners, who have found a new muse in Daniel. After he heads home, he expects his life to go back to normal... expect now it seems that he has four new secret stalkers- er, admirers.
Tsumugi Tsukioka --- William
William invades Daniel's workplace under the guise of a new intern. He's clumsy, but a hardworker, and very friendly. He wants to get closer to Daniel, and loves everything about him, his face, his body, his voice, his cute expression when he's confused or scared... but William would never hurt Daniel, and in fact protects him from others most of the time. Yandere level : 3/10.
Hisoka Mikage --- Timothy
• Timothy isn't as subtle as some of the others, and instead begins following Daniel. Daniel grows paranoid and eventually confronts him, but Timothy insists that he and Daniel are old friends, that they went to the same college campus, doesn't Daniel remember? Timothy seems harmless and friendly, but he slowly begins gaslighting and charming the people in Daniel's life, including his family, in the hopes of seamlessly becoming an important person to Daniel. Pretty soon, it'll be like he had been there from the start, just like it should be... Yandere level : 5/10
Homare Arisugawa --- Jeffrey
• Jefferey is a romantic. He starts sending Daniel love letters, handwritten. In his own blood. Isn't that the ultimate show of devotion? After Daniel changes addresses, he starts calling him on the phone, leaving cryptic voicemails and promises that soon they'll be together and nothing can tear them apart. Daniel tries to contact the police about it, but he's unaware that the voice he spoke to was actually Jeffrey once again. Daniel's so cute, thinking he can call anyone he wants to... Yandere level : 8/10
Azuma Yukishiro --- Charles
• Charles becomes Daniel's new therapist. Even tempered and soothing, he fits the roll so perfectly that no one would suspect the madness lingering just below the surface. Charles is singleminded with his infatuation of Daniel, and in his role of a therapist, he's able to learn all the details of Daniel's life, slowly twisting Daniel's memories and mindset to love Charles himself, and him alone. He may play nice on the outside with his fellow club owners, but Charles is not above killing to keep Daniel all to himself... Yandere level : 10/10.
Please send in any questions you have for these characters today (6/2) and our actors will respond in character, as part of our 100 followers celebration! 🎉
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NAME: Daichi Takahiro
HERO NAME: Cidvilasa
AGE: Varies (starting at 14)
BIRTHDAY: March 13th (Pisces)
HEIGHT: 4'10"
VOICE: Natsuki Hanae (Kaneki Ken)
QUIRK: Mimic
With his quirk, Daichi is able to create different illusions of varying size and power in order to confuse and psychologically damage his opponents. At full potential, Daichi can create up to twenty different illusions at the same time with full auditory and sensory effects. He cannot cause any real harm with these illusions, as they're manifested from a gas he can release at will and have no real form to hurt anyone with. This released from his skin and requires a fair portion of flesh to be exposed. He can, however, make someone believe that they are being hurt. His illusions are not limited to people, but he favors them as they seem the most effective. These illusions disappear whenever they're attacked, but can be manifested again if Daichi chooses to bring them back. He can also use these illusions to calm frightened/panicked civilians and guide them to safety, though he can't really use them to touch anyone. If someone needs medical help he can, however, use these illusions to direct other heroes to those in need if he is unable to immediately go to them himself. Daichi doesn't have a specific range limit for his quirk, but he can't project himself into a different city than the one he is in. He has to be in the area and, even with his wide-ranged quirk, his illusions are only effective until they take even the slightest of damage (such as a flick to the forehead).
ULTIMATE MOVE: Search n' Rescue
During combat, Daichi can release his hallucinogenic gas at will in order to create more illusions of himself for search and rescue jobs. While the real Daichi is keeping the villain or villains at bay, his illusions can scan the nearby areas in search of any civilians that might need assistance.
One of his moves that will never be broadcasted on any media, Nightmare Mode is Daichi's go to in order to break down villains that he can't overpower. He uses his illusions to bring forth terrifying images such as melting children, mutilated and grotesque people, and other vile sights that can fry someone's nerves.
A favored move whenever Daichi is facing a larger opponent, this move relies on his ability to use the sensory component of his illusions. Daichi always moves them around whoever he is fighting in order to get them at all angles, and then he overwhelms their physical senses with sharp pain (completely harmless, just as the hallucination of bugs crawling on one's skin). While those he is engaged in combat with writhe and snarl in pain, Daichi typically makes an attack from behind or the sides in hopes of temporarily disabling his opponent.
-Orange chicken, rice balls, sweet/salty/sour foods
-Rock music, classical music, musicals
-Eraserhead, Gang Orca, Hawks, Nezu, Ms. Joke, Midnight, Crimson Riot
-Skateboards, dancing, puns, gymnastics, video games
-Bitter/spicy foods, squash/okra/tomatoes
-Rave music, country music
-Present Mic, Endeavor, Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Fourth Kind, Godzillo, Snatch, Wash
-Weight lifting, reading, sitting still for extended periods of time, public speaking, camping
The only child to a pair of content office and restaurant workers, Daichi is the most ambitious member of his family and the lone Takahiro that aspires to be a hero. His mother actually burst into tears when he told her what he wanted to be and his father stayed silent, and though that was a haunting memory to add to his collection, he did not back down from his goals. With the development of his quirk, Daichi's mischievous nature was given a grand opportunity to rear its head, and he became hell on wheels for his family and his teachers.
Daichi is a bit of a trouble maker that loves doing things to get a reaction out of other people. Whether he does that with harmless pranks, the good ol' jumpscare videos circulating through the internet, or from carefully chosen words meant to push buttons doesn't matter. His fun is meant to be harmless and is a way of him trying to bond with people since he doesn't have very good social skills, but it doesn't always turn out that way. Some people believe that he's a jerk that can't be serious due to this behavior, which makes him feel awful but he isn't sure how to change it.
Daichi's hobbies match the man himself in the sense that they aren't subtle and typically get noticed in one way or another. He enjoys singing, playing the guitar, formerly gymnastics, dancing (both in the street style and on a pole), and skateboarding. Sometimes he doesn't pay attention to when or where he indulges in these hobbies, and has been the recipient of odd looks and useless lectures from his elders.
When it comes to his musical talents, Daichi is not star-level but his voice is pleasant on the ears and he can play medium-difficulty tunes. He has no skill when it comes to writing his own songs, however, and is content with simply playing the songs that get stuck in his head. Most of the time Daichi prefers to sing in private since he gets a little self conscious of his vocal range, but it isn't impossible to catch him singing whenever he does chores, homework, or starts studying. His voice is pleasant to the ears but isn't enough to warrant any talent agencies coming after him.
As a dancer and a former gymnast, Daichi has a flexibility to him that assists in combat. He has amazing reflexes and his body is able to twist into positions that many other heroes or students might not be able to accomplish if they haven't gone through the same years of lessons as he has. If there is music playing somewhere and the beat is good, it's almost impossible for Daichi to resist moving his hips and dancing regardless of where he is. As long as he's feeling good and there isn't a threat to his life in the area, he's going to dance like there's no one watching.
Skateboarding is something that Daichi got into as a method of transportation rather than having to take the bus or walk, and it steadily grew into a passion. He loves to ride around the city and take in the sights of different areas when he needs a break from the rest of the world, often moving through the streets with earbuds in and a song escaping him. He's pretty good, though he hasn't mastered many tricks on his board yet.
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