#and my bestie liked it so that's the most important opinion right there but i hope y'all like it too
dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
’Cause You Cut Through All the Noise
Happy Painland Week! Day one is LOVE LANGUAGES! I could've picked touch or gifts or quality time or whatever as my love language but you know what? No. Life-affirming therapeutic domination. Edwin's love language is ordering Charles around. Fight me. Anyway, no smut here, but some steaminess/flirtation/allusions to sex. Some light angst bc Charles starts off in a bit of a spiral, bless his heart. Don't worry, Edwin'll put him right <3 (Quick translation note for any Americans reading: I'm referring to Charles' suspenders in British English, i.e. as braces rather than suspenders. Suspenders for us are generally the little sexy straps for stockings and would instantly up the kinkiness of the scene at least 70% (which I am in favour of, it's just not the fic I'm writing right now lmao)) 5.3k, M-rated, also available on Ao3. Thank you @painlandweek for putting this all together! Enjoy! 💛
Sometimes it seemed that the more Edwin learned, the less he knew. Or rather the more he thought he knew, the more he had left to learn.
Acquiring knowledge on any particular topic, it seemed, was only building the groundwork to question it further. Perhaps that's what an expert was, in the end: not a vast repository of facts, but one skilled in the art of digging for more. Not a pursuer of answers, but a pursuer of more interesting questions. Edwin had found it to be much the same across fields, across all his broad areas of interest and study.
Charles Rowland was one such area of interest.
It was quite astonishing; but thirty years into their partnership, Charles still managed to elude Edwin's understanding. Frequently. He was a lively, complex butterfly who simply would not be pinned (metaphorically, that is. In the more literal sense, he was most certainly not opposed to being pinned by Edwin. But he digressed.) They must have exhausted every conversational avenue two dead boys could traverse by now. How, then, could they persist in finding new things to say to one another? How, despite a mere sixteen years apiece of life before death, could they still find anecdotes unshared, secrets unspoken? Despite knowing Charles better than Edwin knew himself there was always, always more to learn.
And a great deal of learning had been done over the last eighteen months or so, indeed. Since the chaotic inciting incident: the now infamous milestone Case of Crystal Palace. Crystal, in all her messy human glory, had taken a battering ram to their comfortable routine. She'd rather shaken things up in the process — and thus, shaken a fresh slew of secrets from Charles and Edwin both.
Edwin's biggest secret was no longer a secret, of course. It was now common knowledge — though Charles, loyal to the last, hadn't shared it with another soul. He hadn't told anyone of Edwin's confession, nor had any official announcements been made by either of them as the 'situation' developed. But develop it had, in ways difficult to overlook. In touches, in kisses, in soft words and flagrant flirtations. Edwin imagined their friends and colleagues must have put two and two together by now, vis-a-vis Edwin and his feelings for Charles. And if they hadn't... well, it would certainly raise some concerns about the quality of their detective work.
Charles, likewise, had revealed a secret or two. Far less pleasant ones. Secrets that, in his more cynical moments, Edwin wondered if Charles would ever have told him without external pressure. Without Crystal's well-meaning badgering, or the Night Nurse's former villainy. Secrets about his family, his father, himself — or at least his own perception of himself. Harrowing they may be, but Edwin had filed each secret away carefully. Each bitter truth was a new supporting fact, a new data point. A fresh insight that peeled away Charles' brave face, and shone an interrogating light upon decades of behaviour.
Edwin had always known, of course, that Charles was not merely the plucky optimist he purported himself to be. Glimpses under the mask were rare, but inevitable. He'd have been foolish not to notice. But Edwin was not inclined to go picking at scabs. So what if Charles wished to maintain an image of himself? Image was everything; or so Edwin had been raised to believe. How a man chose to present himself to the world spoke volumes. Charles wished to be seen as a positive force, and Edwin had always respected him for that. Loved him, even, though he hadn't known it at the time. Charles' insistence on being a stubborn idealist had awed, amused and frustrated Edwin in almost equal measure. He wouldn't have changed it for the world.
But it was one thing to know that the chipper, animated, relentlessly positive Charles he'd come to know was a crafted image. Finding what lay behind the mask was another. It was a new level of understanding, of intimacy, to finally know the bedrock that lay beneath every too-bright word or action.
Charles Rowland was an inveterate people-pleaser.
In retrospect, of course, it made perfect sense. Edwin had sat with it, applied his new knowledge to a thousand interactions, and found it fitting. It had been a relatively easy fact to accept into his broader understanding of Charles.
The bitterer pill to swallow had been in realising just how often Edwin was, himself, a person Charles felt the need to please at all costs.
Edwin liked to think that their relationship had improved since those various revelations. It had certainly changed in notable ways. Especially since last November. Bonfire night. The night Charles had kissed him under the fireworks and thanked him, sheepishly, for 'waiting for him to get his head out of his arse'.
But the kissing and... other activities weren't the only new additions to their relationship. Moreso than ever before, there were repeat and regular attempts to open the lines of communication. They did not always succeed in those attempts. Charles' fear of rocking the boat and Edwin's discomfort with emotional outpourings were at odds with one another, and often left them at an impasse.
Nevertheless, Edwin was determined to try. Charles deserved nothing less; there had never been a person, alive or dead, more deserving of Edwin's trust. And it was the dearest wish of Edwin's afterlife that he could be the same for Charles. That he could be a person Charles need not perform for, or hide from. That he could be allowed to know Charles, to learn him, inside and out.
And while there was still, undeniably, work to be done, Edwin truly believed progress had been made. Through trial and a considerable amount of error, they had come to... understand certain things about one another. About what they each wanted, what they needed. Edwin was making leaps and bounds in the highly specialised field of Charles Studies.
So when Crystal stormed out of the office after another of her and Edwin's (admittedly rather petty) spats, he knew Charles needed attention before her footsteps had even faded.
"Charles?" Edwin prompted, with caution. He was not always an expert at 'reading the room', but in reading Charles he was growing more fluent by the day.
His dear friend's eyes snapped to him with a hunted look. Just as Edwin had thought they might.
Edwin cleared his throat. "Are you... alright?" he asked.
Charles, in that practised manner of his, plastered on a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, mate." He couldn't seem to look Edwin in the eye. "I'm brills."
Hm. A likely story.
He should have suspected this might happen, in the wake of such a heated disagreement. The very air in the office still seemed to ring with the reverberating slam of the door. An overreaction, really. Even mere minutes later, the whole altercation seemed rather silly. But such things were bound to happen on occasion. Edwin had certain opinions, and no qualms about arguing in their favour — and in Crystal Palace, he'd met his match. The two of them often wound up in the unfortunate scenario of a minor dispute devolving into a full-blown tiff. Such squabbles generally didn't end until someone (Charles) laughed and broke the tension, or someone else stormed off.
Edwin didn't doubt that all would be well shortly enough. If their pattern held, Crystal would come slinking back in a few hours. She and Edwin would exchange either sincere regrets or stilted half-apologies (depending on the severity of the argument). Then they would smooth over any remaining awkwardness by finding something minor to agree on (usually something Charles-related), and go swiftly back to normal.
But that resolution was some time away, yet. And in the meantime the air hung heavy; saturated with ire and discontent. Charles, emotional sponge that he was, was clearly bearing the brunt of it — and, as usual, trying his utmost to 'laugh it off'.
Edwin responded to the blatant fib with a single raised, questioning eyebrow.
Charles flinched as if struck.
Oh, dear. The situation was more dire than Edwin had thought.
“Charles,” said Edwin again, softer this time. It was important not to go on the offensive; in his current condition, Charles was liable to take any careless word as keenly as a knife in the back. “Please tell me what’s on your mind.” After a moment’s consideration, he added: “I promise I won’t be angry.”
It felt like utter nonsense to say out loud, a patronising placation as one might give to a child. But Charles, in Edwin’s experience, responded well to directness. His panic thrived in the mires of ambiguity.
Releasing a ragged breath, Charles rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand. “Just… dunno what to do sometimes. When you two go off at each other.” He peered at Edwin with his uncovered eye, and tried for a smirk. It fell short of the carefree, playful expression it was aiming for. “Dunno what side to pick, do I?”
He voiced it like a joke; but Edwin was listening well, and he knew an incomplete sentence when he heard it. He stepped closer and, slowly, giving him time to retreat, took Charles’ free hand and squeezed it.
Charles closed his eyes, dragging his hand down his face. “Can’t keep you both happy,” he admitted on a low mumble, like it was a shameful secret.
Guilt curdled sour and heavy in Edwin’s stomach, but he kept it from his face. Any indication that Charles had made him feel bad was bound to make him shut down further. “It should not be your duty to keep the peace,” he said, choosing his words with care. “I will speak to Crystal later, clear the air.”
Charles nodded, but remained hunched unhappily in on himself. Propped against the edge of the desk as if he needed the support. Edwin could see his brain turning itself over and over in miserable little spirals; wondering if he should have stepped in earlier, said something else. Wondering what he could have done differently to make everything better. To make everyone happy.
Edwin swallowed tightly, and placed his hand upon Charles’ shoulder. “Charles. Look at me, please.”
He did so, without question or hesitation. Responding with ease to the polite command as if it had come from his own subconscious. Quick, and keen. Already Edwin had a strong suspicion of what was needed to calm him; but it was always important to test the waters, first.
Edwin, with great care, hooked a finger through the gold chain around Charles’ neck, and tugged.
The effect was instantaneous. Charles’ wide, fraught eyes softened, slackened, his lined eyelids drooping. His lips parted around a quiet sigh, smoother than his last ragged exhalation. His shoulders slumped as if a great weight had been released from them.
Charles may be an ever-unfolding and expanding area of study. But to Edwin’s expert eye, on occasion, his needs were remarkably simple to interpret.
Meeting his now somewhat unfocused gaze, Edwin leaned in. “Put Crystal out of your mind for now,” he said, a quiet command. “In fact, put everything out of your mind.”
“She’s upset,” Charles mumbled in half-hearted protest.
“Yes — and she will continue to be so for a while longer, regardless of what you or I might say.” Edwin smoothed the collar of Charles’ polo shirt. “When the dust has settled, I will find her and smooth things over. I promise. For the time being, you’ll do none of us any good with your overthinking.”
Charles snorted. “Overthinking? Me?” he joked.
With another gentle, but recriminating tug of the chain, Charles gasped and quieted. Already, his bright eyes were taking on a dreamlike haze.
Edwin sighed and leaned close, ‘til his nose grazed across Charles’ cheekbone. “Granted, your tendency to underthink before making dangerous choices borders on the pathological,” he teased. “But I suspect you’re thinking a lot of very unkind thoughts about yourself right now, and I’d like for you to stop. Please.”
Breath shuddering, Charles’ hands lifted, fisting in the front of Edwin’s waistcoat.
“That what you want?” He asked, his voice a small and broken thing. For all his strength of body and character, he felt as vulnerable in Edwin’s hands as a baby bird.
“How about I tell you exactly what I want for a while,” Edwin offered. “And then all you have to do is listen.“
He delivered a swift, dry kiss to Charles’ cheekbone. "No detective work required.”
It was a very simple solution, albeit one Edwin tried not to employ too often. He and Crystal had a sort of pact in place to discourage Charles' need to please others, rather than lean into it. Within reason, of course — Edwin had no wish to change Charles fundamentally as a person (or to discourage him from doing what felt good to him in intimate settings. If it made Charles feel good to make others feel good, who was Edwin to begrudge him the pleasure?). But they'd agreed that it was probably the healthier option, in the long term. To steer Charles away from hingeing his self-worth on what he could do for others.
But sometimes, the damage was already done. Sometimes Charles was simply too vulnerable to rejection, too stuck in his own head. And on those occasions, Edwin had learned the kindest thing to do was to take him by the hand, and take the guesswork out of the equation.
Charles sniffed. His soft curls tickled Edwin's forehead as he nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, alright."
"Good." Edwin gave him another kiss, pressing this one to his temple. Charles melted under his touch, leaning into him, his hands tight and hot on Edwin's chest. "Thank you, dearheart," said Edwin.
Charles shivered. "Fuck me..." he swore, a dazed mumble.
"Hmmm... No, not tonight, I don't think," Edwin quipped — gratified when Charles managed a snort of mirth. Edwin thumbed up under Charles' jaw, finding where the tension still lingered and soothing it out with firm strokes. "I have something better in mind," he said. He released his hold on Charles to roll up in his own shirtsleeves in brisk, meticulous folds.
Charles watched his every motion with a hungry gaze. "Yeah?" he breathed, somewhat stunned; eyes devouring each newly exposed inch of Edwin's skin up to the elbow. He did have a fascination with Edwin's arms; it was a tried and true method of holding his attention.
"Yes." Edwin glanced over Charles' shoulder with a hum, and settled his hands upon Charles' slender waist. "First things first; let's get you sitting comfortably, shall we?"
He braced himself and, with careful exertion, lifted Charles to deposit him in his usual spot on the desk. Charles went without struggle, and with a gasp that morphed swiftly into a groan. His legs flopped open at once, one ankle hooking around Edwin's thigh in invitation. He tugged on Edwin's waistcoat with a soft whine of his name.
Edwin, maintaining his composure admirably, shushed him. He removed Charles' hands from his own chest — though he pressed quick, apologetic kisses to the heels of each. "Later, my love. Now. Where did I put it..."
He patted down his trouser pockets. When that yielded nothing, he sifted through the stationary cup on the desk. He suspected the object he desired might still be in his coat pocket, but he was loathe to step too far from Charles. Luck, however, was on his side. He recovered the coil of string from a box of spellcasting odds and ends with a small sound of triumph.
Charles watched Edwin's hands unwind the string; rapt despite the slight glaze of his eyes. "You gonna tie me up, then?"
Edwin tsk'd. "What a one-track mind you have this evening," he teased. It wasn't a scold. Having Charles focused and fixated on trying to get Edwin into bed was vastly preferable to the jumble of insecurity. "Hold out your hands."
"Sure you're not tying me up?" said Charles, brow furrowing as he lifted his hands — palms up, beautifully willing.
"I suppose that depends on your definition," said Edwin, as he tied the ends of the string together to form a wide loop. He nudged Charles' hands into place, about a foot apart with palms turned inwards, and draped the loop over them.
Charles, through the haze, finally twigged. "Cat's cradle?" he said, with a slight chuckle.
"Do you object?" asked Edwin.
"Why'd you wanna do this?"
"Because I like playing games with you." Edwin directed Charles to rotate his wrists, winding the string into loops around his hands. He indulged in a gentle touch as he did so, tracing his thumbs along the creases of Charles' skin. The smooth stretch where once a 'life line' would have resided. Edwin had not set much stock by the art of palmistry, until he'd discovered that little commonality between he and Charles. "Again, please. One more loop."
Charles didn't argue — of course he didn't. Edwin doubted he currently had the capacity to argue; so deep had he already descended into that quiet space in his head. The one he occupied only in their moments of deepest intimacy, when Edwin took charge, took him in hand. His eyes, such quick and clever things, now gazed down at Edwin hooded and glassy. Perfect, still pools of pleasantly addled warmth. He'd sunk so readily, so splendidly, all but curled up in the palm of Edwin's hand.
Edwin watched him a moment before proceeding, soothing the ragged edges of his own Hell-torn soul. Whatever he'd done in life to earn the trust Charles placed in him, it must have be something very good indeed.
In next to no time, they had the string pulled taut between Charles' hands, forming the neat double cross of the eponymous Cat's Cradle. Edwin hummed in approval. "Well done," he praised, as he pinched the crossed strands and pulled them outwards. "And now to me. Soldier's Bed, please."
Though Charles appeared to be away with the fairies, he was attuned to Edwin's voice and acquiesced to his command with ease. This was a game they had played many times, on long and quiet nights. When they'd had nothing to hand but an old bootlace, and nothing they wished to do but keep each other's company. Charles didn't need to strain to recall how to release the strings into Edwin's hold. Or how to begin forming the next shape after that, his confident fingers pinching and tugging the relevant strands.
Peaceful and methodical, they worked together, shape by shape, hand to hand. When Charles was pulling the strings for Edwin he was focused, intent, a little wrinkle in his brow. Once or twice his tongue darted out, bitten between his teeth in concentration, and Edwin resisted the impulse to distract him with a kiss. When Charles was merely holding the strings he subsided into utter relaxation. Breathing slow, eyes closed or halfway there, watching Edwin's face and hands with hazy satisfaction. Occasionally he dropped a thread, but it was never a serious blunder, and Edwin got them back on track with a polite command to pick it up. In a customary game they'd have to restart, but this was no customary game. Now was not the time to dwell upon harmless mistakes.
The game served as Edwin had hoped it would. After a few rounds of he and Charles working in perfect tandem, he could feel the air had settled and Charles with it. The grounding touches of their fingers and the face-to-face contact couldn't have hurt. Edwin had fallen into a rhythm, politely requesting each new shape by name and praising the end result. Charles had likewise fallen into a rhythm of mellow compliance. As the rounds wore on he even offered the odd cheeky verbal acknowledgement of Edwin's commands. A 'comin' right up' here, an 'on it, boss' there. His voice was thick and sweet, his tongue succumbing to the same submissive, slumberous spell as his mind. But a little of his bright, energetic spark was creeping back beneath the haze.
By the time they'd worked through the established shapes, and exhausted their own catalogue of invented ones, Edwin was satisfied. He felt they'd left the storm behind and sailed into calmer waters.
"Good game, Charles," he said, as he took their last custom shape — the aptly named Nail in the Coffin — into his own hands, and unraveled it. "Thank you."
Charles hummed, drowsy, swaying a little where he sat. "What'chu wanna do now?" he asked, dark, glassy eyes intent on Edwin's face. Like it was the most important question in the world.
He looked so lovely like this. Of course he always looked lovely, as handsome a boy as Edwin had ever seen. But like this especially, so far gone in his peace and pleasure, there was nothing to compare. Warm and golden, soft and tousled; his eyes black and bottomless and only for Edwin. Gazing at him as if he'd hung the moon and the stars.
Edwin faltered, a small gasp catching in his throat. He remained adamant that he wouldn't take more than Charles should give, at this moment. But... perhaps a small indulgence.
"Kiss me," he said, tucking a finger beneath Charles' chin. "Please."
Charles nodded — a hasty gesture compared to his otherwise lethargic motions — and swayed forward. He crashed his lips against Edwin's in an artless kiss, his hands finding Edwin's waist and gripping tight. Like he couldn't get him close enough.
Edwin sighed into it, stepping into Charles. Into the comfortable vee of his sprawled legs, where he'd come to spend many a peaceful night of late. He tilted his head, guiding Charles into a gentler kiss. Leading him as he would in a dance and letting him fall, gratefully, into step. Edwin explored the curve of Charles' jaw with his fingers, the charmingly pointed shell of his ear. He thumbed across his sparkly earring, and Charles huffed a little laugh into his mouth.
"Magpie," he mumbled.
Edwin chuckled as well, a natural release of the warmth suffusing him. He broke the kiss to dust smaller, feather-light ones across Charles' cheeks. "Well," he said, a thumb pressed to Charles' plush lower lip. "I do seem to collect the most beautiful things..."
Breath hitching, Charles wrapped his arms around Edwin's shoulders and squeezed. Edwin returned the embrace without hesitation. Never before Charles had he felt at ease with this sort of thing — this effusive, uncurbed physical affection. With anyone else it was still a struggle. He had little desire to touch, or be touched. But inviting Charles into his embrace was never a hardship; it was simply his proper place. It was a fact of the universe: Charles belonged with Edwin. In his arms, on his desk, in his bed, on his nerves.
Charles belonged with Edwin, as Edwin belonged with Charles; holding his hand, steering him true. And, where necessary, using a firm word and a firmer hold to put those wretched doubts in his head to rest.
Edwin pulled away with a parting kiss to Charles' temple. Charles felt warm, in that strange, prickly way. Ghostly body heat wasn't so much a thrum of blood as an excitation of atoms. To Edwin's mind, he felt warmer than usual at present. "Are you hot?" he asked.
"Dunno," said Charles with a lax, flirtatious smile. "Am I?"
Edwin rolled his eyes. "In the non-figurative sense, please, Charles."
"Mm. Yeah, bit hot." The smile widened into an impish grin. "Or maybe that's just you."
"You're incorrigible," Edwin muttered — but there was a smile in his voice and likely on his face, as well. His own cheeks were beginning to feel rather warm. He cleared his throat and tugged, meaningfully, on one of Charles' braces. There was a tantalising give and take to the elastic as his fingers slipped behind it. He was half tempted to release it, let it ping back, see what sound Charles made at the slight shock. But now wasn't the time for that sort of play.
"You may remove a layer, if you like," Edwin offered magnanimously — no ulterior motive whatsoever. "I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable."
Charles didn't need telling twice. He slid the braces off his shoulders and grabbed his polo shirt at the back of the neck, dragging it off over his head. It was altogether a clumsier attempt than his usual so-called 'strip teases', but his hooded eyes burned on Edwin's face throughout. Afterwards he was left in just his sinfully tight white vest — and, of course, the enticing glimmer of his golden chain on top. But he remained pleasantly flushed and glowing, with not a hint of cold or discomfort. Charles was prone to chills in times of stress; a morbid sense memory of his last night alive. But he always seemed to warm in Edwin's presence.
Edwin, with an exhale that was just a tad on the ragged side, bowed his head and grazed a kiss across Charles' exposed collarbone. "Better?"
He could feel Charles' soft groan ruffling his hair. "Yeah. Yeah, feels good." He pulled on the hem of Edwin's waistcoat. "Bet you're hot too, yeah?"
Increasingly so, yes. Edwin was clinging to his composure by a thread. "It is a touch close in here," he agreed. He could feel Charles' restless fingers tugging, so he took them in his own hands, and guided them to the top button of the waistcoat. It was only fair he restore the balance. "Would you be so kind?"
Charles groaned again, this time so close to Edwin's ear it sent a ripple down his spine, and obeyed. His hands, as was often the case when disrobing Edwin, tripped over the buttons, rendered all fingers and thumbs in his eagerness. But they were in no hurry. Edwin closed his eyes and waited, tucked into the crook of Charles' neck and perfectly satisfied to be so.
When the final button surrendered the fight, Charles made haste to shove the garment off Edwin's shoulders. Edwin corrected him with a polite "Gently, please," and Charles took it in more careful hands, mindful of causing wrinkles. It made no difference, of course — Edwin could will his clothes to look as pristine or rumpled as he pleased. But Charles shuddered sweetly at the direction, and Edwin so enjoyed directing him. Besides, there was never any harm in promoting good habits.
"Fold it, please," said Edwin — stepping back to give Charles space. He watched Charles take the waistcoat in hand and, inexpertly, fold it in half twice. Lengthwise first, then the opposite. Hardly proper protocol, but Edwin didn't much care. He just took the haphazardly folded garment with gratitude and set it aside on the desk. "Thank you."
"Anything else?" Charles mumbled — his fingers teasing Edwin's shirt, itching to tug it free of his waistband.
Edwin sighed, and stilled Charles' hands. Perhaps he was letting the situation get away from them a bit. Charles was quite the difficult temptation to resist. "Perhaps later," he said. At Charles' disappointed pout, he made an amendment. "Definitely later."
Charles snorted, and let his head flop against Edwin's chest. "Alright," he mumbled. He sounded tired. Overwhelmed. It was a lot for him, this complete surrender, and Edwin well knew it. "Whatever you say, love."
"I say it's time for a rest." Edwin took Charles' face in both his hands, holding him still as he bestowed one more kiss upon his forehead. "Go and sit down, please. Comfortably, on the sofa. I'll join you momentarily."
Charles grumbled, but nevertheless did as he was told. He hopped off the desk, hand trailing across Edwin's chest as he passed him by. Edwin caught it for the barest second, just to give his fingers a parting squeeze. An altogether impossible urge to resist; and the loving way Charles' eyes found him over his shoulder affirmed his decision.
Tearing his attention from Charles and his smiles and his soft, trusting eyes, he turned it to the bookcase instead. He knew exactly what he wished to do with Charles, now. Something they'd had neither the space nor quiet for in quite some time. He scanned the shelves, deep in thought.
"Charles," he called out, careful not to cut too sharply through the peace of the room. "Douglas Adams, or Sir Arthur?"
It was a gentle prompt, and a simple choice. The stakes couldn't be lower. He waited to see if Charles would hand it back to him, anyway — still unwilling and unable to bear the thought of making an incorrect decision.
"Mmm... Doug," Charles mumbled.
Edwin smiled to himself. On the mend, then. "Excellent choice," he said; sliding their well-loved second edition of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency from the shelf.
He turned on his heel to find Charles, folded onto the sofa in a loose tangle of limbs, chin on his fist. He bore sleepy, squinting eyes and a dopey smile, both directed at Edwin and warming him through like late afternoon sunlight.
"Like how it sounds in your voice," said Charles, nestling in further. The very picture of contentment. Seemed he could scarcely keep his eyes open; but he must not have wanted to look away from Edwin just yet.
Edwin could sympathise entirely; he rarely wished to look away from Charles, either.
Edwin smiled as he stepped in close, a hand on Charles' knee; a smiling kiss dropped to his head of rampant curls. "Quiet, now, darling boy," he softly commanded, tugging on Charles' knee to make room. "And enjoy yourself."
“How long did the Monk believe these things? Well, as far as the Monk was concerned, forever,” Edwin read, his thumb tracing circles on Charles’ wrist. “The faith which moves mountains, or at least believes them against all the available evidence to be pink, was a solid and abiding faith, a great rock against which the world could hurl whatever it would, yet it would not be shaken. In practice, the horse knew, twenty-four hours was usually about its lot.”
They were a scant few pages into the book, and yet Edwin suspected that Charles had drifted into a doze. It was hard to tell without facing him. They'd settled on the sofa with Charles tucked up against the arm and back, and Edwin reclining between his sprawled legs. Edwin's back pillowed on Charles' torso; Charles' arms wrapped around Edwin, like a large teddy bear. Edwin could feel Charles' chin propped atop his head. On occasion, he nuzzled into Edwin's hair with soft hums as he listened to the story. But the hums and nuzzles both had grown less frequent already, subsiding to near silence.
Edwin read on regardless. Charles, like all ghosts, rarely if ever actually slept, and was likely still listening. Even if his mind was wondering elsewhere for the time being, he'd find his way back. He always did. And Edwin would be waiting for him.
A few chapters later, as Edwin recounted the thrilling mystery of the horse in the water closet, he felt Charles stirring. Soon, Charles' wrist was slipping free from Edwin's grasp, the hand coming to rest instead atop Edwin's hand in a gentle hold.
"Thank you," Charles mumbled, nuzzling into Edwin's hair.
Edwin smiled. "There's no need to thank me for reading to you," he said. "I enjoy it."
"I meant, like..." Charles sighed, squeezing Edwin's hand. "Thanks for, y'know. Bossing me around a bit," he said, sincerity threaded through the lighthearted tease. "Seriously. It proper helps."
Edwin laced their fingers, and brought Charles' hand to his lips. "Charles," he said, simple and serious. He kissed him on the knuckles. "I shall always be here to boss you around when needed."
Charles laughed. Quiet, unobtrusive. It seemed neither one of them was quite ready to break the spell just yet. "Love you," he murmured.
Marking his page with a finger, Edwin leaned back onto Charles' shoulder. He tilted his head back, all the better to look his beloved in the eye. "I love you, too."
He only had to lift his lips, a silent prompt.
Charles needed no further instructions.
Thanks for reading! Consider dropping us a comment/reblog, they do so make my day/week/month 💛 Might not manage every day of this week but I will defo see you tomorrow for a fic/collab I'm SUPER excited about!!! Painland Week Prompt List
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Splatoon - Callie 101!
I have gathered EVERY Callie analysis and ramble I've done and complied them together into one post for your viewing convenience! I go over all the different aspects relating to Callie's arc in Splatoon 2, diving deep into Hypno Callie and clearing up ALL of her misconceptions. Some of these posts are just me rambling and some of them do have overlapping information, but these posts still provide valuable and important information regarding Callie.
In the posts i go over the following:
Clearing up wrong info (She was kidnapped and brainwashed)
During hypnosis and her behaviour
Explaining hypnosis and it's differences compared to brainwashing
Her being flung out of hypnosis
How she remembers the Squid Sisters
Why she put the shades back on
I love this character to death and i only want the best for her, i hope more and more people come to learn about her true arc and i hope i can inspire some change in the community. Either via more people in the community saying the right terminology across social media and changing the wording from "brainwashing" to hypnosis.
PLEEEAASSEEE!!! reblog and share with others in the Splatoon community because I really do want some change and i want this wonderful character that i love to death to be treated with some more respect. Although she may not seem that important, Callie is one of the most important and significant characters in the franchise and i want more people to treat her as such, rather than some airheaded idiot.
Hearing people say the same stuff over and over again like "Oh she was kidnapped, overpowered and then brainwashed, losing all of her memories, etc." Genuinely gave me a lot of discomfort and i avoided consuming Splatoon 2 content because i was actually scared of seeing Hypno Callie and hearing those words.... That was until i actually did research and began making all of these posts that i shall link.
So here you go and i hope you learn something new about Callie Cuttlefish! (Press Keep reading to view the posts.) 
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housecow · 2 months
What are your favorite geographic regions of Texas?
BEST question!!!!!!
1. Hill country. One of the most gorgeous parts of TX—karst topography and amazing caves!!! bats!!! and this area was volcanic during the cretaceous, you can almost imagine the island chain it was back then while driving thru the hills. the guadalupe river snaking between cliff faces?? heaven. AND this part of TX has the best trees, no contest. who cares about coastal live oaks when you have 400 y/o+ bald cypress?? and american sycamores reflecting the water??? giant pecans?? i could spend an eternity here. maybe i will…. idc if my car stalls going up the hills and ppl behind me get mad <33
2. WEST TX. 🎶is the best texas… it’s a beautiful, indescribable place. and the geology???? holy shit. i will admit ive never even been to big bend before or the more mountainous regions, but i’ve driven close enough!!!! and my bestie visited recently so i claim his memories. people forget this version of TX exists and they SHOULD. so we can keep it to ourselves!!! aguja and javelina formations my beloveds ❤️ you’d find yourself lost there and never regret a moment. i love that barren ass drive from TX to new mexico tbh
3. Post Oak Savanna: weird one, i know!!!! but im a bitch for flat land. i may be one of the only ppl that can drive thru the great plains and feel right at home. i like seeing what’s around me!! mountains are scary. plus, god…. soft, rolling hills south of san antonio, seas of golden grass, old oaks standing as monuments, having been there longer than anything colonial-made in the US. absolute fucking behemoths. you wouldn’t understand this until you approach these things—it’s like the moment you enter that massive, widespread canopy, the world is quieter. the trees almost speak to you. yes i’m in love with them. beneath your feet and everywhere you go, fields of petrified wood 🥺
plus. this is one of the most ecologically important areas of TX, surprisingly. its an example of one area that’s supposed to be governed by fire. of course, now that’s no longer occurring, shrubification, tree encroachment… it used to serve as a sort of bridge for wildlife, but now it’s a fence. sad. anyways, you can tell by the trees they were made to withstand fire. hard, aggressive bark on live oaks.
interestingly, the ones south of the hill country are mixes of q. virginiana (coastal live oak) and q. fusiformis (escarpment oak) and should be the TX state tree in my humble opinion. pecans are found literally everywhere, these are found only here!!
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 6. 🪽
- siblings were their signs are in the same element tend to be closer because of their same nature ( a friend of mine is a Sagittarius and her little sister is Aries and I haven’t seen these two arguing or being awful to each other EVER in fact they support and love each other sooo much)
- water placements do everything with music. Study, cleaning ect
- air placements need to watch something while they eat
- earth placements need a lot of silence.
- fire placements need a lot of excitement and adrenaline.
- speaking of music…go and see a playlist of pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. They listen to EVERYTHING. ( my Spotify wrapped had my 5 top artist being different from each other because I can’t listen to one genre it’s sooo boring).
- again speaking of music…earth placements are the least experimental with their taste in music. They have found what works for them and they stick with it forever. (my Capricorn bestie listen to 3 genres my cancer sun bestie who has Virgo placements listens only to limited stuff and doesn’t know almost all of the iconic artists)
- Aries moon as kids they were getting angry for the most unnecessary reasons. It’s a fire moon thingy 💅🏻
- Sagittarius moon act like everything is fine and then cry behind close doors. Babes don’t be shy I promise u we will not laugh at u. 💀
Speaking of Sagittarius. They don’t open their hearts unless they know they will not be judged or make fun of. Deep down are really sensitive but they laugh it off because being honest and vulnerable is for the pussies right? (Women are more open with their emotions)
- Pisces has strong and weak memory at the same time. These bitches remember useless things or things that happened years ago but can’t remember a simple thing that was said 2 mins ago or even names that was said the very same moments.
- I have noticed cancer placements aren’t sentimental at all ( my cancer bestie throws away things and my mom who has cancer mercury doesn’t like to keep nothing unless it’s really important). On the other hand me as I Pisces love to keep everything to remember everything. ( i ain’t kidding but I have keeps every bottle of perfume I have bought or even broken stuff just because someone gave it to me. it really breaks my when I have to throw something away). Scorpio is the middle ground.
- I have seen cancers either having a lot of friends or just 2.
- Aquarius woman are always sooo likeable. I haven’t found one that i don’t like. They are just here vibing and doing their thing. Also they look younger than they are. Especially risings. (My bestie has Aquarius rising and looks underage when she is adult)
- Sagittarius placements if they reallyyyyy loooove u they care about ur opinion. Usually they don’t give a shit about opinions. (My ex boyfriend was like that he was asking me for everything. He wanted to hear my thoughts and opinions. That’s was really sweet and also was doing anything I told him would look on him.)
- I want to know what’s makes a Leo man dressing so flashy? Okay we support girly pops 💅🏻
- Capricorn men have the energy " I have big dick " metaphorically and literally but they will not flex it like a Leo or Aries would.
- Libra women tend to like men who are "uglier" than them.
- Scorpio placements know how to respect boundaries because they don’t like people crossing theirs.
- the water sign who tends to share a lot is Pisces the least of Scorpio
- the earth sign who tends to share a lot is Virgo the least is Taurus
- the fire sign who tends to share a lot is Sagittarius the least is Leo
- the air sign who tends to share a lot is libra the least is Aquarius.
- it’s very funny but as a Pisces with 8th house placements I can stay strong in very difficult situations and see the positive in bad but if someone break my mug or throws away a small thing of mine this is where I cross the line and start crying. Pliz fellow fishes tell me I ain’t the one🫣
- we need to talk about the fact when Virgo placements are in distress they will start cleaning the whole house. Like okay miss clean girly…maybe cry and let the cleaning for later. This coping mechanism is stressful. I want to hug y’all 😭
- I have noticed that Gemini writing amazing essays. They are amazing writing thoughts and feelings down on paper.
- if a Pisces placements friend or Scorpio placements friend or anyone with 8th house/12th house placements tell you they don’t like someone or they think the vibes are weird. Always TRUST THEM. they know what they are talking about.
- speaking of water signs they are stronger that what we gave them credit for. They don’t escape like a lot of people say. They are strong and keep until the end. Unless someone has 12th house placements or Pisces rising. (Sorry but y’all so self destructive).
- Capricorn x Gemini friend duo is also really underrated. They vibe sooo well even tho they have different styles and approaches to life but what they manage to do is that they have a lot of intellectuality. Maybe they would not last long but definitely they will have a beautiful friendship.
- Leo’s care for the opinion of others even if they say they don’t. You know this attitude "I’m a baddie I don’t care what people think" it’s their fake it till you make it but they never make it.
- when u see a air placements and earth placements cry u know it’s very serious for them and they need support 🫶🏻 btw they aren’t touchy so just allow them to cry without judging them.
- libra moons have u healed the fear of being alone?
- put a Pisces or Sagittarius in chart and u will see a psychologist or a person who loves the human brain and behaviour.
- Aries people are the biggest cheerleaders and women have girls girl energy.
- what’s up with mutable signs getting stimulated by a thing and then get bored of it? Like girlyyy why? Where is ur dedication? probably not in the room.
- Virgo men are sooooo messyyy…and rarely take care of their looks or their personal spaces ( I have sooo many examples)
- Pisces is disorganised in everything and it’s almost hilarious until they lose their things and then blame others.
- i will tell this 100 times if it’s needed but if u need help with ANYTHING go to a Capricorn friend. Even just an advice is really helpful. I love y’all sooo muchhh 🫶🏻
- 5th house placements showcase someone who not only is creative but will definitely have a good relationship with kids or will have amazing relationships with their own kids.
- 0 degree placements are showing that you are like the sign it is on. ( I have mars in Taurus in 0 degrees and honestly I act like a Taurus sometimes. The way I care for aesthetics,smells and I’m soooo stubborn in my opinions. it’s sooooo annoying)
- the most hilarious thing is hearing Sagittarius saying they are logical and not control by emotions. ( yeah that was my ex like girly pop u were influenced by every emotion and boredom is one of them. He cried more than me in the span of 2 years. Like okay hahaha babe keep believing ur delusions)
That’s all 🪽
Guys thank u for reading so far and giving a lot of support. I’m soo greatful every single time 🥰 stay healthy and hydrate girly pops 💅🏻
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obizenyukii · 2 months
top 10 obizenyuki moments (+all of the honorable mentions that i almost picked bc these three are too much .) DISCLAIMER: these are my opinions and also i talk a lot. <3
under the cut bc this is so long oh my god
number 10
every time i see this panel i just feel so happy. they belong together.
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number 9
needless to say you'll miss the young miss, but you'll be lonely without me too, i bet. this entire conversation . obi saying this as a light joke but also because he knows how much they both mean to zen. obi searching, in a way, for a reassurance that he /is/ needed and wanted as well, since it's so obvious that shirayuki would be. zen's response. this is a moment that shirayuki isn't physically in so i bumped it down a few places, but it's still so meaningful for the ot3.
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number 8
obi longing for zen and telling his bestie (zen's gf, who he's known for also occasionally longing for) about it casually under the stars (and saying he'll say that to zen under the stars) . i know what you are .
this moment is absolutely iconic and one of my personal favorites <3
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number 7
ot3 date <3333 the entire next chapter is just a bunch of cute moments of them (honestly could have had like 300 pics on this post if there wasn't a limit). them spending time together, goofing off, having fun and enjoying each other's company. give me 10 more of these dates please.
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number 6
whenever i reach out my hand, you would grasp it?
the most iconic trio of all time you will not change my mind. this moment being an unsaid promise between the three of them to always come back to each other . lay me to rest
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number 5
this moment is not as talked about (at least i haven't seen much of it discussed) but it's SO important to me. so much is being said without needing to spell it out. obi and zen keeping watch from afar, content in each other's company but also making sure shirayuki is in their sight. this is so romantic to do under the stars . they make me unwell. i need a vacation
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number 4
obi and shirayuki always keeping zen in their hearts no matter what, despite him wishing not to weigh on them. this also touching on zen telling obi he wishes the title he gave him won't be a burden to him. the bond they have is highlighted so beautifully here. it's pure love <3 i'm sick to my stomach. /j
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(& the bonus of obi and shirayuki seeing zen off together and looking at his retreating figure fondly. this is so romantic . i'm crazy .)
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number 3
the iconic whenever i'm with you two it's always like this ;^;; <3 obi's love towards these two started to take root here. you don't understand because it's love dude . you don't understand because you were never attached to someone like this. you never had a home to come back to, never had the acceptance and understanding you have in them. dumbass. (said fondly)
it's okay, he learns it later <3
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number 2
zen, furiously questioning obi and shirayuki on their health, making sure they're fine, and finally pulling them into a hug. his relief to have them safe and healthy in his arms. them realizing how worried he was . this is probably the most iconic obznyk moment and is a contender for n1 for sure, it was tough choosing between the n1&n2 moments ;; . god this moment. zen's "that's the most important thing" . don't talk to me i love them
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number 1
the iconic line that is also my ship tag, if it's for you and mistress, i'm willing to go anywhere </3 this moment was what solidified the ship for me when i was only an anime only (shudders) slowly getting into the fandom. the anime was enough but this entire chapter had me setting my house on fire (joke). the brainworms never stopped. the entire chapter is so crazy ot3 but this moment is my favorite and overall the message/highlight of obi's resolve & his answer to zen's questions. it also showed more than any other moment obi's love & dedication to shirayuki and zen. shirayuki isn't even in this scene but it's still my favorite ot3 moment in the manga so far <3
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and now, some honorable mentions. these following moments were all contenders for top 10 bc obznyk is so good. also these are not all of the obznyk moments in the manga ofc. there are many that i couldn't find in my screenshots and tried to find skimming through the manga but failed lol. these are just some classics/faves.
zen's iconic heart eyes
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pretty early on in their relationship development, zen liking seeing them together ;;
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zen being so happy around obi and shirayuki ;-;
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zen introducing himself as obi and shirayuki's companion <3 it's just spelled out at this point lol
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zen's heart eyes pt 100, if this post didn't have a limit i would've posted so many more of these
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shirayuki and zen fretting over obi and then spying on him (while obi knows and is having the time of his life stringing them along) because he was seen with a pretty lady
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it's like a part of me is always by their side <3 <3 <3 this would've been n10, but it's now the official number 11 moment
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shirayuki and zen putting their full trust in obi to the point of fully letting their guard down, and obi realizing that for the first time, he's wholeheartedly wanted.
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zen and shirayuki being the obi detection/protection squad <3
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there's so much more. i love them so much <333333
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sophaee · 2 months
Okay so I have a little prediction about yuumori part 2, the events of pt.2 might possibly drive a bit of wedge between the moriarthree. They haven't seen each other in 2 years, all of them have matured in one way or another, and have moved on from the past. And while having a strong family bond is nice and all, it's more probable than not that now they WILL run into all sorts of disagreements much more often than before when a huge amount of their decisions felt like they were made with the trio in mind, barely any "selfish" choices were made.
However, now they are actual individuals, and have established their own lives, Louis is now the head of MI6, William has spent 2 years in the US on his own (well maybe except for Albert, that man just decided to put himself in prison and it was just him and his intrusive thoughts for 2 years, but solidarity changes people, too, he's come to a lot revelations, thought his life choices through, etc.)
Louis might secretly have some mixed reactions after their reunion. In my humble opinion he has every right to feel bitter about brothers' return, they both just left him on his own after all these years that he sacrificed his own interests for their well being. Heck, if I were this man, I probably wouldn't be even able to face those two. William and Albert coming back, is, of course, a blessing, but at the same time, deep down it might also feel like a curse. Louis has finally started living his own life, and it might just revert to the way things were before. But being in the shadow of his brothers isn't his thing anymore. Would he be able to give up his wants and needs for the sake of his brothers lime he used to?
Now onto Albert, he's always been there to provide financial support for the brothers, kind of like a parent. But what happens when both of the people you've grown used to providing things for, can now provide for themselves just fine, and don't need you anymore?
And most importantly, what about the main character of the story, William? Does this man really expect his brothers to stay the same, and leave an empty space for him to return to for so long, after he tried to unalive himself, survived and went to live with his new bestie instead? I know he wasn't allowed to contact them, but he could've at least contacted them in secret, he's not exactly the type that follows the rules, is he? But no, he kept the fact that he's alive a secret for 2 years, after most of his team finally started to move on. He used to be their leader, but now that things are running perfectly without him, will he, with his saviour complex, be satisfied with a role "less important"?
It would be very interesting to see the new moriathree struggle to get along in some situations where they used to think like one and the same before. I think a lot of people know firsthand just how much people can change, when they're apart, with completely different influences, in such a big amount of time.
Besides, now that the main plot point is allegedly resolved (the large amount of classism amd elitism in Victorian era Britain), since in the final scene Louis suggested that no more work needed to be done, what else would do for a good follow-up conflict? I like to believe there's a secret traitor in MI6 but probably the only ones capable of secretly plotting their own thing without getting caught are the brothers themselves, and something needs to happen for any of them to choose to follow a different path than the rest.
(also, I'm really sorry if the text might be just straight up incomprehensible in some parts, English isn't my first language... I just really needed to talk about my silly little predictions for part 2 somewhere since I'm really REALLY excited for the manga to return but don't really know anyone in the yuumori fandom irl)
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
BESTIE. I was just casually thinking about your whole dybmn series and now I’m wondering, as both reader and Spencer become more confident with their spicy dynamics, what kind of lover would Spencer become with her? New k!nks, maybe?, I JUST genuinely think that Spencer is so whipped for her that he would definitely use toys and anything else, not only to experiment but to get to know and find out about all of her secret facets.
I believe she would be his “creation” like he would be so proud to see her development in her confidence in spicy times like smirking all over as she does anything to please him and he’d be like “yeah, I created that” because I’M BITING MY PILLOW RIGHT NOW and gonna dig up a hole after this to hide myself because my thoughts are so hideous. Girlie, what did you do to me? I wasn’t like this. 😩
oh let’s discuss
18+ long ass rambling and things i think about A Lot ……..
in my opinion (which is not the end all be all everyone can perceive them however they’d like) reader and spencer definitely bring out more sexually adventurous sides of each other like they just have a shit ton of chemistry and for a while ithink spencer would just be easing reader into sexuality so nothing that crazy would happen aside from the power dynamics we see pretty much from the start. i think those would definitely get stronger and occasionally more variable. im not usually into sub!spence but i think there would be times he would definitely allow reader to have more control (i don’t ever think he’d be like calling them mommy lmfao) but aside from that i could also see him veering VERY rarely in a slightly harder!dom direction. like he’ll never hurt or seriously degrade you but in p3 reader says something about liking it when he acts like they belong to him and he was really into that. as the relationship progresses i think he would almost start taking more ownership of r’s body in a way, like obviously nothing is ever nonconsensual but he just knows you so well that it’s like… well he knows you better than you know yourself sooo you let him call the shots, but at his core i think spencer is forever oriented to please. he just wants to make you feel good, that’s always gonna be his goal, so he’s always going to listen and even if the power dynamic is weighed in his favor you are actually always the one in control bc he’d do anything for u lol
in terms of kinks…. idk, i never really see spencer as a super kinky guy? like he just knows too much about paraphilia and obviously sexual violence ties into a lot of his job so i sincerely doubt he’d find giving or receiving pain arousing beyond like slapping your ass or you scratching his back or whatever. love is always at the heart of sex for him and that’s going to be the most important part, he’ll never be able to see you just as a body. he’ll always see you as the person he’s in love with and there are things he’s simply not willing to do to the person he loves.
because of his trauma he’s super duper hesitant about bondage BUT i think he wouldn’t be completely opposed to very light restraints on you or him, he’d just have to be in a specific mood. i also never see him as being someone who’s super into toys because he’s such a luddite, he can barely stand having an email i doubt he’s going to have an extensive collection of sex toys. but he would so use your vibrator on you or make you use it on yourself in front of him again if he’s in a very specific mood
oh but YES he DELIGHTS in having defiled and corrupted you. idc idc im not accepting criticism on this. like he spoils you so much that you’re used to getting him whenever you want and so you’re not very subtle about it. if you get all needy in public and start draping yourself all over him and giving him looks and pulling on his sleeve because you want to go home he’ll fuck you in rossi’s bathroom because he wants to encourage your lewd behavior.
obviously he has boundaries tho and he has respect for you and the people around him like he won’t do anything that draws attention and he’ll only ever do things he knows he can get away with without anyone else noticing
later seasons spence also LOVES when you leave marks on him he thinks it’s cute how you mark your territory and he’s not at all embarrassed if there is a hickey above his collar at work. in his mind it’s like. why would he care about other peoples opinions on his sex life when they have nothing to do with it god i think about this all the time
anyway im sorry if this was disappointing😭 idkidk, thank you for asking about my thoughts tho bc i am always down for headcanons
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alexxness · 7 days
A thread on how I'd portray Gravity Falls x The Last of Us (Part 1) [I was bored last night]
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This post is based on @eerizon recent Gravity Falls x TLOU drawing :P
First of all, the artist above totally saw my (and everyone else's) vision, bc I also thought about this idea, but I wanted to wait for someone else to draw it
So now, I'm just gonna write down who would be who in this universe just for fun (feel free to drop your own ideas too)
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Starting off with: Stan as Joel
It's logical and makes total sense!!
Two father figures who lost someone in their lives get attached to some who didn't have good impressions at first, and protects them with their lives
I'm still trying to figure who'd be Sarah though..
Dipper and Mabel as Ellie
I'd like to highlight Mabel the most, bc it also makes sense that Stan gets more attached to her, and later saves her from her death at the hospital (which means she'd be the one immune to the infection)
As for Dipper, he'd be most important for Part 2
Dipper could be the one figuring out that Stan broke the siblings' trust/promise, when he discovers that he lied about Mabel being useless to the cure of the infection
He'd also get revenge for Stan's death as well
For obvious reasons, Ford would be Tommy
Their relationship with their brothers is very similar, and I'm pretty darn sure that Ford would do the exact same thing that Tommy did when Joel died
They're extremely good shots, and ✨ survivors ✨
Eda (from The Owl House) as Tess is an interesting idea, and I love it
The fact that Eda gets infected, is a pretty good replacement for her curse, and I just love that concept rahhhh
I ain't 100% sure, but I think Wendy as Bill could be an interesting idea
She's a survivalist, and she would absolutely rule making traps like Bill's
Frank could be one of her exes or something, idk haven't thought enough about it yet 😭
This is another one I haven't thought through at 100%, but once again, Fiddleford as Maria could also be a cool concept
Sure, who wouldn't want a partner telling all the probabilities of things that could happen if this and that occurred, right?
Took me a while to figure this one out... This wouldn't be a sibling situation, but a partner one--
I think Blubs as Henry and Durland as Sam is sad, but also an interesting idea
It's a dark turn to take for these two sillies, and I'm sorry for this :(
[Human]Bill would be David for sure (but he wouldn't be a PDFFile omgoshh)
The simple logic is bc he tricks both Dipper and Mabel, and tries to kill them to feed his gang
(which he technically does this during Weirdmageddon [he offers Dipper as a snack to 8-Ball and Teeth])
Blind Ivan would be the perfect fit for Marlene
This basically makes the Society of the Blind Eye, the new Fireflies, which is actually pretty cool
Pacifica would probably take Riley's role
She's besties with the twins, and wants to be free from her parents (as usual)
Who's gonna kiss her later at the abandoned mall?? Dipper or Mabel? You decide!!
Unfortunately yeah, she gets infected-- And she's never seen again :'D
And for last but not least... Bud as Jerry
Seems like a logical reason, right?? Kinda makes sense...
Hmm... I wonder who's going after Stan after this...
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And that's it for my Part 1 ideas!!
I can drop your opinions/ideas, I'll be happy to read them and discuss with all of you!!
I might make a post about Part 2 eventually, so stay tuned if you're interested
Have a good day/night, everyone!!
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lilislegacy · 6 months
i saw your post about percy and annabeth kiss in boo and how you think it’s ridiculous that people think percy and annabeth are better as friends. well guess what? i’m one of those people. i hate how the main male and female leads are always forced together and that’s exactly what riordan did too. percy and annabeth would have been so much stronger if they had stayed this super amazing platonic friendship where everyone thinks they are going to date but they are like nah we just besties. and i think seeing that is a lot more powerful than just another badly written teenage romance. their chemistry feels forced and unauthentic, they obviously get annoyed with each other way too easily to be in a relationship, and they become dangerously co-dependent. and fine, maybe they would date for a few years since everyone would make them feel like that’s what they are supposed to do. but then i think they would realize that they are better off as friends and don’t actually have romantic attraction for each other. and that’s exactly what i think would happen if the author was true to their characters and not just writing for himself. but honestly i think there is a solid chance that they are both asexual, which there is a TON of evidence of, and wouldn’t even want to date in the first place. so sorry not sorry but percy and annabeth are definitely better as friends, and the people who don’t get strangely obsessed and attached to a basic and forced romantic pairing can see all the evidence in the books as to why.
ok this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit. i have almost answered it in several different ways, one being just saying “that’s an opinion!” but i think im just going to react to it honestly.
you have every right to believe whatever you want to believe. your imagination is your own. go crazy. or don’t. but it’s your own opinion and you have every right to have it.
however, to openly claim that the author isn’t staying true to their characters is not your right, because he is the one who invented them. they are his creations, so he’s actually the only one who knows exactly what’s right for them. the characters are based off of him and his wife who he has been married to for many many years - who are still very much in love with each other to this day - so i think percy and annabeth are actually one of the most authentic romantic pairings of all time. i am sorry that you don’t pick up on their naturally written chemistry and attraction for each other, because i think it’s a very important part of the story. it’s a very important part of their characters and their actions.
and you are absolutely right about one thing: they are best friends and love each other very much in a platonic way, and we DO see that a lot! it’s very clear that they are best friends first, and have that as a strong foundation. but they also have more there. they have strong romantic, and some implied sexual, feelings on top of it. and that’s okay too. it’s possible to have both a strong friendship and a passionate romance. that’s what makes them such an incredible pairing, in my opinion. they grow together. they start off as platonic friends and turn into young adults who are very much in love. it’s very natural, especially given everything they go through together.
so you can totally hc them as being just friends. thats okay! but i don’t think it’s okay to call other people wrong or blind or “strangely obsessed and attached” for believing in a romantic pairing that is very much supposed to be romantic.
thank you for the ask. have a nice day :)
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tiredqueermushroom · 19 days
all of exu trio please?
First Impression:
You're gonna be my favourite. There's more hidden underneath that classic bardic charm.
Impression Now:
Omg, he's just like me fr fr. An anxiety ridden master compartmentaliser, who is desperate for parental approval and desperate to strike out on his own. God I love him.
Favourite moment:
The entirety of episode 105 from summoning coriolis to his conversation with his father 10/10 no notes.
Honourable mention: His speech to dariax about real evil also "Kill your mother."
Idea for a story:
Just pure silken squall exploration. I want to know how dorian mastered his compartmentalision skill, more dorian childhood/lore please mister daymond!
Unpopular opinion:
A lot of people only like dorian because they ship him with orym and it's very obvious. So of the most egregious dorian takes come from these people, because they don't view him as an independent character but rather an extension of orym (disclaimer, I like do/my don't come at me.) Some of yall are weirdly racist about Dorian, especially when trying to 'defend' orym from rightful critism, it's kinda crazy.
Favourite relationship/s:
The exu trio! They keep each other grounded and sane. They also can see through each other's masks better than anyone else. Also, they shared a bed together what's not to love.
Favourite headcannon:
He's autistic! Also that hair is super important to squall culture, so dorian having his hair up and therefore shorter is his way of mourning cyrus.
First impression:
I love this ditsy girl!
Impression Now:
Omg you are so much deeper than I gave you credit for. You hide your complex and real feelings behind a mask of smiles and giggles. Bet you related hard to when dorian said he finds strength in a smile, huh?
Favourite Moments:
It's a tie between the coin flip resurrection and the aftermath of watching ashton die. In both these moments, we get to see behind the mask fearne wears and get a peek at how much she is both terrified and angered by the idea of losing her friends, her family.
Idea for a story:
An in-depth exploration of her feelings of guilt about reviving orym instead of Laudna and how this interacts with her feelings of discomfort about being pressured about the shard. Specifically, her feelings around laudna and Imogen, saying they were disappointed in her during the truth trial.
Unpopular opinion:
Same issue I have with Dorian. A lot people don't care about how deep of a character can be with most of her bigger moments being overshadowed by other characters or not given the attention it needs. Some people only like her as the big-breasted ditsy thief.
Favourite relationship/s
Fearne & Orym! They both care about each other so much that they don't want to worry they other, so they lie/ tell half truths to each other. Orym would follow Fearne to the ends of the Exandria, and Fearne would carry him on her shoulders the whole way.
Favourite headcannon:
The coin actually landed on Laudna, but fearne could not and would not be able to stand the loss of her bestie, especially so soon after losing dorian. No matter what the coin said, she would have chosen orym, and the Fey are inherently selfish after all.
First impression:
Woah, slow down lil man you can only fit some much grief in your tiny body.
Impressions now:
My god I don't know how you can keep fitting all that grief and guilt in there!
Favourite moments:
Definitely, him crying at dorian, telling him he doesn't have to protect everyone. Orym had been carrying the weight of protecting everyone for so long, that he forgot that he's a person, not just a sword and shield to be thrown in front of people. Also, any time he's said he misses dorian because it sounds like an I love you. So much of how orym loves has been defined by longing and missing will, so naturally missing dorian is as easy as loving will. Bonus, him dancing in the rain with otohans sword and carrying that heavy weight with him was so cinematic.
Idea for a story:
Orym apologising to Dorian for his comment about cyrus during the post downfall talk. To recognise that he didn't trust that dorian would ultimately choose to save people despite his opinions on the gods. Especially after dorian revealed how heavily cyrus' death weighs on him as well as how important trust is to him.
Unpopular opinion:
While I acknowledge that orym has gotten some bad faith criticism in the past that doesn't mean all criticism he receives is unfair. Case in point, in some people's attempts at 'defending' orym after people were rightfully put off by his comment about cyrus. Some started using racist language towards Dorian and robbie, e.g robbie needing to watch his tone or that dorian needs to be 're-educated'. Which is especially crazy considering robbie is a native man. All that to say, orym is not above criticism and some of yall need to stop acting like it.
Favourite relationship/s:
Exu trio! Orym's need to protect fearne superseding his own safety is so juicy, he would die for his bestie. That man is so painfully in love with dorian that it makes him look stupid lol. The need to depend on someone vs the fear that the minute he let's his guard down everything will come crashing down. Both of them keep orym grounded, fearne reminding him how to let loose and dorian reminds him that he doesn't have to shoulder every responsibility by himself and that he can share his burdens.
Favourite Headcannon:
He has a tail and obviously he has PTSD. But the first night dorian was back was the first time he's slept well in a long time. The bed was perfect.
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leona and ruggie homies
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ok i wanted to talk about this so bad like really wanted, so let's get in the topic quickly
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it is not about how i don't like making twst characters bi or gay but it's more like even if i was part of the lgbtq community i really just can't see leona and ruggie as a couple
first of all, guys..LEONA IS LITERALLY 20 AND RUGGIE 17, you know what im saying? shipping an adult with a minor even in straight ships is just doesn't feel right, 20 and 17 is not even close in mentality there's a lot of difference between them
second of all, i can't stop seeing leona and ruggie like the two brothers who fight all the time but in reality they are ready to die for each other, i can see ruggie being one of the few people who are close to leona and can mess with him and talk shit to him without leona questioning it, he will just give ruggie his angry cat face and don't do anything more
since leona is a royalty so it's obviously if he wanted to get married he should marry a woman for the sake of children, and i read a headcanon about ruggie actually caring about leona and wanting him to have a better life but he just thinks leona doesn't care about him, when leona actually made him his right hand even after graduation and made ruggie protect his wife and cubs, ruggie just realized at this moment that leona see him as important person because leona let ruggie be the first to hold his new born instead of farena
leona is obviously the type who won't say it out loud, he won't tell you how much he sees you important and always guard himself, trying not to show soft side of him and he just feels awkward telling ruggie how he appreciate his presence
i can see ruggie actually teasing leona about his marriage, or making fun of him for loving his kids and not loving other kids
leona will just sit and hear ruggie yap about his life and concerns because he cares, leona will allow ruggie to steal his wallet and jewelry because he doesn't mind helping ruggie financially but he just feels weird giving him money directly, his pride won't allow him to do this
not every cute and good relationship should be sexual and turn to be love, especially leona and ruggie i didn't care about any gay ship of twst characters except this one (and also jamil and kalim it doesn't work for me) i just realized how most of the people tend to make everything about dating and love (not judging just saying my opinion) and i think im the only one how likes when the characters have different kinds of relationships, things get really enjoyable and more funny when two characters have a brotherly relationship
i literally cant stop laughing when i imagine ruggie smiling intently at leona as he sees leona's wife have a bite mark or hickies, when leona kids calling him uncle ruggie and the three of leona, his wife and ruggie be a crazy funny trio, doing shit together and ruggie considered the family friend
leona as he grow up and have a better life with his small family, he will be more open with ruggie about how he sees him as his pookie, leona will actually be more friendly with ruggie as the years pass and he will help him and try to give more salary
leona will consider ruggie his only friend and actually sit with him at the middle of night, talking about his secrets and feelings, ruggie will do the same and hang out with leona, they will be gossiping about other people, bullying them, them putting their arms around eachother's shoulder and walking around and laughing after they made a truble or causee chaos in the royal palace, leona will take ruggie with him in the car and speed up to make ruggie scared and scream, mocking him, and later ruggie will so some shitty prank with the help of leona's wife to take revenge
imagine them just being friends like, actual friends and besties, nothing sexual and they care for each other and leona prefering ruggie more than all the other people, letting him playing with his kids and going out with them, helping ruggie to have a better life and seeing him as his actual brother
leona will smirk at ruggie when he finds out that ruggie is in love with a girl, he will be a pain in the ass for ruggie because he wont talk about anything other than love and marriage and his wife, teasing ruggie for all the annoyance he made leona feel for years
they will both have their cute little families, their wives will be friends and kids playing together
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I just need a minute to have a little rant. 😬
I was a Lukola shipper myself.. I fell for the longing looks shared between N & L, the unhinged comments to one another, the hand holding, the “professional” jealousy.. all of it.. I thought for sure these two must be into one another.. but then the pap pictures dropped and my ass jumped ship. I fell from the land of Lukola back to reality in seconds. Won’t lie.. it hurt just a bit. 😅 but I appreciated those pictures dropping because this gal needed her life back. 😆 Here is where my rant begins.. I apologize ahead of time if this is all over the place.. I’ll blame my ADHD & lack of sleep on that.
Listen, I know we were all caught up with the PR tour between L & N. It felt real. I get it. They sold the damn thing. However the reality of it ending hasn’t reality’d enough for certain people yet & I am beginning to think it won’t for many. I have no issue with delulu and shipping.. but it’s becoming uncomfortable at this point. I’ve had to remove people that I followed on TT and had at one time enjoyed participating in their lives.. but because they are now UNBELIEVABLY CRINGE.. they had to go..when does shipping become unhealthy? Because these folks have hit the unhealthy stage and flew right into a straight jacket at this point.. like again I have no issue with healthy shipping.. in your own little corners where it doesn’t get weird & have the ability to fall onto the FYP of those you’re shipping. 😬 It’s really no wonder L has dropped off SM.. like could you imagine his face? Getting on TT to scroll and see a live of N’s sunglasses zoomed in to the point of no return.. to have a whole ass drawing created in the lenses of the glasses, with a circle on the blob arm indicating that the blurry area is indeed your bird tattoo.. 👁️👄👁️ like you know that man has got to be scared for his life at this point. It’s so cringe. It makes me feel so uncomfortable so I can’t imagine how L&N would feel watching it. The crease in the shirt? COME ON YALL! Does no one’s t-shirt ever roll up at their arm? I mean.. I am legit just watching these discussions with probably the stupidest look on my face. 🥴 I think what makes me most annoyed isn’t what’s being said.. it’s how it is being said. It’s being told as a fact rather than just their delulu opinion.. like an entire live was done over the milk shirt/sunglasses & this lady was literally saying things like “she is wearing L’s sunglasses.” “It isn’t JD in the picture because the hair is too long.” BOO WHAT HAIR? I know my eyesight isn’t the greatest but you can’t make out who that is or if anyone is there to begin with. Be for real! Again, having delulu opinions and having fun with it all is one thing.. but presenting it all like it’s actual facts is so insane. There has been ZERO evidence that L&N have seen one another since the tour ended. NONE. But you know who she has been seen with? Multiple times? JD.. not L. N can post a love song or two and these individuals are CONVINCED that the songs are about L.. you can’t even bring up JD without the Lukola shippers attacking you with the “JD is gay! He’s had a partner for years!” comments or “JD & N aren’t dating. He’s gay! They are besties!” But you know.. she’s only spending a CRAP TON of time with him, their are receipts that she saw him during the tour, their are receipts that they are following one another’s friends/family, he literally came to the Bridgerton Part 2 premiere.. I feel like he’d have to be quite important to her in order to be in attendance.. like come on yall. Wake up, please for the love of all things holy.. wake up.. I am just so afraid that the behavior of this fandom is going to make things awkward for L&N once S4 filming starts. I don’t know. Maybe I’m overreacting. I just think it’s gotten so out of hand at this point. The shipping use to be fun. Exciting. Like we all knew they weren’t together and we just had fun within our little circle and delulu’d together.. but now it’s creepy & so far away from fun.
But that’s my rant. I personally just want N & L happy with whomever they choose to spend their lives with. I think it’s sweet seeing N share her love songs & I strongly believe JD is the reason behind all of that. If he treats her like the queen that she is then I’m happy for her! Anyway-thank you for listening to my chaotic rant.. and for allowing this space to discuss our opinions without being attacked. It’s much appreciated! 😊
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
CEO Aemond Targaryen
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So, once upon a time, me and my bestie @hamatoanne​​​​ were talking about headcanons for CEO Aemond and his secretary. And I was asked to turn it into full oneshot 😏😈 So here it is, bestie 😁 Enjoy 😏😏
Paring: Aemond x female!reader Word Account: 5500, yeah, it’s long  Warnings: 18+, oral sex (f and m receiving), spanking, dirty talk, tying up, choking A/N: English is not my first language, Aemond is older than Aegon here...          Y/L/N: Your last name 
“Hi, how are you, my baby?” your mother asked you when you answered her regular Saturday night video call. “I am fine mum,” you smiled at her softly. “You look tired, Y/N,” your mother frowned and examined your face. “I didn’t have much sleep this week, we had to finish one very important project so I worked some extra hours,” you admitted and yawned. “You work too much, baby,” your mother sounded really worried. “Don’t worry mum. It was emergency situation, Mr. Targaryen really needed to close this contract before the end of the year. He usually lets me go home much earlier,” you tried to calm your mother down, but she was in her “momma bear” mode and nothing could calm her. “I don’t like that man. He makes you to overwork yourself, Y/N!” your mother accused him. “That’s not true mum, he just wants to work with the best and most dedicated employees. And I like to think that I am the best, mum,” you said firmly. Your mother was worried about you and you understood it, but she was acting like if your boss was some modern slave master. Aemond Targaryen was very ambitious man, he inherited Targaryen corp. when he was only 25 years old and a lot of his father’s old business associates thought that he won’t be able to keep the company on top of the business. But he was better than all of them combined. He was clever, ambitious and ruthless. His father Vicerys Targaryen was a good businessman, but he was too soft and he rather let his brother Daemon to take care of things. Aemond liked to have everything under his control. He sacked a lot of employees who (in his opinion) lacked the abilities to work for him.To be honest, if it was up to him, he would kick you out the first day he met you. But your father was a good friend of Daemon and Daemon agreed to take you as his intern when you were still at school and after you graduated he employed you as Viserys’ assistant because you were really good. You were efficient, smart, you could recite laws, you memorized old cases with other companies. You were perfect assistant. Even Aemond had to admit it after few days. You slowly became his right hand, he took you on all the business meetings with him, he sometimes discussed the contracts with you, he asked you about your opinions on his opponents. You seriously loved your job. Mr. Targaryen was strict, and he almost never asked you anything personal, but you admired him. He was your age, but he already achieved so much in his life. And you were lucky to be a witness to his greatness. “I know you are the best, darling. That’s why I think that you deserve to work in some nice office with kind people and not with that creepy man,” she sighed. “He is not creepy, mum. You have never met him, how can you say that he is creepy!” you protested. “I saw him on TV, he might have only one eye, but it holds so much anger and cruelty, he seriously gives me chills through the screen,” she said dramatically. “He would be thrilled to hear you mum,” you chuckled. “He loves to have this effect on people. Most of his opponents think twice before their try to double-cross him,” you smirked and your mum looked even more worried. “Is he ever cruel to you, baby?” she asked worriedly. “No, mum, don’t worry. Well, he isn’t warm around people, he never talks about anything personal, he keeps his distance from everyone, but he isn’t unfair or cruel to me, he treats me with respect, mum,” you smiled warmly at her. You talked with her for few more minutes before you both said your goodbyes. You ended the call and sighed, you kind of lied to your mother about Mr. Targaryen keeping his distance from everyone. Maybe it was only your imagination, but you could swear that he is trying to find excuses to touch you or to get close to you lately. You were signing new deals yesterday and when he passed you the pen, his fingers touched yours and you were sure he did that on purpose because you caught a tiny smirk in the corner of his mouth when he heard you gasp at the contact. You were standing next to copy machine the other day and he stood right behind you, breathing his hot breath on the side of your exposed neck, telling you that he needs more copies for Aegon and Daeron. You fought the urge to take a step back and press your back against his strong chest. Because who were you kidding, you weren’t blind, he was very attractive man, he was also very intelligent and he had this dangerous aura around him. But he was your boss and it would be really inappropriate. You could swear that you saw him watching you in the corner of your eye but when you rose up your head he was looking the other way. But sometimes when your eyes met, you could almost felt the sexual tension between you two. But you were probably going crazy. He was strictly against relationships at working place, you just saw things that didn’t exist.
You didn’t know that you were right. Aemond Targaryen wanted you and he wanted you badly and it was getting on his nerves. He tried to fight that feeling at the beginning, he really did, but you were so smart and good at your job and that was something what made Aemond very aroused. And of course you were a very beautiful woman, but outside beauty wasn't that important for Aemond. His obssession with you started few weeks ago, after he had a very long and hard day, he prepared a deal with a Baratheon corp. and your job was to read it and find possible mistakes. His head was hurting, he was tired and he wanted to go home so badly, when you told him that he made a big mistake, giving them a percentage share they wanted but he refused to give it to them before. He was angry at you first, because you pointed at his mistake, but he quickly relized that you saved him a lot of money and mockery. You were smart and ambitious and he found these traits very sexy. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, he couldn’t stop looking at you when you weren’t looking, he couldn’t stop subtly touching you or walking into your personal space. You were driving him crazy. He was fighting those feelings and urges, but he was slowly but surely losing this battle. He resented bosses who fucked their secretaries and assistants. When he was growing up it was publicly known that his father Viserys was cheating on Aemond's mother Alicent with his secretary Aemma and he despised him for it. He always found it highly unprofessional when he caught his brother Aegon in his office with his secretary jumping on his dick or with his head between her thighs. He kicked out most of those girls because they didn’t do their jobs they were only entertaining his brother.  So office romance was something like a dirty word for Aemond Targaryen until you came into picture. He wanted you and he wanted you badly. It took him few weeks of inner struggle but he decided that he can’t deny his feelings any longer. He was not focusing on his work as he was used to, he kept thinking about you, your name escaped his lips when he was stroking his cock in his bed before he went to sleep every night. He subtly tried to touch you or get close to you to get your reaction and you didn’t disappoint him. You reacted so good to him. He loved to watch your flushed cheeks. And your almost silent gasps when he touched your skin went straight to his cock. He decided that tonight is the night he tells you that he needs you to stay with him in his office after the office hours because he needs your help with the contract with Lannister corp. You didn’t protest like a loyal, hardworking employee.
You walked nervously through the empty building. Mr. Targaryen gave you two hours to have a dinner and refresh and now you were walking back towards his office, feeling really nervous for some reason. Maybe it was because he was acting so strangely lately with all the touches and hidden looks. You knocked on his door politely and he invited you in. “Good evening, Mr. Targaryen,” you smiled politely at him and sat on the chair across the table from him as usual. “Good evening miss Y/L/N, sorry to ruin your evening but this has to be done today,” he explained and you nodded. “That’s not a problem, sir,” you said and immediately started studying the contract in front of you. You suddenly felt his eyes on you, you looked up but he was reading something on his phone, you shrugged that feeling off and started reading when you felt that again. You kept reading, ignoring the feeling of being watched for a while. You kept focusing on the papers in front of you subconsciously biting your lower lip which didn’t escape Aemond’s attention, he was indeed staring at you, admiring your beauty. You suddenly looked up catching him staring at you intently. “Is everything alright, sir?” “Yes, keep reading, please, don’t get yourself distracted, Miss Y/L/N,” he smirked slightly. “It’s not easy when you stare at me,” you mumbled but he heard you. “Do I make you nervous, Miss Y/L/N?” he asked you slowly. “A little bit,” you admitted, immediately regretting your words. “Should I leave my own office, so you can focus on your work?” he mocked and you shook your head. “No, of course not, I just thought that I am doing something wrong,” you tried to explain. “You are my good little employee, Miss Y/L/N, just keep reading,” he watched you intently as you squirmed on the chair as you got back to reading. Did he just call you HIS LITTLE employee? Why did it sound so sexy? You noticed some motion in front of you and it was Aemond casually placing his hand on the desk, his long delicate fingers started silently drumming on the surface. Was he impatient that it took you so long to read it? But you couldn’t focus when you felt his eyes on you and now his fingers were moving in front of you.  You didn’t think that fingers could be sexy before you met this man. They were long, elegant, adorned with silver rings with Targaryen crest and on his left wrist sat very expensive watch. You kept glancing at it and he noticed that. Aemond was very pleased with himself, you obviously wasn’t immune to his charms. He kept teasing you for a while at one point he took anti stress ball and started to roll it on the desk with very suggestive moves. You subtly pressed your thighs together, trying to get some friction, feeling that you were getting wet by his actions. Aemond was very patient man and he loved to play with you like this, but he felt he need to finally have his hands on you. He slowly stood up and walked behind you, looking over your shoulder, pretending that he is studying the contract. You felt his presence behind you and the small hair on your neck stood up.   “What do you think about this part, don’t you think that I am too generous when I offered to give them 30%? Don’t you think that 25% would be enough?” he asked casually as if this was a normal situation. “If you want to make this deal with Lannisters you have to give them at least 30% they are too proud to be happy with anything less, especially Mr. Tywin,” you stuttered when he leaned even closer to your body.  “You are right, Miss Y/L/N. That’s the main reason why are you my favorite, you are very smart and observant,” he praised you and you almost moaned when his lips brushed against your ear. It was like a touch of the ghost but you felt it. Suddenly he was gone from your personal space and you felt like you need to get out of here or you will do something stupid. You thought that he stepped away from you so you quickly took your purse and stood up, ready to go home, but to your surprise he was standing right behind you. “Are you rushing somewhere, Miss Y/L/N? I don’t recall telling you that we are done for today,” he said and watched you with hungry, intent gaze. “I thought that all you need from me today is review your deal with Lannisters,” you tried to say calmly but your voice and knees were trembling. You have never been this close to him. Fuck, he was even more beautiful this close. He looked more like a fairy tale Prince than an heir to a business empire. You looked up at him since he was much taller than you.  “Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?” you asked him shyly and gods, he loved the word SIR coming out of your mouth. You always said it in such submissive way that he wanted to have you on your knees in front of him, sucking his cock while you look at him with respect and adoration. “Yes, Miss Y/L/N, there is something you can do for me. But it’s something that is not part of your job duties,” he smirked and stepped closer to you, his big hand gently touched the side of your face, his thumb pressed against your bottom lip. “You drive me crazy,” he confessed and continued when he saw your confused look. “You walked into my life with your happy smiles, bubbly nature and warm personality, slowly melting my walls with your genius ideas, perfect business ideas, witty comebacks and professional attitude. I can’t stop thinking about you, Y/N. You are constantly on my mind, I can’t focus on my work, all I can think about is you,” he continued and you watched him with your eyes full of shock but also with growing desire. Because truth to be told, he was also constantly on your mind, you imagined so many times how it would feel to feel his lips on yours. "Will you let me kiss you, bunny? But I am warning you, once I start I won't stop until I devour you whole," he finally said and let go of your lip, looking at you questionably. You trembled but you got on your tiptoes and kissed him softly on his thin lips. He wrapped his long arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, parting your lips with his tongue, kissing you back, slowly at first but with each passing second the kiss became more intense, you had to bite his lip in desperate need to take a breath and it was like if you woke up a beast inside him. He let you take a breathe and then kissed you deeply, his tongue exploring your hot mouth, your lips molding into each other. You felt his hand on the hem of your tight skirt, he lifted it up so he could place you on the desk, he throw away the documents without care, stepping between your legs, tilting your head back so he could have better control over the kiss. His long pale fingers started slowly unbuttoning your blouse. He loved the little whimpers coming out of your mouth when his fingers brushed against the delicate skin of your breasts. "So fucking beautiful, so perfect," he gently bit and kissed his way down the column of your throat slowly, kissing you with a slightly open mouth up and down you neck, brushing along your collar bone, continuing to the top of your breasts. "Can I take it off?" he asked you in husky voice. "Yes, sir, please sir," you moaned out and Aemond loved that you called him sir in this hoarse voice. He unclasped your bra with skilful ease. Aemond didn't waste time and cupped your breast onto his big hand, it covered it perfectly, his thumb rubbed against your hard nipple. "So pretty," he kept mumbling before he latched his mouth on your other breast sucking your hard bud into his mouth.  "Oh my god, it feels so good, sir," you moaned loudly, your hand messing up his usually neat hair, as you tugged at it in need to pull him closer to your chest. He feasted on your chest for a while and his hand slipped into your soaked panties.  "Look at you, little bunny. You are so fucking wet for me. Tell me, are you usually dripping like this for me? Are you horny for me, when we work together like this, late into the night?" he asked you as his fingers played with your clit, smearing your wetness all over it. "Yes, sir. Sometimes I dreamed about your long fingers inside me, or about your lips eating me out," you admitted without any shame and he loved it. "Let me also confess something, do you have any idea how many times I imagined having you bent over my desk while I fuck you from behind, bunny? With your panties in your mouth so you won't scream my name and alert everyone in the building? Or how many times I imagined you riding my cock on this leather chair?" he whispered into your ear while his long fingers slid into your pussy. "Fuck bunny, you are so tight. I will barely fit, but you will be my good girl and take it all, won't you?" he groaned as your pussy clenched around his fingers. "You love it, when I call you my good girl, don't you?" he smirked when you nodded. "I need words Y/N, talk to me," he demanded. "Yes sir, I love it," you whined when he curled his fingers, hitting your g-spot. "That's it, bunny. Can my girl take another finger?" He asked you and when you eagerly nodded he added third finger to stretch you out for him. "Such a good girl, such an obedient bunny, I am so proud of you, little one," he praised you and you almost cum at that moment, he felt it and immediately pulled out his fingers. You protested loudly and he chuckled. "Stop being little brat, I am in charge here, you will cum when I say you can. And I want you to cum on my tongue, bunny," he smirked and before you had a chance to process his words he knelt in front of you and took off your panties, spread your legs wide so he could fit there with his broad shoulders. “Such a pretty pussy, let's find out if it taste as good as it looks," he smirked and licked you pussy from the bottom to the top, sucking your clit gently inside his hot mouth. Your moans and his groans made a perfect symphony. "So fucking delicious, bunny. I want to eat your pussy on every lunch break from now on," he announced and started devouring your cunt with his tongue and lips, he kept licking and sucking it until you were begging for him to let you cum, with tears in your eyes. "Please sir, please, I will be a good girl, I will do anything, but please let me cum, please I can't take it anymore, it feels too good, sir please," your pleads made his cock rock hard but he wanted to taste all of you before he will drive his cock into this tight cunt. “You can cum bunny, soak my face with your juices, you were a good girl, you deserve this," he finally let you cum and you exploded, riding his face, moaning something incoherent. "Get yourself together, bunny. We barely started," he chuckled and you watched him, still out of breathe as he started slowly taking of his tie and black shirt. You watched in awe as he revealed his strong chest and muscled abdomen to your eager eyes. It was really mouthwatering sight. When he reached for his belt you stopped him. "Can I do it, sir?" you asked him while biting your lower lip, looking so hot that he considered fucking your mouth, but then he only nodded watching you hopping down from the desk, your trembling fingers reaching for his belt. You slowly unbuckled it and took off his pants. You gasped when you saw his cock hidden in his briefs. You could tell it was really big, he wasn’t kidding about it barely fitting inside you. You slowly dragged the last piece of his clothes down and his cock sprung free, hitting his abdomen. You wrapped your hand around it, giving it an experimental stroke. "Fuck bunny, don't be a tease," he groaned. You grabbed him more firmly, your hand moving up and down his impressive length. He watched you intently, his eye never leaving yours. He stopped you when you wanted to wrap your lips around him. “Later, I need to be inside you, bunny,” he announced and placed you back on his desk. He reached out for a condom but you told him that you are on the pill. He didn’t waste more time, he gave his hard cock two firm strokes before he lined himself up with your soaked cunt and he looked you deep in the eyes as he slowly pushed his cock inside you. You opened your mouth, cursing lowly, he was really big and it hurt but it was delicious pain mixed with growing pleasure. “You are doing great, bunny. Such a good girl for me, taking my big cock inside your tight cunt without protests,” he praised you, making you even wetter than you already were. It took him a while before he slipped his entire cock inside you. He waited few seconds giving you time to adjust to his size. “Please, move, sir, or I will go crazy,” you begged him and wrapped your legs around his waist. “Are you ready, bunny? I’m gonna fuck this pretty cunt so good,” he groaned and pushed his two fingers inside your mouth, groaning in satisfaction when you swirled your tongue around them, wetting them for him, he pulled them out and started playing with your clit. He finally started moving his hips, in deep and slow thrusts, Aemond formed a maddening pace. You were moaning and screaming under him, desperately trying to grab something to hold onto. “Fuck, Mr. Targaryen, you feel so good, you fuck me so good,” you whined and he chuckled darkly. “Call me Aemond when I am balls deep inside you, little bunny,” he told you and hit your g-spot, draining a loud moan from your swollen lips. “Aemond!! It feels so good!! I am so close, you will make me cum again, please say that I can cum,” you begged him again. “Hold it, bunny. Be a good girl for me, and wait for me,” he ordered and you tried your best to obey him, but the pleasure was overwhelming. He tortured you even more and pulled you up to his chest and started sucking on your nipples, his hips kept thrusting inside your pussy, the wet sounds were echoing through the office walls. “I c…can’t,” you sobbed, feeling your orgasm coming like a train, you couldn’t hold it any longer, but Aemond was also on the point of exploding. “Cum for me, bunny. Cum on your boss's thick cock. Give it to me,” he finally allowed you to let it go and you cried out and exploded around him. It was so intense that you almost blacked out, you moaned his name, your walls squeezed his cock, making him groan in your ear, biting your shoulder as he spilled his hot seed inside you. His thrusts became sloppy and he kissed away the tears from your face. “You did great, little bunny. I am so proud of you,” he praised you and you hugged him tightly, your heart still beating in insane speed, your legs were trembling. He slipped out of you and reached for a box of tissues to clean you up as best as he could. “I want you to know, that I am strongly against boss/assistant flings. So Miss Y/N/L, I am officially asking you, if you want to be my girlfriend and continue to work as my assistant.” You were speechless for a moment by his straight proposal but you were happy that he didn’t see this as a onetime thing which would make working together very awkward.   “I would love to be your girlfriend, Aemond,” you smiled happily at him and he seemed satisfied with your answer. “And as your assistant I advise you to make another copy of your contract with Lannisters because I don’t think that they would appreciate crumpled pages with cum stains,” you giggled and he laughed along with you.
Since that day you two were inseparable. Aemond was as always very professional and focused on the work and you tried your best to do the same but sometimes it was hard. Especially when he looked like a ancient god, dressed in all black, his trousers were fitting his strong legs and fine ass perfectly, his black shirt and tie were also fitting his body perfectly, his hair was in a neat bun as always. You kept staring at the rings on his fingers, remembering the feeling of the cold metal on your skin, when Aemond wraps his fingers around your neck or when he fingers you and the cold rings brushes against your hot clit. You clenched your thighs and tried to ignore the rising desire inside you. Aemond fucked you many times at his office, but always after office hours. Right now it was a lunch break, the whole building was practically empty and Aemond was at his office, making a phone call to one of his business partners in Spain, he was speaking Spanish and it get you even hornier. You got up and slowly walked to the door and locked it. Aemond watched you with a raised eyebrow but he didn’t say anything. You slowly approached his sitting figure, getting down on your knees in front of him. You reached for his belt and you hesitated when you saw the dark warning in his blue eye. But you were adventurous and you wanted him badly today. You ignored him and opened his zipper fly and took out his already growing cock out. You licked his head, keeping an eye contact with him. You swirled your tongue around the leaking tip, sucking it like it’s a delicious lollipop. Aemond kept talking in Spanish with his partner but you could say that it took a lot of self restraint to keep his voice steady. You slid your mouth down half his cock before pulling back up and teasing his tip as you kept your eyes on him, eager to see his usually calm and composed face twist into pleasure. You kept teasing his tip before sinking your head back down, taking as much of him as you could into your mouth. You placed your hands at the base of his thick cock, stroking the parts you couldn't fit in your mouth. He was talking much slower now, in short sentences, you felt his walls crumbling down at the moment he brought his big hand down to yank at your hair, guiding your mouth deeper down on his hard cock, controlling the movements of your head, he shoved it down to take his entire length, causing you to moan and gag around him, the vibrations of your voice went straight to his cock. You hollowed your cheeks to give him even better pleasure and sucked him harder. You heard that he ended the call with his Spanish partner. “You horny little brat, that was very important phone call… fuck,” he cursed as you took him even deeper, gagging around him as his tip hit the back of your throat. “Are you so desperate for my cock, that you have to suck me off in the middle of the day,” he asked you darkly and you moaned in answer. “Do you want me to cum inside your mouth, bunny? Is it what you want?” he asked and you nodded, your tongue licking the underside of his throbbing cock. “I don’t think you deserve that, Y/N. You are a naughty girl who is disobeying her boss, you should know that I don’t tolerate disobedience,” he said and yanked at your hair, pulling you off his cock his hand wrapped around your neck, bringing your face in front of his. “Do you know, what happens to girls who disobey their bosses, bunny? They get punished!” he smirked and took off his tie slowly. “Turn around, my little cum slut,” he ordered and ignored your disappointed whines that he didn’t finish in your throat. “Place your hands behind your back, Y/N,” he ordered and you obeyed immediately. He tied them up with his tie, making sure that they won’t hurt your skin. He bent you over his desk, hiked up your skirt and pulled down you panties. “Look at you, you are soaked, bunny. Do you enjoyed sucking my cock so much that it made you this wet?” he asked and rubbed his fingers against your pussy lips. “Yes, sir!” you whimpered, trying to rub your clit against the edge of the desk to get some friction which didn’t go unnoticed by Aemond. He didn’t say anything but you yelped when his big hand landed on your ass. “Aemond,” you moaned loudly, surprised by his action. He has never spanked you before. You were shocked but also extremely aroused. “You are acting” slap, “like a spoilt” another slap “little brat, bunny,” two more slaps landed on your ass cheeks and you were dripping. He caressed your red cheeks lovingly, examining his work. “I have to say that I love to see my handprints on your ass, my love,” he chuckled and gave you another two spanks. “I see that my naughty little bunny likes it, when I spank her when she misbehave,” he slipped his fingers inside your pussy, groaning at how wet you were for him. “Yes sir, I love it!” you groaned and rolled your hips against his fingers in desperate need for more friction. “The lunch break is almost over, fuck me please, Aemond. Please, baby, I need it. I am so desperate for your cock to fill my pussy, Aemond please!!” you begged him, knowing that in 10 minutes your colleagues will start coming back to their offices next to his. “You beg me so nicely, bunny. You almost made me forget how unprofessionally you were behaving earlier, and you know how much I hate that,” he growled and you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance. “You don’t deserve my cock, Y/N,” he teased you, brushing his tip along your entrance, coating it with your juices. “I will be good, please. It was a moment of weakness. Aemond, don’t be this cruel, please, baby, please,” the tears were running down your face now as you were truly desperate. “I love it when you beg me like this, bunny. Who am I to resist you,” he sighed and slammed into you in one swift movement. You were so wet that it almost didn’t sting like usually. “Fuck, bunny. So tight, so soft, you were made for me, my perfect little fuck bunny,” he grabbed your tied up hands for support and started pounding into you from behind, you were laying on the desk, completely at his mercy and you loved it, the feeling of being dominated like this by him, he groaned loudly and spanked your ass again, your pussy clenched around him tightly. “Fuck bunny, you are my perfect little slut, don’t you?” he demanded and you eagerly nodded. “Yes, sir. I am your slut, only yours, use me as you wish,” you babbled and he cum inside you, spurred by your words and by the way your pussy was clenching around him. His thrusts became sloppy and he slowly pulled out of you. You started protesting while he put your panties back. “I know you didn’t cum, bunny. But you need to learn, that as much as I enjoyed your little adventure, this is a working space and you can’t distract me like this. So as a punishment you will go around with my cum leaking out from your pussy. And no, you are not allowed to make yourself cum in the bathroom, you need to wait until we get home and I will fuck you against the door as soon as we walk inside because you are so fucking hot when you are this horny and desperate, bunny,” he kissed you lovingly and untied your hands, sending you back to your desk with playful smack on your ass.
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gilbirda · 8 months
My (subjective) thoughts on how to survive corporate hell while being younger than 30
I'm 27 and I've been working in corporate office job since I was 23 and I have some advice for any youngster out there feeling unsure if they can even make it in office corporate jobs while being younger than 40.
Don't reveal info about yourself. Craft a superficial version of yourself you can share with peers. Pick a hobby or two and repeat the same speech about what you do for fun. Points if you do something people would remember - everyone says sports and/or traveling. Say something original, but safe.
Your company is not your family. You don't owe them a minute more or less than what says in your contract. You are not less if you refuse to work unpaid extra hours. If they demand that of you, get that in writing and take that shit straight to HR.
Know your rights. If you have paid time off, you are entitled to those days off. I'm european so I have a lot of them, and my company is ALWAYS asking me if "I'm sure I can leave my team down for so long". Bitch I can take the days off whenever I want, is my right. The fact that I'm not taking them in the busiest times is a courtesy.
Be careful with what you say. Everyone will be nice, but not everyone is your friend. Some people would sell you for a potato chip, and finding out who would is vital for your survival. (Hint: if someone spills tea about other people to you, they will spill YOUR tea to other people).
Offices are just like high school. Rumors can and will spread like wildfire.
Another "high school" office cliché: cliques. Yes. Same dynamics will form and identifying them will make things easier. My favorite clique to observe is the people that are shooting for the stars and are always around the Biggest Boss licking their shoes. They will also be the first to speak about how a company project improves their personal life because their personal life and work life is one and the same and they ADORE the company.
Being young can play to your advantage. You are fresh and new, and most of the corporate toxic behaviors won't apply to you by default - but Watch Out, they will also underestimate you and dismiss your opinions. Is a constant battle and a delicate dance.
You Will Be Adopted. That's fact. Be quick to learn who exactly is trying to put you under their wing, and if you are comfortable with that dynamic. It mostly depends on what kind of career you want to make in the company - want to climb higher? Stick with the boot lickers (they will introduce you to Important People); want to be up to date with all the gossip? Attach yourself to the Nice Lady Everyone Tell Their Secrets To. Etc.
I cannot stress this enough: Don't say names. On top of everything else in this list, don't say a single name unless you are absolutely sure you are in a safe space. Names have power, and if you complain about someone and say their name, that will have consequences. Maybe that person will learn you are talking shit, or maybe you will unknowingly make a political stance depending on who you are complaining about, maybe you are implying someone is bad at their job.
Don't assume that young people are your friend. This is a tough one I had to learn, but at the end of the day we are all surviving. Other young people will understand you and stick with you, but if an opportunity opens they will take it without saying goodbye. Or they have other priorities and career expectations and just... not be your friend after all. Not because you are also younger than 30 it means you are besties.
You will be bombarded with boomers and gen Xers talking about "the old days" and "how before things were better". That if you "just worked hard enough the company repays you" and such. Ignore them. Corporate job is not what it was, this isn't the old days anymore. Getting in is not as easy and it used to be, the salary doesn't last as much as it used to be and the productivity demanded is higher than ever. Ignore them. Most of them have been pushing buttons for 30 years and wouldn't understand the hellscape the world is becoming in the last 20 years.
You have to accept the reality that none of your 45+ years old coworkers are as qualified as you. The requirements for regular entry level corporate jobs now are insane, and "back in the day" you just had to show up and have a nice smile. Yes, it sucks. Yes, higher ups are the least qualified. Crazy.
Learn how to talk corporate. Learn how to say no, how to set down boundaries, how to politely ask for help. Normal people talk will instantly work against you because you are young. Talk like them and they'll listen.
This got away from me but eh.
Disclaimer this is just based on my experience and my culture - I live in Spain, Europe. I tried to keep this general, but I understand there's a bunch of social dances and understandings that are unique to my culture and may not apply to other people.
I am also autistic and I understand that it affects how I experience social contracts and behaviors.
This is just the bunch of rules I live by and I'm doing my best at surviving. I'm not a corporate rat and if I didn't need money to exist I would definitely quit, but I can't deny I have learned a lot.
If someone has more advice to add please do!
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall watch comments backlog, ep 7-8
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Ep 7
me trying to sight-read the actual drama name: 冰雪谣 ..ice...snow... FUCK. FUCK. that's the language radical, right? um. 😭 hi google translate, help me yet again por favor.
vocab so tiny I always know like 1.5 characters in a drama name and it gets me nowhere
"My feelings for you make it impossible for me to forget you. I feel restless and cannot bear you might disappear from the world."
Loser Li. bruh.
We pause this gay programming for a check-in on doctor bestie and blind girl
Doctor bestie is not at all pressed. Because he's mildly evil? or he simply can't imagine this loser as a threat? or.... cause he really hopes that Shen Zhiheng will break and eat him, thus chilling the fuck out? 🤔
Blind girl says goodbye to her dad, who is worthless as a parent but clearly succeeded in business with such brilliant insights as: when mysterious animal attacks besiege your town, LEAVE. IMMEDIATELY.
I like that both her parents are different aspects of terrible. The dad isn't a 1 dimensional monster, he just is shallow & selfish. Only willing to do the bare minimum for her, as she doesn't bring him value.
There are peaceful protestors trying to get the protagonist released, so in the grand tradition of corrupt institutions everywhere, Team Warlord turn it into a riot
Doctor Bestie is now concerned and getting involved, going to rich nepo baby for help. Not a bad plan. He's calling Zhiheng not just a friend, but like his closest family. 👀👀
"Mr Shen, I've come to rescue you."
Blind girl makes the most badass move, to falsely accuse him of assault in order to get close enough to give him strength by kissing him with a bloody mouth. Legitimately clever!!!!
Superintendent Chi has our vamp released, I presume due to the press and power brokers in Xia getting involved
Most important: now we're getting the Mu family involved. The 32nd heir of the Mu family 👀
Vamp Daddy Shen Zhiheng and Barely Legal Blind Teen Mi Lan continue checking all boxes of their hurt/comfort trope
Ep 8
Vamp Daddy is taking an ice bath. Because I guess that's a vampire medical treatment now. sounds awful but you do you. Perhaps say something to the blind girl instead of letting her stumble around your bathroom as you sit there naked, though. ??
Nepo baby comes to harass Loser Li but as it pales in comparison to the layers of neurosis in Li's psychosexual fixation on Vamp Daddy: I do not care and you can't make me
Things have become very cute at casa Shen as doctor and teen have invited themselves in. Everyone is having a great time together and Li Man is very satisfied with being bossed around by Vamp Daddy, as long as she gets to fuss over him in return.
Nice scene of Mi Lan with the printing press. Vamp Daddy is getting so cranky about everyone in town knowing she's obviously his girlfriend, when he's the only person who's bothered (including said girl). Let it go, man.
The Mu heir shows up with an entourage giving me TMNT Foot soldiers flashbacks
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Can't believe that Vamp Daddy and bestie just feed Mi Lan his blood to see what happens, hiding round the corner to spy on the side effects GUYS. THIS IS HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION ON YOUR GF. asdfghjk
I do appreciate that when he explains simply that vamp blood is not a good cure for her blindness, she actually just accepts his expert opinion and doesn't stubbornly run around trying to do dumb shit. I have a pet peeve about characters who have no knowledge about something but won't listen to the people with actual expertise, and persist in stubbornly chasing after their idea. just to cause plot annoyances.
She's 18 but more mature than some 30 year old characters.
The Mu foot soliders demo their strange shadow powers. Many boxes died this day. RIP.
Again Mi Lan proves to be very sensible: "What would you write?" "If I were to write the ending, I don't think I'll die." She would like her & her boyfriend to survive together, thanks. I feel u, girl.
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outivv · 2 months
Very important information!
Long story short an anon insider from Hoyoverse is stating that while raising awarness on social media apps is great. We should take a step further and start dropping reviewing on any Playstore Site that has Genshin.
Express why you are dissatisfied and use hastages to bring more awarness. As for right now the Playstore reviews are dropping that it went from a 4 star review to 3.0 review. Hoyoverse is desperately trying to get reviews back by adding bots.
We shouldn't be just doing this with Genshin. Do this with ALL HOYOVERSE GAMES. Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, ZZZ, etc.
HSR is facing the same problem as Genshin with Boothill being Native American coded, Penacony reloving around Jazz but have no Black character, Aventurine being Romani etc.
YEA YES!! I tried talking about this in my Hoyoverse boycott post, but I only touched on it briefly- but Hoyoverse games IN GENERAL are the overall problem. Tears of Themis has issues with being orientalist- and just shitty. Zenless Zone Zero apparently has actual blackface! Not good! Uhhh- outside of the record store on one of the little record poster thingies I believe. Honkai impact third has… straight up racism, and a subpar character plot about learning to love your skin color no matter what and she just goes “ummm actually no :)”, and oh my god I haven’t talked much on Honkai Star rail on this account but ykw I’ll go further into it.
Boothill- Boothill is based off of Native American culture, and is supposed to also be Latino. In the CN ORIGINAL translation of the game- his planet is named after two very real Native American tribes, his backstory recreates the same colonization that happened to native Americans specifically- calling Boothill’s people savages, and putting them in reservations after completely carpet bombing his planet, killing most of the population, and destroying the ecosystem. However, despite this Boothill has nothing to show for his heritage, or the fact that he is based around native, and Hispanic people except for the fact that he’s a cowboy- and even then sometimes I feel like he’s played up in game as like actually stupid for comedic relief when he’s not stupid AT ALL. (Sorry, Boothill’s one of my favs and a bad hyperfixation so I’m super passionate about how he needs proper representation)
Aventurine- aventurine is called a slur by sparkle, both sparkle and dr ratio point out specific racist stereotypes against aventurine that are usually targeted at Romani people which is who aventurine, and his entire home planet are based off of (that’s why I’m not a huge fan of Dr ratio x aventurine personally. Dr ratio isn’t racist imo, he’s just lowkey fucking mean and said the wrong thing to the wrong person). Aventurine’s backstory is also fucked in my opinion, and the way people in the fandom take his backstory and treat him as a character only really started getting bad bad after we found out he was Romani, but that’s a fandom issue- it’s still something to comment on.
Arlan- while Arlan is the darkest character Hoyoverse has made to date, he also has his talent names beeee references to slavery. Straight up. “Shackle breaker”, “frenzied punishment”, “swift harvest”, and then his eidolons- “breaking free”, and “hammer and tongs”. Not cool, kinda fucked up.
And that’s just the characters I can think of off the top of my head- not including Jade and her shit cause I know she has some stuff that’s like fucked up about her and ik she’s racist I just haven’t done my research on how she is racist and like gathered all the evidence basically lol, but that’s also just the characters, not to mention what you said anon- how penacony is based off of the jazz age but has no playable black characters? Girl whatttt? Gimmie a slay ass like black singer who’s besties with Robin, cmon now- don’t a coward Hoyoverse, you know DAMN WELL that she would sell too.
Hoyoverse games overall are like this, so please pay attention to all Hoyoverse games, and Hoyoverse mostly only listens to the App Store reviews so PLEASEEEEE go and review bomb ONLY Hoyoverse games. Start with Genshin and Honkai Star rail, go to Zenless Zone Zero and Honkai Impact 3rd then finish with Tears of Themis, don’t do it all at once if you can’t!! Just go review all of them one stars!!
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